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Shamans & Siddhas

with Isa Gucciardi

Pre-recorded sessions released January 6, 13, 20, 27
Live Q&A Session on February 1 @ 6:30 PM ET

Course Descrip8on
This workshop focuses on the explorers of the subtle realms of dream, death, and altered states
of consciousness known as “shamans” in indigenous tradi;ons and as “Siddha Adepts” in
Buddhist and Hindu Tantra tradi;ons. In this workshop, Isa Gucciardi, creator of Depth
Hypnosis, a spiritual counseling model that combines shamanic and Buddhist principles of
healing, will review the historic encounters between the two tradi;ons in the Himalayan region.
We will learn how the two tradi;ons have informed one another from ;me immemorial,
examining the ways in which they have engaged and defined spiritual inquiry and how they
have translated that inquiry into the social contexts in which they have arisen. We will also
contrast and compare the two tradi;ons, iden;fying the ways in which their prac;ces are
similar and demonstra;ng where their paths diverge.
We will explore the role of ritual and ceremony in both contexts and learn what role ritual and
ceremony provide in bringing forward the insights of deep inner explora;on. We will look at the
role of spiritual ini;a;on in the two contexts and show how this process highlights the path
toward development of skill sets for both shamans and siddhas. We will also spend ;me
discussing the relevance of both tradi;ons in the modern context – and demonstrate how the
wisdom of these two tradi;ons can support current spiritual inquiry. The class is experien;al in
nature. We will explore the various methods of going inward drawn from both tradi;ons
including the shamanic journey and Tibetan Deity Medita;on.

MODULE 1: Paths to Inner Vision

What is a shaman? This module will explore the nature of earth-based wisdom tradi;ons. It will
provide an overview of shamanic prac;ce from around the world, with a focus on shamanic
prac;ce in the Himalayas. What is a siddha? This module will also explore the diverse methods

of cul;va;ng spiritual aOainment in siddhic prac;ce within several schools of thought found in
the Himalaya.

MODULE 2: Ini8a8on as a Path to Knowledge

We will compare and contrast the shamanic and siddhic tradi;ons: what are the similari;es and
what are the differences?

MODULE 3: Where the Two Paths Meet

Through experien;al prac;ce we will explore methods for inner explora;on and transcendence
in shamanic prac;ce. Special focus will be on the use of psychotropic plants and the shamanic

MODULE 4: Where the Two Paths Diverge

Through experien;al prac;ce we will explore methods for inner explora;on and transcendence
in siddhic prac;ce. Special focus will be on medita;on techniques, including deity medita;on.


● Learn what shamanism is and how siddhic prac;ce works
● Gain an understanding of the altered state and the role of the 'psychonaut' in developing
inner wisdom

● Understand the role of ini;a;on in spiritual development

● Understand the role of ritual and ceremony in direc;ng and maintaining spiritual

● Learn how to do the shamanic journey and the basics of several forms of medita;on

● Students are required to complete a final exam (mul;ple choice) at an 80% success rate
in order to “pass” the course.

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