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Cover: Sam Manley

Illustration: Sam Manley, Jamie Noble, Orniris Terensi

Writing: Christopher Colston, Zak Dale-Clutterbuck, Chant Evans, Michael Duxbury, Cody Faulk, Chris Handley,
Pádraig Murphy, Ciarán O’Brien, Jude Reid

Graphic Design & Layout: Steve Fidler, Diana Grigorescu, Pádraig Murphy

Proofreading: Andres Montelongo

Developer: Christopher Colston

Senior Producer: Pádraig Murphy

Creative Director: Emmet Byrne

Publisher: Dominic McDowall

Cubicle 7 Creative Team: Dave Allen, Emmet Byrne, Alex Cahill, David F Chapman, Walt Ciechanowski,
Christopher Colston, Elaine Connolly, Josh Corcoran, Jennifer Crispin, Matthew Freeman, Paula Graham,
Diana Grigorescu, Gemma Harper, TS Luikart, Dominic McDowall, Sam Manley, Pádraig Murphy,
Ceíre O’Donoghue, JG O’Donoghue, Yvonne Perry, Laura Jane Phelan, Sam Taylor, and Taryn Wray
Special thanks to the Games Workshop team

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Last Updated: 29th of February, 2024


Credits........................................ 2 The Art of War........................... 77 Progenitors of a Dark God..............124

Uninvited Guests........................ 5 Weapon Traits...................................79 A City of Excruciation.....................125
An Age of Strife................................5 Ranged Weapons........................ 79 Realspace Raids..............................125
The Hand of Chaos...........................5 Laser Weapons..................................79 Paths to Power......................... 125
The Julyanna Crusade.......................6 Darklight Weapons...........................80 Gods and Monsters................... 126
The Imperium in Gilead....................7 Shuriken Weapons............................80 Hakhlenna Deep....................... 128
The Price of Life................................7 Monofilament Ranged Weapons......81

Projectile Weapons............................82
Melta Weapons.................................83
Splinter Weapons..............................84
Vortex Weapons................................84
Exotic Ranged Weapons...................85

Melee Weapons.......................... 86 The Drukhari in Gilead............. 133

Aeldari Factions......................... 10 Powered Melee Weapons..................86 The Harlequins......................... 134
Asuryani...........................................10 Grenades.................................... 90 A Trail of Calamity.................... 136
Wraith Constructs.............................13 Armour...................................... 91 Harlequin’s Motley..........................137
Corsairs..............................................14 Helms and Masks....................... 93 The Webway...................................138
Drukhari............................................15 Upgrades and Equipment........... 95 The Frozen Tear..............................138
Harlequins.........................................18 The Fall of Stars..............................140
Aeldari Archetypes..................... 22
Drukhari Archetypes.................. 36
Harlequin Archetypes................. 47
Corsair Archetypes .................... 52
Ascension Packages................... 57 The Asuryani........................... 100
New Talents................................ 60 Craftworld Ul-Khari.................. 102 Harlequins.......................................146
Playing an Aeldari...................... 63 A Living World............................... 102 Drukhari..........................................147
Playing Drukhari........................ 65 The Broken God............................. 103 Corsairs............................................148
Playing a Corsair........................ 66 Ul-Khari Ornamentation................ 105 The Fate of All Aeldari............. 148
The Tide of Red Frosts....................106

Beneath the Ice................................107
Ongoing Actions.............................107
People of Ul-Khari...........................111
A Sundered Kin...............................113
Soul of Worlds...................................68
Runes of Battle..................................72
THE VOID VI Aeldari Themes........................ 150
Running Mixed PArties............ 152
Frameworks............................. 154

Runes of Fate....................................74
Runes of Fortune..............................75 Lords of the Wine Dark Heavens...115
Privateers of the Void......................116
Any Port in a Storm........................117
Pirates of Gilead..............................118
he Gilead System has long been intertwined Advanced bio-engineering techniques were used to
with the collective destiny of the Aeldari, from mould barren planets into virtual paradises — one
their very primordial origins through to the wonder among countless others. Slowly, their dominion
present age. grew in power, in brilliance, and in arrogance.

In the ancient past, what would come to be known as The system that would one day be named Gilead
the Gilead System was once a Necron dominion during has seen countless beings traverse its breadth, the
the devastating conflict known as the War in Heaven. Aeldari included, whose scholars were interested in
Untold destruction scoured the galaxy, unleashing unravelling the fate of the vanished Necron tomb
weapons of war so terrible they extinguished stars world. Later, they turned their attention to a barren
and rent the very firmament asunder. and lifeless planet and determined that it should
become a paradise, a maiden world, a monument
Gilead was not spared this devastation. When the to their civilisation and their gods. It was named
Necrons threw down their C’tan masters and brought Aral’dha, an auspicious moniker meaning ‘flower of
the war to a close, the Lezektekhan dynasty chose one dawn’ in one dialect of the Aeldari lexicon. Desolate
of the blasted planets that remained as their resting rock became verdant earth, lush and abundant, and
place. In due course, even that tomb world would be the world they created was worthy of its name.
shattered, and Gilead was all but abandoned.
Their work done, the scholars and artisans who had
In the wake of the War in Heaven, the stars were made Aral’dha returned to the heart of the Aeldari
inherited by those species created by the Old Ones. empire. There they found that much they had once
Among them were the Aeldari. Powerfully psychic thought pleasant now seemed crass by comparison.
and technologically adept, they came to dominate A few began to suspect something was amiss among
the galaxy. At the peak of their might nothing was their kin, but for the most part they kept these fears
4 beyond their reach, their powers were godlike and to themselves. None guessed at just how dire the
their armies were nigh on undefeatable. situation had become.
Not unlike the seasonal flowers so carefully engineered MORTAL RUINATION
to grow across Aral’dha’s many biomes, the Aeldari While the Aeldari attempted to save what they could
civilisation had blossomed, and so too would it wilt. of their civilisation, the Humans of the Gilead System
found troubles of their own. The system reconnected
Having long wanted for nothing, each Aeldari could with the rest of Humanity during the Great Crusade, SYSTEM
spend their long life sating every passing whim. Some, mostly without bloodshed, but this peace was not to
such as those who crafted Aral’dha, spent their years last. The Emperor’s nascent Imperium soon burned AELDARI
in noble pursuits. Others surrendered to their most in the fires of Horus’s ambition, and Gilead was
depraved impulses, and many exotic cults dedicated not spared from devastation. A battle group of the PSYCHIC
to obsessive excess and esoteric knowledge sprung Emperor’s Children on its way to lay siege to Terra,
up. Over time, whole worlds became consumed by almost as an afterthought, all but scoured the Gilead ARMOURY
terrible passions. System of life.
In time the path became clear — to remain amidst In the centuries that followed Horus’s defeat and the
such corruption was to invite it into one’s own soul. confinement of the Emperor to the Golden Throne, OUTCASTS OF
Many departed upon great world-vessels known as Humanity struggled to rebuild. The Imperium would THE VOID
craftworlds and leaving the Aeldari empire behind lay claim to Gilead yet again, but this state of affairs
them. Those who had made Aral’dha beautiful would not last. When the Emperor’s Children had
gathered together once more and did the same, but laid waste to the Gilead System, it had drawn the SERVANTS OF THE
where others merely fled away and into the dark, eye of dark powers, and Gilead had been marked for
they had a destination in mind. They named their desecration. PANTHEON OF
craftworld ‘Ul-Khari,’ meaning ‘a promise fulfilled,’
and made for the Gilead System. GAMEMASTERS
Craftworld Ul-Khari had yet to return from its long
UNINVITED GUESTS sojourn, and a millennium of mourning was still to
While they had once held dominion over the entire be undertaken. In this time they learned the art of
galaxy, the Aeldari empire had turned inwards as it preserving souls, a practice so sacred and necessary
approached the precipice of ruin. As a result, other to what was left of their people, to keep them from
species had spread widely among the stars. When the grasp of She Who Thirsts. Chiefly, however, the
Craftworld Ul-Khari made its way to Gilead, they denizens of Ul-Khari considered how they might
found their intended home occupied by Humanity. retake the lost maiden world of Aral’dha. While some
were adapting to their lives aboard the craftworld,
Ul-Khari knew little of Humanity save that they many wished to return to a true planet.
marshalled powers far beyond their limited foresight.
Aghast at being denied sanctuary on Aral’dha, but Ul-Khari by now was home to a number of gifted and
uncertain if the Mon-Keigh could be successfully powerful seers, some born after the Fall. Among these
negotiated with or defeated in battle, the craftworld was a talented Farseer, Idril, Born of Twilight. Idril had
chose a subtler path and withdrew from Gilead. Then foreseen that the Imperium would not be able to hold
came the Fall, the catastrophe that ripped the once Gilead. She had travelled there via the ancient paths
mighty Aeldari empire asunder. The birth of She Who of the webway and felt malevolent stirrings, and
Thirsts was felt across the galaxy, and even aboard knew that the Dark Gods and their servants would
isolated Ul-Khari, it was known that the end had return. If ever the system was to welcome its true
come. people, to become the haven the shattered Aeldari so
badly needed, she would have to set one enemy upon
In the absence of any challengers, Humanity cemented another. Idril began to make her preparations.
its hold over the Gilead system. Their boots defiled
the fertile soil, and they built atop razed monuments By M.34 of the Imperial Calendar, Idril had been
to ancient gods they could not name. They dubbed proven correct. The Gilead System had become a
Aral’dha ‘Ostia’, a name with neither poetry nor bastion of Chaos, as devotees of She Who Thirsts
meaning, and when they were done erasing every made terrible sport of whatever remaining citizens of 5
noteworthy trace of its former masters, they set upon the Imperium they had not already slain.
To the craftworlders of Ul-Khari, which now lurked on THE JULYANNA
the fringe of the Gilead System, it seemed the fate that
had befallen so many of their kind played out once
more before them. The leadership of Ul-Khari intended for a modest
force to weaken or even rout the Chaos presence in
Rangers were sent from Ul-Khari to learn more about Gilead. The Aeldari believed that the crusade, even
their foe and returned with tales of twisted figures in victory, would be greatly diminished. If not, then
visiting depraved cruelty on the dwindling populace Imperial forces would certainly move swiftly on to
who prayed daily to their Emperor for salvation. News other systems, leaving behind only a small holding
also came of the enemy’s military strength — more force ready to be swept aside. Instead the Gilead
than enough to make the system unassailable. Despair System became the unassailable bastion at the heart
gripped the craftworlders but, having accompanied the of a military campaign that won victory after victory,
scouts herself, Idril had at last acquired the evidence going on to conquer a whole swathe of worlds. The
she required to rally all of Ul-Khari to her cause. Aeldari could only watch as the Mon-Keigh made the
Gilead System a beacon of Imperial might.
Even as Ul-Khari despaired at the depredations
visited upon the Gilead system by the forces of Chaos, In the early days of the war, before they realised
the Imperium was slowly awakening to the threat. their mistake, Ul-Khari lent its aid to the crusade.
Incursions of heretics, daemons, and traitorous Space This was done secretly. Careful use of strike teams
Marines had been noted across the sector, and slowly comprised of Aspect Warriors devastated important
but surely, the might of the Imperium was marshalled targets, while hidden Aeldari Rangers lent subtle
to oppose them. aid amid more significant battles. Among the ranks
of the Astra Militarum, many of these ‘miraculous’
Under Idril’s stewardship, Ul-Khari’s forces began to interventions added to a growing sense that their
probe the Imperium’s preparations, intent on finding crusade was blessed and its leader favoured by the
a suitable subject for a daring plan. Julyanna Gilead, Emperor himself.
a woman of great faith and possessed of an iron will,
had been a fitting choice. Gilead had raised a mighty Long hidden away in the webway and preserved
fleet intent on visiting the Emperor’s wrath on the from the Fall, the first of Cegorach’s chosen faithful
enemies of the Imperium. However, the tides of the had finally returned to the galaxy. These Harlequins
warp had played their own part in the destiny of weaved their lethal performances across the
the crusade; targets and plans were made only to be battlefields of Gilead, only adding to the growing
forced to shift and adapt to the constantly changing mythos of those early days of the crusade. One among
theatre of war. them, a figure of horror for the craftworlders, was an
Arebennian, a Harlequin Solitaire, who walked the
By careful manipulations of the Human fleet’s Path of Damnation.
Navigators, Astropaths, and officers, the Seers of
Ul-Khari were able to draw this devastating assault In a meeting with the leadership of Ul-Khari — one
towards the Gilead System. If their psychic incursions that would prove lethal for all but one of their number
were ever noticed, they were not questioned — — the Solitaire explained the Laughing God’s interest
perhaps inspired by their leader’s unshakeable faith in the Gilead System. In a ritual dance of death, he
in the Emperor, many all but expected to receive the demonstrated that a great jest was to play itself out
Emperor’s guidance in lighting the path before them. there, and it was vital that Ul-Khari find a way to
make itself one with a world in the system.
Some craftworlders had opposed the plan, seeing it as
simply trading one insurmountable foe for another, Keen to limit their own losses, and with an Imperial
but Idril’s will held sway long enough to see the victory looking increasingly certain, Ul-Khari forces
Imperium’s forces descend on Gilead. In private, the withdrew to the edge of the system. As the war drew
Farseer must surely have wondered if it was fate or to a close and the outcome became clear, there were
folly that drove her to guide such a force of destruction few celebrations. Though the forces of Chaos were
6 down upon her people and the home they aspired to routed, the Imperium only reinforced its gains, and
claim. Gilead had never been further from Aeldari control.
To almost all Aeldari, the Humans of the Imperium
are little more than beasts, sentient and capable of SYSTEM
craft, but almost as far removed from the grace and
understanding of the Aeldari as can be. For them, it AELDARI
was painful to watch these Mon-keigh settle a system
that was theirs by right. Gilead Primus was reclaimed PSYCHIC
and grew into a powerful hive world rife with
Humanity. The world they named Avachrus became ARMOURY
a wasteland on the surface, its ancient machinery
reawakened and put to use. WORLD OF

Worst of all was the fate of Aral’dha. The former OUTCASTS OF

maiden world was devastated, its delicate ecosystem THE VOID
and fragile atmosphere ruptured by the indiscriminate
destruction wrought by the weaponry of the
Imperium. Here, some hope remained for a while. The SERVANTS OF THE
ancient bio-engineering techniques used to create the
world retained some potency, and Aral’dha quickly All this ended with the coming of the Dathedian, the PANTHEON OF
recovered some of its lost verdancy. Perhaps to add Great Rift. It tore through the galaxy, swallowing
insult to injury, this only allowed Humanity to turn it worlds, systems, and entire sectors, splitting the galaxy GAMEMASTERS
into a monotonous agri world all the quicker. in two. Gilead was among the systems consumed by
the Dathedian, and the citizens of Ul-Khari watched
Ul-Khari lingered in Gilead, some held by the sway in horror as the psychic maelstrom enveloped them.
of prophecy, some in the belief that Human control
of the system would eventually falter, allowing the Amidst this upheaval, the craftworld would likely have
craftworld to reclaim at least Aral’dha. During these passed undetected if not for the fickle intervention of
long millennia, the craftworlders kept a careful eye fate. The long-dead, frozen hive world, Trollius, was
on the Imperium, but also on the Drukhari. They ejected from the roiling torrents of the Empyrean,
watched in disgust as their fallen kin launched raids colliding with the craftworld. Ancient wraithbone was
into Gilead, only to be turned back by the might of the shattered, and millennia-old shrines, workshops, and
Imperium. There was no joy in this, for the Drukhari gardens were laid to ruin. Only the technical prowess
were merely a reminder of what they might have and heroism of the craftworlders saved them, and even
become in the shadow of She Who Thirsts. then, many were lost. With their home sundered and
only partially functional as a habitat, the survivors
were left to desperately defend themselves amid the
THE DATHEDIAN terrors of the ice.

Though infuriating to the Asuryani, the era of the THE PRICE OF LIFE
Imperium’s hold over Gilead was predictable. Lasting Since the ruin of their craftworld, the survivors of
from M.34 through much of M.41 of the Imperium’s Ul-Khari have maintained a fragile and unofficial
calendar, Humanity did much as it always did — alliance with elements of the newly arrived Varonius
played petty politics, made ruinous war, and died in flotilla, a situation made possible only by the fact that
their billions. For the most part, Ul-Khari travelled the the Aeldari of Ul-Khari have the sworn protection of
stars, coming to understand their greatly diminished Ferianwyr, the Emerald Princess of the Greensteel
place in the galaxy and how tremulous their position Warriors. Already isolated from the wider Imperium
was. The craftworld frequently returned to Gilead, and with numerous other threats bearing down upon
lurking at the system’s edge, ever watchful over a them, they have allowed an uneasy peace to prevail 7
system that was once a haven for their kind. rather than further waste resources.
In the wake of the Fall, and in the long millennia When the shadow of She Who Thirsts was first cast
since, not all of the Aeldari found refuge aboard a across all Aeldari in the wake of the Fall, many
craftworld. These great city ships are few in number, attempts were made to escape her grasp. Many Aeldari
and of those who find sanctuary on one, some see find shelter for their souls inside spirit stones, while
life on them as too stifling. These turned to piracy, others trust that Cegorach, the Laughing God, will
preying on vessels of the Imperium and others who guard them in death. The denizens of Commorragh,
travelled across a galaxy that the Aeldari had once the Dark City hidden in the webway itself, took a
considered their sole dominion. darker path. They offer up the suffering of others in
place of their own, replenishing their souls with the
These Corsairs can be found across the galaxy, and tormented screams of their victims.
one relatively minor fleet, the Greensteel Corsairs, led
by Princess Ferianwyr, has made Gilead a frequent To feed the insatiable hunger of She Who Thirsts,
hunting ground. Though first drawn there by the lure an endless stream of victims must make its way into
of piracy, Ferianwyr suspected there was more to the Commorragh, and the Drukhari raid realspace for
system. suitable prey. One path from the webway, leading to
a district of Commorragh named Hakhlenna Deep,
Buried deep within the abandoned and desolate emerges into Gilead. Raids were undertaken long ago,
corridors of the Waystation, drifting aimlessly but the system was found to be too well-defended to
through the Voidmire, lurks a device of ancient origin. be worth the trouble, as easier pickings were available.
Princess Ferianwyr first became aware of the device
after dealings with some nefarious denizens who Now, those easier targets are inaccessible, as the
make their home in the Waystation. Dating back to coming of the Great Rift has thrown Commorragh into
before the Gilead System fell to the Ruinous Powers of turmoil. Old paths are unreliable, and daemons haunt
Chaos, the device appears to be of Human origin and the lowest levels of the city. Archon Kyrik Rhaul, the
carved with unintelligible runes. Most concerning, the current ruler of Hakhlenna Deep, has turned to Gilead
device seems to be attempting to function as a crude once more, pleased to find the same turmoil that has
access gate to the webway itself. narrowed his choice of target and has also made the
once redoubtable system a far more appealing target.
Such a device holds some promise but mostly terrible
dangers. It is a given that Humanity must never be
allowed access to the webway, but a cumbersome
machine that might disrupt some small part of the
webway — Ferianwyr can think of many uses for that. CEGORACH
She has had numerous skirmishes with Drukhari in Long ago, worshippers of Cegorach, the Laughing God,
service to Archon Kyrik Rhaul, who appear to have lent their aid to Ul-Khari in throwing back the forces
a renewed interest in Gilead, an already diminished of Chaos. A glimpse of things to come was found amid
hunting ground. Finding a way to disrupt their access their lethal dances, and the path to a greater, final
to the webway could be helpful, and using a Human- performance was laid before them. The time for that
made device to do so would allow the Emerald Princess final performance has come, and a Harlequin Troupe
to deny her involvement. calling itself the Masque of the Calamity Trail has
come to bear witness.
Of course, Ferianwyr must be subtle. There are former
denizens of Commorragh among her crew, and she What remains unknown is whether or not a Solitaire
must assume that word of her schemes may make will join them. Their presence would indicate the hand
its way to Rhaul. Some have also cautioned her that of She Who Thirsts in events to come, so some hold
the device should be destroyed because it is woefully out hope that one does not join the troupe. However,
dangerous and must not be allowed to fall into the some sing that the Solitaire Eyv’ayt, the Pierced Veil,
wrong hands. who long ago carried prophecy and death to Ul-Khari,
remains fated to weave a performance across the
8 battlefields of Gilead once more.
Ancient and enigmatic, the Aeldari spanned the stars
long before Humanity even evolved to walk on land.
In aeons past, they ruled their empire with advanced
technology and psychic mastery. Though their
dominion has since sundered and their numbers
dwindle, the Aeldari continue to persevere against
the myriad ignorant species that have come to
populate the galaxy.

Physically, Aeldari resemble Humans, but this

comparison is one-dimensional to the point of
uselessness. In their minds, physiology, and souls,
they are truly alien. Aeldari are taller than baseline
Humans, with longer, cleaner limbs. They have
handsome, striking, and well defined features, with
skin as unblemished as polished marble.

Aeldari are both blessed and cursed to experience

a depth of emotion impossible for a Human. This
is compounded by the innate psychic capabilities of
the species. All Aeldari are psychic to an extent. It is
a power that has seen their dreams overturn worlds,
quench suns, and build glittering paradises.

Yet it was this sensitivity to emotion that would

ultimately trigger the collapse of the Aeldari’s once-
great empire. With almost every physical need
met, the Aeldari began to indulge their very worst
impluses, passions, and desires. They sought out
every imaginable way to explore the full range of
their emotions and senses across their millennia-
long lifespans. Aeldari society became perilously
decadent, to a level corrosive to their souls. This
outpouring of ecstasy, murder, pain, and debauchery
echoed across the stars and pooled in the warp,
and in the midst of it stirred a nascent Chaos God.
Slaanesh, She Who Thirsts, burst into existence.
Countless souls were consumed in this signular
event, and the Aeldari’s star-spanning empire was 9
brought to a crushing end.
Some foresaw the Fall of the Aeldari empire and fled the calamity on vast city-ships called craftworlds. As protection
against the lure of excess, and to guard against any further ruin, the people of the craftworlds adhere to a set
of strictures known as the Asuryani Path. Through the rigid emotional discipline of the Path, they master their
inclination towards sensation-seeking, instead focusing their prodigious intellects and energies upon the pursuit
of one specific goal at a time. In death their souls are held in spirit stones, with some chosen in time of need to live
once more as mighty Wraith Constructs. The Drukhari refused to turn from the sinister obsessions and sadistic
practices that destroyed the Aeldari empire, and now launch brutal raids for captives whose suffering replenishes
their own withering souls. You may choose your Agent’s Species from the table below.


Species XP Cost Attrib. Speed Size Species Abilities

Aeldari 10 Agi. 3 8 Avg Intense Emotion: +1DN to all Resolve Tests. If you fail a Willpower based
test in a scene involving emotion, the GM gains +1 Ruin.
Psychosensitive: You may choose to take the PSYKER Keyword.
Drukhari 10 Agi. 3 8 Avg Intense Emotion: +1 DN to all Resolve Tests. If you fail a Willpower-based
Test in a scene involving emotion, the GM gains +1 Ruin.
Night Vision: You do not suffer vision penalties for low-light or darkness.
Soul Debt: Make a DN Tier+1 Corruption Test at the end of any session
in which you did not inflict Wounds on an unwilling creature. You never
make Corruption Tests for inflicting pain. Drukhari with the ASURYANI,
HARLEQUIN, or YNNARI Keyword lose this ability.
Wraith 90 Str. 5 5 Large Wraithbone Form: Wraith Constructs are immune to the Blinded, Bleeding,
Construct Tough. and Poisoned Conditions, and cannot Suffocate. They cannot wear armour,
6 but always count as having an Armour Rating (AR) of 5.
Wraithsight: Wraith Constructs can communicate telepathically with
Spiritseers and other psychically attuned Aeldari, and perceive the presence
of psychic powers and warp phenomena, as well as strong thoughts and
feelings at the GM’s discretion. Unless a living Aeldari character is within
line of sight, they suffer from the Hindered Condition.

ASURYANI Path of the Artisan
The Asuryani dwell on colossal craftworlds. These Embracing an aesthetic pursuit, you have dedicated a
voidships are home to the living and the long departed lifetime to learning the beauty of Aeldari culture.
dead, ancestors whose souls are housed within the
infinity circuit, a psychic power grid that runs through You gain +Double Rank bonus dice to Scholar
a craftworld’s wraithbone core and without which (Int) Tests related to the AELDARI Keyword.
the world-vessel could not function. Through the
Asuryani Path, they seek to master their emotional Path of Awakening
extremes with focus and discipline. See Chapter You devoted considerable time to the practice of
5: Worlds of Bone for more information about the scrutinising your surroundings and focusing your mind.
Asuryani. Asuryani Agents may choose one of the You gain +Rank bonus dice to Awareness (Int) Tests.
following Backgrounds, Goals, and a Path.
Path of the Bonesinger
ASURYANI PATHS You tended groves of wraithbone and studied the art
of psychically forming it into many useful shapes.
To ensure they do not attract the predations of You gain +Double Rank bonus dice to Tech (Int) Tests
Slaanesh, each Aeldari of a craftworld devotes on targets with the AELDARI Keyword.
themself entirely to a single discipline. You may
choose a single Path you have already walked from Path of the Celebrant
the following list. You may have walked additional Mirroring the Path of the Mourner, you celebrated
10 Paths; it costs 10 XP to walk a second Path, and 20 births, alliances, and victories on behalf of more stoic
XP for each Path beyond the second. kin. You gain +Rank maximum Wounds.
Path of the Chronicler Path of the Healer
You aggregated as much essential knowledge as you You healed the wounded and tended to the sick,
could, ensuring it would survive long after your death. spending decades caring for others.
You gain +Double Rank on Investigate (Int) Tests You gain +Double Rank bonus dice to Medicae (Int) SYSTEM
related to the AELDARI Keyword. Tests on targets with the AELDARI Keyword.
Path of the Cultivator Path of the Mariner
You raised and protected living creatures too You have learned to sail the void with expert precision
vulnerable to protect themselves. and manoeuvrability, becoming one with your craft.
You gain +Rank bonus dice on Survival (Wil) Tests. You gain +Double Rank bonus dice to Pilot (A) Tests ARMOURY
using vehicles with the AELDARI Keyword.
Path of the Diplomat WORLD OF BONE
You competed in devious political schemes with Path of the Mourner
counterparts on other craftworlds. You lost someone close to you and lamented them without OUTCASTS OF
You gain +Double Rank bonus dice on Deception (Fel) succumbing to extremes that would draw Slaanesh. THE VOID
Tests against targets with the AELDARI Keyword. You gain +Rank Maximum Shock.

Path of the Dreamer Path of Service SERVANTS OF THE

Sinking into meditative trances for days at a time, you To better aid your entire species, you dedicated
wield your lucid dreams to resist She Who Thirsts. yourself to supplicance, reading the needs of your PANTHEON OF
You gain +Rank bonus dice to Corruption Tests. fellows and bettering yourself through empathy. RUIN
You gain +Double Rank bonus dice to Insight (Fel) GAMEMASTERS
Tests on targets with the AELDARI Keyword. GUIDE


d6 Accomplishment Gain +1

1 Denied Destiny: Where the Farseers foresaw death, you prevailed, defeating an incredible Determination
foe or accomplishing an impossible task.
2 Communed with Infinity: You have devoted considerable time to meditation with the Resolve
spirits of the departed; they have taught you much of life and death.
3 Mon-Keigh Animosity: The depraved stupidity of Humanity has endangered your life on Max Shock
more than one occasion. You have survived battles alongside and against them.
4 Webway Explorer: Traversing many Webway paths, you have uncovered the hidden and Wealth
forgotten, recovering valuable artefacts and even more crucial routes.
5 Unusual Ally: Your actions saved the life of someone beyond your Faction — a Drukhari, Influence
a Harlequin, maybe even an Imperial.

6 Black Library Scholar: You have studied the ancient arcane writings of the cryptic Black Conviction
Library. Obscure knowledge of the profane is your constant companion.

d6 Goal Gain +1

1 Fatalist: After a series of unfortunate battles, you have accepted your species is doomed. Conviction
You seek only protection; a defensible refuge for you and your allies.
2 Renewal: Your long life was fraught with the tragic milieu of your Species. You seek new Max Shock
experiences and perspectives to lift your burdens and wash away your sorrows.
3 Serenity: Like many of your kind, your emotions are overwhelming to the point of self- Conviction
destruction. Seek serenity to protect your soul from Slaanesh.
4 Path Mastery: You see nothing beyond your current Path and have thrown yourself into it Determination
utterly. Whatever your present discipline is, you will be an exemplar and pioneer.
5 Recovery: You will restore the lost majesty of your species, finding artefacts and lost Resolve
knowledge. Are you seeking something specific? 11
6 Unity: The arch-foe cannot be defeated by the dwindling forces of your Species — at least, Influence
not fractured as they are. You will forge great alliances and bring unity.

d6 Roll Objective
Asuryani Names
Imbued with deep meaning like the rest
Unfavourably compare another Species’ of their language, Asuryani names can be
culture, art, or technology to your own.
followed by a second element that is either
Devote an accomplishment or victory to an inherited or earned later in life.
Aeldari god.
Element 1
Recount a lesson from the traditions of a Aleera, Aydona, Bahtaam, Dis’ar, Eärandil,
craftworld that applies to the current situation.
Fachean, Glenoighi, Ingfhar, Kalistri, Lorinth,
Utilise the reputation of your Species to Noithi, Osinell, Ra’thar, Senn, Torc, Yvraine
manipulate an individual.
Element 2
Employ knowledge you learned from an earlier Born of Twilight, Brylliel, Caman, of the
Path of your life to the current circumstances.
Clan Randras, the Fireheart, the Implacable,
Apply your superior intellect and sensitivity to Indomi, Scion of Rhidmar, Sheersom, Ullamar
prophecy to carry out a perfect plan.

The [CRAFTWORLD] Keyword

Each craftworld has developed their own culture according to their galactic positioning and the manifold
tragedies that have befallen them since the Fall. You can replace the [CRAFTWORLD] Keyword with any
of the Craftworlds below. Usually this will be the Craftworld on which your Agent was born and raised, but
you may choose an adopted Craftworld if your Agent has been stranded away from their home.


Craftworld Description Effect

Alaitoc The Rangers alienated by Alaitoc’s puritanical interpretation +1 bonus die on Cunning
of the Asuryani Path maintain a galaxy-wide intelligence (Fel) Tests
network in support of their kin.
Biel-Tan Daemonic invasion, and the first summoning of the Yncarne, +1 bonus die on
have fractured the craftworld of Biel-Tan. The survivors Intimidation (Wil) Tests
are aggressively militant, determined to defy their culture’s
extinction by rebuilding the Aeldari empire.
Iyanden The ravages of the Tyranid hive fleets have reduced Iyanden +1 Resolve
to a craftworld of ghosts — but those who still live are
determined to keep doing so.
Saim-Hann Saim-Hann is divided into Wild Rider tribes, bold warriors +1 bonus die on Pilot (A)
who wage war from the saddles of anti-grav vehicles, and Tests
leave no insult to their honour unchallenged.
Ul-Khari After years of isolationism, the ‘doom-courters’ of Ul-Khari +1 bonus die on Toughness
who failed to heed the omens of annihilation have become Tests
stranded amidst vengeful, crystal ice — but adapted
impressively well.
Ulthwé Orbiting the Eye of Terror has cursed Ulthwé’s psykers to see +1 bonus Wrath Die on
further than any others, foresight they use to wage a long war Psychic Mastery (Wil) Tests
against the Ruinous Powers.

Wraith Constructs are psychically-engineered wraithbone
bodies, durable and devastating on the battlefield, but prior to
the integration of an Aeldari soul, one is but an empty shell.
In order to animate a wraithbone construct, the soul must SYSTEM
be summoned from the infinity circuit and housed in a spirit
stone, which is then interred within the wraithbone shell of AELDARI
a Construct.

This process is not without risk, undertaken only in times
of great need. Outside the infinity circuit, the ARMOURY
spirits of the craftworld’s dead are always in
danger. Should a Construct’s sprit stone be
destroyed, the soul it housed is exposed to
She Who Thirsts — a threat that is never OUTCASTS OF
taken lightly. THE VOID


A Wraith Construct’s perception of reality is
enigmatic and vague, but the presence of SERVANTS OF THE
living Aeldari can help to orient their senses.
They move with slow purpose, confident their PANTHEON OF
artificial forms can absorb the bombardment of RUIN
small-arms fire. GAMEMASTERS
Wraith Constructs remember little of their
past, and are typically motivated by simple
commands — protect your Farseer, defend the
craftworld, or destroy those Mon-Keigh —
and so do not have Paths, Backgrounds, or
Objectives. However, they are tightly bound
to their craftworld, and may replace the
[CRAFTWORLD] Keyword with one chosen
from the table on page 12.

Wraith Construct
Most Wraith Constructs use the name they
went by in life, if they still remember it. If
not, they may adopt a suitably imposing
title, such as:
Adamant, Bastion, Contender, Diligence,
Endurance, Eternity, Gatekeeper, Gravitas,
Hereafter, Immutable, Infinity, Intransigence,
Mirthless, Monument, Penumbra, Pinnacle,
Profundity, Rampart, Sentinel, Severity,
Steadfast, Solace, Vengeance, Vigilance,
Warden, Zenith.
Known to other Aeldari as Anhrathe, these crew of
pirate fleets live free of rules and overlords, choosing
to sail the void and seek adventure wherever they d6 Roll Objective
find it. See Chapter 6: Outcasts of the Void for more
1 Raid an enemy voidship.
information about the Anhrathe.
Berate another Aeldari for the follies of their
Corsairs receive many Aeldari, and count former beliefs.
Asuryani, Drukhari, and Harlequins among their
3 Perform a great feat to grow your reputation.
number. Corsair Agents choose from the Species
above and pick Keywords, Backgrounds, and Goals Defeat a foe using nothing but threats and
that match. The freedom of the Corsair lifestyle your personal infamy.
means that Asuryani must abandon their Path, Employ a value you learned from your former
gaining no benefit from it. If you feel your Corsair home to overcome an obstacle.
Agent has fully embraced their new identity, you may
Assert your freedom by breaking a law, cutting
use the Anhrathe Goal table instead of the one that 6
a bond, or shirking your responsibilities.
corresponds with your Agent’s Species.

The [COTERIE] Keyword

The Anhrathe organise into warbands of Corsairs, teaming up to steal better-protected and more valuable
plunder. You can replace the [COTERIE] Keyword with any of the Coteries below, reflecting the pirate fleet
your Agent has spent the most time fighting alongside.

The [COTERIE] Keyword allows you to Shift Exalted Icons on a specific Skill Test to gain 1 Wrath Point per
Shift, up to Rank times per session. If an Agent’s Shifts and Rank are high enough, this effect can be used
multiple times in a single Test. Each Coterie uses a different Skill for this effect, as listed below.


Coterie Description Effect

Eldritch Under the renowned Prince Yriel of Iyanden, the Eldritch Spend Shifts on Leadership
Raiders Raiders have bound other Corsair fleets to their banner and (Wil) Tests to gain Wrath.
formed a disciplined corps of warrior privateers.

Greensteel Operating out of the Gilead System, the Greensteel Warriors Spend Shifts on Deception
Warriors delight in brokering alliances with other factions, if only for (Fel) Tests to gain Wrath.
the thrill of betraying them later.

Steeleye The Steeleye Reavers cultivate an aura of dread and menace by Spend Shifts on
Reavers physically marking their victims with a sigil — the sign of an Intimidation (Wil) Tests to
elongated iris, with a pointing arrowhead. gain Wrath.

Sunblitz The triplet siblings who rule the Sunblitz Brotherhood treat Spend Shifts on Weapon
Brotherhood the ‘lesser species’ of the galaxy with scorn, and yearn for the Skill (I) Tests to gain Wrath.
extermination of all non-Aeldari.

Void Dragons The fickle and ubiquitous Void Dragons are a plague on the Spend Shifts on Pilot (A)
galaxy at large, venturing into the farthest reaches of the void Tests to gain Wrath.
with their raids, ambushing unpredictably and ruthlessly.

The Drukhari are the cruel masters of Commorragh
and its offshoot webway ports. They appease the
hunger of Slaanesh through sadistic torture, their Drukhari Names AN ANCIENT
refined senses revelling in the pain of others and Drukhari names tend to sound harsher than
thereby nourishing — for a time — their increasingly their Asuryani kin. They too earn or choose
decrepit souls. epithet’s during their lives, with most reflecting
some dark acomplishment they wish recognised.
Drukhari are tall, slender, and graceful in form, with Element 1
natural athleticism, lithe strength, and perceptive Aestra, Araqir, Atreixes, Barakhar, Drekarth, ARMOURY
senses. Life in the Dark City has left them with paler Drisella, Iridivyst, Jalaxlar, Korai, Kruellagh,
skin and better night vision. As a rule, they are Maelik, Melandyr, Mydilian, Orinth, Salaine, WORLD OF BONE
more warlike than their Asuryani kin — unbound by Skechara, Tarsidhe, Vhane, Vorl, Xethis,
any Path, and with the need to preserve their souls Xynariis, Yesyr, Zharokh, Zuol OUTCASTS OF
through the suffering of others, most are skilled in THE VOID
Element 2
some form of combat. They favour hooks, blades, and
Beastbane, the Bloodbreather, the Bloodsister, THE DARK CITY
cruel lashes of countless types. The combination of
the Crimson, the Flenser, Masdruvael, Nervose,
natural ability, carefully honed skills, and the frequent SERVANTS OF THE
of the Obsidian Needle LAUGHING GOD
use of strength-and-reflex-enhancing combat drugs
make Drukhari lethal close combatants. PANTHEON OF
Most unusually for Aeldari, Drukhari have allowed GAMEMASTERS
their natural psychic abilities to atrophy, a self- GUIDE
d6 Objective
defence measure to avoid Slaanesh’s gaze.
1 Unfavourably compare another Species’
culture, art, or technology to your own.
Drukhari use the Backgrounds and Objectives
2 Seize a prize or opportunity that could
provided here. appease your superior.
3 Recount how the obsessions of your Kabal,
DRUKHARI Keyword abilities with the ‘Gain 1 Ruin’ Cult, Coven, or other faction apply to the
trigger provide 1 Ruin to the GM when they are used. situation.
4 Terrify another creature into compliance.
If the GM is already at their maximum Ruin, these
effects cannot be used. 5 Indulge your appetite for transgressive
6 Apply your superior intellect and devious
See Chapter 7: The Dark City for more information
cunning to carry out a perfect plan.
about the Drukhari.

d6 Accomplishment Gain +1
1 Arch-Sadist: You have committed such appalling atrocities to preserve your own withered Conviction
soul that even other Drukhari are sickened and impressed.
2 Realspace Terror: Your campaigns against dominions of lesser creatures have been Wealth
especially profitable, reaping a generous bounty of treasures and captives.

3 Master Conspirator: You seized your current position through a carefully orchestrated Determination
scheme of violence and betrayal.
4 Arena Champion: You battled an unusually monstrous foe in the Wych Cult arenas of Max Wounds
Commorragh, and survived to tell the tale.
5 Dark Savant: You have delved deep into annals of forbidden knowledge, and learned secrets Resolve
of the ancient Aeldari long forgotten by your short-sighted kin.
6 Conspicuous Mercy: You saved the life of a superior, or spared a defeated foe. Some respect Influence
your honour, others despise your weakness, and at least one person owes you a favour.

d6 Goal Gain +1
1 Power: You must kill your way to the top of the pecking order. Only when all of Commorragh Resolve
respects your supremacy will you be satisfied.
2 Infamy: The whole galaxy will know your name and your exploits — be they terrified prey Influence
Species, or infatuated Drukhari admirers.
3 Revenge: You were slighted, betrayed, or ejected from power. Now you are determined to Determination
avenge yourself upon the culprits, and make them suffer.
4 Self-Gratification: All Aeldari become the playthings of thirsting gods in the end. Better to Wealth
indulge the material pleasures of the flesh in the meantime.

5 Exhilaration: You are never more alive than on the precipice of death. You seek the Max Shock
adrenaline rush of high speed and extreme danger.
6 Escape: You want out — from Commorragh, from the monotonous cruelty, from the ever- Conviction
present thirst of Slaanesh. Of course, escaping is far easier said than done…

The [KABAL] Keyword

The Kabals of Commorragh are criminal gangs and raiding parties elevated to positions of rulership. Each
battles constantly in realspace to seize resources that will secure their territory in the Dark City. You can
replace the [KABAL] Keyword with any of the Kabals below to reflect the syndicate your Agent currently
claims to be loyal to, or was recently exiled from.


Kabal Description Effect

The Black The enforcers of the legendary Asdrubael Vect know their Gain 1 Ruin to add +Double
Heart Kabal’s preeminence in Commorragh is preserved only as long Rank bonus dice on a
as they continue to violently assert it. Leadership (Wil) Test.

The Bloodied The long reign of Akhara’Keth over this opportunistic Kabal is Gain 1 Ruin to add +Double
Claw credited to his keen sense for impending betrayal. His rivals Rank bonus dice on an
must be even wilier to unseat him. Insight (Fel) Test.

The Flayed Where possible, these rapid-attack specialists do not sully Gain 1 Ruin to add +Double
Skull themselves by setting foot on alien worlds, killing instead Rank bonus dice on a Pilot
from the comfort of their anti-grav vehicles. (A) Test.

The Obsidian These arms dealers and master-crafters produce the deadliest Gain 1 Ruin to add +Double
Rose weapons in all of Commorragh, and enjoy putting their Rank bonus dice on a Tech
precious tools to murderous use. (Int) Test.

The Poisoned This Kabal is notorious for scheming and conspiracy, Gain 1 Ruin to add +Double
Tongue preferring to kill with poisoned weapons and other unfair Rank bonus dice on a
advantages rather than unimaginative brute force. Deception (Fel) Test.

The Wych Cults are the masters and performers of Commorragh’s gladiatorial arenas, warriors who train SYSTEM
to demonstrate their killing arts before a rapt audience. You can replace the [WYCH CULT] Keyword with
any of the Cults below to define the company that trained, outfitted, or provided a stage for your Agent.


Cult Description Effect ARMOURY

Cult of Strife This Cult runs some of the most popular bloodsports in Gain 1 Ruin to add +Double
Commorragh, because they always make a spectacularly Rank extra dice on an WORLD OF BONE
explosive first impression. attack Test made as part of
a Charge.
The Cursed Whilst most Wych Cults stay out of the Dark City’s politics, Gain 1 Ruin to add THE VOID
Blade this Cult holds that a well-executed betrayal is as arresting as +Double Rank extra dice
any gladiatorial duel. and +Double Rank ED on a THE DARK CITY
Surprise Attack.
Endless The performances of this Cult are more niche and Gain 1 Ruin to inflict Double SERVANTS OF THE
Trauma psychological, subjecting their victims to a demeaning Rank Shock on an enemy
subjugation before delivering the killer strike. targeted by a successful
melee attack.
The Red Grief This Cult’s shows are characterised by high velocity as well Gain 1 Ruin to add +Rank
as martial skill, dealing death at such blistering speed even Speed for the rest of a Turn. GAMEMASTERS
Aeldari reflexes cannot track the blow.

The [COVEN] Keyword

Little encapsulates the ancient evil and inventive malice of the Drukhari quite like the Covens of the
Haemonculi. These twisted fraternities of torturer-alchemists practice vile arts of life and death from their
lairs in the Dark City’s gnarled underworld. Replace the [COVEN] Keyword with any of the Covens below.


Coven Description Effect

The Baleful This Coven is generous with its appalling knowledge, hoping Gain 1 Ruin to provide
Curriculum its teachings can inspire a wave of atrocities across the Gilead +Rank bonus dice when
System. Helping another Agent.

Coven of Assassination by power hungry underlings is a constant threat Gain 1 Ruin to reduce the DN
Twelve for this Coven’s ruling council. The Haemonculus masters penalties for Multi-Actions
punish impulsively, vigilant for signs of betrayal while by Rank for the rest of a
engrossed in their terrible work. Turn.
The Dark This Coven has perfected the cultivation of fear — not just Gain 1 Ruin to add +Rank
Creed to satisfy their culture’s soul debt, but as an art form worth bonus dice and +Rank
practising in its own right. targets to an Intimidate
(Wil) Interaction Attack.
The Prophets Under the notorious Urien Rakarth, this Coven has repeatedly Gain 1 Ruin to heal +Rank
of Flesh violated the laws of nature, with transgressive fleshcrafting additional Wounds on
procedures its recipients are nervous to accept. a successful use of the
Medicae (Int) Skill.
Harlequin Masques are both artistic bands of performers and HARLEQUIN OBJECTIVES
martial cliques of deadly warriors. Whether their stage is a pristine
amphitheatre or a bloody warzone, every member understands the role d6 Objective
they play, thanks to their deep familiarity with the very mythic Aeldari
1 Unfavourably compare another
characters they portray in scintillating performances. Choreographed
Species’ culture, art, or
and orchestrated with incredible syncronicity, Harlequins are made all technology to your own.
the more lethal on the battlefield, turning art into war and war into art 2 Devote an accomplishment or
with impeccable rhythm that only fellow Aeldari can truly appreciate. victory to the Laughing God.
Every Harlequin is a follower of Cegorach, the Laughing God, who 3 Recount a moral from Aeldari
survived the destruction of the Aeldari pantheon through guile alone. mythology that applies to the
To the Harlequins, every step of a battle is part of a dance, known as a current situation.
saedath. The screams of the dying are their accompaniment, thundering 4 Provoke a strong emotional
gunfire is their backbeat, and the roaring of engines a symphony. reaction (e.g. confusion, terror,
fury, euphoria) from another
Whenever the Harlequins engage their enemies, the battle that follows creature.
is rich with cultural significance, playing out in events foretold in myth
5 Apply the secret knowledge of
and prophecy. the Black Library to the current
See Chapter 8: Servants of the Laughing God for more information 6 Perfectly coordinate your
about the Harlequins. Harlequins use the Aeldari Species, and the movements with your fellow
Backgrounds and Objectives provided here.


d6 Accomplishment Gain +1

1 Elevated Understudy: You stepped into an important theatrical role with little notice after Max Shock
another Harlequin was too injured to perform. You wonder if you are worthy of the role.
2 Toast of Commorragh: Your performance was so well received in the Dark City, they Resolve
sacrificed a thousand victims in your name. Indeed, the highest of compliments.
3 Hero of the Craftworlds: You have joined the Asuryani on extended campaigns, turning the Max Wounds
tides of battles in your kin’s favour.
4 Crone-Walker: You have travelled to the Eye of Terror and recovered priceless relics from the Wealth
daemon-haunted crone worlds of the ancient Aeldari empire.
5 Artistic Visionary: Not content to merely reinact the saedath, you have added your own Influence
twists to these bloody performances. You additions garnered a great deal of renown.
6 Divine Visitation: You believe you have directly interacted with Cegorach himself, but given Conviction
the Laughing God’s mysterious workings, it’s hard to be sure.


d6 Goal Gain +1

1 Mastery: You push your body to its limits to fully embody the role you are performing, Max Wounds
banishing any trace of your own wants or personality.
2 Mockery: You delight at the comeuppance of the prideful, and seek to bring the conceited Max Shock
down a peg or two.
3 Fulfilment: You are an agent of destiny, compelled to complete the prophecies of the ancient Determination
Aeldari, for good or for ill.
4 Legacy: Your chosen role is one that, by rights, should end in glorious death on the Influence
battlefield. So far that death has eluded you, but you will find it yet.

5 Education: Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat its mistakes. You teach the Resolve
18 Aeldari of their heritage so they can rediscover their grace.
6 Defiance: There is only one battle that truly matters — the battle against the Ruinous Powers Conviction
of Chaos. Opposing the Great Enemy is its own reward.
Each Player and Harlequin Troupe performs as part of a Grand Masque, one of the theatrical companies
which coordinate their appearances in standout arena performances and military campaigns. You can
replace the [MASQUE] Keyword with any of the Masques below to decide which company your Agent
has studied with and accompanied on campaign. The benefits you gain from Wrath Criticals whilst using
these Masque abilities stack with any other effects you’d usually gain, such as an additional point of Glory.
Masque Description Effect

The Calamity The sites of terrible disasters are the preferred backdrops for When you inflict a Critical Hit OUTCASTS OF
Trail this Masque’s performances, where such dire environments against a Mob or Threat with
provide a perfect stage for one of the many tragedies of a Condition, inflict +2 Mortal
Aeldari myth. Wounds on the target. THE DARK CITY
The These sombre sentinels are committed to battling the ancient When you roll a Wrath
Dreaming Necrons. Rarely away from the battlefield, the Dreaming Critical whilst Dying, you LAUGHING GOD
Shadow Shadow has honed to a razor’s edge those saedath best gain 1 Wound and 1 Wrath
suited to combating this ancient foe. Point. PANTHEON OF
The Frozen The upbeat Harlequins of this Masque dance with giddy, When you inflict a Critical Hit
Stars frenetic enthusiasm that quickly translates to malicious and as part of a Charge, inflict +2 GAMEMASTERS
sadistic punishment in combat. Mortal Wounds on the Mob or GUIDE
Threat targeted.
The Midnight The intensity with which this Masque pursues the Great When you inflict a Critical Hit
Sorrow War against Chaos produces acrobats of incredible grace and on a melee attack, you may
skill, at the cost of their personal identity. move up to your Speed as a
Free Action.
The Veiled This Masque exemplifies Cegorach’s role as a trickster god, When you roll a Wrath Critical
Path misleading enemies and betraying allies for the fun of their on a Deception Interaction
indignant reaction. Attack, Conditions inflicted
last for the rest of combat.

The Ynnari follow Ynnead, the Whispering God. The following Attribute Rating Maximums apply to
Known also as the Reborn, they have the power to each of the Species presented in this book.
imbibe the soul energy of the dead, granting them
unnatural vigour and deadly psychic powers. The ATTRIBUTE RATING
growing cult believe that the Aeldari can be saved MAXIMUMS BY SPECIES
from oblivion — and from She Who Thirsts — by the
rise of the God of the Dead, and fight tirelessly to fully Wraith
Attribute Aeldari Drukhari
awaken him. The Ynnari draw from every element of Construct
Aeldari civilisation, united in their belief that Ynnead Strength 8 12
is the only hope for their people. See page 145 for
more information about Ynnead. Toughness 7 8 12

Agility 12 12 8
None of the Archetypes listed in this book are native
to the Ynnari sub-faction. However, AELDARI Initiative 12 12 8
Agents may join the Ynnari sub-faction by choosing
Willpower 12 10 12
the Change of Kinship Ascension Package (page 58).
If you purchase this Ascension Package in character Intellect 10 10 10
creation, use the Background and Objectives of your
Fellowship 6 6 4
Agent’s original sub-faction. Ynnari Agents cannot
acquire Asuryani Paths. Speed 10 10 8

Any Agents with the YNNARI Keyword gain the

Strength From Death ability, listed below:

u Strength From Death: The departing souls of Echoes of

fallen warriors nourish the Ynnari and inspire
the Fall
them to exceed the limitations of the living.
When an allied Agent kills a living creature in An Aeldari, Drukhari, or Wraith Construct
their Turn and you Seize the Initiative to act next, Agent who fails a Mutation Test always rolls on
you gain +Rank bonus dice on all Tests made the Subtle Mutation table (Wrath & Glory page
during your Turn. 288). However, an Agent from these Species
is rendered unplayable at Corruption Level 4
instead of 5 — at this point, the Agent’s soul is
completely defiled by the touch of the Ruinous
Powers. An eternity of suffering awaits them,
though they may visit this ruin on their former
comrades before they inevitably fall.

Suggested Talents
The Suggested Talents for Archetypes included
in this book are a mix of Talents from Wrath
& Glory, and the New Talents on pages 60-62
of this book. Any Talents in italics are found in
Wrath & Glory. Any Talents in bold are found
in this book.










