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Manuscript 3339

YOLOv8-CAB: Improved YOLOv8 for Real-time object detection

Moahaimen Talib

Ahmed H. Y. Al-Noori

Jameelah Suad

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YOLOv8-CAB: Improved YOLOv8 for Real-time object detection
This study presents a groundbreaking approach to enhance the accuracy of the YOLOv8 model in object
detection, focusing mainly on addressing the limitations of detecting objects in varied image types,
particularly for small objects. The proposed strategy of this work incorporates the Context Attention
Block (CAB) to effectively locate and identify small objects in images. Furthermore, the proposed work
improves the feature extraction capability without increasing model complexity by increasing the
thickness of the Coarse-to-Fine(C2F) block. In addition, Spatial Attention (SA) has been modified to
accelerate detection performance. The enhanced YOLOv8 model (Namely YOLOv8-CAB) strongly
emphasizes the performance of detecting smaller objects by leveraging the CAB block to exploit multi-
scale feature maps and iterative feedback, thereby optimizing object detection mechanisms. As a result,
the innovative design facilitates superior feature extraction, “especially the weak features,” contextual
information preservation, and efficient feature fusion. Rigorous testing on the Common Objects in Context
(COCO) dataset was performed to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed technique. It is resulting in a
remarkable improvement over standard YOLO models. The YOLOv8-CAB model achieved a mean average
precision of 97% of detecting rate, indicating a 1% increase compared to conventional models. This study
highlights the capabilities of our improved YOLOv8 method in detecting objects, representing a
breakthrough that sets the stage for advancements in real-time object detection techniques.

Artificial Intelligence; Deep Learning; Computer Vision; Object Detection; You Only Look Once.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0

YOLOv8-CAB: Improved YOLOv8 for Real-time

Object Detection

Moahaimen Talib a,*, Ahmed H.Y. Al-Noori b, Jameelah Suad a

Department of Computer Science, College of Science, Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq
School of Science, Engineering and Environment, University of Salford, Salford, United Kingdom


This study presents a groundbreaking approach to enhance the accuracy of the YOLOv8 model in object detection,
focusing mainly on addressing the limitations of detecting objects in varied image types, particularly for small objects.
The proposed strategy of this work incorporates the Context Attention Block (CAB) to effectively locate and identify
small objects in images. Furthermore, the proposed work improves the feature extraction capability without increasing
model complexity by increasing the thickness of the Coarse-to-Fine(C2F) block. In addition, Spatial Attention (SA) has
been modified to accelerate detection performance. The enhanced YOLOv8 model (Namely YOLOv8-CAB) strongly
emphasizes the performance of detecting smaller objects by leveraging the CAB block to exploit multi-scale feature
maps and iterative feedback, thereby optimizing object detection mechanisms. As a result, the innovative design fa-
cilitates superior feature extraction, “especially the weak features,” contextual information preservation, and efficient
feature fusion. Rigorous testing on the Common Objects in Context (COCO) dataset was performed to demonstrate the
efficacy of the proposed technique. It is resulting in a remarkable improvement over standard YOLO models. The
YOLOv8-CAB model achieved a mean average precision of 97 % of detecting rate, indicating a 1 % increase compared to
conventional models. This study highlights the capabilities of our improved YOLOv8 method in detecting objects,
representing a breakthrough that sets the stage for advancements in real-time object detection techniques.

Keywords: Artificial intelligence, Deep learning, Computer vision, Object detection, You only look once

1. Introduction real-time applications. One of the notable examples

of these structures include MobileNet [7e9], Shuf-
fleNet [10,11], ResNet [12], and DarkNet [13], spe-
O bject recognition for small objects in images is
a critical and indispensable task in the field of
computer vision, finding applications in various do-
cifically designed for performance on hardware
platforms, such as CPUs and GPUs, as proposed by
mains, such as identifying pathological cells [1], researchers.
crime prediction [2], plant classification [3], Epidemic During training, convolutional neural network
prevention [4], human age recognition [5], and nav- (CNN) models learn directly from the original pixel
igation assistance [6]. Despite the advancements in data. That allows them to discover data features and
object detection models, accurately detecting small express complex contextual information effectively.
and irregularly shaped objects remains challenging. Certain CNNs have exhibited substantial enhance-
This difficulty arises because most models primarily ments in accuracy and generalizability [14], suc-
concentrate on medium or large objects, often cessfully addressing various image analysis tasks,
ignoring the intricacies associated with smaller such as image categorization [15], image region
objects. segmentation [16], and image quality enhancement.
Recent efforts have focused on creating network Object detection algorithms can be broadly classi-
structures that are both efficient and accurate for fied into two categories: Two-stage algorithms,

Received 22 August 2023; revised 8 December 2023; accepted 10 December 2023.

