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The story contained in this book is the fruit of its author's imagination. Any
similarity with reality will be mere coincidence.

Book prohibited for people under 18 years old.

To Love.
Because it is the most important good and mystery of this life and there is
only life because there is Love.
Happy are those who loved and were loved.
Andrew Philip Collins

Account of the life of a young Brazilian woman.

The story reported below is about Love and the lives of young people that we can all

know. It addresses the search of human beings to find their destiny, in their individual

search for happiness, although they are often not even aware of this fact. I wanted to tell

a story that tried to talk about love, but it happened in a somewhat crude or backwards

way, I might say. So, forgive me in advance for everything I wrote. Not that I wanted to

be this way or did it on purpose, but because real life is otherwise: many times the

antithesis of fairy tales - there are no enchanted princes or princesses, and on many

occasions there doesn't seem to be such a happy ending. No book, on the other hand,

can tell the entire life of a person, but it has the ability to reveal something important

about the trajectory of a human being and show his legacy. Yes, we all leave a legacy of

life about our behaviors and the attitudes we had. I hope this book makes us reflect on

our lives and the relationships between people.

São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil, spring 2023.

Part I

She was born in Vila Brasil, in São Luís do Maranhão, in December, right after

Christmas. Her parents gave her the name Andreza. Light brunette, with black hair and

dark brown eyes. The neighborhood is simple, the houses are cramped and the people

are mostly workers. The residents' lifestyle is simple and neighbors know each other

well. Small houses shelter entire families, and many people spend the day and night,

live and sleep in domiciles that are often cramped, with a loss of privacy, but several

generations share the same home. The people are religious and the customs are

generally traditional. They work in ordinary jobs, most of them with modest salaries,

but they are generally happy, having accepted the simple life they have. Vila Brasil is a

portrait of many of Brazil's outskirts: the inhabitants are mostly friendly, cordial and

passionate, guided more by emotions than by rationality. In general, people seek their

space in the world and their social ascension through honest means, although this is

often difficult. Some then look for unconventional and even illicit ways to move up in

life, acquiring a better economic and social status. It was in this environment that she

was born and spent her childhood, as well as her early adolescence. Her family was

large and her parents were of modest means.

When she was born, her father José picked her up and said: “My first

daughter. What a joy, my love! You are a gift from God to me and your mother.”

Looking at her wife Ester, he said: “As she is dark-skinned, it seems like she just takes
after her mother. I'll call you my black one. You will be daddy's pride. Jesus bless your


She showed herself to be a somewhat quiet child as she grew up, often

introverted and very attached to her parents, the kind that clings to her mother's skirt

when she sees a stranger for the first time.

Her mother already had a first daughter, Marcela, aged 5, from a relationship

at the age of 18, when she was still single. Two years after Andreza was born, she

gained a third sister, who was named Melina.

They grew up like almost all children do, very sickly until around the age of 7,

but then with more resistance and like almost all siblings, with those disagreements

and fights typical of childhood. Her family was Protestant Christian and they always

attended the neighborhood's Assembly of God, where her first friendships were born,

in addition to neighbors and friends from school. Andreza, however, was not very

friendly with all of her neighbors; She was even more interested in adults, but her

parents didn't want her to have affection with adults, except for family members who

lived on her street. In fact, she had affinity with few children, but she was a good

friend of Ana Carla, who also lived close to her residence.

One day, when she was still living with her parents, Andreza found Carla at

the door of the house and they were alone for a few moments. She then asked:

- Carla, I saw something very strange. I woke up last night scared and went to

my father's room. Mom and Dad were doing some weird things. She was on top of

him, almost jumping and she moaned softly. I didn't understand. I was even more

scared and preferred to go back to my bed. But what they did seemed to be good.

What was that?

- I'll try to see if my mother does the same with my father - said her friend.

“I’ll try to look at her when she’s sleeping with my dad.”

- I'll ask mom what she was doing. I was curious. I have to find out. I like

discovering things. I always liked it.

In fact, Andreza spoke to her mother and she disagreed. “Could it be that you

were dreaming, darling? I don’t know what you’re talking about?”Ester replied.

- Mom, I don't think I was dreaming.

Her mother found no other way to dissuade her. Andreza was only 8 years

old, she was curious and at that age it's difficult to talk about sex with a child. It was

careless to let their daughter see them in intimate moments and the parents didn't

realize they were caught having sex.

Andreza talked to Carla other times, but she couldn't find out anything.

- I can't see my parents sleeping - said Carla. - I spend the night in my room

with my older sister and they lock the door to their room. I don't hear anything coming

from their room either.

Andreza also didn't witness anything strange anymore. Her parents became

more careful.

The worst would come later. A boy at school watched her parents having oral

sex and told Andreza. She was suspicious, without understanding, but that was where

the malice in her heart was born. It seemed like the age of innocence was ending.

However, she did not remark anything to her parents about what her school

friend had reported.

Her mother, nonetheless, one day, couldn't bear it, made a decision, and

turned to Andreza, privately: “Dear daughter, I need to tell you something very

serious. You are a child, but you are becoming a young lady, and above all, you are a
woman. Women keep something very precious. And they are defenseless. You need to

defend yourself.”

- From what, mommy? – the girl asked immediately.

- From men – completed Ester. - If any man touches you, your private parts,

tell me; inform me immediately. Don't be afraid to talk to me. I will help you. And if

that's the case, if someone messes with you, scream, don't accept what they want to

do to you and run. Don't hide anything from me. I am your mother and I will always be

able to help you.

- It's okay, mom. And what do men do with women?

- They can hurt and take advantage of girls' innocence.

- And why are we innocent? What is innocence?

- Children don't know everything, they are fragile and defenseless. They need

their parents. Women, even more so. Men can do evil, hit, hurt and even drag a child

away. They can molest a woman, using force, as women are much less physically


More questions appeared in her mind, but he didn't want to ask too many

questions that day.

- Mom, you're scaring me. I'm getting scared.

- How come, my daughter? Sorry, but I needed to tell you these things.

- I didn't understand much, but I was scared. I promise I will tell you

everything that happens to me. Mom, one more thing: Dad is a man! Can he hurt me?

- Not my daughter. He's your daddy and he loves you. Don't forget this.

- Good, mom. I became calmer.

It had been difficult for her mother to establish this conversation with her

daughter, but she felt it was essential and the time was right, despite her daughter's
young age. Ester didn't exactly want to talk about sex, she couldn't find a way, but that

conversation was already an entry. That mother felt that her daughter was too young

to hear about sex.

Andreza was curious, even more so, but contained her doubts. Her still very

childish mind couldn't quite understand that and wasn't imaginative or questioning

enough for that.

Notwithstanding, it happened that about two years later, her younger sister

discovered news at school, in fact information about sex, and told Andreza and that

was when the two began to better understand what a sexual relationship was.

- Andreza, my friends said that the man and his wife lie down in bed and have

sex. And I'll keep asking what that's like.

Everything helped Andreza revive her memories and put together the pieces

of the puzzle to truly understand what a sexual relationship is.

Some time later, however, Andreza would confess to a friend:

“After my mother told me a few things, I became very curious and started

touching parts of my body when I took a bath and when I lay in bed to sleep. I started

caressing my breasts and my cockatiel and it felt good. It was a different, pleasant

sensation that I hadn't felt before. I was wet and felt more relaxed. But I thought I

shouldn't be doing that, I thought it was wrong and I blamed myself. I was afraid to tell

my mother that. She was going to scold me. But, at the same time, because it was

prohibited, I thought it was even better and I wanted to do it again.”

Carla, who was a year older, discovered that this was masturbation and that

if done in excess it could be harmful.

- A girl at school said this is called siririca(*). And that some girls do to others

- said Andreza. - And he also said: “But I don’t want anyone to do it to me.”
- And have you already been doing this? Siririca...

- No, no, I never did - Andreza lied.

And he further asked:

- Carla, why is excessive touching and masturbating not good? I wonder...

- I don't know exactly, but I think it could be harmful, Andreza. You seem to

have been very curious about all this.

And Andreza didn't say anything else that day.

She thought, however, that her younger sister was also masturbating, as one

day at bedtime it seemed to her that she was touching her private parts and vocalizing

strange words or murmurs.

But she didn't want to question her mother initially. And Andreza stopped

masturbating when she went to sleep, for fear of being exposed.

In her mind, Andreza began to wonder why women and girls masturbated

and why did boys do it too? And how do men masturbate?

It happened after Carla's mother discovered the content of her conversations

with Andreza and told Ester.

- Imagine something like that. What are these girls talking about? Is this talk

for children? Did your daughter say anything to you? - Carla's mother complained.

____ (*) Brazilian colloquial term used to indicate a form of female masturbation.

- No, Margaret. She never said anything about this subject to me.
- Forgive me for asking, but: have you ever talked about sex topics with your

daughter? Because I think it's absurd for parents to talk about these topics at that age.

- No. I never discussed these topics with her - Ester lied, as it seemed that her

previous conversation with Andreza had opened her daughter's interest in topics

related to sex.

- Talk to her. But I don't even know how you're going to say it. Maybe it's

better to forget about it for now and just be more attentive. Be careful with your

daughter's company. Pay more attention! I think it's better for our daughters to not

talk to each other for a while, so they don't bring up these topics. Be sure to take her

to services twice a week. See if she pays attention to what the pastor preaches.

- I will take better care of my daughter. Until the other day - and said

goodbye. - You can leave it, - said Ester, a little embarrassed. - This will never happen

again. I will be attentive. Thanks for letting me know. I'll talk to Andreza.

Ester looked for her daughter. She explained the reason for the conversation

with Carla's mother. She reported the content of the conversation and the girl was

embarrassed. She said that Carla had brought up the subject and denied that the topic

had come from her. This did not mean that Ester was kind to her daughter and ordered

her not to talk to her friends about these topics anymore.

- Clear your doubts with me – asked Ester, urgently.

In fact, Ana Carla has since moved away from Andreza.

Andreza has always been a measured child. When she was 9 years old, her

father and mother gave her a bicycle, and despite all her father's care, the child had an

accident and was injured, and was not run over by a vehicle due to pure luck.

Her parents took her to a nearby health unit where she received care;

Nothing serious was found, the girl received bandages and was released. However, her
parents were concerned about what had happened to their daughter, they collected

her bicycle and were afraid that she could have an accident again, and worse, more

seriously. The bike had been a little damaged, with a lot of scratches, and they ended

up selling it. Andreza asked her parents if she would receive another bicycle, and they

lied and said yes, but in truth they did not have the courage to buy another bicycle for

Andreza. This episode had a lot of impact the girl's childhood and would have

consequences for her future behavior. The child began to behave more touchy and

withdrawn and her parents became more overprotective.

When the girl got sick it was another problem. She did not accept taking

medications well and was at odds with her parents, especially her mother, who ended

up being the only one who managed to make Andreza take the prescribed

medications, although often in an imposing way and on the basis of a lot of sacrifice.

All of this created discomfort between Andreza and her mother. Her father was more

passive and was of the opinion that they should not force her daughter to take the

medicines. Ester insisted, however, that the medications had been recommended by

the doctor out of necessity and it was not up to Andreza to decide whether to take

them or not, given that she was still a child and her health was the responsibility of her

parents. Her mother tried to explain all of this to her, but the young brunette was

rebellious about taking her medications. When she fell ill and needed to take

medication, her mother found herself in a lot of trouble and it was a stressful situation.

At the age of 9, a picturesque and unusual event occurred in Andreza's life.

She went out with her family to watch the party and the boi-bumbá dances and for a

moment the girl was away from her parents, being in the company of Marcela, who

was already 14 years old. Then a gypsy palm reader appeared out of nowhere, who
held Andreza's left hand, exposing the palm area and looking into the child's eyes,

began to say:

- Daughter, can I read your hand and talk about you?

- She, innocently, answered yes. Marcela was curious and said at that


- Madam, I don't have money to pay for your service!

- I won't charge anything to two beautiful children like you – explained the

elderly woman. And the gypsy continued, looking into Andreza's eyes: - My child, you

often feel intimidated and challenged. Your mind is already that of an almost adult

person, you are serious and like much older friends.

- How do you know that? - asked her sister.

- I know, because I read it in her hands and eyes – explained the elderly

woman. And she said more things:

“You are very reserved and need to be taken seriously, which can cause

suffering for you and make you feel uncomfortable in the role of a child; you will

always accept only what is very good. Girl, you were born for the adult world. You have

the skills to be practical and concrete. You will always be an extremely rational person.

Others will always need to ask your permission for everything they do to you. You are

very attached to your parents, but you will have to be freed. You believe in hierarchy

today, but you will soon break this rule. You will be ambitious and will always trust

your own efforts rather than those around you. You love peace and stillness. You're

shy, you like to be discreet, but you have a great sense of humor. Beware of the sense

of perfection, pride and fear of showing your feelings. You have a lot of patience to

concentrate on your work and achieve your goals. You will have to fight your whole
life. You will be very famous for your deeds, but not for your will or your effort, but for

the will and efforts of others. God be with you".

Andreza and Marcela were entranced. Here the youngest said:

- Madam, I understood very little of what you said. Is it all about me?

- Yes, child.

- How do you know so much about my life?

- Your hands told me. You understood little today, but as time passes you will

realize that I was right.

And the lady walked away from them, disappearing into the crowd.

Andreza's father and mother then appeared, distressed, as they had been

looking for their two daughters for 15 minutes and couldn't find them.

- What did you do, girls? - asked her mother.

- We were talking to a lady – said the older one.

- Who, my daughter? Any acquaintances? - asked her father, still worried.

- We don't know who she is and she didn't say her name either - Andreza


- Don't talk to strangers - asked Ester.

- All I know is that the woman asked to see my sister's hands and started

saying a lot of things – Marcela confessed.

- It must have been a gypsy – concluded José. – I've seen some around here.

- Daughters, don’t notice anything she said – asked that mother. - Reading

palms is not God's thing. Don't believe anything she said. We are evangelicals and we

can only believe in what the Word of God reveals to us.

- It's okay, mommy – promised the two girls.

And the family preferred to leave that place.


At the age of 10, Andreza's parents were called at school because she had

pulled the hair of a classmate of the same age as her and had also given her a small

slap in the face due to small personal insults and insults exchanged between the girl.

and Andreza with her sister Melina. Ester had a few weeks ago instigated her

daughters to take satisfaction from a little girl who had a disagreement with Melina.

José, however, was not aware of this episode. When summoned by the school board,

Ester and her husband José, denied that their middle daughter was an aggressive child

and said they did not know that she had disagreements with colleagues at school or in

the neighborhood. She had previous good behavior, but despite this she received a 3-

day suspension and a note on her school report.

José did not understand his daughter's behavior and questioned her about

why she had committed such misconduct.

Melina added to the conversation, saying that a girl older than her had

pushed her and she, Melina, had gotten slightly injured as a result. Andreza, a few days

after all this happened, was then settling accounts with the girl and, therefore, just

defending Melina.

José did not accept his youngest daughter's allegations and Andreza simply

replied that she did not know why she had done that. When asked by her father if she

regretted her actions, she chose to remain silent. He further said:

- You did everything wrong! You don't resolve things like that. If a classmate

does something bad to you, tell the teachers and us, your parents, and don't try to

take revenge on your friends and fight with them even more. Do not increase conflicts.

Talk to us, and we will try to resolve it amicably, taking the right measures.

Andreza and her sister nodded in agreement. At that moment they looked at

their mother completely silent and she pretended that she was not to blame for her

daughter's attitude.

Upon arriving at her house, Ester complained to Andreza about what she had

done, said she was ashamed of what she had said to her daughters a few weeks ago

and asked them to keep a secret regarding José. They promised that they would not

say anything and the story would get better. it ended there. After that day, Andreza

did not commit any further mistakes or reprehensible acts at her school.

At 11 years old, the brunette began to attract the attention of two cousins

close in age to hers, one of them living on her street. Ester noticed that the boys

started coming to her house more frequently and asking more about Andreza,

increasing their interest in her. Their invitations to accompany her to services and to

eat ice cream were frequent. She, however, in an antagonistic way, faced with the

advances of her cousins, preferred to move further away from them, avoiding any

approach. Her aunts and her mother Ester noticed this and found their niece a little

proud. She had ended up moving a little further away from the house of her aunts,

mothers of the aforementioned cousins, to escape their harassment. Ester's sisters

then spoke to her and expressed their opinion, saying that they thought Andreza's

reaction was exaggerated and asked her not to stay away from them for such a futile

reason, claiming that flirtations between cousins are frequent and generally

temporary, being typical of the adolescence. Ester then claimed that her daughter was

still very young and had not considered dating until then, and her behavior and ideas

were still very childish.

Ester still sought out her daughter for a dialogue. And he addressed her with

these words:
- Daughter, why are you moving so far away from your aunts' house? They

are finding your behavior strange. And they are sad about it. They like you very much,

my daughters! They adore you, Andreza. Don't do that. Just because your cousins are

interested in you?!

- That's exactly why, mom. I don't know any other way to escape them.

- Daughter, just say no. Tell them that you only want friendship.

- They are insistent.

- This will pass soon, it's a phase... It's common for cousins to want to date

cousins, but it only happens if they both accept.

- I don't want to date cousins. I even think it can harm family relationships

and create enmity if the relationship doesn't work out, it doesn't work out.

- And truth. You may be right, but it's also not a reason to walk away from

your own family. Boys may even feel rejected...

- And what's wrong?

- You don't do that even with strangers; imagine with cousins. Pay attention

to them, but say straight away that you don't want to date; say that you want their

friendship, that of cousins.

- Could it be. I'll try to be clear with them.

- But don't be prejudiced against your cousins. And try to speak politely,

without being rude.

- I'm not prejudiced, mother – replied Andreza, somewhat irritated. - And

above all, I still have to speak nicely?! They are the ones who come to bother me and

pick on me and I'm the one who will need a way to respond to them. It was just what I

was missing!

- Andreza, don't talk like that! Don't be proud or arrogant.

The young woman, however, continued in an elated tone:

- Yeah, mom, I'm not thinking about dating yet. I am very young. But when I

start, I don't want to date just anyone, I don't want to date family members, I want the

best for myself, I want to grow, to improve my life.

- Andreza, be careful what you say. I agree with you, but don't treat your

family badly. I ask you.

- It's okay, mom.

- Daughter, I really want you to be an important person. That's why your

father and I chose such a beautiful name for you.

And the girl went to lunch, thus ending that day's debate with her mother.


Some time later at school, a boy took a magazine with explicit sexual content

and Andreza was able to see the magazine, being shocked, as her reaction was one of

astonishment. Pornographic sex impressed her, and she was very scared by it all.

- Take this magazine away from me, it only contains ugly things - Andreza

pleaded, in reaction to her school friend.

However, she did not want to comment on what happened to her parents.

They also had not yet determined a communication channel with her to talk about sex

and relationships or dating.

Later, at her school, she began taking classes on Human Anatomy,

Reproduction and Sexuality. She was already 12 years old and a lot had opened up in

her mind.

She even saw other magazines with sexual content and even acquired a

magazine hidden from her parents, with money from the snacks she saved, in behavior

that was not very usual for girls her age.

At the age of 11, she became interested in a friend from church and then

another from school, but they didn't agree with her and nothing happened.

It was at the age of 12, however, that a thing succeed at her church's temple,

exactly a performance with music and after the event a friend who sympathized with

her gave her a kiss on the way out, on the mouth. A very innocent kiss, and they

separated, each going to their own home.

She arrived at her home and told her mother about the kiss. Ester responded

this way:

- But, my daughter, haven't you told me about this boy yet? And how did you

kiss a boy without me or your father knowing. Or had you told your father about him?

What is his name, who are his parents? How did you become interested in it?

Andreza was a little surprised by her mother's reaction; There were so many

questions and she even felt a little upset, but in the end she partially agreed with her

and answered:

- Sorry, mom. He's a good boy. I didn't tell my father about him either. We

talked from time to time, quickly. I always thought he exchanged glances with me. His

kiss surprised me too. It all happened very quickly and we separated. We didn't say

anything else.

- And who are his parents?

- Luís Cláudio and Elisangela, it seems to me.

- My daughter, don't you know the names of the boy's parents? Careful. Do

not do that again.

- Sorry, mom. But I was just unsure about his mother's name... But I know

them both well by sight. His father and mother.

- And you never spoke to them in person?

- Mom, I'm not dating him. He's just my colleague from the Church.

- But you need to know the parents before wanting to date a boy.

- What about his parents? All good...? The girl questioned, trying to get

feedback from her mother.

- I'm going to talk to your father, Andreza. I don't know them very well. This

boy's parents. I'll talk to your father.

- Mom, I'm not dating him. It was just a kiss. I don't even know if he'll look for

me later.

Andreza found everything too complicated and difficult to start a relationship

and deep down she didn't completely agree with her mother.

In fact, after that day the boy no longer looked for the young woman and

sometimes waved to her with just a hello, even moving away from conversations. She

didn't understand, she wanted to look for him to talk, but she decided against it. There

were doubts in her head as to why Eduardo didn't speak to her anymore, and she

quickly forgot about him. Her mother also did not look for her to give the results of the

conversation with her father about the boy.

Andreza was a little upset at first, wondering if it was interference from her

parents or his parents, and that they wouldn't accept the relationship and even talked

to her mother.

- It was good, my daughter, that he didn't look for you anymore. Andreza,

you're still too young to date. There will be time. Study first. The priority is studies.

Dating comes later.

Andreza was a little disappointed by her mother's allegations.

- I know I'm very young, but a silly date doesn't hurt anyone. I know two

friends at school who are my age and are already dating. I wanted to have a boyfriend.
- Patience, my daughter. Your time will come. You're cute. Guys will be

interested in you. The things of God have their right time and purpose.

- Do you think I'm just cute? And how much longer will I wait?

- You are beautiful, my daughter. Many boys will be interested in you. And

your age for dating will come, take it easy. Everything in its own time. I only started

dating when I was 16.

- You, mother. I am not you. I want to date before... At 18 you were already a


Andreza had never responded to her mother like that, in a questioning tone.

- Andreza, respect me. And God forbid you become a mother at 18. Too

young. Go study first, graduate.

- I don't want to have a child at 18. I have a lot of things to accomplish in my life

before I have children. You got me wrong.

- Very well - concluded Ester. - Sorry.

When Andreza was born, she lived with her parents and maternal

grandparents, as well as two aunts, her mother's sisters. Another aunt of her lived on

the same street, but in a nearby house. Some time later, the family would move to a

house in the neighboring neighborhood of São Cristóvão, where one of José's sisters

lived, who would move to Brasília-DF with her children, leaving her house for José to

live with her family.

In that house where Andreza was born in Vila Brasil, many people lived and it

was uncomfortable. The granddaughter was 12 years old and asked her grandmother


- Grandma, how many children did you have? Because four people live on our

street alone: Mom and three others.

- My granddaughter, I had eight children: 6 women and 2 men. -And her

grandmother repeated the names of her eight children, as well as their ages.

- Grandma, you dated too much! – Andreza joked.

- Dear, - continued Maria Augusta – in your grandmother's time it was

difficult to get pills to avoid getting pregnant.

- Grandma, I already studied something about this at school.

- Children today are very knowledgeable, Andreza. They discover many things

too soon. Information that in my upbringing I only came to learn when I was almost 18

years old.

- And grandpa was also very naughty. Eight children. He's such a son,


- My granddaughter, your great-grandmother had thirteen children!!!

- Grandma Augustinha, didn't you have a television in her time? Did you only

think about dating?

- Girl, don't say something like that – scolded her maternal grandmother. – Of

course there was no television during your great-great-grandfather’s time. But it was

good to have many children to take care of the house and the farm.

- Oh! Got it, grandma.

- And there was no pill to avoid catching a boy; and making a connection with

the doctor, that's what was difficult for women to do.

- Grandma, I like to know things: what is connection?

- Oh my God, I'm talking too much. This girl is very curious! Bonding is a

surgery, daughter, that women undergo to avoid having any more children.

- Oh! I understand, grandma. But what do you really care about? Do you

- Your grandmother is not very studied, daughter. I don't know much. But

they say the doctor ties the woman's tubes, close to the uterus.

- Well, grandma, you know a lot. And did you make a call?

- No, but I had to have surgery and remove everything.

- Why?

- Bleeding, my daughter and fallen uterus(*). I had eight children, have you

forgotten? And all by natural birth. I was also afraid of that disease, cancer. Thank God

it didn't.

- Grandma Augustinha, today I'm not going to ask anything else so as not to

upset you.

- It's okay, daughter. You mentioned television. Today's children and young

people learn too much from television and that's why they want to date too early. TV

teaches good things, but bad things too.

- Grandma, can someone who undergoes surgery that removes everything

still date? - Andreza asked, forgetting that she had promised not to ask her

grandmother anything else that day.

(*) uterine prolapse

- Damn girl, you want to know too much! You are very knowledgeable! I'm

not going to answer you anything else today! And I'm going to tell your mother that

you're very curious...

- Don’t tell me, grandma – asked Andreza. – You don't need to answer


And the two ended their conversation that day. Her grandmother offered her

a pumpkin sweet with grated coconut that she had prepared herself and a glass of

water and her granddaughter went to try it.


From the age of 12, Andreza began to be interested in the male universe. He

went to watch football training on a field near her house. She later confessed why she

started this habit: “I loved seeing those sweaty boys running after that ball. They look

like fools; but their bodies are beautiful. They have thick, toned legs and thighs and

many of them have toned, flat stomachs. I like that. That's why I like going to watch

them play. I think I'm a bit of a freak about that and it makes me horny. I adore".

Her father really liked football and found it curious that his daughter was

interested in football too, as in his opinion it still seemed to be a very masculine sport.

But he also didn't think his daughter liked football because she had any homosexual

tendencies. He saw his daughter as a completely feminine girl with normal behavior.

To please her father even more, she declared herself a fan of the same team as him,

and he was very proud. He didn't have a son, but he had a daughter who supported his

favorite club with him. All of this made him very happy. He repeated:

- Daughter of the heart, only you can do this for your father. I love you lots.

When Andreza was 12 years old, her mother decided to take a Nursing course

to get a better job. Ester then looked for her husband and talked to him about her


- José, my husband, I thought about going to college.

- Which one, my dear? – asked her husband.

- Nursing. I know it will be difficult to work, take care of my family and study

at the same time, but I need to get a better job and I know that this profession has

good job opportunities in our city. And I identify with the health sector.

- That's good, Esther. I only worry about our daughters and I know that your

life will be very busy while you are studying.

- I know José that I will go through trials and I will have to donate even more,

but I feel that I need to get a job to earn better and I thought about Nursing. You can

work in health centers, hospitals, and others.

- Yes it is true.

- Do you support me?

José responded promptly:

- Of course, my wife. I also wish the best for you and for the good of our


- God will bless me in my choice!

- Will you talk to our daughters about your decision?

- Yes, I'll talk as soon as possible.

- When will the Nursing exams be?

- I'm going to do two tests. In 6 months. I will first attend a preparatory

course. I've been studying at home, I need some reinforcement. This course will take

place at night from 6 pm to 10 pm, Monday to Friday for four months. It will interfere

with my attendance at services, but I will make this sacrifice.

- Happy studying then, my love. May God enlighten you and you pass on the

first try!

- Yes, it will work.

The next day, at night, Ester gathered her daughters and her husband after

dinner and broke the news to them.

- Daughters, - began the mother - I need to tell you about a very important

decision that I made in agreement with your father.

- What happened, mom? - asked the oldest, Marcela, a little scared.

- It's not bad at all - said Ester, trying to calm them down.
- And what is it then, mother? - asked Andreza in turn.

- It's good news, but I'll need your understanding. Mom needs to get a better

job and for that I decided to take a Nursing course.

- Really, mom? - asked the youngest, apparently happy.

- Yes, my daughters. I know it will be difficult for me and I will go through a

very turbulent, very difficult period, but I need to look for improvements for us and to

help your father with our household expenses. I started working in commerce, but I

earn little and I need to get a better job. I decided on Nursing because I like this area

and there are good job opportunities in this sector in our city.

- Congratulations, mom, on your choice – declared Marcela.

Andreza, however, stated to everyone:

- Mom, Dad, I think it's good for you to work, but I'm just worried about the

fact that you're going to spend less time with us because you'll be busier. You're going

to pay us less attention and we need you.

- Oh, my dear, it's true. But it will be for a temporary time and for a noble


- What if you are going to work at night? - asked Andreza. - He's going to

leave us alone with Dad on duty days. I know nurses can work at night too.

- I promise I will do everything I can to not work at night when I graduate and

get a job. I will look for jobs that are only during the day.

- But, mom, during your Nursing course, will you have to work night shifts? -

asked the oldest.

- Yes, daughters, but only during internship periods, which should last around

1 and a half years.

- Ah, mom, I was happy but I was also sad at the same time – said the middle

daughter. – Don’t abandon us. Dad, what do you think of all this?

- Daughter, I'm here to support and encourage your mother. It was a decision

that came from her, and she has the right to study and work, and I am convinced that

she seeks the best for our family. I ask that you also support your mother in the

decision we have made.

- I'll try - revealed Andreza.

- I hope this period passes soon – Melina wished.

- And when will you take the first tests, mom? - asked the eldest daughter.

- In 6 months. I need to study before the tests, my daughter. If everything

goes well, I will start the Nursing course next year.

- Let's root for you, mommy – continued Marcela. – You are a warrior and

deserve it.

- God bless our family - asked that father. – Ester, my dear, may you realize

your dreams and be successful in the career you are aiming for.

- Thank you, José. Our God will always be with me. Pray for me, daughters.

Ask for your mother in your prayers.

- Yes, mom, we will ask - concluded Andreza. – And the others agreed with a


Andreza, however, left that room for her room a little sad. She believed that

from then on her mother would no longer be able to give her as much attention as

before and the two would gradually become more distant from each other. Andreza

started to have this fear. In fact, within nine months, Ester started the Nursing course,

as she was successful in the entrance exam.

Andreza and her mother's relationship worsened over time. Ester didn't let

Andreza go out alone with her friends and no was the most frequent response to her

daughter's requests. Practically, she could only go out with her older sister, or with her

parents to the evangelical temple or some other place. They limited themselves to

visiting family on weekends, going to shopping malls, restaurants or the beach, but not

every weekend did they leave the house for lunch or dinner out. Only evangelical

services were the mandatory program.

Andreza became interested in other boys, but due to her mother's previous

reactions, generally creating obstacles for Andreza to date, she preferred to disconnect

a little from these advances, and decided to remain without a boyfriend. A kind of

feeling of fear of emotional relationships was born in her. It seemed to be taboo.

Ester began to be afraid that her daughter was very angry and started to

watch her. The fear was that Andreza would do wrong things, become very flirtatious,

start having sexual relations as a teenager, contract illnesses, get pregnant and

become poorly spoken of in the neighborhood and in the Church. All the fears of an

overprotective mother and memories of similar cases she had already witnessed.

Ester even became a little neurotic and began to think that all men, young

and old, single and married, looked at her daughter too much, with looks of desire. Her

daughter wasn't beautiful in her opinion, but she was pretty, and no more than a

teenager. Those attacks against her daughter confronted and threatened her and she

didn't know how to act. This made Esther vulnerable. Her husband, however, didn't

care much. He didn't seem to notice anything wrong or strange. Ester also didn't know

how to approach all of this with her husband and they were delicate topics for her. She

even felt relieved to think that her husband didn't notice that her middle daughter was

already desired by men. Esther, however, began to notice that there was something
different about her daughter, and that she attracted the attention of men and that

disturbed her. Andreza seemed to awaken men's desire for a female. When I thought

then that Andreza might be noticing those seductive looks, it was when she became

more distressed. She didn't want her daughter at that age to feel desired and even

harassed by older men.

It then seemed to Andreza that she was the daughter of whom her mother

was most jealous and who was the most controlled. She began to feel her life

restricted, full of limitations and prisons. Their freedom and their wills were

threatened. He didn't quite understand why her mother acted like this, but he didn't

have the courage to talk seriously about all these dilemmas. Everything was affecting

her relationship with her mother for the worse. As her father was apparently oblivious

to all these questions and was sometimes more benevolent towards Andreza, she

became fond of her father and became closer. Andreza then felt that she liked her

father more than her mother.

Ester even urgently asked her eldest daughter to help guide Andreza and

also help her monitor her behavior. The relationship between the two sisters became

closer from then on; however, Andreza noticed that the intention was to snoop around

and control her life and on many occasions she was at odds with her older sister

Marcela and they had small arguments. The closeness of the two, however, made

Andreza learn more about romantic relationships, as her sister was 5 years older and

already had a boyfriend.

However, a turning point happened in the family. Marcela, unfortunately,

committed an action that caused disgust for her parents and was a bad example for

her sisters. Marcela got careless and got pregnant by her boyfriend. She became a

mother at 19 years old.

Ester was having many relationship problems with her daughter Andreza,

who was going through puberty. Disagreements were frequent and that's why she

decided to have a conversation with a psychologist with experience in adolescent

behavior, who was recommended by a colleague of hers who worked at the hospital.

She hoped to find tips and solutions to try to improve her relationship with her middle

daughter, who had already turned 14 years old. The task of keeping the relationship

between mother and daughter healthy is not easy and Ester was discovering this fact

in the worst possible way. Andreza was a rebellious teenager and had distanced

herself from her mother's friendship, to whom she was no longer confiding in her

secrets and the details of her life.

Ester made an appointment with the psychologist without Andreza knowing;

only José knew. Arriving at the office, she introduced herself to the attendant and was

instructed to wait for her turn. When the moment arrived, she was taken to the

psychologist's room and addressed the professional:

- Good morning, doctor. My name is Ester and you were recommended by a

friend of mine.

- Good morning, I´m Dr Priscila Andrade. What is your friend's name?

- Tatiana Dutra. She brought her teenage son, Felipe, here. Do you

remember? About three months ago, she told me.

- Is he a handsome blonde and she is a light brunette with long hair and a soft


- Yes, it's them.

- I do remember. But tell me, Ester, what brought you to my office?

- These are problems relating to my 14-year-old daughter, my middle

daughter. I also have a 19-year-old daughter who recently had a baby and a 12-year-
old daughter, but this one isn't causing me any difficulties yet. Doctor, are

disagreements common between mothers and teenage daughters? I never thought

that my daughter Andreza (that's her name) would be like this, hard working. She was

such a calm, well-behaved child and has changed so much.

- Yes, Esther. Perhaps the topic is strange, but nevertheless, the subject is

recurrent in psychology offices and in conversations between friends in the same

condition as you. In fact, the relationship between mother and daughter presents

subjective challenges and can, in some cases, be marked by severity - reported Priscila.

“Although much is expected and demanded from a relationship between

mother and daughter, we do not always see the expected complicity. There are also

many mothers and daughters who report difficulties in their relationship. The

relationship between the two is not limited to unconditional support and

understanding. Mothers and daughters are human and as such, they face dilemmas

and paradigms. What would that be? I'll explain: The relationship between mother and

daughter can face harmful feelings, even if they remain at an unconscious level.

Judgment, guilt, competition, denial, anger can permeate this relationship.

“Freedom, youth, discoveries bring a feeling of lack of control to the mother,

who is remembered for her role as matriarch. So start telling me, Esther, what is

happening between you.

- Doctor, here's the thing: After entering adolescence, as expected, Andreza

changed her behavior and attitudes. But I don't know how to deal with her. She

doesn't take my advice about boyfriends, she doesn't tell me about them. She wants

things like a cell phone and if she asks me for it and I can't give it to her, I feel like she

gets upset. If I give an order she runs to her father and he sometimes gives in and so

she disrespects my order. She doesn't talk to me much, it seems like she doesn't trust
me anymore. If I have a small, even healthy argument with her father, she then

becomes weird with me or seems to defend her father more. She almost doesn't want

to help around the house anymore. She fights too much with her sisters. It involves too

much, especially with the youngest, since the oldest is no longer living with us. She is

not affectionate with me, I try to be with her; She sometimes treats me rudely. I don't

really know who her friends are at school; She doesn't tell me about them.

- Ester, – continued Dr Priscila - her daughter's growth brings the constant

reminder that time has passed. This means that the daughter is gaining autonomy and

maturity, and is trying to show this to her mother, who is not there to make her

dreams come true, nor to live what was dreamed of for her.

“In this conflict between love and hate, they will fight each other until they

find their new roles. Even if this results in partial or permanent removals.

“But it is possible to take advantage of this behavior, if we know how to act


- How is her relationship with her father?

- It's good, but he's a little out of touch with some issues. He, for example,

doesn't talk to her much about what's going on in Andreza's life and he also doesn't

debate with me about our daughter's life, only if I get into the subject. I am the one

who most often proposes discussions about our daughter. He generally agrees with

me, but he is more likely to give in to her whims and wishes.

- Then talk to him more; You must be on the same page, in complete

alignment about what you think is best for your daughter, but you must always try to

reach a consensus on each subject to avoid sending ambiguous or conflicting messages

to her. Remember that her mind is in formation, in a transition between childhood and

- I believe that the mother's role is, in addition to taking care of their health

and nutrition, to transmit information that will guide their children's behavior for the

rest of their lives. – declared the mother. This information will include the mother's

values that may or may not be accepted by her children. But I confess that this really

creates a lot of conflicts.

- Exactly, Ester - continued the psychologist. - The better the mother's

relationship with her children, the more they will absorb the information you give

them and will have their mother as a reference.

“When the relationship is with daughters (women), the maternal figure is

usually even stronger and her role as a model to be followed is more notable.

- Doctor Priscila, what can I do then? How should I start to improve my

interaction with my daughter and for her to trust me more and open up to me, as I am

her mother?

- First of all: Get to know your personality and that of your daughter. You

should know if you have more similarities or differences with your daughter, in terms

of their personalities. Knowing yourself is fundamental to making decisions and lucidly

observing how we relate to each other.

“Notice your reactions and the standards we assume to get what we want.

When you identify, change what generates conflicts.

- Will my daughter ever be my friend and I will be her confidant? I always

imagined this for her...

- And it was like that with your eldest daughter?

- It was, approximately, yes. We had and maintain a good relationship of

coexistence and complicity. We talked a lot. But despite this, she got pregnant early, at

18, and I preferred that she finish her studies first.

The psychologist continued her speech:

- It is not because they are mother and daughter that everything should be

said in their conversations. There is a certain limit between mother and daughter,

especially because you are not just “friends”. Ester, in the relationship between a

mother and her daughter, no matter how much you two may trust each other, there is

always a certain judgment and criticism behind a mother's words.

- I understand.

- Therefore, mother, respect certain limits imposed by the relationship,

generations and age difference; You will have to learn these limits, for your sake and

that of your daughter.

- Yeah, we're not having a good dialogue at the moment.

- The mother-daughter relationship tends to fluctuate - said the psychologist -

This is to be expected. The daughter often represents a “second chance” for her

mother to do things that were not possible for her when she was young and thus

unrealistic expectations can arise in this mother. Don't expect your daughter to be

what you wanted to be but couldn't.

- I will try to demand less from my daughter.

- Great – approved Priscila, and continued: - Other times, it is the daughters

who need to feel more autonomy and try to free themselves from their mothers' care

– something that can “drive crazy” a mother – especially if she does not consider her

daughter ready to explore the world. world alone.

- I hadn't thought of such a situation...

- The stage where the most friction usually arises is during adolescence, as

the daughter begins to understand that she has some right to do things her way, but

the mother often does not agree with her daughter's view.
- And how will I be able to do that, doctor?

- Try to overcome yourself, mother. It doesn't matter if you are a mother or a

daughter, we can always be better at something. We can travel more, read more,

study something new, learn to dance. By taking care of yourself, the opinions of others

will not easily destabilize us.

- And how will my daughter value me and want to follow me in what I do?

- When we are sure of what we like and want, it is easier to be admired and

respected. In the relationship between mother and daughter, this is fundamental so

that each person has autonomy in their own lives. Do some leisure activity together; in

short, anything that brings pleasure to your relationship. Build affective memories.

- Doctor, I don't have much free time and our household budget is tight.

- But analyze and try. Respect each other's space: know how to identify space

and understand where each other's freedom begins. Understand the personal

preferences and opinions of others. It is obedience to differences that promotes good

coexistence. You will only be able to convince her to change her opinion a few times if

you do it this way: trying to understand her first and respecting her ideas.

- What else, for example, doctor?

- Improve communication between you: you do not share the same

vocabulary or the same culture. They are different generations and the same will

happen with their children.

- I will analyze all your proposals, doctor, and I will try to put into practice

what I can. I'm not going to bring her in for a chat with you just yet.

- Okay. I respect your position.

- Good luck with her. Send me news.

- Have a good day and a great work week.

And they said goodbye with a cordial handshake.

When Ester arrived at her house, she found her husband José and talked

about the conversation she had with psychologist Priscila.

José asked her:

- How was your appointment with the psychologist, Ester?

- It was very good, José. She clarified many things for me and gave me

several guidelines. You should also talk to her later; it will be very good.

- What did she think of our daughter's case? Did she agree that your concerns

were well founded?

- Yes, I believe so. She told me that disagreements between mothers and

daughters are frequent during adolescence and parents must be well guided and

prepared to deal with their children at this stage.

- Ester, are you sure you're not exaggerating? I think our daughter is a great


- José, our daughter is great, but she is moving away from me a lot and I'm

worried. I don't want to lose my daughter to the world.

- But our children are created for the world, and not just for us, Ester,

unfortunately. We know this to be true.

- But a daughter can't stop loving her mother and only care about the outside

world just because she's becoming an adult. Either we act now, or I lose my daughter.

- Good God. That's not going to happen, Ester. With God's grace, we won't let

it happen.

- The doctor said that we need to talk more about our daughter and her

problems and we need to get closer to her to try to be more active in her life. But she
warned me that we need to learn the language of teenagers, have a lot of patience

and try to put ourselves in their shoes to understand their desires.

- I know how difficult this is.

- Me too. I have felt this on my skin. I try to get closer to her, but it's difficult.

It seems that Andreza doesn't trust me anymore. I need to regain our daughter's trust,

José. For my sake and for the sake of our family. The doctor told me that I need to try

to do some things with her so that we can create bonds and be able to have mutual

affinity. Help me: think of some ideas. I need to get closer to Andreza.

- I'll try to help. And the psychologist wants to talk to Andreza?

- I asked not to take our daughter yet. José, I also worry about not having the

financial means to pay for many psychotherapy sessions. The sessions are expensive

and I only got them privately.

- Let's find a way. Have faith. We will be able to pay for the sessions that are


- Thank you my love.

- I will do this for you and for our daughter.

And they ended the conversation for that day.

Ester then started trying to get closer to her most problematic daughter. In

the following days, her mother invited Andreza to take a cooking course and a couples

course at the Church.

Ester arrived home and spoke to her daughter Andreza.

- Honey, I'm going to take a cooking course. Do you want to accompany me? I

can sign you up. Teenagers aged 14 and over are allowed to participate in the course,

accompanied by a guardian. Do you want to come with me, daughter?

- Mom, I'm not very interested in cooking.

- Daughter, it's a fancy course. It will teach you how to make different food

dishes, how to present meals and go over various cooking techniques. Everyone is

dressed in those chef and apprentice outfits. It's pretty cool!

- Mom, it must be an expensive course. You don't have to pay me to do it.

- Andreza, I insist – insisted her mother. - Come follow me. I invited Marcela

and she didn't want to come – Ester lied, as she hadn't invited her eldest daughter. –

Let’s both participate!

- Ah, so you're only inviting me because Marcela rejected your proposal –

replied the middle daughter, disdainfully.

- No, daughter, that's not it. I would like the three of us to participate, but she

won't be able to go. I was definitely going to invite you, anyway – the mother

explained. - I see it will be a very good course for both of us.

- Okay, mom, sign me up and I'll participate with you – promised the


- Agreed, my daughter.

And that's how the conversation ended that day.

Two weeks later the course was held.

And the two went to the cooking course, which lasted four days; Ester loved

the training and learned many tips for the kitchen and delicious recipes, having

received a notebook with tips and recipes at the end of it all. Andreza, however, was

very clumsy and clumsy in the kitchen, and ruined the materials for a recipe, leaving

the ingredients to burn in the fire; There was also a recipe in which she forgot to add

salt and another in which she added too much pepper. Andreza was reprimanded by

the course instructor, who was very strict, and by her mother, and left the course a
little upset and disappointed, due to the inconvenience she caused. Her mother even

later regretted the way she spoke to her daughter.

Ester returned to the psychologist's office after around 30 days to give

feedback about her relationship with Andreza and to request further guidance. After

greeting each other, Ester turned to the professional in these terms:

- Doctor, I've been trying to put your guidelines into practice, but I confess

that it's not been easy.





- But I need to know about my daughter, doctor. She might need me. I feel

that.- said the mother. – How will my relationship with her be like this?

- This relationship can often have problems. Because a mother is a mother,

not a friend. Great disturbances can arise when a mother considers her daughter to be

her confidant, or worse, when she thinks that her daughter could be her mother's


- Really, doctor?

- Yes. The daughter will have many friends in her life and they are the ones

who must fulfill this role. The mother must be a figure that her daughter can count on

for support throughout her life, who will fight for good things to happen to her, but

who will not agree with all of her daughter's ideas, as this is the role of a mother.

- Priscila, on this point I will not agree with you. I wanted my daughter to be

intimate with me and let me know about her life.

- This won't always be possible, mom. Ester, you should rethink a lot of

things. Adolescence is just a phase. It will pass. Andreza at the moment may wish not

to be confidant of her life with you, not of all her secrets. Unfortunately. Accept this.

It's fleeting.



Priscilla replied:

- Mom, there is no definitive answer. Perhaps it is a mistake for the daughter

to consider that her mother is a superwoman, who never makes mistakes and who will

always be complete and perfect. Accepting the mother as a person who must be

listened to, but also questioned when there is information that does not seem correct

or ideal for the moment, can often be convenient and the mother figure has to learn to

accept this fact.

“A mother's mistake, in turn, could be believing that her daughter is 100%

her 'product'. The daughter is neither property nor the total result of everything her

mother offered in education. The daughter has her own personality.

- Doctor, I'm a little disappointed now - replied Ester.

Ester left the psychologist's office upset and thought about not returning.

However, she asked the psychologist to also see José, separately, and try to provide

guidance on raising Andreza for that father.

Ester arranged a meeting between her husband José and psychologist

Priscila Andrade.

After introducing themselves, the psychologist asked José:

- Father, your wife is very concerned about Andreza's education and

psychological training. She expects a lot from you to help raise and shape her daughter

Andreza's character. How do you see your daughter? What do you think about her

person and her behavior as a teenager? I would like to hear all this from you. Could

you tell me?

- Yes, doctor, no problem. My daughter is a good girl, but I noticed that as she

entered adolescence she became a bit rebellious and more difficult to get along with

and she clashes a lot with my wife.

- I know, I understand. Continue, please.

- We are evangelicals – José continued – and we would like our daughter to

be educated according to Christian precepts and our religion, as we also were, but I

realize that today's youth have other demands and young people are more


- It's true, dad. You are right. Proceed.

- On the other hand, my daughter Andreza is a somewhat closed person,

difficult to open up to, even to her sisters. In this way, I often try to respect her way of

being and try not to act in a too invasive way, or provoke a conflict because she

doesn't want to reveal everything that is going on in her life.

- And even? Good insight, congratulations.

- Like any father, I don't agree 100% of the time with Andreza nor with her

mother, my wife, but we try not to disagree in front of our daughter. HOW CAN WE DO


Priscila shared her opinions:

- José, first of all, assume that you will not always be able to get close to your

daughter. She will often be busy with the computer, phone, books, friends, colleagues
at church or school, schoolwork. When you try to talk, she doesn't hear you or simply

leaves you talking alone, you or your wife; don't get upset. Your daughter may find you

inconvenient at this time. Understand. And you, in turn, may feel helpless. But don't be

like that, sad.

- I've noticed this a few times, Dr Priscila, but the one who resents these

perceptions the most is my wife.

- I understood. You may also be too busy with your work, other part of the

family, money, individual problems and many other things. Do any of these situations

sound familiar? If the answer is yes, you need to improve your father-daughter

relationship and strengthen the bond.

- How will I do that? What do you suggest, please?

- It may seem complex at first, but after a while, you parents will realize that

it is not as difficult as you thought. After all, she is your daughter. If you still don't know

how to have fun with her and find common interests, don't worry. I'll go over some

steps that may be useful.

- He can talk.

- Make time to spend with her. Try to find time in your routine to do activities

with your daughter, you or your wife, together or separately. It's best if it's always on

the same day and time so that you remember the special moment of being together

and have no commitments. Holidays and vacations are a great time to enjoy, but not

just these dates.

- I work a lot, doctor. I have a small meat packing plant, so I work for myself,

the profits are small, and I can't afford to take a long vacation. Maximum one week per

- No problem. If you're still working these days, try to make time on the

weekend to spend with her. Give yourself small breaks, closing the store an hour early

at least twice a month, for example, if you can, to go out with her. Try to spend at least

an hour or two a day together. Choose a time when she is free too.

- In general, it is not possible to reconcile the times when she is free with the

times when I am off.

- Still, ask her: "Do you want to do something with me and your mother?",

and tell her the day, or ask what the best shift is on the weekend." However, in the

middle of the week, your daughter will probably be very busy with school work, just

like you without your business. Respect this and find another time to be together.

- I'll talk about this with Ester, but we already do some things together, like

going to the beach sometimes and every Saturday and Wednesday night we

participate in worship in our congregation.

- Know your daughter's tastes. Knowing what types of activities your

daughter likes will help a lot when you're together, because you'll already know what

to do and where to go. Observe your daughter and take a closer look at what she is

doing to get more clues about what she likes. You'll get a better idea of her tastes.

Your daughter's interests may be very different from yours, but don't try to change


- I'll always invite her to accompany me to the supermarket now.

- Or go to a shopping mall when you need to buy clothes or shoes. You can

also ask her to help you choose your clothes. Your daughter will love being your

"fashion consultant", especially if she is interested in the subject. And when she

chooses what to wear, let her create her own style. When you go to buy something for

Andreza, especially now that she is a teenager, let her select what she likes. Your
daughter will simply be expressing herself and being herself because she is authentic.

But always be clear with her about your purchasing power. She will learn to

understand this issue.

- My daughter is already aware of this; She is very down to earth when it

comes to her consumer desires.

- Good, then. Go for a walk more often if you can. There don't need to be laps

to spend. A walk in the center, in the parks or on the beach makes perfect sense. If you

don't want to shop, there are still plenty of options. As said before, choose a place that

she would be interested in. Take your football fan to a match for her team.

- That's a good idea: I've only taken her to the stadium twice to date to watch

Sampaio Correa's games. I'll call her to see if she'll come with me. She likes football...

- Another important factor is the climate. Check the weather forecast details

on the internet, on television or in the newspaper. Leave outdoor activities, such as

parks and pool clubs, for sunny days. If it's the rainy season, go to a cafe for hot

chocolate or coffee. Does she like coffee?

- Yes, she likes it a lot.

- Excellent. Go to a cinema, restaurant, indoor pool club, library, museum or

any other closed place, according to your possibilities. Try to make her aware of the

culture and history of our city. I bet she'll love it. She is thirsty to learn new things.

- Yes, doctor, definitely. She is a very curious and connected girl.

- Watch a good old movie at home. This is a great activity if it's raining.

Watching movies together can also bring you closer together. Look at your options and

choose one that you both want to watch. Select an age-appropriate movie! Family

comedy movies are good for all ages and will always make you laugh.
- I don't really like watching movies, but I'm going to make an effort to do

that with her. I will look for films that have a good message.

- Yes, it's worth it. Also help her with her school work. As a parent, it is

important that you support and contribute to your daughter's education. Always try to

help her with her homework if she asks. Don't give the answer, help her. If she has

been focusing on her homework for a long time, tell her that if she needs any help, she

can always ask. Do the same if she gets a low grade on a test.

- I try to teach her some subjects, but there are subjects I no longer know.

Teaching is very advanced. I always call a girl, Vanessa, to help with tutoring.

And the psychologist continued with her suggestions:

- Play. Another way to interact with your daughter is a cool game. Have a

regular game night or simply ask her if she'd like to play something. There are good

family games you can try.

- I like snooker, but I think it's too young to play yet.

- And truth; if you understand that a type of game is not suitable for her age, I

agree with you; It's another tip from me. If you don't like cooking, pass this task on to

your wife. It's another way for you to strengthen your bond. It's also a good way to

start teaching her how to learn responsibility. Grab some cookbooks and flip through

them with your daughter to see what to do.

“Remember you are cooking together. Let your daughter do a few things,

such as breaking the eggs, helping to beat the dough, adding the liquids and

decorating. Don't expect things to be perfect – that's how teenagers learn. However,

supervise and monitor everything she does in the kitchen.

- My wife told me that the two of them recently took a cooking course

- Good idea. Show her that you love her. Demonstrate this! Even if spending

time playing games or watching TV keeps you together, is it really a special time? You

may not know how to do it very well, but it's the little things that matter. When your

daughter is having a bad day, cheer her up with a hug and words of comfort. Does she

play any sports?

– Not yet at the moment.

- So they're already thinking about a sporting activity for her to practice. Don't

forget to praise her efforts, above all, because it is important that she learns that it is

through trying and insisting, including learning to deal with failures, that she will be

successful in life. With your support she will continue with a positive attitude. Have fun

with her.

And Priscila continued:

- Talk to your daughter. It's important for her to know that she can always

count on you if she needs something. When you talk to your daughter, look her in the

eye and make her talk back. Tell her, "I need you to listen to me.", but in a calm,

friendly tone. Try to be brief and sweet or she will become bored, inattentive and think

she is in trouble or being lectured. When the two of you talk, it doesn't necessarily

have to be a serious conversation.

- Really, I need to start talking to Andreza about plans for the future, but I

know she's just a teenager and needs to have fun. Our conversations have to be


- Know how to listen; teenagers expect this from us. You and your daughter

need to learn to listen to each other. If you don't do this, she will think that it doesn't

make any difference to pay attention to people. To listen, stop what you are doing to
look at your daughter. Make eye contact while listening to show that you are paying


- I thought these tips you gave me were great, doctor.

- Be present in your daughter's life, José. This is the most important thing of

all. If there is a sporting, musical, school, or other important event that she would

prefer you to go to, really see if you can go. If not, here's why. There are many other

ways to be present in her life. Offer help.

- I've already offered to teach her how to play the guitar, but she told me she

doesn't intend to do that now. I'm not going to force her and do something she doesn't

like. I try to motivate her. I am very positive and encouraging; I'm aware of that.

- So, congratulations. Improve your skills in praising and encouraging your

daughters. Also celebrate your daughter’s talents. This is another form of motivation,

and it will make your daughter very happy to recognize her talents. And the

psychologist spoke her final words:

- Trust your daughter. It may be difficult to do this, but you need to put trust

in her. The reason you might not trust your daughter is that she often lies. And that

might be because you do the same. She'll think it's okay to lie if you lie too, so it's time

to start being a good role model for her (and everyone else). Be honest; keep and do

not break your promises, as far as possible; and if the opposite happens, try to justify

yourself with it; communication is everything.

- Thank you, Doctor Priscila for all these recommendations – said that father.

- I will try to put some of them into practice. I believe we will still have other

conversations. See you another day. Good job.

- Good morning, Mr. José. I hope you have a productive week.

And they said goodbye at that moment; however, contrary to José's

statement, they would not schedule other sessions and would not take Andreza to the

psychologist, as soon Ester and her husband would separate and the man would leave

São Luís to live with his middle daughter in another city for a certain amount of time.

period of time.

After these meetings with psychologist Priscila, José asked Ester if she would

continue the psychotherapy sessions and if she would take Andreza to the office of the

professional who had attended them. That mother, however, was a little disappointed

with the psychologist's words and statements and gave up continuing with the


Every week it seemed that Andreza and her mother's relationship worsened

and this would later affect Ester and José's marriage. The evangelical lady invited her

middle daughter to accompany her to church services and meetings, but the young

woman already refused most of her mother's offers. Ester also announced that there

would be a training course for young people. She said to her daughter:

- Andreza, dear, there will be an event for young people in our Church that I

would like you to participate in. A missionary will come from the United States and he

will be very good.

- Really, mom? And what will be the theme of the event?

- It will be a romantic relationship between young people, dating, etc.

- Oh, mom, I don't want to participate.

- Why, daughter? I think it would be very good for you, who are a teenager.

- I don't even have a boyfriend...

- But the course and lectures are open to all young people, whether they are

already dating or not. Aren't you the one who is “crazy” about dating?
- But I don't want to take this course. Sorry, it's fine. Leave it for next time.

- It's okay, little girl. If you change your mind let me know.

And in fact Andreza would not participate in that meeting for young people

chaired by the North American preacher. Esther became quite resentful of her middle

daughter for this reason.

In addition to the difficulties faced in raising their daughters, other problems

appeared in that couple's marital life and the relationship between Ester and José

gradually deteriorated and fell into a routine. The arguments became more frequent

and the two gradually moved away. They no longer had a marital life and after a few

months Ester asked her husband for separation.

Esther then said to her husband shortly:

“I needed emotional validation in my relationship. Things that my partner

had to sincerely say like “You’re smart”, “I’m proud of you”, “You’re a fighter”, “I

admire that about you”, “I like your presence”, “Congratulations! You are very honest”,

“I am pleased to be by your side”, “I trust you”. “You have great potential.” These are

some of the compliments I would like to have heard from my husband, as they would

demonstrate my importance to you and the meaning I have for him. I realized that the

flame of love between us was extinguished, even prematurely, in my opinion. I only

feel sorry for our daughters, but I prefer that everyone go their own way. Let's give

ourselves some time away from each other so we can make a definitive decision.

“I miss a look, a silence in the form of a hug, a touch and even a smile, to

validate me emotionally, in an empathetic and welcoming way. The partner needs to

train social skills that allow them to praise, give positive feedback, ask for changes in

behavior with affection and empathy. Sorry, but I don't get that from you, José.
- I'm sorry, Ester, if I didn't know how to love you. Only we are left with

separation. But I propose that we remain friends for the sake of our daughters. But I

would like to be with one of them, because I have no one else, and my life would be

lonely. You understand me?

- There may still be a chance, but we need time alone to think about what is

best for each other and for our daughters. I am appalled at having to separate our girls.

But, if there is no other way to resolve it, then invite Andreza or Melina to live with

you. But I think my youngest is too young to move away from her mother.

- Well, I'll stay with Andreza. I'll talk to her - José replied, with a certain joy,

despite everything. – Thank you, Ester, for your understanding. It will be

heartbreaking, but I have to accept it, for myself. I can't be alone. I don't think I could

handle it. And I'm not being dramatic.

- I understand your side – the woman reiterated. - José, you need to listen

carefully to our daughter and develop empathy with her, that is, the real ability to put

yourself in her shoes, considering all the circumstances and life story. Listen carefully,

give space to what she wants to demonstrate, use words of affirmation; These are all

situations that will give her an idea that you are in fact attentive, open, and that you

know how to feel what she expresses.

Two days later José found Melina and Andreza and had a conversation with

them both.

- Daughters, daddy has to talk about a delicate subject with you two.

- What happened, dad? - asked his middle daughter. – Any complaints at

school against both of us?

- No, dear ones, fortunately not. It's a more serious problem, between me

and your mother.

- What happened, daddy? – Melina wanted to know.

- Speak quickly, father. You're making me anxious.

José didn't know how to approach such a delicate subject as a separation

with his daughters at such a young age.

- I'll talk to you first and then your mother will also have a conversation.

- So Dad is something serious; I’m scared – Andreza said.

- Daughters, I don't even know how to say it. First I need to say that we think

a lot about the three of you. Your mother is now talking to Marcela. Our priority is you.

Know that you come first in our lives and we will always do everything for you. But

unfortunately, dear things, things don't always evolve as we planned; There are

setbacks on our journey.

- Explain better, dad. I don't understand - asked the youngest daughter.

- Daughters, mom and dad have been going through a crisis in our

relationship for a year now; We had disagreements a few times and we moved away

from each other.

- What do you mean by that? – asked Andreza.

- Your father and mother need some time for both of us to reflect on whether

we are going to stay together or not. Your mother asked me for this time to rethink her

life and make a decision. We can separate, daughters.

Andreza understood everything and started crying; her sister remained silent,

astonished, her eyes watering.

- Are you going to leave the house? Are you going to leave us alone with

Mom? – asked the brunette.

- Not exactly. I explained to you that it is not a definitive decision. There may

be a reversal. But I told your mother that I can't be alone. I could not stand it. She told
me that it would be better if Melina stayed with her because she is her youngest and

she doesn't want to be without her and I asked her that Andreza come live with me.

Do you accept this proposal initially?

- Daddy, do you want to separate us? - asked his middle daughter.

- Dear ones, it is a difficult decision, but we need to make it. Try to see each

other's side. We don't want to be alone. Neither me nor your mother. She is being

good and selfless in letting me talk to you to see if you accept my proposal. I didn't

want to lose you two. I hope that your mother misses me and that we come back as a

couple, but now she has asked me for this time. So, what do you think? Sorry for so

much suffering.

Andreza was still crying and one or two drops of tears overflowed Melina's


- Dad, I didn't like this story at all, but if there's no other way, let's try -

declared Andreza. - I accept, Dad, the proposal to stay with you; but I also want to hear

from our mother.

- Dad, I'm very sad – Melina revealed. - You took us by surprise. I do not even

know what to say. I would not like to be separated from you and my sister.

José was dejected, said nothing more and held back crying.

The next day, Ester talked to her daughters.

- Dear ones, as your father already told you, we are going to take a break.

- Why, mom, the separation between you two? – asked the oldest.

- It's not working anymore, daughter. Your father thinks a lot of different

things than I do. We need time for both of us to reflect on our lives.

- Does daddy have another wife? - asked Andreza.

- No, daughter, that's not it.

- Mom, do you have a chance to come back? - the youngest wanted to know.

- Let's see, darling. God knows!

- Mom, how are you? How will you have the head to study? – asked Andreza.

- Worse than that, I need to have a head to finish my college education.

- And how are you going to support yourself? – asked the eldest daughter.

- I turn around. My brothers and sisters will help me; I've even talked to

them. And I will do some odd jobs, some small jobs to support myself. As soon as I

complete my course, I hope to get a job straight away.

- God bless you, mamis – wished the middle daughter.

- Mom, I want to live with you – Melina asked.

- I imagined, dear, that you would choose to stay with me.

- And as for me, didn't you think the same way? - asked Andreza.

- Of course, my dear, I thought of all of you, and I preferred to continue with

all of you, but your father asked not to be alone; he said he couldn’t bear the

loneliness and being apart from the three of you at the same time.

- I understand – said the brunette.

- Mom, are we going to live alone? I am scared. I feel safer when my father is

at home - confessed the youngest daughter.

- Our Lord will protect us, daughter, and he will always be with us, guarding

our home and protecting us. On a day when we are worried, I ask one of my brothers

or nephews to come sleep here with us.

- Ms. Ester, my father said I would stay with him – said Andreza. – Did he or

you make the choice for me to live with my father after the separation?
- It's gone from him, darling. But I agreed. Melina is still very young, only 12

years old; She still needs me very much. And I notice that José is more attached to you;

I believe that's why he suggested you move in with him.

- Okay. But I'm going to be very sad to move away from my sisters.

- But I ask you: remain friends with each other. Don't turn away from the

truth. You will be sisters for life, and don't forget that. It's not because they go to live

in distant houses that the friendship of sisters will be lost. Cultivate companionship

among yourselves.

- Mom, I now feel a little discredited by my father – Melina complained.

- Daughter, he loves you three equally. Even Marcela, who is only his

daughter in his heart; is a stepdaughter. He has always treated you like he does with

you two: with love and care. Your father doesn't make distinctions in treatment.

- But there are moments when that doesn't seem like what happens - Melina


- Yes, if there is no other alternative, let's face reality – said Marcela.

And the four women went to lunch. José would not have a meal at home

that day.

One day, before Andreza left with her father, the two younger sisters were in

her room, when the youngest went to the other and said:

- Andreza, I really want to have sex – Melina confessed.

- With whom, Mel? – asked Andreza. – You're just a teenager. You don't even

know what sexual intercourse is.

- I wanted to have sex soon... It could be with a friend from school.

- Sister, you can't. Get it out of your head. Sex, only after marriage.

- I don't think I'll wait that long.

- You don't even have a boyfriend yet.

- But I have my eye on a boy. He is a year older than me.

- What is his name?

- André. He already plays guitar and lives in a neighborhood nearby, Vila


- I don't think I know him.

- But I believe you will meet him in a while.

- All good; When you can, introduce me to him.

- Deal, sister.

- But don't let mom know anything for now. She doesn't want us to date

anytime soon.

- You can leave it, Andreza. I'm connected. Thanks for letting me know.

And they went to get dressed because they would attend the evangelical service that


When Andreza was about to turn 15, her parents separated. A priori, in a

friendly way. She actually preferred to stay with her father, as he requested it, and her

sisters remained with their mother. The family thus fell apart and the sisters moved

away a little, especially because Andreza and her father went to live for a while in a

nearby city.

Andreza asked her father about the reasons for the separation and he did not

give details, but attributed Ester the largest share in the decision for divorce. This fact

also contributed to Andreza becoming more unhappy with her mother and made

Andreza more saddened because her mother was responsible for most of the decision

to separate the couple. Although their relationship was not so good and was even a

little shaken, Andreza preferred her family to stay together. It was a blow for her, but
after about 6 months she accepted it. At that point, Andreza was already José's

favorite daughter and her relationship with her other daughters (one by blood and the

other by her stepdaughter) cooled down and they grew apart a little. José, having had

only one daughter, became very jealous of her and became very possessive and

overprotective, but because he was very attentive to his daughter and sometimes gave

in to her requests, she seemed to tolerate and deal well with her feelings of your

father. When that young woman spoke to her father it was always in a bashful way and

she would carry these mannerisms until she was in her early twenties, perhaps making

that man imagine that his daughter would always be that same bashful little girl who

liked to flatter her father.

Andreza and her father spent three years living in another city, but they came

to visit the family almost every month. In this other city Andreza made several friends,

like Nádia and Trícia.

Nádia was a very happy girl who loved parties. Her parents let her attend

parties from the age of 15, as her father had a music group. She invited Andreza and

her father, but she said she could not accept because she was evangelical and her

father did not attend these events, in addition to not consuming alcoholic beverages

and thinking that these environments would not be suitable for his daughter to attend.

Nádia was from the same hometown as José, Andreza’s father. She was a

friendly and very communicative girl, knowing almost everyone at her school and in

her neighborhood, but at the moment she didn't have a boyfriend. She was Andreza's

first great friend, and the ties between the two persisted until São Luís do Maranhão,

where the two would later move, and where, however, they fell out and moved a little

away from each other. At school, they sat close together, were confidants of each
other and visited each other's homes, although Andreza went to her friend's house less


At the temple of the Evangelical Church that she attended in her new city,

Andreza met Trícia, who was a calm and good-natured girl, in addition to being very

faithful to the precepts of her religion. She also knew Nádia and they were friends.

Trícia had a boyfriend called Rafael Gaia and she also frequented the brunette's house.

Her friends' plans were to visit ice cream parlors and pizzerias in that city and that was

when Andreza's first nickname was born, and she began to be affectionately called

Nádia de Bruna, due to the fact that she was dark-skinned, in contrast to her

colleagues, who had the lighter skin.

Andreza asked her father on a Saturday if she could go to Nádia's house in

the afternoon.

- Daughter, you can go. But we have the evangelical service at 8pm. Do not

forget! I have to pick you up an hour early so that there is time for us to get ready and

not be late at the temple.

- You can leave it, daddy. I will not forget.

- Daughter, what are you going to do in the afternoon at Nádia’s parents’


- Let's watch a romantic movie and then we'll play games.

- What games? – her father wanted to know, with great curiosity.

- Card games, decks.

- Daughter, do you want to learn how to play cards? And who else will you

play with? – asked José, with concern.

- I never played cards. I will learn. Her brother and father also like to play.

- And can you tell me if her father likes to gamble.

- No, dad. As far as I know, she only plays at home and with her family.

- True? Won't there be other men there playing?

- I already questioned this to my friend. She assured me that it will just be us.

- And will there be drinking? Does her father drink alcohol?

- No. And he can't. He takes some medication, so she told me. And I've heard

Nádia comment that her father never drank alcoholic drinks.

- Daughter, you're not deceiving me, are you? Please don't lie to your father.

- I swear, my father, that I told the truth. At least that's what I know.

- Anyway, I'll drop you there personally and I'll stay for about 15 to 30

minutes observing everything. If I notice that there will be alcoholic drinks or that

there are other men there besides family members, I will bring you back. I swear as I

bring. Understood?

- Right, daddy. I understand your side. But I believe it will be peaceful there. It

will just be a family game. Her mother is going to prepare stew for us to eat

- And even? I love stew with farofa and a little pepper.

- Well, I'm going to ask you for some.

- No, I'm ashamed of you asking.

- What is this, dad. I'm almost inside their house. And everyone there is nice

people. Her mother, Ms. Conceição, will love to send some of her stew for you to eat.

I'm already seeing. Leave it to me.

- Don't worry about me, daughter. Just order me some stew if there's any left


- For sure. It can leave. She usually makes a lot of food. Their house is very


- Don't get used to partying, Suellen.

- It's okay, dad; I won't get used to it.

- I'm going out now, daughter, and in a little while I'll pick you up and drop

you off at Nádia's house. What time did you agree to go, more or less?

- Between 12:30 and 1 pm.

- Combined.

- Thank you Dad.

And her father left.

As agreed, her father took her to Nádia's house and Andreza and her hosts

spent the afternoon there. Nádia and her family taught Andreza how to play poker and

pool that day. The brunette had never done that.

The two girls, after this meeting, started to love card games and it became a

form of fun for them on the weekends, as the city was very quiet on Saturday and


Nádia and Andreza met at school the next day and spoke again:

- I loved playing poker at your house, friend, last Saturday – confessed the

brunette. - Your father and brother play very well. When you book again, call me,


- Yes, I will, Bruna. And what did you think of my brother?

- Like this? Explain better.

- Did you find it fun or did you find it boring? Did you think he was handsome

or not? Did you like my brother's conversation?

- I found him very spontaneous and your brother is friendly and has a nice


- You don't want to date him?

- He's single? And did he say anything about me after that day? Does he

think I hit on him?

- No, it wasn't that. He asked about you after that day, but he didn't say

anything more to me. He enjoyed meeting you, but he asked about you more out of


- Oh, I know. And your father, what did he say?

- My parents like you very much. That's why I ask if you would date my


- I could date; your brother is a handsome boy and seems like a good person;

He also has a bright future ahead of him, but I don't want to start an arranged

relationship and I prefer not to date my friends' brothers, especially one of my best

friends. I don't want to run the risk of losing your friendship in the future as a result of

an unsuccessful relationship with your brother.

- What a shame, Bruna, that you think like that and I don't like playing the

procuress with my brother. I would love to have you as a sister-in-law. I value you so


- Thanks. But changing the subject: Nádia, what are you thinking about

majoring in? What profession do you want to pursue? Are you already thinking about

your professional future?

- Friend, I think a lot about doing Accounting. My father and mother say that

it is a very good course and that it would help in managing the family business.

Nádia's father had a supermarket and a building materials store.

- It's true, friend. You have assets and businesses to take care of in your

family – agreed the brunette.

- But I need to confess something to you, Bruna.

- What, Nadi? – asked Suellen, affectionately. She called her that.

- I don't feel like working. If I graduate one day, it will just be to get a degree,

I think. I wanted to live off my father's income.

- I understood. But, sorry to intrude, and when your parents are gone, I hope

it takes a long time, who will take care of the businesses?

- I and my brother; but I'm going to hire someone to manage the building

materials store or the supermarket in my place. This dad business is very stressful; he

and his mother have almost no social life or leisure. I don't want this life for myself. I

want to enjoy life more.

- Know. And your brother, does he like commerce?

- Yes, he is three years older and is a born merchant. Franklin also wants to

start business school next year. He believes it will help in the management of our

parents' businesses.

- Good, then, friend. And why don't you think about going to a college that

suits you?

- I'm 16 years old and I haven't made up my mind yet. I am undecided.

- You have time. Choose calmly.

- But it's difficult and so far I don't have an affinity with any area.

- Take a vocational test.

- What is that?

- A test that analyzes your personality, your skills and your interests. It helps

in the future decision of which profession to pursue.

- I don't think I want to take this test. I'm going to study Accounting Sciences.

My parents want it and that's enough. I need to please them and I'll be fine. Whatever

comes next, I face it. If I can help my father a little with the company's accounting after
I graduate, I believe he will be satisfied with me. But he already has his accountant,

and he is very competent. I don't want to replace it; It would be arrogant on my part.

- Why, Nadi?

- Oh my friend, taxes and bills are a very serious matter. I'm afraid of making

mistakes and harming my father's companies. I'm insecure in this sense. And I think

family businesses don't work out very well. Thank God, mom and dad don't fight over

money and control of the stores because they built this heritage together with their

work, without the help of either of their father-in-law or mother-in-law. She works at

the construction store and he works at the supermarket and it has worked out really


- That's cool, Nadia. And your parents are so young and so successful.


- Yes, they got married when they were 18 each. And they were always very

hardworking. Andreza, do you think about being an entrepreneur in the future?

- You say you own my own business?

- Yes.

- No, I never thought about that. But you just made me awaken this subject in

my consciousness. From now on I will think yes, even though I, poor thing, don't have a

family with the financial means to sponsor me.

- Bruna, model yourself on my father’s example. He is a reference for me. In

fact, he and Mom. They started, so to speak, from scratch. One day I will tell their story

in detail.

- I'm going to get ready to hear this story. Congratulations on your family

being so enterprising, friend.

- Thanks. I need to help my brother continue the family business to honor our

father and mother, and so that they feel proud of their children.

- I believe you will make it.

And they ended the conversation on this subject.

About a week later Andreza went to São Luís.

Affectionately, everyone called the brunette by the code name Suh, as her

name was Andreza Suellen; this nickname was given by the youngest to her middle

sister. Her name was chosen by her mother, since her first daughter was Marcela

Muallen, who had been born in São Paulo, and Ester preferred that her daughter with

José had a more complex name, as she would like her child to attract attention

wherever she went. to attend, because that name seemed beautiful and attractive.

