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Adopted Fatty (Order #43801018)

Table of Contents
1. Thank you 3
2. Notes Regarding Format 3
3. License 3
4. The Maps
• Map 1: The Bridge 4
• Map 2: The Command Center 5
• Map 3: The Jail Cells 5
• Map 4: The Firepit 6
• Map 5: The Citadel Dungeon 7
• Map 6: Ambusher’s Campsite 8
• Map 7: Sandomere’s Vale 8
• Map 8: The Town Hall 9
• Map 9: The Wandering Wagon Inn 10
• Map 10: The City block 10
• Map 11: The Estate House 11
• Map 12: The Sewers 12
• Map 13: The Dock Warehouse 12
• Map 14: Battle at the Clocktower 13
• Map 15: The Ivory Tower Island 14
• Map 16: The Library 15
• Map 17: The Balcony 15
• Map 18: Enemy General’s Camp 16
• Map 19: The Swamp Campsite 17
• Map 20: Noble House Gardens 17
• Map 21: Estate Gardens 18
• Map 22: The River and the Rose Inn 18
5. Future Editions 19
6. About the Artist 19
7. Acknowledgements 19

Adopted Fatty (Order #43801018)

Thank you
Thank you for purchasing this map pack! I hope you enjoy it and find it to be a useful tool for your gaming hobby.
The following collection of maps was created for my own VTT (Virtual Tabletop) campaign using Fantasy Grounds
II software. The game we were playing was based on the Wheel of Time d20 RPG by Wizards of the Coast,
however I have removed any references to this world in order to make the maps more generic so that they can
suit any fantasy campaign in any universe. It is my hope that you will find them useful in your own game.

Included with this document is a .rar file containing each one of the maps in .jpeg format. Most of the maps are
2000x2000 pixels in size, though some are smaller. There are a total of 22 different map locations with multiple
maps including both night and day versions so that you can pick the one that's right for your scenario. All told,
with the different time settings for some maps, there are 40 maps included in this map pack.

I created the light and dark versions because these cues on a map can help set the mood for a given scenario as
well as give visual cues about the environment, thereby giving your players a chance to visualize where they are
and what props, if any, they may be able to use to their advantage in the coming fight. I personally find these
cues helpful as a GM. Rather than explain every little item that can be found in an area, I let the map do the
talking for me. Perhaps it will work the same for you.

Happy Gaming!

Notes Regarding Format

Please note that these maps are for use with VTT software, such as Fantasy Grounds II and others. They are being
published in .jpeg format. For the true tabletop enthusiasts, I will be turning these maps into larger formats for
use as standard 1” = 5’ miniature battlemaps in the near future.

The manual you are reading now will have commentary about the origins of the map and what it was used for, as
well as suggestions on how the map may be used in your own game. One folder contains keys to some of the
more detailed maps that might need more explanation. If something you see in one of the maps doesn’t make
sense to you, refer to the key for help. Not all maps have keys, mind, but most do.

All maps found in this map pack are © 2013 Lanndon Blackmon. The end user is granted permission to print these
maps for his or her own personal use as well as using them online with VTT software (such as Fantasy Grounds II and
others). Any other use, commercial or otherwise, is strictly prohibited, up too and including publishing them online
(e.g. at your website) without the artist’s written consent. These maps may not be resold under another publisher's
name, nor may they be distributed as part of another collection of maps.

