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Discovery and Applications

in Organic Chemistry 1st Edition
Jaemoon Yang
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Discovery and Applications
in Organic Chemistry

Jaemoon Yang


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To Urey and those who follow.


In the preparation of this book, I have received a great deal of assis-

tance from many people. Without them this book would not have been

I am pleased to acknowledge help from Professor Michael Krische

of The University of Texas at Austin and Professor Takahiko
Akiyama of Gakushuin University in Japan, who provided me with
additional information on their research.
I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the following
individuals at Cambridge Isotope Laboratories, Inc. (CIL): Dr. Joel
Bradley instilled a great value of deuterium in me. Dr. William Wood
encouraged me to explore a wonderful world of deuterium.
Dr. Richard Titmas read the entire manuscript and made valuable
suggestions. Mrs. Diane Gallerani obtained a number of rare articles
in a timely manner. My colleagues at CIL, Drs. Sun-Shine Yuan,
Susan Henke, Steven Torkelson, and Salim Barkallah, are gratefully
acknowledged for their proofreading efforts and helpful comments.

I wish to thank the Elsevier publishing team for making the

manuscript become a book. Katey Birtcher, senior acquisitions editor
of chemistry, kindly accepted the book proposal and arranged a very
smooth review process. Jill Cetel, senior editorial project manager, was
instrumental ensuring that the book was ready to print.
Finally, I want to thank my wife, Wenjing Xu, PhD, for her
support and love.
Jaemoon Yang, Ph.D.
Cambridge Isotope Laboratories, Inc.
Andover, MA
April 2016

It is everywhere around us. The water we drink every day is made up
of hydrogen and oxygen, the gasoline we pump at the gas station
contains hydrogen and carbon, the sugar we use is made of hydrogen,
carbon, and oxygen. DNA is another fine example: it has hydrogen as
well as other atoms such as carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and phosphorus.
Recently, hydrogen-fueled vehicles are gaining attention as a
zero-emission alternative. Being the lightest of all the elements in the
Periodic Table, hydrogen is one of the most common atoms that make
up the world.1
Since its discovery in 1766 by Henry Cavendish, hydrogen had been
considered a pure element for more than 160 years. It turned out that
hydrogen is not pure! It is very close to being pure, but it is not exactly
100%. The chemical purity of hydrogen is 99.985%. This is because
there are two forms or isotopes of hydrogen: the protium accounts for
99.985% of naturally occurring hydrogen and the deuterium makes up
the remaining 0.015%. When hydrogen is mentioned, it is usually
referred to as protium, the major isotope of hydrogen.

As an isotope of hydrogen, deuterium exhibits the very same chemical
properties as protium. On the other hand, deuterium has certain
physical properties that are different from those of protium: it is twice
as heavy as protium, which makes its bond to carbon or oxygen stron-
ger than those attached to protium. Due to these unique properties,
deuterium has been widely used in chemistry, biology, and physics.

The field of organic chemistry has benefited the most from the
discovery of deuterium. One familiar example is the use of deuterated
solvents such as deuteriochloroform (CDCl3) in nuclear magnetic reso-
nance (NMR) spectroscopy. The proton NMR (1H NMR) spectrum
of a sample provides valuable information about the structure of a
xii Introduction

molecule. In obtaining a proton NMR spectrum, a sample is typically

dissolved in deuterated solvents such as deuteriochloroform.
Obviously, deuterated solvent is required to clearly observe the signals
arising from the analyte by obscuring the signal from the solvent.
Another application is the use of deuterium as a tracer in the study
of reaction mechanism. With the use of deuterium-labeled compounds,
organic chemists can conveniently follow the molecules to precisely
figure out the reaction mechanism. An outstanding example can be
found in a research paper published in 2010 by Professor Grubbs and
coworkers at the California Institute of Technology. In studying the
mechanism of ring-closing metathesis, the authors prepared a
deuterium-labeled substrate (1D2) and subjected it to the ruthenium-
catalyzed reaction (Scheme 1).2 In addition to the expected product
cyclopentene (2), two new compounds (1D0, 1D4) that differ only
from the starting material diene (1D2) in isotopic composition could
be detected by mass spectrometry.


ruthenium H D D
EtO2C CO2Et catalyst
D H + D D
1D0 1D4
50°C, toluene
1D2 EtO2C CO2Et

Scheme 1

The detection of two isotopologues (1D0, 1D4) provided evidence

that a nonproductive event occurred in the ring-closing metathesis.
The power of the deuterium isotope was therefore elegantly illustrated.
Without deuterium, the study would not have been possible!

Me Cl Me Cl Me Cl Me Cl

H2N Ag(OTf) HN H2N Ag(OTf) HN

Me PhI(OAc) Me Me PhI(OAc) Me
O 2 O O 2 O
O Me O Me O Me O Me
H H H (33%) H
Me 4D Me 3H Me 4H Me

Scheme 2
Introduction xiii

The C D bond reacts slower than the C H bond. This particular

effect is frequently exploited in synthetic organic chemistry. For exam-
ple, Professor Neil Garg and coworkers at the University of
California, Los Angeles, prepared a deuterium-labeled carbamate 3D
to accomplish a highly efficient C H activation reaction in the total
synthesis of ( )-N-methylwelwitindolinone C isonitrile (Scheme 2).3
When subjected to the silver-promoted nitrene insertion reaction, the
desired product was obtained from the carbamate 3D twice as much as
from the protium substrate 3H.
The applications of deuterium-labeled compounds go beyond the
areas of NMR spectroscopy, mechanistic studies, or total synthesis of
natural products in organic chemistry. Recently, medicinal chemists at
the pharmaceutical companies are testing the idea that simply substi-
tuting deuterium for protium in a currently approved drug could create
a better drug. DeuteRx in Andover, MA, introduced in 2015 a
deuterium-labeled thalidomide analog to explore the possibility of
developing a single enantiomer drug for the treatment of multiple mye-

Thalidomide analog Paroxetine analog

Scheme 3

loma (Scheme 3).4

Another example of deuterated drugs is by ConCert

Pharmaceuticals of Lexington, MA, which reported very positive
results of a Phase I clinical trial for a deuterium version of the antide-
pressant paroxetine, sold as Seroxat by GlaxoSmithKline.5


Considering that deuterium has had a tremendous impact on many
areas of science, no single book exists that describes in detail how
deuterium was discovered. Following a brief description of isotopes in
xiv Introduction

Chapter 1, Isotopes, the excitement and heroic efforts surrounding the

discovery of deuterium are presented in Chapter 2, Deuterium. The
stories are told in the narrative form extracted from the original
research articles. A short note on how deuterium gas and deuterium
oxide are manufactured is included as well. In Chapter 3, Deuterium-
Labeled Compounds, basics of deuterium-labeled compounds such as
their nomenclature and synthetic methods are described. In order to
highlight the utility of deuterium, selected examples of applications in
organic chemistry from earlier times to recent years are illustrated in
Chapter 4, Applications in Organic Chemistry. Finally, Chapter 5,
Applications in Medicinal Chemistry, outlines the biological effects of
heavy water and the recent progress in the development of deuterated
This book would serve as an introductory reference on the history
of deuterium and its applications in organic chemistry. I hope this
book will be of use to those who are curious about deuterium.

1. Rigden JS. Hydrogen: the essential element. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press; 2002.
2. Stewart IC, Keitz BK, Kuhn KM, Thomas RM, Grubbs RH. J Am Chem Soc 2010;132:8534.
3. Quasdorf KW, Huters AD, Lodewyk MW, Tantillo DJ, Garg NK. J Am Chem Soc
4. Jacques V, Czarnik AW, Judge TM, Van der Ploeg LHT, DeWitt SH. Proc Natl Acad Sci
5. Uttamsingh V, Gallegos R, Liu JF, Harbeson SL, Bridson GW, Cheng C, Wells DS,
Graham P, Zelle R, Tung R. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 2015;354:43.

Isotopes are a group of chemical elements that have the same number of
protons, but have a different number of neutrons.1 Isotopes thus have a
different atomic mass, but maintain the same chemical characteristics.
Nearly all the chemical elements that make up our material world occur
in different isotopic forms. In fact, 83 of the most abundant elements
have one or more isotopes composed of atoms with different atomic
masses. Some familiar examples are chlorine (Cl), bromine (Br), carbon
(C), and oxygen (O): chlorine has two stable isotopes of masses of 35
and 37; bromine has two isotopes of masses of 79 and 81; carbon has
two stable isotopes of masses of 12 and 13; and oxygen has three
stable isotopes of masses of 16, 17, and 18.
It was Frederick Soddy, who first proposed the word “isotopes” in
1913 in a paper published in Nature.2

So far as I personally am concerned, this has resulted in a great clarification

of my ideas, and it may be helpful to others, though no doubt there is little
originality in it. The same algebraic sum of the positive and negative charges
in the nucleus, when the arithmetical sum is different, gives what I call
“isotopes” or “isotopic elements,” because they occupy the same place in the
periodic table. They are chemically identical and save only as regards the
relatively few physical properties, which depend upon atomic mass directly.
Reprinted with permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd: Soddy, F. Nature,
1913, 92, 399. Copyright 1913.