She did not want her first daughter with her current husband to receive a simple

name, as she had received it, and as her current husband might consider.

Andreza went to spend a weekend at her mother's house and met her

younger sister. The two talked. Melina began teaching Andreza how to kiss a boy for

the first time:

- Suh, at a party where you have a crush on a boy, you will proceed as

follows: from the beginning, sit next to him, – recommended the teacher - and always

have your body facing more in the direction in which he is and get closer as the

conversation flows.

“Choose light and relaxed topics for you to chat; something interesting for

both of them. Something that makes him admire you in some way, or catches the

boy’s attention.

“His look will predict a lot of things; Make eye contact with the suitor first. If

he looks away because he's embarrassed, it might even be a good sign. But if he only
looks at your face, but never your eyes... either he doesn't want anything, or he's a fool

and a jerk.

“Make clean movements and go slowly; Start looking at his mouth every now

and then and go back to looking at his eyes. If you feel like he's still comfortable with

you doing this, go for it.

“Place your arm beside the two of you, expanding the space you share, but

nothing major for now. Place your hand on his chin if there's a gap and give him a

compliment like, "Wow! How beautiful you are!"

- This boy will find me very desperate and offered, Mel – said Andreza.

- But you don't want to kiss? Forget this talk about desperate and offered

girls! Continuing: Let him smile about it. If he says something like "I think you're cute

too...". Get closer and take a chance, "Can I kiss you?" Then kiss.

- That simple??? You are crazy!? – asked the brunette. – It’s unlikely to be

easy that way. I'm a little shy! – he concluded.

- Don't complicate things, Suh. You can't wind it up too much. If you're into

the guy and he doesn't invest, he doesn't advance the signal, you'll have to chase it.

- I can't act like this, sister – declared Suellen. - Is calm! What if he doesn't say

that and just smiles, all flattered, and embarrassed? What do I do?

- Well... Let him smile at the compliment and do something funny and just

look into his eyes and around you. It's important to have a small break in tension so

that you both are comfortable. Say something like "Cat, look at me!! ". Try to laugh,

relax... "We could be models, don't you think?" …Eyes, mouth, eyes.

- We're great together... You have every direction, Mel! I think it’s cheap –

observed the older sister.

- See how he reacts right now, Suh. If he says: "Yes, we are". So go ahead and

ask the long-awaited question: "Can I kiss you?" Or try kissing right away, if this guy

doesn't have the initiative; If you think he's worth investing in and you're really into

him, try a kiss.

- And if he just nods his head I understand as yes and then we would


- Exactly. Well done, sister. I believe you understood my message.

Some time later Andreza started dating a member of her Church. She

reported to one of her closest friends:

- Nadia, I met a boy at my church and I'm staying with him. His name is

Glauco. He is from Santo Antônio dos Lopes, and is known to a colleague of mine,

Luan, who is studying in Piauí. Glauco is very cute, a very nice boy.

- How long have you known each other?

- About four months ago, but we started going out together less than a

month ago.

- Does your father already know about your flirtation? He accepted...?

- I told him yes that I was getting to know a friend from our Church better and

he agreed. I didn't say anything against it. He has already spoken to the boy about

three times after the service.

- And have you already taken him to your house?

- No not yet. I think it's early for this intimacy. We go out for ice cream, we

talk in the square, he meets me at the end of class, we watch worship together

sometimes and we steal a few kisses.

- Have you never had sex?

- No. It's too early for that, friend. I want to know you better.
- Andreza, sorry for my intrusive question: are you still a virgin? A girl from

the capital...

- I'm virgin.

- According to your religion, will you only have sexual relations after


- I think so. And you, Nádi, have you ever been with a boy and lost your


- Bruna, I'll confess, I've already had sex with two of my friends, but my

mother and father wouldn't even dream about it.

- You are not afraid of getting pregnant as a single woman.

- We preferred to have sex with a condom; I know it's not as tasty, but it's

safer. And I know about the existence of the morning-after pill. Any accident with the

condom, if it breaks, we take this emergency pill, so I can't get pregnant. Do I know

your “crush”?

- Friend, you and Tricia don't know him, I believe, but there will be no

shortage of opportunities. Do you currently have a boyfriend?

- No. No one fixed. In fact, I'm very calm and homely. But I wanted to meet

Glauco any day. I would like to know if he is up to my best friend.

- Yes, it will work out at any time.

- Bruna, I wanted to invite you to learn how to play pool. Would you like to


- Yeah, maybe. It looks like a very good game of billiards. Yes, I want to learn.

Where is it going to be?

- At the AABB club. I also have a friend who has a pool table in his house. I'll

bookmark it and let you know.

- Closed. Bye friend.

- Bye Love.

Melina started dating at the age of 16, with a boy named André, who lived in

a nearby neighborhood and who also attended her church. He was a year older and

played the guitar, as well as participating in a church musical group, which is why he

caught the girl's attention, who thought he was great. She was smaller than Andreza,

had lighter skin, liked to dye her hair red and in terms of beauty and friendliness she

was less attractive than her middle sister. Melina had a small, shy and non-infectious

smile. Her sister's presence seemed to overshadow her and Melina noticed that her

sister attracted the spotlight. Melina was convinced by André, as you can say; she

greatly admired his personality, his ease with the guitar, with people and in his day-to-

day life; and she was very much in love with him. The boy quickly made friends with

Melina's family and started coming to her house. He was a very communicative young

man and soon gained his mother's trust, as the two were quite extroverted, son-in-law

and mother-in-law. He was always dedicated to his studies and started going to college

at the age of 18 as a History course. He also came from a simple family and combined

studies with work. He had an only brother named Eric, who was 4 years younger.

Andreza met him right away, when she was visiting her mother's house and

he was there. They became colleagues.

The girl, through conversations and then through living with her younger

sister, soon realized how close she and her boyfriend were. They were a very close

couple. Melina had her first sexual relationship with him, when she was 17 years old, a

fact that her sister herself revealed to Andreza. She also realized how jealous and

possessive Melina was, as there were constant bouts of jealousy between the two. The

youngest also confided in her middle sister about her sexual adventures, all of which
were hidden from her parents and her stepfather (yes, they would later have a

stepfather). Melina said she was a bit of a nymphomaniac, a habit that she developed

and revealed little by little, as she got older. Andreza began to notice how much her

sister liked sex and was daring in bed, from everything she said about her relationship.

She also noticed that his mother didn't monitor Melina's life as much, perhaps because

she trusted André too much. Melina and her boyfriend's partnership was very good,

and above all they were great friends. Through Melina's confidence in the brunette,

the sisters became increasingly intimate and accomplices to each other. There were

disagreements, fights, but these passed and the friendship persisted.

Over time, however, Melina and André's relationship cooled down a bit and

the friendship seemed to be taking over the emotional feelings, putting the

relationship in check. The boy had to work and study and his time for both was greatly

reduced. Their cycle of friendships increased and Melina was unable to enter college

straight away and this distanced them a little. She was afraid he would leave her for a

college girl. It seemed that their paths were diverging and Melina felt that her

influence and power of control over André had greatly reduced. The relationship went

through some crises, some freezes and they even separated for short periods a few

times, in the famous attitudes of ending the relationship and coming back later.

Melina's bouts of jealousy increased and so did her demands for attention and fidelity,

which led to disagreements between the couple; but they always managed to

overcome the crises and resume their relationship. Ester saw André as a good suitor to

marry her daughter, as he was a calm boy, had few parties and had a good future

ahead of him, as he was already in college attending a higher education course. It

would also serve as a stimulus for his daughter to seek study and acquire a profession.
Andreza was visiting her mother in São Luís one weekend and her sister

Melina invited her to go to the cinema. Andreza asked about André and his sister

informed him that he wouldn't go because they were fighting that weekend. In fact,

Melina invited just a few of her colleagues and her middle sister's and they went to the

mall at 3pm on Saturday.

- Suh, - said Melina - it will be the opportunity for you to see several friends

again. Can I invite our friends from school and church?

- Our; I haven't seen them for about two years - commented Andreza.

Andreza had left São Luís at around 15 years old and was about to turn 17.

When the agreed day and time arrived, José and Andreza went to pick

Melina up at her mother's house and then he dropped them both off at the mall.

- Did you invite any friends? – José wanted to know.

- No, only girls – informed the youngest.

- And which movie are you going to watch?

- “The destiny of Jupiter” – replied the brunette.

- It's an action movie? – asked José.

- Yes, father – replied the middle daughter.

- Very good – said his father. - Daughters, I'm going to give you the money for

the cinema tickets and with the change you can eat something after the film. Could it


- It's okay, dad – continued Melina.

- What time can I come and pick you up, daughters? - asked José.

- The film starts at 4pm, right sister? – said Andreza, asking Melina for

confirmation. – and ends around 6:30 pm. Come pick us up around 8:30 pm, Dad.
That's enough time for us to have our snack. Does this schedule work for you? Is this

schedule good for you too, sister?

José and Melina responded that they agreed with this schedule and agreed

that way.

Melina and Andreza's friends arrived about 15 minutes later and they were

already in line to pay for tickets.

They bought their tickets and managed to get into the cinema to watch the

beginning of the film. The screening room was more than 50% full. They really enjoyed

the film and after it ended they all went to the food court. It was close to 6:30 pm.

The girls gathered at a very large round table and took turns asking for their

orders, with two of them sitting to guard the table, in the momentary absence of the


After sitting around the table, they started a conversation with the

participation of all their friends.

Andreza spoke first:

- Guys, you can't even imagine how much I missed you! I saw them almost

two years ago.

- How is it where you live? Do you have many friends? Do you have a lot to

do in your free time? - Adriana wanted to know.

- I have few friends there, really friends. But two are great: Nádia and Tricia.

Now colleagues, I have too many... In our spare time what we do there is go out for a

sandwich, ice cream or açaí, eat pizza. I even gained a little weight. - And Andreza

showed how he had gained a few extra kilos.

- And even. - Kátia confirmed, examining Andreza with her eyes - Too much

food? - asked Kátia.

- More or less; When dad gives me pocket money, yes - added Andreza.

- Have you been attending the Assembly temple there? – asked Kelly.

- Yes, every week – confirmed the brunette.

- Friends, and you, didn't bring your boyfriends. Why? – Andreza asked,


- We don't have a boyfriend - Kelly replied. - Sorry, with the exception of

Katia. Why didn't your boyfriend come, friend? - asked Kelly, turning to her friend.

- He's studying for next week's exams and couldn't finish it in time to come.

His father preferred that he stay at home, studying. – replied Katia.

- And you, Andreza, when do you bring your boyfriend for us to meet? - asked


- I'm out of flirts at the moment, Michelle.

- I don't believe it, Suh. Tell the truth! - asked Adriana.

- It is serious! – and Andreza omitted that she had a boyfriend at that time. -

Girls are going to visit me in my new city!

- Your new city?! So, you're already well adapted there, right? – asked Kelly.

- I don't think you're going back to São Luís! - declared Katia.

- No, guys, I like it there, but I'm dying to return to my city. I charge my father

for this every month. He says it depends on his work and my stepmother, Vanusa. I

dream of the day I return, you can be sure.

- Andreza, I hope you return to São Luís, if that is your wish – said Kelly. - And

you, Melina, don't say anything?

Melina had been very silent until then.

- I ask God for my sister to return to our city. I miss her a lot.
Almost punctually, José arrived to take his daughters away and they said

goodbye to their friends.

Andreza returned to his country town; was at home and received a visit from

Trícia. It was her father who welcomed her:

- Daughter, it's your friend Trícia. Come talk to her. - It was José announcing

the presence of the visitor to his daughter, at the same time as he led her to the sofa in

the living room.

- Wait, dear – he said to Trícia. – Andreza is already coming.

She came from her bedroom to the living room and they greeted each other

with a kiss on the cheek. The brunette then said:

- Friend, what a surprise you are here. What there was? What do you want to

tell me...?

- Sorry friend. What about me. I could have told you over the phone, but I

needed to talk in person and vent to someone.

Trícia was two years older than Andreza and was supposed to start college

the following year.

- I'm distressed, friend. My nonsense. Next year I'm going to move to São

Luis, to go to college, whether or not I pass the entrance exam or the Enem. My

parents told me that I should go live in the capital and take care of my future.

- And why the concern, friend? I don't understand. And why are you already

anticipating this problem? Just to suffer before your time? - asked the brunette.

- Friend, it's because of my boyfriend, Rafael – Trícia confessed. - He must

remain in our city. How will I go without it? We are so attached and I love him. When I

think that we are going to separate, I feel uneasy. I've even cried. I don't think it will

work out if we stay away and our relationship will end.

- But, Trícia, you have to think about your future. Then he can go to São Luis

too. I know you like him a lot, but try to be strong. Tell him how much you love him

and that you will wait for him. See if he can come visit you every month. But don't tie

your life to Rafael's life. Don't cancel yourself out. Look: if he loves you he will stay

with you. Other girls will appear in his life, but he won't give in, and you will stay

together. Have faith that it does.

- I would like to think so, but I don't feel very safe. He's very young, he's

handsome, and men don't guard themselves so much, they're naughty. I'm afraid he'll

forget me. Physical distance hinders and undermines many relationships. I confess that

I am very insecure. Do you think I'm exaggerating?

- Yes, and you are also very beautiful and attractive. You can win over other


- But at first it's not what I want. I'm happy with Rafael and I love him. It

won't be easy to find a boy like him. He is very special to me. We get along very well.

He completes me. Your company is everything to me. We even made some plans

together and he was always true to me, took me seriously and treated me well. I don't

think now about placing another person in my heart. I don't think about that yet.

- Have you told him that you love him and told him how important he is to


- Not exactly; We exchanged words of affection and vows of affection, but I

never exactly said that I loved him, in those terms. I'm even afraid of scaring him if I

say he's the man of my life. We are very young. I want him to discover this himself and

decide to stay with me for life. I want everything to happen naturally. I don't want to

force things, I don't want to force anything. I need to know if he loves me, but our
relationship must develop naturally. Deep down I believe that Rafael loves me too, but

it's not yet time for me to declare that to him.

- Good luck. I'm going to root for you so that this love works out. I will keep

you both in my prayers. Stay calm, God will provide the best for your life and for

Rafael. Deliver it into his hands, with an open heart.

- Thank you, friend, for the words of support. I leave in a more comfortable

situation and with a calmer heart. God bless you too. Bye, we'll talk more later.

- Are you leaving already? We won't even be able to have a snack together. I

prepare it...It's quick.

- No, I'm going to sort out some things now for my mother. I'm in a hurry.

Leave it for another time. Sorry to decline your proposal. It's not bad.

- That's right, then...Bye.

- See you later, friend.

And they said goodbye. Andreza then went to prepare a snack for herself and

her father.

After three years living outside the capital, José and his daughter decided to

return to São Luís; That father was convinced that it would be better for his daughter

to continue her studies in the big city, and so they returned.

When they returned to São Luís, they went to live in the São Cristóvão

neighborhood and Andreza experienced difficulties in his new school, as teaching in his

previous city was of lower quality than in the capital. During the period in which she

was away from São Luís, Andreza turned 18 and received her first cell phone as a

birthday present and the devices already had a camera. At this point, Facebook already

existed. Andreza made her first Facebook account and it was easier to communicate

with family and friends. During the period she spent in another city she had some
dalliances, but she was reserved and most of these relationships did not come to the

attention of her family. She also knew that at any moment she would return to São

Luís and would not want to get seriously involved with someone from that place, as

she wanted to be very practical and rational, and it was not in her plans to remain in

that city all her life. Not that he didn't value the people of that place, in fact he had

established several friendships and friends from small towns seem to be more sincere;

At least that's what appears at first. Andreza also asked his father when they would

return to São Luís as he found the education in his second city to be of inferior quality

and his plans were to go to college in the capital, due to the variety of higher

education courses on offer. In fact, his biggest motivation was to leave that small

town. People know too much about other people's lives, the options for finding a

boyfriend are fewer and the rural lifestyle doesn't suit him. She longed for so much

more. She was much more ambitious in her future plans than everyone imagined and

would like to build her life in São Luís. When her father announced that they would

return to the capital permanently, she was very pleased and began to inform all her

friends that she was leaving. His father, while living in this other city, met another

woman and invited her to live with them. But he never had any children with her. Her

name was Vanusa and, however, she already had a small son called Guilherme, from a

previous relationship. Joseph adopted him as his son. When they returned to São Luís,

she and her son went with them. Andreza maintained a good relationship with this

woman, but they never deepened this relationship, becoming close and intimate.

Andreza thought that deepening certain relationships would not be useful to him in

the future and believed that that person would not be his father's companion for life. I

sensed that. Andreza began to realize that his personality was very practical and

everything he did already had or seemed to have a future purpose, even automatically
or involuntarily. He didn't like getting involved in seemingly useless situations, bringing

all his feelings to the surface and showing them, especially saying that they wouldn't

bring him any future benefit, or could even harm his plans and projects going forward .
For her, as she realized, intentions and attitudes must aim at an objective and a

posteriori result and the more she could plan all of this and control all situations, the

better for her life. All of this, this set of concerns and mental processes, however,

made Andreza a somewhat calculating person, excessively practical and with a refined

tone of reality, but he stifled idealism and some sentimentalities, which could not be

so good for his personality. . His character seemed to be a very realistic and down-to-

earth person. Dreams for her would only make sense if she envisioned being able to

make them all come true. Otherwise, it would all be pointless and a total waste of time

and waste of your mental energy. And his mind was already ambitious for future

projects. Andreza was aware that he could be great in the world and bring something

special to it. It could make a difference, not just being another number in humanity.

She already realized that dealing with all the feelings in our mind is a challenge, much

more so for her with all her fundamentally practical nature; and these doubts were

already present in his meditations. In such a young mind and consciousness, many

questions and inquiries were born, which can sometimes generate anguish and

psychological suffering, sometimes unnecessary.

Returning to live in São Luís, Andreza once again attended the evangelical

temple in her neighborhood, the same as before, and met old friends. He also began to

have more daily contact with his mother and sisters. It was important for her to return

to her church, so she could fit in again.

She had been away and needed to make up for lost time. I needed to revive

bonds of collegiality and friendship with old acquaintances and meet new people. The
brothers of the Evangelical Church are easy people to deepen friendships and

emotional bonds with. They do this spontaneously for their Christian principles and to

create their clans and strongholds of friendship and ideology. This hospitality towards

newcomers seems to facilitate their adaptation to the customs and principles of the

Protestant Christian Church and helps to attract more followers of the Gospel. It

appears that for evangelicals it is easier to relate to each other than to deal with

people and groups outside their religious and moral environment, although this is

changing over time.

Andreza had left her hometown and her neighborhood as a teenager, so to

speak, and was now returning as an adult, a trained woman. She was of average

height, but considered tall by most of the young women in her circle; Long black hair,

beautiful, friendly girl, easy and cheerful smile, and quite extroverted when interacting

with people close to her and her friends.

Several of her supporters began to praise her beauty, with the aim of getting closer

and gaining Andreza's friendship, as well as her approval. They said how she had

changed, how she was different and even more beautiful than before. Compliments

came from girls and boys. The girls, to gain Andreza's friendship and approval and the

boys, to demarcate territory and to please her, already trying to score some points in

Andreza's concept, and planting, who knows, some seeds for a possible future

relationship or dating .

Some guys were even indiscreet, and were too flirtatious, saying those

indirect things that women don't like. Andreza, however, didn't want to be unpleasant

and didn't always know how to say no. An older friend from the Church, named Nélson

Ivan, was one of the most attacked. He was 12 years older, he was single and the

compliments for Andreza were constant and full of excess. Andreza also had no
attraction for much older men. And the aforementioned boy did not attract him by any

special virtue, and for him he only felt friendship.

From then on, there were several advances from Andreza's friends trying to

win her heart. Andreza felt valued and was definitely a girl desired by boys. However,

she was too selective, and most of her suitors did not please her; and other boys, with

whom he had fun, just wanted friendship. But in general, she was always praised and

teased frequently and she got used to not running after anyone, almost always

expecting the initiative from boys, as almost all girls behaved in her time. It was the

early years of the 2010s and most girls maintained the passive behavior of waiting for

male advances and flirting, in a very traditional environment.

Most girls preferred to maintain this trend of attitude, most of them at least.

Today, however, we talk about people's attitudes, both in relationships and in other

areas of life, and behaviors have changed and revolutionized rapidly to this day.

When Suellen returned with her father from the countryside to the capital,

she had just turned eighteen years old and was a bit snobbish, ignoring several boys

who tried to get close to her.

After starting the third year of high school, Andreza started dating Rodrigo, a

boy from her school who also attended her church. He wasn't in the same class as the

girl. It would be easier for your father to accept a boyfriend who also belonged to the

evangelical Church, obeying religious precepts. He was the same age, lived in the

neighborhood and was a tall, handsome young man.

Andreza's father wanted to meet her boyfriend and she invited the boy to her


It was a Saturday afternoon, around 3:30 pm.

Arriving at his girlfriend's house, Rodrigo was welcomed by José.

- Good afternoon. Is that your José? – asked the young man.

- Yes, exactly. Are you Rodrigo?

- Yes.

- Come in, darling. I needed to meet you. Let's sit down.

And the two settled down on two chairs in the room to continue their


- Andreza speaks very highly of you – continued that father.

- And she talks about you a lot.

- I have a very special daughter. Take good care of her, please – commented

José, in a relaxed tone.

- For sure. She is a precious jewel – confirmed the young man.

- Are you and your parents evangelicals? What are their names?

- I believe you don't know them. We are newcomers to the city. We came

from Imperatriz. We are from there and I came to study.

- I understand. But Andreza told me that you are from the Assembly of God.

And I've seen your parents with you in worship.

- Yes, I was going to say my parents' names. They are called João Batista and

Valeria. They are 38 and 36 years old, respectively.

- Very young, thank God, and they make a beautiful couple. I've seen them,

like I said.

- Someday I'll introduce you to them. Andreza already met them at school

and after the services they also talked.

- What do your parents work for, son?

- We are dealers in bicycle and motorcycle parts. My father is considering

opening a store in São Luís. He has a store in our city and has already considered

opening it in Açailândia.

- Do you intend to go to college, Rodrigo?

- Yes. I'm thinking about studying Law or Dentistry.

- Two professions in very opposite areas. - commented José.

- Isn't it?! True. But I sympathize with both of them. I want to make a decision

by the end of the year.

Then Andreza appeared in the room and greeted her boyfriend with a hug.

- Daddy, we're going to the cinema. The film starts at 5:30 pm. Then we'll eat

something. I should be home around 9:30 pm.

- How are you going to the mall? Do you have a car, son? – asked José.

- I'm still going to get my driver's license. My dad is going to drop us off at the

mall. He's already here at the door, waiting for us.

- Well, bye, daddy. We’re going now – the girl said goodbye.

- Have a good session – José wished. - It was a pleasure talking to you,

Rodrigo. Judgment for you. Go with God.

And José opened the doors for them to leave, saying goodbye with a

handshake to the boy and a kiss and a hug to his daughter.

It was around 4:00 pm and Rodrigo's parents went to drop off the couple at

the mall.

After two months of dating, Andreza and her boyfriend began to have sex

without her father's permission. The young woman also did not tell her mother about

Rodrigo and they did not have photos together on social media. The brunette said that

it was very premature for them to post photos as a couple and she would prefer that
they remain discreet. Her boyfriend completely agreed with her at this point. She was

also not attending the same evangelical temple as her mother and sisters, so she

initially preferred to hide her relationship from them. José did not communicate with

Ester, only on the rare occasions that they met in person, so his mother did not find

out about their relationship right away. In the near future, however, Andreza would

reveal her relationship to her sisters and finally to her mother, but she would not get

to know Rodrigo in person.

Their relationship was a typical post-adolescent relationship, more like

company to go to the cinema, go to cafeterias, pizzerias and to eat ice cream or açaí

together. Andreza didn't have much connection with her boyfriend's family and he

wasn't close to José and the rest of the family either.

They rarely went to the beach together or did anything other than going out

to eat at the mall or nearby where they lived.

During this period, Andreza published on her Facebook account at the

beginning of their relationship:

“Then our mouths were filled with laughter, and our tongues with joy; Then

it was said among the nations, “The LORD has done great things for them.” Psalm


She published this text alongside a photo taken at the evangelical temple with a tall

young man by her side, and she appeared smiling. It was Rodrigo, but his name was

not mentioned in the photograph.

Ester, upon seeing this post by her daughter on the social network, asked her

via the messaging app:

- Daughter, who is this handsome boy next to you? And your boyfriend? You

make a beautiful couple; - but she replied:

- No mother. He's just my friend.

And they withdrew from the conversation.

One day, Andreza was talking to Rodrigo, her boyfriend, when, out of

nowhere, he asked:

- Andreza, when was it and what was it like your first time?

- Like this? - she replied, pretending not to know what that question was


And he was clearer:

- Your first time with a man... Because I know you were no longer a virgin

when we had sex.

- I don't know if I should tell you. It's such an intimate secret of every girl. I'll

only talk if you tell me how you lost your virginity.

- It was with my ex-girlfriend. But we had little sex. My first time was good, I

liked it – Rodrigo responded like this, to put it simply. - And then you, my dear, how

was it?

- You are very curious. Do you really want to know? I didn't want to tell.

- Speak, you can trust me. I'm your boyfriend.

And she said:

- In the city where I was living with my father I had a boyfriend for 9 months;

my father knew, but I never revealed it to my sisters or my mother.One day we, the

boy and I, went out for a snack and on the way back we stopped by his house; his

parents had gone out to a neighborhood neighborhood association meeting; that's

when it happened; we were already in the mood; we went to his room and had sex

there; it was a quick sex; we were afraid his parents would arrive. I was taking birth
control because of menstrual cramps and that's why we were brave. He didn't have a

condom and we made love without a “condom”.

- And did you like your first time?

- Honestly no. I mean, it wasn't bad. But the first time we have sex we almost

don't know what to do, we have a lot of insecurity, and we almost don't know

anything. It's just an initiation, it's just an introduction (literally!) – and she smiled. - It

works more to break the barrier of fear and modesty and say: that's it, I had sex, I'm no

longer a virgin. Then there are so many doubts and so many demands in our heads. I

didn't see my boyfriend for a week after the first relationship. But we also had sex a

few times. We were still going to turn 18, but it was close to that date. I immediately

left the city and before leaving I preferred that we end our relationship. He agreed and

we remained friends, but we no longer spoke.

- What was his name? - asked her current boyfriend.

- I prefer not to talk, understand me - replied the brunette.

Rodrigo then said:

- Baby, I don't think I told the truth. My first sexual relationship was also not

very pleasant or pleasurable. I wasn't comfortable with my girlfriend. I felt ashamed of

our naked bodies. It was daytime, the place was bright and I think our sexual chemistry

didn't mix very well either. I figured my first time would be better. I was a little

disappointed. That's also why our relationship ended a few months after our first sex, I

believe. But with you it's different: I love having sex with you. I feel pleasure and

satisfaction. I like having sex with you, because I feel more comfortable. You are

perfect with me.

- Thank you, you make me embarrassed. I like spending time with you too.

You do it to me exactly, just the way I like it. You know how to have sex.
And the two kissed each other warmly at this time.

Near the end of the year, Rodrigo looked for Andreza and gave her the sad

news that he would leave São Luís permanently. The boy would move to Açailândia.

Tears fell from that young woman's eyes, as she was truly enjoying her


Rodrigo said:

- I will have to accompany my parents to work and their business. They don't

accept being without me.

- Why don't you stay studying in São Luís? The teaching here is much better...

– claimed his girlfriend, trying to convince him to change his position.

- I'm an only child and they want me to continue the family business. They

are already starting to train me. I need to learn from them from an early age.

- What a shame.

- Really. I really like you and I wouldn't want to move to another city now.

And I like it here.

- I also like you a lot. I'm devastated now.

- Don't be like that, I'm sorry.

- You have no reason to apologize. These are things in life. Encounters and

disagreements. Arrivals and Departures. We have to overcome.

And they said goodbye a few minutes later. That day Andreza cried when

Rodrigo left and she returned to her house with her head down and spent three days

very sad at the news that her boyfriend was leaving.

Upon returning to São Luís Andreza, he began to frequent his mother's house

more and she tried to get closer to her daughter. His mother was living at another
address, but in a nearby neighborhood. The two were talking one day, before her

daughter ended her relationship with Rodrigo:

- Andreza, my daughter, how is your day-to-day life? Are you not studying


- Mom, I'm studying alone at home, preparing for the Enem exams at the end

of the year.

- And do you already know which course you are going to take the test for?

- I'm still making up my mind.

- You didn't tell me what you took the last tests for.

- Oh, I didn't even pass, mom. I don't need to say. Leave it there.

- Are you working on something?

- I'm seeing some things out there. I will try to sell online. I didn't want a job

right now, so as not to take up too much time and interfere with my studies.

- And how are you going to start this business, dear?

- I think I'm going to borrow some money from Marcela to help me start this


- And does she have that money to lend you?

- I spoke to her once and she told me that maybe after a while it would be


- What are you thinking about selling, my daughter?

- Clothes, probably.

- Honey, but this business is so competitive!

- But I will try.

- Andreza, are you dating? You don't talk about boyfriends to me.

- I'm dating a guy from school.

- Introduce me, please.

- Yes. I'll bring him here anytime. However, he is very busy, he works with his


- Andreza, I would like you to go to your grandfather's birthday. He will be 80

years old. It will be at their house.

But Andreza didn't go to the birthday party and later told her mother that she

was sick, with menstrual cramps and diarrhea.

When she found Andreza, Ester said:

- What a shame, Andreza, you didn't go to your grandfather's birthday.

Everyone missed you and asked for you. It would have been so nice if you had gone.

His grandfather was one of the people who missed him the most. He sent you his

regards. He said it's been a while since you've been to their house. It doesn't even look

like he ever lived there, on that street.

- I was very unwell, mother. I couldn't even go. Tell him I'll stop by any time.

- Andreza, I'm sorry for what I'm going to say, but it seems to me that you

don't want to be friends with your grandparents and aunts who still live on that street.

Are you ashamed of their financial condition?

- No, mom, that's not it. By saying these things you even offend me.

- Sorry. Then forget it. I didn't speak badly.

- All good. I'll try to forget what you said.

Andreza took courage and questioned her mother:

- Mom, let me ask you something, I would like to know. Why did you separate

from my father?

Ester then immediately responded:

- Love is over, daughter. We both came to the conclusion that love is over.

And marriage is only safe and maintained as long as there is love. When this ends,

living together no longer makes sense.

Andreza didn't say anything else. He listened to those statements very

carefully and then wondered if his mother was hiding something, some more concrete

reason that would have motivated the end of his marriage with Andreza's father.

Melina found the brunette and told her a story that her mother passed on to


- Andreza, mom told me such a strange story. She told me that her brother,

Uncle Moacir, harassed and tried to molest one of her nieces and the rest of the family

was very upset with him and even thought about hiring a hit man to kill him, after they

found out everything. It was punk. He fled to another neighborhood, stayed hidden

and then he ended up moving to São Paulo, maybe he ran away and it was like they

forgot a little about everything he tried to do. He spent some time there for work.

The brunette then said:

- Our! I never imagined that something like this would happen in our family...

What a sinister story! A case of pedophilia! How absurd! And the criminal is an uncle...

- But yes it happened. She was telling Marcela when I arrived and heard the

story halfway. I asked her to tell me too, and miraculously she also told me these facts.

She asked me, however, to keep it a secret and not reveal the story to anyone else, but

I'm telling you; for you are the sister and the person to whom I trust my secrets.

Melina also said:

- I was afraid that this niece was actually one of us and that's why mom was

so protective of us, especially you. We could have been very young at the time of what
happened and for this reason not remember anything today. What do you think,


- I don't know. I can't comment on that. I need to know more.

The brunette also said:

- Yes, you said it well, sister - Andreza replied; and she continued: - She was

overprotective of me, because with you she always let you run wild and always gave

you a lot of freedom. Mom just picked on me. I don't know why she did this to me. I

was watched too much. I missed out on a lot of things in my youth because of my

mother. She was annoying, fussy and demanding, especially with me. I feel a little sorry

for her in this sense.

Andreza and Rodrigo's relationship, in this way, came to an end, as he had to

move with his parents to another city, considering that they worked in commerce and

his father opened a branch store and spent time managing this new unit.

When he had already moved away, a friend of Andreza's at school, Patrícia

Cutrim, called him to talk:

- Suh, now that Rodrigo has left I can tell you some facts that happened. I

thought a lot about telling you, and I decided to reveal it to you.

- And what happened, Paty? – asked Andreza, very anxious.

- Brunette, a lot of people say at school that Rodrigo dated other girls.

Andreza collapsed and at the same moment his face became serious and sad.

- I didn't want to talk before so I didn't seem like a gossip and you thought I

wanted to disrupt your relationship - Patrícia continued.

- I would rather have known. Why did you do this to me and hide the truth

from me? And did many people know?

- I think so. I don't know how you never suspected anything.

- I must be a fool, really stupid.

- Don't martyr yourself. Most men are really “chickens”, that is, they are card-

carrying infidels.

- And if they catch a silly and innocent girl like me, that's when they get up to

no good! Oh my God, how could I be so stupid! I hate that bastard.

- And it seems that he told his friends secrets about his intimacy with some


- Did you hear that he shared my intimacies with him?

- No, I don't think he talked about you. But I'm not sure.

- And he was with other girls at our school?

- Yes, about three.

- And who are they? I need to know. – said Andreza, distressed.

- Andreza, it's better if I don't tell you. These are just comments; no one is

convinced that it is true. There appears to be no proof. I can't say their names,

otherwise they might come and make fun of me.

- I keep it a secret, I swear. Tell me. Patrícia, do you swear you are telling the


- Yes. A lot of people talk about it. Rodrigo was a “playboy” and is very


- What do people say most about me?

- That you also betrayed him.

- I? Who said that?

- People close to you. Andreza, is it true? If you tell me I'll tell you their

- It was only once that I was with Tiago Palhano. But I was fighting with

Rodrigo. I swear it was just once. Then we got back together and I didn't want to tell


- But I think he found out about it from other people.

- See, my goodness! I'm finding out that there are actually a lot of futrich

people in our school. There, i said it. Now tell me the names of the girls who cheated

on me with him, because he said he only dated me. So he tricked me. I need to know if

they know me and if any of them are still pretending to be my friends.

- I'm only sure of the name of one of them: Alice Viegas.

- I don't know. And the other two? You said there were at least three.

- I'm not sure people are correct. When I'm sure I'll reveal it to you.

- You lied... You said you knew all three of their names.

- No, Suh. I just don't want to say the names of people who may be innocent.

- Ok. But you will find out the names of the other two and you will tell me.

- Combined.

- Goodbye. Otherwise I'll be angry with you.

To make sure that Patrícia had told the truth and had not created that story,

Andreza probed several other schoolmates, but without giving himself away, until he

spoke to Márcia Pinheiro.

- Márcia, was Rodrigo faithful to me? Did you know anything he did in secret

and didn't tell me?

- Andreza, I heard two of his friends commenting that he always had two

girlfriends at the same time.

- And they spoke in names?

- Yes. One of them was Cíntia Jansen, in the second year of high school, in

the afternoon.

- What a bastard! So he cheated on me!

- I think so. A lot of people talk about him. They say he was sound. He did

things in secret.

- Shameless.

- And he told the girls that he didn't have any steady girls.

- Scoundrel! So young and already so bad-natured. I hate Rodrigo! His luck is

that he left the city, otherwise I would have killed him. I wasn't going to make this


- The best thing you can do now is forget him, Andreza. And from now on be

more careful with boys.

- Yes, I will.

Andreza would still hear after Mariana Campelo that Rodrigo actually told

intimate details about his relationship with his girlfriends and was showy, bragging,

exaggerating his stories. Mariana assured the brunette that he had leaked intimate

information about the two of them, which could be denigrating the girl's image behind

the scenes at the school. But Andreza couldn't get any more details. All of that left her

devastated and in a low spirits.

Finally, a colleague of yours named Carlos Henrique Cavalcante got an

Instagram photo of a girl showing Rodrigo kissing the girl. The photo was on a friend's

account and Rodrigo didn't know the photo had been taken. The aforementioned

proof of betrayal was posted during the period when Andreza was still dating Rodrigo.

And the worst: it was another girl, a fourth, with whom he had been involved while he

was dating Andreza.

It was definitive proof of her ex-boyfriend's betrayal. She was no longer with

him, but it still all hurt, because people talked about it at school and there were many

stories. Andreza suffered when she learned the truth about her relationship with

Rodrigo and felt helpless because she couldn't do anything to repair her reputation

and above all came the feeling of betrayal, like she had never experienced and she

discovered how this feeling mistreats and harms her.

Returning to Andreza: she was already thinking about getting a job if she

wasn't approved for college the following year. The young woman already felt the

need to earn her money through work, as her father had jobs where he earned

relatively little and she would like to get a supplement to start buying her things and

paying her bills. After all, a woman needs to dress well and take care of her beauty.

Becoming a little independent from your parents from a financial point of view is not a

bad thing. After all, almost all young people at Andreza's age at that moment envision

this: being able to support themselves, free from parental control, even more so when

the family is not wealthy. The financial dependence of children on their parents makes

them more submissive to parental wishes and controls and Andreza knew this very

well. For this reason, he wanted to start having a source of income and begin a gradual

process of independence from his father.

Andreza's mother missed her daughter a lot and sought to get closer to her,

starting to pay frequent compliments to the girl's Facebook posts. Andreza noticed her

mother's behavior and her intentions and this softened Andreza's heart a little.

And how Ester was pleased with the beauty of her middle daughter! She was

the tallest and the one considered most beautiful among the three. The mother

gathered courage and commented on her daughter's posts: “Andreza, mommy loves

you so much.”
Her daughter had become a woman, a beautiful girl and how comforting and

proud this is for a mother. When she saw her daughter's posts, she was happy and

wanted everyone to know and remember that that girl was her beloved daughter:

“Look at this beautiful princess. She is my beautiful daughter, who lives in my heart.

Look, look at the beautiful girl she has become.”

Andreza was also able to have more contact with her nieces, as her older

sister's second daughter had already been born. Ester's other daughters began to get

jealous, especially the youngest, who was still 16 years old and still immature. They

failed to notice that their mother's actions and praise aimed at Andreza sought to win

back her daughter. Andreza herself realized that the praise was aimed at a

rapprochement, but she feared that her mother would exaggerate and the apology

would not be so sincere. Andreza was suspicious and wanted proof of her mother's

true love. Words wouldn't be enough, they wouldn't be enough in any way to win back

Andreza's heart and trust in her mother. She would demand concrete proof of

maternal love.

He was afraid that the rapprochement with his mother would bring back the

ghosts of control and domination in his life by his mother. She would no longer accept

this situation, under any circumstances. I was sure not.

His mother would live with someone else in the future, but at the moment

she was single and with this man, however, she would not have any other children.

Andreza was a little upset because her father already had another partner, and then

her mother would also get a new partner, and all this, in her opinion, prevented her

parents from getting closer and resuming their marriage. However, Andreza had

already come to terms with this situation and concluded that the outcome was

definitive. In her head, however, her mother would always be more to blame than her
father and Andreza would later not want anything to do with her, so to speak,

stepfather; I wouldn't want any friendship with him. I wouldn't want to get closer.

It was at school in the city before returning to São Luís that Andreza met her

first boyfriend and with whom she lost her virginity before turning 18, without her

parents finding out. During the period in which she lived in another municipality,

Andreza failed a grade. Transferring schools, separating from his parents, moving to

another city and being away from friends and family all contributed to him missing a

year of school. Because of this, her high school graduation was delayed by a year and

she only finished her studies at 19 years of age.

And upon completing high school, he was unable to immediately pass any

entrance exam or the Enem (national high school exam run by the MEC - ministry of

education). The following year, Andreza studied at home, as her father was unable to

pay for a course so she could prepare for college.

However, towards the middle of the year her father came to her and said:

- Andreza, my daughter, I want to pay for a preparatory course for Enem this

second semester. I'm just helping Vanusa file a lawsuit asking for the payment of

alimony to her son's father. Finishing this, I will help you, daughter. I want you to enter

university, with the grace of God.

Andreza replied, very happy:

- Thank you, daddy, I love you. I will try my best to be approved this time.

In fact, at the end of that year, she took the tests and managed to be approved for a

private college to study Accounting Sciences.

José was very jealous of his middle daughter. Ester even thought that her

father's jealousy was sometimes a bit strange, very exaggerated.

Andreza said that her father controlled the clothes she wore a little and

didn't like it when she wore small bikinis on the beach. Therefore, she learned to wear

long, low-cut and well-behaved clothes when she went out with him. She even joked,

talking to Melina:

- He saw some photos of me in the pool, Melina, in a bikini and said: “Get

dressed, my black girl”. What a cri-cri, sister - continued the brunette, smiling. And he

continued with a laughing tone: - With him I can only behave well, imagine that. Jeez


Melina listened carefully to everything, but she didn't like it very much

because she knew that her father preferred Andreza and only showed such jealousy

towards her. Melina then made a dismissive gesture and said: “Our father only seems

to have eyes for you. He barely remembers that he has other daughters. Bad luck for

him. He’ll see, if he doesn’t call me and Marcela later we’ll forget about him too.”

- Melina, don't talk about dad like that - Andreza countered, but knowing that

her sister was partly right. Andreza was the most important daughter to José, and this

discrepancy in treatment was bothering Melina. In this way, she emotionally distanced

herself a little from her father, and there would not be a relationship of deep affection

and reciprocity between them, as occurred between him and her middle sister.

Melina even asked him about it once and he replied:

- The love of a father and a mother is different for each daughter or son. It

can't be explained. But I love you all so much.

- But you show that you love Andreza more! You pay much more attention

and show much more affection and concern for her than for your other daughters.
- Your impression, dear. But of course it's easier to think like this: I spend

more time with Andreza and she's lived with me for 4 years. We have more contact on

a daily basis and for this reason we seem to have better rapport.

But the fact is that José always found Andreza more affectionate towards

him than the other two daughters and the partial physical separation of these two

further reduced his intimacy with them. It also clearly seemed that José had always

been more in love with Andreza, and this affection only increased over the years,

which appears not to have happened in relation to the other daughters. And they

never had such a close and loving relationship.

When Andreza entered college she started to meet people from different

social classes and soon the differences began to appear. College is also an environment

where there is a clash of cultures and we realize how plural the world is. On the other

hand, living with people with greater purchasing power increases the aspirations of

less privileged people, as was the case with Andreza and she soon realized that she

should work to be able to dress better and have a better presentation in her living

environment. , now a university student.

Andreza quickly became friends with several people, although he had more

friendships with Tâmisa, Kátia and Kelly.

When Andreza entered college, her classmates were also amused by the girl's

language, which was a mixture of the capital's jargon and that of the country town

where she had lived. Andreza spoke the typical “Maranhês”, a delicious dialect derived

from the northeastern subdivisions of the Portuguese language, but with influences

from the language of the North region, particularly Pará, in addition to the

contribution of terms of indigenous and African origins.

Andreza's vocabulary and language were very colloquial, too spontaneous

and in many situations even “acaboclado” (typical of caboclos), which caused ridicule

in the classroom and created embarrassing situations for the brunette. Andreza's

friends had fun with her messages on Facebook (some new and others, much older)

and on WhatsApp, with a very traditional and very funny vocabulary, until she

gradually learned to use more correct and simple Portuguese. , and more suitable for

the academic world, leaving behind that girl who had a very colloquial language and

many Portuguese errors, in addition to excessive everyday words used by the people,

but unsuitable for higher education.

Expressions such as: Piqueno/Piquena – Boy/Girl; Piqueno, you are the

lightning – Boy, you are fast, smart; Go to the mare or to the nail box – go far away;

Worst – true; Nã, Nem, Nam – No; Marminino – But, boy, look this; Marrapaz - But

boy; Arrmaria – Hail Mary; Rapá, sio – Boy, boy; Mermã – My, sister, friend; wait – wait

a bit: Cabuloso – Unfunny; Marróia – But look; Brocade – very hungry; You’re crazy –

You’re crazy; Here it’s rowy – Here it’s dangerous; Perainda – Wait a little; scratch –

touch; Bathe – take a bath; from the time of snoring - in the past; Mangar – mock,

make fun of; he just wants to be – an important person; take care, take care – quickly:

Jump up and down – turn around; No lies at all – I'm telling the truth; Aham aham

(arrâm, arrâm) - yes; roll around in the bush – throw it away; a little – a little, within

others. She used it constantly.

Andreza had to go through a real shock of linguistic education, to transport

himself to the social and academic environment in which he was debuting, considering

that many of his colleagues had a more adequate secondary education, and because

they came from social classes with better financial conditions, they generally live with
people with a better level of education and academic training, thus valuing cultured

communication standards more.

All of this was noticed by his parents and sisters, who, little by little, also

modernized their vocabularies and adhered to the practice of more correct

grammatical rules, although in most cases, very simple.

Ester went to visit her sister Analice in São José de Ribamar and she asked

about Andreza and Antônio José, her ex-husband.

- Analice, I don't talk to Andreza much, but she's fine – Ester reported. - He

studies at São Cristóvão gymnasium and even has a boyfriend, but I don't know him.

They, Andreza and her father, just returned, a few months ago, from Coroatá. She

comes to the house two or three times a month.

- I saw some photos of her on Facebook. You look so beautiful – praised the


- Yes, she turned into a beautiful girl. You saw her as a teenager and now she

is a woman. She's just a little chubby. Need to lose a little weight.

- And José, what are you working with?

– Continues working with butchers.

- Does he have another wife?

- He has.

- What's her name, sister?

- It's the name of that singer from the young guard: Vanusa.

- Do you know, more or less, her age?

- I know, she's about seven years younger than me, Analice. She already has a

child with another man. He left me for a much younger woman...

- But didn't the first steps towards separation come from you, Ester?
- Yes, I was joking. We are already divorced. I've even gone back to my

maiden name.

- What does she work with, José's wife?

- It looks like she's a telemarketer.

- And where do they live?

- In the São Cristóvão neighborhood. I even found out that they are going to

get married civilly.

- And you, don't you have anyone yet?

- Not at the moment, sister, but at some point it will work out and someone

sent by God will arrive.

- When you see Andreza, tell her that I really miss her and really want to see

her again. It's been a while since I met that brunette.

- You can leave it, Analice. As soon as I find her, I'll give her a message.

Ester had gone with Melina. Her sister then asked about Marcela.

- Marcela is living with the father of her daughters. She had another girl, you

know, Isabel. It is less than 6 months old.

- Great! Another young lady! I need to meet her.

And they continued talking for more than an hour, catching up on matters.

Analice invited them for lunch and they stayed until mid-afternoon, leaving only after

breakfast at 3:30 pm.

Upon returning to São Luís and attending her Evangelical Church, Andreza

met Nelsinho again, a young man who was single and more than 10 years older than

her, but constantly insinuated himself towards the young woman, throwing hints,

always being a one of the first to praise his photos and publications on the Internet.

Nelson met her as a nice teenager, but without any attractive beauty; The girl,
however, had now reappeared as a mature, beautiful and adult woman, a fact that

enchanted him and the boy did not hide this pleasant observation from her or anyone

else. He wrote on the brunette's Facebook: “Andreza, it's been a long time since we

last saw each other! What a pleasant surprise to meet you again; how you have

changed and how beautiful you are!” Nelson was one of the few boys who could

compliment the girl on social media without provoking her anger. She did not,

therefore, accept any compliment from any stranger and even took it as an offense on

some occasions. He sang in his congregation's services and was a colleague of the

brunette's sisters and brother-in-law. Nelson only called her by the nickname

“Princess” and had a strong platonic love for Andreza, although she did not take him

seriously, on purpose, knowing how to avoid all his closeted or direct jokes. Andreza

only felt friendship for him, but the boy had small hopes of winning her over one day,

and insisted on small invitations for her to go out with him. The evangelical singer said

he was a committed romantic and even created an Instagram account called: “O

recanto do passionate”, of which the young woman was one of the followers. The

evangelical girl, however, thought that most of this romanticism was pure corniness,

mellifluousness of little importance.

Marcela would later separate from her daughters' father and return to live

with her mother; the eldest daughter lived in the São Raimundo neighborhood, in

Pontal da Ilha, and after moving away from her partner, she invited her mother,

Melina and Andreza to live with her. Later, the eldest daughter would move to another

house, leaving Ester in the São Raimundo neighborhood. Marcela arrived home very

happy as she had gotten a job as a “telemarketing” attendant. She would later

recommend her sisters and brother-in-law André to this job, so they all went to work

at the call-center company. The telemarketing service was heavy and paid relatively
little, but it was the work they got. Andreza in particular needed money to help pay for

her private college. Melina wasn't attending college yet, but she occasionally took a

preparatory course for public exams.

Melina decided to go to Business Administration college. André was studying

History. He then decided to study for the Military Police officer exam and this became

his goal.

Andreza and Marcela's youngest sister then tried to venture into her first

venture. He took advantage of the fact that bank loans had lower interest rates at that

time and took out a loan to set up a restaurant with live music in the center, on Rua

São Pantaleão. However, due to her lack of experience in the field and after suffering a

major theft, Melina was forced to pass the bar on to someone else and handed over

the property. Unfortunately, he was left with the bank's debt to pay.

Andreza returned to live with her mother and Melina, again in Vila Brasil;

Ester only lived with Melina until then, in addition to other family members, at the

same address; however, Ester met a man and went to live with him in another

neighborhood, Jardim Aurora, leaving her daughters with their grandparents and a

couple of uncles; Andreza hated her mother for this. However, her mother's new

relationship didn't work out very well and after about a year they separated, and the

woman went to live with Marcela, this time in Pontal da Ilha, taking her two other

daughters later. Antônio José, some time later, when Ester and her daughters were

already in Pontal da Ilha, would leave his second partner, but, after a year and a half,

he started dating a hairdresser, named Angélica. José worked at a public transport

company, called Cisne Negro, and on trips to Angélica's city he met her, and then

began a romance. That man had already closed his refrigerator, after separating from

However, within a few months, Ester met Genésio, who attended the church

in that neighborhood, and was a truck driver, but Andreza did not accept this

relationship very well and never maintained an excellent relationship with her


Marcela and Vanusa got Andreza a job in the call center service and the

brunette was studying accounting. She, Suellen, had tried to venture into selling

clothes for almost a year, with the money that Marcela had lent her. However, the

clothing business was not successful and the girl gave up. As a result, he owed his

eldest sister a debt.

The older sister spoke in these terms:

- Suh, there were some vacancies for telemarketing agents at the call center.

There will be a selection test and I will nominate you. Melina told me she doesn't want

to work right now. You accept this job.

The brunette reflected a little and said the following:

- Yes, I do, sister, thank you for recommending it to me.

- Do you have any friends of yours who want to work?

- I don't know, but it suggests André. He mentioned to me and our cousin

Mary the other day at church that he is looking for a job.

- And even? Well remembered. Well, I'll let him know so he can also sign up

for the selection test. All you have to do is pass the test and Vanusa and I will

guarantee your place.

- Right. I thank you very much, Marcela. I really need to work; I want to have

my things and our parents can't give me everything.

- But, Suh, please honor this work and give sweat. I'll help you get in;

however, my continued employment from then on will depend on their performance

and responsibility. I was not disappointed, I beg you.

- You can leave it, my sister. Thanks again. You are an angel.

And the two hugged. Then, Marcela left for her work.

In fact, Andreza and Melina's boyfriend passed the call center selection test,

were called in and started working with telemarketing within approximately 30 days. It

was Suellen's first job with a formal contract.

It happened that the Accounting faculty of Maranhão, Facoma, some time

later, held a symposium in conjunction with the Accounting Sciences course at

Faculdade Arquimedes and this event would also lead to an exchange of knowledge

between students from the two institutions.

It was on this occasion that Andreza met a boy called Douglas. He sat next to

the girl in one of the initial lectures and started to strike up a conversation.

At a certain point during the exhibition, the boy turned to Andreza and made

a request:

- Hello, could you lend me a pen? I need to write down some things from this

class. Do you have a pen to spare? Would you mind giving in for a moment?

- Yes, I can - declared the girl.

“What an annoying guy, distracting me, and he still doesn’t have his pen”,

thought the student.

And, opening a fabric case, she took out a pen and lent it to him.

- Here it is – she offered.

- Thank you very much.

The boy took some notes for 30 minutes and at the end of the session

returned the borrowed item to the owner.

This manifested itself like this:

- You can stay until the end of the next lecture. I have another backup pen if

the one I'm using fails.

- What is your name again? – asked the boy.

Andreza was apprehensive about that simple question. His badge was turned

inside out.

Reflexively, she looked at her own badge and noted this fact. He then


- My name is Andreza. And you? – she asked, more out of politeness.

- Douglas.

- Pleasure. Keep the pen until the end – she insisted.

- I won't need it. I'll have to go out. It's because I didn't want to miss this

penultimate class that's over now. I'm a big fan of this professor who was the last

speaker. I've wanted to attend one of his classes in person for some time now.

- Yes, his class was excellent! – agreed the girl. - But the next speaker is also

very talented. He has several books published and his classes attract a lot of people

- What is his name?

- Newton Linzmeyer Figueiredo.

- Really. I have already read a chapter of a book written by this author.

- Try to stay, then. – suggested the girl.

And Douglas made a cell phone call to arrange something with the person on

the other end and ended up managing to stay to attend the next lecture. They had a

10-minute break between classes.

- I managed to resolve a situation over the phone and I will be able to attend

the next presentation.

- Great! I believe you won't regret it.

- Are you studying Accounting at FACOMA? - he asked Suellen.

- Yes, I'm in the second period. And you?

- I do it at Faculdade Arquimedes. I'm in the fourth block of the course.

They continued to sit next to each other and at the end of the last

presentation they left the room together.

- Thanks for the pen, Andreza, - thanked the boy. - They say that borrowing a

pen from an intelligent woman helps so that the notes later remind us of everything

that was said in class.

- And is? You are very funny. I've never heard of that.

- But did I get it right that you are very intelligent and a very diligent student?

- An average student, let's say.

- You are being very modest. You seem to be very interested, as well as being

very beautiful.

- Thanks.

Andreza noticed the boy intrusive a little, insinuating himself towards her and

didn't want to give him too much notice.

- It was a pleasure, Douglas. Bye – she said, in a farewell tone.

- Equally. Until next time. Have a good rest, Andreza.

The girl went home by bus and was thoughtful. It had been more than 12

months since she had broken up with her boyfriend and she had never been interested

in another boy since. Douglas, although he had shown himself to be a bit of a

pushover, was a very friendly and handsome young man. He was a tall brunette, with
dark green eyes and a delicate face. He had a pleasant and soft voice, his physique was

athletic and he appeared to be quite educated. This caught Andreza's attention.

The next day the girl returned to the symposium and attended the first

lecture sessions in the company of two colleagues, Tamisa and Kelly. During the first

half of the classes, they went for a coffee break in the area outside the auditoriums

and there, at one point, a boy waved to the brunette.

- Suh, is that boy waving at you? - asked Thames.

- I think so – Suellen replied, unpretentiously.

- Do you know him? - asked another friend. - I noticed that he is not from our


- I met him yesterday. We were introduced quickly – said the brunette.

- He's a cat – declared Kelly. – You didn't waste time yesterday, huh, friend?

- He was. – Suellen agreed.

- Which college is he from? – asked Thames.

- He is a student at Archimedes College. I asked him and he told me.

The event was not closed to students from both institutions. Around 20% of

the vacancies were for students from other faculties.

- He's very handsome. Did you make friends? What's his name? Did you write

down the WhatsApp number? – asked Thames.

- Hey, calm down!!! You are very picky, very sharp. His name is Douglas. I had

a quick conversation with him, but we didn't exchange phone numbers. And we

couldn't stay colleagues. I only spoke to this cat once.

- Well, take his phone number and give him yours to see if he's interested in

calling you – Kelly suggested, acting like cupid. – If I were you, I would try to get to

know him better.

And Andreza didn't say anything else to her friends.

As fate would have it, in the afternoon, Douglas arrived to class a little late,

he entered the same room where Suellen was and there was only one chair left free,

right next to her and they sat like that again next to each other.

Upon sitting down, Douglas gently took the brunette's arm and said good

afternoon, speaking quietly.

She quickly looked at him and responded with another “good afternoon”.

At the end of classes Douglas addressed Andreza with these words:

- How were the classes you attended this morning? Were they useful?

- I approved the presentations I attended this morning – and Andreza shared

more details about the classes she attended.

- I didn't choose my classes well, - said the boy. And he went to explain why

the lectures he selected to attend had not pleased him.

The symposium still had a third day, but Douglas informed her that he could

not come, as his mother would have surgery the next day and he would stay with her

in the hospital as she was a widow and Douglas's only sister had not been released

from work daytime.

- Andreza, the symposium has been very productive, although I didn't really

like the lectures I attended this morning. But, unfortunately, I won't be able to come

tomorrow on the last day.

And the student explained why he would miss the last day of the event.

- Well, I wish you good luck with your mother's surgery – wished the other


- Thank you very much – thanked the student and continued: - Andreza, if I

ask you for your phone number, won't you take me wrong? I liked you. We could
communicate whenever you want to talk or if you need any help with college. We

could be colleagues or friends. I thought you were very special.

Andreza thought for a while and even considered saying that he didn't have a

cell phone. That day she hadn't brought her smartphone, due to carelessness, and that

would already be an excuse to say that she didn't have a cell phone. But he took

courage and told the boy his phone number.

She also imagined that if her friends knew that she had the chance to write

down that handsome guy's phone number and she had chickened out, her friends

would be embarrassed for her friend. The brunette thought, on the other hand, that

Douglas would never contact her and after that day they would no longer speak to

each other.

Her friends later asked her about Douglas and she told them that they

exchanged phone numbers.

- Very well, Suh, this is how it should be done. Now wait for him to get in

touch. – commented Kelly.

Almost 15 days have passed and the brunette is already forgetting about the

boy, but she can't help but find the courage to send him a message. She waited for his


Thus, after almost 15 days, and already imagining that Douglas would no

longer communicate with her, Suellen was surprised by a WhatsApp message, one day,

in the early evening.

- Good evening, Andreza. All good? I've been very busy with my mother's

recovery these past two weeks. But I'm not usually rude like that. Thank God she is

recovering very well. The reason for my contact is that I would like to make you an

unusual invitation: I practice jiu-jitsu and I am going to participate in a competition.

Would you like to watch a fight? I need support. Just kidding... I don't know why, but I

thought you might like to watch this tournament. Do you like sports? And do you like

martial arts? I can pick you up at your home or another location. Please review my

invitation. The competition will be next weekend, Saturday and Sunday. The winners of

each category will be eligible for a tournament in Fortaleza in 45 days.

Andreza saw the message and didn't want to respond immediately. He tried

to reflect first, and then make a decision.

The next day he sent a reply to the boy:

- Douglas, I'm a little embarrassed. I know you very little, but I confess that I

wanted to go. When I was 14 I felt like doing kick-boxing or taekwondo, but my

parents made an excuse and didn't allow it. I was very sad, but let it go. I'm going to

watch this tournament: at least your fights (I'm already thinking you'll make it to the

final). But don't invite me later to practice jiu-jitsu. I don't feel like doing any fights

anymore these days.

After about two hours Douglas replied to the brunette's response.

- What good news! You will love! After the event, the group from the gym

where I practice jiu-jitsu will go out for dinner. You are my guest. The athletes shower

and change after the fights and we go out to a steakhouse. The event starts Saturday

at 3pm. I believe that by 9pm we will end our day. Then agree with me how you want

to go. It will be at the Top Fit Master gym. Do you know?

Andreza had never accepted an invitation like that from someone she barely

knew and had so little contact with, but it seemed to her that Douglas was a good

person and was being very kind. But what does it mean for her father to accept her

attending that event with a stranger? And even more so to spend the afternoon and

early evening, taking so many hours away. Her father could think it was dangerous and
not let her go. The brunette, on the other hand, didn't want to take her father. She

began to imagine what she would say to make her father accept her being away from

home for so many hours.

Suellen really needed to change her life and get out of the routine and

boredom in which she lived. That boy could be an opportunity for her to be happy and

find more meaning in her life. Subconsciously, his expectations of Douglas increased

day by day.

Andreza then talked to his father and invented a story to justify leaving the

jiu-jitsu tournament. The girl was afraid of telling the truth and preferred to create her

versions and justifications to get what she wanted. This habit of altering facts and

lying, Suellen gradually assimilated, so that after a certain time it started automatically.

It seemed that the woman was afraid of admitting the truth and its consequences. She

was traumatized by telling the truth.

- Dad, I want to ask you to go watch a jiu-jitsu championship on Saturday

afternoon. Two friends from my college invited me to go. From there we go out to eat

something. All good?

- Where will it be, daughter?

- In a gym. We would meet at the mall and go from there. To return, I ask

someone for a ride or take alternative transport.

- I'll leave you at the gym.

- No need, dad. We already made sure we met at the mall. There are 6 of us.

We can't fit in just one car and we live in distant places. There we will take two

alternative forms of transport or go by bus. Let's decide right away.

- I'll catch you in the end.

- The point is that it depends on how many fights my colleagues will win. It's

because he lost this one. If someone from college has a car, I ask for a ride. Don't

worry. You will have many acquaintances. I turn around.

- Don't talk like that, daughter. You have a father who is there for you.

- That's why. I don't want to abuse it. You already take me up and down. But

you can be sure that if things get tough, I'll call and ask for your help.

- And I'll go with pleasure.

- Thanks dad. Goodnight. I love you.

- Also my daughter. I love you lots. Good rest.

And so he managed to convince his father to let her go without him.

As agreed, Douglas picked up Andreza at the mall and they went to the jiu-

jitsu tournament.

They talked inside the car:

- Andreza, have you never watched a live fighting tournament?

- No. It will be the first time I'm watching it.

- You will love. It's very exciting. Cheer for me.

- How many fighters will there be?

- The championship will have fights in two categories. In my categories there

will be 08 competitors.

- Is the championship just today?

- The finals will be tomorrow.

- Is this your first time participating?

- No. I've competed four times and been runner-up once.

- And what are your expectations for this tournament?

- I am confident. I have a chance of winning in my category.

- Did you invite anyone else from your house?

- My sister can't come. Mom is still resting because of the surgery. She is a

widow. My father is already deceased.

Andreza then asked a bolder question.

- And your girlfriend? You do not have a girlfriend? Because you invited me

and you're taking me and you haven't mentioned any girls yet.

- I don't have a girlfriend at the moment. My relationship ended a little over 6

months ago. And you?

- I haven't been dating for over a year.

- Wow... Such a beautiful girl... Without a boyfriend for over a year!?

- I had a little heartbreak and tried to take some time for myself.

- It is true.

And they arrived at the gym where the tournament would be held.

The crowd was excited. Douglas won the first fight, but lost the second and

was not classified for the final.

- Andreza, I'm devastated! – commented the boy, very sad. - I thought I

would reach the final. I wanted to go to Fortaleza in 45 days to compete for our state.

- You fought very well, Douglas. I know little about fighting, but I believe you

lost very narrowly.

- And that's why I'm more disappointed in myself. I was close to winning...

- How competitive you are – the girl admired. – Anyone who sees you as a

calm person like you seem to be can’t imagine that you have all that drive and that

desire to win.

- I like to compete. It relieves my stress and is good for me. I know how to

fight for my goals.

- I see... – continued the brunette.

- There will be another competition in 3 months and I will prepare even more.

- Very good.

- Andreza, will you go out with us to dinner?

- Douglas, not today. I don't feel comfortable among so many strange people.

- He is sure? I guarantee you that everyone here is very nice and welcoming


- I believe in you; However, I want to leave it for another opportunity.

Douglas, could you drop me off at the same mall where we met?

- I can yes. Do you want to go now?

- Yes I would like. Sorry to disturb your schedule a little. If it's uncomfortable

for you, I'll order an Uber.

- It won't be uncomfortable, Andreza. I invited you and I will leave you

wherever is best for you.

A few days later the boy invited the young woman to dinner alone and she

accepted the invitation.

Douglas and Andreza went out for dinner in a very private restaurant, with

good attendance, but it was a calm environment, and there was no music that night. It

was a midweek day and it wasn't crowded, so they felt comfortable talking and getting

to know each other better.

The boy spoke about his personal life, his goals and projects and opened his

heart a little, explaining how he saw himself. He said he was looking for a serious

relationship and that he liked fidelity and companionship. He commented that he was

not jealous and that he was in favor of freedom in the right measure, within an
emotional relationship. He didn't think he was very romantic, but he valued the joint

actions of couples and the feelings of connection between people.

The conversation became lighter and looser after drinking two glasses of dry

white wine, and the boy asked him:

- Andreza, can I do a quiz with you? I've already talked so much about myself;

I now want to hear from you. Could it be?

- Yes. You can start your interrogation with me; I’m ready – said the girl, all


- Have you ever done a striptease for someone?

- What's that first question, boy? But let's go. No not yet. Next question.

- What flavor do you think my kiss has?

- Hey, isn't this poll about me!? It's not worth changing the rules.

- These are surprise questions. You have to try to answer.

- It is true. I think your kiss tastes like cinnamon and honey.

- Our lady, why? I don't understand the combination of flavors now.

- Sweet and slightly burning; and refreshing; your lips are so thick, so full.

- Thanks. Another: What was the last erotic dream you had?

- I dreamed that I had sex in the bathroom of an airplane on my honeymoon.

- Lie, you're making this up. – said the boy, with a smile on his face, really

doubting the brunette.

- But it was true – she insisted, swearing she was being sincere.

- Have you ever accidentally said your second-to-last boyfriend's name during

sex, embarrassing yourself at the right time with another guy?

- Almost, but I choked at the time and got away with it... because I realized

the mistake, I mean, the faux pas, in time.

- What is the most sensitive part of your body?

- I don't know yet; - and Andreza paused slightly, without speaking. – I think

it's my clitoris – she continued, speaking very softly.

- What a stupid question, mine! If all women were sincere when answering

this question, it is clear that their answer would be given by the majority of them. You

are right. Congratulations on your sincerity. Does this kind of conversation we're in

right now excite you?

- I think so, but I feel embarrassed.

- I'll tease you more then. I'll ask very quietly now. Only we will hear: do you

like a few pats during sex?

- Where, boy? – replied the girl, showing that she was curious.

- I can see that you don't even know what I'm talking about. I say some pats

on the ass, on the thigh and even on the face when I'm horny, at the height of sexual


- No, never. And is that good?

- There are girls who love it! And they get crazy, in other words, very excited,

when guys do that.

- Have you ever practiced this on a girl?

- Yes, but keep it a secret.

- And did she like what you did?

- She loved it, and asked me for more the other times. She became more

excited and moaned more. She told me that she couldn't imagine how good it would

be, but it wasn't good, the feeling was fantastic and she enjoyed it better!

- Wow, what a thing. I hadn't heard about that.

- So it is. Living and learning.

- Have your neighbors ever heard you having sex?

- No, I never had sex in my house. I live with my family.

- Now it will be a deeper question: “Is looking into the eyes important during

sex in your opinion? Have you already done this?“

- If I really like the man and I'm very involved at the time, I think it's

important, but it's not my habit.

- What's the most unusual place you've ever had sex?

- Oh, poor me. At your boyfriend's house or at the motel. Nothing special.

- But do you want to try some challenging places?

- It could be.

- Have you ever had sex in the shower?

- It is not good?? All wet! Soaked hair. My hair is all wild.

- Oh! Place a cap on your head, securing your hair.

- And even! I hadn't thought about this possibility. But it wouldn't be sexy to

have sex with a hat on your head.

- Why would not it be? I would love to have sex with you in the shower, with

your head covered.

- Boy, keep your voice down – warned Andreza, jokingly. – I don’t think I’ll

ever give you that pleasure – she continued, with an air of joke (joking).

- Have you ever had sex in the kitchen or in a car?

- I told you. I never did anything special.

- Not even having sex in the kitchen?

- No. Not even that. I already told you. I'm a well-behaved girl.

- For now. You do not know what you're missing.

- It seems like you are quite naughty. Continue with your interrogation, you

malicious one.

- Do you like bites?

- Where? – she replied, very surprised.

- Any part of the body.

- Just a few bites on the ear.

- Have you ever used a flavored condom?

- Not yet. Unfortunately. It is good?

- I never used it with anyone either. I just wanted to know...

- What do you think about during sex?

- I focus on this moment, and only think about the person next to me.

- Nice answer.

- Do you prefer muscular men or is it enough to be tall, thin and handsome?

- A balance is better.

- Have you thought about sex today?

- I thought.

- But only here and now.

- No. I had already thought about it at a certain point in the day.

- Very good.

- Why do you say very good?

- Thinking about sex is good for your health.

- And even?? Are you serious?

- Yes. I've read about it. You just can't think too much and get in the way of

other things.

- Have you ever faked an orgasm?

- I never pretended; I swear.

- Do you think that anything goes when you are behind four walls?

- Not everything is worth it; but I would like to experience new things and

pleasurable sensations, but of my own free will and spontaneous desires, without


- You are a “head” girl. A question with mischief: Do you honestly think that

size is a document or not?

- I think it may be important; but the essential thing is whoever has it knows

how to use it in the best way possible, with care.

- Do you prefer to be on top or bottom?

- I like both situations; But if I had to choose, I'd rather stay below. I enjoy

being passive more.

- Is there a position you've never tried, but want to?

- Yes, but at the moment I'm embarrassed to talk. Please do not insist.

- All good. No problem you don't say. Only answer what you think you should.

Do you mind moaning or do you prefer silence?

- I don't like exaggerations, but a few moans are so exciting. Without them,

there are times when sex seems pointless.

- But have you ever simulated feeling pleasure through your moans?

- I think only once, because I really wanted to please the boy I was with.

However, the sex was really cool. I just exaggerated a little in showing my satisfaction

at being there with him.

- So, do you care about your partner's pleasure and enjoyment?

- Yes, I care about that fact.

- Have you ever had sex with a blindfold on?

- I heard someone comment on this costume the other day; I want to try it at

any time.

- They say it's very good.

- It can be true.

- Do you prefer to have sex in the morning, afternoon or night?

- Do you only ask questions about sex now? – question Suellen, in a relaxed

tone. – You're not a pervert, are you, boy?

- No.

- He only asks questions now about sex! These are very intimate questions,

Douglas, and they are difficult to answer... Even more so in the environment we are in

– continued the girl, without showing irritation.

- Sorry. But the “quiz” was being cool, wasn’t it?

- Yes, it is. I think it's even too exciting...

- Just one more question I would like to ask: can I??

- Only one more?? Maybe yes!!!

- Andreza, would you have sex with me?

- I think so – she replied, a little embarrassed by the situation.

At that dinner they talked happily, even more excited by the alcohol level

caused by the dry wine they were tasting. They were so excited that they requested a

very light dinner and left for home in the boy's car. The latter, presumptuously, noticed

that the young woman was absorbed by the wine and passed in front of a motel,

whereupon he immediately invited her to enter the place and she accepted the

suggestion. They then had passionate sex and left convinced that something more

would happen from that day forward, despite knowing that the slight drunkenness was

what led them to the “finals”.

About five days later the two met at the mall and talked again.

- Andreza, do you have a nickname? - asked the boy. - I don't have...

- Suh, for the most intimate.

- Like everything in your life, Suh, it seems like you like to plan everything in

your life, including love, from what little we've already talked about.

- Yes, I tend to get involved with those I already share a friendship with: this

condition makes everything more comfortable for me.

- Who would be your ideal partner? – the boy wanted to know.

- My ideal loving partner?? A great question; however, a somewhat difficult

answer. I believe it would be finding someone who is balanced with what I think and

do and is dedicated to me and the two of us, and who wants to prosper by my side.

- Do you flirt a lot? Are you currently dating? Sorry to question this. I'm being

very nosy...

- Maybe flirting and flirting are a challenge for me. I need to have a certain

amount of confidence to try to get involved with someone.

- And even? And is there any other reason why you act like this most of the


- Showing signs of interest is not a simple undertaking for me; I'm very

cautious. If I don't show signs of interest, how will boys know that I'm also interested?

Therein lies the problem, in many situations.

- Are you also afraid of “getting dumped” by your suitor?

- Yes, I'm afraid it's an illusion and people will look down on me if I show

initiative for a guy: if my target isn't interested, and I insinuate myself towards him, by

refusing my advances won't go over well, and it's likely that I'll stay ashamed of him,
and maybe he doesn't even want to face the guy again. If they take a serious approach

to me as a joke, I will definitely be embarrassed.

- So you tend to strengthen the friendship first before investing in flirting?

- Yes, before trying to date, yes. At this stage I still feel very insecure. But

when it works, and the relationship develops, my confidence increases and I let go

more, to enjoy the passion. I can be very sincere and attentive, and I like to encourage

the projects of the person next to me. Of course, this person cannot be loud, rude or

intemperate: none of these align with my emotional ideal. I like to be reserved in

public; I just let myself go between four walls.

- Do you look for a mirror in romance, then? Someone with whom you have

affinities and who is willing to build a future with you.

- When it's something serious, yes. I am obstinate: this word defines my way

of being a little. There is no obstacle in the world that could take down my

perseverance, my will to win.

- Very well, congratulations. I'm like that, too.

- I try to be a prudent, trustworthy, controlled person and know where I

stand; I like to calculate my steps and have an exact idea of what I want to achieve.

Therefore, work is a priority for me.

- What would you like to work with? What would be the ideal job for you,


- I believe it would be in professions where I could show my ability to achieve,

how to build and develop ideas, projects and processes. My business is to get my

hands dirty, raise values, define resources, determine deadlines, project results. I enjoy

making a dream come true.

- I understand; I know well that without effort, a purpose on paper is just a

possibility and under proper command things can come to fruition, happen, after all. I

think so. Are you a very independent person?

- I try to be the manager of my life! And I understand that this role has its

price, demanding time, consideration and responsibility from me. I try to be mature

and follow the popular saying: “Patience is the mother of all virtues!”

- Yes, with calm, precision and focus, you can achieve a lot in this life. It is

obvious that this implies having ambition, dreaming of power and success, including

material success.

- However, this thirst to win has a cost: the repression of emotions,

calculating everything, to achieve the goals, although from time to time it is time to

renew the emotional baggage and I understand that the secret of happiness can live


And the boy left her at the exit of the mall; from there Andreza called her

father to pick her up and they went home.

