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The Mansion Incident

This game is a hack of Escape from Demon Castle Dracula by Rob Hebert (

The characters, setting, narrative, and additional mechanics of The Mansion Incident are the work of
Travis Brightfield.

You can find more of their work at and

Cover Photo by Toa He iba on Unsplash.

Zombie portraits made by ddraw; Mounted head emblems made by Ary_Ngeblur.

Several icons (beret, boxing gloves, flame, lightbulb, window, crank, badge, emblem, playing card) made
by Smashicons from

This is v1.1 of this game.

The Mansion Incident is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. To view a copy of this license, visit

Content Warnings
This is a game aimed at developing meaningful relationships and protecting the people that matter most
to you. That said, it's also steeped in frightening, harrowing, and o en violent situations. It includes the
following, non-exhaustive list of content you should be aware of in order to decide if you wish to read on.
● Inferred presence and usage of guns (for suggestions on substitutions see Recurring Items).
● Numerous zombified monsters, including mutated undead versions of: human beings, dogs,
snakes, primates, insects, spiders, and tentacle-somethings.
● Some normal-ish snakes as well.
● Swarms of locusts.
● References to blood, lacerations, and other types of bodily harm and gore. It does not include any
references to self-harm.
● Oppressive, tight spaces.
● Under some circumstances, character death and sacrifice.

If a prompt doesn’t work for you (for any reason) please skip it, rewrite it, re-roll it, or take a break. If at
any point you begin to feel overwhelmed or unsafe, please set the game down and take a moment to center
yourself. Have a drink of water and maybe a snack. Consider if you’d like to put the game away, or maybe
change its tone or mechanics. This may not be the best game for you, and that’s okay.
You Awake Alone…
The last thing you remember is the helicopter spinning out of control.

You – and your entire unit – were thrown from it as you approached the Stepford Estate, deep in
the forested mountains.

You’d come to investigate a slew of missing persons. Now your team counts among them.

Something ravenous approaches from the dark. You stand, but there is only one place to run…

The Mansion Incident is a solo dungeon-crawling RPG and a hack of Escape from Demon Castle
Dracula by Rob Hebert (

In The Mansion Incident you take on the role of a member of the Investigation and Rescue
Implementation Service (I.R.I.S.) – an elite group of detectives tasked with finding, and in some
cases liberating, missing persons in the sprawling mountains of the Midwestern United States –
as you recover your team from a sinister, labyrinthian mansion that hides secrets and danger
behind every door.

You aren’t sure what’s really going on in the Stepford Mansion. There are bizarre puzzles,
booby-trapped rooms, hidden passages, and no end of ruthless, hungry monsters. But as part of
I.R.I.S., you’ve bumped up against the inexplicable and the occult before. Mountain country is
full of chthonic rituals, strange locations, and stranger beasts. There may not be anyone le
alive from the helicopter, but you have to hold onto hope that your team survived. You care for
each one of them. Among them are your best friend and your beloved. You won’t be leaving
without them.

To escape, you’ll need to trek through the mansion, endure its horrors, recover your six missing
teammates, and find some means of transport out of the mountains.

This is a game about survival and terror, but it’s also about relationships, community, and the
strength that those bonds give us to endure.

To play, you’ll need:

1. One six-sided die (referred to as a d6 from here on)
2. A deck of playing cards with the Jokers included (one red, one black)
3. A means of writing
4. Assorted markers for your character, health, and other notes of importance – you can use
anything (e.g. coins), but some cut-outs are provided at the end for use, if helpful.
Setting Up
Find a quiet place with a large table or another empty playing surface. If it pleases you, darken
your room as dim as is comfortable. Perhaps play a little creeping atmospheric music.

You will always start out with 4 health tokens. Arrange your tokens somewhere you can reach
them, but where they won’t be in the way as you lay out the game. If you’re using the provided
tokens, you’ll remove health in this order: Fine/Green, Caution/Yellow, Warning/Orange,

For a tenser and more difficult game, each token can take 1 damage. For a more manageable
difficulty, let each token take two damage before being removed. To keep track in this case, flip
a token over when it takes its first point of damage and remove it when it takes its second. When
your final health token is removed, YOU ARE DEAD.

Depending on the circumstances, your game might continue on (see Death Saves) but the life of
your protagonist will not. When dealing damage to Big Bads and The Nemesis, regardless of
difficulty, 1 damage = 1 health point.

Shuffle the deck of cards (including both Jokers) and set it aside.

Each card in the deck represents a location you might encounter on your search through the
mansion. As you explore, you’ll lay the cards on the table in front of you to form a visual
representation of the mansion’s layout.

Divide your paper into four sections: INVENTORY, MEMORIES, RESEARCH, and SKILLS.
You’ll want the most room for your memories.

Next, you’ll choose a protagonist and add their starting inventory and skills. As you move
through the mansion, you’ll encounter more items, discover research, gain skills, and reflect on
memories of your teammates – so leave plenty of room in each section.
There are 4 protagonists to choose from in The Mansion Incident, each with their own history,
skills, and benefits. When you answer memory prompts, imagine how your character's unique
history comes to life in their relationships with their teammates. Or, want to invent your own
character? Go for it!

Once you pick a character, add their starting inventory and skill to your table.

The Prodigy – Jane Easter

When you were first recruited, your colleagues didn’t think much of you. You were younger, leaner, and less brash
than the rest of the unit. But you quickly proved that precision, efficiency, discernment, and no small bit of courage
went farther and faster than sheer audacity. You quickly rose to become one of I.R.I.S.’s most respected members.
Mission a er mission you’ve proven your worth and earned the admiration of your team.

De hands are one of your greatest assets. Add 1 Lockpick to your Inventory. It allows you to bypass one puzzle or
non-Court trap card without rolling. Environmental effects (e.g. 6 of spades) still trigger.

You carve your own path. Add Rulebreaker to your Skills. Once per turn, when turning over a card, you may roll to
replace it. On a 5-6: you succeed. Shuffle it back into the deck and draw a new card. On a 3-4: nothing happens. On a
1-2: your attempt to slip away fails miserably. Discard 1 item. If you have no items, take 1 damage.