Deuterium. DOI:

© 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 Deuterium

Soddy received the 1921 Nobel Prize in chemistry for his contribu-
tions to our knowledge of the chemistry of radioactive substances and
his investigations into the origin and nature of isotopes:3

Soddy was born in Eastbourne, England, on September 2, 1877. He

studied at Eastbourne College and the University College of Wales,
Aberystwyth. In 1895, he obtained a scholarship at Merton College,
Oxford, from which he graduated in 1898 with first class honors in
chemistry. After 2 years of research at Oxford, he became a demonstrator
in chemistry at McGill University in Montreal. At McGill, he worked on
radioactivity with British physicist Sir Ernest Rutherford. Together they
published a series of papers on radioactivity and concluded that it was a
phenomenon involving atomic disintegration with the formation of new
kinds of matter. In 1903, Soddy left Canada to work at University
College London with Scottish chemist Sir William Ramsay. From 1904
to 1914, Soddy served as a lecturer at the University of Glasgow,
Scotland. During this period, he evolved the so-called “Displacement
Law,” namely that emission of an alpha particle from an element causes
that element to move back two places in the Periodic Table. In 1908, he
married Winifred Beilby. The couple had no children. In 1919, he became
Lee’s Professor of Chemistry at Oxford University, a position he held
until 1937 when he retired on the death of his wife. He died in Brighton,
England, on September 22, 1956, at the age of 79.


The hydrogen atom is the simplest of all atoms: it consists of a single
proton and a single electron. In addition to the most common form of
the hydrogen atom that is called protium, two other isotopes of hydro-
gen exist: deuterium and tritium. The atoms of deuterium (atomic sym-
bol: D or 2H) contain one proton, one electron, and one neutron,
while those of tritium (atomic symbol: T or 3H) contain one proton,
one electron, and two neutrons. Whereas protium and deuterium are
stable, tritium is not: it is radioactive. It is interesting to note that only
the hydrogen isotopes have different names.


Organic molecules that contain carbon hydrogen bonds constantly
undergo myriad reactions, in which reactants become products after
Isotopes 3

going through a certain pathway. Organic chemists are very curious

about the mechanism of the reaction, as a thorough understanding of
the reaction mechanism not only provides the details of chemical
change but also forms the foundation for invention of new reactions.
Thus the elucidation of reaction mechanism is a rewarding process.
Among the many ways of studying reaction mechanism available to
organic chemists, the use of deuterium is a very powerful tool espe-
cially when the reaction involves hydrogen.4

There are two properties that make deuterium so useful in organic

chemistry. First, it is twice as heavy as protium (Table 1.1). When the
hydrogen is replaced by deuterium, the resulting deuterium-labeled
compound can be readily distinguished from the ordinary compound
by mass spectra. Another advantage is taken of the heavy weight of
deuterium in the study of deuterium kinetic isotope effect (DKIE). As
the C H bond breaks faster than the C D bond, the measurement of
the relative reaction rate gives a good idea about the reaction mecha-
nism if that bond is involved in the reaction being investigated.

Second, deuterium has different magnetic properties than protium.

Thus the C H bonds of an organic compound can be detected by
H NMR, whereas the C D bonds cannot.5 The opposite is true with
H NMR spectroscopy. This unique feature makes it possible to follow
deuterium attached to a specific carbon during the reaction. The com-
bination of mass spectra with NMR spectroscopy thus makes it possi-
ble to employ deuterium as an isotopic tracer in an endeavor to solve
the mechanism puzzle.
Deuterium is a rare isotope of hydrogen: there exists only one
deuterium to about 6500 protiums found in nature. It is therefore no
surprise that deuterium had only been discovered about 80 years ago.
In the next chapter, we will learn how deuterium was discovered.

Table 1.1 Some Properties of Protium and Deuterium

Atom H, protium D, deuterium

Natural abundance 99.985% 0.015%

Atomic mass 1.008 2.014
Nuclear spin 1/2 1
4 Deuterium

1. Krebs RE. The history and use of our Earth’s chemical elements. Greenwood Press; 1998
p. 27 8.
2. Soddy F. Nature 1913;92:399.
3. Frederick Soddy—biographical. Chem Eng News 2013;December 2:30 1.
4. Semenow DA, Roberts JD. J Chem Educ 1956;33:2.
5. Smith ICP, Mantsch HH. Deuterium NMR spectroscopy, vol. 191. ACS Symposium Series;
1982; pp. 97 117 [Chapter 6].
2.1.1 Atomic Weights of Protium and Deuterium
2.1.2 Deuteron Versus Deuton
2.3.1 Current Way of Producing Heavy Water

Deuterium was discovered by Harold C. Urey, professor of chemistry
at Columbia University in the winter of 1931 right around the
Thanksgiving holiday1:

Harold Clayton Urey was born in Walkerton, IN, on April 29, 1893, as
the son of the Rev. Samuel Clayton Urey and Cora Rebecca Reinoehl.
In 1914, he entered the University of Montana to study both Zoology and
Chemistry. It is those years at the University of Montana where he
received his first inspiration for scientific work through personal relation-
ship with his professors. In 1917, he obtained the Bachelor of Science
degree in Zoology. In 1921, he entered the University of California at
Berkeley to work under Professor Gilbert N. Lewis and was awarded
the PhD degree in chemistry in 1923. He spent the following year in
Copenhagen at Professor Niels Bohr’s Institute for Theoretical Physics as
an American-Scandinavian Foundation Fellow. After return to the United
States, he joined the faculty at the Department of Chemistry at Johns
Hopkins University. In 1929, he was appointed as associate professor of
chemistry at Columbia University and became full professor in 1934.
He was editor of the Journal of Chemical Physics during 1933 1940.
Professor Urey received the Willard Gibbs Medal presented by American
Chemical Society in 1934 for his work on the isotope of hydrogen. Later in

Deuterium. DOI:

© 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
6 Deuterium

the same year, he received the Nobel Prize in chemistry. He was professor
at the University of California, San Diego, since 1958 until his retirement.
He married Frieda Daum in 1926. The couple had 3 daughters and 1 son,
4 grandchildren, and 10 great grandchildren in 1979. In his late years,
he suffered heart attack, but recovered. He died on January 5, 1981.

When Francis W. Aston determined atomic weights of elements

using mass spectrograph, he observed that many elements had
isotopes. For example, neon has two (20 and 22), chlorine has two
(35 and 37), bromine has two (79 and 81), and krypton has six (78, 80,
82, 83, 84, 86). Unlike these elements, Aston observed that hydrogen
had only one isotope2:
From these figures, it is safe to conclude that hydrogen is a simple
element and that its weight, determined with such constancy and
accuracy by chemical methods, is the true mass of its atom.
In the 1920s, oxygen was the standard against which atomic weights
of all chemical elements were determined. Oxygen had been considered
a single atom until 1929 when Giauque and Johnston spotted an
isotope of oxygen of mass 18.3 Now that oxygen had two isotopes,
the atomic masses based on the system O 5 16 had to be revised.
In analyzing the relative abundance of oxygen isotopes, Raymond T.
Birge, professor of physics at the University of California, Berkeley,
and Donald H. Menzel, professor of astrophysics at Lick Observatory,
called for an investigation4:

Assuming that the abundance ratio is really 630 to 1 (16O/18O), it follows that
atomic masses based on 16O 5 16 should be 2.2 parts in 104 greater than
those based on the chemical system O 5 16. It is accordingly of importance to
test Aston’s mass spectrograph results on this new basis. Of the elements that
permit an accurate comparison of the chemical and mass spectrograph
results, there remains only hydrogen. The chemical value is 1.00777 6 0.00002,
as compared with Aston’s 1.00778 6 0.00015. Aston’s value, reduced to the
chemical scale, is 1.00756 on division by 1.00022 and the discrepancy appears
to be outside the limits of error. It could be removed by postulating the
existence of an isotope of hydrogen of mass 2, with a relative abundance
H/ H 5 4500. It should be possible, although difficult, to detect such an
1 2

isotope by means of band spectra.

Reprinted with permission from: Birge RT, Menzel DH. Phys Rev 1931; 37:1669.
Copyright 1931 American Physical Society.
Deuterium 7

Urey had been thinking of the hydrogen isotopes and became

convinced of the presence of deuterium isotope after reading a paper
by Birge and Menzel.5 Using Debye’s theory of the heat capacity of
solid substances, Urey estimated the pressure of hydrogen gas over
the solid hydrogen, and found out that the boiling points of the two
hydrogens, protium and deuterium, should be markedly different.
This calculation formed the basis of Urey’s attempt to isolate deuterium
through fractional distillation6:
The method of concentration—distillation of liquid hydrogen—came to me
at lunch one day early in August 1931. I immediately discussed it with
Dr. Murphy who was my research assistant. I had never considered the
thermodynamic properties of solid hydrogen in detail and it took some time
to straighten out all of the theoretical details, particularly the zero-point
energy of a solid. I contacted Dr. Brickwedde at the Bureau of Standards to
distill liquid hydrogen. Dr. Brickwedde, with whom I became acquainted at
Johns Hopkins University, distilled 5- to 6-liter quantities of liquid hydrogen
at the triple point of H2, 14K at 53 mmHg, to a residue of 2 cm3 of liquid,
which was evaporated to glass flasks and sent to me.
Reprinted with permission from: Urey HC. Ind Eng Chem 1934; 26:803. Copyright
1934 American Chemical Society.

To identify protium and deuterium, Urey and Murphy employed a

spectroscopic method, using the Balmer series in the atomic spectrum
of hydrogen. Recording the spectrum on a grating required a great
deal of attention and time:

Upon receiving the distillation residue, Dr. Murphy and I went to work
immediately and in one month did about four months’ work. We did two
ordinary days’ work each day, labored Sundays and Thanksgiving Day as well.
Mrs. Urey was a scientific widow for that month. To make sure that the spectral
lines observed are real, we spent a whole month in and out of a dark room in
the basement of the Physics Building, developing about 100 photographic
plates. The situation increased our consumption of cigarettes about ten fold
and made us quite unsuitable for human society.

