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Year 37 No.

7 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) — Green August 20, 2023

Presenting Your pains

to Jesus by Fr. Tim Melliza, SSP

This woman, by calling Jesus and bad conduct. When we fill

the “son of David,” also knows ourselves with negative ideas
something of Israel and Judaism. about ourselves, when we do not
T he boundaries between Israel
and their pagan neighbors
were porous. People could come
Most probably, she has visited
the temple of Jerusalem and
seek liberation, we narrate a sad
history about ourselves. We lose
worshipped Yahweh. “Son of touch of the value of life, having
in and go out without much discolored it with pain. Such is
David” indicates her belief that
problem. When Jesus needed to the case of many people who
Jesus is the messiah. It may be the
rest, he would go out of Israel. In commit suicide nowadays. They
first time she meets Jesus. Being
Tyre and Sidon, Jesus thinks that do not want to end their lives, but
near him and feeling his special
nobody recognize him. But he the pain they suffer makes them
presence convinces her that she
is wrong. A Canaanite woman do it. Not having the courage
is before someone who could
approaches, confessing her pain to share it with others, or being
save her daughter. Jesus in this
for the demonic possession of ashamed of the failures and sins,
sense becomes more important
her daughter. Jesus is hesitant they end up blaming themselves.
than her pain.
to grant the wish of the woman. Jesus is a friend who would
He tries to dissuade her by Our capacity to share our pain
never fail us. Our courage to
comparing gentiles like this Jesus means also that he is close
be persistent in sharing with
woman to “dogs,” insisting on to us. Pope Francis writes that
him our pains could be our way
the limits of his mission to the the best way to be near Jesus is to
out from the imprisonment of
house of Israel. But the woman have the gospel in our pockets,
desperation and depression. He
does not stop, presenting louder the cross in our necks, and a
may not answer at once. But
her pain: “Have pity on me!” The rosary in our hands. When we
we know from the story of this
woman gets what she wished for: manage to pray while sitting or
woman that our persistence will
the healing of her daughter. walking, we can say that Jesus
and does pay off. Presenting our
follows us like a shadow. It comes
No distinction was made pains to Jesus and accepting
naturally for us to share with him
then between insanity and this cross with courage lead us
our pain. We know and believe
demonic possession. But her to a deeper relationship with
that he alone can deliver us from
child’s abnormality may have him. Consequently, we assume
the darkness of our painful past,
brought shame to her other a positive outlook of ourselves,
and we can put our tragic stories
relatives. The woman carries and Jesus becomes a friend who
before him without shame.
this burden as “pain.” She is not carries with us our pains. Since
ashamed of her child, suffering When we do not know how he is there present because of our
with her. This mother manifests a to share our pains, we naturally pains, we may even see them,
compassionate love that feels the absorb them. We keep the pain our tragic stories, as moments of
pain of the beloved that in turn to ourselves. These pains could grace: God’s way to our hearts
touches the heart of Jesus. be frustrations and failures, sins and ours to his.
THE INTRODUCTORY RITES Gloria ministering to him, loving
the name of the L ord , and
All — Glory to God in the
Entrance Antiphon becoming his servants—all
highest, and on earth peace
(Ps 84[83]:10–11) who keep the sabbath free
(Recited when there is no opening song.) to people of good will. We
from profanation and hold to
praise you, we bless you, we
Turn your eyes, O God, our my covenant, them I will bring
adore you, we glorify you, we
shield; and look on the face to my holy mountain and make
give you thanks for your great
of your anointed one; one day joyful in my house of prayer;
glory, Lord God, heavenly King,
within your courts is better their burnt offerings and
O God, almighty Father. Lord
than a thousand elsewhere. sacrifices will be acceptable
Jesus Christ, Only Begotten
on my altar, for my house shall
Greeting Son, Lord God, Lamb of God,
(The sign of the cross is made here.) be called a house of prayer for
Son of the Father, you take
all peoples.
away the sins of the world, have
P—The grace of our Lord Jesus
mercy on us; you take away the —The word of the Lord.
Christ, and the love of God, and
sins of the world, receive our All—Thanks be to God.
the communion of the Holy
prayer; you are seated at the
Spirit be with you all. Responsorial Psalm (Ps 67)
All—And with your spirit. right hand of the Father, have
mercy on us. For you alone are R—O God, let all the nations
Introduction the Holy One, you alone are praise you!
(These [or similar words] may be used the Lord, you alone are the Sr. M.C.A. Parco, fsp
to address the assembly.)
Most High, Jesus Christ, with F Dm