The Seasoned – Charlie Greenhill

You’re an old hat among the ranks of I.R.I.S. – not a founding member, but pretty darn close. Your training before
recruitment was vast and eclectic. There is little you haven’t seen and survived. You bring an unrivaled physical
prowess to the team and aren’t afraid to put yourself in harm’s way to get the job done. You’re protective of each one
of your teammates, and carry the burden of everyone’s safety heavy on your shoulders.

You’d bring a knife to a tank fight. You might even win. Add 1 Knife to your Inventory.

An experienced fighter, you know the right way to take balanced risks. Add Pugilist to your Skills. Any time you take
damage in combat, roll. On a 5-6: you counter attack for 1 damage.

The Hot Shot – Liam Roosevelt

Hot-headed or just plain hot? You aren’t sure it matters. You’re the first to charge in, tactics be damned. You might
create a headache as o en as a solution, but that hasn’t caused you to slow down. You thrive on adrenaline and
spotlight – and you know you’ll get your fill of both saving your scattered team.

You’re not one for conserving assets, so you bring a little extra along wherever you go. Add 1 Ammunition to your Inventory.

You’re resourceful, and always on the lookout for something to give you an edge in combat. Add Taking On Goliath to your
Skills. Any time you reach your last health point, gain 1 Ammunition.
The Brainiac – Rachel Hall
The youngest of the crew, but no less courageous or capable. You were recruited straight out of school for your bright
intelligence, eager creativity, and talent for science. Since joining you’ve played medic, forensic specialist, and
occasionally mixologist. Rarely have you stood at the frontlines, or had to march forth on your own. But you have grit
and ingenuity – and you don’t plan on letting the team down.

You never leave home without something you can mix in a pinch. Add 1 Red Herb to your Inventory.

You may not believe in alchemy, but chemistry is close enough. Add Transmute to your Skills. At any time, you may convert
1 Green Herb into 2 Ammunition.
Recurring Items
There are 5 types of recurring items. You may find them while moving through the mansion, or
they may be part of your starting inventory. They can each stack up to 3 times in a single
Inventory slot.

Green Herbs: Use to recover 1 full health token.

Red Herbs: Combine with 1 Green Herb to yield 3 Green Herbs. You lose any additional Green
Herbs you do not have inventory space for.

Knives: When you would take damage from a monster, use the knife to prevent the damage. It
does not affect damage from traps and does no damage to the monster.

Ammunition: Before rolling in combat against a monster, you can declare the usage of
ammunition to add +1 to the roll. It cannot be used a er you’ve already rolled.

Wooden Boards: Can be used to board up broken windows, or bar doors when being pursued by
The Nemesis.

You may encounter other items on your mission. Their uses will be explained when they are
obtained, or when they become useful.

Substituting Ammunition in your game

Although it is not stated explicitly in the text of the game outside of this box, the default world
of The Mansion Incident – as an homage to a specific franchise of classic survival horror games –
assumes your character has entered the mansion wielding a firearm and using Ammunition for
that weapon.

There are many reasons you may not wish to play a game featuring guns or gun violence of any
kind – even against the undead. If this is the case, know that your feelings are valid and your
safety is paramount. Please feel free to substitute a different resource for Ammunition, such as
uses of a baseball bat before it breaks or maybe even firecrackers to distract monsters while you
escape instead of doing them harm.

The tone and atmosphere of your games are up to you.

Inventory Management
You enter the mansion with nothing more than your service weapon and the pouches strapped
to your chest and waist. Altogether, you have 4 Inventory slots. Your starting equipment takes
up a slot. Duplicates of the same item can stack in a single slot up to 3 times – spilling into an
additional slot a er that.

If you ever gain an item but do not have room for it, you may discard items in your Inventory to
free up a slot. Discarded items cannot be recovered. Otherwise, if you do not free up a slot, the
new item is discarded. The only exceptions to this rule are the Wooden Crank Handle (3 of
diamonds) and the Stone Emblem (6 of diamonds). If you do not have inventory space when
encountering these items and do not want to free up slots, you can leave them and backtrack to
the room later to obtain them. Leave a marker on their card to indicate that they have not been
picked up.

You gain additional Inventory slots when you save some teammates, and keep them so long as
they stay alive.

Memories & Grit

As you progress through the mansion, you will sometimes encounter italicized prompts to
record specific memories of times you shared with each of your I.R.I.S. teammates. When you
do, write these memories out in as much or as little detail as suits you. The Mansion Incident is as
much about fleshing out meaningful bonds as it is about surviving horror. These bonds are the
source of your resilience as you face terror a er terror. In many ways, they underlie the most
important quality for success as an I.R.I.S. agent: Grit.

Mechanically speaking, Grit is born from at least two memories. When you encounter a memory
prompt on a card, it may have multiple questions for you to respond to. Regardless, your
responses should be written together as one entry, representing one memory. When you have at
least two memories, you have Grit – which you can spend at any time to re-roll a result,
preserving any items that would have been spent on the first roll.

When you do so, cross out the two memories. They cannot be used for this purpose again. If it
pleases you, reflect on how those specific memories came to mind in a tense moment, and how
they spurred you onward despite the terror you faced.

Grit is what makes you indomitable in the mysterious, deadly mansion. That is, of course, until
it runs out.
Death Saves
If at any point you lose your last health token, YOU ARE DEAD.

When you are about to lose your last health token, if you have any Red Court cards in your
possession, a teammate will sacrifice themselves to save you. When this happens, write their last
moments as a memory. What will you never forget about them? How will you memorialize them if you
make it out alive? Turn their card over and cross out any skill you earned from them if it is still

If your only remaining Red Court card is Your Beloved (Queen of Hearts), you will not allow
them to sacrifice themselves. You’ll lose your last health token to save them instead – leaving
them behind in the mansion. This could be the end of your game.

But maybe Your Beloved picks up your weapon and continues on, determined to survive a er
your sacrifice. If so, reduce your Inventory by 1 and cross out any character-specific skill.
Continue onwards with any remaining inventory and full health. Write your character’s last
moments as a memory. What tender moment will Your Beloved carry with them forever?

