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Sst chapter3 deserts and forest


1. Why do some trees have thick stems in deserts?

2. What kind of plants grow around an oasis?

3. What animals live in deserts?

4. How do camels adapt to life in the desert?

5. Why do people find it hard to live in desert regions?

6. What is a desert country known for having a lot of oil?

7. What challenges do people face when working in the desert?

8. Where are equatorial forests found?

9. Why are equatorial forests important?

10. What kind of trees are usually found in temperate forests?

11. What causes sand dunes to form in deserts?

12. Why are deserts sometimes created by overgrazing?

13. How do people in desert countries get water for daily use?

14. Why are coastal deserts formed?

15. What are some challenges faced by workers in desert regions?

16. Where are temperate forests typically located?

17. Why are equatorial forests also called "lungs of the Earth"?

18. What is the main source of energy in Saudi Arabia?

19. How do equatorial forests contribute to biodiversity?

20. Why are temperate forests often cold in winter?

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