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Lavender- An analgesic ( pain reliever), antiseptic (antimicrobial substance applied to living tissue/skin to reduce
the possibility of infection) and immune stimulant. Good for skin care and to promote healing: burns, bruises, scrapes,
acne, rashes and bug bites. Has a calming effect, and is used for: insomnia, stress and to relieve depression. Also is
used as a decongestant through steam inhalation ( 1 drop per cup of boiling water). Lavender is also available as a
tea for internal use.

2. Tea Tree- A powerful anti fungal ( fungicide, kills fungal infections), antiviral (kills viruses), antibacterial ( kills
bacteria), antiseptic and analgesic. Use with a carrier oil (CO) for dilution, like almond,coconut or olive, in a 1:9 ratio
of EO:CO. Good for acne, athlete's foot, skin wounds and irritations, cuts, warts, cold sores, and insect bites. Anti
parasitic and insecticide, good for lice and scabies, also in the garden as a pest and disease spray. t is an
expectorant ( loosens lung congestion), decongestant ( relieves sinus congestion) and immune stimulant, use as
inhalant with or without steam. No internal use. May be mixed with lavender (awesome!), lemon, thyme, rosemary
and ginger.

3. German Chamomile- An anti-inflammatory ( decreases swelling, redness, irritation) and analgesic. When mixed
with a CO use for insect bites, burns, diaper rash, eczema, psoriasis and many other skin conditions. Relaxing effect,
use EO as inhalant to help with insomnia, nervousness, anxiety and cramps, also available as a tea for internal use.
EO hot or cold compress good for headaches and menstrual pains, apply externally to affected area.

4. Blue Tansy (Tanacetum anuum)-
EO is an antihistamine ( relieves allergies), analgesic, and anti-inflammatory. May used in place of benadryl cream
for skin inflammation and itching. Use to treat allergies, rashes, burns, swelling. Calming effects help decrease stress
and relax tense muscles. EO has bronchial and vascular dilating properties which help asthma and decrease blood
pressure. External use either "neat" (undiluted), or may be blended with carrier oil, for massage or application to skin

5. Helichrysum (italicum)- An analgesic, antibacterial, one of the strongest anti-inflammatory EOs. May also be used
in place of benadryl cream. Known as "deep healing" and for tissue "regeneration". ncreases circulation of blood and
lymph systems. Good for bruises, chronic pain relief including fibromyalgia, arthritis, tendonitis and carpel tunnel
syndrome and rashy, irritated skin conditions. May be helpful for heart palpitations, irregular heart beat and panic
attacks. External massage neat or blended with lavender, clary sage, german chamomile,or geranium.

6. Peppermint- An antiseptic, antibacterial, decongestant, anti emetic. Also helps with digestive disorders such as
BS(irritable bowel syndrome), lactose intolerance, heartburn, and abdominal cramping. Apply EO daily every
morning to the bottom of feet for prevention and treatment of chronic conditions. Good headache treatment, massage
1 drop EO to temples. For sudden abdominal conditions, achy muscles or painful joints: massage weak and diluted
EO externally into affected area. For heartburn relief apply 1 drop EO to tongue.

7. Eucalyptus- An antiseptic, antiviral, decongestant, and excellent insect repellent. "Cooling" on skin. Aids with all
breathing issues and boosts immune system, use for flu, colds, sore throats, coughs, sinusitis, bronchitis, and hay
fever. Best used as a preventative of viruses when exposure is expected. May be used as massage,steam inhalation,
and bath additive. Apply EO directly to the chest for respiratory problems. Also helps acne. External use only.

8.Clove Oil- Considered the most diverse universal medicinal remedy! t is antifungal, antimicrobial, antiseptic,
antiviral, analgesic and sedative. Wow. Clove oil combats, prevents and treats infections naturally instead of using
antibiotics. Natural pain killer and sedative, used for toothaches. Toothpaste is made by combining clove oil and
baking soda. Mix clove oil with geranium for open wounds, cuts, abrasions and burns.

9. Rosemary- Antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic ( kills parasites) , antispasmodic(relaxes muscles) disinfectant,
and enhances mental clarity. Use a few drops with water for a disinfectant mouthwash. nhalation either cold or
steam (see part 1 for instructions) for congested or constricted respiratory problems. Mix equal amount essential oil
with a carrier oil ( see part 1 for carrier oils list) for massage to treat headaches, muscle pain and soreness.

10. Geranium- Antibacterial, antioxidant, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory ( decreases swelling and redness),
homeostatic ( stops bleeding) and anti-fungal. Undiluted essential oil 2-4 drops apply directly to wound, cuts, or burns
and loosely cover. Undiluted EO also used for irritated or inflamed skin conditions such as eczema, ringworm,
psoriasis and acne. May lower blood sugar.

11. Thyme- Highly antimicrobial (kills harmful bacteria), anti-fungal, antiviral, expectorant (loosens mucus congestion)
and anti parasitic and insecticide. Use, mixed with carrier oil in a 1:4 dilution, on cuts and lacerations to decrease
infection risk and cure infections and also to treat ringworm and athletes foot. Relaxes spasms in respiratory tract,
nerves, muscles, intestines and other organs. Loosens congestion with colds and coughs, may be used like
expectorant medication.

12. Lemon- Antiseptic, disinfectant and immune stimulant (increases white blood cells) and powerful antioxidant.
nhaling vapors improves memory, concentration and relaxation and may have antidepressant effects. For wound
treatment mix a 1:1 dilution with carrier oil, and apply to injury. ncreases micro circulation and may improve vision.
Household disinfectant.

13. Wintergreen- Anticoagulant (reduces blood clotting), antispasmodic, highly anti-inflammatory, analgesic ( pain
reliever), and reduces blood pressure. t is the "hot" in icy hot cream. Massage, mixed in 1:1 dilution with carrier oil,
for conditions with intact skin, such as: muscle aches, arthritis, and nerve pain. Use a few drops of EO mixed in
Epsom's salts then added to hot bath water for a relaxing treatment.

14. Hyssop- Strong antiviral, antiseptic, antibacterial, expectorant, decongestant, anti-inflammatory, sedative
(relaxing) and digestive ( helps with digestive disorders). Use EO mixed with equal amount of carrier oil for inhalation
therapy to help with congestion and coughs. Also use the same dilution for skin conditions such as: wounds, bruises
and eczema.

15. Frankincense- mmune stimulant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, expectorant, and relaxing. Direct application to
wounds, cuts and scrapes helps regeneration of tissue and decreases infections. Burning EO fumes, cold vapors or
direct applications are disinfectants to surfaces and air. Cold or steam inhalant used for lung and nasal congestion.

16. Clary sage- Antioxidant, anticoagulant ( decreases clotting), anti-fungal, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory,
antispasmodic, anesthetic (numbing) and relaxing. nhalation or massage is very relaxing and calming for
nervousness, stress, muscle cramps and aches, insomnia and irritated skin. May be beneficial to treat PMS and
menopausal symptoms. Has a "cooling" action for inflammations.

17. Thieves Essential Oil Blend- Contains: Clove, lemon, cinnamon bark, eucalyptus and rosemary essential oils.
Cinnamon bark is strongly: antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal. This is a strong and multi-purpose essential oil.
Some actions include: expectorant, decongestant, antiseptic, antiviral, antibacterial, anti-fungal, disinfectant, and anti-
inflammatory. There are a great number of uses for thieves blend EO.

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