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(MCQ) questions sample Dr. Ahmad .S.


Blood & Immunity

Q1: Mechanism of blood elements production is called:

a) Hemopoiesis. b) Hemostasis. c) Homeostasis. d) Erythropoiesis. e) Leukopoiesis.

Q2: Hemopoiesis is:

a) formation of erythrocytes. b) formation of leukocytes.

c) formation of platelets. d) all the above are correct.
e) both a & b are correct.

Q3: The plasma protein per 100 ml of blood in a normal adult male is about:

a) 7.5 mg. b) 7.5 gm. c) 7.5 kg. d) 7.5 µg. e) none of the above.

Q4: Concerning the RBC:

a) it has a diameter of about 3.5 µm. b) it has a biconcave shape.

c) it produced by the liver and spleen only. d) its normal number is 5 – 6 X 106 / cm.
e) its life spans is 120 months.

Q5: Concerning RBCs which of the following is not true:

a) they do not have a nucleus.

b) their normal count is about 5 millions / mm3.
c) they are about 45% of the total blood volume.
d) they contain over 80 grams of Hb per 100 ml of blood.
e) none of the above is correct.

Q6: All of the following cause anemia EXCEPT:

a) a decrease in the number of WBCs. b) erythroblastosis fetalis. c) bone marrow failure.

d) decreased vit B12 absorption. e) decreased iron absorption.

Q7: Pernicious anemia is due to:

a) failure of bone marrow function. b) hemorrhage. c) folic acid deficiency.

d) IF deficiency. e) iron deficiency.

(MCQ) questions sample Dr. Ahmad .S. Alarabi

Q8: Erythropoietin hormone:

a) is secreted mainly by the liver. b) is secreted mainly by the pancreas.

c) stimulates RBCs formation. d) stimulates WBCs formation. e) leads to sever anemia.

Q9: The main cause of megaloblastic anemia is:

a) iron deficiency. b) destruction of bone marrow. c) acute blood loss.

d) RBCs Hemolysis. e) vit B 12 deficiency.

Q10: The intrinsic factor (IF) is important for:

a) absorption of vitamin K. b) absorption of vitamin B12 at the terminal ileum.

c) absorption of iron. d) blood coagulation. e) both a & b are correct.

Q11: Which of the following is the main stimulus for erythropoiesis:

a) thyroid hormones. b) hypoxia. c) high protein diet.

d) growth hormone. e) both a & d are correct.

Q12: Concerning the RBC:

a) it has a diameter of about 7.5 micrometer. b) its life span is 120 days.
c) is produced by the liver and spleen in fetus. d) all the above are correct.
e) both a & b are correct.

Q13: Which of the following statements about RBCs is correct:

a) have antibodies on their membrane surface. b) their count in women is 10 million / cubic mm.
c) their life span is 6 months. d) have antigen on their membrane surface.
e) none of the above is correct.

Q14: Aplastic anemia:

a) is caused by bone marrow depression. b) is caused by vitamin B12 deficiency.

c) is caused by folic acid deficiency. d) results from iron deficiency.
e) is characterized by decreased RBC volume (size).

Q15: Which of the following is CORRECT concerning the eosinophilic granulocytes:

a) they produce antibodies. b) they contain heparin.

c) they are weak phagocytic cells. d) they have no nuclei.
e) they are attracted to a site of tissue damage by chemical agents.

(MCQ) questions sample Dr. Ahmad .S. Alarabi

Q16: Which of the following statements is CORRECT concerning the basophilic granulocytes:

a) they produce antibodies. b) they contain heparin. c) they are phagocytic WBCs.
d) they have no nuclei. e) they are attracted to a site of tissue damage by chemical agents.

Q17: Leucopenia is characterized by deficiency of:

a) WBC number. b) hemoglobin value. c) protein C. d) platelets number. e) vitamin B12.

Q18: The most abundant of leukocytes are the:

a) Neutrophils. b) eosinophils. c) basophils. d) monocytes. e) lymphocytes.

Q19: Which of the following cells secretes heparin:

a) Neutrophils. b) eosinophils. c) basophils. d) T-lymphocytes. e) B-lymphocytes.

Q20: Phagocytosis is the main function of:

a) B-lymphocytes. b) T-helper cells. c) monocytes. d) basophils. e) platelets.

Q21: Phagocytosis is the main function of:

a) B-lymphocytes. b) T helper cells. c) Neutrophils. d) basophils. e) platelets.

