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Summary Chapter (1) Kara lives with her father in a fishing

village in Cornwall. Her mother was a marine biologist. One

year ago she went to Solomon Island on the dolphin-saving
expedition but there she lost mysteriously along with her other
colleagues. However, their bodies were never found. Kara has a
firm belief that one day she would return back to her. Kara and
her father Jim have shifted at Kara's aunt's house but due to
financial crises, it's hard for Aunt Bev to afford them. Jim is
forced to sell their favourite boat named as Moana but Kara is
not willing to lose it. Kara has dyslexia and she has trouble
learning like normal children. Some children at school bully
Kara and make fun of her father's inferior jobs. Kara breaks the
nose of the worst school bully, Jake, whose father, Dougie,
owns the fishing trawlers, that employ Aunt Bev's husband.
Chapter (2) Jake informs Kara that her father is about to sell
Moana. This completely shatters Kara and she rushes to her
father to confirm it. She goes to the ship where her father is
employed but can't find her dad. She goes back to Aunt Bev's
home where they are staying. Daisy, Aunt Bev's daughter asks
her about her dad but Kara finds no answer. Meanwhile, Dougie
Evan angrily arrives. He inquires about Kara but Aunt Bev
assures him she is not there. Dougie frantically searches her in
every corner of the house. Kara jumps down through the
window and runs toward the harbour.
Chapter 3 Kara goes to the harbour where her dad is about to
sail Moana. She requests him to take her with him. She wants to
ask him if he is serious to sell Moana but is afraid to hear the
truth. Eventually, she asks her dad if Moana is up for sale. Dad
tells her that due to the financial crisis, they will have to take
this hard decision. Kara is in a state of shock after hearing this.
She reminds him how much Mum loved Moana and she would
never want to sell her. Dad reminds Kara that there is hardly any
chance for Mum to return back.
Chapter 4 Kara, in state of shock, jumps down and starts
wading towards the cove. Dad yells to stop her but she ignores
all the warnings. She is completely shattered and doesn't want to
face Aunt Bev or Uncle Tom. She knows Aunt Bev is
concerned about her husband's job. Dougie Evan might take
revenge by terminating Uncle Tom. She remembers how
peacefully they were living before her Mum was lost. She
believed her Mum had special powers. She thought her Mum
could talk to dolphins. She swims towards the cove where she
would go with her mother. They would spend hours watching
the dolphins. Kara suddenly notices a flash of a white leap from
the water. There are golden ripples on the surface of the water.
This is the sign she has been waiting for. A pure white Dolphin
leaps into the air again. She notices at least 50 more dolphins
curving through the water. Kara waits for the white Dolphin. A
much larger dolphin with her calf appears. They look at Kara
with affectionate eyes. She feels so close to her mother. Kara is
sure her mother is watching her too. She forgets her worries in
the company of dolphins when suddenly she remembers she has
to return back home.
Chapter 5 Kara heads back home after spending some time at
the cove. She is serene after meeting dolphins. Aunt Bev comes
to the coast road and finds Kara walking back home. She is
extremely annoyed at Kara's silly behaviour. The coastguards
and the police have been frantically looking for her. Kara tells
Daisy about her meeting with The White Dolphin. Aunt Bev
inquires Kara about hurting Jake's nose and leave him bleeding.
She reminds her that the only person with a proper job is
employed by Dougie Evan. She is worried about Uncle Tom's
job which is at risk. Kara's dad apologises Kara for being rude
to her. She excitedly tells Dad that Mum sent her a special
message through that White Dolphin and she is still there to
help them. Aunt Bev rejects this story by saying that she is
never going to come back. There is a call from a buyer who is
interested to buy Moana.
Chapter 6Aunt Bev advises Kara to be present in school on
time. The head teacher wants to see her on breaking Jake's nose.
Aunt Bev has already sent a box of chocolates to Jake as an
apology from Kara's side. Kara dejectedly leaves for school as
she doesn't want to confront Mrs Carter. Mrs Baker is Kara's
support teacher. She says her dyslexia is just a different way of
thinking. Kara feels comfortable in her class as she tries to
teacher Kara through different exciting techniques. Another
benefit of being in her class is that nobody is there to bully her.
