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BRUCE COPEN Ph.D, DLitt. ELECTRONIC HOMOEOPATHY FOR PLANTS By BRUCE COPEN, Ph.D., D.Litt. x_ @ blished By: ACADEMIC PUBLICATIONS “Highfield”, Dane Hill, Haywards Heath, Sussex, RHIT77EX, England ELECTRONIC _HOMOEOPATHY FOR PLANTS CONTENTS : Introduction The Growing Plant The General Structure of Plants Methods of Using Electronic Homoeopathy Proof of the Reaction of Plants to Homoeopathy The Electronic System of Homoeopathy The Theory of the New System Electro Magnetic Energy Patterns The Variable Potential Pattern Equipment used in Electronic Homoeopathy The Power of Nature Diognosis of the Plant How to Give a Plant Treatment Homoeopathic Treatment of Plants The Radiation of Vegetables Smallest Entities in Agriculture Suggestions for the Homoeopathic Use of Lime Human Relationship With Nature Origin of Life The Kolisko Experiments Moon and Water Bibliography 16 19 19 w ai RRB 28 30 31 33 34 37 50 55 ELECTRONIC HOMOEOPATHY FOR PLANTS. WORLD COPYRIGHT RESERVED. REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED BY ANY METHOD WITHOUT PERMISSION. 1980 ELECTRONIC HOMOEOPATHY FOR PLANTS By Bruce Copen, Ph.D., D. Litt. INTRODUCTION There are a growing number of people becoming interested in the intimate life of the plant and look upon it as an alternative living system. Due to a great number of press articles and small publications of recent years, people are now talking to plants in the hope that it improves their health along with the general atmosphere surrounding this plont life. I read ina fairly old book recently this simple sentence :-"Do electrons feel and think" ? Who would dare to say that what we term ‘electrons' do not think. | am persuaded to believe that the innermost electrons are active centres of intelligence connected with an Infinite Mind, which is all-wise and all-knowing. That marvelous mind thinks with design, sees ends from beginnings, while thinking an atom world, and even a universe in the terms and energies of its own nature, knowledge, and understanding. The mind is alive ond constructive. It is life itself thinking in vibrations, lights, sounds, colours and forms, so we might define Life as Mind living ; ond Mind or Life thinking. Everything has its mental inner and mental energy mode manifest in the tiniest, invisible thing alive ; life is in mental motion, and in man life energizes mentally. You may speak of instinctive higher and lower forms of intelligence, you may deny thought to plants, trees, flowers, and even to birds and animals, nevertheless, each thing that is thought out, and is some manifest action of the Inifinite Mind's energy and wisdom. Something, thinking with electrons manifests itself as life. Wherever there is life, there is a manifestation of mental energy. Mind also has its rodio-activity. It therefore, has light, colour and tone. Chromo-mentalism is a coming science, thus it may be the meeting place of Science and Philosophy, just as the chromo- 5 Philosophy and Religion. Over the years the author has believed that the magnetic forces originated from whet may be termed light and colour electronic-mognetons, the magnetons the producers of magnetic radiations with marvelous potencies. It is important that we use these near-to-nature discoveries and disclosures in the human realm, for physical, social, mental ond spiritual benefit. Wherever this subject is mentioned, intense interest is awakened. There is not much advertising necessary for bringing an enthusiastic audience together where colour and music are on the programme. Plant life is but a stepping stone in the huge ladder of life from the smallest to the lorgest. As many readers will know from previous publications of mine | stress that the individual is an entire universe in himself and so it is with plant life. In fact | believe that plants can have the same kind of emotion and problems that we have possibly in a slightly different form. We tend to look at plant life as something that is a servant of man. Indeed, man depends on plant life whether for his clothing, his food or his health, and wherever in the world there is some form of living tree, field of corn or wheat, garden of flowers etc. this is a continuous spectrum of the simplest to the most complex. Recent research has shown that ina kitchen garden or food crops in a field, certain plants thrive better when planted beside certain other types of plants of a different species. Laboratory experiments with plants over the years have shown that they are susceptible toa painful reaction ; whether this is pain as we know it or 1r kind of stimulus we are not aware, but during my earlier researches into the 'y of using a homoeopathic type of fertiliser, which has now been used for more than twenty years, | discovered that the minute dose of homoeopathy and indeed bio-chemistry reacts very favourably on all kinds of plant life. The well known author Dr. George Storr-White, M.D.,has written a number of books on his observations to the reaction of plants on the magnetic meridian of the earth, and their habits under the moon and certain solar activities. Lohkovsky in his "The Secret of Life" showed us that sun-spot activity increases or decreases certain types of crops. One or two authors in America have shown us that the moon affects not only the tides but all plant life, opart from human beings. Now, although this book is but a beginning in using the subtle therapeutics of homoeopathy, i! is nevertheless a beginning. Laboratories all over the world including commercial concerns have found to their horror that the so-called wonder fertilisers and sprays did the reverse to what they were intended. The spray to rid your garden of avids will starve the birds ; if you have a garden full of birds you have no avids. Nature will take care of its own and if we interfere with