Adopted Fatty (Order #43801018)

The Maps
Map 1: The Bridge
Features: This is a simple bridge map. It contains a
very old stone bridge set against a snowy backdrop.
The river it crosses is both fast moving and
surrounded by steep cliffs on either side that might
mean certain death to anyone that accidentally fell

Original Intent: This was the first encounter of my

game. The game starts at the tail end of winter, in a
mountainous, northern region of the world, hence
the snow. The bridge itself is supposed to be the
only crossable bridge in many miles and as such, the
players are forced to find a way to negotiate this
bridge. The problem, of course, is that it is guarded
by enemies. Being a high value military target (as
bridges always are), the army that invaded this
region decided to keep the bridge intact for the use
of their supply lines rather than destroy it. Since it is
now behind enemy lines, it is only lightly guarded
though. In my game, there were several stationary
guards near the bridge as well as several patrolling
guards walking on or around it. However, they were
extremely lazy and not alert at all, which created options for the PC's to figure out creative ways to deal with this

Suggested Uses: As suggested above, the bridge should be an obstacle that your PC's must find a way to cross.
Placing just enough enemies on both sides of the bridge to make combat their last resort might force your party to
find creative ways to cross, encouraging "outside of the box thinking". Maybe the guards could be convinced the
party members are on the same side as they are. Or perhaps the party can find a way to sneak in close enough when
no one is looking to climb under the bridge and use the supports underneath to cross. If it is night time, thief/assassin
type characters could have a field day using the shadows to hide in them.

Conversely, the entire object of this map may be for the players to destroy the bridge or make it impassable in some

Depending on your own game, you may have more options than my players had for crossing the bridge. In my game,
the party decided to cause a distraction to lure a few guards at a time to where the party was hiding in the tree lines
for an ambush.

Adopted Fatty (Order #43801018)

Map 2: The Command Center
Features: This is a destroyed command center set
in a recently destroyed fort. It contains stairs up
to a second level, however the level was
destroyed during the bombardment and is
inaccessible. However there is a set of stairs in
the center of the command center that leads
beneath and could connect to either “The Jail
Cells” or “The Citadel Dungeon” maps which are
also found in this map pack.

Original Intent: In my game this building had

been destroyed less than 24 hours prior to the
PC’s arrival, so there was still fresh burn marks
and plenty of smoke. It served several functions
for my game.

• It was used as a resting point for healing

and recovery, as well as taking a breather.
• It was also the access point to the Jail Cells
map, where the players fought a battle
and rescued a couple of new NPC’s and
met a new PC.
• I also used it as a basis for creating mini‐
quests later in the game where the players could be rewarded by the families of dead soldiers that were stationed
here if they wound up bringing back personal keepsakes to one of the larger cities where those men hailed from.
Items such as sheets of music for one officer, and a journal for another led to these mini‐quests where these
seemingly worthless items could be essentially exchanged for powerful artifacts when they were given to the
families of the men that died in this fort.
• Lastly, the command center was also a place to resupply and acquire new weapons if the PC’s chose to search the
entire area.

Suggested Uses: This map could serve as a recently abandoned or destroyed outpost/command center. It may also
serve as older ruins from a long over battle. For that matter, this could serve as a command center for a current
battle. It may be up to your PC’s to either defend or assault this building!

This command center has a set of stairs leading down into the earth (found in the center of the map) that may lead to
any number of places.

Map 3: The Jail Cells

Features: This is a small map of a jail cell. The cell doors have been broken and pulled apart in places. There are
blood stains on the floors and people have obviously been killed here.

Adopted Fatty (Order #43801018)

Original Intent: In my game, this is the room that the stairs from the Command Center led down too. The players in
my group heard a terrified scream coming from the stairs and went down to investigate. When they arrived they
peaked through a broken wooden door to see several beast‐like creatures (Trollocs, for those that have read the
Wheel of Time books) taunting the inhabitants of the only cell left with a door. These creatures had apparently
broken through the other rooms and killed the other prisoners. Of course, my party decided to help out since it was
clear that the inhabitants of the far cell were both females and they couldn’t leave them to such a fate.

What they didn’t know was that there were other

trollocs in the side rooms, still feasting on the
prisoners they had already killed. When they
failed the Spot checks, they were ambushed after
the first round began, and suddenly the fight got a
lot harder than initially thought. One PC died, in

Suggested Uses: This may be one of the most

limiting maps in this pack, in that it’s fairly specific
what it’s being used for given the destroyed cell
doors and all of the blood. However, I could see it
still being used with an individual or two needing
to break out of a jail and someone with super
strength being the ones responsible for breaking
those doors down just before combat begun.
Outside of that, it probably needs to be used as I
illustrated above.