Kara meets Mrs Carter in her office to justify her offensive
behaviour towards Jake. She also reprimands Kara on damaging
the Bible. Kara says that she would mend the Bible. Mrs Carter
wants Kara to apologise to Jake as well. She vows in her heart
that she would never apologise to Jake Evan.
Chapter 7 Kara enters her Math class and notices someone else
sitting in her seat. There is a new boy in her class whose name is
Felix. He is the son of Mr and Mrs Anderson. He has cerebral
palsy and due to this, he can't maintain his balance and posture.
Mrs Carter decides that special ramps and handrails will be
fixed in school to facilitate Felix. During the lunch break, Kara
sees white plaster on Jake's nose who constantly glares at her.
He threatens Kara that merely a box of chocolates won't
compensate the injury he has. Kara says that it wasn't her who
sent the chocolates. On hearing this, Jake threatens Kara that
soon they will have nothing left. Jake blames Kara's mother
responsible for his elder brother Aeron's death.
Chapter 8Kara picks up Daisy from Laureen's party. Daisy
wants to accompany Kara to see the White Dolphin. Kara gets
confused as she has promised Aunt Bev to drop Daisy straight
back home. Kara offers her ice cream from Zagni's if she agreed
to go back home soon. Daisy agrees. Kara and Daisy find Jake
and Ethan in the ice cream parlour. Felix is also there in the ice
cream shop. Jake and Ethan make fun of his disability. Felix
feels embarrassed and his face darkens. Daisy, watching all this,
explodes at the two bullies. She warns them to better learn some
manners. She turns at Felix to greet him but he says something
that causes her to drop her ice cream. She runs outside sobbing.
Chapter 9Daisy dejectedly runs towards the harbor and sobs
quietly. Kara is anxious to know what has happened to her. She
tells Kara how Felix spoke to her rudely. To release her sorrow,
Kara offers Daisy to go to the beach to see white dolphins.
There was no sign of dolphins so they decided to move towards
the Blue Pool. There at the Blue Pool, Daisy notices the
presence of Miss Penluna, known as the bird lady. Daisy tells
Kara that Miss Penluna is a witch but Kara rejects the idea by
saying that there are no such thing as witches. Suddenly Miss
Penluna starts moving towards them. She stumbles forward and
her stick slithers down the rock. She stops moving and rubs her
knees. There is blood stain on her knees. Kara helps her to get
up. Miss Penluna asks Kara if she is Kay Wood's daughter. She
tells Kara that Kay used to bring her birds. She asks Kara about
her mother but Kara doesn't know what to say her. Miss Penluna
says gently that she will ask angels to find her mother soon.
Chapter 10Kara's dad is going to see the man interested in
buying Moana. Daisy tells her dad that they met Miss Penluna
the day before. Aunt Bev is annoyed and she warns the girls that
she only misguides innocent people by claiming that she could
talk to angels. Aunt Bev continues by saying that her house is so
filthy with bird muck everywhere. Dad tells Kara that Miss
Penluna kept couple of fledglings in drainpipes for a night and
freed the next day. This assures Kara that whatever people talk
about Miss Penluna is not true. Dad and Kara go to meet Mr.
Andersen and fix the deal. Mr Andersen owns a software
company in London. He has a son about Kara's age. Mr.
Andersen warmly welcomes them and shows them in. He
introduces Kara to his son.
Chapter 11:Kara is surprised to see Felix at Mr. Andersen's
house. He is the same boy who was rude to Daisy in the ice
cream parlour. Mr. Andersen introduces his son to Kara. Mr.
Andersen asks Felix to show Kara his upcoming computer
projects. Kara reminds Felix that Daisy only wanted to help him
in the ice cream shop. Felix tells her that he is not bothered what
people think about him. Kara feels that Felix is not happy with
his parents' decision of settling there. He is annoyed with weak
internet connection in their area. Mrs. Andersen comes to meet
Kara and treats her with affection. It seems Mr Andersen is
interested in buying Moana. They decide to have a trial run in
Chapter 12:Kara and her dad are preparing for the test run.
Kara informs Daisy that Mr Andersen's son is the same rude
boy who humiliated her in the ice cream shop. Kara and her dad
load the important stuff into the boat, waiting for Andersen
family. Mrs. Andersen's drops Mr Andersen and Felix at the
harbour. Moana starts sailing smoothly. They slow down
towards the mouth of the rocky inlet where they keep their
lobster pots. There Dougie Evan crosses them having a sarcastic
smile on his face. Kara remembers Jake's words," Soon, you and
your dad will have nothing left."