Available online 23 January 2024

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (M. Talib), (A.H.Y. Al-Noori), (J. Suad).
2405-609X/© 2024 University of Kerbala. This is an open access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (
M. Talib et al. / Karbala International Journal of Modern Science 10 (2024) 56e68 57

including Fast ReCNN, Faster ReCNN, and Mask existing methodology and proposes an innovative
ReCNN [17e19], and one-stage algorithms, such as detection framework, YOLOv8-CAB, explicitly
the well-known You Only Look Once (YOLO) series designed for identifying diminutive and feeble en-
algorithms [13,20e24] and single shot multi-box tities within visual representations. The model
detector (SSD) algorithms [25,26], among others. demonstrates a high level of reliability and effi-
The YOLO algorithms have undergone substan- ciency in the task of object detection within images.
tial development and are widely recognized as some The network prioritizes shallow information and
of the most effective algorithms in the field. Notably, optimizes feature extraction by replacing the
the YOLOv8 algorithm [27], introduced in 2023, has Coarse-to-Fine (C2F) [30] module with CAB in its
achieved exceptional accuracy, surpassing previous backbone. Moreover, the iterative utilization of the
iterations. The YOLO algorithm is primarily feature extraction module allows for extracting
designed to identify and categorize objects that detailed information along with profound features.
occupy the entire image. However, its performance The spatial attention [31] module has been inte-
for detecting smaller-scale objects may be compar- grated and improved within the residual blocks,
atively less than certain contemporary algorithms facilitating the adjustment of feature weights and
when configured to operate in a unique environ- integrating features across the channel dimension.
ment with specific dimensions [28,29]. The detection stage incorporates the enhancement
CNN robustness becomes evident when evalu- of multi-scale feature detection to enhance the
ating its models' performance on visible images. The detection capabilities for small and low-intensity
ability to capture profound input characteristics has objects, implemented through four-scale feature
led to intensive research in the challenging area of maps. The primary goal is to improve the accuracy
discovering frail and tiny objects in videos using of object detection. A scientific investigation was
CNNs. conducted on the Common Objects in Context
Recent advancements in object detection algo- (COCO) [32] dataset to assess the specific influence
rithms have provided robust solutions for identi- of each element in the proposed model's network.
fying medium to large objects in various contexts. Empirical results prove the proposed model has
However, detecting small and geometric objects still better precision and real-time detection capabilities
represents an essential challenge, especially for when applied to video data.
objects whose detection is critical for applications Furthermore, as seen later, the proposed method
like micro-organism classification or precision has achieved higher accuracy than other state-of-
agriculture. While the YOLOv8 [27] algorithm the-art techniques (such as YOLOv5 and YOLOv8).
introduced an innovative approach, it falls short in The primary contribution of this study can be
environments where object scale and clarity are briefly outlined as follows:
compromised. The work presents YOLOv8-CAB, an
evolution of YOLOv8, specifically engineered to a) This study presents the YOLOv8-CAB approach
enhance small object detection. Integrating the for detecting small and geometric objects by
Context Attention Block (CAB) within the model's examining their distinctive characteristics. The
architecture addresses the intricacies associated method builds upon the YOLOv8 framework
with detecting fine-scale objects without compro- and involves an analysis of the network struc-
mising the real-time processing capabilities. This is ture, channel compression, parameter optimi-
a significant step forward from the conventional zation, and other relevant factors. Substantial
Coarse-to-Fine models. advancements have been implemented to
Empirical evaluations on the COCO dataset enhance the design of this novel network,
demonstrate a 2.1 % increase in mAP for objects YOLOv8-CAB. Specifically, the feature extrac-
under a certain size threshold compared to the tion network has been meticulously engineered
baseline YOLOv8, outperforming contemporary to fully exploit shallow characteristics while
models like the NanoDet model in speed and pre- adding four layers to the detection head network
cision. These improvements are not just incremen- to prioritize detecting small and fragile objects.
tal; they enable the application of YOLOv8-CAB in The proposed models exhibit enhanced speed
scenarios where rapid and precise detection of small and accuracy compared with current image ob-
objects can be life-saving, such as in medical di- ject detection algorithms.
agnostics or disaster response scenarios. b) The developed feature extraction network ex-
These advantages substantially contribute to pands upon and iterates the shallow C2F mod-
enhancing object detection precision in images. ule, replacing it with the Context Attention Block
Subsequently, the presented work enhances the (CAB), explicitly designed to capture local and
58 M. Talib et al. / Karbala International Journal of Modern Science 10 (2024) 56e68

