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REPUBLIQUE DU BENIN : (229) 21 32 38 43 ; Fax : 21 32 41 88

Année scolaire : 2023-2024

Séries :C-D
Durée : 3 heures


Compétences à évaluer :
CD2 : Réagir à des textes ou supports multimédia.
CD3 :Produire des textes ou supports multimédia de types et de fonctions variés


A- La réaction à un texte


Bien que tous les pays du monde soient dotés de lois qui mettent fin au racisme sous toutes ses
formes, certains responsables politiques continuent de tenir des propos racistes dans certains pays.


Text :

1- Tunisian President Kais Saied caused a stir at home and abroad when he suggested on Tuesday,
February 21, 2023 that the arrival of Sub-Saharan migrants was part of a plot to weaken the country’s
Arab Islamic identity. ‘’There is a criminal plan to change the composition of the demographic
landscape in Tunisia and some individuals have received large sums of money to give residence to
Sub-Saharan migrants,’’ said the Head of State, quoted in a statement from the Presidency of the

2- At a national security council convened on the subject, President Saied spoke of ‘’hordes of illegal
migrants’’ whose presence in Tunisia he called a source of ‘’violence; crime and unacceptable acts’’.
Insisting on ‘the need to quickly put an end’’ to this immigration, he equated it ‘’a desire to make
Tunisia just another African country and not a member of the Arab and Islamic world’’, using rhetoric
close to the ‘’great replacement’’ theory promoted by the far right France and in other Western

3- Tunisia has between 30,000 and 50,000 Sub-Saharan migrants, according to local NGOs. A
population that provides ‘’a cheap labor force that everyone benefits from and that is tolerated by the
State despite the fact that it is illegal’’, emphasized Ben AZOUZ. Many of these migrants do not stay
in the Maghreb, however. Last year, half of the 22,000 migrants who arrived illegally in Europe
(especially in Italy) from Tunisia were of sub-Saharan origin. These departures were motivated by the

country’s economic situation, the complexity of the regularization procedures, but also as a result of
mistreatment there.

4- On February 16, 2023, several Tunisian human rights organizations denounced the arrest of 300
migrants in a single week. They were arrested following an identity check based on racial profiling or
even due to their presence in court in support of their relatives,’’ the statement said.

5- Fear has also spread among sub-Saharan students, who are now afraid to leave their homes. ‘’We
have received two panicked emails and a phone call ‘’, confirmed Farah Hached, vice president of the
University Mahmoud-EI Materi, in Tunis. ‘’Students say they do not feel safe and beg us to and a
solution’’. The university has requested the Ministry of Higher Education and the Ministry of the
Interior ‘’so that there is at least a reassuring speech from the authorities’’, she explained. For its part,
the Association of African Students and Trainees in Tunisia issued a statement on February17, calling
on targeted students to be ‘vigilant’’ and to travel with their residence permit ‘’at all times’’.
By Lilia Blaise, Tunis correspondent of Le Monde published on February 23, 2023

Critères d’évaluation
Après avoir lu le texte ci-dessus, tu donneras la preuve que tu l’as bien compris en :
- reconnaissant certains de ses détails ;
- répondant à des questions de façon approfondie ;
- manifestant ta maitrise de son vocabulaire ;
- reformulant certaines phrases de façon autonome ;
- traduisant un passage du texte en anglais.


Item 1 : Say whether the following statements are ‘’True’’ or ‘’False’’ according to the text.
Write the numbers and the corresponding answers. Don’t copy the sentences.

1- President Kais Saied supported Sub-Saharan migrants in an official statement.

2- Tunisia is not a member of the Arab Islamic World.
3- President Kais Saied would rather they transformed Tunisia into another African country.
4- The labor force Sub-Saharan migrants provide in Tunisia is not legal.
5- Three hundred migrants were arrested in seven days.

Item 2 : Answer these questions based on the text

1- Why did Tunisian President Saied Kais want to put an end to sub-Saharan immigration?
2- What obliged the migrants to leave Tunisia for Europe?
3- Are Sub-Saharan students free to go wherever they want in Tunisia? Justify your answer by
quoting a sentence from the text.

Item 3 : Find in the text words or expressions meaning the same or nearly meaning he same as
the following.
1- a public disturbance (paragraph 1)
2- summoned (paragraph2)
3- contrary to the law (paragraph 3)
4- capture (paragraph4)
5- inviting (paragraph5)

Item 4: Rephrase the following sentences using the prompts given. Don’t change their
1- ‘’Some individuals have received large sums of money to give residence to Sub-Saharan migrants’’,
said the Head of State.
-The Head of State declared that………………………………….
2- President Said made a racist statement which caused immediately a stir at home and abroad.
-No sooner………………………………………
3- The migrants departures were motivated by the country’s economic situation.
-The country’s economic situation………………………………………
4- It is a pity we received two panicked emails and a phone call.
-We wish……………………………………………….
5- He would never have tolerated the narrative if it had been expressed in Europe.

Item 5 : Translate the following passage into French

From ‘’Tunisian President Kais Saied….’’ Down to ‘’…..from the presidency of the Republic’’.
(paragraph 1)

B- Production d’un texte de type et de fonction variés


La lutte contre le racisme sous toutes ses formes est l’affaire de tout le monde : tout le monde doit y

Critères d’évaluation
Tu prouveras ta capacité à rédiger une lettre administrative en anglais en :
- respectant le contexte et le type de texte ;
- respectant la logique interne du texte ;
- construisant des phrases significatives grammaticalement correctes ;
- utilisant l’orthographe, le vocabulaire et la ponctuation appropriés.



You are AGOSSOU Thomas and your address is BP 1123, Cotonou. Write a letter to one of your
friends to explain to him why racism should not be tolerated in our country.
Your friend’s address is HOUNSOU Codjo BP 223, Cotonou

(Not More than fifteen lines for the body).


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