it, turmoil will ensue. Many times people have remarked to me that certain species of bird, butterfly, frog, and other form of animal life have disappeared, and it has been proven in recent years that the so-called beneficial artificial fertilisers and sprays which tend to ‘control' various plant diseoses do, in fact encourage them. Only by natural observance of their living conditions can plants survive. If we try to understand them, as we try to understand ourselves then the end product will be a far more healthier living. Some time ago a well-known photographer said to me :-"IF you want to take a good picture of an animal you have to get down to their level". In practice | did this and found an entirely new dimension of the animal, and the same is true of the plant. We have to assert ourselves and place ourselves in the position that we ore able to look at the plant as an equal - not as an equal inthe structure of the universe but rather as an equal to understanding its requirements in life to produce a healthy beneficial environment for it. In the apple tree we needed to produce as many apples as possible of the best kind but there are a lot of diseases that attack the apple tree. By using natures methods of controlling these diseases the plant will be a hoppier one, and the tree isa plant of course, and the end product, the tree, will give us an abundance of fruit. This is true with almost any kind of plant which has its own scale from the smallest to the largest one. There is a continuous momentum throughout the plant world to im- prove its health much in the same way as we are seeking to improve ours. However, we have a higher intelligence to be able to think out to try and offer on the plant level the treatment we think is best for it. A healthy plant will produce healthy offsprings, a diseased plant will fail. In nature there are the strong plants and the weak ones, this is inevitable, but research has shown that even the weak ones will respond to the minute dose of homoeopathy and other simple facets of treatment by this method. As far as | am aware this book is the first yet to offer a treatment programme for ailing plants through electronic homoeopathy and in so doing | hope will pave the way for other expansion in this field. | stress the term Electronic Homoeopathy from a number of points of view. There is the remedial homoeopathy which can be given to plants by several means either by liquid or by the pregnated sugar pill which is given to human beings, and which will be described later. Then there is the manipulative homoeopathy where the magnetic field is around trees and plants in general. This is but a beginning : It is a relatively new field where the sincere researcher can do no harm and yet give the world a great deal of benefit. In the foreword to Lahkovsky's book "The Secret of Life" Mark Clement has this to say :~ “Every living being emits radiations : Orthodox scientists were very sceptical obout such on original conception but they did not do anything to prove or disprove the validity of his theories. They simply ignored them. The subject of cosmic radiation is given such a prominent place in Lokhovsky's work that it calls for a few brief remarks. The study of cosmic rays is of comparatively recent origin the first significant observation having been published in 1900. Since then this subject has attracted a host of famous investigators in Europe ond America, and it is largely due to the labours of Professor Millikan and his associates that the knowledge of cosmic rays has made such rapid progress. More ond more groups of people throughout the world, tired of the synthetic world which the scientists have offered us are returning to nature and discovering the benefits that nature can give of its own accord without the need of harmful substances and techniques issued by the decree of scientists whohavefinance in mind, Many more people ore tending to study the innermost secret of our universe of you and I, of the animal world, the plant world, and of the universe itself. Spoce travel has brought about a remarkable way of thinking to the numbers who dare to do this. A century ago the number of thinkers along this field was practically nil. Today groups and societies are springing up all around the world ond the interest and understanding of the inner life of man is coming more and more to the fore. And now we need to go one step further in understanding that our total reliance of the plant world in one way or another draws us to understanding it more and abusing it less. At the beginning of this century, about 1905 or thereof, a certain laboratory did a number of experiments in pure homoeopathy over a long period, provided by natural therapeutic means. The termination of this research wos published during World War I and was called “Agriculture of Tomorrow" by E. and L. Kolisko. This work although now long out of print is a most remarkable book which dealswith the use of homoeopathic dilutions in relation to the treatment of drugs, and | doubt whether anyone since has really tried to emulate this type of experiment, but the fact remains, the end product of these experiments was quite conclusive, the homoeopathic dilution reacts on plants much as it reacts on the human being, in fact, it reacts some- times better because the intelligence of the human being is absent in the plant os we know it. The ogricultural problem is a world problem. It has to deal with the welfare of mankind. It is not a question of personal likes or dislikes, or even national interests What would be the use if only one country were able to produce healthy crops and our neighbours could not do the same ? Our outlook must become world-wide, our know= ledge universal, and our love and understanding for humanity all-embracing . The immense task we see before us seems to consist of