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empire state ov morocco

moorishe nationall reepublic federall

krypton territory konsular kourte
klerk office
societas republicae ea al maurikanos
moorishe divyne ande nationall muvemente of the earthe
northe weste amexem + north weste affrica + northe ammerica + the northe gate
all addjoining isslands
tempel of the moon ande sun
the true ande de jure naturall peeples + heirs of the lande
empire state ov morocco
unniversall sovereigne origeneall inndigeneous naturall divyne affidavid
notice of affidavit of fact-Cover Sheet for the Public
Bond 2025923
May 08, 2024 exhibit B8
Reference Exhibit a: Bill of Attainder: [Case #24T1501]
Document on the Public Reeord as follows:

all rize ande stande ande reemain standing innto perpetuitee. this is a sovereigne livinge annciente artiklle
iii moorishe amerikan al moroccan kourte acctione. we are the sovereigne livinge justise in capitis
diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, ande in proprio heredes. all moors
are the origeneall inndigeneous sovereigne annciente al moroccan moorishe amerikan ascendents ov the
greate pharoahs ov kemet ande ov the annciente moabites ande canaanites. our fulle faithe ande truste, our
allegianse, our kreddit ande our innergy are herebye vested in oursellves for we are the peepel who are the
origeneall inndigeneous naturall divyne annciente empire state ov morocco ande the de jure moorishe
nationall reepublic federall governmente, the unniversall moorishe amerikan konsulate ande the articlle iii
moorishe amerikan konsular kourte. we are peace. we are one god. we herebye exxercise all sovereigne
rights at this time ande at all pointes in time nunq pro tunq.

This serves as notice of the following documents serving as law was placed on the public record, and was sent via email, fax, and/or mailing to those in the offices listed.
1. Exhibit B8 unniversall sovereigne origeneall inndigeneous
anncieante al moroccan moorishe american affidavit of fact
notice of default judgement+3 pages
2. Exhibit B9 Unniverrsall sovereigne origeneall inndigeneous
annciente naturall divyne konsular kourte actionne 20240426
(linked to previous kourte actioinne mcn23+sp+cause of action #
999+99+0115+3 pages
3. Exhibit B10 unniversall sovereigne origenealll enndigeneous
naturall divyne affidavid uf writtene innitiall unniversall
kommerciale kode 1 phinansinge statemente liene+6 pages
4. Exhibit B11 Pope Francis Letter to President Obama
5. Exhibit B12 UCC Financing Statement

aboriginal and indigenous peoples’ documents: northwest amexem / northwest africa / north america / ‘the north gate’/central
amexem/adjoining and americana islands - the moroccan empire - continental united states; ‘temple of the moon and sun’ / ‘turtle
island’: non - domestic, non - resident, non – subject;
– moors / muurs - being the rightful heirs and primogeniture birthright - inheritors of the land.
empire state ov morocco
krypton territory klerk office
c/o 4453 hartland parkway
near lexington, kentucky
northwest africa, morocco

all sovereigne origeneall inndigeneous annciente divyne moorishe amerikan autograffs affirming this ande
all sovereigne origeneall inndigeneous annciente empire state ov morocco ande the de jure moorishe
nationall reepublic federall governmente dockumentes are on the pubblic reckorde at amerika, annciente
morocco, northe weste amexem, northe weste affrica, the northe gate, turtle islande, gaia', midguarde,

chronos time immemoriall inn to perpetuitee

ego sum

justise vizier ministar

in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris in proprio solo in proprio heredes.
knowtise to agente is knowtise to principall. knowtise to principall is knowtise to agente.

empire state ov morocco

moorishe nationall reepublic federall governmente
moorishe amerika konsulate
krypton territory klerk office
c/o 4453 hartland parkway
near lexington, kentucky
northwest africa, morocco
latittude longittude 37.963929, +84.490909
amen, amen dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo
amen, amen dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo
amen, amen dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo

Sent to:

Custodian-Tabatha Clemons
d/b/a as Clerk
Office of the Grant County Clerk
107 North Main Street
Lexington, Ky 41097
Fax 859-824-3367

aboriginal and indigenous peoples’ documents: northwest amexem / northwest africa / north america / ‘the north gate’/central
amexem/adjoining and americana islands - the moroccan empire - continental united states; ‘temple of the moon and sun’ / ‘turtle
island’: non - domestic, non - resident, non – subject;
– moors / muurs - being the rightful heirs and primogeniture birthright - inheritors of the land.
Custodian-Jacob Perkins
d/b/a Sheriff
Office of the Grant County Sheriff
212 Barnes Road
Williamstown, Ky 41097

Custodian-Brian Maines
d/b/a Sheriff
Office of the Grant County Sheriff
212 Barnes Road
Williamstown, Ky 41097

Subject-Michael Adams
d/b/a Secretary of State
Office of Kentucky Secretary of State
700 Capital Avenue, Suite 152
Frankfort, Ky 40601

aboriginal and indigenous peoples’ documents: northwest amexem / northwest africa / north america / ‘the north gate’/central
amexem/adjoining and americana islands - the moroccan empire - continental united states; ‘temple of the moon and sun’ / ‘turtle
island’: non - domestic, non - resident, non – subject;
– moors / muurs - being the rightful heirs and primogeniture birthright - inheritors of the land.

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