‘I once gave my heart to creation; the beauty of days before.
Now my art is the flash of a starcannon, my music the fury of war.’
— Skaelow the Crafter, starcannon operator

You are a have been called from civilian pursuits When a Guardian dons their war mask, they connect
to don your war mask and defend your people. with their warrior-self, awakening that part of their
psyche. Assuming this alternate identity supposedly
Guardians are well-trained and well-equipped troops prevents battle trauma from bleeding into Guardians’
who serve most craftworlds as a defence force. Such peacetime lives, which would forestall progress along
is their intelligence and physical capabilities, and the their civilian Paths, but it is not without its dangers.
high standard of Aeldari weapons technology, that Many Guardians reacquainted with the bloodlust of
Guardians are easily as capable as professional soldiers Khaine feel compelled to abandon their civilian calling
of the lesser races. Though mobilised primarily in and return to the Path of the Warrior.
times of war, the more paranoid craftworlds – or those
in more dangerous regions of space – keep a portion On other craftworlds, numbers of Aspect Warriors
of their militia active at all times, periodically rotating are dwindling, forcing their Guardians to undergo
those on duty. On some craftworlds, Guardians are extended tours of duty where they cannot fully
the most common of all their troops, comfortably commit to either civilian or militant Paths. The
outnumbering the rarer Aspect Warriors. Black Guardians of Ulthwé are even organised as a
professional fighting force, a formation the Ul-Khari
These warriors provide ranged deride as a violation of the Asuryani Path.
infantry support as Guardian
Defenders, launch shock
assaults as Storm Guardians,
or operate the warhost’s
heavy weapon platforms, TIER 2 SPECIES Aeldari XP 42
jetbikes, grav-tanks, or
ATTRIBUTES: Agility 3, Initiative 3

SKILLS: Ballistic Skill 2, Weapon Skill 2

ABILITY: Martial Citizenry

You are drilled in using basic Asuryani weaponry. When
attacking whilst in cover, gain +Rank to the Rending rating
of any SHURIKEN weapons. When attacking an enemy in
cover, gain +Rank ED on any melee attacks.
WARGEAR: Aeldari Mesh Armour, Civilian Clothing, 3
Plasma Grenades, Ritual Tools, Shuriken Catapult or
Shuriken Pistol and Guardian Chainsword, War Mask



RATING 2 2 4 4 3 3 2


Athletics 2, Awareness 2, Ballistic Skill 3, Insight 1,

Persuasion 1, Pilot 3, Scholar 1, Stealth 1, Tech 1, Weapon
Skill 3

Bladestorm (page 60), Legacy of Sorrow (W&G, page 135),
22 Mastered Paths (W&G, page 136), Skyrunner (page 62)
‘The home I dreamed of returning to is a broken, frozen ruin.
What good fortune, then, that I have a century’s experience exploring broken, frozen ruins.’
— Triesce of Ul-Khari, Ranger SYSTEM

You have chosen self-imposed exile from your make contact with distant Exodite settlements, and
craftworld, but continue to aid your kin as a scout, execute foes with long-range assassinations. Some
messenger, and sniper-assassin. find themselves on the fringes of Human communities,
ensuring their survival with the patronage of powerful
The Asuryani Path is unyielding, imposing restrictions individuals willing to overlook their Aeldari origins. ARMOURY
not every Aeldari can bear. For those who yearn for
their own agency and to see worlds beyond their The tragedy of Ul-Khari has signalled the return of
craftworld, the Path of the Outcast provides. As a its most wayward children. There is desperate need
Ranger, they have elected to leave the Path entirely, for their fieldcraft, for few Aeldari are as experienced OUTCASTS OF
and roam the galaxy seeking fulfilment elsewhere. at navigating hazardous terrain as a Ranger. Many THE VOID
Many find what they were looking for, and return other craftworlds, stretched too thin to send more
home with their wanderlust satisfied. Others perish in substantial assistance, have dispatched individual
the wilderness, fall in with Corsair warbands, or lose Rangers to the Gilead System instead. Some have SERVANTS OF THE
centuries searching for a meaning that eludes them. even condescended to work with Agents of the Rogue
Trader Jakel Varonius, in recognition of their so-called PANTHEON OF
Most Rangers still feel a strong sense of duty to their peace settlement. RUIN
craftworld, and provide assistance as best they can. GAMEMASTERS
They gather intelligence, explore maiden worlds, GUIDE


TIER 2 SPECIES Aeldari XP 34



SKILLS: Ballistic Skill 2, Stealth 1, Survival 2

ABILITY: From the Shadows

You are adept at exploiting any form of concealment.
Whenever a Vision Penalty (Wrath & Glory page 191)
or Cover (Wrath & Glory page 181) imposes a penalty
on someone trying to attack or detect you, the penalty is
increased by +Rank DN.
WARGEAR: Ranger Long Rifle, Shuriken Pistol, Knife,
Aeldari Mesh Armour, Cameleoline Cloak, Magnocular
Scope, Spirit Stone, Bedroll, Blanket



RATING 2 3 5 3 2 2 2


Athletics 2, Awareness 3, Ballistic Skill 3, Cunning 1,

Deception 1, Investigation 1, Medicae 1, Pilot 2, Stealth 2,
Survival 3, Weapon Skill 2

Acute Sense (W&G, page 129), Deadshot (W&G, page 131),
Eliminator (W&G, page 133), Silent (W&G, page 139) 23
‘They think they are safe. They think they are beyond the cold grasp of death.
I am a servant of death, and they have underestimated my reach.’
— Dismali, Dark Reaper

You are a foreboding wielder of heavy weaponry, These warriors pride themselves on their precision,
reaping formations of soldiers in a barrage of and much of their training within the Aspect Shrine is
explosive missiles. devoted to the challenge of attaining the perfect shot.
During their punishing battle rites, every warrior is
During the war against the Yngir, Khaine battled expected to display incredible feats of coordination,
against a star god named Kaelis Ra, the Destroyer focus, and balance. The Dark Reapers are formidable
of Light, the Nightbringer, an incarnation of death warriors whose baleful gaze haunts the battlefield
itself. Khaine triumphed against Kaelis Ra, but as the from afar, reaping souls with exacting precision.
star god tore itself free to seek a new form, shards
of its sundered body exploded outwards and pierced A Dark Reaper’s wargear is weighty, but exceptionally
Khaine’s flesh. He was cursed with the Aspect of the useful for strongpoint defence. They have held the line
Destroyer, embodying every sentient creature’s fear against Plague Marines on Vulkaris, Kastelan Robots
of their own mortality. The Dark Reapers invoke this on Avachrus, and numberless threats spewed fourth
aspect on the battlefield by executing their enemies in from the ice of Trollius. A Dark Reaper shoulders
a fusillade of long-range missile fire. the burden of their weapons alone, and commits to
impossible quests without regard to the cost.


TIER 3 SPECIES Aeldari XP 70



ATTRIBUTES: Agility 3, Initiative 3, Willpower 2

SKILLS: Athletics 2, Ballistic Skill 3, Intimidate 1, Weapon

Skill 2
ABILITY: Inescapable Accuracy
Your targeting systems and uncanny precision make it
impossible for your victims to hide. When making a ranged
attack, you may reduce the total DN penalties you suffer due
to Long Range, Vision Penalties, and the target’s Cover by
an amount equal to your Rank. When you Brace a Heavy
Weapon, you may Aim as a Free Action.
WARGEAR: Aspect Shrine, Reaper Armour, Spirit Stone,
War Mask, Reaper Launcher




RATING 3 3 5 5 4 3 2


Athletics 3, Awareness 3, Ballistic Skill 5, Intimidation 3,

Scholar 1, Tech 2, Weapon Skill 3

Deadshot (W&G, page 131), Ever Vigilant (W&G, page 133),
24 Fear (W&G, page 133), Stoic (W&G, page 140)
‘Too long have the Children of the Stars wept bitter tears. Today, we unleash our vengeance!’
— Caslith the Fireheart, Dire Avenger

You are a student of the first Aspect Warrior Most craftworlds have more Dire Avenger Aspect
Temple, exemplifying retribution, valour, and Temples than any other, with a number of doctrinal
relentless firing discipline. differences between them. On Ul-Khari, different
Temples focus their vengeance against preferred
The Ul-Khari teach that in his noblest aspect, Khaine targets — a species, faction, or monstrous individual. ARMOURY
was the right hand of Asuryan. When the Phoenix King
passed judgement, Khaine would enforce it, delivering Dire Avengers are adaptable combatants, switching
justice — or vengeance — upon wrongdoers. Dire between range and melee, offence and defence. They
Avengers emulate Khaine at his most honourable, consider the wielding of the shuriken an art form, their OUTCASTS OF
sheltering the innocent and punishing the guilty. Avenger shuriken catapults being elegant weapons, THE VOID
even more advanced than those used by a craftworld’s
Dire Avengers are more moderate in temperament Guardians. It is the tactical flexibility and martial
than other Aspect Warriors, seldom allowing their expertise that makes Dire Avengers a natural choice to SERVANTS OF THE
passions to impede a mission. Their Temple was lead or support a team of Agents. Those who lead gain
founded by Asurmen, first of the Phoenix Lords, and experience that will prove valuable should they later PANTHEON OF
with that legacy and honour comes commitment to set chose to walk the Path of Command. RUIN
an example to other warriors. GAMEMASTERS

TIER 3 SPECIES Aeldari XP 74



ATTRIBUTES: Agility 3, Initiative 3, Willpower 3

SKILLS: Athletics 2, Ballistic Skill 3, Weapon Skill 2

ABILITY: Defence Tactics

You advance, take cover, and complete your objectives
without ever interrupting rate of fire. You may make a
ranged attack with a SHURIKEN as a Free Action, but
cannot do so in the same Turn you use Combat Actions to
make another ranged, melee, or Interaction Attack. You can
use this ability up to Rank times per combat, and never more
than once per Turn.
WARGEAR: Avenger Shuriken Catapult, 3 Plasma
Grenades, Knife, Aspect Armour, War Mask, Rangefinder,
Spirit Stone, Aspect Shrine




RATING 2 3 5 3 2 2 2


Athletics 3, Awareness 3, Ballistic Skill 4, Insight 1,

Leadership 2, Medicae 2, Scholar 2, Tech 2, Weapon Skill 4

Battle Focus (page 60), Bladestorm (page 60),
Ever Vigilant (W&G, page 133), Fearless (W&G, page 133)
‘Let them gather the wreckage of their precious tank. It would please me to destroy it a second time.’
— Querosq the Lambent, Fire Dragon

You are a tank-hunter and fortification-leveller, It was the Phoenix Lord Fuegan who founded the Fire
applying the focused fury of concentrated fire. Dragons, and legends of his deeds are ritually retold
in the Aspect Shrine on Ul-Khari. A depiction of him
Ul-Khari legends tell of hubristic Aeldari who sought holding the cosmic serpents of wisdom and entropy in
vengeance against Khaine, riding to fight him on his fiery grasp survived the craftworld’s collision with
armoured steeds. Against these prideful knights, Trollius, and the bitter cold seems almost bearable
Khaine transformed into a monstrous scaled snake — when standing beneath it.
the Aspect of the Dragon — and breathed a torrent
of fire that deliquesced mortal protections. The Fire Dragons provide anti-armour support, and excel
Fire Dragons emulate this elemental devastation, at demolition missions targeting enemy fortifications.
intensifying the heat of their fusion weapons until Following Fuegan’s teachings, they prefer to seek
their target is consumed in a raging inferno. harmony in selective destruction of their foes. Their
fire has salvaged much of Ul-Khari from the ice of
Trollius, but the warmongering Aspect Warriors
resent the work. Boarding actions in the Voidmire,
sabotage in Gilead’s hives, and hunting Imperial
Knights on Nethreus are far better suited to a Fire
Dragon’s sensibilities.


TIER 3 SPECIES Aeldari XP 72


ATTRIBUTES: Toughness 2, Agility 3, Initiative 3,
Willpower 2

SKILLS: Athletics 2, Ballistic Skill 3, Weapon Skill 2

ABILITY: Assured Destruction

With intense heat, you boil your targets from the inside out.
You may activate the Melta Trait of any weapons you wield
at Medium and Long Range (not just Short Range), and gain
+Double Rank ED when making attacks with those weapons.
WARGEAR: Aspect Shrine, Heavy Aspect Armour, Spirit
Stone, War Mask, Dragon Fusion Gun, 3 Fusion Charges




RATING 3 4 5 5 4 3 2


Athletics 3, Awareness 3, Ballistic Skill 5, Deception 1,

Intimidation 2, Scholar 2, Tech 2, Weapon Skill 3

Battle Focus (page 60), Burning Bright (page 61), Die
26 Hard (W&G, page 132), Hardy (W&G, page 134)
‘Doc said I’d never hear again — but I still hear that screaming in my nightmares.’
— Guardsman Amon Broinach, survivor of the Sten Hill Massacre

You are a quicksilver melee combatant, leaping his children’s screaming, and this penchant for
into every assault with an ear-splitting howl. coerciveness and inventive cruelty is inherited by his
Aspect Warriors. On the other hand, many Howling
The banshees of mythology were wretched offspring Banshees demonstrate strong instincts to protect
of Khaine and the crone goddess Morai-Heg, miserable those they consider kin. The patron Phoenix Lord of ARMOURY
creatures whose wailing cries could steal souls and the Howling Banshees, Jain Zar, is more personally
freeze the blood of mortals. The Bloody-Handed involved in the lives of her disciples than any other,
God acquired this Aspect after severing Morai-Heg’s sacrificing herself many times in their defence.
hand at her request, so she could study the wisdom OUTCASTS OF
found in divine blood. As Aspect Warriors, Howling Howling Banshees are sent on missions when an THE VOID
Banshees invoke not just the fury of Khaine, but the example needs to be made. They are not subtle
maddening cunning of Morai-Heg. They move like instruments, preceded by screams and leaving
lightning and terrify their enemies with deafening corpses in their wake. Because they specialise in SERVANTS OF THE
auditory assaults. brutally direct assaults, they depend upon other
Agents to cover their advance or provide support for PANTHEON OF
The emotions of Ul-Khari’s Howling Banshees run extended combat. In return, their acrobatic displays RUIN
hot and cold. It is said that Khaine only acquiesced of spectacular bloodletting makes victory more certain GAMEMASTERS
to Morai-Heg’s request after being tormented by with every strike. GUIDE


TIER 3 SPECIES Aeldari XP 90



ATTRIBUTES: Agility 3, Initiative 4, Willpower 2

SKILLS: Ballistic Skill 2, Stealth 1, Survival 2

ABILITY: Whirling Death

You are a shock assault specialist, delivering such a
devastating first strike that your enemies are left reeling.
You gain +Double Rank bonus dice on melee attacks and
Interaction Attacks made as part of a Charge.
WARGEAR: Aspect Shrine, Banshee Blade,
Howling Banshee Mask, Shuriken Pistol, Spirit Stone,
Aspect Armour




RATING 3 3 5 6 4 3 2


Athletics 4, Awareness 3, Ballistic Skill 3, Deception 2,

Insight 2, Intimidation 4, Weapon Skill 5

Fear (W&G, page 133), Furious Charge (W&G, page 134), 27
Matchless Agility (page 61), Sidestep (W&G, page 139)
‘Patience is a virtue duly rewarded; now is the time of blood. Slaughter them all, in Khaine’s name!’
— Skariel the Huntress, Striking Scorpion

You employ stealth to infiltrate enemy positions It seems unlikely such instincts were drawn from
before attacking in a roar of spinning blades. Khaine, given the God of Murder’s longstanding
vendetta with the hunter god Kurnous, but Karandras
Striking Scorpions are merciless killers without taught that such skills are an essential counterpoint
exception. They have made fear their closest ally, to the war god’s bloodthirsty nature. Each Striking
and revel in the hunt and the kill. The Aspect’s Scorpion finds their own balance between the
most sinister skill is the legacy of their Phoenix teachings of their founding fathers, cultivating
Lord, Karandras – the ability to become one with strength without losing themselves to the Path of
the shadows and thus creep towards targets without Damnation.
ever being seen. Striking Scorpions are masters of
maximising every potential hiding place as they slink Striking Scorpions are expert infiltrators and
through terrain before wreaking havoc; their patient assassins, penetrating deep into the heart of the Gilead
yet murderous nature has been the doom of many an System. They might be paired with other Aeldari
enemy whose attention drifted from the shadows for stealth specialists, such as Rangers or Harlequins,
even a moment. or provide reconnaissance for Agents without such
skills. They have a bitter, unrelenting enmity of the
The first Striking Scorpion Phoenix Lord was Arhra, Incubi of Commorragh born of an ancient shame that
the Father of Scorpions, but after breaking from his the wise do not mention in their presence.
peers after defeat at the hands of Karandras, he fell
from grace and was said to be pierced with the dark STRIKING SCORPION
light of Chaos. Karandras succeeded him, and bid the
Striking Scorpions to temper their savage fury with TIER 3 SPECIES Aeldari XP 84

the patience of the hunter. KEYWORDS: AELDARI, ASURYANI, ASPECT


ATTRIBUTES: Strength 2, Agility 3, Initiative 3, Willpower 2

SKILLS: Athletics 2, Ballistic Skill 2, Stealth 3, Weapon

Skill 3
ABILITY: Stalking Shadow
You temper your lust to kill by silently hunting your prey
first. You gain +Double Rank bonus dice and +Double Rank
ED when making a Surprise Attack (in addition to the usual
+2 bonus dice and +2 ED).
WARGEAR: Aspect Shrine, Heavy Aspect Armour,
Mandiblaster, Scorpion Chainsword, Spirit Stone, War
Mask, Shuriken Pistol




RATING 4 3 5 5 4 3 2


Athletics 3, Awareness 3, Ballistic Skill 3, Deception 2,

Intimidation 2, Scholar 1, Stealth 4, Survival 2, Weapon Skill 5

28 Counter Attack (page 131), Eliminator (page 133), Silent
(page 139), Storm of Death (page 140)
‘We, who have conquered the heavens above, do not fear the vermin below.’
— Avichor, Swooping Hawk Exarch

You effortlessly soar across the battlefield on The skies themselves are theirs to roam, and from AELDARI
wings formed of vibrating feather plates and those breathtaking heights, it is easy to forget how far
gravitic lifters. the Aeldari have fallen. Baharroth, the Phoenix Lord of
the Swooping Hawks, was the first Exarch to master
The ancient Aeldari believed that a killer who got away aerial combat, and just as Baharroth sought to inspire ARMOURY
with murder would be haunted by the victim’s spirit the other Asurya — the first Aspect Warriors — the
in the form of a circling hawk. One of the aspects of Swooping Hawks, seek to inspire their Aeldari kin.
Khaine, and a symbol of retribution and judgement.
The Swooping Hawk Aspect Warriors truly embody The Swooping Hawks have provided rapid response OUTCASTS OF
their mythological counterparts in persistence, assistance across the Gilead System, often in THE VOID
soaring through the skies with impossible grace and extraordinarily hazardous circumstances. It is no
descending on enemies below, they harry the flanks mean feat to navigate by wing the toxic clouds of
of the enemy with continuous lasblaster salvoes and Avachrus, the wintry blizzards of Trollius, or the SERVANTS OF THE
bombard enemy positions with a range of explosives. crude but towering spires of a hive city. A Swooping
Inspiring fellow Aeldari with their lethal majesty, Hawk is most naturally drawn to missions where all PANTHEON OF
Swooping Hawks are a less sombre presence than seems lost, but a flicker of hope remains, and one RUIN
other Aspect Warriors. where their graceful presence can inspire victory. GAMEMASTERS


TIER 3 SPECIES Aeldari XP 86



ATTRIBUTES: Agility 3, Initiative 3, Willpower 2

SKILLS: Athletics 2, Awareness 2, Ballistic Skill 3, Pilot 3,

Weapon Skill 2
ABILITY: Skyleap
You employ hit-and-run manoeuvres to frustrate your
enemies. You do not provoke Reflexive Attacks when you
move out of Engagement. You also gain +Double Rank bonus
dice on Pinning Attacks.
WARGEAR: Aspect Armour, Aspect Shrine, Grenade
Pack, Spirit Stone, Swooping Hawk Wings, War Mask,




RATING 3 3 5 5 4 3 2


Athletics 3, Awareness 4, Ballistic Skill 5, Leadership 1, Pilot

4, Weapon Skill 3

Acute Sense (W&G, page 129), Battle Focus (page 60),
Burning Bright (page 61), Matchless Agility (page 61) 29
‘I have trespassed in the realm of daemons and seen the things within.
You cannot fathom the price we pay to deliver death to our foes.’
— Yrule, Born of Twilight, Warp Spider

You risk short leaps through the Warp to Attack is the best form of defence, and purifying a
outmanoeuvre your enemies before shredding battlefield of an invasive presence is a sacred duty.
them with razor-sharp monofilament wire. Warp Spiders are intelligent and careful hunters,
intervening only when the moment is right to ensnare
The Ul-Khari claim that when Asuryan raised a and escape. Despite their caution, no Aeldari would
barrier between the realms of gods and mortals, accuse a Warp Spider of cowardice. Their jumps cut
some Aeldari managed to trespass in heaven. Though through the Warp itself, risking the attention of She
enraged by this impossible transgression, Khaine Who Thirsts and the eternal damnation of their souls.
bided his time. In the Aspect of the Spider, he laid
traps for the intruders, ensnaring and slaying all but The Warp Spiders have witnessed the roiling tides
one. Warp Spiders reflect this cunning and take their of the Great Rift with their own eyes, and knowing
name from the tiny crystalline arachnoids that slip in the dangers, are deeply suspicious of Jakel Varonius’s
and out of existence, hunting threats and protecting miraculous crossing. They believe, in time, his secrets
the wraithbone skeletons of craftworlds. will reveal themselves. Currently, they work deep
behind enemy lines, fighting guerilla wars against
Utilising this same technique, Warp Spiders use the Heretic Astartes on Vulkaris, and Astra Militarum on
mobility of jump generators to teleport and strike with Gilead Primus.
their ritual armament — the death spinner — before
retreating. WARP SPIDER

TIER 3 SPECIES Aeldari XP 86



ATTRIBUTES: Agility 3, Initiative 3, Willpower 2

SKILLS: Athletics 2, Ballistic Skill 3, Deception 2, Pilot 3,

Weapon Skill 2
ABILITY: Flickerjump
You appear just long enough to weave a deadly web before
disappearing from sight. When an enemy enters Engagement
with you whilst you are Unengaged, you may move up to
your Speed as a Reflexive Action. You can use this ability up
to Rank times per combat.
WARGEAR: Aspect Shrine, Heavy Aspect Armour,
Spirit Stone, War Mask, Warp Spider Jump Generator,
Death Spinner




RATING 3 3 5 5 4 3 2


Athletics 3, Awareness 3, Ballistic Skill 5, Cunning 1,

Deception 2, Pilot 4, Stealth 2, Weapon Skill 3

Battle Focus (page 60), Eliminator (W&G, page 133),
30 Escape Artist (W&G, page 133), Favoured by the Warp
(W&G, page 133)
‘From Sha’iel itself are her powers conjured; and into Sha’iel itself would I follow her without complaint.’
— Guardian Kaulios of Alaitoc, at the Assembly of Guided Daggers

You are a battle-psyker, squad leader, and advisor Many Warlocks are famed individuals among their
to your craftworld’s Seer Council. fellow craftworlders. To Farseers, they are trusted
counsellors and supporting ritualists. Disciples of
Those who walk the Witch Path, and who were once the Aspect Temples may know Warlocks as former
Aspect Warriors, often find direct experience of war comrades-in-arms. In the Guardian hosts, Warlocks ARMOURY
an advantage when it comes to wielding destructive are often unit commanders, their powers strengthening
psychic powers. These Aeldari are known as Warlocks, warriors so they can match elite enemies on an
and in battle they use these powers to great effect, even footing. Some Warlocks, known as Spiritseers,
often leading other Aeldari into battle. Wielding the specialise in communing with the dead spirits of their OUTCASTS OF
Runes of Battle, they bolster their warhost and wreak craftworld’s Infinity Circuit, and may shepherd their THE VOID
terrible destruction on their foes. Spirit Host in war.

The decimation of Ul-Khari’s Seer Council leaves the SERVANTS OF THE

craftworld more dependent on Warlocks than ever
before. They played a crucial role in negotiating the PANTHEON OF
ceasefire with Jakel Varonius, and some still fight RUIN
alongside the Rogue Trader’s Agents when their GAMEMASTERS
interests align. GUIDE


TIER 3 SPECIES Aeldari XP 56



ATTRIBUTES: Agility 3, Willpower 4

SKILLS: Psychic Mastery 2

ABILITY: Runes of Battle

You are a warrior and a Psyker both, adapting your powers
to either augment your allies or assail your enemies. You
know the Universal Psyker Abilities (Wrath & Glory page
267), the Smite psychic power, and a single power of your
choice from the Runes of Battle Discipline.
WARGEAR: Rune Armour, Set of Wraithbone Runes, Spirit
Stone, Witchblade or Singing Spear, Shuriken Pistol




RATING 2 3 4 5 7 4 2


Awareness 1,Insight 3, Leadership 1, Psychic Mastery 4,

Scholar 3, Weapon Skill 3


Conceal/Reveal (W&G, page 283), Embolden/Horrify (W&G, 31
page 283), Protect/Jinx (W&G, page 284)
‘Not even the dead have seen the end of war.’
— Spiritseer Iyanna Arienal

Your undying soul is transplanted into an Wraithguard are typically mercurial in demeanour,
imposing wraithbone shell so you can continue to perceiving reality as a dream intersected with
fight from beyond death. the invisible currents of the spirit realm. Their
temperamental opposites are the Wraithblades, whose
When the need for soldiers is so great that not ferociously violent urges are only held in check by the
even marshalling the Guardian hosts is sufficient, sensor vanes worn on their armour. A Wraithblade’s
a craftworld’s Spiritseers are instructed to rouse the rage is exacerbated by their ghost weapons — each
Spirit Host. Spirit stones of veteran warriors are containing its own spirit stone that helps guide its
removed from the safety of the Infinity Circuit and wielder’s blows.
installed into Wraith Constructs crafted for combat.
Raising the dead, while an abhorrent prospect, can be For millennia, Ul-Khari was conservative in the
deemed necessary when the survival of the craftworld deployment of their Spirit Hosts, content to let
is threatened. The most common ghost warrior is the the dead rest in peace. Circumstances have forced
Wraithguard. These sentinels carry vortex weaponry, a change in attitude. The dead of Ul-Khari now so
opening rifts into Warp space that tear targets apart or completely outnumber the living that the craftworld
drag them screaming into the Immaterium. cannot survive without the Wraithguards’ aid.


TIER 4 SPECIES Wraith Construct XP 164



ATTRIBUTES: Strength 5, Toughness 6, Willpower 4

SKILLS: Ballistic Skill 3, Weapon Skill 3

ABILITY: War Construct

Your new body weathers the strains of battle better than
any living creature could. Any ranged weapons you wield
without the Heavy Trait gain the Pistol Trait. When wielding
two melee weapons, you reduce the DN penalty for making
Multi-Attacks by 2. You gain +Rank Determination.
WARGEAR: Spirit Stone, Wraithcannon or 2 Ghostswords




RATING 7 8 2 4 5 3 1


Awareness 3, Ballistic Skill 4, Intimidation 3, Scholar 2,

Weapon Skill 4

Brutalist (page 130), Feel No Pain (page 133), Frenzy (page
134), Tenacious (page 140)

‘It is not enough to command the deployment of my own forces.
My strategies will instruct the movement of my enemy, or I am not worthy of my title.’
— Ishtá Indomi, Autarch of Ul-Khari SYSTEM

Your experience training at multiple Aspect On the battlefield, they alternate between tactical AELDARI
Warrior Temples has prepared you to become the genius, and direct participation in the in the heat of
ultimate battlefield general. combat. Autarchs frequently receive ritual weapons
from the Aspect Warrior Temples they served with.
An Asuryani who survives walking the Path of the This personal history has a lasting impact, not ARMOURY
Warrior multiple times learns a deeper appreciation just on an Autarch’s military philosophy, but their
of war in all its harrowing dimensions. Only then can leadership style as well. Most are inspirations to their
they walk the Path of Command, and lead their own subordinates, though an Autarch’s warmongering
warhost. Autarchs combine strategic knowledge with may be alienating to less aggressive Aeldari. The great OUTCASTS OF
sharp combat instincts, and possess an anticipation of fear of Ul-Khari’s Seer Council is that an Autarch will THE VOID
operational complications that borders on prophetic. become lost on the Path of Command and drag the
entire craftworld into a cycle of endless war, without
AUTARCH thought for survival. SERVANTS OF THE
TIER 5 SPECIES Aeldari XP 216

ATTRIBUTES: Agility 4, Initiative 4, Willpower 5, GAMEMASTERS

Intellect 5, Fellowship 3 GUIDE
SKILLS: Athletics 2, Awareness 2, Ballistic Skill 3,
Leadership 4, Weapon Skill 3
ABILITY: Superlative Strategist
When you, or any allies within communication range, spend
Glory to increase their dice pool, they gain +Rank bonus dice
(in addition to bonus dice equal to the Glory spent). You may
make Leadership Tests to remove the Fear, Terror, or Pinned
Conditions as a Simple Action.
WARGEAR: One of the following: Death Spinner or Dragon
Fusion or Reaper Launcher or Shuriken Pistol Gun.
One of the following: Banshee Blade or Scorpion
Chainsword or Star Glaive.
One of the following: 3 Fusion Charges or Howling
Banshee Mask or Mandiblasters or Swooping Hawk
Wings or Warp Spider Jump Generator or 3 Plasma
All of the following: Back Banner, Forceshield, Spirit
Stone, War Mask, Heavy Aspect Armour.




RATING 3 3 5 5 7 6 5


Athletics 3, Awareness 3, Ballistic Skill 5, Insight 2,

Intimidation 2, Leadership 5, Persuasion 3, Pilot 2, Scholar
2, Weapon Skill 5

Battle Focus (page 60), Burning Bright (page 61), Mastered
Paths (W&G, page 136), Noble Peer (W&G, page 137)
‘Some futures are unavoidable. Anything less, I shall bend to my will.’
— Farseer Iradriel, the Mourning Sun of Craftworld Alaitoc

You channel psychic powers that reveal the myriad Farseers are enigmatic figures, their minds forever
paths of the future, using your foreknowledge to in transition between the sight of the present and
shape the destiny of entire species. future. Their actions often reflect the intricate
understanding of the threads of fate, preferring subtle
The Witch Path is the most difficult Path of the manipulations over drastic action with unforeseeable
Asuryani. The enormous psychic potential of the consequences. Through meditation, they can astrally
Aeldari bears a terrible cost, inviting the gaze of She project themselves through the psychic superstructure
Who Thirsts, potentially dooming the Seer’s very soul. of their craftworlds and wander at will.
Even so, an Aeldari’s hunger for arcane secrets may
lead so far down the Path of the Seer they cannot turn Many have wondered how the Seer Council of Ul-Khari
back. Whilst most Asuryani regard those trapped on failed to anticipate the destruction of their craftworld,
any Path almost with an equal sense of both fear and or take action to avert it. Perhaps the Farseers were
awe, a Farseer is instead destined to join deceived by the machinations of Chaos, or perhaps
their craftworld’s senior leadership. they did foresee this outcome, and felt sacrificing
Their visions of the future are so their home was a necessary cost. Only one burdended
precious that the Asuryani place with a Farseer’s gifts could discern the truth.
utmost trust in these most
revered figures. FARSEER

TIER 5 SPECIES Aeldari XP 167


ATTRIBUTES: Agility 3, Initiative 3, Willpower 6, Intellect

SKILLS: Leadership 2, Psychic Mastery 4, Scholar 2

ABILITY: The Witch Path

You are a supremely powerful Psyker, specialising in
manipulation of the future. You know the Universal Psyker
Abilities (Wrath & Glory page 267), and the Smite psychic
power. You may choose two powers you know from any
of the following Disciplines (so long as you meet the
prerequisites): Divination, Runes of Fate, Runes of Fortune.
WARGEAR: Ghosthelm, Rune Armour, Set of Wraithbone
Runes, Spirit Stone, Witchblade or Singing Spear,
Shuriken Pistol




RATING 3 4 5 5 8 6 5


Athletics 2, Awareness 4, Ballistic Skill 3, Leadership 4,

Psychic Mastery 5, Scholar 4, Weapon Skill 3


34 Fateful Divergence (page 75), Ghostwalk (page 76),

Mind War (page 74), Will of Asuryan (page 75)
‘Make war with me, and you make war with my Kabal.
Consider your next move very carefully, Corsair. The ramifications could be… excruciating.’
— Durabeli Arlehk, Warrior of the Bloodied Claw

You are the beating heart of your Kabal’s fighting The brutal initiation rites of a Kabal ensure that only
strength, a murderous, power-hungry killer with the most most savage, callous, and ambitious Warriors
dark ambitions. survive. Consequently, most Warriors strive to climb
the ranks of their faction, which is invariably achieved
The Kabals of Commorragh are more than gangs, by betraying and murdering their superiors. Despite
or bands of like-minded sadists; they are military the ferocious competition between Warriors, they are
organisations, pirate bands, noble households, and more than capable of exercising martial discipline on
criminal cartels. They fight to enrich themselves in the battlefield, working together to execute squad
realspace raids, and to seize and hold territory within tactics when it serves their self-interest.
the borders of the Dark City. Kabalite Warriors are the
frontline soldiers in these wars, remorseless butchers The Kabal of the Bloodied Claw has preyed upon the
who slaughter those they do not enslave to torment Gilead System for millennia, claiming, torturing, and
later. Their attacks are characterised by speed, sacrificing an endless number of souls to preserve
surprise, overwhelming firepower, and fear, followed their own. They have fought alongside the Greensteel
by assault and capture once a foe is too weak to resist. Warriors on occasion, though are suspected of
attempting to usurp the authority of the Emerald
Princess from within.


TIER 2 SPECIES Drukhari XP 42


ATTRIBUTES: Agility 3, Initiative 3

SKILLS: Ballistic Skill 2, Weapon Skill 2

ABILITY: Prey on the Weak

Your mind is focused by the scent of fear and suffering. You
gain +Rank bonus dice on attack Tests against enemies that
have suffered Wounds, or Mobs of Troops that have suffered
WARGEAR: Hook and Chains, Initiation Token, Kabalite
Armour, Knife, Splinter Rifle




RATING 2 2 4 4 2 2 2


Athletics 1, Awareness 2, Ballistic Skill 3, Cunning 2,

Deception 1, Insight 1, Intimidation 2, Pilot 1, Stealth 2,
Weapon Skill 3

Dirty Fighter (W&G, page 132), Eliminator (W&G, page
36 133), Trueborn (page 62), Power From Pain (page 61)
‘What a pathetic little plaything. Not even worth hanging from the walls of the arena!”
— Valghex of the Cult of Endless Trauma

You are a lightning-fast slayer and gladiatorial depends on their ability to provide entertainment to
performer, renowned in the Dark City for your the overlords of the larger, more powerful Kabals.
murderous arts. A Wych never misses an opportunity to exercise
showmanship, or subtly promote their own brand of
In a city where most Drukhari have little regard celebrity. Whilst rivalries with fellow Hekatarii are ARMOURY
for anyone besides themselves, the Hekatarii have common, these are invariably settled in the arena.
earned the respect of a jaded population through
achievements in the field of performative slaughter. The Cult of Endless Trauma is one of the smaller
Only the most spectacular warriors make a career in Wych Cults in Commorragh, but in the Gilead System, OUTCASTS OF
the Wych Cult arenas, with lesser fighters quickly they have sensed opportunity. With so many warring THE VOID
dispatched in their earliest appearances. A Wych may cultures in one system, they have managed to capture
specialise in a number of different bloodsports — an enviable variety of arena fighters in a flurry of
ritual duels, arena battles, death races, or extravagant realspace raids. Now they seek to flesh out their ranks, SERVANTS OF THE
sacrifices. Between spectacles, a Wych accompanies and have established a simulacra of their grand arena
realspace raids to assist an allied Kabal, capture in the dark heart of the Voidmire. Here, in the leering PANTHEON OF
victims for the arena, or hone their killer edge. shadow of the Cicatrix Maledictum, blood is spilled RUIN
and captives are tormented in ever greater numbers. GAMEMASTERS
A Wych is required to demonstrate both lethal skill GUIDE
and a flair for the dramatic. The security of their Cult


TIER 2 SPECIES Drukhari XP 62


ATTRIBUTES: Agility 4, Initiative 4

SKILLS: Athletics 2, Weapon Skill 2

ABILITY: Lightning Dodge

You run circles around your enemy and take them apart one
slice at a time. When wearing no armour besides a Wychsuit,
you gain +Rank Defence against melee attacks.
WARGEAR: Arena Trophy, Combat Drugs, Hekatarii
Blade, 3 Plasma Grenades, Splinter Pistol, Wychsuit




RATING 2 2 4 5 2 2 2


Athletics 3, Ballistic Skill 2, Cunning 2, Intimidation 1,

Persuasion 1, Pilot 1, Stealth 1, Weapon Skill 3

Blade Artist (page 61), Matchless Agility (page 61),
Sidestep (W&G, page 139), Skyrunner (page 62)
‘First to ten decapitations wins.’
— Thresyn the Flickerblade, Hellion renegade

You are an adrenaline junkie and anarchist street The Kabals and the Haemonculi curse their unrefined
racer, tearing across the galaxy atop a personal sadism while the Scourges sneer at their encroachment
skyboard. into Commorragh’s upper limits. Only the Wych Cults
find the antics of the Hellions entertaining, supplying
The Lords of Commorragh offer protection and the gangs with combat drugs to fuel their rampages.
opportunity in return for obedience — but some In return, the Hellions are granted the privilege of
Drukhari are too free-spirited to bend the knee to any performing in the arena, and ride with the Cults on
Archon, Succubus, or Haemonculus. These rebels, realspace raids. Whilst the Hellions insist they are
exiles, fugitives, and young aspirants form gangs beholden to no one, they know better than to bite the
of their own, living on the edge of Drukhari society, hand that feeds, and most want for the attention of a
surviving by their wits alone. Hellions are the most baying crowd.
infamous of these miscreants, racing around the Dark
City on skyboards, spreading chaos and outrunning The Cult of Endless Trauma has sponsored Hellions
the consequences. Some are mature enough to enter, or to fly across the Gilead System, spreading fear of the
return to, Drukhari society. Others become Helliarchs, Drukhari, and gathering intelligence. Other Hellion
veterans of gang warfare, with the unenviable job of gangs have entered the system at no one’s request,
leading a pack of committed anarchists. simply because it pleases them to have whole new
worlds of mortals to terrify.
Any Hellion feral enough to earn the respect of their
gang tends to make enemies of everyone else. HELLION

TIER 2 SPECIES Drukhari XP 36


ATTRIBUTES: Agility 3, Initiative 3

SKILLS: Pilot 2

ABILITY: Hit and Run

You revel in the confusion of swift attacks, striking fast
before sweeping away from victims who fall prey to your
skyboard or hellglaive. You do not provoke Reflexive Attacks
when you move out of Engagement. You gain +Rank bonus
dice on any Pilot (A) Tests related to the operation of your
WARGEAR: Hellglaive, Skyboard with Splinter Pods,
Wychsuit, Combat Drugs, Gang Colours, Ornamental



RATING 2 2 4 4 2 2 2


Athletics 2, Awareness 2, Ballistic Skill 2, Cunning 2,

Intimidation 1, Pilot 3, Tech 2, Weapon Skill 2

Burning Bright (page 61), Furious Charge (W&G, page 134),
38 Matchless Agility (page 61), Power From Pain (page 61)
‘I like your dog, Fenrisian.
Once I have broken its will, I’ll feed it your flesh as a treat.’
— Akkhar the Cruel, Beastmaster SYSTEM

You capture and command the deadliest animals in A Beastmaster demonstrates extraordinary talent for AELDARI
the galaxy, showcasing their lethal characteristics rendering a wild animal compliant and redirecting
in the amphitheatres of Commorragh. its bestial rage. This is partly achieved through the
pheromones and sonic emitters embedded in their
The audiences of the Wych Cult arenas constantly skull-faced masks. Their strange tattoos harken to ARMOURY
hunger for novelty, and it is a Beastmaster’s job to a shamanic tradition long forgotten by most Aeldari,
help service this need. They search the galaxy for the save perhaps the Exodite colonies. Some Beastmasters
most exciting, unusual, and horrifyingly dangerous detest the company of their Drukhari kin, let alone
beasts they can find, returning them to the Dark other conscious beings, and revel in breaking the will OUTCASTS OF
City to massacre terrified captives for a crowd’s of sentient captives, bringing them under command THE VOID
entertainment. Most Beastmasters hunt from atop a like any common beast.
skyboard, the perfect vantage point from which to
direct their charges whilst avoiding the belligerent The megafauna of Nethreus, and the marine SERVANTS OF THE
swipes of a rebellious predator. leviathans of Charybdion, are ever-tempting targets
for Beastmasters serving the Cult of Endless Trauma. PANTHEON OF
Unfortunately, capturing such magnificent specimens RUIN

BEASTMASTER is easier said than done. Other Beastmasters have used GAMEMASTERS
the Gilead System as a fresh environment GUIDE
TIER 3 SPECIES Drukhari XP 100 in which to train their charges. By
unleashing their pets upon realspace,
they prepare them for the stresses of the
ATTRIBUTES: Agility 4, Initiative 4, Willpower 3 arena or bloody battlefield.
SKILLS: Athletics 2, Leadership 2, Pilot 2, Survival 2,
Weapon Skill 2
ABILITY: Beast Handler
You command respect from wild animals, cowing them
into obedience. You gain +Double Rank bonus dice on
all social Skill Tests against a creature with the BEAST
Keyword. When you consent, allied BEAST creatures in
communication range can spend your Wrath Points as their
WARGEAR: Agoniser, Beastmaster Mask, Combat Drugs,
Hunting Trophy, Skyboard with Splinter Pods, Wychsuit




RATING 3 3 5 5 4 3 2


Athletics 3, Awareness 3, Ballistic Skill 3, Cunning 2, Insight

2, Intimidation 2, Leadership 3, Pilot 2, Survival 4, Weapon
Skill 5

Acute Sense (W&G, page 129), Animal Companion
[Khymera or Clawed Fiend] (page 60), or [Razorwing Flock]
(W&G, page 132), Fear (W&G, page 133) 39
‘Without the kill, we are nothing, so says the Dark Father.’
— Akhirion, Incubus of the Coiled Blade

You are the formidable disciple of an elite warrior To make the warsuit their own, an aspirant must kill
creed, and mercenary bodyguard to the paranoid an Asuryani Aspect Warrior in single combat, break
rulers of the Dark City. their spirit stone, and present it to the Hierarch of their
Shrine. It is then fashioned into an armour-implanted
Incubi are among the most disciplined Drukhari psychological weapon known as a tormentor. The
fighters, warriors who have set aside political ambition tormentor’s psychic aura of fear magnifies the dread
and hedonistic greed to better master the art of the reputation of the warrior and their Shrine.
kill. They honour Kaela Mensha Khaine in midnight-
black Shrines, duelling with blades — lethal klaives Most unusual for the Drukhari is the alleged loyalty of
and demiklaives — to hone their deadly efficiency. To the Incubi. They are mercenaries, but when they accept
join this order, a Drukhari must defeat and dispatch a contract, they commit to fight for their employer until
an existing Incubus and take their armour, but even the bitter end. Consequently, many Drukhari lords
this daunting challenge is not enough. hire Incubi as bodyguards, sentries, and enforcers.
With trust so rarely found in Commorragh, the Incubi
can command a fine portion of the proceeds of any
raid — often receiving choice trophies and, of course,
abundant captives to sacrifice. Raiding the Gilead
System alone is host to manifold threats; in these
precarious times, the demand for a reliable bodyguard
has rarely been higher.


TIER 3 SPECIES Drukhari XP 84



ATTRIBUTES: Agility 3, Initiative 4, Willpower 2

SKILLS: Athletics 2, Ballistic Skill 2, Intimidate 2, Weapon

Skill 3
ABILITY: Lethal Precision
You train tirelessly to master the perfect killing strike.
When you inflict a Critical Hit on a melee attack, you inflict
+Double Rank Mortal Wounds.
WARGEAR: Incubus Warsuit, Klaive, Shrine of the
Father, Stolen Spirit Stones and other trophies, Terms of
Covenant, Tormentor




RATING 3 3 5 6 4 3 2


Athletics 3, Awareness 3, Ballistic Skill 3, Cunning 2, Insight

3, Intimidation 3, Weapon Skill 5

Blade Artist (page 61), Brutalist (W&G, page 130), Counter
Attack (W&G, page 131), Power From Pain (page 61)
‘Do not speak their names! Do not tempt fate by invoking their infernal attentions.
Our luck was spent escaping to the confines of this fortress…’
— Final words of Farseer Lonelta of Yme-Loc SYSTEM

You exist simultaneously in reality and a cursed way to survive the Fall, or the hideous by-product of AELDARI
otherworld, not entirely corporeal, driven by your an unforgivable union between Aeldari and daemons.
own malevolent instincts.
Mandrakes can pull themselves into reality through
Aelindrach is perhaps the most accursed district of another being’s shadow, dragging themselves up with ARMOURY
Commorragh, where the shadows come alive, planes sinewy strength and reaching for luckless victims with
of reality intersect, and no starlight can penetrate filth encrusted claws. Their eldritch nature makes
its depths. Where Aelindrach’s influence seeps, the them consummate shock troops during Drukhari
Mandrakes follow, foul shadowskin monsters glowing raids, emerging behind enemy lines or even locked OUTCASTS OF
with runes of sinister power. Whilst they may have rooms to deal death in return for captives. THE VOID
been Drukhari once, Mandrakes are now something
different entirely. Some are paid instead by more esoteric means — a
heartbeat, last word, true name, or final breath. For SERVANTS OF THE
Perhaps they are the shadows of Drukhari come to those employers foolish enough to renege on a deal,
life, remnants of a forbidden cult that found its own neither guard nor impenetrable fastness will save PANTHEON OF
them from the haunting steps of Mandrake, and the RUIN
MANDRAKE cold grasp that follows. GAMEMASTERS
TIER 3 SPECIES Drukhari XP 92



ATTRIBUTES: Strength 2, Agility 4, Initiative 3

SKILLS: Athletics 2, Ballistic Skill 2, Stealth 4, Weapon

Skill 2
ABILITY: Shadow Creature
You are not a creature of flesh and blood, instead dwelling
in a liminal state between realities. When you are not
wearing armour, you gain +Rank Resilience, and can
roll Determination against attacks that inflict Mortal
Wounds. You always count as being in heavy fog, with
all corresponding vision penalties (+3 DN to target with
Awareness and Ballistic Skill Tests, +2 DN to target with
Weapon Skill Tests). When you move, you ignore all
obstacles between your start and end point, so long as you
move from one shadow to another.
WARGEAR: Cloak of Skin, Glimmersteel Blade, Hook and
Chains. You are also able to generate Baleblasts, which
have the weapon profile below:
10 +1 ED / Range 9 – 18 – 27 / Salvo - / Assault, Rending (4)



RATING 4 3 5 5 2 2 1


Athletics 4, Awareness 3, Ballistic Skill 4, Cunning 2,

Intimidation 3, Stealth 5, Survival 3, Weapon Skill 4

Blade Artist (page 61), Eliminator (W&G, page 133), Silent
(W&G, page 139), Power From Pain (page 61)
‘Yisserokh, I send you a message of two parts. The first are these words, written upon skin I flayed from your
last incompetent assassin. The second is the generous level of saturated haemotoxins, within said skin.’
— Shylas Sar’sel, on the assassination of Archon Yisserokh

You have undergone surgery adapting your body With psychic communication outlawed in the Dark
for flight, and deliver messages across the Dark City, the Scourges satisfy a useful niche — hand-
City for the rich and powerful. delivering messages that are too sensitive to risk
being intercepted. Each communiqué is sealed with
There are surgeries performed by the Haemonculi tailor-made poisons for which the antidote — in
of Commorragh which can adapt a Drukhari’s body theory — is held by the intended recipient, to ensure
to soar among the upper darkness. The patient is the Scourges are not tempted by a rival to delay or
subjected to agonising surgeries that graft powerful divert the message. So important are they to the
wings, hollow out bones, and implant additional networks of the Dark City that the death of a Scourge
muscle. Tradition then forces the exhausted Drukhari invites retribution from Commorragh’s most powerful
to then fly to the high aeries of their new sky-warrior down upon the perpetrator with unbridled excess.
kindred, battling through the manifold hazards of
Commorragh’s airspace. Those who survive the ascent Scourges in the Gilead System indulge their appetite
earn the right to call themselves Scourges, and claim for slaughter by providing battlefield support, using
the sky itself as their dominion. Most become addicted guerilla tactics to strike the unwary from above.
to further body modification, acquiring taloned feet,
elongated heads, or baleful, raptor-like eyes.

TIER 3 SPECIES Drukhari XP 70



ATTRIBUTES: Agility 3, Initiative 3

SKILLS: Athletics 3, Awareness 2, Ballistic Skill 2, Weapon

Skill 2
ABILITY: Winged Strike
You are grafted with wings that allow you to fly at double
your normal Speed. More complicated aerial manoeuvres
may require an Athletics (S) Test, with +Double Rank bonus
dice. In addition, you can spend Shifts on a successful
ranged attack Test to inflict the Pinned Condition on the
target. This costs a number of Shifts equal to the target’s
Resolve minus Rank.
WARGEAR: Delivery Capsule, Ghostplate Armour,
Terms of Covenant, 3 Plasma Grenades, Shardcarbine




RATING 3 3 5 5 3 3 3


Athletics 4, Awareness 4, Ballistic Skill 5, Cunning 2,

Intimidation 2, Stealth 2, Survival 2, Weapon Skill 3

Acute Sense (W&G, page 129), Deadshot (W&G, page 131),
42 Matchless Agility (page 61), Power From Pain (page 61)
‘Centuries of rule have only intensified the yawning void within my soul.
Know that your suffering serves a greater purpose — the glory of the Bloodied Claw.’
— Lord Akhara’Keth, Archon of the Bloodied Claw. SYSTEM

You are the master of a warrior Kabal, seeking To retain power, an Archon must be ruthless, AELDARI
bounties in realspace that will expand your tyrannical, and entirely without remorse. Many are
territory in Commorragh. millennia old, some having been murdered only
to return by Haemonculus fleshcraft and avenge
Ambitious Drukhari imagine that when they become themselves on their killers. Others seized power long ARMOURY
lord of a Kabal, they will finally be secure to enjoy the before younger upstarts like Asdrubael Vect, and
luxuries such status affords. In reality, an Archon’s deplore those who rise from the dirt to such heights.
position is no safer than any other Drukhari. They
are still surrounded by jealous rivals in other Kabals It is said that Overlord Akhara’Keth of the Bloodied OUTCASTS OF
and treacherous underlings within their own, both Claw has survived over three hundred attempts on his THE VOID
waiting to exploit signs of weakness. Worse still, life. Despite the appalling retribution inflicted upon
the soul-draining horror of She Who Thirsts only his would-be murderers, other Archons still conspire
escalates over time, requiring greater acts of depravity to unseat Akhara’Keth and seize his territories. SERVANTS OF THE
to stave off the terrible fate that awaits.


ATTRIBUTES: Agility 4, Initiative 4, Willpower 4, Intellect

SKILLS: Athletics 2, Awareness 2, Ballistic Skill 3, Cunning
2, Intimidation 4, Leadership 4, Weapon Skill 3
ABILITY: Overlord
You drive your underlings toward success by threatening
them with the consequences of failure. As a Simple Action,
you may spend 1 Wrath to provide yourself and all allies
+Rank bonus dice to the next Test they make this encounter
in your presence. In addition, you may spend 1 Glory to
gain 1 Wrath Point as a Free Action, up to Rank times per
WARGEAR: Huskblade, Initiation Brand, Kabalite Armour,
Shadowfield, Splinter Pistol, Trophy Rack




RATING 3 3 6 6 6 5 4


Athletics 3, Awareness 3, Ballistic Skill 4, Cunning 3,

Deception 2, Insight 2, Intimidation 5, Leadership 5,
Persuasion 2, Scholar 2, Weapon Skill 4

Beyond Mortality (page 60), Paranoid (W&G, page
137), Power From Pain (page 61), Supreme Presence
[Intimidation] (W&G, page 140) 43
‘The goal is always to elevate the subject by any means, no matter how much you peel back or cut away.’
— Dialogues of Zekratiss the Pedagogue, Haemonculus of the Baleful Curriculum

You are a twisted genius committed to violating Haemonculi are obsessive and amoral, justifying any
the laws of nature and transcending the limits of cost as necessary to fulfil their academic infatuations.
flesh. In their coven lairs, hidden deep within the Dark
City, they are accompanied by a grotesque retinue of
If the Archons are masters of Commorragh, the underlings. These unfortunate creatures range from
Haemonculi are powers behind the throne, whose vile unwilling beasts to medical assistants, monstrous
work makes the long lives of the Archons possible. enforcers, and the semi-sentient biotechnological
No subject is taboo to these twisted fleshcrafters dissectors known as Engines of Pain.
— they have mastered restoration of the dead from
the smallest of samples, creation of artificial life, Whilst many Haemonculi are jealous and secretive,
horrifying biological augmentation, and amplification the Coven known as the Baleful Curriculum are
of pain and torture. eager to spread the means and methods of their
vile practices. For their next symposium, they have
chosen the Gilead System as a location from which to
indulge their appetite for the unspeakable.