Finally, Urey and Murphy obtained the atomic spectrum of

hydrogen using two different batches of samples from Dr. Brickwedde,
which did show the presence of the wavelengths of light calculated for
a hydrogen atom of mass 2 (Table 2.1).7
The second sample of hydrogen evaporated near the triple point shows the
spectral lines greatly enhanced, relative to the lines of 1H, over both those
of ordinary hydrogen and of the first sample. The 2Hα line is resolved into
8 Deuterium

Table 2.1 Balmer Series Wavelengths: Calculated Versus Observed

Line Hα Hβ Hγ Hδ

Δλ calc. 1.793 1.326 1.185 1.119

Δλ obs.
Ordinary hydrogen 1.346 1.206 1.145
First sample 1.330 1.199 1.103
Second sample 1.820 1.315 1.176

a doublet with a separation of about 0.16 Å in agreement with the observed

separation of the 1Hα line. The relative abundance in ordinary hydrogen,
judging from relative minimum exposure time is about 1:4000, or less, in
agreement with Birge and Menzel’s estimate. A similar estimate of the
abundance in the second sample indicated a concentration of about 1 in 800.
Thus an appreciable fractionation has been secured as expected from theory.
Reprinted with permission from: Urey HC, Brickwedde FG, Murphy GM. Phys Rev
1932;39:164. Copyright 1932 American Physical Society.

The discovery of deuterium was announced at the Thirty-Third

Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society held at Tulane
University in New Orleans in December of 1931.8 The announcement
did not come easy though, as there was an anecdote as to how Urey
and Brickwedde were able to attend the meeting9:

After the discovery of deuterium, Urey faced a very practical problem reporting
it—a problem to find funds for travel to scientific meetings. I received a phone
call from Urey, telling me that it appeared he was not going to get funds to
travel to the December 1931 American Physical Society meeting at Tulane
University, where he planned to present a paper reporting the discovery of
deuterium. He asked me if I could get travel funds and present the paper.
For this, I had to see Lyman J. Briggs, assistant director of research and testing
at the Bureau of Standards. Briggs, soon to be named NBS director, was an
understanding and considerate physicist, who on learning of the work to be
reported, made funds available for my travel. In the meantime, Bergen Davis,
a prominent physicist at Columbia University, heard of Urey’s problem and
went to see Columbia President Nicholas Murray Butler, who made funds
available for Urey’s travel. So we both went to Tulane for the APS meeting,
and Urey presented the ten-minute paper.
Reprinted with permission from AIP publishing: Brickwedde FG. Phys Today

The existence of deuterium was further confirmed by mass spectrom-

etry by Professor Bleakney at Princeton University in January of 1932.10
Deuterium 9

Later Urey recalled the time of his discovery11:

It was Thanksgiving Day and I was doing my work at Columbia. I knew

immediately I’d hit on it, an important discovery. I hurried home and called
to my wife, “Frieda, we have arrived!” When asked by a reporter, Urey said, “I’m
not a genius and I’m not compared to Einstein. I am a great admirer of
Einstein. My success came from hard work and luck.” Urey stated, “My principal
theme of research had been that all scientific work depends on the careful work
of our predecessors and coworkers and that our rapid advance in the sciences is
due largely to the freedom with which we publish the results of our own work.”

2.1.1 Atomic Weights of Protium and Deuterium

Urey proposed the name protium (from the Greek word protos
meaning first) for the isotope of hydrogen having an atomic weight of 1,
and deuterium (from the Greek word deuteros for second) that of atomic
weight 2. In 1933, the exact atomic weights of protium and deuterium
were 1.00778 and 2.01356, based upon a standard of 16O having an
exact atomic weight of 16.12 The current numbers are 1.00783 and
2.0141 for protium and deuterium, respectively, which are based on the
C system. The basis for expressing the atomic weight values has been
changed from 16O to 12C in 1961.

2.1.2 Deuteron Versus Deuton

Deuteron was adopted as the name for the nucleus of deuterium by the
Committee on Nomenclature, Spelling, and Pronunciations.13 The name
“deuton” was objected by certain scientists in England, who believe it to
be easily confused with the name neutron when used orally. Another
candidate was diplon suggested by Lord Rutherford. At a symposium
on heavy hydrogen, Dr. Ladenburg proposed during discussion the use
of deuteron instead of deuton or diplon. He reported that this sugges-
tion came from Professor Bohr and that he had brought it back to
America via England where he had secured Lord Rutherford’s willing-
ness to adopt it. Finally, Dr. Urey himself agreed that a vote be taken
and this vote resulted in approval for deuteron.14


Deuterium gas (D2, dideuterium) is a primary source of deuterium
isotope for the synthesis of deuterium-labeled compounds. Deuterium
gas can be conveniently generated by the reaction of D2O with metals
such as sodium, calcium turnings, or a mixture of calcium oxide and
10 Deuterium

zinc (Scheme 2.1).15 With a special setup, deuterium gas of 99% purity
was obtained when sodium was used. Reaction with calcium produced
deuterium that contained 90% D2 and no more than 10% HD, whereas
the use of a mixture of zinc and freshly dehydrated calcium oxide gave
deuterium of 96% chemical purity in 90% chemical yield.

2 Na + 2 D2O 2 NaOD + D2

260°C +
Ca + 2 D2O Ca(OD)2 D2

CaO + Zn + D2O CaZnO2 + D2

Scheme 2.1 Formation of deuterium.

In the presence of catalyst, deuterium adds to the alkenes and

alkynes in the same manner as hydrogen does. For example,
Rittenberg and Schoenheimer prepared a deuterium-labeled stearic
acid in their study of intermediate metabolism. Thus reduction of
methyl linoleate with deuterium in the presence of platinum oxide
catalyst provided, after saponification, the expected product stearic
acid-d4 (Scheme 2.2, Eq. 1).16 In an effort to determine physical data
of organic compounds containing deuterium, Adams and McLean
performed reduction of dimethylacetylene dicarboxylate in 1936 with
deuterium (Scheme 2.2, Eq. 2).17 Densities and melting points were
determined for the ordinary succinate and deuterium-containing
succinate. As expected, the deuterium-labeled succinate is indeed
heavier than the ordinary succinate.

1. D2, PtO2 D D
CH3 CO2Me pet. ether CH3 CO2H (1)
4 7 2. NaOH,H2O 4 7

D2, PtO2 CO2Me (2)

Compound Density mp (°C)

Dimethyl succinate-d4 1.1450 17.0
Dimethyl succinate 1.1185 18.2

Scheme 2.2 Reactions of deuterium.

Deuterium 11

Wilkinson’s catalyst, RhCl(PPh3)3, is a versatile homogeneous

catalyst for hydrogenation. In the study of stereochemistry, Wilkinson
and coworkers used deuterium gas to establish the stereochemistry of
addition (Scheme 2.3).18 Thus reduction of maleic acid with deuterium
gave meso-1,2-dideuteriosuccinic acid proving that cis-addition of D2
to the alkene occurred.

H H RhCl(PPh3)3 D D
HO2C CO2H C6H6/EtOH (1:1) HO2C CO2H

Scheme 2.3 Wilkinson’s catalyst.

A convenient way of generating D2 gas in the laboratory from

zinc metal and DCl in D2O was recently reported. In this method, a
two-chamber system was used: D2 gas was generated in one chamber,
and then it diffused into another chamber where reaction occurred in
cyclopentyl methyl ether (CPME) (Scheme 2.4).19

rt substrate
Zn + 2 DCl in D2O ZnCl2 + D2 Product
10% Pd/C
CPME, rt

Substrate Product Results

CO2Et CO2Et 99% y, 100% D
Ph Ph
Ph CO2Et CO2Et 94% y, >95% D
Br D
96% y, >96% D

Scheme 2.4 Generation and reaction of deuterium.


Deuterium oxide is a deuterium version of water, in which the protium
of the usual water molecule is replaced by deuterium. That is why
deuterium oxide is also called heavy water. Heavy water or deuterium
12 Deuterium

oxide is used for many purposes. It is used as a moderator in nuclear

reactors. For us organic chemists, heavy water is a prime source of
deuterium when deuterium is incorporated into organic compounds.
As such, it is good to know how heavy water was produced in the past.
Although heavy water is nowadays commercially available at a
reasonable cost, the concentration of deuterium from the ordinary
water in the early 1930s was a challenge. Three research groups were
deeply involved in the production of heavy water: Professor Urey at
Columbia University, Dr. Washburn at the National Bureau of
Standards in Washington, DC, and Professor Lewis at the University
of California, Berkeley. Electrolysis and fractional distillation were the
methods of choice.
Within 6 months after discovery of deuterium in the hydrogen gas,
Washburn of National Bureau of Standards and Urey of Columbia
University reported in June 1932 a potentially useful way of concentra-
tion of the deuterium isotope by the electrolysis of water20:

Though the normal electrode potentials of the isotopes of all elements

except hydrogen must be so nearly the same that no appreciable separation
can be expected from any small differences, this may not be true in the case
of hydrogen isotopes because the very large mass ratio. The small electrode
difference combined with any difference in the diffusion of two species of
ions through the cathode film would make possible a fractionation of the
mixture probably with a resulting enrichment of the residual water with
respect to deuterium, the species present at the smaller concentration. In
that case it is obvious that a systematic fractionation by electrolysis should
lead to two final fractions consisting of (1) pure 1H and (2) the equilibrium
mixture of 1H and 2H. On the basis of above reasoning, it appeared possible
to concentrate the deuterium isotope by electrolysis of water, and such
experiment was started at the Bureau of Standards on December 9, 1931. In
the meantime, some of the electrolysis residues obtained from the commer-
cial electrolysis of water for the production of oxygen were examined
through photographs and found out that there was a very definite increase
in the abundance of deuterium relative to protium in these residual