Map 4: The Firepit

Features: This is an outdoor map of a campsite. There are trees, bare of leaves for the winter, as well as an
entrance to a cave not far from the camp site. And there are blood stains and bloody slush all around the two camp

Original Intent: After the party left the command center, they originally intended to make for a large border fort
on the border between Light and Shadow controlled territory. Unfortunately that fort was under siege when the PC's
arrived and decided against trying to fight their way to the front gates. Instead, an NPC scout with the party knew of
a secret cave system that would get the party into friendly territory without them having to deal with the enemy
army that stood in between them and safety.

When the party followed the scouts directions, they encountered this seemingly recently abandoned camp site.
There was evidence that something had been killed and eaten here. From the sides...behind berms of snow and tree

Adopted Fatty (Order #43801018)

stumps...enemies rose or stepped out of cover to reveal themselves. The party was surrounded, and the ambush was

Suggested Uses: I used this map for an

ambush location. Due to the amount of blood
spray around the camps it's uses are probably
limited to either the same way I used it, or
perhaps as an investigatory encounter where the
players find a camp where violence was obviously
done. There is a cavern entrance here, which may
or may not factor into your own games.

Map 5: The Citadel


Features: This is a dungeon, tied into a sewer system. It is built

up on multiple levels, with the lowest level housing the jail cells, the
mid level being used by patroling guards, and the upper level being
used by the door guard to keep track of visitors.

Note that there is a hand dug cave that joins the dungeon to the
sewer system. In the game I created this map for, enemies used that
access cave to sneak into and out of the Citadel, which was the large
structure sitting above the dungeon with no one being any more the least until my party came along and
discovered it.

Original Intent: In my game, the party eventually made it to safety, but soon uncovered a conspiracy in the town
they found themselves in. While investigating this conspiracy, the party tracked some of the evil doers ‐ men and
women working with the Shadow ‐ to this dungeon. This was the site of one of the earliest "boss" fights my party

The nice thing about this map and that particular encounter was that the players had full surprise. The thief character
was able to sneak around using the abundance of shadows to stay hidden, and the other players could determine
how and from which direction they wanted to begin their attack.

Suggested Uses: It could be used for anything. Perhaps the players are being held in a cell in this dungeon, and
need to escape. Or perhaps they must break in and free an ally. It could also be used as it was in my game...a place
the players new about after investigating and determining their enemies would use this place to hide while a larger
force attacked the village walls outside. When the time was right, the enemies in the dungeon were supposed to
head up into the Citadel and attack the leadership of the village and the headquarters of the military garrison

Adopted Fatty (Order #43801018)

stationed there. This gave my PC's a stop the assassins from killing everyone above, while simultaneously
eliminating the spies and double agents working against the good people that lived in that village.

Map 6: Ambusher’s Campsite

Features: High cliffs and sharp rocks dominate the landscape. A road passes through here, where bandits hide in
the shadows, preparing to ambush any unwary travelers.

Original Intent: Just before the last village the PC's visited was overrun by the armies of the Shadow, they were
given a quest - to escort as many elderly, women, and children to safety as possible.

So they fled as the village behind them was destroyed. Several days later, while still fleeing the enemy behind them,
one of the players had a sending from several wolves in the area. This particular player could speak to wolves via
telepathy. The wolves warned him of this camp, set up directly in his path, where many deaths had occurred.

Using that warning, the PC's set up their own

ambush, and this is where it took place. They
hunted these ambushers down and killed them
before they ever knew what hit them.

