Adventuring in Discworld

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GM 52) BY KEVIN PUTTICK On a world supported on the back of a giant turtle (sex unknown), a gleeful, wickedly eccentric expedition sets out. There's an avaricious but inept party of adventurers, a naive Tourist whose Juggage moves on hundreds of dear little legs, dragons if you believe in them, and (of course) THE EDGE of the planet..." his scenario is based more than somewhat on Trey Prateel's casi Discord novel, which rovide an unique setting for fantasy roleplaying Ast world on the back ofa giant tare? What better environment for a campaign or two? The adventure is humorous and is meant to be played with this in mind. Itis not serious, Trampling around Diseworld cannot be a morbid venture humour is essential ‘The adventure is designed for four or five intermediate characters, with 3 to 6 levels of experience. I've included Adoanced Dungeons and Dragons statistics for ease of use, bat with a litle tinkering the adventure can be used with any system, ‘The whole piece has been created as a foreword to adventuring on the Diss for player and GME alike, and as an introduction tothe city of Ankh-Morpork. Further adventures ean lead on from this one. ‘The adventure is divided into five sections. The first includes this introduction. The second section describes the Blo, in three parts the Events, the Encounters, and nally the Maps, and Tables. ‘The following section describes aspects of Discworld which are unique. As this world is so different, a section covers extra skills and proficiencies native to Discworld adventuring. The final section describes the important, NPCs of Ankh-Morpork, and as conclusion of sorts, further ideas for adventuring are discussed For background information, I recommend the Terry Pratchett's Discworld books, The Colour of Magic, The Light Fantastic, UN ee mel aN ‘his section comprises two parts, which outline the adventure plot. Events provides the adventure with a kind of storyline, featuring happenings which occur at certain locations but-at no specific time, Player inform: the text inside the boxes — text outside these boxes is for the GM's eyes only. But then again, crafty players will probably read all this. . ENT epesas moment) This is not Sener Lnogrege roe ~itis not eee ere re a ee eee ‘anything, then it might as well be a piece of rubbish See ne eet eers ere este have wees Bigger eta Tere hans ere cutee Tuto hayecetsiniy been preter te Bree Sia opmekteeceaeteya Ranewsrae "0 email fyou havent smelled Ankh-Morpork on a hot day you haven't ‘smelled anything! Theis areprowd hay carry hai ns icone Mire age Gaynor ener omar Rian fia Beton ie eteatecaeies cence 6 ee comemmorn, ae ee ere eee Son prey eae Zisovwatltmases ceatemmerees cote see 0 °° out. ‘Rich merchants who have spent many years abroad ent back home for spec ppered and sealed ottles of the stuff, which brings tears to their eyes. It has that kind of effect. Mao glorious winter sunshine rises over Ankh-Morpork rege eee ar So Sa ceo | Co ee eee aa nc aan rr. land ale. | Propped up against the bar, you consider the small | fellow who just entered theinn. He is wearing loud = ‘designer cloths has four eyes and there's a wooden [chest him, ‘on hundreds of dinky Uuile legs ret you think you must stil be drunk - but finally come to the startling conclusion after much /philosophising and stiff hair of the dog, that perhaps the little chap and his chest aren't simply a product of too much Old Sheep Diy ‘You are further convinced when you overhear the ‘stranger ask Casper Merek, the barman, for some cheese and half a pound of potatoes. After the: Jeunes disappointing rept y, Pint-size rummages through his chest and pullé out a bas spilling the contents onto the bar. \Gold pieces flood the tabletop and the penny drops! This oat person ts rich, stupid nad has lousy taste clothes. He must be a tourist! On discovering this fact you also become aware of a problem. ‘The Problem is this— half ofthe regulars in the Dram /have also realised that the stranger rik ana like you, all of them want his money! "Th Pe wil hve come up with an ogenious idea to SST EPSP SISSIES ETS SESS ciiinte'emtheturatomney favbngthenangeris_ | Sebreme Raler othe anything ol asco pli pibantane joa imn't nice, so advise your players not "Bloody hell! What are you lot doing here? Didn't | warn Ifyour players lack inspiration, use an NPC within the group _|¥9t last week...?"he grunts. ops nervertnn nae ee, Z Shouldfferia becomes out gude, shoving the wrangerthe. Gorhal wil isten to what the players have ay, bat nthe Sights of the City of Smells, end: he wil fine them 200gp cach ors magical stay aloes er Tatyourpayte proceed with his dent, ofcourse, a group ial in hem 30g eachor falnrpuiabe charactors willaproachthe ranger ced” *yAmay® Je exceptionally brand, "°° er iapcce ger eae et Tiredivee wife ne Pee rane tn en ‘Aer tome eareflly arated provcatin, your PCs should. HRW lank the BCs to ah him around. Sel upattackigthoNPCa fhunviaris a quintiat andthe. wares tk pega characters and he wurst Patiiatane us cena? Telghis hia'ioaelike steers as Biehers A: THACO 17, ACs Dom 3ier1 e645) 27, 22, nnn tt rust se can ant aw i ee Med His 20) 17 Spl ogc meae dar BPrteton From sored mses ov oe ay Grrr image Nel van ae een ol Bein sect ec Habbie/toags 6 1HAC0 18, ACS, Dam 146, Hts (ad) 17,20, Jeanie THE VANISHING TOURIST down the cobbled street, ThreeTree [Vanishes before your eyes. The Luggage isn’t amused land circles the spot where ThreeTree vanished, apparently sniffing for elues. Soon the awful trath, dawns —ThreeTree isn't playing hide-and-seek, he has )been teleported away —he has been kidnapped The Luggage is getting rather peeved... ame This rst has a great time, enjoying areal brawl in a [fasious tavern ot Ankteorporke? = iting and suspect euddlin ‘round for anything else todsmage,but as ©”| The players havea look around the city, 9 they should be you are about toswing familiar with atleast the major NPCs, This will help in their halfling when the Drum is swamped