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If a teacher wants to realize a successful and effective teaching and learning session, he or she

has to come up with a workable lesson plan that is both diverse and inclusive. A lesson plan for a

diverse and inclusive class desires from a teacher creativity in making sure that a lesson is

appealing to both normal learners and also learners who may be either disadvantaged or having a

certain form of disability. In such kind of a scenario, the teaching sessions should be arranged

according to the strengths and weaknesses of the different learners within the classroom setting.

In other words, this lesson plan should avail a teacher a chance to differ in terms of substance,

mode of interaction, and the item meant for every student (Stanford & Reeves, 2009).

In this week’s activity, I have learned that a diverse and inclusive lesson plan should strategize

for the use and application of differentiated learning. This is paramount given the diverse nature

of the class that is made up of both normal students and learners with different learning

disabilities that include ADHD, IEP, and any other form of impairment. I also learned that an

inclusive and diverse lesson plan should cater for the differentiated seating arrangement of the

class given the fact that there are some learners who are naturally withdrawn from the rest. These

types of learners require a little bit more dedication, guidance, and help from the teacher since

the teacher has to work with them step by step during classroom activities. This is something that

Cassel, (2019) agrees with; he opines that separating or arranging the class in groups according

to their strengths and weaknesses is very productive to the different learners respectively.

Through these differentiated groups, planned for in the lesson plan, a teacher can be of help to

the learners on an individual basis (Cassel, 2019).

I have also learned that when I plan for the right instructional or teaching method, I am able to

effectively implement the lesson plan. These instructional techniques should be related to the

right level, grade, age group, strengths, weaknesses to mention but a few of the learners. This

indeed makes the teaching and learning experience of the learners to be appealing and

interesting. “Making instructional adaptations require teachers to implement alternative teaching

strategies such as modifying instructional materials, assignments, testing procedures, grading

criteria, and varying presentation styles to enhance the success of students with disabilities in the

general classroom environment” (Mathew & Ambady, 2018, para. 3). This tests a teacher’s

ingenuity and creativity in dealing with diverse and inclusive classrooms.

From this unit reading and assignments, I have discovered that I have not been paying attention

to the learners with disabilities or learners who have different learning challenges. I guess this is

a point of improvement. Here in Uganda, the sensitization of teachers in handling learners with

disabilities or special needs is not emphasized. This is left to the teachers or instructors of special

needs education. Because of this, learners who are challenged in the areas mentioned above are

often neglected when it comes to a fully-fledged lesson.

Another point of improvement that I have learned is to plan for the practice of co-teaching. In

most cases, teachers take this for granted because they own the classes. This week’s reading

prompts teachers to also plan for this teaching strategy since diverse classes are so multi

endowed with different types of learners. This calls for applying the element of planning for co-

teaching in order to have an effective lesson that is appealing to the different types of learners.

Cassel, S. (2019, October 8). How to Choose a Co-Teaching Model | Edutopia.

Mathew, S., & Ambady, K. G. (2018, September 11). TEACHERS’ PERSPECTIVES ON





Stanford, B., & Reeves, S. (2009). Making It Happen: Using Differentiated Instruction, Retrofit

Framework and Universal Design for Learning. TEACHING Exceptional Children Plus,


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