Decide if Your Beloved is any of the three main characters you did not choose to play as. If so,
mark which one. You will be able to use any character-specific room bonuses. Add their skill to
your list. You do not gain their starting inventory.

If you encounter The Nemesis a er losing your main character and continuing on as Your
Beloved you will not have the fortitude to fight the monster. Follow the mechanics for fleeing
instead of fighting back.
The Foyer
Every game begins in THE FOYER.

You’ve just run in from the outside, narrowly evading whatever was on your heels. You didn’t get
a good look at it in the dark, but it was fast and ravenous.

The mansion is… strange. Ornate and luxurious, certainly, but also somehow unnerving. The
foyer is empty. You call out, but no one responds.

There’s a cry from deeper in the mansion. You rush forward to the first door ahead of you. It
opens into a dining hall. Something lurks in the shadows. Tall, hulking. You can feel it seething
rage in your direction.

It steps forward into the light – a grotesque approximation of a human stretched to their limit in
every direction. You can’t begin to comprehend who or what it is, but a patch on its chest reads
The Nemesis. Beneath that, Rebirth Virus – X103. The Nemesis moves with weight and strength
and purpose. It readies to charge.


● On a 1-2: You’re frozen in shock and horror. It barrels into you, slamming you to the
ground. Take 1 damage. You swallow the pain and scramble out of the dining hall into an
adjoining room, knowing the beast is right behind you. Add The Nemesis marker and
EXPLORE your first location (see next).
● On a 3-5: You dive onto the dining room table and roll to the other side. The beast’s
momentum carries it into a wall, which promptly begins to collapse. You have just a few
moments to slip away into the next room before it follows. Add The Nemesis marker
and EXPLORE your first location.
● On a 6: You widen your stance in preparation. You’ve seen all kinds of inexplicable
mysteries as a member of I.R.I.S. and this one isn’t enough to make you lose your cool –
yet. As it stomps towards you, you dodge nimbly beneath its reach and run in the
opposite direction towards a door. As you reach the end of the dining hall you snatch a
Green Herb (1) from the edge of a fireplace mantle. Add it to your Inventory, then add
The Nemesis marker and EXPLORE your first location.
The Nemesis Marker
Once it’s encountered for the first time, The Nemesis will never stop its pursuit of you. It will
always be one room behind you. Track its movement with a marker of your choosing. When you
move forward one room, it does as well. You’re always just out of reach until you encounter the
Black Joker and it catches up with you.

To begin, the marker starts off of the map below your first card. When you advance to your
second card, place the marker on your first and so on. At any time, you may use a Wooden
Board to bar a door and slow The Nemesis. When you do this, do not advance The Nemesis
marker the next time you advance yourself.

When you need to backtrack past a room where The Nemesis is located, play out an encounter
(see Black Joker).

Exploring The First Location

Draw the first card from the top of your deck and play it face up in front of you. Place your
character token on top of it to indicate that you’ve entered the location.

Find the card’s entry in the CODEX to determine which location you’ve entered. Read the entry
to learn how to EXPLORE the location. A er you explore the location, CHECK FOR DOORS.
Check For Doors
When a room is cleared, roll the die to determine how many doors the location has in addition
to the one you entered through.
● On a 1-2: There is only one additional door. Place a new card face up and in line with the
current location (short sides touching), then move your token onto it.
● On a 3-4: There are two additional doors. Place two new cards face down, each one with
a short side touching one of the current location’s long sides. Decide which location to
explore next, then flip it over and move your token to it. Leave the location you didn’t
choose face down.
● On a 5-6: There are three additional doors. Place three cards face down: one in line with
the current location (short sides touching), and two each with a short side touching one
of the current location’s long sides. Decide which location to explore next, then flip it
over and move your token to it. Leave the locations you didn’t choose face down.

Dead Ends
As you explore rooms, events may happen that prevent you from moving forward. If a card’s
placement would put it over the edge of the table or on top of another card, don’t place it. That
is a dead-end. Place whichever cards you can and continue exploring. If you cannot place any
cards, then you will have to BACKTRACK to an unexplored location.

When a card you’re exploring becomes a dead-end, tilt it to make it clear you shouldn’t return to

If you want to explore a face-down location (or are forced to by fate or misfortune) in another
part of the mansion, you can backtrack. Count the number of locations between your token and
an unexplored location to determine the DISTANCE, then roll 2d6 (or roll 1d6 twice).

Whatever your result, you get to reveal the location, place your token on it, and explore it as
normal. However, if your result is less than the distance between your token and the unexplored
location, you’re surprised by a zombie on your way back and must take 1 damage; if this is your
final health point, your adventure ends here.

If you are forced to backtrack but there are no unexplored locations, then your adventure ends
with you trapped in the mansion.
New Connections
As you lay down new locations, you may end up reconnecting your current location to a location
that’s been laid down previously. This only happens if the cards fit exactly. It doesn’t matter
whether the older location’s already been explored.

Treat the new connection as a newly discovered secret passage or hidden door. New connections
are helpful for backtracking because they can significantly shorten the distance between two
When you explore a room, check its entry in this book.
Clubs are infected monsters that lurk in the mansion and attack you on sight.
Spades are mansion traps that test your skill and dexterity.
Diamonds are puzzles that hide secrets and challenge your wits.
Hearts represent discovered secrets, and help you reflect on your connections to your

Red Court cards represent finding and rescuing your lost teammates. You’ll need to find all six
before you retreat from the mansion. But each one you find will make your journey easier as
they join you on your mission.

Black Court cards represent Big Bads. They are the scariest, most dangerous monsters lurking
in the mansion. They are difficult to kill but drop powerful items. Each Big Bad has 3 health

The Jokers represent the mansion escape (red) and a tireless, ruthless pursuer named The
Nemesis (black).
Clubs are infected monsters that lurk in the mansion and attack you on sight. When you explore a Clubs
location, check its entry and roll the die:
● On a 1: What you thought was a lifeless corpse on the ground begins to stand and shuffle towards
you. The re-animated Zombie must be dealt with following these same roll mechanics before you
can search for doors. This effect can stack an unlimited number of times. Good luck.
● On a 2: You are injured; describe how and then take 1 damage. Then roll again.
● On a 3-4: You slay the monster, but at great cost to yourself; describe how, then take 1 damage.
This location is clear; you may now look for doors.
● On a 5: You slay the creature; describe how. This location is clear; you may now look for doors.
● On a 6: You slay all creatures in the room and find a useful item in the location. Describe the fight
and then add 1 Ammunition OR 1 Wooden Boards to your Inventory.