Some time after Andreza returned to her hometown, her friend Trícia got in

touch on her cell phone and told her the news:

- Bruna, I went to a public college here in São Luís.

- What wonderful news, friend. What are you going to study?

- I went to Law.

- Tricia, you are very intelligent. Congratulations! Did you pass public


- Yes, my friend.

- How barbaric! You've now nailed it.

- My parents are radiant, thank God.

- Friend, I'm going to ask you an indiscreet question: what about Rafael? Have

you never seen each other again? Are they already dating other people? Tell me, come


- Bruna, you don't even know: Rafael left for Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. He

took the Enem last year and was approved at a public college in Belo Horizonte for

Medicine and he moved there. My ex went to Minas Gerais this month.

- Wow, he's also very smart. I'm happy for him.

- And truth. His dream is to study Medicine; even more so at a public

university; and Belo Horizonte is a large medical center; but we remained friends,

despite the distance and the time that passed without us seeing each other. I always

talk to him on the phone on calls or through messages. But now it's just friendship.

- And how are you? Doesn't he have another boyfriend and doesn't he have a


- We're not dating yet. But that's it, Andreza. In a month I'll be there, very

happy by the way. I would like us to remain friends and companions. Are you dating?

- No, I ended my relationship a few months ago. My love also moved to

another city – and Andreza preferred to hide that she already had another boyfriend.

- What a shame, then. So, will our friendship remain firm and strong?

- You can leave it, friend. I won't forget you. Congratulations again; you

deserve it, because you are a golden girl. I send my regards to Nádia. Have you spoken

to her?

- On average once a week. A smell!

- Other. Goodbye!

- Until later. Send news, you missing person.

- I am going to send.
After some time, Nádia sent a message to Andreza via the cell phone's

messaging app:

“Bruna, I was approved for Accounting and I’m going to attend the same

college as you. I start this semester.”

The friend responded like this:

“Congratulations, Nádi. Welcome. We're going to have a lot of fun at

college. You are ten! Success"

And in fact, Suellen's friend came to study Accounting at the same institution

as the brunette. Later, Nádia would request a transfer to another college and complete

her higher education there.

Andreza spoke to Melina three days later. The youngest asked:

- Andreza, do you like men who already have a hard dick during a kiss?

- I haven't met any boy like that yet - reported Suellen.

- I love. At the beginning of my relationship with André, in a simple kiss

without much contact, his dick would already get super hard and throbbing, as he

himself says. It's gratifying to see that I had this effect, you know? It even increases

self-esteem. Wow, I did it! I'm cool and hot as hell. But would you like it if that

happened to you? – asked the younger sister.

- I don't know how to answer that now. I have to think more. I think it

depends a lot on the situation - reflected the brunette. - I think it's very exciting; I may

not show it, but I like it when that happens, as long as it's with my boyfriend – he


- I like it, Suh, I love it, I keep passing my hand and squeezing the penis. It

makes you want to pull down his pants and fall down there.

- What if the guy finds you too easy for this behavior, Mel?
- I don't think that if a woman likes it means she stays with anyone. What's

not to like, Suh, in a situation like this? It's great to feel like he's ready for more.

- Personally, - commented Andreza - I'm very attracted and horny for the guy

I'm with and I love feeling his hard cock in me. But not just any kiss is supposed to


- Oh! I also think! It depends on the person, the place, the moment... - said

the redhead.

- Yeah, I like it too. But I don't stay with just anyone.

But this boy's attitude makes me think that he is very naughty and could

easily betray me. As long as the hard dick is only with me, it's perfect.

- The fact that a woman likes this does not mean that she stays with just

anyone, but rather that she is a normal woman who has a passion for men. Just this. I

think so – declared Melina.

“It’s great to know that you turn the guy on, sister – continued the

youngest. - The problem is that men start to get really annoying when they have a

hard-on. They become insistent, focused on that... It's often annoying. But I have

friends who love knowing that they are doing this, and leaving them like this (and she

let out a laugh) and they really tease the guy.

- And André? What do you think about this?

- He loves it and gets tied up. He says it's a sign that he's pleasing. He told me

that other colleagues of his also confessed that it's common for them to get a hard-on

when kissing! And of course they will like to know that the girl is enjoying it! Hands

passing over the body! Everything reflects in lust...

- A man really thinks he is – the older sister joked.

- A friend of mine, - continued the redhead, - Lorena, said to me on one

occasion: “How can you not like that? All the best: the guy I'm kissing gets a hard-on

(for me this is an honor) and I feel him on my body (or even in my hand)! It drives me

crazy, kisses on top and warms me up below!! It is wonderful. Even more so if it

happens to a guy I'm liking/making out with/dating.

Andreza went to her then new boyfriend's house and met his mother and

sister. By coincidence, Douglas's maternal uncle was visiting his sister on that day.

The girl started talking to them. His future mother-in-law was a well-paid civil servant,

his “sister-in-law” was training to be a dentist and Douglas's uncle, Andreza,

discovered he was a doctor. At one point, Ana Catarina, her boyfriend's mother, asked

what the girl's father, José, worked with. She replied that her father was a butcher. At

that moment, the young woman noticed that Douglas's family didn't talk about her

father, and seemed to be making light of him. Suellen didn't feel comfortable and

asked to go to the bathroom.

She was also able to hear those present make some comment about her

father while using the bathroom, but it was not possible to clearly understand what

they were saying. After that day, the brunette got the impression that her boyfriend's

family had interests in choosing who had a relationship with Douglas and began to

worry about not being liked in that house. It seemed to her that Ana Catarina was

hoping her son would find a better match than the brunette, and she started to feel

inferior in that family. This way, the girl no longer felt so good about going to her

boyfriend's house.

Douglas, little by little, made Andreza loosen up and show her perverted side

and that of a wanton girl.

He bought vibrators and tried them on the girl, including some for

intravaginal use and with remote control. The two went out and he kept playing,

stimulating her with the vibrator. Douglas also taught her to practice liberal and

naughty sex, with “spanking”, “doggstyle”, anal sex, “69” position, finishing by

ejaculating inside her girlfriend’s mouth, “dirty talk”, with all those dirty things told in

the ear, sex in the car, in the shopping mall and college parking lots, sex on the steps of

the historic center and many other fantasies and fetishes.

The first time they had sex in the college parking lot, he was leaning against

his car and Douglas challenged his girlfriend, saying that she wouldn't have the

boldness and courage to have sex with him in that condition and they made a bet that

if she agreed to have sex from the outside the vehicle he would pay R$250.00;

otherwise she would pay him if he didn't. That day, her boyfriend drove to pick her up

from her college.

Suellen accepted the challenge and, taking advantage of the fact that the

parking lot still had a lot of cars and no one was around, they had sex quickly and

Douglas came right away. Lucky for both of them, they got back into the car, laughing

at themselves for the crazy thing they had done.

The girl thus won the dispute and received the amount of money


Then the distortion of Andreza's conscience began, as well as the corruption of her

actions began, without her noticing.


- Daughter, are you still evangelical? I realize that you have been attending

services so little. Are you currently dating? – Ester wanted to know.

- I'm an evangelical, mother, I'm convinced of this fact, and I'm not attending

church so regularly at the moment, but I have faith and I always try to maintain my

relationship with God. I have a boyfriend who is simply the love of my life, we've been

dating for about three months and everything is going really well.

- What's his name, Suh?

- It's Douglas.

- I need to meet him; introduce me, please.

- One day you'll meet, mamis.

- It is true. Yes I want. Do you think about marriage, daughter?

- It's still too early, mom. We need to finish college and find better jobs. He

doesn't work yet...

- I understand, you're right – her mother agreed.

- You know, Trícia, she is living here in São Luís. She is already 22 years old

and she told me that she just didn't get married because she doesn't have money to

have her own house, nor a car, nor for the ceremony, which is her dream. , not even to

support themselves as a couple.

- Daughter, the most important thing to bring two people together is love. I

agree, however, that there is no point in rushing to get married now if they had to live

separately, each in their respective parents' house.

- The way the country is, honestly it will take a long time for me to realize this

dream – Andreza complained.

- Be more optimistic, dear.

Andreza wanted to change the subject and asked her mother:

- Mamis, what do you think about having sex before marriage?

- I have a friend called Nádia who has been having sex since she was 18 and

was fine with it; she has had a boyfriend for 9 months and says that they have always

respected each other and tried to do everything with the deepest love; He is her first

serious boyfriend, so she confessed to me and wanted him to be her only one. The

problem, she told me, is that for some time now the idea that God disapproves of sex

before marriage has been bouncing around in her head, and the entire community of

her Church (she is Catholic) has an irreducible opinion about it. subject; but I think it's

very easy to point the finger at those of us who are already married.

- Andreza, this friend of yours is very modern. You never told me she was like

that. We need to talk more about your friendships.

- I know, mother, from talking to colleagues in the Church that there are

young Christians who get married after less than a year of dating, without even getting

to know each other well, just so they "can" have sexual relations, and then discover

that they don't really love each other. and get divorced? Is this right? I've read the

Bible a lot and it always only mentions adultery and sexual immorality (in this case, I

don't think I'm immoral if I only have one partner and have sex with love).

- Daughter, the same Bible quotes the following verse from Paul, where he

says, and Esther opened and read her Holy Scripture, which was close to her: "If you

cannot contain yourself, get married. Because it is better to get married than burning

with desire."

- So, mother, I found myself thinking that marriage at the time when the

Bible was written was perhaps more of a business contract in which women were

“sold” so to speak, than a union motivated by love between two people. And ordering

people to get married was beneficial, as women would no longer be free to do what
they wanted and men would no longer go around having children. That's why I always

try to convince myself that we're not wrong in making love before marriage, that

we've already chosen each other and there's no problem; If the girl takes

contraceptives and takes care of herself, I imagine everything is fine...

- I don't think it's that simple, Andreza. It's more serious and delicate than

you think it is. If I were you, I would remain insecure and afraid of going to hell for

having persisted in the lifestyle I want, with debauchery.

- Don't talk like that, mom. So you scare me. Nádia even asked me to please if

I could help her and asked what my opinion was on the matter.

- Seek the answers in the Word of God and in the preaching of our Pastors –

recommended his mother.

- Please, don't judge us just from the point of view of religion, about our

sexuality, – Andreza pleaded - because I imagine that parents can be more open-

minded and help us with sincere opinions, in light of today's times. The Bible was

written two thousand years ago and is certainly still current, providing essential

teachings and guidance, but times have changed, the world is different, and biblical

interpretation needs to be adapted to today. You can't follow the letter any longer,


- I will reflect on your ideas, my daughter.

- Getting married early just to be able to have sex is much more disrespectful

to religion than having sex before marriage, I think - declared his daughter - especially

because it would be getting married for the wrong reasons, and not because you have

the conviction to love. If a couple's relationship seems quite solid, and this emotional

relationship has matured over time in different situations besides sex, I conclude that

we shouldn't blame ourselves. We already have the most difficult part, which is a
companion in tune with us. When their financial situation improves, they will be able

to get married and leave everything official and without giving satisfaction to people

other than family members, especially hypocrites.

“For me, sin is demonizing sex, which can be something pure and sacred if it

is done with love. Christianity, mother, and other religions, it seems, often turn any

pleasure people may have into a sin, so that we suffer as Jesus suffered. Sex after

marriage is not a sin because one has to procreate the species. This is wrong, it is even


- Daughter, try to read the Bible more and learn more about marriage.

- It's okay, mom, I'll get it.

And the two walked away at that moment. Andreza went to rest a little

before leaving for college.


- Andreza, I don't really agree with sex before marriage. And you, what do

you think about this topic?

- I honestly think that making love with just one person before marriage is

not a sin, as long as the two are faithful to each other, and are lovers who truly like

each other.

- But that doesn't seem to be what the Protestant Church preaches! Most

pastors do not recommend having sexual relations before marriage.

- My advice is that you try to understand how the different cultures and

religions of the world work to realize that morality is something elastic and changes

according to time and space. So who knows, maybe you will free yourself from this

mental slavery that is religion.

- The biblical text, however, Bruna, says the following. And she read an

excerpt from Ecclesiastes 9:9: "Enjoy life with the woman whom you love, all the days

of your vain life, which God has given you under the sun, all the days of your vanity; for

this is your portion in this life, and in your work, which you have done under the sun."

So God wants man to choose a partner and enjoy love with her for the entire duration

of the couple's life.

- Could it be, Trícia, that the word "enjoys" is not just "enjoy", as many

people think, but also refers to sexual enjoyment? Are you talking exactly about

marriage in this excerpt from the Holy Scriptures? No! Are you talking about sin? No


- I don't think so, Bruna. This “enjoyment” has nothing to do with sexual


- Friend, I'm an evangelical and trust me when I tell you this: I believe that

God doesn't care if you sleep with the person you love before marriage. The marriage

bond is a social construction, founded centuries ago to formalize the union between

families and has absolutely no spiritual foundation. What you have with your boyfriend

is already the only connection that matters for you to give your body and soul to him,

without fear of being judged.

- So, Andreza, it was the human being himself who demonized sex; I know

that the Bible was written by humans, and no deity would say that this or that is

wrong, especially sex! In addition to reproduction being the deepest way of expressing

love, and through it we become mothers.

- And it is in sex where you are giving yourself to your partner, wanting to

have pleasure with him and making him feel satisfied! There's nothing wrong with
that, quite the opposite. Sex and love are much simpler than we imagine and it's not a

book or a group of people that will tell you how it works.

Andreza and Ester talked again, on another occasion, about sex before

marriage. The girl created the story of a fictional friend for her mother:

- Mamis, a friend of mine, Andréa, told me a story about her and I had a lot of

doubts. I don't know if she acted right or wrong. I wanted to know your opinion on this


- Well, tell me, Andreza! What happened to your friend?

- OK, let's go. She says she grew up in a very strict and religious home, where

sex before marriage was prohibited. But she always had the notion that she didn't

want to wait until marriage to have sex, and she was free to tell her parents about this,

and Andréa says she discussed this subject with them several times. The girl is

currently 23 years old and has only just lost her virginity. He dated for a month, liked

the boy a lot and said he felt very comfortable having sex with him. And to feel better,

she wanted to shave and bought new, prettier panties; However, to do so, she had to

borrow her mother's credit card, as hers has a low limit and was already maxed out

that month.

“She told her mother what was happening, and she got a little upset, claiming

that it was too early for them to have sex, as her daughter had only known her

boyfriend for a little over a month. However, my friend, contrary to her mother, said

she was going to have sex anyway. After that, her mother had another, even more

serious conversation with her, saying that her daughter wasn't valuing herself, and

that she was giving in too easily and the boy might not value her as much after sex. But

now it had already happened, she had already given it to him, but ended up with a

huge burden on her conscience, given her mother's criticism. She didn't have the
courage to tell her father anything. I want to know your opinion, mother, about my

friend Andréa's case.

- Daughter, I think your friend did not act correctly. I'm going to tell you

something in all sincerity. One month of dating and already wanting to have sex?! I

think she was too precocious, that is, hasty. She needed to get to know the boy better.


it right to wait until marriage to make love? But what if you don't get married? Are you

going to die a virgin?! Life is now, you can't keep daydreaming. And if the relationship

doesn't work out, find another one!

- Daughter, the Bible tells us that sexual intimacy is restricted to men and

women married to each other. She also condemns “greed for sexual appetite.”

Consider the following example: a dating couple may decide not to have sexual

relations before marriage. But, they allow themselves other sexual intimacies. By doing

this, they are coveting, or desiring, something that does not belong to them. This

would be “greed for sexual appetite”.

- But, mom, you have to be like this and live. Waiting for sex until after

marriage is too late. Because then you get sick, or something happens, and God forbid,

you die. And there?! What did you live? What did you like? Life is now and it's so short.

I believe we should live and be happy! Her mother thought it was bad, and it's because

she's already 23 years old; She's not a little girl anymore.

- She is a 23-year-old woman, and she certainly has responsibility. However,

was there nothing wrong with your attitude? It was at least sex with her boyfriend, it

wasn't with anyone random, but she had only known the boy for a month. She

disobeyed her mother's instructions and did not talk to her father at all. I know you

young people think it's time to live like adult women, in charge of your own nose, but
be careful! There is a risk of pregnancy, communicable diseases and being emotionally

hurt if the relationship doesn't work out.

- But I think that if we like a person, it can be for two or three days, we can do

whatever we want.

- Then you have to control that desire, daughter. It's too early to conclude

that you really like him and he likes you, and what his real intentions are.

- Do you think so, mom?

- You have a point in disagreeing with chastity until marriage, I understand; I

just think you got the timing wrong. For example, a girl has been dating the same

person for 8 years. I can guarantee you that with less than 2 to 3 years, there is still a

lot to discover about the person. You live for years and years with someone else and

they sometimes surprise you with their attitudes and ideas. Imagine days or a few

months of living together.

- I think the only fear she should have was of finding out that this guy is a

“tramp”, a “scumbag”, after a while and feeling bad for thinking she could have waited

a little longer to give herself to him. However, I see that her life is from now on. She

should seek wisdom to deal with her dilemma and try not to blame herself too much,

especially by absorbing the learning that this experience gave her. There are definitely

more serious things to worry about as you age.

- My family has always been conservative, Andreza. I'll tell you an example

that happened to me when I was young: they caused a storm when I once said that I

was going to the beach with some friends and would come back the same day, but

mom and dad didn't let me go. They still left me with a guilty conscience and I felt bad.

But then, the other day, I went. Nothing much happened, everything went well; no one
even commented on the matter; There was a strange atmosphere at home for a while,

but it finally passed. Maybe the same thing happens with your friend.

- Mom, sometimes we have to put our foot down and say that we are adults,

that these are our choices and other people, even our parents, cannot stop us. They

may be disappointed/hurt for a while, but that's it, we're not like our parents,

unfortunately. We belong to another generation and you need to understand that. The

rules of their lives do not need to be the same as ours, as the world has changed and

continues to change, in a permanent evolution.

- I understand, daughter, but try to be responsible in your attitudes and think

carefully about all the consequences of your decisions, both for yourself and for the

people around you, as they are individuals who love and care about their lives.

- Okay, mom, I understand. You're right. You are absolutely right.

Andreza went with his father to the evangelical temple and listened to the

pastor of his Church preaching the Service.

Pastor Joaquim said at Saturday night’s service:

- Well, that's what I've said before. It depends on you! If you are Christians

and try to follow the teachings of the Bible, remember what Jesus said (I will adapt):

when a man and a woman lie down, that is, have sexual intercourse, they become one

body. In other words, it is the same as being married to the person. Therefore, only do

this if you really love and want to be with the person you are in a relationship with! If

they sleep with someone and then reject them, that other person can separate and

have a relationship with another individual, but it will be adultery. So, it depends on


“Sin separates us from God, and this is the most serious consequence of

premarital sex. After going beyond what is allowed, many of us know all too well the
cloud of guilt that hangs over our hearts. The solution is not to kill our conscience, but

to follow it to achieve freedom. He, the Lord, is calling us, not condemning us. As long

as there is repentance for what we have done wrong, God will be there to welcome us

into His home and let us begin again, as written in John 8 and Luke 15.

“What this all means is that our bodies, our hearts, our relationships, and our

souls were not made for premarital sex. We were made for a love that lasts a lifetime.

Andreza listened to all of that very intently and then said absolutely nothing

to anyone.

Three days later, Andreza and Melina talked in the youngest daughter’s


- What happens most, Suh, is people from church getting married super early

so they can have sex.. And there are also those who wait a lifetime to find the right

person, until they reach a point where they can no longer wait and choose anyone.

What about the debutante party, when the girl turns 15? Isn't it the family's situation

to keep showing her to the boys? Then the parents don't want their daughter to start

having sex! They think it's bad...

- Look, Mel, - replied her middle sister - these “laws” for marriage were

written in a society with a very low life expectancy. People got married early, didn't

have much hope for anything, and died when they were just over 30 or 40 years old.

Nowadays, getting married under the age of thirty, leaving your parents' house, being

able to support a family is often completely unthinkable; you would have to remain a

virgin until you were in your late 20s. I think you really have to give yourself to the

person you trust or love, but we shouldn't put it off until marriage; We would end up

losing most of our youth.

- The nobles were extremely promiscuous, Suh; I read about it this week –

commented the redhead. - And marriages, no matter how economical they were,

lacked love and therefore did not dispense with fidelity. Catherine the Great, Russian

empress, cheated on her husband a lot and one of her sexual relationships was with a

horse. She was too much of a nymphomaniac. Fidelity and marriage are something

much more of Catholic morality, to prevent men from marrying several women and

creating families and abandoning them. Not to mention that among the people with

the best financial conditions in medieval and Renaissance Europe were precisely the

nobles' prostitutes.

- But you're not completely wrong, – agreed Suellen, - the fifteenth birthday

party is an old tradition, which comes from the idea of inserting the girl into adult

society, in order to receive suitors. Nádia did the right thing; It's wrong to have sex

only after marriage, because imagine if the person has bad sex? That's it! Danced! She

is already married and has nothing to complain about anymore; Whoever invented this

thing about being able to have sex only after marriage must have had very bad sex,

because by then they had already tied up their spouse.

- I also find this idea of sex only after marriage very pointless these days. It

could work in the past that marriages were much quicker and earlier and were often

chosen by the family. Nowadays, thanks to the evolution of human society, I no longer

think it's necessary to be that way, nor do a bunch of things that the Church preaches.

In fact, these impositions often cause more problems, hindering the relationship more

than helping.

- "Forbidden sex before marriage" is an invention created by patriarchy, in

order to keep women in control, as men are insecure and sexist. And no one questions

this because most people don't want to think for themselves and just reproduce the
old-fashioned concept that is passed down from ill-intentioned pastors and priests and

extremely religious parents to their children, without questioning anything at all,

making them believe that sex is something bad and making them feel guilty, when in

reality sex is not that complicated, causing trauma that lasts into adulthood for

children who grew up in extremely religious homes.

- If you love or like your boyfriend a lot, there is no problem having sex with

him. I believe our mother's fear is that the boy will end up leaving you later, fear of

pregnancy or fear of you being thrown around. There are countless fears, I know, we

have to be careful, it’s true.

- I feel very sorry for those who follow all this in silence, without questioning

why they were indoctrinated and who think they will be punished if they argue, if you

opposed something that your parents or religious people wanted to impose; Even so, if

you think these values are right for you, that's fine, there's nothing wrong and

everyone chooses what they want for their own life; I respect it, but it doesn't

particularly work for me.

- This taboo that they create around sex and relationships, I think is one of

the most harmful things in this world.

Andreza, three days later, dreamed of an erotic adventure with Douglas in

the kitchen. He picked her up from college.

- Honey, I love cooking, - said Suellen, with her boyfriend's car already in

motion - it's one of the things that satisfy me most in life. It's one of the few pleasures I

have. So, can you believe I had a dream about you in the kitchen? I think it was an

erotic fantasy actually.

- How was the dream, love? Do you remember in detail? I got curious; tell me

how it went!
- I dreamed that I was preparing a very delicious cake in the kitchen, dressed

only in white lace thong panties and a matching bra. And you arrived unexpectedly in

the kitchen, behind me: you took off my clothes, turned me face to face, and rubbed

condensed milk on my body and wheat flour on my breasts and my pussy. You kept

licking the rest of the cake dough that was in my hand on a wooden spoon. Then you

would sit me naked on the granite kitchen counter and lick me and suck me all over

until I came.

- I loved your dream, my dear. I found it very exciting. I want to satisfy that

fantasy of yours and those desires one of these days. Could it be?

- I would also love to make this dream come true.

Andreza spent two days with her mother. Melina said to her middle sister in order to

boast about her sexual prowess:

“Suh, there are times when I look like a whore. I love sex, my boyfriend does

too. He calls me naughty and always wants me. He only has one defect: he doesn't

suck my pussy; Besides, he makes everything delicious. Eat my ass and my pussy; he

sucks my delicious breasts, cums in my mouth, I drink his hot milk; We even use some

toys. But he doesn't even give a single lick. That's all it needs to be complete. I leave it

shaved, smelling good, but nothing. I drive him crazy; therefore, he doesn’t try to do

what I like.”

“Wow, I love sucking balls deep, swallowing everything until I choke; I love

making it with beer, wow! The dick is cold, and André loves it. I love it when he takes

me on all fours and eats my ass hard, I scream with excitement! It's delicious!"

Andreza listened to everything attentively, completely silent.

Two weeks later André and Melina had a disagreement and were away for a

few days. The boy, perhaps wanting to make his girlfriend jealous, invited Andreza to
accompany him to a presentation. The young man told Suellen that he had invited the

other girl, but she had refused his proposal and he confessed that he wasn't very

happy with her. His sister-in-law accepted the invitation and they went together;

There, the young brunette met her cousin Maryane, as it was a rehearsal for a gospel

rock band and André had been invited to audition by playing his guitar. At the end of

the event, the three took a photo together and it was archived on Suellen's cousin's

cell phone.

The cousin then published the photograph on her friends' social network

page the next day and Melina was shocked to see Andreza and André together at the

rehearsal, as he had not said anything about inviting his middle sister to accompany

him. On the same day, his young girlfriend contacted him and accused him of being

jealous, demonstrating that she did not approve of the boy's attitude. They still spent a

few days without seeing each other, but in the end they resumed their relationship.

Melina, however, did not speak to André any more about her sister and did not even

comment to her about the fact. Andreza would tell her after she had shown up at the

rehearsal to accompany Maryane, who would have also invited her to that event.


Trícia met a boy called Victor online, who was studying Psychology, and

arranged a meeting. She decided to tell Suh everything. The two talked on the cell


- Bruna, I met a very special person. After Rafael, I imagined that I wouldn't

have someone as cool as he was in my life, but it happened, thank God. His name is

Victor and he studies Psychology. Andreza, how do I win Victor’s heart? – asked Tricia.
- Trícia, now I'm intrigued: how did you meet via the internet and telephone

and only speak remotely and yet you say that Victor is a special person and that he

brings hope of filling your heart? I don't understand...

- I don't really know how to explain it, my friend, but I notice something very

special about him and that bothers me even before I give him a good, personal touch.

I'm sure we'll work out.

- Wow, life!

- So, what would you recommend for my first date with him?

- The first impression is very important and it is possible to win over a boy on

the first date, and hook his love. One of the best ways to ingratiate yourself with a guy

is to know how to listen and know his opinions without judging him; This works

because people, in general, like to talk about themselves.

- So I need to let him talk more on the first date. But what if Victor is very

quiet and introspective, and wants to talk little about him?

- Show your interest in the boy. There's no point in just being quiet and

listening. And if he doesn't take the initiative to open up, try it yourself first.

- I know that it is necessary to create emotional connections, I have heard

about it. In other words, a simple handshake, or the existence of mutual friends can

produce more trust and connection between two people who are getting to know each


- When we meet a person, the first thing we want to know is if they are from

us, if they have affinities with us, what you have in common. They are all ways of

establishing bridges between two people.

- But, Bruna, I'm not looking for my better half, or soulmate, if that even

exists. I just want to get to know someone better who I'm interested in and who seems

like a worthy guy to me.

- I understand. But no one is demanding that this suitor be 100% similar and

in agreement with his tastes and preferences. I just made a suggestion. Another thing:

to make a good impression from the first contact, it is essential to take good care of

your appearance, such as proper makeup.

- Andreza, your smile is beautiful! Do I have at least half your smile when I

want to express that I'm happy!?

- Definitely trust your smile. In addition to taking care of your presentation,

it's worth smiling a lot, as laughter is contagious and for the good.

- Andreza, I'm very interested in him. What if it doesn't work out for us to

date? How will I be after this disappointment?

- Don't reveal all your interest in the guy yet. Always maintain a certain

mystery about your enthusiasm and attraction for him. The man wants to find

challenges to win over a girl. Everyone is fascinated by the game of seduction. Don't

give in completely yet. Don't put all your cards on the table straight away. It's too early

to do that...

- I need to have empathy with him, because I know the power of influence of

this feeling in a relationship that is beginning. People who have empathy for each

other are more open and receptive to communication and this is possible thanks to

mutual respect and influence.

- These are skills to create rapport on the first date. For men, a “killer smile”,

chosen clothes that fit the situation, kindness, a sense of humor and communication

skills are more important than sexual competence at first glance.

Nádia was in São Luís and called Andreza. The two decided to eat a pizza and

Andreza went alone. The friend asked about Melina and André at that moment, as she

knew that the two were dating and had already met them in two situations.

- I don't know what Melina's relationship with André is like – commented the

brunette. - I think it's very strange. Their relationship has been going on for about four

years and seems to have a lot of fluff. They do not post any declarations of love on the

Internet, they do not publish any photos together, neither on Facebook nor on

Instagram. It's a very cold relationship. I do not understand this.

- You will see that they are shy... or like to be reserved and not show their

intimacy to others.

- Shyness I tell you is not; but their Instagram is closed: the only people who

view it are friends and family. And they've been dating for a long time; It's a half-here,

half-here relationship, but they're dating. They have nothing left to hide.

- Yes, Andreza, each couple has their own way of relating to other people and

different ways of showing their affection. Some couples don't enjoy displaying

affection publicly.

- I think that when you truly like each other and have nothing to hide, you

generally show this affection in concrete gestures and words. I think they are a very

strange couple.

- And Marcela?

- She is living with our mother and raising her two daughters. She is no longer

living with her daughters' father and is left with the two girls. They are sweethearts.

Trícia and the Psychology student started going out together frequently, soon starting

a relationship. The girl was falling in love with him.

Some time later, Trícia came to visit her friend Andreza and the two went out

to the mall to eat and talk.

- Friend, Victor didn't come because he's accompanying his parents to a

service. I preferred to come and talk to you.

- How's your relationship going?

- It's okay, but I'm a little insecure. I don't think I know how to kiss well and

I'm afraid to ask him that. And he never praised my kiss.

- Friend, have more self-confidence and don't worry about it. I'm going to

teach you how to give a kiss with a grip, and that will drive your man crazy – said


- I really want some tips, Bruna.

- It's not nice to be with someone who isn't a very good kisser; However,

when you kiss with a touch, it's really nice, it's unforgettable, and can make the other

person soar to heaven, and almost go crazy.

- But I know it's necessary to practice – said the brunette's friend.

- Well, train. First: use your hands during the kiss; don't leave them hanging.

Hug his waist, touch his butt or hold his face, using both hands.

- I see couples putting their hands on their partner's face – commented Trícia.

- This is a gesture that I find fascinating.

- Tease your “cat” during the kiss. When he is completely involved, slowly

move your hand from her face to her hair and remove it by pushing her head back.

Spend a few seconds looking directly into his eyes, maybe even smiling a little, and

then kiss him again. This will definitely drive you crazy.

- I felt that this technique is something that will make him even more eager,

and they love this type of situation - commented Trícia.

- Yes, they love it. Also whisper in his ear. Slowly move your head to the side

and murmur sweet, or perhaps spicy, words. Look him directly in the eyes again and

then return to the kiss. It will blow your mind!

- I hope it works out...

- Leave him wanting more, always, friend. Right in the middle of a kiss, she

stops out of nowhere and starts talking to him as if nothing had happened. This will

leave him wanting more, and chances are the cat won't let it go that easily.

- What did you mean by that?

- You understood very well! I know you're not stupid!

- Yes, you are provocative, Andreza.

- Therefore, you can expect that he will grab you and start kissing you again

in a matter of seconds, and it will certainly be a kiss with a grip, much more involving.

- Tell me more tips, Bruna! I think it's perfect!

- Don't forget your neck, girl. There's no way to kiss with a grip if one of you

forgets that part of the body. You know that when he kisses her neck, it can make her

crazy, excited.

- But this kiss has to be in an appropriate place, alone.

- But of course! – Suellen continued. - Once again, if you want a kiss with a

grip, before waiting for him to do it, take control, and show your skills, which is enough

to make him crazy and want to do the same with you.

- You are an “ace” at kissing, friend.

- Yes, I am, modesty aside. Try my tips. Once you've gotten the hang of

kissing, it may seem very simple, but there are several ways you can innovate. Men like

girls who surprise them with their actions. Trícia, and it’s always good to try to

- And if I think about what I would like him to do to me, what a delicious

kiss with a touch would be like; Do you think I should talk to him?

- Could it be! – agreed the brunette.

- Surprise him with a passionate kiss when he least expects it! Get closer as

if you were just going to hug him, or snuggle into his arms, and suddenly give him that

hot, suffocating kiss!

- That's right, you're absolutely right. It makes perfect sense.

- You don't want, Trícia, to have to stop right when you're showing your

sensual side and giving your partner that big kiss, do you? Not to mention that you

probably can't stand those annoying couples who won't stop kissing and making out in

public, right?

- I don't want to become one of those people; I want to wait for the ideal

moment to kiss him, when we are alone or in a suitable place with few people around,

where we feel free to show each other all our affection and passion.

- You're absolutely right, friend. Go ahead, everything will be fine.

Andreza returned to live with his mother, this time in the São Raimundo


Upon arriving in the new neighborhood, Andreza became friends with a

neighbor named Silvane and for a while her older sister was also living with her mother

and Ester's two granddaughters.

One day, however, Andreza left home to make a doctor's appointment, but

didn't tell her mother anything. The appointment was with the gynecologist. Andreza

had symptoms of inflammation in her private parts. She went to the appointment, she

underwent tests and was medicated.

It then happened that Andreza went to work and left her bag at home. Her

mother then tried to search what was inside her and found the results of two tests, as

well as some medical prescriptions. Those tests could only be carried out on a woman

who had already been deflowered, just as vaginal medication could only be applied to

a woman who was no longer a virgin. That's how that mother was sure that her

daughter was already having sexual relations.

Ester already imagined that her middle daughter was no longer a virgin, but

she still had some doubts, as she had never commented anything about the loss of her

virginity. Her mother experienced at that moment a strange feeling, of someone who

feels deceived or worthless, of someone completely oblivious to the life of someone

dear to them and whom they care about so much. She even experienced a feeling of

impotence and recognized herself as despised. Her daughter had never commented on

sexual relations with boyfriends. She never asked him for any opinion. She never

revealed anything to him and continued to omit and hide the details of her life from

her. Ester decided that she would have a serious talk with Andreza.

Two days later she took advantage of her daughter being off work and looked

for her for a chat.

- Andreza, darling, I need to talk to you. Sit in the kitchen with me for a while.

Marcela was at work, her granddaughters were at school and Melina was at


- Tell me, mom. What do you want to talk about? – Suellen asked.

- Daughter, do you have any health problems? You are not feeling well?

Andreza turned pale, and almost stuttering, she replied:

- Why, mother, do you ask me this?

- A mother's intuition - Ester lied.

- I don't believe it, mom. You know something.

- What, Andreza? - bluffed his mother.

- Mom, everything is fine with me.

Ester became irritated by her daughter's denials and continued:

- Andreza, I know you have vaginal inflammation.

- Mom, you went through my bag without talking to me – Andreza


- No, daughter. You forget I'm a nurse. I noticed your symptoms and smelled

the odor on your panties and noticed discharge on them.

- If I'm the one who washes my panties – continued her daughter, trying to

outwit her mother.

- But I smelled the bad smell before you washed it.

- Well, I don't feel anything, mom. I'll pay more attention. I don't think it's

anything serious. It must be the odor of perspiration.

- Are you sure, Andreza? There is no problem?

- No mother. The lady is very insistent. I'm not lying.

- Daughter, open up to me about any problems.

Andreza then wanted to get angry and said, somewhat excited:

- I told you, I don't have any problems and I'm not hiding anything from you.

Her mother couldn't take it then and confessed the truth.

- Daughter, you hide the facts from me and you lie to your mother.

- What are you talking about?

- I actually looked at her purse and found out that you consulted a

gynecologist. I don't usually do this, snooping through your things, but I suspected that

you weren't well and that you had made some inquiries.
- Mom, what is this? It was nothing and I just didn't want to worry you.

- Concerned! And you prefer to lie to me and hide such nonsense!

- Is not true.

- In reality, Andreza, you hide this from me because you don't want me to

know that you are no longer a virgin.

Andreza remained silent.

- But now I'm sure that you've already lost your virginity. There's not much

of a problem. We know this would happen one day, it's normal in a woman's life, but

you promised me you would tell me and we would be friends.

- I promised this when I was a child; I do not remember anymore.

- Know. You forgot many of our conversations. You're forgetting me too.

Remember me. I'm your mother. And I care about you. Even though you are already an

adult, I would like to participate in your life and for us to be mother and daughter, I

don't even say friends.

- I know you care about me.

- But you, Andreza, don't seem to care about me, my opinion or my presence.

- Mom, I don't want to bother you with my problems.

- It doesn't bother me to know about your life.

- Don't worry so much about me.

- I still worry. You've always been very naughty, you black girl.

- Mom, don't talk about me like that, because you hurt me.

- It might be. So sorry. But don't hide such important things about yourself

from me anymore. Remember that you have a mother and that she loves you.
And Ester went to her room, locked herself and went to cry. Andreza also

went to her room without lunch and stayed there for a few hours, silent and reflecting.

She didn't speak to her mother again that day.

At night Ester had to go to the hospital for a shift. But she rarely took night

shifts. In the days following this incident, they did not discuss anything else on the

same subject.

Andreza was invited to be maid of honor at her cousin Alina's wedding.

Douglas, however, was not invited to be best man, as he was not friends with any of

the grooms, and they preferred not to call him. Even so, Suellen's boyfriend was

disappointed, but he didn't want to express this feeling to his girl.

Douglas and Andreza went to Andreza's cousin's engagement.

The event took place in São José de Ribamar.

When leaving São Luís, they stopped the car on the highway and had sex for about 20


He went to the event accompanying the brunette, but he didn't feel very comfortable.

After the formal part and in the middle of the reception that the bride and groom

hosted, they left.

They continued their journey. During the journey on the Ribamar road, returning to

São Luís, Suellen was restless; the journey wasn't long and the two of them must have

already been halfway there.

She spoke little during the journey, looking out the car window and adjusting herself in

the car seat all the time, until her boyfriend became irritated and asked her what was


- Hey, love, what do you have?

- I was thinking about the crazy thing we did there on the way out of our city; -

Andreza and Douglas had quick sex outside the car, on the way out of São Luís - until

now I don't know how I had the courage! I don't know what came over me!

Douglas looked at her a little worried, because the way Andreza spoke, she seemed to

regret the boldness she committed a short time ago with her boyfriend. He then said:

- I really thought you wouldn't agree, love, but I liked it when you decided to win our


- Did you really like it, love? – she asked.

- Yes, I liked it, it was very exciting! I got very excited.

- Did anyone see what we did?

- Only if someone was hidden to have a good view!

- Did anyone see the time when I was standing in front of you, leaning back in

the car?

- Nobody saw. Stay calm.

Andreza, in the situation she was referring to, was holding Douglas's waist,

when she went down, getting on her knees, pulled his penis out of his pants and

brought it close to her mouth, and as he was already armed, she began to suck your

partner's member.

- Baby, when your dick got between my legs, I was immediately scared! –

she stated. - So you were naughty and purposely pulled me to fit there, between your

thighs and your penis. As his member hardened, I kept imagining a huge hard cock in

the middle of my thighs, poking my already wet pussy – confessed the girlfriend.

- Did you like feeling my cock, love? Was it too hard?

She looked at him scared, and thought about the answer she was going to

Douglas took her hand again and placed it over her pants, showing her how

excited he was again, listening to her talk about the naughtiness that happened

outside the car. The brunette opened a smile, perhaps relieved, knowing that he

approved of what she had done.

- You're enjoying talking about these things, aren't you? - she said, with the

face of a naughty girl.

- I'm loving it and here's proof that I'm not lying! – and Douglas took the girl's

hand to his erect penis.

- Rascal! - she said and Andreza smiled. - I now have a wet pussy again,


Douglas stopped the car on the side of the road and put his hand on her thigh

and went down to under her dress and then came with his hand going up through the

opening of the girl's clothes, reaching the crotch and then he put his hand, moving her

panties away with his finger, and you can feel your girlfriend's vagina moist with her

own lubricating secretion.

- It saw? – reinforced the girl.

- Can I lower these panties? - asked the boy.

- Let me do it myself.

She then lowered her underwear, opened her legs, and placed her feet on

the car dashboard. With her eyes closed, Andreza moaned, while Douglas massaged

her pussy.

Trucks passed by the car and honked, but Suellen didn't seem to care about

them; She continued with her legs wide open to receive affection on her private parts.

Andreza spoke at this moment:

- You bastard, do you want to eat me here, in the car, love? - she asked, still

moaning with lust.

- Do you want me to eat you right here? – questioned his male.

- I want! – asked Andreza, confidently.

Her breathing became more labored at that moment. She asked:

- There! Just put that dick in my mouth, love! I want to suck your hard cock,

you bastard!

Then the brunette came in Douglas's hand; Not satisfied, she replaced the

boy's hand with hers and continued masturbating, and came once again.

They then had sex inside the car.

After that, she continued to observe the scenery from the road during the

journey back to her city.

Douglas dropped her off at home and went back to hers, thinking about

everything she said while she was excited and everything they had done that night.

The weekend ended up being a turning point; Andreza was really starting to

take on her desires.

The week passed more slowly, and he couldn't wait to get to Friday to pick up

his girlfriend when she was leaving work and do something together. He masturbated

every day imagining her wiggling on his member and even drinking the semen


Finally he sexted! He picked her up after leaving work, as she was going to

skip college classes. He parked the vehicle in front of the telemarketing company

building and waited for the girl to come out.

Andreza left the building accompanied by Luciano, her co-worker. Douglas

realized that she saw him immediately, but the girl continued talking to the other boy.
They were talking animatedly and his girlfriend was laughing a lot; She was dressed up

for going out, so she looked very provocative, with her hair loose, brushed and tossed

to the side, red lipstick on her lips, which she had just renewed, and makeup covering

her eyes; She had changed her work uniform in the locker room for a tighter white

dress shirt, with the buttons open to the level of her breasts' cleavage; You could see a

little of the black lace bra she was wearing, very tight blue jeans and black high-heeled


She was trying to get his attention; she tossed her hair from side to side as

she talked. During the conversation between them, at certain times Suellen would

glance at her boyfriend inside his vehicle. She was teasing him, for sure.

After about ten minutes she said goodbye to Luciano with a kiss on the cheek

and came to the car, got in and gave him a kiss with the tongue, very wet.

Douglas looked at her with a questioning face.

- Andreza, what were you talking about so much? You had fun, you kept


- Nothing much, basically work matters.

Douglas put the vehicle in gear and they left. They continued the dialogue

with the car in motion:

- The conversation with him was lively, wasn't it? – asked the boy.

- I knew you would be jealous! – and Andreza smiled softly.

- What's the name of your tallest co-worker?

- Lucian. We didn't talk much before, but lately he's been talking to me more.

- It's funny now that he comes to talk to you more often, don't you think?

- You fool, you think everyone only talks to me because they want to eat me.

- And André, your brother-in-law? Did you meet him today?

- He got mad at me the other day.

- For what reason?

- I can not say. Family secrets. But today he was loving me; He saw me

arriving like this and was full of praise! He praised my mouth, which looks good with

this lipstick, he praised my nails, which make my hands more delicate and beautiful,

my hair; he noticed as soon as I arrived at the office; what else? I don't even

remember, today there were a lot of compliments from different people! – and she

opened a smile.

- This André doesn't miss the opportunity to mess with you!

- No really, now on the way out he invited me again for a happy hour in his

sector; He said he still owes me a drink and that today would be a good day to pay!

- Because today?

- That's what I asked!

- And what did he respond?

- That's when I noticed that my boyfriend had arrived, and that I should call

my father to tell him that I was going out with friends from work and that I didn't have

time to get home!

- Why didn't you say, my dear, that you were only going out with me?

- My father wouldn't let me.

- And he didn't ask for me?

- I told you that you would have a test at college and that you would stay at

home and study.

- Andreza, stop lying to your father. Learn to speak the truth... And bear the

- Oh love, you know that with you talking about it so much, I think you

opened my eyes a little; It really seems like I need to tell the truth more.

- I told you! Don't get used to lying.

- But imagine if my father finds out that my boyfriend is the one who

encourages me to dress like that? That you gave me a vibrator to use...etc...etc...

- It's worse than I've ever thought about, love, but I don't think it's a big deal

what we do together and I don't think it will harm you.

Andreza then questioned Douglas with a look full of ulterior motives.

- Why is my boyfriend so naughty?

- Because my girlfriend is also very naughty! – retorted the boy.

- Am I really? Are you sure? - asked the girl, then lying down on the boy's lap

and, pulling her boyfriend's penis out of his pants, sucked his member during the

journey to the bar where they would meet a friendly couple.

Douglas came in Andreza's mouth when they were about two blocks from the

bar. Once there, she got out of the car, still fixing her hairstyle, and wiped the corners

of her mouth.

They entered the bar, where their friends were already waiting for them.

They greeted their colleagues and Suellen went to the bathroom to touch up her

lipstick, which was all smudged from the blowjob in the car.

Her friend's girlfriend praised Andreza's new look; They hadn't seen each

other for a while and she hadn't yet met the brunette looking like that; Before, she

dressed more discreetly, with softer makeup. Whoever saw her now saw a great

woman, despite her young age and angelic face.

Douglas's friend couldn't take his eyes off Suellen; She noticed and naturally

her reaction was to close one of the buttons on her shirt, to reduce the cleavage on
her breasts. Douglas believed that she remembered the conversation they had about

people close to her and she was now trying to avoid future arguments with him.

However, at the next table, there was an individual who didn't take his eyes

off her either, but Douglas could see that he was staring a lot at his girlfriend's hip,

who was sitting in a chair in the corner of the table. Douglas got up to go to the

bathroom and could see that her jeans were very low waisted and, from the way his

girl was sitting, she was showing a bit of her bikini line, recently reinforced from her

weekend at the beach.

Douglas walked past her and whispered in her ear that the man at the next

table was drooling over the sun print on her bikini; the girl smiled and said that she

had already noticed that he was looking at her, and that she lowered the waist of her

pants just to provoke him.

Douglas returned to the table with a wide smile on his face, surprised by his

girlfriend's attitude.

They left the bar late and Andreza didn't seem in the mood for sex; she just

asked to go to her house; At her residence, she just took off her clothes and fell on the

bed, just in her panties, falling asleep immediately. She had only had two glasses of dry

wine and sparkling mineral water. And they had a breaded steak dinner with white



One of Andreza's Accounting classmates, named Cássio Mariano, already

had a degree in Psychology and was talking to her during the break between two

classes of his course.

Andreza spoke alone with his friend and confided in him:

- Cassio, I don't know what's happening to me. I want to trust my boyfriend,

Douglas, and be convinced that I can love him without restrictions, with all my heart,

but something tells me no; something tells me not to do this.

- Really, Suh?

- What could it be?

- It could be, because when a woman feels attracted to a man and falls in love,

her insecurities begin to surface, as the three brains inside her mind begin to work

against each other. It is at this stage that she will want constant validation so that she

can reinforce to herself that this man is what she has been looking for. But this same

woman does this in a completely opposite way to what would be expected, giving the

man insecurity. The more she wants him, the more she sabotages their relationship,

becoming dramatic. So, the two need to overcome this initial stage of a relationship,

which is one of distrust and doubt, to enter into a serious and trustworthy

commitment. However, in many situations it is extremely difficult for a man to

overcome this stage of trials to which the girl subjects him.

- I think I'm a lot like that, Cássio. This situation applies to many women -

reiterated Suellen.

Douglas knew some of his girlfriend's college friends, like William, and they

met at a paintball match at a shooting club. Suellen didn't like playing this sport.

After the game, the brunette's boyfriend offered his partner a ride and he

said the following words inside the car:

- Douglas, are you and Andreza strong?

- Yes. We're dating steadily.

- Sorry for asking. What is she really like as a person? Well, she seems to be a

bit dull. They actually say she's naughty.

- Like this? – asked his friend, in a serious tone. Do you know something

about her that I don't?

- I actually heard some things. Would you have the courage to listen?

- It's trustable?

- It was confided to me by people very close to me.

- And what did they say? Tell me – asked Douglas, already quite anxious. - Do

you swear it's true? I consider you as a friend.

- And that's why I need to tell you. I have no interest in her or jealousy of you,

but I think you should know to stay tuned and only you will know if the allegations are

in fact true.

- So talk.

- They say she's already hooked up with some guys for money and has even

done shows in cars in the college parking lot.

- I don't believe. It must be a lie – Douglas reacted, giving this answer more to

dissuade his friend.

- Another situation, friend. That brother-in-law of hers, André...

- What's wrong with him? – interrupted the dark-haired man with green eyes.

- He's already come to pick her up from college a few times. They seem very

intimate. I suspect there is something between them.

- And even? Strange.

- That's basically it, friend. Be careful with her.

- You can, but I don't really believe this story. Andreza wouldn't do that.

And they concluded that conversation.

Andreza's boyfriend from then on became quiet and somewhat

introspective; then he, who used to be very communicative. The girl had noticed the
change in Douglas' behavior and questioned him about this fact, but he only stated

that they were family problems and would be temporary, but refused to detail what

was really happening. He even made some appointments with Andreza and missed

appointments or canceled appointments at the last minute.

So, a short time later Douglas asked to have a delicate conversation with his

girl. They met at the mall, inside the food court, and the boy said:

- Suh, I have something very serious to talk to you about.

Andreza was immediately apprehensive, but she already suspected that her

boyfriend was about to end the relationship due to her most recent behavior. She then

came back, very suspicious:

- What happened dear? What do you want to talk about? – She said

affectionately, trying to make the boy abandon the idea of leaving her. But he went on

to say:

- Honey, I like you, but our relationship won't work anymore.

- Why, Douglas? – Suellen asked.

- My life has been very busy; yours too; I need to support my family; you, on

the other hand, work too much and still study; we don't have time for each other and I

think you deserve more attention; I can't give it to you - claimed Douglas.

The young woman replied:

- Baby, I never complained that you paid me little attention. I am satisfied

with our life and our relationship; I'm happy with you.

- He is sure? There are times when this doesn't show.

- I don't understand your statements – she replied. - Douglas, do you love


- Yes – replied the student, without firmness in his statement.

- So, are you thinking about another girl? Do you already have someone else?

– asked Andreza, with some despair.

- That's not it – said the man.

- Honey, you took me by surprise - lied the girlfriend, already a little tearful at

this point.

Douglas noticed the beginning of crying and tried to console her.

- Andreza, I believe it will be better for us. Let's finish and move on.

- Like this? I thought we were so good and that you loved me.

- That's why I want to break up: so you can find someone who can dedicate

more time to you. I care about your well-being.

Andreza then exploded:

- Is not true. If you liked me, you wouldn't leave me like this without a

plausible reason. I'm disappointed in you now. I thought he was different from others

and cared about me. Another disappointment, my God – and she rambled on to

herself, regretting it.

Douglas tried to remain calm.

- I like you, Andreza, but I prefer to finish. We need to move forward. It's

better to end it now than to get more involved and suffer much more later.

- Okay, I understand – admitted the girl. – If we can no longer be together, I

don’t want to force things and prolong this situation. I accept your request to end the


- Better. We can become friends.

- I don't want. I don't need your friendship. – stated the young woman.

- Then fine. Sorry.- replied the boy.

- There's no need to apologize – said Andreza, already raising her tone in

response. – So if it was just that: Bye. – And she left the boy’s side, to which he said:

- Bye, Andreza.

And they never spoke again. She blocked him from her cell phone calendar

and all messaging apps and they never contacted each other again. That day the young

woman arrived home very shaken, went to her room and cried a lot.

After Andreza became deeply involved with Douglas, he gradually began to

lose interest in her, to the point where she began to imagine that he already had

another girl. The student seemed to use her only to satisfy his sexual desires, treating

her like a real geisha, but from a certain moment he began to despise her, and he

wasn't even interested in sex anymore, and he even treated Andreza badly. He would

go days without communicating with her and no longer gave much value to the young

woman's messages. She began to conclude, then, that he didn't really like her as much

as she imagined he did; and it was too late for her because she was already very much

in love with him. Andreza questioned him about his change in attitude towards her and

whether he was interested in another girl, but Douglas ignored the conversation or

denied everything.

The boy's family also started to treat the girl more coldly and Suellen found

their behavior strange. Andreza began to investigate her boyfriend's life, trying to find

out if he had other girls and was cheating on her. Finally, they ended the relationship

by mutual agreement and just a week after breaking up definitively, Douglas appeared

on social media with another girlfriend, which made Suellen assume that he was

already cheating on her with this girl, even before they ended the relationship. As the

handsome boy appeared so early with another girl, and showing her to society, friends

and the whole family, his ex-girlfriend was convinced that he didn't care about her
feelings and Douglas didn't really like Andreza. as much as she would like. The

brunette's disappointment was total.

One day Melina entered the bedroom she shared with Andreza, without her

noticing, and noticed that her sister was examining her own cell phone in a completely

absorbed and focused way. The young redhead remained silent and managed to see

that Suellen was visualizing a drawing on her screen. She approached her, but the

brunette didn't notice her and seemed oblivious to what was going on around her; this

intrigued her immediately; What made Andreza so focused on her phone? Given her

immense curiosity, Melina quickly approached her middle sister behind her back and

managed to appreciate what she wanted: her sister glimpsed that old photograph she

had taken with her cousin Maryane and André at the Church rehearsal, without

Melina. At the time, Andreza was 18 years old and the redhead's boyfriend was a 17-

year-old teenager, very thin and frail. Melina then questioned her sister: “Andreza,

why are you appreciating this photo with my boyfriend so much? What is happening?"

Suellen soon noticed the jealousy in her sister's speech, but responded like this:

“Nothing much, sister. We just miss our cousin who left.” Melina replied: “I didn't even

know you had that photo on your phone, Suh. At least you never told me.” Andreza

continued: “Mel, it was Maryane who sent me the other day; She told me she found it

on her cell phone and was going to send it to me to satisfy her longing.” Melina

replied: “Really? But you seemed so involved, examining this photo; almost out of his

mind.” However, Suellen concluded: “But it's because I was also checking how we

change; my face was so round! My legs were so toned! And I was so chubby. I even

looked darker. Whatnot." Melina also commented, asking: “André has also changed a

lot. And about him, don’t you think anything?” Andreza replied: “No, nothing special

about your boyfriend.” And they ended that conversation.

Andreza told Nádia about her breakup with Douglas a few days later. They

spoke via the messaging app.

- Bruna, you don't answer my messages anymore. What is occurring? I'm


But the brunette finally found the courage to talk to her friend.

- Nadia, I have been going through a lot of problems. That's why I moved

away from people.

- Why, Suh? You know I think highly of you. You can open up to me. Who

knows, maybe I can help. What is happening?

- I ended my relationship with Douglas and I felt really bad after that.

- Really was?! What a shame! You told me that you liked this boy so much

and you understood each other so well.

- But he was changing; His family didn't treat my role well and they also

started making fun of me. I think it's because I come from a poor background.

- Don't say that, friend. Don't feel inferior for material reasons.

- Thank you for the words; but I felt. And he started treating me badly,

forgetting me. He no longer invited me out, he was no longer affectionate with me in

words and gestures; he seemed to pay no attention to what I told him; It seems like I

no longer had meaning in his life. I started to suffer. And I gave myself so much to him,

body and soul!

- I know, you were intense, and I no longer felt any correspondence from him

for your love.

- Yes, I believed that “love pays for itself with love”, but I sadly discovered

that this is not always the case. And the worst thing is that I didn't do anything to
deserve to be treated like this, with contempt. Quite the opposite: I only gave love and

attention and gave as much as I could in this relationship.

- Did you think about engagement?

- I came to think, of course, of the little girl in love. But I always found it

strange that he didn't get very close to my family and didn't make friends.

- He may never have had good intentions with you.

- Exactly. Today I consider that he only wanted me to have sex and satisfy all

his sexual desires.

- Do not think like that; you will only hurt yourself more.

- I imagine that for him I was just a “little whore”, who served his pleasures

and his erotic fantasies. Or a sex doll.

- Bruna, don't say that...

- Worse than true. And when I think that it wasn't my fault for everything to

end like this, I feel worse.

- Don't you see any more chances of coming back?

- No, God forbid. I don't want to see him anymore. Really the worst feeling in

all of this is not knowing why everything changed suddenly, if it was so good. If I made

a mistake and what did I make a mistake? I also have doubts if he ever cheated on me

when we were together. All of this makes me suffer.

- Don't martyr yourself. If it's over, try to forget it and prepare your heart for

someone else.

- It's going to take a while now. And to think that he barely left me before he

showed up with another girl. Hurt so much. See who you love with another girl... And

now, with so little time...

And Andreza cried slightly in her room after typing those words.
- My God, how bad he was with you. As soon as possible, I want to see you.

My friend, I know it's difficult, but try to forget and move on with your life. You will be

fine, I will hope and pray for you. God be with you.

- Thank you, friend, just for listening to me. Goodbye.

And they ended the messages.

Melina's boyfriend came to wait for her, as they were going to a rehearsal at

the Church. While Ester's youngest daughter was taking a shower and getting ready to

leave, the boy stayed talking to Andreza.

- André, I need to change my email so Douglas doesn't send me any more

email messages.

- Well, I'm going to make an Outlook email account for you because as

Google email is the most used, if I make Outlook he won't find out. And I’m going to

put some “underline” symbols between names and surnames to make things more

difficult. And I will not put the post name “suellen” in your email.

- So, will it look like your email?

- Yes. Look, I didn't even send an email to my girlfriend. But I will do it for


- Thank you, André, you are lovely.

- But don't tell Melina that I was the one who wrote her email. She is very


- It can leave.

- Andreza, I'm waiting for the notice for the Military Police officer

competition. I'm going to do the competition in Maranhão and Piauí, whichever comes

first. You don't want to study with me, do you?

- And Melina, don't you want to do this contest? Doesn't she want to study

with you, André?

- She told me she doesn't want to pursue a military career. In her view, it is

still an area more reserved for men.

- I disagree.

- Me too, but we have to respect your sister's opinion.

- And your mother, Ms. Ivonete, doesn't think it's a very dangerous career

given the violence of today?

- Think a little. But I already reassured her that officers carry out more

bureaucratic work and in the Military Police offices. There aren't many activities in the

field so we are less exposed to criminals and have fewer direct confrontations with

marginalized people.

- You talk as if you were already taking the officers' course and with little time

left until you graduate.

- Andreza, I'm sure I'll pass this competition and I'll improve my life.

- God hear you.

- Thanks.

- So you can finally get married.

- Get married?! - And André hesitated and after about 3 seconds he

continued - Ah! Yes definitely. Melina and I will be able to get married.

Melina appeared at this time. André anticipated it with a compliment:

- Melina, you look so beautiful.

- Let's go! - she invited him out and then said goodbye to her sister - Bye, Suh.

- Good rehearsal for you - wished the brunette.

And they went out together to the temple.

Andreza asked permission to go to a gospel concert by the evangelical band

“Rosa de Luz” that was going to take place in São José de Ribamar.

- Mom, can I go to the show that will be promoted by the Church? This event

has been awaited for almost 6 months. They say it's unmissable. The band is


- The presentation that will be in São José de Ribamar?

- Yes.

- I found out; some people commented at work and at church. And when will

the show be?

- Next month, in 3 weeks.

- You can go, daughter. And who will you go with?

- I want to go to my cousins' house in Ribamar and we'll go from there. Or

Luciana's or Isabel's house. I'll go with them.

- Good idea. And is there a boy going with you? Girls walking alone is

dangerous. And certain companies are too.

- Isabel's boyfriend, that is, now fiancé, is going with us.

- Fortunately. So it's great. Have you spoken to your father yet?

- Yes. He agreed, but told me that it depends on you...

- No problem for me, the way you told me. If anyone else goes with you or

something changes, let me know. And will other young people in our community also


- Yes. Ícaro, Kátia, Michelle, Kelly, Amanda, Valber, and others, well, many


- And will any of your crushes paint there?

- No, none. I do not have any.

- Not even your ex-boyfriend is going? By the way, is he dating another girl?

- He might go, but I won't even look him in the face if he passes me. I don't

know if he already has another girlfriend. And I’m still wearing that t-shirt that says “I

hate you” on the front, which I bought in honor of him.

- Daughter... What is this?

- Mom, I'm going to take a shower and get dressed for work.

- All good.

And the two walked away. Andreza returned to her room.

Getting closer to the day of the show, a friend of the brunette called Nelsinho

sent a message to Andreza. He noticed that she was online on WhatsApp and started a

conversation. He wrote:

- Princess, didn't you show up again? What there was? I missed you.

- I'm very busy, darling. Working too much. I come home from work many

days very tired, just the rest, just the people. I don't have the courage to do anything

else, I just want to rest.

- My God, what a hardworking girl! I never wanted to sing in worship again.

- It did not work out anymore. And I don't have the same gift as you. I mean, I

didn't have any more opportunities - Andreza lied.

- Well, come visit us here at the Tirirical temple some day. We are waiting for

you with open arms.

- Thank you friend. I'll find a schedule, I promise. Any time will work out. But

not for now.

- What a shame.

Nelsinho then commented on the gospel show.

- And the show, my beauty, in two weeks, are you going? I wanted to invite

you to go...

The girl responded after a pause to think.

- No, Nelson. Thanks for the invite, but I'm not thinking about going. I have a

work commitment that day until late. I don't think I'll go to the show.

- All good. But if you change your mind, let me know. I can take you. A hug.

- Other. Goodbye.

And they ended exchanging messages that day.

In fact, after two weeks Andreza went to the show with her cousins and met

Nelson there, giving him the excuse that she decided to go at the last minute. She,

however, did not meet her ex-boyfriend at the presentation, but went to the event

wearing the shirt with the words: “I hate you”.

After ending her relationship with Douglas, Andreza was not cool. She

couldn't sleep well and didn't eat well.

Her father, José, realized what was happening to his daughter and tried to

have a conversation with her.

- Andreza, my daughter, in the last few weeks I have felt that you are not

well. She became quieter, slept little and barely ate. Even she lost weight. I'm worried

about you. Is all this because your relationship ended?

- I think so - replied his daughter.

- My love, the other time you ended your relationship it was the same way.

You look really bad.

“React. Don't be like that. You make me uneasy. You get upset, Andreza,

whenever you end a relationship with a guy. You become so weak that I'm afraid

something worse will happen to you. Fainting, falling, hitting your head on the floor.
- God forbid, daddy.

- I almost don't have the courage to leave you alone at home. Do you want to

tell me something?

- I'll react, daddy. I know I can't stay like this, without the will to live. I need to

recover. I know I am strong and I will cross this barrier. I need to sleep, eat and get out

of the house. Otherwise it will get in my way at college and even at work. Today I

missed classes on my course. I'm really not feeling well today. I preferred to stay at


- Yes; You can't go on like this. Move on with your life. Or do you still like


- I don't like him anymore; I was disappointed with Douglas.

- What did he really do to you? Tell me everything.

- I don't want to say details. Valentine's nonsense. And everything is passing.

- Are you sure you don't want to tell what happened?

- He wasn't faithful to me and other things. And that's enough. Full stop. I

don't want to say anything more.

- Ok. I respect your wishes. Do you want to look for a psychologist or a


- No need, daddy. I swear not. I will improve. Let's wait a little longer.

- Do you want to talk to Pastor Joaquim?

- Not yet.

- I'm here to help you, daughter. Don't leave me like this, worried. I want to

see you happy. Want to go out for pizza?

- Not today, dad. Tomorrow can be.

- Right. I'll charge you tomorrow; I will invite you again; Did you go to worship


- I didn't have the courage to go.

- Next time you come with me. I'll drag you. It's for your own good. Have you

been talking to your friends at church and school? Talk to them. Trícia is such a

sensible girl. He can give you some good advice.

- I don't know if it would help. I have only spoken to Nádia.

- Well, call Trícia.

- I am going to try.

- Right. And have you spoken to your mother? When did they last speak?

- I spoke to her 3 days ago, via WhatsApp.

- Did she comment how you are? Did you ask her for any guidance?

- No. I don't want to worry my mother. And I'm not sure she could help me.

- Your mother needs to know what's happening to you, Andreza. She can help

you too. Is important. You can't hide this from your mother. Ester has the right to

know how you are, so she can help you at the right time. She demands that from me

sometimes, you know?

- I imagine, dad.

- Or would you prefer that I tell her myself what's going on with you? She

wouldn't like it! Your mother prefers you to talk...

- I know that. I'll tell her as soon as possible.

- Your mother thinks until I force you to cover up the facts for her!

- No, daddy. Don't tell me that. I don't believe.

- Yes, but it's not a bad thing that she says that. She needs to know more

about you. Be more friends with your mother.

- Dad, are you hiding something bad between you that caused the


- No, daughter. We do not hide anything from you. I swear.

It was 9 pm and the two went to bed.

- Daughter, it's early, but go to bed soon. You need to rest. He wants a

sleeping pill. I'll give you half the pill I use when I have insomnia. I know you don't like

taking medicine, but sometimes it's necessary...

- No, I prefer not to take it, Dad. I go to bed. I'll be able to sleep better today,

God help me. Your blessing, daddy.

- God bless you, dear.

And Joseph kissed his daughter on the forehead and they each went to his


At her mother's suggestion or almost in an imposed manner, Andreza went to

have a serious conversation with the pastor of her Church, alone. After being received

by him in his room, she said to the brunette:

- Good morning, Pastor Joaquim. Can I come in and sit down?

- Good morning, young lady, may God bless you. Yes definitely. Lets sit. Feel

at home. How are you? Can I help you? I'm here to listen to you and talk. You can open

up to me. It will be an open conversation. I am a mature man, above all a man of God,

but I know well the desires of today's young people. Whatever I can help with, I'm

here. Your mother told me that you would like to meet with me to ask for some


- I asked?? - Andreza replied in an ironic tone. – Forgive me, but I am here in

your presence, pastor, more because of her will. She was the one who asked me to

come talk to you.

- But, my daughter, did you come to my presence against your will? I need to

know! - asked the evangelical pastor, very calmly.

Andreza responded promptly:

- No, not that. I didn't come thanks. Rest assured. I am here of my own free

will. Be sure.

- Ah, that's right then. I feel more relieved. My intention is to help if I can. By

the way: how are your parents?

- They are fine. Touching their lives. Mom working a lot at the hospital. She

arrives so tired from her shifts. I feel sorry for her! It's a job that doesn't suit me,


- But are you okay at home? Is the family together?

- Yes we are.

- Your father, José, I haven't seen him in two weeks. Where is he going?

- He is travelling. To his hometown. He went to visit his brothers. It arrives

next week.

- I understood. And then my dear, what do you have to talk to me about? We

can start...? Do you prefer to initiate or do you want me to ask you some questions

and my daughter will answer, if she wants.

- Then start.

- My daughter, how is your love life? You have boyfriend?

- At the time no.

- And such a beautiful girl is alone? When did she end her last relationship?

- I ended my relationship a few weeks ago. I prefer to be alone now.

- Did your boyfriend attend our church?

- No. He was Catholic.

- Maybe that's why your relationship didn't work out.

- I don't think that's why.

- Was he a practitioner of his religion? Or just Catholic to say he had a


- He went to mass almost every Sunday. But as far as I know, he did attend


- And his conduct was Christian?

Andreza hesitated a little to respond and, after a pause, gave a not very

confident answer.

- Yes, he is a good guy and acts according to the Church's guidelines - that's

what Andreza said to convince the pastor.

- But the fact is that your relationship ended. And your mother told me that

you live a sad myth. Why did you break up? Your mother told me that you liked each

other very much.

Andreza didn't know if he was telling the truth, but he said:

- He betrayed me, Pastor. And I got tired of it. I broke up with him and still

regretted it afterwards. But he made me suffer a lot, a lot.

- Then forget it, my daughter. Pray for him to improve as a person and ask

God to bring a better person into your life. Is he still looking for her? Do you still talk?

- After the end he still sent me a couple of messages, but I chose not to

respond. I wanted to cut the umbilical cord that tied me to him and I'm doing it.

- Are you managing to forget this boy?

- Yes I am.

- But your mother also told me that you have been moving away from the

congregation and services a little. For what reason?

- It's just for a while. I'm not cool. I need time for myself, to reinvent my life.

- But moving away from God is not the best way. Turn to him and give your


- I'm not and I don't want to move away from God, believe me. It's something

temporary; I'm just not motivated to attend the temple with the same frequency as

before; but I'm sure I'll get better soon and everything will go back to normal, like it

was before.

- Have you ever thought about looking for a doctor? Maybe you already need


- I don't think I need it yet. Are you saying a psychiatrist? I don't think it goes

that far. I can still manage on my own to try to solve my problems. And I will make it. If

it gets worse, I try to consult a psychologist or psychiatrist. I wouldn't want to take

prescription medication. They have many side effects, treatments are long and

expensive; and drugs, even though they are therapeutic, can cause withdrawal

syndrome and dependence.

- But don't think like that. If it is prescribed by a specialist and you need to

take it, it will be the best option for you.

- But I'll wait longer. And I will pray to God to help me.

- That's how it's said, Andreza. Faith and hope! You need both of these and

prayer is a great start. And how is your relationship with your mother, Ester. Are you

guys getting along? Or is there some disagreement between the two of you?

After a few seconds, the girl gained courage and spoke about some feelings

that were troubling her and she would really like to know her spiritual pastor's opinion

on all of this. She imagined that Pastor Joaquim would keep it a secret and she told

- Pastor, some feelings distress me, they disturb me a little. I have ambiguous

feelings for my mother, sometimes of love, other times of aversion and antipathy. I

think I'm not a bad person and I don't want to be repulsed by my mother, but any time

she displeases me, I feel a lot of negative feelings and bad thoughts towards her. I get

upset and angry sometimes. However, I try to repress it, not be rude to her and get

back to having a good relationship, as mother and daughter should be, friends.

- Congratulations, my daughter. Fight these bad feelings. These are not

virtues, but human weaknesses. Lean on God and his Holy Word, the Bible. When you

get upset about what your mother says, be humble and initially let your guard down

and ask for forgiveness. I believe that if she realizes she made a mistake, she will

recognize it from now on and you will make peace, instead of getting upset and even

feeling offended. Jesus wants peace and reconciliation between parents and children!

Above all, he wants dialogue, without hatred, without verbal aggression, with

reciprocity, and he knows that he can inspire a solution to all these issues. Why do you

differ so much?

- Many times we are not aligned and my mother just wants to see her side.

She has difficulty seeing a view that is contrary to hers and recognizing when she is


- But don't condemn her. Try to talk calmly. Respect when your mother is

right and try to show her when she is wrong, but with caution. I have no doubt that

your mother wants the best for her life, although she may be overdoing it at times.

- Could you also talk to her?

- Yes, I can suggest that to her. I'll look for her.

The girl said more:

- Pastor, I'm a little strange or out of the normal range of other girls, I think.

I'll confess: I have a lot of sexual desires, I desire a lot of men, I'm very attracted to

them and this seems to affect my behavior and my beliefs. Even knowing that it could

disrupt my life. It takes my concentration away sometimes and I worry that it might

take me off the right path. What should I do? Am I very sinful?

- Try not to martyr yourself. Occupy your mind with other things. God can

forgive all our mistakes and faults as long as we recognize our sin, ceasing the sinful act

and performing good works, being in solidarity with others.

Andreza stopped, reflecting on the pastor's words. He continued:

- Avoid looking at men you don't know yet and at committed men. And read

the word of God, follow its precepts, its 10 commandments. I will give you some

reading suggestions in the Holy Bible in this regard. And pray every day to God asking

him to remove all malice and all indecency from your mind and heart. Ask God to

purify your body and soul and surrender everything to the divine will. Believe that he

can heal you. It can change your life for the better.

Andreza thought and wondered if what was happening to her was an illness.

She needed healing, the pastor said. So she needed treatment? Of the mind, soul and

body? The girl kept these questions to herself.

- Is there anything else, my daughter? Do you want to talk about anything

else? She also questioned the pastor.

- No, not for today. We've already talked a lot today. Our dialogue was very

useful for me. I need to reflect more, and under the Word of God. Thank you sir for

your words and tips.

- I hope to talk to you again. And that you're feeling better. Stay with God,

my daughter. Good week.

- Thanks again. Good morning and see you next time.

And she said goodbye, leaving the room.



Andreza began by saying:

- Melina, whoever the person is, I don't want to beg for love. Love and

passion are feelings that should be spontaneous, not forced. Therefore, I will not insist

so much on someone who does not show interest in me, as they only hurt me,

mistreat me, with their actions.

- You're right, my sister. It is necessary at these times to have self-love, to

give up on a toxic relationship and move on with your life. I've also been reading a lot

about the theory of the high-value woman. We should never beg for someone's love.

Love yourself first, always.

- Something that will never be reciprocal will not last for long - continued

Andreza. - See my example with Douglas. Whoever deserves to love you, Melina, will

appear in your life at the exact moment, just wait. Forcing someone to love you is the

same as begging for something that will never be reciprocated, because nothing under

pressure can be spontaneous and true.

- The heart can be a trap – replied the red-haired girl. - Many will hurt you,

sister, but don't give up on loving, Suh. Don't give your love to just anyone, but it, true

love, I believe is worth it. Be patient, sister, don't give yourself to anyone, don't leave

your heart exposed with all its weaknesses. They can be your worst trap.

- Yes, Melina, I must learn to have self-love. Love occurs when it has to

happen and not when one person tells the other that the time to love has arrived.
Everyone has their own time, and it is not viable to force anyone to have a feeling that

is theirs alone.

- Don't love for two, Suh! - said his sister. - If Douglas didn't give you the value

you deserve, forget him, remove him from your head and your heart. No matter who

you are, don't beg for love, living on crumbs; you are very correct. Take care of

yourself, your self-esteem and value yourself. Go to the gym, take care of your body,

go study, try to read the word of God, buy some interesting books to read.

- The heart's big mistake, Melina, - explained the brunette - is that it doesn't

always know how to act sensibly, and it only wants to know how to love and receive

that same love in return.

- Escape from toxic relationships - reinforced his younger sister. - An

unresolved love only goes against this entire path and even destroys the little joy that

remains in your heart, Suh. I see how dejected, almost devastated and confused you

are. Your face changes, your voice weakens, your smile loses its shine. Don't be like

that. So, escape toxic relationships, people like Douglas, who don't deserve you and

find a new direction.

