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The work consists of talking about the importance of the

English language in computing. the need for computer science
students to know and understand the English language.
Mastering English in the computing area is not just a
differentiator, but a necessity nowadays. It not only facilitates
global communication but also provides access to the vast
treasure trove of knowledge available in the language.
Within the universe of programming and Computer
Science, we must, first of all, know that this study was started
in countries that speak English as their main language.
Therefore, in order for us to develop well in this area, both in
the process of learning about programming and in order to
gain good positions in international companies, it is necessary
to have a certain command of this language.
Computer science is a very extensive field of work, but
English is present in almost its entirety. So it's something we
can't leave aside, right? As already mentioned, technical
computing terminology is found mainly in English. Therefore,
it is essential to learn the language to fully understand it
(source: Noticenter).
Within the universe of programming and Computer
Science, we must, first of all, know that this study was started
in countries that have English as their main language,
therefore, in order for us to develop well in this area we have
to learn English. We therefore conclude that the study
of the English language is essential for computer science

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