Ace of Clubs – Zombie: Many different kinds of people inhabited the mansion before the incident. Chefs,
security, servers, cleaners, guests, and an expansive extended family. Whoever they were before, they’re all
the same in one way now: they’re dying to scratch, bite, and devour you. In fact, one is sneaking up from
behind right now...

2 of Clubs – Dog Pack: Swi , rabid, and somehow particularly heart wrenching to observe. The security
dogs that used to help protect the mansion are now roaming freely in packs and devouring any uninfected
flesh they find. Think fast – you probably can’t outrun them.

3 of Clubs – Weed Walker: When the researchers first began their experiments, they were shocked by the
sheer adaptability of the virus. It truly could infect any living thing and drive it to ravenous hunger.
Exposed to various plants, an ivy-twined, carnivorous, bipedal creature would eventually emerge. It walks
like a person and attacks with roots and vines and thorns. It isn’t fast, but it is relentless.

4 of Clubs – Primate: They swing from the ra ers baring bloodied, gnashing fangs. Our genetic cousins –
half our size, but twice as strong and faster even than that. Don’t let them get a grip on you. It won’t end

5 of Clubs – Brain Drainer: A body of legs, claws, and jaws. They wait, still and silent, to drop from
above. A flicker of moonlight through the windows just revealed a horde of them clinging to the ceiling.
Keep your head up if you want to keep your head on.

6 of Clubs – Gregor: You’re caught off guard when you hear the whisper of a name you don’t recognize. A
survivor, you think. But when you turn the corner, the massive insect-like creature that greets you is
beyond saving. Gregoooor it whispers. That might have been its name once. But as it lashes out with
scythe-like appendages, the only mercy you can offer now is a swi death.

7 of Clubs – Darkstalker: An offshoot of the Brain Drainers that lurk above, Darkstalkers crawl in the
shadows by your feet. They spin webs to catch and confine you. They arrive in swarms and devour in
storms of chittering fangs. You hear the scratching of their movement now, somewhere in the dark
around you...
8 of Clubs – Slither: You hear the sound of something wet slipping, sliding, and rubbing in the dark. And
then you feel it, wrapping around your ankle and slithering up your leg. You shake it off, but there are
dozens more wriggling towards you across the floor and the walls and the ceiling. The vague silhouette of
a person stands in the distance, covered in wiggling wet tentacles. Leeches, maybe. It matters not.
Whatever they are, you won’t leave any alive.

9 of Clubs – Lasher: It creeps along the ceiling, a massive quadruped of pink flesh and rippling muscles.
Each of its claws is larger than your skull. Brain tissue bulges out of its head above blind eyes and a
lashing, lacerating tongue. If you’re slow and silent you might be able to slip by undetected. But a
floorboard creaks beneath your foot. You have its full attention now. It leaps at you.

If you are playing as The Hot Shot, take +1 on your combat roll against this monster.

10 of Clubs – Amphibious Predator: You hear the dripping of water. When you see it, its wet, scaly skin
glistens under the moonlight, like it just emerged from a swim. It stands on two muscular legs, moving in
sprints and bounds. Its claws rend wood and metal alike. Massive jaws unhinged to expose rows and rows
of serrated teeth before clenching shut again. The near-perfect predator on land and in the water. You
stand perfectly still, observing it. But stillness won’t save you. It’s noticed you now, and it will stop at
nothing to hunt you down.
Spades are mansion traps that test your skill and dexterity. When you explore a Spades card, check its
entry and roll the die:
● On a 1: A Zombie breaks through a window and climbs into the room with you. It must be dealt
with following Club roll mechanics before you can leave the room. If you have any Wooden
Boards, you can spend one to prevent this effect. If you do not have any Wooden Boards, this
room becomes a dead end until you return with some to bar the windows. Leave a broken window
marker on the card.
○ You still must deal with any traps or Zombies before backtracking. Rolling additional
1-2s while a window is broken adds an additional Zombie. If you’ve already barred a
window with boards and then roll another 1, a different window is broken.
● On a 2: You trigger the trap and it bars the way, getting injured in the process; describe how and
then take 1 damage. This location is now a dead end.
● On a 3-4: You trigger the trap, injuring yourself, but the way is now open; describe how this
happens, then take 1 damage. This location is clear; you may now check for doors.
● On a 5: You disable or avoid the trap; describe how. This location is now clear; check for doors.
● On a 6: You easily evade the trap and discover a resource along the way; describe how and then
add either 1 Knife OR 1 Wooden Boards to your Inventory.

Ace of Spades – Bell Tower: A tall spire filled with heavy metal bells. Some hang perilously on tired
ropes, heavy enough to crush you if fate turns sour. Or worse, they might ring out announcing your
location to the mansion's many hungry creatures. Special rule: On a 1-2 search the deck for the Black Joker and
play it, following the rules for that card instead. The Nemesis heard you. Re-shuffle this card back into the deck.

2 of Spades – Spike Crusher: Once you step inside, the walls start moving. The space tightens.
Compresses. Spikes tear through the plaster. You’ll soon be impaled, or crushed, or both. If you are
playing as The Seasoned, take +1 on your roll to solve this puzzle.

3 of Spades – Poison Room: A noxious gas begins pouring into the room. It’s airtight and filling up
quickly. You’re already feeling lightheaded. Move quickly.

4 of Spades – Spinning Blades: An enormous spinning buzzsaw emerges from the wall and slides
through the hallway lengthwise. Then another below it. Another above. A few steps further in and you’d
have been shredded. The sharp blades repeat their paths rhythmically. Make no mistakes here.

5 of Spades – Jars of Locusts: A shaky catwalk of unsteady beams. All around you, glass jars balance
perilously on hooks and shelves and pedestals. They buzz and vibrate from dark swarms within. One
wrong move could unleash a horde of snipping, biting, infecting locusts. Tread carefully.