Continuing the electrolysis work, Washburn and coworkers

reported their findings on the water enriched in deuterium: Compared
to a normal water of a density 1.000, the residual water had a slightly
higher value of 1.0014. The freezing point and boiling point of the
sample were 0.050 and 0.02 C higher than those of normal water.21
Deuterium 13

Encouraged by the report of Washburn and Urey, Professor Lewis

and Macdonald at the University of California, Berkeley, carried out
electrolysis experiment and they succeeded in obtaining quite pure
heavy water22:
The fact is, the difference in properties between the two isotopes of hydrogen is
so much greater than between any other pair of isotopes that in spite of the very
small amount of deuterium present in ordinary hydrogen, several methods will
lead to an almost complete separation of deuterium from protium. For this
purpose, we therefore engaged at once in a process designed to reduce by
electrolysis 10 liters of the water from the large electrolytic cell down to 1 mL or
less. A current of 250 amperes was used for the electrolysis of water made up
with one liter of 5M alkali from the large electrolytic cell and 9 liters of distilled
water. At the end of five or six days, the electrolyte was reduced to one liter,
ninety percent of which was then distilled from a copper kettle to afford 900 mL.
The electrolysis/distillation cycles continued, and after fourth cycle half a mL of
water was obtained. The density was 1.035, which meant 31.5% of all the hydro-
gen is deuterium. In the second run, concentrating from 20 liters to 0.5 mL,
we obtained water of density of 1.073. Accordingly in this water 65.7% of the
hydrogen is deuterium. By determining the density of the water in the various
stage of concentration, we have attempted to determine the efficiency of the
electrolytic separation: all the results agree with the assumption that five times
as much hydrogen as deuterium is evolved. Based on this figure, if the water
containing 65.7% deuterium were reduced by electrolysis to one-quarter of its
volume, it would contain 99% of deuterium. Finally we can estimate the amount
of the heavy hydrogen isotope in ordinary water: the measurements indicate
that in Berkeley city water there is one part of D to about 6500 parts of H.
Reprinted with permission from AIP publishing: Lewis GN, Macdonald RT.
J Chem Phys 1933;1:341.

A pioneering work to demonstrate the possibility of obtaining

heavy water by fractional distillation of water was carried out in 1933
by Washburn and Smith at the National Bureau of Standards at
Washington, DC23:

It must be possible to fractionate water by distillation. To demonstrate this, 10 liters

of water having a specific gravity of 1.000053 were distilled at atmospheric
pressure in a still provided with a 35-foot rectifying column. An initial distillate of
200 mL and the final residue of 100 mL were compared as to density and found
to differ by 64.9 ppm, the residue having increased by 53.3 ppm and the distillate
having decreased by 13.2 ppm. Distillation fractionation is thus possible and
should find practical application in combination with electrolysis fractionation.
Reprinted with permission from AIP publishing: Washburn EW, Smith ER.
J Chem Phys 1933;1:426.
14 Deuterium

That same year in 1933, Lewis and Cornish published their results
on fractional distillation of water24:

It was apparent to the Berkeley group that the distillation could be

attractive. This led to the decision to build a distillation plant for primary
enrichment of deuterium by water distillation at 60 C. The laboratory plant
consisted of two columns each 22 m high. The primary column was 30 cm
in diameter; the second stage column was 5 cm in diameter. Both columns
were filled with scrap aluminum turnings. The packing material performed
poorly and was chosen because of limitations of funds. The plant went
into operation on June 8, 1933. It had a feed to the primary tower of 1 L
ordinary water/min. Enriched water from the first stage was used as a feed
for the second stage column. The output of the distillation plant was further
enriched by Lewis and Macdonald in their electrolytic plant. Although
the water distillation plant did not perform in accord with expectations as a
result of the failure of the packing, nevertheless, Lewis and Macdonald
were soon producing 99% D2O on the order of 1 g/wk. They used part of
the material in their own researches. They were extremely generous in
making the material available to scientists all over the world including
Lawrence in Berkeley, Lauritsen at Cal Tech, and Rutherford at Cambridge
in England.
Reprinted with permission from: Bigeleisen J. J Chem Educ 1984;61:108.
Copyright 1984 American Chemical Society.

Gilbert Newton Lewis, famous for the Lewis structures, was

professor of chemistry at the University of California at Berkeley25:

Gilbert Newton Lewis was born in Weymouth, Massachusetts, on October 23,

1875. His family moved to near Lincoln, Nebraska, in 1884 and
he spent two years at the University of Nebraska. He transferred to Harvard
when his father became an executive at Merchants Trust Company in
Boston. After earning his B.S. degree in 1896, he taught for a year at
the Phillips Academy in Andover, MA. He obtained his Ph.D. degree
under T. W. Richards in 1899. In 1905, Lewis accepted a staff position
at MIT under Professor A. A. Noyes, where he remained until 1912. In 1912,
Lewis was offered a Professorship and Chair of the College of Chemistry
at the University of California at Berkeley. At Berkeley, one of his research
interests was the study of isotopes in chemistry and physics. Lewis’s
research on isotopes is an example of his wide-ranging and prolific
Reprinted with permission from: Harris HH. J Chem Educ 1999;76:1487.
Copyright 1999 American Chemical Society.

Lewis and Macdonald measured physical properties of D2O, and

some of the currently accepted values are listed in Table 2.2.26
Deuterium 15

Table 2.2 Some Properties of D2O and H2O

Properties D2O H2O

Molecular weight 20.03 18.02

Boiling point ( C) 101.72 100
Freezing point ( C) 3.82 0
Density at 20 C 1.1056 0.9982
Temperature of maximum density ( C) 11.6 4
Molecular volume at 20 C 18.2 18.05
Viscosity at 20 C (cP) 1.25 1.005

One of the outstanding properties of heavy water is its density: it is

10% larger than that of ordinary water. Urey rationalized this by
reasoning that the ratio of the density of pure deuterium oxide and
protium oxide should be the ratio of their molecular weights.27
Another notable property is the freezing point: heavy water freezes at
4 C. It is interesting to see heavy water is 25% more viscous than the
light water.

Heavy water exhibits unique properties in the biological systems.

These features will be further discussed in Chapter 5, Applications in
Medicinal Chemistry.

2.3.1 Current Way of Producing Heavy Water

Distillation is conceptually the simplest among many methods
investigated. Normal water boils at 100 C, while heavy water boils at
101.7 C. However excessive tower volume is needed, requiring a large
capital investment, that makes it a less attractive approach compared
to other methods. Another way of producing heavy water is electrolysis,
which is not optimal due to high-energy consumption. The very first
commercial heavy water plant in the world was built in 1934 in
Norway that used electrolysis to produce heavy water.
Considering the economy and separation efficiency, the most
promising processes are based on chemical exchange reaction.28 One of
the very well-established processes is water hydrogen sulfide process
or Girdler sulfide process (GS process).29 Upon request from the
United States Atomic Energy Commission, the Girdler Corporation
developed the hydrogen sulfide process in the 1950s to produce heavy
water for the nuclear reactors at the Savannah River Site in South
Carolina. So the process is called the Girdler sulfide process.
16 Deuterium

In the GS process, deuterium is transferred from a hydrogen sulfide

molecule to a water molecule and vice versa.

H2 O 1 HDS $ HOD 1 H2 S

The extraction and enrichment steps used in the GS process at the

Bruce Heavy eater Plant in Canada are presented in Fig. 2.1.

In the extraction section, water passes countercurrent to a circulating

stream of hydrogen sulfide gas in three large sieve tray towers operating
in parallel. The extraction tower has two distinct process temperature
sections to achieve dynamic deuterium distribution: the top being
cold at 30 C and the bottom being hot at 130 C. At low temperature,
deuterium migrates to the water from the hydrogen gas. This slightly
deuterium-enriched water then flows down to the hot section,
where deuterium is transferred to the hydrogen gas. The continuous
equilibrium results in the concentration of deuterium at the bottom of
the cold tower and the top of the hot tower. At certain point, portions
of those concentrated streams are withdrawn to the second stage for
further enrichment. Enriched water at 20 30% D2O concentration
from the third stage is sent to a distillation unit to produce reactor
grade heavy water, ie, 99.75% deuterium oxide. The GS process

1st Stage 2nd Stage 3rd Stage

(3 in parallel)
A, B, & C Hot tower Cold tower
H2S depleted in deuterium

Cold section 90°F

Deuterium enriched
water (D2O)
H2S enriched in deuterium

Hot section 262°F

water to

Figure 2.1 Diagram of the Girdler sulfide process. Reprinted with permission from: Davidson GD. Bruce heavy
water performance. In: Rae HK, editor. Separation of hydrogen isotopes. ACS Symposium Series 68. Copyright
1978 American Chemical Society [chapter 2].
Deuterium 17

was successfully adopted in Canada to satisfy the demand for

heavy water in CANDU (CANadian Deuterium Uranium) reactors.

Currently, deuterium oxide is commercially available to researchers

from a variety of sources including Cambridge Isotope Laboratories,
Inc., and the Sigma-Aldrich Corporation.