TIER 5 SPECIES Drukhari XP 175


ATTRIBUTES: Toughness 3, Agility 3, Initiative 3, Intellect

SKILLS: Ballistic Skill 2, Intimidation 3, Medicae 4, Scholar
4, Tech 2, Weapon Skill 2
ABILITY: Master of Pain
You have inflicted such violations upon your own flesh that
enemy attacks are barely cause for concern. You gain +Rank
Resilience. In addition, when you heal another creature’s
Wounds, you can choose to heal additional Wounds by
inflicting an equal amount of Shock on the patient, up to
Double Rank.
WARGEAR: Anti-Grav Suspensor Crystal, Haemonculus
Tools, Ichor Injector, Mesh Implants, Scissorhand,
Stinger Pistol




RATING 3 5 5 5 4 7 2


Awareness 3, Ballistic Skill 4, Cunning 3, Deception 2,

Intimidation 4, Insight 1, Investigation 2, Leadership 2,
Medicae 5, Scholar 5, Stealth 1, Survival 1, Tech 3, Weapon
Skill 4

44 Beyond Mortality (page 61), Fear (W&G, page 133),
Insensible to Pain (page 61), Power From Pain (page 61)
‘Make an example of one champion, brutalise them before their followers, and you inflict a psychic scar on the
survivors no medicine will ever heal. That is the meaning of Endless Trauma.’
— Lady Nemexar, Succubus of The Endless Trauma SYSTEM

You are the leader of a Wych Cult, a gladiatorial Succubi are celebrities of the Dark City, and it is AELDARI
bloodletter celebrated for murderous skill and an common for their reputations to precede them. They
undisputed master of personal combat. may choose to indulge their audience’s expectations
by curating a persona that delights (or enrages)
Succubi are the very best of the Wych Cult fighters, the crowd. Most Succubi enjoy the patronage of an ARMOURY
whirlwinds of devastating speed and grace that Archon, a mutually beneficial relationship between
effortlessly dispatch monsters twice their size. Most two leaders who might very well despise one another.
Wych Cults contain several Succubi, but answer to the
deadliest killer amongst them as overall leader. Succubi For millennia, Lady Nemexar has ruled the Cult of OUTCASTS OF
only occasionally appear in the Cult arenas, but when Endless Trauma, her position reinforced through THE VOID
they do, the audience is treated to a true spectacle of association with Archon Akhara’Keth of the Bloodied
bloodshed. Away from gladiatorial bouts, much of Claw. The awakening of Ynnead, and the dysjunction
their time is instead spent negotiating with Kabals and that followed, has disturbed this comfortable status SERVANTS OF THE
Covens, training the next generation of Wyches, and quo. Many Succubi have awaited this moment to
leading raids to secure captives for the arenas. seize supreme leadership, and the bounties of the PANTHEON OF
Gilead System could provide the means to achieve it. RUIN

TIER 5 SPECIES Drukhari XP 164


ATTRIBUTES: Agility 5, Initiative 5, Willpower 2,

Fellowship 2

SKILLS: Athletics 4, Leadership 2, Weapon Skill 4

ABILITY: Bride of Death

You shock your fellow warriors into greater acts of
spectacular slaughter. Once per Turn as a Free Action, you
may spend 1 Wrath to provide yourself and all allies in
communication range +Rank ED on any melee attacks made
until the start of your next Turn. When wearing no armour
besides a Wychsuit, you gain +Rank Defence against ranged
WARGEAR: Agoniser, Archite Glaive, Arena Trophy,
Combat Drugs, Wychsuit




RATING 4 3 7 7 4 3 4


Athletics 5, Awareness 3, Ballistic Skill 4, Cunning 2,

Deception 2, Insight 2, Intimidation 3, Leadership 3,
Persuasion 2, Pilot 2, Stealth 2, Weapon Skill 5

Beyond Mortality (page 60), Blade Artist (page 61), 45
Matchless Agility (page 61), Sidestep (W&G, page 139)
‘The final act dies not with you but with your kind.’
— The Quartet’s Loyal Traitor

You are a warrior-artist, a performer in a Harlequin Harlequins are expected to wear many different
Troupe, mastering the dance of death in honour of masks and adapt their dances and strategies to fit
the Laughing God. their new positions. Since a Harlequin is never ‘out
of character’, this can result in wild personality shifts,
The majority of Harlequins in a Masque are known a disorienting experience for other Aeldari fighting ARMOURY
simply as Players, filling the role of supporting alongside the Player.
characters, extras, and backing performers in their
Troupe’s bloody theatrical feats. They rehearse without The Masque of the Calamity Trail was first sighted
respite to optimise their synchronicity with other in the Gilead System after the Ul-Khari catastrophe. OUTCASTS OF
Players and to anticipate each other’s movements. On Though they’ve never been seen to aid the survivors THE VOID
the battlefield, they are tasked with objectives that directly, many Seers believe they are providing their
benefit from weight of numbers, though their Troupe own peculiar help behind the scenes. Other Masques
is almost always outnumbered. If a Player performs have directed Players to explore the Voidmire ruins, SERVANTS OF THE
well, and the luck of the Laughing God is with them, where lurk the echoes of an ancient evil.
they may distinguish themself for promotion and be PANTHEON OF
cast as a leading character. RUIN

TIER 3 SPECIES Aeldari/Drukhari XP 94


ATTRIBUTES: Agility 4, Initiative 4, Willpower 2

SKILLS: Athletics 3, Ballistic Skill 2, Weapon Skill 3

ABILITY: War Dancer

You fight best as part of a chorus, the strikes of your allies
blurring into your own as a storm of blades. You gain
+Double Rank bonus dice on melee attacks against an enemy
engaged with an ally.
WARGEAR: One of the following: Harlequin’s Blade or
Harlequin’s Caress or Harlequin’s Embrace or
Harlequin’s Kiss
False Face, Flip-Belt, Holo-Suit, 3 Plasma Grenades,
Shuriken Pistol




RATING 2 2 6 6 4 3 3


Athletics 4, Awareness 1, Ballistic Skill 4, Deception 2,

Intimidation 2, Pilot 2, Scholar 1, Stealth 1, Weapon Skill 4

Luck of the Laughing God (page 61), Rising Crescendo
(page 62), Matchless Agility (page 61), Skyrunner (page
‘I like to think I helped him. He always wanted to be closer to his god.’
— Athairnos, the Whisper of Death after the bloody execution of Cardinal Moulin

You are a ranged-support specialist with a dark Death Jesters are darkly jovial figures, though their
sense of humour, embodying the role of Death by taste in comedy is so ghoulish to those beyond
wearing the bones of your predecessor. their own that it is usually more alienating than
entertaining. Every Death Jester knows that,
Death is an omnipresent character in the bloody when they die, the bones from their skeleton will
tales of the Aeldari. It is the ultimate leveller, which be harvested for inclusion in their replacement’s
humbles even the greatest gods and heroes. Death costume. Characteristically, the Death Jesters find this
Jesters fulfil this role in all its morbid, mocking glory, final indignity to be most amusing.
rejoicing in the cruel and ironic fates bestowed upon
their victims. With rapid-firing shrieker cannons, they The chain of oversights and bad decisions that led
pierce enemies with hideous poisons that explode to Ul-Khari’s fall are a source of much hilarity to the
them from the inside out — a grotesque spectacle the Death Jesters, especially in the Masque of the Calamity
Death Jesters greet with applause or a sarcastic curtsy. Trail. This has been the cause of some strife among
the Asuryani, who cannot see the event as anything
other than an overwhelming tragedy. Still, the combat
prowess of the Death Jesters is welcome, even when
their grim humour is not.


TIER 4 SPECIES Aeldari/Drukhari XP 176


ATTRIBUTES: Strength 4, Agility 5, Initiative 5, Willpower

SKILLS: Athletics 2, Ballistic Skill 3, Intimidation 2,
Weapon Skill 3
ABILITY: Death Is Not Enough
You delight in brutal volleys of firepower that demoralise and
terrify your enemies. When you succeed on a ranged attack,
any targets of the attack must make a Fear Test, with a DN
of 1 + Double Rank. If none of your targets survived the
attack, you can choose another character who witnessed the
attack to make the Fear Test instead.
WARGEAR: Flip-Belt, Holo-Suit, Rictus Mask, Shrieker
Cannon with Jester’s Blade attachment




RATING 4 3 7 7 5 3 3


Athletics 4, Awareness 2, Ballistic Skill 4, Deception 2,

Intimidation 3, Scholar 2, Stealth 1, Tech 1, Weapon Skill 4


48 Fear (W&G, page 133), Gallows Humour (W&G, page 134),

Luck of the Laughing God (page 61), Rising Crescendo
(page 62)
‘What she showed me was indescribable. Just as well, as I’d sooner die than be forced to describe it.’
— Eoheran Quilherna, Last Child of Dilherran

You are a sanity-warping, illusion-conjuring Shadowseers are enigmatic even by Harlequin AELDARI
performance-psyker, guiding your Troupe standards, wearing identical mirrored masks that
according to Fate’s fickle whims. betray nothing of their original identities. They
are unmoved by the appalling, madness-inducing
Harlequin dances are characterised by an explosive phantoms they invoke, caring only for the protection ARMOURY
sensory overload, manifested through the use they provide Aeldari allies. Some are obsessed with
of pyrotechnics, swirling mists, and psychic fulfilling a specific prophecy, the true nature of which
manipulation. Shadowseers are the masters of these may be a mystery even to them. Others present
‘special effects’, lone figures of calm at the centre of a themselves as side-characters in someone else’s story, OUTCASTS OF
whirling cacophony. In their role as Fate, they narrate positioning themselves as a chronicler or witness. THE VOID
the actions of principal characters and issue off-stage
prophecies to guide their Troupe. Unlike Asuryani The pronouncements of a Shadowseer are revered
Farseers, Shadowseers do not manipulate destiny such that no Aeldari would refuse their company — SERVANTS OF THE
to achieve more favourable outcomes, but willingly even Commorragh, where Psykers are forbidden entry
submit themselves as agents of Fate’s whims. All must on pain of death, makes a singular exception for the PANTHEON OF
play the part they are doomed to play, irrespective of Shadowseers. RUIN
the consequences. GAMEMASTERS

TIER 5 SPECIES Aeldari/Drukhari XP 277


ATTRIBUTES: Strength 2, Toughness 2, Agility 5,
Initiative 5, Willpower 6, Intellect 4, Fellowship 2
SKILLS: Athletics 3, Awareness 3, Ballistic Skill 3,
Deception 3, Psychic Mastery 4, Weapon Skill 3
ABILITY: Phantasmancer
You know the Universal Psyker Abilities (Wrath & Glory
page 267), and the Smite psychic power. You may choose
two powers you know from any of the following Disciplines
(so long as you meet the prerequisites): Divination,
Phantasmancy, Telepathy.
WARGEAR: Flip-Belt, Hallucinogen Grenade Launcher,
Holo-Suit, Mirror Mask, Miststave, Shuriken Pistol or
Neuro Disruptor




RATING 3 3 6 6 8 5 3


Athletics 4, Awareness 4, Ballistic Skill 4, Deception 4,

Intimidation 2, Leadership 2, Psychic Mastery 5, Scholar 2,
Stealth 2, Weapon Skill 4


Phantasmancy: Fog of Dreams, Shards of Light, Webway
‘Ours is the stage of calamity, on which we deliver the dance of death.’
— Charoquake, Troupe Master of the Calamity Trail

You are the director, general, high priest, and Troupe Masters play the protagonists in Harlequin
lead performer of your Troupe, an exemplar of stories, typically larger-than-life adventurers with
Cegorach’s teachings. colourful personalities and fatal character flaws.
Sometimes they adopt the role of the Laughing God
Leading a Harlequin Troupe means deciding when Himself, an act of supreme hubris they accept with
and where to perform, and what saedath to choose good humour. It is not unheard of for a Troupe Master
when doing so. A Troupe Master may take inspiration position to switch between Harlequins, even within
from battlefield conditions, symbolic omens, their a single campaign, but such transitions are rarely
Shadowseer’s counsel, or the augured will of the contentious. By the time a Harlequin has attained the
Laughing God — but the decision is ultimately position of Troupe Master, they are well accustomed
their own. The rest of the Troupe follows their lead, to adopting whatever role the circumstances require.
not merely out of duty, but because the Master is
collectively recognised as the player most in tune with
Cegorach’s intent.
TIER 5 SPECIES Aeldari/Drukhari XP 253


ATTRIBUTES: Strength 2, Toughness 2, Agility 5,

Initiative 5, Willpower 5, Intellect 4, Fellowship 3
SKILLS: Athletics 3, Awareness 2, Ballistic Skill 4,
Leadership 3, Weapon Skill 4
ABILITY: Choreographer of War
When you, or any allies within communication range, spend
Glory to increase damage, they inflict +Rank damage (in
addition to +1 damage per Glory spent). In addition, you may
Seize the Initiative without spending Glory, up to Rank times
per combat.
WARGEAR: One of the following: Aeldari Power Sword,
Harlequin’s Caress or Harlequin’s Embrace,
Harlequin’s Kiss
One of the following: Fusion Pistol or Neuro Disruptor or
Shuriken Pistol
All of the following: False Face, Flip-Belt, Holo-Suit, 3
Plasma Grenades




RATING 3 3 7 7 6 5 4


Athletics 4, Awareness 3, Ballistic Skill 5, Deception 2, Insight

2, Intimidation 2, Leadership 4, Persuasion 1, Scholar 2,
Stealth 1, Weapon Skill 5

Burning Bright (page 61), Luck of the Laughing God
(page 61), Rising Crescendo (page 62), Signature Saedath
50 (page 62)









‘We are unchained. We go where we wish, and where we desire.
The stars are ours, and like them, we will persist. We will not become a memory.’
— Qelaine Palemoon, jetbike pilot

You are a recent recruit to the Corsair fleet, looking Thanks to their diverse military deployments within
to make a name for yourself and enjoy the bounty the craftworld and Commorite forces, the experiences
from the raids you join. of the Voidreavers allow them to fulfil a wide range
of battlefield roles within the Anhrathe fleet. Out
Tired of the constraints of the Path, or seeking to flee of combat, Voidreavers train and form the crew of
a cutthroat existence in the Dark City, Aeldari on the the voidships, maintaining their vessels or piloting
Path of the Outcast are able to join a Corsair fleet. smaller fighter craft on patrols. However, on the field
Having sought passage on such a ship, and negotiated of battle within a raiding party, a Voidreaver will be
their stay aboard, they find like-minded individuals deployed as a soldier on the frontline, as part of a
and an existence somewhere between the order of strike force within a boarding party, or operating the
the craftworlds and the excess of Commorragh. The advanced laser cannons the Corsair ships bring to
warriors that form the majority of the raiding forces bear on their enemies.
and voidship crews among the Corsair fleets are
known as Voidreavers. They are most often from the Despite a Voidreaver being expected to perform any of
ranks of Guardian Defenders, Wyches, or Kabalite these roles in battle, in time they will typically become
Warriors. a specialist and join the ranks of the elite Voidscarred,
the most infamous and hardened of their kind.


TIER 2 SPECIES Aeldari, Drukhari XP 44



SKILLS: Athletics 2, Ballistic Skill 2, Pilot 2, Weapon Skill

ABILITY: Raiders of the Void
You are a raider, experienced at operating in the vacuum of
space. Used to zero gravity, and engaging in lighting strike
raids, you use speed and guile to your advantage in battle.
You gain +Rank bonus dice to melee or ranged attacks when
you Seize the Initiative. You gain a further +1 die bonus if
this ability is used when fighting in zero gravity.
WARGEAR: Corsair Armour, 1 extra random trinket,
3 Plasma Grenades, Spirit Stone, Void Suit, Shuriken Rifle
or Shuriken Pistol and Void Sabre



RATING 2 2 5 4 2 2 2


Athletics 2, Awareness 2, Ballistic Skill 3, Pilot 3, Weapon

Skill 4

Blood Must Flow! (p. 130), Counter Attack (p. 131), Fear (p.
‘The sooner we leave, the better. The air in this thing the Mon-Keigh call a “ship” is vile.
The stench already sullies my fine coat.’
— Maelariothian, Starstorm Duellist SYSTEM

As one of the Voidscarred, you relish the thrill of No two Voidscarred are the same, as each is armed
the hunt and collect trinkets and trophies to sate with weapons and skills that make their warbands
your ego. an eclectic array of combatants. As such, these
warbands of Voidscarred are flexible assets in battle.
The Corsairs known as the Voidscarred are amongst The range of armaments and fighting styles within a ARMOURY
the most hardened of their kind, and many have spent Voidscarred warband is varied, and no two warbands
centuries plying the stars. are the same. Starstorm Duellists are swaggering
desperados, preferring to face their opponents at close
VOIDSCARRED range. Fate Dealers wield sniper rifles and kill from OUTCASTS OF
great distances. Kurnathi are blademasters capable of THE VOID
TIER 3 SPECIES Aeldari, Drukhari XP 94
facing entire hordes, and Kurnite Hunters bring to the
KEYWORDS: AELDARI, ANHRATHE, [COTERIE] battle their trained beasts. Shade Runners combine
the gladiatorial arts of Wyches with the Warp-jumping SERVANTS OF THE
ATTRIBUTES: Toughness 2, Agility 4, Initiative 3, LAUGHING GOD
Willpower 2 capabilities of Warp Spiders to create fighters who slip
through the enemy lines to deliver poisoned blades PANTHEON OF
SKILLS: Athletics 2, Ballistic Skill 2, Pilot 3, Weapon Skill 3
into the hearts of their foes. RUIN
ABILITY: Wrath of the Stars
Your training has prepared you for any battlefield. When you GUIDE
make a Critical Hit you may roll twice on the Critical Hit table
and choose either result.
WARGEAR: 3 Plasma Grenades, Shuriken Rifle or
Shuriken Pistol and Void Sabre, Spirit Stone, Void Suit,
Corsair Armour, 1 extra random trinket
The following are suggested loadouts chosen as part of
Advanced Character Creation:
Special Weapon gunners take in addition either a Corsair
Blaster, Shredder, Shuriken Cannon or Wraithcannon.
A Starstorm Duellist takes an additional Blast, Fusion, or
Splinter Pistol.
A Kurnite Hunter may take a Faolchu pet.
A Shade Runner replaces their weapons with a pair of
Hekatarii Blades and a Shuriken Pistol, and gains a Blink
Kurnathi may upgrade their Void Sabre to a Master Crafted
Void Sabre.
A Fate Dealer gains a Cameleoline Cloak and Ranger Long



RATING 2 3 6 5 3 3 2


Athletics 4, Awareness 3, Ballistic Skill 4, Pilot 4, Weapon

Skill 5

Blood Must Flow! (p. 130), Counter Attack (p. 131), Fear (p.
‘The paths to victory are winding and confounding, yet if we remain unflinching, then glory is assured.’
— Ilandrios Dreamseeker, Way Seeker of the Greensteel Warriors

You are a powerful Psyker, wielding devastating Way Seekers are much like Aeldari Warlocks and
energies while guarding the souls of the fallen. Spiritseers, who read the runes and use their powers
of prescience to scry the threads of fate, time, and
Life amongst the Anhrathe allows Corsairs to more space. Such powers of prophecy and foresight allow
readily explore their psychic potential. Those that do them to augment the considerable skills of Fate
become skilled in the arts are potent assets on the Dealers and Shade Runners, and their psychically
field of battle, as well as calling forth their ancestors attuned weapons and armour allow them to blast their
and guiding their fleet through the Webway. Tapping enemy with bolts of psychic energies while shielding
into their psychic powers, and the very substance of themselves and others with arcane wards.
the Warp, is a dangerous feat for Aeldari, especially
as every attempt risks their soul being consumed Soul Weavers use their psychic potential to unlock the
by She Who Thirsts. Free from the restrictions of power and spirits within spirit stones. By conversing
the craftworlds and the anti-psychic paranoia of the with these souls, Soul Weavers can discover lost lore,
Drukhari, Corsairs are able to further explore their clues to ancient artefacts, and borrow from them a
psychic potential, and fully understand what it means shade of their former vitality to empower the living
to be Aeldari. Corsairs.


TIER 2 SPECIES Aeldari, Drukhari XP 44



ATTRIBUTES: Agility 3, Willpower 4

SKILLS: Athletics 1, Ballistic Skill 1, Pilot 1, Psychic

Mastery 2, Weapon Skill 1
ABILITY: Void Dreamer
You have the PSYKER Keyword, and are a Psyker. You know
the Universal Psyker Abilities (Wrath & Glory page 267),
and the Smite psychic power.
WARGEAR: Set of Wraithbone Runes and recovered
Spirit Stones, Shuriken Pistol and a Corsair Sabre or a
Witchstaff, Spirit Stone, Ritual Tools



RATING 2 2 3 3 5 3 2


Athletics 2, Awareness 1, Ballistic Skill 3, Insight 3, Pilot 2,

Psychic Mastery 3, Scholar 3, Weapon Skill 2


Way Seeker: Prescience, Protect/Jinx, Psychometry
Soul Weaver: Empower/Enervate, Embolden/Horrify,

‘Indeed, Captain! You keep saying there is nothing of value about this vessel. Pray, you are wrong. So, one more
time; what is inside your void-vault?’
— Iradil, Voidscarred Felarch SYSTEM

You are a veteran Corsair, inspiring those in your Their wargear is equally exotic, as they utilise all AELDARI
command and cutting through enemy resistance. manner of weapons they have been gifted — or
which they have liberated — from across the galaxy.
Leading Corsair coteries, or commanding ships and Felarchs, depending upon their experience and rank,
squadrons within the Corsair fleet, Felarchs are lead all manner of forces within the Corsair fleet. ARMOURY
extensions of the will of the fleet’s leader. Each is Some lead bands of reavers into battle. Others are put
a unique commander, seeking their own glory and in charge of smaller, elite warbands of Voidscarred in
adulation, and perhaps an eventual fleet of their own. order to execute daring missions behind enemy lines
or to secure important resources. Some Felarchs, OUTCASTS OF
These swaggering pirate captains exude an aura owing to their skill and cunning, command wings of THE VOID
of respect and terror as they stride through their fighter aircraft, voidships, or flotillas.
ships, decked out in all manner of strange trinkets
and trophies they have acquired across hundreds of As they rise in status and renown, SERVANTS OF THE
worlds and thousands of battles. Many bear the signs their name and reputation
of their years of raiding, as their bodies are reinforced become well known on the PANTHEON OF
by ostentatious bionics and augmentations, which Craftworlds and with the RUIN
by craftworld standards seem unrefined, but which Drukhari of Commorragh, and GAMEMASTERS
Corsairs find usefully intimidating. they are soon identified as GUIDE
potential proxies for the schemes
FELARCH of Farseers, rival Corsair fleets,
and Archons.
TIER 3 SPECIES Aeldari, Drukhari XP 124


ATTRIBUTES: Toughness 2, Agility 4, Initiative 4,

Willpower 2, Fellowship 2
SKILLS: Athletics 3, Awareness 3, Ballistic Skill 3,
Leadership 3, Pilot 3, Weapon Skill 3
ABILITY: Captain of the Stars
You and any allies within 20 metres of you that can see you
may add +Double Rank bonus dice to Resolve Tests. You add
+Double Rank bonus dice to any Intimidation (Wil) Tests,
including Interaction Attacks.
WARGEAR: Corsair Armour, 3 Plasma Grenades, Shuriken
Rifle or Shuriken Pistol and Master Crafted Void Sabre,
Spirit Stone, Void Suit, +d3 Trinkets



RATING 2 3 6 5 2 2 3


Athletics 3, Awareness 4, Ballistic Skill 4, Cunning 2,

Intimidation 2, Leadership 3, Pilot 3, Weapon Skill 4

Augmetic (p. 129), Die Hard (p. 132), Dual Wield (p. 133),
Fearless (p.133), Legacy of Sorrow (p. 135), Noble Peer (p.
137) 55
‘Their voidshields are down and their weapons are spent. Match trajectories and prepare to board them.
Whoever brings me the traitor may have their pick of his wargear.’
— Ferianwyr Greensteel, Corsair Princess

You are the leader of a Corsair fleet, known Not all Princes have risen up through the ranks of a
equally as both a brilliant strategist and ruthless Corsair fleet. Some fleet admirals, tired of the slow
mercenary. decline of their kin, leave the craftworlds and take
with them loyalists who in turn become the core of
Though not every leader of a Corsair fleet claims the their Corsair fleet. Other Princes likewise find that the
title of a regent, many of these disparate bands of constant paranoia and internecine conflict within the
piratical raiders are held together by the iron will of a halls of Commorragh push them to look for escape.
singular figure. Corsair Princes — an often inaccurate
term used mostly by the Imperium — rise to their Corsair Princes are not just commanders. They are
position by claiming control of a fleet for their own traders and skilled diplomats, consorting with Rogue
through cutthroat purposes. They often direct their Traders, T’au Merchants, and even Ork Freebooterz.
raider fleets from ornate command thrones, savouring Such a breadth of experience and ability to negotiate
the battle just as they would a fine wine. complex agendas makes Princes what they are, as
they hold together the various warbands and rival
Felarchs within their fleets. Without their authority,
charisma, and manipulations, a Corsair fleet can
easily fall to infighting and fracture.


TIER 4 SPECIES Aeldari, Drukhari XP 180



ATTRIBUTES: Strength 2, Toughness 2, Agility 4,

Initiative 4, Willpower 3, Intelligence 2, Fellowship 2
SKILLS: Athletics 3, Awareness 3, Ballistic Skill 3, Cunning
3, Intimidation 2, Leadership 4, Pilot 4, Weapon Skill 4
ABILITY: Lord of the Galaxy
You gain +Double Rank bonus dice to social Skill Tests
when interacting with a character with the AELDARI or
DRUKHARI Keywords. You gain +Double Rank bonus to all
Cunning Tests when commanding ANHRATHE characters
and units.
WARGEAR: Corsair Armour, Court garb, Mist Shield,
3 Plasma Grenades, Ritual Tools, Shuriken Pistol and
Master Crafted Void Sabre, Spirit Stone, d6+3 Trinkets



RATING 2 3 6 5 4 3 3


Athletics 4, Awareness 3, Ballistic Skill 5, Cunning 3,

Deception 2, Intimidation 3, Leadership 5, Persuasion 2, Pilot
5, Weapon Skill 5

Augmetic (p. 129), Die Hard (p. 132), Dual Wield (p. 133),
Fearless (p.133), Legacy of Sorrow (p. 135), Noble Peer (p.
56 137)

The Ascension Packages in this section can be chosen
by Archetypes with the AELDARI Keyword when
they Ascend to a new Tier. For more on Ascension
Packages, see Wrath & Glory pages 150–154. ARMOURY


Most characters portrayed in a Harlequin saedath OUTCASTS OF

can be played and then set aside at the end of a THE VOID
performance, but some masks are imbued with such
psychic and mythological significance that, after
being worn only once, they forever leave a mark on SERVANTS OF THE
the wearer’s soul. These are often specific aspects of
general archetypes, characters that play significant PANTHEON OF
roles in particular stories. For example, a Death RUIN
Jester might not merely assume the part of Death, but GAMEMASTERS
instead portray the insatiable Harvester of Torment, GUIDE
the majestic Lord of Crystal Bones, or the inescapable
Rift Ghoul.

XP Cost: 5 × new Tier

Requirements: HARLEQUIN, Deceive Rating 3+
Influence Bonus: +1 per Tier Ascended
Story Element: You have been honoured with the
opportunity to portray an infamous character of
Aeldari legend. Your new assumed identity imposes
the following changes:

u Choose two of your Skills with different Ratings.

Swap the Ratings you have in each of those
u Whichever of the two chosen Skills is now highest
becomes your Agent’s ‘Signature Skill’ (replacing
any Signature Skills you already had). Whenever
you roll a Wrath Critical on Tests of that Skill, you
count as rolling an additional Exalted Icon, which
can be Shifted on successful Tests as normal. This
stacks with any other effects of the Wrath Critical,
such as a Critical Hit or gaining 1 Glory.
u As part of this Ascension Package, you may also
undergo Archetype Ascension, so long as you
meet the usual prerequisites. You cannot choose
this option as part of Creation Ascension.
It is uncommon, but not unheard of, for Aeldari The current time of turmoil in the Gilead System is
to leave their homes, be forced into exile, or be but a minor distraction from the dark spectacles seen
captured and raised by another Aeldari culture. This in Commorragh. Between realspace raids, Drukhari
is most common for those already on the frontiers of may return to show off their plunder, conspire with
their respective societies, rebels and outcasts with their peers, and shore up their territory in the Dark
questions their kin cannot answer. The Ynnari exist City. When this scheming goes well, the rewards are
only by welcoming Aeldari of all kinds. plentiful — but everything claimed in Commorragh
is at someone else’s expense, and the vendettas of
XP Cost: 5 × new Tier slighted rivals can be deadly.
Requirements: AELDARI, cannot be chosen as
Creation Ascension
Influence Bonus: −1
Story Element: You have abandoned your Aeldari
sub-culture and found refuge with another. Choose
one of the sub-factions below as your new kindred.
The exact effects of this Ascension Package vary,
depending on which sub-faction you are leaving and
which you are joining.

u If you leave the Asuryani, you lose the

and can no longer purchase Asuryani Paths. If
you join the Asuryani, you gain the ASURYANI
and [CRAFTWORLD] Keywords, and may now
purchase Asuryani Paths — the first costs 10 XP,
and all subsequent Paths cost 20 XP each.
u If you leave the Anhrathe, you lose the
ANHRATHE and [COTERIE] Keywords. If you
join the Anhrathe, you gain the ANHRATHE and
[COTERIE] Keywords.
u If you leave the Drukhari, you lose the DRUKHARI,
[KABAL], [WYCH CULT], [COVEN] and XP Cost: 5 × new Tier
BLADES FOR HIRE Keywords. If you join the Requirements: DRUKHARI, Leadership Rating 3+
Drukhari, you gain the DRUKHARI and BLADES Influence Bonus: +1 per Tier Ascended
FOR HIRE Keywords. Story Element: You have won power, turf, status, or
u If you leave the Harlequins, you lose the influence in the Dark City, and to the victor go the
HARLEQUIN and [MASQUE] Keywords. If you spoils. Gain 2 Wealth per Tier Ascended.
join the Harlequins, you gain the HARLEQUIN
and [MASQUE] Keywords. You may use this opportunity to spend any Wealth
u If you leave the Ynnari, you lose the YNNARI you have on sinister rituals that reduce your debt to
Keyword. If you join the Ynnari, you gain the She Who Thirsts. Lose 1 Corruption Point per point of
YNNARI Keyword. Wealth spent.
Whichever sub-faction the Agent joins or leaves,
they replace their Objectives with those of their new Optionally, you may also choose to gain an additional
sub-faction, but retain the benefits of any Talents, +1 Influence per Tier Ascended (+2 per Tier Ascended
Archetype Abilities, Asuryani Paths, or psychic powers in total), but if you do so you earn the bitter enmity
they had already obtained. As part of this Ascension of another Kabal, Wych Cult, or Haemonculus Coven,
Package, you may also undergo Archetype Ascension, who will seek to sabotage your operations in the
so long as you meet the usual prerequisites. future.
LOST ON THE artefacts from lost worlds, or perhaps even lay their
hands on knowledge and lore from the depths of the
WARRIOR PATH Black Library.
When an Asuryani becomes so obsessed with an
Asuryani Path that they cannot veer from it, they are Whatever boons they discover in their travels can be SYSTEM
said to be ‘lost on the Path’. Aspect Warriors who put to good use upon their return to the Gilead System.
suffer this fate become Exarchs, and are outfitted
with ceremonial armour in the Aspect Shrines they XP Cost: 5 × new Tier
now tend as high priests. This armour’s spirit stones Requirements: AELDARI, Pilot or Survival Rating 3+
contain the souls of all previous Exarchs who wore Influence Bonus: +1 per Tier Ascended
it, transforming the wearer from an individual into Story Element: Your journey through the Webway’s ARMOURY
the collective consciousness of several legendary safer paths earned you a reward, before it returned you
warriors. The wearer’s personal identity is forfeit, their to where you started. Choose one of the options below:
name replaced with a ceremonial title that honours an
aspect of Khaine. u You find serenity. Lose 2 Corruption per Tier OUTCASTS OF
Ascended. THE VOID
XP Cost: 5 × new Tier u You find treasures thought lost to your people.
Requirements: ASPECT WARRIOR, Weapon Skill or Gain 1 Wealth per Tier Ascended, and an item of
Ballistic Skill Rating 4+ Wargear with Value of 2 + new Tier (or lower). SERVANTS OF THE
Influence Bonus: +1 per Tier Ascended u You find answers to your questions. In addition to
Story Element: You have forever pledged yourself narrative effects agreed with your GM, you start PANTHEON OF
to the Warrior Path and become anointed an Exarch each future session with an extra Wrath Point per RUIN
of Khaine. Choose an ASPECT WARRIOR Archetype Tier Ascended. GAMEMASTERS
you already have the Archetype Ability for and apply GUIDE
the following ongoing benefits:
Path of
u Whilst using the Archetype Ability of the chosen the Asuryani
Archetype, you may substitute your Rank with
your Tier. The inflexible structure of the Asuryani Path
u Whilst wearing the armour provided by your provides both support and restriction for
chosen Archetype’s Wargear, you may roll ASURYANI Agents undergoing Archetype
Determination against attacks that deal Mortal Ascension (Wrath & Glory page 155). The
Wounds. following additional rules apply:
u Gain a new weapon with the ASPECT WARRIOR
Keyword. If you choose a weapon already u An ASURYANI Agent using Archetype
provided by your chosen Archetype’s Wargear, it Ascension can choose an Archetype from
gains the Mastercrafted Upgrade (Wrath & Glory their new Tier or a lower Tier as their new
page 228). Archetype.

u An Agent can only become a Farseer

WANDERINGS IN (page 34) through Archetype Ascension

if they already know the Universal Psyker
THE WEBWAY Abilities (Wrath & Glory page 267), and
Though the Webway is among the swiftest means of the Smite psychic power.
traversing the galaxy, it can deliver a traveller to many
perilous worlds. Adventurous Aeldari who wander u An Agent can only become an Autarch
its winding cross-dimensional corridors might find (page 33) through Archetype Ascension if
relative peace amongst the Exodite colonies, recover they already have the Archetype Abilities
of at least two ASPECT WARRIOR
Archetypes (pages 24–30).
NEW TALENTS Battle Psyker
XP Cost: 10
Requirements: Psychic Mastery Rating 4+
The following Talents can be chosen by Archetypes Effect: You have walked the Path of the Warlock long
with the AELDARI Keyword. enough to balance its augmenting and destructive
powers against one another.
Animal Companion
XP Cost: 30 When you successfully activate a power from the
Requirements: Leadership Rating 2+, Survival Rating 2+ Runes of Battle Discipline (pages 72–73), you activate
Effect: You have tamed a creature to follow your both of the power’s listed effects, rather than just one.
commands and respect you as its master.
Beyond Mortality
Choose any Threat with the BEAST Keyword that XP Cost: 10
is not an Adversary at your Tier. You have tamed Requirements: DRUKHARI, Influence 4+
a single creature of that type. It follows you and Effect: You have brokered a deal with a Haemonculus
attempts actions in combat as you command, taking Coven so that, if you die, they can restore you to life
its own slot in the Initiative Order like an Agent. It through agonising fleshcrafting procedures. To use
does not interact with Wrath or Ruin, unless another this Talent, one of your allies must recover at least
ability indicates otherwise. a fraction of your body and return it to the Dark City
for operation.
If you suffer an attack whilst the creature is within half
its Speed of you, it may take a DN 5 Initiative Test as a After a recovery period in the care of the Covens, you
Reflexive Action. If it succeeds, the attack is redirected return to life with all Wounds and Traumatic Injuries
onto the creature. Slain creatures may be replaced for cleared. Each time you return from the dead, you gain
free the next time you visit the replacement creature’s 1 Corruption Point, which cannot be resisted with a
habitat, or a location where it is raised in captivity. Corruption Test.

Battle Focus Blade Artist

XP Cost: 20 XP Cost: 20
Requirements: ASURYANI Requirements: DRUKHARI, Weapon Skill Rating 2+
Effect: You wage war in a semi-conscious trance, Effect: Paranoia is rife in the Dark City, and many
striking with deadly aim, and evading blows with wear hidden blades or armour-implanted spikes so
instinctive athleticism. they are never entirely disarmed. You have trained in
the use of melee weapons, either to savour your kills
When you make a ranged attack, you may move up to up close, or employ as a last resort.
your Speed as a Free Action. You may use this Talent
up to Rank times per combat, and never more than When you use an AELDARI or DRUKHARI melee
once per Turn. weapon, it gains the Rending (Rank) Trait. If it
already has the Rending Trait, increase its Rending
rating by +Rank.

Bladestorm Luck of the Laughing God
XP Cost: 20 XP Cost: 10
Effect: When outnumbered, as the Aeldari often are, Effect: As a favoured child of Cegorach, you often
you can even the odds with a hail of monomolecular- enjoy his characteristic good fortune… when not
edged discs, discharged with an extraordinary rate of chosen to be the butt of His joke. SYSTEM
Once per Test, you may reroll a single Wrath Die. You
When you use a SHURIKEN weapon, increase the may not reroll the die more than once (even if another
Salvo rating by +Rank. effect, such as spending a Wrath Point, would make
you eligible to do so), and cannot reroll a Complication.
Burning Bright ARMOURY
XP Cost: 10 Matchless Agility
Effect: The doom of your people is written in stone, XP Cost: 20
but you are determined to fight till the end with fire Requirements: AELDARI or DRUKHARI, Agility
in your heart. Rating 4+ OUTCASTS OF
Effect: The Aeldari are renowned for their impossible THE VOID
You reduce the number of Traumatic Injuries required grace, evading enemy fire at speeds unattainable by
to kill you by 1 (to a minimum of 1). mere Mon-Keigh.
Your party begins each session with +1 Glory (up to As a Reflexive Action, when you are targeted by a
the usual maximum). ranged attack from an attacker you’re aware of, you PANTHEON OF
may spend 1 Glory before the Ballistic Skill Test is RUIN
Insensible to Pain attempted. You gain +Rank Defence until the attack GAMEMASTERS
XP Cost: 10 is resolved. You may use this Talent once per Round GUIDE
Requirements: DRUKHARI against a single attack.
Effect: Due to the extensive biological modifications
of the Haemonculi, you have transcended the limits Power From Pain
of the flesh, and can ignore the debilitating effects of XP Cost: 20
pain at will. Requirements: DRUKHARI
Effect: You find tasting the souls of the freshly slain
You may roll Determination against attacks that deal to be intoxicating, goading you to greater acts of
Mortal Wounds. You do not suffer DN penalties for slaughter for the next invigorating high.
being Wounded, unless you have suffered more than
Double Rank Wounds. When you are Dying, you do The first time you make a successful attack Test that
not fall Prone, and suffer no limits on the Actions you kills a living creature in combat, you gain +Rank
can take, unless you suffer Traumatic Injuries equal to Determination. The second time you make a successful
or greater than your Rank. attack Test that kills a living creature in combat,
you gain +Rank Speed. The third time you make a
Lhamaean successful attack Test that kills a living creature in
XP Cost: 20 combat, you gain +Rank Resolve.
Requirements: DRUKHARI
Effect: You have trained with the sisterhood of Benefits gained from this Talent expire at the end of
Lhilitu, crafters of exceedingly virulent toxins that combat, or at the end of any combat Turn in which
dramatically improve the lethality of any weapons you do not kill a living creature.
they are applied to.

As a Simple Action, you may enhance the toxins of

a weapon you handle that has the Inflict (Poisoned)
Trait. The weapon gains +Double Rank ED until it is
next reloaded.
Rising Crescendo u Master of Twilight. You walk the line between
XP Cost: 10 hero and villain, material and magical, life and
Requirements: HARLEQUIN death. Whilst performing this saedath, you gain
Effect: Cegorach taught His followers to strike and +Rank bonus dice on all Tests made whilst Glory
disappear like lightning, with dazzling speed and and Ruin are equal (you cannot spend Glory to
force, before dancing away from enemy reprisals with gain bonus dice on these Tests).
contemptuous ease.
You may move up to triple your Speed when using XP Cost: 10
the Charge Full-Round Action. You do not provoke Requirements: AELDARI or DRUKHARI, Initiative
Reflexive Attacks when you move out of Engagement Rating 4+
from an enemy. Effect: You prefer to wage war aboard high-speed
anti-grav vehicles, pushing your craft to the limit as
Seer Councillor an extension of your own body.
XP Cost: 20
Requirements: Psychic Mastery Rating 4+ You gain +Rank bonus dice on any Pilot (A) Tests to
Effect: You share the burden of psychic power with drive Hover vehicles.
your allies, helping them to manifest even greater
abilities. If using the rules for vehicles in Church of Steel,
any Hover vehicle you pilot uses the lower of your
When another Psyker within 10m of you successfully vehicle’s Manoeuvrability or your Initiative+Rank.
activates a psychic power, they automatically gain an
extra Exalted Icon, which can be Shifted for Potency Trueborn
effects as normal. XP Cost: 10
Requirements: DRUKHARI
Signature Saedath Effect: You were born through conventional biological
XP Cost: 20 means, rather than from the birthing vats of the
Requirements: HARLEQUIN Haemonculi. This is considered a mark of prestige
Effect: Harlequins strive to master as many dance among the denizens of Commorragh. You have
forms as they can, but some Players find themselves learned to leverage this birthright to obtain the very
specialising in specific performance styles. These best weaponry.
saedaths are something between a genre, a
mythological cycle, a fighting stance, and a military Any DRUKHAI weapon you requisition is delivered
strategy. There are thousands of different saedaths, with its first weapon upgrade installed. You may
each with their own ceremonial significance, but they choose any available weapon upgrades, so long as the
can generally be categorised into one of three types: Value and Rarity of the upgrade is not greater than the
Light, Dark, and Twilight. weapon’s Value or Rarity.

Each time you purchase this Talent, choose to master Warden of Souls
one of the three saedath types below. An Agent can XP Cost: 10
only perform one saedath at a time, but can switch to Requirements: YNNARI, Willpower Rating 4+
a different saedath as a Simple Action. Effect: You are chosen by Ynnead to safeguard the
spirits of many departed Aeldari. In return, those
u Master of Light. You celebrate the heroes of souls watch over you in times of need, infusing you
Aeldari myth in a riotous explosion of colour. with strength to avoid joining their number.
Whilst performing this saedath, gain +Rank bonus
dice on all Interaction Attack Tests. During combat, you may call upon the spirits to
u Master of Dark. You indulge the role of a villain heal you as a Combat Action. If you succeed on a
with relish, burying the knife deep for a tragic DN 1 Resolve Test, you regain Rank Wounds, plus
final act. Whilst performing this saedath, increase additional Wounds equal to the number of Shifted
62 the AP of your melee weapons by +Rank. Exalted Icons.
AN AELDARI The Paths Not Chosen
Though long-lived and possessed of a
great depth of experience, Asuryani remain SYSTEM
You’re among the last of a dying race, embers of an intensely focused on their current Path.
empire fading to ashes against the encroaching night.
Nevertheless, many possess deeply buried CHARACTERS
You are an Aeldari. memories of Paths walked centuries ago. These
sometimes resurface, dragged up by events or
Two truths define the experience of being an Aeldari: circumstances that echo some earlier event.
the golden age of your civilisation is behind you, and ARMOURY
Purchasing an extra Asuryani Path after
a cruel fate stands before you: Slaanesh awaits to
character creation doesn’t mean that the Agent
devour your soul. The Aeldari divide themselves into
miraculously raced through a new Asuryani WORLD OF BONE
factions that clash and contradict, but every group is
Path in their downtime — it could also mean
an adaptation that allows them to live with their own OUTCASTS OF
that the lessons of an earlier Path, perhaps
futility and evade the predations of She Who Thirsts. THE VOID
walked decades or centuries in the past, have
only just swum into focus. THE DARK CITY
Physically, Aeldari are light and lean, quick of mind
For similar reasons, it is not necessary for
and body. Age doesn’t degrade them and diseases SERVANTS OF THE
Asuryani Agents to purchase every single Path LAUGHING GOD
don’t plague them. Aeldari characters regard other
that has been detailed in their backstory. You
species’ bodily frailty and fallibility as weaknesses. PANTHEON OF
don’t need to purchase the Path of the Warrior RUIN
They know their own bodies’ capabilities, and know
to play a Warlock; you don’t even need to
how to make best use of them in or out of combat. GAMEMASTERS
purchase the Path of the Seer! GUIDE
The Aeldari are innately psychic. They’re more
attuned to the currents of the past and future, and the
tides of thought and dream, than any other species in
the galaxy. Every Aeldari has some level of psychic
potential, and the collective wisdom and visions
of those trained in these skills make them valued
members of their cultures. More than that, they’re
leaders. Through spirit stones, living wraithbone,
the craftworld Infinity Circuits, and the importance of
Psykers in both peace and war, psychic connections
are the knots that hold together their paling culture.

With those finely tuned minds come elevated senses

and a superior capacity for sensation. Aeldari
physiology makes them a race perfectly designed to
appreciate physical pleasures just as their psychic
capacity lets them experience emotional and
intellectual spectrum more deeply than any Human
could dream. But the Aeldari can’t afford to indulge
those pleasures as doing so draws the attentions of
She Who Thirsts.

The Asuryani of the craftworlds practice balance and Remember when playing an Aeldari character in Wrath
restraint to keep emotions in check; the Harlequins & Glory that the Path they walk now is likely not
embrace the inscrutable ways of the Laughing God; their first. They set aside centuries, maybe millennia,
the Drukhari inflict horrendous pain and suffering of memories and experiences in order to live their
to feed their withered souls and in turn stave off the current life. With all that time comes a litany of regrets
insatiable hunger of Slaanesh in the Warp. The Ynnari and achievements, failures and triumphs; a multitude
harbour the souls of the dead within the living to keep of things left behind. A small, fleeting sound or scent
them from She Who Thirsts. Every Aeldari is acutely might stir up a memory long-forgotten, or current
aware of what fate might await them after death, events provide an opportunity to relive the past — or
should their will falter. If death is not staved off, or make amends for past mistakes.
the souls of the dead not sheltered in some way, they
will fall into the grip of Slaanesh. This fate promises Aeldari lives encompass art, labour, creation and
only unimaginable torture, and serves only to feed the war, spanning the fullest extent of range and destiny.
Ruinous Powers. Aeldari lives are as purposeful and as rich with
meaning as an individual can make them. Aeldari
Even if death did not hold such horrors, the dwindling aren’t trapped in the Gilead System in the same way its
number of Aeldari means that every life lost is a price Humans are. They’re hostages to their history and the
their kind can ill afford to pay. Life is not to be spent remains of their civilisation in the benighted system,
in needless sacrifice or wasted on trivial distractions. but the Webway is open: they could find passage, but
While the Imperium might throw away a million souls refuse to abandon their home.
in a single battle and mark it a victory, the loss of even
a single Aeldari life is often viewed as a tragedy. Aeldari have characteristic, alien ways of approaching
life that make them extremely different to Humans,
Hope in Darkness and make it difficult for each species to understand
Some Asuryani find comfort in the promise of the other’s goals or ideals. The history of the Aeldari
Ynnead’s coming — though equally, some fear is continuous and unbroken compared to Humanity’s
Yvraine is little more than a daemon in disguise. The obscure past ages that came before the dawn of the
Corsairs revel in what freedom they can find, while Imperium. They have ancestors whose memories are
many Harlequins put their hopes in the promise of one preserved in spirit stones, and prophets who can scry
last, great performance. The Drukhari simply delay the future. A citizen of the Imperium must take a great
the inevitable, living off torment and Haemonculus deal on fate. An Aeldari faced with a philosophical
surgeries until the last possible moment. quandry can put their questions, in some cases, to the
millennia old minds who first grappled with that very
Ancient Perspectives dilemma. Much of Humanity dwells in inescapable
With long lifetimes, the Aeldari have time to pursue ignorance from start to end of their meagre mortal
refinement and chase perfection — to do so over and lives.
over again, on one Path and then another. An Aeldari
might spend centuries as an artisan, centuries more To further distance between them, Aeldari culture is
on the Path of the Warrior, only to be lured away by as deeply rooted as it is torn and faded; most Aeldari
a Harlequin Masque or the freedom of the Path of the gods are dead, consumed by Slaanesh in the moment
Outcast and ultimately return again to their home. It’s of Her creation, but they’re not forgotten. The Aeldari
both blessing and curse; the Aeldari have near infinite keep their myths alive in stories and songs, plays and
years to fill if they don’t die in battle, and boredom poems. All Aeldari have been impacted by the Fall,
can slide easily into jaded dissatisfaction. It’s worst and it has shaped the way they act and the choices
for the Drukhari, who spend century after century they make, placing their dying people before all
chasing ever more intense highs of pain and pleasure others. To Humans, Aeldari look cold and calculating;
as their tolerance increases, until nothing can satisfy to Aeldari, Humans look insular and credulous. In a
the aching void in their souls. roleplaying game, players have a chance to see below
the surface. Unlikely friendships might form, but an
Aeldari player should always remember: no one but
64 another Aeldari will ever fully understand their tragic
inheritance of embers.
PLAYING It is extremely rare for Drukhari to work alongside
other Aeldari. Though they are closely related, their
DRUKHARI similarities and shared history magnify rather than
diminish the revulsion and hatred they feel for each
other. Any such alliance would be precarious and SYSTEM
Taking on the role of a Drukhari character allows fraught, likely only in pursuit of a compelling common
a player to explore an especially dark corner of the goal and as likely to end in mutual bloodshed as a AELDARI
41st Millennium. Their continued existence depends peaceful parting of the ways.
wholly on the suffering of others, and they belong
to a culture which not only encourages but actively
revels in acts of excruciation. To be Drukhari is to be BEYOND DAMNATION ARMOURY
a monster drawn from nightmare, a cruel and brutal Some characters remain largely unchanged throughout
tyrant sustained by the suffering of others. While the their lifespan; the outlook and personality of others
Dark City is host to the most extreme limits of Drukhari are fundamentally altered by their experiences, and
cruelty, their reputation for lightning fast raids, Drukhari are no exception. While Drukhari who seek OUTCASTS OF
abundant torment, and the taking of captives make to leave Commorragh and its vicious way of life are THE VOID
them an equally minacious presence in realspace. uncommon, they are not unheard of — conversely,
other Aeldari may be drawn to the wicked life of their
As with the exploration of all dark themes, playing Drukhari cousins, seeking out new and blasphemous SERVANTS OF THE
a Drukhari character requires out-of-character pleasures in the Dark City. While such transformative
co-operation between the players and their GM. Many character changes are often viewed with suspicion, PANTHEON OF
players find it helpful to agree on a code of conduct scepticism, or outright contempt by their newly found RUIN
for play, setting fixed boundaries on elements of kin, in rare and hard-fought instances, they can GAMEMASTERS
story and roleplaying to minimise the risk of out-of- provide a compelling narrative thread to an ongoing GUIDE
character upset. campaign.

PLAYING A As a group of Aeldari who seek renown before others,
they appear vainglorious, and excessively preoccupied
CORSAIR with displays of their victories and trinkets they have
acquired from their raids. Corsairs are overtly aware
of one another’s rank, honours, and the boons and
Corsairs choose not to restrict their emotions or favours that have been traded in court. While their
desires in the same ways as their Asuryani cousins. craftworld kin are focused on the rites and traditions
They take pleasure in the thrill of battle and the spoils of the Path, the Corsairs fill that void with courtly
of war, but while they are merciless killers, they intrigue and the rituals of prestation.
are also aware that their desire for glory in combat
must not descend into excessive acts of torture, pain, A Corsair is only considered to hold status if they
and hedonistic bloodshed. This means that when can demonstrate the influence and power that comes
playing a Corsair, you are far more free to portray with it. For this reason, duels are frequent in Corsair
the extreme excesses of Aeldari emotions, such as society so that a pecking order can be established.
bursting into explosive rages, or falling into deep Among the Corsairs of the Greensteel Warriors, most
sorrow at the death or estrangement of one of their duels end in submission, and it is uncommon for even
kin. Your Corsair’s vehement displays should seem a tense duel to end in death. Such contests are always
alien to fellow Asuryani, just as all Aeldari seem held before an audience, otherwise the fight has no
alien to Humans and other Xenos races. However, meaning. When amongst other species, this fixation
even the Corsairs can feel unsettled or revolted by upon appearances and proper etiquette, coupled with
the presence and actions of their Drukhari kin. While the general Aeldari view that other races are barbaric
they may return to the Dark City for trade or sport, upstarts, makes Corsairs come off as preening and
or join their raids into realspace, Corsairs still bear aloof, even by the standards of Imperial Nobles
spirit stones and can be repulsed by the acts that the and Rogue Traders. The need to interact with non-
Drukhari perform to replenish their own withered Aeldari and suffer their company is an annoyance, as
souls. Corsairs then stand somewhat apart from other if spending too much time amongst them will stain
Aeldari. Neither cold and restrained, nor sadistic. If the Corsair’s fine garb and sully their own reputation
anything, they are bon vivants who refuse to accept amongst other Anhrathe.
the slow demise of their species.
Despite being outcast from the craftworlds, a Corsair
is still concerned with the fate of their soul and
protecting it from She Who Thirsts. Even if Corsairs
are thrillseekers and fixated upon their own glory,
they still consider the Aeldari soul sacrosanct and will
safeguard the spirit stones of their fellow Corsairs,
as well as those of their craftworld cousins. As
wanderers and explorers of the galaxy, Corsairs will
endeavour where possible to recover the spirit stones
of the ancient dead.

The Aeldari have had millennia to observe factions scrabbling for control of the galaxy. They’ve watched
Humans and other species bring to pass all the worst prophecies of the Aeldari Farseers and drag the galaxy
to ruin.