6 of Spades – Lights Go Out – Do not roll. For a two-card radius (this card, those touching it, and the
cards touching those) your character must move through the dark whenever moving through this space.
You may add a marker to these cards to indicate the effect. While in the dark, roll 2d6 (or just roll twice)
whenever rolling and take the lower result. While the Flashlight is in your inventory, the effect is
negated. You may immediately search for doors. New connects within a two-card radius will remain in
the dark.
7 of Spades – Experimental Menagerie: The room where animal subjects were kept for experimentation.
When the virus broke out, anything le dead or alive in the mansion turned – and this room became a
twisted zoo. The noises are vile and gut-wrenching. Scratching. Hissing. Pounding senselessly against
metal cages. Tread lightly and move quickly, lest something breaks out. Special rules: On a 1-2 search the
deck for the next Club ( ) card and place it on top. Take 1 damage. A subject has escaped, injuring you in the
process. Reshuffle the deck. Roll again, continuing until you successfully clear the room. If no Club cards remain in
the deck, you immediately succeed.

8 of Spades – Invisible Razor Wire: You notice the first one when a clump of hair falls onto your hand,
cut from your head. Razor wire. Nearly impossible to see under normal circumstances, but even harder in
the dim mansion lighting. This hallway is, most likely, a web of it.

9 of Spades – Flame Traps: You see a flash of light before you feel the heat. You barely dodge in time. A
cone of fire blazes past you. There’s more where that came from.

10 of Spades – Laser Grid: A glass hallway. Neon blue lights blink to life behind the glass – in the walls,
beneath the floor, and overhead. As your step forward, blue lasers begin forming between the walls and
sweep the hallway in intricate patterns. You need to pass, but one touch from a laser could split you in
Black Court: Big Bads
BIG BADS are the scariest, most ruthless monsters lurking in the mansion. They are difficult to kill but
drop powerful items. Each Big Bad has 3 health points.

When you face a Big Bad, check its entry and roll the die:
● On a 1: The Big Bad attacks you; describe how, then take 1 damage.
● On a 2-3: You inflict 1 damage on the boss, but get injured in the process; describe how, then take
1 damage.
● On a 4: You trade blows with the boss, but neither gain nor give ground;
describe how. Roll again.
● On a 5: You inflict 1 damage on the boss; describe how.
● On a 6: You inflict 2 damage on the boss; describe how.

Jack of Clubs – MR. CHAINSAW

A lanky, erratic creature roams the halls. You hear the whirring of his weapon before you see him – and
once you do, it’s nearly too late. He moves quickly once he’s spotted prey.
Attacks: With a chainsaw… no matter how he swings it, the effect is devastating

If defeated, drops Chainsaw (2 uses) – roll 2d6 (or just roll twice) for any combat rolls and take the higher

Queen of Clubs – PATIENT ZERO

The tragic outcome of the mansion’s first “successful” experiment with the virus. Her blood was used to
open the door to even greater depths of evil. Though her body has survived for decades in the basement of
the mansion, the woman she once was has not. She’s free from her confinement now, but restraints still
lock her wrists together – just don’t think that will prevent her from taking out a lifetime of rage on you.
Attacks: blindly; savagely; out of pain and misery

If defeated, drops Locket Key (2 uses) – can be used to bypass any non-Court trap ( ) card without
rolling. Any environmental effects (e.g. 6 ) are still triggered.

King of Clubs – TITAN

The perfected specimen: a hulking, efficient, superhuman monster of muscle and bone. A precursor to
The Nemesis. It knows only what it’s been programmed to know, and does only what it’s commanded.
Today, that means stopping you by any means necessary.
Attacks: confidently; determinedly; with strength, power, and sharp bones
Titan has the skill Regeneration – a er every 3rd roll, this Big Bad heals one health point. If you have
Flame Rounds, you can use one to add +1 to your roll and permanently remove Regeneration from Titan
(regardless of the roll’s outcome).

If defeated, drops Bone Sword – so long as this item is in your inventory, anytime you would do 1 damage
to a monster, do 2 damage instead. Each time, describe how you get an extra hit in with the sword.
Jack of Spades – SCARLET HEAD
It seems that one of the Zombies you put down has gotten back up – faster, stronger, and angrier than
before. A new head has burst forth from the remains of its prior; this one is bloodied red with glowing
eyes that pierce the dark. Do be sure to put it down properly this time.
Attacks: hungrily; hastily; with sharp nails and sharper teeth

If you have Flame Rounds, you can use one to add +1 to your roll. If your roll does damage, Scarlet Head
is instantly defeated and the card remains on the board. If you defeat Scarlet Head without successfully
damaging it with Flame Rounds, shuffle the card back into the deck. It may rise again. Replace the card
with a new one and explore it.

The first time it is defeated Scarlet Head drops Flammable Blood Vial (1 usage) – spend this item to
immediately do 1 damage during combat without rolling. This effect does not stack with other benefits.

Q of Spades – THE COUNTESS

She laughs when you enter the room. It’s perfect, practiced, as if she’s been waiting for you. When she
stands, her white gown unfolding, she towers over you – nearly twice your height. She pulls a napkin from
her bosom and dabs the wet blood around her glossy red lips. She tucks the napkin away and then her
nails extend into claws. She laughs again. She’s going to enjoy this.
Attacks: swi ly; gracefully; with he and claws and a haunting laugh

If defeated, drops Bloodied Fang – prick yourself with this item to permanently lose 1 health token, while
healing to the maximum of your (remaining) health.

K of Spades – THE MAD DOCTOR

Once the lead scientist, the doctor that engineered the virus has fallen prey to their own hubris. They
believed the virus had been perfected, and that in its grasp, so too would they be. They were wrong. Now
mutated, stumbling, shambling forth as a mess of ever-growing tentacles they wander the innards of the
mansion. Their mind is gone and only one impulse remains: to spread the virus. And they’ll destroy
anything that gets in their way.
Attacks: sweepingly; ferociously; with barbs and tendrils

The Mad Doctor has the skill Regeneration – a er every 3rd roll, this Big Bad heals one health point. If
you have Flame Rounds, you can use one to add +1 to your roll and permanently remove Regeneration
from The Mad Doctor (regardless of the roll’s outcome).

