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a. 1 wish we would Lave b. if only we had c. if only we had had d. I wish we have 7. A: You look so tired. B: Yes, I'm really sleepy today. I wish I Bob to the airport late last night. adidn'thavetotake b.weren’ttaking ¢. hadn’thad to take d. didn’t take 8. A: It’s raining. I wish it B: Me too. If only the sun so that we could go swimming. a. stopped/ shined b. would stop/ were shining c. had stopped/ had shined d. would stop/ would shine A: Did you study for that test? B: No, but now I wish I because I flunked it. ahad studied —_b. studied c.would study d. have studied 10. A: My feet are killing me! I wish I more comfortable shoes. B: Yeah, me too. I wish I that we were going to have to walk this much. a, had worn/ knew b, am wearing/ had known c. were wearing/ would know 4. wore/ had known CUM TU VA MENH DE CHI MUC DICH (PHRASES AND CLAUSES OF PURPOSE) 1. Cum tiv chi mye dich (Phrases of purpose) — Dé dién dat muc dich ciia mot hanh dong, ta ding cum tir bat du bing to-infinitive. Ex; He went to France to study French. (Anh dy da di Phép dé hoc tiéng Phap.) The staff are working at weekends in order to complete the project in time. (Cde nhdn vién sé lam viée cd nhitng ngdy cudi tudn dé hoan thanh du dn dung thoi han.) He does morning exercise regularly so as to improve his health. (Ong ta thutng xuyén tap thé duc buédi sing dé site khoé tét hon.) - Dé dién dat muc dich phi dinh ta ding cym ty bét ddu bang in order not/ so as not + to-infinitive (khong ding not + to-infinitive). Ex: She is hurrying in order not to miss the bus. (C6 ta dang di v6i dé khéng bj 1a xe buyt.) (NOT She-is hurry net_te-miss-the-bus.] He studied hard so as not to fail in the exam. (Anh dy hoc cham chi dé kh6ng bi thi rét,) [NOT ...hard-not-to-failin...] Tuy nhién, trong cdc cau néu bat sy tuong phan ta c6 thé ding not + to-infinitive, but + to-infinitive. Ex: I came to see you not (in order/ so as) to complain, but (in order/ so as) to apologize. (Ti gap anh khéng phdi dé phan nan, ma la dé xin li.) — For + noun cing cé thé duge dung dé 26 dén mue dich cia ai khi lam diéu gi do. Ex: I went to the store for some bread. [= I went to the store to buy some bread.] (T6i di dén cita hang dé mua mé6t it bénh mi.) Ching ta c6 thé ding to-infinitive hoic for + verb-ing dé noi vé céng dung ciia mét vat. Ex: This knife is only used to eut/ for cutting bread. (Con dao nay chi duge dung dé edt banh mi.) Nhung ching ta khong ding for + verb-ing dé n6i vé mot hanh dong cu thé. Ex: I used this knife to eut bread. (Téi diing con dao nay dé cit baénh mi.) (NOT Lused-this-knifefor-eutting-bread.] Cau tric for + object + to-infinitive c6 thé duge ding dé néi dén muc dich lién quan hanh dong cia mot ngudi nao khéc. Ex: I left the door unlocked for Harry to get in. (Téi da khéng khéa cita dé Harry vao duge.) Ménh dé trang ngif chi myc dich (Adverb clauses of purpose) Ménh dé trang ngit chi myc dich 1a ménh dé phy duge ding dé chi muc dich cia hanh dong 6 ménh dé chinh. Ménh dé trang ngit chi muc dich thudng duge bat ddu bang so that hoc in order that. so that will/ would # S+V+ + $+ can/could + V are-int) in order that may/ might : Ex: I'll try my best to study English in order that I can find a better job. (T6i sé c6 hoc tiéng Anh dé co thé tim dugc mét cong viéc tét hon.) He wore glasses and false beard so that nobody would recognize him. (Anh ta mang kinh va rau gid dé khéng ai nhdn ra anh ta.) - Will/ can/ may duge ding dé dién dat myc dich 6 hién tai (present purpose) va would/ could/ might duge ding dé dién dat muc dich qué khtf (past purpose). Ex: Put the milk in the refrigerator so that it won’t spoil. (Hay cho sita vao th lanh dé sta