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QM Elective test two

For Monday March 20 2023.

1. Differentiate between specification range (variation

permitted by tolerance) and process capability. 2

2. Differentiate between the quality level assoc with six

sigma and the quality level assoc with ZD. 2 marks.

3. This is the main question, for 16 marks. There may

not be a rigid single answer to this question. (Open to

Please note that the scenario described here is not a

precise six sigma project, but the scenario touches on
certain aspects of six sigma initiative.

Consider an airport with one hundred flight departures

a day. Assume the airport to be OK, without any
weather induced difficulty, all through the year.
Assume that this airport (along with the associated
airlines) is launching a six sigma initiative to ensure
safe departure (to help in safe journey). Let us assume
that the initiative is based on - defect opportunities to
be estimated - with respect to the boarding aspects
related to departures and w r t the flight engineering
aspects related to departures. We need to visualize
what may go wrong; and what needs to be controlled
w r t departures.
w r t departures.

Defect opportunities with respect to boarding - prepare

a list of ten factors. For example, whether all the pas‐
sengers who checked in at the check in counter (near
the entrance to the airport) have reached the boarding
counter (near the point of boarding the aircraft) (to
avoid anyone getting left behind). Another example -
whether for each piece of checked in baggage loaded
in the aircraft - the corresponding passenger has
boarded the aircraft (to avoid security risk of unaccom‐
panied luggage on board the aircraft). If you are able to
list only five factors (instead of ten), no major problem.

Defect opportunities with respect to the flight

engineering aspects - prepare a list of ten factors.
For example, whether the total weight of the loaded
aircraft (with passengers and luggage) is within related
specs. Another example - whether the weight of fuel
loaded for the intended flight is within related specs. If
you are able to list only five factors (instead of ten), no
major problem.

Let us presume that the data are to be collected and

analysed over a period of two hundred days.

Visualize the data grid with number of departures,

defect opportunities and days of data collection.

In principle, what is the total number of defect

opportunities in this exercise?
opportunities in this exercise?

Suppose the performance of first ten days is taken as

'sample', how would you estimate the DPMO?

Then, focus on any two types of defect opportunities

associated with the passenger boarding process; and
any two types of defect opportunities associated with
the flight engineering aspects related to departures.
What would be the corresponding COST of non -

After performing study for two hundred days, what

contingencies (problems) would be avoided (as means
of quality assurance)? Approximately, what kind of
cost benefits would you expect from such six sigma

In the context of this question, let us not be con‐

strained much by the methodology of implementation
of six sigma project.

(Presumed that all students are familiar with air travel

and related formalities. In case the presumption is
incorrect, please state so in your answer sheet.)

Last modified: 12:22 pm

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