- I'll make it, sister. He doesn't deserve my smile, he doesn't deserve my love,

he doesn't deserve to have me by his side. People like him are best thrown out of our

lives. Whoever didn't make me smile doesn't deserve to be the reason for my tears.

I'm going to think about myself now, about self-love and I'm not going to beg anyone

to have feelings for me. And I will take care of myself.

- Don't let yourself be contaminated! - Melina pleaded. - There are people

who suck us in, say they feel a false love and countless times prove to us with their

attitudes that they do not deserve the affection and dedication of those who really

have a true feeling in their chest.

- Love comes from within! - Andreza philosophized. - I believe that. There is

no feeling more beautiful than love. And why is he so beautiful, contemplated and

desired by everyone? Because it comes from within, it doesn't need effort to happen

and, when it lives in a heart, it simply exudes inner light.

- Love needs to be cultivated and cared for! - continued his sister - If a man

does not feed and cultivate our love for him, one day this love may end. Love can be

something simple, which doesn't need much to happen, but it needs a great will to

remain and continuous actions so that it can flourish, otherwise it may run out one

day. It needs to be cultivated day after day.

- Liking is generous, it has to be! - said the brunette. - Whoever it is, whoever

doesn't give you love, doesn't deserve to have it. Therefore, even those who donate

their hearts to someone cannot beg for love, nor can they ask for forgiveness for

mistakes they did not commit. So, if this happens, it's because this relationship isn't

right for you. It must end – said Andreza. And she continued:

“If someone hurts me in a relationship, I can give them a chance, but if they

continue, I will have to leave. He needs to love me for me to be happy, but first I need

to love myself and take care of my soul.

- Only surrender when you are sure, Suh! - asked Melina. - Live by loving

yourself first. Only give in when you are sure of his feelings and that way you won't get

hurt by someone who just wants to play with your heart.

- Love is not obligatory; and trust, when it is lost, is rarely regained -

continued the brunette. - Affinity alone is not enough, nor even desire. To be happy as

a couple, you need much more than that.

- When love is real, I think, - Melina reflected - there is no need to love later,

to wait, to give time. Love, when it is real, happens now, without delay or pretexts. If
someone ever bullies you, run away, because they don't deserve your best, not even

your dedication to making them happy.

“Whoever doesn't deserve it, shouldn't know how much you suffer until you

overcome this feeling. So, even on your worst days, don't beg for attention from the

one who once despised you and threw away your desire to love.

- You're absolutely right, sister - concluded Andreza. - I'll live my life.

And they ended that conversation.

Some time later, Andreza announced to her mother that she was thinking

about participating in a charity event.

- Mom, I was talking to some friends from the Church and we had a really

cool idea: creating a small theater group and doing small performances in public clinics

and hospitals. Our purpose is to try to bring a little joy to sick children. I saw that there

is a group of young people in São Paulo, the capital, who visit sick children in clinics

and hospitals; They are the “Angels of Laughter”. I thought of something similar to

what they accomplish. What do you think of our plan?

- Congratulations, my daughter. Excellent initiative from you. I thought it was

a great idea! A very rewarding action. I give you all my support.

After that day, Andreza and his colleagues would still carry out two charitable

actions in clinics, two in health centers, three in nursing homes and two in orphanages,

but the group later dissolved and the project was suspended indefinitely.


Antônio José and Ester convinced their daughter to see a psychiatrist.

Andreza was still very nervous after the end of her relationship with Douglas. She ate

poorly, lost sleep, hardly talked anymore and was moving away from her friends. She
was frequently absent from college and the only reason she didn't miss work was

because she was afraid of becoming unemployed.

The brunette published on her Facebook account:

“I need to sort out my life and my mind. It's a lot of confusion for just one

person's head. “

Her mother and father, who had already been monitoring their daughter's

behavior, decided to have a talk with her together.

Andreza was at her father's house in the morning, who claimed that he was

not going to work that day because he was very unwell, when she received a surprise

visit from her mother Ester.

- Mom, what are you doing here so early? – the brunette was surprised.

- Good morning daughter. I came because your father invited me to have a

debate together.

- Yes, daughter, I invited my ex-wife so we could have a serious talk with you.

– confirmed José.

The girl looked startled and sat down on a chair at the dining table.

Her parents also sat down and Suellen questioned them:

- What are you so serious about talking to me about?

- Daughter, we want to talk about your mental health and your psychological

state – declared your father.

- Well, tell me! What is wrong with me?

- Andreza,-her mother began – we are very concerned about her behavior

and her reactions after the end of her relationship. In fact, we are already distressed

and very afraid that something worse will happen to you.

- Like this? – asked the daughter.

- Honey, you're getting weaker – said her father. – You have already lost a lot

of weight, now you live locked in your room. I always notice you with red eyes, as if

you were crying all the time. You hardly talk to me anymore. I don't see you smile

anymore. You miss a lot of college classes: you'll end up failing a semester. Soon it will

also start to interfere with your service.

- Forgive me for being like this, daddy.

- I believe it is not your fault for acting this way. I imagine that not all of this is

of your own free will – replied José.

- Daughter, even your sisters and brother-in-law André have noticed your

strange and distant behavior. You are almost no longer attending your Church and you

are even more distant from me. I worry a lot.

- Don't worry so much about me. I will recover. I've been through this before

and I got over it - said the girl.

- But this time we found that the situation is much more delicate. – said his


- And where do you want to get to? What do you want me to do? – asked the


Her mother took a sigh and continued:

- Daughter, we want you to see a psychiatrist. We believe that you need

medication to calm down and to gradually return your life to a normal situation.

- A psychiatrist? I don't want to go... – Andreza protested.

-You do need medical help, dear – said her father. - I've already talked about

this a lot with your mother.

- But why? - he questioned the girl again.

- Daughter, you need controlled medication to overcome all this – her mother

insisted. – I was even afraid that you would start getting involved with illicit drugs.

- Not that, mom. I have good company in my daily life. No one has ever

offered me drugs. I swear.

- Thank God, dear – reiterated her mother.

- I didn't want to take controlled medication – the girl pleaded. - I'm afraid of

becoming dependent on them and having to use them for the rest of my life.

- No, daughter, it's not like that – José clarified. – Take the example of your

aunt Teresa: she underwent depression treatment for two years and has now

suspended all medication. She is great. I consider her to be cured.

- But having to use controlled medications full of reactions for two years or

more!? It’s a long time for me – declared his daughter.

- But there are cases in which the treatment takes less time, Andreza –

explained Ester. - And reactions to medications generally occur only at the beginning of

treatment. And the doctor can change medications, if necessary, until he arrives at the

best regimen for you.

- And when you need to take medication, Andreza, there is no way to escape

them. You seem to be suffering from anxiety and maybe even starting to feel

depressed – said the man.

- No, daddy, I don't think I have depression – retorted his daughter.

- Only the doctor can say that, dear, after consulting you – declared that


- Daughter, let’s make the appointment – your mother warned. – I received a

recommendation from a very competent psychiatrist to assist you: Dr. Gregório

Facundo. He is a professor of Medicine.

- I will only agree to consult with him if I enter the office alone.

- And are you going to tell us all about your problem, Andreza? Aren't you

going to cover up anything from the doctor? Please, this is a serious matter. Do not

hide the details of the problems from the psychiatrist. The doctor needs to know

everything to make the correct diagnosis – warned his mother.

- But he doesn't need to know details of my intimate life; even more details

of emotional relationships. He wants to know that!... - said the brunette.

- Daughter, everything can be significant for the doctor – José clarified. -

Answer everything he asks. The doctor will not seek to know the details of what

happened to you, with a wealth of information, but he needs to be notified of what

happened to you to understand where you are now.

- OK everything is fine. You beat me – said his daughter. - I'm going to the

doctor. But I go into his room alone. And, if he refers me to a psychologist, I won't go,

because I think talking about psychologists sucks and we can't spend money on private

therapies: the sessions are always very long and it's just easier to get everything


- Daughter, it's not a question of money – declared José to calm Suellen. - We

will do whatever it takes to get you back to health.

- Thank you, dad – she thanked him. – I’ll be fine, God willing; and he wants.

- Yes, daughter, God is wonderful – concluded your mother. – You will not

regret this consultation.

- I hope so, mom.

- Daughter, I’m going to work – the lady said goodbye.

- Good work – said Andreza.

- Bye, José.
And Ester left for her work.

Andreza went to see the psychiatrist as per her parents' request, but she

demanded that she enter the doctor's office alone and did so. Inside they introduced

themselves and the doctor asked him:

- Miss Andreza, tell me the reason for your visit to my office.

- Doctor, I came here more because my parents imposed it.

- My young lady, then why did you come? You are an adult and have the right

to decide what is best for you. But did your parents motivate you to come here

without a plausible justification?

- Doctor, I even think that I would need a psychologist to do many sessions,

but I confess that I don't have the patience for psychotherapy. I'm going through some

personal problems, which have really messed with my head, but I understand that it's

something temporary; I'll get well soon. That's why I didn't want to come see you now,

as I don't want to start medication. I would prefer to wait a little longer.

However, Andreza's parents had already explained to the doctor everything

that was happening to her: the disorders, the lack of interest in life, the poor quality of

sleep, the difficulty in eating, the impairment in her performance at college and at

work. But there would be no point in asking, as it would be likely that the patient

would deny almost everything.

- Dear, help, the sooner, the more welcome. I'm here to listen to you, and I'm

like a priest, completely trustworthy.

- I don't trust priests very much... – she provoked.

- Well, excuse my comparison. Tell me a little about your problems: I want to

be your psychologist today. Tell me just a little bit.

- Doctor, I hope you have the patience to listen.

- He can talk. Start.

- This is more or less what happens to me: when I end a romantic relationship

I feel very bad, almost upset, with no desire to live, sad, and with each unsuccessful

relationship, I start to trust people less and become more pessimistic about life. I get

really upset when I end a relationship in which I gave of myself and thought it was

serious. And the two times I broke up with my boyfriends, I discovered that I was

deceived, that is, I was betrayed.

- You're very young: don't take life so seriously. Get involved calmly and


- Difficult, doctor. We start to like people and start trusting them.

- But please tell me: before these unsuccessful relationships, what were you

like? How he viewed life and people.

- It's difficult to answer: but I thought I was a normal person. And I think I'm

still a person with normal behavior, but with exaggerated reactions. I need to learn

how to combat this problem in the face of failures in life.

- I'm glad you think so; This is a good start to freeing yourself from this

problem. I'm going to ask you some questions. Answer if you want, but try to be

truthful in your answers. May I ask?

- He can.

- Girl, do you usually avoid professional activities that involve significant

interpersonal contact for fear of criticism, disapproval or rejection?

- To date, I have only worked as a telemarketing attendant. I only have

contact with my colleagues in my free time, which we hardly have. The work is hard.

- But are you willing to get involved with strange people?

- Generally not, unless I'm sure it can be received positively.

- And in your emotional relationships? How do you see yourself, Andreza?

- I see myself as a more reserved person in intimate relationships; I don't like

showing up a lot and being seen with my partner. I don't like exposing myself to people

with excessive displays of affection in front of others.

- Would you be afraid of being embarrassed or ridiculed?

- I don't think that's the point. It's my way: being reserved in relationships.

- Do you worry about criticism or rejection in social situations?

- Not a lot; just a little.

- Why do you care about other people's opinions?

- Who doesn't worry, doctor? Tell me.

- But exaggerated worries or excessive reactions to criticism or suggestions

from other people are always harmful to our mind. Opinions do matter, but as long as

they are common sense and serve our betterment, and do not belittle us or make fun

of ourselves.

- I don't like strange people judging my life.

- So why do you care so much about them or their opinions of you?

- I don't know, but I value my honor and my reputation. Maybe that's why I

take into consideration what strangers say about me.

- Do you inhibit yourself in new interpersonal situations, which you have not

seen before, due to feelings of inadequacy?

- Explain this question better, please.

- I'll explain: many times in life we can feel inadequate. Some days there may

be a reason why we get frustrated, thinking that we have been misinterpreted and

misunderstood by someone. But let's agree that giving a fuck or paying “cheer”, as

they say, is part of our life? We have to understand that it happens to any individual;
We cannot charge ourselves too much. The term “inadequate” suggests that there

would be an “appropriate” way of acting and behaving, while the inappropriate would

be wrong, bad, or unhealthy. The discomfort underlying the feeling of inadequacy

would be due to the inconsistency of what one thinks and believes with the results

observed. The person feels uncomfortable, starting to question whether their beliefs

are really correct or whether they should change.

- I believe that this happens to me in several situations, where I am not a light

person, and take myself too seriously, perhaps overcharging myself, as you pointed


- So try to be more “light”, more serene, smile more at your own mistakes

and don’t punish yourself for nothing, for any nonsense or nonsense you have done;

many times you were not at fault; remember this. Learn to laugh at yourself.

- I'll try to be lighter, and less judgmental of myself.

- Have you ever seen yourself as a socially incapable individual, or without

personal attractions or even in an inferior condition to others?

- Yes, when I didn't learn to play the guitar, when I couldn't sing well in

worship, when I was a teenager and I was interested in some boys and they didn't pay

attention to me, when I fell off my bike and my mother didn't let me try to learn

anymore , when they talked bad about me at school because I was cheated on by a

boyfriend; I was the victim and yet I was defamed and not just him, who was the

traitor. When I couldn't win the friendship of a person I thought was important. When I

tried to take a cooking class with my mother and I ruined almost everything in the

course kitchen; there are many situations. Some I prefer not to mention.

- Overcome all this; They were learning experiences for you... Look at it this

- I'm trying to overcome these small traumas and convince myself that I'm a

capable person.

- We are only capable of what we seek to learn and we strive, and there are

things we will not learn and patience. We move on to another activity. And we are all

capable, believe that, we just need to go after it with faith, self-confidence.

- I need to acquire this self-confidence; She runs away from me sometimes.

- Perhaps you are unusually reluctant then, dear, to take personal risks or

engage in any new activities, as these could be embarrassing.

- I believe that at the moment I have been behaving like this.

- Let's fix this; Taking risks in life is necessary, and we have to learn to

calculate the risks and benefits in each situation. But you have to take risks...

- I am afraid, on some occasions, of being criticized, disapproved or rejected;

Unless I like the other person, and have affinity, or feel quite comfortable with them, I

prefer to isolate myself; I need to correct myself regarding these excessive fears.

- Are you sure you don't want to undergo psychoanalysis or psychotherapy


- I don't want. These are very long treatments; I would be bored; and we

need to open up and tell everything about our lives; I do not feel comfortable; I don't

have this courage; and I can't even afford such long treatments.

- Think about it later.

- Who knows, maybe I can do it later, if it's still necessary.

- You are afraid of being embarrassed or ridiculed; this can affect your

relationships, including romantic ones; Have you ever thought about this?

- Doctor, my last boyfriend's family didn't treat my father well or me in a

dignified way. I was very hurt by this.

- Really was?! How unpleasant... But changing the subject: do you have one

or two trusted friends to open up to? Keeping these feelings bottled up is not the best

option; Or do you open up to any of your sisters?

- I don't tell my sisters everything, but we talk about intimate matters, but

not everything. I don't want them to know or tell my mother everything that happens

to me. But I have two very close friends: Trícia and Nádia. We talk from time to time

about private and personal topics.

- Very good. Exercise this. Try to open up to them when you feel comfortable talking

about something that bothers you. You don't need to accept their tips and opinions,

but just the fact that someone listens to you carefully will relieve your tension and


- I will try to follow what you are recommending.

- So, from what we've already discussed, I realized that perhaps you worry

excessively about other people's judgments in certain social situations; try not to take

it into consideration so much. Don't be so serious all the time. Don't take everything

bad that happens in your life so seriously.

- Thanks for the tip.

- Otherwise, you may feel inhibited in new interpersonal situations, due to

feelings of inadequacy, which may limit your social life; Never see yourself as inferior

to others and feel accepted by other people; Otherwise, you will always have a

tendency not to take personal risks or not want to get involved in new activities, for

fear of feeling ashamed or frustrated later with the results.

- I confess that I have felt difficulty in certain situations, such as when there

are many people I don't know in an environment where I have just arrived; I may feel

embarrassed then, or even imagine that I will be rejected or excluded.

- If you demonstrate constant social inhibition, and if you frequently feel

inadequate, your mind will function in a hypersensitive way to the evaluation of

others, which is not good for our ego. Therefore, get used to looking for ways not to

run away from social situations that take you out of your "comfort zone”; start facing

these challenges and don't run away anymore.

- Doctor, the person who sees himself as inferior to others on certain

occasions and fears not being accepted by others, in my way of thinking, and is afraid

of taking risks and getting involved in new activities, tends to be quiet or shy to not

exposing oneself, avoiding romantic relationships for fear of being humiliated or

ridiculed and, at work, refusing promotions or opportunities to avoid possible criticism

from colleagues. I know all this, but it's difficult to fight and correct all these


- But just being aware of the difficulties and failures is important to seek

improvements for yourself. Beware of patterns of unwarranted distrust and suspicion

of others that involve interpreting their motives as malicious. Improve your critical

sense and don't judge people so much prematurely. On the other hand, distrust

without real reasons, the emotional distance that can arise from it, hypersensitivity to

criticism, often correct and fair, and extreme pessimism are common characteristics of

a pathological personality. Escape from all this.

- What could be the causes of these patterns, doctor?

- It depends on each case; it is not always possible to estimate a cause or

factors that may trigger the disorders; Among the possible causes are excessive

anxiety, frequent experiences of aggression in childhood and adolescence (generally

from the family and/or school), separation from parents or between siblings, violent

culture in the family or within the coexistence and genetic factors. People who have
experienced these traumas can become difficult individuals to live with, causing

serious damage to their own social, academic, professional development and romantic

relationships. In extreme situations, ideas of paranoia and an invasive pattern of

distrust and generalized suspicion towards others can recur in the individual's mind,

damaging their social performance.

- Then I have to take care of myself, doctor.

- If you worry about unfounded doubts about the loyalty or reliability of

friends, lovers or colleagues; if you are reluctant to trust others out of an unreasonable

fear that this information could be maliciously used against you; if you interpret

hidden, humiliating or threatening meanings in benign observations or events; if you

hold persistent grudges, reluctant to forgive insults, injuries or mistakes; if

compliments are often misinterpreted; If you notice attacks on your character or

reputation that are not visible to others and react quickly with anger or counterattack,

I would recommend that you seek psychoanalysis or psychotherapy.

- But there is no way I can look now. Doctor, I'm really very anxious and

nervous, and I have explosive reactions sometimes, because I can't control my tongue

when faced with some situations that affect or distress me at a given moment, taking

me by surprise.

- Well, I would like to recommend you an anxiolytic, very relaxing by the way,

and medications to stabilize your mood and make you calmer, more centered.

- Risk of addiction?

- No, I will accompany you properly and you will not become dependent; but

it needs to be treated for a certain period of time for the medications to have results.

- Will it solve it? And how long would it be?

- I believe it will improve a lot; The treatment should last for around 12


- Oh my God!!!

- Calm down, you need this treatment.

- All good. One more question: do you already know my diagnosis and

whether I really have a psychiatric problem?

- In reality, I can't confirm your diagnosis yet, but I can say that you are very

anxious and need to improve and stabilize your mood. I also believe you are

experiencing very disturbing post-traumatic stress. But I prefer not to give you a

conclusive diagnosis yet. All good?

- Okay. Okay, doctor. Let's take medications then if necessary.

And so Andreza agreed to be treated and the psychiatrist gave her the medication she

thought was necessary.

They had to have a second conversation in approximately 30 days, to assess

the initial effect of the medications.

Andreza had just consulted the psychiatrist and he recommended some

medications. The girl did not accept the proposal to undergo psychotherapy. About a

month after starting treatment for anxiety, she developed some strange symptoms

such as swelling and tenderness in her breasts, nausea and slight dizziness.

Suellen then spoke to her older sister:

- Marcela, I was actually feeling calmer with the medicines the doctor


- That's good, Suh. And is there a problem now?

- A week ago I started feeling a little unwell, feeling nauseous, a little dizzy

and feeling a little bloated. I even thought it was from a meal I had outside the house
and I ate a very fatty and spicy feijoada, but I'm starting to think it wasn't hers; I ate

the feijoada 5 days ago and I still feel all of this.

- Sister, did you look at the leaflets to see if it's not an effect of the


- I read it and tried to see it, but I don't really understand the leaflet. It

seemed to me that it wasn't the medicine. And I think it's strange that it's the

medications. I didn't feel it during the first three weeks of taking the medication. Why

would the side effects appear now, almost a month later. Does not make sense.

- Well, call the doctor and clarify with him. Ask if these reactions are normal

and if they can wait.

- I have a follow-up with him this week and I will find out. I didn't want to

stop the medications, but if it's the last option.

- I hope not, sister. I'm noticing you much better now; calmer, more serene. I

hope you can continue taking your medications.

In fact, Andreza met with the psychiatrist and she asked him if her symptoms

were adverse reactions to psychotropic drugs. After analyzing the case carefully, the

doctor recommended that the brunette not stop taking the medication, but take some

blood tests. The patient was responsible for providing the results and forwarding them

to you via WhatsApp.

In the following days, Andreza spoke to Melina and she questioned her:

- Andreza, is your period late?

- Mel, it's a week late, but this has happened other times, being up to ten

days late. Wow, now I have doubts. Did my rule come last month? Now I'm not sure.

- Suh, aren't you pregnant with Douglas?

- No, sister. God forbid. I don't even want to imagine a hypothesis like that.
So the next morning the girl collected the material for the tests in the

laboratory and received the results after 3 days, immediately forwarding them to her

doctor via the messaging app. She preferred not to try to interpret the results and

leave it to her doctor. About two hours later he sent him a reply message.

- Miss Andreza, I analyzed your exams. Everything is fine with your health,

but unfortunately you will have to stop the substances I prescribed for you today. You

are pregnant. I recommend you schedule an appointment with the obstetrician and

start your prenatal care as soon as possible. Happy pregnancy to you. Congratulations!

Andreza trembled after receiving this answer and couldn't control her crying.

She was already at work and her colleagues questioned her about what was

happening. She then lied that it was a very dear aunt of hers who had just been

hospitalized due to illness, she was being informed and was moved by the news.

Suellen wondered what she would do with her life now.

The next day, she looked for Marcela and had a private conversation with


- Sister, I have a very serious story to tell you; I’m distressed – Andreza began,

really showing great discomfort.

- What happened, Suh? I'm worried now.

- Marcela, I'm pregnant with Douglas. What will I do with my life now?

- Oh my God! How did this happen, my sister? How will Mom be when she

finds out? How are you?

- I feel terrible, very worried. But when it comes to pregnancy, I only feel

slight nausea and a feeling of bloating.

- Were you taking contraceptives?

- Yes, I did, quite correctly. But there was a month when I ended up

forgetting to take it a couple of times and I think that was the problem.

- How many weeks pregnant are you?

- I don't know exactly yet. I didn't have an ultrasound, but according to the

blood test I would be around 8 to 10 weeks along.

- And have you already told Douglas?

- I'm not going to tell him.

- Why, Andreza? It is important that he knows as soon as possible. Do you

want your son not to know his father?

- I don't want her to know that I'm pregnant with him. He's worthless, he's

really no good. He doesn't deserve to be a father. I want to have my son and raise him


- He is sure?

- Yes, I'm convinced of that.

- My God... Have you told anyone else?

- No. You're the first person I'm telling.

- And when are you going to tell mom?

- I want to talk soon; I can't hide it from her.

- Right. Be careful how you count!

- Do you think mom kicks me out of the house?

- I don't think she would ever do that.

- Marcela, I've already cried so much. The day I received the news I almost

didn't go to work.

Marcela remembered the treatment that the brunette was undergoing with

the psychiatrist and asked her:

- Suh, what about the psychiatrist's medications? You've already suspended

it, haven't you? You're not taking any more, are you? Why pregnant women can't


- Yes, I stopped. My psychiatrist suspended it. He was the one who ordered

the blood test that detected the pregnancy.

- And just now that your treatment was starting to work.

- And even. But I stopped the medications and luckily I'm fine so far. I didn't

notice any withdrawal symptoms.

- Andreza, won't the medications you were taking harm the baby?

- Hope not. I've thought about it too, but I have to calm down, otherwise I'm

going to go crazy.

- Sister, I will pray for you. I'll make a prenatal appointment and take you.

- Ok, Marcela, thank you.

And they said goodbye. Andreza and Marcela were going to work.

The other morning Andreza talked to her mother in the kitchen.

- Mom, I need to talk to you about a serious matter. Lets sit. – began

Andreza. Her mother was preparing lunch.

- Daughter, it must be a delicate matter. You ask us to sit down. Andreza, I've

noticed you're really strange the last few days. Aren't you going to tell me you stopped

taking your psychiatrist's medication or are you going to quit your job?

- No, mom, it's something much worse.

- Daughter, now you've got me worried – replied your mother, looking into

her eyes and touching Andreza's hands. – And what was so serious about it, Andreza?

Don't tell me you're...

- Yes, mom, I'm pregnant. Sorry, I got careless and it happened.

- Honey, I can't believe it! – said his mother, very scared. – How did this

happen, daughter. Why didn't you take precautions?

- I got confused, mom, and forgot the contraceptive. I was irresponsible.


- And who is the father? Douglas? You've already left each other for almost 3

months. Why are you just telling me now? Will I always be the last to know what is

most intimately happening in your life, Andreza?

- No, mom, I found out five days ago. I'm two months pregnant. I was so crazy

that last month I didn't even realize that my period hadn't come. I discovered I was

pregnant this week.

- What about psychotropic medications? My God, did they harm the embryo?

I'm worried now...

- I already stopped five days ago. I'm hoping they didn't do any harm to the

baby. I'm having an ultrasound this week.

- Does your father already know?

- Not yet.

- My daughter, how will your work and your college course be?

- For now it won't affect me at all.

- My God, I always asked that you and Melina only get pregnant after getting

married. The same drama I experienced during Marcela's first pregnancy, and

everything repeating itself. My daughter, why did you do this? A child is something

very serious in our lives.

- I know that, mom. I didn't want to, but it happened.

- Daughter, for the love of God, don't ever think about having an abortion –

warned Ester, urgently.

- No, mom, I didn't think about doing that at any point.

- God give you the strength to have this boy. And you're going to look for

your son's father, Douglas, to tell him everything...

- Not for now, mom. Let me do more tests.

- What do you mean, Andreza? He needs to know as soon as possible. Or is

the child not his? Don't deceive me, Suellen, I beg you!

- I'm sure, mother, that the father is him. I was only seeing Douglas and after I

left him I didn't date anyone else.

- Andreza, what will happen to your life, my daughter?

- I don't know, mom. But I'm thinking I'm going to raise my son alone.

- No. Stay with us.

- I think that when my son turns one I will live with him and put him in a

daycare center.

- Don't say that, daughter. I already feel sorry for this child.

- Mom, I'm going to rest.

- Andreza, you need to tell your father as quickly as you can.

- I'll tell you tomorrow, mom. It can leave.

Three days passed, however, and Andreza found no impetus to tell her father

about the pregnancy.

Marcela took her to an appointment with the obstetrician and then

performed an imaging test, confirming that she was around 10 weeks pregnant. The

girl felt little nausea and this only lasted around fifteen days. She continued going to

work normally and no one there suspected her secret. The girl also did not reveal to

her work or college colleagues that she was expecting a child.

After performing the first ultrasound, Suellen arrived at her house and

discussed it with her mother.

- How was your appointment, daughter?

- It went well. I also took advantage and had an imaging exam with the doctor

today. She confirmed that I am just over 2 months pregnant and everything is fine with

the baby in my belly.

- My daughter, I've been thinking, what will the neighbors and our family

think of you? This wasn't supposed to happen to you. I didn't dream of this path in

your life and so much so that I guided you.

- But it happened, mom. Wasn't it like that with Marcela and she's there

being nice and with her daughters who you love and adore so much?

- But I wanted your son or daughter to grow up alongside their father, which

didn't fully happen in the case of your older sister's daughters.

- It didn't even happen in my case or Melina's, right mamis? – argued the


- And truth! As in the case of you two too...

- Andreza, are you sure you don't want to make Douglas aware of your

pregnancy with him?

- Mom, there's no way I can reveal my pregnancy to him. I don't want to see

that ordinary face anymore. And when I think about sharing a child's life with him until

the death of one of us, I get goosebumps and I can't bear to even think about that


- It's okay, Andreza. The child is yours, you decide. But the two of us raising

this child alone will be very complicated and he could help you with child support.
- No, Mrs. Ester, I don't want to think about this possibility. I'm going to raise

my son alone... Mom, I don't have the courage to tell my father now that I'm pregnant.

- Daughter, don't do that. And when will I tell him? Your father needs to

know. He must be a priority in your life. Don't omit a fact as important as this

from him. His grandson is about to be born and he can also help raise this boy.

- I don't want to disturb my father's life.

- Then I'll tell him myself...

- I don't do that, mom. I ask you. I'll get ready. I will find the courage to reveal

my pregnancy to you.

- I'll wait, daughter.

- Excuse me, mom. I'm going to the room.

And the two separated, ending that conversation.

At first, Suellen thought about carrying her pregnancy to term and conceiving

her child. However, almost two months passed and the girl's mind was getting worse.

When Andreza meditated deeply on what it would be like to have a child at this

current moment in her life, her willingness to maintain that pregnancy faded. She also

never mustered the courage to tell her father everything. Due to her pregnancy, the

young woman spent her free time only at home. Her belly slowly began to grow, as did

her breasts, and she was already indoors only wearing light, loose dresses. When a

visitor entered her house, she tried to hide until the visitor left, as she would not want

anyone else to discover her unwanted pregnancy. Andreza began to suffer

psychologically over that unplanned baby and she no longer wanted him as much as

she used to. She began to consider, in her conscience, the possibility of having an

abortion, but she was very afraid of doing so, due to the risks of the procedure and the

potential emotional consequences that she could acquire later.

Faced with this, Andreza tried to have a conversation with Melina and André

in which she asked them for help. She confessed that she was not willing to carry her

pregnancy to term because she did not want to give birth to that child and was, so to

speak, prepared to bear the consequences of the loss and rejection of her child. But

how can you carry out your intention, and the purpose of aborting?

- Melina, I decided that I can't have this child. I don't have the slightest

conditions to be a mother right now.

- Suh, do you want to try to have an abortion? - asked her sister, astonished.

- I don't see any other possibility for me – replied the pregnant woman.

- Do you know about the risks and complications of abortion? – warned


- Yes, I reflected on all of this. I'm willing to face it. God forgive me.

- But taking a boy out of a clinic is very expensive, sister. We don't have that

money. Douglas can't pay?

- I'm not going to look for him for anything – Suellen replied. - But I don't

think I have the courage to have an abortion in a clandestine clinic.

- And what will we do then? – replied his brother-in-law. -Sorry for speaking

like “we”… she escaped. You are the one who must decide what to do. But I don't

know how to act.

- I'm also trying to find a solution – continued the pregnant woman.

- But what could it be? - asked the redhead.

- Guys, can I still have an abortion after almost four months of pregnancy?

- I believe so – said his younger sister.

At that moment André had a simple idea and revealed it:

- Suh, I had an idea. I remembered a medicine that can be bought on the

black market and helps women to miscarry. It's cytotec. I'll try to buy.

- That's right, well remembered André. But does it really work? And isn't

there a lot of risk?

- It is the least aggressive option. It triggers a miscarriage and then you go to

the hospital to finish the job. There is no other way.

- I have some money saved in the bank. You must pay for this medicine.

- I'll try to buy it and let you know – concluded André.

Despite being sad about this decision, Andreza took a breather. She was

really determined to terminate her pregnancy, even if it went against her old religious

and ethical views.

Indeed, André managed to find someone who would provide the abortion

medication and he helped Andreza pay for the substance. The person who sold the

prohibited drug advised how to use it, what would happen, the risks and the urgent

need to seek medical attention after triggering the abortion process.

Andreza was guided by André and together with Melina used the medication

as instructed. André was already on call to take them to the obstetric emergency

room. The two took advantage of the opportunity that their mother had gone on extra

duty at night. Within a short time after taking the pills and applying others inside her

vagina, the pregnant woman began to experience severe abdominal cramps, nausea

and a fever. Andreza started to get nervous. There was also sweating and a bit of a

headache. Melina kept the medicine packaging to give to André, as he was going to

disappear with them. The brunette then asked:

- Mel, is it time for me to go to the hospital? I'm starting to get worried. I'm

afraid of fainting. It feels like my blood pressure is dropping.

Melina tried to stay sober and when she noticed that her sister was turning

pale and sweating a lot, she said:

- Suh, I believe so, it's time. Stay calm, everything will be fine. I'm going to call

André to help us get to the maternity ward. He assured me that he would stay close

and would be on his way here.

In fact, Melina contacted him and André was already on his way. It arrived

within five minutes. He called alternative transport and took Andreza to the maternity


The fact is that the girl actually succeeded in her abortion attempt. She

underwent curettage and was hospitalized for around 48 hours. Only then did her

father discover the whole truth. After being discharged home, she would remain at

home for another six days and received medical leave to justify her absence from work

and higher education. At work she was unable to hide the truth, but at college she told

her friends that she had pneumonia and asked the doctor who provided the certificate

to her college not to mention the disease code. The girl was even worried about losing

her job, but fortunately this didn't happen. However, due to absences and health

problems, Andreza failed a college subject, which later delayed her graduation for a


Her mother and father were distressed by what happened and never

suspected that the girl caused her own child to miscarry. They ended up believing that

Suellen had miscarried as a result of the controlled medications that her psychiatrist

recommended and that she took at the beginning of her pregnancy, without knowing

that she was pregnant. When Andreza got well and left the hospital, her parents even

felt relieved, because deep down that pregnancy was unwanted and they were

imagining how Andreza would raise that child and all the difficulties she would go
through. They even thought that this had been God's will after all. Andreza remained

silent, as she was aware of her guilt.

After this miscarriage, the brunette remained withdrawn for about a month,

sad and somewhat silent, with her head down and went back to taking her

psychotropic drugs and would use them for approximately another six months. Suellen

felt relieved to no longer carry that baby inside her, but when the penny dropped, a

feeling of frustration, hurt and regret afflicted her. She missed some classes at college,

but continued working without missing her job and after 30 days of the miscarriage

she felt better and left the house again when she was off work, and in this way her

journey returned to normal.

Her father was very upset with her, but in the end he forgave her.

And Andreza moved on with her life.


After ending her relationship with Douglas, Andreza did not feel well and had

to see a psychiatrist, who prescribed tranquilizers and promised that she would use

them for as short a time as possible. Andreza no longer focused on work, missed

college classes a few times, slept poorly and couldn't eat properly. It seemed that a

lack of love was a serious illness for Andreza, and she was devastated.

Her mother took her to a trusted doctor at the hospital where she worked.

Andreza, for a period then, changed her look to a style that didn't look like

hers, now more cool, a bit like a hippie, adopting a different style in her hair and

clothes, and ended up losing weight, which was good for her self-esteem. . She was

chubby and the bikinis she owned no longer fit her body well. However, due to

psychological suffering and the effect of medication, which also controlled her

appetite, the brunette managed to lose weight, become more slender and began to
receive praise from friends and relatives, some in a veiled way. Suellen also started

going to more clubs and condominiums with swimming pools, showing off her body,

including taking photos on social media. In this way, the praise from his fans, like

Nelsinho and other unknown people, returned. André also praised the brunette's fit

body, commenting on her photos on Facebook, praising her thinness and slender

contours, which he had never done before. Melina didn't make any compliments or

comments about her sister's weight or physical shape, but she also didn't show any

jealousy over her boyfriend's small compliments to her sister. An unknown boy wrote

warm comments to Andreza and she reprimanded him severely saying: “Who are you

that you don't even know me and you keep praising me and talking about me... I don't

even know you; how absurd". And the prominent young man further replied: “We

don’t know each other yet. Only depends on you! “ Andreza retorted, angrily: “You

mess up, clueless boy! Go look in the mirror. It was just what was missing. Go find your

class. Respect me."

The brunette was “annoyed” by the provocations of boys she didn't know. It

was difficult for Andreza to control her temper in these common situations and she fell

for these people's jokes. The girl did not demonstrate that she already had good

emotional control.

Her mother warned her about this.

- Daughter, don't expose yourself on the Internet and respond harshly to

these people you don't even know. It looks ugly to you, and you may even come across

as rude and rude, or even impolite. Don't take their comments seriously. What should

matter to us is the opinion of those we value. The rest, ignore it. Don't even read it...

Otherwise they will wrongly conclude that you are a person with zero tolerance.

- Mom, I need to read. They are talking about me.

- But they are compliments... most of the time... in the way they know how to


- I don't like. These are very invasive comments. Most of them are

unreasonable compliments and come from people I don't even know. I don't accept

that. I demand respect. And you come and ask me to reveal it!... I won't.

- Andreza, calm down.

- Sorry, mom, but I won't accept jokes from people I know or people I've

never heard of.

Ester also understood that her daughter was still using psychotropic

medications and could still have her judgment of consciousness altered by the anxiety

disorder, in a way that revealed a lot in the behavior and attitudes of her middle


Melina came to tell Andreza that André had been called up for the military

police officer course in Maranhão.

- Suh, I have wonderful news. André just called me.

- What happened, sister?

- He was called to the Military Police officer course. I am really happy! – and

Melina wanted to cry with happiness.

- That's good, Melina. - What a wonderful new! – She replied to the brunette,

without much excitement.

- Isn't that great news? I'm very happy for him.

- You deserve.

- He studied a lot for this - confirmed the redhead.

- We are the only ones who are left behind and haven't won our competition

yet. – complained the brunette, cursing her luck.

- Yes, we've already tried three times; it hasn't happened yet; but we won't

give up. Let's not lose heart, Suh! Our vacancies await us!

- And his contest wouldn't expire? – asked Andreza- 2 years would have

passed and the test would no longer be valid, and they weren't calling him. How did

André manage to be called up?

- He filed a writ of mandamus. André spoke to a lawyer and they went to

court. That's how he managed to get called up.

- And what will it be like from now on? How long does the officer training

course last?

- The course takes 3 years; he will start receiving a salary, which will increase

every year; upon finishing the training course he leaves with a bachelor's degree in

public security and it seems to me that he leaves with the rank of aspiring lieutenant.

- Cool. André now has his future secured.

- Andreza, I'm also thinking about taking a exam for the Military Police –

confessed Melina.

- Go ahead, sister. However, I realize that this career is not suitable for me. It

doesn't suit my personality. But didn't you tell me that you didn't believe you had a

vocation for a police career?

- I'm changing my mind – declared his sister.

- André even asked me to study together, you know...

- And even?

- But I never wanted to. Police are not for me. I don't like this area. His

mother and brother must be very proud of his approval, right?

- Yes. André also told me that he will now help train his younger brother.

- How beautiful of him, this intention! – praised Suellen.

- Let's go out tonight to celebrate his draft. Are you coming with us, Suh?

- Sorry, sister. It won't be possible today. I'm tired of working at the call

center. We are in the week to reach our goals. My job just pays poorly, because in

terms of service the pace is very demanding. I'll prefer to stay at home and rest. Tell

André that I wish him every success and I am very happy for you. I know that all he

wanted in life was to be called to this officer course and he is to be congratulated! Tell

him I send him a big hug!

- You can leave it, sister. Thanks. Take a rest. Anything, Sunday we go to the

beach. If you want to come with us, just say so.

- Goodbye. Thank you also for the invitation.

- Bye-bye. Kisses!

At college, Suellen had contact with individuals with different mentalities,

each with their own customs.

During breaks between classes, or when they went out to eat, or did some

collective work, they used to talk about the most different topics.

One of Suellen's colleagues was a boy named Fabrício. He was a friendly

person, very conversational and good-natured. He was middle class, and whose

parents were public servants in the state of Maranhão. The young man intended to set

up an accounting office after completing his course and wanted to enter the field of

Public Accounting. He had good projects and was very focused on his goals. He liked to

express his opinions and support them, but he was a person with a flexible conscience.

The boy started dating a classmate in the first semester, named Tâmisa, who was one

of the brunette's closest classmates.

One day, some of Andreza's classmates went out for fast food and ordered

hamburgers. While waiting for their orders to be delivered, Fabrício brought up for
discussion with his peers a subject he considered amusing and which he had found out

about on the Internet. He told his colleagues about the crazy fetishes he discovered on

computer network pages.

- Guys, I discovered that there are very strange fetishes. It's hard to believe

that these are not mental disorders. – reported Fabrício, who sought to browse a wide

range of topics in his spare time in his online research.

- I know that each person has one or more different fetishes – commented


- However, there are fetishes and eccentric, and very curious sexual fantasies

– said Thames, complementing her boyfriend's speech.

- It's true, my dear. Just look at the list of absurd and unusual fetishes that I

discovered – continued the first. - I’ll read the first one here: “Anadentisphilia: this is a

fetish for people without teeth. A person feels aroused by having sex with someone

without any teeth or with some gaps in their teeth.”

- What's the pleasure of that? It’s meaningless – said Andreza.

- It must be men who like oral sex with toothless women – Kelly tried to


- It can only be – Suellen agreed.

- Look at another crazy fantasy – continued Fabrício. - Infantilism: in this

fetish, the person feels pleasure from their partner's childish practices, such as the use

of pacifiers, bottles and even toys during sexual intercourse.

- There must be a closeted desire to have sex with children, and knowing that

it is neither possible nor correct. At the very least – said Kelly.

- Is there a tendency to pederasty? – asked Thames.

- Perhaps. Unconsciously - suggested Fabrício.

- I found a very strange one here – said William. - It's called coimetrophilia.

- What is this, my God in heaven? – Andreza was impressed. - What a bad


- It's the attraction that people feel for having sex in a cemetery – explained

William. - Does not involve sexual activity with the dead; there is only excitement

about the place.

- Even so! What a morbid and strange taste! – declared Kelly.

- What about gerontophilia? I found it here – Kátia asked, but she herself

explained what it was. - This is sexual attraction to much older people. Therefore,

there is a search for partners who meet this profile.

- It must be some hidden and subconscious sexual attraction towards a

relative such as a father, grandfather or some other older ancestor or person who has

been important throughout life, such as a teacher, a stepfather, etc. – said the


- It's possible so! – declared Kátia.

- Another oddity: Altocalciphilia – mentioned Kelly. - I'm also reading it here

on the Internet. In this type of fantasy, people get pleasure from seeing their partner

wearing high heels, in this case almost always women, especially during sex;

- I think I had already heard about that – declared Peter. – Come to think of it,

I actually think it’s sexy! Girls' butts become more pert.

- A pretty crazy taste, but interesting - declared Kátia.

- Guys, I found one here – revealed the brunette. – It's acrotomophilia: – and

she almost couldn't read it, that word seemed so complicated to her. - In this fetish, as

mentioned here, the person feels attracted to partners who have some part of their

body amputated; cross I believe. How ironic!

- This is really bizarre, with all due respect to people with disabilities – said

Tamisa. – But feeling sexual attraction to this detail and aspect of the person is

completely weird. I think this is a psychiatric illness.

- Finally, another crazy fetish – continued Fabrício. - Amaurophilia: this is

sexual excitement due to not being able to see the other person. In this way, sex is

usually performed with masks.

- There is a fetish that I found provocative and perhaps would be worth it in

some situation – reflected Andreza.

- It would be like having the sensation of having sex while being completely

visually impaired, that is, blind. – Peter tried to explain.

- A crazy fetish! – said Kelly.

- I would only have the courage to do it with my boyfriend! – admitted


- Look, Fabrício, was that a direct or indirect message for you? - Kátia joked.

- But I don't think it would be funny that way – Fabrício replied, however. - In

my opinion.

- I think I'll try it one day! – declared William.

- Enough with the fetishes, colleagues. Let’s eat – concluded Fabrício.

After eating, he asked everyone a question:

- Guys, what do you think about prostitution?

- Why did you bring up this topic? - asked his girl.

- Oh, I wanted to know your opinion. – pondered the curious boy.

- I think it's a temporary way of life for some people. – commented Katia.

I don't have a very firm opinion – declared Peter. – But I don’t see it as a

profession, but as a means of temporarily earning money;

although many girls and men also end up doing this for much of their lives; because

the money they make is good or they haven't found something better and more

profitable to work with.

- I imagine it is a very delicate decision to enter this activity as it changes the

entire life of the person who is going to do programs – said William. – It can be free

work in some situations or work subordinate to third parties in other opportunities,

even involving the sexual and financial exploitation of this person who acts as a

prostitute or male prostitute.

- I feel compassion for these people given over to prostitution – revealed

Tamisa, who was a practicing Christian. – I think that most girls who become call girls; I

say women, because the majority of people in this field are still female, they started in

this activity out of financial necessity and because they did not have good

opportunities in other areas, although there are exceptions.

- I really imagine that there are girls who enter out of curiosity – declared

Andreza - and when they see the money coming in they are seduced and end up diving

full body into the area, so to speak.

- I saw that you already said almost everything – Kelly confessed. – I don’t

want to add anything today.

Fabrício then gave his opinion on the matter:

- I think that prostitution often does not represent a way for women to live

their sexuality and desires freely and voluntarily. Quite the opposite.

- What do you mean, Fabrício? Explain your opinion better – asked Peter.

- Call girls and boys continue to be dependent on clients, men and women,

who pay for their services. Thus, they can never be completely free. And, as much as

we say that they (sex workers) can select and screen clients, this is not exactly how it
happens in practice, and that the provision of services is what discriminates between

clients to be served, neglecting some and not others. ?! I think it's unfair! If it is to

consider a service provided... And they can suffer physical and psychological violence

without return, that is, with definitive consequences for their personality and mental

health. Prostitution, on the other hand, cannot be seen as a profession, in my humble

opinion. A profession must be an activity with prior training and must seek to promote

a service and benefit to society. Will we create training schools for prostitutes if the

profession is legalized? I believe that it would be absurd, by today's standards, a waste

to train young people to engage in sexual prostitution. For me, the profession requires

technical training. I know that sex is learned in life, but that doesn't constitute

professional training. Never, in my opinion, at least. On the other hand, what is the

benefit of this profession and what service does it provide to society: satisfying the

pleasure and sexual fantasies of human beings who can afford it? And the others, who

are left out of this and cannot pay, how do they feel? If we live in a postmodern world,

where people can have sexual freedom! (I defend this, as long as it is done responsibly

and respecting the choices of others, and without involving teenagers and children in

these discussions and decisions); Yes, everyone should have sexual freedom, so why is

it necessary for a woman to market her body and sell sex shows when there are so

many rewarding professions? For me, a whore is not a woman who decides to have

romantic relationships or not with several men and have sexual relations with them,

and in whatever way she wants, as many people want to insinuate. Pretending to call

these women whores is disrespectful to them. A whore, in my opinion, is a woman

who has sex strictly for money and sells this service explicitly, without wanting to

consider whether this is valid or not, without wanting to judge whether what she does

is correct or not. I don't want to judge them here. I don't want to judge this fact.

Ester discovered that Andreza sent photos in just her underwear to some

friends and was following an Instagram account that opened a “link” containing photos

of naked and semi-nude men.

On Sunday Andreza went out with her friend Paulina, who she had met in her

mother's neighborhood, for a swim on the beaches of São José de Ribamar.

Ester, reluctantly, let the two young women go alone, but advised them to

judge their senses.

Andreza loved swimming in the pool and in the sea, some with her crush, to

give her famous wet kisses, the “pool mouth kisses”, as she said. The girl arranged to

meet there with a potential boyfriend, a “hook-up”, as well as her friend. Ester also

begged him not to drink any alcoholic drinks.

When her daughter left, Ester realized that the girl had forgotten her cell

phone at home and when she noticed the hesitation, her daughter was already out of

her sight. It was a new device, which Suellen had purchased less than 30 days ago.

Ester was curious about the new cell phone and wanted to explore it. She

tried to unlock it using the previous password that her daughter had used since the

first cell phone she received as a gift from her father, and to Ester's surprise, the

password remained the same and she was able to access Andreza's smartphone.

The mother then tried to scrutinize the diary, the pages visited and saved on

the Internet, WhatsApp messages, Instagram and the photo gallery. There were few

surprises in the agenda, almost all contacts were known; on the Internet pages no

surprise, the last visited sites had nothing special or controversial content; There were

few messages on the zap and Ester read them quickly; All the messages were from

people friends and acquaintances of Ester. However, when the mother opened the
photo gallery she found some photos of her daughter dressed only in panties and bra,

and lying on the bed, in smiling and somewhat sensual poses; the photos seemed to

have been taken by someone else, probably Melina, and they were all in her

daughter's room (at least that's it! She thought, a little relieved). But Andreza never

commented on these photos and her mother also didn't know about their existence or

purpose. Ester then eagerly turned to WhatsApp to try to find out if her daughter had

sent such photographs to anyone. She searched, searched and finally found what she

feared: she had sent the photos to two friends, but there were no response messages,

commenting on the photos (or would she have deleted them?) The messages were

from about 2 months ago. Esther was apprehensive.

All that was left was to explore Andreza's Instagram account. Ester then

opened the Insta app on her daughter's cell phone and to her delight the password

was saved and the program opened immediately. There was only one message in

Direct, which was from Paulina, to confirm the beach swim and, after reading this

message, Suellen's mother started to investigate the list of followers and people

followed by her daughter. Everything seemed normal, until Ester found a strange

account with a photo of a young man with a muscular body and a suspicious name.

The lady opened that account to analyze it and was astonished by what she saw: in

that account there were photos of many naked and semi-nude men, some with their

penises erect and even simulating that they were just finished masturbating and many

were from the very state where lived. Her mother was astonished, as she never

imagined that her daughter would be following an Instagram account with that type of

content. The boys, in sensual poses, shared their names and Instagram accounts there

for anyone who wanted to follow them and get in touch. Ester, upset with her

daughter, disconnected Andreza's account from this account that promotes male
nudity, unfollowing her and also removed the option for the account to follow her

daughter, as they followed each other, as if Andreza knew the administrator or person

in charge. for that account of depraved content.

Ester closed all the applications and waited for Andreza to arrive so they

could have a conversation.

She could wait a few days to cool her head, but that mother couldn't resist.

She wanted to come clean with her daughter that very day.

When her daughter arrived, she spoke to her:

- Daughter, how was it on the beach? Did you have a lot of fun?

- It was amazing. Very good indeed.

- Did you meet any interesting guys?

- Today, unfortunately not.

- Not even Paulina?

- No. Why, Mrs. Ester?

- She sent you a message, saying that she had arranged with a boyfriend to

meet on the beach. And she even said that he was going with a friend. They did not


- Mom, did you gossip about my cell phone?!

- Andreza, I'm not a snoop, but can't a mother see her daughter's cell phone


- It's better if she doesn't search everything on a girl's cell phone. She may

find things she doesn't want to see.

- But after all, did they go?

Ester paused a little and before the brunette responded, she said:
- Daughter, it's okay for you to meet two boys on the beach and have fun. I

just would like to know...

- It was just Paulina's friend. His colleague didn’t go – Andreza lied.

- True, my love??

- Yes, mom, I tell the truth.

- Did you have any alcoholic drinks on the beach?

- Mom, I'm sorry, but I had a caipivodca de seriguela. Just one. I swear. And I

drank coconut water and cola.

- It's okay, little girl. But I wanted to talk to you about some things I saw on

your cell phone.

Andreza turned a little pale and said, in a weak voice:

- What did you see?

- Suellen, first of all: what was your intention in taking those almost nude

photos and sending them to two friends? Are you guys exchanging “nudes” or

something like that? And if your photos are leaked onto the Internet: what will you

do? Aren't you afraid of losing your reputation?

- Mom, these photos are about three years old. I only did it this once. It was a

teenager's prank. My colleagues have already deleted the photos on their cell phones.

I forgot to delete them on mine.

- So, these photos are from when you lived with your father? And he never

found out?

- Yes, he doesn't know anything. I swear.

- Who took it? Any man? Where was?

- It was my friend Nádia, in my bed – said the girl. - I speak the truth. And she

only took the photos because I insisted a lot on her – she fooled Suh.
- Daughter, don't you have any sense? Taking suspicious photos like these in

a small, rural town. Did you send it to friends there?

- No no. These photos have been stored in my cell phone's memory ever

since, and I only forwarded them later to four classmates at the gym in the São

Cristóvão neighborhood.

- And these photos didn't generate any comments about you at school?

- No, that didn't happen, no. You can rest assured! – the girl defended

herself, a little nervous.

- Andreza Suellen, don't ever do that again. These photos are risky. Don't put

your name in the trash can. Take care of your reputation, dear. I ask you. It's a tip from

your mother. Listen to me.

- Yes mom. I will have more sense. I'm even going to delete these photos

from my smartphone. It will be today. Forgive me. It won't happen again.

But Andreza forgot and wouldn't delete the photos.

- It's for your own good. Be careful with this type of photo.- reinforced his


- And what's the other problem, mom?

- Andreza, which group on Instagram called Garoto Tesão are you following?

What account is this? And who is the administrator? There are naked men and others

with almost no clothes on, some with their penises cocked, shameless. Are they

prostitutes? Do you know some of them? Have you met any of them? Don't hide the


- Mom, I didn't even remember that I followed this account.

- Lie, Andreza.
- I'm saying... He asked to follow me and I followed him back, but I don't

know the owner of this account – the brunette lied. – The boys are models from

Maranhão. Mom, there is no one naked in the photos. Instagram doesn't allow it.

- When I opened a link through the account, it had.

- It may have been a momentary failure of the application control system. If

they find it, they delete the photos and may even delete the channel.

- Do you know these guys?

- Personally none. I just think they're really cute.

- They are beautiful, but they are in poses that are too provocative for my


- And they don't work as prostitutes. I assure you. The guys on this account

are models. They appear in men's fashion magazines: underwear, swim trunks, etc.

They do work for other states.

- I'm trying to believe you. But the name of the account doesn't convince me

of that. I believe they are there to provoke girls and even married women into going

out with them.

- I don't know, mom. I only know about myself. I haven't dated any of them

and at the moment there aren't any that interest me. It's full of men paying attention

to me; there's a queue. Why would I pay to have a boyfriend? I don't even have the

money for that. I was just curious and thought these boys were cute. Only that. Subject


- You tell me now that there are many boys wanting you. And why doesn't it

appear with any?

- Because I still don't feel like it. I didn't find any other man that interested

me in this city.
- What a demanding girl. And bragging too...

- Mom, don't say that about me. I think I got this behavior from you.

- Respect me.

- True. I think that.

- Andreza, I disconnected you from this Instagram account.

- All right mother.

- Come to your senses, my daughter. Go take a shower and come have

dinner. Wash and dry your hair to remove the salt from the ocean water.

- Excuse me, mom.

- I'll charge you later.

- It can leave.

And Andreza went to her room.

Melina's boyfriend came to wait for her, as they were going to a rehearsal at

the Church. While Ester's youngest daughter was taking a shower and getting ready to

leave, the boy stayed talking to Andreza.

- André, I need to change my email so Douglas doesn't send me any more

email messages.

- Well, I'm going to make an Outlook email for you because as Google email is

the most used, if I do Outlook he won't find out. And I’m going to put some

“underline” symbols between names and surnames to make things more difficult. And

I will not put the post name “suellen” in your email.

- So, will it look like your email?

- Yes. Look, I didn't even send an email to my girlfriend. But I will do it for


- Thank you, André, you are lovely.

- But don't tell Melina that I was the one who wrote her email. She is very


- It can leave.

- Andreza, I'm waiting for the notice for the Military Police officer

competition. I'm going to do the competition in Maranhão and Piauí, whichever comes

first. You don't want to study with me, do you?

- And Melina, don't you want to do this contest? Doesn't she want to study

with you, André?

- She told me she doesn't want to pursue a military career. In her view, it is

still an area more reserved for men.

- I disagree - said Andreza.

- Me too, but we have to respect your sister's opinion.

- And your mother, Ms. Ivonete, doesn't think it's a very dangerous career

given the violence of today?

- Think a little. But I already reassured her that officers carry out more

bureaucratic work and in the Military Police offices. There aren't many activities in the

field so we are less exposed to criminals and have fewer direct confrontations with

marginalized people.

- You talk as if you were already taking the officers' course and there was

little time left until you graduated.

- Andreza, I'm sure I'll pass this competition and I'll improve my life.

- God hear you.

- Thanks.

- So you can finally get married.

- Get married?! - And André hesitated and after about 3 seconds he

continued - Ah! Yes definitely. Melina and I will be able to get married.

Melina appeared at this moment. André anticipated it with a compliment:

- Melina, you look so beautiful.

- Let's go! - she invited him out and then said goodbye to her sister - Bye, Suh.

- Good rehearsal for you - wished the brunette.

And they went out together to the temple.

It was a Saturday day. Marcela looked at her watch. It was more than 6

o'clock in the afternoon. She then went to her middle sister's room and spoke to her in

these words, trying to wake her up:

- Andreza, Andreza, wake up. Are you going to worship today? asked


- Iiiii Dooooon´n Knooooow ... - replied his sister, in a very low volume and

full of sleep.

- “Did you take sleeping pills? It's only for use at night, sister. Wake up, come

on. Takes care! Takes care! Our father will play the guitar and sing at the service today.

Don't make such a mistake and miss it. He would be devastated.” – Marcela asked

insistently. She also called him father, as José raised her from a very early age.

- Marminino(*)! I'm already used to hearing him sing - snubbed the brunette,

still in a state of trance from sleep.

- Don't talk like that, deny it. You know he wants to see you there today. Do

not let to go. Don't displease our father. He's so good to you...

- Okay, I'm going to get up and bathe-said Andreza, with effort and slowly, as

she still felt sleepy.

- Great! That's how it's said! Then eat something, get ready and come with us

to worship.

- It's good – concluded Andreza Suellen.

Andreza had gone to bed in the middle of the afternoon and it was already

past 6 pm and she hadn't woken up. Her father that day was going to give a solo

performance at the service and had invited his three daughters to attend, to see him

(*) But see this.

praise the Lord with a song.

In fact, Andreza went to the service with Marcela and Melina. Her father

introduced himself and was very pleased that his three daughters were present.


And the concrete fact is that Andreza was gradually moving away from the

Church and its celebrations. She began to discredit her religion, as she realized that the

changes in her lifestyle were not compatible with what her pastor asked of her. There

were conflicts of ideas and this was becoming very clear to her. She had not stopped

believing in the existence of God and his power, but she no longer saw constant

religious practice as an obligation in her life. Furthermore, her plans and her new

conceptions made her feel uncomfortable about attending worship and could be being

hypocritical, having a daily life that was very different from what the pastor preached.

She would not feel well and preferred to gradually move away from her religion.

Her Church friends noticed her absences and her progressive distancing from


At the end of that Saturday night service, Ícaro looked for her to find out

what was happening. He asked his friend:

- Suh, what's going on, that I hardly see you at Church anymore? You've been

so difficult lately...

- Icarus, I don't even know. College and work are keeping me busy; Most days

I arrive tired. And I use the weekends to rest and renew my energy. Have you found

me very absent from the Church?

- Yes definitely. I remember you were so assiduous. I already miss that time.

And how are you after ending your relationship?

- Trying to recover. But overall I'm fine. And you? How's your life?

- I'm fine; only the school that is pulled; I'm in the preparatory course for


- And the girlfriends? Is there a? – asked the brunette.

- None at the moment.

- Icarus, I need to tell you something. After I entered college I have been

questioning myself about many things and my mind has opened up a range of options

that I didn't see before. I think many evangelicals are narrow-minded and want to

follow to the letter what pastors say. I don't question the Holy Bible and faith in God

and Jesus Christ, but I think we need to have more critical sense.

- Why do you tell me that, Suh? Explain your points better.

- Icarus, I'm not saying that you are alienated or out of touch with reality, or

that religion has blinded you. That's not it. But I say that evangelicals must open their

eyes, because the outside world can swallow us. Taking Christian teachings

everywhere is our obligation, but we must be open to dialogue with people of all

religions and those without religion, in addition to debating ideas that are different

from ours, whether we agree with them or not.

- Suh, I see that you are really opening your mind. But don't forget us, please.

We need you here. We miss your presence. Think about it.

- Don't worry; I will never abandon you and forget our friendship.

- God hear you, friend.

- Bye, Icarus. I'm leaving with my sisters.

And they said goodbye that day.

Five days later Marcela asked Andreza:

- Suh, what exactly happened that afternoon when you slept too much and

barely woke up? Did you take an overdose of medication? What did you want, after


And Andreza confessed to Marcela:

- I think I took that excess medication and was trying to kill myself.

- Don't say that, Suh; not even kidding.

- Marcela, please don't tell mom.

- Okay, but don't ever do that again, for God's sake. Don't repeat this


- I won't repeat it. Promise.

Marcela lived with her mother for a while and also decided to pursue a career

in Nursing. At her mother's house, the eldest daughter met David, a boy who arrived

from a country town, and started a relationship with him.

Some time later, David invited her to live together, with Marcela's daughters,

and after a period of living under the same roof, they made their union official at the

registry office, continuing to live in the Novo Mundo residential complex.



- I don't quite understand the way of thinking of many women who like to be

“the lover” and the reasons that lead them to take on this role - declared Andreza. - On

the other hand, I also understand how many men deceive them. In a world where

betrayal is so common, it is important to find out if you are being a victim of betrayal.

- The big issue is for women to accept being the other – said Fabrício. - When

a girl falls in love with a committed man, she will have to make some sacrifices, as well

as a kind of contract in accepting to be the lover. Typically, women who deny being

lovers end up having no chance of being with the man they want. On the other hand,

those who subject themselves to being lovers never leave that position. ! Is it worth

ruining a relationship for a crush?

- Being a lover can have some advantages, guys – said Peter. - Being a lover

does not involve arriving home at certain times or sharing the bad side of

relationships: arguments. Basically, the lover can go out with several men at the same

time and is completely independent, without having to explain her life to anyone.

However, this type of woman lives from comfort and has no expectations for her

future. In addition to being false and not saying other names, isn't it true?

- I think there are many more disadvantages to being a lover – said Kelly. -

Mistresses have a thankless role in life, as they cannot spend important dates with the

person they like or call them whenever they feel like it. Furthermore, you end up

spending a lot of time alone and, if you need to vent, you may not have someone else

to help you. It ends up just serving as a second place and for a getaway. And why do

you think they choose so many married men?

- In my opinion, - replied Andreza - the reason why they choose married men

and become their lovers has several possible reasons, such as looking for affection and

attention in a man, and only finding it in someone who is already committed, and not
caring if he is married or no, given the dearth of nice guys;difficult relationships can be

those that give the most pleasure to some people; Search for power or money; Not

wanting commitments; They like to cheat; In any case, a betrayal is a betrayal.

- Horn is one of the inexorable truths of life – said William, pessimistically.

- Don't exaggerate, William - said Thames.

- I was already harshly criticized for saying that – continued the boy. - But I

say and repeat, at the risk of being attacked by moralists or discredited by romantics:

sooner or later everyone will betray or be betrayed. Even if it's just once. Even if it's

nothing serious. Cheating can be in the field of ideas, thoughts of wanting someone

else and this can also harm a couple's relationship. Thing is such a part of our culture, I

find it very sad, that they even created a date to honor the people who every now and

then decide to take a walk through their neighbor's yard to check if the grass is really

greener there.

- Guys, far be it from me to start a witch hunt - declared Thames. I'm in favor

of happiness and I truly believe that the path to achieving it is very personal. If you

don't mind having sneaky dates at odd times or not officially existing in each other's

lives, that's fine. I am unable.

- You see, being a lover is almost like being in a relationship that doesn't have

the coolest parts of being committed. Because there is excitement, affection and the

desire to experience thousands of things together. But none of this can be experienced

fully because there is always the need to hide and disguise and the fear of being

discovered – said Kelly.

- I, personally, think that being a lover is the biggest robbery in the universe –

declared Fabrício. - Serious. I'm a very jealous guy and the mere possibility of sharing
my girl with someone else drives me crazy. However, there are those who manage to

live in this kind of emotional clandestinity.

- It must be the type when you're in love with a guy who only wants to get

you from time to time – Andreza added. - The chat is good, the sex is great, the guy is

fun and the moments you spend together are incredible. But when he leaves without

saying when he will return, or if he will return, there is that emptiness, that feeling of


- I'm not even going to go into the ethical aspect of this whole story, because

there is little to say in defense of anyone who accepts being the other, or the other -

reported Tâmisa. - No moralism, but anyone who, like me, has been betrayed knows

how much it hurts. I can't find arguments that justify behavior capable of causing such

suffering to someone. Of course, it's not just the lover's fault. To be honest, I think

she's more victim than villain.

- Being a lover means leading a complex life, as well as having an uncertain

future – said Peter. - Everything can become even more complicated when a love

arises from this relationship, an obstinate desire to be a wife, which the woman (even

unconsciously) knows is unlikely to be reciprocated.

- To try to understand the behavior of women – said William – who are

lovers, it is important to start with the relationship between someone who has a

commitment, often a family, and the woman who arrives to form the love triangle. It is

an ephemeral relationship from the beginning, with well-established limits.

- The most common love triangles tend to be between a married man and a

single woman – declared Kelly. - There is a cultural and sexist factor that feeds the

belief that a man can allow himself to have more than one woman, without this posing

a major problem. And it is generally an unbalanced relationship.

- I imagine that most men start a relationship with their lover without saying

they are married – reported Tâmisa. - It is obvious that there are women who feel

comfortable being the lover, and do not want to be the "official" one under any

circumstances. However, in many other cases, what there is is a feeling of guilt. The

lover does not even want to provoke the separation, but she is already emotionally

involved. And there are only two ways: break up or fight for the relationship.

- Furtive and occasional meetings between lovers help to idealize a

relationship – said Fabrício. - There is no routine, nor the weight of day-to-day

obligations. And it is not uncommon that, without realizing it, the lover begins to

imagine a life with this person, who already has a commitment. And then the suffering


“In this love triangle there is only room for one wife. Even when the man

makes repeated promises to leave her to take over his lover, these promises almost

never come true.

- I think it is inevitable that the lover experiences disappointment in a

relationship like this – said Andreza. -Her self-esteem ends up being shaken, even more

so when she finds herself forced to face the judgments of others. The "blame" usually

always falls on the female lover, as if she were the only one responsible for failing to

fulfill a romantic commitment.


Andreza went with her father for a walk in his city and visited her friend

Nádia at the latter's house. Nádia turned to the brunette and said the following words:

- Bruna, you look great, how beautiful you look! I think you are a girl with a

seductive way. Have they never told you that? You have something different.
- Do you really think? Oh my God, poor me - Andreza pretended, acting like

she didn't understand. - And why didn't you ever tell me that, Nádi?

- I didn't know exactly what I admired about you, but I now conclude that it

is your characteristic.

- Is what you're saying true, Nadia?

- I think it is. Andreza, what does being a seductive woman mean to you?

- Being a seductive woman is not a cliché. My mother said it was "women

who rock men." That girl who gets close, and moves, insinuates herself delicately,

surreptitiously, being able to attract all male gazes and arouse/awaken carnal desires

in almost all the guys who watch her. Which also makes men tremble at their base and

feel afraid of not conquering them.

- A common characteristic of seductive women is that they have fun when

seducing, Bruna.

- They get excited just thinking about the act of seduction, and when it

comes to taking action, they are not intimidated by a possible NO as a male response.

If a NO happens, they don't get attached, they don't let go, they don't feel rejected or


- And what did it seem to you that these girls do to seduce? I want to unravel

it all.

- A seductive woman, I believe, needs, first of all, to perfect her look. When

you meet someone interesting, Nádia, look at them deeply and intensely for a few

seconds. This makes the man curious and makes him want to get closer to you.

- Really, Bruna?

- Yes, and let your suitor think he is in charge of the situation. When it comes

to flirting and relationships, men prefer to take the initiative. So, when the man
approaches, talk naturally, but always leave him thinking that he is in control of the

situation, that he is the one 'in charge'. Then, you can get what you want without even

having to make much effort.

- I believe appearance and presentation are very important.

- I always smell good: choose the right fragrance and perfume for each

occasion. Every man likes a woman who smells good. So, use a striking perfume, not

too strong, not too weak. Find one that is at the right point and becomes your brand of

seduction, your personal brand.

- I love perfumes...

- But choose carefully and use calmly. Move your hair in a sexy way, girl:

Make sure your hair strands are shiny and silky. Hair is the frame of the female face

and, therefore, deserves special attention. When you're talking to the man you're

interested in, babe, gently run your hands through his hair and wrap a few strands in

your hands, in a nice way. sexy, while looking into your target's eyes.

- Oh! I suppose that exudes sensuality, my friend, and the man immediately

realizes how much you are into him.

- Our lips must be provocative. Keep this idea in mind. Nothing like a pretty

mouth to seduce a guy. Running your tongue over your lips while looking into his eyes

is extremely sexy and keeps his crush's attention on you, especially if you give him a

nice smile.

- I'll try it and tell you the results later.

- Knowing how to talk also counts a lot, babe: There are young people who

are absolutely beautiful, until they open their mouths. A girl's natural sensuality cannot

be linked only to the physical part. For a man, it is also important that the woman

knows how to talk about various topics and shows that she is intelligent.
- There are times when I still find myself shy, Bruna, especially when I'm

around a guy I like.

- Shyness can be your ally: it is seen as a barrier for many women. However,

what many of them don't know is that many men love more reserved girls. This gives

the girl an air of mystery and makes the boy even more curious about her. So she don't

worry. If you are reserved, invest in your look and your air of mystery.

- I believe there is much more about you that makes me think you are a

seductive woman. Andreza, you must be harassed a lot by boys. How do you react to

these advances from boys?

- Don't get me wrong, this is really cool. I love receiving a "seductive attack",

especially by surprise.

- I understand. We all have our romantic and sexual fantasies, regardless of

whether they are simpler, more common, or more exotic, and also regardless of

whether they are feasible or whether or not they have already been realized.

- And receiving the attention of a physically - and psychologically - seductive

girl is very good, and works like a good massage for any man's ego. Tell me if it's not


- In fact, feeling desired is something very pleasant – and I'm sure no one

denies that. We want to be desired. And much more for those who caught our interest

– Nádia agreed. - And we wish to awaken men's thirst for us.

“The problem is that desire alone does not sustain a relationship”, - Andreza

turned to her. - “I don't want to theorize about what sustains or doesn't support a

couple's relationship, especially considering that each person has different tastes and

desires. It turns out that appearance and sensuality are things that help maintain a

relationship, but are superficial.

“ Let famous and attractive artists say so, those who think they are "a perfect

couple", but who often end up breaking up, simply because the "trigger" ends or even

because of betrayal. How is it possible? - we asked.

- If it happens to them, imagine us, mere “mortals”, friend.

- It often happens that one discovers – and quickly – that behind all the

seduction, behind all the faces and mouths, there wasn't much more. Or worse: there

was something rotten, evil. There is seduction, which is one of the desirable factors in

relationships, but there is also something much deeper: charm.

“A sensual woman attracts looks and desires, while a charming woman

makes us want to spend moments with her.

- So I want to be this charming girl, to bewitch men, and conquer whoever I


- There is no problem with these two elements – and many others – coming

together. But I wouldn't survive just on "sensuality", just as I wouldn't live very well

just on the milk that babies suck.

- I thought now, Bruna, this is all something that is the result of maturity.

There is no set age for it to occur, and no guarantee that it will happen.

- Unfortunately, it will not occur to many, because many never mature.

“I make an analogy with the act of eating: for a young person, in search of experiences

and new things, fast food, industrial quality hamburgers, fries, and this whole

explosion of flavors excites their senses. But after an initial moment, this loses its

appeal. We start to desire better ingredients, more artisanal processes, almost artistic

results, and it takes maturity to appreciate all of this. The palate refines over time and

as we discover more and more flavors. The same happens with the people we meet

throughout our lives.

- And this also happens with relationships. In the beginning, when we are

young, my friend, everything is hormones – and little else. But I think that, as the years

go by, it doesn't stop being interesting, but pleasure and puberty hormones are not

enough. We are looking for a companion, someone to share moments with, to trust

with difficulties, someone who accepts living and overcoming tribulations together,

developing complicity.

- Can a sensual woman be this person, Nádia? Of course she can! But it is

not sensuality that will guarantee this, but charm.

“Sensuality attracts attention, but the charm is so powerful that men can feel

attracted even to women they have never seen in person.

“An older friend of mine told me that when he met his wife (who at the time

was just a stranger), they talked for a week via chat and on the phone, until they met

in person. The anxiety and desire to meet grew each day, with each conversation. He

had never seen her. Was she a sensual young woman? Well, later he discovered that it

was, but until that moment, what seduced him was not sensuality, but the charm that

she revealed to him, and that she had and seems to continue until now, as they remain

married. Did you notice the difference, Nádia?

“It is thanks to this more intense and deeper something that I can say that

extraordinary, mysterious and intriguing, or inspiring, women enchant men, even

before they have seen them in person. And I am absolutely sure that they would find

them attractive if/when they see them, because charm takes a much deeper role in


- In my opinion, charm also translates into beauty, in the same way that evil

translates into ugliness, from an apparent point of view.

- Think that they had never seen each other, nor did he know other charming

women like the one he was going to meet – but the mental image that formed of that

girl was wonderful, such is the effect of charm. They make themselves desired,

spending hours and days next to them, talking, getting to know them, unraveling their

mysteries and their richness of personality.

Nádia then told Andreza that she was having sex with several boys at the

same time, a practice that her parents were unaware of.

She said to her friend, then:

- You can rest assured with your choice, Nádi. After all, you are already of

legal age and fully capable of making your own decisions – said the brunette. - Having

grown up in a religious home does not force you to do absolutely anything, as you also

have the freedom to choose your religion (or not have one, if that is your wish).

- I think my mother is just following what her indoctrination preaches, since,

well, she chose this religion and its teachings; but this doctrine will not necessarily

make me happy and, to be honest, our life is too short, so we don't seek what makes

us happy! That's why I say and repeat: we have the right to make our own choices. This

doesn't mean I'm a bad or lost person; It just means that you are yourself, you have

your own identity. I can't be my mother, nor live her religion fully. And, most

importantly, I am not obliged to follow other people’s projections.