Suggested Uses: This could be used as a

camp site for the players, or a camp the players
just managed to happen upon. It might be
abandoned, and the PC's must investigate in order
to find out what happened to the people the camp
belonged too. Or it may be an ambush site - either
as my players used set up their own
ambush...or one where the ambushers attack your
players on the road and after the battle is over, the
spoils of the camp below are their reward for

Map 7: Sandomere’s
Features: This is a map of a village called
Sandomere's Vale. Most of the maps up this point
dealt with snow and rocky terrain, as the game we were playing was set in the mountains near the end of winter. By
the time we got to Sandomere's Vale, it was the early stages of spring, and the village is set at the base of the
mountains. Therefore, spots of snow still remain, though most of it has ran off.

This village features a blacksmith, general good store, inn, and a lumber mill. There are many other buildings which
are mostly private housing. The nice thing about this village is you, the user, can decide which buildings do what.

You will notice a river boat is docked near the lumber mill, which may be useful for your campaign. If not, it's just a
trade ship to give the town some character. In my game, it was an option to get down river faster. Unfortunately the
village was attacked before the PC's could use the river boat, and it burned during the attack.

Adopted Fatty (Order #43801018)

Original Intent: A lot was happening in my
campaign at this point. PC's dreams were being
invaded by one of the main antagonists, and of
course, they were still fleeing the destruction of one
of the villages earlier. In addition, some new NPC's
had been introduced that weren't all they seemed. I
needed a village to take a short breather and make
all of it come together, and Sandomere's Vale is the
result of that.

During the player's stay, the village held an

impromptu festival to celebrate the arrival of their
refugee cousins from the village that had been
destroyed, as well as thank the PC's for getting those
refugees here. There was a feast, and afterwards
dancing. In addition to that, there were games of
chance and games of physical prowess, which the
PC's could participate in.

That night, when everyone was either good and

drunk, or tired and asleep in their beds, the village
was attacked. The night version of this map was used for the outdoor defense of the village, but there were two
other interior locations where battles took place, detailed in the maps below. (See the Town Hall & Wandering
Wagon Inn maps for more information)

Suggested Uses: This map could fit into any campaign that needs a small village. There are two complimentary
maps that were designed to work with it ‐ the Town Hall maps and the Wandering Wagon Inn maps.

Map 8: The Town Hall

Features: This is a town hall map for use with the Sandomere's
Vale village map. It features two levels, where the villagers can
gather to oversee meetings of the town hall.

Original Intent: The town hall served as emergency housing for

the many refugees that arrived with the PC's in my game. As a
result, the first floor benches were cleared and mattresses were laid
out, as were the offices to the sides. However, I went ahead and
turned this into a true Town Hall and got rid of the refugee furniture
so that this map could be used for less specific reasons.

In my game the attack on the village of Sandomere's Vale was three

pronged. One attack focused on this building, while the other two
focused on destroying the inn where the players were staying (The
Wandering Wagon Inn), and causing general mayhem and
destruction with the third attack out in the streets of the village. In
this building, defenseless refugees were being slaughtered.

Adopted Fatty (Order #43801018)

Suggested Uses: Since the original intent of this map is changed so much, with the mattresses and other
refugee artifacts removed in favor of decorating it as it should look if it were to operate as a true Town Hall, it's hard
to suggest that you use it as I did. Still, you could always make it a refugee housing station and tell the players the
benches are acting as beds. This map could also be used for players put on trial, or perhaps the players arrive here
just in time to stop an assassin from striking. It could be used either by the players to steal an item of political
importance or to stop a thief from stealing it.

Map 9: The Wandering Wagon Inn

Features: This is a map of the Wandering
Wagon Inn, a two story inn found in the village of
Sandomere's Vale. It has plenty of rooms, both
large and small, as well as a fully functional
kitchen, common room, private dining room, and
a private library for use by the guests.

Original Intent: This map wound up not being

used, as two NPC's that were traveling with the
party were assigned to defend the inn while the
others went out and defended the rest of
Sandomere's Vale. However, if the players had
chosen to stay and defend it, invading enemies
would have broken through windows at various
places and there would have been a lot of close
quarters combat.

