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(12) INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION PUBLISHED UNDER THE PATENT COOPERATION TREATY (PCT) NTE 00080810 A (10) International Publication Number WO 2011/011018 Al (19) World Intellectual Property Organization International Bureau. (43) International Publi Date 27 January 2011 (27.01.2011) (61) International Patent Classification: 22) Inventor: HO2P 9/04 (2006.01) (8) InventoriApplicant for US ony): CATTANO, Aldo [IAT]; Via Terrancra 10, 122020 Bizzarone (co) (17). 'S2009/0S1732 (74) Agent: GREENBERG, Michael, Li Greenberg & Lieberman, Lle, 2141 Wisconsin Ave, Nw, Suite C2, (22) International Filing Date: Sete ‘ 24 July 2009 (24.07.2009) Wasinaton, PE 20007 (US). 21, International Application Number: Pci a (81) Designated States (isless otherwise indicated, for every ind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM, (26) Publication Language: Fnglish AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BR, BW, BY, BZ, (CA, CH, CL; CN, CO, CR; CU; CZ, DE, DK, DM, DO, EE, EG, FS, FI, GB, , ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP, LA, LC, Lk, ER, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, MG, Mik, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI NO! NZ, OM, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RS, RU, SC, SD, iting Language: English (7) Applicant jor al designated Stawes except US): ART GREEN TECHNOLOGY, LLC [US/US]: 13245 At antic Blvd, Suite 4-301, Jacksonville, FL 32225 (US), >. GE, GH, GM, GT, {Continued om nest page} (64 Title: PORTABLE CYLINDRICAL AND CONICAL SPIRAL WIND TURBINE (7) Abstract; A vertical, Savonius type wind turbine with an asynchronous induction ‘generator. The turbine is lightweight, requires litle maintenance, assembles quickly and easily, connects to any existing structure, occupies a minimum amount of space when slisassembled, is modular, is capable of being installed in multiple positions, is available san auxiliary power unit on motor- homes or boats, is operational at low wind speeds, is height-adjustable according to wind speed, ellcient, and is suitable for places where typhoons are frequent. WO 2011/011018 Al | WO 2011/0111 A. MINNIE HNN 00 0 NA SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TJ, TM, TN,TR,TT, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, 2W MC, MK, MT, NE, NO, i TR), OAPL (BF, BY, (84) Designated States (aries otherwise indicated. for every MAE MUN SI kind of regional proteetion available): ARIPO (BW, GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, $2, 1Z, UG, ZM, Published: ZW), Furasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), European (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EF, vith international search report (Art. 21(3)) WO 2011/011018 PCT/US2009/051732 TITLE Portable Cylindrical and Conical Spiral Wind Turbine FIELD OF INVENTION ‘The present invention pertains to the field of electricity generation. More specifically, the present invention relates to a vertical axis wind turbine used off grid. BACKGROUND OF INVENTION Wind turbines can convert the kinetic energy of wind into mechanical energy that can be then be converted into electricity using a generator. Turbines that produce electricity using wind power can be distinguished from each other in several ways, whether it be by total power generated, or orientation of the turbine, The two major categories of wind turbines are horizontal axis turbines (HAWT) and vertical axis, turbines (VAWT). Between these two major types, there are various designs that already exist. Among the horizontal axis turbines that are currently built, common configurations vary between two or three blades, while vertical axis turbines generally have any number of blades placed on a circular structure. Wind Turbine overview ‘The turbine is divided into three different sub-assemblies: RECTIFIED SHEET (RULE 91) WO 2011011018 PCT/US2009/051732 2 1. An energy production device (made of generator, gear box and turbine) 2. An electronic device for control, energy conversion and battery charge or on grid inverter 3. An energy storage system (off-grid) These sub-assemblies can be combined in two main ways to create a power system, They can either be combined off-grid, with power being directed to an energy storage system, or they can be combined on grid, with power being directed to a larger energy grid. An off grid system is generally used in a remote area, and a grid tie system is normally used in an urbanized area. Energy Production Background ‘The main objective of small power systems is to bring energy production to urban environments and other places that are difficult to reach due to lack of roads or too much distance from civilization. Several wind turbine designs exist which have been built in order to address this situation There are two major distinctions to be made for our purposes. The first is the choice of a vertical axis or a horizontal axis, and the second is savonius or darrieus type. There are several advantages to a VAWT (Vertical axis wind turbine) relative to a horizontal