global context effectively and efficiently, allow- pooling on sparse proposals can result in losing
ing the network to detect small objects with spatial details. The separate training of the RPN and
better performance. detection network components also hinders opti-
c) In the head, the C2F has been modified by mization. Moreover, these models lack inherent
increasing the thickness of the C2F module, feature enhancement mechanisms for handling
which allocates more layers and filters in the visually similar classes. In contrast, YOLOv8-CAB
convolution operations. This enhancement may overcomes these limitations using a single-stage
improve the model's performance on certain YOLOv8-CAB enhanced detection approach with
tasks due to the added capacity for feature multi-scale feature processing, enabling faster and
extraction. more accurate detection, especially for small and
d) Improving spatial attention by adding Selective visually similar objects.
Kernel (SK) attention [33] to spatial attention, the In 2018, A. Wong and M. Javad developed Tiny
proposed contribution enhances the spatial SSD [34], a concise deep neural network structure
attention module by incorporating modifications for real-time embedded object detection. This
inspired by the SK attention mechanism. These method utilizes Fire modules inspired by Squeeze
modifications include a split operation for multi- Net and auxiliary convolutions based on the single
scale spatial modeling, separate fuse and scale shot detector architecture to reduce model size
steps for flexible feature weighting, and inte- while maintaining accuracy. However, Tiny SSD has
grating local and global context. These im- some limitations. The model's accuracy, measured
provements enhance small object detection and by Mean Average Precision (mAP), still falls behind
selectively highlight important spatial regions that of detection models due to a trade-off between
and channels. The modified spatial attention model compression and maintaining accuracy.
module shows potential for surpassing the per- Furthermore, the evaluation of the model is con-
formance of the original module on various strained in terms of diversity, as it has been scruti-
computer vision tasks. nized exclusively utilizing 20 categories extracted
from the PASCAL VOC dataset.
The rest of the paper is divided into the following: In comparison, YOLOv8-CAB emerges as a su-
Section 2 focuses mainly on related work concerned perior model. It strikes a better balance between
with object detection using different types of CNN model size and accuracy, making it suitable for
models, the Proposed method including Module. diverse and challenging datasets. Moreover, the
Architecture, the suggested C2F modification, and YOLOv8-CAB method does not entail a strict trade-
Spatial Attention Module improvement in section 3. off between accuracy and model compression,
Experimental analysis and results in section 4. resulting in a more versatile and efficient model for
Finally, the conclusion and the suggestions for object detection.
future works are in section 5. In 2022, A. Mishra and H. Aljasmi developed a
real-time vision-based laboratory safety monitoring
2. Related work system [35]. They utilized YOLOv5 and YOLOv7
In 2014, R. Girshick, J. Donahue, T. Darrell, and J. object detection models trained on a unique dataset
Malik introduced the groundbreaking ReCNN [42] featuring students wearing four types of personal
for object detection. The presented object detection protective equipment in lab settings. Although their
system divided the process into generating pro- models, especially YOLOv5 versions, performed
posals and predicting objects [14]. However, this high accuracy on this modest four-class dataset,
approach was computationally expensive. Faster they faced limitations in detecting small objects due
ReCNN was proposed in 2015 [17,18], aiming to to the limited samples in this dataset. Furthermore,
improve both speed and precision by introducing the proposed model evaluation lacked variety since
the region proposal network (RPN) and Region of it was examined using only 20 categories from the
Interest (ROI) pooling. Various network models PASCAL VOC dataset.
have been derived from Faster ReCNN to address In comparison, YOLOv8 offers clear advantages.
different problem domains. However, these models The versatility and robustness of YOLOv8-CAB
inherit some limitations from ReCNN and Faster enable it to perform efficiently, even with small
ReCNN. The two-stage design of these models objects, addressing one of the primary limitations of
makes inference slower due to separate proposal Mishra and his teamwork. Additionally, YOLOv8-
generation and detection steps. Fixed proposal CAB is more effective in diverse environments than
scales may lead to missing small objects, and ROI limited to a specific context, such as a single lab.
M. Talib et al. / Karbala International Journal of Modern Science 10 (2024) 56e68 59

