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These are instructions for activating your casino.

Please note this is NOT cheating, the only thing required to run this mod is money,
so looking at instructions do not violate any ethical boundaries (if you care about
that shit, which I am certain you don�t)


Ok, for some vanity, I am Omega549, PaladinRider and myself developed Run the Lucky
38. It is in the early stages of development, but we believe it�s on a good path.
This is our first uploaded mod and it has been a steep learning curve. We�ve had
to overcome several obstacles to get this mod to you! If you�ve enjoyed this mod
please take the time to endorse it on the nexus.

We currently have a small cadre of testers, who are proving to be a enormous boon,
and will be subsequently credited for their great work. Still, some things may have
slipped through, so please inform us of anything you find; even the smallest thing
could help.

What to come:

I wrote this if you experience difficulty, this iteration of the mod is vague and
may seem convoluted to reach the upgrades, but be so warned, this isn�t likely to
change. By the time the next version is made most will have already had the casino
running for a substantial amount of time, so why we would add a new system of
opening the casino?

Anyway, the next update will add a substantial number of options for the player to
peruse, and some of the functionalities that are so endeared to the modding
community, such as sorting, mannequins, and perhaps weapon displays.
The updates after that will include the ability to control the entire strip by
buying the other casinos (or maybe conquering them?) providing donations to
freeside and Westside which will subsequently improve them (remove rubble, add
houses, etc)

Likely the final thing will be the actual secret of Haven. Currently the lore will
explain its presence, but it�s a little pet project and hopefully when the mod is
running we will be able to implement some neat simulations, perks, and perhaps
weapons. But that is a few months away.

You have to be asking; why do I care, this doesn�t help me?

Enough with broken dreams, let�s get your casino running! For starters:

Cashier�s Room � holds the console for the Casino upgrades, it is the only room in
the casino proper, the one with gun cabinets and is under the VIP lounge.

If you have not found it, there is a terminal in this room, turn right immediately
after entering, and there it is. All the Casino upgrades are ran from here. The
whole building upgrades are spread out, but all of the Casino floor operations are

When activated, the terminal gives instructions on what is needed for the repairs.
You need two robots and 1500 caps for float, the caps are self-explanatory, but the
robots seem to give people trouble, which is understandable, so don�t feel bad if
you can�t find them.

There is a door in the Cashier�s Room; it is labeled �Lucky 38 Storage Room�. Enter
the room and activate the two robots; 30 science, you only need to physically
activate one, but you can do both, it won�t change anything.

Return to the console and it tells you electrical failure, go back to the room and
fix the broken electrical box (all the sparks) then your casino is good to go. It
requires 25 repair and you have to physically activate the junction box.

Options on the terminal

Blackjack � five for 1000 each.

Roulette � five for 1000 each.
Cleanup � this cleans up all the tears, peeling, damage marks, cracks, and dust in
only the casino level, 5000 caps. This also requires a regular maintenance cost.
VIP lounge � 1000, Allows patrons to visit the lounge
Bartenders � 1000, Those Handy robots again
Add lights � what the name says, but doesn�t serve a function after 1.01, as I
completely redid the lighting
Add Jukeboxes � 500, cosmetic, I love the way they look
After some purchases, the script runs on a counter, so it will require most, the
option will appear to renovate the Studio Club for 10000 caps.
Add chem dealer � 1000, may not look pretty, but it�s very profitable.
Restock chems/alcohol � appears when you purchase the dealers. Located in Casino
Maintenance on the terminal

After the casino is running, the next console is in the jail door room in the
Studio Club, this located through that once inaccessible door from the Casino.
Alternatively reachable via elevator.

Enter the Club and go all the way through to the door on the opposite side that
says �Lucky 38 Studio 12� it will be locked and require a key, so instead of giving
up in frustration, turn left, there is a door in the corner, go through and you
will see what appears to be a security checkpoint.

Here is your next console, it allows access to the majority of the floors, and the
disposition is this;

Lucky 38 Elevator (in the casino)

2) Lounge
3) Presidential
4)Guest Suites 1, (10,000 renovate, 2000 janitor, 9000x2 for increase in patron
5) Guest Suites 2 (same as suite 1)
6) Casino
7)Pool Facilities (12,000). Pool starts off empty- Check nearby note. you must fix
the Lucky 38 water supply!
8) Basement � this is here for the main quest, it does not appear when you open the
message box

Lucky 38 Service Elevator � located in the Studio Club

1) Studio Club (10000, terminal in casino)
2) Kitchen (8000)
3) Industry (10,000)
4) Surveillance (6000, +6000 to renovate the medical wing)
5) Basement (Our version that may be visited) (11000)

When purchased, you will notice some floors don�t appear to do anything, which is
true, they only increase the counter, i.e. the more you buy the more money you
make. Version 2.0 will have unique functions for each, and will require entire,
intricate proceedings to fix, so this walkthrough will likely get very long. For
instance to open the restaurant you will have to open the kitchen, etc.