1. Harold Clay Urey—bibliographical.
2. Nobel lecture by Francis W. Aston; 1922.
3. Giauque WF, Johnston HL. J Am Chem Soc 1929;51:1436.
4. Birge RT, Menzel DH. Phys Rev 1931;37:1669.
5. Urey HC. J Am Chem Soc 1931;53:2872.
6. Urey HC. Ind Eng Chem 1934;26:803.
7. Urey HC, Brickwedde FG, Murphy GM. Phys Rev 1932;39:164.
8. Rigden JS. Hydrogen: the essential element. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press; 2002
[chapter 10]
9. Brickwedde FG. Phys Today 1982;35:34.
10. Bleakney W. Phys Rev 1932;39:536.
11. Beaver County (Pennsylvania) Times; May 21, 1979.
12. Urey HC. Science 1933;78:566.
13. Crane E. J Ind Eng Chem News Edition 1935;13:200.
14. For more stories Stuewer RH. Am J Phys 1986;54:206.
15. From sodium Mann WB, Newell WC. Proc R Soc London A 1937;158:397;
From calcium Schiff HI, Steacie EWR. Can J Chem 1951;29:1;
From calcium oxide and zinc Toby S, Schiff HI. Can J Chem 1956;34:1061.
16. Schoenheimer R, Rittenberg D. J Biol Chem 1935;111:163.
17. McLean A, Adams R. J Am Chem Soc 1936;58:804.
18. Osborn JA, Jardine FH, Young JF, Wilkinson G. J Chem Soc A 1966;1711.
19. Modvig A, Andersen TL, Taaning RH, Lindhardt AT, Skrydstrup T. J Org Chem
20. Washburn EW, Urey HC. Proc Natl Acad Sci 1932;18:496.
21. Washburn EW, Smith ER, Frandsen M. J Chem Phys 1933;1:288.
22. Lewis GN, Macdonald RT. J Chem Phys 1933;1:341.
23. Washburn EW, Smith ER. J Chem Phys 1933;1:426.
24. Bigeleisen J. J Chem Educ 1984;61:108.
25. Harris HH, editor. J Chem Ed, 76. 1999. p. 1487.
18 Deuterium

26. Crespi HL, Katz JJ. In: Herber RH, editor. Inorganic isotopic syntheses. New York: W. A.
Benjamin, Inc.; 1962. p. 43.
27. Urey HC. Science 1933;78:566.
28. Spindel W, Ishida T. J Chem Educ 1991;68:312.
29. Davidson GD. Chapter 2. Bruce heavy water performanceACS Symposium Series 68.
In: Rae HK, editor. Separation of hydrogen isotopes. Washington, DC: American Chemical
Society; 1978
Deuterium-Labeled Compounds
3.1.1 Isotopologues and Isotopomers
3.1.2 Isotopic Steroisomers
3.2.1 Benzene-d6
3.2.2 Mechanism of Pt-Catalyzed H/D Exchange Reaction
3.2.3 Acetone-d6 and Other Ketones
3.2.4 Mechanism of Base-Catalyzed H/D Exchange Reaction
3.2.5 DMSO-d6
3.2.6 Chloroform-d (CDCl3)
3.3 LiAlD4 AND NaBD4

Some 200 scientific papers dealing with deuterium were published in the
3-year interval between Urey’s discovery and the time he received the
Nobel Prize in 1934. The number of deuterium-labeled compounds
increased dramatically due to the great interest in the uses of deuterium.
It was therefore necessary to establish the nomenclature of those
deuterium-labeled compounds. In 1934, a preliminary report on the
nomenclature of the hydrogen isotopes and their compounds was pub-
lished by the Committee on Nomenclature, Spelling, and Pronunciation
of the American Chemical Society.1

In the naming of compounds containing one or more of deuterium,

the compounds can be considered as derivatives of parent substances
in which hydrogen (more precisely protium) has been replaced. With
the attitude that compounds containing D are after all compounds of a
Deuterium. DOI:
© 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
20 Deuterium

form of hydrogen, the committee has sought a system of nomenclature

which would result in the least possible change from the established
nomenclature for hydrogen compounds. The system is a modification
of one proposed by Willis A. Boughton.2 Other type of nomenclature
is to use the prefix “deuterio” to indicate that the compounds contain
one or more of deuterium (Table 3.1).

3.1.1 Isotopologues and Isotopomers

When a certain number of hydrogen in a molecule is replaced by a
deuterium isotope, a new type of molecule is created that can be either
isotopologue or isotopomer. Isotopologues are compounds with the
same chemical structure that differ only in their isotope composition
(Table 3.2).3 On the other hand, isotopomers are isotopologues with
the same number of deuterium.

Table 3.1 Names of Deuterium-Labeled Compounds

Compounds Boughton Names Deuterio Names

CDCl3 Chloroform-d Deuteriochloroform

CD4 Methane-d4 Tetradeuteriomethane
CH3D Methane-d Deuteriomethane
C6D6 Benzene-d6 Hexadeuteriobenzene
C6H5OD Phenol-d O-Deuteriophenol
C6H5CO2D Benzoic acid-d Benzoic deuterioacid
ND3 Ammonia-d3 Trideuterioammonia
NH2D Ammonia-d Deuterioammonia
D2SO4 Sulfuric acid-d2 Sulfuric dideuterioacid
HDSO4 Sulfuric acid-d Sulfuric deuterioacid

