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reer Fro Expiatens Dats Design = Last Sunday, | went with my cousin James to Shum Shui Po to volunteer at a charity named Food Trust. This charity gathers soon-to-expire produce from supermarkets and wet markets and turns theffinto delicious meals to be served to people in need. St . texantple ‘We arrived at the charity’s headquarters earl | itythe morning at around 9 o'clock. There cy iW aS —@er® a group of around 20 volunteers eomprisindmostly teenagers like James and|.A staff named Cathy from the charity explained to) the history and goals of the onze Food Trust was founded in 2002, and its mission is to reduce food waste in Hong Kong and provide free and nutritious food for low-income people. Each week, Food Trust rescues 45 tons of edible surplus food and produces over 20,000 nutritious meals free of charge for people who are in need of food assistance. F ho ge for peopl wt fluid 4 4 2 Fact chock, ruth Zz Cathy explained that food waste makes up 18% of garbag€Th landfills in Hong Kong. ‘When it decomposes, food waste releases methane gas, which is more than 25 times more’potent than carbon dioxide at trapping heat in the atmosphere. \ Restaurants regularly throw out ufsolt-fpod jupermarkets and stores also discard =p large amounts of tems that Gre passed their Fase by dates. Inadltion, households contribute significantly to the problem f food od Waste itt thought about the: ee loaf of bread that my mom tossed into the garbage can yesterday because it VS Passed its expiry date by one day, and wondered whether it was really necessary. Aer this brief introduction, Cathy gave each of us an apron and put us to work.“ teed mew reparing lunch. We were divided into groups of three or four and were assigned ferent tasks. My job was peeling potatoes while James was responsible for sorting chi sum. | sat down with a couple of girls who looked a bit older than me, perhaps around 16 to 17 of age. | told them that at (ny home, my parents did most of the cooking and | did not have much experience in the kitchen. They kindly showed me the right way to hold and use the peeler-the trick was to peel away from (nel m/f lot Jos wo lark over (phr- v4 sth = Cxomine sly i to (5 |ilooked over t/James. He had to pick the yellow leaves from choi sum, which was part of the unsold produce collected from the nearby wet market the day before, After getting rid of the yellow and “ay wilted parts, the choi sum looked perfectly go Vo jes the 9% tH etd fk dy a5. inn ely | After completin preparation, we carries tothe kitchen) _yohere i chefs. on told us that the head chef used to work salle a : ve wilithes t Le{ 0 é / eed —#+ at a S-star hotel. Although it was alhigh-paying)job, the chef felt Gnsatisfied? He eventually quit his job to work at Food Trust because he found that using his skills to help “people in need was much more meaningful and fulfiling (73 Wethen went to the dining hal to prepare the tablesand chars andiset B By 11:30 a.m. {there was already a long queue forming Outside. When the room was ready, we let the people in and they took thelr seats. Many ofthe people, whom Cathy called clients, were’ elderly, while others were’homel ss-pr families from low-income ¥ households. (9) lenge Lhe lange harps : Ginko fe 6 i We then served the food) clients, f having them line up for food, om Food Trust serves each jidually ves that doing so gives them a Pag sense of self-worth and dignity. Ate serving evetyne it a ine for us olunteer 0, Je4 sit down and eat. Pethaps because | was so tifad, the food tasted so delicious! t \ 5) euestions uss walt ot dae thy fb Bee £ © be \ey Editey = od \A) This text isan example of vopetitive wr) ““Raletter — B.anewspaperarticle C.ajournalentry D.ausermanual .)2 ac let Came 2. According to the article, why is food waste bad for the environment? | - Clore /Answer: Food waste makes up 18% of the volume of garbage in landfills in Hong Kong, aI |When it decomposes, food waste releases methane gas, which is more than i || more potent than carbon dioxide at trapping heat in the atmosphere. le \ \UV PS: According tothe article, what are some of the sources of food waste?» —| _——~Answer: Unsold food from restaurants, items passed their “use by” date from \o + a | ‘supermarkets and stores, household food waste. /), _t Types 1 a | | 4. Look for words in paragraph 3 that matches the definition below. | rot “having great power, influence, or effect” | answer: Potent [froesite whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) based on the information provided: a. Food waste makes up the majority of the amount gaybage in landfills. Answer: F b. The chef mentioned in Paragraph 6 found that working at Food Trust gave his life purpose. Answer: T c. Glients needed to queue up for their food. Answers a, 6. From the lesson, we can infer that food that is passed its expiry date: a. (Needs to be discarded b. (Gan still be consumed Aan c. (Amount to 45 tons per day in ; A i g i Le 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide U 7. Would you eat food that is passed their “used by” date? 8. Which is not one of the missions of Food Trust? mS | adi | Lf . ith "despite" and fenrite the sentence. ogee ‘he Pally OVE 0 TRE ts \ Despite the fact that it was a high-paying job, the chet fate enti / 1Carert 2 Cranage a. Throw away (paragraph 3) Answer: Toss poof develope |b. be partly responsible for (paragraph 3) Answer: Contribute to ot eee | c._ line (paragraph 7) Answer: queue (98 purpose/goal (paragraph 2) Answer: e. including (paragraph 2) Answer: comprising ~~ ion f.) reconsider (paragraph 8) Answer: Think twice about | 11. What was the helpful tip that thetwo)older girls shared with the qinoly \ | ‘Answer: When peeling potatoes, peel away from oneself. ee rate 1 2 | 12. What does the underlined word in paragraph 7 refer to? Pof eeuaiettOn ce | ‘Answer: People in need of the service of Food Trust. _ iayour opinion, what is the chaste the author? Please give 3 reasons to support ot) your answer, ORK you ever done volunteer work? If so, where? if not, why not? Rar J hae ye. Bp eh Sh BP, F425

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