P —Great faith conquers the Holy Spirit, in the glory of         

difficulties and sorrows: Jesus God the Father. Amen. O God, let all the
heals a Canaanite woman’s Collect
daughter who is tormented 4 F C7 F
by a demon. Great faith P—Let us pray. (Pause)       
overcomes racial and social O God, who have prepared na tions praise you.
barriers: though “sent only to for those who love you good
things which no eye can see,
1. May God have pity on us
the lost sheep of the house and bless us;/ may he let his
of Israel,” Jesus ministers to fill our hearts, we pray, with
face shine upon us./ So may
the pagan woman. Let us pray the warmth of your love, so
your way be known upon
for the gift of faith, so that we that, loving you in all things
earth;/ among all nations, your
can approach the Lord with and above all things, we may
salvation. (R)
confidence. attain your promises, which
surpass every human desire. 2. May the nations be glad and
Penitential Act exult/ because you rule the
Through our Lord Jesus
P —Brethren (brothers and Christ, your Son, who lives peoples in equity;/ the nations
sisters), let us acknowledge our and reigns with you in the on the earth you guide. (R)
sins, and so prepare ourselves to unity of the Holy Spirit, 3. May the peoples praise you,
celebrate the sacred mysteries. God, for ever and ever. O God;/ may all the peoples
(Pause) All—Amen.
praise you!/ May God bless
P—You were sent to heal the THE LITURGY us,/ and may all the ends of
contrite of heart: Lord, have OF THE WORD the earth fear him! (R)
mercy. First Reading (Is 56:1, 6–7) (Sit) Second Reading
All—Lord, have mercy.
Isaiah foresees the time when (Rom 11:13–15, 29–32 )
P—You came to call sinners:
foreigners or Gentiles join themselves The mercy given to the Gentiles is a
Christ, have mercy.
to the Lord. The prophecy is sign for St. Paul that someday the
All—Christ, have mercy. fulfilled in Jesus who ministers to a people of Israel, who have rejected
P — You are seated at the Canaanite woman in need. Christ, will be reconciled to God and
right hand of the Father to A reading from the Book of to the Lord Jesus.
intercede for us: Lord, have the Prophet Isaiah
mercy. A reading from the Letter of
All—Lord, have mercy. THUS says the Lord: Saint Paul to the Romans
Observe what is right, do what
P—May almighty God is just; for my salvation is about BROTHERS AND SISTERS:
have mercy on us, forgive to come, my justice, about to I am speaking to you Gentiles.
us our sins, and bring us to be revealed. Inasmuch as I am the apostle
everlasting life. The foreigners who join to the Gentiles, I glory in my
All—Amen. themselves to the L o r d , ministry in order to make my
race jealous and thus save some —The Gospel of the Lord. C —May the Pope, bishops,
of them. For if their rejection is All—Praise to you, Lord Jesus priests, and deacons continue
the reconciliation of the world, Christ. to accompany the poor, the
what will their acceptance be Homily (Sit) weak, the marginalized, and
but life from the dead? the victims of injustice in their
For the gifts and the call of Profession of Faith (Stand) struggle to achieve justice and
God are irrevocable. Just as you peace. We pray: (R)
once disobeyed God but have All — I believe in one God,
the Father almighty, maker of C—May government and civil
now received mercy because of
heaven and earth, of all things leaders heed the cries of those
their disobedience, so they have visible and invisible.
now disobeyed in order that, by who suffer because of war,
I believe in one Lord Jesus violence, drug addiction, and
virtue of the mercy shown to Christ, the Only Begotten Son
you, they too may now receive disease.We pray: (R)
of God, born of the Father
mercy. For God delivered all before all ages. God from God, C—May all the baptized seek
to disobedience, that he might Light from Light, true God from your healing love, O Father,
have mercy upon all. true God, begotten, not made, through the sacrament of
consubstantial with the Father; reconciliation and the Church’s
—The word of the Lord. through him all things were
All—Thanks be to God. works of mercy. We pray: (R)
made. For us men and for our
Alleluia (Cf. Mt 4:23) (Stand) salvation he came down from C —May all of us who are
heaven, (At the words that follow gathered persevere in prayer like
All—Alleluia, alleluia. Jesus up to and including and became the Canaanite woman and keep
proclaimed the Gospel of man, all bow.)and by the Holy your word in ordinary times as
the kingdom and cured every Spirit was incarnate of the well as in exceptional moments
disease among the people. Virgin Mary, and became man. of our lives. We pray: (R)
Alleluia, alleluia. Fo r o u r s a k e h e wa s
crucified under Pontius Pilate, C—May those who are losing
Gospel (Mt 15:21–28) he suffered death and was hope because of sickness
P—A reading from the holy buried, and rose again on the and death of their loved ones
third day in accordance with experience your compassion
Gospel according to Matthew
the Scriptures. He ascended
All—Glory to you, O Lord. through the care of others. May
into heaven and is seated at