three main parts :~ Agriculture, Medicine, Education. To this we may add Re-education, because since that time a great deal of re-education is now taking place throughout the world, not from the colleges and universities but from ordinary interested groups of people who have the ability, the time and the know-how to improve the world of the plant in order to evolve and improve the world and man. Whilst those of my readers may or may not be interested in the plont as a structure which serves us in one way or another, giving it heolth that it may bloom ond prosper of its own accord ; then there is another possibility. If plant life did not exist - then we would not either. It produces the purity of atmosphere, it produces our food, and a number of other side effects which we shall discuss later. But suffice to say, with all the knowledge and vast amounts of money spent on researches, national and intemational organizations who are interested only in increasing their wealth, unfortunately tend to overlook natures own treasure-chest in which far more gold is to be found in the non material sense than in the material one. So we need to know a great deal more about nature, and a great deal more about the secrets that lie beyond the surface. It takes time, it takes patience, it takes intelligence, and it will take many years to develop the system we ore talking about. We con see the results ; the happy smiling face of the individual who is cured ; the dog who wags his tail because he feels better after a dose of homoeopathy. We cannot see this in plants therefore to the average researcher it is not exciting enough, but | assure you that my knowledge of this work produces a healthy plant and a healthy environment away from all the harmful fertilisers, sprays, and conditions surrounding it. | do not propose to be an expert authority on plant life - | om not a botanist. I am just trying to understand them and in so doing interest has come forth. If we look and seek, and revise our way of thinking then this will be the first stepping stone, the first spark of the bonfire which will blow through the wind into a large bonfire and so show us the way and the light to give us all we need to know to start us ‘on an entirely new path of interest. ‘ind the spark, however small, that will fan y degree it surely would have been worth it. | hope in this book you the flames of knowledge - even toa The Growing Plant The growing plant hos been servant of mankind since time immemorial, it hos been sprayed, trodden on, bunt, and otherwise maligned and destroyed. It has been used for food, for bedding, for building houses and for much more, and despite the fact that all the nations of the world would not exist without plants in some form or another, little is known and little is researched on the possibilities of curing plant ailments by natural methods. It is true that over recent years a certain amount of understanding has taken place in very specialised textbooks on plant culture by natural methods, but science in general tends to look at the field of corn rather as something to be sprayed with dangerous chemicals which in turn effects not only the end product, but effects the health of the person eating the corn and the animals and birds in the general environment. In recent years scientists have found a certain amount of sensitivity towards plants and have abolished the use of some of the harsher types of chemicals which they discovered were destroying the human habitat faster than onything else, but where you have life there will be disease especially if the life is subjected to obnormal strain and thus tending to weaken it.: It is the strongest in nature that will survive. The problem is today, that after half a century of destroying plant life on this plonet, man is suddenly very slowly coming to his senses and no doubt in time to come the immense life conserving value of the plant will give us more food for thought. For example, it hos been discovered that if half of the Amazon rain forest were des- troyed for moking paper and so on, our oxygen atmosphere would drop to dangerous levels. This while we are thousands of miles away does not seem possible but we must recall that we are a planet depending on our own selves and that which is on the planet and respect the things that tend to support life and preserve them in order thot they can improve life. | wonder if you have ever listened to the radio programmes which discuss listeners problems in gardening. All the so-called experts who sit on the panel like gods in the clouds will tell you that the answer to your particular problem is to buy brond 'X' fertiliser or brand 'X' insectitude and spray the plant three times a week - this is irrespective of the end product and there is no doubt that through various modes of research these sprays not only go through the plant and into the human system but coffect the soil for generations to come. Some old-time gardeners on the large estates in England, ond no doubt elsewhere used natures own chemicals along with their own methods of erradicating harmful diseases that attackedtheir plants because they did not know of homoeopathy which could also cure their plants. But, do not think your garden will become a miracle overnight. If you have been using sprays and chemicals for years it will take some time to rid your garden of this problem. | have hod a large garden for many years, no sprays of any kind have ever been used on it and no diseases have ever occurred and one wonders why ? Yet I know people who regularly spray their gardens or their crops to suddenly find they have more disease and more problems and so on. We must look at the structure of the plant as we do the structure of our~ selves, because the plant, like ourselves are living things ; they may not have the same intelligence - this is not