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Written by Eva Lopez

EXT. THE FOLLETTS HOME - AFTERNOON AERIAL VIEW of the Folletts beautiful home. We SEE people passing by: walking the dog, running, walking, kids chasing each other, etc. A family neighborhood. We ZOOM IN to the inside. INT. SECOND FLOOR HALFWAY - SAME TIME As we are coming into view of the playroom, <CHILDREN VOICES> are heard. From the OPPOSITE side we see DAVID coming towards us but he... ANGLE ON David who stops and decides to peek inside. CUT TO: INT. PLAYROOM Where FLORA, ALEXANDER, and JEANNE are. The playroom is WHITE and there are quite a few toys all around. They are a well-off family and can afford whatever their children want. We have a DOLL HOUSE, CARS, and a CHEST that has costumes, among other items. The door opens and IN comes David. The children stop what they are doing and run to him. Jeanne decides to start picking up as we PAN ACROSS towards the three. FLORA (excited) Daddy! ALEXANDER (mimics) Daddy! David hugs them both tightly. DAVID And how are my champions? FLORA Good daddy. (excited) We were building a city!

2. ALEXANDER Yeah, a city. DAVID (acts surprise) Really now. Uh-huh! ALEXANDER AND FLORA

JEANNE (O.S.) Alright kids lets daddy breath. Flora and Alexander kiss their daddy and run out of the room. POV David as he begins to glance around the room. JEANNE (O.S.) (CONTD) You wont find him here today. We PULL OUT to David and Jeanne. Jeanne is now holding a teddy. David seems as he wants to ask her why but she says.... JEANNE (CONTD) Hes our little writer now remember. David now remembers and smiles. DAVID Of course. How could I forget. (beat) Do you need any help? JEANNE No. Im fine. Alright. DAVID

David EXITS the room and we-CUT TO: INT. SECOND FLOOR HALFWAY - CONTINUOUS David comes into view and begins to walk towards us and stops. He turns and we FOLLOW. ANGLE ON the door in front of us. Theres a SIGN that says: DO Not Disturb. This is done in fourth grade writing.

3. WE SLOWLY ZOOM OUT and find David smiling at the sign, showing his pride as a father. David <KNOCKS>. No answer. He <KNOCKS> again. POM (muffle) Come in. CUT TO: INT. POMS ROOM - CONTINUOUS As David is opening the door we slowly PAN ACROSS the bedroom floor thats a disaster: Pens, pencils, paper, paperclips, crayons, markers, etc. Anything relating to a fourth grader and aspiring writer. David is <SURPRISE> and we PULL OUT to include the rest of the room. Hes looking around and we see the surprise in this expression. Oh my. DAVID

We STOP in front of POMS bed and here he is crying, upset. DAVID (O.S.) (CONTD) (concern) Whats wrong Pom? POM (muffle) Its nothing. DAVID (amuse) This is usually more than nothing. Pom sits up and wipes his tears away. He <SNIFFLES>. David makes his way to the bed and sits next to him, embracing him. DAVID (CONTD) Come now. Tell your old man. POM Its just (sniff) When it happened (sniff) And then he said--and

4. DAVID (concern) First off, lets clean that nose shall we? David hands Pom a handkerchief. And Pom <BLOWS!> POM Here you go. DAVID (nicely) You should keep it. Okay... POM

DAVID So care to explain from the beginning. Pom nods. CUT TO: INT. POMS ROOM - FLASHBACK Poms writing and we see the excitement in his face. POM (V.O.) Well I finished writing this story for mom and I rushed to show Max. CUT TO: EXT. THE FOLLETTS HOME, FRONT - CONTINUOUS Pom runs to MAXs house, paper in hand JEANNE (O.S.) Pom be careful! POM I will mom! POM (V.O.) When I met with Max he said MAX (V.O.) I dont get it. CUT TO:

5. INT. MAXS ROOM - CONTINUOUS Max is READING the story while laying in bed. Pom is on the carpet. POM What do you mean? WE ZOOM IN on both boys and see their expressions: Pom seems confuse. Max seems like he doesnt care. Max hands Pom the paper back. MAX Here you go. Pom gets his work back and theres <RUSTLING>. Max has gotten out of bed and headed to the door. MAX (CONTD) (excited) Lets go play Pom! POM (V.O.) (sighs) And thats what happened. CUT TO: INT. POMS ROOM - PRESENT We come back to David and Pom. Now I see. DAVID

POM (disappointed) Yeah.... DAVID Did you show your work to someone else after? POM What for... they were going to say the same thing anyways. DAVID (interested) Is that so. Well yeah. POM

6. DAVID I wouldnt be so sure. Pom looks at his dad; curiosity peeking in. Why not? POM

DAVID Well, Im glad you asked. (beat) Tell you what, you go bring that story of yours here first. Pom gets up and his desk drawers <SLAM> open and close. We STAY with David. Pom gets back and sits down, placing the story on his night table. POM (curious) Now what? DAVID Now, you listen to my story. POM (excited) I love your stories! DAVID Thats good to know... As David CONTINUES on talking we begin to slowly ZOOM OUT DAVID (O.S.) (CONTD) Well this happened when I was but a mere boy. POM (O.S.) (curious) How old? DAVID (V.O.) A little older than you. Grandma and I had just moved in to a new city and that meant a new library to explore. CUT TO:

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