The Imperium Chaos

The Imperium is doomed. As doomed as the old The ancient and indefatigable enemy. While the
Aeldari empire. So it has been for many lifetimes, but rest of the galaxy crumbles, Chaos flourishes. It is
the Humans won’t allow their corpse of a culture to a perversion of everything that has ever been and
pass. They have lost their history and lack the wit ever should be, allowed to run rampant in every
to see their future. Their civilisation crumbles and unchecked emotion. In an age of perils, Chaos is
decays, and the corruptive touch of Chaos festers the greatest and most pressing danger. One aspect
ceaselessly in the darkened cracks. We do not fail of Chaos, She Who Thirsts, owes Her existence to
to see the parallels between the fate of the Imperium our former empire — the lasting shameful legacy
and our own. We can only watch in horror as the of the Aeldari. Our decadence birthed a god and
Mon-Keigh, with their cruelty, barbarism, and simultaneously doomed our souls, and the Aeldari
dogma, fall blindly into the same mistakes that may be shackled to this fate for eternity.
have left the remnants of our own empire sundered
across the galaxy. T’au
The T’au have a high opinion of themselves, one
Orks that we do not share. For such a young race, they
Orks are everything Aeldari are not, our very take unwarranted pride in their rapid advances.
antithesis. Short-lived, multitudinous, ferocious, While we know from our own bitter experience that
and utterly ruled by their primal whims. The gods hubris leads inevitably to catastrophic mistakes,
play a cruel joke in that Orks never suffer for their the T’au have yet to truly endure the cruel nature
lack of foresight or their caprice. Indeed, Orks never of the galaxy. The T’au’s greatest failures are
suffer at all; they revel in pain and danger and ahead of them. Should they learn humility, wisdom,
charge joyfully towards doom, be it theirs or their and regret, then we may be willing to extend our
enemy’s. They’re perfectly engineered for the galaxy sympathies.
as it is; a brutish horde rampaging across the cruel,
war-torn worlds of a dire age. Tyranids
Tyranids are an abominable horror from beyond
Necrons the galaxy. Unfathomable and terrifying in equal
The doomed Necrontyr traded their souls and measure, their hive fleets leave nothing but a
essence for survival. The oldest and most powerful lifeless shadow in their wake as they sweep across
among the Necrons remember some of what came planets and systems. The destruction they bring
to pass in long-forgotten millennia. The depth and casts a monstrous shadow in the Warp that cripples
breadth of their knowledge is every bit as dangerous the mind and sickens the senses. They exist for
as their soulless warriors. We find no solace in the no purpose other than to devour life and must
fact that the Necrons collapsed under the weight of be curtailed and contained at every opportunity;
tragedy, for more of these grim parodies of life still unchecked, they’ll smother the galaxy under their
lie buried across the galaxy. Should they ever rise in teeming advance. That cannot come to pass.
unison, we are all doomed.

— From the private records of Farseer Lanriel Taranlys of Ul-Khari

ll Aeldari are inherently psychic, though to
varying degrees. Some are among the most
powerful Psykers in the galaxy, though
most have a lesser sensitivity. This innate
psychic ability impacts every Aeldari faction, albeit in
different ways. The Asuryani embrace their psychic
nature, while the Drukhari forbid its practice, lest
foolish Psykers court daemonic incursion and the
ravenous gaze of Slaanesh.

In the Aeldari mind, there is no difference between
technology and nature — they are a single process by
which the artificers of the world-ships imbue living
things with function and functional things with life.
The materials the Asuryani use in their engineering
are complex and varied psychoplastics that can be
formed into solid shapes under psychic pressure. The
most unusual of these materials is called wraithbone:
an immensely resilient substance that can heal itself
over time. It is used most extensively by the Asuryani,
who grow a near endless variety of tools, weapons,
and artefacts from it. Wraithbone lies at the core of
every craftworld, and this living material is coaxed
and guided in its growth by the psychic chants of
Bonesingers. These talented psychics are cultivators,
artisans, architects, and healers, who have dedicated
a part of their life to honing their psychic abilities.

The process of cultivating wraithbone can be swift

or slow, depending on the complexity and size of the
shape. The sleek curvature and motive elements of
a Wraithlord are difficult to craft, and take time to
cultivate; a rough spear can be shaped in seconds.
Even the simplest spur of wraithbone is a delight
to behold, the subtle sensibilities of the
Bonesinger clear to see in the creation that
68 takes form before them.
BONESINGING Shield: A flat surface of wraithbone a few centimetres
Bonesinging allows Aeldari Psykers to create, shape, thick, with a diameter between half a metre and
repair, and destroy wraithbone. To do so, they need three metres. The ‘shield’ doesn’t have to be
a way to measure how much damage a piece of circular, but can’t exceed three metres on its
wraithbone can take. Most wraithbone has 2 Wounds longest side. SYSTEM
per square metre; the wraithbone created by Conjure Spear: A simple but deadly spear of wraithbone
Wraithbone has 1 Wound per square metre. between half a metre and three metres long, and AELDARI
up to fifteen centimetres thick.
Spine: Several sharp spurs of wraithbone that emerge PSYCHIC
from the ground, approximately one metre high
ARCANE VOICE and covering an area of ten square meters (in ARMOURY
Through Bonesinging, Agents are capable whatever shape you choose). The affected area
of more feats than are described here, but becomes Difficult Terrain. WORLD OF
they require teams of Bonesingers, as well as
time. The feats described in the Bonesinging Potency: OUTCASTS OF
Discipline are things Wrath & Glory characters u [1] Increase the Range by 10 m. THE VOID
can achieve on their own, within the scope of an u [1] Increase the amount of wraithbone you create
adventure. The wraithbone created by Conjure or the area affected by Spine by one square metre.
Wraithbone is comparatively brittle and weak u [3] Create an additional piece of wraithbone of the SERVANTS OF THE
— that’s because wraithbone can potentially same type (Shield, Spear, or Spine).
be a super-material, allowing Agents to create PANTHEON OF
things stronger than the hull of a voidship in Repair/Ruin RUIN
moments can make Bonesingers inordinately XP Cost: 20 DN: 5 GAMEMASTERS
powerful. For the same reason, we’ve limited Activation: Action Duration: Instant
the amount of wraithbone a Bonesinger can Range: 10 m Multi-Target: No
easily make. Creating too much or too swiftly, Keywords: AELDARI, ASURYANI, YNNARI,
a Bonesinger will have the power to make PSYCHIC
anything they need with a snap of their fingers, Prerequisite: The Psyker must have the AELDARI
potentially wrecking an adventure. Keyword and either the ASURYANI or YNNARI
Effect: Wraithbone remembers its form, to a very
limited degree, and seeks to return to it. You assist it
Conjure Wraithbone in doing so, repairing damage and reestablishing its
XP Cost: 25 DN: 5 prior state. You can also disrupt the shape of a piece
Activation: Action Duration: Instant of wraithbone, breaking or severely damaging it. You
Range: 10 m Multi-Target: No can achieve one of the following effects:
PSYCHIC Repair: You restore 2 Wounds to a piece of wraithbone,
Prerequisite: The Psyker must have the AELDARI or a wraithbone construct such as a Wraithguard.
Keyword and either the ASURYANI or YNNARI Ruin: You inflict 2 Wounds on a piece of wraithbone.
Effect: You call a simple wraithbone shape into Potency:
existence. The wraithbone created by this power is u [1] Restore or inflict +1 Wound.
approximately as strong as rockcrete (weaker than u [3] Restore or inflict a Mortal Wound on a
normal wraithbone, due to its rapid creation). Once wraithbone construct (a Wraithguard, War Walker,
called, it lasts indefinitely. You can create one of the etc.).
following forms:

XP Cost: 20 DN: 6 The art of Phatasmancy is the subtle manipulation
Activation: Action Duration: Sustained and cruel application of psychic illusion and deception.
Range: 10 m Multi-Target: No Those Aeldari that have come to master this craft
Keywords: AELDARI, ASURYANI, YNNARI, wield powerful illusions and deceitful misdirection
PSYCHIC through the force of their own will. They can conjure
Prerequisite: The Psyker must have the AELDARI blinking twilight pathways into existence to guide
Keyword and either the ASURYANI or YNNARI allies or contort and even shroud their enemies’ very
Keyword. thoughts within their own minds.
Effect: You guide the shape of an existing piece of
wraithbone, including one called into being with Fog of Dreams
Conjure Wraithbone. You can coax it into increasingly XP Cost: 15 DN: 5
complex shapes depending on how long you spend Activation: Action Duration: Sustained
manipulating it. You may reduce the DN of the Test by Range: 25 m Multi-target: Yes
1 by increasing time spent by one step (see below). Keywords: AELDARI, PSYCHIC
You affect up to 10 square metres of wraithbone with Effect: Your consciousness creeps out across the
this power. battlefield like a sprawling mist, seeping into
the mind of the enemy and confounding their
Depending on the time spent, you can achieve one of senses. While this power is sustained, you and
the following effects: any allies with the HARLEQUIN [MASQUE]
Keyword gain a +1 bonus to Defence and +1
A Round*: Seamlessly join together two pieces of bonus die to any Stealth (A) Tests you make.
wraithbone; guide wraithbone into simple shapes
(coax a Spear into an arch or a ring; add curves or Potency:
simple decoration to a Shield). u [3] Benefits improve by +1 Defence and +1d to
* If a Round is particularly short, e.g. the Stealth.
time for an exchange of gunfire and no more, u [2] Range increased to 30m.
the GM may ask the Psyker player to spend
two or three Rounds to achieve this effect. Mirror of Minds
A Scene: Shape a piece of wraithbone into relatively XP Cost: 30 DN: 8
complex or load-bearing forms (a single armour Activation: Action Duration: Sustained
plate, a sealed chest, a wall); cut smaller pieces Range: 25 m Multi-target: Yes
from a larger piece of wraithbone; add moderately Keywords: AELDARI, PSYCHIC
complex decoration to a piece of wraithbone. Effect: You project your own will directly towards the
A Day: Shape a piece of wraithbone into a sophisticated target, resulting in horrific consequences as reality
shape, with moving parts; add sophisticated crumbles around them in a catastrophic clash of
decoration to a piece of wraithbone. minds. The target suffers 12+ 1 ED damage and must
make a successful DN 5 Willpower or Psychic Mastery
Potency: Test or also immediately suffer 1d3 Mortal Wounds.
u [2] Increase the amount of wraithbone affected by
5 square metres. Potency:
u [3] Exceptional quality work, which reduces the u [3] +2 ED damage.
DN for further manipulations by 1. u [2] Target must also make a DN 3 Fear Test.

Shards of Light Veil of Tears
XP Cost: 25 DN: Target’s Defence XP Cost: 25 DN: 8
Activation: Action Duration: Instant Activation: Full Action Duration: Instant
Range: 10 m Multi-target: No Range: 20 m Multi-target: Yes
Effect: Vibrant shards of polychrome energy lash Effect: With a simple gesture and the force of your
forward from your mind and bombard the psyche will, you reach out and snatch the very image of the AELDARI
of the target, inflicting excruciating psychosomatic Troupe from the mind of your foes. Once activated, any
wounds that leave them injured and disorientated. character with the HARLEQUIN [MASQUE] Keyword PSYCHIC
within range gains +2 bonus to Defence and +2 bonus
Shards of Light travel instantaneously in a straight dice to any Stealth (A) Tests until the next Turn. ARMOURY
line for 10m in the direction the Psyker is facing.
Targets struck by the shards suffer 12+ 2 ED damage Potency: WORLD OF
and must pass a DN 4 Willpower or Psychic Mastery u [3] Activation reduced to an Action.
Test or gain the Blinded Condition. u [2] Range increased to 30m. OUTCASTS OF
Potency: Webway Dance THE DARK CITY
u [2] DN of Willpower or Psychic Mastery Test XP Cost: 25 DN: 9
increased by 1, target may also gain the Prone Activation: Full Action Duration: Sustained SERVANTS OF THE
Condition. Range: 20 m Multi-target: Yes
u [1] +10m range. Keywords: AELDARI, PSYCHIC PANTHEON OF
Effect: You pull the veil between realspace and the
Twilight Pathways Webway aside, allowing the Troupe to weave freely GAMEMASTERS
XP Cost: 25 DN: 6 among the enemy, twisting and contorting away from
Activation: Action Duration: Sustained danger only to reappear elsewhere. While this power is
Range: 25 m Multi-target: No sustained, any allies with the HARLEQUIN [MASQUE]
Keywords: AELDARI, PSYCHIC Keyword may reroll any failed Determination rolls.
Effect: You focus your mind on any ally with
the HARLEQUIN [MASQUE] Keyword and Potency:
mysterious, half-lit pathways shimmer and blink u [3] Allies with the HARLEQUIN [MASQUE]
into existence around the battlefield, opening new Keyword may make an additional Move Action
routes of attack. While the power is sustained, the this Turn.
target may take one additional Action per Round. u [2] Allies with the HARLEQUIN [MASQUE]
Keyword gain +1 bonus die to any Stealth (A)
Potency: Tests.
u [1] Target acts first in
every Round.
u [2] Target also gains a
+1 bonus to Defence.

RUNES OF BATTLE Once activated, you can cause one of the following
When the Warlocks of the Asuryani take to the effects:
battlefield, they employ the Runes of Battle to
devastating effect. They are capable of emboldening Conceal: You draw the shadows in and don them like
the already considerable innate abilities of their a cloak to conceal your position. While the power
fellow Aeldari while causing their enemies to wilt is sustained, you and any allies within 5m gain a
before them in horror. +1 bonus to your Defence and +1 bonus die to any
Stealth (A) Tests you make.
Conceal / Reveal Reveal: You push the shadows away from a target
XP Cost: 20 DN: 5 within range, revealing them to all. Target one
Activation: Action Duration: Sustained enemy within range as the centre point for a Blast
Range: 25 m Multi-target: Yes (6) area of effect. Any enemies in that area while
Keywords: AELDARI, PSYCHIC the power is sustained can’t benefit from bonuses
Effect: You reach out with your mind and take to Defence or Stealth Tests due to Cover while this
command of the shadows, bending and shaping them power is sustained.
to your will.
u [3] Conceal: Benefits improve by +1 Defence and
+1d to Stealth.
u [2] Reveal: Area of effect increases to Blast (10).

Embolden / Horrify
XP Cost: 20 DN: 5
Activation: Action Duration: Sustained
Range: 25 m Multi-target: No
Effect: You reach into the minds of those around
you, either fortifying or eroding their resolve. Once
activated, you can choose one of the following effects:

Embolden: You instil valour and determination into

your allies. While the power is sustained, you and
all allies within 5m gain +1 bonus die to Resolve
Horrify: You sap the courage and determination of
your enemies. Target one enemy within range as
the centre point for a Blast (6) area of effect. Any
enemies in that area suffer a +1 DN penalty to
Resolve Tests while the power is sustained.

u [2] Embolden: +1 bonus die to
Resolve Tests.
u [2] Horrify: +1DN penalty to
target’s Resolve Tests.

Empower / Enervate Protect / Jinx
XP Cost: 30 DN: 7 XP Cost: 20 DN: 5
Activation: Action Duration: Sustained Activation: Action Duration: Sustained
Range: 25 m Multi-target: No Range: 25 m Multi-target: No
Effect: You commune with the spirits of those around Effect: Plying the threads of fate that surround any
you, expanding their potential or draining their will field of battle, Protect and Jinx both affect multiple AELDARI
to fight. Once activated, you can cause one of the people, reshaping their destiny. Once activated, cause
following effects: one of the following effects: PSYCHIC

Empower: You empower the spirits of yourself and Protect: You weave your fate, and that of your ARMOURY
your allies. Whilst this power is sustained, you and allies, to inure you from harm. While the power is
all allies within 5m gain +1 ED to any successful sustained, you and all allies within 5m gain a +1 WORLD OF
melee attacks. bonus to their Base Resilience.
Enervate: You sap your enemies’ spirits, filling them Jinx: You weave your enemies’ fate, making them OUTCASTS OF
with doubt and despair. All enemies in a Blast (6) more susceptible to harm. Target one enemy within THE VOID
area within range suffer a –1 ED penalty to any range as the centre point for a Blast (6) area of
successful melee attacks, to a minimum of 0. effect. Any enemies in that area while the power
is sustained suffer a –1 penalty to their Base SERVANTS OF THE
Potency: Resilience.
u [3] Empower: +1 ED to damage. PANTHEON OF
u [3] Enervate: –1 ED to target’s damage. Potency:
u [3] Protect: Additional +1 bonus to Resilience. GAMEMASTERS
Enhance / Drain u [3] Jinx: Additional –1 penalty to Resilience.
XP Cost: 30 DN: 7
Activation: Action Duration: Sustained Quicken / Restrain
Range: 25 m Multi-target: No XP Cost: 20 DN: 5
Keywords: AELDARI, PSYCHIC Activation: Action Duration: Sustained
Effect: Drawing upon the favour of Khaine, you Range: 25 m Multi-target: No
enhance the combat prowess of your allies or diminish Keywords: AELDARI, PSYCHIC
that of your enemies. Once activated, you can cause Effect: You twist time itself, briefly altering its flow
one of the following effects: for a select few on the battlefield. Once activated, you
can cause one of the following effects:
Enhance: You channel a fraction of Khaine’s skill to
enhance your allies’ combat abilities. While the Quicken: You change the flow of time for yourself and
power is sustained, you and all allies within 5m your allies, making you seem supernaturally swift.
gain +1 bonus die to Weapon Skill (I) Tests. While the power is sustained, you and all allies
Drain: You allow a portion of Khaine’s anger and within 5m may make an additional Move Action
disdain to suppress the fighting skills of your on each of your Turns.
enemies. Target one enemy within range as the Restrain: You change the flow of time for your
centre point for a Blast (6) area of effect. Any enemies, making them move as if they were
enemies in that area while the power is sustained passing through deep water. Target one enemy
suffer a +1 DN to Weapon Skill (I) Tests they make. within range as the centre point for a Blast (6) area
of effect. Any enemies in that area while the power
Potency: is sustained move as if they are in Difficult Terrain.
u [2] Enhance: Additional +1 bonus die to Weapon
Skill (I) Tests. Potency:
u [2] Drain: Additional +1DN to target’s Weapon u [2] Quicken: Increase the radius of the effect to
Skill (I) Tests. allies within 10m.
u [2] Restrain: Area of effect increases to Blast
(10). 73
Farseers are by far the most potent of the Aeldari XP Cost: 20 DN: 5
Psykers. In times of war, these abilities are used with Activation: Action Duration: 1 Round
the Runes of Fate. They allow the Farseer to unravel Range: 10 m Multi-target: Yes
the very threads of fate itself to guide their kin, or Keywords: AELDARI, PSYCHIC
unleash powerful torrents of psychic energies that Effect: With infinite pathways laid out before you,
consume their enemies both bodily and mind. you can see the perils that await your allies before
they come to pass and assist them in avoiding
Doom danger. If successfully activated you and all allies
XP Cost: 25 DN: Target’s Defence with the AELDARI Keyword gain a +1 bonus to
Activation: Action Duration: Sustained your Defence until the beginning of your next Turn.
Range: 25 m Multi-target: No
Keywords: AELDARI, PSYCHIC Potency:
Effect: You weave the fabric of destiny to cast a u [2] Additional +1 bonus to Defence.
darkening shadow over an enemy’s soul, ensuring u [1] +1 Round duration.
that each shot and blow that befalls them endeavours
to be their last. While this power is sustained, the Guide
target suffers a –1 penalty to their Base Resilience XP Cost: 15 DN: 6
and a +1 DN penalty to any Resolve Tests. Activation: Action Duration: Instant
Range: 10m Multi-target: No
Potency: Keywords: AELDARI, PSYCHIC
u [3] Additional –1 penalty to target’s Resilience. Effect: You reshape the paths of destiny by the
u [2] Additional +1 DN penalty to target’s Resolve sheer force of your will, picking out targets through
Tests. the turmoil of war with your mind and guiding your
allies’ shots towards their target. Once activated,
Executioner you and all allies within range with the AELDARI
XP Cost: 30 DN: 8 Keyword gain +2 bonus dice to all Ballistic Skill
Activation: Target’s Defence (A) Tests until the beginning of your next Turn.
Duration: Instant
Range: 25 m Multi-target: No Potency:
Keywords: AELDARI, PSYCHIC u [2] Additional +2 bonus dice.
Effect: Reaching across destiny itself, you summon a u [1] Range increased by 10m.
vengeful astral doppelganger and unleash it against
your enemy. The fiery psychic form bears down on its Mind War
target, intent on tearing flesh asunder. The target suffers XP Cost: 20
14 + 2 ED damage and must pass a DN 3 Fear Test. DN: Target’s Willpower (Opposed Test)
Activation: Full Action Duration: Instant
Potency: Range: 20 m Multi-target: No
u [3] +2 ED damage. Keywords: AELDARI, PSYCHIC
u [2] +1 DN to the Fear Test. Effect: You reach into the mind of an enemy,
engaging in a furious psychic duel, flooding their
thoughts with your presence and ripping apart the
very essence of their being. You and your target
make an Opposed Willpower Test. If you succeed,
the target immediately suffers 1d3 Mortal Wounds.

u [2] +1 Mortal Wound.
u [1] Activation reduced to an Action.

Will of Asuryan Fateful Divergence
XP Cost: 30 DN: 8 XP Cost: 30 DN: 6
Activation: Full Action Duration: Sustained Activation: Action Duration: Instant
Range: 30 m Multi-target: Yes Range: 25 m Multi-target: Yes
Effect: As the threads of untold destinies intertwine Effect: You exert your will against destiny itself,
before you, your will summons the ancient confidence bending the ever-shifting paths of fate to the
and certainty of the Aeldari Empire, cleansing benefit of your people. If successfully activated,
the mind of fear and doubt. While sustained, this any character with the AELDARI Keyword
power grants you and all allies within range with within range may reroll one failed Determination
the AELDARI Keyword +2 Resilience, and the roll until the beginning of your next Turn.
ability to roll Determination against Mortal Wounds.
Potency: u [3] +2 bonus dice when rerolling.
u [2] +1 Resilience. u [2] +1 bonus dice when rerolling.
u [1] +10m Range.

The Seers of the Asuryani have long employed the
Runes of Fortune and their ability to unlock the
various strands of fate that intricately weave across
the Galaxy. These runes are used to scry possible
futures, foresee imminent dangers, and aid the
Aeldari and their allies in avoiding them.

Crushing Orb
XP Cost: 25 DN: Target’s Defence
Activation: Action Duration: Sustained
Range: 20 m Multi-target: Yes
Effect: You project your will to surround the target in a
restrictive orb of kinetic energy before a slight gesture
of the hand sends the massed force crushing inward.
If successfully activated, the target immediately gains
the Restrained Condition and suffers 10 + 2 ED damage.
The target must pass a DN3 Strength or Psychic
Mastery Test to escape the Orb; if they fail, the target
suffers an additional 10 +2 ED damage each Round
the power is sustained until they escape or perish.

u [2] DN of Strength or Psychic Mastery Test
increased by +1.
u [1] +1 ED damage.

Focus Will Witchstrike
XP Cost: 15 DN: 5 XP Cost: 20 DN: 6
Activation: Action Duration: Instant Activation: Instant Duration: 1 Round
Range: 20 m Multi-target: Yes Range: Self Multi-target: No
Effect: You reach into the mind of a friendly target Effect: You focus your will into your weapon; drawing
and reinforce their mind against the predations on the power of ancient runes, you swathe the blade
of enemy Psykers and sorcerers. If successfully in psychic energy, turning it into a potent extension
activated, the target gains +2 bonus dice to of your consciousness. Once activated, attacks made
their next attempt to activate Deny the Witch. with a Witchblade gain a +2 ED damage bonus.

Potency: Potency:
u [2] The target also gains a +1 bonus to all Psychic u [2] +1 Round duration.
Mastery Tests until the start of your next Turn. u [1] +1 ED damage.

XP Cost: 15 DN: 4
Activation: Action Duration: Instant
Range: 30 m Multi-target: No
Effect: You channel power into your ally, imbuing
the target with an ethereal energy and allowing them
to move at great speed. If successful, the target gains
+3 Speed until the beginning of your next Turn.

u [2] The target may make an additional Move
Action this Turn.
u [1] +1 Speed.

Impair Senses
XP Cost: 20 DN: Target’s Willpower
Activation: Action Duration: Instant
Range: 30 m Multi-target: No
Effect: You reach out into the mind of the target
and flood their consciousness with a dazzling
array of vivid patterns, images, and sound,
bewildering their senses and disorientating
them completely. The target gains the Hindered
(2) Condition until the start of your next Turn.

u [3] The target must also make a DN 3 Fear
u [2] The target also gains the Blinded

‘I can say with neither pride nor falsehood that this is the finest blade I have ever created. Beautiful as Isha,
unyielding as Asuryan, keen as Khaine’s murderous intent. What tragic irony, that something so fine must be
stained with Mon-Keigh blood. That it must be wielded in battle at all is a crime for which they must pay.’
— Yrlla Starchild, Ul-Khari Bonesinger

a glance, or they may attempt Scholar (Int) or

THE ART OF WAR Investigation (Int) if they can inspect the weaponry
firsthand. The DN for such Tests should be at least 4
— Aeldari culture spans vast epochs and is extremely
The Aeldari are a truly ancient people, heirs to a complex, especially to outsiders.
culture and technologies undreamt by younger
species. Their wargear is powerful, sophisticated, and Success may reveal details about an item’s history,
elegant in equal measure. Craftworld Bonesingers its creator, notable battles it took part in, and more.
are master artisans, and most Asuryani weaponry is For example: a Rogue Trader negotiating with an
painstakingly grown from psychoactive wraithbone, Ul-Khari diplomat notices the envoy’s bodyguards
their intricate beauty belying their lethality. Drukhari bear shuriken catapults marked with the telltale
weapons are not formed from Wraithbone yet are no motif of a Bonesinger renowned in Aeldari society
less impressive for all their hideous efficacy. for creating beautiful statues, not weapons. From
this, she deduces that there was truth to the rumour
At the GM’s discretion, a character with relevant that Ul-Khari’s most experienced weapon artisans
Keywords or Scholar Skills may attempt an Awareness were recently lost. She may secure an advantage in
(Int) Test to learn about an Aeldari’s wargear at negotiations by offering to help search for the missing
A wraithbone weapon isn’t merely assembled like the Drukhari cannot shape wraithbone, nor would they,
the mass-produced munitions of the Imperium, or the considering their Asuryani cousins weak and over-
crude instruments hammered together by the Orks. A reliant on the psychic powers that doomed their
Bonesinger grows and shapes this relic, cultivating species in the first place. Drukhari technology is so
it as the light of a sun nurtures a budding plant. far advanced that it is often viewed as mystical or
Rudimentary forms can be sung into form relatively magical by the races they prey upon. Their splinter
quickly by a talented bonesinger, yet it can take days, weapons fire shards of crystalline substances laced
months, or even numerous years to produce more with engineered venom, while other armaments defy
complex items or structures. In some cases, a Human any notions of physical laws known to the Imperium.
would never see such a precious relic or vast construct The philosophy that shapes Drukhari weapons also
completed in their lifetime. This dedication to craft is differs strongly to their distant kin: Asuryani armies,
unrivalled by the other species. Asuryani strive to though highly specialised, nonetheless fight relatively
recover the weapons and armour of their fallen, not conventional wars. Drukhari are raiders and focus
just to preserve their spirit stones, but because even on inflicting pain and capturing prisoners, so that
their damaged wargear is near-priceless. they may appease their soul debt both on and off the
battlefield. Razored nets, barbed hooks, cruel lashes,
While slow to craft, wraithbone weapons are worth serrated blades, and debilitating machinations are
the patience required to see them complete; they prioritised over lethality, though when they commit
are exceptionally reliable, and many are centuries to killing quickly, Drukhari can field brutally efficient
or millennia old, carrying with them a bloody and weaponry.
noble history that has spanned countless battles.
The psychoreactive nature of wraithbone means it is
subtly shaped by the psyche of its user over time. A THE GREY BETWEEN
sword’s balance, curve, or length might shift slightly to An Aeldari weapon’s Keywords are not necessarily
complement the fighting style of the Aeldari wielding Faction exclusive. Asuryani and Drukhari are both
it. This occurs naturally over decades, but a skilled found in Anhrathe and Ynnari bands, so mixing is
Bonesinger can accelerate this growth and reshaping. inevitable. The limited communication and endless
antipathy between disparate Aeldari factions makes
Eventually, a wraithbone item’s own psychic imprint such exchanges rare, however, and some Factions like
may grow so powerful that it shapes its users. Harlequins and Incubi do not share their technology
Phoenix Lords, for instance, are effectively immortal; at all.
the individual within the armour is merely a vessel for
the echoes of every master warrior who wore it before Aeldari attempting to requisition wargear outside
them. Aspect Warriors who lose themselves on the their Faction raise the DN of their Influence Test by
Path of the Warrior become Exarchs, individuals no +4. Normal bonuses for shared Keywords apply. An
longer able to dissociate from their killer-selves, but Aeldari with the ANHRATHE Keyword may substitute
such matchless warriors provide necessary strength that Keyword in place of another for an additional +1
and experience to their warhosts, and they receive dice to the roll, but the DN penalty still applies.
awe and respect and the most honourable duty of
leading their people in battle. Aspect Warriors, Harlequins, and Incubi do not sell
their wargear. The only ways to acquire it is to become
Asuryani wargear upgrades are coaxed outgrowths such a warrior or unwillingly acquire it, be it from
of the original weapon. The process takes time, and the living or the dead. Openly carrying such items
Bonesingers are in constant demand, so an Influence invariably invites suspicion and eventual retribution.
Test is still required to prioritise an Agent’s Wargear
78 over the needs of the craftworld. If the group contains
a Bonesinger, the DN of the Test is reduced by the
Bonesinger’s Rank.
Lance Gruesome AN ANCIENT
Lance weapons strike targets with beams of Drukhari weapons, especially Haemonculus weapons, SYSTEM
concentrated energy, and the vaporising blast bores don’t merely kill, they torture the target and terrify
through the thickest armour. onlookers to feed the Drukhari soul debt. AELDARI

Weapons with the Lance Trait ignore the Invulnerable Weapons with the Gruesome Trait cause a DN 3 Fear PSYCHIC
Armour Trait. Lance weapons cause Mortal Wounds, Test for the target and allies within 10m on a Wrath
and they always inflict 1 Mortal Wound even if the Critical. ARMOURY
attack does not damage its target.




Aeldari laser weapons use similar principles to their Lasblaster: A rapid-fire rifle that allows the user to
Imperial counterparts, but they are superior in every lay down a punishing fusillade of las blasts. They are PANTHEON OF
way, from improved charge capacity to focusing lenses the ranged weapon of choice for Swooping Hawks and
of unparalleled quality. many specialist teams. GAMEMASTERS
Bright Lance: The Bright Lance is the pinnacle of Ranger Long Rifle: A single-shot laser weapon of
laser weaponry, outperforming laser technology formidable range and power. Long Rifles are grown
of other races in every way. It is a large weapon, by Bonesingers to perfectly complement the individual
requiring a vehicle mount or considerable strength user, creating a deadly fusion of marksman and
to use effectively, but its destructive power is almost weapon.
without match.
Scatter Laser: A larger, more powerful version of the
Hawk’s Talon: A refinement of the Lasblasters used Lasblaster. While not as powerful as the Bright Lance,
by Swooping Hawks, the Hawk’s Talon provides it is capable of an astonishing rate of fire.
superior stopping power and armour penetration.

Name Damage ED AP Salvo Traits Value Rarity Keywords
Sht Med Lng
Bright Heavy (12),
16 2 –4 18 36 54 1 7 Rare Aeldari, Asuryani
Lance Lance, Reliable
Hawk’s Assault, Rapid Aeldari, Aspect
12 1 –1 12 24 36 4 7 Rare
Talon Fire (2) Warrior, Asuryani
Assault, Rapid
Lasblaster 10 1 –1 12 24 36 4 6 Uncommon Aeldari, Asuryani
Fire (2)
Ranger Aeldari, Asuryani,
10 1 –1 18 26 54 – Sniper (4) 7 Rare
Long Rifle Anhrathe
13 2 – 18 36 54 4 Rapid Fire (3) 6 Uncommon Aeldari, Asuryani

While they superficially resemble both Asuryani Blast Pistol: The smallest Darklight weapon
and Imperial laser weapons, Darklight weapons nevertheless packs a devastating punch and causes
are fundamentally different, and deploy appalling horrendous wounds for its size.
destructive force.
Dark Lance: The Dark Lance is the most powerful
Blaster: A rifle-sized weapon effective at short to Darklight weapon available to foot troops and light
medium range, the Blaster makes a mockery of vehicles. Even seeing its deadly beams can cause
armour and flesh alike with Darklight beams, making permanent eye damage, and there is no armour it
it popular amongst wealthy Kabalite Warriors and cannot penetrate.

Name Damage ED AP Salvo Traits Value Rarity Keywords
Sht Med Lng
Aeldari, Anhrathe,
Blaster 16 3 –3 9 18 27 1 Assault, Brutal 8 Very Rare
Aeldari, Anhrathe,
Blast Pistol 13 3 –4 4 7 10 1 Brutal, Pistol 8 Very Rare
Dark Brutal, Heavy
16 2 –4 18 36 54 1 8 Very Rare Aeldari, Drukhari
Lance (10), Lance

Aeldari have mastered the processes of creating Shuriken Pistol: Shuriken Pistols are light, compact,
durable monomolecular blades that can shred foes discreet, and boast an impressive rate of fire. A well-
and pierce armour. These devices utilise a molecule- aimed flurry of monomolecular blades can slice even
thick slither of ammunition, propelling it forward at armoured enemies to pieces.
devastatingly high speeds.
Shrieker Cannon: Used by the enigmatic and
Avenger Shuriken Catapult: Designed to complement dangerous Death Jesters, the Shrieker Cannon is
the disciplined firing drills and dynamic tactics of the a heavily modified Shuriken Cannon that not only
Dire Avengers, the Avenger Shuriken Catapult boasts hits harder, but coats its monomolecular blades in a
a staggering rate of fire that easily scythes through deadly toxin that reacts so violently with organics that
enemy formations. the targets often explode spectacularly.

Shuriken Cannon: The heavy Shuriken Cannon may Shuriken Rifle: Commonly used by Guardian squads,
not match the rate of fire of its smaller brethren, but Shuriken Rifles and their prodigious rate of fire
it fires larger blades at higher velocities over great complement larger squad numbers, allowing them to
distance, dealing considerable damage. unleash torrents of monomolecular blades.

Shuriken Catapult: A larger version of the Shuriken

Pistol, the Shuriken Catapult is an effective assault
weapon that fires larger blades farther with a higher
rate of fire.

Name Damage ED AP Salvo Traits Value Rarity Keywords
Sht Med Lng
Heavy (12),
Avenger 16 2 –4 18 36 54 1 7 Rare Aeldari, Asuryani AN ANCIENT
Lance, Reliable SYSTEM
Assault, Aeldari, Aspect
Catapult 10 1 –1 9 18 27 4 5 Very Rare
Rending (4) Warrior, Asuryani AELDARI
mounted Assault, Aeldari, Aspect
10 1 – 6 12 18 3 5 Very Rare PSYCHIC
Shuriken Rending (3) Warrior, Asuryani
Agonising, ARMOURY
14 2 –1 15 30 45 3 Heavy (4), 8 Very Rare Aeldari, Harlequin
Rending (4)
Assault, Rapid Aeldari, Aspect BONE
Shuriken 12 1 –1 12 24 36 4 7 Rare
Fire (2) Warrior, Asuryani
14 2 – 12 24 36 3 Rending (4) 6 Uncommon Aeldari, Asuryani
Shuriken Assault,
10 1 – 9 18 27 3 5 Uncommon Aeldari, Asuryani
Catapult Rending (3) THE DARK CITY
Shuriken Pistol, Rending
10 1 – 6 12 18 2 4 Uncommon Aeldari, Asuryani SERVANTS OF THE
Pistol (3)
Shuriken Rapid Fire (2),
10 1 – 12 24 36 2 5 Uncommon Aeldari, Asuryani
Rifle Rending (3) PANTHEON OF


These weapons employ monomolecular wire filaments a potent area-denial weapon, but its size requires an
with incredible tensile strength. A single monofilament anti-grav platform or Wraith Construct to wield.
can slice through flesh and armour as easily as a
Shuriken. Monofilament weapons are employed to great Shredder: This vile weapon fires a rapidly expanding
effect by all Aeldari Factions. mesh of wickedly barbed monofilament wire which
entangles all targets it strikes. Struggling against
Death Spinner: Warp Spiders wield these strange rifles the wires slowly and painfully slices apart all but the
which fire torrents of monofilament wire to ensnare and toughest targets.
cut targets to pieces.
Twin Death Spinner: Warp Spider Exarchs carry
Shadow Weaver: The Shadow Weaver creates a mesh of Twin Death Spinners, attached by mechanical arms
monofilament wires. The mesh, aimed high and falling to the Exarch’s armour. They target and fire semi-
to the ground, slices through anything beneath it. It is autonomously on the Exarch’s mental commands,
unleashing a storm of monofilament razorwire.

Name Damage ED AP Salvo Traits Value Rarity Keywords
Sht Med Lng
Death Assault, Blast Aeldari, Aspect
14 1 –2 6 12 18 – 8 Very Rare
Spinner (6) Warrior, Asuryani
Blast (10),
12 5 – 9 18 27 – Heavy (10), 8 Very Rare Aeldari, Asuryani
Rending (3)
Assault, Blast
Shredder 12 1 –1 9 18 27 – (6, Inflict 7 Very Rare Aeldari, Drukhari
Assault, Blast Aeldari, Aspect
Death 14 1 –2 6 12 18 – 9 Very Rare
(10) Warrior, Asuryani 81
The Aeldari field numerous weapons that launch Aeldari Flamer: Though more fuel efficient than
projectiles by conventional means. Though the the crude, smoke-belching flame weapons of the
launchers are recognisable to other races, the Imperium, Aeldari Flamers bring about a similar
projectiles they fire are advanced far beyond anything destructive result.
non-Aeldari artificers can fathom.
Aeldari Missile Launcher: The Aeldari Missile
The Hallucinogen and Phantasm Grenade Launchers Launcher operates on similar principles to those of
are designed to deliver very specific payloads. Though other races. Their miniaturised warheads allow users
uncommon, they can also fire other types of grenades to carry scores of missiles and switch types instantly.
with modification. Changing the payload requires a
successful DN 4 Tech Use (Int) Test and an hour of u Starshot Missile: A devastating anti-armour
uninterrupted work. plasma warhead, the Starshot Missile can blast a
hole in bunkers or tanks with equal spectacle.

Name Damage ED AP Salvo Traits Value Rarity Keywords
Sht Med Lng
10 1 – 4 8 12 1 Assault, Flamer 5 Common Aeldari, Flame
Launcher: 16 8 –5 24 48 72 – Heavy (4) 6 Uncommon Aeldari, Asuryani
Blast (10),
Launcher: 12 6 –3 24 48 72 – 6 Uncommon Aeldari, Asuryani
Heavy (4)
cinogen Blast (6),
– – – 9 18 27 1 8 Rare Aeldari, Harlequin
Grenade Inflict (Fear 4)
Haywire Assault, Arc
12 1 –1 9 18 27 1 7 Rare Aeldari, Drukhari
Blaster (3), Blast (6)
Blast (6), Inflict
Grenade – – – 9 18 27 – 8 Rare Aeldari, Drukhari
(Terror 4)
Launcher: Aeldari, Aspect
16 6 –5 24 48 72 – Heavy (4) 8 Very Rare
Starshot Warrior, Asuryani
Launcher: Aeldari, Aspect
14 6 –3 24 48 72 2 Heavy (4) 8 Very Rare
Starswarm Warrior, Asuryani
Heavy (10), Aeldari, Asuryani,
Starcannon 14 3 –3 18 36 54 1 10 Very Rare
Rapid Fire (2) Plasma
Stinger Inflict Aeldari, Drukhari,
10 2 – 6 12 18 2 5 Very Rare
Pistol (Poisoned 3) Haemonculus
Assault, Blast Aeldari, Aspect
Hawk Gre- 10 5 –1 – – – 1 4 Very Rare
(6) Warrior, Asuryani
nade Pack
Blast 10,
82 Vibro-
14 2 -3 18 36 65 − Mounted 8 Very Rare Aeldari, Asuryani,
u Sunburst Missile: Sunburst Missiles trade raw Vibro Cannon: An advanced sonic weapon. Targets
power for increased blast radius, incinerating violently shake to pieces, and troops and vehicles
troop formations and lightly-armoured vehicles. alike are scattered as the blast ploughs a furrow along
the ground. It is a large weapon, requiring a support SYSTEM
Hallucinogen Grenade Launcher: Harlequin platform or Wraith Construct to wield effectively.
Shadowseers wear these launchers on their backs, AELDARI
a curved barrel looming over either shoulder. The
grenades cause strong hallucinations that leave MELTA WEAPONS PSYCHIC
enemies in disarray. The Aeldari have long since mastered the art of fusion
technology. The advanced weapons deployed by the ARMOURY
Haywire Blaster: Haywire Blasters are lightweight Fire Dragons Aspect Warriors are rightly feared across
cannons commonly wielded by Drukhari Scourges the galaxy for their ability to vaporise armour and WORLD OF
who employ them in devastating hit-and-run attacks. fortifications.
They unleash massive electromagnetic blasts capable OUTCASTS OF
of frying circuitry and scorching flesh. THE VOID


Phantasm Grenade Launcher: These Drukhari
Launchers fire gas grenades which cause horrific SERVANTS OF THE
waking nightmares, the victims’ suffering invigorating
the Drukhari even before they join the battle. PANTHEON OF
Reaper Launcher: The specialised missile launcher GAMEMASTERS
of the Dark Reapers can fire salvoes of Starswarm
Missiles or individual Starshot Missiles. Targeting
matrices integrate with the heavy, stabilised armour Dragon Fusion Gun: The signature weapon of the
of the Dark Reaper to ensure deadly accuracy. Fire Dragons is a master-crafted work of destruction
capable of vaporising enemy armour in a single,
Starcannon: The Starcannon displays a mastery devastating blast. Its power is balanced by its
of plasma technology that even the most learned relatively short range, requiring the user to get close
Adeptus Mechanicus Magi cannot fully fathom. It to targets.
is staggeringly powerful, yet its advanced cooling
systems eliminate any risk of overheating. Guardian Fusion Gun: While less powerful than its
Fire Dragon counterpart, the standard Fusion Gun
Stinger Pistol: A compact sidearm frequently used issued to Guardian squads is still a mighty anti-
by Haemonculi and their servants. It fires thin glass armour weapon.
needles filled from a reservoir of exotic plagues or
poisons of the Haemonculus’ own devising. Targets Firepike: There is no armour a Fire Dragon Exarch
tear themselves apart in painful convulsions or simply cannot annihilate. They often employ the Firepike —
explode in a fountain of gore and ossified shrapnel. an ornate, elongated fusion weapon with incredible
destructive power and surprising range.
Swooping Hawk Grenade Pack: The greaves of
Swooping Hawk armour include specialised grenade Fusion Pistol: This pistol has a very short range,
packs the warrior can trigger as they fly, demolishing but its advanced fusion technology easily punches
defences from above. through heavy armour.

Name Damage ED AP Salvo Traits Value Rarity Keywords
Sht Med Lng
Aeldari, Aspect
Fusion 16 4 –4 6 12 18 1 Assault, Melta 8 Very Rare
Warrior, Asuryani
Aeldari, Aspect
Firepike 16 6 –4 9 18 27 1 Assault, Melta 10 Unique
Warrior, Asuryani
15 3 –3 4 7 10 1 Brutal, Pistol 6 Very Rare Aeldari, Asuryani
Fusion 16 2 –4 6 12 18 1 Assault, Melta 7 Very Rare Aeldari, Asuryani

Splinter Pistol: The Splinter Pistol lacks armour

SPLINTER WEAPONS penetration but boasts an impressive rate of fire,
Splinter weapons are the most common armament and a single splinter penetrating flesh is sufficient to
in Drukhari Kabals. They fire a torrent of tiny deliver ghastly toxins to kill or incapacitate.
crystalline shards, exceeding the fire rate of their
cousins’ Shuriken weapons. What they lack in armour Splinter Pods: This assembly is effectively a pair of
penetration they more than make up for with the twin-linked Splinter Rifles mounted on a Skyboard.
potent toxins composing each splinter. Even a scratch
inflicts excruciating pain, paralysis, or death. Splinter Rifle: Splinter Rifles are the Kabals’ primary
weapons, every volley of toxic ammunition inflicting
Shardcarbine: More powerful than the Rifle, lighter excruciating pain, torment that the Drukhari can
and more manoeuvrable than the Cannon. The savour.
Shardcarbine’s blend of power and handling suits
many Drukhari sensibilities. VORTEX WEAPONS
Vortex weapons use advanced psychic technologies
Splinter Cannon: This heavy weapon fires a torrent of to tear a hole into the Warp. Targets are ripped apart
toxic splinters ideal for mowing down lightly armoured by localised gravitic waves or sucked wholly into
enemies. It is commonly mounted on vehicles, but the Immaterium. Even if an affected target survives,
when outfitted with anti-grav suspensors it can be they suffer from local distortions of reality; targets of
carried by a single Kabalite Warrior. Vortex weapons roll for Scattering (Wrath & Glory,
page 186).

Name Damage ED AP Salvo Traits Value Rarity Keywords
Sht Med Lng
Inflict (Poi-
Shardcarbine 8 1 – 12 24 36 2 soned 6), 5 Rare Aeldari, Drukhari
Rapid Fire (2)
Heavy (10),
8 2 –1 18 36 54 1 Inflict (Poi- 6 Uncommon Aeldari, Drukhari
soned 6)
Splinter Inflict (Poison
7 1 – 6 12 18 1 4 Uncommon Aeldari, Drukhari
Pistol 5), Pistol
Assault, Inflict
7 1 – 9 18 27 2 (Poison 4), 6 Rare Aeldari, Drukhari
Rapid Fire (2)
Inflict (Poison
7 1 – 12 24 36 2 5), Rapid Fire 5 Uncommon Aeldari, Drukhari
84 (2)
D-Cannon: The Distortion Cannon is the heaviest Hive Mind. Aeldari refer to this terrifying effect as
Aeldari Vortex weapon. While fantastically powerful, ‘Cutting the Crone’s Cord’, believing that only Morai-
it is short-ranged, so it must be mounted on an anti- Heg has the right to do such a thing. No matter how
grav platform or Wraith Construct. abhorrent the Aeldari find these weapons, they are SYSTEM
nevertheless forced to deploy them when necessary to
D-Scythe: The Distortion Scythe is a weapon steeped preserve their species from annihilation. AELDARI
in taboo and suspicion among Aeldari, as it severs the
link between body and soul. Souls are cast into the Wraithcannon: Wraithcannons are smaller versions PSYCHIC
Immaterium, Necron engrams are scrambled beyond of the D-Cannon, typically carried by Wraithguard.
repair, and Tyranids can be wholly severed from the ARMOURY


Name Damage ED AP Salvo Traits Value Rarity Keywords OUTCASTS OF
Sht Med Lng THE VOID
Heavy (14), Aeldari, Asuryani,
D-Cannon 20 3 –4 12 24 36 1 10 Very Rare
Warp Weapon Vortex THE DARK CITY
Heavy (12), Aeldari, Asuryani,
D-Scythe 15 3 –4 4 8 12 1 10 Very Rare
Warp Weapon Vortex SERVANTS OF THE
Wraith Assault, Warp Aeldari, Asuryani,
20 3 –4 9 18 27 1 8 Very Rare
cannon Weapon Vortex
The advanced technologies of several Aeldari weapons alchemy. It spews venom, inflicting Poisoned (5)
defy classification. They are each the product of genius rather than On Fire.
intellects that have spent millennia manipulating
fundamental cosmic forces. Neuro Disruptor: An elegant pistol grip with a
long, psychocrystalline barrel. Its invisible beams
Hexrifle: A terrible pandemic once swept through sear nervous tissue. Conventional armour is little
Commorragh, turning victims to crystal. A protection, and the only outward sign of a hit is a brief
Haemonculus Coven halted the disease and harnessed spasm as the target collapses.
the same plague in weapons known as Hexrifles that
deliver the same dastardly effect from range. Ossefactor: The Ossefactor stimulates rapid
bone growth. Originally a tool for Haemonculus
Liquifier Gun: A ranged adaptation of the Ichor fleshcrafting, it was weaponised to tear victims apart
Injector, the Liquifier Gun sprays gouts of the user’s with their own skeletons. An Ossefactor’s victim
own blood, rendered lethal through Haemonculus impales bystanders with bone lances. Treat the dead
target as the source of a Frag Grenade explosion.

Name Damage ED AP Salvo Traits Value Rarity Keywords
Sht Med Lng
Inflict (Poi-
Aeldari, Drukhari,
Hexrifle 12 3 –2 18 26 54 – soned 6), 8 Unique
Sniper (4)
Liquifier Flamer, Inflict Aeldari, Drukhari,
10 2 – 4 8 12 1 7 Very Rare
Gun (Poisoned 5) Haemonculus
Neuro Agonising, Aeldari, Anhrathe,
10 6 –3 6 12 18 2 10 Very Rare
Disruptor Brutal, Pistol Harlequin
Brutal, Grue- Aeldari, Drukhari,
Ossefactor 10 5 –3 9 18 27 − 11 Unique
some, Inflict Haemonculus 85
(Hindered 1)
MELEE WEAPONS Hekatarii Blade: Wych training begins with
mastering the Hekatarii Blade. It is a vicious, curved
sword of advanced alloys. Countless variations exist,
Even basic Aeldari weapons are fashioned with skill with minute changes in balance or specific serration
and artistry that humbles younger species. Asuryani patterns to complement the precise way a Wych
weapons are elegant, beautiful, lethal, and efficient desires to send the blood of their enemies dancing
in equal measure. Drukhari are especially particular across the arena.
about their blades, appreciating the subtle differences
in how they inflict suffering and harm. Many Drukhari, Ichor Injector: Ichor Injectors resemble a mechanical
especially Wyches, outfit their weapon sheaths with claw with a large needle under the ‘wrist’. When the
special energy fields that keep the blade perpetually claw hits, the needle rams home, injecting the target
sharp. with the attacker’s own alchemically-altered blood.
The effects vary: some victims boil from the inside,
while others dissolve into puddles of liquid flesh, still
alive and twitching.

THE ART OF Impaler: A large,, thrusting polearm with

THE KNIFE monomolecular-edged blades at the tip. It is a popular
Wych weapon, but cumbersome, and often wielded
Drukhari have a pathological need to inflict with a Shardnet to make the target easier prey.
pain, and the simple, agonising cut of the knife
is one of the first methods they learn to indulge Razorflail: Razorflails resemble ornate, serrated
their addiction. Many become obsessed with the swords. With a touch from the user, the wire holding
subtle variations of anguish that can be drawn the blade segments together extends, turning the
from victims depending on the particular design weapon into a vicious whip of razors. In the hands of
of a blade. They go to great lengths to customise a skilled Wych, the weapon dances around defences,
their knives so they can drink specific nuances entangling and severing brutally.
of suffering.
Shardnet: Shardnets are weighted wire mesh covered
Drukhari may upgrade a Knife with Traits from in vicious hooks and barbs. They administer electric
Wrath & Glory page 208. Doing so doubles the shocks to entangled victims, greatly impairing their
Knife’s Value and increases its Rarity one step ability to defend themselves, while also causing
for the purposes of Requisition Tests. A Knife involuntary muscle spasms that cause the hooks
cannot have more than one such upgrade, and to tear deeper. The net deals damage every Turn or
Traits with a rating cannot exceed 1. until the target succeeds on an Opposed Strength Test
against the attacker (or DN 5, if the net was thrown),
disentangling themself.

Glimmersteel Blade: Mandrakes eschew weaponry,

save for Glimmersteel Blades. These melee weapons
take diverse forms, from brutal cleavers to vicious MELEE WEAPONS
sickles and savage bonesaws. They are stained with Most Aeldari weaponry is extremely sophisticated.
their victims’ blood, but this does not lessen their They employ power swords and chainswords similar
keen edge. to the Imperium’s, and which often possess abilities
outstripping anything Humanity can manage.
Hellglaive: Long, symmetrical polearms with cruelly
hooked blades at either end, Hellglaives are popular Aeldari Power Sword: Using similar principles
with Hellions, who use them to maintain balance and to Imperial Power Swords, Aeldari versions are
execute high-speed acrobatics by swinging around far more aesthetically pleasing and boast superior
terrain using the hooks. craftsmanship.