the point - but they need medicines, they need help ‘as much as we do when we are ill, so it is hoped, with a little more knowledge we may begin to understand the problem of the plant ; and by plants | mean anything from the smallest piece of grass to trees, because they are all plants of course in one form or another, Only one system of medication can be applied in a sensible method with- ‘out harmful drugs and without chemicals and aprays, and that is in the homoeopathic system. We have of course used the homoeopathic system on human beings for over 200 years and on animals to a lesser extent in the lost 20 or so and still not a lot is known about veterinary homoeopathy, but no one to my knowledge has bothered to introduce a mi jon system for the humble plant which is our constant servant throughout our lives. Now some reoders may think that this is rather a malleable outlook, and | could probably be putting my energies to helping the human being, but in fact, the human being can calculate for themselves, and there is enough help at hand already to the experience of many centuries of medication one way or another wherecs the plant is only beginning to be understood. In the recent years, at least ten, the signs are, that more interest is being taken into the whys and wherefores of plant life in order to make it a healthier system throughout the world. Over the lost 25 years or so | hove personally proven that the homoeopathic system on plants works. Having used our own product which we call ‘Cosmo! fertiliser which hos o number of elements that plants require plus homeopathic elements .Crops on which this has been used in every part of the world have blossomed and become ase free. This may sound rather like an advertisement for our fertiliser, fended as such, but rather to point out that the homoeopathic system can and does work. The homoeopathic system we are mentioning is highly diluted for medical treatment but no doubt from this book and others, you will already know a little about homoeopathy so there is no need for me to expound on the virtues of the science. The General Structure of Plants : | do not intend this to be a lesson in botany. | am no botanist as such but we have to examine the basic issues of the plant, and while | may be telling you something you already know we must explain this short system in order that interest can go forward into medication. We all know that every plant must have a root.The root system varies ‘© great deal from one plont or one species to another and its sole two-fold purpose is to hold the plont in the ground, or wherever it grows and to gain moisture and food. Then there is the upright structure which we may call the stem and in trees, the trunk, upon which the life blood as it were of the plant will flow and produce the electrical energies or the electro magnetic energies that enable the plant to use photosynthesis as a means of existence of conducting food throughout the system. Then there are the flowers, the fruit, and the leaf system on which the whole method of the plant is brought to fruition. If we break all the leaves off a plant jit tends to grow new ones, if we take the flower, it will grow another one much quicker. Most living plants will have o special theme and although under experimental conditions this theme has been used for all the plants to copying the wrong time. In nature every plant has its own particular niche and every kind of plant system has its own special kind of production. Most types of plants used for medication by the botanic herbalist, botanic medical practitioners or others have to be gathered and stored in order to hold on tothe eventual oils ond products that cause the healing process in human beings,and as | have mentioned in earlier works, once we have picked the plant to dry it, the electro~ magnetic energy so vital for the healing process is lost and the plant tends to wither and lose a certain amount of its essential properties. The problem with the illnessess of plant life comes from bad management by humon beings. Very rarely in the natural state will you find disease, because nature hos a way of overcoming the weak and forging forth the strong, so when you require crops for the use of humanity then we must turn to natures healing systems, and there are many. As we look at every human being as a universe in themselves, then we must look at plant life ina similar way. II hard to image when we look at a field of corn or wheat that every piece of this growth is an individual, but radionics in its research has proven so. We may as well look upon a crowd of 10,000 people, and try not to imagine that everyone is an individual ; you may as well look at a rain forest with its millions of trees and imagine that everyone is different, for that is what they are. Radionics has shown us that every apple on every tree is different from the next apple on the same tree, quite apart from species and varying parts of the world in which these trees are situated. So we have to deal with a system throughout nature which is tackling the problem and the best way to deal with it without commercialism entering into it. Methods of Using Electronic Homoeopathy : When we speak of homoeopathy we tend to think of it os a diluted medicine, given in little pills or tablets in water etc., and some media to convey to the patient. In the case of drugs it also can be done but at the some time there are other methods which do not use actual remedies but are based on the same natural field of investigation. The remedy or remedies which we may detect if required in a certain type of plont life, be it the individual pelargonium in your home,or a field of crops, @ similar system con be used. For the single plant you may use the conventional homoeopathic procedure of using a medium to convey the remedy to the plant itself.In the