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Kyung Hee University

Communications and Quantum Information Laboratory

Research Outline
Nomi Lae
Director: Hyundong Shin

Quantum Anonymous Networking

1 Motivation

In response to growing concerns about privacy and security in the digital age, Quantum
Anonymous Networking (QAN) has emerged as a groundbreaking solution. Traditional
encryption methods are increasingly vulnerable to advanced attacks, necessitating innovative
alternatives rooted in the principles of quantum mechanics. QAN represents a paradigm shift
by leveraging quantum entanglement and superposition to ensure secure and untraceable
communication. Instead of directly transmitting data across the network, QAN establishes
connections through entanglement, providing a novel approach to safeguarding information.
The unique characteristics of quantum states enable the detection of potential interception or
eavesdropping in communications. This research aims to redefine quantum communication
protocols, addressing the weaknesses of current networking infrastructures and paving the way
for the establishment of anonymous communication systems.

➊ Why Quantum Anonymous Networking:

• Researching quantum anonymous networking is crucial in the context of advancing
communication technologies, particularly in the transition from 5G to 6G networks. As
highlighted in the recent study [1], the heightened demand for ultra-reliable and low-
latency communication (URLLC) in 6G networks, coupled with the substantial volume
of private data involved, necessitates innovative approaches to ensure user privacy
and data security. Quantum anonymous networking, exemplified by the counterfactual
concealed telecomputation (CCT) protocol, offers a promising solution. This approach
enables nonlocal controlled unitary operations in a concealed and counterfactual manner,
addressing the stringent requirements of 6G URLLC while preserving user anonymity.
By applying CCT in quantum anonymous broadcast networks, researchers can explore
and establish varying degrees of anonymity, crucial for safeguarding communication in
the presence of potential malicious users. Therefore, investing in quantum anonymous
networking research becomes imperative to meet the evolving demands of secure and
private communication in the next generation of distributed networks.
• The imperative to safeguard user anonymity and ensure data privacy in communication
has spurred the development of quantum anonymous transmission protocols. These
protocols, exemplified by the use of pre-shared Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ)
states as described in [2], offer a promising avenue for secure communication. An

Figure 0.1: (Source: [1]) An Anonymous 6G URLLC network with the CCT protocol. The cloud server starts
the protocol by preparing a GHZ state followed by the Edge servers execute the counterfactual controlled
unitary operation to anonymously broadcast their classical information.

alternative construction method employs entanglement relays, wherein anonymous

entanglement is generated using Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) pairs instead of multi-
particle entangled states, as proposed in [3]. The multifaceted approach within the
quantum realm underscores the importance of deploying diverse strategies, ranging
from the selection of initial entangled states to innovative entanglement relay techniques.
Quantum anonymous networking, encapsulating these advancements, becomes a critical
pursuit as it holds the potential to revolutionize secure communication by leveraging
the unique properties of quantum systems, providing an unparalleled level of confidentiality.
The references [2] and [3] anchor the theoretical foundations and alternative methodologies
discussed in this quantum communication paradigm.

2 Research Significance:

The research initiative’s power lies in the ability to revolutionize secure communication.
Quantum Anonymous Networking not only introduces heightened levels of anonymity but
also holds significant implications for industries like banking, health-care, and government,
where maintaining confidentiality is paramount. This breakthrough could pave the way for
the development of cryptographic systems resilient against quantum threats, enhancing the
security landscape of digital networks through advancements in quantum communication
protocols. Anticipated outcomes from this study include substantial progress in quantum
technology and the establishment of a novel benchmark for secure, anonymous communication
in the digital sphere.

➊ Advantage of QAN over CAN:

Quantum Anonymous Networks (QANs) mark a revolutionary shift from traditional Anonymous
Networks (CANs), offering a more secure framework to protect privacy in communication
and networking. The move from classical to quantum networks is prompted by the limitations
faced by classical systems, especially with the rise of quantum computing posing significant
threats to communication security. QANs use the principles of quantum mechanics to introduce
quantum anonymous communication (QAC) protocols, ensuring complete anonymity and
untraceability. Unlike classical networks, QANs benefit from the unconditional security
provided by quantum mechanics, offering a substantial advancement in safeguarding sensitive
information from increasing surveillance and data collection. The efficiency of QANs is
demonstrated through case studies involving quantum anonymous teleportation, voting,
and information retrieval, showcasing their robustness in practical quantum entangled settings.
This transformative approach not only addresses the weaknesses of classical anonymous
networks but also establishes a new standard for enhanced privacy protection in the Internet-
of-Everything era as highlighted in [Ongoing work: Quantum Anonymous Networking: A
Quantum Leap in Privacy]
• Tracelessness: QAN offers absolute tracelessness, a feature beyond the capabilities of
classical methods. The randomness of broadcast quantum states prevents the necessity
for users within quantum networks to provide facial input for identity concealment.
• Unconditional Security: Applying the principles of quantum mechanics enables the
achievement of information-theoretic security. Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) can
be employed to establish unconditionally secure signatures.
• Data Security: Quantum measurements inherently alter a system’s state. The no-
cloning theorem emphasizes that distinguishing non-orthogonal quantum states through
measurement changes them. In quantum anonymous communication, this prevents
eavesdropping. A message cannot be read by an eavesdropper without causing disruption,
and there are methods available to verify that the original state has not been tampered