khong bi hu) We moved to London so that we could visit our parents more often. (Ching téi chuyén dén London dé cé thé tham cha me thuang xuyén hon.) - Déi khi thi hién tai don (present simple) mang nghia tuong lai cing c6 thé duge ding sau so that/ in order that. Ex: Send the letter express so that she gets (= will get) it before Tuesday. (Hay gwti thu nhanh dé c6 dy nhdn duge vio truée tht Ba.) * ‘rong 106i néi than mt ching ta c6 thé bé that sau so, nhung khong duge bé that sau in order. > Luu yj: Khi ménh 4 chinh va ménh dé trang ngd chi myc dich khéng cling chil noi thi khong nén ding cum ti chi muc dich (phrase of purpose). Nhung ta co thé ding cdu tric for + object + to-infinitive. Ex. | left the door unlocked so that Harriet could get in Or. | left the door unlocked for Harriet to get » EXERCISES |. Make a new sentence with a sentence from column A and a sentence from column B. Use fo, in order fo or so as to. A B 1. Thurried. I want to go abroad for a holiday. 2. We took off our boots. We didn’t want to get cold. 3. I'msaving money. I wanted to report that my car had been 4, Lynn unplugged the phone. stolen. 5. I phoned to the police station. I didn’t want to be late for the meeting. 6. The staff are working at weekends. I wanted to see the parade better. 7. [stood on tiptoes. We didn’t want to make the floors dirty. 8. Alioften writes down the time and date | She didn’t want to be interrupted while of his appointment. she was working. 9. Tom turned on the radio. ‘They want to complete the project in time. 10.We wore warm clothes. He wanted to hear the football results. He doesn’t want to forget to go. Il. Combine the ideas, using a clause of purpose. 1. Rachel wanted to watch the news. She turned on the TV. 2. ll post the card today. I want it to get there on Daniel's birthday. 3. Please turn down the radio. I want to be able to get to sleep. 4. She locked the door. She didn't want to be disturbed. 5. Igave her my address. I wanted her to contact me. 6. Tmegoing to cash a check. I want to make sure that I have enough money to go shopping, 7. Please arrive early. We want to be able to start the meeting on time. 8. I slowed down. I wanted the car behind to be able to overtake. 9. Jackson is planning to take a semester off. He wants to travel in Europe. 10. The man spoke very slowly. He wanted me to understand what he said. 11, I whispered. I didn’t want anybody else to hear our conversation. 12, T'll give you a map. I want you to find the way all right. 13. Please be quiet. I want to be able to hear what Sharon is saying. 14, The little boy pretended to be sick. He wanted to stay home from school. 15. I turned off the TV. I wanted my roommate to study in peace and quiet. Ill Change phrases of purpose to clauses of purpose or vice versa. Melanie was hurrying in order not to miss her bus. Ali borrowed an eraser so that he could erase a mistake in his composition. Most people work to earn money. I wish we had a garden for the children to play in. She is learning English so that she can study in the United States The staff are working at weekends so as not to delay the project any further. Can we stop for me to buy a newspaper? We moved to London so that we could visit our parents more often. 9. We're having to borrow money in order to pay our bills. 10. I left the door open so that Harry could get in. 11. I'm going to be very careful so that I won't have an accident. 12. The government took these measures in order to reduce crime. 13. He wore glasses and false beard so that he wouldn’t be recognized. 14, I lowered the volume on the TV set so as not to disturb my neighbors. 