by the search forthe missing visitor Reon neetedly Satara cee Pomona ond Ni the kidnappers on-eart, and taken away. ‘The best thing todo is laugh atthe PCs vain attempts to trac eats ah io down ThreeTree, as no-one knows where he is, not even the Loggage, but give them experience points for inventiveness ‘The only contact who will know anything about Threelace is the infamous Blind Hew, a professional beggar, and informant for the Assassins Guild is isan excellent time for the characters and the tourist to troduced as they travel along in the cage-on-wheels. ibTYee announces himself, providing background ior ad ‘There's a wizened beggar you recognise as Blind Hew, building. In hobbling down the alleyway. He stops suddenly ana itals above the archway a sign reads PRISON. | |Sniffs the air, somehow he senses you, completes a 180 Pee abAcuLMarpock docerthare« procs, | |degree tarn and runs in the opposite disetaetete ing is the Courthouse, You varucly remember | |s€4venger and blend well with the rest of tne scum He foals door and the panclied cossidcrs trom tie | |i also.a renowned fricnd of Nyeat the Geile Morne 4@ you visited. Unfortunately this is not the first | |Assassins. shave been arrested for brawling. You shuffle . Bisive echo chamber. Yen itethecourtroom.A | When he gets caught, How will deny anthing and everthing, Sigure surrounded by expensive, obnoxious | put when the PCs make him see their way of thinting Beg Hew says that Nycat is holding the tourist not at Aseceims ‘Pain. He is Gorphal, the judge, mayor, Guild HQ, but at his own home. THE PRISON Continued over poge ity renlma ofthe S a tary have to go to find the tourist re the payer or have roferencos to the maps of Thoth are deserved Tater hideout is thin he ‘The following dose flowing dae ‘Nyeata pace ana the sewer aaa ci res at you with a Fait obscured bythe Poe eacs doorkmob atthe centre aie oak panelling grins politely at you. special —it talks! The moment any of the ce goer the door ispeaksvith a drunken roar! fore ugger off, thish ish private property and you're not invited. Anyway, what do you want?” for will continue ta chat, mentioning that only rather vist thie area and that this is Nycats home. The dor Aisrepatable type fhetgnematin thor es con vary depending on bow well theplayers are doing A now a that Nycatis in, he hasn't gota lady friend with him and he was in a hurry. Ira esis 1: Guard Room: Three men are playing cards and don't notice ‘Your characters at first, Abell hangs in the far right corner. To Jour lef a guard seems to be making some sort of sandwich. The charactors have the initiative but the guards will attempt to ‘ng the bell, summoning guards from room four. If things go bud forthe guards, they will try to fle into the street Guards 4: THACO 18, ACS, Dam 146+1, Hits (4d8) 26, 27, 20, st $Y cay: Hokahelven cover lth wal, na Nycat seems abe Feeany leave: Papers and erliscover the for. Ifthe ae e thc toa ihrgugh the document, ey wil Patat tbat watien on esheets i utter gbbernh, except fora setcy map of the sewers the Bed ow A lururioa ed covered with ars hasbeen oped aver Womens ties areseatered across the oom. The wibiroetas een cleared on, and empty jewel-boxes ie open tered ‘Another Guard-Room: Four guards sit around a table and sreratherfatoa heat debate bout pice None of them soem {stake any note be characters, ules they have been tlertely the rag of tebe inte rs uae Gears TIAGO? AOS Do (00 998.25, Mirrored Room: The rom is quite lavishly decorated, specially fora plage Ante Morperk. Weir tapestries hang frm the wala anda olden mirror ang on the le A thick tedeape i tnedby the characters eddy fet spot Pe apache dog tn ir il ay ‘What lyon wanna goin therefor?” Followed by "Why are you tang te der ar Dory ant ac ins tiror! The door nboled fra teeter side 6: A Room: As the door flies open, the PCs see three startled trolls, but they are only half as surprised as the man appearing through the trap door! "iloody hell is thems! Down, dawn, down! You three! Kil, ar Hiate-sbe NASTYI The trolls attack asthe man isappears down the hatch, Once dead, the trolls will collapse {nto a colection of pebbles. "The smell wafting up from the trap-d0or has the usual stench ofthis sweet ety, but tis time the aris corrosive. Below lic th Sowers. A light s needed. ‘The characters fight trolls at-5 to hit and they have to make adexterty roll every four rounds or slip ver in the slime, {As the characters move down the sewer, they soe a fain ight igrnt them nha li vaio ciren, Among the s+ igure, they can see ThreeTree, or rather his glow-in-the-dar jeket and boots. oo Further on the PCs hear a shout of Wait here” and the light suddenly vanishes. The party mave around a corer. Five Ratmen stand waiting and unless the player-haracters take ome precautions, the ftatmen attack first! Ratuien :7HACO 19,05, Dam 1d, Hits (a8) 19, 29,18 Tite tunnel ee sound the carve and the PCs Sint wemselves in a square room with steps leading up. A stro" light comes from the archway atthe top of the steps. feist rumbling comes from behind the characters. If they decide to {investigate the nose, they will discover that a massive tidal wave of sewage is heading their way! I wll reach the room Beyond the ste in 10 rounds. Sewer A: This octagonal chamber is illuminated by a strange purple light, In front ofthe PCs, four cloaked figures are Pidmpting to winch ThresTree through a trap-Goor to the street ‘ove ning rope and pulley der: Th gues wil atack, dropping everything. ThroeTree wil fl ‘Tang beh player mentions something about the number of idee fy Uyechamaber or the strange light = you know, something Shee that number, the accursed number between seven and apeel ve them experience for their quick-wittedness. But this thant efop the syord, Mim from commenting on that number, Mbout the second round into the Hight Mien the number spoken, a horrid monster bursts from the sgqeund and attacks everyone in the chamber ~ all except FFhreeTveo who stare climbing up the rope "Tile monster i close cousin of Bel Shambaroth, the infamous