axis wind turbine: * The power generator and reduction gear box are near the ground allowing for easy and inexpensive maintenance WO 2011011018 PCT/US2009/051732 No mechanical system is required for responding to wind orientation ~ the system is not sensitive to orientation ~ which leads to fewer mechanical parts, effectively leading to Jess maintenance # The turbines flexibility in terms of orientation also allows it to be mounted near the ground ~ it can work in a large variety of wind conditions ~ making it ideal to locate in residential environments. * ‘There is a low cut-in wind speed, making it suitable for places with low and moderate es where direct and turbulent wind will not be too wind conditions, and ideal for pla high, such as between buildings in a residential community. © There is low acoustic and visible impact due to the systems simple geometry and few moving parts, making it suitable for residential environments, * There is no need for over-speed control, leading to fewer parts, effectively leading to fewer parts, simpler maintenance and lower costs. Most materials used in manufacturing are cheap and easy to get in most places, making, the system simple and cheap to repair, even in remote areas, The main disadvantages of using a VAWT instead of a horizontal axis system are that the system generally needs to be placed near the ground, where the wind speed is lower. Additionally, there is a lower aerodynamic efficiency compared to horizontal axis systems. ‘These factors lead to lower speed rotations, so a multiplier gear box is necessary for production of a significant amount of energy. WO 2011011018 PCT/US2009/051732 4 Within the broad realm of vertical axis systems, there are two main classifications of systems - Savonius and Darrieus, The Savonius type is based on wind drag rotating the blades and using the force from the rotation to turn a generator, This means that the blades of the turbine form scoops, effectively creating a different wind resistance from one side than from the other. This creates a pressure difference, and will cause a rotation of the central shaft regardless of wind direction. Darrieus type VAWT systems use lift instead of drag, That would allow the turbine to spin faster, as lil would exert a constant directional force based loosely on the angle of attack of the turbine blades, and the wind would exert significant forces correlated to the wind speed, but not limited by it. The more complicated forees involved in a Darrieus type turbine ‘mean more forces in more directions and higher speed, severely complicating the d n, raising the necessary quality of materials, and raising price, maintenance and repair costs significantly. Additionally, a Darrieus type turbine requires a clear area to rotate efficiently, and needs to be higher in order to access stronger and more constant winds. This requires a longer shaft made of a stronger material, which would be much more difficult to manufacture while satisfying our restraints ~ cost effective, collapsible, lightweight, and easily reparable. Additional issues are that Darrieus rotors, when stationary, cannot generate a rotational force from wind ~ even with relatively high wind speeds ~ and therefore require a separate starting system, and that the same exposure to higher wind speeds via longer shafts and systems mounted higher also exposes the rotors to extreme conditions, which the system is very sensitive to. Savonius designs, based on drag, mean fewer forees, lower forces and lower RPM. While the design would limit rotation velocity at the edge of the blades to the wind velocity, it also limits wear on the system and the forees involved. It also allows for a much simpler blade WO 2011011018 PCT/US2009/051732 5 design, allowing for an easily collapsible blade design. The slower velocities in the system means the generator will never spin too fast, and that we therefore do not need to worry about a brake system or a complex control system. The fact that the system by shifting pressures around the rotors means that the system can start on its own, eliminating the need for a separate starter system. In other words, the Darricus type turbines may be more technically efficient and have a higher power density, but they are not practical for our purposes considering the added expense of manufacturing and maintaining the systems or the added complications of requiring a taller shaft and assorted control systems, Comparison between two types of vertical axis wind turbine: Type Savonius Darrieus Rotor efficiency (%) 19-23 30-40 Power density ( Wim2) 175 ( Windside company) | 470(Turby company) Acoustic emission (Dba) | 20 >70 vibration Not appreciable Vibration due to intermittency of aerodynamic forces can cause serious oscillations Maximum speed Limited by wind speed Limited by centrifugal forces that can be withstood by the system Started from an auxiliary Type of starter Self starting system WO 2011011018 PCT/US2009/051732 The electrical generator attached to the turbine can be one of two types ~ synchronous or asynchronous (also known as induction