15. Yesterday I took my umbrella so that I wouldn’t get wet. IV. Comment on what each person says. Use the word in brackets. SA OMAR ewe 1. Ilona : I'm learning English. I want to get a better job. (to) Iona is learning English to get a better job. 2. Claude : [study encyclopedias. Then I can answer quiz questions. (so that) 8. Vicky : I’m saving up. I'm planning a holiday. (for) 4. Nick : I keep a dog. It guards the house. (to) 5. Olivia : I booked a babysitter. I wanted to go out for the evening. (so that) 6. Jessica : I'm going on a diet. I want to lose weight. (in order to) 7. Trevor : I often switch off the heating. It saves money. (to) 8. Sarah : I had to go to Birmingham. I had a business meeting. (for) 9.. Emma: I wore boots because I didn’t want my feet to get wet. (so that) 10. Mark: I’m saving my money. I’m planning to travel in Europe next summer. (in order to) |. Complete the following sentences. I had to go to the post office to < so that she improves her English. I gave her my telephone number so that 4 ——_____ sin order to see the World News. I took the meat out of the freezer so that. We may go to Canada for i 80 as not to be late for the meeting. :8o that you won't be lost. PONS MAwE I studied very hard in order that 10. They put video cameras in shops in order to CUM TU VA MENH DE CHI KET QUA (PHRASES AND CLAUSES OF RESULT) 1. Cum ti chi két qua (Phrases of result) 1, TOO (qué ... khéng thé): duge ding trudc tinh tir (adjective) hoac trang tit (adverb). “foo + adj/adv. + to-infinitive, Ex: He is too short to play basketball. (Anh ta qua thdp khéng thé chai bong ré dugc.) Tim spoke too quickly to understand. (Tim noi nhanh qué khéng thé hiéw duge.) Too much va too many thutng duge ding truéc danh tit (noun). Ex: Andrew spent too much time working. (Andrew da danh qué nhiéu thoi gian cho céng vise.) ‘There are too many people at the entrance. (C6 qud nhiéu ngubi 6 16i ra vido.) 2, ENOUGH (dui ... dé c6 thé): duige ding sau tinh tit va trang ti. Ex: Mary is old enough to do what she wants. (Mary da dis lén dé 06 thé lam nhitng gt cb ta mudn.) He didn’t jump high enough to win a prit (Anh ta nhdy cha dit cao dé cd thé doat gidi.) Enough thutng dting truée danh tit, Ex: I have enough strength to lift that box. (T6i dil khée dé nhdc cdi thing dé.) We haven’t got enough money to go on holiday. (Ching toi khong c6 dil tién dé di nghi mat.) Enough 6 thé duge ding khong c6 danh tit theo sau néu nhit nghia cia cau da ro rang. Ex: T'll lend you some money if you haven't got enough. (T6i s2 cho ban muon it tién néu ban khong cé dit.) & Luu §: Cum ti voi for c6 thé duoc ding sau too va enough too + atjady) adj/ adv + enough Ex: This game is too difficult for children. (7rd choi nay cue The 061 vai bon tré.) The coffee is too hot for me to drink. (Ca phé néng qué toi kh6ng udng duge.) He wasn't experienced enough for the job. (Anh 4y khéng dit kinh nghiém dé lam cong viée dé.) Do you think it's warm enough for the snow to melt? (Ban c6 nahi réna thoi tiét dd 4m dé tuyét tan khong?) Il. Ménh dé trang ngif chi két qua (Adverb clauses of result) Ménh dé trang ngif chi két qua 1a ménh dé phu duge ding dé chi két qua do hanh dng cia ménh dé chinh gay ra. 1. SO .. THAT (qué ... dén néi; dén néi ma) Subject + verb + so + adj/ady + that + subject + verb main clause adverbial clause of result Ex: It was so dark that I couldn’t see anything. (Tréi t6i dén néi t6i khéng thé nhin thdy gi.) He spoke so fast that nobody could understand him. (Anh ta noi nhanh dén néi khong ai hiéu dugc.) The little girl looks so unhappy that we all feel sorry for her. (Tréng c6 bé dé khén khé dén néi tdt cd chiing toi déu thdy toi nghiép né.) She walked so quickly that I couldn't keep up with her. (C6 dy di nhanh dén néi t6i khéng thé theo kip.) Khi tinh