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2 Country Gardens ‘Tradi . ae ee foes ape tk a gr el wy How man - y kinds of ae glish coun = uy How = man - y in - bese a wo and froin man - y song - bir tll you now tell you now tell you now enrich ©2001 by HAL LEONARD CORPORATION Interoatonl Copyright ‘AIL Rights Reserved im youl wwe pa don Daf = fo - dil, hears-eae and phlos, ms Joule by pat don. Fite - fis, moths and gnats and bees you'll st par don. Bob - 0 - link, cuck - 00 and quail, is poole nf mead-ow-sweet and la - dy smocks, li - lacs, il - ies and ual hol -—ty~hocks, tos - es spi ders climb - ing in che trees, but = ter~fles drift in the gen. ~ te breeze. ‘There are tan - a - get and night - in- gale, blue- bitd, lark and thrush and car -—di'- nal, There is eS fox - glove and snow - drops, blue for-get - me-nows, in an En ~ lsh coun ~ ty snakes, ants that sting and ‘oth - et creep - ing things in an En ~ glish coun - uy joy inthe spring when the birds be-gin to sing in an. ‘En ~ lsh coun — try ee a ee (rit last time) Cirtr

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