Suggested Uses: This is a generic inn. It can

be used in conjunction with the Sandomere's Vale
village map or independently for any number of
different encounters.

Map 10: The City Block

Features: This is a map of a city block. Its primary focus is the alley
ways, though there are plenty of things going on here to make this useful
for lots of different encounters.

There is an inn here, which houses an outdoor patio and bar. There is also
a guard tower, which extends higher than any of the multi‐story buildings.
Among the ordinary shops and/or homes that might make up the rest of
the buildings here, there is also an upper class restaurant with both
indoor and outdoor seating.

Each building has an access door to reach the roof top. You’ll also notice
a set of stairs in the alleys. These stairs connect to the Sewer map above.

Original Intent: Originally the players were in the city to re‐supply and

Adopted Fatty (Order #43801018)

turn in the mini‐quests (journal and sheet music) that they had obtained while visiting the Command Center earlier in
the campaign.

In order to make the game interesting and keep the focus from being solely on role play that session, I decided to
create a small encounter using these alleys.

On the way back from turning in the quests, the players just managed to witness a thief had pick pocketing one of the
characters and they pursued him into the alleys. Sadly this was more than a simple robbery and the players were led
into a set up. The leader of the group that awaited them demanded the players switch sides and turn over the
artifact they were carrying. The players refused and a battle took place.

Suggested Uses: It’s a city block. This should scream “use me” in many different ways. Pursuits, thefts,
ambushes, or a simple bar fight that spills outside into the alleys…the possibilities are endless.

Map 11: The Estate House

Features: This is a large, two story manor

house belonging to a noble house. It has its own
armory, kitchen, library, and art gallery, as well as
an entire wing designated as servants quarters.

Light pours in through glass sunroofs in the entry

foyer and the gallery, and you can see the
intricate shadows of the windows on the floors.

For more information about what each room is,

please refer to the map keys for the two maps
that cover the estate house.

Original Intent: The refugees the party were

escorting were being taken to the protection of
this noble house. When the party arrived, the
nobility welcomed them and granted them rooms
for the nights as a small token of thanks for
delivering their people out of harm’s way.

On the first morning after arriving, the PC’s were

attacked in the dining room while eating
breakfast. The following night, one of the players
were ambushed in their second floor rooms by a powerful NPC that had pretended to be a friend so he could travel
with the party and feel them out. When he saw he had a chance to deal with the party when they were separated, he
made his move and attacked. In the process of killing one PC, he stole an artifact that the party was supposed to be
protecting. This led to a pursuit into the city beyond the walls of the noble house’s property.

Suggested Uses: This map could be used for any number of things. Your players may need to break into a noble
house and steal an important document or artifact. Maybe you have a party of thieves that just want to rob someone
rich. Or it could be used as I used it, and your players are staying here as guests of the noble house that owns the


Adopted Fatty (Order #43801018)

This could even be owned by one of your players if they become rich adventurers and are looking to purchase
property in the game. There are a lot of different ways a map like this could be useful.

Map 12: The Sewers

Features: This is a map of a sewer system. The
sewers use an underground river that drains into
an above ground river beyond the city to disperse
waste. The sewers are accessed through several
different stairwells that are generally found in
alleys and back parts of the city above.

In order to keep the city’s homeless and less

desirable elements out of the sewers, the city
officials had a series of bars and barred doors
placed at regular intervals. In this map, some of
these doors are open, with the locks either picked
or opened by magical means.

Original Intent: The enemy NPC that attacked

and murdered one of the PC’s back at the Estate
House led the surviving members of the party on a
chase into the city. His tracks led to this set of
sewers. The party followed.