case of a field or large quantity of crops then one would have to use a different system. One of the most effective in recent years has been the Radionic-Broadcasting system by which a given area may be irrigated with o special frequency system ( not to be confused with rodio frequencies) by which the plant in a given area will respond favourably to the workings of the instrument in question. Of recent years in America and Africa, under our guidance pest control has taken place the natural way, that is to say the pests are not destroyed by sprays killing them, but in fact the plants have grown to be strong and immune from the pests that attack them ; and while it may appear a little strange to suggest that from my laboratory for example, that one may control pests many miles away but this is a fact which hes proven to have results. In recent experiments in America, pests have been controlled 3,000 miles way with our special apparatus. Of course we are now coming on to pure radionics and this will be dealt with in more detail later. But what do you do as a householder - you have a sick tree or on ailing plant in your home which needs treatment. These are the things that are also in need ‘aport from the crops that require our attention and from the individual plant in the home or garden we can learn a great deal and watch the results. The only problem in the treatment of plants from any point of view is that it takes time whereas in the human being the process is much foster. It is rather strange that nobody over the years, with only a couple of exceptions have bothered to apply the homoeopathic principle to the living plant. | shall later outline some of this research ; bosically the approach to making homoeo- pathy, especially electronic homoeopathy, where the remedy is made with electronic equipment rather than the orthodox Hahnemann system and produces a very wide range by remedies to work upon. The evidence so far has proven to us that plants will respond to the homoeopathic principle in exactly the some way as human beings do, and upon this we may start our research and go on from there. | hope the data included in this book will give the reader some incentive to experiment still further in order that a simple system of increasing crops, improving plants in general for our benefit will accrue. In order that we may appreciate the finer forces in nature that affect plants we must look at the researches undertaken by a number of authors in the lost half century of so. It is not generally realised that plants are somewhat more sensitive than human beings to the effects of external radiation and a number of worthwhile researches have been undertaken since the beginning of this century to look into and develop a system of knowledge in which plont life is more easily understood. Mony authors such as Dr. George Starr-White, Georges Lakhovsky, Overbeck, Colson and E. &L. Kolisko have all shown in the following extracts from their researches, the knowledge that nature looks after her own in the plant life world. Having consideration that homoeopathy is a system of using the highly diluted remedy we turn to look at Overbeck's comments on “Electroni He says :- “Everything we con be aware of everywhere and anywhere is constituted entirely and solely of electri 1 from which it follows that our ‘ability to be aware" is also entirely electric and limits our possible mental vision to electric effects which includes definitely our whole mentality and excludes any fanciful spiritual ideas we may have possessed on any subject whatever. Everything represents the consequences of the interactions of electric energy. Nature, as a synonym of electricity i expression of the infinitely small multiplied by the infinite. Therefore when descr small things only just copable of being made visible, either at the extremity of definite 10 microscopic magnification or ultra-microscopic points of light, we have to content ourselves with being yet far beyond the boundary of the truly infinitesimal . When we wish to extend our optical vision, we have only our logical perception of relation between well-known causes and effects to fall back upon and are compelled to travel upon some such mental roads to our destination os the follow- ing example illustrates. | We know that a certain thing takes place, therefore if the unknown seems to be constituted on certain lines we assume thot it may be so - that is, the possi is not excluded. We attack the question from another point of view, ‘and find from this that certain other things must be excluded. When we have ‘approached the unknown by all the different paths we can think of because they have become by now solely logical ways,we arrive at last at a point to which all the roads converge, and we advance from supposition to conviction. Further octions convict the defaulter by self-betrayal or confession, ond then we have triumphed scientifically over the laboratory by our minds arriving at the great unknown by proceeding towards it from the little known, ossisted by experiments ond reasoning upon already gleaned ‘and undoubted facts. Should we at one time have been led by circumstances or teaching to think otherwise, and our further experience and learning consistently lead us away from our earlier views, we ore justified in feeling pretty sure that they were not correct but based upon fiction rather than fact. Such ‘lessons’ ore relegated now to the realms of the excluded in all scientific minds. Life is derived from a circulating series of systems of electrons, positive and negative, acting upon the electric con- struction of all atoms or chemical elements, each consisting of solar systems with chemically irrefragable nuclei or suns, the latter composed of an intimate association of poselectrons and negelectrons, with looser-bound plonetary negelectronic orbits