Sender of Bight, The Soul Render, blah, bis Bal Sahersharoth isresily nasty monster from the Dungeoe ra and the monster which attacks the characters is tentacles, Dams 1dB+1, XP value 6,000+10 per ho ‘will try and drag the characters down into the Dungeon Dimensions, where they wil stay forever! But when the going fgets tough it wall try and go Somewhere Else and whimper for 8 ‘while, Ty get the characters it must hold them for three onsecutive rounds, each round the PC will rll a strength check caught by the tantacle to break free, The monster is partly fmmune to spells with 50% magic resistance. Dont forget the dal wave When nally arrives dung _ combat, every ocespant wil take 148 points of damage and to "ht will be reduced by a further 2, Besides, they will all smell "very bad! ‘The only ext is from the trap-door, 30 ft above the floor. (isc ‘you are outside, breathing the fresh’ smell of the ts of Ankh-Morpork. The next thing that comes hhead is that it is time for a celebration ~ and 2 ard steps through. jexpression you realise that he isnot the boy Ai the Wonderful would you?” Despite his Re ee et ie ‘at you: "Die scumbags! Prepare to meet cer!" Lightening bolts shoot from his nostrils n flame surrounds him. He screams magical ‘and then: "Abt My heart!" With his last ously combusts, Purple mist fills isappears and the frst thing you arte of fying wizard seatered scrons the ling, You turn o the barman and order dof drinks, unfortunately he has been iF fascinating sticks of celery. You see that turned bright green and the Luggage is ‘and branches. srian/fighter finds themself three feet shorter and "Maim, is having a laughting fit. The thief is bright ‘one of the magic users is sprouting a grass beard. jagic user hasn't been vanished ~ just varnished! tied into an oak dining table. They can still cast ‘ab2 per round). Ficis unaffected. Fs that all of the members of the party have been they better start looking for a cure. NJ. SCENARIO Yi Events, is that Encounters are not set in a particular time fand place like the events of the scenario, They are virtually random happenings, with the exception ofa few which Vesur offer specific events, eg the ‘warning’ given to the Characters afer Threetree's disappearance "These are really only a limited number of encounters for use in the adventure, but they will give GMs an idea of what sort of subjects can be used for encounters. T the essential difference between the Encounters and. ee Encounter 1: The party are in the drum, and as they take their feats, a Paladin taps the fighter (the one who carries Maim) on the shoulder and politely refuses, use further provocation from, the Paladin if necessary, the Paladin will take out his sword and, ery I must warn you. This is a magic sword. fhe response from Maim will be to insult the sword and the ‘owner just a little exereize for GMs who like to roleplay. The vo swords will eventually drag their owners into a fight —after they've had a good shouting match! ‘When the confrontation begins, five cavaliers aid the Paladin, ‘ThreeTee enjoys every minute, and a riot starts to develop. Paladin: THACO 14, AC 3, Dam 2d4+4, Hits (5d) 35. The magic ‘sword is utterly good s0 none of the characters are able to touch it Cavaliers, 5: THACO 18, AC 5, Dam 2d4, Hits (4d) 31, 26, 23, 16,20. ‘By the time the characters have dealt with them, a full scale riot has started and numerous patrons of the Drum join in the ftack on the characters. Thugs 19,6, 8, 18 ‘As the riot reaches new heights and citizens are being thrown cout of the window, someone cries: t's a raid. The police are coming!" The inn is suddenly deserted, leaving the barman on his own, whimpering. HACO 20, AC 8, Dam Id4+1, Hits (3d) 17, 14,21, Encounter 2: As the characters are walking innocently down the street, Maim, the fighter’s eword, starts to hum. It has seen ‘small horde of goblins, who all look rather bewildered. The word hurls abuse at them, eventually one of the goblins shouts: ‘Die, barbarian flea-bag!" Maim drags its owner into the fight. Goblins, 10: The least stupid ones run off: THACO 20, AC 8, Dam 1d8 Hits (2) 18, 6,9, 10, 8, 11, 13, 12,9, 16 Encounter 5: Behind the PCs, comes a shrill ey “Death to all temest They (urn justin Get se four lage rake men frinting hove pipe like things at them and carrying barrels on Phat beck: The Ratfiesalsck first and they fre’ upon the party with fre! etme, mI 27,26 7, NEL If the players have enough sence fo ask the FRatmen who hired them before killing them, the Rates will Confess that boggar culled Blind Hea was the man. "The following table is used to see ifthe jet of flame hits the players, Noto hit ia olled and ihe charattars camngtse dexterity bonuses to influence the roll Flamethrower: Using a twenty sided-die (420). 14 The character takes the full damage rlled down) 11-16 The stream of fire completely misses the party and innocent bystanders get barbeque Fier 15-20 The whole unit carried on the Ratman's back, backfires. ‘The Ratman explodes in a dazaling ball of flame. \C 8, Dam 14642 (from the flame thrower), Hits (4) 5-10 The character only takes half of the damage rolled (rounded Continued ver page Ea gD) nina dune te cnr him a, i ‘white hair and the wild ited ree pal om reed he itm se Nad Prater 2 Ea aE andr oh ‘cream runs up to you, ereami aa The END is NIGH! Prepare some te forebead wie Remember rine be cea eesin ne Crete ae oe ergot inthe ares. For if ber or Od ee near you die, and then. no ore evans off puliog res ocouslen What oppens tobe a drunk staggers towards the noounter 6 Vg ofal, he sober at the party and says in. Cara er gay be described as drunken: “Goodish ie hat anice afternoon it ish, You seem ike real amoming. And same ish Fatuous Sincere and I ould like to tenor a donation fora worthy cause.” Se esce alters drastically. "You see Tm not greedy, end piseo.each. Ob, 1 do hope you wil ot be Fae oe iti er my sx companions wil have to show era yon you can realy be- Ne argumenis {beg you for Tjurthace valence, Dont your” FS el attack from neazby buildings and the con- merchant