the right hand of the Father. our beloved dead rest in your
AT THAT TIME, Jesus withdrew peace. We pray: (R)
to the region of Tyre and Sidon. He will come again in glory
And behold, a Canaanite to judge the living and the C —Let us pray for the urgent
dead and his kingdom will concerns of our community
woman of that district came
have no end.
and called out, “Have pity on and our personal intentions
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
me, Lord, Son of David! My (pause). We pray: (R)
the Lord, the giver of life,
daughter is tormented by a who proceeds from the Father
demon.” But Jesus did not say and the Son, who with the P—With the Canaanite woman,
a word in answer to her. Jesus’ Father and the Son is adored we raise our voices to you,
disciples came and asked him, and glorified, who has spoken Lord, in supplication. Grant, O
“Send her away, for she keeps through the prophets. heavenly Father, what we ask
calling out after us.” He said I b e l i e ve i n o n e , h o l y, for in great faith and confidence
in reply, “I was sent only to catholic, and apostolic Church. through Christ our Lord.
the lost sheep of the house I confess one Baptism for the All—Amen.
of Israel.” But the woman forgiveness of sins and I look
came and did Jesus homage, forward to the resurrection THE LITURGY OF
saying, “Lord, help me.” He of the dead and the life of the THE EUCHARIST
world to come. Amen.
said in reply, “It is not right to Presentation of the Gifts
take the food of the children Prayer of the Faithful (Stand)
and throw it to the dogs.” She P—Pray, brethren…
said, “Please, Lord, for even P —God is a merciful and
loving Father who cares for All—May the Lord accept the
the dogs eat the scraps that sacrifice at your hands for the
fall from the table of their all his children. No one is
beyond the reach of God’s praise and glory of his name,
masters.” Then Jesus said to for our good and the good of
her in reply, “O woman, great loving embrace. We therefore
turn to God, the Father, with all his holy Church.
is your faith! Let it be done
for you as you wish.” And the confidence as we pray: Prayer over the Offerings
woman’s daughter was healed R—Father, come and help your P—Receive our oblation, O
from that hour. people. Lord, by which is brought
about a glorious exchange,
that, by offering what you
have given, we may merit to
receive your very self.
Through Christ our Lord.
Preface (Ordinary Time VII)
P—The Lord be with you.
All—And with your spirit.
P—Lift up your hearts.
All—We lift them up to the
P—Let us give thanks to the
Lord our God.
All—It is right and just.
P—It is truly right and just,
our duty and our salvation,
always and everywhere to give
you thanks, Lord, holy Father,
almighty and eternal God.
For you so loved the world
that in your mercy you sent
us the Redeemer, to live like
P—Behold the Lamb of God, keep every adversity far from
us in all things but sin, so that behold him who takes away you and in his kindness pour
you might love in us what you the sins of the world. Blessed out upon you the gifts of his
loved in your Son, by whose are those called to the supper blessing.
obedience we have been of the Lamb. All—Amen.
restored to those gifts of yours All—Lord, I am not worthy
that, by sinning, we had lost in that you should enter under P—May God keep your hearts
disobedience. my roof, but only say the attentive to his words, that they
And so, Lord, with all word and my soul shall be may be filled with everlasting
the Angels and Saints, we, healed. gladness.
too, give you thanks, as in All—Amen.
Communion Antiphon
exultation we acclaim: (Ps 130 [129]:7)
All—Holy, Holy, Holy Lord P—And so, may you always
God of hosts. Heaven and With the Lord there is mercy; understand what is good
earth are full of your glory. in him is plentiful redemption. and right, and be found ever
Hosanna in the highest. hastening along in the path
Blessed is he who comes in Prayer after Communion of God’s commands, made
the name of the Lord. Hosanna (Stand)
coheirs with the citizens of
in the highest. (Kneel) P—Let us pray. (Pause) heaven.
Acclamation (Stand) Made partakers of Christ All—Amen.
through these Sacraments, we
All—When we eat this Bread humbly implore your mercy, P—And may the blessing of
and drink this Cup, we Lord, that, conformed to almighty God, the Father, and
proclaim your Death, O Lord, his image on earth, we may the Son, (†) and the Holy Spirit,
until you come again. come down on you and remain
merit also to be his coheirs
in heaven. with you for ever.
THE COMMUNION RITE Who lives and reigns for All—Amen.
The Lord’s Prayer ever and ever. Dismissal
All—Our Father… P—The Mass has been offered.
P—Deliver us, Lord… THE CONCLUDING RITES Go in peace, glorifying the Lord
All—For the kingdom, the by your life.
P—The Lord be with you. All—Thanks be to God.
power and the glory are yours All—And with your spirit.
now and for ever.
Prayer over the People SHOP ONLINE
Invitation to Peace
P—Bow down for the blessing. Visit our online store:
Invitation to Communion (Pause)
May almighty God always

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