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Dw cS Me PENGAJUAN PERSETUJUAN MATERIAL. {PARTEMEI SO.TERRAPLACE-PELATEN FLOOR HARDENER NTORLOR HARDTOP CON PPMAS NMARSHROTD DATA BAHAN/ MATERIAL “dungan tokoran “3 kg 7 m™ loan ‘Conteh mata taka Bout DD Biakaie te OD teatada RESPON TTR POS ESSE 410 |oosar ovauasi =_—— A seaiai pone TO Tiaksosuat J Wiaksesuad rc Povestasins I) reaksenst TO reatseua! _—e 1 fame (a Bx Oa Do» CO one om I amt ani an @ Patios oo One —— | [1 owimadongancatsen — |] overmesergancnitin terns dengan aston ork — own 413 Fotowop erveatstorsonim |] Peruwstatorancun 1 Fer estiaboratrom 1) Pet suretaminan 1 Pots surat jaminan Pe aratjominan I) Fengaivan ang 1 engatan lang TL) erasvan ing res Moa TZ rem wockup Deru wockup ca w'Lokasi Pokecjoan juge berads
  • aw PENGAJUAN PERSETUJUAN MATERIAL ‘PROYEK APARTENVEN SOLTERRA PLACE -PEIATEN PAKET FLOOR HARDENER NTOFLOR HASDTOP no OIPPMASPANKARSNAI2018 DATA BAHAN MATERIAL ay OO vena texas CO tewase T TENOR one 10 sso set eo tom ree en co sea ‘heaaient set (mid 19 fia TI i op Tova» LO an CO om 12 fate one CO oimina [2] oteracenpncastin |] otsinadergar cata oak oven 12 fFatne Pewetiranin —— (L) Pettiioataan Peta |) Pert surat jamin Pers suratjainen ) Pete surstjaminan reese I) Peraianuirw reese Tetsu vp [revo up Co dong] Peas ck Yb 4 ata = uty Materio( ¢ Kuat Bar Ldum ada di dele maieral , di RKS minimal 420 le = cartunken warns seks a Sang, malpal opesas Re “7 hofon Nelgal yo diguickan nanhnya ada 2 macam desis © 2 F3/m™ & 3 ks/n™, Seual keterangan data moterial, dosis dibawah S kg /m> \y a hee dilatukan ehesan_sen chr? Diets Dist Onner, Dperisa & seu MK ‘Diakan oh Konaior PT. WASKTTAFIM PERKASA REALTI PT. CIRI EXPERTINDO CONSULTANT. PT. Wesia Kan (Perse) Tok. Maker Project iector sod Rosa ‘Corsucton Manager 2 <_»> PENGAJUAN PERSETUJUAN MATERIAL [ Ww PROVEK ‘APARTENEN SOLTERRAPLACE-PEIATEN AKETI PEK, FLOOR HARDENER NTOFLORHAROTOP no LO PPWUISPINKNRSO'8 DATABAHAN/ MATERIAL oo oooo|ooo0|000/00 z 2 ‘SPESIFIKAS! TEKNIS PEKERJAAN ARSITEKTUR DIVISION 3 : PEKERJAAN BETON NON STRUKTURAL Section 03010 - PEKERJAAN LAPISAN FLOOR HARDENER (SISTIM BUBUK/TABUR) 1. LINGKUP PEKERJAAN a. Yang termasuk didalamnya adalah pekerjaan-pekerjaan persiapan pada lantai yang dilapisi dengan sloor hardener, pengadaan tenaga kerja, bahan floor hardener, mesin trowel dan peralatan pembanty lainnya, contoh-conton bahan yang akan digunakan, termasuk pula perawatan dan pemeliharaan sampai saat penyerahan pekerjaan terakhir b. _Bagian yang dilapisi Floor Hardener adalah daerah lantai parkir, ruang AHU, ruang M/E, tangga darurat, dan semua bagian-bagian permukaan lantai Sesual yang ditunjukkan dalam detail gambar. 2. PERSYARATAN BAHAN a. Persyaratan Tipe dan Standar Mutu Bahan Floor Hardener Bahan Floor Hardener terbuat dari campuran semen, pasir silka kering yang tolah pilin dan digradasi dengan baik, plasticiser bubuk, pigmen wama bubuk dan bahan kimia tambahan lain dalam bentuk bubuk. dika bahan dieampur air dengan porbandingan 160 gram air por 1 kg bahan Floor Hardener dan diouatkan bonda uj, maka akan memberican Kekuatan sebagai brit +) Kuat Tekan 28 har (bonda uj kubus 5 x 5 x 5 cm): minimal 420 kalo? per uj “sample mate a *\Ketahanan terhadap Gesek diukur dengan mesin ~e tidak lebih besar dar0,04 mmfment (benda uf Bok beton Sx 5% 2 cn + Kokerasanagregat yang digunakan 7 skala Mohs * Produ yang dapat" gunakan adalah TUFFLOOR, ULTRACHEM FLOOR HARDENER, INTRAFLOOR SQ, UZIN FH, CHIGHIBU, MU-700 atau