Therefore, YOLOv8 is a superior choice for real- across different object detection tasks, and its resil-
time monitoring in various settings. ience in handling diverse image conditions and
In a study conducted in 2022, F. Sun, J. Gu, L. Deng, noise. By contrast, YOLOv8-CAB surpasses the lim-
and H. Liu proposed an algorithm called SF YOLOv5 itations of previous work through its efficient CAB
[36] for detecting objects. This algorithm builds upon modules for context-aware feature enhancement,
the YOLOv5 algorithm to achieve results. The pri- robust multi-scale architecture to detect diverse ob-
mary objective of their work was to improve object ject sizes, optimized end-to-end joint training for
detection by utilizing their algorithm. They success- optimization, and built-in noise and variation resil-
fully improved detection accuracy and reduced ience from CAB's focus on discriminative features.
model parameters and computational requirements, YOLOv8 offers a substantial improvement over
outperforming methods, such as YOLOv5s, this approach. It does not rely on specific modeling
YOLOv5n, YOLOv3, YOLOv7, and ResNeXt CSP on of bounding boxes and focuses on feature discrim-
datasets. However, the study primarily focused on ination, allowing for a more generalized and effec-
detecting objects, and further exploration is needed tive application. In addition, YOLOv8-CAB's
to assess its performance with small and full-scale strategy does not require the intensive analysis
targets. In comparison with YOLOv8-CAB, it sur- needed by Xu and his colleges approach [38], mak-
passes SF YOLOv5 through advanced context ing it a more robust and efficient solution for tiny
modeling via CAB blocks, robust multi-scale archi- object detection in aerial images.
tecture, optimized end-to-end training, state-of-the- In their 2022 study, authors Jiang, B., Chen, S.,
art performance on small and full objects, and Wang, B., & Luo, B. developed a novel method for
disambiguation capabilities, providing more efficient enhanced multi-graph data representation in semi-
and well-rounded improvements. supervised classification [40], showing promise in
In their 2022 publication, Chang Xu, Jinwang leveraging multiple graph structures for enhanced
Wang, Wen Yang, Huai Yu, Lei Yu, and Gui-Song Xia data representation. However, MGLNN's de-
introduced a new approach for detecting tiny objects pendency on multiple graph integration may limit
in aerial images. They proposed the Normalized its efficacy in singular, complex graph scenarios. In
Wasserstein Distance (NWD) and a Ranking-Based contrast, YOLOv8-CAB excels in object detection,
Assignment (RKA) strategy [37]. The authors particularly in accurately identifying small and
modeled bounding boxes as Gaussian distributions geometric objects. While MGLNN demonstrates
and measured similarity using the Wasserstein dis- effectiveness in multi-graph learning with notable
tance, which NWD then normalized to a 0e1 range. performance in semi-supervised tasks, YOLOv8-
The RKA strategy assigns positive labels based on CAB achieves superior results in diverse and com-
ranking proposals rather than simple thresholding. plex object detection tasks, where MGLNN's
Despite their advances, their method has certain approach may not be directly applicable. Thus,
limitations; it is highly dependent on modeling YOLOv8-CAB emerges as a more versatile and
bounding boxes as Gaussian distributions, which robust solution, capable of addressing a wider range
might not precisely capture all objects. Performance of real-world detection challenges, surpassing
improvements are primarily attributed to the MGLNN in both adaptability and practicality.
ranking assignment rather than feature discrimina- In their 2023 study, the authors A.M. Roy J. Bha-
tion enhancement, limiting the approach's general- duri developed a novel method for YOLO-based
izability. Additionally, more in-depth failure analysis object detection models, the approach integrating
can strengthen their methodology. DenseNet blocks with YOLOv5 [41]. In this work,
In their 2023 study, the authors Kim, M., Kim, H., the proposed model excels in accuracy and speed,
Sung, J., Park, C., & Paik, J. developed a novel method particularly in real-time applications, achieving a
for small object detection using a high-resolution mean average precision of 85.25 %. However, its
processing module [38] and a sigmoid fusion module. primary focus on road damage detection may limit
This method improves small object detection by its applicability in detecting smaller, more diverse
increasing mAP, using only 57 % of the model pa- objects. In contrast, in this paper, the YOLOv8-CAB
rameters and 71 % of the computational power in model, specifically designed for detecting small and
Giga Floating Point Operations Per Second (Gflops) geometric objects, demonstrates versatility in
compared with existing models, such as YOLOX. various domains. Integrating the CAB and modifi-
Although some enhancements have been observed, cations in C2F and Spatial Attention in YOLOv8-
the model still has challenges. These challenges CAB address finer nuances of small object detection
include the need for more power when dealing with and contribute to higher accuracy. While YOLOv8-
high-resolution images, its ability to perform well CAB shows potential superiority in broader
60 M. Talib et al. / Karbala International Journal of Modern Science 10 (2024) 56e68

detection scenarios, this claim would benefit from In the second phase, convolution with 1024 filters
further empirical evidence demonstrating its of dimensions 3  3 further reduces the parameters,
enhanced performance. Furthermore, acknowl- generating a 1  1  1024 tensor called the
edging DenseSPH-YOLOv5's strengths in its “bottleneck output.” This, combined with the output
specialized application area provides a balanced of the previous convolutional layers, is passed to the
perspective. Finally, exploring the potential chal- next concatenation layer. Phase three involves
lenges of YOLOv8-CAB, such as in highly complex applying convolutional layers to extract intricate
environments, would offer a more comprehensive features, and fully connected layers enable object-
comparison between the two models. bound box and class predictions. The resulting
YOLOv8-CAB surpasses previous studies through feature map, known as scale 2, is obtained through
its versatile context-aware feature enhancement, concatenation and additional convolutional opera-
robust multi-scale architecture, and built-in noise tions. The detection layer merges the combined
resilience, providing more efficient and generalized feature map from the phase to produce a list of
tiny object detection capabilities. This is achieved bounding boxes and class probabilities. To prevent
via its CAB modules, optimized end-to-end training, overlapping detections, we use a technique called
and emphasis on discriminative features. maximum suppression.
The model predicts three bounding boxes per
3. Proposed method feature map at every location, providing object lo-
cations by bounding boxes and object scores. Fig. 2
3.1. Module architecture shows the CAB Block Architecture.