➋ QAN Performance and Limits

• As quantum networks grow in complexity and explore multiparty protocols, the significance
of quantum anonymous networking becomes apparent for securing communication

Figure 0.2: (Source: [3]) Different phase during the relay. Phase 1:beginning. Phase 2:entanglement
swapping. Phase 3:sender/seceiver C-NOT. Phase 4:ending state.

beyond traditional bipartite schemes. Conference Key Agreement (CKA) protocols,

leveraging quantum resources, enable collaborative establishment of shared secret keys
in large-scale quantum networks. Multipartite quantum states prove more efficient,
especially in networks with bottlenecks. Experimental implementations of CKA protocols
highlight progress, affirming the feasibility and practicality of quantum secure communication.
Beyond foundational key generation security, quantum networks offer diverse possibilities
for enhancing communication anonymity, crucial for safeguarding user activities and
identities in the evolving landscape of quantum information processing. As quantum
networks shift from classical paradigms, the inclusion of anonymity as a vital requirement
signifies a profound evolution in the security and privacy aspects of networked quantum
communication. Determining the optimal performance of adaptive quantum communication
protocols is a challenge influenced by the permissible set of free operations within
a specific physical laboratory and the strategy for optimization under these allowed

➌ Quantum internet revolution

• Computing: The advent of the quantum internet marks a revolutionary paradigm shift
in the realm of computing. Unlike classical computers that rely on bits representing
either 0 or 1, quantum computers leverage qubits, which can exist in multiple states
simultaneously due to the principles of superposition. This enables quantum computers
to perform complex calculations at an unprecedented speed, solving problems that
were previously insurmountable for classical computers. The quantum internet facilitates
the exchange of quantum information between distant quantum processors, allowing
for distributed quantum computing. This distributed computing capability holds the
potential to accelerate advancements in fields such as cryptography, optimization, and
machine learning, paving the way for transformative breakthroughs that were once

Figure 0.3: (Source: [4]) Schematic diagram for the anonymous entanglement protocol

considered beyond the reach of classical computing architectures.

• Sensing In the domain of sensing, the quantum internet revolutionizes the precision
and sensitivity of measurements through quantum entanglement and quantum communication
protocols. Quantum sensors, interconnected through the quantum internet, can exploit
the phenomenon of entanglement to achieve ultra-precise measurements that surpass
the limits imposed by classical physics. For example, quantum-enhanced sensors can
enable highly accurate measurements of physical quantities such as magnetic fields,
gravitational forces, and time, with applications ranging from advanced medical imaging
to environmental monitoring. The quantum internet’s ability to connect these sensors
over long distances facilitates a global network of quantum-enhanced sensing capabilities,
opening new frontiers in scientific research, healthcare, and environmental management.
The quantum internet’s impact on both computing and sensing heralds a new era of
technological possibilities with profound implications for various fields of science and

3 Applications:

The Quantum Anonymous Networking Application utilizes the concepts of quantum

entanglement to establish a secure and untraceable communication channel. Through
leveraging the distinctive characteristics of quantum particles, this groundbreaking application
guarantees anonymous interactions, thereby protecting user privacy in the digital domain.

➊ Quantum Anonymous Publication:

• As the quantum internet emerges to fulfill the escalating need for secure and private
communication, the development of quantum anonymous protocols becomes pivotal
in ensuring user anonymity and safeguarding sensitive data. Leveraging the unique
quantum properties absent in classical systems, these protocols, as demonstrated in
this study, play a crucial role in controlled publishing of both classical and quantum
information on internet servers. The quantum anonymous publishing of classical information
protocol allows for the dissemination of data without revealing the publisher’s identity,
while the quantum anonymous publishing of quantum information protocol extends
this capability to quantum data. These protocols not only enable secure information
exchange but also incorporate malicious-sensitive strategies to detect and counter potential
malicious activities. As an integral building block for the quantum internet, these
advancements hold the potential to transform future communication and information
exchange methods, reinforcing the necessity for robust quantum anonymous networking
in the ever-evolving landscape of secure digital communication. [Ongoing work : Quantum
Anonymous Publication]

➋ Identity Authentication of e-Health Systems:

• In the ever-evolving field of e-health technology, integrating smart contracts is vital for
enhancing data security, automation, and transparency. However, ensuring user rights
and privacy is paramount. To tackle challenges related to smart contract transparency
and potential security risks from quantum computing, this work [Ongoing work : Anonymous
Quantum Identity Authentication in Smart Contracts of e-Health Systems] proposes
a groundbreaking application of Quantum Anonymous Networking in e-health smart
contracts. This approach employs an anonymous shared group key, streamlining identity
authentication and bolstering privacy and security. Through meticulous analysis, it
guarantees user anonymity and boosts efficiency by encrypting the key in a single,
streamlined process. This quantum-enhanced solution addresses the growing demand
for confidential and reliable health-care services, allowing e-health systems to find a
balance between transparency and privacy in increasingly complex digital landscape.

➌ 2nd-Revolution Quantum Information Technology:

• The second quantum revolution introduces quantum anonymous networks, capitalizing
on progress in manipulating quantum entities to enable secure and anonymous communication.
This initiative emphasizes the creation of protocols like Quantum Key Distribution,
oblivious transfer, and secret-sharing across quantum networks. With a focus on implementing
nearest-neighbor network architectures in the immediate future, the effective and secure
communication protocols for quantum networks can be established.

➍ Augmented Digital Twins:

➎ Metaverse:
• Quantum Anonymous Networks (QAN) are essential in the metaverse by ensuring
quantum-resistant security for transactions and interactions. QANs, which use quantum
computing, provide strong encryption and randomization, protecting against manipulation.
The improved processing and simulation efficiency of the quantum anonymous networks

Figure 0.4: (Source: [Ongoing work : Anonymous Quantum Identity Authentication in Smart Contracts of
e-Health Systems]) Authentication Phase

can contribute to an overall increase in security and user experience inside the developing

4 Goal:

The main goals of quantum anonymous networks are to enhance secure quantum
communication by developing robust quantum anonymous networking protocols,
implementing quantum entanglement-based anonymous routing for user identity protection,
and exploring quantum-resistant cryptography. Standardization efforts are crucial for
widespread adoption and to establish a trustworthy quantum communication landscape.

➊ Year 1:
• Design quantum entanglement protocols for anonymous communication, enabling untraceable
connections between nodes.
• Simulate and evaluate the Quantum Anonymous Networking model for performance
and security, accounting for environmental factors and potential threats.
• Review quantum communication research for gaps. Build a detailed theoretical framework
for Quantum Anonymous Networking, incorporating insights from existing protocols.

➋ Year 2:
• Optimize quantum algorithms to boost the efficiency and scalability of Quantum Anonymous
Networking for practical real-world applications.
• Transition from simulations to experimental setups to validate proposed protocols,
ensuring practical feasibility.

• Analyze security threats in Quantum Anonymous Networking, devise countermeasures
against quantum and classical attacks.

➌ Year 3:
• Integrate Quantum Anonymous Networking with Quantum Key Distribution for enhanced
communication channel security.
• Create user-friendly interfaces for Quantum Anonymous Networking, ensuring accessibility
and ease for secure, anonymous communication.
• Collaborate to gather insights, feedback, and use cases for Quantum Anonymous Networking.

➍ Year 4:
• Standardize Quantum Anonymous Networking protocols, advocating for their adoption
in industry and regulatory frameworks.
• Plan the gradual integration of Quantum Anonymous Networking into existing infrastructures,
addressing deployment challenges and opportunities.
• Optimize Quantum Anonymous Networking for scalability in diverse communication
environments, addressing large-scale network challenges.

➎ Year 5:
• Perform thorough security audits, identify vulnerabilities, and continuously fortify
Quantum Anonymous Networking against emerging threats.
• Explore cutting-edge advancements in quantum communication and cryptography to
enhance the capabilities of Quantum Anonymous Networking. Investigate emerging
quantum technologies and incorporate innovative solutions to stay ahead of potential
• Establish a dynamic response system to rapidly address and adapt to evolving security
threats. Implement real-time monitoring and analysis to detect and counter emerging
risks to Quantum Anonymous Networking.

[1] F. Zaman, S. N. Paing, A. Farooq, H. Shin, and M. Z. Win, “Concealed quantum
telecomputation for anonymous 6g urllc networks.”

[2] M. Christandl and S. Wehner, “Quantum anonymous transmissions,” Chennai, India, Dec.

[3] W. Yang, L. Huang, and F. Song, “Privacy preserving quantum anonymous transmission via
entanglement relay,” Sci. Rep., vol. 6, no. 1, p. 26762, Jun. 2016.

[4] Y. Wang, X. Li, Y. Han, and K. Zhang, “Practical anonymous entanglement with noisy
measurement,” Quantum Inf. Process., vol. 21, no. 2, p. 49, Feb. 2022.

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