generators). Synchronous generators work by rotating electromagnetic fields (or electromagnets) surrounded by coils that induces an alternating current (an AC voltage) in a three phase structure surrounding it, This requires a permanent magnet made of a good material, and a constant rotation speed (thus “synchronous”). An induction, or asynchronous, generator, on the other hand, uses rotating magnetic flux to generate energy when the generator spins faster than the synchronous frequency. Synchronous generators can generate more power more efficiently, and are therefore generally more useful for high volume power generation, but are preferably not employed for our situation. The advantages of an asynchronous, or induction, generator are as follows: * There is a lower material cost, since synchronous type ust s permanent magnets that are expensive and sensitive to overheating, * The integrated electronie controls in an asynchronous system allow the energy production to be switched on and off, or only tumed on within a certain RPM range, so that itis not necessary to use a wind speed sensor. Over a certain speed the turbine can be allowed to tum freely, so that the generator will not overheat. * The asynchronous generator is simpler to repair, heavy-duty, water resistant, and three times less sensitive to overheat problems compared to permanent magnet type. It also does not require brushing or commutators. * Asyneluronous generators can generate electricity at varying speeds. WO 2011011018 PCT/US2009/051732 1 The major problems with the current versions of these generators are: * Dimensions of the earlier versions are not as portable as they need to be. * Heavy weight. * High required cut-in wind speed to move the turbine, * Anneed to install the turbine in an elevated position, usually on a tower. + A need to achieve a suitable structure by creating a fixed base. + A need fora structure that can be adjusted according to the direction of the wind, * High cost. * Danger to the avian fauna that may be affected by the blades. Competitors at a prototype level Unlike the present invention, US Patent No. 7241105 has a different structure, no spiral shape, no conical shape, no disks at the top and bottom of the rotor, and a center axis structural mast rather than a mast outside the rotors, Unlike the present invention, US Patent No. 6966747 has a different structure, three blades, no disks at the top and bottom of the rotor, no collapsible system, no fabric for the blade, no spiral shape, no conieal shape, and a center axis structural mast rather than a mast outside the rotors. Unlike the present invention, US Patent No, 7132760 has a different structure, no collapsible system, no fabrie for the blade, no conical shape, and a center axis structural mast rather than a mast outside the rotors. WO 2011011018 PCT/US2009/051732 8 Unlike the present invention, US Patent No. 6428275 has a different structure, no disks at the top and bottom of the rotor, no collapsible system, no fabric for the blade, no spiral shape, no conical shape, and a center axis structural mast rather than a mast outside the rotors. Unlike the present invention, US Patent No, 6272429 has a different structure, no collapsible system, no fabric for the blade, no spiral shape, no conical shape, the two rotors are mounted on the top of the other rather than side by side, and a center axis structural mast rather than a mast outside the rotors, Unlike the present invention, US Patent No, 6015258 has a different structure, no disks at the top and bottom of the rotor, no collapsible system, no fabric for the blade, and a center axis structural mast rather than a mast outside the rotors. Unlike the present invention, US Patent No, 5171127 has a different structure, a blade area change during use, no spiral shape, and no conical shape, no disks at the top and bottom of the rotor, Unlike the present invention, US Patent No, 4830570 has a different structure, no spiral shape, no conical shape, no collapsible system, and no fabric for the blade. Unlike the present invention, US Patent No, 4624624 has a different structure, no savonius system, no disks at the top and bottom of the rotor, and a center axis structural mast rather than a mast outside the rotors. Unlike the present invention, US Patent No. 4342539 has a different structure, no spiral shape, no conical shape, and no disks at the top and bottom of the rotor. Unlike the present invention, US Patent No, 3941504 has a different structure, no disks at the top and bottom of the rotor, no collapsible system, and a center axis structural mast rather than a mast outside the rotors. WO 2011011018 PCT/US2009/051732 9 The other products currently available using Savonius type rotors with vertical axis’ are combinations of multiple standard Savonius turbines stacked on each other, rotating in either the same or opposing directions, The generator is located in between the two rotors so that no gear box is needed (the rotation is automatically doubled). While this solves one major problem with Savonius turbines, lack of efficiency at low speeds, it does not address the other problems mentioned above. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention is a vertical, Savonius type wind turbine with an asynchronous induction generator. Its lightweight, requires little maintenance, assembles quickly and casi connects to any existing structure, occupies a minimum amount of space when disassembled, is modular, is capable of being installed in multiple positions, is available as an auxiliary power unit on motor-homes or boats, is operational at low wind speeds, is height-adjustable according to wind speed, efficient, and is suitable for places where typhoons are frequent. Since there is no rigid frame or supporting pole, the turbine is lightweight. There is little maintenance necessary, and any necessary maintenance is easy, since the turbine is made with very few parts, most of which are easily available locally. It is simple and fast to assemble, so that anybody can install it themselves following a few simple instructions. It is adaptable to any existing tall structure, such as a tree, the top of a rock, the edge of a rooftop, or it can be made available with a standard pole to mount on the ground, It takes up very minimal space when disassembled, so it is casy to transport in a car trunk or in a large backpack. Similarly, a large WO 2011011018 PCT/US2009/051732 0 quantity of systems can be shipped in one container, so there is a low price for shipping, and it is, easy to transport, It is modular, so that several turbines can be mounted on a single axis. It is intended to be installed vertically, but can also be installed horizontally or at any angle in between, It will be available as auxiliary power unit on motor-home or boats, thanks to quick and easy assembly and installation and the small amount of space it occupies when disassembled, It can start producing energy with low winds due to a large wing surface area exposed to the wind, Itis easy to change the turbine height, angle, or size in order to adapt to wind speed, so that in a place with low wind speed the surface area of the turbine is increased and where wind speed is high the surface area can be reduced, This is possible because the materials used for the blade system is flexible, allowing for the blades to flex in different shapes (and into a more or less extreme helix formation) and are inexpensive, so that itis inexpensive to make alternate turhine blades available. The system produces very little centrifugal force, allowing the blade structure to last, and allowing the system to change speeds quickly in response to quick changes in wind intensity. Even a short gust of wind can be converted into energy, and efficiency of production can be increased, The system is suitable for places where typhoons are a frequent (such as Caribbean states or India), since it can be disassembled quickly and easily to be taken out of the way. Additionally, if winds are not too high, it can stay in position because Savonius turbines are not overly speed sensitive, and asynchronous generators can be tured off to allow the system to spin freely, This design has several advantages over systems already on the market. The main WO 2011011018 PCT/US2009/051732 uW innovation is portability, and the assembly is simple using local supporting structure. Even if a supporting structure is provided with the system, the light weight of the overall system is extremely innovative, as VAWT systems are normally very heavy compared to HAWT systems. The advantage of having such a light frame is that the light frame protects the system against weather condition, leading to a low inertia system with very little centrifugal force, leading to much less wear than competing systems. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS Figure 1 shows the basic invention as assembled, Figure 2 shows a second preferred embodiment of the invention. Figure 3 shows a top view of the invention, Figure 4 shows third embodiment of the invention. Figure 5 shows a fourth embodiment of the invention, Figure 6 shows a view of the invention as disassembled. Figure 7 shows the invention with the auto-orienting feature, WO 2011011018 PCT/US2009/051732 2 Figure 8 shows a fifth embodiment of the invention DETAILED DESCRIPTION AND PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS The present invention is a wind turbine that targets energy production in an urban environment and in places difficult to reach, because of lack of roads or distance from civilization, It provides energy for residential use, The basic idea is to be able to generate elcotricity economically — and the present invention does this because it has wide surface area revolution, and the present invention is capable of maintaining motion with very weak winds The structure is flexible, lightweight and removable, The principle is to have a turbine, without a structurally rigid mount, that can be quickly attached to an existing structure like a tree, the top of a rock, the roof of a house, The turbine is light, and once removed you can carry in a short space (like the boot of a car or inside a