- And if this relationship doesn't work out, Nádia, don't think that your choice

was wrong – her friend encouraged her. - There's no way to guess whether this

relationship will work or not right now and we don't even have to stay with one person

forever if it goes wrong. Circumstances change, ideas change over time, people

undergo metamorphoses, we transfigure ourselves. Sometimes, we stop being

compatible with someone who had a lot of affinity with us at the beginning of the


- Friend, it's not the time you wait to have sex that will make a man value you

or not, I think. You are an adult woman and it is your right to have sexual freedom. In

my opinion, we need to have experiences to know what we really like at the right time

and what we don't like.

- I also consider this: there is no point in waiting until after marriage to have

sex, because if one day you break up with your husband, you will have to look for

another one in the same way; You would rarely find someone who is a virgin, like in

the past, when it was a requirement to get married. So stay calm and do what you

think is best for you.

- The stupidest thing would be to get married without knowing what sex is

like with the person I chose. It does not give! It's the perfect recipe for an unhappy

marriage; Besides, you would still be frowned upon by the church if you were to get

divorced. You make your decisions at your age, and instead of disowning you and

trying to stop you, your mother should give you tips for safe sex and how to deal with

relationship problems.

- Better to test now than live in a marriage full of sexual incompatibility.


André went out with his girlfriend and told Melina what he expected from a


- Sex every man wants, Mel, but when she says yes the first time… I would be

in doubt if she likes me or if she acts this way with everyone; The idea of an easy

woman crosses my mind and I believe that I wouldn't date a girl who agrees to have

sex the first time we meet.

- But if it was a date that you had scheduled with a girl you've had a crush on

for a long time?

- This may vary from case to case. Deep down, I think that's not what

matters: we know (or think we know) when the relationship is for one night or when

we can start dating; This fact does not depend on whether the first, second or third

date is the first night of love. Looking at it this way, I may be wrong with my initial rule.

- If you're horny, and it's not just due to need, why leave it for later, André –

claimed Melina. - There are many people who worry about too many issues when it

comes to sex, and there are certain things that we will only discover later.

- They also imagine, my dear, that guys are afraid of meeting and having a

serious relationship with women who are as naughty as possible. It's a myth that falls

apart, that men are scared of more outgoing and daring girls. In particular, I like a

woman who is more liberated in bed; one that is completely in the mood of the

moment, free from everything. I appreciate it when a cat gives in to her instincts and

lets go of everything that generates pleasure! I want girls who are present, who look at

me horny, who aren't those “cold blondes or redheads” and don't behave coolly.

- I like to have action and initiative; I like it the most when the initiative

comes from me and I show that I like what I do – replied the red-haired girl. - I like it

when you suck, bite, dominate me and let me dominate; I like to vary the positions.

Just the mommy and daddy position isn’t enough!

- On the other hand, I like it when the girl starts massaging my back with her

body, brushing my breasts and extending it all over my body. I always have to ask, until

they discover that it's also a good thing when they get the massage.

- In my opinion, there are a lot of women worried about looking beautiful,

hot, but when it comes time to see, they get stuck – said the girl. - A man who is a man
doesn't have to notice cellulite, and demand a girl with a toned body. He must want

women who like him and enjoy having sex with his “boy”. And what do you think of a

girl who grounds a guy?

- I don't see myself getting that. As much as they insist that a man can derive

pleasure from receiving anal sex, that is out of the question for me. I'm a little sexist

about this issue.

“I know that some girls are very modern, and they start putting their finger

on it without asking, just like that. I wouldn't feel comfortable.


Trícia paid a visit to her friend Andreza and she told her the story of the end

of her relationship with Douglas.

After reporting these facts, Andreza commented:

- I think I'll join an online group to discuss Philosophy. They meet once a

week, in the evening. I need to find something to do, occupy my mind.

- Interesting, Andreza! Are these groups online? I didn't know them.

- Yes.

- Bruna, try to read something relevant.

- Trícia, I recently read an interesting book, which was recommended by my

favorite singer, Marília. The title of the book is: “The princess saves herself in this

book”, and the author is Amanda Lovelace. The cover is in black and white and has a

drawing of a beautiful princess with long hair jumping to gallop on a big horse, one of

those huge ones that you only see in stories about princesses and princes charming.

The colors and designs on the cover are very suggestive and were very well selected,

don't you think? – and the brunette showed him the cover of that publication.

- What is the story told in the book, friend? – asked Tricia.

- I fell in love with this book and it seems to fit with my life. And most

importantly: he affirms that there is light at the end of this dark tunnel in which I seem

to be trapped. It is a book about the themes of love, loss, suffering, redemption,

empowerment and inspiration. It is divided into four parts (“The princess”, “The

maiden”, “The queen” and “You”) and combines the imagery of fairy tales with the

feminine reality of our century with delicacy, emotion and forcefulness. Listen to what

the writer says in the preface: “The story of each one of us tells many, many stories,

different and the same as many, many others. A story that is not ours can also tell us

about who we are.” The author constructs a poetic narrative with intimate and

everyday tones, as stated here in the internet comments. From what I read, the book

talks about self-discovery and the entire, sometimes painful, process we need to go

through to get there. Look at the opening excerpt, how crazy it is, and how it works for

me: “Once upon a time there was a girl who was a princess. The girl grew up and

became a maiden. She grew up some more and became a queen “And it continues…

Once upon a time there was a princess who was born from the ashes that her dragon-

loves made of her & crowned herself the fucking queen of herself.” And yet, in another

part of the book:

" " the princess

jumped from
& she
that she could
to fly
from the start.
— she never needed those wings.”
In “princess” Amanda tells the beginning of the story, about traumas in

childhood and adolescence.

In “maiden” the author talks about the relationships that break our hearts

and destroy a little of who you are, and the grieving process after the protagonist lost

her mother to cancer. In “queen” she talks about genuine love and how we have to

receive a lot of slaps in the face and that we need to grow as people to overcome our

traumas, bringing calm after the chaos.

And finally in “You” she talks about the questions that make us rethink the

way we are treated – by others and by ourselves – since childhood, and why we accept

all of this, even if it hurts us. She asks us to try to write our story, putting our hands

inside the dirtiest parts of ourselves, where there is rot and deterioration, so that we

can try to transform it into our food and life.

“I also identified with the author Amanda: She talks about her troubled

relationship with her mother, and how it left deep and painful marks, about her self-

image problems, her first time and the loneliness that most teenagers feel in this stage

of life.

- All of this is very deep, Andreza and at times it resembles her life. Isn't it

difficult for you to read a book like this? Doesn't it hurt anymore? ... Doesn't it end up

being more traumatic than just forgetting everything that happened to you?...

- I prefer to reflect with books like this and I use them to discover solutions

for my life. At least right now...

Andreza wanted to sing in her church. She found the interpretation of several

of her colleagues who performed at services to praise their God to be beautiful. She
didn't have the courage to speak to anyone, not even her family and friends, but she

had already imagined presenting herself at the celebration and praising her Lord.

The girl was fascinated during the services by seeing other sisters perform to

the delight of everyone present. And what a sense of satisfaction they all felt in being

there as instruments of praise, she thought. And what would these sensations be? She

would like to know. Ícaro and Adriana, two of his best friends in the Church, noticed

this and commented to Andreza:

- Andreza, friend, I understand how connected you are when someone sings

in services in a solo performance. Your voice is pretty. Why don't you rehearse to

perform too? Do you have the courage or are you embarrassed to sing for everyone to

hear you? - asked Icarus.

- I don’t think my voice is good enough to sing – replied the brunette.

- But every voice can be worked on for singing - Adriana replied. - Anyone can

learn to sing. I find your voice pleasant. It wouldn't be difficult for you to learn to sing.

All you need is some classes and training.

- Do you really think so, Adriana? – asked Suellen. - True? Or are you just

saying this to please me?

- I'm serious. Do you agree with me, Icarus?

- I agree, Adriana - continued the boy. - Suh, you can learn to sing and I think

it would be easy for you to do so. Look, there's a sister of ours from the Church who

has experience with singing lessons. She is Michele. I can talk to her about giving you

some singing lessons. She does training and exercises. Kelly learned a lot from her.

- I'll never reach Kelly's feet – Andreza countered. - She was born with the gift

of singing and her voice is beautiful and enchants everyone.

- Don't underestimate yourself, Suh – said her friend. - You are capable,

beautiful, of singing. Believe and train. I'm sure you'll get there.

- I'm going to tell you a secret - Andreza revealed. - I've tried singing at home

a few times when I'm alone. I can't sing well, I'm out of tune and I lack rhythm


- Then you're lacking self-confidence. And training too - insisted Ícaro. - Can I

talk to Michelle about some classes for you?

- I can't pay – said Andreza, a little sad.

- She doesn't charge her brothers in the Church – insisted the boy. - She will

be happy to teach you, I bet. She rejoices in praise to God. It will be her payment.

- I'm afraid of just taking up her time and not learning anything. Still not

knowing how to sing. I would still be embarrassed... - the brunette with straightened

hair explained.

- Do not think like that. Have faith in God and commit yourself because you

will achieve it - concluded Adriana.

- I'm starting to accept Icarus' proposal. But I can only go if it doesn't interfere

with Michelle's commitments.

- Let me talk to her - asked Ícaro, concluding his speech.

And they walked to their homes, keeping each other company.

Andreza was very thoughtful about whether she should even try to sing in the

service. Her father already did this and Melina had also performed three times. She,

however, had never sung in public, and even alone. Andreza also did not know how to

play any musical instrument, unlike her younger sister and her father, who knew how

to play the guitar. It would be a challenge for her, but she was already admitting this
possibility. Andreza was now awaiting Ícaro's feedback on the conversation with


Ícaro explained the proposal to Michelle and she agreed to help her colleague

from the Church learn her first notions of singing and they scheduled a meeting within

seven days.

In this way, Michelle gave a first singing “class” to Andreza

- Andreza Suellen, - began Michelle - do you like to sing?

- I like it, but I have to say: I can't sing! I just want it! Poor me!

- What is this, dear sister?! Look, singing really is an art. And some people are

born knowing how to sing well, but that doesn't mean they're the only ones who can

sing. We can all learn to sing. Believe me.

- My youngest sister, you know Mel, she sings very well. And my father too.

And they know how to play the guitar, but I haven't learned it yet. I also have two

cousins who are sisters, Emília and Evellyne, and the latter says she is going to be a

gospel singer and a veterinarian. She sings very well, friend, you need to hear it.

- Then show me a video or audio of your cousin singing.

- I don't have it here, but I'll try to ask my cousin and I'll show you later.

- And Melina, does she just sing? Does she know how to use a musical


- Michele, my youngest sister plays the guitar and she sings so well. My

mother and an aunt, who moved to Brasília and is my father's sister, say that she has a

voice blessed by God.

- You'll be able to sing too, friend, - Michele encouraged her.

And so Andreza and her singing teacher trained for about 4 weeks.
After taking around five classes with her sister Michelle, Andreza finally

asked to do a solo performance at Saturday's service and her proposal was accepted.

The brunette rehearsed on the morning of that day and was confident. Her younger

sister, however, kept frightening and bothering her, with insinuations that Suellen

should have taken more classes and more rehearsals before singing alone in the

service. Her tutor Michelle, however, comforted her, confirming that Andreza was

ready to sing. The brunette even asked Melina to accompany her on the guitar, but she

refused, claiming that there were other instrumentalists more prepared to follow her

sister. Her father and mother were anxious, but above all, overjoyed at the

unprecedented opportunity to hear the beautiful girl perform at the Saturday night


And the long-awaited service was going to happen, after all. Andreza's moment

to perform arrived and two young people, one a guitarist and the other a keyboardist,

would accompany her in her song.

The girl started her song well, but then she got a little nervous and was out of

tune at two points during the song. However, in general, she gave a reasonable

performance, considering that she chose a difficult song to perform.

At the end of the service, however, Melina criticized her for her vocal


- Andreza, I warned you, you should have rehearsed more. His presentation

was not good. Many people criticized her presentation. Your voice wasn't good, you

were out of tune.

Andreza was filled with those words and exploded, with a small cry on her

- Enough, enough! Sister, instead of encouraging me, you only bring criticism.

Melina, you know I had a dream of performing alone at worship. I know I don't sing

well, I don't have a voice, but I just tried.

- Sorry, Suh. I didn't speak badly.

- But don't worry, I won't introduce myself anymore. I don't want to bother

anyone's ears. Other girls with more beautiful voices must praise the Lord.

José, Marcela and Ester approached the two at that moment.

- Daughter, I was proud of you – praised your father. - Congratulations, you

were great! May God give you lots of luck and bring you lots of joy! Keep training to

improve even more. You take after your father.

- Thank you, dad, but don't fool me; be sincere in your compliments.

- I am being.

- And you, mamis, what did you think of my presentation?

- I liked your praise, little girl. It was reasonable, but for a first time it was


- And you, sister, what is your opinion? – asked the brunette to her eldest


- You did well, sister. It was a little out of tune, but I really liked it.

- I realized that I was out of tune in two or three parts of the song. I was a

little nervous.

- Normal, daughter – encouraged your mother. - You had never sung alone in

front of a crowded assembly. Don't blame yourself and don't be ashamed. Your

presentation was good.

- Thank you mom.

Melina remained silent.

Then Ícaro and Kelly approached and came to congratulate their friend on

her performance in the song.

Michelle, however, suffered a last-minute setback and was unable to attend

the service that night, but a few minutes later she sent a text message on her cell

phone to her “student”, asking how the brunette's praise had been in her


Andreza simply replied that it had been good, and satisfactory, and she had a

feeling of accomplishment, and was very grateful to her vocal tutor.

After that day, however, no one commented on the young woman's

presentation. No praise and no criticism. From then on, Andreza preferred not to

perform at services anymore, despite the encouragement of her father and mother,

given her sister's criticism and the indifference and contempt of others towards her

presentation. The young woman felt intimidated, and could no longer find the

motivation to perform at the celebrations.


And Andreza's final year of college finally arrived. Her colleagues were

talking in the classroom: Felipe Aquino, Tamisa, Peter, Kelly, William, Fabrício, Cássio,

and others. Andreza was absent from this class. Suddenly, they had a brilliant idea to

be part of the graduation celebrations: the students would hold a costume ball. None

of them had ever attended a party like this. The excitement was general and everyone

agreed. On the same day, they already divided several tasks among themselves, to get

the party off the ground.

After this class Tâmisa contacted Suellen via WhatsApp message:

- Suh, we had a really cool idea for our graduation.

- What was it, friend? - asked the brunette.

- Let's hold a costume ball. What did you think?

- What a cool idea. I loved. I've never been to a dance in costume... I had this

dream of going when I was a teenager.

- Can you believe that everyone in the class said the same thing. They have

never attended a costume party. It will be unprecedented for everyone. We're gonna

have a lot of fun.

- For sure. I loved the idea.

- We know that you missed two college subjects and will delay your

graduation a little, but we would like you to participate in this costume ball with us.

- Yes, I participate. It's a shame that I'll have to graduate with another class.

- Patience. Do what...

- I think our group is really cool.

- Suh, everyone liked the party proposal in character. Do you want to join the

organizing team?

- No, friend, not this time.

- Why did you miss class today?

- I was not feeling good.

- Professor Henrique Tinoco asked about you. And everyone felt his absence.

You almost never miss classes.

- I had a lot of headache today and I'm still not 100%. I believe it is work

overload. I hope that tomorrow I will be well so I don't miss classes at college.

- Get better, my beauty. God blesses! Goodnight...

- Goodnight. Goodbye.

And they ended exchanging messages that day.

Andreza's college friends planned a fancy dress ball. Peter, Tâmisa, Fabrício

and Kelly led the organization of the event. The brunette was invited to join the

organization team, but she claimed to not have the aptitude for this type of party

organization activity.

Suellen had never been to a costume ball and was very excited. She invited

her sisters, and Melina agreed to go too, and called André, who also accepted the


Andreza searched online for a place to rent costumes for parties and found

a store in the center with a good variety of options. He went there and entered the

establishment and met an employee who welcomed him, named Isabelle.

- Good morning Miss. How can I help you?

- All good? What is your name?

- It's Isabelle. And you?

- Andreza. Isabelle, I'm looking for a costume for a party at my college.

- Cool! We have many options. And some new costumes arrived this week.

- Good then. I'm so excited for my party. It will be in celebration of my

graduation, which is approaching.

- When will be the party?

- In 2 days. Saturday.

- What are you majoring in?

- Accounting Sciences. But my graduation will be in about 6 months or a little


- Ok. Look, my boss, Mr Amâncio has a friend who is graduating in Accounting

next year. What's your college?

In fact, when Andreza answered the name of the college, Isabelle said:
- I'll call my boss to talk to you.

When the owner of the costume rental shop came, he confirmed that his

friend, coincidentally, studied at the same institution as Andreza.

- Do you know Wellington Martins? He graduates next year with a degree in


- I know who it is – replied the brunette. - I've been ahead of him for a


- But he didn't say anything to me about this costume ball.

- It's because it will only be for my class and each student can invite up to 4


- OK I understand. We have a lot of cool costumes. I'm a theater teacher and I

understand clothes for actors and actresses. That's why I opened a costume rental


- Are you a theater teacher?

- Yes. Shall we take an actor training course? Have you had any experience

with acting? Are you interested in theater?

- I've had some experiences at school and in my Evangelical Church.

- Very good...

- But thanks for the invitation. Let's leave it for another time.

And they stayed talking. Amâncio and Isabelle invited the girl to enter the

store and see the costumes.

They became friends and Amâncio took note of the brunette's Instagram.

Suellen chose a costume for “Pedrita”, Fred Flintstone’s daughter, from the


- I loved this cartoon – she declared.

- Me too – said the owner. – It’s still my time. I watched it as a child.

Amâncio was the same age group as the brunette.

- This costume comes out a lot. People love it. It’s very relaxed – concluded

the man.

- Can I receive the costume tomorrow?

- Yes. Let's wash it and get it ready. You can come and pick it up tomorrow

from 10 am.

- Combined. It was a pleasure meeting you, Amancio.

- Equally. Have a good day.

- Bye, Isabelle.

- See you later, Andreza. All the best.

And the girl went on her way.

As agreed, she received the costume and went to the party with Melina and

André. Andreza was not accompanied by any boy to go free and unhindered.

Her sister and brother-in-law preferred to rent their costumes elsewhere.

The party started relatively early, at 8 pm, and it was great, but the

graduates had few guests. They hired a band and the entertainment continued until 2

am. Andreza and her guests arrived shortly after the dance began. Melina commented

to her sister that there were different people at the party.

- Melina, they are friends and family of the graduates – explained the

brunette. - I noticed there are some kittens. There's a boy dressed as Fred Flintstone

who just stares at me. I think he lost his wife and is looking for a girlfriend. And Pedrita

is single today! – and Suellen smiled.

- It's full of new people here. There are some guys who don't even look like

they're from São Luís. I think you'll do well today, Suh.

- God hear you, Mel. But my friends tell me that at graduation parties it

almost always comes to nothing. No one stays with anyone else. As it's more family

and friends, people are afraid of being with someone and having comments come out


- Yeah, maybe, but try to have fun. Who doubts that there will be a kitten for

you today?

- The worst part is that I don't see anyone dressed as a kitten around here –

said the brunette.

- Be careful with the hawks, Andreza - warned André.

- I know how to take care of myself. Stay calm – concluded Suellen.

They danced a lot and had fun. At midnight Melina asked to leave. Andreza

said that she would like to stay longer and would ask a colleague who doesn't drink

alcohol for a ride or, if necessary, would request alternative transportation, such as

Uber. André then took his girlfriend home.

The next day, Melina questioned her:

- So, Suh, did you leave the party at 0-0? Didn't catch anyone? Mom said you

got home after 5 o'clock in the morning.

- I stayed until the end of the dance. I walked close, but this time it didn't

work. I talked to two guys, but in the end nothing happened. I really don't like

spending time with people I don't know well.

The following week Andreza received a message on Instagram from the

owner of the costume store asking if she already knew Alcântara. This message was

sent two days after the brunette returned her costume.

The owner of the costume shop went crazy about Andreza and started

sending her a lot of messages, asking her out. He was married, but he wasn't worried
about it at all. After all, his entire family lived in another state and only his wife was

from Maranhão. Amâncio worked in the neighboring city of Alcântara and took some

getaways there with the girl. He started going out with Andreza and had sex with her

everywhere, taking her to Alcântara, without his wife knowing. There Andreza

delighted in him. And so they had an affair for about three months, until it no longer

worked out and they ended it. Amâncio introduced her to several of his friends in the

historic city and the brunette delighted the natives of Alcantara, becoming famous in

the city as the girl in the bikini and the black sarong. Even today she is remembered in

the historic city for her sexual prodigies.


Andreza talked to Marcela about leaving the call center a few days later.

- Marcela, I'm thinking about leaving the call center. Resign. It's not good for

me there. My boss demands too much from me, we work like donkeys and earn little. I

don't think it will work for me anymore...

- What a shame you're leaving the call center. Sister... are you already looking

for another job? Do you already have another job lined up? - asked Marcela. -

Employment is difficult in this time of economic crisis that our country is going


- I saw an advertisement on the Internet about two vacancies for salespeople

in a store in the mall: a jewelry store... No previous sales experience required. There

will be an interview. I will send my resume. They might be interested in me, since I'm

more than halfway through college. The pay is a little better and the work seems to be

less tiring and less stressful. I also believe the work environment is healthier...

- Good luck, Andreza. Have you already told mom?

- I'll still talk to her.

Two days later the girl approached her mother, reporting her plans:

- Mom, I'm leaving the call center. I can't take that work environment

anymore. I'm seeing something better for myself.

- My daughter, I thought you were satisfied in your job. Leaving work now, in

this crisis and at a time with so much unemployment...

- Mom, I'm not happy in my job. I've already decided: I'm going to leave. I

have a job offer well underway...

- Where? - asked his mother, a little distressed. Ester knew how much

Andreza needed the job to support herself.

- In a store in the mall. I'm going to try to be a salesperson. Specialized in

jewelry and accessories of this type for women.

- Are you sure? Do you have a profile? Do you like sales? It takes a lot of talk,

a lot of good arguments to convince such demanding clients. And mall goers are

people in general with a more demanding profile than general retail customers; at

least, that's what I feel, even from afar. And won't this work interfere with your

university subjects?

- I do not think so. I'm having an interview with the two owners next week. I

have already sent my resume. I believe that I will be able to work. There are two


In fact, in the interview the brunette did well and pleased the store's two

partners, having her work card signed in the following days. The fact that she was a

university student and was studying accounting made her hiring easier, in the words of

the establishment's owners.

Andreza left the interview very happy, as they had already announced that

she had been selected and would then be hired. She immediately went to tell her
father by phone and when she arrived at home she told Ester and Marcela, who was

spending time at her mother's house.


It ended up that Marcela had to lend a sum of money to Andreza to set up

her clothing sales via Instagram and WhatsApp. Andreza bought another cell phone

chip and created a business WhatsApp account.

After a few months of trying to break through in these sales, the brunette

gave up and suffered a loss. She also incurred some personal expenses and owed her

older sister. Marcela had lent her all her savings, that is, everything she had saved in

her 4 years working as a telemarketing agent. His middle sister promised to pay him

within 6 months, but almost 12 months have passed and nothing. Andreza no longer

talked to her sister about when she intended to pay the debt and resigned from the

call center service. Marcela was losing patience with her sister, as it seemed like she

was trying to make Marcela forget about the money she borrowed. It then happened

that her older sister had a birthday and Andreza congratulated her on Facebook with

the following message:

- Congratulations my sister! Happy birthday! May God bless your life and

bring you all the happiness in the world! Keep up the wonderful person you are and

the incredible sister you are! I wish you all the success in the world, love and peace!

Marcela, however, responded to her birthday message in an unexpected,

untimely and absurd way:

- Happy birthday, Andreza! What I want is for you to pay the money you owe

me! I want to get my money back! Try to pay me, sister! This is the only and best gift

you can give me!

Andreza was furious and very embarrassed by her sister's words, exposing

her sister's personal problems and such rudeness to her family and friends!

Andreza, however, was stunned, with no reaction, and preferred a priori not

to respond to her sister on social media and was left dwelling on that affront from her

sister. She even thought to herself: “Let her see; For her next birthdays, I won't even

remember the date. I'll pretend I forgot.”

They didn't speak to each other for two weeks and Marcela even regretted

her rudeness a little, but she didn't have the humility to apologize.

Her mother even scolded her:

- My daughter, Marcela, what a crazy thing you did. You couldn't have spoken

those harsh words to your sister and exposed this problem for everyone to know.

- Who tells her to owe me and try to take me in for a joke. When she needed

the money, I readily lent it to her to help her set up her business. Now, almost 12

months have passed and she doesn't even say when she's going to pay me. I'm

disappointed in her. You don't do that to a sister.

- Calm down, Marcela. I'm sure Andreza will pay you as soon as she can. I will

talk to her.

In fact, Ester later mentioned all this to Suellen and she was willing to pay

her sister.

As soon as she found her, the brunette said to her sister:

- You can leave it, sister. I will pay my debt. I never forgot. I'm saving the

money. I promise you I will pay you next month.

Marcela had no idea how her sister would pay her, but she thanked her


- Thank you, Andreza.

And after this day they made peace. However, Andreza resented her older

sister for a long time, for that childish attitude that embarrassed Andreza in front of

her family and friends.

Suellen spent about a month without showing her face to her family and

friends, feeling embarrassed.

The brunette then decided to look for several banks and easy credit

companies until she found a bank that gave her a loan to pay off the debt with her

sister. Furthermore, Suellen also paid Marcela an interest of 10% on the amount of the

debt in an attempt to partially compensate for her delay in paying her sister. Andreza

had to take out a loan with high interest, having financed the debt in 48 months.

After about 30 days the amount of money was deposited into your checking

account. She found her sister and gave her the check to pay the loan, saying to


- Receive it, sister,-and she handed him the check, duly signed. - Here is your

payment as agreed. Sorry I'm late. Thanks.

Marcela received the check promptly, with a slight smile on her face, but she

didn't thank her or even say anything.

Later, Andreza would negotiate her debt at the bank through a website

(correct agreement), as she was no longer able to pay the installments, and ended up

falling behind on some; however, in the end, and with a lot of struggle, she finally paid

off the loan, clearing her name from Serasa.

Andreza swore to herself that she would never again borrow money from

Marcela, Melina, or any other family member or friend.

Andreza started working in a jewelry store in the mall.

The following week after the job interview, Andreza Suellen showed up at the

jewelry store carrying her documents, including her work card, and was formally

admitted, starting work two days later. The store had two partners, Mr Márcio André

and Mr D'Avila. The two were married; the first was around 35 years old, while the

second was already approaching 50. Márcio was the most present, acting as partner-

administrator, and with the constant visit of his wife Regina, who “supervised”

everything. D’Ávila was calmer and appeared by surprise about once or twice a week;

he also had another venture and divided himself between the two. His wife very rarely

went to the store: 3 or 4 times a year at most. During her interview before being

admitted, Andreza met the two partners, without their wives.

When starting her job as a saleswoman, on her first day, the brunette met

Regina, a nice lady, around 35 years old, and mother of a couple of children, a girl and

a boy, aged 8 and 5 each. . Regina and another employee named Mariana Filgueiras

worked in the company's human resources (HR) department and welcomed the


- Hello, nice to meet you, Andreza, my name is Regina, and I am Márcio's

wife. Sorry I wasn't there on the day of your interview and it was 3 days ago when you

submitted your documents. I help Mariana with the company's HR.

- Nice to meet you, Mrs. Regina, how are you? I am happy with this job


- Me too; I see that you are a beautiful young woman, willing to study and

work. Congratulations on your effort. I will be here at the company at your disposal.

You will receive a special badge indicating that you are in training, as you can imagine:

mall customers are demanding and I know you are new to sales.
- But very willing to learn, Ms. Regina.

- Yes. Your sales colleagues, Rejane and Adriana, will help you with whatever

is necessary to get you into the store routine and start serving your first customers.

They will teach you how to use computer programs for sales, how to see stocks, how

to respond and answer all your questions. Andreza, I need to go. Good work and

welcome to our team. We have another employee in the administration, Fernanda

Botentuit (she loves her last name, please never forget) - and Regina gave a relaxed

smile - and we have another saleswoman, who is off this morning and will take turns

with you and her colleagues today . Her name is Cíntia, Cíntia Tribuzi, but you can just

call her Cíntia. She doesn't care that her last name isn't always pronounced. Fernanda

is at a doctor's appointment, but she will be at work at 11 am. You will meet her later.

See you later.

- Thank you, Mrs. Regina. The pleasure was all mine - said Andreza, as the

boss was already leaving.

In fact, on that first day Rejane and Adriana started teaching everything

about the store, the products and how to serve customers. Rejane was more serious

and quieter; Adriana, on the other hand, was more fun and chatty; but they were both

very friendly to customers and also welcomed Andreza very well.

Andreza, very casually, asked them:

- Girls, and your last name, could you tell me? I was curious.

- Our surname is poor, Andreza – said Adriana, ironically.

And the two said their familiar surnames.

- Rejane Gomes.

- Adriana Silva.
- And we both have Santos - reinforced Rejane, looking at her younger


- And why such prejudice with these surnames? - asked Suellen, calmly.

- It was just a joke, Andreza – Adriana replied. – I'm not prejudiced. It's

because these surnames are very common and don't appear pompous at all. Just that.

- And you, would you prefer to be called Andreza or Suellen? - asked Rejane.

- I prefer Andreza.

- Do you have a nickname? – the other veteran employee wanted to know.

- Why do you want to know? - replied the person being questioned, laughing.

- I was curious – explained Adriana.

- It's not to be funny later, is it? - asked Andreza, jokingly.

- No, don’t worry – Adriana amended.

- Don't talk, Andreza! – Rejane joked.

- My nickname is simple: Suh.

- I thought it was cool - said Adriana.

- And you, do you have nicknames?

- We can only tell you after our friendship completes 6 months and after we

meet your father and mother. Okay. - Rejane said, jokingly. - Do you have a living

mother and father? It's so new, it must be!

- Yes, they are Silva's living creatures, literally. If I had known that you were

going to make me a mystery, I wouldn't have told you my nickname – said Andreza, in

a relaxed manner. – But I have another nickname and I’m not going to say it, you see.

Suellen was already finding herself friends with Adriana and Rejane and so

she gathered courage and asked:

- Girls, I'm curious now. Could you answer one more question for me? Was

there an employee in my place who was fired?

The other two looked at each other and Rejane responded.

- Yes, there was.

- And could you tell me why she left? She asked for accounts or was fired.

- She was fired.

- And what was the reason, may I know?

Her colleagues paused for five seconds, thinking.

Adriana replied:

- We don't know the exact reason. She was a good saleswoman. We have

suspicions, but the bosses and our former colleague, who was fired, preferred not to

say anything. We also didn't want to probe too much. We even noticed that she

changed her cell phone number.

- Strange. It may have been a coincidence. And I wanted to ask an indiscreet

question. Can I?

- Do it – they both replied, in unison.

- Are any of you afraid of losing your job to me?

- No, Andreza – said Rejane.

- Don't worry, Suh - reinforced the other saleswoman.

- In this job, for the next two years, there is only one person who can get us

fired: ourselves. You can remain calm, Andreza. We're not worried about you taking

our jobs. You can relax – said Rejane. -There is no dispute between us; I assure you it's


And they went to work.

Andreza arrived home very satisfied and told her mother and Melina that her

first day at the new job had been great and she had met the wife of one of the store

owners, and that she had treated her very well.

Suellen adapted well to the new job and within two weeks she was already

managing well in the store and was having success with customers. Her boss Márcio

André especially noticed the girl's resourcefulness and progress as a saleswoman. In

the third month of service, Andreza was chosen as salesperson of the month and, as

was customary, she was given the right to have a plaque with her name displayed

inside the store for 30 days, to celebrate and praise her performance.

The managing partner began to get closer to Andreza, especially when his

wife was away and started talking to the brunette, although with great caution and

trying to lose track of the other employees.

He asked Suellen:

- Andreza, which region of São Luís are you from?

- I'm from the Jardim São Cristóvão neighborhood – replied the brunette.

- I had a great friend who lived there, but he moved away.

- Had you already worked in sales before arriving here?

- As I told you: only online clothing sales.

- Because your performance as a salesperson is commendable.

- I am grateful. Maybe it's because I'm very interested in jewelry, semi-

jewelry and costume jewelry. I study this a lot.

- One! Interesting! It must be really helping. I thought you only studied

accounting during your time away from the store. – said Márcio, making fun. - Let me

ask you something: are you evangelical? Are you Protestant?

- Yes, I am an assembly member. Why? Are you that too?

- No, I am Catholic, but not very active in the Church. I initially found his

manner similar to that of a Protestant person. And his clothes too, at first. But don't

get me wrong. It was just a curiosity. I respect everyone's beliefs, although I think this

is not the place to debate religion. But I find evangelical people in general very honest

and correct.

- Thank you for my part – replied the brunette.

- No need – continued the store partner. – And you, when does your degree

in Accounting Sciences end?

- In the second half of this year, that is, in 6 months. We are already taking

photographs for albums and graduation invitations. But I don't know if I'll pay to

participate in the dance. My dad is still going to see if he can help pay for my party.

- Well, congratulations. It's closer than far then.

- Yes, I'm winning a fight that's been going on for almost 5 years. I missed a

semester of college due to health issues.

- What it was?

- Sorry, but I prefer not to tell.

- All good. No problem. Andreza, I believe we are going to hire one more

person for administration. As you are already within the company, I see that you could

have priorities or would be ahead of other candidates to take on this position. You are

graduating as an accountant and that counts in your favor. The salary is much better, I

assure you.

- And even? Thank you for thinking of me. I'm flattered. Was it Ms. Regina

who proposed my name?

- No, it was me. I spoke to D’ Avila, and he thought her name was an

interesting possibility, but I haven’t spoken to Regina yet.

- Ah, I understand, - said Andreza, imagining how Ms. Regina would react -

but, in any case, I really appreciate the trust. And my fellow salespeople, won't you be


- They won't stay, don't worry.

At this moment Márcio André got closer to Andreza and tried to look into her

eyes, even trying to touch her hands, but he didn't go that far and said:

- It only depends on you to win this position. I'm by your side.

And Márcio walked away from the girl. Andreza was digesting those

sentences, which for a moment seemed to have a double meaning. But he noticed the

presence of a new customer in the store and went to serve her.

During his work at the shopping center, Andreza met two salespeople from

other stores, named Anália and Valentina, with whom he became friends in the food

court when he found them having a snack during a free moment. They were his main

friends at the mall; The brunette didn't want to deepen her friendship with the other

employees in her store, as she didn't want to mix her feelings and personal

relationships with professional ones, but maintained a friendly bond with them all.

During 7 months, Andreza won the title of best employee three times. And

the time for his graduation arrived. Andreza invited his bosses, but they were unable

to attend the festivities in person; however, they each sent her a simple gift and a card

congratulating her on having achieved her goal at college.

About a month after completing her higher education course, Andreza was

promoted to the store's administration sector, with the consent of her partners and

Mrs. Regina. Of her coworkers, only Cintia questioned Andreza's promotion,

commenting to the two most veteran saleswomen that this opportunity should have

actually been for one of them, as they already had more services provided to the
company. Rejane and Adriana responded to Cintia, however, that they were satisfied

in their role as salespeople and thought that Andreza had earned the position in

administration by merit, given her performance in the initial 7 months of work in that

store, as well as having reached her graduation at the level higher education in

Accounting, given that the two of them, Rejane and Adriana, did not have a higher

education degree.

Mariana Filgueiras came to inform Andreza of her promotion to the

administration sector and congratulated her because in her opinion this sector actually

needed another employee and the newcomer had qualified for the position due to her

dedication and effort in the first six months of the company. The brunette would work

in the billing sector alongside Fernanda Botentuit. Andreza arrived home very satisfied

and went to inform her mother about this achievement. In this way, Ester's daughter

was developing professionally and that mother felt very proud of her daughter.

Márcio André and Mr D’Avila continued in the same vein and Mrs Regina

really liked Andreza’s work, previously as a saleswoman, and now helping with

administration, in the purchasing and stock replenishment sector.

During her stay at the mall, young Andreza Suellen completed her degree and

became an accountant, to the delight of her parents. They imagined that from then on

many doors would open in the life of their beloved daughter, and that her future

would already be well underway.

After living almost ten years together and, after having formalized a civil union,

José and Vanusa separated, due to a natural deterioration of the relationship over

time. The couple had set up a small butcher shop, but had to dissolve the partnership.

The woman was about ten years younger than José, but when they started living

together, she was already around 30 years old and they preferred not to have any
children. Andreza was already living with his mother when José and his second wife

broke up. Vanusa continued living in the same house, in the São Cristóvão

neighborhood, which she already owned before getting married. José tried to rent a

small apartment in the same neighborhood, as he didn't want to move away from


After separating from José, as Ester remained alone, Andreza had small

hopes that her parents would resume the marriage, but all of this soon fell apart. In

fact, as they had already been separated and divorced for more than five years, the

two saw no conditions in returning to live together. After a short time, Ester met a

member of her church, called Genésio, who was from a city in the interior of Paraná,

and who had moved to São Luís, and they began an emotional relationship.

Suellen even mentioned something to her father about whether there would

be a possibility of reconciliation with Ester, but José confessed to his daughter that he

tried to get closer to his ex-wife on two occasions, before meeting Vanusa, but Ester

refused. Andreza, once again, was upset with her mother, as she really wanted the two

of them to still live together.

- That's why there are times when I don't like my mother – said the girl.

But Antônio José tried to alleviate the situation.

- Daughter, don't talk about Ester like that. She loves you, despite


After separating from José, Ester turned to her Nursing course and her Church, as well

as being committed to raising her youngest daughter, Melina. And so this woman

spent about ten years without any partner. Coincidentally, shortly after the end of

Antônio José and Vanusa's marriage, Ester met a man, who was also divorced and who

was from the interior of the state. His name was Genésio, he was the same age as the
woman and worked as a truck driver. He began to attend the same congregation as

Esther, then took a training course at his Church, and became a preacher of the Word

of God. Genésio became friends with Ester's parents and began to play the role that

was previously occupied by José, helping his girlfriend take care of her parents, who

were already very elderly.

Genésio knew how to get closer to Marcela and her family, and also Melina, but

he never managed to have a good rapport with Andreza.

After 6 months of relationship, Ester decided to invite Genésio to live together

and thus made their union official at a symbolic event in their congregation and at a

buffet that he rented to hold the small celebration. The woman felt the need to have a

man in her life and in her home and Genésio was the person who appeared at the right


Suellen, however, felt jealous of her mother with Genésio and realized that that

house was now too small to accommodate so many people. Marcela had already met

David and they started living together. Some time after Genésio joined that family

nucleus, Andreza had an argument with him, and told him that that man would never

replace his father and that she would not accept him as a stepfather. As a result of this

disagreement, shortly afterwards the girl preferred to rent a property and left her

mother's house. She was working at the mall, at the jewelry store.

Ester was upset by her middle daughter's attitudes and behavior and they didn't

speak to each other for about a month, but they later made up.

José, in turn, would meet another person about a year and a half later, called

Angélica, who was a widow, and had a beauty salon and they started an affair.

Antônio José's girlfriend was an advanced and modern woman, she even

followed a group on social networks called: “I love role reversal” about couples who
enjoy prostate massage and other sexual madness. José's daughters quickly noticed

this in their newest “stepmother's” account and concluded that the woman was a bit

“naughty” and “hot” when it came to sex.


Trícia met with Suellen and said to her:

- Do you love your ex-boyfriend, Andreza?

- I don't think so.

- But you said you still think you like him.

- Ah, liking is easy. I like a lot of people, friend. I'm very easy to like people –

explained the brunette.

- Bruna, why are you so beautiful and so desired by men, but you can't find

someone serious and who really likes you and why can't you be happy?

- I don't even know.


PROGRAM GIRL. They met at the mall.

- Andreza, a curious case happened with my friend Alfredo.

- Well, tell me, Nádia.

And her friend told the full story:

- After being married for around 15 years, Alfredo fell in love with a call girl

with whom he had been having relations for over 6 months. The girl no longer charged

for the time she had with her then client, who often preferred to talk during the

period. She says that she was younger, prettier and earned even better money than his

wife and himself. He invited her to live and the girl agreed. After they started sharing

the same roof, however, things were more difficult than imagined: she arrived every

day very late, smelling of other men. This tortured him, because he had immense
affection for her and kept imagining everything she had done with her clients... He

tried therapy, but it reached his limit and he asked the girl to leave the profession, but

the request was rejected. . The romance then came to an end.

- And he had left his wife?

- Yes.

- How absurd! And he went to live with this girl who continued doing


- He played the asshole. He left his wife in a ridiculous situation, without any

guarantees, for an adventure with a whore.

- I can't believe your friend did that. When was it and how is he now?

- It happened last year. He is alone. Alfredo did not try to return to his wife.

- If I were her, I wouldn't take him back either – declared the brunette.

Nádia stated that same day that she had a secret and something new to

reveal to him. What Suh's friend wanted to tell the brunette was that she had gotten

involved with a married man, which had never happened before. Nádia confessed to

“Bruna“ that she had been a married man's lover for 3 months.

This man was helping her financially and Nadia was enjoying playing the role

of lover. The betrayed wife was traveling for work and they took advantage of the

opportunity, as the individual did not have children yet, and moved to a neighboring

city, to enjoy themselves without being seen. She was finding the situation tempting

and fun, despite knowing she wasn't acting correctly.

- I'm loving the game; But I know he's a passenger in my life and I can't get


- Nadia, what you are practicing is adultery! Get out of this guy's life! That's

the tip I give you, as a friend. What does he work with?

- He works at a bank and lives in a neighboring city; When I met him I didn't

know he was married. Carlos gives me gifts and helps me with some things.

- Don't just think about the financial advantages! But didn't you find out he's

married? Let him. He's looking for a single guy.

- I'll leave soon; but our case is so good.

- Be careful not to get too excited. Don't be fooled, because he's unlikely to

leave his wife.

- I never encouraged him to do that. I started to like him and when I found

out he was committed it was too late... Bastard, he tricked me. It took him a while to

tell me his real name and give me his social media. Now I was already in “his”,


- So: get out, while there's still time!

- I'm going to leave soon, but let me enjoy a little more.

- Friend...

- Now that it's been three months since we met...

They then went out to the shopping mall to have something to eat together.


Andreza's mother, Ester, asked a neighbor of hers named Silvane to have a

conversation with the girl. Ester had no friendship with the other lady, but as she was

fond of Suellen, the evangelical approached her neighbor to try to help her. Andreza

would listen to Silvane and could be influenced by her, as they were friends.

Ester went to Silvane's house and addressed her in these terms:

- Friend, my daughter Andreza is so rebellious towards me. She is impossible.

She keeps having disagreements with me. I wanted you to talk to her to open her eyes
and see if she changes. She wants to leave college, she only thinks about dating, even

though I don't see her with anyone, she wants to work too much. I tell her she should

prioritize college and she gets angry with me. I tell her she should go to worship with

us instead of going out with her boyfriend and she gets upset. I ask her to fight less

with her sisters and she thinks it's bad. She doesn't want to do laundry, she doesn't like

cooking, she hates cleaning the house. She keeps saying that she is tired, sometimes

she comes home from work feeling down. I ask what happened and she just responds:

“It was nothing; everything normal". But I don't think it was. She arrives looking like

she has few friends, she hardly talks to us; She eats quickly, goes to her cell phone and

sleeps, without saying good night or asking for my blessing. Andreza is a good

daughter, but there are times when she makes me apprehensive. She fights a lot with

her sisters, over clothes, perfumes, shoes. It's things like this: Oh, you took my new

shoe and scratched it; oh, you wore my new clothes secretly, washed them later and

got stains; oh, you spilled my perfume; You're annoying, you complain about

everything. Andreza says: Oh, your boyfriend comes home a lot, and it bothers him.

Oh, your friends are indiscreet and when they come home they make a big fuss; There

are moments when I just can't stand it, Silvane. It's stress. My daughters bore me.

- Calm down, Ester - said the neighbor. - I'll talk to her. Andreza thinks highly

of me and I know how to approach these issues. Our children often listen more to

strangers and people outside the home than to ourselves. But let me give her some

good tips and try to open her eyes to life. At home it wasn't much different before

Armando left to study. He was always fighting with Sofia. Thank God he started as an

intern at the postal company and now he's going to work in agriculture. And now that

he has a job, my son has become more of an adult. They have almost no conflicts

anymore. There is peace at home.

- Thank you, Silvane. You have to talk to Andreza a few times. Give her some

guidance, since she refuses to listen to me. Then you tell me the results of these

conversations with her. I hope they give some positive results. Andreza needs to

change. She is a difficult person to deal with.

- You can leave it, friend. I'll try to help you both - finished Silvane.

Silvane sent a message to Andreza, saying he would like to speak to her at her


The next day the girl went to her house.

The neighbor addressed Andreza:

- Come in, darling, I miss you. You've been working a lot lately; we no longer


- Yes – reinforced the young woman.

- You didn't come to my crabs anymore! I have noticed your absence! I

invited you twice and you didn't come.

- I had commitments these days, friend.

- There's also a little pool now for us to take a shower after the beer. Even

though I know you don't like beer!

- Oh, that's good, I noticed you have a pool now. Very cool!

- Yes, my son ordered a fiberglass pool to be built for us. Sofia Beatriz loves

taking a shower with her father or her friends.

- How is your son?

- He wants to have his own business and wants to work with livestock and

agriculture. Armando is an obstinate boy.

- That's great, Silvane! Congratulations for your son.

- Thank you my dear. I am very proud of my son Armando. When he's home

I'll call you so you can talk. He likes you a lot, you know that?

- And even? I spoke to Armando so few times; nor did I imagine that he had

any affection for me; and where are Sofia Beatriz and her husband?

- They left by car; they had to go to the supermarket. They just left.

“Let’s go to the kitchen and have a coffee and biscuits. I finished making the coffee and

I know you appreciate a good, fragrant cup of coffee.

- Yes I really like. I will accept your invitation.

And the two walked to the kitchen. Silvane asked his visitor to sit down and

served him coffee and biscuits.

- The coffee is bitter; There is sugar and sweetener on the table: which do

you prefer?

- I'll take it with sweetener.

- Feel free; I'll take mine with sugar.

And Andreza's neighbor continued to start a conversation.

- Andreza, you're a wonderful girl, you know that? Your mother is very proud

of you.

- Friend, was it my mother who asked you to tell me these things?

- No, Andreza, – Silvane pretended. - But she has actually praised you to me

countless times. I can see that she is a passionate mother.

- My mother likes to flatter to make her demands later.

- It's not true, Andreza; But the role of mothers is also to complain about

their children and demand certain attitudes and behaviors. We need to have this

educational role. I work at a school and have a little contact with parents and teachers.
I know what this fight is like. Imagine that you will be a mother one day and put

yourself in your mother's shoes, what she experiences today.

- I don't even know if I'll want to be a mother one day.

- Don't say that, Andreza. And you're too young to even think about

motherhood. But I'm sure your mother dreams of seeing the grandchildren you will

give her.

- God knows.

- I'm also thinking about when I'll have my first grandchildren, when I'll be a


- Does Armando have a girlfriend?

- Not yet. He is a very calm boy and rarely leaves the house. To date he has

only had one girlfriend.

But I think he'll soon find a really nice girl to date. Andreza, and how are your


- Those annoying ones?! I can't wait for Melina to find another job. She left

the call center, was fired, or went to college to pursue higher education. She just stays

inside the house all day, being abused, annoying my patience, bringing her annoying

friends home.

- Aren't you friends with them?

- Almost none and I don't even want to.

- Why?

- They are very silly and they are younger. And there's that boyfriend of hers

who doesn't leave the house or our room. It even takes away my privacy.

- And even?

- Yes, don't leave the house, flattering your mother.

- But do you get along with him?

- Yes, I can. But there are times when I abuse his face. And there's more: I

often come home tired, needing to rest and she listens to music at high volume in the

room. She wears headphones but would you believe she listens to music so loudly that

I still hear it and it bothers me. She also wears my clothes, my perfumes, my makeup,

and my shoes, although they almost never match her size. She uses some more of

Marcela's clothes and shoes.

“I also can't wait for Marcela to go to her house with my nieces. At home it's

too small for so many people. I know I will miss the girls, but I know that day will come.

I have to prepare.

- Andreza, be patient with your younger sister. You must try to resolve these

difficulties through dialogue and without fights or arguments.

- I'll try, I promise. I have to act more maturely.

- And how is your relationship with your mother?

- It's going well.

- Are you intimate? Do you know each other's secrets?

- No. I don't know my mother's secrets. She doesn't tell me. I guess after all I

don't even want to know.

- Certainty? Are you serious?

- I don't know, Silvane. Let's say yes.

- Andreza, the role of us mothers is difficult. We need to be friends with our

children, but we also need to see the wrong things and guide our children so that they

change for the better and leave the wrong path. This task for a mother is difficult and

at many times it may not be pleasant for the children, but we have this role, this

obligation. We need to open our children's eyes and not cover up their mistakes and
defects, but point them out and even suggest changes. Andreza, do you like your


- I do like her. Why Silvane did you ask me that? Have I done anything or said

things that indicate otherwise?

- It's because I don't see you talking about your mother affectionately. Then I

was in doubt. Has your mother ever done you any harm?

- No, but I realize that your questions are becoming difficult to answer.

- Andreza, to finish I just wanted to say that I think you are a little, let's say,

“distant” from your mother; my opinion is that you should be more friends; and be

calmer and more patient with your sisters. Many things can be resolved through

dialogue. Here at home I debate the problems a lot with Marco and thank God our life

is working out. Our marriage is now 21 years old.

- And in your house, do your children have some fights?

- No more. Armando is very mature and no longer fights with Sofia. After

entering the courier company's internship, he became much more responsible and had

a more adult behavior. He's a great son. I adore my son. And what about your college

course? How are you, Andreza?

Silvane remembered that Ester had commented that Andreza was

considering abandoning her college course to dedicate herself solely to work.

- Silvane, I confess that it is hard and tiring to study and work at the same

time, but I need to complete my course. I can't disappoint my father. He was very

happy when I was approved and he dreams of me graduating and working in my field.

- Andreza, do you like your course? Or is it only continuing because of your

- Friend, it's more or less like this: I like it, but I'm afraid of graduating and

having few job opportunities. Accounting also depends on public competitions and I

see that there are always few vacancies for Accounting Sciences in the competitions.

- Daughter, I think your area is great. You can set up an office and work in

other ways too.

- Only if it is with a colleague; Alone I don't think I can move forward. I think.

And influence is necessary to grow in the job market.

- Be optimistic, dear. Have confidence in your work.

- Well, Silvane, I'm leaving. I have to get dressed and go to work.

- Come back later so we can talk more. I loved your company at the cafe.

- Me too.

- Let me walk you to the door.

And Silvane led the girl to the exit of his residence.

- Goodbye.

- Bye, honey.

And they said goodbye.

Two days later Ester and Silvane met and Andreza's mother wanted to know

the content of the conversation between the neighbor and her daughter.

- Ester, - began Silvane - she confirmed almost all those problems at home

that you reported to me. Has Andreza been attending services?

- We used to go three times a week, but since she returned to live with me

she has only been going every 7 days. She works and goes to college, I see that she

really has less time.

- It seems that Andreza needs to pray more...

- Why, Silvane?
- She seems to have a lot of disagreements with her sister.

-Yes. And Melina left the call center, she is unemployed. You spend a lot of

time indoors and it's not good. And without earning her money, Melina uses her

sisters' objects a little and then some conflicts begin.

“I remember when I was a teenager and young adult in my house: there were

a lot of people in a very small house, but there was no confusion and fighting like there

has been at home lately. I can't wait for Marcela to go home, for the sake of my


- And you don't think about returning Andreza to her father?

- No. I want to be with my daughter. God is giving me another chance to get

closer to her. I can't let this opportunity pass by. I want Andreza to live with Melina

and me. I also hope that they will understand each other very soon.

- Does Andreza have a boyfriend at the moment?

- No. She tells me no. She broke up with her last boyfriend some time ago.

- Doesn't she need a boyfriend? She should date my son, Armando. He's a

great guy.

- Oh, Silvane, I don't think it's very cool to date friends' children - Ester


- It would be a pleasure for me. I like your daughter very much. Since she

came to live here we became fast friends. We have many affinities. I even told her that

when Armando is home I will invite her for lunch or a crab meal so they can make


- Yes, it could be – Ester reiterated, with little enthusiasm.

- My daughter Sofia also loves Andreza. She likes her very much.

- She is a golden girl and her daughter is too nice; a lovely person.
- Ester, try to get closer to your daughter. I think that her difficult and closed

way is just lip service. With persistence you win her heart.

- It's not that easy, friend. She is hard working and has a really difficult

temper. But I will never give up on my daughter.

- That's how she talks. Andreza must also be like this because of the overload

of working and having to study. It must be emotional stress. When she finishes college

you will see how everything will improve; Your daughter will be someone else and you

will live in peace, as I am already living, thank God.

- I hope, my friend. I pray to God every day asking for this.

- Ester, one more thing: have you already told Andreza about your


- No, not in general.

- Well, tell it or make it up. She will start to have more trust in you. And since

you're telling her secrets about your personal life, she may also start telling you about

her intimacy.

- Yeah, it might work, friend. It's a plan. I can try. I'm grateful for the

suggestion. And her husband's birthday, Silvane, where are you going to spend it?

- Let's go inland. Marco and Armando are crazy about the countryside. I'm

going to celebrate in our city. Changing the subject: and you, Ester, still have no one,

no love in sight?

- Not for the time being. But any time will work out. If I am worthy, God will

send me someone. I believe.

- He had taken; you deserve. Does José have anyone?

- He lives with a woman who is from the same city as him for about 3 years.

She came with him to São Luís.

- Do you know her?

- No. It seems like she's jealous of him and I've never seen her in person. But

she can rest assured that now I only want friendship from José. And he is the father of

my daughters, I cannot deny that, nor can I keep them away from contact with their


- Ester, I'm going. I have to prepare Marco's dinner. If I talk more with

Andreza I'll get back to you.

- See you soon friend and thank you.

- Goodbye.

A few months passed; Andreza had ended her relationship with Douglas,

went through the turmoil and managed to get out of the most difficult situation.

Silvane went to Suellen's house and invited her to her birthday.

- Andreza, my birthday will be Saturday, in two weeks, at my house – said her

neighbor. – I’m going to be 24 years old – and Silvane smiled. - Joke! But I'm still a

hottie, aren't I? – joked the woman.

- Of course, friend – agreed Suellen.

- Tell Ester, Genésio and Melina that they are also invited.

- I find it difficult for Mom to go – warned the young woman. - She can't miss

Saturday night's service with Genésio.

- And Melina? Will she go?

- I don't think she will. She must go out with her boyfriend, like they do every


- He can come too.

- Melina is a little suspicious. She only likes to go to places with her boyfriend

where they both know everyone present. But I will, my friend, for sure.
- Thank you, Andreza. I will count on her presence.

- It can leave.

And they said goodbye at that moment.

Ester and Silvane spoke the next day. The evangelical once again opened up

about her problems with her daughters.

Ester initially said:

- I need to free myself from this guilt, Silvane. Deep down, I feel guilty about

the attitudes and behavior of my children. A psychologist once told me that every

emotional relationship between a mother and a teenage daughter can oscillate

between love and hate. At first, I was shaken by this statement. But I analyzed it calmly

and saw that the doctor might be right. And I also don't want to feel guilty for feeling

bad things.

- It's true, friend - replied her neighbor. - When motherhood arrives we say:

“Born! It's a girl!" And then we imagine that in the future everything will be easier

because the daughter is a woman and in this way we think: “She will be my best friend,

she will be my companion for life”, think mothers, or at least the majority. But the little

girl grows up and the relationship between her and us becomes increasingly difficult.

One crooked word is enough for the daughter to say that she hates her mother. Some

friends have already experienced these disorders. It's hard to hear that and there may

be no going back. There are many conflicts that interfere in the relationship between

mothers and daughters, unfortunately.

- I think the lack of respect is terrible. It's the problem of the daughter being a

teenager and wanting to have more privacy, as well as the right to make her own

choices. I've been struggling with this. Consequence? The daughter realizes that she is
not the owner of her nose (especially when her mother makes this clear, forcing her to

obey her). And she starts to confront me.

- Ester, the problem of emotional blackmail may still exist. I have a teenage

niece who does this to her parents. The problem is that many mothers are lost when

they cannot control their daughters and then they appeal, talking about the sacrifices

they have made for their daughters throughout their lives.

- There is still competition between the two. I don't accept that my daughter

is in the spotlight (due to her moment in life: youth, choice of profession, work...) and

a relationship of envy is established. I don't want to feel that way from my daughter.

- There will always be unmet expectations, Ester. A mother with anxious and

perfectionist behavior can produce an equally anxious and perfectionist daughter. This

way, your daughter will not be able to accept her own mistakes and will not learn to

deal with frustrations.

- I also avoid giving destructive criticism to my daughter. I know that very

critical mothers often produce extremely demanding children with feelings of guilt, or

even frustrated adults.

- If a mother tells her daughter that she is bad or stupid, the child will grow

up believing that, Ester – commented Silvane – and, even as an adult, she will always

think that way. The mother, in fact, needs to talk and show that she is capable of

listening to criticism and understanding opinions that differ from her own.

- I need to get bad ideals out of my head. I need to love my daughters, above


- Don't feel guilty about feeling bad things. Therefore, talk to her more. We,

mothers, should criticize less and guide our children better. And daughters, in turn,

must take what their mothers say more lightly.

- You're right, my neighbor – Suellen's mother agreed.

- So, set an example, woman. Lying teaches you to lie. Before complaining, a

mother should always ask herself what example she is setting. Give more freedom

when you are sure she can give it. With proper guidance, mothers of teenagers can let

their daughters make their own choices. And avoid jealousy. This harms the child's


- I am aware, Silvane, that self-esteem can predict the quality of life of our

children and being aware of what we are saying to them is a step towards stopping

uttering low-esteem words.

After that, Silvane said goodbye and left for her residence.


Ester tried to follow Silvane's tips and tried to have a more intimate

conversation with her troubled daughter.

- Andreza, my daughter, we never had an in-depth conversation about sex

and relationships. I think it's time.

The girl was surprised by her mother's initiative. On the other hand, she

thought: what would an evangelical lady of almost 50 have to teach her about sex? So

she, Andreza Suellen? But the girl responded to her mother.

- Yes we can.

Esther began:

- My daughter, sex is really good for our lives and our health. Too bad we only

have to do it after the wedding. And after a few drinks, oh, how wonderful that it

doesn't stay...

- Mommy! ... – she imitated her daughter.

Andreza thought at that moment that her mother was going to fantasize

about some facts.

- Yes, mom, that's good. Let's talk. Exchange your experiences with me. I'm

all ears.

Ester continued:

- When you're my age you'll understand what I'm going to tell you today. I'm

at the age of the wolf.

- Really, mom? – asked Suellen, acting as if she didn't understand.

- Women over 40 are very determined and determined. They're safe with

sex, honey. They are able to understand situations that a “young girl” would not

understand, such as: a lack of desire to have sex on the part of their man due to

tiredness, among others, but they know how to overcome these difficulties, satisfying

him in other ways.

- I understand, mom - and Suellen had really understood that message,

subliminally. – Go on, I’m enjoying the conversation.

- You need to learn to be satisfied when you see your man have orgasms,

know how to demonstrate it and often make it a priority.

- Do you really think so, Miss Ester?

- Of course, my daughter. A woman's sexual altruism comes with time. But

we also learn from our partner how to give and receive pleasure.

“Mature and resolved women equally don’t care what people outside the

relationship will think when she adopts a more sensual posture. They don't mind and

she's not ashamed to talk about sex with her man.

- Mom, do you talk to Genésio about sex? – asked Andreza, somewhat

- Yes, we talk, but we are discreet with you. The couple's intimacy should be

for them. At least that's my opinion. Many couples talk openly about their sexual

fantasies with people they trust, friends in general. But I don't have the courage to do


- And what do you think about innovating sex, mom?

- Because we already have a lot of sexual experience in previous experiences,

we tend to enjoy sex sometimes outside of normal patterns. I don't think that's absurd.

You just can't exaggerate. We are no longer 25 years old.

- And how do crowns signal that you want to have sex, mom?

- They give clear signals when they want sex. They don't beat around the

bush, nor do they use secret codes. They always make it clear when they want to have


- What else, mom?

- We have the ability to transform any casual outing into incredible sexual

adventures - replied Ester.

Andreza remembered her trips accompanying Genésio. And the evangelical

lady continued with her speech:

- Because they already have an achieved position, reputation, professional

career, and family, most mature women don't care about other people's judgments

regarding their fantasies.

- Do you have any sexual fantasies? – asked Suellen, gaining courage.

- I see, Andreza, that we understand much more the man's mind regarding

sex and male desires than women who are too young. This allows partners to

appreciate a beautiful woman without bouts of jealousy. We don't have fantasies. We

accomplish in sex everything we believe is possible and will add to the relationship for

both of us, bringing pleasure and satisfaction.

- Are there many secrets that a woman approaching 50 keeps from her

partner? - the impromptu interviewer wanted to know.

- Honey, sincerity is their strong point at this stage of life. In general, we are

very decisive and speak the truth.

- And single mature women. What do you think of them regarding their

behavior in relationships?

- I believe that they can separate friendship from a “hook-up” with a friend

from a relationship that will be serious and lasting. Generally, the ladies have a trusted

friend and they have sexual relations with him occasionally without anyone noticing,

due to their discretion.

Andreza then said:

- Because they like to innovate and are open to new things, I know that some

mature women give themselves the right to have an adventure with another woman,

at least to try it out. And there is no shame in carrying your “sex kit” made up of oils,

vibrators, toys and lingerie anywhere.

- But this isn't my thing – replied his mother. - I'm a well-behaved woman.

And from God. – And Ester gave a small smile.

- Thank you, mom, for the tips. And the girl asked for permission. She was

going to go to work.

Andreza already knew that her mother liked sex a lot.

Melina had already heard all the sounds she sometimes made when having

sex with her partner.

Her mother had also confessed to Marcela the sexual adventures that she

and Genésio had already carried out in the man's truck on some trips on which she

accompanied him.

And the few times that Ester had a few too many drinks and her blood alcohol

level exceeded her limits of reason, her superego was suppressed and the good

woman made small loving revelations that left her daughters startled. To finish,

Andreza said:

- Mom, I always have a question and I wanted to ask you. Can I?

- What, daughter? But I think you can ask.

- Do you love your three daughters equally?

- Of course dear. Why this question?

- You're welcome. Are you sure that she loves all three of us the same, each one?

- Yes, daughter. Andreza, you're always so jealous for no reason.

And Suellen didn't say anything else. In fact, that young woman questioned

her mother about Ester's emotional relationship with her three daughters more to

make her think that she, Andreza, cared about it.

Silvane spoke with his son about Andreza after the invitation she made to the

girl. Armando was now working as a truck driver, but he was spending those days at his

mother's house. She had already left her internship at the courier company. Her son

also wanted to work in agriculture and livestock and dreamed of having his own farm.

- Son, I invited our neighbor, Andreza, to my birthday.

- Was it really, mom? And why are you telling me this?

- My son, she is such a nice girl. Why don't you date her?

- Mom, I spoke to her so few times and it was very quick.

- Well, try to talk on my birthday. Strike up a conversation with her. Try to get

to know each other better. I would really like it if you two dated. I like her very much.

- Okay, mom. I'll try to chat with Andreza and get to know her better.

Andreza went to her neighbor Silvane's birthday and got to know her

neighbor better.

Silvane wanted her son to date Andreza and arranged for the two to talk

during his birthday party.

Armando was a bit shy and his mother called him and brought him close to

the young neighbor, reintroducing them to each other and asking them to talk, as

Suellen was a little out of place at the event. Melina, Marcela and André were not with


Silvane's son sat next to the girl and told her:

- Are you okay, Andreza? We saw each other a few times at the São Cristóvão

gym, but I don't remember talking to you before. Then you came to live here and it's

incredible how we live almost opposite each other and we don't see each other.

- It's quite curious. I work and study, when I arrive I'm tired and I just want to

rest. That must be why. And I was never one to stay on the street or go to neighbors'

houses; your mother is an exception. I was always raised very stuck and my mother

raised me that way.

- I find it interesting to be a home-centered and focused person.

- Thanks.

- What do you go to college for?

- Accounting. At Facoma.

- Great. Congratulations. It's a great course.

- And you, aren't you going to college?

- No. I had to start working.

- You work as a truck driver.

- Yes; I think I was born for this area, seriously. I like to travel. I also want to

work in agriculture and livestock and I'm preparing myself for that.

- Great!!

- And where do you work, Andreza Suellen?

- Call me Suh. This is my affectionate nickname. I work at the mall, in a

jewelry store.

- You are very hardworking and you are very beautiful too. It's just very

difficult to see you. Even more so since I travel a lot now.

- I'm flattered – thanked the brunette. - But you are also very difficult: I think

you studied too much... I never saw you on the street.

- I had to study a lot to pass the post office selection exam, but I'm not a

nerd. I thought about going to college, but for now I put those plans on “stand-by”.

And your sister, that redhead, why didn't she come to mom's birthday?

- She preferred to go out with her boyfriend. Their Saturday night show is


- And even? And what do they like to do, as soon as you ask? Only respond if

you can; I don't want to seem nosy.

- They like to go out to bars and bars.

- And you, Suh, where do you like to go out?

- I ?! - Andreza was startled by the unexpected question.

- I'm very homely.

- Me too, but I know we all like to do some things. You, what do you like?

- I prefer to go out to dinner or go to the cinema.

- I also love cinema. If I invited you any day to watch a movie with me, would

you accept?

- Of course – replied the girl, without hesitation.

- Do you enjoy more than types of films, for example?

- I prefer drama, romance, adventure and action productions. But I also like

animations! – she said, smiling when saying this last sentence – It's my childish side.

- We all have this childish side; These animations today are really good –

Armando reiterated.

- Yes I agree with you. I have a younger niece who loves it: Bell. I go to the

cinema with her sometimes and I even think that I have more fun than she does in

some films.

- Well, Andreza, I'll invite you at any time so we can watch a film in the styles

that please you.

- Combined. I'll wait, neighbor.

- It is true.

At that moment everyone received the call to sing happy birthday to the

birthday girl and the two ended the chat.


Andreza revealed to her younger sister that she was thinking about dating

her neighbor.

- Mel, do you know Armando, Silvane’s son?

- What's wrong with him? I don't know him well.

- I'm getting to know him better and I realized that he's an interesting guy. I

think we're going to date.

- Suh, he's so ugly. Isn't he the one who wants to be a farmer?

- Yes, he is.

- I just think he's a bit strange and very quiet. I was never intimate with this

neighbor. And neither did you. How did it all happen?

- Silvane introduced me to him.

- Suh, you're not going to date your neighbor and friend. Do not forget that.

Maybe this arranged relationship won't work out.

- I know it.

- But if you're really into him, move on.


- Do you know what you do with that man? Be domineering. Dance sensually,

masturbate in front of him and leave him trapped, tied up; Holds him to a chair with

his hand facing upwards. Then she takes off her clothes, driving him crazy; allow him to

suck your breasts, jump on him in some way that forces him to suck your pussy; then

she sucks his dick, and at the end she masturbates. Then she changes, leaves him a

little untied so that he can free himself, but before that, he leaves. I want to see if next

time he won't make you a whore in bed.

Andreza listened silently and internalized those ideas.


Armando and Andreza started going out together without their parents

knowing. Ester had spoken to her daughter, advising her not to date Armando because

he was not an evangelical and because she claimed that she didn't like him much and

had a presumption that he was not a good person. Suellen, however, didn't pay much

attention to what her mother recommended and started a secret relationship with her



The brunette continued to frequent the house of her now “mother-in-law”,

without her suspecting the relationship between her and her son. Andreza talked

about how to sexually satisfy a man and how to turn him on in bed.

The brunette also commented on her difficulty in reaching orgasm.

Silvane said in a conversation between the two, at the latter's house, when

they were alone for a day:

- I'll give you a tip: Andreza... Let him, your boyfriend, suck you calmly, and

you surrender at this moment! When you're about to cum, ask to go on top! In a few

strokes you come, and he doesn't, and the best thing is that the man remains with his

hard cock inside you. This is delicious. Has it ever happened to you?

- Not yet, unfortunately – confessed her “daughter-in-law”.

- Stay still and you will feel his dick start to pulse inside you right now. Start

moving very slowly, increase the pace, and soon the two of you will cum together... It's

so good! Stay close, his dick will soften, turn sideways and let it roll...

- Oh, that's a good tip, neighbor. I loved it – thanked the brunette.

- Every time I give it to my husband I go crazy! – continued Silvane. - And he

loves my fire; I love being naughty; and satisfying his desires is also satisfying myself in

a way... I'm the type of woman that if he gives me any wave, watching television or

using my cell phone, I'll already be stroking his dick and rubbing myself; He loves! We

quickly started a hot fuck. Marco knows what I like and I also know what he likes. Every

time we have sex, I remember how good it was and I get goosebumps all over; the

pepequinha begins to pulse, it's something crazy and it's impossible to explain it very

well! However, I can't cum every time either; I hear women who say they squirt rivers
of vaginal secretion when they orgasm, but I believe that each body reacts differently;

when I feel a nice orgasm, I feel like a bitch in heat after fucking; I wait for him to rest

so I can ride again; Even though a waterfall doesn't come out of me, I feel like a

woman in bed and I love it...

- Silvane, wow, I love sucking the guy's balls, swallowing everything until I

choke; I love giving a blowjob with beer on his dick, to keep it cold; Wow, it looks

great, delicious, and the man loves it! I love it when a guy grabs me on all fours and

fucks my ass hard; I scream with excitement, and it's delicious.

- But it's really delicious, Andreza, it's sex with freedom and respect – said the

lady. - It's very good where there is dialogue and you can say whatever you want, just

like listening to what the other person wants to tell you. This is very important. True

communication. If you want him to suck you, say: suck my pussy, go. If you want to

suck his dick, say you want to, or just suck it, and see his reaction, if he'll like it. And

seek to satisfy yourself without fear or disgust. An active woman in bed tends to please

her partner more, and it's not enough for her to simply surrender. The trick is to

balance. You must not just obey. Better yet: follow your impulses and desires. Make

the guy crazy with lust through your lust, your desire. Take action whenever you want.

The truth is that they looooove it. And surrender; When you can't, close your eyes, let

any thought or taboo just pass by and go away, surrender and enjoy. Nothing better

than a woman who enjoys, nothing more seductive, more attractive, powerful,

liberating. Get to know each other, masturbate, enjoy. Surrender to the moment and

your desires; This does so much good and it’s not wrong!!

Andreza also said, to boast of his achievements:

“I've already sucked a guy's dick in broad daylight, on a staircase in the center

of our city. The man went crazy. It was 7:00 am, a Sunday, and we had been there
since dawn. It was really good: some guys who were working nearby saw everything.

Well, nobody said anything. When someone came down he hid his cock and I stopped;

Then we continued everything and the guys were watching from above... Total


Andreza tricked her mother by saying she was going to work, but in reality she was off

from the shopping center that day and went out with Armando. They met at an agreed

location, went to the shopping mall and from there went to the motel. It was the first

sex for both of them, who combined their hunger with the desire to eat, as they had

not had sex for some time: she for approximately four months and he for

approximately thirty days. After sex, the boy left her at the mall and she asked for

alternative transportation to get home, as she didn't want to reveal her affair with the

boy yet to her family. At this point it seemed to Andreza that this hidden or even

forbidden relationship brought her more pleasure and more excitement.

Andreza started dating Armando in secret.

After Silvane's birthday, in which Andreza and Armando were able to get to

know each other better, and had a good conversation, the two exchanged phone

numbers and started talking on WhatsApp. Andreza previously saw the boy as a

teenager, as he was almost 3 years younger than her; but now that he had reached the

age of majority and was presenting himself as a promising young man, who had even

been approved to be an intern at the postal company; the girl started to see her

neighbor in a different way, attracting her curiosity and interest. It was during one of

these WhatsApp conversations, without their family members knowing, that the two

arranged to meet at the mall, watched a film together and kissed in the parking lot

after leaving. Arriving close to home, they separated so as not to give any clues about

the romantic encounter. Within two weeks they were already having sex and their
thirst for sex was huge. Armando then started thinking about renting an apartment in

the coming months, as he was already completing his training course, and would like

to have a more private place to meet Suellen. They continued to meet secretly for

about two months, until their parents found out.

Ester, on a certain day, arrived at her residence early and noticed when she

arrived that Andreza was saying goodbye to Armando with a “peck” type kiss on the

lips, leaving the boy's house. The mother already had suspicions that her middle

daughter was having a relationship with the neighbor because the girl occasionally

spoke about him and her eyes seemed to shine when she said the boy's name.

However, Ester was waiting for her daughter to speak out or for her, the mother, to

get more evidence of their relationship, so she could finally discuss the matter with her

daughter. Now she had the final test. And that lady brought up the subject with her

daughter a few days later:

- Andreza, honey, are you dating and didn't tell me? – asked the mother;

She never understood why her daughter hid that relationship from her, since they

were both free and unhindered.

- What are you talking about? Affair? I? – Andreza still tried to hide the truth.

- There's no need to lie, daughter. You can tell me about your relationship

with your neighbor. I saw you kissing.

- Kissing? Where, mom? – asked the girl, doubting that her mother had seen

anything unusual. Furthermore, Andreza did not like public displays of affection with

her boyfriends.

- I already suspected, daughter, that you were together. Yesterday I was

sure. I witnessed Armando giving you a “peck” yesterday.

- Mom, we're just getting to know each other. I was going to tell you

everything – claimed the daughter.

- I told your father over the phone about your hidden relationship, dear. A

neighbor confirmed to me that you have been going out together for at least thirty


- What a gossip! - replied the girl, in a playful tone. – It means there are lots

of people watching me in this neighborhood too. Gossip people - and she smiled


- And Silvane, your “mother-in-law”, already knows about your relationship?

- I swear not.

- Good thing, because if I were the last to know I would be very disappointed

in you and Silvane too. And will you tell her or will I have to reveal the whole truth

myself, daughter?

- Let me tell her.