wil cin a Fan ACO: 18, AC: 7, Dom 1d6, Hits (4) 18, 24,27, 18, 17.20, oman: THACO:17,AC:3, Dam 1d6+1, Hts) St. on tapp, abort awords2, potion of growth, potion of fed, braver of defense (AC) Fnoounters 6: As you walk dawn the road you notice a shop at theend of the street. Nothing wrong with that —unless it was (eof those which sold naughty magazines. But the whole Problem is, yesterday you could have sworn that there was only Pircek wall there. The shop in question, has a front comprising: a ‘window crammed high with strange objects on Shelves A large sign above the doorway reads: ‘Sillet, Wang, j ond Patel’. "PURVEYORS" "This (of course) seems odd, but it suddenly dayms on you ~ this is a Wandering Shop. "The shopkeeper, a wizened old fellow, will sel literally anything at pric, the only limit is the GM's imagination, But humourous adventure, so humourous tes St ea See Precise Ray? They make grt pets, guard cvsies sod thei do Boys hey ae lovely itl ings saya tie sopkesper Tncase youre ordering, Bay ix carnivorous creature sealant us pint tow of ea a Tekerpaw' Bays that Une sam to enjoy getting ita dieu hear attr geno gtne Tan Hee the wl known ying Ho anyon ot Me satstis for such a creature canbe made upon te Blea nner ro meat tb ge tsa Ha inane te adventure a great deal, hey should oly be esos Encounter 7:(This should only take place after ThreeTree has bees Bidaapped) Ten mean ooking gbters approach the Mealy aeadlestg enpecs eare "Look wean really want oll yo, bul do everyone a favour sus forget see irist fellow, He will just bring trouble. So waddya ‘The threat will backfire and the characters should attack, prompted by the Luggage. ss Generally masty and mean fighters, 7: (the rest will run off ‘when seven are filled) THACC sm 244, Hit eae 10 18, AC 4, Damm 244, Hits (40 17, Items: 10pp, 60gp, 20sp; 2 potions of healing, potion of sweet eater ring ef retance, meri, Boos of Evenkin, 2 bags of MU ciuncsd meeiereienr rs Ann. eres deuchioe Mar erat uneceten™ ch, etait Meta ea ger des en seat ae ing Maiquo, aa the information given ts faily 1: Brase Bridge: Strange name that, fanny name for a ston Je Bross would have thought atleast it could have heen, fut of brass, but al 2; Lighthouse: This ‘more of a warning than a welcome as aia fiehthouses go. When the whole mechanism works, ont), raat asion, it is quite a sight, But sailors are so startled by (, ffghe that they usually sail straight into a elif. ‘8: Docks: This isthe area where ships dock, off load their wr apecil out again. There are no passenger liners for Ankh, Marpork, 0 the only water transport available are smelly ol aoe ean ships that carry salt, and which have a 50 percent aaerety of sinking when they meet the first big wave. This isa ‘shore the big, hairy dockmen work. 4: Warehouses: On the average night these contain highly {liogal goods that are usually highly flammable. Many have tial fora quick peek: -at the eontents and many of late, have found thernbelves floating face down in the river the next morning. Mysterious, eh? 5: The Temple of the Filthy Rich: Set up for the overweigh the winos and the extremely wealthy, The enrolment fee is Gutvazeons but despite all the disadvantages of the cost, td hhave a jolly nice wine bar “This temple, like the others in the city, have hardly any connection with religion ~they are just good places for mass, parties. "Ks you can imagine, the Gods are not too keen on the concep so onany particular eold Automn morning, itis not consideres Strange to find smouldering sandals, the only remains of an frcibishop who was unsuspectingly walking down the high Street to beat the early rush for some fresh fish. 6: Assassins’ Guild: Nasty pla enterprise, the business of ‘artful ‘ver the yours with the citizens ‘doing awa fdversaries themselves in a barbaric way, In fand style ofa professional hit. Assassins are just not tre Gnymare, The eity has become a vicious and nasty mess because oft. ‘Thieves’ Guild: Despite their sometimes horrid habit of ‘ebbing old crones, this Thieves! Guild has moved up-market breaking away from all those nauseating rouges and footpads ‘who inhabit the muddy streets. ‘The Guild now concentrates its resources on the plentiful supply of wealthy merchants entering the city. The backstrest trapdoor entrance to the Guild changed to a more stylish and claborate design of pillars and porches. A feud exists between ‘Assassins and Thieves as the former consider the latter as traitors selling out to wealth, dishonesty, greed and the upper clase ~ without giving them a decent share of the profit. 8: Beggars’ Guild: This is the institution which treats the ‘beggar as a professional. Courses and training are given 10 the 1 to allow them to exploit the rich merchant to the full they take money from the merchant and then rob him. It is a successful business, renown throughout the Dise, and ‘unique to Ankh:-Morpork, One of the major disadvantages with ‘a Beggars! Guild, is that some player characters have an inferiority complex about beggars. 9: Temple of the Small Gods: The temple survives with exeruciating large donations from outsiders feeling sorry for he small gods. Alla con’ unfortunately since all gods are ‘meglomaniacs and consider themselves extremely holy 10: Whore Pits: Named pts beense they are principal lean and named whores the ame reason, being next ‘9 ‘vera all ht arlousfsinatng types sin seuss °° faccumulated in such a place despite the health warning give” i enact coer tes af this. Although a thriving sussination has declined f with their scking all the grace dy ly othe Abs Gare, Tue WinveRsnon Garé GM. scenario Park LL URoae Lenbacuunenas Bemeanes Goa ON Fin oi aaa peo tobi etens Poppeings : eae A= drone Dungeons and Drogo py he host goes runing ae hem 91.50" 8 player character turns 5 pol bie, but the rant Wtbs5 rok oy have tel The Kath (Orly known bye 8.3 56 lbs of caster, hick end yl, sor fling ram the “ore chance of the Blobs hing the PCs ass for feed end ors ate Wet tn rey ey wl 75 Nee idle 141042 rounds, Closs as a. war dog with esi ik wing dc