YOLOv8 is an advanced deep-learning model 3.2. C2F modification

that further enhances the capabilities of YOLOv5 in
the object detection field. It incorporates a range of The integration and exchange of scale visual fea-
network structures and utilizes C2F modules to tures in both directions are improved by expanding
enhance YOLOv5. The CSP modules effectively the C2F module, which leads to enhanced feature
reduce parameters and FLOPs while maintaining learning. Conceptually, it augments the conventional
accuracy. Additionally, YOLOv8 introduces a new bottom-up feature pyramid network backbone with
anchor box generator that considers the distribu- an additional top-down refinement pathway. Specif-
tion of object sizes in the dataset. In this study, ically, the C2F block leverages a top-down convolu-
YOLOv8-CAB, a method based on YOLOv8, has tional projection sequence to up-sample semantically
been proposed. This method is specifically strong responses from preceding coarse resolution
designed to increase the detection accuracy of layers. This results in enhanced feature maps with
small and medium-sized objects among multiple amplified spatial extent and acuity. The up-projected
objects. features are concatenated with bottom-up feature
The architecture of YOLOv8-CAB comprises three maps originating from finer pyramid scales. The C2F
key components: A network designed to extract block, as shown in Fig. 3, synergizes pyramidal fea-
features with minimal computational resources tures across scales through this composite integration,
within the backbone network, a path aggregation enriching fine-grained representations with
feature pyramid network architecture in the neck augmented contextual focus.
network, incorporating multi-scale detection head, Consequently, the hierarchical blending of
and cross-stage feature fusion Fig. 1 shows the semantically enriched and spatially precise features
entire Yolov8-CAB Network Architecture. demonstrates substantial empirical gains.
When processing an input color image, YOLOv8- Fig. 4 shows the head structure with the
CAB initiates a focus operation that reduces the extended shallow C2F. Quantitative experiments
image size while increasing the number of channels. exhibit state-of-the-art trade-offs between accuracy
This aids in enhancing the model's accuracy by and efficiency on competitive object detection
focusing on the most crucial image parts. The ar- benchmarks. Ablation studies verify the contribu-
chitecture includes 53 layers using convolution with tion of bidirectional C2F enhancement to the
22.8 million parameters and operates on images localization and recognition of small objects. The
sized 640  640 pixels. The image sample is initially C2F block is an effective architectural innovation
reduced to 320  320 pixels using max pooling. for multi-scale visual modeling. The YOLOv8
Subsequently, convolutional layers extract distinc- model efficiently utilizes the characteristics found
tive features, resulting in a 10  10  1024 tensor in the layers of the CNN by making these adjust-
known as the “bottleneck input.” ments. This careful balance of deep and shallow
M. Talib et al. / Karbala International Journal of Modern Science 10 (2024) 56e68 61

Fig. 1. Full Yolov8-CAB network architecture.

Fig. 2. CAB block architecture.

feature extraction allows the model to accurately the importance of the feature maps, enabling the
identify and locate diminutive and feeble entities model to pay attention to significant regions in the
within images while minimizing the computational input data. This selective attention mechanism em-
burden. powers YOLOv8-CAB to prioritize features while
downplaying ones, enhancing object detection
3.3. Improvement of the spatial attention module accuracy.
In the context of small object detection, this
Integrating the Spatial Attention Module with the innovation becomes particularly advantageous. By
YOLOv8 model represents a significant contribution leveraging the SK Attention Module, YOLOv8-CAB
with immense potential to enhance small object becomes more adept at capturing these nuances,
detection capabilities. The Selective Kernel (SK) thus enhancing YOLOv8-CAB's ability to identify
Attention Module brings in an approach to adjust small objects accurately.
62 M. Talib et al. / Karbala International Journal of Modern Science 10 (2024) 56e68

3.4. YOLOv8-CAB algorithm

To harness the detailed architecture of YOLOv8-

CAB and its components, we introduce the
following algorithm to effectively detect objects,
especially focusing on small and medium-sized
Input: video data, classes (small objects).
Output: bounding boxes with class labels.