- And you will also talk to your father and update him about your

relationship.. Ok ? – demanded her mother.

Faced with psychological pressure, the brunette stated:

- You can calm down, mamis. I'm going to have a conversation with both of

them and talk about everything this week. I'm just going to tell Armando first.

- Look, don't fool me anymore – warned his mother.

In fact, Andreza spoke to Armando and the two got together and told the

young man's parents about their recent relationship. Silvane in particular was very

pleased because she was happy for the neighbor to date her son.

Andreza also told everything personally to his father within a few days and

he asked to meet his would-be son-in-law as soon as possible.

Some time later Andreza and Armando began to disagree and Ester found

some messages on her daughter's cell phone containing the disagreements between

the two. That lady also noticed that her daughter had recently become more upset and

stressed, and now she was relating this behavior to the problems faced by that young


Unable to bear Suellen's bad-tempered habits at home, Ester found no other

alternative, and had to approach her on the subject:

- Andreza, darling, you've been so rebellious and so angry in the last few

weeks. What is happening? – She questioned her mother, pretending that she did not

know the reasons for her daughter's behavior.

- What are you talking about, mom? Am I just bored? That must be my job

at the mall, always having to hit targets. And the country is experiencing an economic

crisis, sales have fallen; but the bosses don't care about that excuse.

- Andreza, are you and Armando having a disagreement?

- No, mother, not at all – the girl lied.

- Daughter, every relationship has momentary conflicts. Tell me. I can give


- Mom, I don't think I need guidance in this case – replied the young woman,

with complete pride.

- Who knows, I can help.

- It's little things. We've sorted everything out and we're fine.

- But your behavior here at home doesn't say that. I'm afraid you'll take this

bad mood and some rudeness to your job and college.

- Oh, I really don't do that; I have a head...

- Certainty.
- I swear...

- But you can treat your family badly.- complained his mother, in an ironic

tone. Lastly, Andreza had been treating his family harshly, especially his stepfather.

- Mom, I'm not exactly acting like that. I think you are exaggerating.

- I don't think so, Andreza. And I'll say more: you have to reflect on your

actions here at home and on the way you treat people.

- Mom, and because I'm really stressed about work.

- If you're like this now, imagine when you get married. Expenses increase,

children come.

- Mom, I don't even think about marriage yet, in my life.

- I know, you must know each other better and work hard to own your


- Yes, I know that.

- I'm worried about your future. And this boy is always traveling...

- Mom, don't worry. I know you think I deserve a better future than living

with your husband in a truck. But I don't think about that yet.

- Daughter, I see that you should start reflecting on all this.

- And you, don't you love traveling in a carriage? Don't you want the same life

for me, your daughter? Strange...

- Don't talk like that, Andreza. I like following Genésio. But I rarely travel

with him. My priority is my work. And he only travels close by. Your boyfriend

Armando travels all over Brazil and spends a lot of time away from home. All this is

difficult for a wife to bear.

- I know about all these difficulties.

- So think about everything that awaits you, so you don't regret it later. If

you already have a lot of conflicts while you are dating, imagine after marriage! What

will it be like?

- I understand your concerns, my mother. Rest assured, because I will

always analyze what will be best for my life. And I also always think about you. I don't

want to be away from my family.

- I'm glad you think so, daughter. We love you, you know.

- I'm convinced of that, mother.

- Go get ready for work, honey.

And the two withdrew from each other's presence.

The young woman's mother and her father did not want to accept Andreza

and Armando's relationship at first, but despite their recommendations against this

relationship, Andreza did not go back and continued her affair with her neighbor. After

some time, as that mother realized that her daughter was liking Armando, and as he

seemed to have a good future, Ester gradually accepted this relationship, bearing in

mind that no fact yet had discredited this case for her middle daughter. Ester ended up

bringing together the useful and the pleasant, and as no suitor in better condition

appeared in Andreza's life at that moment in her life, the way was to agree and

validate her relationship with the boy.

However, Armando never had a true friendship with Ester, José or Andreza's

sisters or brothers-in-law. The boy remained a reserved person and did not get very

close to his girlfriend's family and did not form closer ties. Silvane, on the other hand,

was very pleased when she found out about the formation of the couple between her

son and the neighbor, as she always had a great affinity with Suellen. She always tried

to give the greatest support to this relationship, as she really wanted to have Andreza
as her daughter-in-law, even if it was at the expense of hiding from the girl some of her

son's mistakes and wrong behavior, like a good appeasing mother who tries to do

everything for her happiness of his son, despite sometimes acting disloyally towards

his son's partner.


Ester talked to José about Armando a few days after finding out about the

hidden relationship.

The girl's mother discovered that Suellen was secretly dating Armando and

asked to speak to her ex-husband Antônio José.

The evangelical contacted him via an audio call from the messaging app.

When he answered the call, she said:

- José, it’s Ester. As I said, I asked to call you to talk about Andreza.

- It's okay, Esther. What did Suellen do this time?

- She started dating, without me knowing, with the son of a neighbor who

lives almost opposite the house. He was secretly dating. Did you know? Had she

already told you?

- I swear not. I didn't know she had a new boyfriend. And she's been secretly

seeing this guy? Why? Andreza is not old enough for this... Doing closeted things, and

outside of our knowledge. And so many secrets from us... They seem like the actions of

a teenager.

- Exactly, she is bigger; theoretically, she knows what's best for herself and

can choose who to have a relationship with, but I think she was hiding this relationship

from me because, beforehand, I didn't support this relationship and even

recommended that she not go ahead with this relationship. But our daughter is very
stubborn, as you already know, and she doesn't really like listening to me or following

my instructions.

- And why, Ester, did you not approve of this relationship? What do you have

against this guy?

- José, he is the son of a neighbor and I even like her. I have nothing against

her and she has always been friends with Andreza.

- Okay, so what?

- He attended the same school that Andreza studied at, but they got to know

each other better right here in the neighborhood, at his house. The problem is that I've

heard a lot of bad comments from him, which worried me.

- What for example?

- That he had a girlfriend and didn't treat the girl well, that he cheated, that

he has moments when he becomes aggressive; he does not attend his church and is

not evangelical. He is Catholic, but not at all practicing. The girls here at home are not

friends with him. He is very quiet. I have a feeling that their relationship isn't going to

work out. I think he doesn't deserve our daughter. I didn't want her to date him; God

forgive me; I don't want to look better than others, but I want a better boy for my


- I understand your concerns. What's his name?

- Armando.

- And his mother?

- Silvane.

- I'll talk to Andreza about him.

- Take it easy.

- Have you already told her that you found out that she is secretly dating us?
- Not yet. But I'll talk to her any time.

- All good. Any news, tell me.

- Goodbye.

- A hug, Ester. A memory for my daughters.

- It can leave.



- Baby, what is your sexual fantasy? – asked Andreza.

- My sexual fantasy is to spend the whole day making love, sex, with you, my

dear. This represents a genius and pleasure-filled idea for me. Let's set aside one day a

month just to do this. It would be something surprising, and the main thing is that it

would be possible to do everything you can imagine and try to stay in shape.

- I thought you were going to say it would be having sex with two women,

because I don't accept that.

In Armando's mind, liberal women, who don't mind sharing their man with

other girls, can offer one of the most surprising acts of naughtiness, forever recorded

in the male's memory, that is, having sex with one or more women at the same time.

time. For him, the majority of male audiences enjoy or dream about this moment in


- There are couples who manage to save their marriages by focusing on

threesomes, Andreza – claimed the boy.

- Are orgies also interesting, with several men and one or two women? - she


- I don't mind the presence of other women in the room where sexual acts

take place.
- This situation would be easy for you, but not for me – declared the

brunette, a little upset.

- I'm sorry, I didn't say anything badly – the boyfriend apologized. – Don't be

mad at me.

- I'll try not to be - she said, a little sullen.

Armando's uncle named Mauro came to visit his brother and found Armando

“alone” at home.

He was arriving at his brother Marco's house, when he saw Andreza leaving

his nephew's house and saying goodbye with a kiss, a peck on the mouth.

When she left, the uncle began to question the young man.

- Who was that hot girl that was in there with you?

- She was my girlfriend...

- Pretty girl... Are your father and mother at home?

- No, uncle. They went out with my sister to a wake.

- And why didn't you go?

- Uncle Mauro, I didn't know this person who passed away. I asked to stay at

home. You know, I don't really like going to wakes. I only attend as a last resort, when

it is an acquaintance or friend. Then when they left I called my girlfriend to come and

keep me company.

- And what were you doing alone, son?

- Uncle, you are curious. We were talking and she helped me finish preparing


- Does she live nearby?

- Yes.
- And aren't her parents jealous of her being here alone with you? Do they


- She's older, uncle.

- I noticed.

- But are her parents at home?

- Her father is separated from her mother. She lives with just her mother,

stepfather and one sister. Her mother and her husband left for the service. She

skipped college classes to be with me.

- I noticed that she is quite a brunette, and she looks naughty.

- What is this, uncle? Don't talk about my girlfriend like that.

- And you said they were just talking and then they went to dinner! Son,

when you're alone with a girl like that, don't miss the opportunity. Trace her. Eat this

girl. You're too soft, you're too slow...

Armando couldn't handle the pressure and said:

- Uncle, actually, we were having sex here at home.

- She looks like she fucks a lot...

- Yes, she climbs a lot. The girl is perverted.

- Cool; She tells me more.

- We have sex too much. I eat it in every way: in the bedroom, in the living

room on the sofa, in the shower, in the kitchen on the granite counter, on the floor, in

the hammock. The girl is fucked up. She likes the business. She gets on all fours, with

her legs up, on her side, she really likes sex. The other day we had sex so much that

she told me her “pussy” was swollen.

- But does she take the pill to avoid getting pregnant?

- I give her an injection every month so she doesn't get a belly.

- My nephew, these injections can make women fat.

- I hope she doesn't get fat, uncle. But the way she climbs, I don't think she's

gaining weight. And it's difficult for her to swallow the gala.

- They say that a woman who swallows a lot makes her gain weight.

- I hope my girlfriend doesn't gain weight because I like her a lot.

- But are you alone with her? Don't pick up other girls?

- No, uncle. I go out with some little whores from time to time here in São

Luís and I hook up with some girls in the city where I work.

- And she doesn't suspect anything, the horns she carries?

- No. I have two WhatsApps to trick her. And she never went where I work. I

want to take her there sometimes, but she says it's not possible...

- I saw on your Facebook that you follow a call girl. She never questioned you

about it?

- No. She's stupid. He doesn't even know that the girl there is a call girl.

- Well, my son, enjoy it, and eat this little thing until you say enough.

- For sure.

- What's her name?

- Suellen.

- Right.

Armando's parents arrived from the wake and Mauro went to talk to them.

When Mauro was about to leave he said goodbye to his nephew and said:

- Armando, don't forget to tell me the news! I'll be waiting...

- You can leave it, uncle. Goodnight.

- See you another day. Goodbye.

A few weeks later his girlfriend moved into a small apartment she had


Armando met with Andreza in her apartment, as soon as she moved in. He

slept with her one Friday night.

On Saturday, the young woman woke up early. Armando got up and went

looking for her around the house; he found his girlfriend in the kitchen, dressed only in

her underwear, preparing breakfast for the both of them.

He greeted her with a good morning and a peck on the mouth; he sat at the

table, observing her, with all her beauty, the curves of her hips, her perky ass and

breasts; she was the perfect girlfriend. Seeing her like that made him even more eager

to possess her and have sex right there.

Andreza remained parading around the house in her underwear, and possibly

a neighbor in the building opposite may have seen his girlfriend, as the curtains on

some windows were slightly open.

- Andreza, my love, are you making your neighbors happy?

She laughed and went towards the bathroom to take a shower. Armando went after

her to take a shower together. In the shower the boy said that she looked delicious

that morning.

- Do you like seeing me like this? – asked the brunette, with a malicious


- I love you even more being like this! – replied his male.

- I also love you a lot, you know? You make me very happy! - she said.

- I want to see you always happy, love! I do everything for you! You know it! –

reported the individual.

- I know, my dear! I don't even know what I did to deserve you! The most

perfect boyfriend in the world!

And they kissed passionately, under the water of the shower.

They didn't post new photos on the sex social network profile for a while,

firstly because they hadn't taken new photos and secondly because she had stopped

sending him malicious messages; Armando got the impression that she no longer

wanted to publish photos of them having sex.

On Sunday afternoon, shortly before Armando returned to his apartment,

she sat next to him on the sofa and looking at her boyfriend while he was watching a

football game, she started a conversation:

- Baby, I've been thinking a lot these days about what you asked of me – said

the young woman.

- What did I ask you, baby?

- About the “ménage”, with another girl.

The boy even positioned himself better on the upholstery, and turned down

the volume on the television set.

- And there? What have you decided, my dear? We never spoke about this

subject again.

- I thought a lot about everything, Armando, but I want you to promise me

something! Promise no, better, I want you to swear by everything that is most sacred!

- Promise what, Andreza?

- Do you swear that, regardless of what happens, you will always stay with

me? That you won't abandon me? Won't you leave me after I see you fucking another

girl and I have a jealous attack?

Your boyfriend reflected a little and replied:

- I swear, love! I would never do that, leave you! I love you! This fantasy is

mine, but we'll always be together, if it's up to me!

- I know, love, but you want this much more than I want, and I don't know if

you'll like it or not, but I don't want my boyfriend to leave me if I don't like it,


She said with eyes full of tears. Armando hugged her, comforting her.

- If I don't like it and if, above all, you don't like what we do, - said Armando -

we'll pretend it never happened and move on, my dear. We went on with our lives

together and forgot about our attempt at a “ménage”.

- Promise, then? – she asked, urgently and with her voice still choked from


- I promise, baby! But I want you to want this too, I don't want you to do it

just for me! If you need to, you can think about it better.

He would really like this to happen, but seeing that Andreza might not be

ready yet, everything left him with doubts.

Armando took his girlfriend home in his car, and they drove in silence the

entire way.

The next day she called him during her lunch break, apologizing, and saying

that she was more emotional those days. Her boyfriend told her that she didn't need

to apologize, that everything was fine.

A few days passed without doing anything daring; Quiet weekend at home,

with little sex and the feeling of everything being mechanical.

On a Friday, the boy received a selfie of her in the service bathroom mirror,

with her skirt up and without panties, opening her thighs and showing an anal plug

inserted in her anus.

Armando responded to the selfie message asking if he would have special

service today, and Andreza responded to the message saying "maybe". Armando was

in town and went to pick up his girl from work; She was dressed in a full black skirt that

was just above the knee, a dark blue tank top and black high heel sandals.

The girlfriend got into the boy's car and asked them to go directly to a motel.

So the boy did and drove to the nearest motel, which was almost full; They occupied

the suite that was available, and it was more expensive than the one they usually

stayed in, but it was the only one unoccupied at the moment and they both had to

accept it. “I’ll pay the difference, love,” offered the brunette.

They parked the car in the parking space in front of the room and went

inside. While Armando closed the door, Andreza was already waiting for him on the

stairs, going up to the suite.

When they entered it, the girl was already getting rid of her skirt and blouse,

while she was still walking to the bed, then lying down on the bed and saying:

- He comes. I'm all yours. Let's have sex, I really want to!

She then spread her legs and displayed the plug that was inserted into her


- Did you work without panties today? – asked her boyfriend.

- No, I only removed it when putting the plug in; That's when I sent you that


- You made me very excited!

She smiled and said:

- That was my intention, “babe”.

- Did anyone notice that you had the plug?

- No, my skirt is long, no one saw anything! – and Suellen let out a naughty


- Certainty?

- Yes. Are you jealous, my dear?

- No. When did you buy this?

- It was the day before yesterday, I stopped by the sex shop before going to


- No one was suspicious at your house?

- I didn't let anyone see him.

The boy approached Suellen and touched the girl's vagina with his finger,

proving that she was all wet. Then he put his fingers in his own mouth and said:


- I spent the whole afternoon like that, after I put the plug inside me. He's

very horny, love! Come and have sex soon! I don't want to wait any longer...

Armando wanted to try to remove the plug, but she wouldn't let him.

- No, honey! Leave him there, put your dick in my pussy! Put it on, come on,

eat me!

The man positioned himself behind the brunette, and with his penis already

erect, he began to penetrate her pussy. She began to moan, with a great feeling of


- Fuck me, Armando! I was dying to feel you inside me! Put that whole dick in,

right up to the torso! – she asked, excited.

The boy then slowed down when he heard those words; It had been a while

since they fantasized and this time she called him by name, even without her using the

- Come on, baby, push hard! Fuck me with pleasure... - she asked, sincerely.

Her boyfriend joined the game and increased the pace of penetration again.

At this point he also started to moan with pleasure.

- Eat my tight pussy! I've been waiting for this all week – the girl confessed. -

That! Like this! Hold me tight!

Armando tightened his grip on Andreza's waist and pumped her with even

more energy. At that moment he brought his mouth close to her ear and whispered:

- I wanted to rip off your skirt and fuck you on the office table, with everyone

watching, at your work!

The boy saw her body shivering completely.

- Oh Armando, eat me! Go, fuck me hard, hot male! - begged the female.

Her boyfriend penetrated her vigorously a few more times and she came,
moaning loudly.

- Come, hot girl, come on my cock, naughty girl! – he exclaimed.

- It breaks me down! Treat me like your bitch, you dog! I know you're crazy to
fuck me, so eat me deliciously!

Armando was scared at this point. His girlfriend had never spoken in these
terms, even in moments of ecstasy and sexual climax; but he appreciated it right away.

Hearing this, he exploded and came, like he hadn't cum in a long time, filling
her vagina with semen.

- Honey, you're taking your pill, aren't you? – he questioned.

- Honey, you forgot that I'm now taking injections to avoid getting pregnant,
every 30 days.

- Yes my dear. And even!

- It has been less than 30 days since I had my first injection.

- Then fine.

They fell on the bed, next to each other, catching their breath, both sweaty.

- In a little while I want it in my ass, love! - she asked.

- With pleasure, my dear. I love eating your tight ass. It's delicious!

While they waited, Suellen turned on the television in the room, on which
erotic films were being shown; in the scene that was playing at that moment, two
women were masturbating simultaneously; she immediately tried to change the
channel; now she was one woman with four men. She changed the channel again.
Finally she arrived at a canal where a man was having sex with a woman in a “69”
position with both of them standing up, with the girl upside down.

- Look love! Will we one day reach that level? - she joked, smiling, when
showing that scene to her male.

- I believe we did it. Let's try someday... - he said with a naughty smile.

And the boy continued:

- Would you be willing, love, to have sex with me and another girl?

Andreza paused to respond. At the end he said:

- No, my dear, I'm not ready for that yet... I wouldn't like to see you having sex
with another girl in front of me.

- But you can also have sex with her – he countered.

- You know I don't like sex with women. I have no tendency to be bisexual...

- I dream of this day, love! When will you leave? Let's do an experiment...!

- Calm down, Armando, one step at a time!

Armando believed that his girlfriend wanted to try other forms of sex; After
that, she didn't give any more answers. Andreza just looked at him for a few more
moments and stopped talking, and he was left with the impression that she didn't have
the courage to continue with that subject.

Then Armando left her at home.

From that day on, Suellen seemed to be more comfortable with exhibitionism
games and this was reflected in her daily life. It gave the impression that she was
enjoying teasing him even more, as she knew that everything would make him more
excited to see her showing off to him with nudes and naughty messages inviting them
to have sex.

The following Sunday, the couple went to the shopping center so the girl could
buy a new bikini, as they were going to spend the next weekend at a beach house.
She went to the shopping center wearing a flowery dress, the kind that fits
looser on the body, and that goes up to mid-thigh; She wore beige high-heeled sandals
and braided her hair in a long braid at the beauty salon. She looked beautiful,
attracting the attention of men.

They entered a beachwear clothing store and the girl chose a very beautiful
bikini model, but much more well-behaved than Armando imagined she would want to
buy and went towards the fitting room.

- Baby, can you call me later to see how the bikini looks before you take it off? –
he asked.

She responded with a mischievous smile and entered the dressing room and
then closed the curtain.

A short time later, the brunette came out of the dressing room wearing the
bikini she had chosen and looked for her man in the cabin corridor; As she didn't see
him right away, she went to the entrance of the hallway, from where it was possible to
see the entire store, and called out to him:

- Honey, come see how my clothes turned out!

Upon hearing Andreza call at the entrance to the dressing room corridor, he
promptly waved, letting her know that he was already on his way to meet her.

- This model looks really beautiful on you! – She praised her boyfriend.

He looked at her feet at this moment, which was still wearing her high-heeled
sandals; Suellen noticed his malicious look and justified herself.

- I didn't have to take off my sandals, love! The dress came out on top!

- You look like a model, - praised the boy - in a bikini with high heels. Take a
look so I can see!

Andreza took a turn, showing the bikini from the back, thus imitating the
movement that models make; Her boyfriend found the bikini too big for her.

- I didn't like that bikini, try another one – and Armando chose another piece. -
This one, he tries; I thought it was prettier!

His girlfriend picked up the chosen bikini and looked astonished, but went back
to the dressing room to try it on.

The curtain on the handle didn't close very well when she pulled it, leaving a
small gap open, from where it was possible to see her changing her clothes, even
though he was in the hallway.
A couple arrived at the entrance to the hallway, and the woman entered a
dressing room that was available; the man stood leaning next to her, from where it
was possible to see Andreza undressing. When he noticed, he even got closer to
Armando, in the place where they had a better view of the inside of her dressing room.

When the curtain opened, her boyfriend got a shock: the brunette came out of
the dressing room almost naked with that little bikini she was wearing; She looked
delicious in those pieces, and came parading with high heels with firm steps.

- And there? What do you think of this one now? – she questioned. – Was it
better than the other one? - she asked, taking a little turn as she approached.

The bikini was black, at the top there were just small triangles that tied at the
back of the neck and back; the bottom part of the garment was not tied, but it was
very small; in the front it was very hollow and thin, it only covered the vagina and the
pubic mound, leaving the groin well exposed; the side straps were thin, about a finger
thick, contouring the hips well; the back was a small triangle that was lost inside that
pert ass.

The man next to her didn't know what to look at first, such sensuality of her at
that moment. Armando started to feel jealous.

- Let me see the back! – asked her boyfriend.

She turned around again, facing away from the two of them. She looked back
with that mischievous look, lifted her butt a little with her hands on her hips and asked

- Did it look good on the back? -and she smiled.

- This one is perfect! - praised Armando. - Let's take this one! You can change,
my dear. – Asked the boy, already annoyed by the curious man next to him.

- Since you liked it, I'll take this one too, I'll take it there. I had already chosen
one before this one.

- Great, my dear. So we take them both.

And she walked towards the dressing room again, gently wiggling that ass that almost
swallowed the tiny bikini she was wearing.

Her girlfriend came out of the dressing room and saw the bulge in Armando's
pants, noticing that he had an erection.

- Love! What's that? Did you like the little show I gave you that much? – She
asked, speaking in her ear.
- So you can see how hot you look in that bikini! – the boy whispered to her.

She went to the checkout all smiling and satisfied with what she had done.
Armando paid for one of the bikinis.

They left the store with two new bikinis, one more well-behaved and the other
more daring. They continued walking along the mall corridor hand in hand, looking at
the store windows. Suellen on this day was radiant and seemed to attract the
attention of men wherever she passed; her above-the-knee dress and heels were
making waves.

The week passed and the following Friday he went to pick her up for a walk in
Barreirinhas, on the beach in the town of Atins. Armando invited his girlfriend to go on
an adventure at the Boqueirão waterfall, in Icatu, but the young woman had already
been there, and given the memory that access to the resort was very difficult, Suellen
asked them not to go to that waterfall.

As they left late, they arrived at the chosen inn in the middle of the night. There
was only one guy at the inn's reception, who checked the couple in, picked up their
bags and accompanied them to the room where they would be staying. They would
only stay there for three days, but Andreza always took a lot of clothes, makeup,
shoes, etc.

The employee opened the room door, turned on the light and left the bags near
the exit, handing the key into Armando's hands. He explained about the breakfast
opening hours, wished them a good stay and returned to reception.

It was a simple inn, but very comfortable and with good service. The girl was
tired and started taking off her pants, dress shirt and bra, so that she was left with just
her panties to throw herself on the bed.

Armando turned to her and said:

- Are you going to sleep, my dear? I'm going to take a shower; If you want, you
can keep me company.

She just mumbled something unintelligible and the boy waited for her to come,
as he was dying to fuck that night, in the shower. He picked up the two suitcases that
were near the door and placed them inside the closet.

While taking a shower, the boyfriend heard the sound of a door closing, and
thought that his girl had gone to the car to get something he had forgotten, and
continued taking a shower.

When he came out of the bathroom, he noticed that there was one more
suitcase near the door. It was Andreza's other suitcase, she had two. The guy at
reception must have come back to bring the third suitcase that had been left there,
but if he went into the room to leave the suitcase, he could have seen his girlfriend
lying on the bed, just in her panties.

The next day, Armando would question Suellen about this.

He checked the bedroom door, confirming that it was locked, and put the third
suitcase in the closet, along with the others.

He lay down next to Andreza and they slept hugging each other.

To have breakfast, they went to reception, but it was no longer the guy from
yesterday who was there, but another employee.

His girlfriend was wearing the black bikini they bought the previous week,
covered by a white beach cover-up, but the transparency of the fabric revealed the
small bikini she was wearing underneath, making all the men present focus on the
sensual brunette, while she served at the buffet.

After breakfast, they walked to the beach; after all, the distance from the inn to
the sea was approximately 50 meters.

Along the way they heard some whistles, and it was obvious that they were for
the girl, who even though she was holding hands with him, did not prevent the other
males from harassing her.

Arriving at the beach they saw a kiosk a few meters away, with tables and
chairs, they went to the place and sat down at an available table.

They called for a waiter who was passing by with a tray; Armando ordered a
beer, while coconut water was Andreza's request. The bar attendant wrote everything
down while surreptitiously watching her take off her beach cover-up and then spread a
towel on the sand to sunbathe.

To better position the towel on the sand, she had to get on all fours, making the
bikini go even deeper into her ass.

Her girlfriend showed off her body in her new bikini, making everyone happy on
that beach. Many who were walking ended up walking closer just to be able to observe
it a little better.

At the next table there were three men who didn't take their eyes off her, and
they were talking to each other, laughing and even pointing in the young woman's

She didn't care and continued sunbathing.

A sarong seller passed by and she jumped out of the towel, getting up and
calling him, as she wanted to see some models. The girl went to meet the seller.

The cart stopped right in front of the table with the three men and Suellen tried
almost all the sarongs he had, and in the end he chose one in navy blue, very beautiful,
but he returned to his table without the sarong, showing off that little bikini. between
the kiosk tables.

Andreza returned to the table and Armando questioned her:

- Baby, this morning we forgot a suitcase at reception and I realized that the
employee left it in the room. Did you open the door for him or did he open it on his
own, without knocking?

- Yes, he called, love, and I opened the door for the employee. In fact, it was
just leaning. And he didn't ring the bedroom bell so as not to disturb.

- And you went to open the door in just your panties? - asked Armando, with an
apprehensive face.

- No dear. I wrapped myself in the sheets up to my neck and didn't even turn on
the light in the room. I just opened the door and the guy pushed the suitcase inside,
and I thanked him. He didn't even see me. I stayed behind the door.

- Are you sure, love? Didn't he see you?

- Are you still doubting me? – replied the girl, already a little angry. - Is this time
to start a discussion about jealousy, Armando?

- No, it’s not – the boy softened.

And Armando changed the subject for now:

- Andreza, what do you want to do tomorrow?

- I don't know yet! - she replied, harshly.

They spent the day at the beach; The sun set and they returned to the inn.

They passed the reception and there was the receptionist from the previous
night; when he saw Andreza he was a little embarrassed; at least that's what he
suggested, when greeting them, implying that he really could have seen the girl in a
“privileged” situation the night before. She, however, pretended that nothing unusual
had happened.

In the inn's room, the young woman undressed and came to show her
boyfriend that she had already acquired a tan on her skin.
- Look love! I've already created little marks! I already got a tan today... How do
I look? – she asked, all happy.

- You look even hotter! – praised the boy. – I find it very sensual when your
body has these sun marks. I think it's great! – he continued. - Can I take some photos
of you?

Suellen didn't really like letting herself be photographed on someone else's cell
phone, even if he was her boyfriend. However, this time she gave in and allowed it,

- Just a photo, love. I'm afraid of looking ugly in the photos!

- All good. I'll just take one photo. If I hit more than one, I delete the others and
show you.

- Yes, I want to see – asked the girl.

He took out his cell phone and took a photograph of Andreza in a sideways
pose, with one of her feet lifting the heel, and wearing high-heeled sandals, in order to
highlight her butt more.

- Looks great! – declared the young man.

- Let me see! – and the brunette checked her photo after her boyfriend gave
her the smartphone. – Send this photo to me via WhatsApp. – she asked

- Shipping right now.

Then the girl said:

- I'm going to take a shower to get rid of this salty sea water, which almost
destroyed my hair. Look how dry it is! I'll have to moisturize after the shower!

- Since you're going to be there for a while. I go to reception to try to use the
Wi-Fi; Here the cell phone signal is not good at the moment. I will contact my parents.

- It's okay, love – agreed the brunette.

After making his call, Armando returned to the room. His girlfriend opened the
door; she was wrapped in a towel, and asked him:

- How are your parents? – Suellen asked.

- They are well; But they said something that I couldn't fully understand, as they
were in the middle of a birthday. There was live music going on.

-Oh! party mother-in-law of mine...

- I'm going to take a shower and then we're going to have dinner! – said

- Wait, let me take the bikini out of the shower, I'll put it to dry somewhere
else. Did the wifi work at reception?

- Yes, it worked, very well.

- I'll go there while you take a shower, the signal here is terrible!

- Who are you going to call, love?

- I'm going to talk to my parents.

- It is well. You can go.

The brunette put on some clothes, left the room and approached the door; She
was wearing a pink tank top that left her belly exposed, with a half-cup bra and looser,
very short denim shorts, allowing the outline of her butt to be seen, and she was
wearing flip-flops. on the feet.

She had not yet shown signs that she had cheated on Armando.

When she was in the bathroom, inside the stall, her boyfriend stepped on
something sticky; it was vaginal discharge. She had masturbated. But why? The boy
was left wondering.

Andreza went to reception, activated the Wi-Fi and made a call from inside a
bathroom, close to the inn's entrance hall.

First she sent a message via Zap.

- Can I call you now?

The other person replied:

- He can. Audio call.

And she made a call via the messaging app.

The person answered and Andreza said:

- André, my dear, I miss you. We can talk?

- Lie. You even traveled with the little guy there.

- You can't travel with me. She wouldn't let him. And if he found out it would be
a huge mess. I have to leave São Luís every now and then to clear my mind. I work a
- I won't forget our sex at the motel on the way to the beach.

- This life of dividing a man between two women is difficult; even more sisters.

- I also want to catch you again, really.

- I even hit “one” for you now. I masturbated in the shower stall, as the boy had
left for reception.

- And why didn't you send me a photo of your pussy all drooling?

- I am not. I'm not even crazy. And I had no internet signal in the room.

- What are you going to do tonight?

- I don't know yet.

- Well, take care. Don't give that guy any trouble.

- It can leave. A smell.

- Kiss.

- And you, don't exaggerate with her there. Save your energy for us.

- It can leave. Today I'm going to invent until I have a headache.

- I need to hang up. It feels like he's calling me.

- Then go talk to him. Goodbye.

Armando had arrived at reception and was looking for Andreza, calling her
name in front of the women's bathroom. He had been sitting on the couch in front of
the reception desk, but given his girlfriend's delay at the sink, he went to find her to
see if everything was okay.

- Andreza?! - he called.

- I'm going out now, my dear. – replied the young woman.

When she came out of the bathroom, her male questioned her:

- Why did it take so long, my dear?

- I felt a brief stomachache; but it's all over; I am really well.

- Thank God.

Then they sat back down in the reception armchairs and she rested her feet on
the coffee table, keeping her legs flexed on her thighs.
In the position she was in, the looser shorts left a discreet gap open in the
crotch. From the position on the counter, you could see part of the white lace panties
she was wearing and the volume that formed with the design of her pubic mound.

As soon as he realized this, the boy who was sitting behind the counter, that is,
the inn's on-duty receptionist, started pretending that he was working on the
computer and, from moment to moment, tried to spy on the girl's intimate area, who
seemed inattentive. .

- Look love! I got the wifi! The guy at reception helped me set it up – she said.

Armando looked at Andreza's cell phone screen. She was looking at Instagram.

Her boyfriend noticed the hotel receptionist's malice and invited her to take a
walk around the village of Atins, as he wanted to get him out of that reception as
quickly as possible.

Let me just reply to a message from my sister Marcela on WhatsApp – the girl

Andreza quickly responded to the message.

- Ready! Message sent! Let's take a walk, love; we need to look for the best
places to have dinner later – she concluded.

They went to the room because the girl asked to change her shoes and left,
after choosing more comfortable slippers.

And so they left the inn to take a stroll through the streets of Atins.

They walked along the local paths and chose a place to have dinner. They
returned to the hotel, took a shower and left again.

At dinner they said little, as they were very tired; After finishing eating, they
returned to the inn to sleep.

Passing through reception, the attendant followed the young woman with his
eyes, and she commented to her boyfriend.

- Wow, love, this guy at reception keeps drying my ass, did you see?

- Andreza, you are paying a lot of attention to him; I didn't like it now. I know
you're hot and it's hard not to stare, but I think you're paying too much attention to
him and are too worried for my taste.
- Are you upset with me now?! – replied the girl, a little sullenly. – You should
be smarter and pay more attention to your girl. The guys looking and you don't even
frown at them...

- Sorry but.

- I'm also shocked now by you; I'm the victim and you reverse things – and
Suellen looked disappointed. – Be smarter, Armando; connects. You have to protect
me and give morals to other men.

- I just said that you were giving a lot of importance to his looks; I didn't imply
that you tried to give him the time of day, or get his attention on purpose.

- But it wasn't what it seemed a few minutes ago. Please respect me. You
offended me, in a way. I'm not just anyone, and I can fit in with anyone; I respect you,
Armando, whether or not I’m by your side – continued his girlfriend, somewhat
uneasy. – Maybe you acted like that towards me and said those words because you
behave differently when you’re not by my side.

- Don't say that, Andreza. You've gone too far now.

They continued to fight in the inn's room and the discussion became heated,
so that they became very upset with each other and decided to leave the next

Arriving in São Luís, the couple spent about a week without speaking,
intrigued by each other. After this period, however, they made peace and went out to

Andreza spoke about her mother-in-law to Ester the next day:

- Mom, I love my mother-in-law. She already gave me some really cool tips!!!

- Really was? That's good, daughter. I know that Silvane is an experienced and
very headstrong woman.

- Yes, Mrs. Ester, yes she is. I love her guidance. We talked about absolutely

-Now I'm jealous – her mother joked. - And then you will have to tell me more
details about these conversations between the two of you.

- You can leave it, mom. Yes, I will – concluded Andreza, but she never told him.


- Baby, what is your sexual fantasy? – asked Andreza.

- My sexual fantasy is to spend the whole day making love, sex, with you, my
dear. This represents a genius and pleasure-filled idea for me. Let's set aside one day a
month just to do this?! – suggested her boyfriend. - It would be something surprising,
and the main thing is that it would be possible to do everything that comes to your
imagination and try to stay in shape.

- I thought you were going to say it would be having sex with two women,
because I don't accept that.

In Armando's mind, liberal women, who didn't mind sharing their man with
other girls, could offer one of the most surprising acts of naughtiness, to always be
recorded in the male's memory, that is, having sex with two or more women at the
same time. time. For him, the majority of the male audience would appreciate or
dream about this moment in life.

- There are couples who manage to save their marriages by focusing on

threesomes, Andreza – claimed the boy.

- Orgies are also interesting, with several men and one or two women, even if I
were the girl? - she joked.

- I don't mind the presence of other women in the room where sexual acts take

- This situation would be easy for you, but not for me – declared the brunette, a
little upset.

- I'm sorry, I didn't say anything badly – the boyfriend apologized. – Don't be
mad at me.

- I'll try not to be - she said, still a little sullen.



Andreza asked:

- So: are you still not giving my sister oral sex?

- Who told you that? How do you know? – he was surprised.

- She told me herself!

- I don't believe! She tells all our intimacies!!! – he replied.

- Well, it's good for you to change your behavior towards her. Pussy, you just
want to suck mine?! If she finds out that you suck my pussy with pleasure, she'll even
want to kill you! Smarten up...

- It can leave. I'll be careful...

Andreza and Armando began to disagree and had frequent fights,

separating and making up a few days later. She was jealous and demanding in the
relationship, and her boyfriend was a little relaxed and wasn't very present. The girl
was hard on him in arguments and sometimes left him feeling hurt. After a certain
period, Armando also began to respond harshly to his girlfriend and the two left the
fights annoyed. Andreza also began to suspect that he was cheating on her. That
couple began to lose self-control in arguments, committing excesses in arguments.

Armando spoke to Silvane about Andreza a few days later:

- Mom, I had some small disagreements with Andreza.

- Why, Armando? It seemed like you guys were doing so well. Was it something

- Oh! She changes her behavior a lot from one moment to the next; she is very
strange; She has times when she makes me jealous for no reason; she is happy,
suddenly she becomes angry and irritable; she can't understand; Andreza is a “veneta”
girl. She is quite suspicious.

- My dear, she must have noticed something wrong that you did. Armando,
have you been cheating on your girlfriend?

- No, not at all – the boy lied. – It's true, mother, there are moments when it's
difficult to understand Andreza and she's difficult to believe and give of herself fully.
There are moments when it feels like her head is somewhere else and she doesn't give
me the time of day. I heard that she had a heartbreak once and it hurt her a lot, from
an emotional point of view, but she doesn't say anything about this subject to me. She
also had a health problem after leaving her boyfriend and didn't leave the house for
about 3 months.

- Really was? I didn't know. That could be why she was missing for a few
months and I didn't see her. That was a year and a half ago, more or less. Son, treat
Andreza well. I have a lot of regard for her. She's a good girl.

- Yes, mom, I really like my girlfriend and I don't want to lose her, but she was
making me feel jealous and we had an argument.

- Did you guys take a break?

- No. But we're almost done, so to speak.

- My young people, try to talk more so you don't make hasty decisions.

- You're right, mom. We need to talk more. I have to improve my rapport with

- Take good care of her, son. She is a golden girl. She is a girl to marry...

- I know that, mom, and I'm trying hard to win you over, day after day. But
Andreza is quick-tempered, and I have to learn to deal with her way.

- Then try hard, because I believe it will be worth it. Do you think about making
a serious commitment soon, and then getting engaged?

- No, we haven't thought about it yet – Armando bluffed, as Andreza had

already approached him about making a more serious commitment and he didn't

- Think carefully about everything I said today, dear.

- Yes mom. Goodnight.


- Suh, I did a striptease for André.

- Was it really, Mel? - Andreza replied, quite surprised.

- He went crazy and I had never seen his dick as big and as hard as it was this
time. This time-honored tip for making your man horny during foreplay was passed on
to me by a colleague at school. Of course, I had to wear seductive clothes, as it is
necessary, as well as play sensual music in the motel room, and keep the environment
in dim light; I used the perfume he likes, among other accessories, so that the
striptease had a cool performance.

- Congratulations on the idea, sister – praised her sister, with some envy, in

- The other day I made him wake up all wet – continued the redhead.

- What do you mean, sister? – Suellen wanted to know.

- Suh, no matter how much they always deny it, men have different types of
sexual desires. And one of them is waking up or being woken up by your girlfriend
having oral sex, a nice, very greedy blowjob.

- Viche, Maria – replied the brunette, impressed.

- In practice, when you wake up in this way, your boyfriend will even think that
he is still dreaming, and wake up cumming. All I had to do was wake up a little earlier
than him and then I woke him up like this.

- And what else have you been up to with him, Mel? – Her sister asked, very

- I used whipped cream the other day; I know it's one of the most naughty acts
among couples around the world. I tested it, it was great. I put a good amount on his
penis and I licked, sucked, ate, with pleasure, until he had an orgasm in my face. I
swallowed; oh, it was delicious.

- Stop, Melina. I'm getting nervous, – Andreza replied – my pussy is throbbing

with desire and I'm getting all wet. And I don't have anyone scheduled to have sex
today. I'm going to have to masturbate if you continue.

- But let me say just one more thing: I read the other day about exotic sex, that
is, sexual positions from the Kama Sutra and Tantra subjects, etc.

- Here you come; You want to drive me crazy, you pervert.

- Continuing, Suh: Exotic sex consists of other naughty things that men love
most in bed. There are several types of cultures that can teach us something when it
comes to pleasure. With the Kama Sutra, the positions become pleasurable for both,
especially in positions that bring comfort. Women should do yoga to increase the
elasticity level.

- Let’s do it, then – Andreza suggested.

- Let's search. We tell our parents what we want to do to become more relaxed,
learn to control our mind; everything was a lie... – And Melina let out a pleasant laugh.

- Melina, I've wanted to learn Thai massage, or tantric sex to be able to cause
pleasure to a man just by touching my hands.

- Ah, Suh, our sexual appetite is voracious – boasted the redhead. – My boy
says, as he heard in a song that his uncle liked: “When a woman wants it, it’s really

- Like this? I didn't understand? Explain better! – Andreza asked and asked.

- A woman must demonstrate sexual appetite for her partner, and he will
certainly have an even bigger ego, and he will love what you did. Try to stay on top,
show how you can make him horny during sex, alternating between dominating and
being dominated. Show that your libido is always high with him. Try different
naughtiness and new positions, sister, with your boyfriend; Lose any kind of fear
before trying it.

- Melina, you know everything. How self-confident of you! – his sister was
surprised. – Let me ask you an indiscreet question: have you ever had anal sex?

- I already. You still not?

- I have never done. Some women see certain problems with having anal sex
with their partners, such as discomfort and pain after penetration. And you?

- André is great. And one thing is true: men love it; especially when they
manage to reach orgasm and shoot their sperm inside us. The feeling is wonderful –
and Melina pretended as if it were happening now, making her sister jealous. - Having
anal sex with pleasure is undoubtedly a good idea to spice up and surprise the
relationship. I accepted and really enjoyed the anal.


- Marcela, I discovered some messages from my boyfriend. I cloned his

Whatsapp web the moment he went to the bathroom and the bastard left his cell
phone within my reach out of carelessness. I discovered the cell phone password (I
saw him joining the dots to form the dashed images). Armando really deceived and
betrayed me, that bastard. He hooked up with a girl. The dialogue between them is the
biggest downfall.

- Suh, how absurd what that “handleless suitcase” did to you! How are you

- I'm feeling really bad. I discovered in conversations between them that the
biggest bitching goes on. The quenga says that she gave him a blowjob while drinking
his cum, gave him her ass to eat, even fucked inside the company where she works,
not even fearing being fired for just cause; They don't have a shred of modesty, the
slightest scruple, and act with the most complete and mind-blowing desire to fuck!

- Andreza, a woman is a mummy in bed if she's NOT madly in love with the guy!
This girl must be crazy about this ordinary thing! To do all these things...

- I don't understand how he dared to do all this to me. I'm already suffering,

- Calm down, Suh! When did you last speak to him?

- Two days ago; From then on, I removed the view of messages read on my cell
phone and the last access time to Whatsapp. I haven't responded to his messages for
two days.

- You're absolutely right. And why did he really cheat on you? Were you liberal
with him in bed?

- He must just be a narcissistic asshole. I satisfied him anyway when we had sex.
And in fact, I don't think he ever had anyone who was capable of doing the things I did
for him! Imagine that!

- Did you pretend to have orgasms with him? Many men hate this fact.

- Sister, I never faked orgasms with him. Now, a man will only be fooled by a
woman who fakes orgasm if he doesn't pay attention to her; Don’t “stare adoringly” at
your girl! Our bodies speak! Either you enjoy it or not! And for the guy who loves to
see his wife cum, it is simply impossible to be fooled by imitation!

Andreza also said to her older sister:

- True. Lady in society and whore in bed. That's how I feel. I do everything for
my boyfriend in bed. And I try to do everything very well to drive him crazy. That's how
a woman has to be. And I'm horny to see him crazy too. And vice versa. I talk dirty, I
suck his dick deliciously, I give him my tight pussy and my ass whenever he wants. I
love doing all of this. I get gooey every day just thinking about him fucking me and
making me his little whore.

Marcela then reported:

- Sister, for a man, sex is never complete. You will learn this over time. They are
never fully satisfied. And the fetishes of doing it with two or three women: he never
mentioned it to you?? Every man dreams. I always did everything with my ex-
boyfriend, I did everything he asked me to do, and once he asked me for proof of love,
which was to have sex with a friend. Wow, I felt humiliated, like rubbish; it was actually
proof that sex with me alone wasn't enough. Unfortunately we ended it, because it
was too humiliating for me. I liked him very much.

Andreza also said:

- I do everything for my boyfriend, but he cums too quickly! I'm never satisfied,
I feel terrible and I become very angry. And since he works outside the home and is
away from me for a few days, I even send him nude photos of me masturbating, but he
doesn't seem to care about me. He doesn't say anything nice about the photos. That's
why I wanted to know what was going on or if he had another girl there. Now I have
cleared my doubt. I'm devastated, sister.
- This issue of him traveling must be influencing him. I believe it is exactly the
opposite of what you think, the longer you go without sex, the quicker it is for men to
cum. Try, instead of going straight for sex, having oral sex and taking turns giving him
one but slowly and without pressure so that he doesn't cum, then do this for a long
time, this way he will possibly maintain his erection for longer without cumming and
may mistreat you. in bed as you want - suggested his sister. - And you're still going to
stay with him, that bastard?

- Most likely not.


Andreza and Melina talked the next day:

- Mel, how will I know if Armando is exchanging messages with another

woman? I already had suspicions that he cheated on me...

- The first tip is if he stopped talking to you for two or three days, as
something could be happening, especially if your boyfriend used to talk a lot and be
very communicative, and suddenly changes his behavior towards you. If this happens,
ask if there is anything that is worrying him, just to see what he responds.

-There are moments when I feel that he is no longer showing the same
affection as before, that is, he doesn't exchange with me the affection he used to give
me before.

- He may be getting it from another woman, and reciprocating it. Some men,
when they cheat, begin to treat the deceived woman with more indifference. It's as if
they don't have the same load of good feelings to distribute between two girls; It's
only enough for one at a time.

- Armando has also given me excuses for not having sexual relations with me
a few times, when I wanted to and he claimed to be out of his mind, or too tired, or
not in the psychological conditions to have sex, blaming work, many of those times.

- If he normally thought about sex frequently and wanted the same, and now
he changed, there is something strange, Suh. From the moment your boyfriend starts
making excuses not to have sex, he may be seeing another woman.

- Could it be, sister, that he is doing this to me. I was with my boyfriend in his
apartment and he started acting strange and suspicious: he locked the bathroom door
and stayed on the phone for a long time, but I couldn't hear or understand what he
was saying; I thought about demanding that he open the door, and tell me what was
going on, but I decided not to do that.
- Or if she smiles out of nowhere without any explanation, when he's on the
phone, he's more likely to find himself exchanging messages with another woman.

- Stop, Mel. This way you will make me neurotic. Sister, you're putting more
crickets in my head.

- But you're not the one who suspects that your boyfriend is cheating on
you. I'm just warning you and offering some tips. That's it.

- The other day he started hiding his cell phone from me, so I wouldn't read his
messages when he was away; worse than that I imagine he might be hiding something.

- So, Suh, when he's not around, even though it's not ethical to go through
anyone's cell phone, you might discover some messages that could be intriguing, but
painful. So, feel strong enough to investigate and go ahead.

-Finally, he almost stopped going out with me or at least avoids going out at
night, like he did before. And, finally, he spends more than an hour on his cell phone,
without paying attention to me, when we are together; I ask him about his conduct
and he says it's work matters.

- Then you should observe the other signs and try to control it, because any
man who cannot find time to spend with his girlfriend is likely exchanging messages
and seeing another woman.

- I'm going to look for one that offers services to help me discover something;
because they have experience in these cases, and so they will put an end to my
uncertainties once and for all.

- I'm the one who says it now: relax a little, Andreza. If this continues, you
should have a serious talk with him. Clean everything up. You don't need to spend
money on private detectives.

- I hate washing dirty laundry.

- But there are moments when you can't run away anymore.

Melina came to tell Andreza that she was going to get engaged to André. The
sparkle in her eyes was clear to deliver the news. The youngest sister then said:

- Suh, André and I are going to get engaged. It will be next month. Let's inform
our parents. I am really happy.

Andreza seemed surprised and replied.

- How cool, my sister. What good news. But he hadn't even given you a promise
ring... I was surprised... Everything happened very quickly...
- Yes it is true. We prefer to get engaged straight away, without a promise ring.

- And have you already thought about a date to get married? – the brunette
wanted to know.

- I imagine it will be soon, but we haven't determined a probable date yet -

replied his sister. - Andreza, I want you and Marcela to be my godmothers.

- It will be with pleasure.

Andreza at this moment was unable to hide a certain envy. Seeing a younger
sister making a serious emotional commitment and being about to get married
generated a feeling of discomfort in Andreza, like someone being left behind. With her
failures in the field of love, Andreza was already finding it difficult to deal with other
people's happiness and felt a certain envy when she saw someone else's happiness
and that she continued to stagnate in her emotional life. Even the satisfaction of his
sister about to get engaged seemed to bother him a little.

Andreza, however, made an effort and said the following words to Melina:

- My youngest sister, I wish you to be very happy! May God bless your union
with André and may you continue to be a very happy couple!

- Thank you, Suh. We are already looking at a place to hold the event, but I can
tell you that the reception will be just for us: parents, siblings and nieces. I'm going to
invite my sisters and André is going to invite his brother. And our parents. Only. We
can't spend. We don't have much money!

- Congratulations, Melina, you deserve it! – concluded his sister.

After that day, however, Suellen began to change her behavior towards Melina
and they ended up having a disagreement and had an argument.

Saturday, Andreza and Melina went to worship, accompanied by their

mother. At the celebration that night, Pastor Joaquim began his preaching:

- What, my brothers and sisters, is sin in the eyes of God?

“And I answer them: It is everything that is contrary to the nature of God, it is

everything that goes against the laws of God. It is sin! Everything that is contrary to his
holiness. And God, by his nature of Holiness, hates and rejects any and all forms of sin.
Due to his purity, God does not contemplate any type of sinful manifestation. There is
no connection between God and sin. And among so many sins that God abhors is the
sin of prostitution, as it takes away people's dignity.

And what does the Bible say about prostitution? Can God forgive a prostitute?
People often refer to prostitution as the "oldest profession in the world." In
fact, it has always been a common way for women to earn money, even in biblical
times. The Bible tells us that prostitution is immoral. Proverbs 23:27-28 says, "For a
prostitute is a deep pit, a narrow pit is a stranger. Like a robber, she lies in wait and
multiplies the faithless among men."

God prohibits involvement with prostitutes because He knows that such

involvement is harmful to both men and women. "for the lips of an adulterous woman
drop honeycombs, and her words are sweeter than oil; but her end is bitter as
wormwood, sharp, like a two-edged sword. Her feet go down to death; her steps lead
her to hell" (Proverbs 5:3-5).

Prostitution not only destroys marriages, families and lives, it destroys the spirit
and soul in a way that leads to physical and spiritual death. “God’s desire is that we
remain pure and use our bodies as instruments for his use and glory” (Romans 6:13). I
Corinthians 6:13 says, "The body is not for uncleanness, but for the Lord, and the Lord
for the body."

Although prostitution is a sin, it does not go beyond the scope of God's

forgiveness. The Bible records his use of a prostitute named Rahab to bring about the
fulfillment of her plan. As a result of her obedience, she and her family were rewarded
and blessed (Joshua 2:1, 6:17-25). In the New Testament, a woman known to be a
sexual sinner – before Jesus forgave and cleansed her – found an opportunity to serve
Jesus while He was visiting the home of a Pharisee. The woman, recognizing Christ for
who He is, brought Him a bottle of expensive perfume. In grief and repentance, the
woman wept and poured perfume on His feet, rubbing it with her hair.

When the Pharisees criticized Jesus for accepting this act of love from an
"immoral" woman, He warned them and accepted the woman's worship. Because of
her faith, Christ forgave her all her sins, and she was received into his kingdom (Luke

When speaking to those who refused to believe the truth about Himself, Jesus
Christ said: “Truly I say to you, tax collectors and harlots go before you into the
kingdom of God. For John came to you in the way of righteousness, and you did not
believe him; while tax collectors and harlots believed. But you, even though you saw
this, did not finally repent and believe in him" (Matthew 21:31-32).

Just like anyone else, prostitutes have the opportunity to receive salvation and
eternal life from God, to be cleansed of all their unrighteousness and to receive a new
life! All they must do is turn from their sinful lifestyle toward the living God, whose
grace and mercy are limitless. "And so if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; the
old things have passed away; behold, new things have become" (2 Corinthians 5:17).
Carnal desires, such as prostitution, are part of the earthly nature of human
beings (Colossians 3.5), which arise within their hearts (Mark 7.21).

There is an evil spirit of prostitution that prevents people from seeing that they
are wrong and in sin, so “their behavior does not allow them to return to their God,
because a spirit of prostitution is among them, and they do not know the LORD”
(Hosea 5.4). That is why this battle is spiritual, against powers (Ephesians 6.12) and we
need to pray and fast to win (Mark 9.29). Another excerpt from the Bible says, I will
read it to you here: For this is the will of God: your sanctification, which abstain from
fornication” 1 Thessalonians 4:3

The people of Sodom and Gomorrah were condemned by God for their
libertine lives and the practice of fornication (Jude 1:7). The debauchery of a sexual life
without commitment is also a sin (II Peter 2.2,7 and 18). The Word of God declares
that fornicators are among those who will not enter the Kingdom of God (Revelation

How to solve these problems? If you are in a relationship, you must reach an
agreement with your partner to regularize your situation as soon as possible. If it is an
unlimited relationship, you must also pray to God and reach an agreement with your
loved one to stop having sex until marriage. God forgives all sins (I John 1:7-9), but
Jesus said to the adulterous woman “go and sin no more” (John 8:11).

I Corinthians 6.15,16 and 18 “Do you not know that your bodies are members
of Christ? And would I, perhaps, take the members of Christ and make them members
of a harlot? Absolutely not. Or do you not know that the man who unites himself with
the prostitute forms one body with her? Because, as they say, the two will be one
flesh. Flee from impurity. Any other sin a person commits is outside the body; but he
who practices immorality sins against his own body.”

Satan's great strategy when leading a person to prostitute themselves in any of

the above ways is to be able to enter the sanctuary of God, which is our body (I
Corinthians 3.16). So we must “put to death your earthly nature: fornication, impurity,
lustful passion, evil desire” (Colossians 3:5). Ask the Lord for forgiveness for your sins
and receive deliverance.

We cannot judge people nor forget that Jesus forgave an adulterous woman,
showing that prostitution is forgivable, the person just needs to repent (John 8.1-11).
Christ also said that in the Kingdom of Heaven, harlots who converted would precede
religious people (Matthew 21:31,32). We must preach the gospel of God showing that
people can be freed from prostitution. Although we also cannot neglect that all types
of prostitution prevent entry into the Kingdom of God if we do not repent (I
Corinthians 6:9).”
God frees us from prostitution!

Now, the Lord Jesus says in the Holy Scriptures: “Truly, truly, I say to you,
everyone who commits sin is a slave to sin. Now, the slave does not stay in the house
forever; the son remains forever” (John 8:34-35).

And God sent us his son and revealed to us: “But when He, the Spirit of truth,
comes, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but
whatever He hears He will speak, and He will declare to you the things to come” (John

God's words say: "Saving man fully from Satan's influence not only required
Jesus to become the sin offering and bear man's sins, but it also required God to do an
even greater work to free man completely from his sins. satanically corrupt character.
And so, now that man has had his sins forgiven, God has returned to the flesh to guide
man into the new age and has begun the work of chastisement and judgment. This
work has brought man to a higher realm. Everyone who submits to his dominion will
enjoy a greater truth. They will truly live in the light and gain the truth, the way and
the life.”

In this way, let us give our lives to Jesus and he will help us to save ourselves
from all forms of Sin.


And the pastor concluded his preaching for that day.

Andreza and Melina spoke after the service at their congregation's Assembly of
God Church.

Melina initially said:

- My sister, I thought our pastor's preaching was so long today. I was already
tired of listening to him talk so much; I almost got up and was going to take a walk
outside the temple to breathe some fresh air; but it would be disrespectful of me to do
so; and he was very emphatic and very direct in his statements about Sexuality and
Prostitution. What did you think, Suh?

- I found him very harsh in his preaching; In my opinion he exaggerated a little

and showed a very old-fashioned view of premarital sex. An outdated opinion, I would
say. And a little hypocritical too: there are many faithful couples who have sex before
marriage and I believe that the pastor will not be able to condemn all of them. I think
that in couples' relationships, no one should have an opinion or get involved and they
should decide whether to have sex or not before getting married; but I am totally in
favor of couples being faithful to each other and I am against promiscuity. As for
prostitution, I have nothing to say.

- Yeah, I think our pastor's opinion on premarital sex is a bit hypocritical and
backwards. He needs to see reality and dialogue with the Assembly. It is better to have
an open and true debate, recognizing that many couples and engaged couples have
sexual relations and try to break down the taboos and bring these people into the fold
of the Church, so that they do not feel outraged and sinful, as they may move away
from religious practices at the same time. instead of approaching to ask God's blessing
for their relationships. I think this way, concluded Melina.

- I agree with you, my sister. Let's see if our parents will comment anything
regarding this preaching this week. Dad was also present at the service. I spoke to him
at the end of the celebration.


Melina talked to Suh about pregnancy and cellulite. They spoke the next day.

Andreza asked her younger sister:

- Mel, don't you think about having your first child with André?

- Not yet, Andreza. Let our financial situation improve and our relationship
stabilize more...

- Like this? – replied the brunette, quite curious.

- Oh! You know how men act – replied his sister, without hesitation; - we
women need to feel more confidence. And Melina continued with her speech:

- But, Suh, changing the subject in a way: when you get pregnant and your
uterus and breasts enlarge, that is, after pregnancy, when your belly and breasts
return to normal size, your stretch marks on your breasts and abdomen should
increase ...

Andreza was uncomfortable talking about her stretch marks and cellulite, and
she didn't usually discuss this topic with anyone.

- God save me from pregnancy, my sister. I don't think I ever want to get
pregnant... – she replied the brunette.

- Just for that reason??? – asked his sister, in a questioning tone.

- For this and for others.

- Oh I know. Excessive vanity and fear of ruining your body.

- It's nothing like that, boring – the brunette pretended. – Motherhood still
scares me; I don't feel prepared to be a mother and a housewife.

- I understand, Suh. Try to overcome these fears.

Ester discovered that Suellen was secretly dating Armando and asked to speak
to her ex-husband Antônio José.

Ester contacted him via an audio call from the messaging app.

When he answered the call she said:

- José, it’s Ester. As I said, I asked to call you to talk about Andreza.

- It's okay, Esther. What did Suellen do this time?

- She started dating, without me knowing, with the son of a neighbor who lives
almost opposite the house. He was secretly dating. Did you know? Had she already
told you?

- I swear not. I didn't know she had a new boyfriend. And she's been secretly
seeing this guy? Why? Andreza isn't old enough to do this anymore... do things outside
of our knowledge. And hidden... They seem like the actions of a teenager.

- Exactly, she is bigger; theoretically, she knows what's best for herself and can
choose who to have a relationship with, but I think she was hiding this relationship
from me because, beforehand, I didn't support this relationship and even
recommended that she not go ahead with this relationship. But our daughter is very
stubborn, as you already know, and she doesn't really like listening to me or following
my instructions.

- And why, Ester, did you not approve of this relationship? What do you have
against this guy?

- José, he is the son of a neighbor and I even like her. I have nothing against her
and she has always been friends with Andreza.

- Okay, so what?

- He attended the same school that Andreza studied at, but they got to know
each other better right here in the neighborhood, at his house. The problem is that I've
heard a lot of bad comments from him, which worried me.

- What for example?

- That he had a girlfriend and didn't treat the girl well, that he cheated, that he
has moments when he becomes aggressive; he does not attend his church and is not
evangelical. He is Catholic, but not at all practicing. The girls here at home are not
friends with him. He is very quiet. I have a feeling that their relationship isn't going to
work out. I think he doesn't deserve our daughter. I didn't want her to date him; God
forgive me; I don't want to look better than others, but I want a better boy for my

- I understand your concerns. What's his name?

- Armando.

- And his mother's name?

- Silvane.

- I'll talk to Andreza about him as soon as possible.

- Take it easy.

- Have you already told her that you found out that she is secretly dating us?

- Not yet; But I'll talk to her at any time.

- All good. Any news, tell me.

- Goodbye.

- A hug, Ester. A memory for my daughters.

- It can leave.

José talked to Andreza about her new boyfriend shortly after.

- My little black girl, why are you dating hidden from us? - asked his father.

- Me, dad, what do you mean? - replied the girl, trying to hide the facts.

- Daughter, there’s no need to hide it. Your mother and I already know that you
are dating the neighbor. His name is Armando, isn't it?

- Yes, daddy... But I was about to tell you.

- Daughter, you insist on these adolescent behaviors. You are of age, you don't
need to hide what you do from us. Do not do that again. You are old enough to decide
who you want to have a relationship with.

- But my mother is always interfering in my life and she told me that she
wouldn't like to see me dating Armando, because she doesn't know him well and
doesn't trust him.
- And you, do you trust this boy completely? - asked his father, very seriously.

- Yes, I completely trust him. So far I have no reservations against my boyfriend.

He is a wonderful person to me.

- What he does? Are you attending college? What do you work with?

- He is a student; it seems he wants to be a truck driver, like one of his uncles.

And he wants to work in agriculture and livestock. He dreams of being a farmer. I know
he loves vaquejadas.

- And when will I meet him? Daughter, have you ever felt like introducing this
boy to me and Ester?

- It's because I was hoping to spend more time, just to get to know him better,
and even to find out if our relationship will go forward, so that later you can get to
know him – disguised the young woman.

- Okay, my daughter, I want to talk to this boy and get to know him as soon as

- You can leave it, daddy. You will meet him very soon.

- It is true. Judgment, Andreza.

- You can leave it, daddy.

José met Armando but found him very strange. He was then introduced to
his beloved daughter's suitor at a “happy hour” they held at the mall. José really liked
talking, but he didn't have a very good first impression of the boy. The “father-in-law”
found his daughter’s boyfriend very introverted and quiet, and left with many doubts
about him in his head. He remembered everything Ester had said about the neighbor
and after the meeting he was evaluating in his mind whether or not he would
recommend his daughter's affair.

About two days after meeting the boy, José sent the following text message to
his middle daughter.

- Andreza, darling, are you okay? Daughter, after our last meeting I could no
longer speak to you in person, but today I decided to send you this message. I was a
little apprehensive after meeting your new boyfriend. I'll be honest with you: I've come
to completely agree with your mother's concerns. Don't fall in love with this guy so
quickly or give your heart away.

- Why, daddy, are you telling me all this?

- Because I know you very well, daughter. My honest opinion is that this guy
doesn't suit you, who is cheerful and extroverted. I found him to be a strange type of
person, very private, quiet, not much conversation. I know he didn't know me; It was
the first time we met, but he should have talked to me a little more to really show his
interest in you and what his real intentions are.

- It's just his way, daddy. But when you get to know him better, you'll see that
he's cool.

- Honestly, daughter, I would prefer if you didn't date this boy and wait for
someone else to come along. It's a recommendation I would give you. Dad tip.

- Know. I'll analyze it calmly.

- Be careful not to suffer later. Good week. God be with you.

- You too. Good week. Goodbye.


Armando worked in another city and was always inviting Andreza to spend the
weekends there, but his girlfriend refused almost all of these invitations, as the girl
didn't really like country cities. About 9 months after they started the affair, the
neighbor invited Suellen to live together, but she didn't accept. She preferred that they
go through all the rituals before any attitudes of living under the same roof. The boy,
however, did not ask her to be engaged, but suggested that they get together. She,
however, was not convinced that the time had come for them to live together, and she
would like to be more valued by him. The girl also had no intention of leaving her job
so early, and thus becoming completely dependent on Armando, spending the week in
the city where he stayed and coming to São Luís only on the weekends. Thus, Andreza
refused his initial proposal.

- No, honey. It's not time for us to get married yet – the brunette said, with a
certain euphemism. - Let's prepare better.

- Baby, I want to see you every day. I also have work shifts on the weekends,
and you don't always want to come visit me. I miss you a lot and I would like us to live
together. Then we make our relationship official.

Andreza was afraid, however, that her boyfriend was deceiving her and after
living together he would no longer make their union official. She wouldn't like to be

- Armando, stop pressing. And I can't leave my job. I couldn't stand not working,
and even more so living in a small town – the girl defended herself.
- Wouldn't you do that for us? – teased the boy, trying to dissuade her.

- I am capable of doing many more things for us, but look at my side. I don't
want to move away from my family and my job. I need to work and I am very attached
to my family.

- I thought the two of us were a priority and you were attached to me – stated
your boyfriend, with some pride.

- Sorry, my love, but I need to think about all sides involved and my decisions
must be well considered. I must release my attitudes with more confidence and

- All good; if you prefer it that way.

- You don't expect a transfer to São Luís?

- Only in two or three years.

- I'm going to pray that your removal happens before that deadline, my dear, so
that we can get married.

- God willing, it will work out.

But, in truth, Andreza would like Armando to have a more formal attitude
towards her and invite her to get engaged, making a more serious and planned
commitment, but those didn't seem to be the man's plans.

After arguing with her mother's boyfriend, Suellen began planning to leave
Ester's house. As she was working at the mall, she found herself in a position to rent a
small apartment to live. André also helped him with expenses and helped pay the
deposit on the rental of the property and in the first months he provided him with an
amount to cover his expenses. She also wished to have a more private place to meet
Armando, since her relationship with him was not to her family's liking. The brunette
also sought to live just to be able to carry out her sexual adventures with whoever she
wanted, without the interference of her mother or anyone else, such as her
“stepfather” or her sister.

The brunette then looked for her mother and told her:

- Mom, I'm going to live alone. I'm decided...

- What do you mean, Suellen? Daughter, you don't even ask me, you just
communicate. Is your decision final?

- Sorry, mom. And yes.

- Are you going to leave us because of Genesio? That's no reason, daughter.

- No, mom, I'm not going to move because of him – the young woman lied. – I
discovered that it is time for me to become more independent.

- Are you going to live with Armando? Daughter, you have to get married first.

- No, I'm not going to live with him. My boyfriend will stay in his apartment and
I will stay in my place.

- Daughter, do you already know where you're going to live?

- I'm already defining it.

In fact, after about four weeks Suellen moved out, permanently leaving her
mother's home.

Andreza and her brother-in-law started meeting at the young woman's


At his new address, Andreza began meeting Armando and André, without his
parents and sisters knowing about his relationship with his brother-in-law.

Andreza and her official boyfriend continued to meet in their respective

apartments and spent some weekends in seclusion, just having sex, using and abusing
each other.


When Andreza fell out with her mother's new husband, she approached André
and told him of her intentions to leave her mother's home. Andreza and his brother-in-
law were already involved and went out to the motel two or three times. The girl then
said to him:

- André, I had an ugly argument with Genésio and since then I decided to look
for another place to live. I'm tired of living with mom. I want more freedom in my life.
I'm an adult and I'm starting to pay my bills. But I'm going to leave my dog with mom. I
want to rent a small apartment.

- Why did you and Genésio fall out? - the boy wanted to know.

- Genésio started to interfere in my life, in my relationship with Armando and in

my relationship with my sisters. He thinks I will listen to him and obey his orders, but
that's not the case. Not even my mother and father will boss me around anymore,
imagine a guy who thinks he's my stepfather. I will never consider you as my relative or
as my stepfather. I don't like him at all; I don't like his face.

- Calm down, Suh, your mother really likes Genésio.

- I don't care about them. Sorry for my sincerity.

- Andreza, I can help you find a place to live – offered her brother-in-law.

- Would you do that for me?

- For sure; no problem.

- But, André, I wanted to ask you something more.

- Tell me, Andreza.

- I was wondering if you could help with my expenses for the first six months
when I move. You know, Armando doesn't help me at all, and I don't want to ask him. I
don't want him to feel like he has me in his hands. You understand me?

- Yes, very good. I'll help you, then, Andreza. But you're not going to ask your
boyfriend to live with you, are you?

- You can be sure not. He already lives in an apartment. He left his parents'
house. But I don't want to live with him and Armando never made me that invitation.

- But if he asks you tomorrow to live with him, will you agree?

- André, I don't think so. I long for Armando to be an adult with me and ask me
to commit. I'm not going to be stupid and give in, moving in with him without any
guarantee of a relationship with a planned future.

- You're right, Suh. Value yourself.

- So, can you help me? I earn relatively little at the mall and I know that for my
move I will be decapitalized and the first six months will be tight.

- I'll do it for you, babe. But you're going to welcome me to your apartment,
aren't you?

- Of course, my dear – and the brunette let out a mischievous smile.

And so they continued to meet for sexual adventures, without their peers
While Andreza cheated on her younger sister with her fiancé, loud
conversations took place between the two from time to time.

ANDREZA and MELINA spoke within a few days:

- Mel, I know that men and women are different, - said Andreza - but I don't
agree that the pattern of behavior in relation to infidelity also differs between the two.
It is said that men cheat to get out of their routine or because they prefer younger
women; Women, on the other hand, are unfaithful out of revenge and because they
choose guys who are more mature or more established in life. I am convinced,
however, that men still cheat more. Why do you believe this happens?

- Andreza, I believe that guys have more extramarital affairs or cheat on their
wives due to a lack of maturity to deal with problems and conflicts; The emotional
immaturity of men is one of the main reasons for infidelity. When they are not
emotionally prepared, men do not know how to deal with problems and conflicts.
Thus, they prefer to let problems accumulate, avoid facing conflicts and seek
“happiness” outside of marriage. They prefer to “escape” from reality and live in a
fictional world, full of fantasies and only love with sex. I think it's approximately that...

- Or they don't like being underestimated and this way they would be
encouraged to cheat in the relationship, even to show themselves superior or smarter
than the girls. Many do not like to be underestimated in their abilities, contradicted or
do not even know how to deal with rules. When a norm is imposed on them, these
individuals feel the need to prove that they can circumvent or cheat in some way. It
seems to be a characteristic of many guys.

- Unfortunately, Suh, cheating, senseless risks and breaking rules are

encouraged in society, especially among men. There is a real apology for these
behaviors in our culture, in the media, such as TV soap operas and even in our art, such
as music. That's why statistics are so common where men consume alcoholic
beverages while driving their cars, for example.

- I imagine that many boyfriends or husbands are ashamed of their sexual

fantasies and do not expose them to their partners, perhaps for fear of being ridiculed
or misunderstood, sister. One of the hardest things to understand, for me, is why
married men, with families and good natures, simply get caught having an extramarital
relationship. Being ashamed of your sexual fantasies, such as having another girl, is
one of the reasons that lead to infidelity in my opinion and the search to satisfy these
desires, without having to report it to your partner.

- Once again, the lack of maturity and male insecurity appear, which are also
related to the shame in talking, dialoguing and showing your desires to your wife or
girlfriend. Other opportunities, Suh, are just because the partner decides to be
unfaithful for no influencing reason. He just decides to be unfaithful, for no real
reason; at least for our conception of women. There is no reason that influences this
decision. Therefore, this is one's own choice, which implies derogatory behavior.

- But the reasons or pretexts for why men want lovers or affairs outside the
relationship can be diverse, such as the lack of romanticism in the relationship, lack of
emotion in the couple's love life; accumulation and overload of functions, work and
routine, causing stress and lack of interest in the couple's relationship; dissatisfaction
with life; little sex in the relationship; lack of dedication and boldness in bed; insecurity
with one's body or virility; surrender to polygamy by choice. I've read about all of this.

-Andreza, in his opinion, can a married man or a man with a serious

commitment go out alone with friends?

- You can, if the girl knows who they are with you and where they go, if they
don't go out too often or too much, except if he's already messed up and done
something stupid, and as long as the woman has the same freedom. After all, both
parties should experience a relationship in the same way and have the same rights. A
man who is committed to a girl can go out alone, but this does not justify any type of
infidelity, as whether or not going out alone does not define character.

- Suh, I think that one of the worst moments in a relationship is when you
suspect that your wife or partner has a lover or cheats on you from time to time with
anyone. Even worse is when you feel like he doesn't want you anymore and that he's
in love with this other person.

- Women are very intuitive, sister, and that's why it's possible to tell if
something is wrong, just by observing your partner's behavior. If your boyfriend or
fiancé is acting strange and suspicious, it could be that he has someone else in his life
or he occasionally or frequently cheats on you to have casual sex.

- I imagine that men who have lovers or “lovers” outside the relationship
generally invent a lot of fake work meetings, trips, mysterious departures from home,
disappearing from the map and keeping their cell phones out of range, but in the
beginning they tend to answer your calls, and they just disguise it.

- Exactly, these are some of the excuses most used by unfaithful men. But then
other mistakes begin, such as not finding their own clothes, as they may have left an
item at someone else's house, even stained with lipstick or with the perfume of their
“date” or lover. If he starts comparing you to other women, looking for flaws in you or
creating imperfections that you don't have, it's another suspicious sign. This often
happens when your husband or boyfriend has someone else on his mind all the time
and this woman is completely opposite to you. That's why he's always complaining
about what you do, because he believes his lover is perfect.
-I know, and to make it not so obvious that he is comparing you to a specific
person, he says they are “other women”. Phrases like “other women don't wear
unfashionable clothes when they sleep, but you're out of date” or “you just yell at me,
other women aren't like that”, are examples of this.

- He no longer makes plans with you: unfaithful men obviously do everything

they can to keep their wives from suspecting cheating, which is why they continue
doing couples' activities like going to the cinema, traveling with the family or spending
a weekend together. But husbands with steady lovers no longer do this, as they need
to balance two lives. Avoiding making plans is one of the characteristics of men who
have another serious relationship.