anions 0 rounds. earns afincs hinkormous Wand of Wondee 6138 treonure: Ree ‘Stayes and heb conk vd when moi ise a manor or abervis, cast an offensive ~o ere oie acs aaa eee eco tele upline DMG. ‘of thee cccorrences the mogica eld can be roel tha beed mee eae lea rae 0 co ceeea iene gen arcs eye ed aT vente urtin character clases, stato ea tee aerate ra athe oupooted autude to virtually aan raag goblins tha i the aed definitely nasty towards IDE, Maim's actions and portrays its attitude 90 Pen egeeseNnean says he AD&D hardbacks, the Widerness Survival Guide fand the Dungeoneer’s Survival Guide provide the ‘Stem with proficiencis such as healing and ‘weather senze, but they don't ofcourse, cater for the ‘extremely varied and essential skills which make adventuring in Ankh-Morpork so much fon Where in the tomes of AD&D do you find that barbarians hhave a aki that allows them to swing from chandeliers, and tlerics are able to organise jumble sales? Yes, ofcourse, this is suiting rather silly that ie What this adventure js all about. You fannot take Discworld seriously, “The list of proficiencies is a colourful one, but you must take {nto consideration that many of them are uterly useless, They may bea bit ofa gigele, but this doesn't mean that they wil help when an frata wizard starts conjuring fireballs and hurling them at the PCe! The amazing selection i only start to get you {nto the right frame of mind to contrive your own skills ‘This section contains the initial list of proficencies for use in ‘Disoworld, the original charactor sheels used to play the ‘adventure. Right, on with the List: (© Philosophy: (Wisdom 2 to rol) When successfully rolled three ‘mes consecutively the unfortunate listener falls asleep (1D10+5 rounds) due to the utterly boring ideas conceived. The ‘victim has fo be willing to hear what the character has to Say- ‘afterall, anyone can Main, aamest and innoset bivedstaing ea ea bloodthirsty (© Seduction: (Charisma +1 to roll) The first round this sills pat into operation use Charisma, while on the second use Comeliness at to the roll. Ifthe PC ‘manages ivi, the victim will agre to most requests, G's Aiscreton Tis kil cannot be used on other player characters 1 Pl Object Dexterity #1 0 rol Ii exsntaly fo stalin Scalers ar eng any hand ike wie ous accompli: ithe the wealthy seca ‘© Alcohol Lore: (Wisdom +2 roll) The characteris able to ingush al ipe of esol, rom wines ales, This ail i 7 termining the quality ofthe refreshment (© Detect Marriage: (Wisdom +1 to roll) Is the ability to find if €@ Cheaing ond Gambling: Wisdom +2 to rll Sharacerto hea ab aot ty paneer ge i wiheut it Bosming a game afchince So the caractoreats od the rol sta then they were veel and hee the same tout bg tn When issues ro nee ‘iso ee the ove ns bet binge Caretta dang nt th tr Dice pointe ‘© Swell Coins: It allows the character to smell coinage with eer tthe place of storage, 1thas tobe of a large turn, eves fold ploces, [dea forall thieves and disreputable types Especially the natives of Ankh-Morpork. Spek UnerRubbih: (nteligence Oto oll) This high o.rPerle skill enables PGs to get away with lying ourrege eet aa deg fect ayopinay bei fer nee eeatiraes ianslcsshaens errs raed gece easter ling. Ch doe to eb moaed th bonuses Or penalties depend well the player can lie ‘@ Detect Uter Rubbish: (Intelligence 0 to roll) This gives Somewhat balanced attitude to the adventure with chav Foaming the streets with lying abilities, This skill is provs combat the above, restricting the lying capabilities of ‘characters: PC and NPC. ‘© Dromatic Entrance: This can be used twice within 24 hour {the effect of an aura of magie surrounding the PC. Iti. ‘dramatic entrances’ which includes fanfare, cheering, exp Tights, clapping and other delightful introductions. ‘@ Tount Plebs and Peasants: (Save vs. Spell for victim) Exactly fixe the first lovel magic user spell of Taunt, where the character ‘an blantantly insult ether people nearby, usually causes a m Flot the insulted popidation tries to lynch the insultee, This fs restricted to the uae exclusively on the poor and {© Mix Cocktails: This is the technique of mixing drinks without Spiling any ofit, and without poisoning the drinker, (© Detect Plebs and Peasants: (Wisdom +2 to rol) The character is Ableto detect plebs and peasants within 20 feet i the roll successful. (© Cause Seriousness: The character with this sill can make Sveryone within 20 fst to be serious fr exactly two rounds and {or the tople of eanversation to change to something really, ang te charactor choi, in cn be wie tie per 24 ours on "There ae other ails mentioned in the character sheats below, but these are designed forthe particular character classes that se them Bite Attack and Organise Jumble Sales are reserved for Barbarians and Clerca respectively. ‘@ Randy The Cherry Hunter: Magic User; 6 STR, 18 INT, 14 WIS, 16 DEX, 4 CON, 16 CHA, 18 COM. Human (possibly), Lx1 6, Hite 17 AC 4, THACO 19. ‘Shills: Soduction (Cha -1/Com +3), Palm Object (Dex +1), Healing (Wis 2), Aleshol Lore (Int 0), Prepare Nareotic (int 0), ‘Detect Marriage (Wis 1), Philosophy (Wis 2). Zang: Common (1), Magic (1), Goblin (3), Troll (9), Tourist (2), ‘Thieves Cant (3), Pixie (3), Horse (3), Rabbit (3). Magic Items: Potion of Fiying, Robes of Protection +4, Ring of| ‘eleportation. pulls: Cantrips: Unlock, Mute, Wrap, Tangle, Gnat, Giggle, pill, Sprout, Groan, Fireh et Level: Hold Portal, Firewater, Dancing Lights, Brase, Spider lim, Affect Normal Fires, Write, Detect Magic, Tdentify, fount, Nystall's Magic aura, Read Magic, Shield Protection from Cantrips, Knock, ation, Tasha's Uncontrollable Hideous Leughter, Mage , Rope Trick, Stinking Cloud, Wizard Lock, Voealice. ed Level: Gust of Wind, Hold Person, Item, Fireball, Blink (© Cantrips aren't essential, but in a world like the Dise, the can boost their imagination with exciting combinations to Baul ip iis, eg, the warviors drink spit and the cere ide him laut wey Mors: Cleric Via): 17 STR. 10 INT. 18 WIS, 4 DEX, ISON, 10 CHA, 9 COM Human, 1vi5, Hits 45, AC 1 Plate 42), THACO 16. ls: Clerical Spells, Organise Jumble Sales, Swim while ally encumbered, Bell Ringing, Gambling (Wis +2), Butterfly ig; Boring Drone Conversation (Save vs, spell or fall hil) 12 STR, 10 INT, 7 WIS, 18 5COM. Human, 16, Hits 30, AC3 armour +3), THACO 19, Pick Pockels 65%, Open Lack 62%, Find Remove Traps Silently 57%, Hide in Shadows 47%, Hear Noise 20%, i 924, Palm Object (Dex 1, Milkmaid Impression, chocolates, Detect Utter Rubbish, Milk Tray card nel coins, consume vast quantities of milk 1), Cow (3), Thieves Cant (0), rel), A ursed ring of Speak Utter Rubbish. A ticking has the same effect asthe Magic user spell of 2nd fa Uncontrolable Hideous laughter. 