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LlS1 Cl P?

SlCS uLllnl1lCnS lC8 SM

ICkM 4
lnLroducLlon 1o hyslcs
1 hys|ca| quant|t|es quanLlLles LhaL can
be measured
2 8ase quant|t|es quanLlLy LhaL can'L be
derlvedlengLh mass Llme LemperaLure
elecLrlc currenL
3 Der|ved quant|t|es quanLlLles derlved
from Lwo or more base quanLlLles
4 Sca|ar quant|ty has magnlLude only
3 Vector quant|ty has magnlLude
lorce MoLlon
1 D|stance lengLh beLween 2 polnLs
2 D|sp|acement dlsLance moved ln
speclflc dlrecLlon wlLh reference Lo a
3 Speed raLlo of dlsLance Lravelled Lo
Llme Laken
4 Ve|oc|ty dlsplacemenL ln a glven Llme
3 Acce|erat|on raLe of change veloclLy
6 Inert|a Lendency of Lhe ob[ecL Lo
remaln aL resL or Lo conLlnue lLs moLlon
ln a sLralghL llne
7 Momentum producL of Lhe mass Lhe
veloclLy of Lhe ob[ecL
8 r|nc|p|e of conservat|on of momentum
LoLal momenLum of a sysLem remalns
unchanged wlLh no exLernal force ln lL
9 Impu|se change of momenLum
10Newton's 3
Law of mot|on sLaLes
LhaL Lo every acLlon Lhere ls an equal
opposlLe reacLlon
11L|ast|c|ty properLy of maLerlal whlch
enables lL Lo reLurn Lo lLs orlglnal
condlLlon afLer Lhe applled force has
been removed
12nooke's |aw sLaLes LhaL Lhe exLenslon
of a sprlng ls proporLlonal Lo Lhe applled
force as long as Lhe elasLlc llmlL ls noL
lorce ressure
1 ressure force per unlL area
2 asca|'s pr|nc|p|e sLaLe LhaL pressure
applled Lo an enclosed llquld ls
LransmlLLed equally Lo every parL of Lhe
3 Arch|medes' pr|nc|p|e sLaLes LhaL
when an ob[ecL ls wholly or parLlally
lmmersed ln a fluld lL experlences a
buoyanL force equal Lo Lhe welghL of Lhe
fluld dlsplaced

4 8ernou|||'s pr|nc|p|e sLaLes LhaL when
Lhe speed of a fluld lncreases Lhe
pressure of Lhe fluld decreases vlce
1 Spec|f|c neat Capac|ty amounL of heaL
requlred Lo ralse Lhe LemperaLure of 1kg
subLances by 1
2 Spec|f|c Latent neat amounL of heaL
requlred Lo change Lhe phase of 1kg
subsLance aL a consLanL LemperaLure
3 Spec|f|c Latent neat of Ius|on amounL
of heaL requlred Lo change 1kg
subsLance from solld Lo llquld wlLhouL
change ln LemperaLure
4 Spec|f|c Latent neat of Vapor|zat|on
amounL of heaL requlred Lo change 1kg
subsLance from llquld Lo gaseous
wlLhouL change ln LemperaLure
3 8oy|e's |aw sLaLes LhaL for a flxed mass
of gas Lhe pressure of Lhe gas ls
lnversely proporLlonal Lo lLs volume
when Lhe LemperaLure ls kepL consLanL
6 Char|es' |aw sLaLes LhaL for a flxed
mass of gas Lhe volume of Lhe gas ls
dlrecLly proporLlonal Lo lLs absoluLe
LemperaLure when lLs pressure ls kepL
7 ressure |aw sLaLes LhaL for a flxed
mass of gas Lhe pressure of Lhe gas ls
dlrecLly proporLlonal Lo lLs absoluLe
LemperaLure when lLs volume ls kepL
1 Laws of ref|ect|on
*angle of l angle of r
*lncldenL ray reflecLed ray normal all
lle ln Lhe same plane
2 Laws of refract|on
*lncldenL ray refracLed ray normal aL
Lhe polnL of lncldenL all lle ln Lhe same
*Lhe raLlo of sln l/sln r ls a consLanL
3 Sne||'s |aw sln l/sln r n

LlS1 Cl P?SlCS uLllnl1lCnS lC8 SM

1 1ransverse waves vlbraLlons of wave
parLlcles perpendlcular Lo Lhe dlrecLlon
of propagaLlon of Lhe waves
2 Long|tud|na| waves vlbraLlons of wave
parLlcles parallel Lo Lhe dlrecLlon of
Lravel of Lhe wave
3 kef|ect|on Lhe change of dlrecLlon of
waves when hlL a reflecLlve surface
4 kefract|on Lhe change of dlrecLlon of
Lravel when waves cross from Lwo
dlfferenL medlum
3 D|ffract|on spreadlng of waves LhaL
happen when waves move Lhrough a
small openlng or round a small obsLacle
6 Interference Lhe superposlLlon of Lwo
waves when Lhey meeL each oLher
1 Current raLe of Lransfer of charge
2 otent|a| d|fference work done ln
movlng 1 coulomb of charge form one
polnL Lo anoLher
3 Chm's |aw sLaLes LhaL currenL passlng
Lhrough a conducLor ls dlrecLly
proporLlonal Lo Lhe poLenLlal dlfference
across ln lL lf Lhe LemperaLure ls
4 kes|stance raLlo of Lhe poLenLlal
dlfference across a conducLor Lo Lhe
currenL passlng Lhrough Lhe conducLor
1 L|ectromagnet|c |nduct|on producLlon
of an elecLrlc poLenLlal dlfference across
a conducLor when Lhere ls relaLlve
moLlon beLween Lhe conducLor and Lhe
magneLlc fleld
2 Iaraday's |aw sLaLes LhaL magnlLude of
Lhe emf lnduced ln a conducLor ls
dlrecLly proporLlonal Lo Lhe raLe aL whlch
Lhe conducLor cuLs Lhe magneLlc fleld
3 Len'z |aw sLaLes LhaL Lhe lnduced
currenL always flows ln a dlrecLlon so
LhaL lL opposes Lhe change whlch ls
causlng lL
1 CkC devlce LhaL makes use of a beam
of caLhode ray ln a vacuum Lube LhaL
allows a slgnal volLage Lo be vlewed on a
fluorescenL screen
2 1rans|stor semlconducLor devlce wlLh
3 Lermlnals emlLLer base collecLor
3 Log|c gates perform a loglc operaLlon
on 1 or more loglc lnpuLs produce a
slngle loglc ouLpuL
1 kad|oact|ve decay sponLaneous
random emlsslon of radloacLlve rays
from unsLable radloacLlve maLerlals afLer
whlch Lhey become more sLable
2 na|f||fe Llme Laken for half Lhe
number of aLoms ln a sample of
radloacLlve aLoms Lo decay
3 Nuc|ear f|ss|on spllLLlng of nucleus
wlLh blg mass lnLo 2 or more smaller
nuclldes wlLh Lhe release of energy
4 Nuc|ear fus|on comblnaLlon of small
aLoms lnLo larger aLom wlLh Lhe
release of heaL

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