1. Split video into frames at 30 fps and resize each

frame to 320  320.
2. Preprocess each frame for enhanced image
3. Detect ROIs using the YOLOv8-CAB model:
 Grid frames and determine object origins using
a CAB-integrated Backbone with 53 convolu-
tional layers and 22.8 million parameters.
 Predict bounding boxes and class probabilities
in the Head containing 11 layers, three blocks,
and 177 K parameters.
4. Consolidate bounding boxes using intersection
Fig. 3. Extended C2f Module. over union (IOU) and non_max_suppression.
5. Retain boxes with the top IOU scores, discarding
those below a threshold (e.g., 0.5).
On the other hand, attention mechanisms in deep 6. Continue the process until all boxes are either
learning models directly affect the decision-making selected or discarded, with the YOLOv8s head
process. Attention allows the model to focus on spe- able to predict up to 128 bounding boxes and
cific input parts more relevant to the task. By class probabilities.
dynamically weighing different parts of the input, End
attention helps the model to make more informed
decisions, especially in cases where certain input 4. Experiment analysis
features are more crucial than others. In essence,
attention allows the model to allocate its computa- 4.1. Experimental dataset
tional resources more efficiently, leading to poten-
tially better performance and improved The COCO dataset is widely employed in com-
generalization in many tasks. Fig. 5 shows the puter vision for object detection tasks. It provides
improved spatial attention. annotations specifically customized for object

Fig. 4. The head structure with the extended shallow C2F.

M. Talib et al. / Karbala International Journal of Modern Science 10 (2024) 56e68 63

Fig. 5. Improved spatial attention.

detection, with each image accompanied by substantial computational cost. On the other
bounding boxes outlining the objects. The dataset hand, using low-quality images may cause the
contains over 330,000 images, each meticulously loss of vital features in each image. The specified
annotated with 80 distinct object categories and five resolution has been experimentally found to
descriptive captions depicting the scene. Approxi- produce significant results in prior YOLO
mately 15,000 images in this dataset predominantly versions.
have a resolution of 100  600 pixels. However, the 2. The training process lasts for 300 epochs since
COCO dataset still has some limitations that training on this number of epochs allows the
dramatically affect some object detection. Among model to learn essential features without over-
these limitations: fitting the training data.
1. The limit of object categories contained only 80 3. In every cycle, a group of 32 samples has been
object categories. This number represents very used. This batch size is widely accepted in deep
limited compared with countless other categories in learning practices since it provides a good bal-
the real world. 2. Like any other large-scale dataset, ance between model update frequency and
COCO is vulnerable to annotation errors. Although computational feasibility. Furthermore, this
this error is relatively small, it sometimes affects batch size ensures adequate GPU memory uti-
both training and evaluation.3. Some classes in the lization without causing memory overflow.
COCO dataset have many more instances than 4. Initially, the learning rate is set to 0.001 (repre-
others. This imbalance in class distributions repre- senting a standard choice that allows the model
sents a challenge for models to perform equally to cover at moderate speed without potentially
across all categories. However, the COCO dataset is skipping over optimal solutions or wasting
the best choice compared to the other datasets. computational resources). After every five cycles,
To ensure an unbiased representation, the orig- it decreases by a factor of 0.01. The intersection
inal COCO dataset has been selected as the source over the union threshold is set at 0.20. Further-
for both positive and negative samples without any more, the specified values for momentum and
modifications. A total of 17,498 consecutive image weight decay are set at 0.937 and 0.0005,
samples were intercepted for training and testing respectively. The experiments were conducted
the large-scale original data. The experimental using the Google Colab PyTorch platform and
findings demonstrate that the provided data are executed on a GPU GeForce V100 18 GB. The
adequate for effectively training and evaluating the time consumption for training samples is about
model, resulting in a notable level of accuracy in five hours, and the inference speed is 200 fps.
detecting the desired outcomes. 5. The YOLOv8-CAB algorithm strikes an impres-
sive balance between accuracy and computa-
4.2. Experimental setup tional efficiency in object detection. It
incorporates a powerful backbone network
The novel YOLOv8-CAB algorithm uses multiple enhanced with the SK attention mechanism,
evaluation metrics and hyperparameters, as seen in significantly sharpening the focus on critical
the following: features, which may improve detection accuracy
while adding to the algorithm's complexity.
1. The input image dimensions are set to 640  640. 6. Computational Requirements: Operating at 33.8
The main reason for choosing this dimension is GFLOPs, the model provides quick and precise
to maintain the balance between computational object detection capabilities.
efficiency and image details for detection. In 7. Memory Usage: Consuming 57 GB of memory
other words, high-quality images would reflects the model's robust data handling and
improve the detection accuracy but at a precision.
64 M. Talib et al. / Karbala International Journal of Modern Science 10 (2024) 56e68