large backpack to carry on your back). The total weight for a turbine of rated power of 1 kW to 14 m/s with size of 5 m. height and 1 meter in diameter is approximately 15 kg. The fact of having a device that is so light also leads to the fact that you have little centrifugal force (having a lot of centrifugal force typically causes a structure to deteriorate quickly) and low inertia to follow quickly changes in intensity of the wind; therefore, ‘the present invention is able to extract energy by small gusts of wind. The present invention is a portable cylindrical and conical spiral wind turbine that is composed of a lightweight structure, which may be easily assembled and disassembled to facilitate a temporary installation of the system a needed, Additionally, the portable wind turbine, once disassembled, occupies very little space and can be stored ina bag so that it can be WO 2011011018 PCT/US2009/051732 13 easily transported. A wind turbine built in accordance with the present specifications with a rated power of 1 kW at 12 m/s when mounted 5 meters above the ground, and a base diameter of 1 meter, has a weight of about 10 kg. The basic system has solid caps at the top and bottom of the turbine blades. The turbine itself has caps and blades. Between the two caps is blade with a double semicircular anti symmetrical geometry along a horizontal (appearing as an $ from a cross section cut across a horizontal plane). Along the vertical axis, the blade follows a spiral of 360 °, so as to obtain consistent pressure during the rotation of the turbine. Below the lower disc is the lower electric generator to convert the mechanical energy (rotation) into electricity. The planned overall geometry has a circular shape, with the outside edges shaped like a double helix and covering a volume in the shape of a cylinder. The backbone structure of the turbine consists of a steel cable on the center line under tension and connected at the ends using bearings to fixed parts of the turbine support. The bearings are used to allow for free rotation of the turbine, Bearings connect the turbine to a fixed support structure, Vertical slats are positioned and secured in relation to the spiral structure, connecting the hard disks, They slide into a sheath on the sail, throughout the length of the sail. The slats hold the correct shape of the blade, Horizontal slats are positioned so as to be slightly compressed through the pockets positioned at the edge of the blade. The horizontal slats are used to keep the shape of the wing to S horizontal, These slats are positioned orthogonally to the longitudinal slats, WO 2011011018 PCT/US2009/051732 WW The blade of the turbine is tightened and held in a crescent shape with battens securing the shape at the ends and at several points in the middle, The sail is made of durable, lightweight fabric, which can withstand severe weather. The generator is mounted under the hard cap at the end of the turbine, the other end of the generator with the fixed part (the rotor) anchored to the ground. A second preferred embodiment of the present invention has two of the turbines linked together using a larger housing that can redirect wind into the system, raising the overall efficiency of the system. In this embodiment, the system uses a backing to redirect wind that flows past the system back into the system. This system is built similarly to the individual turbines, but with the addition of a pole and structure in order to extract the maximum amount of energy possible from the wind, Referring now to Fig. 1, a turbine (1) comprises a coupling deviee (20) attached at one end to a support structure (11) and at the other end to an upper be: 1g (2). The upper bearing is attached to an upper base (4). A sail (10) is attached to the upper base (4) and extends down vertically in a helical shape from the upper base (4), The bottom end of the sail (10) is attached toa lower base (5). The lower base (5) is attached to a lower bearing (3), which is contained within a generator (12). A cable (9) extends vertically along a center axis of the sail (10) and attaches to the upper base (4) at its top end and the bottom base (5) at its lower end. WO 2011011018 PCT/US2009/051732 15 Still referring to Fig. 1, along the sail (10) are longitudinal slats (6) that provide a frame for the sail (10). On both sides of the sail (10) there is a series of sheaths (19) in which to insert the transverse slats (7) with semicircular diameter equal to half the width of the sail (10), the are of which is fixed within the surface of sail throughout its length and by the transverse battens (8), and each of these slats is mirrored on the opposite of the sail, leading to semicircles in each half of the sail (10). These battens (8) are in a series that grows vertically across the width of the same sail, with each batten (8) echoed on the opposite sides of the sail in plain view, giving the appearance of an "S", Corresponding to cach batten (8), on the opposite side of the sail (10), there are the transverse sheaths (19) used to insert the transverse slats (7). The Sail (10) is also equipped with longitudinal sheaths (18) to hold longitudinal slats (6), with those longitudinal sheaths (18) running along the height of the turbine (1), with two sheaths along the outside edges of the wing itself and two along the line joining the midpoints of the semicircular horizontal cross sheaths (19). While in this form of execution, the battens (8) and the corresponding transverse sheaths (19) develop orthogonally with respect to the longitudinal sheaths (18) and longitudinal slats (6) and parallel to the upper base (4) and lower base (5), it will be obvious to experts in the field that other configurations can also be used, such as configurations in which the battens (8) are angled with respect to the upper base (4) and lower base (5). Still referring to Fig. 1, the installation and assembly of the turbine (1) is very simple. Each of the transverse slats (7) is inserted in their respes sheath (19) and locked into place using an enclosure, such as a strap closure. These transverse slats (7) and sheaths (19) correspond to the length of the circumference of the semi-circle carved out by the battens (8), so that when the transverse slats (7) are fixed in position by the eross-sheaths (19) they will take a WO 2011011018 PCT/US2009/051732 16 position corresponding to the semi circular construction of the battens. ‘The end result of this, construction is that it will lead to a compression resulting in the application of an elastic force that will keep the sail (10) permanently stretched in the position described above, which is an c: We ach longitudinal slat (6) is slipped into their respective longitudinal sheath (18) built into the sail (10) and running along its height. Subsequently, each of those longitudinal slats (18) is fixed at one end to the upper base (4) and at the other, to the lower base (5). The second fixing points are arranged relative to the first, in the same “S” profile as defined by the battens (8) and slats (7). The cable (9) that defines the center of the turbine (10) through the holes in the middle of the top base disc (4) and bottom base disc (5), this cable (9) being fixed by the upper bearings (2) and bottom bearing (3). Putting the cable (9) in tension, compresses the longitudinal slats (6) so that they are initially compressed between the top (4) and bottom bases (5). This foree is countered by having the longitudinal slats (6) locked into the corresponding longitudinal sheath (18) and at each end, at the top (4) and bottom base (5). The longitudinal slats (18) apply a force of clastic retum countering the cable tension which applies torsion to the top base (4) relative to the bottom hase (5), giving the sail (10) a spiral shape in which these slats apply elastic foree to the top and bottom discs in a similar manner to that of a spring under compression. The forces result in the sal (10) holding a double helix cross-sectional shape (Fig. 2) similar to an "S" (Figures 4 and 5). The Overall sail (10) with the resulting double helix shape occupies a cylindrical volume framed by the two bases (4, 5) and the outer edges of the sail, with a height corresponding at a level set using the tension in the cable (9). The double helix shape in the sail is contained by the bases above (2) and below (3), and twists into a spiral within the volume delimited by them and defined by the tension in the cable (9). WO 2011011018 PCT/US2009/051732 7 Applying more force through the cable (9) will result in a shorter sail and a more accentuated double helix shape. Conversely, by applying a lower tension through the cable (9), will result in a taller sail and a less accentuated double helix shape. This allows for fine adjustment to the turbine (1), with the upper limit defined by the tension that would cross the clastic limit in the longitudinal slats (6), and a lower limit that would result in an overall structure not sufficiently stiffened by the tension. The cable (9) is set at top and bottom by axial thrust bearings at the upper bearing (2) and lower bearing (3). These bearings allow for free rotation of the turbine (1) relative to the coupling (20). This would also result in a significant friction reduction resulting in improved turbine efficiency in the conversion of kinetic wind energy into mechanical energy using the rotation of the turbine (1). When installed, the turbine (1) will start rotating at a very low wind speed due to its cross-sectional "S" configuration combined with its double helix configuration. The presence of these bearings on the top (2) and bottom (3) reduces friction, improving efficiency. The cross slats (7) are used to maintain the "S" shape of the turbine (10), the longitudinal slats (6) work as to maintain the double helix shape of the wing (10) and to transmit the load generated by the wind forces applied to the wing (10) to the bottom base disc (5), from which this load passes to the rotor. The axial flux lightweight generator (12), when set in motion through rotation of the lower base (5), produces electric energy by converting the mechanical energy of rotation of the WO 2011011018 