The antagonist had a plan to lead the party into an

ambush, and they were attacked here in the
sewers by a group of half men, half beast
monsters. A battle ensued, with the party coming out on top, thanks to the aid of the City Watch, who had joined the
party as soon as they heard the man that had fled through their area had murdered someone up at one of the noble

Suggested Uses: Perhaps your players are pursuing a thief and find they’ve fled into the sewers. Perhaps your
party is comprised of thieves and they are pursued into the sewers by the city watch. There could be a monster in the
sewers that’s been taking children and your party is hired to find this creature and kill it. Sewers are useful for many
different adventures!

Map 13: The Dock Warehouse

Features: This is a warehouse, set against a river. A river boat is docked inside the warehouse, set to be loaded or
unloaded. There are tall shelves filled with goods, and wooden loading piers extend from three different directions.

There are wooden cranes at the end of each pier, which are meant to be used to load the larger cargo onto the boat.

The lower right corner of the warehouse contains office buildings.


Adopted Fatty (Order #43801018)

Original Intent: Originally this map looked much different
for my own campaign. It was a simple warehouse, connected
to an alleyway. There was no river and no boat, but pretty
much everything else remains the same. I only changed it
because the original map was too specific to my own campaign
and when I removed those elements, it became a very ordinary
warehouse and needed a little something to make it more
visually interesting. Enter the river and the boat.

Originally the players left the sewers and followed the

murderer’s trail into this warehouse. The murderer and
several of his more powerful cohorts, along with several
weaker monsters that were aiding them, were hiding in here
and a battle took place. This was a boss fight, with multiple
weaker enemies and three semi powerful enemies.

Suggested Uses: Confrontation with an underworld

organization, like a thieves or assassins guild.

Perhaps there is something your party needs to find on the boat, and when they do, they’re attacked.

Maybe you have a party of criminals and they want to rob a place that holds something valuable. Maybe that
valuable item can be found in the captain’s quarters of this river boat...

Map 14: Battle at the Clock Tower

Features: Destroyed roads and buildings.
Fires. Chaos in the streets. The city is under

There is a large, intact clock tower that stands in

the center of the map, surrounded by fountains.
The side buildings at the bottom of the map
were shops and a tavern, complete with alleys.
There is a guard tower found here.

The upper right of the map shows part of a

burning amphitheater, and the upper left is a
garden in the backyard of an expensive inn.

Original Intent: When the players exited the

warehouse after their battle inside, they stepped
out to a scene of chaos. The city was under
attack by the same army that had destroyed the
village much earlier in the game.

The army was already breaching the walls and

fireballs launched from trebuchets flew through
the night sky.


Adopted Fatty (Order #43801018)

The party immediately found their horses and fled the scene. They decided to make a run for the docks, where river
boats could get them to safety as it seemed the entire city must have been surrounded and under attack from all
sides. As they fled, they came to a town square with a clock tower standing starkly against the night sky. Here in the
square, chaos could be found. Civilians fled, and enemies wearing the tunics of the enemy cut them down. Some of
the enemy army had found their way inside via the sewers. A pair of noble carriages were wrecked or turned over,
and the occupants of those vehicles had fled.

Battle took place here in the streets around this clock tower. Two new PC’s were introduced to the game, with one
coming from the tavern to the south, and the other coming from the inn gardens to the northwest.

Suggested Uses: Obviously this map can only be used if your city is under attack, though the scale of such attack
may be smaller or different than mine was. You might have an insane or renegade wizard unleashing hell in this part
of town, and it’s up to the players to stop him. Perhaps a wild animal or monster has been unleashed in town and the
players must stop them. OR…perhaps a dragon is attacking the city, and the burning parts of the map are places he’s
streaked with his fire breath.

Map 15: The Ivory Tower Bridge

Features: As mentioned earlier in this manual,
my game was based on The Wheel of Time book
series. As a result, some parts of that game took
place in some of the more famous parts of the
series. For this map, that place was Tar Valon. A
city built by the famed stone masons, the Ogier.
The city itself is home to the White Tower, which
dominates the city, however there are hundreds
of other towers, some of which are connected by
simple wooden bridges, while others are
connected by marble bridges.