Q22: Which of the following statements about agranulocytes is INCORRECT:

a) some of them are produced by the thymus.

b) some of them are produced by the bone marrow.
c) they are capable of changing into mast cells.
d) they are capable of changing into plasma cells.
e) they perform an important phagocytic function.

Q23: Which of the following statements about monocytes is correct:

a) it is converted into macrophages in an inflamed tissue.

b) it is more active in the blood than in the attacked tissue.
c) it is produced in the adult by the liver.
d) it does not accumulate outside the circulation in an area of inflammation.
e) it is classified as granulocytes.

Q24: The immunoglobulin responsible for allergic disorders is:

a) IgA. b) IgD. c) IgG. d) IgM. e) IgE.

(MCQ) questions sample Dr. Ahmad .S. Alarabi

Q25: Which of the following is INCORRECT concerning the neutrophilic granulocytes:

a) they produce antibodies. b) they are attracted to a site of tissue damage by chemical agents.
c) they contain histamine. d) they are phagocytic WBCs. e) both a & c.

Q26: The cell-mediated immunity is:

a) an antibody formation. b) a function of B-lymphocytes.

c) a function of granulocytes. d) a function of T-lymphocytes.
e) a function of agranulocytes.

Q27: Immunoglobulins (antibodies) are produced by:

a) granulocytes. b) erythrocytes. c) monocytes.

d) T-lymphocytes. e) B-lymphocytes (plasma cells).

Q28: Cell mediated immunity is considered as:

a) B lymphocyte immunity. b) both B & T lymphocyte immunity.

c) innate immunity. d) reticuloendothelial system. e) T lymphocyte immunity.

Q29: The humoral immunity is:

a) an antibody formation. b) a function of B lymphocytes.

c) a function of granulocytes. d) all of the above are correct.
e) both a & b are correct.

Q30: Antibodies are:

a) produced by plasma cells. b) produced by basophils.

c) produced by T lymphocytes. d) responsible for humoral and cellular immunities.
e) non specific, each antibody attacks several kinds of antigens.

Q31: Which of the following is a function of platelets:

a) release of heparin. b) formation of antibodies. c) destroying bacteria.

d) formation of plug. e) formation of hemoglobin.

Q32: Which of the following is important for hemostasis:

a) formation of platelet plug. b) vasoconstriction.

c) formation of insoluble fibrin threads. d) all the above are correct.
e) none of the above is correct.

(MCQ) questions sample Dr. Ahmad .S. Alarabi

Q33: Which of the following is normally circulating in the plasma:

a) prothrombin. b) fibrin. c) plasmin. d) thrombin.

e) prothrombinase (prothrombin activator).

Q34: a classic hemophilia is a deficiency of:

a) antihemophilic A factor. b) antihemophilic B factor. c) antihemophilic C factor.

d) platelet number. e) vitamin K.

Q35: Vitamin K is essential for synthesis of:

a) erythrocytes. b) leukocytes. c) platelets. d) hemoglobin.

e) clotting factors VII, XI, and X.

Q36: Thrombocytopenic purpura is characterized by deficiency of:

a) RBC number. b) hemoglobin value. c) WBC value.

d) platelets number. e) vitamin B12.

Q37: Prothrombin to be activated to thrombin needs:

a) factor XIII. b) fibrin. c) factor V. d) factor X. e) both c & d are correct.

Q38: Concerning platelets, all are true EXCEPT:

a) their number is 250,000 to 500,000 / mm3 of blood.

b) are produced in the bone marrow.
c) they are nucleated cells.
d) are essential for retraction of blood clot.
e) a decrease in their number produces an increase in bleeding time.

Q39: Bleeding is usually prolonged in:

a) hemophilia. b) thrombocytopenia. c) vitamin K deficiency.

d) only a & c are correct. e) a, b, and c are correct.

Q40: Blood coagulation is inhibited by:

a) vitamin K. b) Ca++. c) heparin. d) thrombin. e) tissue factor (TF).

Q41: Intrinsic mechanism of blood clotting starts by activation of:

a) factor IX. b) factor X. c) factor XI. d) factor XII. e) factor XIII.

(MCQ) questions sample Dr. Ahmad .S. Alarabi

Q42: It is correct to say that:

a) prothrombinaze (prothrombin activator) converts prothrombin into thrombin.

b) thrombin converts plasminogen into plasmin.
c) platelets secrete clotting factor III.
d) heparin is a coagulant factor.
e) basophils are phagocytic cells.

Q43: Concerning the platelets:

a) its cytoplasm contains dense granules. b) it has a biconcave shape.

c) its normal number is 5 – 6 X 106 / mm3. d) it releases heparin.
e) it is a nucleated cells.