10 charges 18/00 STR, 9 INT, 5 WIS, 17 DEX, 18 CON, aman, Iv 6, its 0, AC 3, THACO 16 limb, Hide, Surprise, Back Proiection, Leaping and Mlgacking, Sound Initations, Bite lack Cav io Wieapon, Consume vast quantities of Aeabol, ju (AC-1), Immune to thinking, Swinging from lommon (3), Gibberish (2). "Maim, a magical two-handed sword +4, 1Q 17, iy detects goblinoids and shouts abuse ai them very MM. scenario Joudly, becomes a +5 weapon against goblinoids, speaks virtually fany language but with a slight metal accent. ee ert noone ca Ganiripa, Web, Scare, Suaking Cloud, invisibility, BSP, ca ae Basted eo eau Aone Magic User Only. ‘Components: Verbal Level: 1 Casting Time: 2 Segments Rang Saving Throw: None ‘Duration: 1 rounds per level ‘Area of Effect: One creature ‘This spell controls the opponent's bladder. The owner has no control whatsoever over their bladder. The spell lasts the level of the caster multiplied by one round, eg a fifth level magic user casts the spell, so the spell lasts ive rounds, Ta the first round, the opponent has half movement rate (this includes the number of attacks). 'By the second round, the affected creature or person is completely unable to move, as they lay quivering on the floor, but ita character comes within ‘hitting range’, the spell will oly ‘effect those of man-sized or smaller ereatures and of course those with bladders. There is no material component, as the ‘magic user quietly mumbles a raspberry’ while slapping their ‘high with their pale, COU ees he plots and outlines for futher adventures in Diseworld have been included in this section to expand. and continue the existing adventure of tourist reseuing, ‘They are meant to be changed and altered to the GAfs own needs, then to be expanded into a suitable scenario. Enjoy yourself in making Discworld a more humorous place to visit ‘The adventure ends with various transformations of particular player characters. As fun as it might be to play an oak table, the next obvious goal for the PCs is to find a cure, hence, leading onto another adventure. ‘Some scheming magic user with immense power, well «just enough to change the characters back, might have'a dotty old ‘witeh fora rich aunt who might just ‘accidentally brutally eut her own head off whilst shaving” ‘favour for a murder ~a fair deal, especially in a pool of saliva like Anith-Morpork. A ‘witty’ adventure like that may lead to the characters trekking across smelly bogs straight from Satan's bottom, and avoiding exploding toilets in the most dangerous of dungeons, while the dining table is carried for the whole journey. Pretty impractical? Of course itis, a couple of patches of impracticality must exist on a world which is fat and fying around on the back of four elephants and a turtle, ‘The problem is this: while the PCs may happily go round bashing up old ladies, Geraldean Legstretchous, the aunt, doesn't appreciate the characters intentions, neither does she vant her inheritance to fll nto the evil clutches of Ludeg, her nephew. She is quite attached to life and really has no desire to leave it behind, Being a nimble piece of work, notably on the broomstick, =| se usually tums the greedy male chawvinis i ‘ ieogealy ties Geting to her provide poser oF an, Be andl ke She mentee caefl who SES pi tyra ote Te cei are Sra cn pull from problems cused bythe a ey The eld sight epollarich wizard an rane gulf tourism may complain sbout the sehr rey transects oper, 69 Che ns eg tape ria of « magic eld is thatgouecan's They ave the remains of ancient battles fought Seopa tenner aengerore ie “Hemera ttre etre ire tna ope ert en Scocaremnr meeps ene, eal na er a Pelee ee pieieeerre i aerate ealreziey re ac eee eee a RINE roeonacd i) section that provides some limited detail the majo: NPCé ofthe city 166 a starter GMa who ‘to propare and expand the existing knowledge of ‘Ankh-Morpork. ns ofthe Dise will have ree terse ean Pee cee re ee aren, (eT ee ede eet ok: Freer Po merece ecg tied eae eure ilar eee ran eelars Saag ener sera Be ae rasa oer eT aoe ea ‘himself and the player characters into ‘difficulties’ eae se a apna eae eee pee eeaeremnn nC Pe ce ee Pee a er cae Bt rie ee the boxcaried ThreoTrecsngeng, ise scioysn haat chest and a box bodyguard. "The Luggage follows the Tourist everywhere, but when Pte ip ee et arias tng oe Fe ee parte oe 20 oly Senin ave eta ee cc aot "The Luggage does not attack, It either opens its hd” ee ermine ona, eee a area cage eensect nc sae ‘iSeries ew et inte ac a ee ialorncnn REC ut rgiame austen, ee tea ec Oe tee aa ne Ce ee eee iawe) seghiesect mish ato eeu Fat ea Ree mrt eR logon 20m, ete eee oe etn om" and introduce late night shopping for retailers. He didn't. yt eines Tabara Seen MET Alt Merk CULE a MGM RSIAT ae Eee On tnerr to Cig thee pmtthing important ging onthe cnn Palcaneiltee abate Te ese ee aU Recent oo 1 Bec eee Be se ee erate a Dee peng eimeartacercs. Se econo pee eee eae ee Dena: oo. Were Teh peron othe guild master o bea a eat ee re eaeeee athe Des i ee ee ncn Faas Oer soe ences Dt ler erarva ci an le ea en ee et olen eer saga neocons hey eaee pac med eerutge thoes Taneur flag tround Boek Ciel han Wort wile whe oo eres eal Tigh Melo ithe city druid rid of te Disc aes Da a ar an ofan Bateman ofallie eleven he power ola (Geis eat arm a aarp into coner ee anes cn oy Toone eRe Ep elas ase can oe ec cates ee Catars chock Se ee ingot Boe ee ea