This map represents one such set of towers

connected by a bridge. It spans two very tall
marble towers. The towers themselves are twins,
and span multiple levels. In my game, these twin
towers were named “The Ivory Guardian”, and
both towers were a very large inn meant to cater
to visiting dignitaries of the White Tower, high
ranking nobility that were just passing through, or
wealthy merchants.

At every 3rd level, there is an island bridge like this

one where guests can step outside from their rooms for a breath of fresh air, take their meals, or just admire the
magnificent city view from far above it.

You will notice that a spiraling stair case rotates up to the level above the island. There is also a staircase leading
beneath the island that leads to one tower or the other, just one level below.


Adopted Fatty (Order #43801018)

Original Intent: As mentioned above, this was an inn for my game. One of my players was staying here as they
couldn’t stay in the White Tower. For this map, as well as The Library and The Balcony (which follow), events were
transpiring almost simultaneously in the game, with the party split up between these three locations, plus a fourth
which isn’t included in this map pack.

Here one of my players received a letter that warned him that a member of his party had been kidnapped and was
being held by his enemies in the basement of the White Tower. Shortly after he received that letter, enemies in
league with the kidnappers arrived attempting to capture him. For my game, these events took place during the
night, so the night map was used.

Suggested Uses: Enemy pursuit that ends up going up (or down) many flights of stairs and ends up here, on the
island bridge.

I personally feel this would be a good location for battle with a major NPC villain.

Map 16: The Library

Features: This is an elaborately designed
library, suitable for a palace or very well to do
noble house. There are bookshelves, reading
areas, fireplaces for mood, and a raised dais at the
entrance with carpet and chairs and a desk for the
librarians to sit.

Original Intent: Originally this library was a

part of the White Tower. One of my players,
being an Aes Sedai, was doing research in this
library when a novice arrived bearing a letter that
warned one of her sisters had been kidnapped.
Right on the heels of the warning, enemy agents
pretending to be Aes Sedai following the side of
the Light descended on her and her warder, and
attempted to kidnap her.

Which of course led to another fight.

Suggested Uses: As above, if you needed a

special location for battle with a major NPC villain,
this would make a good spot.

Map 17: The Balcony

Features: An apartment, attached to an outdoor balcony, which is connected via stone bridges that wrap around
an immensely large circular tower that extends far into the sky.

Original Intent: This was an apartment for another one of my Aes Sedai characters. She was enjoying an evening
with her warders out on the balcony outside of her rooms, when she was warned her friend had been abducted. Just
as she received the warning, she and her warders were attacked.

Adopted Fatty (Order #43801018)

Suggested Uses: As mentioned above, this
would be a great place for an epic battle with a
major NPC villain.

It could also be used as an ambush site, or

perhaps a place for thieves to rob.

Map 18: Enemy

General’s Camp
Features: This is an outdoor map featuring a
muddy campsite. It is raining, which means there
are plenty of mud puddles.

Tents are placed randomly, with the larger tents

of the enemy general centered around a mobile
observation tower, which is used by him and his
lieutenants to watch battle.

Original Intent: As the multiple battles in and

around the White Tower erupted when the
Shadow attempted to capture the PC’’s, an army
that had been camped outside the city walls
launched an attack as well.

When the simultaneous battles ended, the PC’s

instantly took to defending the city. Eventually
they found themselves attached to an army of Aes
Sedai defenders that were launching a counter
attack on the army outside.

When the players got close enough to strike, they

ended up here, doing battle with the enemy
general and his minions while a heavy rain fell
from above, and lightning flashed across the sky.

Suggested Uses: It’s best use would

probably be just as it was designed
for….encountering an enemy general and his
minions in his camp. It’s uses are pretty limited,
though I’ll be the first to admit there are many
GM’s out there that are much more creative than I am and might find another way this could be used. I just can’t
think of any myself.


