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ollLlcal Awareness

8unnlng Pead CLl1lCAL AWA8LnLSS Su8vL?

!ade Sommer ernell
ollLlcal Awareness Survey
SCWk 300
1uskegee unlverslLy
november 12 2011

l uescrlpLlon of Lhe roblem
The purpose oI this survey was to see an issue within society and to poll a sect oI
society to see their sentiments toward said issue. The issue at hand was the concept oI
political awareness speciIically our sentiments towards government and our voice in it its
actions. The Iormal deIinition oI political awareness is to be knowledgeable oI the
political climate around you and to be abreast oI all ongoing issues domestic, national,
and international. To be more speciIic the idea oI the voice oI an individual in its
government is addressed. This survey and its result will attempt to answer these questions
pertaining to a small section oI Tuskegee University students.

II. Attributes to be Measured
The attributes to be measured can be divided into two diIIerent sectors the
demographics and the subsequent point oI view oI each participant. The Gender,
classiIication, and age oI each participant that is surveyed gives the surveyor or
researcher an idea oI what type oI individual is taking their survey , which allows the
researcher later down the researching process to begin to make correlations between said
demographics and the results Irom the subsequent questions. The second sector to be
measured would be the point oI view oI the participant on an array oI political issues with
a series oI questions to probe the sentiments oI those being surveyed.

III. Hypothesis
The hypothesis I projected was that depending on the age oI the participant being
surveyed would determine their point oI view on their Ieelings oI involvement within the
political system that governs them. . Furthermore I hypothesize that the age bracket 24
and under are more likely to Ieel they do not make a diIIerence in the way they are
governed as oppose to those in the 25 and older bracket who stay true to the concept that
every vote does essentially count. Furthermore those who were able to participate in
Obama`s election and voted toward his election have a stronger sense oI eIIectiveness
within the government.
While analyzing the inIormation a more speciIic hypotheses can be Iormed by
looking at the multiple variables involved a deeper analysis oI the bivariate and
multivariate data can allow us to see a correlation between demographics and views. For
instance the younger age cap 24 and below will not necessarily agree with idea that every
vote is inIluential thus stemming back to the idea that essentially every vote does not
count so their vote or the absence thereoI cannot sway the actions oI the government nor
the election oI its oIIicials. The second part oI that being the eIIectiveness oI each
individual vote as seen in the Obama administration could have in Iact changed the minds
oI those who were able to vote.

List oI Graphs
Univariate Graph 1 Sex oI respondents
Univariate Graph 2 Student ClassiIication oI respondents
Univariate Graph 3 Age oI Respondents
Univariate Graph 4 There has been some discussion about abortion during
recent years. Which one oI the Iollowing opinions best agrees with your view?
Univariate Graph 5 Which oI the Iollowing best describes your view oI how
political decisions should be made?
Univariate Graph 6 Which oI the Iollowing public Iigures do you most
Univariate Graph 7 Which oI the Iollowing perspectives bests describes
your view about the balance between business and environmental concerns?
Univariate Graph 8 It is always wrong Ior a married person to have sexual
relations with someone other than their marriage partner
Multivariate Graph 1 Political Awareness by Irequency oI sex and age
Bivariate Graph 2 Political Awareness by Irequency oI age
Multivariate Graph 2 Political Awareness by respondents classiIication
Bivariate Graph 3 Political Awareness by respondents ClassiIication

IV. Results

1hese graphs deLall Lhe demographlcs of Lhose surveyed wlLh speclal aLLenLlon Lo Lhe
age classlflcaLlon and gender make up of Lhe parLlclpanLs 1he ma[orlLy of Lhose who were
lnLervlewed fell lnLo Lhe followlng caLegorles numerlcally 1he large parL of Lhose lnLervlewed
were ln Lhe age cap under 21 an overwhelmlng 310 whlch can be lmplled have noL had Lhe
chance Lo voLe ln a presldenLlal elecLlon or wlll be flrsL Llme voLers ln Cbama' campalgn for
second Lerm Lhus leavlng Lo chance Lhe ldea LhaL a low voLer LurnouL could [eopardlze hls ascenL
Lo presldency due Lo Lhe facL LhaL unllke Lhe 2340 group of a dwlndled 60 may sLlll have Lhe
ldeal LhaL every voLe ls powerful and plays a parL ln Lhe Llde of who governs us ln Lhe place of
runner up was Lhe 21 Lo 24 age brackeL whlch made up 340 percenL of Lhose who were
surveyed and are more llkely Lo have voLed and seen Lhe effecL and lmporLance of Lhelr pollLlcal
lnvolvemenL and awareness 630 percenL of Lhose surveyed were men who are commonly
seen as Lhe bravado well versed pollLlcal Lhlnkers buL as Lldes have changed llberallsm has
breaLhed new llfe and opened a men's only door Lo Lhe pollLlcal mlnds of women 330 were
females parLlclpanLs whlch can mlrror socleLy Loday and Lhe probable emergence yeL and sLlll of
women ln Lhe work force as deLalled ln Lhe survey and ln Lhe realm of pollLlcs

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