Table 3.2 Isotopologues and Isotopomers

Isotopologues Isotopomers


O O vs
D D D H vs D
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have no prejudice. I do not take a detailed but comprehensive and
philosophical view of things.”
Much more to the same purpose did his lordship condescend to
utter in the hearing and for the instruction of the medical philosopher.
The sum and substance of the harangue was to inculcate that truly
philosophical view of government which recommends that the
multitude should leave the work of opposition to the old aristocracy
of the country, and only now and then, as that aristocracy may
dictate, present petitions to parliament to countenance and support
the measures proposed by his majesty’s opposition. The man of
medicine was convinced of the truth and justice of every sentiment
which the Earl of Smatterton was pleased in the profundity of his
wisdom to advance: for though his lordship was in opposition he did
not like to be opposed: and who does? His lordship then offered
some refreshment to his medical friend, and the subject of the
decease of the rector was renewed.
“I am very much afraid,” said his lordship, “that the poor widow is
not left in very comfortable circumstances. But I will see that
something shall be done for her.”
After his lordship had received from the physician his meed of
praise for his liberality of intention towards the destitute widow, he
proceeded to speak of his own good intentions:
“I am very sorry that I did not see poor Greendale before his
death. I had no idea he was in such immediate danger. I certainly
should have gone down to the rectory in person, late as it was, had I
been aware that the good man was so near his end. However, I did
all I could; I sent for the best advice that was to be had.”
This was a very considerate and proper speech. Thus did the Earl
of Smatterton liberally repay the compliments which he had received
from his medical friend and adviser. It should also be remarked, that
the expression which his lordship has used more than once is rather
a singularity. He dwelt very much upon the lateness of the hour. Now
it was notorious, that in London there was scarcely a single house
where night was turned into day and day into night so entirely as in
Lord Smatterton’s: but in the country his lordship set a most
excellent example of early hours. For, as he very wisely observed,
agricultural pursuits require daylight; the poor people in the country
cannot bear the expense of candles, and therefore it is highly proper
to set them the example of early hours. This was certainly very
considerate of his lordship; and for this considerateness he was duly
praised by his physician. It is truly astonishing that anybody should
ever be censorious, for there is much more to be got by praising than
by blaming one’s fellow-creatures.
The physician took a handsome fee and a polite leave; and
Colonel Crop just at that moment entered the saloon, having finished
his evening’s entertainment at Neverden Hall. To him also was
communicated the intelligence of the sudden decease of the worthy
rector of Smatterton. And as soon as he heard the information, he
“Poor man, I am sorry for him: has he left a family?”
He had not left a family, or, if he had, Colonel Crop would have
been very sorry for them too. The hour of rest was arrived, and more
than arrived. But Lord Spoonbill enjoyed not the sweets of repose.
His mind was torn by conflicting thoughts, and harassed by bitter
reflections and self-reproaches. He thought of the mean transaction
of the morning and the solemn scene of the evening. For awhile he
had a fancy that the principle of virtue was the ascendant feeling of
his soul, and he thought that he would not pursue the scheme which
he had commenced. He looked at the letter which he had
intercepted, and had some faint notions that he should cause it to
reach its destination. At all events, he would not be so mean as to
open the letter; that was an offence of which he had never been
guilty. He consigned the letter to the flames. He thought of Dr
Greendale, and he was all virtue and penitence. He thought of
Penelope, and considered that it would be a pity for so amiable, and
intelligent, and affectionate a creature to be sacrificed to such a dull,
plodding, commercial man as Robert Darnley. At length, wearied by
a multitude of thoughts, he fell asleep. But ever and anon his rest
was broken by painful and frightful dreams. He was grasping the
hand of a lovely and interesting one, and was using the language of
passion and persuasion, and he looked up to catch the smile of
beauty and the languishing look of love—and there were before him
the glassy eye, and the quivering lip, and the ghastly looks of death.
He felt upon his head the hand of blessing, and then there rung in
his ears the horrid language of execration. He saw the mild and
venerable form of the pious friend of his early youth, and he heard
from his lips the sentiments of devotion and the promises of hope;
and then the face was distorted by pain, and the voice was all the
harshness of reproach and the keenness of condemnation.
Gradually this agitation of the spirits subsided, and the wearied
frame sunk into calmer rest; and when the day-light shone into his
apartment, and the morning sun awakened the song of the birds, the
darkness and gloom of the night were forgotten, and the mind of the
young patrician recovered its wonted insensibility and apathy to all
that is good and generous. The emotions of the past night were
ridiculed, and thus the character received an additional impetus to
that which is bad.
On the following morning the news of Dr Greendale’s sudden
death reached the neighbouring village of Neverden. Mr Darnley was
deeply concerned at the intelligence, and prepared to pay an
immediate visit to the afflicted widow to offer such consolation and
assistance as circumstances might require. On his way from home
he went through Neverden park, and called at the hall to acquaint his
patron baronet of the dismal intelligence just received. Sir George
met Mr Darnley at the door of the house, and thus the rector was
saved the trouble of alighting. Another trouble was also saved him,
namely, that of communicating the news to the baronet: for as soon
as the worshipful magistrate saw Mr Darnley, he bawled out at the
top of his voice:
“Good morning, Darnley, good morning. Bad news from
Smatterton; poor Greendale’s dead. What will become of the poor
widow and his pretty niece? Very sudden indeed. I always thought
he would go off so. Will you alight? I suppose you are going over to
Smatterton. Do you know who is to have the living? It is a pretty
good thing, I believe.”
This was a mode of address not at all in unison with the feelings of
Mr Darnley, though quite in keeping with the character and habits of
Sir George Aimwell. Not that Sir George was by any means destitute
of feeling. It is very likely he might have been as much concerned at
the loss, as others who might express themselves more pathetically;
but, as the proverbial expression has it, it was his way. This
expression is an apology for anything, and for everything, and more
especially for all breaches of decorum and violations of propriety. It is
quite enough to say, “he means no harm, it is his way.” It was a way
however which Mr Darnley did not approve and dared not rebuke; for
he had so high a respect for rank, as one of the glorious blessings of
our constitution, that he could never violate its sacredness by making
it the subject of reproof, otherwise than by indirect and general hints.
Mr Darnley was a strict, but not a sturdy moralist. To the questions of
Sir George he returned such answers as he was able to give, and,
bowing politely, was about to continue his ride, when the baronet
called out to him again:
“Well, but I am sorry for the doctor, poor fellow. I was going to
send him some game this morning, though we had but a bad day’s
sport yesterday. I shall send you a brace or two of birds, Darnley.”
Mr Darnley made his acknowledgments for the baronet’s liberality,
and pursued his journey, meditating on the various subjects and
thoughts which such events as these usually excite in such minds as
his. When he arrived at Smatterton, at the very entrance of the
village he saw symptoms of a general calamity. The old men were
standing in little groups, and looking serious, and talking with great
earnestness on the subject of their loss: and when they saw Mr
Darnley ride past they drew aside and made more serious reverence
than usual; and, while they uncovered their silvery heads and bowed
to the clergyman, there was in their looks an expression which
seemed to ask for some more acknowledgment of their homage than
the return bend of the head; they seemed to implore him to address
them. And, as he was a man of discernment and observation, he
stopt his horse and spoke to an old, a very old man, who was
leaning on a stick which trembled under his pressure, and said:
“So, my good friend, I am concerned to hear that you have lost
your worthy rector.”
“Yes, sir, it is God’s will. I am sure I did not think that I should live
to see that day. Please your reverence, it was but yesterday morning
that I was speaking to my children about putting me into the ground;
and I told them that I should die contented if I thought that they
would continue to attend to the good doctor’s instructions. And I
thought that I should have that good man to read at my grave. Ah!
sir, these are mysteries in providence; here am I spared year after
year merely to cumber the ground, while our dear rector is cut off in
the midst of his days and usefulness.”
“You are rather advanced in years, I believe; I have not seen you
for some time. Have you been unwell?”
“Yes, sir, I am nearly ninety, and at my time of life I cannot expect
anything else than illness and infirmity. I have not been out of my
doors for many months, but I could not help hobbling out a little way
just to hear some particulars about our worthy rector. Alack, sir, I had
need give him a good word. He was my best friend, so kind——”
The old man wept audibly; and Mr Darnley, who had been affected
by the very aspect of the village as he entered it, felt himself unable
to make any reply, and rode on. When he reached the rectory, and
enquired for Mrs Greendale, the domestic announced that her
mistress was too ill to be seen, but that Miss Primrose would make
her appearance immediately. Happy was it for Penelope that there
was on the present occasion a division of interests and an opposing
set of feelings. Her troubles had come thickly upon her; but the very
meeting together of these sorrows tended to soften them, or, what
was equivalent to that, to excite and compel her to an unusual
exertion of moral fortitude; and the very circumstance of Mrs
Greendale’s acute and severe feeling was also the means of exciting
and rousing Penelope.
When therefore she met Mr Darnley, it was with great composure
and steadiness of countenance, and she was able to narrate, with
consistency and intelligibility, the particulars of her uncle’s decease.
She mentioned the visit of Lord Spoonbill, and spoke very highly of
the great propriety of his behaviour and the manifestation which he
gave of good feeling. Mr Darnley was pleased to hear so good an
account, and hoped that so solemn and impressive a scene might be
instrumental in producing some good effect on the young lord’s
conduct. As Penelope was always regarded by the family at
Neverden as possessing a steadiness of judgment beyond her
years, Mr Darnley, after the ordinary talk on such occasions,
ventured to extend his inquiries as to the probable disposition of the
widow and Penelope after they should leave the rectory, which must
of course be resigned to the doctor’s successor.
The young lady professed herself quite at a loss to know what
arrangements might be contemplated by Mrs Greendale; but as to
herself she expressed her determination to take, as soon as
possible, a situation as governess in a private family, and said that
she was sure that the Countess of Smatterton would give every
assistance in her power.
Mr Darnley expressed himself somewhat astonished at this
decision, under what he called present circumstances. Now here it
may be proper and necessary to explain. We have narrated, or at
least very strongly intimated, that there subsisted between the niece
of the late Dr Greendale and the only son of Mr Darnley an
engagement, sanctioned by the parents of the latter. We have also
said, that Lord Spoonbill had cast the eyes of affection on Penelope
Primrose, and that in order to wean her affections from him to whom
she was engaged, he had intercepted more than once letters sent
from Mr Robert Darnley to her. We have stated also, that the
apparent cessation of the correspondence on the part of the young
gentleman had disturbed and distressed the mind of Penelope. Her
spirit, however, was above naming or hinting the matter to the
parents of her absent friend. We have also informed our readers
that, only on the very day of Dr Greendale’s decease, a letter had
been intercepted and destroyed by Lord Spoonbill, and that a letter
had reached the rectory of Neverden from the young gentleman. In
this letter Mr Robert Darnley had apprised his parents and sisters
that they might expect him in England in about six weeks after the
arrival of that communication: he had also informed them that he had
written to Penelope by the same conveyance, informing her of the
same fact. He had also, in one part of that letter which he had sent to
Neverden, addressed a line or two to his sister Ann, requesting her
to observe if there were in Penelope Primrose any symptoms of
alienated affection, or any manifest partiality to any other person.
This last enquiry was thought merely the effect of that fanciful
jealousy which is, in some peculiarly-constructed minds, the effect
and concomitant of love: and the general impression at the rectory of
Neverden was, that Robert Darnley would be in England in six
weeks, and that, as soon as conveniently it could be arranged after
his return, he would be married to Penelope. It was therefore with no
small share of astonishment that Mr Darnley heard the young lady
make such a declaration as that above recorded.
“But, my young friend, why have recourse to such a step as that?
It would be much better that you should take up your abode with us
at Neverden. Indeed, I must almost insist upon it, if you will not
otherwise be induced to comply. Under any other circumstances I
should not perhaps recommend such a step, but now that you are so
situated that you must soon leave Smatterton, I think you cannot with