Name Damage ED AP Range Traits Value Rarity Keywords

Glimmersteel Aeldari, Drukhari,

(S)+3 3 –1 1 Rending (1) 5 Very Rare
Blade Mandrake AN ANCIENT
Aeldari, Blade, SYSTEM
Hekatarii Blade (S)+5 4 – 1 Parry 6 Uncommon Drukhari, Wych
Aeldari, Drukhari,
Hellglaive (S)+7 6 – 2 – 6 Rare
Gruesome, Inflict (Poi- Aeldari, Drukhari, POWERS
Ichor Injector 4 4 –1 1 6 Very Rare
soned 5) Haemonculus
Aeldari, Blade, ARMOURY
Impaler (S)+4 4 –2 2 Rending (2) 7 Rare Drukhari, Wych
Thrown BONE
Knife (S)+2 2 – – 2 Common Blade, [ANY]
Aeldari, Blade, OUTCASTS OF
Razorflail: Sword (S)+3 3 –1 1 Parry 6 Rare Drukhari, Exotic,
Wych Cult
Aeldari, Blade,
Razorflail: Whip (S)+1 2 –1 4 Agonising, Brutal 6 Rare Drukhari, Exotic,
Agonising, Inflict Aeldari, Drukhari,
Shardnet 7 1 –1 2 6 Rare PANTHEON OF
(Restrained), Rending (2) Exotic, Wych Cult
Agoniser: The Agoniser is a powered whip containing Executioner: Howling Banshee Exarchs have the
specialised circuitry that interfaces with the nervous honour of wielding the Executioner. It is an elegant
system of the target, inflicting phenomenal pain that glaive that makes a mockery of heavy armour. When
can incapacitate or kill outright. wielded with both hands, it can cleave even an
Astartes warrior in two.
Archite Glaive: Similar to Asuryani glaives, an Archite
Glaive is unmistakably Drukhari. These exquisitely Flesh Gauntlet: A nightmarish Haemonculus weapon,
balanced polearms end in curved, pointed blades, the Flesh Gauntlet is a claw-shaped glove covered in
allowing a Wych to artfully sever a single artery or needles and injector vials filled with volatile hyper-
wholly bisect an enemy. steroidal growth serums. A character who dies by a Flesh
Gauntlet is torn apart from the inside, transforming
Banshee Blade: These swords are exactingly designed into a twitching pile of unrecognisable meat.
to enhance the Howling Banshee’s melee charges while
remaining swift enough to parry counterassaults. Void Sabre: Anhrathe favour the Void Sabre for its
intimidating look as much as its lethality. They are
Demiklaive: A pair of shortened Klaive blades used constructed from a strange, tainted wraithbone
by Incubi who prefer their killing strike in a flurry of somehow connected with the dead worlds of the Ghoul
slashes instead of one powerful blow. Demiklaives can Stars. The activated blade drinks light and glows with
be connected to form a single weapon if required. unsettling runes.

Electrocorrosive Whip: Obsession with every possible

nuance of suffering led to creating this relative of the
Agoniser. Its neuronic circuits deliver painful shocks
while its advanced polymer length exudes potent
venom into every wound.

Ghostaxe: Particularly vengeful Wraithblades favour Huskblade: Though forged from advanced metals,
this weapon, sacrificing defence for destructive this sword is the colour (and often shape) of ancient,
capability. The axe head concentrates the power field weathered bone. A few blows reduce most enemies
into a staggering impact. to little more than dust and a brittle skeleton by
devouring the moisture in their bodies.

Hydra Gauntlets: This bizarre weapon is a pair of

gloves fashioned from a flexible crystalline weave
of unknown, possibly extra-dimensional material.
In combat, they transform from glassy smooth to a
shifting fractal parade of razor-edged crystal blades
no target can anticipate. Hydra Gauntlets treat a
target’s Defence as 1 lower when attacking.

Jester’s Blade: This powered blade, attached to the

barrel of a Death Jester’s Shrieker Cannon, turns the
Ghostglaive: A two-handed polearm commonly heavy weapon into a reaping scythe.
wielded by Wraith Constructs. Ghostglaives are
devastating weapons, rending armour while allowing Klaive: The Klaive is an ornate, two-handed blade
the wielder to parry attacks from any fortunate with one handhold halfway along its spine. They are
enough to survive the first blow. used exclusively by Incubi, who consider Klaives and
Demiklaives the only worthy melee weapons.
Ghostsword (x2): Wraithblade Constructs commonly
stride into battle wielding a pair of Ghostswords. They Mindphase Gauntlet: A Mindphase Gauntlet
balance offence and defence, parrying attacks and resembles an emaciated, skeletal hand. It counts
gliding through armour. as an unarmed attack and does not deal damage
conventionally. Instead, it saps strength and
Guardian Chainsword: Aeldari Chainswords are willpower. A character hit by a Mindphase Gauntlet
similar to their Imperial counterparts, save for must pass a DN 3 Willpower Test or lose 1 Willpower
advanced power supplies and overall lighter, more until the end of combat. Multiple hits stack; even a
elegant designs. mighty Genestealer Patriarch may be rendered slack-
jawed and docile by this terrifying weapon.
Harlequin’s Caress: These gauntlets partly phase
the user’s hand out of reality, allowing them to Miststave: These simple-looking weapons are as
reach through flesh and armour and deliver grievous colourful and deceptive as the Harlequin Shadowseers
internal wounds. These attacks ignore armour and who wield them. The Shadowseer channels their
always deal Mortal Wounds. psychic might into a Miststave, augmenting its impact
and flooding the target’s mind with confusion, making
Harlequin’s Embrace: Resembling the Deathspinners each successive strike harder to evade.
of the Warp Spiders, the Harlequin’s Embrace is
triggered just as the user engages their opponent, Master Crafted Void Sabre: The most ancient Void
firing a net of monofilament wire that rapidly Sabres display craftsmanship few Aeldari today
constricts the target, slicing them to ribbons. could hope to equal. Their edge is keener, and their
balance unmatched. The sign of a true Corsair Prince
Harlequin’s Kiss: A wrist-mounted hollow spike, is possession of one of these rare and unsettling
containing a coiled monofilament wire. When it weapons.
penetrates armour, the wire rapidly uncoils inside
the target, turning their innards into paste almost Powerblade (x2): Alongside their Death Spinners,
instantly. Warp Spider Exarchs often wield a pair of Power
Blades in case they must engage in melee.

Name Damage ED AP Range Traits Value Rarity Keywords

Aeldari Power Sword (S)+5 4 –3 1 Parry 6 Rare Aeldari, Asuryani

Agonising, Inflict (Poi- Aeldari, Drukhari,
Agoniser (S)+3 4 –2 4 7 Very Rare AN ANCIENT
soned 5) Wych Cult
Aeldari, Drukhari,
Archite Glaive (S)+6 4 –3 1 Unwieldy (2) 8 Very Rare
Wych Cult
Aeldari, Aspect CHARACTERS
Banshee Blade (S)+5 4 –4 1 Parry 7 Very Rare
Warrior, Asuryani
Parry, Reliable, Rending Aeldari, Drukhari, PSYCHIC
Demiklaive (S)+4 4 –4 1 11 Unique
(3) Incubus POWERS
Electrocorrosive Agonising, Inflict (Hin-
(S)+3 4 –1 4 9 Very Rare Aeldari, Drukhari
Whip dered 2, Poisoned 5) ARMOURY
Aeldari, Aspect
Executioner (S)+6 5 –3 1 Parry 8 Unique Warrior, Asury- WORLD OF
ani, Two-handed BONE
Agonising, Gruesome, Aeldar, Drukhari,
Flesh Gauntlet (S)+2 2 –1 1 8 Very Rare
Inflict (Poisoned 5) Haemonculus OUTCASTS OF
Aeldari, Asuryani, THE VOID
Ghostaxe 13 5 –3 1 Rending (2) 7 Very Rare
Aeldari, Asuryani, THE DARK CITY
Ghostglaive 16 5 –3 2 Parry, Rending (2) 7 Very Rare
Aeldari, Asuryani, SERVANTS OF THE
Ghostsword 13 4 –3 1 Parry 7 Very Rare LAUGHING GOD
Guardian Chainsword (S)+5 4 – 1 Brutal, Parry 4 Common Aeldari, Asuryani PANTHEON OF
Harlequin’s Caress (S) 1 –3 1 Rending (3) 10 Very Rare Aeldari, Harlequin
Harlequin’s Embrace (S)+5 1 –2 1 Rending (2) 8 Very Rare Aeldari, Harlequin GUIDE

Harlequin’s Kiss 8 5 –2 1 Rending (3) 7 Very Rare Aeldari, Harlequin

Huskblade (S)+4 5 –3 1 Brutal, Parry 12 Unique Aeldari, Drukhari

Aeldari, Drukhari,
Hydra Gauntlets (S)+3 4 –2 1 Brutal, Parry, Rending (2) 10 Very Rare
Wych Cult
Jester’s Blade 9 4 –1 1 Brutal 8 Very Rare Aeldari, Harlequin
Parry, Reliable, Rending Aeldari, Drukhari,
Klaive (S)+8 4 –4 2 11 Unique
(3) Incubus
Aeldari, Drukhari,
Mindphase Gauntlet (S) 1 – 1 Agonising 10 Very Rare
Brutal, Force, Inflict (Hin-
Miststave 8 5 – 2 10 Very Rare Aeldari, Harlequin
dered 1)
Master Crafted Void
9 4 –3 1 Brutal, Parry 14 Unique Aeldari, Anhrathe
Aeldari, Aspect
Powerblade 8 4 –3 1 Parry 9 Very Rare
Warrior, Asuryani
Powerglaive 9 5 –2 1 Parry 10 Very Rare Aeldari, Asuryani
Inflict (Poisoned 5), Aeldari, Drukhari,
Scissorhand (S)+3 2 –1 1 6 Very Rare
Rending (1) Haemonculus
Scorpion’s Aeldari, Aspect
(S)+7 4 – 1 Brutal, Parry 7 Very Rare
Chainsword Warrior, Asuryani
Aeldari, Aspect
Scorpion’s Claw 9 5 –3 1 Brutal 10 Very Rare
Warrior, Asuryani
1 Assault, Force, Warp
Singing Spear (S)+6 5 – 12 Unique Aeldari, Asuryani
Thrown 15 Weapon
Venom Blade (S)+3 4 – 1 Inflict (Poisoned 5), Parry 10 Unique Aeldari, Drukhari

Void Sabre 7 4 –3 1 Brutal, Parry 12 Unique Aeldari, Anhrathe

Brutal, Force, Warp
Witch Staff 9 5 – 2 11 Unique Aeldari, Asuryani
Witchblade 9 5 – 1
Force, Parry, Warp
10 Unique Aeldari, Asuryani
Power Glaive: Aeldari polearms grown from Witchblade: These large, elaborately decorated
wraithbone, their metallo-crystalline blades are swords glow with Aeldari runes. The wielder can
sheathed in a matter-disrupting energy field. Popular channel their will into the blade’s edge, giving it a cut
among Asuryani who have trained in close combat that transcends physical sharpness.
Aspect Warrior Paths.

Scissorhand: The Scissorhand resembles a glove with

powerful monomolecular edged blades protruding
from the fingers. Vein-like tubing runs along the
blades, constantly coating them in poisons. The
effects vary but are usually engineered to cause such Like much of their arsenal, Aeldari grenades employ
agony that victims pass out or die before the poison various payloads, from those comparable to other
even begins killing the body. races in the galaxy, to highly specialised variants such
as hallucinogenic gas.
Scorpion’s Claw: An elegantly designed Power Fist of
overlapping armour plates in a vicious pincer shape, Fusion Charge: Bulky devices
the Scorpion’s Claw may also integrate a specialised used by Fire Dragons to crack
Shuriken Catapult for ranged engagement. the heaviest armour. The shaped
charge must be attached carefully,
Scorpion Chainsword: The Aeldari artistry and taking a Full-Round Action, but
attention to detail in these Chainswords belie their the catastrophic damage they
brutal effectiveness. They rip and tear with sickening deliver makes the risk worthwhile.
Hallucinogen Grenades: Harlequin Shadowseers
Singing Spear: Named for the high-pitched ringing employ these grenades on and off the battlefield.
tones it emits when wielded by Asuryani Warlocks When performing mythic plays and stories, the
or Seers, these polearms are beautifully ornamented psychotropic gas of these grenades fully immerses
and viper-swift. Wraithbone circuitry channels the the audience in the production, so that even the most
wielder’s psychic power into every blow. It can also withered Drukhari Archon weeps with joy or sorrow.
be thrown at a target up to 15m away, returning In battle, the effect is identical, although the target
unerringly to its owner’s hand after the attack. audience rarely appreciates the irony of the moment
before they die.
Star Glaive: The Star Glaive is masterfully crafted
by Bonesingers and tempered by years of use on the Haywire Grenade: These grenades emit a massive
battlefield. These storied weapons are only bequeathed electromagnetic blast over a short distance. Non-
to the worthiest warriors, such as the Autarchs who Asuryani vehicles are heavily damaged as unprotected
command Aeldari warhosts. electronics burn out. Organic enemies are unharmed.

Venom Blade: Curved blades popular with Drukhari Phantasm Grenade: Only the strongest wills can
nobility. Toxin vials attach to sockets on the hilt, resist these Drukhari weapons without environmental
exuding venom from countless micropores across the protection. The gas evokes nightmarish visions of
weapon’s surface, ensuring each strike delivers a full primal horror, making targets easy prey.
payload of poison.
Plasma Grenade: These grenades match the
Witch Staff: A slender, elegant polearm of wraithbone, effectiveness of Imperial Plasma Grenades, but their
housing a psychically reactive matrix in its core. The advanced construction makes them smaller and
wielder’s force of will amplifies each strike, turning a lighter, allowing Aeldari to carry more.
simple staff into an engine of devastation.

Wireweave Grenades: These grenades burst in a Wireweave Net: These devices are sleek anti-
mess of monomolecular filament wires, slicing and personnel mines. When activated by proximity trigger
entangling anyone within the blast, or beneath it or remote signal, they deploy an ankle-high tangle of
as it settles. In addition to the listed damage, any monofilament wires, invisible to the naked eye but
character hit takes 1 Mortal Wound if they move more capable of slicing through unprotected flesh and all but SYSTEM
than half their Speed within the blast radius until the the hardest armour. Any character entering the area
monofilaments settle, 1 Round later. covered by an active Wireweave Net takes 1 Mortal AELDARI
Wound and suffers 1 Mortal Wound each time they
move inside the area at more than half their Speed. PSYCHIC

Range BONE
Name Damage ED AP Salvo Traits Value Rarity Keywords
Sht Med Lng
Melta, may THE VOID
Fusion Strength x 4m or only tar-
16 6 –4 – 10 Very Rare Aeldari, Asuryani
charge as Launcher get Vehicles/ THE DARK CITY
Strength x 4m or Blast (6),
cinogen – – – – 9 Very Rare Aeldari, Harlequin LAUGHING GOD
as Launcher Inflict (Fear 4)
Haywire Strength x 4m or May only target Aeldari, Asuryani, PANTHEON OF
10 10 -4 – 8 Rare RUIN
Grenade as Launcher Vehicles Ranger
Phantasm Strength x 4m or Blast (6), Inflict GAMEMASTERS
– – – – 9 Rare Aeldari, Drukhari GUIDE
Grenade as Launcher (Terror 4)
Plasma Strength x 4m or
10 5 -1 – Blast (6) 6 Uncommon Aeldari
Grenade as Launcher
Wireweave Strength x 4m or Blast (6), Aeldari, Asuryani,
8 5 -2 – 8 Rare
Grenade as Launcher Rending (3) Ranger

Aeldari are acutely aware that their people face Ghostplate Armour: Favoured by Archons, these
extinction. Asuryani armour themselves to preserve supple armour plates formed around pockets of
their dwindling species, the Drukhari for their own lighter-than-air gas and incorporating a force shield,
selfish self preservation. Both peoples construct providing substantial protection while allowing
armour to maximise their natural strengths, and impressive mobility.
though the crafting processes differ, the end results
are similarly effective. Holo-suit: Holo-projectors distort the wearer’s outline
into a fractal kaleidoscope as they move, making them
Aspect Armour: This armour is particularly light, almost impossible to target. The faster the Harlequin
ensuring the wearer is not hampered in any action, moves, the stronger the effect. Holo-suits don’t have
while still offering respectable protection from damage. DR; rather, they raise the wearer’s Defence and Stealth
by 2.
Aspect Armour (Heavy): Some Warrior Paths are
more dangerous than others. These warriors are Incubus Warsuit: Like a dark reflection of Asuryani
provided stronger armour bearing additional plating. Aspect Warriors, Incubi employ expertly crafted
When a blow cannot be avoided, it must be endured. warsuits fitted with extremely resilient protection.
Although Aspect Armour is slightly more resistant,
Corsair Armour: Anhrathe are a motley collection of few Incubi are concerned; no armour is proof against
Aeldari, all far from home. Their armour reflects this, the correct killing strike. 91
sporting features from several Aeldari cultures, and even
other races, as the fleeting whims of the wearer dictate.

Name AR Traits Value Rarity Keywords

Aeldari Mesh Armour 3 – 4 Very Rare Aeldari, Asuryani

Aeldari, Aspect Warrior,
Aspect Armour *4 Invulnerable 7 Very Rare
Aeldari, Aspect Warrior,
Heavy Aspect Armour *5 Invulnerable 7 Very Rare
Corsair Armour 3 – 4 Very Rare Aeldari, Anhrathe

Ghostplate Armour *3 Invulnerable 6 Very Rare Aeldari, Drukhari

Holo-Suit 0 7 Very Rare Aeldari, Harlequin

Aeldari, Drukhari,
Incubus Warsuit 4 – 6 Very Rare
Kabalite Armour 3 – 4 Uncommon Aeldari, Drukhari
Aeldari, Drukhari,
Mesh Implants 3 Fear (2) 6 Rare
Cumbersome, Invulnerable, Aeldari, Aspect Warrior,
Reaper Armour *5 7 Very Rare
Always counts as Braced Asuryani
Aeldari, Asuryani,
Rune Armour *4 Invulnerable, Power Field 8 Unique
Aeldari, Asuryani,
Wych Suit 1 – 5 Uncommon
Wych Cult


Name AR Traits Value Rarity Keywords

Force Shield 3 Power Field 7 Unique Aeldari, Asuryani

Aeldari, Asuryani, Force
Gloom Field – Special 9 Very rare
Field, Ranger
Aeldari, Anhrathe,
Mistshield 2 Power Field 7 Very Rare
Force Field
Aeldari, Asuryani, Force
Serpent Shield Platform *1 Power Field 8 Very Rare
Aeldari, Drukhari, Force
Shadowfield *4 Power Field 14 Unique
Aeldari, Asuryani, Force
Shimmershield *2 Power Field 7 Unique

Kabalite Armour: Commorrite Kabals employ extremely Reaper Armour: The Dark Reapers’ armour is bulky,
well-crafted armour reinforced with lightweight plates partly to stabilise their weapons, and partly because
of advanced materials to allow maximum mobility. their astonishing firepower makes them a priority
target. An Aeldari wearing Reaper Armour always
Mesh Implants: Haemonculi often outfit themselves counts as Braced when firing weapons with the Heavy
or their minions with subcutaneous armour implants. Trait.
Such augmentations are always hideously obvious. The
recipient usually appreciates the fear their enhanced Rune Armour: Rune Armour is worn by the Seers
form evokes in others. and Warlocks of the Aeldari. It is composed of minimal
wraithbone plates etched with powerful psychic runes
92 that augment the armour’s defensive abilities, sapping
an attack’s strength before it hits.
Wychsuit: Wych Cults teach that the best way to avoid
being wounded is to simply not be where the enemy
strikes. Their armour is minimal, leaving large areas
of skin exposed as if to taunt their opponent. Wyches
prefer to rely on impeccable skill, speed, and combat
drugs. Myths, legends, and their symbolism permeate every AELDARI
aspect of Aeldari culture, masks especially. Aeldari
Force Shield: This miniature shield projector is similar war helmets and masks are extremely elegant, PSYCHIC
to the Imperium’s Rosarius but with superior damage styled after mythic heroes, villains or more esoteric
resistance. representations. Drukhari masks are often repulsive ARMOURY
to evoke fear, and in Commorrite society they hide
Gloom Field: When there is no cover to hide in, a weakness or emotion from rivals. WORLD OF
Gloom Field simply creates it. Rangers within 10m of
a Gloom Field always count as being in partial Cover Banshee Mask: The shriek of a Howling Banshee OUTCASTS OF
(+1 Defence, stacks with Cameleoline Cloak bonuses). is enhanced by psychosonic amplifiers, paralysing THE VOID
enemies with fear. When a Howling Banshee Charges,
Mistshield: A slightly less powerful version of the they may make an Interaction Attack using Intimidate
Forceshield, the Mistshield is commonly used by as a Free Action. SERVANTS OF THE
Aeldari Corsairs.
Value: 8 Rarity: Very Rare PANTHEON OF
Serpent Shield Platform: A shield emitter on a mobile Keywords: AELDARI, ASURYANI, HOWLING
anti-grav platform, protecting the operator and allies BANSHEE GAMEMASTERS
within 10m. It can also be overloaded to create a blast
of energy: once per encounter, all enemies within 10m Beastmaster Mask: Drukhari Beastmasters wear
of the platform must make a DN 5 Agility Test. Success shamanic masks, often fashioned from the skull or
causes them to become Staggered, while failure knocks chitinous shell of a deadly creature. They incorporate
them Prone. sub-vocal emitters and pheromone projectors designed
to intimidate the creatures they drive into battle.
Shadow Field: These Drukhari shields are beyond the
ken of most mortals. Shadow Fields create a shadowy A Beastmaster Mask causes Fear in creatures with the
distortion around the wearer, providing considerable BEAST Keyword within 20m. They can roll Resolve
protection, but it collapses entirely once penetrated. against a DN of the Beastmaster’s Rank to resist.
The first time an attack penetrates a Shadow Field and
causes at least 1 Wound, the Shadow Field breaks and Value:7 Rarity: Very Rare
requires a successful DN 4 Tech-use (Int) Test to repair Keywords: AELDARI, BEASTMASTER, DRUKHARI
before it will work again.

Shimmershield: Primarily used by the Dire Avengers,

Shining Spears, and Asuryani or Anhrathe leaders, WAR MASK
a Shimmershield protects against incoming fire and Asuryani return to the Warrior Path when
melee attacks, the dissipating force causing the needed, and leave it when the battle is won.
characteristic ‘shimmer’ effect. The War Mask is equal parts symbolic item and
sacred ritual to shift their focus between civilian
and martial Paths. Exarchs are trapped on the
Warrior Path; the War Mask has become their
true face. Harlequins take this even further, their
shifting masks simultaneously representing
everyone and nobody at all.

Ghosthelm/Lodestar Helm: The Ghosthelm uses Mirror Mask: The masks of the Shadowseers are
complex wraithbone circuitry to conceal the user’s glassy smooth and featureless, its surface made of
Warp presence, while the Lodestar Helm harnesses shifting iridescent colours like spilt promethium over
the protective shades of various spirit stones to water. They sow doubt and confusion in all who see
achieve the same goal. Aeldari wearing either never them. All Tests made against a Shadowseer take a
roll on the Perils of the Warp table, and must make dice penalty equal to the Shadowseer’s Rank –1.
Psychic Mastery Tests at Unbound or Transcendent
Power Levels. Value: 9 Rarity: Unique
Value: 10 Rarity: Unique
Keywords: AELDARI, ANHRATHE, ASURYANI Rictus Mask: Macabre even by Harlequin standards, it
is rumoured that a Death Jester’s panoply incorporates
Harlequin Mask: These masks usually represent the bones of their predecessor. In Troupes, they play
whatever figure of Aeldari legend the wearer Death, and relish the role. Any character attempting
traditionally plays in their Troupe. The mask’s to move into Engagement with a Harlequin wearing a
features shift at the owner’s mental command to Rictus Mask must pass a Fear Test with a DN equal to
assume any face or colour desired. In battle, the mask 1 + twice the Harlequin’s Rank.
is a kaleidoscope of dizzying colours and terrifying
visions of the onlooker’s fears. Whenever an enemy Value: 9 Rarity: Unique
becomes Engaged with a Harlequin, they must make Keywords: AELDARI, DEATH JESTER, HARLEQUIN
a DN 3 Fear Test.
Spirit Mask: Spiritseers guide those Aeldari war
Value: 9 Rarity: Unique constructs piloted by the souls of the dead, helping
Keywords: AELDARI, HARLEQUIN them distinguish past from present and friend from
foe. The Spirit Mask aids them in channelling their
abilities. WRAITH CONSTRUCT allies within 5m of a
Spiritseer gain +3 ED when inflicting Damage.

Value: 10 Rarity: Unique


Tormentor: To earn a Tormentor, an aspiring Incubus

must first kill an Aspect Warrior in single combat.
Their slain opponent’s spirit stone is shattered and
reconstructed into a torture device. The soul’s torment
is released in a blast of terror that stops enemies in
their tracks, allowing the Incubus to slaughter them
Mandiblasters: Mandiblasters are a pair of miniature at leisure. Unsurprisingly, Asuryani especially despise
laser weapons built into a Striking Scorpion’s helmet, Incubi, even if circumstances require they become
psychically triggered when the perfect opportunity temporary allies. Once per encounter, an Incubus
to strike reveals itself. If a Striking Scorpion rolls a may activate their Tormentor. All enemies within 10m
Wrath Critical on a melee attack Test against a creature must pass a Resolve Test at a DN of the Incubus’ Rank
Size Average or smaller, the target suffers 3 Mortal or become Terrified.
Wounds in addition to the Critical Hit’s effects.
Value: 12 Rarity: Unique
Value: 8 Rarity: Very Rare Keywords: AELDARI, DRUKHARI, INCUBUS

Other Aeldari equipment is every bit as advanced and Aspect Shrine: To stay true to their Aspect’s teachings SYSTEM
specialised as their weaponry. Their simplest devices while away from their craftworld temples, Aspect
are so advanced it often surpasses the understanding Warriors often carry a symbolic relic of their shrine to AELDARI
of the other younger species in the galaxy. observe the proper rituals at all times. At minimum,
each includes a meditative wraithbone icon, often PSYCHIC
Anti-Grav Platform: Weapons with a Heavy (X) Trait styled as a rune significant to the Aspect. Some may
may be mounted on these floating platforms. This store battle rites, relevant poetry, or speeches from ARMOURY
removes the Heavy Trait, but the weapon requires an past heroes for reference.
Aeldari within arm’s reach to move, and that Aeldari WORLD OF
cannot Sprint. An Aspect Warrior may use their Shrine during a
Regroup or Respite. They gain their Rank in bonus OUTCASTS OF
Value: 8 Rarity: Uncommon dice for a single Test relevant to their Aspect (GM is THE VOID
Keywords: AELDARI, ASURYANI final arbiter), including attack rolls. Cannot be used
again until another Regroup or Respite.
Anti-Gravitic Suspensor Crystal: These small SERVANTS OF THE
devices take many forms, from a single wraithbone Value: 8 Rarity: Unique
crystal to a complex lattice of anti-grav repulsors Keywords: AELDARI, ASPECT SHRINE, ASURYANI PANTHEON OF
embedded along the spine, depending on the Asuryani
or Haemonculus who created them. When integrated Blink Pack/Jump Generator: Warp Spiders or GAMEMASTERS
into Aeldari armour (or bodies), an Anti-Gravitic Shade Runners may make a DN 3 Pilot (A) Test to
Suspensor Crystal lets the user Fly at their base Speed. increase their Speed to 12 when they move, moving
When integrated into a weapon with the Heavy (X) horizontally through other characters and ignoring
Trait, the Strength requirement to wield that weapon terrain penalties. If the Test fails, their movement
is halved. No more than 1 Anti-Gravitic Suspensor deviates according to Scattering rules (Wrath &
Crystal may be used in this manner. Glory, page 186). A Complication triggers a roll on
the Perils of the Warp table (Wrath & Glory, page
Value: 10 Rarity: Very Rare 263-264).
Keywords: AELDARI
Value: 8 Rarity: Very Rare
Arena Trophy: A particularly satisfying kill often Keywords: AELDARI, ASPECT WARRIOR, SHADE
moves Wyches to take a memento. It might be a Human RUNNER
or T’au skull, something instantly recognisable, but not
so large or heavy that it impairs their fighting speed. Bonesinger Shard: Ivory-coloured shards of
wraithbone used by Bonesingers to alter existing
When a Wych takes an Arena Trophy, choose the wraithbone items, or create new ones. Bonesingers
Faction it came from; a famous Militarum general’s with a Shard ignore DN penalties for any Tests to build,
head would gain the IMPERIUM, ASTRA MILITARUM upgrade, maintain, or destroy Aeldari technology.
Keywords, for example. The Drukhari causes Fear (3)
in any other character within 20m that shares one or Value: 4 Rarity: Rare
more Keywords with the Arena Trophy. Keywords: AELDARI, ASURYANI

Value: 7 Rarity: Unique


Cameleoline Cloak: Cameleoline fabric shifts its Haemonculus Tools: Haemonculi are obsessed with
colours to match its surroundings. Many Rangers their craft, and are never without their tools, going so
integrate aspects of the local environment into their far as to permanently graft some onto their bodies.
cloaks for extra effect, weaving vines, leaves, tree These augmentations facilitate maintenance of their
bark, and more into it to truly become one with the creations, but also include an array of stimulants,
land. Wearer gets +1 bonus die to Stealth (A) Tests hormones, mutagens, and other incomprehensible
and +1 to Defence when in shadow or Cover. devices for ‘field experiments’. Some carry tissue
cultures that rapidly grow into replacement or
Value:5 Rarity: Rare additional eyes or limbs, although there are said to
Keywords: ANY be occasional side-effects connecting the recipient to
whatever lifeform they were originaly harvested from.
Chains, Blades, and Hooks: Kabalite Warriors may
embellish their suits as they wish. Blades, flesh Haemonculus Tools count as a pair of Mono-Knives
hooks, and chains are popular, making the Warrior that cannot be disarmed. In addition, they may include
look more intimidating, and increasing their chances any 3 of the following items at once:
to lacerate in melee. This item may be purchased up
to 3 times. Each time it is purchased, chose one of the u Chirurgeon’s Tools
following options: u Combi-Tool
u Diagnostor
u Chains: May be used as a Whip, +1 to Grapple u Medkit, Vat-Grown replacements for lost eyes or
attacks. limbs (Recipient gains 1 Corruption and becomes
u Blades: Successful melee attacks also inflict 1 Hindered for 2d6–Toughness days)
Bleeding Condition. u Mutagens (Forces a Mutation Test. The
u Hooks: All attempts to grapple the Drukhari Haemonculus can raise or lower the result by 10)
increase their DN by 1. u 5 doses of any Combat Drug and/or Poison

Value: 4 Rarity: Common The Haemonculus may change the 3 items in their
Keywords: AELDARI, DRUKHARI, KABAL Tools during a Respite or other downtime. When in
their personal quarters/workshop, the Haemonculus
Channeller Stones: Anhrathe Soul Weavers seek has access to all of the above.
out lost spirit stones to return to their craftworlds.
Until returned, however, they may commune with Value: 12 Rarity: Unique
the stone’s inhabitant, borrowing a portion of their Keywords: AELDARI, DRUKHARI, HAEMONCULUS
power and resilience. Once per Turn, the Soul Weaver
may reduce the Damage rating of a successful attack Hunting Trophy: Drukhari Beastmasters revel in
to 0. This applies only to the weapon’s Damage breaking the fiercest creatures in the galaxy, and
characteristic, and does not include ED and Shifted take trophies to commemorate satisfying hunts. This
Icons which may still cause Wounds. could be any recognisable object like a giant fang or
beast hide. The trophy is a declaration of strength and
Value: 9 Rarity: Unique respect demanded from noble and servant alike.
The Hunting Trophy grants bonus dice to all
Flip-Belt: Miniature anti-grav devices allowing Intimidation (WP) Tests made against NPCs as follows:
Harlequins to perform acrobatics even other Aeldari
consider incredible. The wearer ignores terrain u Adversary NPCs: Beastmaster wins ties
penalties during movement. They may move past u Elite NPCs: +1 die
enemies without Engaging or provoking Reflexive u Troop NPS: +2 dice
attacks (they still provoke Reflexive attacks if already
Engaged). They may also substitute Agility for Value: 8 Rarity: Very Rare
Toughness when rolling Determination. Keywords: AELDARI, BEASTMASTER, DRUKHARI
96 Value: 8 Rarity: UNIQUE
Initiation Brand: Branding is a popular method of Resonator Shard: These wraithbone spikes attach
marking an Archon’s property, and a reminder of what easily to most surfaces. When placed, any Aeldari
awaits underlings should they fail or betray (or fail to attuned to a Resonator Shard instinctively knows
betray) their superiors. It bears the Archon’s personal where it is. Heavy weapons with a Blast rating may
sigil and glows red hot instantly when activated. target the shard, rolling twice and picking the best SYSTEM
result. More precise weapons gain no benefit unless
An Archon with an Initiation Brand adds their Rank the Shard is attached directly to the target. AELDARI
in dice to any social Test against Drukhari sharing
the Archon’s KABAL Keyword. In combat it acts as a Value: 8 Rarity: Rare PSYCHIC
Shock Maul (Wrath & Glory, page 212). Keywords: AELDARI, ASURYANI, RANGER
Value: 5 Rarity: Unique Ritual Tools: To walk an Aeldari Path is to balance
Keywords: AELDARI, DRUKHARI, KABAL on a razor’s edge. With specialised ritual, Aeldari can WORLD OF
avoid losing their way on their journey.
Initiation Token: Initiation to a Kabal brings status OUTCASTS OF
and power, but places initiates at the bottom of a new Aeldari with Ritual Tools may use them during a THE VOID
hierarchy. The endlessly varied Initiation Tokens are Regroup to remove 1d3+1 Shock. During a Respite
a reminder that despite any sense of belonging, a or other extended non-combat scene, they may use
Kabalite’s comrades are nothing but stepping stones. Ritual Tools to focus their mind on a particular task, SERVANTS OF THE
adding their Rank in bonus dice to a single, Path-
When taking damage, the owner may instead choose relevant Test. PANTHEON OF
another character with the same KABAL Keyword
to take the hit. The new target must be within the Value: 7 Rarity: Very Rare GAMEMASTERS
owner’s move distance. Keywords: AELDARI, ANHRATHE, ASURYANI

Value: 4 Rarity: Uncommon


Rangefinder: Advanced sensor arrays resembling a

Magnocular Scope. Results may display to a HUD or
weapon scope. With a Rangefinder’s help, an Aeldari
sniper can accomplish truly astonishing feats of

A Rangefinder combines Magnocular Scope and

Preysense Goggles. When used to mark a target Shrine of the Father: The obsidian shrines in which
(a Full-Round Action in combat), it provides a +2 the Incubi dwell and practise their murderous arts are
bonus to all ranged attack Tests against that target, menacing places, with an iron statue of Khaine — the
eliminating penalties due to range and environmental ancient Aeldari god of murder — at their very centre.
An Incubus with a Shrine of the Father may use it
Value: 10 (standalone), 12 (detachable) during a Regroup or Respite to contemplate the killing
Rarity: Very Rare strike. Their next successful attack adds their Rank

Value: 8 Rarity: Very Rare


Spirit Stone: All Asuryani, and some Anhrathe, carry Swooping Hawk Wings: These jump packs consist
a Spirit Stone, an egg-sized jewel of incredible beauty. of vibrating metallic feathers and miniature anti-grav
It protects their soul from She Who Thirsts by catching projectors. The brightly coloured wings become a
it at the moment of death. If an ASURYANI Agent is dazzling sight when activated, providing great agility
killed whilst carrying an unoccupied Spirit Stone, their and speed. The wearer can Fly at double their Speed,
soul retreats into its shell for protection. If retrieved, as per the Jump Pack rules in Wrath & Glory, page
an ally can implant it into a Wraith Construct, so they 237.
can continue to wage war from beyond the grave.
Apply the following changes to the Agent: Value: 8 Rarity: Very Rare
u Their Species changes from Aeldari to Wraith ASURYANI
Construct (page 13).
u Their Speed changes to 5, and their Size to Large. Terms of Covenant: Scourges and Incubi abide
They lose the Intense Emotion special ability, any by certain rules. When hired, they negotiate Terms
Talents requiring the Aeldari Species, all psychic of Covenant. It is a standard contract, stipulating
powers, and the PSYKER Keyword. They gain services required, payment, duration, and so on. The
the WRAITH CONSTRUCT Keyword, and all the penalties for breaching the Terms of Covenant are
special abilities of a Wraith Construct. severe. Incubi and Scourges never knowingly break
u The Agent increases their Strength to 5, and their Terms. Any Archon that tries loses vital Scourge
Toughness to 6, unless they already had Attributes information services, or is annihilated by a whole
at this level or higher. Any Attributes above the Incubus Temple.
Species Maximums of a Wraith Construct (page
13) are reduced to their Species Maximum. When an Incubus or Scourge takes a contract,
replace their BLADES FOR HIRE Keyword with the
Ynnari, empowered by death, have a unique rapport Keyword of their employer. If the Terms are broken,
with spirit stone inhabitants. While most spirit Commorragh grants the aggrieved party considerable
stones find their way back to a craftworld’s Infinity leeway in exacting revenge; allies will help, and only
Circuit, some elect to ‘accompany’ an Ynnari for a the most stubborn enemies will interfere.
time, offering wisdom, protection, and aid in battle.
Once per session, an Ynnari Agent may call upon an You cannot use this effect if you already have a
inhabited Spirit Stone for aid, granting them either +1 [CRAFTWORLD], [COTERIE], [KABAL], [WYCH
Defence in combat, or +2 to a single Skill. This lasts CULT], [COVEN], [MASQUE] or YNARRI Keyword.
for 1 combat encounter or scene, as appropriate.
Value: 4 Rarity: Unique
Value: 7 (empty), 12+ (inhabited) Keywords: AELDARI, DRUKHARI, INCUBUS
Rarity: Very Rare (empty), Unique (inhabited)
Keywords: AELDARI Wraithbone Runes: Aeldari on the Path of the Seer
use Wraithbone Runes to augment their psychic
Skyboard: Skyboards are single-pilot anti-grav powers. Bonesingers assist the Seer in creating Runes
platforms of exceptional agility and speed. When representing people and concepts of deep personal
mounted, the user can Fly at Speed 12 and fire the significance to the owner.
board’s Splinter Pods. If the user rolls a Complication,
their Skyboard becomes damaged. A DN 3 Pilot (A) Wraithbone Runes allow the owner’s psychic powers
Test is required to stabilise the device — if failed, it to ignore the restrictions on Power Levels (i.e. if they
crashes to the ground, inflicting d3 Shock and an make a Psychic Mastery Test at Transcendent, they
amount of falling Damage appropriate to the distance can still make one at Unbound in the same scene). In
fallen (see Wrath & Glory page 201). addition, sustaining a psychic power raises the DN by
+1, not +2.
Value: 8 Rarity: Rare
98 ANTI-GRAV Rarity: Unique
The Aeldari are learned in the flora and fauna of a Painbringer: With specialised inhibitors
galaxy they once ruled, and can harvest them to create modifying pain receptors and tailored
potent substances to heal or harm. The Drukhari in hormones causing increased collagen
particular are master alchemists, their obsession production in the skin, Painbringer
with causing pain driving them to discover or invent users are tougher and more pain-
the most horrific toxins, and their violent society resistant. For the duration, the user gains
encouraging use of stimulants to gain any edge over +1 Resilience.
their foes and each other they can.
Value: 8 Rarity: Rare
A standard Combat Drug dose lasts 4 Rounds. After Keywords: AELDARI, DRUKHARI, WYCH
this time, a second dose may be used, which lasts 5 CULT
Rounds, with further doses extending the duration by
1 Round. If the number of doses reaches the same Serpentin: A suite of personally tailored
number as the user’s Toughness, they must pass a DN artisanal stimulants improve short range
3 Toughness Test or suffer from an overdose: the drug hand-eye coordination, reflexes, and
inflicts Poisoned instead, at a rating of half the drug’s agility in combat. For the duration,
Value rounding up. the user receives +2 to their Weapon
Skill. It is expensive, but Wyches
consider its benefits worth the price.
DRUKHARI If used by an Aeldari other than the
one it was designed for, the benefits
COMBAT DRUGS are halved.
Adrenalight: Hyper-engineered adrenaline and
aggression enhancers drive the user to leap into melee Value: 9 Rarity: Unique
and fight with ferocious savagery, heedless of their Keywords: AELDARI, DRUKHARI,
defence. When the user makes a Charge or All-Out WYCH CULT
Attack Action, they make two attack rolls. Both rolls
receive the bonus dice. Splintermind: These specialised
neurotransmitter supplements provide a large
Value: 7 Rarity: Rare boost to long range perception and hand-
Keywords: AELDARI, DRUKHARI, WYCH CULT eye coordination, and reduce muscle tremors.
Ranged combat is boosted significantly, with the
Grave Lotus: Powerful muscle stimulants give the added benefit of making the user appear calmer
user enhanced strength for the duration. Until it under pressure to others. For the duration, the user
wears off, the user adds +2 to their Strength Attribute receives +2 Ballistic Skill and Leadership. Each dose
and any Tests based on Strength. must be tailored to the specific user, and has no effect
on anyone else.
Value: 8 Rarity: Very Rare
Keywords: AELDAR, DRUCHARI, WYCH CULT Value: 8 Rarity: Unique
Hypex: A cocktail of stimulants at concentrations near
lethal levels for most Drukhari, Hypex boosts agility
and coordination, providing users an astonishing
burst of speed. For the duration, the user adds +4 to
their Speed rating.

Value: 8 Rarity: Rare 99

eldari of the Asuryani make their homes on All craftworld Aeldari adhere to the Asuryani Path,
craftworlds: vast ships of living wraithbone. or the Ai’elethra. A philosophy of rigid emotional
On these self-contained worlds grown and discipline, the Path focuses an Aeldari’s prodigious
tended by their own artifice, they pursue paths intellects and energies upon the pursuit of one specific
of rigid discipline and psychic development, nursing goal at a time. Every Asuryani walks several over the
the embers of their history as they slowly cool to ash. course of their long lives, typically crossing over to a
The Gilead System is home to one Aeldari craftworld: new Path only once they have achieved mastery over
Ul-Khari, which collided with the frozen world Trollius, their current vocation. The Asuryani Path is more than
and now lingers there half-buried within the ice. tradition. By following strict doctrines and adopting
detailed, sophisticated frameworks to govern both
thought and action, Aeldari gain a measure of control
over emotion and passion.
THE ASURYANI The Aeldari mind is complex, capable of intellectual
feats and thought processes Humans cannot grasp.
Life on a craftworld is defined by patience, moderation, When they focus on one matter, most do so with a
and adherence to strictly defined rules that shape the degree of single-minded obsession that borders on
course of an individual Aeldari’s life. Each craftworld the fanatical. It is possible for an Aeldari to let a Path
is a self-contained society, a civilisation in its own consume their life. Those who do so are said to be
right. Their traditions and expectations vary, but there ‘lost on the Path’. This is a dangerous loss of self that
are common elements that apply to every Asuryani most rightly fear, though Exarchs — those lost on a
character in Wrath & Glory. Warrior Path — are an essential and respected part a
100 craftworld’s military might.
Those who become lost on the Path of the Warrior Not every Aspect Shrine on a craftworld is equally
are known as Exarchs, and other Asuryani regard powerful; cultural factors lead some to prominence
them as inspiring, frightening, and necessary in and others to obscurity in different times and
equal measures. These warriors devote themselves places. On some craftworlds, such as Ulthwé, Aspect
to war and bloodshed so completely they can never Warriors of any stripe are comparatively rare, with the
walk another Path again. Most Asuryani follow the craftworld’s small population more focused on other
call to war voluntarily at some point in their lives. pursuits.
Some do so out of a sense of duty or honour, while
others seek vengeful redress for the many tragedies Each Path has a role to play in the workings of a
visited upon their kind. Most are careful to keep the craftworld. Each Asuryani knows their role and abides
rush of exultation and bloodlust at bay so that they by it; those who can’t, or won’t, leave to follow other
can take off their war masks when the time comes. To Paths. Farseers, the most potent psychics amongst
see Exarchs allow such powerful emotions to reshape the Aeldari, offer guidance and direction for the
their lives is awe inspiring and can be, though most entire continent-sized ship. They see the patterns in
Aeldari would never admit to it, somewhat enviable. the interwoven strands of fate and figuratively steer
the craftworld’s course, deciding everything from
At the same time, Exarchs stand as a powerful when its warhost will do battle to how the craftworld
example of the obsession and single-mindedness that should prepare itself for dangers it’s yet to face.
awaits Aeldari who stumble from the Asuryani Path. Autarchs lead each world’s warhost, deploying them
And yet, even so, they’re crucial parts of craftworld as the Farseers direct. Artisans, smiths of the forge
society, serving as priests of the war god Kaela Mensha god Vaul, and Bonesingers ensure the craftworld
Khaine, keepers of Aspect Shrines, and trainers continues to operate.
and leaders to Aspect Warriors. This latter attitude
illuminates a truth common to every craftworld: every So it is on most craftworlds, yet Ul-Khari’s
Aeldari life can be directed to a purpose, even those predicament makes life in the Gilead System
who falter or fail. both different and harder.

To witness the Asuryani on the battlefield might

lead one to believe there are but two Paths: those
of the Warrior and the Witch. In fact there are many
more. Those on the Path of the Bonesinger study and
nurture the psychoplastics that are the material basis
for many Aeldari objects, from weapons to homes;
the Path of the Artisan innovates, designs, and builds
whatever their fellow Asuryani need to survive; the
Path of the Savant studies history and science and
disseminates their knowledge, while the Path of the
Player keeps myths and legends alive through song,
dance, and art.

Many Paths involve specialisms, and most Asuryani

learn only one aspect of a Path lest they be lost upon
it. An Artisan might know how to design and create
gorgeous clothing, how to cook the most exquisite
meal, or how to tend a specific phylum of plants,
but not all of these things. The Path of the Warrior
is divided into Warrior Aspects such as the
Striking Scorpions and Howling Banshees,
each dedicated to a different narrow
specialism in the arts of war.
CRAFTWORLD This generates in Asuryani a deep, unwavering loyalty
to their home: the concept of a craftworld doesn’t just
UL-KHARI encompass familiar sights or the bond with the people
around them, it’s their place as part of a far greater
‘We will not be forgotten.’
— World-rune of Craftworld Ul-Khari Badly damaged wraithbone isn’t neutral, like
plasteel or ferrocrete. It’s a corpse. And the Aeldari
The people of Ul-Khari were always tenacious. They have enough psychic gifts, even when untrained,
took pride in hardship, in traversing dangerous star to be acutely sensitive to the difference between an
systems and continuing military campaigns even object and something that was once alive. There are
when the odds of victory were as long as their history. parts of Ul-Khari that powerful Warlocks can’t bear
to experience, and venture into only on the most
When the Great Rift opened and Ul-Khari crashed into pressing business. To stand in these sectors is akin to
Trollius to lodge there for the foreseeable future (and hosting a council session in a charnel house.
the Aeldari foresee many distant futures), they knew
persistence and tenacity would help them weather
the crisis. It took only a small, subtle change to the
elegant strokes of their world-rune to express the
reality of their new situation and the hope for change:
we will not be forgotten.

On Ul-Khari, those words have many meanings and

they guide everything the surviving Aeldari do.

u Remembering the dead — of whom there

are many.
u Maintaining communication with the other
Aeldari in the Gilead System — except the
Drukhari, who are best avoided.
u Attempting to free the craftworld from
Trollius and return to the wider galaxy.
u Finally and most importantly, making sure
the craftworld survives.

A craftworld is far more than a voidship — it is at
once a home, a bastion for the souls of the dead, and
a key part of its denizen’s identities.

Craftworlds are not built so much as grown — sung

into being from wraithbone and and other psychically
active materials. To the Aeldari mind, there is no
difference between technology and nature – they are
a single process by which the artificers of the world-
ships imbue living things with function and functional
things with life.