setara, .Pereyaratan Dosis dan Wara Flor Hardener rea Ruang-uang ME (genset, revo serta pump room) dan park area, dengan dos : kg/m : * Area: Rampway, turning area, drive way dan loading dengan dosis 5 kg/m? * Warna floor hardener adalah warna natural semen (non-metalic) 3. SYARAT PERALATAN 4, Petalatan untuk Pengaturan Elevasi Lantal Untuk menjamin seluruhlantai akan rata pada olovasi yang sama (tidak bergolombang), ‘maka Koniraktor wajlb menyediakan sarana bekisting dan jidar yang memadai dan dapat dipertanggung jawabkan tingkat presisinya + Begisting untuk penghentian pengecoran harus didisain sedemikian rupa supaya bonar-benar rata dan tidak bergelombang atau melint. Bahan bekisting harus dari salu bahan yang tidak menyerap air sehingga dapat dipergunakan lebih dari satu kal dan tidak mengalami perubahan bentuk. Bahan yang dapat digunakan adelah bi profil (UNP) atau Kayu lapis yang telah dlapis film sehingga kedap al. + Begisting harus dibuat sedemikian rupa sehingga tidak bocor sama_sekal Pertemuan begisting dengan lantai kerja harus ditambah dengan adukan atau tanah lat sampai benar-benar padat. + idar yang digunekan harus dari bahan aluminium ringan yang berongga (tidak molongkung dan mash dalam kondisi baik) atau pelat best sku yang diperkuat dengan stiuktur rangka penahan lendutan yang cilengkapi dengan penggetar, kawat dan penggulungnya untuk menggerakan sistim pela bes! sik in Pemasangan dan penggunaan alat-alat ini harus mendapat jn dan persetujuan dari Direksi Lapangan sebelum cipasang. Pengawasan elevasi dilakukan bersama untuk jarak setiap 1 m ke segala arch. PTAIRMAS ASR ~S-09010-1 SOLTERRA PLACE Nitoflor Hardtop eae ™~! Ps, constructive solutions ky Monolithic surface hardening compound for fresh concrete floors Uses NNitoflor Hardtop provides a highly abrasion resistant ‘surface to fresh concrete floors. Application by the dry ‘shake method ensures the hard wasring surface bonds ‘monoilithicaly to the base concrete. tt is ideally sulted for all industrial areas subjected to the heaviest traffic, €.9, Power stations, heavy industry, agricultural buildings, distilation plants, laboratories, warehouse floors, loading bays and workshops. Advantages * Supplied resdy to use - no addtves required * Provides hard, abrasion resistant surface. ' Forms monolithic bond with fresh concreta base * Hard, dense surface resistant to lls and grease = Available in a range of colours to improve working environment. * Non-metalic aggregate - will not rust when wel. Technical Fosroc offers @ comprehensive range of high Performance, high quality flooring, jointing and repair Products for both new and existing floor surfaces. in ‘addition, Fosroc offers technical support package to specifiers, end-users and contractors, as well as on-site technical assistance in locations all over the wort, Description Nitoflor Hardtop surface hardening compound is @ quality Controlled, factory blended powder which is ready to use (on site, It consists of special hard wearing aggregates selected for their physical properties of abrasion and wear resistance, Portland cement and special addilves to improve workabilty. This combination produces a material which is easy to trowel in the surface of fresh, wat concrete, Nitoflor Hardtop cures monolithically to provide dense, non-porous surface which is hard wearing and abrasion resistant Monolithic cure ensures that problems normally associated with thin (granolithic) screeds, e.g ‘curing, shrinkage, cracking, ete. are