Adopted Fatty (Order #43801018)

Map 19: Swamp Campsite
Features: A lone camp site in the midst of a
swamp. There are fallen logs and hollowed out
tree stumps, as well as thick vegetation and
creepy trees.

Original Intent: After the battle at the White

Tower, the players left the city. Travelling through
a magical portal (of sorts), called The Ways, the
players exited many miles south, in a swamp.
When they arrived, they heard a shriek in the
distance and headed out to investigate.

They arrived here to find trollocs attacking an

Ogier woman and her children. The players
offered assistance and the trollocs were killed.

Suggested Uses: This map could be used for

a random encounter while camping, or anything
that involves the great outdoors…in a swampy

Map 20: Noble House Gardens

Features: This is the backyard of a noble house.
There is a hedge maze, pools/fountains, benches, and
of course, lots and lots of flowers. The area is fenced in
and features a set of circular stairs that lead up to the
second level of the noble house.

At the bottom of the map, the stairs near the fountains

lead to an orchard.

Original Intent: As the players traveled south, they

found themselves running into some well known
political figures in a small town. They wound up getting
pulled in different directions and when a fight broke
out, one of the battles took place here, in the backyard.

Suggested Uses: This map could be used as the

garden for a noble figure. This figure might be a villain
and the players have a confrontation here. Or it may
be the players are hired by the figure to protect them
and something happens here in the garden.


Adopted Fatty (Order #43801018)

Map 21: Estate Gardens
Features: This is a map of a garden area found
in either a very rich noble house or a palace.

The idea of this map was that it was set on

multiple levels, with the lower portion of the map
being the lowest level, and stairs leading up to the
upper levels. Hopefully the shadows cast down
from the upper levels help you understand which
parts are lower than the others.

There is a small pond and a gazebo on the left side

of the map.

Original Intent: This was a night mission. My

players had to break into a noble house in order
to investigate an NPC. In order to do so, they had
to bypass the patrolling guardsmen.

At the same time, some nobles had gathered

under the gazebo to enjoy the evening air, and
the PC's were able to hide in the bushes and listen
in on their conversations which allowed them to
learn some information that would be of use later
in the game.

Suggested Uses: If you have any thieves looking to score big at a noble house, this map could be the gateway to
that mission, where they have to bypass the roving guards before gaining entrance to the house. It could be a
combat map, either after having been pursued to this location or having pursued someone else here.

Map 22: The River and the Rose Inn

Features: This is a large, two story inn found in a random village.
It is only detailed on the first level. There is a common room with a
stage, a kitchen, dining tables, and a stable outside.

The rest of the inn is filled with rooms and baths.

Original Intent: Originally my players were staying here and this

inn was attacked. One entire wing was destroyed by a magical
explosion, leaving the entire inn burning and collapsing. However, I
cleaned the map up and present it here simply as an untouched inn.

Suggested Uses: Players may need to break into a room at this

inn, or perhaps they are staying here and someone has broken in
and stolen something from them. There is a large common room, so
this map could be perfect for a good old fashioned bar fight too.


Adopted Fatty (Order #43801018)

Future Editions
There may be future editions of these VTT type maps if there is any interest from the community. Otherwise, future
editions will probably be made for miniature gaming.

About the Artist

My name is Lanndon Blackmon. I am a 2008 graduate of the Art Institute of Pittsburgh, holding a Bachelors of Science
in Game Art & Design. I have ten years of experience working with Photoshop and 3ds Max.

If you wish to contact me, my email address is

I would like to thank my wife, Stacey, for encouraging me to publish this map pack and being so supportive while I
was putting it together. I’d also like to thank Allan Frost for suggesting I do this in the first place. Lastly, I’d like to
thank Jesse and James from my Wheel of Time campaign for sticking with me as long as you have. I probably never
would have done something like this without that game.


Adopted Fatty (Order #43801018)

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