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Your Name:__Elisa Calaunan____ Date:_______ Individual Behavior Plan

Pre-Behavior Plan Worksheet

Student Name: Susan

Student ID # : XXXXXXXX

What are the students strengths?

Susan expresses the knowledge of the concepts that are being taught. She gets along with the students. She is frequently seen smiling.


What are the students weaknesses?

She talks out of turn and makes humorous remarks that detract from the class. Tracked her interruptions and Average she is interrupting the classroom at least 7 times a day. She plays to rough with the students outside when playing specific game. She calls students names while in time out.


What are the target behaviors? (These should be phrased as specific changes you would like to see.)

I would like to address the interruptions in the classroom, and her class work problems of turning them in.


What is your impression of the function of the behavior(s)? Check all that apply. __ communicate one or more of the following __ I dont want to _x_ frustration _x_ anger __ worry __ other functions (explain ______________________________ ______________________________

__ attention _x_ get something he/she wants _x_ self-entertainment __ status _x_ power or control __ avoidance of one or more of the following: __ work __ people __ situation 1


What is the category of behavior(s)? Typically, you would target those behaviors that fall within the dangerous category first.

__ DANGEROUS these are behaviors that result in serious physical or emotional damage to the child or to others, or result in serious physical damage to property. _x_ DISRUPTIVE these are behaviors that interfere with the learning of the target student or others in the setting. These behaviors have a serious and harmful impact upon the harmony and climate of the school setting. __ MALADAPTIVE These behaviors appear to be strange or inappropriate for the given setting, but do not cause any serious disruption to the setting, nor do they threaten to cause harm. Examples of maladaptive behavior might be repetitive stereotyped movements such as rocking. 6. What are the antecedents to the behavior(s)? This includes any observations you have made about what triggers the behavior(s).
The custodian has said that when she gets upset she kicks the soccer balls up on the roof, when I heard this I feel when her emotions play a part in it she doesnt get what she wants so he acts out towards other students. She wants power and control. As far as academic and class interruptions I feel like she does it for her own entertainment. She wants that attention. She doesnt turn in her work because she doesnt feel like it.


Which of the following is the behavior related to? _x_ academic skill deficit __ social skill deficit __ performance deficit What would be effective rewards or other strategies to improve the behavio(s)?


I was thinking we could have a marble jar for susan once she fills the marble jar she will get something that is just for her. When she decides to disrupt or not turn in her assignments she will get a marble taken out for each one.


What would be effective consequences to discourage the behavior(s)?

The marble incentive if she doesnt behave or turn in work she has to take the marbles out and then write in her journal for the day on why she did what she did and how she can fix it.


In order to effectively implement the plan... a. Who will be responsible for implementing the plan? _Teacher____________________________________

The following people will be informed: ________________Parents and other specialists that susan sees for specials________________________________________________________________ c. How will they be informed? ______Letter, phone and conference __________________________________________________ d. How will you monitor progress? What type of record keeping will you use?

Tally sheet for daily behavior and the counting of the jar every morning and then at the end of the day .

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