Chapter (13)Felix feels drowsy due to seasickness. He
stumbles down and injures his face. Kara's dad decides to move
back, noticing his miserable condition. Felix persists to keep
moving towards the Gull Rock. To diverge his attention, Kara's
dad teaches Felix to sail the boat. Surprisingly, Felix proves
himself being good at sailing the boat. Felix enjoys the smooth
sail and his eyes shine with excitement. Dad informs them about
the regatta race which is held every summer. He also invites Mr
Andersen to participate in it. They take their lunch at the Gull
Rock. Kara wants to have a quick swim. Mr Andersen asks
Felix to accompany her. Kara realises that Felix is an expert
swimmer. They swim down to the sea bed and watch different
sea creatures. Felix is bemused to see the captivating beauty
hidden underwater.
Chapter (14)Kara and Felix continue to swim down the sea
bed, enjoying the beautiful sight. Mr Andersen helps to haul
them out of the water. Felix tells his dad about his experience of
swimming underwater. Kara informs Felix that soon the
dredging ban would lift up. Then dredgers would haul their
metal rakes across the seabed for scallops. They would not only
rip out scallops but every rare and precious thing else. Soon
there will be nothing left. The dredgers are so influential figures
that local bodies do not take any action against them. She
informs him about Dougie Evan who is waiting anxiously for
the ban to be lifted. She says that her mom put up the ban to
stop the dolphins to get extinct. When the dredgers throw nets in
the water, the dolphins get tangled into them.
Chapter 15Mrs Andesen is waiting for Mr Andersen and Felix
on the harbour wall. Felix's face shines with excitement, and he
gives a thumbs up to his mom. He looks an entirely different
person. Kara and her dad tidy up Moana and anchor the boat.
Kara asks her dad if Mr Andersen is serious in buying Moana or
not. He says that he will inform after discussing it with his wife.
They reach home in the evening tired and sunburnt. Mr
Andersen calls Kara's dad to inform him that they are not
willing to buy Moana.
Chapter 16 Kara is sitting in Mrs Carter's office repairing the
Bible. She apologises Mrs Carter for damaging the Bible. Mrs
Carter tells her politely that she is aware of Kara's domestic
issues, but school management cannot tolerate violence. She
warns Kara that if she did this again, she would be excluded
from school. Mrs Carter tells Kara a story about a man who
dreams he is talking to God along a beach. Kara is not at all
interested in her stories. Instead, she wants to rush to the beach
to see the dolphins. Finally, she is allowed to leave her office.
She runs outside of the school straight to the harbour. She
reaches the cove and observes something different in the water.
The blue-grey body of dolphin twists and turns in the shallow
water. Kara runs towards her. There is another dolphin in the
water rushing at the shore. She is the mother dolphin trying to
reach her calf. The calf has deep scratches, dark with blood, all
over her back. She doesn't move or blink. Kara moves closer to
her and sees a fishing net around her lower jaw.

Chapter 17The dolphin appears on the surface and a blast of

wet breath fills the air. Kara takes a sigh of relief to see her
alive. The dolphin watches Kara and her tail flukes flap the
shallow water. The baby dolphin stares at Kara as if she is
analyzing just who she is and what she is going to do. Kara has
been dreaming of rescuing a dolphin for ages and now when she
has a dolphin to rescue, her mind is totally blank. The Dolphin's
skin is dry and hard. Kara covers its body with seaweed in order
to prevent dehydration. Kara examines its wounds. She scoops
water with her hands and let it trail across her wounds. She taps
her fingers on her side to stop her from dozing off. Suddenly she
notices someone stumbling through the shallow waves.
Chapter: 18Felix arrives with his dad and is surprised to see
Kara with a baby dolphin. Kara briefs him about the situation
and they both crouch down beside the dolphin to examine her.
Mr Andersen tries to call the rescue team but the signals are
weak. He then decides to call Carl to rescue the dolphin.