circulating around them, Negelectronic effect added to planet-like collections of these chemical elements, combined with one another by mutual interlocking of their negelectronic orbits, constitutes the essence of the possibility of the evincement of life. The negelectronic union of such chemical atoms, when broken down into less high edifices or simpler molecules, sets free some of the negelectronic energy in a natural manner, analogous in result to that of the active energy of falling bricks which we should experience were we to lower a building by standing on it and throwing these down ( which hod already been lifted up, and of which it was built) The potential or invisible energy of high position already acquired yields its equivalent in real or visible energy of fall. The energy which hod been used in building up ond apparently vanished, just os men's lobour appears to do after a building has been completed. | We require past history to be able to unravel and understand later events accruing from it. This synthesis or building up represents VW negelectronic absorption, i.e. heat absorption, but only as and after its re~conversion into electricity. At each stage of the breoking down of great complexes such as the albuminoids, we shall therefore have a certain amount of negelectronic power ovoilable, anda certain amount of heat wasted, or not,as the case may be accord- ing to its conversion-electric value in connection with its immediate surroundings . In our life system, this heat possesses intrinsic value, requisite to keep the body temperature at its optimum, owing its origin entirely to the negelectronic energy obtainable mainly from the oxygen molecules disguised under the clock of haemo- globin-rich red corpuscles, and left over everywhere after various energetic or electrified cell reactions have been satisfied. If we visualise mono-cellular life in its relation to the electrisation of our multiple cell life as being of like nature to the neighbouring comb collectors on a frictional machine, we understand at once why, in each of our two circulating systems, we possess blood capillaries and nerve fibrils always in close proximity and also why our two distinct circulatory systems each possesses its own centre or heart. It is because the oxyfen's chemistry producing these negelectronic currents requires wiring in close proximity to carry the electricity off, just the same asthe combs do in frictional electric machines. The two balancing circulations of energy and blood ionisation are complementary, ond both proceed from energisation to de~ energisation ond round again. The two concomitant energies, the ionised blood current and the nerve energy current, can and do account fully for all our necessities.Negelectronic energy in excess or requirements becomes converted normally at once into heat, and from the universality of our copillories, more or less evenly produced and distributed simultaneously everywhere, even close to our terminal nerve fibrils, because this is where the oxygen oction of the hcemoglobin is taking place. Relatively to these, the passage of food is a very slow one. Apart from oxygen, the blood being fed by our food metabolism during its transit through the electrically acting machinery of mouth, stomach and intestines, ofter serial changes of specific ionised natures affected by ‘our enzymes and hormones, returns for a renewal of pseudo-electricity or oxygen effect, to repeat the process. Inthe meantime, all our energies and movements, visible or invisible, have been visited by directing and balancing current, electricis~ ing all liquids, lymph and cells, and so neutralising exhaustion dormancy for their specific benefit, either by assisting cellular lymph food ionically or by energising each single cellulor life system, of which we represent only a co-ordinated collection gummed together os it were. Birds, with their high temperature, are a ir balanced system of greater calorification, fishes and frogs of less, each pertinent to its own life conditions and surroundings just the same as in our tropical, temperate, or arctic plone 12 Overbeck's terminology may be somewhat complicated to the uninitiated but | feel has been put ina nutshell. We have of course Colson's comments on the "Nature of Radiation" which is as follows := "Rodiation is the process by which electromagnetic energy is emitted or given off from something. This energy is in vibrations or waves. It is always due to atomic disturbances. They include all radio waves, heat, infra-red light, white light, ultra-violet, X rays, the gamma rays of radium and cosmic energy. These energies are all alike except for their frequencies, or wave lengths. Not all waves or vibratory motions are, or produce, electro-magnetic energy. Sound, water, and many mechanical waves and vibrations never produce this energy. Sound waves are alternate compressions and rarefications in the oir, but the air does not move away from the source of the sound waves.Waves in water are up and down motions of the surface ports of the water, but the latter does not move along os the waves appear todo. Mechanical vibratory motions are of mony kinds, but these motions do not disturb the atomic structures and hence produce no electromognetic energy. One of the things which does produce electromagnetic energy is the radio- active substances. Radioactivity is of two kinds, natural and artificial. In the natural kind, the nuclei of their atoms are so unstable that they explode ond throw ‘out or radiate some of their nuclear and electron particles. This disturbance also radiates energy called gamma rays. This reduces the sizes of the atoms. This continues until the atoms are reduced to lead atoms. The explosions then cease and no more radiations occur. Man cannot increase or decrease these actions.These radiations are composed of