eae cna and rotens 6 fea il dan cd and tar biome qestones in a FI My gpl ganar inh ins Desrli matngheenssialeNPCrtberess GM 5 | _ PRATCHETT'S POINTS iario to Terry Pratchett, 48 you all know, is the author of the Diseworld ‘This is what he thought... ‘mim, Yes. Well. Nice feel And a map of Ankh- ‘Morpork, too, First time Ive ever seen one However let me add a few points about how the city hhas been festering since Mor¢ (in Word Sisters, for example, and later this year in Pyramids and ards! Guards!) ch-Morpork from the air has been compared to a gndhand biriani. But you could also say it looks like a cut my over the years ithas overspiled its walls and new walls Rave been built further out, and so on, blong ago realised that it had no chance against invading Sot developed the interesting tactical defence of all the gates when an enemy is sighted and inviting i giving them drinks, selling them souvenirs, buying eS or in extreme cases, mugging them. Fist you jAnkhi-Morpork, and then Ankh Morpork invades you cally, the city is'a democracy with one voter ~ the m(One Man, One Vote; he is the Man, he has the Vote) ‘think him evil, but this is not the este, because evil spassion and he hasnt got any. He lives frugally and has fof mind that can play three games of chess at once. He ‘up with almost everything except anything that ms the safety of the city, his pride and joy. ith this man. He is not one of your tie-them-up- ith-complicated-boobytraps-and-pigele tyrants, jan wants you dead, the first youll know about itis black stranger STARTS TALKING TO YOU LIKE. Thappens unless he wants it to of affairs is achieved by a) the Palace Guard, made of men who Would be thrown out of the Toston being too weird, and by b) the setting up of en the various powerful City Guilds, They don't another even more than they don't trust him. Besides, that he's the only guy who ean make the place the wizards who aren't really a Guild, others. gens (ce Pyramids) Sorry, bt th tured, as (oe Pyromide) Sor, but hes are strd, Badu wn wer my ss tg od uly BP iteuype ouch 5fcoaey the Avast yo pile value ofhuman life. That's why they charge sich fake tw Zea tendency tobe vain about their appearance and peak many languages. It is considered extremely Someone without payment. In many ways the disorganized athe ike ou legal profession, faany resets GM. “SCENARIO However, shold oie murder be what you rogue, surg darren 3 wl AEE Morr Sl sce coapettive rte ae Erna eae oe Tt pein Lin elponaive is Aa Morpork=tte deal poten teas ee ce ee Word Sisters: Think of what a Thieves Gattfaces son he Patian dh So ok s an nual ceed Mea elurs orbeing agreed level of ring etGuld Cras dows ea ton of risk a ton of See ee at dare Poae vio terse Reslacing Se easel ‘ifyou are mugged in Ankh, you may be asked to sign a form, becatuse the Guild sets great store by correct paperwork. Do ia asain eteae Soaranbe wih a respoatle erp Reeser creas Unde omar mmraeccd ape mapa ue cnmecund petees ores rafal othr pap eet etaltee toe (© The Guild of Joculators: This sombre building is the craf. a eet eee ae eh be Fad for alling Crest clu of Doon hang orer CA Hope iw ie Ue Saar Hes he Bepeare Toe an problem or he Begzrs’ Gul i nee tS ee offen and bo rosonaaarorel cfeuccns but nor Gud ena alee oe ae igs tes ger Dante nitrised fared woking manta del ier tora cts Oy topos ns aeeheplly or 0 lee fran {Bost bengoe’ Polat of propery crganitd crime ia considered coe Pile eee pees ee Tr ee 1 The City Watch: Letovers fom the time when Ankh orp ngs and las and saflite that Rony dhey tiwaya torn uptoiate to catch anyone erous Crew ft eso raga ie ued heey The ee cena hoc depend on he Watch being tall Rcoppetan bat they aren actualy orrpl post because Wey havent the Imaginton, What woul ally pest hinge would be mene of the Watch deciding to Shins propery saa why ‘Gaal Guarana en he. at The Bans Brdge? 1b et gate underneath it which can very slowly and pondoroady “oe shut they ued oe sheathed in rasa sliemptata bt ofciederaon which nse soe the whole tone busy eh, Those Presumably bul a crude antpiate devious but the opening Eig han made teat uslensexceplasa aacaics the eee Cou au the gates ale ihe rain ever pate eae Snug anyone wo na ove eca tne Sakae ae Ghoul Drobaly prefer to jumpinis te fees) ‘ere o aro of ormamenta hippos gn the Bridge Legend soya that ever Sanger threatens he ty they eases ‘Theres plenty of iscrerid unexpired wet Reve oa ny sandard warning The Dae Soest eas nee AR Say Perm or Mise Earth ets ere or nap wit ee folky muta rangeson Bourton ere oh the Dac has eves mapped tard i they dd Aion Kee of dhone medieval mapas of Mappa Bucs eee ea tule ofthe Ding as Ria Btek operons Fs that ll ote findavetal ales nth ses Sire By lhe way you drop into he Mended Drum of an event you are bound t0 see a 900Ib orangutan nursing a pint. You arm whohe i Bopinghin @aaek eae ea ase Caling him one however ot bene eed a starting with the longest right hock in the multsverce Have fun Terry and lyn Prathet, 1989 (© Many thanks to Terry Pratchett, who owns the place, for ese tee tnd nage tae ‘wear suits to work and don’t laugh much. Compared to them Assassins Guild isa doddle,.. = peace aga to DO ete Mere els Rete tun oir Pracets new Discworld novel Pyrsids teenies Sot sca mea ee rid the sun toiled across the sky. ‘Many people have wondered why. Some people think a giant dung beetle pushes it. As explanations Po enter ites ene wee Tey added drawback that, as certain circumstances may mois 1 reaches sundown without anything particularly unpleasant, happening tit, und its dying rays chanced to shine in through CO aT SRI Um Oe eee or ee et PCIE tear OMe LO coe re gm SA ‘anyone to kill them when you were badly dressed, Teppie examined himseif critically, The outfit had cost him his last penny, and was heavy on the black silk. It whispered as he. moved. ICwas pretty good eae ae eRe aT Rete ey all day; he'd been in dread of having to start the run with purple COL hes He sighed and opened the black box and took out his rings ped them on, Another box held a set of knives of Klatchian