propriety do otherwise.”
To this language of Mr Darnley Penelope only replied with great
composure, indeed almost with apathy: “I must beg, sir, that you will
not press that subject. You will, no doubt, be ultimately convinced
that I am acting more properly in submitting myself to the direction
and advice of Lady Smatterton.”
At this speech of the young lady there came into the mind of Mr
Darnley a suspicion that the jealousy expressed in his son’s letter
was not altogether unfounded. Not that he could have supposed that
Penelope Primrose should deliberately prefer a lover like Lord
Spoonbill to a young man of sense and good conduct like Mr Robert
Darnley; but he was well aware of the fascinations of rank and the
allurements of fashionable splendour, and he also knew that it was
very possible for worthless and ignorant men, by means of the
mockery and mummery of conventional politeness, to render
themselves not only not disagreeable, but absolutely engaging and
interesting to the young and unpractised. He recollected the very
handsome manner in which Penelope had spoken of Lord Spoonbill,
and he also bethought himself of the unusual event of the heir of
Smatterton honoring the party of Mrs Greendale with his company.
Then there came to his remembrance that, during the whole, or
nearly the whole evening, Penelope was engaged at the pianoforte,
and that she joined Lord Spoonbill in several duets: and there was
also a recollection that his lordship, as soon as he entered the room
at the rectory, took a seat on a sofa by the side of Miss Primrose,
and directed his conversation for awhile almost exclusively to her. Mr
Darnley, having compared all these circumstances, began to wonder
at himself that he should ever have been so dull as not to observe
that the affections of Penelope Primrose belonged more to Lord
Spoonbill than to Robert Darnley.
Having made this discovery, and having silently reproached
himself for his stupidity that he had not made it before, he did not
hint the least word of his suspicion to Miss Primrose; but simply
abstained from farther urging the matter about her residence at
Neverden. Mr Darnley was too proud a man to stoop to any
expostulations or reproofs, or to show anything like resentment upon
the occasion. For he did not consider that Penelope had inflicted an
injury on his family, but had merely declined a proffered honor.
He continued therefore his conversation upon other topics
connected with the doctor’s decease, and, leaving a message of
sympathy for Mrs Greendale, politely, rather more politely than usual,
took his leave of Penelope. She observed indeed a change in his
manner, but ascribed it to the unusually serious impression produced
on his mind by the loss of a friend and acquaintance.
From the rectory Mr Darnley proceeded to the castle, to make a
call of homage on the Earl of Smatterton. His lordship received the
homage graciously, and said, as was usual with him on all such
occasions, “Mr Darnley, I beg you will be seated.”
Mr Darnley accordingly took a seat, and Lord Smatterton
accordingly began to speak forth his own praises of his own most
mighty condescension and benevolence.
“You have been at the rectory this morning, Mr Darnley? It was
very proper and suitable that your’s should be the first visit to the
house of mourning. You found the poor woman well, I hope; that is,
as well as may be under present circumstances?”
Mr Darnley informed his lordship of the particulars of his visit to the
rectory, not forgetting to mention his own offer to give an asylum to
the doctor’s niece.
“Mr Darnley,” replied his lordship, “I very much approve of your
liberality. I can assure you that I shall take care that neither the
widow nor the niece shall be destitute. I have always entertained a
very high opinion of Dr Greendale. He was truly an excellent man.
As soon as I heard of his illness I sent for my own physician to
attend him, and had it not been so very late in the evening I should
have gone down to see him myself. And indeed, notwithstanding it
was so late, I certainly should have gone had I been aware of the
danger in which he was. However I did everything in my power, and I
shall also have an eye to the well-being of those who are by his
death left destitute; for I think I have understood that the doctor had
no property of any consideration independently of his living. But pray,
Mr Darnley, what think you of the propriety of giving to the world a
volume or two of the doctor’s sermons? They contain much good
sense and sound doctrine. They are not indeed so sublime as
Irving’s, or so beautiful as Alison’s, nor was it necessary that they
should be; for the common people cannot understand the sublime
and beautiful. What think you, I say, Mr Darnley, of the propriety and
eligibility of publishing some of Dr Greendale’s sermons?”
“With all due deference to your lordship’s superior judgment in
such matters, I am humbly of opinion,” replied Mr Darnley, “that good
sense and sound doctrine are no great recommendation of sermons,
at least they do not ensure popularity so effectually as sublimity and
beauty. But I believe, my lord, that Dr Greendale was engaged on a
very important controversial work. Now I have heard that
controversial theology has a much better sale than practical divinity,
and that sermons hardly ever go off, unless there be some peculiar
interest attached to the person who wrote them, or to the
circumstances under which they were preached. If, therefore, your
lordship is disposed to assist in the publication of any of the late
doctor’s writings, I should humbly apprehend that his great
controversial treatise would be most profitable to his widow, and
bring more fame to his memory.”
“That may be very true, Mr Darnley, but I do not like controversy; it
unsettles people’s minds. I never knew any good come of it. But
while there are sectarians there must, to be sure, be refutations of
their errors, and the best way to oppose sectarianism is by means of
argument; for I am a decided advocate for religious liberty, only I do
not like to have the minds of the common people disturbed and
unsettled. These matters, Mr Darnley, I shall leave to you as a friend
of the late doctor; and if you are disposed to publish any of his
writings, they cannot come out under better auspices. At all events I
shall subscribe for a certain number of copies.”
“Your lordship is very generous; and I hope you will not find in the
writings of the worthy rector anything that shall tend to unsettle the
minds of the people, but rather the reverse. For I understand that the
object of the treatise which I have mentioned to your lordship, is to
put an end to controversy. I recollect hearing my worthy friend say,
that he had answered and refuted every objection that had ever
been urged against the established church, and that there was not a
single sect which he had not opposed and confuted.”
“Well, well, if the work is of such a comprehensive nature, I think it
important that it should be published. It is a great pity, however, that
it did not make its appearance during the doctor’s life-time, it might
have procured him a bishopric; but really, Mr Darnley, I don’t know
how it is, but I have observed that ministers are not sufficiently
attentive to men of merit. They give away their preferment merely for
the purpose of parliamentary influence. Now, for my part, I never do
anything of the kind—I always patronize merit. I gave the living of
Smatterton to Dr Greendale, purely on account of his merit. I wish
that this consideration weighed more than it does with those whose
patronage is more extensive and important than mine.”
Mr Darnley had a better opinion of his majesty’s ministers than the
Earl of Smatterton had expressed, and therefore he did not very
readily echo the last speech which his lordship made. He took
however especial care not to say anything that might impeach his
lordship’s judgment and sagacity. The peer and the clergyman
parted on very good terms. The first was delighted that he had
enjoyed an opportunity of speaking in laudatory terms of his own
benevolence and wisdom; and the last was very well satisfied that
while he had paid due reverence to rank, he had not compromised
his loyalty to his majesty’s ministers, by complimenting at their
expense a member of his majesty’s opposition.
The day for Dr Greendale’s funeral arrived. It was Sunday. This
arrangement was made in order to give opportunity for the poor and
the labouring classes to attend, and pay their last tribute of respect
to their benefactor and friend. It was a very fine day, such as often
happens in the middle of September; and the day seemed like a
holiday. For, such is the nature of the human mind that the attending
on any ceremony seems more a matter of amusement than of
sorrow. Joy, it appears, cannot be solitary, and sorrow can hardly be
social. When a multitude assembles, be the purpose what it may for
which the assembling takes place, it wears generally the aspect of
amusement or pleasure. This is particularly the case at funerals, and
much more so in other countries than our own.
The village of Smatterton was unusually full. Many came from a
distance, some to visit their friends, some for a little extraordinary
amusement for the Sunday, and some probably with a desire to pay
a tribute of respect to the late rector; for the name of Dr Greendale
was celebrated beyond the narrow limits of his own parish. There
were visitors at almost every house in the village, and the little
public-houses, which on Sunday were ordinarily closed, now were
indulged with the privilege of being open, Indeed the indulgence was
absolutely necessary. The funeral procession was very long, and
many of the mourners were mourners indeed. They had a great
regard for the late doctor, not for any very profuse generosity which
he had exhibited, for that was not in his power; not for any
unbounded hospitality, for in that respect he was limited in his
circumstances, and confined as to his time; not because he was a
very eloquent and entertaining preacher, for his sermons were
plainness itself; not because he was a sturdy politician, either
demagogue or sycophant, for it was absolutely impossible for any
one to conjecture with plausibility to which party he belonged; not
because he indulged and flattered the vices of either the great or the
little, for he was not unsparing in his rebukes of wickedness
whenever he met with it; but they loved and respected him for the
steadiness and respectability of his character, for the integrity, purity,
simplicity, and sincerity of his life. Therefore they mourned at his
grave, and wept tears of real sorrow at the loss of him.
The very persons who paid tithes were sorry that he was departed
from them, for they did not think it likely that any other could be put in
his place to whom they would more cheerfully make such payments.
The funeral service was impressively read by Mr Darnley, and in the
afternoon the same gentleman took the duty at the church, in order
to deliver a funeral sermon for his late friend and neighbour.
While the rites of sepulture were being performed at the church,
the daughters of Mr Darnley were, by their presence and kind
sympathy, endeavouring to console the sorrowing widow, and the
doubly orphaned niece, at the rectory house. Miss Darnley had
heard at the beginning of the week from her father the suspicion
which he entertained of the unsteadiness of Penelope’s affections;
and though the present was not a proper time to make any direct
enquiries, or to use any obvious diligence to discover the secret, yet
she could not help showing her attention a little alive to aught which
might seem to promise any clue for the discovery of the young lady’s
state of mind to her brother. And as Mr Darnley had given a hint that
Penelope Primrose seemed to regard Lord Spoonbill with very great
approbation, and to throw herself entirely on the patronage of the
Countess, Miss Darnley endeavoured to let a word or two fall which
might either corroborate or remove the suspicions which had been
entertained on that head.
It was very easy to direct the conversation to their noble friends at
the castle. Mrs Greendale and Penelope both expressed great
gratitude for the kind sympathy which they had experienced from the
earl and countess. Penelope also praised the very humane and
feeling conduct of Lord Spoonbill; but the language which she used,
and the manner in which she spoke of his lordship, gave no light
upon the subject of suspicion. It was not indeed probable that the
son of so proud a nobleman as the Earl of Smatterton should think of
allying himself by marriage with the niece of a clergyman, portionless
and unconnected. Nor indeed was it likely that a young woman of
such excellent understanding as Miss Primrose should be weak
enough to imagine an attachment where none existed. Suffice it to
say, that notwithstanding all the pains which Miss Darnley used for
the purpose, she could not ascertain whether or not there existed
such an attachment. Her conclusion rather inclined to the opinion
that her brother’s suspicions were but a little emanation of
constitutional jealousy.
We have said that Mr Darnley was engaged to perform the service
of the church in the afternoon. On this occasion the multitude
assembled was very great. The church was crowded to suffocation,
and besides the great mass of people within, there were also many
without; many young persons who loved rather to idle about the
churchyard than to take pains to press their way in. They loitered
about in groups, and they amused themselves with reading the
monumental inscriptions, and some perhaps were then and there
reminded of pious and amiable parents, of intimate friends and
companions. They did not loiter altogether unprofitably, if feelings of
a kind and tender nature were excited in their breasts by
recollections of the departed.
But there was one who seemed to have no companion there, or
friend among the living or the dead. There was a young female in
deep mourning, walking sorrowfully up and down the broad gravel-
walk which led from the road to the church-door. She looked not at
those that passed her, and she did not seem to regard the
monumental inscriptions with any interest. Her form was graceful,
but her figure was small. There was a paleness on her cheeks which
looked like the paleness of sorrow and privation; but amidst that
paleness might be discerned much beauty. There had been
brightness in those eyes, and dimples on those cheeks, and
wreathed smiles upon those lips; but these were now departed, and
instead thereof was the