- He is always in a bad mood or seems to be sad almost all the time. This is
because what he is experiencing with the other person is not just an adventure, his
heart is divided and he is trying to make a decision. You start to get the feeling that he
doesn't want you anymore... it's remarkable.

Genésio traveled and the brunette went to visit his mother.


- Mom, did my father ever cheat on you? – asked his middle daughter. – Have
you ever been dissatisfied in your relationship?

- Daughter, I never heard of betrayal by your father or Genesio. At the moment,

I am happy in my relationship. However, I know that dissatisfaction with the
relationship can also lead some people to cheat, not that it justifies it, but they are
allegations of betrayal in love.

- I read that women sometimes cheat due to a lack of emotional intimacy, poor
communication with their partner, tiredness from the day-to-day relationship, trauma
linked to sex or abuse and lack of interest in sex with their current partner. Have you
ever cheated on someone, I don't mind asking?

- No, Andreza, I swear not. Men still cheat more, I think, citing stress, sexual
dysfunction with their partner, lack of emotional intimacy, lack of dialogue, even
similar complaints.

- How do you know all this?

- Conversations with friends, evangelical programs on TV about relationships,

reading books, affairs in the family and neighborhood. I'm almost 50 years old, honey.
Half a century.

About a week later, Melina gave another opinion about betrayal:

- I believe that men often cheat because they seek to satisfy various desires,
such as the desire for novelty, autonomy and to rescue lost parts of themselves. When
you seek someone else's attention, you are not always turning your back on your
partner, but on the person you have become. And he is not always looking for another
person, but he is looking for another version of himself. Furthermore, betrayal may
have little to do with sex, and say a lot about the desire for attention, to feel special, to
be important. The very desire to achieve what is forbidden, that is, to not be able to
have your lover, can lead to betrayal.

Andreza and Melina talked about Armando that week.

- Melina, I think Armando regrets his betrayal – began the brunette. -I wanted
his opinion on whether his betrayal is forgivable or not.

- Of course, upon realizing the error of betrayal, the repentant person can try to
show some appreciation that they have for the betrayed person, to try to win them

- I know: during betrayal, for various reasons, the person who cheats most of
the time does not rationally consider the implications of that act they are about to

- So, when you realize, after the mistake, that the act broke the trust in the
relationship, one of the signs of regretting the betrayal is offering treats.

- Exactly, sister. He gave me a gift outside of special dates (birthday, Christmas)

and he always has my favorite foods delivered to my apartment.

- Another sign of betrayal is wanting to stay indoors longer, to value being with
the person who was betrayed more.

- I don't know if he's trying to show himself willing to learn from his own
mistakes, and if he's really going to improve and provide me with a healthier
relationship, or if he's just trying to deceive me, and then repeat all the betrayals.

- Romanticism can be one of the signs of regret for betrayal. Has he become
more romantic lately?

- No, he hasn't changed anything about that.

- Suh, he never tried to outsource the blame? Let me explain my question

better: the blame for a betrayal basically lies with the person who betrayed. But didn't
he try to insinuate and justify what he did was actually his fault?
- She wanted to imply yes, but I was misleading him at that time. I was faithful
and always helped him in everything, doing what he asked of me. I never the betrayal I

- Do you think he really regretted it?

- I have my doubts. In other words, I no longer trust him completely.

- Yes, when you reach this stage in the relationship it is difficult to continue.
There's always a flea behind your ear.

- I know that some men who cheat on their girlfriend or wife really regret it and
leave the other, but I'm not convinced that Armando left his “affairs”. I think he's very
into sex and I believe I've never completely satisfied him.

- Wow, you, a terrible woman in bed, frivolous to the extreme, don't satisfy this
guy! Get out, sister! He must have some sexual disorders and never sought treatment.

- Exactly. I think he starts to seek the satisfaction of his sexual impulses with
someone else, by not going all in on me, but I don't disregard the emotional issues and
what he built in the relationship with me. He may even like me a lot, but he can't stop
being unfaithful.

- Andreza, an unfaithful man doesn't love his girlfriend or partner. Leave this
guy while there is still time, before you start to love him, otherwise the suffering will
be much greater.

- I know all of this. And I don't know if I love him anymore.

- Now it's complicated, then. However, after allowing himself to be guided by

emotional bias, it may be that the man genuinely realizes the mistake he made, since
he sacrificed his previous affection and love to give way to other stimuli.

On Andreza's birthday, she was scheduled to work, and because of this festive
date for her, her bosses released her from work an hour in advance. Upon leaving
work, the girl was surprised by Márcio with a wrapped package that appeared to be a
gift. And he approached her like this:

- Andreza, wait. I´m Márcio, your boss.

The brunette stopped walking and turned back. They were near the exit of the
mall, in the parking lot, in a place with few cameras.

She then said:

- Mr Márcio, what happened?

- You can call me Márcio. I wanted to give you a birthday present.

- A gift for me? – asked the brunette, with surprise. - Thanks.

Andreza thought about passing on that gift, but thought it would be too proud
of her and could cost her dismissal if she refused to receive it. But she was afraid that
her boss's wife would find out and the brunette didn't want to let her boss try to
increase intimacy with her.

She just accepted the package and didn't say anything else.

Márcio also said:

- You deserve! You are a golden girl! Open only at home.

Andreza didn't let him get close nor did she allow her boss to hug her or kiss
her on the face, congratulating her. She limited herself to saying:

- Ok. I will only open at home. Thank you again. She didn't even need to bother.

- What is that?! A date like this cannot go unnoticed.- concluded the man.

Andreza at that moment turned his back on him and headed towards the bus
stop. However, he began to wonder what was in that gift package. She also imagined
that if it was something of value, her mother would question who gave it to her. And
what to answer? So, the brunette preferred to lose André and went back inside the
mall, heading to a women's bathroom on the ground floor. She went in, looked for a
cabin with a toilet and locked herself in it. Calmly, she removed the bow and found a
congratulations card with the words: “For a special person, a fitting gift. I have a lot of
respect for you! Happy birthday and success in your life!”

The card was not signed.

Andreza read it twice, and then tore the note into many small pieces and
discarded it in the trash can. Soon, he finished opening the package, revealing the gift:
it was a beautiful wristwatch, with a gold-colored steel bracelet and from a very well-
known brand. He realized that it was a relatively expensive watch. And what would
you do now? Did you throw it away? If Márcio found out that she hadn't kept her gift,
he might be furious. If she took home such a valuable treat, her mother and later her
boyfriend would question who gave it to her. Andreza thought for 2 minutes and made
a decision: she would take the gift home, but she would say that she had given herself
the gift because she understood that she deserved it, given how hard she worked, and
that she had never won such a valuable watch. She would say that she bought it on
credit and did so. She took the box without the gift packaging and hid the tax receipt.
Her mother wanted to know the price of the watch, but Andreza replied that she had
bought it on sale and it wasn't very expensive. And when she returns to the store,
should she wear the watch at work? What if her colleagues questioned how she had
acquired that item? What if Mrs. Regina asked you? What if she didn't wear her new
watch at work and Mr. Marcio questioned her? These were doubts that she had and
would still evaluate how to resolve them.

In the end, she decided not to wear the watch at work, but took some photos
with it on her arm, in case her boss questioned her about why she wasn't carrying the
gift. In fact, a few days later Márcio André asked if Andreza liked the gift and if she was
already using it. She replied that she had loved her gift, but that she preferred to use it
only in special situations, but to prove that she had the watch at home she showed
him some photos using the gift. Márcio agreed that the watch would be an item for
her to wear on certain occasions, as an accessory to complement her outfit, but said
he wanted to see her one day wearing the watch. When he made this insinuation,
Andreza remained silent.

The brunette also understood that her boss preferred that she not come to
work with her gift, to avoid questions from other employees and his wife Regina.

Andreza began to question what Márcio really wanted with her. Was it just evil
in her head or did he have ulterior motives towards her? Was Márcio just a very kind
man interested in pleasing one of his best employees? Or did he have other
motivations? And how to behave from then on?

After a month in the purchasing and billing sector, Andreza was highly praised
by Regina and Márcio André decided to give her a new treat, this time an imported
perfume. The girl accepted it because she had wanted this perfume for some time,
although she hadn't mentioned it to anyone. The treat she was receiving from her boss
seemed like a huge coincidence. He claimed that his wife Regina and he were very
satisfied with Andreza's performance in the administration and she deserved her new
gift. Andreza this time told her mother that the French fragrance was a dedication
from her boss, as she admired her work. Suellen preferred to use the perfume only in
the workplace this time because she didn't want her boyfriend to question who had
given her such an exquisite fragrance.

In the jewelry store, Andreza began to attract attention due to her delicious
scent and Mrs. Regina recognized the brand of perfume, asking her who had given her
that delicious French perfume.

- Andreza, I know this French perfume. It's wonderful and it's very expensive.
You have excellent taste in perfumes. I didn't know that side of you. Congratulations!

- Thank you, Ms. Regina – thanked the employee, in a very uncomfortable

Regina then asked:

- Suellen, who gave you this special perfume? This person must value you a lot.
Cherish it, please.

Andreza suddenly turned pale, her head was down and her saliva was stuck in
the center of her neck, with a feeling of suffocating constriction. The brunette realized
and concluded that Márcio André was hiding important facts from his wife, hiding the
truth from her. Suellen searched for an answer and after this brief pause she replied:

- I got it from my boyfriend, on my birthday.

- What a kind man – said Regina. – He must really like you. Are you close to
getting engaged?

- Not yet. He also hasn't given me a promise ring yet.

- But it will be delivered very soon. Whoever gives a perfume like that wants to
win over a woman.

Once again, Regina left Andreza without action and without words.

- And what does he work with? – her boss wanted to know.

- He is a sergeant at the Maranhão Military Police – the employee lied.

- How good, a boy with a good future. Does it have your age range?

- Virtually. In fact he is almost 2 years younger than me.

- So, you have all the time in the world. Enjoy and love each other a lot. There is
no need to be in a hurry to get married.

- Thank you, Ms. Regina.

And Regina walked away. Andreza's heart was beating a mile a minute. That
conversation with her boss left her stunned and she felt severe headaches later, at
home. She had to take painkillers and went to bed without eating anything, only
managing to sleep after lying down for almost an hour, when the headache and
nausea went away. That day Suellen couldn't even talk to her boyfriend and left her
cell phone on silent.

After this situation, Andreza noticed in her work that Márcio André seemed to
provoke situations to be alone with her in the administration, and Andreza kept
running away from him. When this boss was in administration, he also generated
incidents for Suellen to extend her hours at the store, perhaps intending to be alone
with her to try to harass her. During his free time, however, Márcio hardly
communicated with the brunette, and when he did, it was strictly for professional
reasons. Márcio also knew that the young woman had a boyfriend, but that she was
not engaged yet. Out of fear of Márcio's advances, Andreza began asking Mariana or
Fernanda to stay with her until the end of the day and for her father to pick her up
every day at the same time and when she still had work to do, her father would wait
inside from the store until Suellen was released by Márcio. She told José and her boss
that she was afraid of staying at the bus stop late at night, hence the need for her
father to come and escort her, and she had already refused Márcio's offer of a ride
several times. On two or three occasions, also, Mrs. Regina showed up unexpectedly at
the end of the working day, with the store already closed, finding only Márcio and
Andreza in the administration, but fortunately she did not catch any suspicious
behavior on the part of the two. Regina had spare keys for all the doors in the store.
Suh's boyfriend could rarely pick her up from the mall, as most days he was in another
city, where he was working as a farmer.

After this period, Regina began to make progressive demands on Andreza's

work and became uncomfortable with her a few times, leading to small arguments,
which previously did not exist. The boss became more and more demanding of Suellen
and began criticizing the young woman's work. She came to understand that Regina
could already suspect Márcio's bad intentions towards her, but they never got to have
a frank conversation about this matter.

Andreza began to feel bad in the work environment, where demands were
increasing every day. He was no longer going to work with the same satisfaction.

She was also afraid of Márcio's harassment, which made her want to resign, but
she didn't have the courage to report him, as no crime had actually occurred yet and
she had no evidence against him. Andreza had already been living alone in a newly
rented apartment for just a month, and for fear of having to leave her job, she already
felt regret about leaving her mother's house. But she intended not to return to her
mother's residence.

Andreza had also fought with her boyfriend and they were taking a break from
each other.

Finally, Márcio André crossed another lane in his slow attack on Andreza. When
she arrived home on a certain day, she received a package without a sender's name
and was apprehensive. It was a relatively small and very light box, and, when shaken, it
seemed to contain clothes inside. Suellen had already heard about letters and
packages that explode when opened and she imagined that the box had been sent by
Armando. However, because she was very curious to know what the box contained,
she decided to open the package.
When Suh undid the wrapping and finally opened the box, she found a
beautiful white lingerie, very sensual and that she liked. She then looked for a note,
still imagining it was a gift from Armando, seeking reconciliation. But that's not what
happened. Andreza finally found a note, in the middle of some sheets of tissue paper.
The note said:

“When I saw this lingerie in the window I just remembered you. She looks like
you. I would like to see you dressed in this gift of mine.”

And it was signed just like this:


Andreza was cold; it was certainly another gift from Márcio and now her
intention towards her was proven. Armando never sent her a note or message signing
this way and her name did not contain any word starting with “m”. She preferred,
however, to keep the lingerie.

Andreza reflected and decided that she would ask for her accounts at the store,
that is, she would submit her resignation as soon as possible, but first she would
communicate this difficult decision to her father and mother.

Andreza first approached his father about his decision to leave the mall. She
claimed that she had other projects in mind, that she had disagreements with her
partner's wife and that she no longer felt valued within the company; with her father
did not bring up the subject of harassment by her boss for fear of José's reaction and
again for the reason that there was no evidence supporting her version.

However, a turnaround occurred across planet Earth and the Covid-19

pandemic began. The government ordered the closure of commerce and society
entered social isolation, the famous “lockdown”.

All other employees and Andreza were fired and the entire mall was closed for
6 months. After the stores gradually reopened, Andreza would no longer be called. She
even changed her phone number and Márcio never communicated with her again.

After being fired, Andreza received emergency aid from the federal
government and began to think about what she would do with her life after the

During that period of 6 months of social isolation, she spent her savings that
she had saved over the last 12 months during her work at the mall and was still paying
the loan she had taken out at the bank to pay off her debt with Marcela.

After leaving her job at the jewelry store in the Shopping Center, Andreza
confessed to her mother, when she visited her in Pontal da Ilha:

-The wife of one of the partners was jealous of him with me – said the young
woman – and she thought he was hitting on me and for this reason she started picking
on me.

- And did you give reasons for that, daughter?

- No, mom, I swear not. I even think he wanted something with me, as I implied
sometimes that he insinuated himself towards me. However, I swear that I never gave
him a leash and I didn't give my ex-boss any reason to imagine that I was thinking
about having an affair with him. Never. You can be sure. I have a clear conscience
about this. - And the brunette continued:

- I believe she distrusted me due to the fact that he, her husband, promoted me
from salesperson to administration employee, even though no employee in this sector
had left to need to hire someone else. But I concluded that I was promoted on merit
and not because my former boss had bad intentions and wanted to win me over. I was
a good employee, I worked hard in my tasks at work and I always wore the company
shirt. I also did not do anything irregular or immoral with him that would give me this
job promotion. Trust me, Mom. I speak the truth.

- I believe in you, dear, that a daughter of mine wouldn't deceive me and

wouldn't do naughty things to get ahead in her job and career. I trust her character
and her conduct because her father and I have always given her good teachings. And
our families are made up of honest people. We have honor and surnames to uphold.
By the supreme father, do not disappoint us. Always be a suitable girl with a good
reputation. You know how important this is for our lives.

- Of course, mom. You can count on me. And trust your daughter, because I'm
telling the truth.

- And what do you think about working with now, Andreza?

- I don't know yet, mom. Nothing in sight. I just want to rest my wits and relax
my mind in the next few days.

- Does Armando already know that you left your job?

- I'll still tell him. There's no rush. Telling him won't help me at all. I'm only
going to talk to him because he's my boyfriend, otherwise I wouldn't even talk.

- But if he finds out about your dismissal from someone else, he will be upset to
know that you didn't share your life with your own boyfriend. He will think that you
don't value him and don't care about his opinion. Andreza, you didn't even bring up
this subject with him, so he would know that you were thinking about leaving your

- Oh! I was a little sulky with him, a little bad. And I was very unsure whether I
was going to ask to leave work or not. It was a surprise. I went through an upset and it
was the last straw. I thought: you know what - I'm so young, I have my whole life
ahead of me; Am I going to stay in this job and put up with insults? No. Am I going to
keep sacrificing myself for a company that isn't even mine and still doesn't recognize
my efforts? Of course. I prefer to disconnect now and follow my path, looking for
another job. There was no time to comment with Armando. Everything happened very
quickly. And I find all of this so personal: my boyfriend's opinion wasn't going to alter
my decision and change the direction of my life.

- But, daughter, don't say that to your boyfriend or let him dream that you
thought that way. Because this way he will feel devalued by you, as if he didn't
represent anything important to his girlfriend. I don't think he would like it. Put
yourself in his shoes and reflect.

- I'll tell him as quickly as I can. It can leave. I'll send a message right now to find
out when we'll see each other. He's not here in São Luís. I want to know if he's coming
next Friday or Saturday. I wanted to tell you everything in person.

-But if he doesn't come now, tell the story via WhatsApp.

- That's right, mom.

And Andreza walked away from his mother, heading to his old room. He went
to take a nap.


Marcela spoke with her middle sister about the latter's relationship. They met
at her maternal home.

- Sister, - said the firstborn, - that boyfriend of yours is a very ugly little cabocl.
Suh, look for a prettier boy. You deserve a prettier man. You and Armando don't

- Do you think so, Marcela?

- I think. And he likes to be a free person; he leaves without you; He goes to

watch football games and doesn't even invite you to go with him.

- I don't like watching games at the stadium. He also invites me to go to the

vaquejadas, but it's usually in other cities and far away. I can't always follow him.
-If he were someone else, and if he really cared about you, he wouldn't attend
these games without you, nor would he go to these rodeos, without his girl. He would
stay at home, keeping you company at a film or TV series or invite you to go out to a
place of your choice.

- Yes, you're right, Marcela. In these moments it seems like my boy only thinks
about him. But I really like Armando anyway.

- Be careful: don't cancel yourself out because of him. I know your boyfriend
must have qualities. But he needs to pay more attention to what you appreciate, to try
to please you. He can't just think about his ego.

- You are right. I need to have a more incisive stance towards Armando. He
needs to value my choices and consider my opinions, otherwise I will always look like a
statue next to him.

- And that's not good for you, sister – concluded Marcela.

Ester discovered that Armando was talking about Andreza to the neighbors.

A neighbor of Ester named Roberto came to talk to her and didn't want to
discuss the matter further.

- Ester, is Genésio at home?

- No, Roberto. He is traveling for work at the moment.

- I was going to talk to him about an action that is planned in our congregation
and we are going to participate together. I need to speak to him in person.

- He arrives in three days, on Saturday.

- Right. Ask him to call me when he gets home from his trip. And how is the

- Everything is fine, thank God. Marcela is at her house. Melina is about to get
engaged. Andreza is living alone.

- Yes, I remember her. She got married?

- No. She hasn't even gotten engaged yet. She's just working hard. And she has
a boyfriend – said the woman. When Roberto came to talk to Ester Andreza he was still
at work.

- Sorry to ask, but is she still dating Marco and Silvane's son? – asked the man,
with some admiration.

- Yes. Why did you ask with some concern?

- Ester, I shouldn't talk, because it's a bit of gossip, but I don't like lying or hiding
certain things. However, since we mentioned the name of your middle daughter, I
would like to tell you a few things about her.

- What exactly, Roberto?

- Ester, Marco's son, Armando, he told some of his intimacies with his daughter
to two friends from that neighborhood and my son heard everything. This guy is a little
strange and he should keep his secrets, but he doesn't. I think he didn't play a very
worthy role with his daughter.

- Really, Roberto? I'll talk to her about it.

- Everything is true, but please don't say that I was the one who revealed this to

- It can leave.

Roberto didn't like to intrigue or invent gossip, so Ester believed his words
and was a little worried about the repercussions of Armando's words in the
neighborhood and about the reputation of her middle daughter.

Ester looked for Andreza and told her everything. It was the trigger. The
brunette was furious and decided to end her relationship with her neighbor's son. She
looked for him and said:

- Armando, we won't be able to be together anymore.

The boy was taken by surprise and promptly questioned her:

- Why, honey?

The girl responded like this:

- I'm the only one who dedicates myself to this relationship, it seems like you
don't care about me. Our relationship was losing meaning, and I don't know exactly,
but it seems like something has changed. I don't like you so much anymore.

The man tried to change her mind:

- Andreza, this is no reason for us to break up. I really like you. Let's try, give me
one more chance!

The girlfriend preferred to continue lying about the real reasons for ending
the relationship:
- I need to take better care of myself, dedicate myself to my work and my
personal life. You are very distant from me. This weekend affair is no longer possible;
I'm tired; I'm fed up with it.

- I asked you to come live with me.

- I don't want to go to this small town.

Suellen also expected the boy to invite her to get engaged and married, but
these did not seem to be her intentions at the moment.

- Andreza, I thought our love would be forever. We get along so well – Armando
claimed, trying to convince her to change her mind.

- There's no going back, my dear. It's a definitive decision.

- You are from the moon; the last time we met we were doing so well. Our sex
was great. What happened?

Andreza then vented to Armando:

- You used me as a laboratory guinea pig to satisfy your sexual desires! I was
the very laboratory where you tested your experiments on all the desires and fetishes
you longed to put into practice. And deep down he just used me! I was just your object
of desire! You heard? I do not want you anymore! I'm tired of all this...

- Andreza, you have now offended me! I thought you liked everything we did.
But it's okay if you don't want it anymore; Let's take a break. Goodbye.

And the man left his girlfriend's presence, quite upset.

The brunette went to visit her mother in the São Raimundo neighborhood and
stopped by her ex-mother-in-law's house to talk.

Andreza informed Silvane that she had ended her relationship with Armando.

- My mother-in-law, your son and I broke up. Unfortunately, it was no longer

possible for us to continue. We had some disagreeing points and some contradictory
opinions and we preferred to move away – Andreza justified her separation from
Armando, softening the truth about the true causes of the end of the affair.

- That's bad news, dear – Silvane replied. - And you have no chance of going

- No more. Now it's a final decision.

- Are you upset with him?

- No. Not at all – the young woman lied.

- Because my son is such a good boy, – the neighbor flattered – and you made
such a beautiful couple.

- It really was. You're right, friend. But I prefer that everyone follows their own
destiny now. Armando likes to have freedom, so do I, he likes his things, the trucks, the
vaquejadas, the rodeos, the parties, let him enjoy his life – added Andreza, with a
certain irony.

- But, daughter, don't walk away from me. I really like your friendship.
Remember that before dating my son we were already great friends, and I would like
that to continue – Silvane asked, affectionately.

- You can leave it, Silvane, let's stay friends. I have great esteem for you.


Because she was very indecisive, Andreza continued going out with her ex-
boyfriend to have sex, even after the relationship ended. She felt the need to do this
and preferred to look for him, as she wasn't much for casual sex, that is, with strange
people. Thus, they met half a dozen times after “ending” the formal relationship, until
finally, they separated definitively. However, Armando continued to send her
messages asking her out. He missed the nice and liberal sex she had with him. But
Andreza managed to free herself from the desire to have sex with Armando, and began
to envision other projects for her life.

Armando and Andreza had had a disagreement and he called Andreza to talk.
Her almost ex-boyfriend found out that she had dated another boy and might be
getting involved with him; but in fact Andreza and Julio César only went out once and
were not dating or having an affair.

The neighbor invited Andreza to talk and she agreed to welcome him to her
apartment. The girl imagined that her boyfriend would try to get closer to her. Suellen
had no idea that Armando was aware of her meeting with Julius Caesar, and was very
upset by this fact; However, a neighborhood procurer saw what happened and
reported to Silvane's son, informing him about her ex's meeting with the other boy.

The brunette was already willing to give her ex partner one more chance.
However, they argued at this meeting and the disagreement was ugly.

She complained to Armando:

- You've already forgotten me! I barely turned my back and you already left
with someone else, Andreza. You didn't have any consideration for me – he
complained. - I didn't stay with anyone else after that day we fought and we broke up
– the individual lied.

- Armando, I no longer have any obligation to be faithful to you.

- I thought we were just fighting... Isn't everything we've experienced worth to

you? All this time together...

- That's not quite how I understood it. We finished. And I think you're a little
mistaken: it was you who least valued our relationship and our emotional bond.

- And with so little time, have you already dated someone else?

- Armando, I need to take care of my life. Touch it forward. I am single. It was

just once. We are not having any affair.

- Did you guys have sex??? – asked Armando, in a very serious tone.

- I'm sorry, Armando, but I don't owe you any more satisfaction regarding my

- You naughty... - the boy joked. – That's how you treat me. You're not worth

- Don’t talk to me like that, you vulgarian – replied the girl. - I do not want you

At that moment, upon hearing these words from Andreza's mouth, Armando
changed psychologically and did something he hadn't thought of, attacking his ex-
girlfriend with a slap in the face.

Andreza turned her face to the side, crying and shouted:

- Get out of here; I don't want to see you ever again. Go away – and she no
longer looked into Armando's eyes.

- I wanted to give you a beating, because that's what you deserve, but I don't
want to harm myself – replied the stunned young man.

- Get out of my apartment and don't show up to me again. I hate you. Don't lay
a finger on me again, otherwise I'll report you to the police.

And Armando turned his back, leaving that place. After that day, they would
spend a long time without seeing each other in person.

Andreza chose not to say anything to her family and friends, nor did she want
to comment on what happened with Silvane. She would also not speak to her almost
ex-mother-in-law for a long time. After that day, Andreza became afraid that her ex
would try to approach her to carry out an attack and began to take precautionary
measures, especially when she was leaving for work or when she was arriving. She also
blocked Armando's number in her WhatsApp contact list and in her phone's address

Andreza then informed her father of the end of her relationship with Armando
about a week later.

- Dad, as I told you, Armando and I weren't doing very well. Our relationship
was shaken.

- And what happened, daughter? - asked that father, already imagining what
had happened.

- Armando and I broke up definitively – and a small portion of tears formed in

each of Andreza's eyes. – We still stayed a few times after finishing, but now it's final. I
promised myself and I also told him that there is no going back. Our relationship ended
once and for all.

- And why won't your relationship work out any more, daughter? - probed his
father - I thought there would be marriage this time.

- At the beginning of our relationship Armando seemed to be different from the

others, but I got to know him better and discovered that he was the same or even
worse than the other boyfriends I had, and finally he was almost abusing me. He
cheated on me too, Dad, and more than once. Lastly, a friend of mine saw him and a
girl kissing outside a bar. I also discovered that he had or still has an affair with a
woman in the city where he works. Here I was, working hard, thinking that we were
going to save money to set up an apartment together, but he didn't value me, and on
top of that he put a lot of “horns” on my head.

- It's a good thing, daughter, that you didn't marry Armando. I think he would
just make you suffer a lot. I have this feeling. You wouldn't be happy with him. I never
looked like this guy. But you insisted a lot on dating him. I couldn't palpitate all the
time; Neither me nor your mother.

- You are absolutely right, my father. I escaped a hole. It was a precipice that I
was going to fall into and I might never get out of there, ever.

- But, daughter, this time don't martyr yourself or suffer like other times, at the
risk of even compromising your judgment. Go try to live and forget about this guy.

- Yes, Dad, I will overcome this relationship, with the Father's mercy.

- Absolutely, darling, and I'll be here to support you. You can always count on
- Thank you, daddy, I love you.

- Me too, daughter. I love you very much, you know.

Despite her promise, Andreza suffered after her relationship with Armando
ended. She wasn't as upset as the time she ended her relationship with her
penultimate boyfriend, but on this occasion, Suellen would also suffer a lot after the
boy left her. She even regretted leaving him, despite everything he caused her and
even the aggression the girl suffered. This aggression was something that Andreza
never revealed to her family and friends.

The feelings in Andreza's head were very confusing, and although she felt very
angry at her ex-neighbor for what he did and felt regret for having gotten involved
with him so seriously, Suellen began to miss Armando in her life, as she knew that she
liked him a lot, and when betrayal comes from someone very dear and esteemed, it
causes much more suffering and psychological damage. The girl, strangely enough, at
times, also felt regretful and bad about herself for ending the relationship, perhaps
because she was used to always giving him another chance to change, and it was
difficult for Andreza to put an end to that. But she tried to overcome it and gradually
succeeded, although she left that relationship as a colder, more pragmatic, pessimistic
woman and even a little disillusioned with romantic relationships, hurt and calloused
by the suffering she faced.


- I think, Suh, that you were in a toxic relationship with Armando and he even
showed some signs of being a narcissistic person. And a relationship with a narcissistic
person can be harmful.

- I know, Mel, the self-esteem of those who interact with these people is, little
by little, being weakened. As narcissists always feel better than others, they most often
have all the justifications for why their point of view is correct.

- They have no empathy for anyone and never consider being wrong, which
causes many of these relationships to become abusive, as yours was.

- Armando only had contempt for my feelings – said Suellen.

-Narcissists are people who easily dismiss other people’s opinions – her sister

- When I expressed my opinions, he said he felt bad; and about something he

was talking about, he didn't blame himself on any occasion, he just said that I shouldn't
feel that way, or that he said those things for my growth, my strengthening, imagine
that! – confessed Andreza.

– Narcissists constantly try to blame their girlfriend for their mistakes and
failures - said Melina.

“Whoever is in a relationship with a narcissist is always wrong, they don’t

win in an argument, sister. If you win, it is because the narcissist said: ‘but this happens
because you are guilty of it’; or ‘it doesn’t matter’, belittling your suffering.”

– He also had tantrums and showed a lot of immaturity - continued Andreza.

- A narcissist, and I also think that Armando behaves like that. When he gets
angry, he can go days without interacting or talking. This is a great manipulation tactic,
and he adopts this silence to “teach” through suffering, he exemplifies.

- That's absurd! How foolish I was with him! - said Andreza.

- The worst thing, sister, is that there is no cure for cases like this; just
psychological treatment to improve.

- I know, Melina. Healthy people reflect and ask self-questions when

confronted. Armando, even though he has low self-esteem shielded by the valorization
of his image, when I questioned him, it caused him immense insecurity.

- The narcissist is only able to carry out this analysis in treatment with a
psychologist and, even then, due to the discomfort he experiences during the sessions,
there is a possibility that he will abandon therapy; I've already read about it.

- I don't want to know anything about Armando anymore.

- It's the right decision, Suh.

The brunette went to visit her older sister at the Novo Mundo residential

In a moment when she was alone, Andreza was reviewing some photos stored
on her cell phone, when she found some “prints” that she saved of some messages
sent to her ex-boyfriend.

She stopped for a moment and recalled the content of those messages.

Armando was working in another city and his girl sent him this message:

“My love, today was a very busy day, but know that I didn't forget you for
even a second. I know that everything we are planting in the present will be worth it in
the near future. You are the light that illuminates all the flowers in my garden. And I
promise to take very good care of our garden. I adore you!

Armando later responded:

“My love, I decided to send you this message to say that I also love you. You
make a total difference in my life and I feel that everything I do by your side works.
Thank you for showing your affection in such an affectionate way. You are my person
and I know this because I feel completely comfortable by your side. I want you forever
with me!”

Andreza also wrote to her boyfriend:

“I'm sending this message, but I really wanted to have my arms around your
neck, giving you that very special kiss that only we give! Unfortunately, I won't be able
to do that today, so I thought of writing these words to you, just so I don't let this
absurd desire that I felt here to love you right now go unnoticed. May the days go by
quickly so we can be together again!

On another occasion, the young woman sent the following message:

“You were the best choice of my life! I feel like I've found my other half,
literally, as cliché as it sounds! You complete me, your flaws fit with mine, your
affection matches mine and your company feels like it was handpicked to join me. I
want you with all my strength, forever!”

And the other day:

“Every time I open WhatsApp to talk to someone or resolve something, and

I see your name here in the contact list and I can't resist opening it; oh how your
messages please me, you have no idea about it; how they do me good and calm me in
the midst of tribulations. I love you and I could make a thousand and one statements
every day — without exaggeration. But since I don't want to bother you, I'll just say
that I miss you and I can't wait to be with you again!

Marcela then appeared in the room. Suellen turned to her and said the
following words:

- Ah, sister, I don't like a lot of honey in conversations - Andreza revealed; -

when I think about how much I tried to send those messages of love to Armando for
nothing, I feel hate. Repentance is complete!!

Part II

During her stay at the Shopping Center Andreza made some colleagues and met
two new friends: Valentina and Anália. They became quite close and often went out at
night and to the beach, something they enjoyed a lot. The two were employees of
stores at the mall.

Valentina was a Colombian immigrant, an extroverted girl, “guapa caliente”,

very relaxed with boys; She loved to dye her hair in the most diverse colors and was
very liberal when it came to sexual matters and romantic relationships. She didn't have
a steady partner, was promiscuous and confessed to her friends that she even did
some sex shows to supplement her income. She had moved to Brazil with her father
Guillermo, for work reasons. Her mother remained in her country.

Anália, in turn, was a brunette with curly hair, very smiling, friendly and was
from a city neighboring the metropolitan area of the capital; she also became very
close to Andreza. She was studying Social Services and confessed to her friends that
she was homosexual and had a girlfriend, and that she was about to reveal everything
to her family.

The three of them went out together and even after Andreza left work at the
mall, they remained close companions to each other. Andreza had never had such
liberal friends.

Valentina, the Colombian, often brought up topics of sex and relationships; She
was very explicit and direct in her statements. Her family upbringing pattern was
different and she liked themes that were often forbidden to certain young women.
They talked about sex, female orgasm, three-way relationships, orgies and other
similar topics. Andreza remained very measured in her statements.

Valentina, however, had not been shy about presenting her modern and
contemporary opinions on relationships and marriage for her was not on the cards for
now; For the foreigner, the woman must meet many men first, perfect her sexual
practices first of all, enjoy life at first and only then think about getting seriously
involved with a single man.

Valentina introduced many themes and many questions into Andreza's

consciousness and she began to become more deeply interested in sex and sexuality.
Anália, in turn, had relationships with several boys, but ended up meeting and
being satisfied with a woman, discovering that she was a lesbian.

During the period when Suellen still lived with her mother, she didn't bring her
friends to her house much, but Ester, however, ended up meeting them both at this
time; and it was by investigating her daughter's cell phone that Ester discovered some
facts about them. Her mother then became worried about her daughter's company;
however, the WhatsApp messages did not reveal even 10% of the entire conversation
content of the three friends, luckily for them. Ester noticed, however, that Valentina
was a modern girl and seemed to be bold, or even prominent, outside the standards of
most girls in her Church and the models of friends that her daughter had until then;
the most liberal was Nádia, but it was clear that she couldn't hold a candle to that
Colombian girl. Andreza's other colleague, Anália, Ester confirmed in conversations
that he was homosexual, but did not say the name of his partner. From that moment
on, Ester was convinced that her daughter's new friendships were worrying and out of
touch with all her old friends. The mother was also afraid that her daughter was
getting involved with Anália, given that Andreza had no longer presented her with any
suitors and after the end of her last relationship, she was a little disillusioned with the

The concrete fact is that after the end of her relationship with Armando and
after being in the frequent company of her new friends, Andreza began searching for
explicit sex and sexuality topics on the Internet. Her curiosities were piqued even more
and she even watched some explicit sex videos, as well as reading articles online about
how to please and sexually satisfy men, how a woman can feel more pleasure in sexual
relations, what to expect from a partner, what offer him oral, vaginal and anal sex
techniques; various types of massages and much more. Andreza had definitely lost the
shame of searching for these topics on the Internet and tried to clear up all her doubts,
delving deeper into them. But she was very careful not to let her mother see what she
had searched for or leave traces on her cell phone so she wouldn't find out; Not even
her sisters were aware of the content of her research and learning on the Internet

When Andreza arrived home from college, her mother asked her: (at the time
the brunette was still living at Ester's house).

- Andreza, I would like to talk to you.

- Mom, are you awake yet?

- I was reading the Word of God. I'm also sleepless today.

- What happened, mom? When you say that you want to talk to me, I feel
anxious and tense.
- Why, daughter?

- I don't know how to explain it, but I always feel like this.

- Daughter, I wanted to know about your friendships. I no longer see you talk to
your friends from Church and you barely have any contact with your former college

- I had some friends at college, but only Kelly, Kátia and Tamisa were the
closest. It's just that everyone follows their own path and goes to work, or dedicates
themselves to their family; we end up moving away; Thames married Fabrício; Kátia is
engaged; and Kelly is living in Chapadinha; In fact, she's from there and got a job in her

- Daughter, I wanted to ask you: who is this friend of yours who is not Brazilian?
Her name is Valentina Valdez and she has mannerisms even though she's not from

- Mom, were you looking at my cell phone?

- I went to look for your charger because I couldn't find mine. You left your cell
phone and I went to look. Sorry. Curiosity struck. Can't a mother look at her daughter's
cell phone?

- I'm over 18, mom. I'm not a child anymore.

- All good. Sorry. But who is this girl really, daughter?

- Her name is Valentina and she came from Colombia. She works at the mall
and we met in the food court, during a meal. She's a really nice girl.

- Bring her home one of these days. You can invite – asked Ester.

- Yes, I'll bring it. I will talk to her.

- Andreza and how she ended up here in Brazil. I am scared. I hear on

television that there is so much drug trafficking in Colombia. Sorry for the
preconceived ideas, but I'm afraid of these people being involved in trafficking. What
does her father work with?

- She came with her father because she started a business in Brazil. He has a
representation of boat parts. It has branches in Belém and Fortaleza. Don't worry, I've
already spoken to him about 3 times at the mall. She is a good person. They are honest
and hard-working people.

- Are you sure, daughter?

-Yes mom. I don't need to lie for nonsense like that.

- And her mother? Is she separated from her father?

- She says no and I believe she tells the truth; he has no one here.

- Daughter, how old is he, more or less?

- Around 42 years old.

- So he's still young, relatively young. Daughter, don't get me wrong, don't
get involved with this guy. God forbid you leave Brazil. I think I would die or go after

- No, mom, it has nothing to do with it. I have no pretensions to him, nor
does he to me. Valentina's father goes to visit his wife from time to time, I think every
3 months. I've already heard her comment a couple of times that he was in their

- And is she alone in Brazil?

- Yes why not? She lives in an apartment and is very independent. He travels a
lot to Belém and Fortaleza and she often doesn't go with him. She likes it here a lot.
She has even mentioned to me that she believes she will never return to her country.
She has been here for almost 2 years, has adapted well and almost no longer has a
Spanish accent.

- Does she have a sister or brother in Colombia?

- A sister.

- Don't you miss her mother and sister? And you never came to Brazil?

- Her mother doesn't want to travel by plane and doesn't like Brazil. Her
sister is older, is already married and works a lot, as a dentist. She also owns a
restaurant in Cali.

- Andreza, you know everything about her life!

- She's my friend, mom. We talk.

- And she's enjoying our city. That's right?

- Mom, she actually really likes the boys here. She loved the Brazilians and
doesn't want to leave.

- Does she have a serious boyfriend?

- Not exactly. But she has her relationships. Colombian women seem to be
detached, at least she is. But she's a lot of fun, she has a lot of friends.

- And what does she do in life? Does she just work? And why doesn't she work
with her father?

- She goes to law school. She doesn't work with her father because she says
that family work doesn't work out very well. She says she wants to chart her own path
in life and she doesn't like his father's service. But he's not upset with her.

- He is proud of her for being hardworking: she works and studies! Just like
me... That's why, Mrs. Ester, be proud of your daughter too.

- Of course, daughter. I'm very proud of you. She is a golden child.

Andreza asked for permission to have dinner and sleep afterwards and Ester
released her. The next day they would resume the conversation over lunch.

The next day, after lunch, Ester looked for Andreza to talk once again. She
began that mother:

- Honey, you made a lot of friends at the mall. You didn't even tell me about all
of them. Why?

- I was going to introduce them to you, I swear – the brunette pretended.

- Andreza, sorry to say, but I noticed that one of them is a lesbian.

- Mom, looking at my cell phone again... I can't believe it. Stop, please.

- Daughter, you're not dating this girl, are you?

- No, never. Don't worry, it's just friendship. I have never been and will never be
a lesbian. I am convinced of this.

- Fortunately. Thank God.

- Ms. Ester, are you prejudiced? Did you know that Icaro is homosexual? He
revealed this secret to me.

- Honey, is it true? I'm surprised – replied her mother, with admiration. – I’ve
known this boy for so many years; I never imagined he had a tendency to be “gay”.
Does he have any boyfriend?

- I don't think so at the moment.

- Well, daughter, stay away from that boy for a bit.

- Mom, has your concept of him changed a little now?

- I think so, my daughter. Andreza, be careful with your friendships. Be careful
with alcoholic beverages and never try illicit drugs.

- You can leave it, mom, I'm clear-headed. I drink very little and when it comes
to drugs, I'm completely clean. I never want to try drugs.

- May God keep you like this.

- Mom, I'm going to need to rest before taking a shower. Then I go out to study.

- It's okay, daughter. We'll talk more later.

It happened that Andreza wanted to visit a massage parlor. And she reported
everything that happened to Melina.

- I've always been curious to know what a massage parlor is like and I wanted
to have a massage session. She imagined it would be very pleasurable. I read about
this on the Internet. There are many types of massages and they look very tasty. I've
always been curious about getting a massage. And I had the courage, Melina, I went. I
got the address on the Internet, got in touch via WhatsApp, made an appointment and

- Andreza, did you go to a massage parlor??? She replied to her sister, in an

admiring tone. And she continued: “And what was it like there, what did you think?”

- Oh, it was great. Was the massage great?

- And it was with sex? With completion?

- No. It was without sex. You're welcome. I don't have the courage to receive a
massage with sex. It's very strange to me. Being touched, penetrated and cumming
with a stranger. But I was very well received.

- And did you have the massage with a man or a woman? Melina asked, with
great curiosity.

- Unfortunately, I was treated by a masseuse, - replied the brunette, jokingly. -

But it was very good. The massage was very pleasant, she concluded.

- What was the type of massage???

- Tantric.

- And you didn't reach orgasm?

- I almost arrived.

And Andreza continued:

- Sister, I met the owner. He is friendly and was very kind to me. I even took
note of the clinic’s Instagram. He asked what I worked for, said I had the profile to be a
masseuse and asked if I wanted to learn how to give massages and work with them.

- Working with massages!? Are you crazy, Andreza? What a crazy idea! - Melina
replied, with a look of astonishment.

- No, Melina. It was just a conversation. I don't think this job is for me. But he
said he can earn up to R$3,000 a week. And that I can make my own schedule. He said
they are quite flexible. I saw that the massage clinic is very busy and must earn the
owner good money.

- Andreza, it's a risky job and could damage your reputation. And I can't imagine
if Mom and Dad found out. It would be terrible for you... They would be furious. Don't
even think about such a thing. It's out of the question.

- Girl, it was just a conversation, I already told you. I have no interest in working
as a masseuse. I was just curious to visit a massage parlor and wanted them to do it on
me so I could know what it felt like and how I would feel, if it was pleasurable. It was
good, but I didn't think this whole thing was as they say, it could have been better -
Andreza pretended.

- Good, sister. Take ideas like this out of your plans. God forbid I get involved in
a business like that.

But after that day Andreza and Melina started thinking more about these types
of work, like that of a masseuse. At first, their conceptions were completely contrary to
this work, but later they rationalized it. In the end, massage therapy was a work
activity, they both thought.

After a few days Melina declared to her sister:

- Andreza, I've been thinking: massage therapy can be a serious job. I

researched that there are many uses and advantages for customers. I think I was a
little mistaken. However, I'm not saying these statements to encourage you to work as
a masseur, understand - Melina concluded, looking apprehensive.

- It's true, Melina. Thinking about it that way, I agree. And it is an occupation
that pays relatively well and the working hours are flexible. And about massages with
sex, what’s your opinion? What do you think?

- No, Andreza. I don't recommend these. I wouldn't even consider a job like this
for us. It's undignified. And it doesn't fit with our religious ideals and our conceptions
of life.

Melina, however, over the following days, would change her mind and
she sent a WhatsApp message to Andreza some time later:

- Sister, I have an idea. It's actually a pretty bold plan.

- What happened, Mel? – Suellen asked.

- You and I are going to set up a massage clinic and a burger restaurant.
The latter will just be a disguise, to justify our earnings from the massages and for our
family to stay calm, to remain calm, thinking that we have a serious job, in a cafeteria.

- Mel, what a crazy proposal! It's a very risky business! And it is even
dishonest to deceive our family.

- But it's our chance to grow in life! It is a very profitable venture! Support me! I
only trust you, Suh. And I don't have the courage to go into this business alone...

- Melina, this area is completely new to us! I am scared! We might get


- Don't be pessimistic! I will get it right! I noticed you were very interested
in massages!

- But are we going to have to get massages?

- We do not. We will hire the girls to perform and we pay per week
according to the number of massages each one performs. I need to speak to you in
person to explain the details of my idea.

- Melina, I'm afraid of something like this.

- Lose your fear! Let's get into it! We're going to earn good money and
then we'll set up something else for ourselves, like a business or a beauty salon, etc.

- All good. Come to my apartment tomorrow and explain this crazy idea of
yours to me. But I can't promise right away that I'll do it. I need to think better. Did you
say anything to Marcela and André?

- No.

- Right. Can you come tomorrow at 9 am?

- Yes. I'll be there tomorrow at this time.

- Combined. Kisses.

And they turned off WhatsApp.

Thus, Andreza and Melina spoke in the brunette's apartment later:

- Andreza, we can make a lot of money with this business. No one will find out.

“We set up a bar, a pub, to disguise it, and no one will suspect it. It also helps
to fund the massage parlor and justify the income we will obtain to the family.

- And how are we going to manage two businesses?

- The massage parlor would be open more during the day and the snack bar
would only be open at night. For now we will only work with home deliveries, due to
the pandemic. I'll initially stay at the massage parlor and you at the bar, if you prefer.
But I promise I'll help you at the bar, just not every day. But if you want to stay at the
massage parlor, sometimes it's okay. If you like cooking, you'll love the bar's work. And
you will help us with accounting for both locations.

Andreza and her sister grew up on a street full of pubs and bars, as are many
outskirts of São Luís, and which sold alcoholic drinks in bulk and small snacks; This
probably sparked their imagination to create such a hoax. The dialogue continued:

- I'm afraid, Melina. Massage parlors are not legal establishments. And will our
geniuses combine in this business: Dad always says that we shouldn't have a business
together because we have very different ways of thinking and acting and he thinks that
a business shared by the two of us wouldn't last long. We were going to disagree, fight
and break up society.

- No, I don't think so. We have a lot of partnership and complicity. Let's
understand each other well. As for the regularization of the house, I think this: the city
has several similar places and they work without anyone complaining. No one moves,
no. The public authorities are complicit in this type of activity. It's no longer a crime. It
is already accepted.

- And André? Did you say anything to him? Is your boyfriend aware of our

- Yes, I ended up telling him our idea. I can't hide this from André!

- And he agreed? - asked Andreza.

- He said he will support my idea. And you can even provide support. After all,
he is a police officer, he has a gun and he can protect us.

-That's true, because he could be dangerous at times. Serving people of all

kinds is complicated. There are very demanding clients and we can assist some
swindlers who don't want to pay for the services. I have also heard of clinics that were
- André will provide support and security. And he will look for a place for us to
start and arrange the rental. He has sufficient income and documentation to enter into
rental contracts with the real estate agency. Because almost all properties are
contracted with a real estate agency.

- And we need to establish ourselves in a good neighborhood so that the

massage services have a good price and the house is well attended. We're going to
meet so many important people, I can already imagine. Furthermore, I think it's good
that the bar and the massage clinic are close to each other to facilitate our
administration. What do you think?

- Yes, they better be close. I'll talk to André.

- And where are you thinking of putting it? Which neighborhood?

- There by Cohama. It's a very good neighborhood, frequented by good people,

with several colleges nearby. André knows the surrounding area very well as he
previously worked in a supermarket in that neighborhood. He knows everything there.
He said he is confident that the business will do well in this neighborhood.

- But sister, there's a problem. If André is aware of our plans and is going to
rent 2 houses then will he charge a commission from our business? Will he be a
partner and keep a percentage of the profits?

- No. He will only ask that you receive the amount he pays for the rental of the

- Right.

- Andreza, - continued Melina - we were also thinking about a fancy name for
the house. I thought about Meliand space, by Melina and André.

Her sister found it strange that Melina chose a name including André's initials
and began to think that her sister was deceiving her and hiding something. Perhaps
Melina planned to make André as a partner and he would gain an increasingly greater
stake in the business, putting Andreza on the sidelines. Melina's first steps indicated
this. Andreza could be being deceived. Perhaps Melina thought her sister was very
fearful and could abandon her at any point in the business, and André would need to
be aware of everything and prepared to help her, if necessary. That could be it,
Andreza imagined.

- It will work, Melina - concluded the sister. - We're going to make a lot of
money with this job and then we'll go out and set up another business. It will be
something temporary, believe me. There won't be time for our family to find out or for
us to compromise our reputation. And you can earn a lot of money in a relatively short
time. It is a very profitable business, like few others and does not pay labor charges or
taxes. Furthermore, I realize that massage parlors are booming in São Luís and we will
have many potential customers: small business owners, civil servants, university
students, workers in transit passing through the city, stressed men eager for sex
outside of marriage, tourists, lesbian women, etc. It's a port city, and that's why we
know that we have sailors and seafarers and many of these men are crazy about sex
and are isolated, dry, far from their wives. They will be a relatively easy target for us
and will fall for our propaganda. Sex tourism is growing a lot in our city and the
tendency is to expand more and more. The city grows every day and becomes a
metropolis. I saw that São Luís was one of the capitals where prostitution and sexual
tourism developed the most in the last 20 years. It is a sector that is very profitable
and worth investing in. We're going to get rich, without much effort, and with these
men's money.

- Yes, it will work - concluded Melina.

Melina would continue to live with her mother; however, she devised a
strategy to leave the house and stay at the massage parlor. The red-haired girl had
graduated in business from Archimedes College, and at this educational institution she
arranged several schemes for her sister Suellen. However, to deceive her mother,
Melina passed the Oceanography course at a public university and started the course;
Her intention was to purposely miss classes, so she could stay in her illegal business;
but the pandemic came, and in-person classes were suspended; and the public college
did not put classes online; She claimed, however, that she was going to study for
exams at Andreza's apartment, and that then the two would go to the bar, as they
needed to prepare the sandwiches and hamburgers for the delivery service. Her
mother had been informed about the opening of the burger restaurant. However, the
following year, they would move the massage clinic to another address, close to
Calhau beach, and the redhead still did not attend the Ocanography course, deceiving
her mother.


And so it happened: André rented two residences close to each other in

the COHAMA neighborhood, on the edge of Cantinho do Céu. In one of them they
placed a bar or hamburger restaurant and in the other property they began to install
the “massage clinic”. Andreza stayed more in the cafeteria and Melina took care of the
brothel undercover.

The massage parlor was already operating, but the country was going
through an economic crisis and the coronavirus pandemic had already started, so the
clientele was still small. The “lockdown” (social isolation) was hindering the house’s
performance. It was also difficult to hire girls to train and work as masseuses. Despite
unemployment, people were afraid of contracting the 2019 coronavirus infection and
it was also difficult to find girls with previous training in tantric massage. Andreza and
Melina, then, ended up training themselves, over the next two weeks, two girls who
would be the establishment's first call girls, one with red hair, and the other, a
brunette, with curly hair, who were named Jéssica and Nati, respectively.

They were somewhat clumsy girls, without experience, not very pretty
in the face, nor did they have a very attractive body; the red-haired girl, on top of that,
was boring, had her demands (banker, banker, as some users mentioned), and full of
frills, according to customers; and the brunette, was a little out of shape, as you might
say, but was a little easier to deal with than her colleague. They did not please all
customers, they were sometimes absent from work and left some users of the house
unhappy, which hindered the success of the illicit business. Not every time there were
masseuses in the house. André had rented two houses in Cohama, one to house the
bar and the other to house the massage parlour. They also began to advertise the
brothel and its services on a business advertising portal in the capital of Maranhão.

Andreza, in turn, was chosen to take a photograph lying on a bed wearing

only panties and a lace bra, in a pose considered sensual, covering her face but with an
emoji, so as not to disclose her identity and so that she would not be recognized by
others. nobody. She thus became the establishment's poster girl and her photo was
printed on the page of the website created and paid for by them to promote their
activity. Even with much debate between the accomplices and divergence of ideas, the
name Espaço Meliande was finally chosen to name the house. This name, however,
was only published on the Internet and on the house's WhatsApp number. On the
facade of the rented property there was no reference to the illegal business, so as not
to attract the attention of neighbors and authorities.

Melina also created an email account to help manage her business and an
Instagram account. This account published a cell phone number with WhatsApp
intended to hire more masseuses to be exploited as call girls.

Later, André invited a colleague to work at the massage parlor who he had
met in the call center service and after being fired, she had already worked as a cashier
in a store, but she had also left this job a few months ago and was unemployed. . She
was attracted by the proposal of receiving a much larger amount of money than her
previous jobs and working less hours per week. André did all the communication with
her and hired her.

A few months after the opening of the massage clinic, Melina and Andreza
learned about two websites advertising sexual encounters. It was then that they
registered another cell phone on a prepaid account (both on the CPF – registration of
the individual and Melina's name) and started advertising the girls in the house on
these websites to heat up the prostitution scheme. Melina asked cell phone operators
to block the disclosure of her data by the operator to make it difficult for anyone to
discover the person legally responsible for those cell phone numbers, as she had
worked in a call-center and telemarketing service and knew all the tricks. and secrets
of this area.


Meanwhile, Melina and André were going to a motel. On the way they
talked inside the vehicle.

- Honey, have you ever had a fetish with me? – the girl wanted to know.

- Yes love.

- What's up?

- I wanted to have sex with you inside a Ferris wheel cabin, in an amusement

- But there wouldn't be time. The toy returns very quickly. This fantasy of yours
is difficult to come true. Think of another.

- That's why I never told you about my desire.

- I should have told you anyway. And you never had any other fantasies or
fetishes with me?

- Melina, I have a fetish for having sex with you dressed as a police officer with
an outfit all rubberized and glued to your body.

- Now it's better. I like this one. André, do you think it's normal for a girl to want
to practice fetishes in her relationship with someone?

- I believe it is normal to have some type of sexual fetish. In fact, this is

something so particular that each person will have their own - declared André. – Do
you have any hidden sexual desire, my love? - the boy wanted to know.

- I believe I have – replied the young woman. – But I don’t want to reveal it
now. I imagine that regardless of the types of fetishes, the most important
characteristic is the agreement of those involved, that is, a fetishist cannot impose or
force their desires on another – continued Melina.

- For sure.

They arrived at the motel. In the room of that establishment the girl stated:
- Baby, I'm thinking about creating an Instagram account to report spicy
sex stories: real stories experienced by the followers themselves, including ours.
There's no need to say that it's our story when it comes to publishing it. You

- What a crazy idea, my dear. But it can be. And what would be the name of the

- Secret tales: intense pleasure.

- I think the name is too long.

- Well, I'm going to reduce the size. I told Suh my idea. She said she'd like to
come in.

- And truth?...

- She even told me that she already has some very naughty stories to share.

- And even? Suh?

- I will create this account; you will see how var be cool.

And they went to have sex.

From then on, this Instagram account would link to Melina and Andreza's
burger restaurant and also to other accounts where models and call girls from
Maranhão advertised themselves. There were several Instagram accounts that
functioned almost like “pink books”, which Melina promoted and advertised to obtain
some type of advantage.


Andreza and Melina were talking about the massage parlor a few days
later. The second found two suitors to start working as masseuses in her
establishment. The younger sister then asked the brunette:

- Andreza, how are we going to train the girls if we don't know anything
about tantric massage?

- What if I stayed at my friend's massage parlor for a few days to try to

learn something? – replied the middle sister.

- No, Suh, don't consider this possibility - said the redhead. – I don't want
you to take any risks. If you go there you won't be able to just watch, otherwise the
owner suspects that you want to learn how to set up a massage parlor for yourself. I
don't wish that for you. It would be too much. You don't need to take risks at this

- You think?

- Yes. And I don't want you to subject yourself to an experience like that of
having massages with sex. If our parents found out it would be a scandal and I think
they would want to kill us both. I can already imagine how messy it would be.

Andreza thought for a few seconds and then spoke:

- Oh! Let's watch some videos on the Internet and we'll teach them the
techniques and main types of massage. They train each other and we supervise.

- Do you believe we could handle the job?

- Everything is going to work out.

- Don't you know someone else who can train them?

- To be honest, no!

- Andreza, aren't you ashamed to teach massages to the two girls who are
interested in starting?

- No. But you need to help me, Melina.

- Then I'm going to study these massages. Andreza, do you feel any
discomfort planning what we are about to do? Everything is fine? How are you feeling?

- I get confused, my head is racing. I may be doing something that is wrong

and completely against my principles.

- But we need money, sister. And we won't hurt anyone. And this deal will
be temporary; it will only be to obtain capital to start another venture. I don't intend
to own a massage clinic my whole life. I think you share this same thought with me.

- Yes.

- It will only be for a short time. I hope. I can count on you?

- He can. Completely trustworthy sisters and friends. It's what we are.

- Amen. I believe in our complicity.

And they ended that conversation.

Melina and Andreza then trained the first masseuses.

Despite having no experience with tantric massages, Melina and Andreza

watched many videos on the Internet and managed to acquire the main items needed
to perform the massages: two stretchers, white sheets, pillows, plush towels, massage
oils, decorative candles for lighting the rooms and lingerie for the girls, among other
smaller elements.

They then decided to put the first two girls together for training, under the
guidance of the sisters. And it was in this way that the first two girls, after about two
weeks of training and rehearsals, felt prepared to serve their first clients. The creators
of the establishment also recommended that they watch many videos on the Internet
with the most different erotic massage techniques. The bosses agreed with their
employees the prices for massages without and with sex, and agreed on the
percentages to be passed on to the girls and the payment method. And the house
started its activities, although with very low movement, due to the fact that the
business was new and due to the pandemic. Melina called a friend named Neuzélia to
be the receptionist at the place. André got some clients, inviting military colleagues to
visit the house. After about 6 months, they found a property in a better location and
moved. Neuzélia left and was replaced by another receptionist.

A few months later, André stopped his car on the street behind the
massage therapy clinic and passed by a bus stop, where three young men were talking
about a place in the neighborhood that offered tantric massage services. As the three
men had not seen the soldier get out of his vehicle and as he was in civilian clothes,
André pretended that he was also going to wait for a bus, and stayed there to catch
the three talking. Here's what they said:

- This massage parlor is a scam; it's on the street back here; I've already
booked there a couple of times; I get there and there is no masseuse waiting for me;
It's absurd: they don't care about us. I don't recommend it to anyone.

Another said:

- Well, I've been there twice and I was treated well. Everything worked.

- Well, you were lucky. – replied the first.

The third friend then said:

- I didn't like it there either. I booked a sex show at this establishment online; I
didn't arrange any massage; I arrived at the house and they handed me over to a little
redhead they call Jennifer and who had the coolest face. We went to the room and she
only wanted to have massages and no sex; I complained to her, the white redhead,
more or less, came up with the story that the main thing was the massage and sex was
only at the end, after the massage. The woman said got really irritated, picked up her
cell phone and spoke to someone and she finally called another girl to help. She placed
a lot of banking; It even seems like she was the one paying, and she had the biggest
look of disgust; I know I felt deceived. I paid for the half-assed service, left without
saying goodbye and I haven't come back nor do I want to come back. After that, a
colleague of mine also said that he had an appointment in the same place with a
brunette called Naty, who on the Internet seemed to have a good body. When he
arrived at the scene, he looked like a different person; She didn't resemble the girl in
the photos on the website at all: she was much fatter and out of shape. She even tried
to please him on her show, but he thought she was weak and also felt harmed by the
false advertising.



- Friend, are you working in your field?

- No, I don't really like accounting. I left my job at the mall because I
discovered that I really didn't have the aptitude for this area.

- What about public tenders?

- I'm going to give myself some time now. I've already taken three exams,
but unfortunately I haven't been able to pass yet.

- Faith, friend, that you are already passing, in a good competition. Don't
lose focus: keep studying!

- Of course, Tricia. But I'm going to take a break from studying for about
three months to rest my mind.

In fact, Andreza had not studied Accounting Science out of affinity, but
rather because of a lack of choice. But, as she was very indecisive, she never chose
another professional area to pursue, and kept pushing until she finished the course.

The girl also tried three or four competitions, one of them right at the
beginning of her college, but she was unsuccessful in the tests and was not approved.
Suellen held few public competitions; she didn't have much motivation to study and
thought she couldn't study alone; she was unable to be self-taught and had difficulty
paying for preparatory courses; Unfortunately, he lacked discipline and willpower.
- And what are you going to work with now? Already looking for another

- I'm making up my mind about what I do with my life. I’m like that Skank
song: “I’m going to let life take me wherever it wants...”

- Bruna, you are so mysterious... And what about “love”, friend?

- I left. It did not work out anymore. I broke up with Armando. My love
life is a failure, friend. It's like a beautiful drawing that represents a beautiful love
story, but it's drawn on the beach sand, very close to the sea. When I think everything
is fine, the sea waves come and destroy my entire design, ending my dream. This is my
love life. Unsuccessfully...

- Calm down, friend, don't be disappointed. When I lost Rafael it was also
difficult; He was, so to speak, “everything” to me. So, he moved out of our state and
we preferred to break up, because I don't think he'll come back and I don't want to live
far from my parents. I swear how I imagined I wouldn't find someone like Rafa again.
When we finished, I felt bad; If I were Catholic, I think I would try to become a nun. I
was disillusioned with romantic relationships. He, my ex, still calls me, we talk via
WhatsApp, he asks how I am and how my boyfriend is. He also already has another
person in his life; I hope he is happy, because he deserves it. He is very friendly and
attentive to me. Well, I was unhappy, almost disillusioned by missing Rafael and then
Victor appeared, who is also wonderful and came to meet my needs. Because of him, I
started studying Psychology and we want to do a doctorate and become teachers and
researchers. We have this goal and several plans together. He is my lighthouse that
guides me. Rafael already knows him on Whatsapp and they talk often. So, I'm very
happy, because I have a new love and I'm still friends with my old love. And I know that
Victor is an adult and understands me. Thank God I'm happy.

- You are lucky, friend, and you deserve it. I wish I could also deserve a day of so
much happiness in my life.

- It will be, Bruna, with the grace of God.

Melina came to tell Andreza that she was going to get engaged to André. The
sparkle in her eyes was clear to deliver the news. The youngest sister then said:

- Suh, André and I are going to get engaged. It will be next month. Let's
inform our parents. I am really happy.

Andreza seemed surprised and replied.

- How cool, my sister. What good news. But he hadn't even given you a
promise ring... I was surprised... Everything happened very quickly...
- Yes it is true. We prefer to get engaged straight away, without a
promise ring.

- And have you already thought about a date to get married? – the
brunette wanted to know.

- I imagine it will be soon, but we haven't determined a probable date yet

- replied his sister. - Andreza, I want you and Marcela to be my godmothers.

- It will be with pleasure.

Andreza at this moment was unable to hide a certain envy. Seeing a younger
sister making a serious emotional commitment and being about to get married
generated a feeling of discomfort in Andreza, like someone being left behind. With her
failures in the field of love, Andreza was already finding it difficult to deal with other
people's happiness and felt a certain envy when she saw someone else's happiness
and that she continued to stagnate in her emotional life. Even the satisfaction of his
sister about to get engaged seemed to bother him a little.

Andreza, however, made an effort and said the following words to Melina:

- My youngest sister, I wish you to be very happy! May God bless your union
with André and may you continue to be a very happy couple!

- Thank you, Suh. We are already looking at a place to hold the event, but I can
tell you that the reception will be just for us: parents, siblings and nieces. I'm going to
invite my sisters and André is going to invite his brother. And our parents. Only. We
can't spend. We don't have much money!

- Congratulations, Melina, you deserve it! – concluded his sister.

After that day, however, Suellen would begin to change her behavior towards
Melina and they ended up having a disagreement and had some arguments.


their bedroom.

- Andreza, I heard about an interesting film and I ended up watching it on my

cell phone - said Melina.

- Which movie, Mel? What were you talking about?

- I don't like to tell spoilers, but I don't know if you will have the patience to
watch this film one day. And the footage is a little old. It's called “Young and Beautiful”,
and it tells the story of a melancholic girl, named Isabelle Blasé, but who, at the same
time, and contradictorily, is an extremely sexual woman. She clearly signals that
duality: “Sometimes wanton and sometimes innocent, all in the same person”. The girl
divides her time between school and work as a luxury prostitute, using the pseudonym

- Quickly tell us the plot of the film - requested the brunette.

- Here's the thing: Isabelle maintains a cold relationship with her mother and
stepfather, as opposed to an almost insane complicity with her younger brother.
During a summer trip with her family in the south of France, young Isabelle has her
first sexual experience with a German boy. After returning home, she begins to divide
her time between school and her now recent job as a luxury prostitute, starting to use
the pseudonym “Lea“, to hide her new personality from her family. She continues to
explore her sexuality and soon begins to earn money from more clients. A tragic
incident involving one of them, however, causes her mother to discover her secret

- What else did you watch in this movie, sister? I was interested.

- Isabelle is a beautiful 17-year-old girl who, despite her comfortable social and
family situation, becomes a prostitute. Devoid of guilt, morals or traces of melancholy,
the teenager disassociates sex from emotions, and uses her sexual adventures to
supply something that goes far beyond the power and consummation of seduction:
the interest in understanding her own body. The film unfolds in chapters based on the
eyes of four voyeurs (brother, client, mother and stepfather). Each one takes place in a
season of the year.

“The film begins during the summer, when Isabelle, traveling with her family,
has her first sexual experience. Then, as she resumes her normal life, we will witness
her dividing her life between the life of a student and that of a luxury escort.

“It becomes clear to us the double life that Isabelle leads: while exploring
her sexuality, always with older clients; She continues to maintain a completely
different persona from the one she presents to her clients, as a demure teenager (so
one thinks), who goes from school to home and from home to school.

- Is the film a drama?

- Not exactly. The film portrays the life of a French teenager who
ventures into prostitution just out of curiosity and ends up enjoying the money; It's not
drama, it's not comedy, it's just the real life of a clueless person.
- Did you like the movie?

- Yes, I liked this film; he manages to be realistic in certain things, such as, for
example, we know how negotiations between prostitutes and clients work, the
diversity of clients, personalities involved, etc. It contains many erotic scenes, partial
nudism, and a shy, reserved protagonist, but when she wants to, she knows how to be
provocative and tempting, and of course the film has many problems regarding many
things, but this "prostitution" theme catches my attention, and This film focuses on
this, this is the center of the film.

“The inconstant relationship she maintains with her mother, her flirtations with
her stepfather and her unusual complicity with her younger brother gradually reveal
the true sides of the girl, who is as dazzling as she is indecipherable – even more so
when she transforms with a white shirt. gray silk, knee-length skirt, high heels and red



- Girls, I'm thinking about leaving São Luís – revealed Andreza.

- Why friend? Have the lack of jobs and the pandemic disappointed you? –
Valentina asked.

- That’s more or less that – Suellen replied.

- Are you decided? – asked Anália.

- Not quite yet.

- And where are you going? – asked the last one.

- I don't know the worst yet.

- Friend, it's a shame to think that you want to leave our city, - continued the
redhead - but, if I were you, I would move to Fortaleza, in Ceará. It's a big, developed
city and it's not that far away.

- Yeah, you know you gave me a good idea. It's a case to think about.

- In fact, I have a friend there who can help you rent an apartment. He can be a
guarantor for you, as long as you need it. He is a very good friend of mine. I know you
won't refuse my request, from my heart.
- Thank you, friend, for your willingness to help me.

- I'm under orders. Decide and tell me.

Andreza didn't value her sister Melina's boyfriend very much, but when he took
the Military Police officer course, things started to change. Her sister, very proud, was
always advertising how much money her boyfriend was earning and would receive in
the future and all of this was messing with the brunette's mind.

She and her brother-in-law became closer and closer and Melina imagined it
was all just friendship.

André managed to buy his first car and offered a ride to drop his sister-in-law
off at her apartment.

In fact, everything had been agreed between them and the “couple” ended up
at the motel. Melina was on a preparatory course for public exams.

She declared André to the brunette before they went to the motel:

- Andreza, I want to be with you! Always wanted ...

- Like this?

- I always wanted to have sex with you.

- I think me too... But I thought you meant that you wanted to leave Melina to
be with me... I don't want that. God forbid and save me from getting into trouble with
my younger sister. She is very angry and vengeful. And Mel is so in love with you.

- Melina will be preparing for the competition she is going to do tonight.

- Shall we go to a motel?

- Yes let's go. Melina is very jealous, but will she not accept us having a
threesome with you?

- I'm the one who doesn't accept that - clarified the brunette. – And I don’t
want to get involved with you – she disguised it then.

- I just want us to have fun and for it to be good for me and for you. And I can
help you in other ways – the brother-in-law insinuated.

That day, they went to a motel and had sex for the first time. After that, they
continued to meet for sex, secretly, once or twice a week, without the suspicion of
their families.
Andreza was already gradually realizing André's interests in her and knew that
by starting to have sex with him she could obtain some advantages and some gifts. In
fact, since the first sex, André gave her a new cell phone and clothes, but that was not
enough to satisfy Andreza.

She was also going through identity and jealousy crises in her relationship with
André and neither accepted nor wanted to be the other person in a man's life and was
already trying to figure out how to get rid of this ungrateful situation.

It happened that Melina became ill and bedridden and went to her
mother's house so that she could take care of her health.

Melina then arranged with Andreza, communicating via WhatsApp (her

messages were programmed to be deleted after 24 hours):

- Suh, you'll have to stay at the massage parlor. I think I'll be away for about 3
days. I have a lot of migraines and a bad cold. I took the covid-19 test and thank God
the result was negative. But the flu is too strong and the doctor who treated me
prescribed antibiotics for 7 days. André goes by every day after leaving the officers'
course to check if everything is ok. He will give you strength. On these days you don't
need to open the bar. I think it's best if you don't open it, so you don't get too tired.
The house is a priority, I think.

- It's okay, Melina. Recover calmly. Leave it to me. I will take good care of our
business. Are Estefane and Nati going every day?

- Yes. André found another masseuse. She started yesterday. We named her

- Very good. Has Mom been asking about me?

- Yes. I said you stay in the bar in the afternoon and at night. And in the
morning, in your apartment, and you have lunch at home every day. She mentioned
that she would like to visit the bar these days, but I asked her to only go next week, so
she wouldn't leave me alone and so she wouldn't find out that you weren't going to
open the bar these days. And ask later where you were.

- How is my dog?

- Albert is great.

Next, Melina questioned her middle sister:

- Suh, where did you get that name for your dog: Albert. What an exotic name
for a dog.
And Andreza explained why she named her dog Albert.

- I read a report on the Internet about a dog scientist; That's exactly what
you're hearing, Mel. And his name is Albert. By coincidence, my cutie is the same
breed as him. I thought the name was really cool; That's why I named my puppy Albert.
Isn't that a pretty cool name?

- Thinking about it this way, I agree. It's a cool name for a messy little dog.

- Oh, don't say that about my doggo – joked the brunette with straightened

- Ah, one more piece of information; Ívina, who is at reception and responds to
WhatsApp, arrives at 8 am. She only opens the doors after she arrives. Oh, another
thing: she has the phone number of a sergeant, our friend; If something unexpected
happens, just send a message saying Casa Laura Massa and he will come running to
help us. Write down his WhatsApp number on your cell phone too. I give him a
complimentary massage once a month. Do you have any questions about the massage

- I cant understand everything. Get well, my sister.

- Goodbye.

And they ended the WhatsApp messages from that conversation.

Andreza was thus responsible for the massage parlor for 3 days.

On the first day, Nati, Paula and Estéfane went for their massages and
programs, but few customers showed up. Andreza stayed in Melina's room, lying on
the bed, watching Zap, Instagram and YouTube. She only left the room to receive
payment for the massages from Ivina. Then she went back to her room and locked
herself in. Andreza controlled WhatsApp, unlike her sister, and notified her employee
via telephone extension when a new customer was arriving. André stopped by every
day around 3 pm and then went to Ester's house to see Melina.

The house had 2 rooms for massages and programs and a garage where one
client at a time could store their car, if they wanted. Therefore, the three masseuses
needed to take turns, as there were only two rooms available for massages.

André changed his clothes while still in the barracks so as not to give clues to
his neighbors and always wore caps and sunglasses. He also parked his car on another
street, 2 or 3 blocks away and walked. He had a copy of the gate key and entered
quickly, so as not to be noticed by neighbors.
However, it happened that a sudden bus strike began in the city the following
day and only Andreza managed to get home, as he took an Uber. The other girls didn't
show up, nor did Ivina, as they lived far away and depended on public buses.

Four customers had indicated that they would attend, and booked in
advance, so Andreza went to the house and stayed inside the establishment. He kept
contacting the masseuses, but they all said they couldn't make it. Due to the bus strike,
traffic and private car congestion were also unbearable.

Andreza was very upset that the three girls were missing and some other
customers started to get in touch via WhatsApp asking if the massage parlor was going
to be open that day. And right on that day of the strike, there was a greater demand
for programs. What a shame! Lose those customers! - thought the brunette. She began
dispatching everyone who made calls on Zap, informing them that, because of the
strike, there would be no service that day at the massage parlor.

However, two customers showed up in the morning, one at 9am and the
other at 11am. Andreza answered the phone and said that there would be a possibility
that day of massages without a happy ending, that is, without sex, without ending, as
she was determined to serve these two clients. The brunette also thought the two
boys had a nice conversation and had photos on their WhatsApp profiles, looking
young and friendly. Andreza had a lot of courage to receive them, being alone in the
house and to offer to give them a massage session. She had never served any
customer. Then it would be an opportunity. The brunette seemed to sense that those
boys wouldn't harm her and she agreed that they would come at the agreed times.