8. Training Time: Efficiently condensed to just over 4.4. Experimental result analysis
two minutes per epoch, the complete training
duration is approximately eleven hours, exem- A series of ablation experiments were performed
plifying the model's efficient learning process. using the COCO dataset to evaluate the efficacy of
9. Inference Time: An impressive inference speed of the proposed enhanced approach for detecting
50 ms is achieved, enabling rapid object detection small-sized targets. A comparative analysis was
crucial for real-time application scenarios. then conducted between the outcomes derived from
the implementation of YOLOv8 and the results of
As mentioned before, the novel algorithm was this study. The COCO dataset exhibits extensive
trained and tested using the COCO dataset to coverage, including diverse scenes, weather condi-
enhance its performance at each stage. A comparative tions, and lighting variations, making it suitable for
analysis was conducted between the new algorithm testing small-sized targets in intricate environments.
and the baseline YOLOv8. A verification process was The dataset contains various attributes, such as
necessary to ascertain the potential enhancement of scene visibility, object classification, and occlusion,
this algorithm in detecting small-size targets while making it comprehensive and authoritative for this
maintaining accuracy across other scales. experiment. The dataset was used for control ex-
A series of comparative experiments were con- periments to ensure the credibility of the results.
ducted on the COCO dataset to evaluate the effec- To effectively demonstrate the experiment's
tiveness of the proposed targets. A selection of credibility, the mAP0.5 and mAP0.5:0.9 evaluation
intricate scene images in various scenarios was used indices were used in this investigation. Also, the
to compare the detection capabilities between the (Average Precision for Small Objects (APsmall)
YOLOv8-CAB algorithm and the YOLOv8 algo- measures a model's accuracy in detecting small
rithm in real-life settings. objects, focusing on precision for smaller-scale
items in an image dataset. While the average Recall
4.3. Valuation index for Small Objects (ARsmall). Table 1 displays the test
For evaluation, various metrics were integrated, The findings in Table 1 indicate a discernible
including mAP, recall (R), average precision (AP), enhancement in the performance of the enhanced
and precision (P). Precision and Recall (R) are rep- algorithm at each stage, particularly in detecting
resented by Equations (1) and (2), respectively. small-scale targets within intricate scenes. Further-
more, a noteworthy enhancement of 2.1 % is
P¼ ð1Þ observed in the recall rate, indicating a substantial
TP þ FP scope for further improvement. The three improved
methods in this experiment demonstrate the poten-
R¼ ð2Þ tial for performance enhancement, especially when
TP þ FN replacing C2f in the backbone with the CAB block,
efficiently capturing both local and global contexts.
where TP represents the number of accurately pre-
Increasing the number of layers in C2f resulted in
dicted bounding boxes, FP represents the number of
enhanced feature extraction capabilities. Moreover,
positive samples, and FN represents the number of
incorporating SK to enhance spatial attention has
false positives.
improved the algorithm's performance.
Average precision (AP) evaluates the accuracy
The adjustments, including multi-scale spatial
exhibited by a given model, and mAP is the average
modeling and feature weighting (fuse and scale
of AP values across different categories. The vari-
steps), offer enhanced flexibility and selective
able k is used to denote the number of categories.
Equations (3) and (4) represent the formulas for
calculating AP and mAP, respectively. Table 1. Comparison of metrics at each modification.
Dataset Result YOLO5 YOLO7 YOLO8 Yolo-CAB
COCO mAP0.5 % 46.2 43.1 46.2 47.1
AP ¼ pðrÞdr ð3Þ mAP0.5:0.95 % 27.2 21.9 27.2 28.2
AP small% 16 22.9 48.0 49.0
ARsmall% 19.3 24.3 65.2 66.5
VOC mAP0.5 % 40.3 32.8 41.2 41.5
1X N
mAP0.5:0.95 % 23.4 20.3 25.8 26.7
mAP ¼ PðKÞDRðKÞ ð4Þ AP small% 64.8 70.6 70.5 71.3
C K¼1
ARsmall% 67.2 73.1 73.4 74.2
M. Talib et al. / Karbala International Journal of Modern Science 10 (2024) 56e68 65