“Leaden look that loves the ground.”

She seemed to be heedless of all that was around her. The young
beaux and coquettes of the village attracted not her attention, and all
the change of look that was seen was an occasional and earnest
direction of her eyes towards the door of the church when any
footsteps were heard near it. There were no tears in the eyes, but
there was an expression of countenance, which told that tears had
been, and there was a stillness of sorrow which intimated that tears
had done their utmost, and could no longer relieve.
The young are ever prone to pity, and they most deeply and
feelingly commiserate such as seem to be least importunate for
sympathy; for despair is the sublimity of grief, and its very
unobtrusiveness rivets the attention. An image of sorrow like this is
not easily shaken from the mind. We may pass by it, and seem not
to heed it; but it comes upon us again in our recollections; and our
thoughts revert to it without effort, or even against effort. Thus did
this vision fascinate and enchain the minds of those who in the
indolence of their sabbath holiday were strolling about the
churchyard. By degrees their idle talk was suspended or subdued.
Their own little interests were forgotten, and they one and all
wondered who it could be. And they were saying one to another,
“How beautiful she looks!”—“How very pale she is!”—“She looks as if
she were very ill.” Many such remarks were made, but they were
uttered in a low tone, and with an endeavour not to appear to take
particular notice of the melancholy stranger.
At length the service in the church was over, and the multitude
was pouring out. Then the beautiful mourner took her station at the
porch, and watched with earnestness every face that passed by; and
over her pale countenance there came a hectic flush, as the
numbers increased and as the expected one seemed to be nearer.
The numbers diminished and the paleness returned.
A sound of carriage-wheels was heard at a little distance, and the
stranger, moving from the porch at which she had stationed herself,
saw in another direction a narrow path, leading from a different door,
and on that path were walking three persons, who, before she could
reach them, were seated in the carriage and had vanished from her
To explain these appearances as far as it is at present necessary,
we must turn our attention awhile from the newly-introduced fair one,
and accompany the Earl and Countess, with their hopeful son, back
again to the castle.
Scarcely had the Earl alighted from the carriage when he was
informed that, during his absence, a young person in deep mourning
had been at the castle nearly an hour ago, and had been very
importunate for an audience with his lordship. To the very natural
enquiries of name, description, and business, the only answer which
could be given was, that the stranger refused to state her name or
business, and that her appearance was that of a very respectable
and rather pretty young woman; and that though she had expressed
great anxiety to see his lordship, yet there was nothing in her
manner obtrusive or troublesome.
While this information was being conveyed to the Earl, the
Countess had passed on to her own apartment; but Lord Spoonbill
attended to what was said, and that with no small share of interest.
His recollection and conscience interpreted the mystery, and his
ingenuity was now taxed to evade an exposure, which he dreaded.
Assuming an air of indifference, he said:
“Perhaps, sir, it may be a daughter of one of your Yorkshire
tenants. She is described as being in mourning, and if I recollect
rightly, we heard of the death of one of them very lately. It is however
very unsuitable to come here on a Sunday on matters of business. I
am about to walk down into the village, and if I can meet with the
young person I will save you the trouble of attending to her.”
“Do so, Spoonbill, do so: I do not approve of being interrupted on a
Sunday; it is a bad example to the people in the country: it does not
so much signify in London.”
It was fortunate, or, more properly speaking unfortunate, for the
young lord that the Earl his father was very easy to be imposed
upon; and perhaps the more so from the very high opinion which he
entertained of his own wisdom and sagacity. But such was his
confidence in the good conduct and good disposition of his son, that
he would not easily have been brought to give credence to any story
of a disgraceful nature told against him. The young man took
advantage of this, and so he always passed for a very prudent and
steady person: and it was not unfrequent that the Earl himself would
commend the steadiness and sobriety of his son, and propose him
as an example to those who were companions of his irregularities.
After the conversation above recorded, the young lord made the
best of his way through the park towards that gate which led into the
village; carefully at the same time observing that his victim did not
escape him and return by another path to the castle.
He met her not in the park; and when he arrived at the gate he
was at a loss which way to turn. It would have been a miserable
exposure of his conduct had the stranger found her way back to the
castle and obtained an interview with the Earl. Still worse in the mind
of Lord Spoonbill would it have been that the Countess should
become acquainted with that part of his character and conduct which
might be communicated to her by the mysterious stranger; for, with
all his irregularity of demeanour, and amidst conduct which
manifested a most serious want of good feeling and good principle,
he felt a regard for his mother, and an anxiety for her comfort and
composure of mind: he disguised himself to his father from fear, and
to his mother from love.
Agitated by distracting thoughts, he stood at the park gate, gazing
alternately in different directions; and by the intensity of his feelings
was at last rivetted in an almost unconscious state of mind to the
spot on which he was standing. Suddenly his pulse beat quicker, and
his heart seemed to swell within him, when at a little distance he saw
the dreaded one approaching him. Had he seen her anywhere else
his first impulse would have been to avoid her; but here his truest
and best policy was to submit to an interview, however painful. Shall
he meet her with kindness?—shall he meet her with reproaches?—
shall he meet her with coldness? These were enquiries rapidly
passing through his mind as she drew nearer and nearer. It was
difficult for him to decide between cruelty and hypocrisy: but the last
was most natural to him, so far as custom is a second nature.
The afflicted one moved slowly with her eyes fixed on the ground,
and she saw not her enemy till so near to him, that on lifting up her
face and recognizing his well-known features, the sudden shock
produced a slight hysteric shriek.
Lord Spoonbill was not so lost to all feeling of humanity as to be
insensible to the anguish of mind which she now suffered, who had
once regarded him as a friend, and had loved him, “not wisely, but
too well.” He held out his hand to her with an unpremeditated look of
kindness and affection; and which, being unpremeditated, bore the
aspect of sincerity. The stranger at first hesitated, and seemed not
disposed to accept the offered hand; but she looked up in his face,
and the blood mounted to her cheeks and the tears stood in her
eyes, and she gave him her hand, and covered her face and wept
There are moments in which shameless profligates look foolish
and feel that they are contemptible. This was such a moment to Lord
Spoonbill. He was moved, and he was mortified that he was moved;
and there was a general feeling of confusion and perplexity in his
mind. What could he say? or how could he act? He began to
stammer out something like gentleness, and something like reproof.
But she who stood before him was as an accusing spirit, to whom
apology was mockery, and repentance too late. At length, when the
first emotion began to abate, he said:
“Ellen, what brings you here? Surely this is not a proper day for a
visit like this. What could induce you too to endeavour to see the
Earl? If you once mention the affair to him you are irretrievably
ruined; I can do nothing for you.”
A reproachful look, a deep sigh, and the withdrawing her hand
from his, were the only answer which the above speech received.
She attempted to speak, but words were wanting; and after a little
more appearance of confusion on the part of his lordship, he seemed
for the first time to notice her mourning dress, and with real
tenderness of manner asked her what peculiar loss or misfortune
had brought her to Smatterton. Assuming then a steadiness of tone
and greater composure of manner, she at last spoke out:
“My lord, it is indeed a deep affliction which has brought me to
appeal to your pity. You took me from a widowed mother; you
deserted me with promises unfulfilled. I returned to that dwelling
which was destined to be my home no more. I have closed my
mother’s eyes, which did indeed look a forgiveness which she could
not speak. I am now an outcast, unless I can find the means of
reaching a distant relative, who will give me a home. I have made
frequent application by letter to your lordship and to the Earl, and I
was fearful that my letters had not reached you; and I had no
resource but to come here to speak for myself.”
Lord Spoonbill had received these letters; not only those
addressed to himself, but those designed for his father. He had paid
but little attention to them; for the name of Ellen Fitzpatrick had
ceased to be interesting to him. He had in former days made small
pecuniary remittances; but had latterly declined them. But now
seeing before him one whom he had deeply injured, and beholding
her as a suppliant in the most humble attitude, and hearing that it
was possible that an arrangement might be made, whereby he
should no longer be troubled with her visits or letters, he felt his mind
greatly relieved, and he was disposed to be generous. He therefore
promptly supplied her with the means of reaching her friend, and
enjoined, with no little earnestness, that she should leave Smatterton
immediately, and that without even returning again to the village.
What account the hopeful hereditary legislator gave to the Earl we
shall not state; suffice it to say, that he told his own story, that the
Earl believed it, that it answered the purpose for which it was
invented. And it came to pass that, on the day following, when there
was mention made of the young person in deep mourning who was
seen in the churchyard on Sunday, it was confidently stated, and
easily believed, that it was a young lady out of her mind who had
escaped from her keepers.
We have spoken favorably of the Countess. She was for the most
part a considerate as well as a benevolent woman: we say for the
most part, because we must make some slight exception. And if our
readers be angry with us for not indulging them with perfect
characters, we can only say we are sorry for it, and will promise that
as soon as we meet with a faultless character we will give the history
thereof to the world. In the meantime we must take what we find, and
make the best of it. The Countess of Smatterton then was, as we
have said, possessed of many good qualities, but was not perfect.
There was occasionally a want of considerateness in her very
benevolence; and most people indeed, who do any good at all to
their fellow-creatures, prefer doing it in their own way. There is
perhaps some benefit in this; for otherwise the opulent and powerful
would be too much importuned, and the number of the dependent be
most awfully increased. To proceed then: we have observed that the
Countess was not uniformly considerate. She could, and for the most
part did, bestow her favors with great grace and urbanity of manner;
but occasionally she was rather forgetful of the proprieties; she did
not always consider that what might be suitable in one person or
station might not be suitable in another. This feeling was manifested
in the interview with which her grace was pleased to honor Miss
Primrose, soon after the decease of her valuable friend and relative,
Dr Greendale.
The Countess very kindly invited the ladies to the castle. Her
ladyship received the widow and her niece in her own apartment. No
one knew so well as the Countess how to manage the language and
address of consolation. Mrs Greendale was charmed with the
delicate and feeling manner in which she was received; and her
ladyship was happy that any attention of hers could gratify and
soothe the afflicted.

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