Q44: Factor VII (stable factor) to be activated needs:

a) factor XIII. b) fibrin. c) factor V. d) factor X. e) tissue factor (factor III) (TF).

Q45: In the intrinsic pathway for blood coagulation:

a) blood trauma is the first event to occur.

b) presence of Ca++ is essential to activate factor IX.
c) activated factor XI activates factor IX.
d) all the above are true. e) only a & c are correct.

Q46: inherent immunity includes all of the following except:

a) skin. b) acidity of the stomach. c) phagocytic leucocytes.

d) B-lymphocytes. e) complement system.

Q47: a person having a blood group AB+:

a) has only antigen A on the surface of RBC. b) is know as universal donor.

c) has antibody B (anti B) in the plasma. d) has antibody A (anti A) in the plasma.
e) has antigen A & B and D on the surface of RBC.

Q48: Which of the following statement is correct:

a) the cells of an Rh – have the D antigen.

b) the absence of anti A in the plasma means the person blood group is A or AB.
c) the transfusion of AB blood into an O recipient does not lead to transfusion reaction.
d) the absence of anti A in the plasma means the person blood group is O.
e) the absence of anti A and anti B means the person blood group is O.

(MCQ) questions sample Dr. Ahmad .S. Alarabi

Q49: Which of the following represents the most potentially dangerous situation:

a) an Rh+ mother who is bearing her second Rh– child.

b) an Rh+ mother who is bearing her first Rh– child.
c) an Rh– mother who is bearing her first Rh+ child.
d) an Rh– mother who is bearing her second Rh+ child.
e) an Rh– mother who is bearing her second Rh– child.

Q50: It is correct to say that:

a) leukopenia is caused by an increase in WBCs.

b) thrombocytopenia is caused by an increase in platelet number.
c) polycythemia vera is caused by an increase in RBCs number.
d) hemophilia is caused by deficiency of vitamin K.
e) first immune response is more potent than second immune response.

Q51: Which of the following is correct:

a) megaloblastic anemia is caused by hemorrhage.

b) skin resistance is part of the acquired immunity.
c) vaccination improves (strengthen) the innate immunity.
d) in fibrinolysis plasminogen has to be activated into plasmin.
e) megaloblastic anemia is caused by failure of bone marrow function.

Q52: Which of the following is correct:

a) WBCs count in adult male is 5 millions per cubic mm.

b) normal Hb concentration in females is 10 grams %.
c) in polycythemia the hematocrit decreases.
d) antithrombin III is an anticoagulant.
e) basophils secretes (release) histamine, heparin, and serotonin.

Q53: Antithrombin III:

a) is a beta globulin.
b) is secreted by the mast cells.
c) stimulating clotting mechanisms.
d) causes clotting retraction.
e) heparin increases its activity.

(MCQ) questions sample Dr. Ahmad .S. Alarabi

Q54: Which of the following is correct:

a) the release of tissue factor III occurs in the intrinsic pathway of blood coagulation.
b) hemophilia is a bleeding disorder caused by deficiency of factor VIII.
c) the primary response (antibody response) is more potent than the secondary response.
d) the primary response (antibody response) is more rapid than the secondary response.
e) both primary and secondary responses occur upon the first exposure to an antigen.

Q55: Which of the following is correct:

a) protein C is a clotting factor.

b) fibrin threads are soluble.
c) plasma cells originates from T-lymphocytes.
d) immunoglobulins are produced by T-lymphocytes.
e) the clotting factor prothrombin activator is an enzyme.

Q56: Which of the following statements about blood is correct:

a) in leukemia the count of WBCs decreased.

b) T lymphocytes exhibit (show) chemotaxis.
c) vit K is required for the synthesis of some clotting factors.
d) normal value of Hb in men is 20 – 22 gm / 100ml.
e) the primary immune response is more potent than the secondary immune response.

(MCQ) questions sample Dr. Ahmad .S. Alarabi

Question Answer Question Answer

1 a 29 e
2 d 30 a
3 b 31 d
4 b 32 d
5 d 33 a
6 a 34 a
7 d 35 e
8 c 36 d
9 e 37 e
10 b 38 c
11 b 39 e
12 d 40 c
13 d 41 d
14 a 42 a
15 c 43 a
16 b 44 e
17 a 45 e
18 a 46 d
19 c 47 e
20 c 48 b
21 c 49 d
22 c 50 c
23 a 51 d
24 e 52 e
25 e 53 e
26 d 54 b
27 e 55 e
28 e 56 c

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