As painful as the experience is for most of the Aeldari
aboard Ul-Khari, it’s worse for the Bonesingers. Ever PLOT HOOK
since the crash, growing and repairing the wraithbone SIGNS OF LIFE
of the craftworld’s structure has been their most
important task. The Bonesingers have woven their A dome far away, cut off from the inhabited areas SYSTEM
craft to bring strength back where they can, yet there of the craftworld by miles of dense ice, suddenly
are places too damaged to save. They do their utmost comes alive. Lights blaze out over the snowfields AELDARI
to forget the pain of the wraithbone as it froze and and the Seers of the craftworld pick up soft
suffered upon contact with Trollius, and the slow psychic signals from this abandoned, presumed PSYCHIC
death of parts of their homeworld as it shut down empty dome. Either something dreadful has
around them. happened to the spirit stones thought lost ARMOURY
within, or new life has arrived there. Worst of
Damaged and dead wraithbone doesn’t necessarily all, it might be connected to Winter’s Last Cry WORLDS OF
look different from its healthy, living counterpart. (see page 109). Whatever’s happening, it can’t
Scars from weapons fire, breakage, and age are all bode well. Someone must investigate. OUTCASTS OF
indications of damage, of course, but wraithbone is THE VOID
a psychoplastic, not organic matter. It doesn’t rot and
die, it just leaves a psychic void where the comforting THE BROKEN GOD THE DARK CITY

presence of Ul-Khari should be. At the heart of every Aeldari craftworld is the Avatar, SERVANTS OF THE
a god incarnate, a vessel for the essence of the dead
It isn’t just the living bone that makes a craftworld god Kaela Mensha Khaine. When not roused for war, PANTHEON OF
more than simply a dwelling or a vessel, it’s the Infinity a craftworld’s Avatar sits upon a smouldering throne
Circuit. This crystalline matrix is the core of every inside a sealed wraithbone chamber. A towering statue GAMEMASTERS
craftworld, including Ul-Khari. In its psychoactive of iron, the Avatar’s heavily muscled form is pitted
structure, the souls of dead Aeldari — those whose with age and encrusted with corrosion. His armour
essences were caught in spirit stones before Slaanesh is ornately adorned with runes, gemstones and more,
could take them — persist in a shared consciousness. while emblems representing the various Aspect
They’re far from the world of the living: in the case of Shrines hang from belts around His waist and chest.
Ul-Khari’s circuit, only a psychic prodigy can reliably When war approaches, the Avatar will shift upon His
reach and communicate with a single soul, but they’re throne, restless with a craving for bloodshed.
present. The collective as a whole offers advice
and guidance, as well as serving as a wellspring of To rouse the Avatar, there must be undertaken
psychic power that helps maintain the craftworld. As the sacrificial Ritual of the Young King: an Aspect
long as the Infinity Circuit is unharmed, the soul of Warrior, chosen by Farseers for a potentially dread
every Aeldari who has lived and died persists. If it’s destiny, will take up the role of the Young King,
broken, She Who Thirsts will feast on every last trace Eldanesh, the first and greatest of the Aeldari, and
of spiritual essence. one who refused to serve Khaine. The dead god
still harbours such burning hatred for Eldanesh
It’s a miracle that Ul-Khari’s Infinity Circuit survived that this ancient ritual and slaughter spurs to life
the collision with Trollius. It’s too much to ask for it the spark of Khaine, which remains in the soul
to be unharmed. It’s whole, and it works, but it’s not shard. When fully roused, thick red gore drips from
quite right — quite apart from the matter of the Broken the fiery Avatar’s left hand, a grim reminder of slain
God. Sometimes the psychic energy isn’t enough to Eldanesh, and the sacred weapon called Suin Daellae,
maintain the entire station; sometimes processes shut the Wailing Doom, is borne in His right. Against
down in places where they’re needed while empty this relic of a dead god, few can stand firm. Except
stretches of Ul-Khari are suddenly vibrant with power. on craftworld Ul-Khari, that’s no longer possible.
It doesn’t help the sensation that the craftworld is a Ul-Khari’s collision with Trollius damaged its shard of
haunted place. Khaine. The body of the Avatar remains, but there’s
no spirit of a dead god in the Infinity Circuit to inhabit
it. The craftworlders discovered this during the Tide
of Red Frosts, when they performed the Ritual of the 103
Young King to no result.
PLOT HOOK If they’re tremendously lucky, some clue might exist

DESPERATE TIMES in Aeldari ruins, and there are many of those in the
Gilead System.
An army of Orks bent on Waaagh! races across
the Gilead System, sweeping all before them. Some of the craftworld’s Seers theorise the object of
Ul-Khari is in their path, and nothing in the the Call is a solution to the problem of the Broken
galaxy will dissuade them from testing their God. It’s certainly possible, and it would provide a
mettle against some Aeldari for a change certain tragic, poetic completeness to Ul-Khari’s story:
of pace. The Asuryani need the Avatar, or a it would mean they came to Gilead following the Call,
huge number of allies. A team of Agents are only to create the exact circumstances in which they
dispatched both to chase down every possible needed the treasure it led them towards. Some have
interpretation of the Call’s objective, and suggested this is the kind of dramatic irony that an
to find what support they can amongst the enigmatic and vindictive deity like Cegorach, the
Anhrathe and the Harlequins — who of course Laughing God, might engineer, and He’s the only god
have their own problems to solve before they currently looking out for the Aeldari.
can return to Ul-Khari. There’s too much to do,
and too little time before the Orks descend.
Other craftworlds are sealed systems, complete
The Farseers and Exarchs think there might be within themselves. Everything the Asuryani aboard
another way to awaken the Avatar. There might be need is created on the craftworld, whether food from
a way to adapt the Ritual of the Young King, turning living, growing organisms or materials sculpted from
one Exarch into Eldanesh and the others, collectively, sophisticated psychoplastics, the best known of
joining in a psychic circuit to simulate the raw power these being the wraithbone that forms the craftworld
and might of a god. They’re already lost on the Path itself as well as smaller structures like the Aeldari
of the Warrior, beyond the normal restraints Asuryani war walkers, recognised and feared wherever aliens
impose on themselves. Opening up to the darker have fought Asuryani troops. That’s not the case on
impulses the Aeldari are capable of could provide craftworld Ul-Khari.
sufficent psychic power to summon whatever shadow
of Khaine remains. When Trollius appeared in the craftworld’s path,
almost half of Ul-Khari was ruined beyond recognition
It’s only theoretical, as there is no way to test such in the collision. The craftworld is now fused with
a wild idea without awakening the Avatar, which is the dense ice of the planet; the only way to separate
itself never without risk. If it did work, it is unclear wraithbone from rock would be to blow Trollius to
if the resulting entity would bear the true strength of splinters. Though they possess the means of doing
the Avatar, and there is no way to tell what would so, this would almost certainly cause more harm than
happen to the craftworld’s Exarchs. To sacrifice one good.
is a great loss — to lose all would be a price Ul-Khari
can ill afford to pay. As well as the swathes of the craftworld rendered
inaccessible by the collision, a wide perimeter is
Still, desperation is almost certain to force the matter frostbitten and inhospitable. It’s structurally sound,
sooner or later. If this is to be avoided, the Asuryani but sealed off in order to maintain a more hospitable
need to repair or replace the shard of Khaine before environment elsewhere on the craftworld. Teams are
another crisis strikes. Replacing it is unlikely; the dispatched occasionally into the forbidden region
only known shards are in other craftworlds’ Infinity to retrieve records, technology, or any of the other
Circuits. There may be others throughout the galaxy resources lost in the ice.
— after all, who can say how many pieces a god’s
soul might fracture into? But there’s no telling where
they are. Repairing it is almost as difficult. It requires
104 knowledge the craftworld doesn’t have.
This vacuum of experience has forced some Asuryani
PLOT HOOK back onto Paths they left decades or centuries ago in

PRISONERS OR order to support the craftworld. It’s miserable, and

feels like a failure to many Aeldari, but it’s necessary
MARTYRS to preserve Ul-Khari. It also means there have never
All the tales the craftworlders tell of their been more opportunities for youthful Aeldari. On any
collision with Trollius paint them as victims other craftworld, Autarch Ishtá Indomi’s youth would AELDARI
of circumstance; casualties of cruel Fate. That count against her. She would have spent long years
may not be the case. There are hints — in the proving herself to doubting elders. On Ul-Khari, her PSYCHIC
choices the Asuryani made, and some of the vigour and determination counts for much more than
orders given in the years immediately before her relative inexperience. Indomi’s champions other ARMOURY
the crash — that suggest at least some of the young Aeldari too, making her a useful Patron for
craftworld’s Warlocks were aware of the risk, ambitious groups of Agents. WORLDS OF
and considered whatever the Call (see page 154)
was leading them to worth the risk. If that were OUTCASTS OF
the case, they’d be wise to keep their secret;
their actions jeopardised the entire craftworld

and cost countless Aeldari lives. It borders on ORNAMENTATION THE DARK CITY

the kind of dangerous obsession the Asuryani Each craftworld develops in isolation and takes SERVANTS OF THE
designed an entire culture to eliminate. on its own character that manifests in every detail,
from the structures of its wraithbone to the colours PANTHEON OF
of its Guardians’ uniforms. They hint at the empire
The lost areas include two Aspect Shrines: those of that existed before the Fall, and in this way, every GAMEMASTERS
the Howling Banshees and the Fire Dragons. Most of craftworld is like a shadow of what once was. Those
the warriors of those Aspects were lost, doomed in the hints are usually so well-buried, however, that there’s
encounter with Trollius. The survivors have carved out no practical way to deduce much about the specific
niches elsewhere in the craftworld’s structure. They worlds the craftworlders left behind.
make do as best they can, but there’s no comparison
with the beauty and tradition of a long-established Like a broken bone that has badly healed, Ul-Khari
Shrine. has two distinct aesthetics. Everything grown before
the collision is formed of sweeping curves and
The compromised sectors of the craftworld are more slender spires. Wide passages open into vaulted halls
than a blow to the Aspect Warriors’ pride. The derelict with acoustics that make every word spoken into a
areas included food cultivation facilities, workshops, lingering musical note. The repairs and new forms
and archives. Without them, Ul-Khari is significantly cultivated after the collision are designed to make
short of critical resources. They have the ability the craftworld feel smaller, less echoing and empty.
to produce everything they need, but it’s slow, and Wraithbone pillars — still slender and beautiful, but
there are often choices to be made: is the need for undecorated, the products of need rather than art —
replacement weapons and additional ammunition make corridors narrower and support new floors to
currently more critical than the production of tools? make chambers smaller and more comfortable. All the
work done is done to make the craftworld feel less like
As well as the losses of physical resources, Ul-Khari a graveyard.
lost a great deal of knowledge in the collision. To
the Aeldari, this was a greater loss. Master artisans, The Ul-Khari colours of orange and green, and
priests of Vaul, historians, and other specialists died banners bearing its world-rune, are omnipresent
in the catastrophic clash of Ul-Khari and Trollius. throughout the craftworld: hanging on pennants,
Retrieving their spirit stones is the most frequent colouring Guardian uniforms, and bedecking every
reason to send teams into the compromised sectors, vehicle in the craftworld’s fleet. Against the creamy
but even collecting their remains and adding them to ivory of wraithbone, the colours give the impression
the craftworld’s Infinity Circuit can’t replace a living of an autumnal forest, clinging onto the last notes of
Aeldari with centuries of knowledge. vibrant warmth before the coming chill of winter. 105
THE TIDE OF For the first time, craftworld Ul-Khari was left
reeling. In its hour of need, numerous war leaders
RED FROSTS and figureheads perished in the sudden incursion.
As if the collision with Trollius wasn’t enough disaster Yet it was honour and heroism that carved a path to
for any craftworld’s entire existence, once Ul-Khari redemption. In light of the fresh wound dealt to the
was stranded in the Gilead System, the blows kept surviving Aeldari, youthful leaders — Ishtá Indomi
coming, wave after wave of catastrophes as though among them — stood strong and led with steely
Fate had turned against the Aeldari. This is recent determination where there forebears had boasted
history, and the aftermath is the cause of many experience. Following the rise of these champions, the
present dangers. Greensteel Warriors swooped in. They brought with
them Princess Ferianwyr’s ally, the Rogue Trader Jakel
Chaos Lord Maloquence was only part of the Varonius.
craftworld’s problems. The moment the crust of
Trollius’s ice was broken, Maloquence’s horde The Human seems to believe saving the craftworld
descended from some nightmare place within the provides him with leverage. He’s wrong. But the
Warp. But craftworld Ul-Khari wasn’t Maloquence’s debt Ul-Khari incurred to the Greensteel Princess is
objective. He and his armies wanted something that substantial and it weighs on the craftworld’s leaders.
waited beneath the ice; the Aeldari Seers theorised It’s yet another bond tethering them to the Gilead
there would be new bacteria, new and virulent System, trivial in the face of other factors tying them
plagues, trapped within. They had little time to down, yet still one more strand that calls for severance
deduce anything, however. All their prophecies by duty fulfilled. Beyond the damage wrought by
became useless the moment the impossible collision the forces of Chaos in their dastardly act to wipe out
with Trollius occurred; everything they’d foreseen the craftworld, the conflict poisoned the relationship
for their home belonged to another future. They had between Farseer Lanriel Taranlys and the other Seers
no forewarning of Maloquence’s arrival, no well- of craftworld Ul-Khari, and the upstart Ishtá and her
prepared strategies to overcome his forces. fellow Autarchs.

The Aeldari of Ul-Khari couldn’t rely on their Seers GMs should remember the Tide of Red Frosts isn’t
when they needed them most. Their prophecies just history. It’s a scar that still itches, and has the
are once more the guiding force of the craftworld’s potential to tear open at any time. The Farseers of
decisions, but the Autarchs have never fully regained Ul-Khari know what lifeforms they share the planet
trust in them. They push against the Warlocks’ Trollius with. They tell no one. While Lord Maloquence SYSTEM
decisions and bridle at their commands. Neither was driven off once, the forces of Chaos are plentiful,
faction is fool enough to curse Ul-Khari further by and the temptation of visiting further ruin upon the AELDARI
outright dissent, or graceless enough to countermand beleagured craftworld is certain to lure them back.
one another’s orders, but that tension makes Ul-Khari PSYCHIC
slow to act and less coordinated when they do. Most importantly, the schism between Autarchs and
Farseers bleeds into many aspects of life on Ul-Khari. ARMOURY
Negotiating a course of action both factions support
BENEATH THE ICE can waste precious time when action is most needed. WORLDS OF
There were many disasters and unexpected hurdles A group of Ul-Khari Agents might find themselves
not accounted for by prophecies suddenly thrown working in utmost secrecy so as not to offend a OUTCASTS OF
askew. The worst of them may be what waits beneath Patron’s opposition, and Aeldari Agents from outside THE VOID
the ice of Trollius. A cavern has been discovered some Ul-Khari, especially Outcasts, might be hired to quietly
distance from Ul-Khari during a scouting expedition and deniably do things Asuryani cannot.
to investigate a region of psychic disquiet. Initially it SERVANTS OF THE
was thought to be the result of the craftworld’s near
destruction, but this proved not to be the case. Out of ONGOING ACTIONS PANTHEON OF
the ensuing fray, only a lone Ranger returned from To those who are not themselves Aeldari, the
the expedition, and he bore grim tidings: emissaries Guardians and Aspect Warriors of the Asuryani are GAMEMASTERS
of the Great Devourer sleep fitfully on Trollius under a fearsome and incomprehensible. They appear without
glittering seal of ice. warning, strike a target, and are gone. Their choice
of targets is sometimes obvious — a garrison or
Ul-Khari has encountered Tyranids before and is well munitions factory — but just as often baffling and
aware of their destructive potential. While the bioforms impossible to anticipate. They make precise strikes
appear frozen fast, for now, they awake if disturbed. against the tallest spires of a hive city and launch raids
The Farseers have named this threat the Catastrophe into the deepest levels. At times they attack nutrient
Seed, for it is sure to grow into an even greater disaster processing facilities, and then eradicate seemingly
in time. Much research is going into ways to ensure lifeless asteroids in the Voidmire.
the beasts do not awake. One promising lead is the
apparent sensitivity of the Tyranids to the presence To the Aeldari, every mission is part of a plan that
of Humans nearby. Even the least subtle approach of extends hundreds, even thousands of years into the
an Aeldari Aspect Warrior may provoke no response future. The Asuryani are few in number, compared
from these sleeping monstrosities, while a Human to the limitless cannon fodder of some other species;
anywhere nearby seems to stir them to lethal action they have to strike early and tactically. The visions
almost instantly. This relationship is dangerous, but and prophecies of their Warlocks guide them to targets
the Farseers hope to understand and exploit it in time. that will one day be critical in the battle against the
Ruinous Powers.
This research is hampered by a need for secrecy. The
leaders of Ul-Khari are cautious and keep this state of If all goes well, the Aeldari hit them before their
affairs hidden from most. Any who witness the beasts importance is at all apparent. A harmless mining
are sworn to secrecy. This is done to preserve the asteroid might one day provide materials a legion of
craftworld’s precarious morale and lessen the chances Traitor Marines needs to take a strategically important
of the Imperium learning of the Tyranid presence. If planet. A minor manufactorm might be a future
they do, they will likely bomb Trollius and Ul-Khari breeding ground for a cult of Chaos worshippers,
until only ice, ash, and splintered wraithbone remain. or a regional Imperial administrator may need to be
assassinated before they sire a lineage that will one
day pledge itself to She Who Thirsts. 107
The interventions aren’t always in direct opposition
to Chaos. Especially in these benighted days, the PLOT HOOK
dwindling Aeldari might just as easily find a craftworld
anhilated by the whim of an unforseen Ork Waaagh!
as by any machination of the Ruinous Powers. That PROMISE OF PEACE
mining asteroid might be a future foundation for an Feuding Imperial nobles have arranged to
Ork Rok, or the manufactorum a breeding-ground for meet in the fortress-palace of a neutral third
a Genestealer Cult. A poorly defended agri world may noble on Brassyl, the low-orbit plate above
be prophesied to one day fall to a Tyranid hive fleet, Gilead Primus. Their hatred predates the
and so the Aeldari ruthlessly attack it a century prior Dathedian and the flame of their rivalry burns
to demonstrate to the Imperium the folly of leaving brighter than ever. But in the face of hardship,
such a world unguarded. An otherwise unremarkable they’ve agreed to put their differences aside
forge world might hide a host of ancient, slumbering and attempt to make peace. The Farseers
Necrons, primed to awaken should the din of crude of Ul-Khari predict their doing so would put
Human industry continue. Imperial reclamation teams on Trollius within
a decade. They do not intend to share the ice
To the victim, such attacks seem cruel and pointless, world, nor wait to see what harm Winter’s
but to the Aeldari, who take a far longer view and care Last Cry could cause the Mon-Keigh. A small
little for the lives of Humans, they are often obvious tactical squad must slip inside the palace and
and necessary. These precision strikes are swift and ruin any chance of peace, by whatever means
deadly and always driven by purpose. A galaxy fallen necessary. And they must be unseen, because
to Chaos is a galaxy lost, and a fate far worse than ‘xenos scum’ will be shot on sight.
any soul-chilling slaughter or heroic act the Aeldari
commit to prevent it. This philosophy explains both
why the appearance of Aeldari forces strikes fear into That gives the Asuryani of Ul-Khari an unjust
the hearts of other species galaxy-wide, and why they reputation for cruelty. The tactical missions with the
occasionally appear as unexpected allies. Occasionally, lowest risk and greatest impact pit the Aeldari against
the stronghold of another species must be protected, unprepared targets. Most Humans and other species
as its fall would bring about terrible consequences. don’t know enough about the Aeldari to discern the
differences between groups — they wouldn’t know
All of this is true for Ul-Khari. Were they not in a Howling Banshee from a Wych Cult — but their
dire straits themselves, their forces would be spread understanding of the Aeldari is definitely closer to
across the Gilead System, intervening wherever the truth of the Drukhari than their more disciplined
necessary to ensure the system holds against the cousins. After all, such aspects pale in comparison to
threat of Chaos that creeps, unstoppable as entropy, terror and brutality in the eyes of victims.
ever closer. They try to do so, as best they can, but
the Aeldari’s numbers are limited and their priorities
lay elsewhere. They can only intervene at the most PLOT HOOK
critical points, averting what would become the most
dire catastrophes.
Every action has to be weighed against available The Ul-Khari’s fearsome reputation serves to
resources. Destroying a hard target that’s only explain why other species in the galaxy are
peripheral to a prophecy isn’t worth the toll it would hostile to Aeldari on sight, not to force players
take in Aeldari lives. Obliterating a softer target that to fight pitiful civilians. A highly trained strike
will become pivotal is an easy decision. team of Agents, who’ve already overcome
unbeatable odds a dozen times in their careers,
‘Better a million Humans should perish than a single are the perfect assets to send in pursuit of a
Aeldari be harmed.’ forlorn hope — an action that’s important, but
— Paean of Ul-Khari overwhelmingly dangerous. Pit them against
108 Space Marines and daemons, not hive scum.
The work that most regularly keeps the Asuryani from It is vital to discover what it is, and what hints might
ingeniously steering the destiny of the Gilead System exist to keep it at bay if it ever comes for Ul-Khari
is the rebuilding of Ul-Khari. The craftworld is still as it came for the Humans. The scouts who range
severely damaged, and repairs are slow. Strengthening across the planet don’t know what they’re looking
and shaping wraithbone isn’t as simple as welding for; they’re cataloguing finds, rather than seeking SYSTEM
on a patch or soldering a joist. It requires patience something specific.
and perseverance. While the Bonesingers’ work is AELDARI
the most obvious, they’re not the only Aeldari utterly Just as they all dream of the Call, every Asuryani on
devoted to restoring the craftworld’s equilibrium. Ul-Khari has nightmares about the ice rolling over PSYCHIC
Many aboard labour at repairing food supplies, the domes of the craftworld, smothering it under a
training warriors and artisans, and even retracing beautiful, crystalline shroud. If Winter’s Last Cry came ARMOURY
the strands of prophecy to see how the rending of the for them, it would be the death knell of craftworld
Dathedian has changed the course of fate. Ul-Khari. WORLDS OF

There’s more than enough work Beyond those immediate OUTCASTS OF

to keep a team of Agents concerns, the Gilead System THE VOID
busy on Ul-Khari itself. is full of dangers the
Exploring the damaged Asuryani are forced to
areas, acquiring vital face. SERVANTS OF THE
supplies to restore broken
circuits and structures, and The ever-growing threat PANTHEON OF
recovering lost knowledge of Chaos incursions into RUIN
all make for dramatic the Webway would be GAMEMASTERS
a priority if so many of
storylines. Just keeping the
cold from destroying the few the craftworlders weren’t
habitable parts of the craftworld occupied in keeping their
is time-consuming. The more home safe and habitable.
patient work of rebuilding can As matters stand, they leave
fill downtime between sessions, the maintenance and security
or provide a counterpoint to high- of the Webway to their cousins the
adrenaline action scenes. Harlequins, but the Asuryani are ever
conscious of their inability to help.
Beyond the wraithbone walls of the craftworld,
Trollius is an immediate and concerning problem. The Far down the list of unattainable goals is the matter
Aeldari have surmised several things about the dead of Ironwatch. The Humans’ prison for Psykers is an
hive. The ice is not natural. It’s malign and alive; it open psychic wound. The collective nightmares of the
interferes with the Aeldari’s Wraithsight and sends thousands trapped there taint reality far beyond the
out ripples of dread. The Asuryani name for it is bounds of the foreboding tower. The Aeldari aren’t
rendered in Low Gothic as Winter’s Last Cry, though concerned with the suffering of Humans, least of all
a more literal translation would be ‘the final howl of dangerous and untrained Psykers who are an open
a doomed season, killing as it dies’. Tyranids under invitation to daemonic incursions. They are, however,
the ice are a relatively lesser concern compared to concerned that Ironwatch’s presence makes it hard
whatever force froze them in place. for Aeldari, especially Seers and others with psychic
talents, to visit parts of Charybdion for any length
Dangers haunt the ice-locked spires and sweep in on of time. They can’t pursue the Call there, and while
the fast-moving frosts. If they’re to stay imprisoned it’s unlikely their visions are leading them to the
on this strange, unnatural planet, the Aeldari need bleak ocean world, it irks the Farseers to leave any
to understand it better. They send scout teams out stone unturned. If there were some way to eradicate
into the dead spires when scouts can be spared. They Ironwatch, or at least stop it bleeding pain and
plumb the depths of the Human hives, searching for suffering, the Asuryani would be willing to expend
clues to how Winter’s Last Cry came to Trollius. considerable resources pursuing it. 109
The Call
The craftworlders’ other preoccupation
is the Call: the psychic vision that most
Ul-Khari Aeldari experience at least once
in their lives, with varying degrees of
clarity and force. The details of the vision
change, and they’re clouded in metaphor
and symbolism, but the Seers have arrived
at a consensus. The Aeldari lost many
things during the Fall. One of those things
is real and tangible, and it’s somewhere in
the Gilead System. Its nature is mysterious
and its purpose obscure, but any remnant
of the time before the Fall is worth going to
any lengths to reclaim.

A prevailing theory, espoused by the

Ul-Khari Sage Seleithe Taranlys, amongst
others, is that whatever the Call is guiding
the Aeldari towards could help restore the
craftworld’s Avatar. As valuable as such
an artefact would be, the Asuryani lack the
time or the people to pursue the Call. It’s
the preserve of those who walk the Path
of the Outcast. Solitary, mobile Rangers
explore the secrets of the Gilead System
from the Heartworlds to the Reach, the
Straits of Andraste to the Voidmire. Other
craftworlders seek out the Greensteel
Warriors, trading the company of other
Aeldari for unlimited freedom to pursue
their own agenda. Yet others follow where
masked dancers lead and join the Masque
of the Calamity Trail.

If one of these Outcasts were to find a

strong lead, Ul-Khari might dispatch a few
precious Agents to help investigate.

Every other group of Aeldari in the Gilead

System knows of the Call. For some it’s a
matter of fascination, for others a lever to
pull if they need the Asuryani’s assistance.

Only the wisdom and forceful personalities of Ishtá Indomi
craftworld Ul-Khari keep the craftworld together, The craftworld is trapped, easy prey for a multitude
setting priorities and determining what causes are of enemies, and the Farseer’s approach is to move
worth fighting, and maybe dying, for. so slowly and cautiously that this will never change. SYSTEM
To say Autarch Ishtá Indomi disagrees with his
methods is a gross understatement. Young, brave, AELDARI
and promoted to the rank of Autarch during the Tide
of Red Frosts, Indomi firmly believes Ul-Khari is on PSYCHIC
a war footing and therefore the Autarchs’ authority
should take precedence over the Farseers’. ARMOURY

Some other young Asuryani who rose to prominence WORLDS OF

under the same circumstances share Indomi’s
sentiments and so she gains in confidence as the OUTCASTS OF
years pass. THE VOID


Indomi’s conflict with Farseer Taranlys is a cold war,
masked in respect and painstaking civility; she’s SERVANTS OF THE
Asuryani, and as dedicated to patience and restraint
as any other person on Ul-Khari. The schism is PANTHEON OF
based on different, but equally logical, arguments:
a difference of opinion on whether tradition will GAMEMASTERS
guide the Asuryani through this sea of troubles, or
whether new approaches are called for. All the same,
everything Taranlys orders, Indomi argues against —
and vice versa. However polite and rational the two
parties are, the cold war will eventually burn hot.

The Exarch:
The Farseer: Every Exarch is trapped on the Path of the Warrior.
Lanriel Taranlys Their armour is fused to them, their mind and spirit
Farseer Lanriel Taranlys is the craftworld’s guiding joined to everyone who wore it before them. No one
light. Weighed down by duty and grief for the on Ul-Khari remembers who Alaya was before he was
deaths of countless of his people, he’s painstaking the Exarch of the craftworld’s Dire Avengers Shrine —
and determined in his approach to steering Ul-Khari before he joined the Phoenix Lord Asurmen’s name
through this time of troubles. to his own.

Taranlys is patient and pragmatic. He’s bowed to Asurmen-Alaya embodies the Dire Avenger’s
the — to his mind — inevitable need to ally with philosophy as he has for many years: staunch loyalty
the Rogue Trader Jakel Varonius, if only to maintain to his craftworld and its people, and a willingness to
the craftworld’s relationship with the Emerald give whatever he must to protect them. Yet even he
Princess. His foremost concern is resolving immediate has had to adapt to the new circumstances in which
crises; the future is his problem, not the rest of the Ul-Khari finds itself. As well as being Ul-Khari’s most
craftworld’s. He keeps their attention on rebuilding, fierce defenders, Asurmen-Alaya makes sure his
reconnaissance, and dispatches small teams as and troops take responsibility for training others; under
when he can to deal with the most crucial interventions his guidance, the Ul-Khari Guardians have become
(see Ongoing Actions, page 107). steely, tenacious fighters. He’s assumed responsibility
for all matters of craftworld defence, scarcely needing
For more information on Farseer Taranlys, see to wait for orders to deploy his many troops to hold 111
Forsaken System Player’s Guide, pages 82–83. off a threat.
Where Farseer Taranlys feels guilt and shame that
calamity came to Ul-Khari on his watch, and Autarch
Indomi is focused on trying every tactic she can conjure
to improve matters, Asurmen-Alaya is staunch and
patient. Disaster has come before, and will come
again. He almost seems to enjoy the constant pressure
and struggle of life on the stranded craftworld. He’s in
his element.

The Artisan:
Kurannin the Muse
Kurannin is one of Ul-Khari’s Bonesingers. She’s never
moved past the tragedy of the collision and the way
it brought down all of the work she, and generations
before her, did to cultivate their home. The wraithbone
is in constant pain and she feels this at every moment.
She doesn’t rest, and every moment she spends away
from the damaged sections of the craftworld, she’s
wracked with guilt for abandoning her duty. She
tears herself away to teach others on the Path of the
Bonesinger how to coax new growth from damaged
wraithbone, but even that precious education is
delivered in fractured and all too-brief moments.

Kurannin is a long way down the dangerous path of

obsession. There were already too few hours in the
day and she’s found a new, morbid duty. The one thing
Ul-Khari has in abundance is the dead. Kurannin is
quietly, secretly, constructing Wraithguard to house
the many spirit stones of the recently deceased:
a gift from a craftworld in dire need. Only a few The Sage:
other Bonesingers have seen the partially-grown Seleithe Taranlys
Wraithguard, and they’ve all noted an uncomfortable Alathys isn’t the only prominent Asuryani forced to
aura around them, a hint of Kurannin’s own grief and walk a new Path after the craftworld’s collision with
sadness entwined in the wraithbone. Trollius. Seleithe was on the Path of the Warrior when
the catastrophe struck, famous amongst her fellow
PLOT HOOK Howling Banshees for her calculating, lightning fast

LIFE ON VULKARIS mind and absolute absence of fear. Gravely injured in

the collapse of the Banshees’ Aspect Shrine, Seleithe
Vulkaris emerged from the Warp during the dragged themself out of the wreckage. She would have
opening of the Cicatrix Maledictum, and is died if her pain and desperation — though never fear
firmly in the grip of the forces of Nurgle. — hadn’t reached her brother. If her brother had been
Daemons cavort openly among the plague lord’s anyone but the Farseer, the rescue mission might not
faithful, and much of the planet is little more have been so expeditious.
than a fetid, disease ridden hellscape of rot and
ruin. Despite this, life endures on Vulkaris. Seleithe suffered terribly in the collision. Even her
Most think this a ‘blessing’ of Nurgle, a cruel resilient Aeldari physiology could not recover from
whim to prolong his beloved infestations and the physical trauma, and she now relies on several
infections, but the Asuryani suspect a relic of beautifully crafted wraithbone implants reminiscent
their ancestors — or perhaps of Isha Herself — of the Banshee armour she had once worn so proudly.
112 is the reason the world retains a fragment of its Without them, she is paralysed from the neck down.
shattered biosphere.
Seleithe found herself shunted onto a new Path. Varonius has already saved Craftworld Ul-Khari once,
She has become an archivist and sage with the time in the Tide of Red Frosts. Ul-Khari does not consider
so many others lack to study and theorise. While that a debt they need to pay. Aeldari prophecy and
Bonesingers rebuild the craftworld’s shattered early intervention saves the Gilead System from
skeleton and her brother untangles the knotted Chaos more often than the Mon-Keigh can ever know; SYSTEM
strands of Fate, Seleithe studies the Call. She records they’ve saved Varonius’s entire fleet and he’ll never
every vision experienced by every Asuryani, and even be aware of it. However, if Princess Ferianwyr AELDARI
interprets the collected evidence. Hers is the loudest were to ask, the craftworlders would feel obliged to
voice directing the Ul-Khari to Vulkaris, insistent that assist him — and some have forseen that she intends PSYCHIC
there’s something there to find, which she believes to request a mighty favour indeed, one that involves
to be a relic of Isha Herself. Sceptics might think a the rightly feared Space Marines of the Absolvers ARMOURY
person in need of healing might see signs of Isha — Chapter.
a goddess of healing, among other things — where WORLDS OF
none exist, but they wouldn’t dare express that in The Drukhari: The craftworlders of Ul-Khari despise
front of the Farseer’s sibling. the Drukhari as a whole, but hold special loathing OUTCASTS OF
for the servants of Archon Kyrik Rhaul. They view THE VOID
the recent increase in her raids on the Gilead system
A SUNDERED KIN as a sign that she wishes to take advantage of

The Asuryani of Ul-Khari would find their struggles Ul-Khari’s weakness. In fact, a recent Dysjunction SERVANTS OF THE
even more overwhelming if not for the other Aeldari in Commorragh has meant that the Archon has few
of the Gilead System. Pride prevents them from systems she can easily access, and only intends to PANTHEON OF
admitting it, but every Aeldari on the c raftworld increase the frequency of raids on Gilead. RUIN
knows it’s true. GAMEMASTERS
The Masque of the Calamity Trail: Ul-Khari’s
relationship with the Harlequins is a close one. The
Masque visits regularly, bearing news of the system
beyond the Asuryani’s trapped craftworld. They offer
relief from boredom, misery, and fear, and they serve
as fierce allies when needed. Some of Ul-Khari’s
citizens even join the Masque. But the Asuryani know
the Rillietann pity them, and compare the freedom
of the Webway to the prison of Trollius. It enforces
a certain coolness between the two groups, and an
unwillingness to show need or ask for help.

The Greensteel Warriors: Princess Ferianwyr

has devoted herself, and her fleet, to Ul-Khari’s
protection. Farseer Taranlys, Autarch Indomi,
and every other Aeldari with authority on the
craftworld is deeply beholden to her. They’re all
shrewd enough to be sure she’s not exclusively
driven by generosity. At some point she’ll want,
or need, something in return. Ul-Khari will do
everything in their power to deliver. The Greensteel
Warriors have earned it.

The Asuryani’s greatest fear is that whatever

Princess Ferianwyr asks will tie the craftworld
to the Human trader Jakel Varonius, with whom
the Greensteel Warriors are already too closely 113
associated for the Asuryani’s taste.
For some Aeldari, life on the craftworlds is too
restrictive, and the strictures required by the Asuryani
Path become all but unbearable. Others clash with the
consensus of the craftworld, resenting the military
strategies taken or refusing to be prohibited from
pursuing their own course of revenge. Some leave
to follow family or superiors whom they respect
and agree with. In all these cases, the prescriptive
requirements of life amongst the Asuryani, the
dedication to the Path, and the repression of their
emotions push these Aeldari to leave their homes.
Seeking to forge or discover their own destinies, they
take to the Path of the Outcast. The urge to leave the
craftworlds can be kindled at any point in their life
as their emotions and personal views clash with the
culture of their upbringing.

Far from the craftworlds, those lone souls are exposed

to sinister powers beyond. Indulging in their desires
and emotions makes such individuals prey for the
daemons that stalk the dying race. Travelling the
Webway, these wanderers witness strange
vistas, encounter all manner of alien
races, and visit maiden worlds and the
ruins of their ancestors. For many, life
amongst the stars, alone or in small
coteries, is a brief respite enabling a
time of introspection and renewal
before they decide to return to the
craftworlds and the Path once
again. Others return to their
craftworld, but forever changed
by their emancipation; they
remain as outsiders amongst
their own kin and join the ranks
of the Rangers.

However, there are those Aeldari who come to revel in The Corsair Princes’ courts are attended by guests from
their life away from the craftworlds, becoming pirates outside the fleet, as Drukhari, Asuryani, and Exodite
of the spaceways amongst the Corsair fleets that stalk envoys wishing to acquire their services seek an
the galaxy. Outcasts join a coterie, either by chance audience with these pirate lords.
after encountering these gallant figures during their SYSTEM
travels in the Webway or by jumping aboard their Compared to their Asuryani kin, Anhrathe Princes
ships, initially looking for transport from an Aeldari are more liberal and are willing to give an audience to AELDARI
maiden world, craftworld, or the Dark City. guests from outside the Aeldari race. Thanks to their
charters, Rogue Traders are free to travel and parlay PSYCHIC
Indeed, there are also those Drukhari, desperate for with all manner of peoples, and it is not uncommon
some release from a life of paranoia and pain, who for these baroque figures to be seen in the company of ARMOURY
seek out a future amongst the stars with the Corsairs. Corsair Princes as they attempt to seal trade deals and
By Drukhari standards, life among the Corsair fleets rights of passage through the regions of space that a WORLDS OF
provides a degree of freedom rare in Commorragh, Corsair fleet stalks. Radical Inquisitors are also guests
in addition to a far smaller chance of being killed by amongst the Corsair nobles. Treated as both amusing OUTCASTS OF
one’s kin out of callous spite or jealous ambition. curiosities and potential assets, these Humans are allies THE VOID
of convenience that can be leveraged within the Prince’s
own complex schemes. In times of war, Corsair Princes
LORDS OF THE WINE convene grand conclaves, drawing together all wings
of the fleet to plan their strategies before committing to
DARK HEAVENS lighting strikes upon their enemies. With the guidance PANTHEON OF
Aeldari Corsairs, known in their own tongue as the of the fleet’s Way Seekers, their targets are caught on
Anhrathe, comprise a plethora of fleets spread out the backfoot, ambushes and counterstrikes thwarted, GAMEMASTERS
across the galaxy. Each is led by a Prince or Princess, much to the enemy’s dismay.
one of the many Corsair titles coined by the Mon-
Keigh, both inaccurate and ignorant to the depths of An Anhrathe Prince must remain vigilant for coups
Aeldari culture and hierarchy. In reality, these lords of and challenges to their primacy from their Barons.
the stars each boast a unique title that encapsulates Likewise, Barons must keep an eye open for attempts
their litany of honours within the lyrical Aeldari upon their life by rivals for the throne, and those
tongue. Through intrigue, respect, and deadly martial aspiring Felarchs who seek promotion and renown.
prowess, these nobles maintain a court of Barons and Barons command portions of the Corsair fleet and
captains, along with their flotilla of voidships and oversee numerous coteries of Voidreavers and
coteries of raiders. Voidscarred. The constant bickering and vendettas
between the coteries must be managed if the Barons
Despite the dwindling numbers of the Aeldari race, are to retain face before their peers.
Corsair Princes would rather burn brightly and
enjoy what little time is left than wallow in misery. When not deployed in battle, coteries of Voidreavers
Consequently, upon their flagships, they maintain and Voidscarred spend their time within the fleet
opulent throne rooms and banquet halls, including training and engaging in byzantine intrigue, all while
galleries filled with an eclectic selection of treasures or enjoying the spoils of war. In the bowels of their
menageries of beasts captured from dozens of worlds. sleek, void-faring craft, these pirates test against
Through honeyed words and whispered hearsay, each other their prowess with the blade and the
they maintain their throne as their courtiers vie for pistol, settling rivalries in ritual combat and probing
their attention and favour. Vendettas are made and each other mentally and tactically through games of
ended with a blade or a well-aimed shuriken disc. As deception and foreplanning. Their gambling dens are
demonstrations of their influence, Princes hold grand raucous affairs, and their arena fights display death-
balls where all manner of delicacies are served, taken defying skills versus murderous alien creatures. All
from a hundred worlds before being captured from Voidreavers are capable pilots, leading to many duels
mercantile fleets that the flotilla preyed upon. and challenges being decided in space as they pilot
Nightwings in daring dogfights or engage in high-
speed races upon jetbikes. 115
‘I will not spend the twilight years of our race cowering in fear of She Who Thirsts. I will burn bright, and my
name will be remembered on a thousand worlds. I will sooner see a billion lives end before mine wanes, and in
that time remaining, I will relish every moment.’
— Raseth Kurnos, of the Greensteel Warriors and Bladefire warband

While not involved in active raiding, many Corsairs are Way Seekers and Soul Weavers, who recover spirit
spend their time either in the halls of their voidships, stones from ancient battle sites and guide their kin
or gathered together in hidden dens and meeting through the Webway and Immaterium.
spots. Here they trade tall tales of daring raids and
cunning ambushes, and engage in frequent contests
of skill and martial ability. PRIVATEERS
These gatherings are also the forums within which OF THE VOID
Corsair politics is played out, as the coteries of Barons The Anhrathe fleets, either out of duty, contractual
sow the seeds of distrust, curry favour, or publicly obligation, or for sport, stalk the space lanes and
humiliate others. These political games build upon isolated worlds, launching lightning raids with surgical
years of planning and deceit as Barons manoeuvre precision. Wings of Vampire Raiders disgorge coteries
their pawns into place so that they may remove their of Voidreavers and elite kill teams of Voidscarred as
rivals or instigate a coup. they race to decapitate the command organisation of
enemy forces or present a distraction so others within
Life for Voidreavers is not all fighting, trading, and the fleet can succeed in their mission. Falcon grav-
politics, as those within the lower ranks must attend tanks swoop forth to provide mobile support, while
to their duties maintaining the starships and eclectic Nightwing aircraft provide air superiority. By the
armouries of their retinues, including even the time their victims can mobilise reinforcements, the
menageries of beasts kept by their lords. There are Corsair raiding force is gone — their targets dead and
tasks considered so mundane that they are beneath destroyed, and their cargo holds filled with the spoils
the Corsairs. Amongst the crew, other Outcasts take of battle and captives.
on these duties in exchange for protection and the
freedom to travel. As Outcasts, Aeldari risk their This strike-and-dissolve method of fighting combines
psychic potential overwhelming their minds, and aspects of Asuryani, Drukhari, and Harlequin tactics,
Anhrathe who originated from the Dark City find the and is adopted at all levels of the Corsair fleet; even
experience equally terrifying and liberating. Guiding compared to their Asuryani cousins, the Corsair ranks
116 and protecting the souls of the disparate Corsair crews are small and unable to sustain prolonged attacks.
Against the amassed flotillas of Imperial voidships, extravagant wargear of Corsairs does not just include
the Corsairs must rely on cunning and speed to dissect their weapons and adornments. Asuryani aesthetics
their heavily armoured opponents. Aeldari ships boast of clean lines and delicate forms are thrown out by the
precision laser weapons that slice through the hulls of Anhrathe, and this extends to the designs of bionics
enemy ships as if they were paper, while cruisers dart and augmetics that Corsairs wear. Such devices are SYSTEM
in and out of opponent battlelines to launch waves fashioned to be a statement by the individual Corsair,
of attack craft and bombers, fleeing before defences demonstrating their disregard for craftworld society AELDARI
can be deployed. This speed and power comes at a and displaying the danger that these warriors present.
cost, and Aeldari ships lack the heavy void shields PSYCHIC
and metre-thick skins found within the Imperial and
Heretic fleets. However, Aeldari fleets boast superior ANY PORT IN A STORM ARMOURY
sensor systems and confounding holofields. These The fleets of the Corsairs are spread out across the
defence systems generate ghostly targets, making galaxy. Some maintain prime hunting grounds, WORLDS OF
targeting their ships near impossible. harrying ships with no choice but to travel stable
Warp corridors and space lanes between worlds. OUTCASTS OF
The armouries of the Anhrathe are filled with an Other fleets move from sub-sector to sub-sector, like THE VOID
eclectic selection of weapons, drawn from all Aeldari a migrating swarm of predatory birds. No matter
cultures and some from other alien races. While where the Corsair fleets hunt, the tactics are the same.
fleets and coteries share common heraldry, individual Their ships, cloaked by holofields, lie in wait within SERVANTS OF THE
Corsairs still appear unique, bearing personal celestial hazards such as nebulae, asteroids, and
weapons and trophies they have acquired over planetary debris rings. Drifting spacehulks, hollowed- PANTHEON OF
centuries of raiding. Shuriken rifles are the standard out planetoids, and abandoned space stations become
firearm amongst the Anhrathe, with those preferring makeshift bases for the fleets, and for those Corsairs GAMEMASTERS
to fight in close combat bearing shuriken pistols and who remain in a region of space for long, these outposts
ornate power swords. While support weapons include are in time refortified as itinerant Bonesingers craft
shuriken cannons and wraith cannons, Corsairs also huge wraithbone edifices. Such enclaves become
bring into battle firearms drawn from the Drukhari, waystations for the outcasts of Asuryani society and
such as the blasters and shredders, which sow chaos those seeking refuge from the murderous maze of
and terror within enemy ranks. Commorragh. In time, these outposts grow to be their
own small city-states and havens for pirates, traders,
The elite warbands of Voidscarred bear into battle even and mercenaries from all corners of the cosmos.
stranger weapons and wargear, suiting their individual Within, grand bazaars play host to merchants who
skills and expertise. Fate Dealers, like Rangers, kill hawk their wares, and weaponsmiths craft ornate
their targets from a distance using precision long rifles arms that any Corsair would be proud to bear. It is at
and move into advance positions aided by their active these ports that an Anhrathe fleet can dock, refuel, and
optical camouflage cloaks. Starstorm Duellists wield resupply. However, not every outpost is an open port.
a selection of small arms, combining the fusillade of The larger outposts eventually grow so influential that
a shuriken pistol with the armour-melting power of a one of the Anhrathe takes charge, declaring themself
fusion pistol. Kurnathi favour close combat, having lord, with whom Corsair Princes must negotiate
trained in the Corsair arenas and fighting pits of to gain permission to dock. Just like the Princes of
Commorragh, and wield custom power weapons that the fleets, these Aeldari Counts hold court and must
rend apart bone and armour. Kurnite Hunters often carefully navigate the rivalries of Princes, Barons, and
originate from Exodite enclaves before becoming one coteries if they are to maintain command. More than
of the Anhrathe. Their skill in rearing dangerous once has a Prince’s anger boiled over and led to an
creatures allows these warriors to utilise the fleet Anhrathe fleet annihilating a Corsair enclave.
menagerie as trained beasts in combat. Shade Runners
represent a fusion of Asuyrani and Drukhari fighting Despite being Outcasts, the Anhrathe fleets do dock
styles. They arm themselves with poisoned serrated with the craftworlds, if welcome. The arrival of
blades commonly found amongst the Wych Cults of Corsairs is a period of unrest within the craftworld,
Commorragh, along with Warp jump packs not unlike as the pirates are a living embodiment of embracing
those used by the Warp Spider Aspect Warriors. The desire, emotion, and leaving the Path. 117
Even those Corsairs with living blood relatives in moving on to their next target. The thrill of raiding
the craftworld are sometimes treated with mistrust the Gilead System had been waning, and Princess
and as strangers. However, the Anhrathe visitors Ferianwyr was ready to leave and move on to another
are tolerated, as they bring with them information, of the systems and sub-sectors that they patrolled.
recovered spirit stones, and ancient artefacts. In However, the coming of the Dathedian brought both
times of need and for the right price, the Anhrathe calamity and new arrivals to the Gilead System. Not
make capable reinforcements, as Prince Yriel did for only were forces of the Great Enemy present, but
the Craftworld Iyanden during their invasion by Hive soon enough new prey arrived, having either been
Fleet Kraken. spat out by roiling Warp storms from another part
of the galaxy, or who accompanied an Imperial fleet
At the opposite end of the spectrum, the Anhrathe also that had braved a narrow corridor of stability. More
dock at the Dark City of the Drukhari. Commorragh is importantly, the Great Rift had resulted in Craftworld
a place that defies logic and physics, home to dens of Ul-Khari crashing into a planet, and out of a sense of
avarice and debauchery. Here Corsairs can trade, just duty, Ferianwyr swore to protect her Asuryani cousins
as they would with their Asuryani cousins, but the in their time of greatest need.
goods on sale are all manner of addictive compounds
and dangerous devices. Captives from raids are also Ferianwyr not only has an alliance with Jakel Varonius,
offloaded here to the Drukhari, who are more than but also maintains a clandestine arrangement with
willing to take victims for their arenas and depraved the Ordo Malleus Inquisitor, Tytrona Dikaisune.
experiments. However, despite the open port, Corsairs Despite the puritanical ideals of the Inquisitor and
must take care whilst walking the corridors of Tytrona’s disgust at xenos, Tytrona cannot ignore the
Commorragh, lest they are drawn into the byzantine advantage of maintaining an alliance with Ferianwyr
politics of the Drukhari and become pawns within the when it comes to the tracking and elimination of
machinations of Archons and Haemonculi. Visiting daemons and their worshippers. More than once have
the Dark City for some Corsairs can be an alarming Fate Dealers and Inquisitional Assassins partnered on
experience, representing the very depths they could missions, even within the bowels of a hive city, to hunt
descend into if they are not too careful. For others, who the agents of Slaanesh. Together, Princess Ferianwyr
had escaped the violence of Commorragh, returning and Inquisitor Dikaisune have begun tracking a cult
brings back memories of the abuse they suffered and that they believe has wormed its way into the high
delivered in kind, and running into old acquaintances society of the Imperial worlds of the Gilead System,
risks the stability they have established as a Corsair. and through dead drops and third parties, they
trade information, arrange ambushes, and stage
Corsairs are some of the few visitors to Maiden Worlds kidnappings so that they can slowly unpeel the layers
that are welcomed by the Exodites. Here, where of the cult. Their operations have included raids on
Aeldari follow a life that is more in tune with nature, Gilead Prime, the space docks about Charybdion, and
Corsairs are temporary reminders of the greater the settlements of Ostia.
Aeldari society. To Corsairs, Exodites represent
Aeldari who have come to understand and live with Unknown to even her closest Felarchs, Ferianwyr has
their emotions, and are the most representative of learnt that sunk in the deep trenches of the world of
ancient Aeldari culture. Goods are traded, along with Charybdion is the legendary Aeldari ship The Song
information and support. of Rhana Dandra. From clues gathered from across
the galaxy and Webway, and from the scraps of tomes
and shards of relics recovered from Imperial holdings,
PIRATES OF GILEAD Ferianwyr has determined that the ship carries the
Led by Princess Ferinwyr, Emerald Princess, Blade- ancient artefact known as the Dream of Vileth. It is
Mistress, and Captain of the Verdant Blade, the Ferianwyr’s belief that this relic may have the power to
Greensteel Warriors prowl the Voidmire, enjoying open and repair the Webway, and, more importantly,
the prey who cannot flee the Warp storm-encircled to control a Talisman of Vaul. Even if the legends are
system. For decades, the Gilead System has been a false, the presence of this ship, dating back to before
118 hunting ground of the Greensteel Warriors, as they the Fall of the Aeldari Empire, is a treasure in its
would regularly return to plunder the system before own right, and one that can turn the tide against the
Necrons and the Ruinous Powers.






Evalyla Agynille Evalyla has inducted you into her style of war,

The choice of remaining within the Gilead System wielding Hekatarii Blades, pain-inducing whips, and SERVANTS OF THE
has not been met with unanimous support within flesh-flaying shredders. While nominally obeying the
Ferianwyr’s own ranks. Thanks to the Webway, the orders of Princess Ferianwyr and her Barons, when PANTHEON OF
fleet is more than capable of abandoning the system, not engaged in raids, you are conducting business for
and there are those who believe that Ul-Khari and its Evalyla, such as assassinations, espionage, sabotage, GAMEMASTERS
people are already a lost cause. Evalyla Agynille, a and conveying messages and items to and from
former Drukhari Wych, now Felarch and commander contacts from Commorragh. Your missions rely on
of the First Boarding Company known as the Emerald secrecy and precise murder.
Hawks, holds this view. Evalyla is a fearsome warrior,
often at the head of bands of Voidscarred Corsairs as Limitations: Must have the DRUKHARI Keyword.
they board vessels and butcher the crew. Frequently, Wargear: A Hekatarii Blade tipped with a painful
she leads raids that are unsanctioned by Ferianwyr poison concocted in Commorragh.
and threaten to break truces, putting at risk the Bonus: +1 Bonus Dice to all attacks made during the
delicate arrangement between Ferianwyr and the first Round of combat where you are the ambusher.
Imperial Rogue Trader, Jakel Varonius. In exchange
for weapons, warriors, and leverage on Ferianwyr, it u The world of Ostia, and the working Webway
was Evalyla who informed her Drukhari contacts in Gates still standing, are a means for Evalyla
the Kabal of the Bloodied Claw of the Webway portal to contact her allies within the Dark City.
on Ostia and the potential for captives from that world Such missions to meet with Drukhari kin on
(for more about Ostia and the Aeldari activities there, Ostia are no simple feat, requiring the careful
see Grim Harvest in Litanies of the Lost). penetration of Imperial defences, and also
care not to rouse the suspicions of other rival
Framework: Ruby and Emerald coteries and Barons within the Greensteel
Those members of coteries aligned with Evalyla are Warriors. However, Evalyla has promised
known to be some of the most vicious and merciless great rewards if you achieve your mission, no
fighters in the Greensteel Corsair fleet and Gilead. matter what you do to complete it.
Many of these Corsairs hail from Commorragh u Evalyla has pinpointed an important vessel
originally, though others come from the craftworlds within the Varonius fleet that is carrying one
and maiden worlds. Their time amongst the Anhrathe of his most trusted advisors. You have been
has revealed to them that they wish nothing more tasked with masquerading as a coterie under
than to enjoy the glory of battle, signing dread prayers the command of one of Ferianwyr’s rivals,
to Kaela Mensha Khaine before descending from their and sowing distrust between the Imperial and
Vampire Raiders upon their unsuspecting victims. Corsair forces. 119
Relithe the Skykiller Framework: On Cold Winds
Comparatively, the renowned pilot Relithe the Skykiller Those members of Relithe’s coterie fighter squadrons
is a rising star within the Greensteel Corsairs, and one are dedicated to the defence of Ul-Khari and hunting
whom others have whispered is destined to take the down the agents of the Great Enemy, whether as pilots
throne from Ferianwyr. Relithe has led daring raids of a squadron of Nightwing fighters, or as hunters
in his Nightwing, striking merchant cruisers, Heretic prowling spacehulks and the corridors of wretch
flotillas, and Imperial contingents that were in the hive cities of the Mon-Keigh. Members of Relithe’s
wrong place at the wrong time. He was once on the warbands are denoted by the emblem of a black cat-
path to become an Aspect Warrior on Craftworld like head on the pauldrons of their armour. Out in the
Ulthwé and would likely have joined the ranks of Voidmire, Relithe’s squadrons, also similarly marked
the Crimson Hunters. Relithe has faced the forces of with the same emblem, stalk Heretic cruisers that
Chaos head-on in the skies above Cadia and in the venture out of the Warp storms, harassing their ships
Belis Corona. But the calm and control asked of him, and mounting daring boarding attacks to cripple the
and his wing of pilots, led to Relithe and his squadron foul vessels so that they present easy prey for the
leaving their home and finding the Greensteel capital ships of the Greensteel fleet.
Corsairs. It is a choice that Relithe regrets, partially
blaming himself for the death of many of his kin Limitations: Must have the AELDARI or DRUKHARI
during the last battles of the 13th Black Crusade and Keyword, and at least a Pilot skill rating of 3.
the Fall of Cadia. Despite being a figure who hopeful Wargear: The coterie has access to a Vampire Raider
and daring Corsairs flock to, Relithe lacks the political as a transport vessel.
awareness to make a move upon the Greensteel Bonus: +2 bonus dice to all Pilot Tests when in combat
throne, and is often manipulated by the Barons who with Chaos forces.
make up Ferianwyr’s court.

u An Infidel Raider class escort ship of the

Word Bearers Legion has been detected in
your region of the Voidmire. Despite the best
attempts to contact the Verdant Blade and the
rest of the fleet, communications cannot raise
a response. The danger posed by this ship
to the people of Ul-Khari requires a surgical
strike to prevent death and destruction.
Relithe orders your coterie to board the enemy
vessel and knock out the engines in order to
provide enough time for the main fleet to send
u A prominent captain of Varonius’ personal
Voidsmen, the Cadian Galius Froterian, fought
side by side with Relithe against the forces
of the Black Legion. Relithe has gotten word
of his Human “friend” being missing and
was last spotted in the vicinity of the mining
station Dorenthus Omega-6. Relithe is ready
to reward those willing to aid him in rescuing
this comrade in arms.

amongst Ferianwyr’s court. There are many who
oppose this, as they jealously guard the influence they
wield within the fleet, but none can deny the prowess
Yellil displays in battle, having on one occasion faced a SYSTEM
half dozen Incubi and defeated them single-handedly.
Framework: The Blades of the Jade
Scorpion PSYCHIC
As a loyal member of Ferianwyr’s honour guard and on
the cusp of greatness, those warriors who train under ARMOURY
the guidance of Yellil are promoted to be his chosen
knights. However, the path to fortune and respect WORLDS OF
is paved with glorious battles and death defying
victories. Yellil’s school of Voidscarred warriors train OUTCASTS OF
about his Aurora class cruiser, The Jade Claw. Many THE VOID
of Yellil’s students go on to be master swordsmen —
Kurnathi — and vow to protect their Princess.
Limitations: Must have the AELDARI Keyword and
Wargear: Each coterie member has a Corsair Sabre.
Bonus: +2 bonus dice to all Melee Tests when in GAMEMASTERS
Felarch Yellil combat wielding any sword.
Felarch Yellil was once a member of craftworld
Saim-Hann and served as a member of the Striking
Scorpions Temple. Decades of fighting Humans, u A meeting of Princess Ferianwyr and Jakel
Orks, and Heretics gnawed at the heart of Yellil, who Varonius is taking place at a neutral location
could not leave his anger behind when he removed out at the edge of the Voidmire. Yellil has
his Aspect Warrior helm. His desire for violence was tasked the warband with security, which
spilling over into his civilian life and destroying the involves heading to the meeting venue
love between him and his betrothed. But where others and scouting it out first, before acting as
may have gone to the Temple and bonded with a suit bodyguards and security at the meeting
of ancient armour to become an Exarch, Yellil wanted itself. During the meeting, a high ranking
to feel something other than the desire for bloodshed. Imperial commander within the Varonius fleet
Leaving the craftworld and his family members dead is murdered, leading to a race against time
in their beds, Yellil escaped to Commorragh and there to clear the name of the Corsairs in order to
for a time became an addict, wishing something restore peace before a battle begins between
might give him a greater sense of purpose. Daily Yellil the two fleets of voidships.
fought in the arenas, becoming a famous spectacle u Yellil has sent the warband into the Webway
amongst the Drukhari and hated by the Incubi. The and to a satellite realm of Commorragh, known
combination of battle and narcotics dulled the hollow as Mag Melloch, to rescue a former member
feeling in his soul, but only for a time. His desperation of the Striking Scorpion Temple who Yellil
for direction and purpose, and something grander fought with. Finding passage to Mag Melloch,
than accepting the death of his race, filled his dreams. and navigating the deadly politics and conflict
Ferianwyr found Yellil in Commorragh and gambled between Commorite Kabals, is no easy feat.
to win his life, bringing this world-weary soul into Worse still, Yellil’s former compatriot has been
the ranks of her Corsairs to become one of her honour claimed by an Archon and used as a gladiator
guard. Yellil has served Ferianwyr for many decades, in the fighting pits of Mag Melloch.
and is on the cusp of ascending to become a Baron
Moonsong regularly leads reavebands to Ostia to
map the Webway gates on the planet, preparing the
way for the reclamation of the maiden world and its
eventual colonisation by Exodite tribes. Moonsong’s
interest in Ostia has led her into confrontations with
the former Drukhari Wych, Evalyla Agynille, as they
compete for Ferianwyr’s ear in matters regarding the
world. Moonsong has her suspicions regarding the
loyalties of Evalyla, and has sent some of her own
agents into the Dark City to act as spies to determine
who the former Wych is bargaining with.