Meanwhile, Felix and Kara scoop water and run their hands
along the dolphin's skin. Felix informs Kara that they have got a
dinghy through cerebral palsy charity. It's specially designed for
Mr Andersen and Kara's dad arrive with Carl and Greg. Carl
was her mum's marine Biology student and Greg is a member of
the divers' team. The baby dolphin is dehydrated so Carl decides
to inject her some fluids by the stomach tube. They come to a
conclusion that the dolphin should be kept in a proper place for
a thorough medical check-up.
Chapter: 19Kara suggests that the baby dolphin should be kept
in the Blue Pool for medical treatment. Mr Andersen and Felix
agree and Carl decides to shift her. Carl consults the vet and she
fears that the stress of moving the dolphin may be a life risk.
They load the baby calf into the rescue boat. They notice that
her flippers and tail are losing their deep blue colour. Carl gives
her the first aid. Then they shift her in the rescue boat and move
towards the Blue Pool. The mother dolphin follows the rescue
boat till they reach the Blue Pool. Carl fears that the high tides
might push the mother dolphin away from the Blue Pool. This
could be stressful for both of them. Kara wants to stay with the
baby dolphin to give her moral support, but Carl insists that she
must stay home. He promises that he will keep her updated...
Chapter: 20Kara tells Daisy all about the dolphin and she is
curious to see her. Aunt Bev drops them to school. Since the
rescue team needs volunteers to look after the dolphins so Felix
and Kara decide to offer their services. When the bell rings at
her school, Kara rushes to Daisy's class and almost pulls her
down the road. She can't wait to see the dolphin. There are lots
of people at the Blue Pool. The policewoman stops her from
going near the pool. She calls Carl and inquires about the
present condition of the dolphin. He informs that she is a little
better but she can't swim due to the damaged muscle. The vet
has restricted the general public to go near the dolphin as she
could pass some diseases onto people. Carl informs Kara that
the calf cannot survive in the sea without her mother but
unfortunately she has been scared away. Felix and her dad are
struggling to find her. Kara dejectedly runs back. She
desperately wants the mother dolphin to return to her calf.
Chapter 21Kara and Daisy run towards Miss Penluna's cottage
holding her mother's memory stick. Kara knocks on the door but
unfortunately, no one opens the door. Kara pushes the door
open and slowly enters. In the gloom, she sees Miss Penluna
standing in front of her. Kara musters up her courage and
introduces herself. She pleads to Miss Penluna to help her but
she tries to prod her out. Kara tells her that she wants to show
something to Angels. Miss Penluna agrees and takes her to the
kitchen. Kara shows her the memory stick but she doesn't seem
to be interested in it. Then Miss Penluna asks her what is it she
really wants to know. Kara asks her the reason behind her
mother's disappearance. She advises Kara to listen to the
dolphins. Kara is disappointed as she was hoping to receive a
definite answer. Miss Penluna holds her hands gently and says
that dolphins are angels of the sea. They are trying to say
something to her and she should listen to it.
Chapter 22Mr Andersen went past the Gull Rock and further
up the coast but couldn't find the mother dolphin. They notice a
basking shark who might have scared the mother dolphin away.
Meanwhile, Daisy grabs Kara's arm to pull her away. The thread
of her necklace breaks, scattering shells across the ground. Her
memory stick disappeared. Kara was in a state of shock. Felix
finds the memory stick. Kara tells Felix that the memory stick
belongs to her mum. Felix offers his services and says he can try
to unlock it. Kara can't decide what to do. She requests her dad
to look for the mother dolphin. He tells her that he is working
extra hours so he can't find the time. Kara feels betrayed and
runs to her room.
Chapter: 23 Kara is sitting on the shoreline making a
sandcastle. She imagines her mother standing in water, smiling
at her. It seems she wants her to help someone in the water.
Kara reaches back home, wears her wetsuit and goes silently to
the seashore to find the mother dolphin. She pulls on her mask
and fins and slowly steps into the water. She spots a dolphin in
the water. The dolphin appears to be an underwater angel to
Kara. Kara recognized her. It was the dolphin she was looking
for. Kara was sure she would come to meet her child. Kara
swims towards the tidal pool and the dolphin follows her. The
baby dolphin instantly recognises her mother's
call PFWHOOSH and replies to her. Carl sees the mother
dolphin and passes on the news to Greg.