completely overcome, Page |I Nitoflor Hardtop is available in natural (concrete grey) colour as standard and some special colours Design criteria Base concrete tr Content of 300 kgim’. The concrete mix should be 38e concrete should a minimum cement designed fo minimise segregation and control bleeding, although some limited bleed is desirable to ensure sufficient moisture is available to wet out the Nitoflor Hardtop when itis frst applied. ‘The use of water reducing admixture from the Fosroc Conplast* range is strongly recommended in order to ‘achieve a water/cement ratio below 0.55. Ideally, the base concrete should have an on-site slump of between 78 and 100 mm. Slump outside that range is possible with site ‘als ‘The base concrete should be laid and compacted in ‘accordance with good concrete practice, taking care to ensure accurate finished profile and minimum laitance build up. Particular attention should be paid to bay edges ‘and comers to ensure full compaction of the base ‘concrete. See application instructions Vacuum dewatering is not recommended. Properties the result should be own tested because it can have variable result. Hardness (Mohs scale) ‘The solected aggregates contained within Nitoflor Hardtop have a hardness value of 7 on the Mohs eriginal scale | REC 2.8 MAR 2019 Nitoflor Hardtop Specification clauses Floors shall be surfaced where shown with Nitoflor Hardtop, a monolithic surface hardening compound containing non-metallic, rustfree aggregates. The aggregate shall have a value not less than 7 on the Mohs original scale and the compound shall have the ability to improve the abrasion resistance of concrete by 225%, NNitofior Hardtop powder shall be applied to the freshly-laid ‘concrete floor by the dry-shake method. It shall be applied fat the point where light foot trafic leaves an imprint of about 3 to 6 rm, ‘The powder shall be applied in two stages, in full accordance with the manufacturer instructions, to achieve ‘an overali application rate not less than § kg/m”, Special attention shall be paid to bay edges in accordance with ‘the manufacturer's written requirements, For dosage less than 5 kg/m2, own trial and test should be done to check the performance of final concrete, Application instructions Nitoflor Hardtop should be applied at an even application rate of 5 kom”, It Is recommended that the floor be marked off info bays of known area, Sufficient materials should then be laid out to meat the recommended spread rate. Application of Nitofor Hardtop should begin without delay ‘when the base concrete has stifened to the point when light foot traffic leaves an imprint of about 3 to 6 mm. Any bleed water should now have evaporated, but the concrete should have a wet sheen, (On large floors it will be necessary to work progressively behind the laying team to ensure application at the comect time. Nitoflor Hardtop is applied in two stages. "+The first application is broadcast at an even rate of 3 ‘kg/m? onto the concrete surface. When the material ‘becomes uniformly dark by the absorption of moisture Pawe [2 een ‘™! ot * from the base concrete, this first application can be floated. Wooden floats or, on large areas, a power float, may be used. it is important, however, that the surface is not overworked. ky constructive solutions ‘= Immecistely afer floating, the remaining 2 kgim? of Nitoftor Hardtop is applied evenly over the surface at Tight angles to the first. Again, when moisture has been absorbed