steel, their blades darkened with lamp black, Various cunning and intricate devices were taken from velvet bags and CR area erg sn ne er Were slipped into their sheaths inside hig boots. A this silk line and folding grapnel were wound around his waist, over the a ee cerns ee ea a eT CTT Tne Sra mene ce ne reas eer err heeded He laced leon his head ata au Caen ale ts, their tips corked ne for thecal of angle, took « the mirror turned on his heel sag eaten ou Anan Uehara ot oe Pet teat veitmten ears Ree ene. is They said you had one chance in two unless you drew old Mericet as examiner, in which case you might as well cut your own throat right at the start in| Broper weather. It was by ‘and drips, ofslithers and chills. Te sat ig Plains like toad on a irebrick- And pow around midnight the heat was stifling, wrapping the like scorched velvet, searing the air and squece og atl breath out oft een iin the north face ofthe Assassins’ Guildhouse there was lick as a window was pushed open pp who bad with Snaderablerolutance Afsome of the heavier of his weapons, took a do end air, 8 is was 1 was the night, ty said you had one chance in two unless you drew old fg examiner, in which case you might as well cut your bat Fight athe start iad Mericet for Strategy and Py isday afternoon, and didn't get alon tories buzzed w Tt. wasn't Ankh-Morpork's ation a city of mists ning on the crisp divested himselt ep draught of the cison Theory every ie with him, The th rumours about Merct the number of technique .. Hei broken al the recorde in ‘hey suid he'd even killed the Patsicen of Aue pork. Not the present one, that is. One of the dead ones. laybo it would be Nivor, who was fat and jolly and hiked is [and did Traps and Deadfalls on Tuesdays, Teppic was good aand got on well with the master. Or could be the sptde Yoyo, who did Modern Languages and Music Teopic ed at neither, but the Kompt was a keen edificeer and boys who shared his love of dangling by one hand high eve the city strets Hie stuck one leg over the sill and unhitched his line and He hooked the gutter two floors up and slipped out of _ Fairly solid classroom rumour said that if he inhumed his examiner before the test, that was an automatic pass Ons around the Ankh-Morpork spray were announcing idnight when Teppic etept along the ornate parapet EA four storeys above Filigree Street, his heart pounding Was a figure outlined against the afterglow ofthe ppic paused alongside a particularly repulsive 6 to consider his options NJ. SHORT STORY ir aid lassi amour aad that the fumed hi 1 before the test, that was an automatic pass, He ped a Number Three throwing knife from its thigh sheath ‘and hefted it thoughtfully, Of course, any attempt, any overt ‘move which missed would attract immediate failure and loss of privileges of "ig obtained from the liver of the inflatable mongoose: Which ~ GM 65 Permitted length of a throwing knife?” trying to What is the meaning ofthis sign” said Meret =i ound ony in the ." Teppies vous ealea alt. He sauinted down athe complex rune on the earl af ceat ‘ind, and then ward stright pat the waamnnees ae atti Maven he faintest dea, sie hu sald Out oe sa his ar he thought he heard the faintest ntakyor ase en tijest seed oa ats prune But fit wore the ether way up, sn he went on, tht hn or Nee ein i Ra ‘Thera was absclte silence fora tnoment Then, right by hie shoulder, the old assassin’s voice said, "Is: the killing pes permite to al eateries? Sir, the rule cal for thre questions, sx Ty “Dealing fair. it would be pic protested. GM] THE TEST 4 ts your answer, 7 gh And tht ava cbservation, iS the answer you ae Sian very ee Mita al enteperie ay bar the Lillng Tope, but donk ter grade may oae iw one of te the Spon Pou are sure ofthat, are you?” “ould ik to reconsider” You coud have used the eon hPa egress a ng EP pc relazed Te back of his tunic was sticking token, ilo proced al your own pace toward the sure Bok neers, sd Manes ven shaving al sins er reer rain trovecn unr Gs goog tower ike jnton tad ley. Adak this io ence thane Topic sal enloe Faerie oP rer recip, Thea Merct stepped ita the poatehatas beatins cimeey pt sod dsppesiea 2p mons frie coer : Tore ods hr dock Stats a tpped the envelopes contents ito fi hand twas a Guid hon for en thousand Se dalerg lect to Besrersit was an Spd coe ecrecatet wifes Gull soclac the eee eee a eaiioorcs all no gag beck now Hod ken the money Either he'd sur nhhav fore hed acon doa te tanney tothe Gufs wits and orphans fund, orit weld be retrieved from his dead body. The bond looked a bit dog-eare, the enn ae any Hdstane one ie checked his Eaves, aust his evordbelt, glanced behind humm and pet off ets pele bot. ‘ALleaet tha was eta flack The student ore said thre Spars only halls dues woos acd dering Ube te nado Peano Heh Uy wer tive wat afore tackling te roo, towers eaves andes ofthe sty Editing was a Koen ater, Ines spss een ge i was one athe fr tates Tory waste he wan good at” he'd been captain ofthe tees hat ert Scorpion House in the Walgane als And tie was eof eee He leapt accurately off the end of the roof ‘on to the narrow plank bridge that led actossTinlid Alley — which someone in detlance ofall probability, had removed _| He dropped lightly over the edge of the rou landed on a ridge, an easly crus the sleeping ullding, jumped a narrow gap on fo the ied oof the Young Men's Reformed: Cultist te. Ichor-God- Hol Shamaroth Assoiaton gym, jogged gently over the rey slope, swarmed up a twelve foot wall whos slowing devs, and vaited on tothe wide Nat roa of te Temple of Bind A ful, orange moon hung on the horizon. There was a real Semerabere not much, buts refreshing a eld shower i ofthe streets. He speedup, enjoying the rae oi ad lp certo el rt narrow plank bridge that led across Tindale aa ‘which someone, in defiance of all probability, adi At times like this one's past life lashes before one's eyes Lica wlio ft ht when oes aou td the sencen me excruciatingly sharp, and thas always ben believed hat this is to enable thei ewer a

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