If defeated, drops Keycard – while this item is in your inventory the top card of the deck is always face up.
When you need to draw multiple cards (e.g. when placing multiple doors) do not view additional cards
beneath the topmost one.
Diamonds are puzzles that hide secrets and challenge your wits. When you make mistakes, the rooms
respond and they are unforgiving. When you explore a Diamond location, check its entry and roll the die:
● On a 1: You make a wrong move trying to solve the puzzle and the room reacts. Take 1 damage
and describe how your error leads to harm. You make another attempt, but the puzzle is locked.
This is now a dead-end, and you must backtrack.
● On a 2: You lose your nerve or can’t figure out a way through. Either roll again or backtrack.
● On a 3-4: A er struggling for a while, you finally figure out a solution – but at some cost: take 1
damage and describe how. This location is clear; check for doors.
● On a 5: You figure out a solution; describe how. This location is now clear; check for doors.
● On a 6: You easily devise a solution, plus you find a hidden secret along the way; describe how you
solve the puzzle and then add either 1 Green Herb OR 1 Wooden Boards to your Inventory.

Ace of Diamonds – The Lab: You enter a pristine laboratory. None of the machines will turn on except
for one – a large centrifuge in the center of the room. There are three vials of different sizes filled with
varying levels of green liquid. A hand-scrawled note reads Tower of Hanoi?

If you are playing as The Brainiac, take +1 on your roll to solve this puzzle. If you succeed, add Antivirus
to your Inventory. The next time you fight The Nemesis, you may use the Antivirus to permanently
increase its starting damage by 1. The maximum starting damage is still 3. It has no impact on mechanics
to flee The Nemesis.

2 of Diamonds – The Library: You stand on the second floor of a library. The walkway is damaged and
impassable in several spots, but in some places you might just manage to hop onto the top of a bookshelf.
A computer terminal blinks nearby, requesting input. When you search for a title, the bookshelves
re-arrange. Can you orchestrate a path to the other side? If so, add 1 Knife to your Inventory before
continuing on.

3 of Diamonds – Crank Door: You find a heavy door attached to a crank and pulley system. The crank is
missing its handle. Do not roll. If you have the Wooden Crank Handle in your inventory, you’re able to
open the door and continue onwards. Discard the Wooden Crank Handle a erward. Otherwise, you’re
not able to open the door and must backtrack. You may return later with the handle. If you solve the
room, add 2 Ammunition to your Inventory.

4 of Diamonds – Mosaic Room: A large 3-by-3 grid of ceramic tiles lies in the center of the room. The
image – seemingly a portrait of the mansion itself – is scrambled, with each of the tiles out of place. A
corner spot is empty, allowing you to slide the tiles around one-by-one. If you successfully recreate the
picture, add 1 Wooden Boards before continuing on.

5 of Diamonds – Piano room: A lonesome piano sits in the corner of a very dusty room. Examining the
keys, you find that some of them are clean while the others hold a thick layer of dust. Do you dare to play
them? If you are playing as The Prodigy, take +1 on your roll to solve this puzzle. If you succeed, add 1
Green Herb to your Inventory before continuing on.
6 of Diamonds – Emblem Door: You’re blocked by a massive slab of stone. There is a relief in the center –
an empty space where something might be placed. Do not roll. If you have the Stone Emblem in your
inventory, you’re able to move the slab and continue onwards. Discard the Stone Emblem a erward.
Otherwise, you’re not able to pass and must backtrack. You may return later with the handle. If you solve
the room, add 1 Red Herb to your Inventory.

7 of Diamonds – The Floodgates: Deep in the basement level beneath the mansion, you stand in a
cylindrical room on a floating platform buoyed by water. Several valves jut out from a control panel, and
the water level changes as you turn them. Another platform lies far overheard. If you solve the puzzle, add
1 Ammunition to your Inventory before continuing on.

8 of Diamonds – The Chessboard: You enter a room dominated by a massive life-sized Chessboard. The
pieces are arranged as if they were abandoned right near the end of a game. With enough effort, you can
slide them around the board. If you solve the puzzle, add 1 Knife to your Inventory before continuing on.

9 of Diamonds – Portrait Room: A long hallway is lined with ornate, painted portraits – presumably
heads of the family managing the estate over the years. The styles of hair and dress depicted indicate a
long history, though the portraits seem out of order. From markings on the wall, you gather that their
order has been rearranged recently. If you solve the puzzle, add 1 Ammunition to your Inventory before
continuing on.

10 of Diamonds – The Statuary: Four marble statues stand under spotlights. Their faces, hands, and
limbs appear… wrong. Discombobulated. Frankensteined together. When you pull on them, they dislodge
revealing modular joints. Can you rebuild the statues correctly? If so, add 1 Green Herb to your Inventory
before continuing on.
Hearts represent discovered secrets, and help you reflect on your connections to your teammates. When
encountering these cards, do not roll. Just follow the prompts, record your memories, and then roll to
check for doors.

Ace of Hearts – On a blinking computer terminal you discover a memo to the mansion security forces
detailing weak points for experimental subjects. Add the research Critical Weaknesses: take +1 on all
non-Court Monster (Club) cards. When you first joined the team, what did The Leader point out as your biggest
weakness? How did they help you learn to overcome it or compensate?

2 of Hearts – You enter a room filled with monitors. Some of them still work, displaying closed-circuit
camera footage from around the mansion. You get a better idea of the layout and how to lose a pursuer. If
The Nemesis marker is currently in play, remove it from the map. Any time you pass through this room,
you can remove The Nemesis marker from play. What was a time The Mentor helped you see the bigger
picture regarding a difficult problem? How did you help them appreciate the finer details?

3 of Hearts – You step into a dusty storage room. There isn’t much of note except for a Wooden Crank
Handle on the floor by the entrance. This item automatically solves Crank Door (3 of Diamonds). Add
them to your Inventory. What was the first time you really proved your worth on the team? What nickname did
The Clown lovingly give you a erward?