Chapter: 24The next morning Daisy wakes Kara up. Her mind
is fogged with sleep. She feels weary and her mind swirls with
last night's dream. Daisy is astonished to see her wet hair and
surprisingly her clothes lie in a wet heap on the floor. Kara
joyfully informs Daisy that the mother dolphin is back to her
child. Daisy is equally excited. Daisy's father reaches home
without any wages paid by Dougie Evans. He appears exhausted
and depressed. Aunt Bev is troubled. They both have an
argument. Kara and Daisy go to see the dolphin. Felix and his
dad are there too. The baby dolphin seems a little better. Felix's
dad drops them at school. Kara asks Felix about her mother's
memory stick. Felix informs her that it is password locked. Kara
meets Sam, the vet who informs Kara that soon the baby
dolphin will be released in water. They see Miss Penluna near
the Blue Pool. She sometimes brings sick birds to the surgery.
Daisy decides that the baby dolphin should have a name and she
gives her the name "Daisy".
Chapter 25 Daisy suggests that the dolphin should have a
name. She instantly calls her "Angel" and everyone agrees upon
this name. Soon after the news was published in the newspaper,
journalists and environmental groups are calling the rescue team
to allow them to visit the dolphin. Kara shows her displeasure
because she doesn't want the dolphin to be a showpiece for
others. Whereas, Felix and Carl think that they can use the
dolphin to bring people's attention to save marine life. Felix
thinks they could arrange an online petition for people to sign to
stop the dredging of the reef. Felix's dad drops them to at school
but they are late for Math class. Kara goes towards the
playground and dozes off. Felix wakes her up as Mrs Carter
wants to see them both. A lot of children are gathered in Mrs
Carter's office and they are busy doing some paintings. Mrs
Carter wants the school children to be involved in signing the
petition. They want to play their part in saving the bay. Kara
hesitates first but then agrees.
Chapter 26 Kara, her dad and Daisy reach school and find a lot
of people gathered in the school hall. The children are busy
putting up the posters on the walls eagerly. Felix is also there
with her parents. There is a huge number of tourists gathered in
the hall. A local politician Mr Cooke has joined them but
unfortunately, he is busy talking to Dougie Evans. Kara doesn't
want Mr Cooke to be on Dougie's side.
Chapter 27The hall is filled up with fishermen and trawler
owners. Dougie Evan is sitting comfortably having an evil smile
on his face. He has instructed the trawler owners to protest
against signing the petition for the dredging ban. The local radio
is here to broadcast the meeting live. Carl is the first person to
deliver his speech but he looks pale and confused. His speech
doesn't start well. He is not audible enough. He shows images of
Angel, shares the graphs and data but unfortunately, no one
shows any interest. After his speech, Dougie Evans move
towards the stage with loads of confidence. He is wearing his
oldest clothes to give a false impression that he is hardly making
both ends meet. His speech is interactive and interesting.
Everyone becomes attentive. He talks about providing fresh
seafood to tourists to generate revenue. He requests the
fishermen not to sign the petition. While Dougie stands
victoriously, Felix gets through the aisle, holding the memory
stick. He tells Kara that he has something important to share. He
says Kara to engage the audience for a couple of minutes. Kara,
somehow, climbs up the stage but she doesn't know what to say.
She says that Dougie is right and his trawlers should be free to
rip off every scallop from the reef. Fishermen have taken all the
fish from the sea and now they have to go deeper and deeper to
find any fish. There's complete silence in the hall. Suddenly the
lights go out.
Chapter 28The huge screen on the stage is dark at first. Kara's
mum's voice echoes in the room. Then the last film made by
Kara's mum starts. The film is about the world under deep
oceans. The video shows the rocky bed alive with corals and
urchins. Kara's mum pleads in the end to protect the oceans or
there will be nothing left. People are transfixed and then
suddenly they start clapping generously. Felix tells Kara how he
managed to recover the data from the memory stick. The
password that he found out after a lot of searches was "Tepuhi",
a Maori name for dolphins. Carl tells them that there are loads
of signatures for the voluntary ban on dredging. He is worried
about Angel's mother who has disappeared. The baby dolphin
will be released in the wild the next day. Kara is worried about
Angel's safety in the wild.
Chapter 29Carl is releasing Angel early in the morning and
Kara is the first one to reach there. Her father saw her leaving
the house so he came after her. Carl and Greg bring Angel to the
seashore all covered in wet towels. Felix is also there to give a
helping hand. There is no sign of Angel's mother. They float
Angel out into the waves until they are waist-deep in water.