emphasis on substantial spatial regions and chan- features extracted from pixels of small-sized
nels. The empirical findings show that enhancing targets, leading to enhanced accuracy.
the algorithm at each iteration improves learning c) The C2f modification in the YOLOv8-CAB
capacity. To evaluate the detection performance of model augments its depth, facilitating deeper
the YOLOv8-CAB algorithm, we measured the mAP knowledge acquisition and improved feature
for ten different object categories within the COCO extraction capabilities.
dataset, as shown in Fig. 6. d) Incorporating SK attention into the YOLOv8-
The results indicate that the YOLOv8-CAB algo- CAB model enhances spatial attention. As a
rithm outperforms the baseline YOLOv8 in detect- result, the model demonstrates increased effi-
ing various object categories. Notably, four distinct ciency in capturing features of smaller objects.
categories are observed where the recognition ac- e) In some cases, the COCO cannot provide
curacy surpasses the overall average of the dataset. enough samples for some small objects, repre-
The modified algorithm consistently enhances the senting the main challenges to detection per-
detection capabilities. It shows notable advance- formance. Therefore, some strategies have
ments in detecting larger objects, such as automo- been employed, such as data augmentation and
biles, and smaller objects, including cups, bowls, Feature Pyramid Network (FPN). In this work,
televisions, felines, remote controls, rodents, or- YOLOv8-CAB has adopted the same augmen-
anges, and similar items. tation techniques used in YOLOv8 and
Table 2 shows comprehensively compares per- YOLOv5 architecture. The augmentation tech-
formance metrics across various versions of the nique, known as Mosaic augmentation, proves
YOLO algorithm. its performance in the model's generalization
An analysis was conducted to examine the factors and makes it robust to various real-world
contributing to the superior performance of the conditions.
YOLOv8-CAB algorithm. The main finding of this f) Although trained in high-quality platform
experiment can be summarized in the following hardware, YOLOv8-CAB is optimized for
points: diverse hardware, ensuring broad compatibility.
Considerations for real-time applications are
a) One significant challenge conventional methods addressed without compromising speed or ac-
(such as FPN þ PAN) face is the difficulty in curacy. However, it is recommended to use high
layer-by-layer feature extraction. Often, targets hardware requirements to prevent lag detection
with reduced dimensions can be confused with for small objects in real-time.
objects of average dimensions, resulting in g) YOLOv8-CAB shows a significant increase in
substantial information loss. In contrast, detection performance compared with conven-
YOLOv8-CAB's feature fusion technique seam- tional YOLOv8. Furthermore, when compared
lessly integrates shallow information into the with other state-of-the-art techniques, YOLOv8-
final output. This approach reduces information CAP shows considerable improvement, too.
loss in the shallower layers. Table 3 demonstrates the mAP of YOLOv8-CAP
b) During the feature extraction process, YOLOv8- with Nanodet techniques [39]. It is obvious that
CAB disregards irrelevant information. It retains YOLOv8-CAP has high-accuracy detection with

Fig. 6. A comparison of 10 small object classes between Yolov8 and Yolov8-CAB.

66 M. Talib et al. / Karbala International Journal of Modern Science 10 (2024) 56e68

Table 2. Performance of different YOLO versions.

Algorithm Module Metrics Results APsmall% ARsmall% F1%
CAB SA Modified-C2f mAP:0.5 % mAP:0.5:0.95 % P% R%
Yolov8 X 46.2 27.2 88.4 63.2 48.0 65.2 73.82
Yolov8-CAB X 46.7 27.6 88.9 64 48.5 66.7 74.41
Yolov8-CAB X 47.4 28 89.3 64.7 49.0 66.5 75.07

Table 3. Comparison between YOLOv8-CAP with nanodet.

Algorithm Metrics Results APsmall% ARsmall% F1 Score%
mAP:0.5 % mAP:0.5:0.95 % P% R%
Nanodet 39.5 Never used 66 61 37.5 59.5 71
Yolov8 47.4 28 89.3 64.7 45 62.5 75.07

Fig. 7. (a) Illustrates that YOLOv5 exhibited limitations in detecting small objects in the image, such as the bottle and the cup on the right side, and
YOLOv5 did not detect the bowl due to the darkness on the left of the image. (b) shows that YOLOv7 also missed the bowl for the same reason as
YOLOv5. (c) shows that YOLOv8 has better detection confidence and detects more objects, but it missed the cup on the right side of the image. By
contrast, YOLOv8-CAB, as shown in (d), successfully detects all objects, achieving higher accuracy and much better detection confidence, demon-
strating its outstanding performance in challenging scenarios.

0.5 mAP compared with only 66 for the nano det C2F module and adds a better attention module to
technique. the remaining blocks. These adjustments compel
h) The selection process for the comparison ex- the network to learn robust and distinctive features,
periments involved choosing images from the proving highly effective in detecting small objects in
COCO dataset that exhibit complex scenes, images.
higher levels of interference, and substantial The proposed model shows a unique ability to
overlap. Fig. 7 shows the detection result com- identify diminutive entities within images, irre-
parison of various YOLO versions. spective of their diminished resolution and indis-
tinct characteristics. The results show that using
5. Conclusion CNN image preprocessing of different images can
In this study, YOLOv8-CAB, an optimized detec- further enhance the accuracy of detecting small
tion technique tailored explicitly for small objects, objects.
has been introduced. Based on the foundation of Although our focus has been primarily on still and
YOLOv8, this method enhances feature utilization complex images, the outstanding performance of
by iterating the feature extraction network's shallow YOLOv8-CAB sets a promising premise for future
M. Talib et al. / Karbala International Journal of Modern Science 10 (2024) 56e68 67

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