4 of Hearts – You feel a splash as you step into a pool of blood. The mutilated corpses of mansion security
are strewn about a devastated hallway. You find Flame Rounds (2 uses). This Ammunition has special
effects against Scarlett Head (Jack of Spades), Titan (King of Clubs), and The Mad Doctor Mutate (King
of Spades). It can also be used as normal Ammunition. Add it to your Inventory. Before The Mansion
Incident, what was the most frightening situation you’d experienced? How did Your Best Friend help you through

5 of Hearts– You notice something sticking out behind a tear in the corner of a framed painting hanging
in the hall. You peel the painting back and find a Blueprint stored behind it. Add it to your Research and
take +1 on all non-Court Trap (Spade) cards. What is your team’s headquarters like? What’s your favorite room
to spend time in? Who on the team hangs out there with you the most?

6 of Hearts – An unfinished gallery: marble statues and unhung paintings litter the room. On a spotlit
pedestal you find a Stone Emblem. This item automatically solves Emblem Door (6 of Diamonds). Add it
to your Inventory. What was a time you felt deep belonging with your teammates? Did you tell them how you felt?

7 of Hearts – In a neat, organized office you find a working Flashlight (see 6 of Spades) on a desk. Add it
to your Inventory. As you turn to leave, a blank wall slides away to reveal a one-way mirror. On the other
side, you see a person bound to a chair in an interrogation room. They’re shaking. Frothing at the mouth.
Turning irreversibly into a monster. You’re safe from them, but your spirit trembles watching their
humanity slip away. Why did you initially decide to join the team? Have your ideals held fast, or have you had to
let any of them go? How has that affected your view of yourself and the team?

8 of Hearts – As you pass by a poorly balanced bookshelf, it topples over causing a loud crash. You freeze
in fear, listening for movement nearby, but nothing seems to stir. A photo album has landed at your feet.
Flipping through its pages you find twisted photos of smiling family members and scientists posing in
front of restrained grotesque human experiments. A note falls out, detailing the names and behaviors of a
few monsters with hand-drawn portraits of them in the margins. Add the research Tragic Portraits: take
+1 on all Club Black Court cards (Jack of Clubs, Queen of Clubs, King of Clubs). When was a time you
failed to save something or someone? How did Your Beloved help you process and respond to feelings of guilt
and/or sorrow?

9 of Hearts – In a bright, undisturbed research room you find a VHS tape sticking out of a TV. You play it
and watch a montage reel of The Nemesis hunting down targets. It always wins. You learn something of
its patterns, though. Add Nemesis Tactics (5 uses) to your Research. Up to five times, you may add +1 to a
roll against The Nemesis a er seeing the result of the roll. When you run out of uses, cross it out. What
quirk about Your Beloved initially annoyed you, but you later came to appreciate? How would they answer the
same question about you?

10 of Hearts – The Master bedroom: a lush, extravagant chamber. You find the corner of a book sticking
out from between the mattresses making up the bed – as if it was tucked away in a hurry. Add the research
Master Diary: take +1 on all non-Court Puzzle (Diamond) cards. What secret about yourself are you keeping
from your teammates? What secret did The New Kid entrust to you?
Red Court: Teammates
Red Court cards represent finding and rescuing your lost teammates. Do not roll when encountering these
cards. Just follow the prompts, then remove the card from the board and place it in front of you. The
teammate has joined you for the rest of your mission. A er removing the Red Court card, replace it with a
new card from the top of the deck and immediately explore it.

You’re encouraged to flesh out names, looks, and additional backstory for these characters as you
encounter them. While the prompts describe encounters assuming you are alone, if you have other
recovered teammates with you at the time, feel free to write them into the action, or otherwise assume
that they were preoccupied with their own tangent and meet back up with you again right a erward.

Jack of Diamonds – THE NEW KID

When walking past a large armoire, a hand reaches out and pulls you in. You’re ready to fight until the
person inside shushes you. They squeeze your hand – it’s clammy, shaking. Even in the dark enclosure you
know it’s The New Kid. They’ve just recently joined the team, and they’re a bit younger than everyone
else. This isn’t their first mission, but it’s very early in their career. You comfort them briefly and then lead
them out to demonstrate that the room is safe. Together, you continue on.

Add the skill Fresh Eyes: take +1 on all non-Court Puzzle (Diamond) cards. This stacks with other
benefits. How did you initially welcome The New Kid onto the team? How did they express their gratitude?

Queen of Diamonds – YOUR BEST FRIEND

As you step out onto the second-floor Mezzanine overlooking the mansion’s foyer, you see a person
running along the other side. They’re being pursued by a group of faster-than-usual Zombies. Before you
can do anything to help them, a horde breaks down the door behind you and you’re forced to sprint away
yourself. You both race towards the middle of the Mezzanine, and as you get closer you can see that it’s
Your Best Friend. You both shout each other’s names in relief as you run. You meet at the top of an
ornate flight of stairs leading down to the lobby. More Zombies are climbing up from there as well. You
both turn, back-to-back, and steel yourselves for a fight from all sides. It’s brutal and messy and absolutely
terrifying but together you manage to put them all down. When it’s over, you both slump down to the
ground and sit shoulder-to-shoulder while you catch your breath. With them at your side again, you feel
hope. Together, you continue on.

Add the skill Second Wind: immediately heal to complete health. If you are already at complete health,
gain Green Herb (2). Then cross out this skill. When was a time that Your Best Friend saved you from certain
doom? How did you repay them?

King of Diamonds – THE MENTOR

You’re running down a long, tight corridor. Something fast and ravenous is on your heels. You can feel its
tongue whipping by just a hair’s breadth away from grabbing you. You can see the end of the corridor and
a door. Just before your shoulder slams into the door in the hopes of busting it down, it opens. You
collapse forward into a darkened room. The beast on your heels leaps over you, similarly unprepared for
the open doorway. Hands grip your collar and pull you back into the hallway, slamming the door shut.
The Mentor helps you up as you hear the monster beat relentlessly against the other side of the door. You
nod a wordless thank you to them. Together, you continue on.
Add the skill Steady Hand: whenever you are using the last instance of Ammunition in your Inventory,
you may re-roll the result once. Also, gain +1 Inventory slot. What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned from
The Mentor? What do you admire most about them?