alpha, beta, and gamma rays. Artificial radioactivity is always man made. They always include gamma rays. They ore produced by directing some of the high speed porticles from a cyclotron or kindred device, against desired elements. In this process these high speed particles sometimes lodge on the element being charged and sometimes some of the atomic particles of the nuclei of the material being charged are removed. It is some- thing like shooting a taw into a ring of marbles which boys play in the spring. Some- times the taw knocks out one or more marbles and sometimes the taw remains in the circle with the marbles . The atoms being charged with the high speed particles are heavier if they take up particles and lighter if they lose one or more particles. Those heavier or lighter atoms are called isotopes. These isotopes are not stable, but grodually return to normal atoms. This returning to normal produces the rodioted energies emitted from them. Some kinds of isotopes retum to normal quickly and others more slowly. 13) The alpha and beta radiations from rodium and other radioactive matter ‘are not properly classed os electro-magnetic energy. They arepositive and negative particles of matter. As stated previously, the family of electromagnetic energy includes all radio waves, infra-red light, the light we see, ultra-violet, X rays, the gamma rays of radium ond other radio-octive substances and cosmic rays. All of these energies ore alike except for their frequencies or wave lengths. Mony persons are confused with the terms magnet, magnetic, magnetism, electromagnet, and electromagnetic. Only the lost mentioned is a radiant energy. It is the only one we ore particularly interested in here. Magnetism is the property ‘of some pieces of iron and steel which enables them to attract other pieces of iron or steel. Nickel and cobalt have this property ina slight degree, Magnets are of two kinds, permanent and electromagnet. The permanent ones are of steel or alloys generally. They may be of various shapes and sizes. Electro-magnets are of iron or steel cores with coils around the cores. An electrical current is connected to the coil. The coil and core then have the usual magnetic properties. There is an invisible energy surrounding each magnet. This energy is not oscillatory. It ‘extends out from the magnet. If the magnetism is destroyed the magnetic field re- turns to the magnet. To understand this field better we might liken it to a short tube inserted into o rubber toy balloon. Air forces the rubber away from the tube. It remains this woy until the air is released, the air then backs out through the tube. In the permanent magnet, the field remains continuously. In the electro-magnet, the fields build up when the current is made and collapses when the current is broken.” An extract from George Storr-White's observations of Cosmo-Electro Culture may be of interest “Knowledge is gained by observing and thinking. To observe and not think, cannot produce knowledge. Experience without observing and thinking is © poor teacher. When @ young boy | was fortunate in having had the experience of gathering eggs from different hen-houses. | observed that the same number of hens in one hen-house produced more eggs than the same number of hens in another house. This mode me think. | enquired of my parents ond grand=parents as to why this wos so. Their answers did not satisfy my curiosity, so | asked many of our neighbours. None of the answers received seemed logical after taking all circumstances into consideration. The earliest ‘chorm' | wore was an imported compass set in a horse~ chestnut ond ottoched to a string which | tied through a button-hole in my clothes. | hod a hobit of investigating ‘how everything stood according to the compass’. I 14 noticed that some hen-houses were built so the hen-roosts ran east-and-west, while others ran north-and-south - others in no particular direction.As the general feedings of the poultry of those | knew were about the same, and the care of the stock was about the same, the only difference that seemed tome to be radically different in various hen-houses was the direction the hens faced while roosting - some north or south ; others east or west. Most of the farmers to whom | mentioned my observations smiled dubiously. My mother and grand-mother never made fun of my questions or observations, but encouraged me to ‘look into it further’. This always gave me courage to ask more questions and make more and more experiments to find out what | wanted to know. | made it a habit to osk every farmer | knew about his poultry, as well ‘as about his cows ond other animals. | kept a question and answer book and would record the average number of eggs this and that farmer received from his hens as well as the breed of hens and the direction in which they roosted. | made similar records 9s to their cows and amount of milk produced. It was not many years thereafter that | had the proof, resulting from my experiments, that hens roosting to face north or south produced more eggs than hens roosting in any other direction. | also found out that cows facing north averaged more milk than cows facing in any other direction. The cows always were ‘grounded’, as they stood on the ground, or material onthe ground. The hens were fairly well grounded, as their roosts were made of wood that, in some manner, came in contact with the ground. During the daytime both the cows and the hens would be on the ground. My conclusions, gained by years of careful observation, were that the same energy that mode my compass needle turn in a definite direction hod a great deal to do with life and the processes that made life possible on this earth. ! also learned that all animals and humans that lived naturally were always directly or indirectly grounded. So-called zation has attempted to make it possible for humans, as well as some animals to live not grounded, but the results ore consequently bod. To understand the life of any animal or human one must understand the laws governing the growth of foods that sustain human or animal life. A successful farmer must be a close student of Nature. The more he knows of the Laws of Nature the better is he equipped to put Nature's Laws into use for the betterment of his family and his crops. 