tiv 1a much, many, few, little thi cé thé c6 danh tit theo sau: somany/few + pluralcountablenoun + that somuch/little + uncountablenoun + that Ex: She had so many children that she couldn't remember their dates of birth. (Ba ta cé nhiéw con dén néi ba ta khong thé nhé ngay sinh cua ching.) There were so few people at the meeting that it was canceled. (Co it ngusi tham du cuge hop dén néi nd bi hily bd.) He has invested so much money in the project that he can’t aban- don it now. (Anh ta da dau tw vao dy dn nay nhiéu tién dén ndi bay gid anh ta khong thé tit b6 nd.) I have got so little time that I can’t manage to have lunch with you. (T6i cé it thai gian dén néi toi khéng thu xép dé an trua véi anh duge.) > MOt céu tric khae ctia “SO .. THAT” $+ V+ so + adj + a + singularcount.noun + that Ex: It was so hot a day that we decided to stay indoors (Tri néng dén néi ching t6i quyét dinh 6 nha khong di dau cd.) It was so interesting a book that he couldn’t put it down. (Cuén séch hay dén néi anh ta khéng thé dat nb xuéng.) 2. SUCH ... THAT (qué ... dén néi) S$ + V + such + (a/an) + adjective + noun + that + $ + V Ex: It was such a heavy piano that we couldn’t move it. (Chiée duong cém nang dén néi ching toi khéng thé di chuyén n6.) They had such fierce dogs that no one dared to go near their house. (Ho c6 nhitng con ché dit dén ndi khong ai dém di gén nha ho.) It was such horrible weather that we spent whole day indoors. (Thai tiét khé chiu dén néi chung ti 6 trong nha sudt ngay.) Ching ta cing c6 thé ding such truéc danh tit khOng cé tinh ti. Ex: She’s such a baby that we never dare to leave her alone. (Né6 tré con dén néi chung toi khéng bao gis dim dé né mét minh.) He showed such concern that people took him to be a relative. (Anh ta té ra lo ldng dén néi moi nguoi tuéng anh ta la ho hang than thich.) * Luu y: = KhOng ding a/an truéc danh tir sé nhiéu (plural nouns) va danh tir khong dém duge (uncountable nouns) Ex They are such old shoes. [NOT ... sush-an-old-shoes] It was such lovely weather. [NOT ...-sueh-atovaly weather] So duge ding véi many, much, few, little; such duge ding véi a lot (of). Why did you buy so much food? = Why did you buy such a lot of food? That ¢6 thé dupe bd. She was so angry (that) she couldn't speak. \ had such bad luck (that) you wouldn't believe it. DOi khi so dugc dt déu c4u dé nhén manh, va theo sau la hinh thdc ddo ngif cia Gong tt. Be So terrible was the storm that whole roofs were ripped off. Lo opige ie > EXERCISES 1. Complete these sentences using too, too many, too much or enough with one of the following adjectives or nouns: clearly, complicated, difficult, expensive, food, hastily, mistakes, rain, sweet, traffic. 1, You should stop to think first. You always acted 2. This quiz is rather easy. The questions aren't 3. Can I have some more sugar in my coffee, please? It isn’t 4. [can’t afford a new stereo. It would be __ 5. There's a water shortage. There just hasn't been 6 7. 8. 9. 3. Ican’t read your writing. You don’t write .. Try to be more careful, please. You're making The roads are very crowded. There’s simply ___ ). can’t understand these instructions. They're 10. Thousands of people are starving because they can’t get Il. Complete the answers to the questions. Use foo or enough with the word in brackets. 1. A: Is she going to get married? B: No, she’s not 2. A: [need to talk to you about something. B; Well, I'm afraid I'm to you now. (busy) 3. A: Let’s go to the cinema. B: No, it’s to the cinema. (late) . (old) Ching ta cing c6 thé ding such truée danh tit kh6ng cé tinh tir. Ex: She’s such a baby that we never dare to leave her alone. (N6 tré con dén ndi ching toi khéng bao gia dam dé né mot minh.) He showed such concern that people took him to be a relative. (Anh ta t6 ra lo ldng dén néi moi ngudi tuéng anh ta la ho hang than thich.) * Luu y: — Khéng diing a/an truéc danh tir sO nhiéu (plural nouns) va danh tir khong dém duge (uncountable nouns) Ex They are such old shoes. [NOT ... such-an-eld-shoes] It was such lovely weather. [NOT ...