Jack of Hearts – THE CLOWN

You step into an ornate ballroom and find it in absolute chaos. Someone is swinging from a hanging
chandelier by one arm and knocking back shuffling Zombies with a golden candelabra. They’re shouting
“En garde!” as they swing. You know immediately that it’s The Clown – only they could manage to wring
fun out of such a desperate situation. You rush forward and help them take out the remaining Zombies.
They assure you they had everything under control, but when they hop down from the chandelier they hug
you and whisper sincere gratitude into your ear. Together, you continue on.

Add the skill Silver Lining: The next time you would lose your last instance of health, skip the damage.
A erward, cross out this skill. What is your favorite memory of a time The Clown lightened the mood? What
surprising thing brought out a more serious side to them?

Queen of Hearts – YOUR BELOVED

You’re outside walking along a rampart lining the mansion’s roof when your heart freezes. Down one level
below, dashing through shadows in the dark, you catch the silhouette of a person headed for a dead end.
You know, unmistakably, that it’s Your Beloved. The rampart shakes. The Nemesis has found them and
they have no escape. You see a spool of cable up ahead. You don’t have time to wonder at its strength or
purpose. You tie it to your belt and leap over the ledge. To your elation, the cable catches at just the right
moment and you swing into Your Beloved, grabbing them and barreling over the edge of their walkway.

For a moment, time slows. Here they are, back in your embrace, with a look of shock, relief, love, and fear
married on their face. The cable loosens, dropping you down another level before swinging you back
towards the mansion. The two of you crash through a window and the cable snaps, dropping you onto the
floor of the foyer. You share a deep, warm embrace amongst the shards of glass. Then you help each other
stand. You feel a weight li ed from your shoulders. From your soul. Together, you continue on.

Add the skill A Reason to Fight: from now on you’ll have the grit to turn and fight when encountering
The Nemesis. Follow the new rules on future encounters. How and where did you first fall in love with Your
Beloved? What test of your love did you two ultimately overcome together?

King of Hearts – THE LEADER

The door leading down to the basement slammed shut and locked behind you as soon as you stepped past
it. And now there’s a faint, scratching sound emanating from the darkness below. A slithering. Your hand
finds a metal drawstring hanging in front of your face and you pull it. A light bulb sputters to life,
revealing hundreds – thousands – of snakes pouring in from holes in the walls. As they fill the ground and
advance up the stairs towards you, a hand juts out from a vent above you. And then a head pops out – it’s
The Leader! They congratulate you on staying alive this long and help you climb up into the vent as the
cacophony of slithering crescendos beneath you. Together, you continue on.

Add the skill Master Tactician: take +1 on all Trap Rooms (Spade). This stacks with other benefits. Also,
gain +1 Inventory slot. When was a time that The Leader embodied true leadership? How do they express their
pride in you specifically, and in the team as a whole?
Black Joker
The Nemesis is a relentless unkillable foe that pursues you through the mansion. Though it moves slowly,
it possesses otherworldly strength and rage.

You HAVE NOT rescued Your Beloved

When The Nemesis is near, the only option is to run. Roll.
● On a 1: It destroys your exit and attacks. Take 1 damage. You must now backtrack. If you roll a
second 1 during the same encounter, you are trapped with The Nemesis. This is the end of the
● On a 2-3: It uses one of its attacks on you (roll below) just before you would have slipped away.
Describe how, then take 1 damage.
○ ATTACKS: (1) Hurl Object, (2) Inhuman Strength, (3) Relentless Charge, (4) Crushing
Stomp, (5) Lacerate, (6) Bone Spike
● On a 4: You evade attack but aren’t able to get away.
● On a 5-6: You successfully escape into the next room. It pursues you.

Keep rolling until you lose your last health token or you successfully escape. On escape, draw a new card
to replace this one and explore it immediately; If your exit was destroyed, roll to backtrack instead. Then
shuffle this joker back into the deck. The Nemesis will find you again.

You HAVE rescued Your Beloved

That’s it. You’re tired of this mansion. Of its monsters. Of your neverending flight from certain death at
the hands of The Nemesis. You’re putting an end to it. With Your Beloved at your side, you grit your
teeth and turn to fight – until your last breath, if you must.

The Nemesis now has 4 health points. Your Beloved has 3. Roll.
● On a 1: It grabs hold of Your Beloved. They take 1 damage. If Your Beloved dies, you lose the will
to fight. This is the end of the game.
● On a 2: It uses one of its attacks on you (roll below). Describe how, then take 1 damage.
○ ATTACKS: (1) Hurl Object, (2) Inhuman Strength, (3) Relentless Charge, (4) Crushing
Stomp, (5) Lacerate, (6) Bone Spike
● On a 3-4: You inflict 1 damage on The Nemesis, but get injured in the process; describe how, then
take 1 damage.
● On a 5: You inflict 1 damage on The Nemesis; describe how.
● On a 6: You inflict 2 damage on The Nemesis; describe how.

If The Nemesis takes 4 damage, congratulations: it seems you’ve put it down. For now. Remove The
Nemesis marker from the map. You can now safely backtrack without encountering it.

Shuffle the Black Joker back into the deck. The Nemesis may rise again. If it does, it starts out with 1
damage for each time you’ve previously defeated it up to a maximum of 3. Your beloved always starts a
new encounter with The Nemesis with 3 health points. Place a new card at your current position and
explore it.
Red Joker
Backup arrives! Your team’s pilot arrives back at the mansion, but they’re ready to bug out

You HAVE NOT found every teammate (Red Court cards)

The mission isn’t finished. The pilot can’t risk your only transport being overtaken by monsters
– they fly off for now but leave you with a gi . Take 1 Ammunition.

Reshuffle The Red Joker back into the deck.

You HAVE found every teammate (Red Court Cards)

Congratulations! You’ve found the team, survived the horrors of the mansion, and made it to
your escape. Did everyone make it out together? Or were there losses along the way?

As you head back to the city, reflect on what you’ve learned about yourself and your connection
to your team through this ordeal. And when you land again? Think about taking a vacation
somewhere far away.

It’s only a matter of time before the horrors of the mansion reach the city streets…

Congratulations & Thanks for


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