15 Everything in Nature has its distinctive rate and mode of motion. The conduction of energy from vegetable and animal life (using the human body as an indicator and rodiant colours to differentiate the vibration ) is a subject upon which one can spend a whole lifetime and then only begin. It is a fact that energy con be token from all living matter, whether it be vegetable or animal ; and that energy by suitable means can be conducted to other licing matter, and by using suitable techniques the vibrations of the one can be compared with the vibrations of the other because no two forms of life are the sanie and nothing in Nature is exoctly duplicated. Therefore, one form of energy must always interfere with, or change, another form of energy. If we understand Nature, we can turn her hidden forces to the enrichment of life - only through such understanding can we progress. All Nature is a great teacher - nature recreates if we allow her to do so. Each springtime, out of what appears to be but barren earth, new life appears. All seasons of the year give forth their many benefits. All life is just one glorious cycle and we are but a small part of so vast a universe, but just as the tiny seed blown by the wind rests, settles ond grows for usefulness and pleasure, so we do likewise live @s one with all Nature. Proof of the Reaction of Plants to Homoeopathy Without being too specific we may look into the reaction of plants to homoeopathy by a simple everyday system. It is well known that if we purchase a commercial fertiliser on reading the instructions on the packet it tells us not to give more than the stated dose to the plants. This is rather like a doctors prescription telling you not to take an overdose of a particular drug becouse either it will harm you or evenkill you. Inthe some way a plant will be burnt or damaged and ultimately killed when using too much of this commercial material. Sq it stands to reason that by using over the stated dose we are doing damage to the plant - by giving the prescribed amount we are not actually helping either ~ probably we may temporarily be helping ~ but in the long run ~ not \ So we toke a sample of this commercial fertiliser and we dilute it, we can dilute it as many times os you like, the finer the dilution, or the homoeopathic dilution as we sometimes call it, will still produce the product the plant is supposed to give by o much more healthy basis. What scientists do not appreciate is the fact that the plant is more alive to its necessity than we think it is ; and without encrooching into something we assume to be correct our assumption may be wrong. 16 It is rather like us encroaching on the lives of animals, our dogs and cats if you like, being our immediate pets, but dogs and cats and other animals have their own lives, their systems and their language much the same os the Chinese, the Japanese, the Nigerians and the English ; all have their own customs and languages and it is difficult for one human being to evaluate the customs and systems of others of a different nationality. So as we go down the tree of life from the human being to the animal we have no real idea of the thoughts and ideas of the structural and cultural outline of animal life. Of course one is beginning to understand them but trying to understand them and really knowing the animal is a far cry from fact. Based on our own experience, the same thing happens with plants. If we assume what plants should or should not do, then I feel we are making somewhat of a mistake ; this does not mean that we should stop trying to investigate on what makes the universe tick. It seems that we tend to think thot a plantrequires this attention or that attention, and possibly they do to a certain extent but if you take trees for example in their wild state, these enormous heavy structures which sustain the wind, rain, and upheaval of nature - they require no fertilisers, no help from us they rely solely on the natural cycle of living in order to recreate themselves cell by cell. So how is it when we come down to ordinary, the so-called ordinary plants and vegetables we assume they require our help. The healthy plant will remain a healthy plant throughout its active life much the some as the healthy human being will remain healthy throughout life. By spraying plants with strong chemicals we are weakening the structure and by trying to get rid of so-called pests such as weed-fly, white-fly, and other numerous kinds of flies that attack our plants (and do not let us forget that this is animal life trying to survive anyway ) we are fighting back with an armoury of strong chemicals which not only will damage the tissue of the plant but of subsequent plants and seeds as well. But by diluting the commercial fertiliser into very weak proportions ( as mentioned earlier ) this is much more effective because the plant is able to absorb into its structure the very fine dosage involved in the homoeopathic method . Having proved our point with the commercial chemical we can move on to prove the finer forces of studying the natural methods of using homoeopathy . Over the past 25 years in which | have used my own specialized homoeopathic fertiliser "Cosmo! which uses only one drop of the fluid to one gallon of water thus releasing this dynamic energy and giving the plant on acceptable medicine, more like the WV

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