-sueh-a-Jovaly weather] So duge ding voi many, much, few, little; such dugc ding véi a lot (of). Why did you buy so much food? = Why did you buy such a lot of food? That 6 thé duge bé She was so angry (that) she couldn't speak. | had such bad luck (that) you wouldn't believe it. Oi khi so dugc dt déu cau dé nhén man, va theo sau la hinh théc déo ngu cla dong ti. Ex So terrible was the storm that whole roofs were ripped off. in Lo pig i > EXERCISES |. Complete these sentences using too, foo many, too much or enough with one of the following adjectives or nouns: clearly, complicated, difficult, expensive, food, hastily, mistakes, rain, sweet, traffic. 1, You should stop to think first. You always acted 2. This quiz is rather easy. The questions aren’t 3. Can I have some more sugar in my coffee, please? It isn’t 4. I can’t afford a new stereo. It would be 5, There’s a water shortage. There just hasn’t been 6. Ican’t read your writing. You don’t write 7. Try to be more careful, please. You're making 8. The roads are very crowded. There’s simply 9. Ican’t understand these instructions. They're 10. Thousands of people are starving because they can’t get Il. Complete the answers to the questions. Use foo or enough with the word in brackets. 1. A: Is she going to get married? B: No, she’s not . (old) 2. A: [need to talk to you about something. B: Well, I'm afraid I'm to you now. (busy) 3. A: Let’s go to the cinema B:No,it's____———_—to the cinema, (late) 12, He's difficult to understand because he speaks _ quickly. 13, She made ____ many mistakes that she failed the exam. 14. I can’t decide what to do. It’s _____ problem. 15. A: Sorry ’'m_____late. Wehad_lot to do at work. My boss gets in a panic about things. She makes ” big fuss. B: You shouldn't do much. You shouldn’t be willing to work __ long hours. No wonder you're tired. You'll make yourself ill, you know. Combine the sentences using so. that. ‘The weather was hot. You could fry an egg on the sidewalk. I couldn’t understand her. She talked too fast. Grandpa held me tightly when he hugged me. I couldn't breathe for a moment. ‘There were few people at the meeting. It was canceled. Ted couldn't get to sleep last night. He was worried about the exam. Jerry got angry. He put his fist through the wall. Ihave many problems. I can use all the help you can give me. Tcan't figure out what this sentence says. His handwriting is illegible. It took us only ten minutes to get there. There was little traffic. 10. Too many people came to the meeting. There were not enough seats for everyone. VI. Combine the sentences using such ... that. We took a walk. It was a nice day. It was an expensive car. We couldn't afford to buy it. I don’t feel like going to class. We're having beautiful weather. ‘The classroom has comfortable chairs. The students find it easy to fall asleep. ‘The tornado struck with great force. It lifted automobiles off the ground. This is good coffee. I think I'll have another cup. Karen is a good pianist. I’m surprised she didn't go into music professionally. It was a good book. I couldn't put it down. We did a lot of gymnastics. We couldn’t walk afterwards. 10. They were beautiful flowers. We took a photograph of them. VII. Match the sentences and combine them, using so or such. Seregaeene = Sergaeeye eA B 1. Sarah was late home. - All the tickets sold out. 2. Mike hadn't cooked for along time. _| - He wouldn't speak to anyone. 