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KNOW YOUR WHY ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
MINDSET .............................................................................................................................................................................. 4
HABITS .................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
PHILOSOPHIES OF UPSC TOPPER ........................................................................................................................ 6
20 MISTAKES ALL ASPIRANTS MAKE................................................................................................................11
THE PREVIOUS YEAR QUESTIONS (PYQS) ......................................................................................................17
TRAP OF ATTEMPTS ....................................................................................................................................................17
SELF-STUDY AND COACHING ................................................................................................................................17
HOW MANY STUDY HOURS ARE REQUIRED TO PASS THIS EXAM? ...............................................17
NCERTS: IS IT REALLY NEEDED? ........................................................................................................................17
NOTES MAKING FOR UPSC CSE: IT'S IMPORTANCE ................................................................................20
REVISION STRATEGY .................................................................................................................................................22
SMART RESEARCH .......................................................................................................................................................23
EDGE HOUR ......................................................................................................................................................................23
USE OF TECHNOLOGY ...............................................................................................................................................23
PRELIMINARY TEST/ PRELIMS .............................................................................................................................23
CSAT PLAN ........................................................................................................................................................................23
OPTIONAL STRATEGY ...............................................................................................................................................24
TIME MANAGEMENT ..................................................................................................................................................25
TIPS TO NOTE WHILE ESSAY WRITING ...........................................................................................................25
ANSWER WRITING PRACTICE ...............................................................................................................................27

ENHANCEMENT OF VALUE .....................................................................................................................................28
PERSONALITY TEST/INTERVIEW ........................................................................................................................29
HOW CAN I CREATE AN IDEAL SCHEDULE FOR THE UPSC CSE? ....................................................30
STRESS MANAGEMENT .............................................................................................................................................32
LIFE BEYOND UPSC ......................................................................................................................................................32

KNOW YOUR WHY means to put your heart and soul into a task.
• What should one do as a preliminary Finding the WHY helps us uncover our
measure before beginning UPSC enthusiasm for learning, creating, or
preparation? What should be done before inventing.
you begin anything? 3. Empower yourself: When you are aware
• It's important to start with the right step. of your why, you have all the tools
Recall the times when we have all hesitated necessary to cut out pointless activities and
to start something or have remained in our make choices in the face of shifting
shell of thought, only putting off the tasks conditions. The ability to study early before
that must be done. Why do we take so long? classes start or finish late into the night
Even if the solution is simple, we typically when everyone is asleep is fueled by your
miss it unless someone else makes it clear. WHY. You can only pursue goals that
• We're not sure why that work is crucial to bring you fulfillment when you have a clear
our goals. Students rarely sit down to study understanding of your WHY, or the reason
out of interest or self-motivation for the behind your actions.
same reason. Motive deficiency is rarely the How to find your WHY?
cause. Few people are self-motivated • Understanding your purpose in life is a
enough to study. Top performers, leaders, significant turning point for anyone.
and other high achievers are defined by Performance pride is not the same as ego. It
their WHY. stands for modesty combined with strong
• Identifying your “WHY” is the first thing performance requirements.
you should do. You must determine your • How then do you discover your WHY? It
motivation for taking the test before will require some reflection on your behalf
investing in study materials or books, to realize this, but the results will be
applying to coaching programs, or worthwhile once you do.
relocating to one of the capital city's • Asking “WHY” repeatedly is the most
residential neighborhoods where candidates crucial question you need to ask yourself in
prosper. order to discover your mission or WHY.
• It is more crucial to determine “WHY” you • Start by recording your thoughts and
want to achieve something than it is to emotions in writing every day. Attempt to
determine “how you need to do it.” The identify the most frequent ideas and
“HOW” won't even matter if there isn't a behaviors you have during the day. Our
compelling enough reason “WHY” to carry motivations, or “WHY”, are concealed in

