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Bachelor of Science in Nursing:

NCMA 219 RLE(Care of Mother and Child at Risk)

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Pre – Eclampsia

✔ Read and study the case presented

✔ Answer the specific questions
✔ Prepare a powerpoint and present during the scheduled case presentation

At the end of this unit, the students are expected to:

✔ Recognize and appropriately evaluate a case scenario concerning pre-eclampsia.

✔ Create a thorough nursing care plan based on the given case scenario.
✔ Present a nursing care plan using the case scenario that has been provided.

Patient R, 19 years of age, G1P0 39-week AOG was admitted on February 20, 2024
with a chief complaint of labor pain. On admission, her vital signs were as follows: body temperature
37.1C, heart rate of 70 bpm, respiratory rate of 18 bpm, and elevated blood pressure of 220/120
mmHg. Due to the high blood pressure, she was promptly referred to a health care provider and was
advised to undergo an emergency Cesarean Section.
Medications were promptly administered to manage her high blood pressure (Hydralazine and
Magnesium Sulfate) and prevent potential complications. The cesarean section procedure began at
1:48 am of February 21, 2024, with the delivery of the baby occurring at 1:53 am. The procedure was
successfully completed at 2:41 am. Both the mother and baby were in stable condition post-procedure;
however, the mother necessitated continued hospitalization for further monitoring. The patient had a
prior diagnosis of preeclampsia attributed to uncontrolled high blood pressure and denied any other
significant medical history. During further assessment, she stated a family history of hypertension with
both her mother and grandmother having been diagnosed with the condition.

The patient verbalized she was not in a state of good health because of the physical changes of
pregnancy. She can perform activities of daily living and regularly attend checkups. She also takes the
vitamins prescribed. She does not smoke but drinks alcohol occasionally. She claimed that she got
diagnosed with hypertension during the 7th month of pregnancy. She admitted she does not believe in
albularyo's and herbal medicines.


1. What are the risk factors you can identify with the above-given scenario?
2. Present the pathophysiology of the case of your patient.
3. Make a drug study of the abovementioned medications.
4. Formulate a nursing care plan (1 actual & 1 potential).
5. Make a discharge plan including health teaching to your patient.

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