Levels in the new Lucky 38 (many are unreachable):

Lucky 38 Armory Storeroom A *

Lucky 38 Armory Storeroom B *
Lucky 38 Armory Storeroom C *
Lucky 38 Basement (vanilla, required for quest) %
Lucky 38 Basement (our Version) *
Lucky 38 Bathhouse *
Lucky 38 Casino %
Lucky 38 Control Room &
Lucky 38 Maintenance Tunnel #
Lucky 38 Floor 22 Suite & (separate ESP file)
Lucky 38 Guest Suites 1st Level *
Lucky 38 Guest Suites 2nd Level *
Lucky 38 Industry *
Lucky 38 Kitchen *
Lucky 38 Medical Wing *
Lucky 38 Penthouse %
Lucky 38 Lounge %
Lucky 38 Power Core 1 #
Lucky 38 Power Core 2 #
Lucky 38 Power Core 3 #
Lucky 38 Power Core 4 #
Lucky 38 Storage #
Lucky 38 Studio 12 *
Lucky 38 Studio Club *
Lucky 38 Surveillance Operations *
Lucky 38 Museum ^
Lucky 38 Museum of the Past ^
Lucky 38 Museum of the Present ^
Lucky 38 Museum of Sorrow ^
Lucky 38 Museum of Life ^
Lucky 38 Employee Quarters ^
Lucky 38 Research ^
Lucky 38 Mainframe Utilities ^
Lucky 38 Haven ^
Lucky 38 Haven Utilities ^
Lucky 38 Haven Storage A ^
Lucky 38 Haven Storage B ^
Lucky 38 Vault ^

*Denounces must be purchased

# Unlocked/reward
& Unchanged
% Changed, but not purchased/unlocked
^ Unreachable

-The surveillance room holds the security updates, some say it is hard to find, but
all you have to do is:

After purchasing it, activate the Studio Club elevator, choose Surveillance, exit
the elevator, go through the double door, turn left, then right, follow till you
reach a three way in the hall and turn right, open the utility door, and all the
way at the end of the hall on the right is the security office, when you enter the
console is on the middle desk on the right.

You�ll quickly get the layout down, it�s roughly symmetrical, so it only takes a
visit or two and you�ll know the layout of this hovel well.

-note on the Weapon Storerooms. The prices may seem high to open the security
weapon rooms but here are their approx value (in caps) in guns and armor, we hope
it is a good reward:

B -30,000

-The medical bay holds a mister medicine and a console for buying supplies, from
the elevator on the surveillance level, simply go forward through the large door
and take a left, through the small utility door the medical wing is directly in
front of you, the door with the window. Search at your leisure. You may choose to
open the medical center to the public. This is a security compromise, and you will
be rewarded with karma if you choose to continue. If so, you will get a new sick
patient approximately every day. Each patient has a different ailment, and each
ailment has a different medicine requirement.

-The Studio 12 club currently doesn�t hold any features (though it has many addicts
if you purchase the chems); this will change in version2.0, as will most of the
rooms get unique functions. You can access the escape tunnel from the godfather

-your money is located in the safe in the cashiers room that is aimed directly
towards the double door you enter from, and another is located in the jail cell
room in the Studio Club by the console. Each has different functions, the casino is
for money that your casino makes, and the other is for the Hotel/clubs, so it won�t
take long before you have too much money, far too much.

The Hotel Suites �

This is very important, the suites vary in layout depending on the quality of
patrons, so don�t just fly through and upgrade them, I would appreciate if you at
least looked and saw the little chem Addicts that live there.

If you purchase several levels, the option to unlock the Escape Tunnel arises. It
serves no true purpose, hell it likely takes longer to travel by it then the
elevator, but it will be explained in 2.0.

If you have questions PM


Feel free to leave your thoughts on the comment page, if you experience difficulty
PM us however, we can respond much quicker if you do; comments tend to get politely
ignored, not on purpose, but sometimes we can�t check them often so they get

Some questions, and answers. They may not be to your liking, but I feel important
writing this, so be quiet.

Q � Nothing happens, and nothings changed?

