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Áudio: Why You Still Can't Understand Basic Grammar

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The reason there’s basic words and grammar structures you still can’t understand is that: they’re actually
not basic at all. You see, in every language there’s a subset of words and gramatical structures that are
extremely hard to grasp despite being some of the most common elements of the language. Assuming
these elements should be easy just because they are frequently used is an extremely common mistake
that ends up causing language learner a lot of frustration.

Linha a linha:

The reason there’s basic words and grammar structures

A razão (pela qual) há palavras e estruturas gramaticais básicas

you still can’t understand is that

(que) você ainda não consegue entender é que

they’re actually not basic at all.

elas na realidade não são nem um pouco básicas.

You see, in every language

Veja bem, em todas as línguas

there’s a subset of words and gramatical structures

há um subconjunto de palavras e estruturas gramaticais

that are extremely hard to grasp

que são extremamente difíceis de entender

despite being some of the most common elements of the language.

apesar de serem alguns dos mais comuns elementos da língua.

Assuming these elements should be easy

Assumindo (que) esses elementos deveriam ser fáceis

just because they are frequently used

só porque eles são usados com frequência

is an extremely common mistake

é um erro extremamente comum

that ends up causing language learners a lot of frustration.

que acaba causando muita frustração aos aprendizes de idiomas.

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