3. The piano was heavy. - He'd almost forgotten how to. 4, Tom was annoyed about United losing. | - It kept all the neighbors awake. 5. The band was a big attraction. - Mark had already gone to bed. 6. Vicky had a lot of work to do. - You could hear it from miles away. 7. The party made a lot of noise. - We spent the whole day indoors. 8, She speaks English well - Mike and Harriet couldn’t move it. 9. It was horrible weather. - She was sure she'd never finish it. 10.The music was loud. - You would think it was her native language. VIIL. Use your own ideas to complete the sentences, 1 a 3. 4. 3 6. 7. 8. 9. ‘The exam was so difficult that... I was so tired that. They've got so much money that. My father is such a busy man that. It was such lovely weather that... He spoke so quickly that... We had such a good time on holiday that... T’ve got so many things to do that... . These shoes are so expensive that. 10. It was such an extraordinary story that... Cum tiv chi nguyén nhan hodc ly do (Phrases of cause or reason! Cum tit chi nguyén nhan hoac ly do thutng duve bit déu bang cdc gidi tit because of, due to hoac owing to (do; vi; bdi vi). because of due to/ owing to ‘e didn’t go out due to the cold weather. (Vi trai lank nén ching t6i khéng di choi.) They are here because of us. (Ho 6 day vi chiing tdi.) Owing to his carelessness we had an accident. (Do st bat cdn ctia anh ta ma ching t6i bj tai nan.) She stayed home because of fecling unwell. (C6 dy 6 nha vi cdm thay khong khoé.) + noun/ pronoun/ gerund phrase IL. Ménh dé trang ngif chi nguyén nhan hoac ly do (Adverb clauses of cause or reason) Meénh dé trang ngit chi nguyén nhan hode ly do thugng duge n6i v6i ménh dé chinh bang cdc lién tw: beeause, since, as, seeing that (do; vi; bdi vi). because/ since/as/seeing that + subject + verb Ex: He came ten minutes late because he missed the bus. (Anh ta dén tré mudi phit vi anh ta bj 1a xe buyt.) Since it was too dark to go on, we camped there. (Ching t6i dong trai 6 d6 vi troi qua toi khong thé di tiép.) As you weren't there, I left a message. (Vi anh khéng c6 6 dé nén ti da dé Igi loi nhén.) Seeing that/ Seeing as the weather was bad, they didn’t take part in the trip. (Bdi vi thdi tiét xdu, ho da khong tham gia chuyén di.) ~ For, in that, inasmuch as cing cé thé duge ding dé dua ra ly do trong 1éi néi trang trong hode trong van chuong. Ex: The film is unusual in that it features only four actors. (B6 phim lq vi chi c6 4 dién vién.) — Now (that) = because of the fact that Ex: Now (that) the exams are over I can enjoy myself. (Vi ky thi da qua nén toi thdy rét thodi mai.) re Luu yj: — Since, as, seeing that thutng dug diing khi ngudi nghe/ ngubi doc da biét IV do hoa I do khéng phai la phdn quan trong trong cau. Sy nhéin manh thue ménh dé chinh. Ex: We watched TV all evening as we had nothing to do (Ching t6i xem tivi suét buéi t61 vi ching t6/ chang cé viéc gi dé lam.) — Because dugc ding dé nhan manh ly do, cung cép théng tin moi ma ngudi nghe/ ngudi doc chva biét. Sy nh&n manh thudc ménh dé chi Iy do. Because they live near us, we see them quite often. (Vi ho séng g4n ching t6i nén ching téi thydng gap ho.) Menh dé bat dau bing for khong gii thich tai sao hanh d6ng duge thyc hién, ma chi idi thigu them th6ng tin giai thich hanh dong. Trude for phai cd dau phay. Ex The days are short, far it is now December. (Vi bay gid la théng Muti Hai, nén ngay that ngan.) ‘Ménh dé trang ngii chi ly do c6 thé diing trudc hodc sau ménh dé chinh. Khi ménh dé trang ng ding trude, gitia hai m@nh 48 c6 dau phdy (,) Bx Because it was cold, | turned the heating on. Or- | turned the heating on because it was cold. — Khi déi tu: ménh dé sang cum ti, néu 2 chil ngi ging nhau ta c6 thé ding cym-danh ‘d6ng tis (gerund phrase). Ex. She stayed at home because she was sick. —> She stayed at home because of being sick. i) [e » EXERCISES 1. Complete the sentences with either because or because of. 1. We delayed our trip the bad weather. 