Suddenly there is a vibration in water and Angel's mother
appears slowly. They swim side by side and disappear into deep
water. Kara feels strange emptiness deep inside.
Chapter 30The local newspaper has published the news in
detail about signing the petition. It said that the local fishermen
have signed the partition for the voluntary ban on fishing and
drenching the area. Kara and Felix were overjoyed. Dougie
Evan threatens Uncle Tom and expels him from the job. Aunt
Bev asks Jim and Kara to find a shelter for them as they cannot
bear the expenses. Jim promises that they would leave soon.
Daisy informs Kara that Dougie was mad with anger. He has
warned them that he would go fishing on the midnight tide. He
will rip out every coral in the bay.
Chapter 31Despite the voluntary ban, trawlers from other
towns keep on fishing in the sea. Local fishermen are facing a
tough situation due to outsiders violating the fishing laws. They
are not able to get enough lobsters and crabs. Kara and Felix are
in the local market looking for something to eat. Kara notices
Ethan and Jake sitting inside Moana. Kara furiously runs
towards them ordering them to leave her boat. With a mocking
grin, Jake informs Kara that she's not her boat anymore. Kara's
Dad sold Moana to Dougie Evans in an emergency. Kara is
heartbroken. She runs back to Aunt Bev's house but her Dad is
out somewhere. Aunt Bev tries to calm her down but she is
emotionally shattered. Her Dad has gone to Exeter for a job
interview. Kara feels that the shell around her Dad and her Mum
and herself has broken.
Chapter 32The skies are low and heavy. All the fishing boats
have returned back to safety, except Dougie's trawlers. Felix
excitedly tells Kara that his dad has hired a sailing coach for
him. Mr Andersen wants Felix to participate in the junior
training squad for the Paralympics sailing team. Kara is too
excited to hear this. Felix wants Kara to be his boat partner in
the race but Kara avoids it. She is not sure where she will be
after a few weeks. They will have to shift from Aunt Bev's
house to somewhere else. On the way back home, Kara hears
Adam and Joe talking about a shark being caught by Dougie
Evans. Kara has a doubt in mind so she takes Felix with her to
have a look. A small crowd is gathered beside Dougie's trawler
near the fish market. She tries to push her way through to have a
closer look. A grey body of a dead dolphin lies on the concrete.
She is Angel's mother.
Chapter 33Kara bursts into tears. She runs towards the cove
and cries slowly. Suddenly she hears the burst of dolphin breath.
It's Angel who has come to find her mother. She sends a series
of whistles and kara knows she is desperately calling to her
mother. Kara wants to touch her body and stroke her to comfort
her. She slides away and disappears underwater. Kara goes after
her into the rough waves to console her. Felix and his dad call
her back. Her dad is worried about her. Kara wants to stay near
the cove to look after Angel but Felix wants her to get back
home. Felix hands over Kara a white envelope. He tells her that
there was something else he found in the memory stick. His dad
investigated that thing and so far he has been successful. Kara's
heart beats faster. She is sure that the envelope holds something
to do with her Mum.
Chapter 34The white envelope has a picture of Kara's Mum.
Kara observes the picture again and again trying to find many
truths. Her Mum has crouched down beside her diving gear and
her face has a look of deep concentration. The place seems to be
a busy port with a lot of ships anchoring and sailing. Felix
comes in the morning to ask if she is going to the "Regatta".
Kara informs him that due to the approaching storm, the race
has been postponed. Felix suggests they should go and see what
is happening around the seashore. Aunt Bev asks Kara to take
Daisy along. Felix tells Kara that her mother's photograph was
taken at Honiara, a port on the Solomon Island of Guadalcanal.
The picture was taken just before sunset on the night she
disappeared. There was a folder in the memory stick named
"Honiara". There was a list of addresses of different places she
was visiting. Felix's dad made an inquiry and found that photo
in the archives of a local paper. The photo clearly mentions that
her Mum went out diving that night but it doesn't tell what
actually happened to her. Kara, Felix and Daisy walk towards
the town to get some food. Suddenly dark clouds unfurl across
the sky indicating a storm is coming. On the way back home,
Jake and Ethan stop them. Jake tells her that his Dad is buying a
posh house up on the hill. They challenge Kara and Felix to race
with them. Kara reminds of the storm approaching but they say
that they aren't afraid of the storm. Soon Jake and Ethan get into
Moana and start sailing her. By the time, Kara reaches Moana,
Jake and Ethan have the mainsail up and the jib. They forgot to
reef the sail. Moana slides across the water, scraping against the
harbour wall. Felix decides to go after them in his own boat.