PCT/US2009/051732 18 turbine (1), This rotation is produced when a kinetic force, such as wind, rotates our lightweight turbine. In one preferred embodiment of the invention, the longitudinal slats (6) are made of fiber- glass using a tubular section, but it will be obvious to experts in the field that other types of materials, cross sections or configurations can be used, In one alternate preferred embodiment slats dismantle and fold on themselves, are made of metal or fiber composite, consist of several consecutive sections held together by a flexible wire, and are fixed at the beginning and end of the series of section components. In the first preferred embodiment, the cross slats (7) are also made of fiber glass, the cross section is rectangular and is axially straight, but it will be obvious to experts in the field that other materials, cross sections, or configurations can be easily substituted. In this preferred embodiment, the top base disc (4) and bottom base disc (5) are circular and made of a single piece, but it will be obvious to experts in the field that other means can be used, Additionally, alternate configurations are contemplated and will be obvious to experts in the field, such as folding or removable bases for further reducing the overall size, weight, and footprint of the turbine when disassembled for transport. In an altemative implementation of the bottom disc (5), may have a diameter smaller than the diameter of the top base, providing the sail with a conical shape. The sail (10) can be made of any durable, lightweight fabric materials, capable of resisting weather and strong winds for many WO 2011011018 PCT/US2009/051732 19 years, such as a canvas mesh, Again, it will be obvious to experts in the field that an alternative material can be used and is contemplated for this purpose. The structure of the sail (10) is flexible, lightweight and removable, so that it can be easily transportable when disassembled as described above, such as in a bag or backpack. It can be easily disassembled and assembled in a short amount of time. The turbine is designed to be easily attached to an existing structure without requiring the creation of a special supporting structures and fasteners, which makes it easy to use in isolated locations not covered by any mainstream electricity network. It also allows for easy temporary use while traveling, since structures will often be available in a trip which involves frequent changes of locations, While the preferred embodiment of this turbine present in the illustrations and schematics provided contains a vertical axis of rotation, an alternative orientation is contemplated. The turbine can be installed with the axis of rotation resting horizontally or inclined, depending on the arrangement of available structures at the site at which the turbine is mounted. As such, the turbine can be fixed between two trees placed at a distance roughly corresponding to the length of the wind turbine, The orientation can also be selected based on other factors, such as wind speed and direction. When compared to conventional portable generators operating on fuel, the turbine (1) presents several advantages. It is lighter and easier to carry, quieter, uses a renewable resource, thereby saving energy, and does not require a continuous supply of fuel. The total cost of the WO 2011011018 PCT/US2009/051732 20 turbine (1) is reduced due to the simplicity of the design, the inexpensive materials used, and the lack of moving parts that would req The lighter structure used also leads to reduced centrifugal force, which in turn reduces the deterioration of the structure. A smaller moment of inertia also makes possible a faster tracking of changes in wind intensity thus allowing the turbine to extract more energy from smaller gusts of wind. It also ensures consistent operation even with low wind intensity. The double helix geometry along the vertical axis uses its spiral configuration to obtain a constant torque during the rotation of the turbine (1) independent of the direction of the wind. The structure itself is safe for avian fauna that is not likely to be affected by the turbine in motion, The turbine will be perceived by fauna as full cylindrical and, therefore, as an obstacle that cannot be bypassed, It will be obvious to experts in the field that the turbine (1), in addition to the generator (12), can be equipped with a battery system to allow it to provide energy during temporary lapses in wind and the battery system can be equipped with charge regulators to protect the batteries from overload or excessive discharge. The turbine (1) may be advantageously also combined (Figures 7 and 8) into a self-orienting structure (17) using the wind for orientation. This structure acts as a support to two or more turbines (1) through a top base dise support (13) and bottom disc support (14) and a longitudinal support (15), comprising a sail (16) that would naturally tur the overall structure (17) to achieve the correct orientation according to the wind direction.

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