out the action. the things we say, do, and think, as well as
Reasons to Know Your “Why”: in the way we engage with the outside
1. Foster a sense of accomplishment: Putting world. To bring it out, we just need to be
our attention on the “HOW or the WHAT” conscious of what we are doing.
makes all the barriers to our success visible, • There are a few general areas you can
and this helps a lot of us come to terms with concentrate on. Your personal code of
the fact that failure is a fair setback. All of behavior, or your principles, comes first.
the challenges become irrelevant when we Everybody has one. It serves as the
change our perspective to focus on the foundation for our conduct and interactions
WHY. Individuals who have a strong with the outside world.
emotional connection to their work • And then there are your strong points, those
typically see it through to the conclusion. areas where you are considered to be
2. Promote innovation: When you are 'naturally talented' or highly skilled.
emotionally invested in something, you will • Do you have any particular passions? An
put all of your effort into coming up with a internal urge drives you to take an action,
solution to make it happen. This is what it

but it always seems to leave you wanting the fight to crack it to the top 180, every
more? mark counts.
• And starting with why is the best way to • If despite your best efforts you are not able
figure out what your goals are. to score high, your problem lies in your
• It is going to take some time and a lot of mindset, not in your study efforts.
work, if you haven't worked it out already. • One of the most important factors that
The most crucial thing is to persevere. determine a person's success in life is
Every day, set aside two minutes to monitor whether they believe in their abilities.
your thoughts and actions. You can record • Once you figure out your WHY, you have
them in a journal or on your phone. your motivation, and to use that motivation
• You can also ask your closest friends or and reach your goal, you need to believe
relatives as an extra workout. Ask them to that you can do it.
recollect instances when they witnessed you • It is easier to think about what we want but
at your happiest or most enthused about to actually get it, we need to first believe.
something, rather than asking them to tell • Mindset refers to a person's way of thinking
you your WHY. Find out what they and opinions. It affects the way we think
perceive to be your strong points and what and feel, including the way we do things.
they think of your behavior. Their • A person's mindset is at the core of
responses may provide helpful pointers whatever he or she plans to achieve in life.
about where to concentrate your efforts. • Our attitudes, beliefs and thoughts are all
• You have to be very selective about the interlinked to our mindset. Your mindset
things you do when you are dedicating all makes up your mental attitude and
of your energy to them. If not, you are determines to a large extent how you are
wasting your time and energy in the wrong going to react or respond to a situation.
place. It is for this reason that your WHY The two types of mindsets: Fixed v/s Growth
becomes significant. • Being confident in oneself is one thing but
• The procedure can take a while, and the if we believe that our abilities are already
solutions won't always come to you great to begin with then we end up trying to
quickly. Don't give up though! You'll prove ourselves at every chance we get.
discover your motivation eventually. • Everyone has some beliefs that restrict them
MINDSET from achieving their goals. Part of the fixed
• Every topper's achievement is based on two mindset, they are called limiting beliefs
essential components. Mindset is the mere thoughts, opinions that one believes to

primary element, followed by Habits. be the absolute truth but actually they are
• First, mindset. When we refer to a not.
mentality, we imply a set of typical • Limiting beliefs tend to have a negative
behaviors that apply to all top performers, impact on one's life by stopping them from
be they students, professionals, or people in moving forward and learning.
general. A person with this kind of mindset • A person with a growth mindset will brush
is more concerned with continuing to study away any embarrassment they feel when
and pick up new skills. they make a mistake. They are more likely
• Even with the greatest of intentions, you to take it as a part of the learning process
cannot get the best outcomes if you are not and be more focused on not making the
genuinely committed to your endeavor. same mistake again. They believe that
• And UPSC is one exam which requires everyone can grow through learning and
your 100 percent effort. A lack of effort application. This way of thinking is one
here or there can have unfortunate reason why ordinary kids go on to perform
consequences, which will finally reflect in extraordinary feats later in life.
your marks. By now you must know that in Limiting Thoughts

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