Daisy is horrified and she doesn't want Kara to go. Kara asks
Daisy to run towards her dad and call the coastguard. Kara
realises that Ethan and Jake have no life jackets. Felix starts
pulling up the mainsail. He hands over Kara her life jacket. Kara
grabs hurriedly grabs two more life jackets; one for Jake and the
other for Ethan. They have to stop them before they get beyond
the headland.
Chapter 35It is very difficult for Felix and Kara to control their
dinghy in the rough sea. There are ocean currents and strong
winds out there. Moana is lurching through the waves. Jake and
Ethan are struggling to control the sails. Suddenly Jake
disappears beneath the waves. Kara tries to balance the dinghy
as Felix moves towards Ethan and Moana. Jake's head rises
above the water then sinks under again. Kara clutches Jake's
shirt as a wave rolls him up. For a second Kara saw a flash of
white beneath the waves, something beneath Jake pushing him
up towards the air. She could not figure out what it was. Felix
brings Dinghy closer to Moana. Kara helps Jake wear a life
jacket. Blood is pouring through his hair and down his forehead.
Kara climbs into Moana to help Ethan. Felix takes Jake to the
seashore in his dinghy. Kara is not sure she will be able to sail
Moana to the shore.

Chapter 36:Kara helps Ethan pull his life jacket on. Moana is
taking on water fast, heeling far over in the water. Kara tries to
concentrate. She has to find a solution as soon as possible. Kara
cuts the spinnaker rope. She pulls on the mainsail and slides
back to the tiller. Moana has a problem moving straight as it is
filling with water. There is a tearing crack and they can feel it
split the water. The waves thump her and push her towards the
cliff. Kara grabs the flare and reads the instructions. The flare is
all wet. Even then she pulls the tag and holds it skywards.
Luckily a blast of light explodes from the flare. Moana's hull
crushes against the rocks and her keel is being wrenched away.
They hear a helicopter hovering above them. A man drops down
towards them and rescues them. The wind spins them around as
they are lifted up into the sky. Kara sees Moana being crushed
into pieces.
Chapter 37As soon as Kara and Ethan get into the helicopter,
she inquires about Felix. The captain says that first, he will take
them to the town and then go back out to look for Felix and
Jake. The helicopter lands and an ambulance comes towards
them. Kara's dad runs towards her and holds her tightly. Felix's
Mum worriedly asks about Felix. Dougie Evans is also there.
Kara briefs them that Felix and Jake are in the dinghy. But there
is no dinghy in the harbour, no sign of Felix or Jake. Kara
notices Miss Penluna leaning over the granite wall, staring out
into the waves. Dougie Evans cries and sobs in grief. Miss
Penluna whispers to Dougie that Jake is in the company of
angels. Suddenly Kara sees the white hull of Felix's dinghy. The
dinghy is running with the wind. The wave is pushing them
sideways along the line of breaking surf. Soon Kara sees both of
them slumped inside the dinghy. Felix gives the thumbs up and
smiles. People on the harbour cheer for them.

Chapter 38:Kara wakes up and realises that she is in Daisy's

room. Daisy takes Kara to meet someone. She is beaming. She
has got a baby sister. Kara sits down beside the baby and stares
at her. Daisy has named her Mo, short for Moana. Dougie Evans
gives Uncle Tom his job back with a pay rise. He has come to
greet Tom and Bev. He seems to be a changed person. He
thanks Kara for saving his son's life. Jake says that a white
dolphin saved him. It lifted him up out of the water. He says that
if we rip up the sea bed hauling out all the fish, nothing would
be left. He has signed the petition to stop the dredging. He
offers Kara's dad a job but he says that he has got another one.
He tells Kara that he has been accepted on a boat-building
course at the boatyard. This course will help him with his
dyslexia. They have got a caravan as a temporary home. Kara
sees Angel twisting and turning in the water. Kara knows the
vast blue ocean is waiting for her.

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