Framework: The Menagerie

Moonsong’s warband is well trained in the skills the
former Exodite perfected on her home world — those
of silently stalking one’s prey and studying it carefully
before launching a careful ambush. Though she has
grown to appreciate the technological marvels of the
Aeldari, Moonsong still favours melee combat, and
insists that all her warriors are skilled in blade and

Yvrualiel Moonsong Limitations: Must have the AELDARI Keyword and

Yvrualiel Moonsong is another influential Felarch in Tier 2.
the Greensteel fleet. Aboard her ship, The Hunter’s Wargear: Each coterie member has a Corsair Sabre.
Wind, Moonsong keeps a menagerie of warbeasts, Bonus: +2 bonus dice to all Stealth Tests in natural
collected from across the galaxy and from her environments.
home planet, an Exodite Maiden World. Moonsong
originally joined the Void Dragon fleet, and brought
along her companion Wyvach, seeking to explore u Moonsong has worked for decades to protect
the worlds beyond after having grown bored of the the maiden worlds that she once called home.
limitations on technology imposed by Exodite tribal When she first joined the Greensteel Corsairs
culture. Through centuries of travelling the galaxy, and came to the Gilead System, she wept
raiding, protecting maiden worlds, and discovering for the world of Ostia and how it had been
all manner of strange creatures, Moonsong was at tainted by the presence of the Humans. She
home living amongst the Anhrathe. But during an had given up hope for the world, and then
ambush by Necron tomb ships, the former Exodite the Dathedian opened. Now, cut off from
was left barely alive, adrift within the wreckage of her the Imperium, the world of Ostia is ripe for
ship. She was rescued by the Greensteel Corsairs, and reclamation by the Corsairs and the Exodite
given sanctuary by Princess Ferianwyr. She returned tribes. Moonsong has gathered together those
the favour by becoming one of Ferianwyr’s favoured Anhrathe who share the same cause, who are
warriors, and in time a Felarch. devoted to orchestrating the fall of Ostia and
its recolonisation by the Exodites, as well as
Moonsong acts as the conscience of Ferianwyr, the recovery and protection of rare flora and
advising her master to look at the bigger picture, fauna that have thus far escaped extinction.
connecting disprate events to observe the plan u Though her dedication to the reclamation
beneath. Her advice often runs counter to that given of Ostia borders on obsession, she spares
by the more bloodthirsty members of Ferianwyr’s particular attention to confronting the forces
court or the sage advice of the Way Seekers. It was of Nurgle. Should their corupting touch taint
Moonsong who pushed the goal of reclaiming the infest Ostia, it is doubtful if the world could
122 world of Ostia, and using the isolation of the Mon- ever be rid of it.
Keigh as a means to reach this goal.
‘Up until now, your suffering has been without point. You labour and die, your life meaningless and unfufilled.
But rejoice, for I have given that life meaning. I will drink in your suffering like a fine wine. Your final moments
— and there will be many of them — will sustain me. Your paltry offering will contribute in some small way to
the realisation of my great ambition. You may take comfort in that. For now.’
— Archon Kyrik Rhaul, Overlord of Hakhlenna Deep

Of all of the Aeldari cultures to survive the Fall, Their souls were being consumed in fragments,
Drukhari society most resembles the depraved clade drained piecemeal by the unending hunger of She
within the Aeldari Empire that led to the birth of Who Thirsts.
Slaanesh. The same impluses that led to that terrible
moment of ruinous destruction are commonplace Many were lost before those who would become
among them, for they have sunk to even greater depths the Drukhari found a solution to their predicament.
of depravity. Sadistic, obsessive, and cruel beyond Already accustomed to preying on others both for
measure, the Drukhari are descended from those who sustenance and for sport, they found that inflicting
hid from the Fall within the ancient Aeldari city of torment on others restored their own dwindling
Commorragh, seeking protection behind its intricate spiritual reserves. Like a malign growth, their entire
defences. Centuries passed before these survivors existence came to revolve around the taking of
came to understand that they had not escaped the fate captives, and subjecting them to the worst conceivable
of their kin, but merely prolonged the inevitable. pain, degradation, and misery to preserve their own
The Drukhari of the present day are
vicious sadists, the elegance and grace
of their athletic forms a stark contrast
to the darkness of their souls. Already
possessed of lives better measured in
centuries than years, they extend their
existence by feeding on the suffering
of others, allowing the Drukhari time
without end to devote to pursuing any
one of a thousand depraved obsessions.
Those who devote their lives to the
mastery of combat are without peer,
arming themselves with sickle, blade, or
barb-tipped whip, dressed in close-fitting
armour adorned with razors and quills.

Two distinct strata exist in Drukhari

society — the Trueborn, and the half-
born. Long-lived as they are, Drukhari
breed excruciatingly slowly, and the
number of children born each year is
insufficient to maintain their numbers.
Most, therefore, are gestated in artificial
wombs beneath the city. On an individual
level, there is considerable stigma
associated with being half-born, but as
a society, the Drukhari simply have no

Druhkari technology is built on the

remains of the empire that came before
it, refined for the purpose of inflicting as
much pain and causing as much fear as
possible. The science of their Haemonculi
— flesh sculptors, torturers, and
bioengineers par excellence — provides
them with poisons, haemotoxins and
abhorrent thralls, namely the Engines of
Pain. Their arcane technologists oversee
the construction of unique weapons, fast-
moving strike-craft, and razor-tipped
anti-grav vehicles, their factories just as
reliant on suffering as their kind is as a

Once the greatest of the Webway’s port-cities, Drukhari are vicious and solitary by their nature, but
Commorragh spread like a malignancy to invade only a fool would attempt to survive the horrors of SYSTEM
others of its kind and satellite realms, until it became Commorragh alone. For that reason, any Drukhari
a sprawling collection of habitation nodes linked by vicious and ambitious enough to risk making enemies AELDARI
interdimensional portals. To live in Commorragh is has little choice other than to band together with like-
to exist in a nightmarish landscape of towers, alleys, minded individuals for — relative — safety. PSYCHIC
and labyrinths divorced from — but always with a
predatory eye on — realspace. ARMOURY
From the dark corners of the city within the Webway, Commorragh’s Kabals are the backbone of its
Drukhari raiding parties emerge on their deadly military strength, fulfilling the roles of military units,
missions, returning with captives each day to satisfy enforcers, and local gangs. Though internal rivalries OUTCASTS OF
Commorragh’s insatiable hunger for excruciation. and even murders are not unheard of, the allure of THE VOID
Drukhari who have recently fed their tattered souls joining a Kabal lies in the fact that all members will
gleam with an eldritch glamour, while those less protect their fellows from external threats. For this
fortunate fade by degrees until they are little more reason, competition for entry is fierce, and well- SERVANTS OF THE
than empty vessels, their last moments spent in regarded Kabals can be highly selective in those they
torment to sustain their stronger fellows. choose to admit. PANTHEON OF
To be a Kabalite is to immerse oneself in a life of GAMEMASTERS
REALSPACE RAIDS perpetual conflict. On the streets of Commorragh, rival
It is rare for members of other sentient species to Kabals are locked in continual skirmishes, roving city-
set foot in Commorragh — at least, not of their own wide and lasting for months if not years at a time. In
volition. Far more likely is that the Drukhari will be realspace, Kabalites seek out opportunities for raids,
encountered on one of their raids into realspace. These delighting in the feasts of agony and the opportunity
attacks come without warning, ripping through the to gain captives that the sorties present. Reputations
very substance of reality through shimmering portals have been made and lost on the basis of a Kabal’s
wielding advanced weaponry considered unfathomable performance on the battlefield.
to the mortals they prey upon. Crystalised venom
erupts from splinter weapons, blade-prowed barges
soar through the skies in defiance of gravity, while WYCH CULTS
psycho-empathic terror fields shatter the sanity and The Hekatarii of the Wych Cults have chosen a
morale of those unfortunate enough to be caught in different path from the Kabalites, but one no less
their way. bloodsoaked. The vast arenas of Commorragh play
host to thousands of these warriors, whose lethal
Their tactics are as straightforward as they are performances go a long way toward slaking the
deadly. The Drukhari attack like a striking serpent, city’s endless desire for extreme suffering and novel
moving forward at impossible speed to cause damage experiences. Lightly armoured and bearing hooked,
and disarray, often taking advantage of naturally barbed, and viciously edged weapons, the gladiators
occurring darkness, or artificially generating a night of the Wych Cults fight at devastating speed, through
of their own. The purpose of these rapid hit-and-run arenas of mind-bending detail and complexity —
raids is almost always the swift seizure of captives and imitations of alien cities, exocity jungles, or infinite
withdrawal back through the gates of Commorragh, to oceans. Almost all Wych Cults enjoy the patronage
fuel its people’s insatiable desire for pain. of a powerful Archon, and when they enter realspace
to take part in raids at their patron’s side, there is
considerable competition amongst other factions to
fight in their bloody wake.
No pleasure is too depraved for the denizens of the
Dark City, no life too long, and no alteration of the For the most part, the Drukhari have abandoned the
flesh too extreme. To slake this unnatural lust, the gods of their ancestors, considering anything so weak
Haemonculi of the Covens devote their endless days as to be consumed by She Who Thirsts as unworthy
to learning the art and science of the flesh, to dissect, of reverence. Worship of Khaine is the only exception,
to rebuild and reshape into new and blasphemous revered as the embodiment of bloody slaughter.
forms. Most Covens occupy interconnected labyrinths
of chambers serving as laboratories, chem-chambers, Worship of the Dark Muses has filled the place of the
and torture vaults, their dripping walls resonating old gods in Drukhari society, embodiments of cruelty
with the screams of their captives while Wracks — and vice rooted at the core of their people. This is not
surgically augmented servants and apprentices — a new practice, and it is believed that the concept and
carry out their every bidding. worship of the Dark Muses predated — and perhaps
contributed to — the fall of the Aeldari Empire.
Most Drukhari enter a pact with a Haemonculus.
In exchange for a piece of their patron’s soul, the A Dark Muse can be found who exemplifies almost
Haemonculus promises to resurrect their patron in the any vice. Assassins and murderers often dedicate
event of their death, so long as a single piece of flesh their bloody art to Shaimesh, Lord of Poisons, while
remains. Most powerful Archons have fallen and risen the powerful may emulate Vileth’s arrogance. For the
numerous times, on each occasion brought back by Wych Cultist, Qa’leh, Mistress of Blades, and Hekatii,
a Haemonculus’ foul magic and the excruciation of the Red Crone, are held in special reverence.

Only one living Drukhari has claimed the title
of Dark Muse for himself: the supreme overlord
Asdrubael Vect. What effect his growing worship FLESHCRAFTERS
has on him remains to be seen, but he has certainly Whether on the battlefield or in the arena, Drukhari
demonstrated every bit the arrogance, cruelty, and employ the services of highly skilled Beastmasters SYSTEM
skill of his forebears. For more on the Dark Muses of and their monstrous charges. Death at a Beastmaster’s
the Drukhari, see page 147. hand can take many forms, from the hulking muscled AELDARI
bulk of the clawed fiends, to the predatory feline grace
of the khymerae, or from above on the talons of a PSYCHIC
INCUBI razorwing flock. The arts of the Haemonculi are also

Perhaps the last truly faithful Drukhari, the warrior- displayed to best advantage while raiding. Their pain ARMOURY
cult known as the Incubi dedicate their lives to the engines — massive fusions of flesh and machine —
pursuit of war in the name of Kaela Mensha Khaine. are designed to inflict pain and terror upon any who WORLDS OF
Training and fighting with discipline unsurpassed face them, armed as they are with poisons, haywire
amongst their kind, they sell their services in the blasters, liquifiers, and all manner of torturous OUTCASTS OF
field of slaughter to the highest bidder, seeking out weapons. Even the lesser grotesques, slavishly THE VOID
opportunities to test their art all over realspace. Their obedient meat-hulks, are more than capable of
signature weapons, the klaive and the demiklaive, cutting a bloody swathe through the enemy with their
are broad-bladed swords of unnaturally light liquefiers, flesh-gauntlets, and monstrous cleavers. SERVANTS OF THE
construction, wreathed in a dark energy field that
severs matter at a molecular level. PANTHEON OF
To become an Incubus, an aspirant must pass Rightly suspicious of their own, most Archons will GAMEMASTERS
numerous savage and deadly trials, culminating in employ mercenaries to better protect their person
the slaughter of an Aspect Warrior and the shattering from the ambitions of their underlings. Amongst
of their spirit stone. The ruined remains are formed these are the many-armed Sslyth, members of a fallen
into a psychic torture device known as a tormentor, serpentine species who are now hired by the powerful
mounted on the chestplate of the Incubus’s armour. as bodyguards. Ur-Ghuls are monstrous, eyeless
For obvious reasons, they are reviled by the Asuryani creatures from a destroyed realm, used as hunting
across the galaxy. beasts and for the entertainment of their owners.
Most unsettlingly, some Archons are accompanied by
Medusae, which appear to be chained slave-beings
MANDRAKES behind full-face masks. The Medusae itself, however,
Resembling Drukhari, but with green-black skin and is not the physical body. It is a parasite from the
colourless hair, Mandrakes exist in Aelindrach, a Webway which feeds on the dreams and nightmares
shadow-realm adjacent to both Commorragh of its luckless host, producing consumable memories
and realspace. Their skin writhes with in the form of its bulbous brain-fruit.
arcane symbols, and they are neither
truly insubstantial nor of the
flesh. Their motivations are
incompletely understood
even by those who fight
alongside them. Such
alliances are always temporary,
sealed with unsettling bargains
that require payment in captives, or
nebulous terms such as a true name, a
firstborn child, or a last breath. Drukhari
are the stuff of nightmares to all other races,
but even they fear Mandrakes.
Squatting like a canker in the roots of a rotting tree, It is widely known that Rhaul keeps a vial containing
the district of Hakhlenna Deep has grown up around noxious adrenal pheromones excruciatingly rendered
a knot of Webway paths, one of which leads to the from her former consorts, imbibing it a single drop at
Gilead System. It occupies an uneasy borderland a time while replaying the bottled memories of their
between High and Low Commorragh, overshadowed agonising deaths.
by decaying spires and plummeting to the open maw
of a vast sinkhole which leads to a snaking labyrinth
of horrors below. THE COURT OF THE
Hakhlenna Deep is the domain of Archon Kyrik Rhaul, BROKEN MIRROR
a former member of Asdrubael Vect’s inner circle and Archon Rhaul holds court at the decaying summit of
appointed to rule over the district as the Supreme a once-great spire, in a vast circular chamber through
Overlord’s vassal. The gift is something of a double- which the expanse of the Dark City extends on all
edged sword, meaning that Rhaul must tread an sides. Black, glassine buttresses are all that stand
uneasy path between the rival Kabals, the insatiably between the inhabitants of the chamber and a fall
curious Haemonculi, and the vicious Wych Cults of her from its height. A perpetual chorus of moans and
shadowy domain, to say nothing of the treacherous screams rises from the forest of spikes at the tower’s
seditionists who would see her unseated for their own base, and it is widely known that Rhaul never allows
nefarious ends. However, the compensations are great her tower to fall silent, supping perpetually of her
— the spiked towers and winding alleyways of the victims’ torment as of a fine wine.
Deep are steeped in blood and suffering, offering a
spiritual feast for the Drukhari who move through its Kabalite warriors stand guard at the foot of the
streets like sharks through bloody water. tower in magnificent suits of spiked green-black
armour, under the command of their leader Azz’rak
the Bloody-Handed, though none but Rhaul’s most
ARCHON trusted advisors — and her most luckless captives
— are allowed through the winding, ghul-infested
KYRIK RHAUL passageways that lead to its uppermost levels. When
A relatively young Archon by Drukhari standards, she holds court, she is invariably flanked by a pair
Rhaul attracted the attention of Asdrubael Vect of Medusae — visored humanoid slaves puppeted
following a series of spectacularly successful by dream-eating Warp entities — and attended by
realspace raids under her command, resulting in an her favoured consort, the deadly Lhamaean poisoner
unprecedented influx of captives through the Port known only as Khalix.
of Lost Souls. Though loyalty is an incompletely
understood concept amongst the Drukhari, there While the Archon’s Kabal are slavishly obedient to
is no doubt that Rhaul’s service to the Supreme her every command, there is no doubt that should she
Overlord has been profitable for both parties. In recent show a moment’s weakness, they would tear her limb
times, however, the once-close working relationship from limb and feast on her suffering. She is all too
between the two has weakened for reasons unknown. aware of this, and a great deal of her time is devoted
Rumours abound as to why; the commonest suspicion to keeping them vying for power and status amongst
is that Kyrik Rhaul has risen to greatness so quickly themselves, lest they turn their murderous attentions
that Asdrubael Vect has begun to see her as a genuine on her.
rival instead of an asset. If she has designs on his
throne, she has kept them to herself — to do otherwise
would have been to court a swift and bloody death.

Bound in service to your ruthless Archon as a member Like much of Commorragh, Hakhlenna Deep is built
of the Kabal of Shards, you enjoy a uniquely savage on the ruins of previous Aeldari settlements. Beneath
reputation even amongst Drukhari. Rhaul’s enforcers, its spires and upper streets lie an interconnected
guards, and raiding party, the Shards are selected network of alleys and cellars in which dwell the SYSTEM
purely from amongst the half-born, and most consider lower strata of society. Great vaulted caverns still
your occupation a mark of tremendous rank that glimmer with the scrollwork and decoration of long AELDARI
atones for your unnatural birth. Your commander, dead artisans, connected by gantries, walkways, and
Azz’rak the Bloody-handed, is known to keep a stone passageways to form a maddening labyrinth PSYCHIC
watchful eye on the Hellions — bands of adolescent which promises death to the unwary. Here everyone
Drukhari who swarm the streets of the district seeking is predator or prey, sometimes both at once. ARMOURY
out violent thrills — and to occasionally select the most
savage, bloodshirty, and imaginative from amongst WORLDS OF
their number for further training. Only a minority of
these favoured few survive, but for those who gain OUTCASTS OF
admission to the Kabal, the rewards are great. Such a THE VOID
recruit can expect to divide their time between bloody
realspace raids, feasting on the rich harvest of pain
that they bring in, and savagely enforcing the will SERVANTS OF THE
of the Archon on the denizens of the district. When
not actively carrying out Azz’rak’s orders, all of the PANTHEON OF
entertainments of Hakhlenna Deep are open to you
— hours in the arena as combatant or spectator, or GAMEMASTERS
hunting the streets for bloody entertainments of a
more individual nature.

Wargear: Kabalite Armour, Shard Rifle, exquisitely

crafted Archite Glaive.
Bonus: When wielding your own Archite Glaive, you
may ignore the effects of its Unwieldy (2) Trait.

u The Archon’s palette becomes jaded. The

Agents are charged with undertaking a
realspace raid to bring her something truly
exquisite to dismember and destroy. The
rewards for success are great — but the
Agents are not the only Drukhari undertaking
this mission. Their rivals are just as keen to
gain the Archon’s favour as they are, and
will stop at nothing to obtain it.
u A Corsair voidship belonging to the Sunblitz
Brotherhood has attacked the Archon’s
flagship on one of her occasional raids into
realspace. Though little of significance was
lost, this has earned the Archon’s ire. The
Agents are dispatched to demonstrate the
extent of her displeasure, and retaliate in
such a fashion that no other Corsair Prince
will make the same mistake again. 129
Far below the entrance point, an intricate spiral
staircase becomes apparent, winding its way into the
greater depths. The walls are lined with archways of
clearly ancient construction, the alcoves set into their
walls varying between shallow gestation chambers
filled with pallid foetuses floating in synthetic
amniotic sacs, to vast, towering porticos, heading into
glimmering caverns of metal and stone. The spiral stair
and its adjoining maze of caverns and passageways
clearly predate the opening of the sinkhole.

Those bold — or foolish — enough to reach the lowest

levels encounter a nightmarish environment even by
Commorragh’s standards. Staircases meet at right
angles, bridges crossing in defiance of sense and
gravity in an Escheresque hellscape. Gravity pulls in
all directions, fading and intensifying in an obscure
pattern. Clocks strike unusual hours. And behind
The Drukhari are not the only threat that stalks the vast, adamantine doors, all the secrets of the flesh
undercity. Mandrakes are an eldritch threat to all. Their are laid bare, interrogated, and remade into new and
attacks are heralded by a sudden drop in temperature abominable forms.
before the shadows erupt with violence, eldritch
runes glowing on the Mandrakes’ green-black skin as Whether the Haemonculi who make it their home were
they feast on the terror of their victims. From time to responsible for the opening of the Maw or not, there
time, the Archon’s Medusae — or identical members is little doubt that they have profited greatly from it
of their unnerving species — are encountered in the — both from the discharge of psychic energy released
deeps, and it is said to look upon their exposed faces at its creation, and the sanctuary it provides for their
is to court a painful and protracted death. depraved experiments.

A relatively recent geographical feature of Hakhlenna Wargear: Ichor Injector, one Phantasm Grenade
Deep is a vast sinkhole known as the Maw, situated Bonus: +2 Resilience.
on the district’s outer border with the lower city. It
appeared without warning or fanfare, consuming
around a tenth of the district’s population at once, and
releasing a discharge of panic and agony said to have
been felt by every soul within Commorragh. u One of the Coven’s monstrous creations has
escaped, cutting a bloody swathe through
Few from the city above have entered its deepest the lower reaches of the labyrinth before
reaches and returned. Hidden in its nightmarish vanishing into the Swarms, rending and
catacombs, the Haemonculi practise their dreadful tearing its way through flesh as it goes.
art. Descending into the Maw, the first thing a curious Normally such destruction would be of little
explorer notices is the change in the quality of light. concern to the Haemonculi and their Agents,
The thin glow from above is rapidly swallowed by the but on this occasion, they are keen to have
darkness beneath, but faint, greenish glimmers shine the monster returned — intact if possible.
in the darkness to either side. The broken remains u A rival Haemonculus Coven has taken
of tunnels and dwelling-chambers can be clearly seen up residence in the lower reaches of the
in the walls of the sinkhole’s upper levels, but the labyrinth. The Agents are sent by the Arch-
deeper observers descend, the less familiar and more Excruciatrix to find out what threats they
unsettling their surroundings become. represent, and to decide whether or not they
should be recruited or destroyed.








In the deepest reaches of the Maw is the domain of the Between the Tower of the Broken Mirror and the Maw
Coven of the Creeping Flux, a group of Haemonculi lies the Swarms, a network of alleyways and slum- GAMEMASTERS
and the soulless husks that serve them. Led by their dwellings where the majority of the city’s denizens
Arch-Excruciatrix, Shegmeth the Bleak, the Coven make their home. Sustained by acts of petty sadism,
divide their time between augmenting and altering or put to work in the city’s factoria to produce
the flesh of the Archon and their other patrons, and a nutrient-rich slop to nourish the physical bodies of
secret collective work of the utmost importance. its residents, they eke out a meagre existence. Use
of intoxicants and other mind-altering substances is
The premise of the Coven’s endeavour is simple: that near universal, but the Swarm-dwellers must take
a sentient being could be held in a state of perpetual care to avoid attracting undue attention — a Drukhari
suffering, neither ageing nor dying, but providing incapable of sensing danger in time will inevitably
an endless supply of soul-sustenance. Your early fall prey to those stronger, faster, and crueller than
attempts have yielded some modest success, but have themself.
lacked both durability and the necessary harvest to
make it worthwhile. Auqil’s theory is that a superior In the heart of the Swarms, a great edifice built from
power-source may hold the key to success, and is the bones of the dead rises stepwise into the air. Inside
urging the Archon to increase her raids on realspace is the arena known as the Bloody Ossuary, where the
in the Gilead System in order to acquire one. supremely skilled athleticism — and sadism — of the
Wych Cultists is displayed for the entertainment of the
If the Coven of the Creeping Flux were ever successful masses. All of Hakhlenna come here, from the Archon
in their aim, the nature of Drukhari society would herself, floating above the combat on her personal
be irrevocably altered. An Archon who could free anti-gravitic pleasure barge, to the gutter-dwellers
themself from the endless cycle of raiding for pressed against the bars that separate the ground
captives to sustain their life would gain an immediate floor from the killing ground. Payment is taken in
advantage over their rivals, and could command suffering: the rich and fortunate generally have others
considerable obedience by offering the same to their pay on their behalf, while the impoverished have no
followers. More than that, such an Archon — with such choice.
or without the approval of Asdrubael Vect — might
succeed where the Supreme Overlord has thus far
failed, recreating a unified Drukhari empire to once 131
more command the stars.
The ruling triumvirate of the Cult of the Bloody Wargear: Wychsuit, Electrocorrosive Whip, selection
Ossuary is known as the Carmine Sisterhood, both for of trophies.
the blood-red colour of their spiked armour, and for Bonus: +2 bonus dice to all Melee Tests when in
the perpetual gore with which they adorn themselves. combat wielding a whip.
First among the three is the Succubus Ynnitach
Alekta, who maintains an unsurpassed collection of
Asuryani skulls, each taken by her own hand, then
cleaned and polished to a gleam by thralls. The more
junior pair of the triumvirate are known simply as the SHATTERED GOD
Unrepentant. The presence of any of the three in the The Shrine of the Severing Blade lies in the rotting
area guarantees entertainment of the most refined heart of Hakhlenna Deep, in a citadel of polished
and delectable sort, but on the rare occasions when green-black obsidian. Its Klaivex is a shadowy
the three fight, together the arena is suffused with a figure known only as the Dancer, renowned for his
symphony of exalted suffering. astonishing and murderous grace. Many seek to join
the Shrine, but so arduous are the tests required that
few survive long enough even to enter the outer circles

THE CULT OF THE of its training ground. Those who do succeed may
count themselves amongst the most feared warriors
BLOODY OSSUARY in all of Commorragh, and command a suitably high
As one of the Wych Cult of the Bloody Ossuary, price for their labours.
you are all too aware that the power you hold in
Hakhlenna Deep rests on your ability to provide a
continual stream of entertainment and suffering.
Quotidian entertainment can be provided by display
fights between skilled combatants, or the protracted SEVERING BLADE
suffering inflicted on the dregs of Drukhari society Drukhari wishing to walk the path of the Incubus
by their more skilled social superiors, but to keep have a near-impossible task ahead of them. They
the aristocracy entertained, more refined delights must exemplify every attribute required in a warrior,
are required. Beneath the Ossuary, the Sisterhood as well as a bone-deep and insatiable cruelty. In order
maintains a bestiary to rival the finest collections in to achieve their aim, they must pass through the three
Commorragh — massive fighting beasts, dangerous circles of the Shrine, each step beset with perilous
alien predators, and the finest examples of the challenges. Such is the attrition of the process that
Haemonculi’s art. only one of each hundred proceeds to the next stage,
the burned remains of the unsuccessful placed as an
offering to Khaine.

u The Carmine Sisterhood have recently

obtained a beast of spectacular power and
aggression. The Agents must battle rival
teams for the honour of the final fight
— and their rivals have no intention of
fighting fair. Becoming an Incubus is a challenge ideal for
u An infestation of Mandrakes plagues the tackling in play — such a quest could direct the
arena, appearing at the culmination of every course of a whole campaign. It provides an ideal
battle. Some have been driven off, others opportunity for the GM to throw challenges
have slaughtered Wyches at the height of of ever increasing difficulty at the Agents in
their powers. Where are they coming from, pursuit of their goal. Through the process, they
and why are they targeting this place in will make enemies, gain rivals, and doubtless
particular? Someone must find out before attract the displeasure of their current Patron.
they strike again. No one likes a disloyal servant, after all…
Karoth Harrower is Archon Rhaul’s lifelong rival and
alleged sole surviving former lover. Trueborn within
minutes of each other — some say to the same parents
— they were raised in each other’s constant presence SYSTEM
and encouraged to fight almost from the moment of
their birth. By the time they could walk, each wore the AELDARI
other’s scars, but despite their violence towards one
another, they remained inseparable, each a skillful PSYCHIC
warrior made more deadly by the presence of the
other. A formal union between them was considered ARMOURY
inevitable, but as Rhaul grew closer to Vect’s inner
circle of power, their bond weakened, culminating WORLDS OF
in Rhaul’s appointment as Archon of Hakhlenna
Deep. Harrower publicly denounced his former ally OUTCASTS OF
and vanished into the lower city. An assassination THE VOID
attempt on the Archon’s life a month later was laid
at his door, at which point he and his few remaining
THE DRUKHARI subordinates fled Commorragh into realspace, later
emerging as a Corsair captain pledged to the Emerald

IN GILEAD Princess Ferianwyr. On the few occasions he has

allowed himself to be drawn into conversation, he has
spoken of Commorragh with indifference, but he is far GAMEMASTERS
too skilled a dissembler to be telling the whole truth…
There is no doubt that the Drukhari, and more
specifically the denizens of Hakhlenna Deep, have
been taking a particular interest in the Gilead System
of late. Their sleek and deadly voidships have been
seen on several occasions, apparently scanning the
outer reaches of the system. Rumours abound as to
what they seek, though whether their objective is to
claim or to destroy remains to be seen.
THE LOST The Agents’ mission is simple — to track
down Karoth Harrower and return him
MAIDEN WORLD to Commorragh to face what the Archon
Archon Kyrik Rhaul learned of Aral’dha from spies euphemistically refers to as ‘justice’. How
within the Greensteal Corsairs, and has coveted it they do it is up to them — do they attempt
ever since. Not as her Aeldari cousins do, as a shrine to infiltrate the Corsairs, have themselves
to lost beauty and as a potential home in realspace, taken as captives, or seek out another way
but as a trophy she might steal wholesale. Rhaul to intercept and capture him? His long years
believes that if she can activate the ancient Aeldari in Commorragh have led him to an attitude
technology on Ostia, she can plunge the entire world of almost Causal paranoia, so any attempt
into the Webway and bring it to Commorragh. Some to trick him will be difficult. Supported
think her mad, but few would openly question the as he is by powerful allies, a direct assault
Archon where she might hear — and Rhaul has spies would likely be doomed to failure, but canny
everywhere. Agents might get him to talk — if correctly
approached, he might even recruit them to his
Should she succeed, the world would no doubt own service.
be a price that might earn her territory beyond her
beleagured holdings. 133
ven by the standards of other Aeldari, the track, their polychromatic costumes refracting light
Harlequins are mysterious. Sheltered from into splinters. The steps of their well-rehearsed battle
the predations of She Who Thirsts by their dances, or saedaths, are at once planned to perfection
elusive god Cegorach — the enigmatic patron and apparently chaotic and impossible to anticipate.
of vengeful trickery — they give their lives to art And in every sense, their apparel and movement are
and war. To a Harlequin, these are one the same: an a perfect illustration of the Harlequins themselves:
allegory of deep, painful truths about the Aeldari’s brilliant and fascinating, but impossible to fully
nature and history. perceive or understand.

In truth, battle is just one of the Harlequins’ art

forms. Their repertoire envelops music, dance,
THE HARLEQUINS theatre, speeches, and poetry, complemented by
psychic illusions and hallucinogenic compounds to
fully immerse their audience in the experience. Every
While it’s difficult to get to grips with how Harlequins chapter of Aeldari history, from the birth of the race to
think or what purpose they serve, in some respects the Fall of the empire — and beyond, to the moribund
they’re very simple. Watching a Harlequin on the diaspora that survives to the present — has a limitless
battlefield gives an observer as much insight into who well of tales, told and retold in every medium and
they are as any course of study. genre. The content changes only very slowly: with
millennia of narratives to choose from, new ones are
Clad in masks and dathedi holo-suits — the word assessed against high standards for inclusion in the
meaning ‘between colours’ — Harlequins are a blur canon.
134 of shifting light. They move faster than the eye can
Of course, every Harlequin Masque have their own The Harlequins’ saedath are as layered and as carefully
standards, preferences — and different audiences, composed as any other performance. The cast embody
for whom they perform the most appropriate set of Aeldari heroes of distant aeons, dancing through the
theatrics. Some are deeply interested in the Ynnari, steps of old stories their opponents don’t know the SYSTEM
some hold a cavalier disregard for them. The same beats and cadence of. And if that sounds like an
is true of any Aeldari myth: every Masque has their elaborate joke at a foe’s expense, that’s because it is. AELDARI
favourite tales, which resonate with them and inform Cegorach is a spiteful, vicious god who loves to pierce
their purpose and battlefield tactics. His foes with mockery as well as blades. PSYCHIC

A single tale can have a dozen different meanings, That’s one of the few certainties where the Laughing ARMOURY
and every performance can be adapted to highlight God is concerned. His directives are rarely clear or
specific themes or make a certain point. A tragic last obvious. The Harlequins get their air of mystery from WORLDS OF
stand can be a cautionary tale or an inspiring ballad; Him, and to all appearances they revel in it. They
The torment of divine at the hands of Khaine, a lesson appear wherever whim — or the plot of the current OUTCASTS OF
in humility or one of fortitude. Harlequins choose not saga — dictates, fighting a neverending guerilla war THE VOID
only their content but their presentation carefully. against the Ruinous Powers. They’re superlative
Every performance is a message, though sometimes skirmishers, hard to pin down. They play their parts,
the meaning is so subtle only the sophisticated Aeldari take their bows, and disappear again, slipping into SERVANTS OF THE
mind can parse it. the twists of the Webway until it’s time for their next
performance. PANTHEON OF
Harlequins immerse themselves completely in their
parts. When they don their masks and become cast For Harlequins in Wrath & Glory games this means GAMEMASTERS
two things. A Masque can appear as a wild card in any
members in a Masque, they surrender their former
identities and give themselves over to embodying the scenario; an unexpected and deadly twist. It’s unusual
legendary Aeldari they portray. The new Harlequin to find a Harlequin separated from their Masque, but
takes on the name of a character such as the Sun easy to justify a single player character in a band of
Prince, the Wounded Maiden, or the Witch of the other Aeldari: they’re simply performing an extended
Ghoul Stars. They become that character, for all soliloquy, or dancing the steps of a movement those
intents and purposes, in a process called the theyldh. around them have yet to recognise.
Their old self remains — in most cases, though the
Aeldari capacity for obsession sometimes leads them Harlequins have one advantage that makes them well-
to sink much too far into their part — but it’s blended suited to be player characters. Harlequin Masques are
with and informed by the role they play. welcome everywhere, amongst all other Aeldari. They
perform on craftworlds, for Corsair fleets, and in the
The cast of each Masque varies widely. Their repertoire domains of the Drukhari, equally blasé wherever they
informs the parts they need to cast, but their cast also are. They serve as emissaries between different groups
informs what tales they perform. There’s always an of Aeldari dispersed throughout the galaxy, carrying
Esdainn, called a Shadowseer in Low Gothic, to watch news of the present as well as tales of the past. A
and weave the strands of fate and guide the Masque’s Masque can go from the depths of Commorragh to the
steps. There’s usually a Margorach, a Death Jester, to furthest outpost where a single Ranger walks their
play the part of Death — for what truly gripping story lonely path.
isn’t stalked by the spectre of impending death? The
rest of the players are split into Light, Twilight, and
Dark Troupes — heroes, wanderers, and villains, in
the simplest of terms — and each of them is led by a
Troupe Master who dances the part of Cegorach, for
the Laughing God is everywhere and he has many
aspects. Beyond that, a few roles are replicated across
many Masques; some are unique.
Performing in a Drukhari stronghold, the
Players discover a group of prisoners who ‘The creeping reversal of fortunes’ steps,
should not be there. These prisoners — other The vicious encore begins to rapturous applause.’
Aeldari, Mon-Keigh, or another alien species — Bold Feirellach, Troupe Master of the Calamity Trail
— have a role to play in a greater conflict,
and they can’t die here. A team of Harlequin The Harlequins of the Gilead System call themselves
Agents is ordered to spirit the prisoners away the Masque of the Calamity Trail. Led by Troupe
under cover of that night’s performance. A Master Bold Feirellach, they slip from world to world,
play within a play, perhaps? appearing according to their own whim anywhere
from the depths of Imperial space to the drifting hulks
of the Voidmire.
‘The servants of the Laughing God adhere to none of
the Asuryani’s doctrines of patience, discipline, and They’re a versatile Masque, not wedded to any one
moderation. I have wondered many times, over many cycle or set of tales. Some Masques become obsessed
years, what I’d see behind their snarling smiles; with a certain foe, or a specific group of heroes, but
behind their masks. Would I recognise anything the Calamity Trail dance every song of failure known
about them? Is there anything behind the masks at to the Aeldari. Their performances are warnings and
all, or are they so immersed in the roles they dance lessons, and if there’s any inspiration on offer, it’s the
that nothing remains of the Aeldari they were? Do push to the audience to learn from their forebears’
they lose themselves to the roles on purpose, feeling mistakes and do better with their own opportunities.
staged, scripted emotions instead of their own? The Masque relies on its Dark Troupe performers to
Is that how He protects them, their sly, clever god? show the overpowering odds stacked against the
Hiding them behind the faces of long-dead heroes. Aeldari and how small victories won by over those
Hiding is how He saved Himself, after all.’ of Light or Twilight Troupes leave the overwhelming
— Seer Menlas Fueran, Ul-Khari darkness undefeated. By styling their performances
so, the Calamity Trail makes the point that history
is rarely as simple as great people living up to their
vaunted destinies.

Performing failure doesn’t make the Calamity Trail

defeatist. They find — or arguably, create — beauty
in pyrrhic victories and calamitous defeats, and very
often when they perform the saedath, they twist their
tales to show how a different outcome is possible;
many of their battle dances give foes the impression
the Harlequins are done for, only for them to snatch
victory from the jaws of defeat.

Chaos is, and always will be, their greatest foe, but the
Ruinous Powers aren’t the only threat to the Aeldari.
Nor were they ever. The Masque of the Calamity Trail
have fought Necrons all over the galaxy for longer
than any individual member can recall. They won
famous victories on tomb worlds in the Awakening of
Fear and the Myriad Splinters, and suffered crushing
defeats in the Blood Serpentine.
The Esdainn has anticipated a disaster to come: Each Harlequin Masque has a SYSTEM
something long-buried and vile emerging from consistent set of colours and
the icy crust of Trollius. The Masque is there patterns in their motley. AELDARI
to watch it happen and make observations as The Calamity Trail wear
to its nature, so the principal performers of the their focus on sad PSYCHIC
Calamity Trail can consider what saedath they stories and cautionary
should dance in response. The emergence is a tales literally on their ARMOURY
necessary evil: if the Asuryani were to learn of sleeves. The majority
this too early, they’d either intervene too soon of their costumes are WORLDS OF
or be made miserable by fear. Better they don’t black and grey, with
know. The Harlequins must evade Ul-Khari highlights of white and OUTCASTS OF
scouts while their mission lasts. rich, reddish purple. THE VOID
The diamond patterns
and Troupe runes grow
If there are Necrons in the Gilead System, they are well more ostentatious with SERVANTS OF THE
hidden, though those with contacts among Imperial a Harlequin’s prestige
forces have reason to suspect their presence. Should — Troupe Misters wear PANTHEON OF
they prove true, the Masque of the Calamity Trail are elaborate versions of the
here. Waiting. Troupe’s rune, compared to GAMEMASTERS
the simplified versions worn
Whatever the Calamity Trail have found so far doesn’t by mere Players, for example
interest them, and yet they remain. Those who pay — but there’s no way for
enough heed to form theories — almost exclusively anyone who’s not a Harlequin
other Aeldari, though a few Imperial bureaucrats and to determine exactly what the
data drudges have begun to notice patterns — have patterns mean.
made a few credible deductions. It could be that the
histories are wrong and there’s a tomb world that has Their costumes aren’t uniforms, and while there
somehow gone undiscovered in the Gilead System. are commonalities between, say, the outfits of two
Or perhaps it’s a feint by the Harlequins, a show different Shadowseers, there are differences too. In
to keep someone’s attention away from alternative general, the more diamonds and the more colour, the
machinations. None of these possibilities point to more prestige a member of the Calamity Trail has. The
positive future developments. The fear among those Calamity Trail has one common shorthand: markings
that speculate is that something worse, something on the left side of the body refer to defeat, and those
unique and dreadful, is lurking in the cold vastness of on the right to victory. They’re displayed with equal
space between inhabited planets. prominence and pride.

None of the planets in the system match the cryptic, Calamity Trail masks, perhaps unsurprisingly,
poetic descriptions of the tomb world once said to exist tend towards the tragic. Their carefully sculpted
in this region of space. By process of elimination, the expressions are marked with tears and express both
Calamity Trail are drawn more and more often towards pain and sorrow — though aliens who look upon
the asteroids of the Voidmire, some of which appear to them, unfamiliar with the Aeldari aesthetic, might
be parts of a broken whole. well interpret agonised grimaces as ferocious grins.

Only Cegorach Himself knows all the paths of the
Webway, but the Harlequins come close. The Masque PLOT HOOK
of the Calamity Trail are as knowledgeable as any
other, but they face an additional challenge.
The Dathedian, the Great Rift, damaged Webway Almost everyone in the Gilead System is trapped
paths all over the galaxy, cutting off branches and there by the roiling tides of the Warp that
letting Chaos’s forces creep inside the formerly safe encompass it. Little gets in or out, and there’s a
network. It’s a dangerous dimension to travel across. shortage of everything but enemies. That doesn’t
In the Gilead System, it’s often lethal. It’s not so much apply to the Harlequins. GMs should remember
exposed to daemons from the Warp as infested with that while the Harlequins have this immense
them. Harlequins crossing the system dodge — or privilege, it does no good to anyone else. They
destroy — daemonic warbands, and avoid or cleanse may bring news of far-flung Aeldari in other
corrupted paths. Harlequins have huge advantages sectors of the galaxy, but that’s all. Aeldari outside
over their foes here: they know the paths and the the Gilead system have their own problems: no
various dangers, and it’s a perfect place for their help is coming, even for the stranded Craftworld
strike-and-run tactics. On the other hand, they are Ul-Khari. And the Harlequins most certainly
always outnumbered, and every battle takes its toll. aren’t interested in helping other species.

Other Aeldari know Harlequin Masques as travelling

performers. The Masques themselves know better.
Many of them have Webway boltholes they retreat to
between conflicts and performances, where they refine THE FROZEN TEAR
their productions and prepare for future theatres of The Frozen Tear are a group of Twilight Players
war. Some, it’s said, even return to the fabled Black within the Masque of the Calamity Trail. Aeldari
Library. The Calamity Trail don’t have a place of their from Craftworld Ul-Khari who sojourn amongst the
own. The poor state of the Webway in Gilead means Harlequins often join this band. They’re small in
there’s no such thing as a safe place or safe routes to number, and besides the eternal war against Chaos,
and fro. That has resulted in a pressing concern for they have a secondary, ongoing purpose. While the
the Masque of the Calamity Trail. agenda of the Masque as a whole is obscure and
shifting, the Frozen Tear is plain about their goal,
First, the dillapidated Webway has made interactions at least to their fellows of Ul-Khari: they seek the
with their kin more frequent by necessity — a mixed object of the Call (see page 109), lost somewhere in
blessing, at best. The Masque have their own agenda, the Gilead System. It might be the key to restoring
and every interaction with their kind threatens to Ul-Khari’s wounded Avatar, so the Seers say. Even a
embroil them further in events in Gilead. They are slim hope is worth pursuing, and the Frozen Tear do
aware that war could easily break out among their so with passion and verve.
Anhrathe, Asuryani, and Drukhari kin, perhaps over
Aral’dha or some other concern. The Frozen Tear appear wherever visions of their prize
guide them. They’ve been to every world, dancing
Despite the illustrative performances they have shown with Ork scrap scavengers on Avachrus, terrifying
to each, none seems to grasp the destruction such a the refugees on Enoch, and ruffling the feathers of
conflict would bring — especially if there does indeed Imperial nobles on Gilead Primus. Many signs point to
prove to be a Necron presence in Gilead. The Masque Ostia, and the Humans of the planet live in fear of the
seeks to avoid further escalation, and is willing to shimmering xenos devils who appear under the stars,
take unusual measures to do so. Their tales speak tearing through settlements at speed in search of their
of dealings with the forces of Julyanna Gilead in the mysterious prize.
distant past. It is possible that the system that bears
her name might see further bargains struck between
138 the Masque and the Mon-Keigh.
More and more often, as visions of the future Asuryani from Ul-Khari, or sometimes Rangers, find
crystallise into a manageable number of possibilities, the Frozen Tear and recall their Players while they’re
they find themselves on and around the plague world still alive. That way, their souls join the craftworld’s
Vulkaris. It’s as close to Nurgle’s Garden as any Infinity Circuit. They’re part of the craftworld, along
place outside the Immaterium, a hell of toxins and with the souls of their ancestors, and part of Ul-Khari SYSTEM
corruption inhabited by monstrous mutants. Only forever. Ul-Khari needs them more than Cegorach
a Harlequin Troupe could slip on- and off-world so does, and while the Harlequins feel less kinship with AELDARI
easily and live to tell the tale. their former home once they’re subsumed in their
role, Ul-Khari can’t afford to forget them. It’s not PSYCHIC
As more signs point towards Vulkaris, some members always effective; after the theyldh, the Asuryani they
of the Troupe begin to wonder what the Call is really once were is but a small part of their identity. The ARMOURY
leading them towards. Maybe it’s not part of Kaela whole exchange is a strain on the otherwise strong
Mensha Khaine’s epic at all, but part of the cycle of relationship between craftworld and Masque. WORLDS OF
Isha. Her fate is said to be bound up with Nurgle, and
the Lord of Decay assuredly rules Vulkaris. Maybe the Aeldari from Ul-Khari bring new stories too: tales OUTCASTS OF
key to restoring Ul-Khari’s Avatar is also the key to of the tragedy of the frozen craftworld, of its people THE VOID
saving the Aeldari as a people. trapped and languishing and the cries of wounded
wraithbone. These new works of art filter into the
Very few Harlequins believe something so grandiose rest of the Masque’s repertoire, and then into other SERVANTS OF THE
could exist in a galactic backwater like the Gilead Masques, spreading far beyond the Gilead System.
System, but it would be an intriguing twist in the PANTHEON OF
tale. On that level, at least, it appeals. It’s rather more The Wounded Maiden, RUIN
likely that the visions of ripe abundance that point the Lead Player GAMEMASTERS
towards Ostia as a resting place of a powerful sliver The Wounded Maiden was many things before she
of Khaine could just as easily apply to Vulkaris. The found her role in the Frozen Tear. He was Kaeliir
plague world is certainly a fecund breeding ground Falnethras, Warlock of Craftworld Ul-Khari and far
for disease. advanced in the intricate steps of the Path of the Seer.
The collision with Trollius was a catastrophe, and its
Every member of the Troupe has a vast bounty on effects lingered. The Warlock never moved past it. So
their head on numerous worlds, with the Humans he followed a masked dancer onto a Webway path and
unaware that the faces behind each mask have left the Asuryani Path behind.
changed numerous times since the decrees were
issued for their capture, dead or alive. The Wounded Maiden is the first and only leader of the
Frozen Tear; the Troupe formed around her. Her role is
The cast of this group changes rapidly. Aeldari spend new too. It’s never been danced before. It’s named for
a few years here, dancing the steps of the old stories one of the heroes of Ul-Khari, an Exarch who fought
and wearing the masks of heroes. The freedom from for, and held, an objective from a horde of daemons;
restriction, the destruction of their old self with all she held out for days until reinforcements came, and
its painful memories and the embrace of caprice and died of her injuries the moment help arrived. She’s
impulse, appeals — for a time. But Harlequins eschew a symbol of persistence and loyalty, and in many
Spirit stones. Cegorach keeps their souls, protecting saedath, her part comes into its own when the odds
them from the clutches of She Who Thirsts. Dying are impossibly long.
amongst the Harlequins means being separated from
Ul-Khari forever, and the leaders of the craftworld are And the odds in the Troupe’s quest for the fragment
aware of that loss. Every Harlequin knows their act of Aeldari glory, lost somewhere in the Gilead System,
will come to an end in time; some of the saedath lead are impossibly long indeed.
to high Aeldari casualties every time they’re danced.
The Frozen Tear commit to never dancing the deadly
Cegorach’s Revenge for that very reason (though a
commitment from a Harlequin is as reliable as a Warp
storm). 139
The Calamity Trail has one saedath they dance better The Calamity Trail, like every
and more often than any other Masque in the galaxy. Harlequin Masque, has key roles
The Fall of Stars presents the tale of Orinean and that shape their performances on
Khorath, two Corsair Princes. every level, from their strategy to
the saedath they choose to dance.
Strict leaders, but wiser and more measured than They’re a small Masque, and there
most, a trusted Felarch nevertheless rose up to are always roles not currently cast.
challenge their command. The siblings foresaw that
allowing this would lead the fleet they led together They’re currently without an
into damnation, while opposing it directly would Arebennian — a Solitaire —
result in their own deaths. The pair found a third who alone performs the role
path, and pledged to serve the Felarch and recognise of Slaanesh. The strangest
him as their Prince. of all Harlequins, Solitaires
conceal themselves amongst
It was years later when their chance arose. In that Aeldari society, wandering alone.
time much of the crew had fallen to the lure of the Solitaires don’t travel with Harlequin
very practices that had damned the Aeldari Empire Troupes, but join them when they deem
of old, and perhaps that is why their deception went it necessary and when they reveal
unnoticed. They lured the fleet into an attack on a themselves. Wearing their grotesque
supposed stranded ship, but instead led them into the masks, they speak and are spoken to
heart of a black hole. It is said that they are falling only in a ritual form, and are held in fear
still, time stretched out almost to breaking by the and awe by their kin. No Solitaire has
crushing gravity of the singularity. ventured into the Gilead System since the
Dathedian rent the galaxy in two. The Calamity
Make no mistake, while some Masques elsewhere in Trail accept the fact, but some of them whisper quiet
the galaxy dance the Fall of Stars as a tale of cleverness theories that the disturbances in the Immaterium bring
and triumph, to the Calamity Trail it’s another great Slaanesh closer than ever, and make the Arebennian’s
failure. Regardless of the sibling’s ultimate victory, part even more dangerous in Gilead than elsewhere.
many Aeldari souls were tainted by the sins of old, If that theory is right, a Solitaire who did arrive in
and consumed by She Who Thirsts. There are few Gilead could cause more problems than they solved.
greater tragedies to most Aeldari.