the surface can be floated in the ‘samo way as before, Final fnishing of the floor using the blades of a power foat can be carried out when the floor has stiffened sufficiently 80 that damage will not be caused. Bay edges Where bay edges are likely to suffer particularly heavy ‘wear or impact and where savscut transverse control joints are to be located, itis desirable to give these areas ‘additional protection, by one of the following methods prior to full treatment ofthe entire surface: 8) Immediately after levelling the freshly placed ‘concrete, Nitoflor Hardtop should be sprinkled by hand at a rate of § kgm” in a stip 100 mm wide ‘long the bay edge and hand-trowelled into the surface. b) Immediately after leveling the freshly placed concrete, remove @ wedge of the concrete 10 mm deep at the slab edge and tapered up to slab level Replace this wih a very stiff paste of Nitofior Hardtop, mixed thoroughly with a small amount of water. Ensure it is fully compacted on to the base concrete. ‘These reinforced areas will be further strengthened when the subsequent full treatment is applied, Timing of the application of Nitoflor Hardtop is important ‘and care should be teken to ensure adequate labour, ‘machinery and material is available to complete the whole REECE HET 2.0 MAR 2619 ASW 0) Bulpl0DDe parmnpUOD s} ot | zo ov'o — fos‘acce|sr'ocec|ea'seee] cece NYNWONIdIWS/OE | ST-derst so | 90 sro [zs‘osce|ce'oscc|as'enec| tsze NyNWONidnWS/9%¢ _ [ST-Ges-st zo sco [sc'tsc|so'tesc|es'teac| zeae T-494-ST £0 ev‘o__ | ec’vezz|sc'v6cz|oo'rezz| sere 81-25-51 azo |ec’sszz[co’sszz|os'sszz]9sze gT-985-ST ovo fos'tzez|tc't262 262) | 81-994 wo fec'tece|oc'tsce|sc'tecc| zace sT-ae4sT sceroc|acerc|teetac] bt92 SI-G24-5T 2u6ion eau | pousg 501 | peor Buequojbieg/eeuxepu/eey : — voupue weyns WOSTXSTXST: (1x1X@) vomuava iT! ISW39 - VONWNE “UI ‘NT ISV38 WUWdSNVY. VISANOQNI 3OUSOS “Ld Aamioy peasy ‘BTOZALINDYEViINLAISEVH 19 on PES99EL EJ -(OTTI%3) 6200 LZ - PES99BL - BLB¥ LBL (TZ0) “dia4 eVSaUOPUI ‘pzPgT odaq IN sndWey ; PIsSuOpUT Jo Aaisienlun Suyeeuibug jo Ayney - Buv22ubua IND Jo quauniedag r WIa3LVW ee WNTeOLVeOSYT ie e %, INNn Material Lab> REPORT ON MOH's SCRATCH HARDNESS OF NITOFLOR HARDTOP Page 3013 Client A\Gurg Fostoc LLC Report No: 367999 SN 2/2 Address P.0 Box: 657 Dubai, UAE Lab Project No: P-1810 Contractor NP Sample No: 14-367999)4 Consultant NP Senders RefNo: Q'SZ/eg7/14 Project NP ‘Sample Identification » NP Project No. NP ‘Sample Source ; NP Date of Casting oa/09r2014 Date sample Racelved : 030912014 ‘Sample Description Nitoflor Hardtop Date of test started: 06/10/2014 Nominal Size (mm) 50x60x50 Date of test completed: 06/10/2014 Nominal Thickness (mm) © NP Repor Date | 07/10:2014 Color / Texture NP WaterCement Ratio: 0.45 Nature of surface Unglazea Tested by: 20 ‘Age of specimen @ testing: 28 days ‘TestDate Test Parameter Result Moh’s Scratch Hardness 7 Test Method 8S 6431; Part 13:1986: EN 101:1991 Test method variation None Remarks None Care ) GR. Sehait Zater asthe - Material b> 21 ani, ns | RECEIVED 2.0 MAR 2019 a en rt oo a et ‘Ta ropon shat abe epahced cei hi wut acta por ha ban TNE aW ia WT FEWA EU NIV agg yr e¥ ee VUELTA tO GUTTA aeyipuiee gb pl Ut cat ale oY Jl dle Material Lab - Dubsl, PO. Box: 114717, Tels Q71 4 3409678, Fax + 971.4 3405677 Material Lab Gulf Testing Soll - Abu Dhabi: PO. Box 61831. To. + 971 2 5503040 Fax: +971 25803041 mat: migtZeim 20 Wobste- www mied 00 |
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