2. Sue's eyes were red she had been crying. 3. My mother is always complaining the untidiness of my room. 4. The water in most river is unsafe to drink ___ it’s polluted. 5. The trees were bend over the wind. 6. You can’t enter this secure area you don’t have an official permit. 7. It’s unsafe to travel in that country the ongoing civil war. 8. Several people in the crowd became ill and fainted the extreme heat. 9. Mark didn’t go to work yesterday he didn’t feel well. 10. We couldn't get into the disco the enormous crowd. Il, Match the two halves of the sentence. Then write the full sentence, using the word in brackets. Add commas where necessary. A B 1. Yesterday was a public day - she was very popular. (since) 2. We didn’t want to wake anybody up | - we ate out. (as) 3. We didn’t know what time it was _| - it explains everything very clearly. (because) 4, It was anice day ~ none of us had a watch. (because) 5. The door was open - the teacher decided to give it again. (since) 6. You paid for the theater tickets - she missed the bus. (because) 7. Oilis an irreplaceable natural resource| - we went for a walk by the sea. (as) 8. We didn’t see Lisa for along time | - we didn’t recognize her. (because) 9. Lilian was late for work ~ wemust do whatever we can to conserve it. (since) 10.Sonia was tired - we came in very quietly. (as) 11.Eve had an attractive personality | - she felt weak. (because) 12. Mother had burnt the dinner - we didn’t have to go to work. (since) 13.[t’s a really useful book - please let me pay for our dinner. (as) 14.Ellie hadn't fully recovered yet - she'd been working very hard. (because) 15.All the students had done poorly on| - I walked in. (since) the test Rewrite these sentences, using because. 1. Due to the cold weather, we stayed home. 2. Most people hear jogging is a good exercise, so they begin to jog. 3. People like to live in this country because of its healthy climate. 4, A computer can be used for various purposes, so it becomes very popular nowadays. 5. Stacey retired in 1987, partly because of ill health. 6. We were late for the meeting due to the heavy traffic. 7. Harry had to stay in hospital because of his broken leg. 8. 9. Our leader couldn't attend the meeting, so it was canceled. ‘The young couple decided not to buy the house because of its dilapidated condition. 10. I always enjoyed mathematics in high school, so I decided to major in it in college. IV. Change clauses of reason to phrases of reason. 1. Jim had to give up jogging because he had sprained his ankle severely. 2, The water in most rivers is unsafe to drink because it’s polluted. 3. We had to stay in London an extra day because it was foggy at the airport. 4. Bill has to do all of the cooking and cleaning because his wife is ill. 5. We all have received the best of everything because our parents are generous. 6. Icouldn’t get to sleep last night because it was noisy in the next apartment. 7. John has to sit in the front row in class because he has poor eyesight. 8. We stopped our car because the traffic lights turned red. 9. She couldn’t see the road because the wall was too high. 10. We postponed our trip because the driving conditions were bad. 11. Sarah will not walk across a bridge because she’s afraid of heights. 12. Mark’s doctor has advised him to exercise regularly because he is overweight.

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