In battlefield terms, the Fall of Stars is rife with

unpleasant surprises for the enemy. The Masque’s PLOT HOOK
Light Troupe makes itself conspicuously vulnerable — ESCORT MISSION
few in number or pinned down in a difficult position.
In a feigned retreat, they lead their opponents through A Solitaire is coming to join the Troupe. The
ambushes by the Masque’s other Troupes, stripping Esdainn has foretold it. But they’re delayed,
down their numbers in a methodical but apparently presumed lost somewhere in the Webway. Wise
completely spontaneous way. There’s virtually no way Feirellach fears they’ve succumbed to their fate,
to prepare against the Fall of Stars, as the ambushers for all Arebennian are doomed to have their
aren’t on stage before the saedath starts; they know souls consumed by She Who Thirsts, but this
their cues and arrive precisely when they should. must be confirmed. A small team of Agents —
Harlequins or other Aeldari trained in the proper
The few beings in the Gilead System who’ve survived ritual approach — is dispatched to account for
the Fall of Stars (not that they know it by name) the Solitaire, bringing them to the Troupe if
know that if they glimpse the masked performers in possible or confirming their death if not.
shimmering attire to avoid them at all costs, for all
that awaits them is deception and death.
As a more pressing issue, the Masque also lacks some They only seem interested in the worst that might
to play the part of the Bloody-Eyed Ambassador. A happen — although it’s a truism that they who prepare
role specific to the Masque, and one they’d dearly for the worst are prepared for anything.
love to fill, is that of an infiltrator and assassin whose
appearance, usually to commit a single bloody murder, Because an Esdainn’s role requires superlative psychic SYSTEM
heralds the arrival of the Masque itself. At present, the abilities as well as an intuitive feel for the current
Calamity Trail can’t perform certain pieces that rely on state of the saedath and how to alter it, the Calamity AELDARI
this opening move — although they’ve considered Trail ensure it’s never the first role someone plays. A
treating other Aeldari, like Rangers, Corsairs, or gifted psychic works their way up through roles such PSYCHIC
even Drukhari raiders as temporary additions to the as the Eye of the Dragon and the Watchful Judge.
Masque. It’s unusual, but desperate times call for ARMOURY
desperate measures, and it’s an opportunity to engage
other Aeldari player characters with the Harlequins of WORLDS OF
Gilead on a short-term, limited basis.
Bold Feirellach THE VOID
Bold Feirellach is the part currently performed by the
leader of the Calamity Trail, the Troupe Master who
stands above every other player in the cast. She’s SERVANTS OF THE
held the role for decades; many of the younger Troupe
members have never seen anyone else wear that PANTHEON OF
mask. It’s impossible to separate Bold Feirellach from
the Harlequin behind the facade. GAMEMASTERS
She brings a youthful enthusiasm to the role, an
eternal flame of passion and verve. She treats
every performance like it’s her first, as passionate
about turning every Aeldari tragedy into a glorious
performance as the first time she donned the mask.
She loves nothing more than an unlikely victory, and
it delights her to let the odds stack up against her
Masque, making the climactic final movement of a
saedath unforgettable.

Bold Feirellach herself seems unusually keen to

maintain the illusion that she’s never been anything
but the role she plays. She never breaks character in
the slightest, on or off the battlefield, and only a fool
would try to tease out details of her life before the
Masque: Bold Feirellach has a caustic tongue and a
scathing sense of humour.

The Esdainn
The Esdainn, or Shadowseer, plays the role of Fate
in the Masque’s performances. They narrate the
saedath, providing inspiration and prompts to their
fellow Harlequins with guidance drawn from their
prodigious psychic talent. The Calamity Trail’s Esdainn
is maudlin even by the Masque’s own standards. The
lines of poetry that emerge through their opaque black
mask foretell misery and pain, and advice on averting 141
and mitigating it comes as an afterthought.
The Margorach
Death Jesters, known to the Aeldari as Margorach,
play the part of Death in a Masque’s performances.
The Margorach of the Calamity Trail is new to the role AUDIENCES OF THE
and performs it with unmatched zeal. Where the rest
of the Masque are mired in tragedy, the Margorach
is morbidly joyful, with an especially dark sense of The Masque of the Calamity Trail have cause to
humour even by the standards of other Harlequins, interact with every Aeldari faction in the Gilead
who are no strangers to death and destruction. System, and they’ve formed certain opinions
about all of them.
A Death Jester must be light of step, clear of voice, and
possessed of unmatched elegance in even the smallest Craftworld Ul-Khari
movements and gestures. They stride through the Lost and trapped and hopeless. The stories one
smoke and screams of the battlefield, grasping the day told of their plight will be beautiful, but in
Final Song, a customised shrieker cannon. Not only person they’re pitiful. They’re drowning here,
does the Final Song’s single-shot projectile cut targets dragged down by their sorrows and duties,
into gory ribbons to decorate their allies, it combines not unlike a mythic figure from more than one
acid with a strong hallucinogenic that clouds the tragic tale familiar to the Masque. Harlequins
senses, trapping survivors in repetitive visions of are welcomed on Ul-Khari, but even by our
doom. The Margorach’s is the only mask in the whole standards it’s a dismal place. The craftworld is
company that wears a smile. haunted and half-full, and the wraithbone sighs
and moans from the wings. They need us — a
reminder of their history and hope — more than
they know.

PLOT HOOK Greensteel Warriors

STOLEN GOODS Princess Ferianwyr’s Corsairs are performers in
their own right; dancing the future instead of the
After a disastrous skirmish in which not even past and choreographing one another with slashes
the Margorach’s presence was enough to secure of their blades and the song of their shuriken
victory, the Final Song fell into the hands of a rifles. If they weren’t Anhrathe, they’d make a
crew of Orks. While the Harlequins doubt the spectacular Light Troupe. We haved danced many
beasts can use such a sophisticated weapon, saedath alongside them — doubtless they take
it’s unthinkable that a prop like this should be great inspiration from our presence.
allowed to remain in the hands of those green
brutes. The Margorach is recovering from his The Drukhari
injuries, so a squad of Agents has to recapture The Drukhari are drawn to the pain and suffering
the Final Song on his behalf. to be found throughout the Gilead System. The
Kabalites of Archon Rhaul find the anguished
conflictions of Princess Ferianwyr’s Corsairs and
Sainax and Doreliin the haunting sorrow of those broken against the
The Masque’s two oldest Voidweavers are named for ice of Trollius calling to their cruelty from across
the pair of hounds who accompanied Kurnous on his the void. Many aeons have passed since we last
legendary Hunt of the Moon. Both ships are ancient danced alongside Drukhari from the spires of the
and temperamental, and all the Troupes treat them as Dark City; perhaps now, when the way is most
though they were alive, decorating them with trinkets unclear, we should do so again in Gilead. A

and hanging the masks of currently unoccupied roles

inside them. Tradition dictates the pilots must recite — Recollections of the Quartet’s Loyal Traitor,
a speech from one of the many myths of Kurnous Player of the Masque of the Calamity Trail
before the crafts fly into battle — otherwise defeat is
142 guaranteed.
The events of the Fall sundered the Aeldari
pantheon. They remain revered in the surviving
cultures, though the belief systems that still
persist are as fractured and disparate as the
Aeldari themselves. As those cultures emerged
from the catastrophe of the Fall, they became
influenced by their broken gods, from the
stories of myth and legend woven through the
Asuryani’s lives, to the loathsome Incubi of
Commorragh, pledging reverence to Khaine.

When the Asuryani fled the crone worlds, they
rejected decadent hedonism, instead embracing
the traditional beliefs of their ancient ancestors,
those mortals who walked alongside and battled
gods. Known as the Aeldari Myth Cycles, these
collections of narratives blend mythology,
symbolism, and history into a litany of legendary
heroes, fantastical beasts, and nuanced gods
whose legacies permeate all facets of modern
Asuryani culture. Ul-Khari Asuryani in particular
revere these stories, knowing that their entire
craftworld hangs precariously on the verge of
joining that collection of cautionary tales.

Dead but Not

Though Craftworld Aeldari recognise many gods,
all but a few were consumed by Slaanesh. Gone
but not forgotten, these dead gods loom large in
Aeldari history, their influence still resonating
throughout Asuryani culture today. Ul-Khari
pays close heed to these stories, contextualising
them through the lens of their unique history
and star-spanning catastrophe.

Asuryan Remnants of the Gods
Chief among the Aeldari gods, Asuryan the Phoenix Aeldari mythology tells that at the moment of Her
King reigned over the gods and Their children as birth, Slaanesh slaughtered almost all of the Aeldari
wizened judge of all, though even His power and skill pantheon and stole the gods’ power, with only two of
could not save Him from Slaanesh’s gluttony. Their number surviving the Fall.

Kurnous Kaela Mensha Khaine

Kurnous is regarded as the father of the Aeldari, who Kaela Mensha Khaine, the strongest and most
suffered alongside His wife Isha in the events leading warlike of the Aeldari deities, endured through
to the mythical War in Heaven. might. Slaanesh and the Bloody-Handed God fought
a titanic battle in the Warp, and despite Khaine’s
Lileath mastery of war, Slaanesh, glutted with stolen power,
Daughter of Isha and Kurnous, Lileath was the maiden eventually proved the stronger. Exhausted from the
goddess of fortune and dreams. The terraformed struggle, Slaanesh could not destroy the Aeldari god
paradises known as Lilaethan (maiden worlds) are completely. Instead, Khaine was rent into fragments.
named in her memory. Each shard came to rest within the wraithbone core of
a craftworld, where its wrathful power can be used to
Morai-Heg summon an Avatar of the Bloody-Handed God.
Morai-Heg the Crone, after whom the crone worlds
were named, was the goddess of souls and fate. Those The Asuryani, perpetually fighting for their survival,
who subscribe to Seleithe Taranlys’s interpretations of invoke Khaine’s martial mastery in their weapons and
the Myth Cycles believe Morai-Heg held knowledge of Aspect Shrines, shaping the Path of the Warrior to
every creature’s doom within Her blood. reflect His many brutal aspects.


Every Asuryani knows Isha as the mother of the Aeldari and the goddess of fertility, harvest, and healing.
When Khaine set out to murder the Aeldari, Isha and Her husband Kurnous stood against Him. When
Asuryan cast us out to separate us from the gods, Isha defied Him. She gifted Her tears so we could commune
with Her despite our exile. Punished severely for Her defiance, She suffered gladly in defence of Her beloved
children. We remember Her sacrifices with reverence, whispering Her name as we cradle Her tears, the all-
important spirit stones that shelter us from She Who Thirsts.

Many say Isha was killed alongside the rest of the gods, but I am not convinced. I have delved into the dark
corners of our history and dredged legends from oceans of time. I cannot deny what I know in my heart. The
Myth Cycles are clear that She has never abandoned us. I believe Isha still lives, though I fear Her fate may
be worse than death.

Isha has suffered on behalf of the Aeldari before. If She survives, perhaps there is still hope for us. Perhaps
our staunchest defender may yet play a role in our salvation. I pray that She knows my heart if She still lives.
Your children weep, Isha, but we know that You weep alongside us.

— From the private records of Farseer Lanriel Taranlys of Ul-Khari

As the Asuryani desperately cling to what little Ynnead
they have left, they look to Khaine’s teachings with Burdened with the stigma that the Aeldari orchestrated
increasing frequency. their own damnation through the creation of Slaanesh,
the Asuryani have spent the last ten thousand years SYSTEM
While Khaine escaped the fate of His kin, He survives using that dire knowledge to build another god from
only in disparate pieces, far from His former glory, the souls of their dead, this time a saviour rather than AELDARI
though He is not entirely pacified. In times of great need, a tormentor. Known as the Whispering God, none can
Aeldari make dire sacrifices to awaken the shard of say whether Ynnead is alive or dead. Perhaps He grows, PSYCHIC
Khaine dwelling in their craftworld’s core, summoning gradually coalescing with each Aeldari soul denied to
a formidable avatar of the Bloody-Handed God to battle Slaanesh. Very few within Gilead know for certain. ARMOURY
on behalf of His erstwhile victims. Ul-Khari’s Avatar
is tragically incomplete and unable to be summoned, The Asuryani have always believed the God of the WORLDS OF
though rumours circulate that the craftworld may have Dead could only fully awaken after the complete
come to Gilead in the first place to search for a means annihilation of their people, but recent events have OUTCASTS OF
to restore their vestige of the shattered god. cast doubt on this belief. Word has spread through THE VOID
the Webway that a powerful Aeldari enacted a ritual
to prematurely wake Ynnead, though whatever
occurred, it only succeeded in rousing the sleeping SERVANTS OF THE
god long enough for Him to choose a prophet. Aeldari
coming into Gilead through the Webway claim that the PANTHEON OF
emissary now calls upon Aeldari across all walks of
life to join the Ynnari, charging the Whispering God’s GAMEMASTERS
faithful to awaken Him by any means necessary.

Though the Asuryani have long worked to bring

about Ynnead’s emergence, there is no consensus
concerning the nascent god. Because legend foretells
He will defeat Slaanesh, many Asuryani believe
Ynnead to be their last, greatest hope, driving them
to join the Ynnari to hasten His coming. But if the
Ynnari fail to find another way to rouse Ynnead,
the Asuryani are all expected to die before He can
rise, an uneasy prospect for many craftworlders,
especially considering there is no assurance it will
work. Spending centuries preserving what little they
have left, going to great lengths to prevent even the
smallest losses, sceptical Asuryani, especially those
in Ul-Khari, believe they can do more to help their
people if they remain among the living rather than
dying to fulfil what may prove to be nothing more
than wishful thinking. Moreover, no Asuryani can
forget what happened the last time the Aeldari birthed
a god. That worry lies heavily upon many even if they
dare not speak it aloud.

As keepers of Aeldari history and lore, Harlequins
preserve the Myth Cycles through their performances
THE GREAT and artistry, but even their language and customs are
steeped in those tragic legends. They speak in idioms
HARLEQUIN and metaphors, invoking ancient heroes, mythological
creatures, and gods as cultural touchstones.
Your people say Cegorach the Laughing God Harlequins on the hunt for enemies play the role of
is a deity of deceit and trickery, one not to be Kurnous’s hounds. Their Seers speak of Lileath’s
trusted. And perhaps they’re right! But the prophetic dreams when divining the future. Warrior
Asuryani see only the face Cegorach shows poets ride swift Skyweavers into battle, referencing
them. He is so much more if you truly listen the Cosmic Serpent’s offspring who vexed Cegorach’s
to His laughter. You walked the Path of the foes from all sides.
Banshee before you left Ul-Khari, yes? Then
you know. Whether you dance upon the stage Though the Rillietanni know and respect the gods
or across blood-soaked fields, you’ve seen how of the Aeldari pantheon, they are specifically the
ridiculous it all is. Is grief not always with you, Laughing God’s faithful, dedicated solely to Cegorach
deep in your soul? No matter how far you run, and no other. Those who know Cegorach as the
no matter how many foes you slay, sorrow will Trickster recognise why Harlequins are considered
always find you. Yet still we persevere despite enigmatic and capricious even by Aeldari standards,
how hopeless it seems. Laughing is the only but Harlequins never behave truly randomly. Because
sensible choice, don’t you see? they worship the only Aeldari god still whole and
in contact with mortals, Harlequins have a unique
religious perspective that no other Aeldari can truly
share. Cegorach allegedly communicates with the
Rillietanni, albeit cryptically, and they claim to enact
His will at any cost. Their every move serves to
further Cegorach’s goals, though those motivations
are always suspect and concealed beneath layers of
complexity, obfuscation, and spectacle. The Laughing
That is Cegorach: to take comfort in the God would have it no other way.
absurdity of existence, to laugh in the face of
despair. I fear the Asuryani have forgotten how Harlequins & Ynnead
to laugh. They see Cegorach as a trickster and a To be a Harlequin is to be devoted to Cegorach above
fool, but they forget it was that sardonic regard all others, to recognise no other authority, and to
for our ancestors’ decadence that gave Him entrust the Laughing God with one’s very soul. Any
warning enough to flee before Slaanesh stirred. who would worship Ynnead ahead of Cegorach would
Is that so different from the Asuryani’s exodus? cease to be a Harlequin in every meaningful way.

— From the private records of However, this does not prevent Harlequins from
Farseer Lanriel Taranlys of Ul-Khari seeing benefit in the potential return of another
Aeldari deity. Should Ynnead arise, He would be a
powerful adversary to She Who Thirsts. Moreover the
God of the Dead may have a part to play in the final
act of the great Rhana Dandra, the last battle between
Aeldari and Chaos. Therefore, a Harlequin may well
fight alongside the Ynnari, recognise the divinity of
Ynnead, and even bear the YNNARI Keyword, while
still remaining faithful to the Laughing God.
The Drukhari worship at the altar of their own Called the Red Crone, Hekatii is regarded as a warrior
obsessive drive for power, perfection, and survival. without peer embodying, the sadistic joy of graceful
They are quick to claim they have conquered slaughter.
mortality, a feat the Aeldari gods could not achieve, SYSTEM
as evidenced by the state of Their ruined pantheon. Lhilitu
Loathing to bow to anything weaker than themselves, Dubbed the Consort of the Void, followers of Lhilitu AELDARI
Drukhari are left to wonder why they would ever deign seek mastery at manipulating their peers and rivals
to worship such inferior creatures as gods. The only through subtlety, wielding both seduction and poison PSYCHIC
exception are Incubi, who continue to revere Khaine as deftly as any weapon.
in a way abhorrent to the Asuryani. ARMOURY
Iconoclast’s Mound Qa’leh, Mistress of Blades, portrayed as a skilled and WORLDS OF
Commorrite legend describes a deep pit occupying a deadly Wych. Modern Wyches seek to emulate her
corner of the Dark City few can find because it was mastery of knives and bloodletting. OUTCASTS OF
reputedly designed to be forgotten. It is said to be THE VOID
known only to those who would cast down gods, Shaimesh THE DARK CITY
revealing itself when Drukhari carry plundered Shaimesh, the Lord of Poisons, is a remnant
religious relics back from realspace raids. There they from the Aeldari Myth Cycles that the Drukhari SERVANTS OF THE
discard the false idols, mocking the sacred as they uncharacteristically haven’t abandoned. He is
add to the massive heap mouldering within the pit. believed to be the treacherous brother of Saim-Hann PANTHEON OF
The mound of disused icons grows ever larger, never the Cosmic Serpent and serves to extol the virtues of
seeming to fill the pit. For Drukhari, there is no limit betrayal and assassination. GAMEMASTERS
to excess, and there is always room for more gods to
be discarded on the Iconoclast’s Mound. Vileth
Patron to Archons and others in positions of power,
Before the Fall, hedonistic pleasure cults turned their Vileth embodies arrogance and overwhelming
backs on the Aeldari gods, throwing them away like superiority. Some Drukhari that follow Vileth’s tenets
detritus to make room for their growing pride and focus on mastering aerial warfare, a literal statement
thirst for sensation. Beyond the memory of even the of power and hierarchy over underlings and enemies
most ancient of the Drukhari, the floor of that pit may on the battlefield.
be littered with remnants of that first iconoclasm,
idols of the Aeldari pantheon too weak to survive the Asdrubael Vect
Fall and the ascendancy of Slaanesh. The depraved aristocracy of Commorragh, whose
noble houses had risen to power through the various
Dark Muses pleasure cults, are not the sole lords of the Dark
Most Drukhari recognise no beings worthy of worship City. Their complex web of intrigue, assassinations,
beyond themselves. They jealously covet the respect gruesome commerce, and debauched entertainments
and fear offered by the upper echelons of their twisted is held together by the supreme will of the Living
society and take any opportunity to plot, deceive, and Muse Asdrubael Vect.
murder in order to depose those that stand in their
way. Dark Muses are legendary exemplars of those Assassinated during the pandemonium unleashed
dark ideals, embodiments of cruelty in its many forms across Commorragh following the Great Rift’s
whom modern Drukhari look to as inspiration for appearance, Vect allegedly engineered his death as
their own nefarious ends. an opportunity to secure his position. Rising from
the dead at his own funeral, he slaughtered allies and
enemies alike to prove his supremacy.

Even moreso than the other Aeldari factions, the
Incubi Anhrathe are divided over Ynnead’s awakening. The
Incubi are notoriously mercenary, owing fealty only to Corsairs were already relatively loosely organised and
their War-shrines, but deep within those mysterious aligned before Ynnead’s emergence, and their widely
enclaves, they defy conventional Drukhari values by varying beliefs mean each of their number must decide
worshipping at the altar of a god. Incubi regard Kaela for themself. Some welcome Ynnead as a saviour, or at
Mensha Khaine as war and murder incarnate and least a new mystery to explore, while others see Him
hone their violent craft beneath the bellicose gaze of as nothing more than shackles that less free Aeldari
cold iron statues. They dedicate their lives and deaths would use to trammel the proud Anhrathe.
to the pursuit of the perfect killing strike to honour
their shattered god’s martial perfection. Though
singularly devoted, rumours abound that some War-
shrines have left the sole service of Khaine to join
the Ynnari, but few are willing to investigate that
possibility too closely. AELDARI
The Drukhari & Ynnead
Ynnead’s rise poses both threat and opportunity for The Aeldari’s efforts to stave off death do not stem
the Drukhari. Many of Commorragh’s elite are well from a base fear of the unknown so common to the
pleased with their positions of power and view the lesser races of the galaxy. All Aeldari are aware of the
stirring god as a force that could change the status quo, eternal damnation that awaits them with open arms
so they actively oppose the quest to awaken Ynnead. and hungry jaws. Created from the collective Aeldari
Refugees from Commorragh spread dubious rumours psyche at the height of their species-wide debauchery
that Vect himself launched an attack against Ynnead’s and hedonism, Slaanesh lays claim to every Aeldari
emissary, intending to kill the Ynnari movement in soul, drawing their souls inexorably through the
the cradle before it could detract from his powerbase. Warp to be devoured.

Not all Drukhari sneer at the Whispering God, The Aeldari are a dying race, so necessity has driven
however, especially among the lower classes who hold each Aeldari culture to develop its own method to
no true power in Commorragh. The lower echelons of keep their souls from Slaanesh’s dreadful maw. The
Drukhari society suffer under the cruel necessities unique way each culture deals with death and the
of life there, so many see Ynnead as a previously dark fate awaiting them is one of the largest factors
unavailable path to escape their brutal circumstances. shaping their disparate lifestyles and beliefs.
These dispossessed wonder why they need torment
and suffering just to survive if Ynnead can truly save
them from She Who Thirsts. The bravest and most
desperate dare to join the Ynnari to find out.

Similar to the Ynnari, the Anhrathe attract
membership from all walks of Aeldari life, but unlike
Ynnead’s faithful, Corsairs share no single spirituality,
instead possessing their own individual beliefs. Some
maintain the religion (or lack thereof) of the culture ASURYANI
they were raised in. Other Corsairs, given that they It is customary in Asuryani culture for Aeldari to wear
are known for their fierce independence and rejection exquisite gems called spirit stones at all times. While
of the status quo, explore the void with an open heart, this custom is universal across every craftworld,
adopting what customs and beliefs suit them from Asuryani contextualise this practice through the
moment to moment. legend of Isha’s Tears, believing spirit stones to
148 represent the gems Vaul created for Isha when she
wept over the Aeldari, linking the exiled mortals fleshcrafting, extending their lifespans indefinitely
to their mother. But spirit stones are more than through arcane treatments. Wealthy Drukhari
metaphorical links to divinity and the ancient past. even make arrangements with Haemonculi to be
resurrected in the event of their death, slinking back SYSTEM
When an Asuryani dies, their soul enters the gem’s to the side of the living before Slaanesh consumes
intricate crystal circuitry rather than the Warp, them. Not all Drukhari have the means to secure such AELDARI
anchoring the soul in the material realm where it failsafes, though. This furthers their urgency to gain
remains beyond Slaanesh’s reach. Living Aeldari power, wealth, and influence as quickly as possible, PSYCHIC
can then recover the stone, interring it within their because the sooner they can ascend to a lofty status,
craftworld’s Infinity Circuit where the soul lingers the sooner they can arrange for immortality and stave ARMOURY
in a form of afterlife. Free to drift throughout the off the doom that awaits.
craftworld’s wraithbone structures, these souls WORLDS OF
remain a part of the craftworld’s daily life. Ghostlike, CORSAIRS BONE

but neither alone nor forgotten. Known for their commitment to individualism OUTCASTS OF
and freedom, Corsairs have no singular or unique THE VOID
In this way, craftworlds are not only the Asuryani’s mechanism to avoid Slaanesh’s caress after death.
homes, but also their tombs, representing the Their individual practices vary as much as their
continued survival of their entire population. To lose individual beliefs, so it is typical for a Corsair to SERVANTS OF THE
a craftworld’s Infinity Circuit is to forfeit countless continue using the methods of the culture they hail
generations of Asuryani to damnation, hence why the from. Former Drukhari tend to continue inflicting pain PANTHEON OF
Ul-Khari Asuryani work with such fervour to preserve and indulging in hedonism while spending plunder
their broken craftworld. to pay for life-extending treatments in Commorragh GAMEMASTERS
whenever they pass through. Alternatively, Corsair
bands may include spiritual mystics who carry
HARLEQUINS waystones with which to capture the essences of fallen
As a sign of their faith in Cegorach, Harlequins wear Aeldari, saving them from an eternity of torment in
no spirit stones, trusting the Laughing God, whom the Warp.
they believe is still alive and unbowed, to abscond
with them before Slaanesh can catch their unmoored In Gilead, where options are limited, resources are
souls in the Warp. As with everything associated with scarce, and crises make for strange bedfellows, it
the Great Harlequin, none can verify or debunk what is not unheard of for Corsairs to change from their
truly happens to His faithful after death, but there traditional method of defying Slaanesh to another if
is no disputing that Harlequins face death with zeal they find a different one suits them better. Corsairs are
and unwavering faith in this belief. All of life is a proud of the freedom they enjoy and are notoriously
stage, and they perform without a net, literally and self-determining, so change is never out of the
figuratively. If Cegorach does catch them before they question for them.
fall to the Great Enemy, none can say where He takes
them or for what purpose, but mysterious acts and YNNARI
cryptic motives are familiar territory for the servants The Ynnari believe the Whispering God lays a
of the Laughing God. greater claim to their souls than Slaanesh. They no
longer need the spirit stones, excruciation, or faith
in Cegorach from their previous lives to avoid being
DRUKHARI consumed, though some Ynnari continue those
While the Drukhari have mastered both torment and practices out of mere sentimentality or habit. To truly
pleasure as means to mitigate the drain on their souls, follow Ynnead is to embrace a new way, to make a
they are still subject to Slaanesh’s claim upon them leap of faith, to trust one’s very soul to a stranger.
when they die. To avoid that fate, the Drukhari have Such risk can be difficult for some Aeldari to accept,
adopted an utterly practical solution: never dying. but the light of hope amidst the grim darkness burns
The Drukhari have effectively defeated mortality brightly for many, giving them the courage to trust in
through technological mastery, dark alchemy, and their new saviour. 149
his chapter contains advice and special
considerations for GMs running games
featuring Aeldari. It explores how to
emphasise Aeldari-specific themes,
discusses how to integrate groups of Aeldari
and non-Aeldari, and provides several
Frameworks to build Aeldari campaigns in the
Gilead System.

Though individual allegiances and
circumstances vary, all Aeldari ultimately
share a common origin. Each inherits the
same tragic legacy, and while individuals
handle that shared trauma in their own way,
that communal history creates commonalities
between them: themes that occur universally
across the entire species. Emphasising these
common themes in your game conjures
evocative tones while lending vivid context to
Aeldari characters and their activities within

Pride and hubris are core aspects of Aeldari
psychology that colour everything they say and
do. The Aeldari are well aware they are one of
the oldest living species in Gilead and beyond,
and they have no doubt their accumulated
wisdom sets them above the younger rabble
still clambering to understand the galaxy
around them. Assured of their superiority,
Aeldari possess a sense of entitlement that
echoes back through their entire history, even
to the time of the Fall when Aeldari arrogance
damned them all.

The Aeldari are confident in their superiority and
higher level of existence; their foresight and wisdom
are second to none, and they regard their ancestors’
dire mistakes as valuable lessons they have since SYSTEM
learned from. The weight of that pride, incurred
through tradition and expectation, is embedded AELDARI
deeply in all Aeldari.
Nostalgia POWERS

The Aeldari state of mind constantly reflects on the past, ARMOURY

certain that ages spent were those of wonder compared
to the turmoil of the present. They remember their WORLDS OF
empire once spanned the galaxy, but clearly those days
are long gone. As darkness closes in and the curtain OUTCASTS OF
falls, they look to the past and acknowledge their best Regret and Outrage THE VOID
days are behind them. Crude, ignorant creatures and The Aeldari are keenly aware they have lost much
personified nightmares now despoil the same stars the and fallen far, but they know they are ultimately
Aeldari once ruled over, and their species is in decline, responsible for their tragic fate as they each bear SERVANTS OF THE
already far from their rightful place. Many Aeldari the soul debt incurred by their ancestors’ sins. Some
yearn for halcyon days gone by, willing to do anything Aeldari face this knowledge with sorrow and deep PANTHEON OF
to restore their former glory. regret, idealising and pining for the lost glories of
the ancient past. Others hold deep resentment for GAMEMASTERS
Doom the punishment they inherited millennia before they
Death is never far from an Aeldari’s thoughts, for even had a choice in the matter, rebelling against
doom awaits them all. Slaanesh lies ahead, and death those follies that cost them everything. Regardless
is guaranteed damnation if they aren’t exceedingly of an individual’s reaction to their predicament,
careful. Each culture has its own way to deal with that all Aeldari have a degree of self-awareness and
knowledge, but the terrible fate awaiting is one of few contemplativeness about the legacy they can’t escape,
commonalities still shared among all Aeldari. In their and they must cope with it one way or another.
own way, every Aeldari is constantly preparing for,
or running from, their own funeral, and that looming Perseverance and Hope
spectre simultaneously drives, terrifies, and emboldens Though the Aeldari are doomed, they have not
them. capitulated, even in Gilead where a uniquely
dangerous situation presents additional threats and
Loss obstacles to their survival. Aeldari fight on despite
The Aeldari are in steep decline, falling ever farther the overwhelming odds against them. Regardless of
from the pinnacle they occupied before the Fall. It how bleak things seem, the Aeldari have made it this
is buried far too deeply in their communal psyche far, and they are willing to extend their struggle to
and shared history to ignore. Even the Drukhari, preserve their species however they can, persevering
who would rather deny it, actually acknowledge the in the waning light of hope. Be it the promise of
pain of loss, though they delegate that suffering to Ynnead, another light in the grim darkness, or even
others. Every loss the Aeldari suffer is dire. Nothing in the absence of a clear path, Aeldari tend to believe
is surrendered lightly. Even necessary sacrifices are there is always something they can do to at least
tragedies, especially in Gilead where isolation and slow their descent toward annihilation. Beneath the
scarcity are further compounded. Each loss is painful, perseverance and hope, however, there is also a sense
but the Aeldari are wise enough to know that loss that with the Fall behind them, the worst thing that
is part of existence, so they must prepare to suffer could happen has already befallen the Aeldari, so why
further before it’s all over. not play the hand they’ve been dealt and see the game
through to its conclusion?
Aeldari conceal their desperate circumstances On rare occasions, Aeldari Seers might discern that
through insularity and suspicion of outsiders, which a specific individual’s fate is important, driving the
complicates working with other species and even Aeldari to find and protect the individual so they can
other Aeldari factions. Further compounding their guide the creature’s destiny directly.
suspicious nature is the fact most Aeldari consider
themselves more civilised, evolved, and generally Reasons as to why outsiders would work with
superior to other species. Even if other species truly Aeldari are just as varied. As mentioned above,
wished to help the Aeldari, they regard such creatures Aeldari sometimes hire aliens for specific services,
as too incompetent to display legitimate benevolence offering exotic technology, valuable information, or
without making a mess of things in the process. conventional currency as payment. Just as often, some
find common cause with the Aeldari and they join them
The Aeldari find themselves especially harrowed by to further their own cause. A fanatical Sister of Battle or
Gilead’s unique circumstances, forcing them to adopt Astartes might temporarily ally with an Aeldari cadre if
new approaches to deal with factions they would they seek to rid Gilead of an even greater threat. Radical
discard, ignore, or destroy out of hand under normal Inquisitors may provide assistance in return for unique
circumstances. In light of these details, it is down to insights into the future or knowledge of the nature of
the GM and players to consider how to believably put Chaos. A Rogue Trader might secure passage through
Aeldari alongside their rivals to make compelling, the Webway or access to heretical Aeldari technology
cohesive stories. as payment for service. An Ork may join an Aeldari
strike force simply for the promise of a good scrap with
Humans among Aeldari daemons the Aeldari are hunting.
Though it isn’t a regular occurrence, Aeldari have
been known to fight alongside non-Aeldari, but such
alliances are usually temporary and only intended to
serve the Aeldari’s greater purposes. The beleaguered
Aeldari are too harried to afford charity, and most of
them feel pity and loathing for the aliens they consider
mere barbarians infesting the galaxy. In isolated
Gilead, however, beggars can’t be choosers,
and even the imperious Aeldari now
look to aliens for
aid when need be.

True to their haughty nature, many Aeldari

regard other species as crude tools to manipulate,
manoeuvring them to serve as unwitting
cannon fodder and shock troops in place
of more valuable Aeldari lives. They might
coerce an outsider to join them in battle,
especially against a common foe like Chaos.
Though these other species are often brutally effective
at committing violence and atrocity, and may even do
so gleefully, not every objective requires brute force.
Sometimes Aeldari recruit non-Aeldari to serve in
other capacities, often as guides or advisors. Aeldari
are far removed from alien cultures by choice and
circumstance, so it often serves them well to enlist the
152 aid of an alien familiar with those cultures.
Aeldari among Humans A Sundered Kin
Xenophobia is a trait common to many species, but Aeldari are a passionate, complex, varied species,
Gilead’s dire situation puts necessity and desperation and their various factions each have conflicting
ahead of, or at least on par with, paranoia. Just as agendas and goals, frequently putting them at odds
the Aeldari must consider working with other species with each other. Even subfactions such as individual SYSTEM
to achieve their goals, non-Aeldari face the same craftworlds, Kabals, fleets, and Troupes have different
predicament. Aeldari tend to be capable individuals priorities from their counterparts in the same faction. AELDARI
who wield deep expertise, potent psychic powers, and This friction between kin and kind occurs at all levels
incredible technology, all useful assets to bring on any of Aeldari society, especially in a confined space like PSYCHIC
undertaking. Even the brutish Orks and the obstinate the Gilead System where resources are scarce and
defenders of Humanity active in Gilead must consider strategic objectives are narrowly distributed. ARMOURY
the benefit of enlisting formidable Aeldari aid on
important missions throughout the system. Varonius’s Despite these inter- and intra-faction conflicts, WORLDS OF
guidance to cooperate wherever goals align has Aeldari share a common history and fated end
already led to Ul-Khari craftworlders and Greensteel that are both central to their identities. Those OUTCASTS OF
Warriors operating with unlikely alien allies regularly. commonalities sometimes surpass their differences THE VOID
For others, deigning to deal with inscrutable Aeldari and give Aeldari from different walks of life reason
may be distasteful, but victory often requires sacrifice to work together toward a common goal. Historically,
and compromise. Aeldari from different groups have been known to SERVANTS OF THE
band together when a situation is sufficiently dire
On the other side, Aeldari are famous for their or mutually beneficial. Craftworlds beset by enemies PANTHEON OF
foresight and complex plots, providing countless have been in no position to reject aid from their non-
reasons they might work with non-Aeldari. If a lone Asuryani kin. Anhrathe fleets seeking safe harbour GAMEMASTERS
Aeldari can benefit their people in the process of find it with whichever of their species will take
aiding outsiders, any success the non-Aeldari attain is them in, and Harlequins work alongside the other
likely inconsequential so long as the Aeldari achieve Aeldari seemingly on a whim. In all cases, this aid
their greater purpose. Non-Aeldari members of their seldom comes freely, usually with strings attached,
group may not understand the greater implications of but beggars can’t be choosers, especially in Gilead
their actions, but their understanding is unnecessary, where multiple crises lead to increasingly desperate
even undesirable, if the Aeldari succeed at their task, circumstances. Regardless of politics, however, many
though its benefits may take centuries to manifest. Aeldari still care about the bond of blood they share
with their scattered kin and would rather see any
That patience also provides justification for an Aeldari benefit before barbarous aliens who can’t
Aeldari to remain with a group of aliens over time. possibly understand the plight of their species.
The Aeldari’s loyalty might wane as their goals
diverge from the rest of the group, but Aeldari can be The emergence of the Ynnari faction also provides a
extremely patient. The group’s utility might last the new motivation for Aeldari in Gilead to work together.
entire lifetime of those creatures, so it may behove As Ynnead calls Aeldari from every faction to His
their Aeldari compatriot to remain with the group service, an assortment of Aeldari from every walk of
until death claims the short-lived fools. It is also not life cast aside their former customs and daily lives.
impossible for Aeldari to develop regard or some Putting their faith in the still-nascent Whispering
semblance of affection for those they risk their lives God, few Ynnari have a clear picture of what they
alongside. Aeldari emotions run perilously deep, far should do to help Ynnead, though some heed cryptic
deeper than other creatures, and their commitment to visions allegedly sent by the sleeping deity, and
a cause can defy rationality if the emotions driving it others follow directives from Ynnead’s emissary
are compelling enough. passed along across vast distances and impossibly
circuitous routes. Without clear direction or a well-
defined chain of command, the Ynnari are slow to
organise in Gilead, but their members assemble to
work together whenever they find opportunities to
fulfil their purpose. 153
FRAMEWORKS Seleithe Taranlys’s research into the fate of the gods
leads her to two alternative theories about what lies
hidden in Gilead, both of which require substantial
Frameworks help manage expectations for your leaps of faith. Considering the visions of flames many
game’s scope and style while reinforcing the moods report, she surmises the fragment may be the missing
and themes you wish to highlight. Each of the piece of Ul-Khari’s incomplete Avatar. Reclaiming this
following Frameworks focuses on one of Gilead’s component could allow them to summon a flickering
Aeldari factions, portraying at least a portion of their remnant of Khaine from their home’s heart to turn
activities and objectives within the system. the tide against their enemies. Alternatively, Seleithe
dares hope the survival of some relic of Isha is
Framework: true, supported by the Call’s imagery of healing and
Heeding the Call restoration. Seleithe looks to Vulkaris because it now
Though all Asuryani are inherently psychic, appears in many visions.
generations of Ul-Khari’s citizens have experienced
a unique psychic phenomenon throughout their With Ul-Khari’s current crisis dominating the
population. Known colloquially as the Call, this craftworld’s immediate attention, the stranded
vision occurs commonly enough that most Ul-Khari Asuryani can spare few resources to investigate
craftworlders expect to experience it at least once the Call. With a full exploratory expedition out of
during their lives. Though each individual receives the question, Ul-Khari’s leadership is only able to
a unique vision with varying details, the overall dispatch a small force of specialists to search Gilead
message is always the same: the Aeldari lost a for the fragment.
mysterious, ancient piece of their identity during
the Fall, but it remains intact, hidden somewhere Limitations: Must have the UL-KHARI Keyword if
in the wartorn galaxy the Aeldari once claimed as you have the AELDARI Keyword. Must not have the
their empire. The vision never reveals the fragment’s CHAOS Keyword.
hiding place, but it reaches out with a desperate song Wargear: One Very Rare or two Rare piece(s) of
and an agonised scream, calling Ul-Khari to find it. It Aeldari Wargear.
promises to restore a semblance of wholeness to the Bonus: +1 bonus die on Investigation (Int) Tests.
dying Aeldari, though it remains unclear as to how.
Some perceive it as a healing balm applied to a long-
festering wound, but others recount a searing flame u The Aeldari ruins on Ostia present
straining to burn the Aeldari’s enemies. a conspicuous target to begin your
investigations. The Imperium avoids the
Whispers throughout Ul-Khari society suggest the Aeldari ruins there, but they will likely
Call is what led their leadership to bring the craftworld greet any new Aeldari presence with
to Gilead in the first place, suspecting the incessant suspicion. Descend to Ostia through stealth,
psychic message drove their Seers to choose ambition smuggle yourselves onto the surface via
or desperation over caution. As a result, many think an alien guide, or secure safe passage by
the Call refers to Aral’dha, or perhaps something on manipulating the Imperium. Investigate the
that former maiden world that the Imperium now ruins for signs of the fragment, recovering
names Ostia. anything important you find.
u Infested Vulkaris looms as another possible
Though the fragment’s exact nature has always origin of the Call. Consult those whose
been elusive, multiple theories have formed amongst visions point to the decaying planet, glean
Ul-Khari’s influential figures. Farseer Lanriel Taranlys any clues you can from their premonitions,
is cautious and practical, unwilling to put much faith then travel to Vulkaris and brave the
in any single possibility, though he suspects the infestation to search for the fragment.
fragment may be a lost weapon or technological relic Nurgle’s minions will no doubt be delighted
from their past, either of which could be profoundly to host visitors.
154 important to his people.
Framework: Knightfall
in the Garden Those who join the Laughing God’s faithful will find
Ever vigilant for signs of the Ruinous Powers, the themselves part of a daring, intricate plot to eliminate
Harlequins of the Calamity Trail keep a watchful eye on Lord Makros. Though outsiders can’t fully be trusted,
the Gilead System. Surrounded by roiling Warp storms they might play a useful role before the curtain falls, SYSTEM
and brimming with ever-increasing desperation, it so long as they dance as the Harlequins direct.
presents fertile ground for Chaos corruption to take AELDARI
root and thrive. Ideally Makros’s death would be carried out subtly
to avoid igniting open warfare with the Imperium. PSYCHIC
Most recently, the Harlequins turn their attention Alternatively, providing sufficient evidence of the
to Nethreus. They suspect a prominent member of Noble’s corruption alongside his death may assuage ARMOURY
House Acasta, Lord Makros of Lismel, dances at the Imperial xenophobia enough to overlook the slight and
end of a leash held by She Who Thirsts. Supposedly avoid a system-wide incident. Of course, Harlequin WORLDS OF
the Noble has indulgent tastes, outlandish even by the plots are as complex and confounding, so perhaps
standards of the Imperium’s decadent elite, and is said overtly goading the Imperium would ultimately serve OUTCASTS OF
to host raucous celebrations filled with debauchery, Cegorach’s greater designs. THE VOID
though none dare describe them openly. Whispers
of even darker predilections percolate through the Limitations: Must not have the CHAOS Keyword.
system as well, alleging that he dabbles in illicit Wargear: A wraithbone pendant that emits a high- SERVANTS OF THE
Drukhari substances and worse, but his position as a pitched whine in the presence of daemons.
Lord and Knight Pilot shield him from open scrutiny Bonus: +1 bonus die on Tests against characters with PANTHEON OF
for the time being. the CHAOS Keyword. RUIN
The Harlequins aren’t willing to wait for the Imperium
to take action, nor can they rely on manipulating
Imperial authority to rectify the problem. They simply u Killing Lord Makros will require patience.
don’t trust the inept Mon-Keigh to keep their own He is too well positioned to strike directly,
house in order. so time and effort must be spent arranging
the pieces to bring about his fall. Makros
Compounded by Lismel’s existing reputation as a employs many servants, has many courtiers
lawless, heretical territory, Makros’s lavish excesses within his sphere of influence, and has made
raise deep concern amongst those who hunt Chaos, many enemies. Explore and exploit those
and Harlequins are nothing if not bold. They have connections to learn what you can about his
no qualms extracting truth from reluctant Mon-Keigh behaviours, defences, and vulnerabilities.
witnesses, their interrogations revealing more than Use what you learn to gain access to him, or
enough evidence to paint the picture of Lord Makros expose him to weaken his power base.
as a weak-minded Human festooned with wealth u The Fall of Stars serves the Calamity Trail
and temporal power: a hapless vessel for Slaanesh’s well, and if properly executed, it could
lustful corruption. Confronted with the opportunity to end Lord Makros neatly. Draw Makros’s
deny the Great Enemy a useful tool, the Harlequins forces away from his residence with a feint
have marked Makros for death. they can’t resist pursuing or distract them
through artifice and deception, then ambush
Assassinating Makros is no mean feat, however. He Makros while his defences are preoccupied.
is a powerful figure in Imperial society. Not only is Beware his steed, the Knight called Glory in
he well protected and in direct command of powerful Scorn. The deadly war machine would surely
weaponry, the fragile balance of power in Gilead lay waste to your cadre if Makros wields it
could be jeopardised if the Imperium takes umbrage against you. You may have to draw him away
at Aeldari killing one of their elite. But Chaos can’t from or out of the deadly construct before
be allowed to flourish unchecked on Gilead’s crowded striking at him, or you may have to secure
stage, so the Harlequins rally their kin and those armoured support of your own to challenge
willing to root out Chaos at any cost. the Knight openly. 155
An Open Door
Is an Invitation
With Ul-Khari preoccupied by its catastrophic wreck u Shipments of building materials and
and the urgency of the Call, Gilead’s Asuryani are munitions travel to and from Avachrus
spread too thin to patrol or monitor the network of constantly, and both present worthy targets.
Webway gates scattered throughout the system, and Raw materials are always valuable in
they are loath to reveal them to non-Aeldari. These Commorragh. Inferior alien weapons hold
largely abandoned passages provide the Drukhari with little value to the Dark City, but depriving
unprecedented free access to Gilead, and that presents Gilead’s defenders will make future raids
them with a lucrative opportunity. With Gilead isolated that much easier. Capture or destroy a
from the rest of the galaxy, Commorragh’s raiders shipment of Avachrus’s precious cargo en
have a population of stranded captives to terrorise and route or before it departs. As for any crew
plunder with relative impunity. Any resistance their or bystanders you encounter along the way,
victims mount further depletes the system’s limited, consider them a delightful bonus.
dwindling resources while the Drukhari exploit the u With Ul-Khari disabled on Trollius’s
Webway to strike suddenly from unexpected vectors, surface, its rare treasures are yours to take.
withdraw without a trace, and regroup to return at Attack or infiltrate Ul-Khari and abscond
their leisure. While non-Aeldari assets like Imperial with anything or anyone you can. The
population centres make attractive targets, Drukhari greater the plunder, the greater the glory,
rarely have the opportunity to pillage a virtually but you must wield force, speed, stealth,
defenceless craftworld, so Ul-Khari’s predicament and deception to ensure vengeful Asuryani
also provides a tantalising target of stranded and can’t implicate the Drukhari in the theft.
weakened Asuryani, ripe for the taking.

Commorragh must balance its collective ambition with

practicality, however. Though Gilead is a tempting Framework: Prowling
prize, the oldest and most powerful Drukhari know that the Void
a modicum of patience and momentary restraint often The Greensteel Warriors represent the greatest
leads to far greater rewards than instant gratification. spaceborne Aeldari presence in the Gilead System.
The cunning hunter keeps their preserves well- This distinction affords the Corsairs a great deal of
stocked with game and sport; only a fool slaughters autonomy in the emptiness between Gilead’s planets,
in an instant what could suffer for centuries. Gilead’s but that superiority also implies a responsibility
hapless denizens have nowhere to run, so they can to intercept voidborne threats to the Aeldari. The
provide an endless supply of delicious despair as long Drukhari do not linger in realspace longer than they
as the Drukhari avoid over-harvesting them. have to, the Harlequins are spread thin pursuing their
own mysterious agendas, and Ul-Khari may never fly
The Drukhari must also tread lightly with Gilead’s again, so it falls to the Anhrathe to prowl the void like
Aeldari population despite the temptation to fall haughty lords defending their domain and their kin
ravenously upon their wounded kin. Daemonic forces who shelter within it.
constantly threaten Commorragh’s gates since the
opening of the Great Rift. The other Aeldari factions The Emerald Princess takes these considerations
are the closest thing they have to allies against Chaos, very seriously, watching the spaces between the stars
so the Drukhari must execute raids against their kin like the Falcon itself, always vigilant for threats and
with careful planning, guile, speed, and stealth. opportunities. She is emphatic that her forces must
be the first to identify, investigate, and deal with
Limitations: Must have the DRUKHARI Keyword. newfound vessels and mysteries appearing in Gilead;
Wargear: None — ransacking Gilead will provide you only the Greensteel Warriors’ judgement and skill can
with plenty of plunder. be trusted with such an important task. The Voidmire
Bonus: +1 bonus die on Initiative Tests against in particular is littered with vessels ejected by the
156 victims of your raids. Warp, some long since written off as lost or destroyed.
u The space hulk called the Herald of His Light, u Greensteel Warriors have a legend about a
long considered lost by the Imperium, has mysterious signal drifting through the Reach,
emerged from the Great Rift at the outskirts infrequently and at irregular intervals. Those SYSTEM
of the Voidmire. It drifts dormant and cold but who have detected the signal haven’t deciphered
apparently not abandoned. Its ruined hull has its meaning, but its signature predates even the AELDARI
been torn and burnt away by massive claws oldest Aeldari technology the Corsairs are aware
and acid, and unwholesome flesh pulsates of. There are very few civilisations who could be PSYCHIC
through its corridors. A shadow of psychic static responsible for such an ancient signal, and the
surrounds the vessel, rendering it impenetrable possibilities are all equally alarming. Find out ARMOURY
to divination, but Anhrathe veterans recognise where travellers have encountered the signal
Tyranid infestation. It must be destroyed before and locate its origin. Gilead’s other Aeldari, WORLDS OF
it reaches Gilead’s population centres, but all especially Harlequins of the Calamity Trail,
manner of valuable treasures likely remain might be worth bringing along as long as they OUTCASTS OF
unclaimed within. Board the Herald of His Light, understand the Anhrathe have first claim to any THE VOID
secure what salvage you can, and scuttle the spoils. It would be wise to determine the signal’s
space hulk before its inhabitants can infect the meaning before investigating directly, but you’re
system with its abominable cargo. certain you aren’t the only ones searching for the SERVANTS OF THE
prize lurking amongst the asteroids, so time is
a factor. PANTHEON OF
If the Corsairs leave those derelicts uninvestigated, Framework: Children of
marauding Orks, Chaos-befouled cultists, or the vast a Sleeping God
Imperium might seize those opportunities to claim As Ynnead stirs within the Warp, He calls Aeldari
valuable resources the Corsairs could put to better from all walks of life to his service, and many have
use. Even more worrisome, clumsy explorers may answered. Aeldari in Gilead are no exception, but with
encounter unspeakable threats and fail to properly communication to and from the system curtailed so
eliminate them. Worse yet, ambitious enemies might severely, they have extremely limited contact with
harness what they find to threaten the Aeldari. Ynnead’s emissary, leaving the Whispering God’s
will unclear to His isolated followers. Though eager
Beyond any sense of nobility or responsibility, Gilead’s to serve, Gilead’s Ynnari must rely on their own
Corsairs are still prideful, opportunistic pirates. They discretion to interpret their god’s will, and this plagues
always hope to improve their position and further them with disagreement and doubt, diminishing their
their own ambitions while patrolling the system. To effectiveness.
the victors go the spoils, and they consider none more
worthy of gain than themselves. As far as Ferianwyr Most Ynnari agree it would be beneficial to recruit
is concerned, anything the Anhrathe gain from their more Aeldari to their cause, but this is difficult to
efforts is simply a token of gratitude offered up by the manage in the Gilead System because of their lack of
rest of the system’s inhabitants. It is her patience and organisation, especially while some Aeldari remain
wisdom that spares them from ruin, so why shouldn’t unconvinced that Ynnead can save them. Some
they be grateful? Ynnari believe quiet reverence and contemplation
won’t be enough to inspire Gilead’s Aeldari to follow
Limitations: Must have AELDARI Keyword, and at Ynnead. They assert that great deeds must be done in
least one Agent must have the ANHRATHE Keyword. Ynnead’s name to inspire sceptics to cast aside their
Wargear: A Corsair voidship equipped with a short- former lives in favour of the Whispering God’s path.
range shuttle. Others turn their attention toward finding a leader of
Bonus: +1 bonus die to Awareness (Int) Tests you their own who can interpret the will of Ynnead.
make to detect creatures or items within ships or 157
structures you are investigating.
A growing army committed to a single purpose
could change everything for the Aeldari in
Gilead. The Ynnari there even wonder if a
change on that scale might be momentous
enough to fully rouse Ynnead from His
slumber. They know this hope may be wishful
thinking, but the Ynnari already made a leap
of faith when they entrusted their souls to
Ynnead, so hope costs them nothing extra.

Limitations: Must have the YNNARI

Wargear: Banners and tokens adorned with
the Sign of the Phoenix, the Aeldari rune
representing Ynnead.
Bonus: +1 bonus die to Resolve Tests.

u Every Aeldari understands their shared

doom if nothing is done against Slaanesh’s
constant hunger. Only when they discard that
dread will your brethren have room in their
hearts to accept Ynnead as their saviour. As
one of Ynnead’s faithful, you must win battles
against the Great Enemy, risking your soul
with only your faith in the Whispering God
to protect you. Rumours circulate of a Chaos
Space Marine stronghold hidden within the
Reach. Find it, slay its occupants, then leave
the base filled with corpses as a testament to
what faith in Ynnead can accomplish. Bring
evidence of your victory with you to Aeldari
enclaves, presenting it as an invitation to
join the Ynnari.
u After a recent Harlequin performance you
attended, the Troupe informed you of an
Asuryani Outcast named Kalyndiros Falinen
who claims to hear Ynnead’s voice in his
mind. They could not verify the claim, but
given your affiliation and the potential
significance, they passed the information
along to you so you and your allies could
pursue the lead. Seek out Kalyndiros on
Gilead Primus’s second moon, where he
lives in solitude. If his claims are true, he
may be the prophet of Ynnead your people
in Gilead desperately need. Proceed quickly
and cautiously; if he is important to the
Ynnari, your enemies are likely hunting him
158 as well.

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