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Bem Explicado

Centro de Explicações Lda.

Inglês 8º Ano – Past simple or Past Continuous
Nome: _________________________________________________ Data: ___/___/___

1. Complete with past simple or past continuous.

1. When I _________ (come), they ___________ (watch) a movie and they

__________ (ask) me not to talk.
2. When Dona _________ (see) me she ___________ (cross) the street because she
__________ (not want) me to see that she ___________ (wear) my shirt.
3. Jane_________ (read) a book when she ________ (hear) a strange noise. She
_________ (get) up and _________ (see) that Galit _________ (move) furniture in
her room from place to place.
4. Leah and Shelly ___________ (try) to concentrate on what they___________ (do)
while Eyal ___________ (make) noise.
5. We____________ (not take) umbrellas, because it___________ (not rain) when we
___________ (leave) home.
6. While Bill _________ (stand) at the corner of the street, he ___________ (notice) a
man who ___________ (take) great interest in a jeweler's display. He ___________
(walk) by the window several times and then ___________ (peer) at the display
again. While he ___________ (do) this, his right hand _____________ (creep) into
the pocket of his raincoat.
7. Suddenly he _________ (pull) something out and ________ (throw) it at the
window. Crash! The window _________ (smash) into a hundred pieces. Bill
___________ (rush) to the man, _________ (jump) on him and ____________ (bring)
him to the ground. While Bill and the thief ___________ (struggle) on the ground
a policeman ____________ (arrive) and ___________ (arrest) the thief.

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