A � Hopefully the Casino lighting has, otherwise you do not have the mod installed.
If it looks dark and vibrant, and the ugly fog is gone, that means you have to
follow the instructions above for visitors to visit the Lucky 38.
Q � I have giant red Exclamation points?
A � The files have not installed correctly, the Textures, Meshes, and Sound must be
put in your DATA folder. If you have never done it before, simply extract them with
your preferred tool to the directory location your game is installed to/DATA.
Otherwise, open one when it is in the proper location, if you see a folder with
�Run the Lucky 38� somehow as its name, they are correctly installed, and it is an
issue with your game, i.e. archive invalidation, etc.
Q � The entrance to the Studio Club says it is locked?
A � It must be renovated (purchased) from the Casino Operations terminal in the
Cashier�s office. It is only available after you have upgraded a substantial amount
of Casino floor, for the script runs on a counter that keeps track of how much is
Q � There are two Mr. Handy�s in each location, and two storage rooms?
A � There are two versions of the mod active, likely PR_Run_the_Lucky_38.esp,
PaladinRider�s first version of the mod, made before we joined together in a not so
inconsequential partnership, now you have this, a mod you have to read a
walkthrough for, great choice (letters can�t carry that this is a joke, haha).
Q � Areas are missing, or incomplete
A � The cells need purged in your game, rarely the game cannot load things
correctly, it�s not a huge deal, I mean it�s still an amazingly robust game, and it
has to keep track of every change in the world you�ve made, so this tends to happen
with saves that you have been using for a long time, say a hundred hours or more,
it might be best to start new then.
Q- Its too dark
A � Yeah, I made it dark, aren�t too many light sources in the casino, and
logically it�s not going to be bright as day in there. But I understand that
gameplay is sometimes more important than this, so we have made an optional ESP
that �brightens it� up. Some settings in your game may also affect this; HDR and
Bloom have been cited as reasons, though I don�t have any particular experience
with it.
Q � The elevator won�t take me to the correct floor?
A � Most mods that alter the elevator will cause this, not only ones that alter the
Lucky 38 suite, or add levels, but third party Companion mods will also. If you
select one, and it takes you somewhere else, it is the companion mod, for the
references they add corrupt our mods ones. If it is something that directly alters
the script, say Book of Earache, then use the button to the right of the elevator
to reach those floors.
Q � I can�t access Haven?
A � Haven is no longer accessible in the game, I did this because it wont serve any
viable purpose yet and I don�t want people confused as to why it is there.
Q � Sometimes patrons walk over stuff, or in the air?
A � Yeah, they�ll do that, they are lovable. Everything is completely navmeshed,
every level. 25 levels of navmeshing nearly drove me mad. Still, it�s simply how
the physics of the game work and it doesn�t hurt the gameplay. They�ll walk
correctly sooner or later, hell it�s your club, if its pisses you off shoot em.
Q � Things don�t work?
A � Got little experience with this, in truth. Both PaladinRider and myself have
tested with many forms of this mod, and never have had something not work, so it is
something with your game or an obscure conflict with another mod, or some game
utility. If this happens please inform us, you can really help troubleshoot then
for future reference and we may be able to help you with this problem.
Q � I paid for cleanup but areas are trashed, the suites are full of chem.-heads
and the room in the club is destroyed?
A � The cleanup only cleans the tearing, peeling, cracking, etc in the casino
level. All the others the renovate costs do that.
The suites requires you to increase the class of patrons, it starts at lower, moves
to middle, then to upper from the 1) renovation costs, 2) (9000x2 purchases).
Q � The robots in the Kitchen just wander, and nothing important is there (same for
the janitors).
A � Version 2.0 will add functionality to this area, along with most of the others.
For now it simply increases the amount of caps you get in return.
Q � The music doesn�t work?
A � You have a mod that alters radios in some way, the music is just radios behind
the speakers in each floor, to add directional audio instead of just having ambient
music, also 2.0 will allow you to chose which station you want to listen to, so
this simples that.
Q � Everyone hates me?
A � What can I say, you pissed them off. I do it too, its life. I suggest stop
shooting them, just because they float doesn�t mean they don�t have feelings.
Some people have reported that the securitrons may attack you with this mod active,
but that isn�t the cause of Run The Lucky 38, as no factions have been changed, so
it is the vanilla game itself, so if you killed house this may eventually occur.
Q � I can�t restock alcohol?
A � The bartenders need to be purchased first, otherwise there is a good chance you
already have, the option appears on multiple terminals but they all complete it
unilaterally. Check the Alcohol Supply option, if it says levels are good then you
have already purchased it.
Q � I experience a lot of lag when I�m in the Casino?
A � It�s the NPCs, Robots have been reported to increase this. We will make an
optional Addon-esp that includes DLC content, so some will be changed for
holograms, this may help.
Q � The lighting looks weird?
A � I run on the highest textural settings, on lower ones it may appear different
than how I designed it. I�ll make some lower setting versions sooner or later, if
people request them.
Also, Fellout severely impairs the lighting I created. I love that mod, but it
alters the flame light references, so Studio 12 will look strange, and all the
light fixtures will appear to be off. These are all caused by Fellout. I will make
an esp fix for the lights, but there is nothing I can do about the fixtures.

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