The first arrived close to 9 pm. For security reasons, Andreza asked him to leave
his car outside. His name was Túlio. Upon entering, he praised the brunette's
friendliness and asked for details about the massage. She advised that she would do a
mix of 3 types of massages: Thai, Nuru and Lingam, and quickly explained what each
modality was like, succinctly. They went to room 1 and she performed the massages.
Andreza was initially afraid of doing the massage naked, but Túlio was very relaxed and
she ended up taking off all her clothes to do the nuru massage. Then she asked
permission to replace a “baby-doll” and a type of coat and concluded the session with
a lingam massage, making her client reach orgasm. Then he took a shower in the
bathroom, got dressed, thanked him for the massage, paid for the service and left,
promising to return again. She gave her the name Leah.

Around 11 am the second customer arrived. His name was Igor Sotero. He
asked her to explain what the massage would be like and they went to the room, with
everything happening in a similar way to the previous client's treatment, with the
difference being that Andreza felt looser and more at ease during the second client's
massage session.
Each one wanted to have an hour-long massage and paid R$150.00 for the
session, each. They were very polite and left satisfied, despite the massage without

Andreza was confused, and didn't quite understand how those boys, who
had paid R$150.00 each for a simple massage without sex, left grateful. They said it
was their first time seeing a masseuse and that they were stressed and needed that
therapy. Andreza, in turn, hid the information from them that it was also her first time
doing that to a client and it seemed like they didn't notice anything about it. The girl
felt good after that massage session, as she was naked on top of them giving her a
nuru massage, as well as a Thai and lingam massage, dressed in a baby-doll. It was
pleasant for her to perform those massages and she felt competent, as if it was
something she was used to doing. That all gave her satisfaction and she wasn't shy
about undressing in front of those two men. She had always wanted to give a massage
to a strange man and that day she satisfied her desire.

After serving the second customer, the brunette sent a WhatsApp message
to André telling him that she didn't need to stop by the massage parlor that day, as it
would be closed due to the bus strike and she would open the burger shop that night.
Depending on the public transport strike, the massage clinic would remain closed the
following day.

Andreza later told Melina that she had two non-sex massages at the
massage therapy clinic:

Two more days passed with the bus strike still going on, but everything
finally returned to normal.

Andreza sent a message via WhatsApp to Melina:

- Mel, the girls were absent for 2 days and only two showed up on the third day
of the bus strike. Nati and Paula came by alternative transport and I had to pay the
difference for the bus ticket.

- Is this time for a bus strike?! -her sister lamented.

- Mel, don't you even know what happened on the first day of the strike, when
the girls didn't come to work?

- Suh, wait a bit - and the red-haired girl went to lock the door.

Melina would lock her bedroom door to say sensitive things on WhatsApp.

- You can continue... I locked the door.

- I massaged two clients. Hahahaha! I loved!!

- Andreza, are you crazy?

- It was not very good. And they loved it. One of them was a kitten...

- Did you have a massage with finishing? Happy ending? – Her sister wanted to
know, apprehensively.

- No dear. Of course.

- True?

- Yes, trust me. It was the only money we made in space for 2 days. On the
second day of the strike I didn't open the house. The girls said they wouldn't
come...And how are you?

- Know. I'm better, Suh. I'm going back to my house tomorrow and I'm going to
reopen the clinic. I hope the strike ends tomorrow.

- I also hope this strike ends. The movement at the burger restaurant also

- Andreza, did you enjoy working as a masseur? I still can't believe that you did
it, that you had the courage. I'm exhausted!

- I felt like it and I did it! I was curious to do it and after the experience I actually
liked it. But just to satisfy curiosity. Stay calm...

- And it was someone who knew you?

- Their zap had a photo. That's why I felt calmer.

- And André, didn't he know anything?

- No. I didn't tell him anything. Don't tell either... I don't allow it.

- And the clients didn't complain about the massage without sex?

- I warned you it was sexless. They accepted. They were both silly and it was
their first massage! They even left thanking me and saying they would be back.

- It is risky for our employees to find out that you had these massages. So what
if they come back another day and ask for you?

- I believe they won't find out. I can later invent that it was someone else, if
they question me. And I didn't give them my real name. The massage room was dimly
lit. I don't think they even recorded my face properly.

- I hope they don't come back.

- So, are you well now, cured of this flu?

- Yes I am.

- I was going to visit you tomorrow; This way you don't need it anymore. We'll
see you tomorrow. I stop by your house, before opening the hamburger shop.

- Combined. Andreza, one more thing: did you get naked with the guys? Did you
have a naked massage?

Andreza, then, preferred to lie.

- No, Mel, I didn't take off all my clothes. Stay calm. I remained in panties and

- It is true. Judgment, sister. Goodbye. See you tomorrow.

- Get well, my sister. See you later.

And so they ended the conversation on WhatsApp.

Melina was dark-skinned, but from the age of 16 she started dying her hair
red and as she didn't like going to the beach she became lighter-skinned as time went
by, thus changing her look. The girl also didn't have a very beautiful body, she had
large breasts, and that's why she didn't think it was interesting to expose herself in a
bikini on the capital's coast. As she did not want to expose herself too much to the sun,
her skin became much lighter and she looked like a person who never tans and has a
very white skin tone. In this way, André began to notice that he would invite his
girlfriend to swim in the sea and she would refuse and so he started taking Andreza to
go out for walks and getaways on the beaches, sometimes with Melina's consent. They
therefore took advantage of these opportunities to go out to motels and have sex.
They claimed that they were going to play pool with some friends and go for a sunbath
at the seaside, but in reality they were pretexts for cheating on Melina. So, they ate
their lunches in motels. They turned off the GPS (*) and Internet signal on their
smartphones so as not to be tracked.

And the concrete fact is that Andreza was gradually moving away from the
Church and its celebrations. She began to discredit her religion, as she realized that the
changes in her lifestyle were not compatible with what her pastor asked of her. There
were conflicts of ideas and this was becoming very clear to her. She had not stopped
believing in the existence of God and his power, but she no longer saw constant
religious practice as an obligation in her life. Furthermore, her plans and her new
conceptions made her feel uncomfortable about attending worship and could be being
hypocritical, having a daily life that was very different from what the pastor preached.
She would not feel well and preferred to gradually move away from her religion.
Her Church friends noticed her absences and her progressive distancing from

At the end of a Saturday night service, Ícaro looked for her to find out what was
happening. He asked Suellen:

- Suh, what's going on, because I hardly see you at Church anymore? You've
been so difficult lately...

- Icarus, I don't even know. The work at the burger restaurant is keeping me
busy; Most days I arrive tired. And I use the weekends to rest and renew my energy.
Have you found me very absent from the Church?

- Yes definitely. I remember you were so assiduous. I already miss that time.
And how are you after ending your relationship?

- Trying to recover; But overall I'm fine. And you, Icarus? How's your life?

- I'm fine; only the school that is pulled; I'm in the preparatory course for Enem.

- And the girlfriends? Is there a? – asked the brunette. Andreza heard

comments from some mutual colleagues that the boy had recently confessed to being

- None at the moment.

- Icarus, I need to tell you something. After I entered college I have been
questioning myself about many things and my mind has opened up a range of options
that I didn't see before. I think many evangelicals are narrow-minded and want to
follow to the letter what pastors say. I don't question the Holy Bible and faith in God
___(*) Global Positioning System for artificial communications satellite.

and Jesus Christ, but I think we need to have more critical sense.

- Why do you tell me that, Suh? Explain your positions to me better.

- Icarus, I'm not saying that you are alienated or out of touch with reality, or
that religion has blinded you. That's not it. But evangelicals must open their eyes,
because the outside world can swallow us. Taking Christian teachings everywhere is
our obligation, but we must be open to dialogue with people of all religions and those
without religion, in addition to debating ideas that are different from ours, whether we
agree with them or not.

- Suh, I see that you are really opening your mind. But don't forget us, please.
We need you here. We miss your presence. Think about it.
- Don't worry; I will never abandon you and forget our friendship.

- God hear you, friend.

- Bye, Icarus. I'm leaving with my sisters.

And they said goodbye that day.


Melina argued with André during the same period.

The red-haired girl had a small argument with André and they didn't speak to
each other for a few days, and during that period the soldier didn't go to the massage
parlor or the bar. His girlfriend was then confined to the massage therapy clinic and
during this period published a photo on social media with the audio of a song titled:
“Dona de mim“ and wrote the following phrase on the wall behind her: “Love yourself
first place". Melina and André continued, each, to live in their mother's house. The
girl's mother-in-law, however, was already a widow.

Melina and her boyfriend, however, got back together a few days after the
fight between the two and the young woman finally arranged her engagement with
André. It would be at a buffet outside the city, in an open-air environment.

The young woman repainted her hair and became very red, in addition to
preparing a beautiful long white dress, all decorated with fine lace details.

As soon as Andreza found out from her sister that the engagement had
already been set, the brunette's behavior began to change. It seemed that Suellen was
jealous of her sister and wanted to get more attention in the family than the bride
herself. Suh also committed to ordering a beautiful long dress with a full skirt, in a
finely checkered fabric, from a seamstress.

Andreza also began to have small disagreements with her sister. In a

conversation the two had alone, Andreza said:

- Melina, why are you already getting married? And what will our plans at the
massage parlor look like? What will our society be like after you get married?

- Sister, we're just getting engaged. We've been dating for 8 years. I need André
to signal a more serious commitment to me.

- Why don't you wait for him to complete the officer course? And where are
you going to live? At the massage parlor? Or are you going to rent another house? Will
he now be able to maintain two houses? He still helps his brother who goes to

- You're bothering too much about our lives. Stop! Let's find a way. But I'm not
sure we'll ever live together.

- And if they are? Are you going to leave Mom living alone?

- She has Genesio.

- He lives traveling because of work.

- And since when do you worry about your mother? If you cared, you wouldn't
have left the house and left us alone when her husband is away. I need to mind my
own business. One day I'm going to leave the house too. It will be inevitable. It's not
just you who wants to live alone and have your own corner.

Andreza started to look angry.

- At some point I'm going to have to cut the umbilical cord with mom. I'm
already over 20 years old. It’s time – Melina continued.

- And how will my business with you be with your engagement now? You
promised that you would only get engaged after we added a second unit of the
massage parlor for me to manage. I think you were lying.

- I don't allow you to say that, Suh. And you won't order me around. This
massage parlor is more mine than yours. You have always been a coward. If it were up
to you, there would be nothing.

- Oh! That's how you treat me! I already knew that at any moment you were
going to throw it in my face. Make your life what you want. Dad had already warned
me that I shouldn't have any business in partnership with you.

- We planned that I would only get engaged later on, but I had to change my
plans. I can't compromise my happiness for a commitment like that. Put yourself in my

- I'll try, but it seems like you're the one who doesn't think about me.

- Andreza, I don't understand you. Are you jealous of me and André?

- No, not that. Imagine – Andreza denied. – I'm going to spend a few days
without going to the bar or the massage parlor. Could it be? I want a few days for
myself and to rest my mind. I still haven't recovered from the end of my relationship.

- Okay – agreed the red-haired girl.

- Bye, Melina.

And they said goodbye.

After that day, the two sisters remained apart and spent a brief period without
speaking to each other. Andreza, every day, became more upset, as the engagement
date approached and she began to treat everyone in a harsh and irascible way. She
purposely didn't respond to André's WhatsApp messages and almost invented a trip
with her friends to Barreirinhas during the period of her younger sister's engagement.
Everything she did was aimed at provoking and displeasing her sister, once the
brunette realized that she would not prevent her engagement. Andreza was involved
with André and also felt inferior compared to Melina, given the failure and misfortune
of her previous relationships. Andreza was not bothered by other people's happiness,
but she was once again experiencing a feeling of envy towards her sister, as she felt
unhappy and noticed Melina more satisfied every day, or at least she deduced that.
Andreza felt time passing and her love life continued in the doldrums and without
definition. She didn't know how to reverse this situation and wasn't willing to return to

And the eve of the engagement arrived. The two sisters remained intrigued.
Marcela preferred not to get involved in the issue. In the previous days, Andreza's
mother tried to reconcile the sisters, but they resisted, and the brunette even argued
with her mother. Andreza and Melina didn't want to give in to the arm wrestling.
Suellen, in fact, was even willing to travel to Barreirinhas, just to miss the engagement.
However, the seamstress had already prepared her dress and the brunette had
received it about three days ago.

Two days before the engagement was consummated, Ester asked André
to personally go and speak to Andreza to broker a truce between her and her youngest
daughter. Ester wouldn't allow the brunette to miss her sister's event. The boy then
saw an opportunity to go to Andreza. Once there, she initially didn't want to welcome
him, but then she gave in. The brunette was at her mother's house. From there they
invented that they were going to play billiards in a distant bar, located on a beach.
Andreza argued in the car with André, making him jealous and they ended up going to
a motel, where she surrendered and satisfied his wishes. What she really wanted was
to have sex with him. And from there she left a little tame, giving up the trip to
Barreirinhas. However, she continued to doubt whether she would attend the
engagement, as she was possibly the one who would like to be in Melina's place, but
André couldn't get engaged to both of them at the same time.

On the same day, at night, her father called her and tried to convince her to
attend, but she kept putting up obstacles and leaving everything in doubt. This whole
situation worried her father a lot and left him psychologically decompensated.
After they hung up, José didn't feel well, felt very unwell and had to be taken
to the emergency medical service by his hairdresser girlfriend. From there, all his
daughters were notified and arrived quickly. There was a suspicion that he was starting
to have a heart attack, which was ruled out. José suffered a sudden illness due to
anxiety and a hypertensive crisis, but fortunately he was discharged after two hours
and managed to get his middle daughter to give in and confirm her participation in the

The next day, Andreza went early to put on makeup and prepare her hair, as
she wanted to arrive at the engagement looking stunning and successful. She finally
wore her long dress with a full skirt and went to the buffet with her mother, using
alternative transportation.

Melina looked well presented in her white lace dress and had straightened,
very red hair.

The groom wore a gray suit (tailcoat) with an elegant bow tie and black
“moccasin” shoes.

Andreza did everything to attract the attention of those present and she
succeeded, as she was as produced as the future bride; Suellen came out distributing
smiles in several photos, some taken by her brother-in-law himself. In these last
photos she seemed to smile even more. Melina did not suspect their betrayal.

The two families had lunch at the buffet and the couple's commitment was
made official, with Melina finally receiving her ring from André's hands.

In the following days, Andreza was contacted by a friend via WhatsApp and
her friend asked her, after seeing some photos on Instagram, whether her sister
Melina had gotten engaged. Strangely, the brunette responded like this:

- Friend, I don't know. It looks like it was an engagement. I didn't even

understand that well.

Her friend found Andreza's response confusing, but preferred not to

question anything further and ended the message that day. She imagined that Andreza
wasn't having one of her best days. And she hung up.

- Thanks friend. Goodbye.


Andreza and Melina then had a disagreement over the division of the massage
parlor's profits and had a conversation over the following days:
- Suh, we're going to have to transfer 30% of the house's gross revenue to cover
André's expenses – said Melina.

- Mel, hadn't we agreed that he would receive 20% and that amount was
already enough to cover the rental expenses of both houses? - replied the brunette.

- But the massage parlor's revenue is fluctuating a lot, Suh, - his sister
complained - it's an effect of the pandemic. André cannot lose out.

- But Mel will end up keeping part of our profit and we won't be able to
reinvest in the massage parlor, improving the structure and bringing more comfort to

- Andreza, my fiancé has already had a lot of expenses with us and he suffered
losses in a few months, and had to take money out of his pocket to cover the rent.

- I knew that sooner or later our society wouldn't work with André's entry. You
shouldn't have called him into our business. It messed everything up.

- Don't talk about him like that. If it weren't for André, we wouldn't have a
massage parlor or a burger restaurant.

- We should have taken out a small loan to get us through the first six months
so as not to depend on him.

- Bank loans again, Suh? We already have bad experience with this. Interest
rates are very high. It takes us forever to pay... And we didn't know how business
would go with the pandemic. There are many risks to take. It wouldn't be worth
messing with banks. If the business goes bankrupt, we will be in debt to the bank

- Yes, on that point you may be right. But our agreement was to just withdraw
the money from the rent and pass it on to André. But I was suspicious from the
beginning when you asked your boyfriend to rent the houses.

- Suh, don't talk like that. André has only helped us. I did not act in bad faith at
any time. I swear. But I couldn't hide from André an undertaking as delicate as ours.
Furthermore, I always imagined that he would provide us with the necessary security

- Well, I don't know, sister, if our society will last for a long time – Suellen

- What is this, Andreza? We are sisters, partners and accomplices. Without you,
how will I do this work alone? We need each other. Ever. Do not leave me.
But Andreza continued to refute her sister's statements.

- Mel, I don't want to feel betrayed, but for me to continue in this business
head on, I need to have confidence and the conviction that it will be worth it for me
too. I want to make sure that I also own this scheme and that we are being equally
favored in transactions.

- Andreza, please don't question my honesty and André's.

- For now I have nothing to question, but let's see how it goes from now on –
warned the brunette.

- All good.

- I stay at the burger restaurant every day with two other employees until
almost midnight every day giving my sweat to justify this business here. You have to
value me. I live very tired. It's heavy at the burger joint because of the deliveries. You
and André promised to help me, but you rarely show up. You are not fulfilling your

- I also get tired working here at the massage parlor, oddly enough: it takes up
time and patience. Dealing with employees and customers is not easy. It's tiring. And I
have to prepare meals, take clothes to the laundry, take care of the media, pay the
cleaners, supervise the masseuses, control payments for massages, make purchases,
control the bills, and other things. It's quite a service. You hardly help us here either.
We have to think about how to improve the management and administration of both
establishments. We must re-discuss the distribution of tasks. André already has his
own occupations and still needs to provide assistance to his family. Still, he helps a lot
here. He does the shopping, pays the bills, helps with security, is always looking for
new masseuses, and other things.

Valentina invited Andreza to spend a holiday in Barreirinhas, in Lençóis


- Bruna, I received an invitation from a boy to spend the holiday in Barreirinhas.

Let's go! It's going to be fun... A getaway to Lençóis.

- Accommodation will be expensive on the weekend and there may not be any
more vacancies – said the brunette.

- My case has already rented a house. Come with us! I asked him and he said I
could bring a friend, as long as she was pretty...

- And he's naughty and shameless like that!!! You didn't say anything to him
when he said that...
- We have an open relationship. It's just fun. And the little animal is very good
to me. I love him. You will like it too.

- What's his name?

- Sérgio Frazão.

- I have a friend who has a channel with agencies that run tours in Lençóis,
Cristiano Vilaverde; I'll talk to him to see the budgets for the tours.

- Great... See tours to Barreirinhas and Santo Amaro. Sérgio will pay for us.

- Hey, friend, I'm embarrassed that he paid for me. This way, I'm already
traveling owing him and with the feeling that I have to repay a great favor.

- Don't worry about that, no. This shit of money won't be missed by him. Sérgio
is a doctor and is single. I met at a college party. He works in two city halls and earns
well. We've been out three or four times. He invited me to join him on this trip. So,
does it work for you?

- I think I will. I feel like going for a walk in Lençóis. I only went there once, with
my father. It's been a long time. A lot must have changed in the city.

- We're going in the car with him.

- I'll notify my father and mother.

- Well, it's agreed. We will return on Sunday, late afternoon.

Andreza informed her father that she would spend the weekend in
Barreirinhas, at a friend's family's house, but she didn't say anything to her mother.

Everything went according to plan. Andreza passed on Cristiano's phone

number to Sérgio and they arranged the tours.

On Friday they left São Luís very early. The boy picked up Valentina from her
apartment and then went to pick up the brunette and they continued their journey in
their own car.

Not everything was working because of the Covid-19 pandemic, but as they had
already left lockdown (social isolation), people's lives were gradually returning to

In Barreirinhas they took their walks and at night Andreza met a boy named
Gustavo Fróes, who was from São Luís, but was currently living in the interior of Minas
Gustavo invited her to spend the night with him at the hotel where he was
staying with another friend (in different rooms) and she accepted his invitation and
accompanied him.

They had sex at night and the next day Valentina asked for a report on how the
night had been.

- Valentina, he asked if I wanted to marry him and go to Minas Gerais.

- Was it before or after you had sex?

- Before, in the bar where we were.

- So, it was just to eat you later. And why did you go to bed with him right

- I wanted to know what it's like to go to bed with a stranger... What I would

- And was it good?

- Yes, but I still think about Armando a lot and that bothers me. I can't stay
focused on the person I'm with. I end by remembering him. I can't relax and engage
with the other person.

- Yes, Bruna, it's a serious problem. Try to forget this Armando and remove him
from your thoughts.

- I am trying. And he did so much to me! I don't understand how I still think
about him.

- Because you liked him a lot and you got very involved. And deep down you
must be a person who suffers from a lot of emotional need.

- It must be the first option. I really have to do something to change my life.

Otherwise I will be unhappy.

- Well, my night with Sérgio was great – replied Suellen’s friend.

- Mine was good too, but it seems like something is missing. And I still
remember how I had sex with my ex. And when the night ends and the person you
stayed with leaves, there is a void in your life. Everything goes back to the way it was
before, that is, I have no one.

- I find you very melancholy. Try not to see your situation that way. In fact, you
are a free person, you can do whatever you want with your life and enjoy it however
you want.
- And truth. I need to accept my life as it is and not understand that my
happiness will depend on someone else. I know it's hard to act like this, but I need to
move on.


Nádia communicated with Suellen via the messaging app and she told her that
she had left her home and rented an apartment on Avenida Liberdade. Her friend then
went to visit her a few days later.

She talked to Suellen and she told her that she had argued with her
“stepfather” and chose to leave her mother's house, something she had already been
thinking about; She then rented a small apartment on Avenida Liberdade. In this place
they talked:

- Bruna, I'm getting Matheus, that little guy you were dying to keep.

- That's right, how good! - replied the brunette, without any excitement. - But I
never wanted to be with him. Where did you get that from? – Suh bluffed.

- You yourself insinuated that several times – replied your friend.

- I?! – Andreza retorted, dodging. - I don't remember that. But it doesn't matter
now. Are you hooking up, are you having sex? Or is it a serious relationship?

- Just have sex. And he's so naughty in bed! I'm also learning to be naughty with
him. And you? Is dating? Haven't you seen Armando anymore?

- I'm alone... But I don't want to talk about men. My love life is a failure - the
brunette lamented.

- Are you working, Bruna?

- Not yet. I left the Shopping Center a few weeks ago, you know? I'm
unemployed at the moment.

- What a shame, friend. Suh, another thing: we never went to a movie together
again, with our group.

- It's true, friend – agreed the brunette. – The last film we watched together
was “Suicide Squad”, and it was a while ago. But any day it will work out. Let's score.

- Yes; Certainly. Andreza, changing the subject, will there be a competition for
the mayor of Raposa? Will you do it?

- Only if I can get an exemption from registration. – Andreza always asked for
exemption from paying registration fees for competitions, and was sometimes denied.
- Andreza, don't lose this contest. There are many vacancies. Stop being
miserable... Pay this registration fee... The fee is R$80.00.

Bruna looked serious at Nádia and thought about giving her a suitable
answer, but she preferred to remain silent.

- I'll think better, friend. Until what day do you stay in São Luís? – asked the
brunette, completely changing the subject.

- Today is Friday... I'm staying until Monday... Let's go out tomorrow night!? –
invited Nádia - Play pool and have a cold one...

- In the middle of a pandemic???

- What's the problem? Those who are afraid of this virus are the ones who get
the infection the most!

- It will be ???

- Here we go?

- I think I'll accept your proposal.

- “Bruna”, do you have anything for us to drink? Beer or wine? - asked Nádia,
noticing that Andreza had a beautiful bottle of Chilean wine on a counter.

- Do you want to start drinking now? It's three o'clock in the afternoon. I don't
like drinking beer, I only drink wine. Beer is very high in calories and therefore makes
you fat.

-But we're young, we can still drink beer – her friend replied. – And that bottle
of wine over there? – And she looked at the drink. - Shall we take it? You don't have
any “kitty” to share her with you at the moment...

Andreza enjoyed drinking wine alone, watching a movie or television series on

her cell phone. She never bought a television.

- And do you need company to drink wine? – asked the brunette. - I like
to drink it alone, at ease. I don't want to open that bottle now. Pardon me.

- You can also drink wine with your friends! – said the other young woman. -
And there is no right time to drink. We are the ones who decide.

- I don't want to drink wine now.

Nádia was upset with Bruna.

- You welcome me to your apartment for the first time, and it doesn't do me
any good. Bruna, visitors must be treated well! – claimed Nádia. - Colleague, on
Sunday afternoon I'm also going with two friends to watch a football game at a corner
bar and we'll have some cold ones. Do you wanna go with us?

- No. Nádia, I don't really like these afternoon bar shows to watch games.

- Then that's right! Leave it for another time.

They talked a little more and then said goodbye.

In fact, they went the following night to a bar with two other friends. Nádia met
a boy and asked Andreza to accept her taking the boy to the brunette's apartment.
When she didn't accept it, they had an argument, as they were already drunk and left
fighting with each other.

The brunette thought that her friend was advancing the signal, and
disrespecting a lot of her space. Suh did not accept anyone invading her territory.
Furthermore, Andreza already knew that her friend had problems with alcoholism and
Suh did not want to become addicted to alcoholic beverages.

After that day, Nádia and Suellen were no longer close, and they moved away.

Andreza posted on her Instagram two days later: “Who said that the best things
we should offer for visitors? I don’t even like visitors!”



- Melina, you don't even know... – began the brunette.

- What happened, Suh?

- I met an Italian called Rafaelle Cozzolino on Facebook. He's a widower, it

seems to me.

- And what's up with that, sister? Are you going to tell me you're flirting with

- No, not that. He's old enough to be our father.

- And? It's not a question of age! Did he ask to add you as a friend and you

- It was exactly like that.

- What if he is a swindler or a woman kidnapper? You won't fall for his trick.

- No. I'm careful.

- Has he already come to Brazil? Do you know São Luís? Has he ever been here?

- No. He never came to Brazil.

- And he comments that he wants to get to know our country?

- He already told me that he intends to visit Brazil one day, but not now. I know
he sees me online and we talk a lot. He just calls me “young beautiful woman“, “My
Brazilian friend“, “beautiful brunette“.

- And how do you talk? Does he speak Portuguese?

- He tells me that he translates conversations from Italian to Portuguese using

Google Translate.

- I understood. Andreza, again, be careful with him. Don't get into trouble. Does
he have sons?

- Rafaelle has three adult daughters and they all live in Europe: two in her
country and the last in France.

- And there are only conversations going on between you???

- Of course. I mean I'm making a lot of money from him...

- What do you mean, Andreza??? Explain this better!

- I'm selling some photos of myself to him. And he pays per unit.

- Nude photos revealing your face???

- Of course not, Mel. I told him my conditions: no nude photos or showing your
face to be recognized later. He accepted.

- Suh, this is risky anyway! If mom finds out!? The fight will be ugly and she will
even take your cell phone...

- But he's paying well! I needed money... I had left the call center and selling
clothes online was bringing in almost nothing.

- How does he pay you??? Isn't he deceiving you?

- No. The Italian pays for everything correctly. He deposits it into my bank
- Be very careful so that our parents don't discover this scheme of yours.

- It's been so fun, Mel. I'm loving the joke.

- Suh, don't take long with this. Get out while there's still time.

- I'm going to close now. I'll tell him I can't do more. That my boyfriend found
out and banned me from taking any more photos.

- Good excuse.

In fact, Andreza made some money with the Italian. However, the brunette
deceived her sister. She even sold some nude photos of herself, although she didn't
actually show her face in any of the photographs. In fact, some time later, Suellen
would discover the Italian's lies: she already lived in Brazil and was neither rich nor
wealthy. But she didn't want to reveal this to her sister.


André paid Andreza a visit to her “hamburger shop”. He said:

- Suh, I already ate your hot dog, it's super special. And it's delicious. Why
don't you name him “Albert hot-dog”, in honor of your pet, your favorite. What do you
think? People love this: customizing everything, including menus.

- Do you really think? – asked the girl. - I'll think about your idea.

- It's my suggestion. Name your sandwiches and burgers. It helps to publicize

your work.

- Good idea.

The young woman then radically changed the subject:

- André, I'm thinking about moving to Fortaleza, Ceará.

His brother-in-law was very surprised by the idea:

- What do you mean, Andreza? Where did you get this possibility? Why do
you want to leave our city and get away from everyone?

- André, it's like: I can't get good jobs here; the pandemic disrupted a lot of
things; and I'm getting fed up with this burger joint. It's been a lot of work and little
profit. The massage parlor business is more advantageous...

- And your business with Melina? Are you going to give up and leave her alone
with the massage parlor?
- She has you – replied the brunette, to justify herself. – Besides, this business
has always been more hers than mine; and you got in the middle.

- Sorry but...

And Andreza interrupted him:

- I'm also afraid of justice. It's a risky business – the brunette lied, as she didn't
care much about it.

- And why Fortaleza and not Brasília, where you already have relatives?

- For this reason: I want to feel free, away from family; without being obliged to
make and receive boring and boring visits; And I don't want anyone monitoring my life
and snooping on me. Much less aunts, uncles or cousins.

- And why Fortaleza? You didn't answer that. It's a distant city.

- Where would it be? Bethlehem? Teresina? They are very hot cities and almost
the same thing as São Luís. I chose a beach city and a more developed one. Where can
I find more possibilities for my livelihood.

-Have you spoken to Mel and her parents?

- I'll talk.

- And do you have any friends in Fortaleza to begin with?

- Valentina has an accountant colleague who will help me get started there. Val
is my shopping colleague.

- I knew you had your friends' fingers.

- No. Everything came from me. It's my decision, without anyone's influence.
Val just offered me this guy's contact details to help me get started in Fortal and to be
my guarantor to rent a small apartment, since I'm not a salaried employee.

- Ok. Is this a definitive decision, with no return? – replied André.

- Yes, I have decided. I need to evolve as a person and spend time outside of
São Luís to unload my mind and renew my batteries.

- I hope everything goes well, Suh. Good luck then – wished his brother-in-law.

- Thanks.

- And when would it be?

- In about two months.

- Already?

- Exactly.

- Well, tell your family soon.

- For sure.

And they concluded the conversation.


- Sister, do you think it's normal for a guy to cheat on his girlfriend? – asked
Andreza. - Guys, what I'm seeing about this in conversations with friends is scaring me
a lot, because, like, I've been dating for six months and it never crossed my mind to
cheat on my boyfriend. Has he ever thought about cheating on me? To give you an
idea, in all this time, he's practically the only guy I talk to frequently. Then, today I
watched a video on Tiktak talking about cheating as a joke and I thought about it
afterwards. How difficult is it to stay with just one person?

- Cheating in a love relationship is almost impossible to avoid, Andreza - said

her older sister. - Whether flirting via text or real sex with a lover. There is no point in
us saying that we will never cheat and the other person swearing and promising
together that they will never cheat, because the probability of them doing so is high, at
least once in their life.

- But women who suffer from lack and a thousand feelings that even they
cannot bear can also cheat. I know there are exceptions; however, there are many
more faithful women than men, I think.

- Nowadays, Suh, talking a lot of nonsense and meaningless arguments has

become a fad on the internet. It is becoming more and more common; wait and see: in
a few years there will be people openly saying that they enjoy necrophilia, pedophilia,
zoophilia, betrayal, incest and torture; Already, they will be becoming "normal" topics
on blogs and podcasts. They will say it is freedom of expression.

- Turn your mouth away, Marcela. Not that, sister. May God protect us. I don't
want us to reach that period, neither us nor your daughters.

- People are responsible for what they do, not what they feel. Look at this
situation: a guy finds himself walking down the street, sees a beautiful woman and
gets horny; It's something he may not have absolute control over. Now he can just
keep walking and not flirt with her or try to hit on her, or even bother her; It's his
choice. Men who like to cheat, I believe, always seek this path.
- As incredible as it may seem, the subject of monogamy present in the human
species is complex. It is a topic that still requires further study. Biologically speaking, a
professor of mine said, there is no definitive restriction on how many partners an
individual can have. In countless species monogamy does not exist, just as it does in
several others. Anyway, if you want an answer to why people cheat, without involving
a lack of honesty, empathy, etc. I recommend watching a video on the internet with a
scientific approach to the topic. I can give you the link.

- I don't want to watch. I think that betrayal in the case of human beings has to
do with character.

- I find it funny how there are people whose actions are based on watching
videos, like on Tiktak. The algorithm will probably continue playing these same videos
based on the pattern that the person watches. Be careful, Suh, with these viral clips.
This is the same type of person who believes in “fake news”, or in chains of messages
from zap zap, without verifying the veracity of the information passed on.

- Marcela, have you never cheated on any boyfriend?

- I have never cheated, nor have I felt the urge to cheat, on any of my
boyfriends. I think betrayal is something I would never do, but, really, lastly, what I see
most is people not caring, and cheating without remorse; I'm even scared of this
normalization of infidelity.

- Cheating is never an issue that involves the other; I see a lot of lack of
character masked with false arguments and things like: she's bad in bed, doesn't talk
properly, doesn't pay me enough attention, doesn't act affectionately, etc.

- You can involve the other side, yes, Andreza. Some women cheat in retaliation
for their partner's disloyalty; although I think this is completely nonsense. It's better to
move on to something else. Cheating because you were cheated on is pure nonsense
that they invent to validate themselves and make infidelity something acceptable; It's
no use, you can give the world to someone but if they don't have a minimum of
character and respect for you, they will betray you, and there's nothing you can do and
it doesn't matter how good you were.

- I try to be myself in the relationship, without falsehoods, and I try to do my

best for romance; if I am betrayed, it was not my fault; I gave myself completely and
did the best I could. If he didn't value what I did or disrespected me, there will always
be someone else to fill the place of the one who no longer fits.

- Men who have already cheated have a 100% chance of doing it again; the
brain adapts, and what was wrong in the beginning is now no longer the case. And the
mind rationalizes to justify the practices of infidelity and adultery.
- My conceptual problem with infidelity is the fact that some people think that
it only constitutes a carnal conjunction. It's a complex discussion that resides in gray
areas and sneaky people who love to have fun on the side, trying to impose their own
views on the subject and still paying lip service, sometimes, from the height of
hypocrisy that makes all our hair fall out.

- Emotional involvement can also constitute infidelity, although a little milder in

the opinion of some. Lines that would make your partner uncomfortable are being
crossed. Online involvement and certain virtual activities can also be cheating.

- How to know?

- Does your partner try to hide or omit details about this beautiful new
friendship? Are you trusting and seeking more support in this new relationship than in
yourself? What is the recurrence of this contact? Did he think about how you would
feel? Did they think about how they themselves would feel if the roles were reversed
or is it just cheap hypocrisy? What types of online activities are they engaging in while
interacting with you? Is he hiding this from you? Anyway, there is a lot to question,

- You've got me a little dizzy now and at my wits end. There are several things
that can be considered infidelity, I am aware of it, such as flirting on the street with a
friend or anyone, flirting online, hiding important information from us, using fake
profiles on dating and dating apps, etc.; in other words, there are so many things that
can be considered disloyalty! But there are people who, even though they know that
those behaviors would hurt their partners, give in to their own impulses.

- And who decides what is infidelity, Andreza? I reason that conversation

decides. I'm the type of person who talks before doing things that I understand would
bother my partner, using myself as a parameter, and I have a minimum of common
sense as a reference to avoid discomfort in my boyfriend, while maintaining autonomy,
but I like to analyze the situation. health and relationship stability as well.

- This will exert influence and guarantee security so that things can be explored
and negotiated more lightly, I consider.

- Certainly. I don't always get it right, but there are some people who live to not
care. They neglect their relationships, they barely take care of their health, they don’t
care what other people think, they don’t “care” about anything. Not that anyone's
opinion is important to us, but ignoring everything they say about us is a bit foolish.
We always have a reputation to maintain. And hypocrisy continues to prevail.

- It is not correct today and it will never be normal for betrayal; Now, yes, it's
true: people are cheating a lot these days. I, however, have good character and am a
person who values emotional responsibility. I don't ever want to cheat. I've seen
colleagues saying they cheated and thought it was “cool”. There are private groups of
women out there, according to some friends of mine, where they confess countless
betrayals (they sent me “prints”, believe me); I saw everything, I was disgusted by
them, I felt astonished. Anyway, it's really sad. It is not normal. However, many
relationships boil down to sex or an exchange of favors.

- Is there still love today? Love?? What is that? What I see less are relationships
with love, or romances in which love lasts forever; and there are still people who say
that it's "normal for love to end", how stupid. I consider that love does not end; he
never existed in that couple; What they both felt was just lust, desire and the desire to
have sex.

- I think love can end, sister. You can love someone and then stop loving them.
Unfortunately it is possible; Life is like this.


- Andreza, have you ever practiced a “ménage a trois” with any of your

- I think I would only do it if I knew the two other people very well.

- And truth. Inserting a third element into a monogamous relationship can be a

hassle if everything is not well discussed and agreed upon beforehand. I understand
that we associate sex with impulse and surprise, but arriving out of nowhere in the
bedroom with a friend on your boyfriend's birthday is not the safest way. After all, life
is not a romantic or erotic comedy film.

- Melina, another thing, - said Andreza - I read that people have a lot of
preconceived ideas about call girls; there are many misconceptions; Many think that
most call-girls are mentally disturbed and have psychological problems, but they could
be wrong.

- Really, Suh!? Like this?

- I can prove to you that the life of a call girl is not what you imagined. The
majority of escorts do not have mental disorders: everyone has their past and
problems of varying origins. There are people with psychological problems in all
sectors of society. But this problem does not affect most escorts.
- It's true, especially in big cities.

- Yes.

- Andreza, but what about the risks of contracting sexual diseases?

- Yes, there is, but they have to protect themselves. Today's prostitutes are not
dirty women who spread transmissible infections. This idea is outdated, Melina. I have
read and understood that sex workers are not easily seduced into participating in
sexual activities that do not involve protection.

- But call girls have to serve all kinds of people, Suh. And there?

- Myth. Sex workers do not need to accept just anyone as a client. Most escorts
refuse clients based on hygiene standards.

- But I think it's a dangerous and difficult job, which must not be pleasurable
most of the time.

- But it's not true that most call girls hate their jobs. Some say they love what
they do, and many other people can't say that about their jobs. There are ups and
downs in every occupation, like any other job, but many escorts say they wake up
every day excited about my new work opportunities and new experiences they can


Andreza Suellen got it into her head that she was going to move from São Luís
do Maranhão to a bigger, more developed city. She claimed to her parents and sisters
that she needed to do this to renew her mind and aspirations. For her at that point in
her life, there were no longer any conditions to continue living in São Luís. Andreza
thought a lot, talked to her new friends and decided that she would venture into
Fortaleza, the capital of Ceará, which was a larger and more developed city than São
Luís. He also claimed that there he would have better job opportunities and more
options if he wanted to pursue a postgraduate degree in his area of training or even
start a new academic training. André insisted that she not leave, but the brunette was
adamant about her decision. Her father and mother also tried at all costs to convince
their daughter not to move and stay away from the family; however, she claimed that
it would be for a certain period only; a sufficient amount of time to catch up, and then
return; a time necessary to go through the tribulations of your soul and your mind; She
also promised that she would not get seriously involved with any boy so as not to take
root in Fortaleza and change her plans; Finally, she promised to return to São Luís as
soon as possible. Andreza felt that she needed to leave her city environment, learn a
little more about the world and mature as a person. She had always been very
dependent on her family, at least emotionally. She knew that all of this would be a
great challenge - moving away from the support of her family - but she was
determined to carry out this undertaking.

Andreza, before moving to Fortaleza, had a chat alone with André. The two
spoke via Instagram “direct”:

André wrote:

- I was looking at the escort website here and saw an advertisement for your
programs here on the Internet. I recognized you. For the photos you took on the
beach. Look what you wrote: “Escort newly arrived in the city. Crazy to fill you with
pleasure. I know exactly what it takes to take you to the clouds. My program is
delicious and includes tantric massage, vaginal sex with a condom and foreplay with
greedy oral sex. Get out of your routine and come relax with me. I’m ready to make
you cum.” And there are still several photos of you; Only the face doesn't appear well.
What if they recognize you? Have you gone crazy? What if they discover the identity
behind the phone? What if your father and mother find out everything? It's going to be
a terrible mess, a scandal. Don't let that happen. You're going to screw up our plans
and those of your sister. Did you tell Melina that you wanted to put this program ad

- I didn't talk to Melina. And I worry about my mother's opinion. I only care
about my father. He's the only person I care about in this world. No one will find out
that I'm making programs. I'm doing very few.

- You better remove this advertisement from the Internet! The sooner the
better. It's risky for your reputation.

- I won't take it off!!! You don't rule me. Nobody orders what I do.

- It's okay, Andreza. But I think you're taking a big risk. It's just a warning.
Analyze this situation more calmly.

- I need money. Can you help me??

- How much??

- R$ 10 thousand reais.

- I can't help you at the moment.

- So, keep to yourself and leave me alone. Goodbye.

And Andreza withdrew from the online conversation.

Andreza Suellen said goodbye to her parents and family a few days

And the day came for the girl to travel to Fortaleza. The family gathered at
Ester's house. José also attended.

The atmosphere was one of sadness and desolation, but the girl seemed to be
happy with her change.

-Daughter,-her father said initially-I heard that Fortaleza is such a big and
violent city. I'm worried knowing that you're going to live there without any family

- Dad, I'll try to take all precautions. You can leave it... I'm a sensible person.

- Daughter, - your mother began - I'm only letting you go because it's for your
professional advancement and because I know that when you put something in your
head there's no way anyone can take it back. I will miss you very much, because I love

- Oh mom, don't make me cry - retorted the girl. - I will also miss you a lot, your
guidance, your fights with me, your ear tugging. I swear I will. I won't forget you, lady.

- Daughter, always send news. Don't forget us. – Ester continued.

- Daughter, - said José - I will call you every day, even if it is just for you to ask
for my blessing or to ask if everything is ok or if you need anything.

- Daddy, I don't want to bother you every day...

- It won't be any bother, my daughter. I will always be happy to call. You


- Daddy, don't talk like that. Marcela and Melina, my sisters, need you very
much. Don't do it like that, because they think you only think about me and don't care
about them. Pay attention to them. They will both need you more than I will. I promise
I will know how to take care of myself.

- Andreza, - said José - I won't be able to leave you in Fortaleza, but I promise
that I will visit you within two months and I want to know where you are living. If it's a
safe place, if it's comfortable, how is your work...

- Daddy, I don't want to bother you... Only come if you can; do not force the
bar; I don't want you to get hurt because of me.

- Imagine, daughter. No, it doesn't bother me. I'm already planning. I want to
visit you soon. It won't bother me at all.
André was also present and said goodbye to his “sister-in-law”:

- Andreza, I want to wish you a good trip to Fortaleza, and may the time you
spend there be productive and only successful. I hope you achieve your goals. I know
that you are a very determined person and you will achieve this. God protect you too!
We will miss you and you will be greatly missed here. We will be visiting you there at
any time. – and André hugged his sister-in-law.

Next, Ester spoke:

- Melina, Marcela, - continued the mother - and you? What do you have to say
to your sister, who is about to travel?

The youngest replied:

- I want to say that we are very sad about your change, Suh; I hope and wish
you to return as soon as possible; Visit us as soon as possible and we will always be
here rooting for you. We love you.

And the two hugged.

Andreza said:

- We have never been so far apart and for as long as I imagine it will be; I don't
know what it will be like, but I've been preparing myself to go through this challenge
and endure this hardship.

Ester filled her eyes with tears, but managed to say:

- Daughter, there is still time to give up this madness.

- No mother. There is no turning back on my decision. – insisted the brunette. –

It will be important for me as a person and as a professional. I need to become more
independent and grow as a human being. I need to live this experience. I can't stand
living here. Forgive me for speaking like this. I need some time to breathe and I will
come back as long as I feel better.

It was Marcela's turn to say her words and what she felt at that moment.

- Sister, I'm the oldest and what can I tell you at a time like this?! It is difficult! -
and she started to cry, but contained herself and continued:

“Andreza, I wish you a lot of strength; I wish you success in your period in
Fortaleza. And don't forget us. We will be here rooting for you and praying every day
for God to illuminate your life. I know we fight a lot, we disagree, we curse each other,
but it's all lip service. I love you, my sister and we will stay here with open arms,
waiting for you to return. Be sure. Me, my husband and my daughters. Davi spoke to
me today and wished you success. I wish all the best for you. Take care of yourself in
your new city, far from us. Anything, call me, anytime. I'll try to help. Sisters are for
these moments.”

Marcela's husband, David, was away from São Luís, traveling for work, and left

And Marcela gave her middle sister a tight hug.

Then, Andreza hugged her two nieces and with tears in her eyes she said:

- My beautiful nieces, I will take your smile with me! Auntie loves you both very
much. Don't forget Aunt Andreza: call me whenever you want, to say whatever you
want. God bless you. I promise to visit them as soon as I can and I guarantee that one
day I will be back, because this is where I belong.

Everyone was filled with sadness and desolation.

They had dinner together that day. Her stepfather was traveling and called to
wish her a good trip, despite old disagreements with his stepdaughter. That night,
Andreza went to sleep at her father's house, as the next day he would leave her very
early at the bus station so she could travel to Fortaleza. Andreza was going by bus. A
long trip, a total journey of more than 16 hours along the highways that connect the
two cities.

And Andreza went to spend some time outside of São Luís, much to the sadness
of her parents. She temporarily moved to Fortaleza, Ceará. She had never been so far
away from her family. This decision occurred because she did not feel comfortable in
her city. She gave up her hamburger restaurant, she had gotten involved with André
without her sister suspecting, the ghost of her old boyfriend still peered into her mind,
her mother didn't like her company and she couldn't get a good job. Andreza was also
convinced that prostitution would be a good business, despite the fact that the
massage parlor she set up with her sister was not doing well; she was also afraid that
her parents would discover the illicit enterprise that she and Melina had set up.

The truth is that as Andreza was not doing well financially and as getting into a
well-paid job was not at all easy, prostitution definitely entered her plans and she
began to lose her modesty and fears about entering this world. Away from your family
and friends, without their supervision, it would be possible to venture out as a call girl.
She imagined that it would be for a short period and the financial return would be
valid and could help her return to her hometown and set up her own establishment to
explore prostitution.

Yes, she would have her own massage clinic, all her own, and run it her way.
And she would do everything to remain hidden, without appearing, so that no one
would discover, not even Melina or André, that she had such an illegal and profitable
business. She would use “orange people” if necessary and would set up another
business in addition to the massage clinic, this in turn regulated and with a license, to
be able to justify the income earned from illicit activities.

Andreza was planning all of this in her mind. She no longer wanted to share her
business with any relatives. She no longer wanted to have any family-run businesses.
She was sure of that. It was a definitive positioning of her conscience.

After Andreza left, José had a disagreement with Melina and she ended up
moving away from her father. Melina kept pretending that she was going to work, but
in reality she was running the massage parlor. And she remained the cover-up for her

When he was still in São Luís, Andreza Suellen started looking for an apartment
in Fortaleza, and found one with a reasonable rental price, in the Varjota
neighborhood, a well-located neighborhood, and close to noble areas in Fortaleza such
as the Aldeota neighborhood and the beach of Meireles, as well as nearby Praia do
Futuro. Valentina had a friend in Fortaleza who helped the brunette rent the property,
acting as the girl's guarantor and helping with the documentation with the real estate

Andreza had promised her parents that she would look for a job in Fortaleza
soon and try to start a postgraduate course or at least a specialization in her field as
soon as possible. Before leaving, Andreza dissolved her partnership at the massage
parlor and received a sum of money from Melina in her bank account, an amount that
would help her survive the first few months in the capital of Ceará, without her
parents knowing about this money. . For them, Andreza lied that she had some savings
saved in the bank from what she found at the bar and from the time she worked in the
jewelry store at the mall.

Upon arriving in Fortaleza, Andreza was surprised by the grandeur and

development of the city, and liked the neighborhood where she was settling. The
building where she rented her apartment was on Rua Canindé, it was not a new
building and the apartments were simple; the common area did not have a pool or
gym, but the girl soon realized that the location was strategic. Upon arriving in her new
city, Andreza only bought a single bed, a fan, a stove and a small refrigerator, in
addition to the minimum of household items for her new home. The following month
she would buy a small table with four chairs. Despite her loneliness and missing her
family, she initially felt a strong sense of relief and experienced moments of peace. She
woke up early every day and prepared simple meals, and tried to learn how to enjoy
her own company, as all lonely people should do.
Her father called every day around 8 am and her mother called once a week.
The two questioned whether Andreza would like to return and whether she was okay.
They even got emotional during the calls, unable to control their tears the second time
they called. The two always called separately. Melina was fighting with Andreza and
would only call more than 30 days after the brunette's arrival in Ceará. André called
twice and so did Marcela, but with her mother. The brunette thought about placing
her CV(*) and diploma(**) in any company to see what would result, but she was
aware that without a recommendation from someone influential, no company would
hire anyone, unless they already announced that they needed new employees. Public
tenders would also not be in the short term.

The brunette then started searching the Internet for job openings from her
second week in Fortaleza and submitted her CV to about 5 companies that advertised
vacancies that fit her professional profile. She was invited to three job interviews, but
none of them resulted in her being hired. Andreza tried to motivate herself, think
positively and tell herself that she was just starting her new life and would soon get a
good job in that large and economically more developed city. The Covid-19 pandemic
was in its second year, however, and this fact still greatly disrupted the country's
economy and job offers were scarce. In the first and second months in Fortaleza,
Andreza continued to be unable to find work. Her father then informed her that he
(*) Curriculum vitae / (**) Certificate of completion of a higher-level course.

would be traveling to Ceará when the girl was going to complete two months in her
new city. The girl was very apprehensive; She ran to buy a hammock for her father to
sleep in, as well as blankets and a table with four chairs and thought about inventing a
story that she was already working and that she would ask for a five-day break to stay
with her father. And so she did. Her father found it strange that she said she was going
to ask for a week off, a worker who had barely started his job. Andreza claimed,
however, that she was working in a beauty salon and in this job she worked as a
freelancer, without a formal contract for now, but with a proposal to be admitted with
all employment rights within 90 days. She also claimed to her father that she had
become friends with the owner of the salon and she had agreed to leave her for five
days, for a noble cause, that is, to receive a visit from her father.

José then came to Fortaleza and spent seven days. They strolled through
shopping malls and beaches, visiting only the urban beaches. Her father really liked
Fortaleza, he found the climate pleasant and the city quite developed; he also became
calmer after spending a week in the city and not witnessing any acts of violence or
crime; Andreza didn't have a television in his apartment and that helped, because if his
father watched Fortaleza's police programs, shown during the middle of the day,
without censorship, without cuts and with all the sensationalism of Tupiniquim
journalism, the impression that Fortaleza would give him would be that this was the
world capital of crime, although we know that during this period the city actually had
high crime rates. Andreza even followed a sensationalist channel called Fortaleza
Ordinária on her Instagram, but she never let her father notice it on her cell phone.
The girl would not want to leave her father worried about her safety in Fortaleza. Her
father asked her about violence and crime in the capital of Ceará and Andreza replied
that she lived in a safe neighborhood and had not witnessed any adverse events yet,
living in peace at that address. The brunette also declared to her father that she
believed from what she already understood that the crime rates in São Luís and
Fortaleza would be similar. She said this to try to calm her father down.

José asked if Andreza had already had any crushes or if he had already made
friends in that place.

Andreza replied that she did not intend to date any man in Fortaleza and that
until then she only had colleagues at work, but no friendships, for now. Andreza also
didn't know her neighbors, as she didn't want people to start investigating her life. He
claimed to his father that he did not meet the other residents of the building when he
arrived or left and that during his free time he was always taking care of the
apartment, preparing his meals, calling his family, resting or studying as he was waiting
for public exams, preferably in your state, or federal competitions, as you could later
request a transfer to your home state. The brunette also reported to her father about
the CVs he had submitted looking for work and that he was still waiting for interviews
to try to get jobs. Andreza lied to her father so as not to worry him too much and so
that he wouldn't pressure her to return to São Luís early. Her father met two neighbors
and they struck up a quick friendship, but Andreza continued not to get close to the
other residents of the building. José also wanted to visit Andreza's supposed place of
work, but she created obstacles for this visit, so that her father would not discover the
truth. The girl also deceived her father by saying that she was already looking for a
postgraduate degree in accounting that fit into her budget and had verified that
registration for this postgraduate course would start within three months. José was
very happy with this information and thanked God for the opportunities that his
daughter already saw in Fortaleza. Andreza pretended that everything was going well
in his new city.

José asked Andreza:

- Daughter, although I see that you are fine here in your new home, are you
sure you don't want to return to São Luís? We are missing you so much!

- No, daddy. I can't go back on my decisions all the time! I can't weaken. Does
Mom miss me? Does she talk to you about me?

- Yes, your mother lives with her head down.

- I doubt.

- True, daughter. The other day she called me crying, talking about how much
she missed you. And she said she couldn't come now: Genésio, her companion, travels
a lot; you know, he's a truck driver; and she can't change so many shifts or pay other
people to stay for her easily.

- Mom, and your priorities! Always putting myself in the background! – Andreza
retorted, a little upset.

- Don't talk about your mother like that, daughter. Your mother earns little,
dear. But she wants to visit you soon. And she has a husband to take care of on top of
her job. In addition to the granddaughters who go to her house and the dog.

- I know, she has to pay attention to her husband. But my little dog doesn't get
in the way at all; he is a sweetheart. My nieces don't give my mother much trouble

- Do you know who also sent their regards and asked for you?

- Who? The grandmother? – asked the brunette, with emotion.

- Yes, mom, your grandma Luiza. She said she misses you so much and wanted
you to call her one day. She is already a little deaf, but she can still talk on the phone
and I would like to hear her voice.

-Oh! My grandma, I miss you so much too! Let's see each other soon, with
God's grace! - replied Andreza, as if she were speaking directly to her paternal

- I will pass on your words to your grandmother Luiza as soon as I return to São
Luís. She will be satisfied, but she will charge me for her call later. Don't forget your

- And my sisters? And my nieces? What do they say?

- They don't call you? - asked José, startled.

- They call every week. Melina didn't call me for over a month, but we started
talking again, and on two occasions we exchanged conversations lasting 15 days. But I
wanted to hear from you how they are without me.

- Why did Melina not talk to you all this time?

- Angry at me; her tantrums. But I don't want to give details. We've already
made peace, that's what matters.
- Daughter, when I see them, it seems that their lives are at the same pace and
in the same way as before. They don't show longing easily.

- How annoying! So they already forgot me! I was worth nothing or almost
nothing to them! I already suspected...

- Not talk like that. Melina is studying hard for exams and dreaming of getting
married, but the fact that she doesn't have a job bothers her; I understand that.

Melina had left the call center and then found another job, but she was only
employed for a short time and due to the pandemic and her absence from work, she
was fired. Her father even got upset with her because of the way Melina didn't value
her service.

- I know, I understand, father - Andreza replied, pretending.

- And as for Marcela, she takes the Nursing course with great difficulty, with
two daughters to raise; their father barely helps, he pays very little child support; her
current husband lives working in other cities and is often away. There are times when I
see her cross the biggest hurdle and she is a warrior; Her mother helps with the girls,
but she works, does shifts and arrives tired. Marcela's father-in-law and mother-in-law
live in another city and cannot help. Marcela told me the other day that she feels very
sad because you abandoned us and your nieces too; She said that you should now be
helping with the education of your nieces and helping her and her mother in raising
the girls. And they are attached to you, especially the youngest one. And the oldest is
becoming a teenager and would need an aunt to talk to and ask for guidance and she,
Marcela, believed it would be you, but, however, you are no longer present among
them. Marcela asked you to always call your nieces.

Andreza at this moment had some tears in her eyes, but she didn't cry and

- Tell her she can leave it with me. I will always call my nieces. And I won't
forget her and Melina either.

- Thank you, daughter. God bless you! I wish you to be happy here in Fortaleza
and that Our Lord decides your destiny!

- I appreciate, Dad, your intentions for me. I pray to God every day for our
family. And you, Dad, are you still working at the steakhouse?

José, after closing the meat processing plant he had with Vanusa, had gotten
a job at an intercity bus company. However, he left that job and was hired to work at a
steakhouse near Calhau beach, but, due to the pandemic, the aforementioned
restaurant specializing in meat ended up closing its doors and that man became
unemployed again.

- Daughter, the steakhouse closed.

- What a shame, daddy.

- Yes; but I put a point at the São Cristóvão fair and I'm thinking about setting
up a tourism agency with Angélica for short trips; just for fun on weekends or holidays
and to earn extra money for expenses. We both love short trips for pleasure.

- That's good, my father.

- Then God be praised. Good night daughter. I'm going to sleep in my hammock.

- Good night, daddy. I have blankets if you feel cold in the morning. I'll leave it
in your room now.

- I find it difficult to feel cold here, and I think I will sleep with the window
slightly open to allow natural ventilation; but if I feel cold later, your blanket will be

After an initial period of relief and rest, and peace, as she herself said, the first
concerns would appear in Andreza's head. She was aware that she had little money in
her bank account and needed to start earning some money, with some work, to
continue supporting herself and paying her bills in that place. She started to imagine
what she could work on, but she knew that most jobs pay poorly, paying 1 to 2 salaries
per month, and she wouldn't want to be paid so little. Her plans were to save a little
money, perhaps invest a little each month in some investment or private pension, and
when she returned to São Luís do Maranhão she would be financially prepared to set
up her own business, and her first option was to establish another clinic. of massage
therapy, which in turn is yours alone. So, she came to the conclusion that a
conventional, low-paying job would not help her reach her goals. This was the first
dilemma of his season in Fortaleza.

After staying eight days in Fortaleza, her father returned to his city, with
Andreza refusing all appeals to return with him.

Andreza thus returned to his same routine as before, a somewhat tedious one.
It then happened that she went to Google Maps, for information purposes, to find
everything that was most relevant in the vicinity of her home and that was when she
came across something that she had not yet noticed on the streets of that
neighborhood: it was a health clinic. massages, which operated about 4 blocks from his
condominium. Andreza explored the photos and the interior of the place, which
seemed quite organized and tasteful, with beautiful masseuses, all well dressed,
without appearing sexual or vulgar at all. The clinic was well attended and had many
positive reviews and praise on Google. The girl therefore had the idea of going to see
the place and find out if there would be the possibility of hiring new masseuses there;
However, there was the problem of her lack of experience, as, in fact, Suellen did not
have the practical experience to perform massages without or with sex. However, she
remembered her first experience at her sister's massage parlor, which was pleasant
and this motivated her to go and ask for a job at this massage clinic near her current
home. The proximity also pleased her, as she could walk there and back, as long as it
was at busy times on the street, such as in the mornings and afternoons, and also
because Andreza didn't like using public transport at all.

The next day, Andreza took courage, got ready, put on some high-heeled shoes,
chose her best handbag, applied very light makeup and left the house in the morning,
around 9:30 am. , towards the massage clinic.

When she got there, she said good morning, she was asked to say her name
and chatted a little with the attendant, a friendly young woman who gave her the
name Thaís. After a relaxed conversation that lasted about 5 minutes, the brunette
asked if they were hiring masseurs and who would be the person responsible for her to
deal with about this. Thais replied:

(Andreza gave her the name Bruna).

- Bruna, we're not exactly hiring anyone at the moment, but I thought you were
a very interesting person who might have the profile to fit in with us.

- Thank you - thanked the brunette.

- Our “manager” is Miss Carmen and I will take you to her. Few people have this
privilege of meeting me and allowing me to talk to my boss on the same day, but I
thought you were a special person. Please don't disappoint me - and Thais smiled

- It can leave. I won't be inconvenient. And I’m trustworthy – Suellen assured

the clinic attendant.

And the employee led her to the manager Carmen, passing through a pivoted
false door, behind a landscape painting fixed to what would be a wall, but wasn't.

She introduced Bruna to Carmen and left them alone.

The house manager was a girl around 30 years old, with white skin and light
brown hair, with some highlights, and no promise ring on her fingers. She was wearing
an elegant light brown blazer and underneath an almost beige button-down blouse
and a long knee-length skirt, dark brown, close to her body, showing good shape. She
wore almost transparent pantyhose and tasteful high-heeled shoes. In her office, the
manager had a computer with two monitors and on one of them the images from 16
security cameras, some cabinets with keys and Andreza noticed what would be a panic
button to be activated in an emergency situation in front of where the manager stood.
she was sitting, more precisely at her computer bench. Carmen praised Andreza's
friendliness and beauty and told her a little about her story. She said she started as a
masseuse, but had been invited by a former client to manage the business he was
opening, but she had not maintained any emotional relationship with him since then,
but only a professional one. Carmen seemed to be truthful in her statements and
heard a request from Andreza to work.

Carmen asked Andreza:

- And do you already have previous experience as a masseur?

Andreza then lied:

- Yes, I had an experience of almost 6 months in São Luís do Maranhão. I'm


- What massages do you know how to do? - continued asking the manager.

- Tantric and Nuru – replied the brunette.

- Very good.

And Andreza also said, to try to get the job:

- I do these massages well...but I'm...

Carmen interrupted her:

- With and without sex? - Carmen asked in surprise, to test Suellen. But she
replied vigorously:

- Yes.

- Okay - said Carmen, as if convinced.

And Andreza continued:

- But as I said: I'm here willing to learn more things, because I want to succeed
in life and this service really attracts me. I would like this position. Give me this chance!
Andreza was firm in her statements and ended up gaining Carmen's trust, who
gave her more details about the operation of the house and values and they agreed
with “Bruna“ to start the next day.

Andreza left feeling huge butterflies in her stomach, but she didn't want to give
up and promised herself that the next day she would be at the massage clinic, as
agreed with the manager.

The next day, Suellen showed up at the massage parlor. A girl named “Hellen“
was in charge of guiding the brunette and “reviewing” everything about the massages
with her so that Andreza could start serving her first clients the next day.

Andreza confessed to her tutor that she had never had sexual massages, but
claimed to know and perform tantric, nuru and lingam massages. Hellen was very
patient with Andreza and gave her trust.

- Hellen, I really want this job – Suellen pleaded. - And I need your help. I want
to learn everything possible and I'm open to that. I will do whatever is necessary. I just
ask that you be patient with me.

- I think you're beautiful. It has everything to do well. Unless you're shy. You

- No.

Andreza had given her the name Bruna and only the manager knew her
real name.

- Bruna, I need to ask you: are you sure you are willing to have massages with
sex? – Hellen asked, looking Andreza in the eyes.

Andreza paused for 5 seconds in silence to reflect and replied:

- Yes. I have decided.

- That's fine. I need you to feel good and be here happy and of your own free
will. If you're going to work just out of financial necessity, give up here.

- No, Helen. I'm sure it's what I want.

That day Hellen, whose real name was Larissa, asked Andreza to help her with
her massages with clients, but without actively participating, as the next day Andreza
and Larissa would do the service together, so the brunette could get used to it. The
purpose was for the new masseuse to start providing services alone in a week or at
most two.
A friendship was born between the two and within two weeks Hellen invited
Bruna to go out at night. They went to dinner together with two of Hellen's friends,
who Andreza discovered were call girls.

Hellen revealed to Andreza that she was from another city and had come to
Fortaleza 3 years ago, having worked as a masseuse and as a luxury escort for two
years. She was not in a serious relationship nor did she have children. She lived alone
and the rest of her family remained in her hometown, the name of which she
preferred not to reveal.

Andreza and Hellen then told their real names and Hellen declared that the
brunette from Maranhão had every way to succeed as an escort. These compliments
were quite an incentive for Suellen to enter the world of prostitution once and for all.

Larissa said she was happy with what she did, and she had already managed to
save some money, intending to abandon prostitution in the medium term and set up a
business for a living.

At the massage parlor Larissa was a great teacher for Andreza and she quickly
lost her modesty and fears about giving massages with sex. Over the course of two
weeks, the two received collective care and in the third week, Andreza ventured into
her first massages alone.

Andreza thus began to earn her first dividends in Fortaleza and this reassured
her in a certain way.

From time to time, he would still ask for his friend's help with treatments and
quickly became an expert in massages without or with sex. The money earned at the
end of each day justified the brunette's effort and dedication and she confirmed that it
was an advantageous and relatively profitable job for her and her boss, whom she, in
fact, did not yet know. All clients were treated with condoms and the masseuses
worked with a strip on their face at eye level and the massage rooms had low lighting
to make the environment more cozy and the identity of the masseuses to be

Andreza, over the weeks, learned various types of erotic massages as well as
becoming experienced in serving several different types of clients, with all their

At times Andreza was questioned by her conscience as to whether or not she

was on the right path in her life, but the possibility of financial improvement and being
able to achieve her plans in the future gave her the courage to continue working as a
masseur. Furthermore, all of this was a learning experience for her.
After 2 months working at the massage clinic, Larissa asked if Andreza would
like to earn more money and she invited her colleague to work with clients outside the
massage clinic.

- Bruna, these are customers who pay us extra – Larissa claimed. - Some I met
at the massage clinic, others are foreign tourists or from other states, and I also have
loyal customers for almost 2 years. Some asked me for a threesome, that is, menage,
but I didn't trust anyone and now you appeared. So, are you willing to do these
services with me? They will be very discreet and clients pay better than in the massage
parlor. Everything is safe, using condoms and preserving our identity. You come with
me ?

Andreza replied that she would think carefully, giving an answer within two
days. At the end of this period, the brunette sent a message to her friend saying that
she accepted the proposal and they soon started the collective service. Larissa
promised that there would be a maximum of 3 appointments per week, as the two
were already quite tired from working at the massage clinic, where they sometimes
worked even on Saturday mornings and had Sundays off and a shift during the week or

Saturday afternoons and Sundays were always free from the massage parlor.

Hellen and Bruna became friends and started going out together. They went
to dinner and there the brunette met another brunette called Wanessa, who was also
a call girl. Andreza would also become friends with Wanessa.

Andreza revealed to Larissa how she learned to enjoy anal sex two days later.

In between two massages, the brunette and Larissa talked.

- The first time I had anal sex I was nervous and scared, - said the woman from
Maranhão - but then my boyfriend was affectionate and patient, and he inserted his
cock very slowly and with my ass well lubricated with gel; After I got used to it, I even
became addicted. I know that some girls even like anal penetration more than vaginal

- The first time I gave my ass was a disaster. – Larissa confessed. - The guy,
besides having a horse's dick, was very rough with me. My anus hurt that day, it bled, I
had a bowel movement on his dick and I was left with trauma from anal sex for years.
Until I met a boyfriend, very patient and affectionate like yours, who little by little
convinced me to give him my ass. I gradually got used to it, my ass got bigger and
today I'm also fond of giving my ass; If I don't give my ass when I have sex with a guy I
like, I don't feel good and sometimes I don't even cum.

- Woman, I went crazy when he ran his tongue up my ass... That was like asking
me: let me fuck you. And I let... – continued the brunette.

- True, it works for me too – replied his partner. - I had tried several times and I
couldn't do it, I couldn't do it at all, until one day my boy put me on all fours and
started sucking my pussy and then my fragrant ass. He stuck his tongue inside, I started
to moan, I felt like giving it to him and I had to say: “I know you really want it, can you
put a little in my ass”.

- And it's simple, my friend: at first, during your first anal sex, it's best to stay in
the side position first; you have to suck my ass well until he gets goose bumps, then he
starts winking, asking for cum; Then just lubricate it with gel and slowly apply it; All the
guys who fucked my ass loved it and the best thing is when they cum inside us to feed
their asshole and the feeling of warm sperm inside us is incredible – commented the
girl from Maranhão.

- True, I also discovered that the secret to not feeling too much pain is to do it
sideways and take it easy, and roll on his dick as it goes in faster; Today, I love giving
my ass, and I feel very horny – revealed Larissa.

- I have several virgin colleagues in the pepeca, and they only give their asses to
their boyfriends, so as not to get pregnant and to remain “untouched”, waiting for
their husband, I think – and Andreza let out a naughty laugh. - The important thing is
that to have anal sex you need to have trust in the man and he needs to win you over.
The ass is a trophy, and it's for a few guys who deserve it. He needs to be good: insert
it slowly, nice and after the ass relaxes and dilates a little, then he can punch. You
cannot have anal sex with all men. With some it's impossible... Most people can't
handle it. But once you become addicted, you will almost certainly enjoy anal sex. It's
like that with me.

At that moment the room's extension rang and the attendant announced
that the two had a customer to attend to.

Andreza gained courage and started doing programs alone, and outside the
massage therapy clinic a few weeks later. She made a brief ad on an escort website
and made an appointment with a client at the motel. It was this client's first time with
The name he gave was Joshua.

He went ahead and when he was on his way he called her to meet him. The
brunette arrived about 15 minutes after him and upon entering the room Josué said:

- Morena, I was already worried, thinking you weren't coming anymore.

- Sorry, my dear, for being late - Andreza apologized. - Just let me take a
shower, so I can smell fresh - asked the girl.

- Of course, you can take a shower. I'm clean; I took a shower before leaving
the house. Let me ask you something.

- He can talk...

- Can I watch you take a shower?

- I'd rather not. Don't get me wrong - asked Andreza. -I'm a little shy-she

Joshua made a face of someone who is a little displeased, but he responded.

- All good.

That man appeared to be between 40 and 45 years old, had slightly dark
skin and was in good physical condition, with a good height as well.

Andreza came back from the bathroom in a towel, but was already wearing
lingerie underneath. Returning to the room, she took off her towel, leaving her curves
on display.

The client at this moment paid a compliment to please his companion of the

- You are beautiful, beautiful body, congratulations! It also fucks well...? The
man joked.

- You will say later - replied the call girl.

She then sat on a corner of the bed and he started kissing her neck, making
her a little excited.

Josué then slowly undressed her: first he removed her bra and then her

He then asked her to perform oral sex on him and she did so, with a
condom, as she used to do with new and unknown clients. Then, he performed some
oral sex on her and then they had vaginal penetration, all with a condom. After about
30 minutes and after several sexual positions, Josué reached orgasm.

They then sat next to each other, close to the head of the bed, and he

- When I saw you in lingerie I thought your body was perfect, but forgive me for
talking about how you have stretch marks on your breasts and butt and how you have
cellulite! And your breasts are also a little saggy. So young and even thin girl. When we
see your photos on the Internet, we don't even imagine this. Did you use any
application to manipulate the images, such as Photoshop? Her breasts looked bigger in
the photos too...

Andreza had already used photos of other escorts, taken from the internet,
to advertise her programs, but she frowned a little and wanted to give a harsh answer,
but preferred to just say:

- No, I didn't use it.

His customer insisted, however:

- Well, it doesn't seem like it. But in general, you are beautiful and your sex is
good. It was worth the money. I'll even think about repeating the program with you.

Andreza replied, still a little upset:

- All good.

However, she actually wouldn't like to meet that man anymore.

Joshua further said:

- Call girls give us a lot of blows. They publish fake photos that are not theirs
and use programs like Photoshop to deceive their customers.

- I swear I never did that – Andreza reiterated.

Then the man paid her. The brunette thanked him and asked to leave quickly;
She also didn't accept the ride he offered her.

She said she was in a hurry and left.

Josué waited in the room to pay the motel bill.

Andreza left with hatred for that client.

Two days later she met Wanessa and commented on this last client.
“Wanessa, I made an appointment with a terrible client, the guy was a slob, a
rotten guy.” And Andreza continued:

- He snubbed me; He insinuated that my program was “good” and even teased
my body. He said I have cellulite, stretch marks and small, saggy breasts. He had
nothing to notice, right? Does his wife have the perfect body, without any moles on
her skin? If she doesn't have cellulite or stretch marks, and if she's perfect, why does
he look for call girls? Rascal!

- Some men are like that. Don't bother, no. They only know how to criticize and
see defects; There are few who know how to praise the qualities of us women.

- He started by praising me, so I wouldn't give up on the program, but in the

end he destroyed me. What a slutty face! I will no longer accept any program offers
from him! It's dispatched! I'm going to block him on my WhatsApp! Wanting to lower
my self-esteem, just seeing my flaws: I'm out of the lives of men like that, even if
they're just clients. I'm sorry, I don't even know why I told you all this.

- It’s good for us to share our experiences and exchange ideas – her friend
reiterated. “We learned a lot from coexistence and the cases experienced by
professional colleagues”- she concluded.

Wanessa continued speaking:

- Suh, there's going to be a cool deal for us. A rich, Italian man, who is a friend
of Larissa, will come to Brazil and stay in a very large house with a rented swimming
pool on Cumbuco beach. We are going to spend 3 days there with him. And he pays for
our daily rates, our weekends. Larissa is the one who fixes up the mansion for him. She
goes after everything, rents the house, buys food and drinks and he pays.

- And there will only be men there? - asked the brunette.

- I am not sure; I think so. He trusts Larissa a lot. He gives her his credit card
with the password and even a blank signed check, without the value, according to her
own account. And the old one is a bit broken. He gives her gifts, clothes, shoes and
other things. It seems he is a widower and his children are successful back in Europe.
He is steady and not at all miserable.

- Have you seen him? What's he like? - Andreza Suellen wanted to know.

- Lean, even handsome crown. Gray hair, charming, polite. Height around 1.80;
green eyes. Kind. It is close to 60 years old, but is very well maintained. It looks like he
exercises. Are you watching him, pet? Are you interested in the Italian crown?
- No, not that. I know he has an affair with Larissa. And she is my friend. I was
just curious and wanted to know more about him. And Wanessa, I have a question: are
we also going to be with him, do we have to have sex with the foreigner?

- No, I hope not. Larissa told me that he doesn't like orgies. She just wants our
company to keep the house lively, with parties, barbecues, drinks. The Italian is lively
and likes to party. He may bring a friend, but he himself is alone with Larissa. He has a
room just for them. She hires a barbecue chef to prepare the food and a barista friend
of hers to make the drinks and cocktails. Italians love revelry. Larissa says he's the one
who asked her to call some friends. She should call us and a couple more.

- Then Wanessa, I don't think I'll go. Many girls are already there, and I don't
even know these other two.

- But I know who they are. They are nice and very discreet girls. You will
become their colleague. Come with us. It'll be fun. You will love getting to know Italian.
His name is Luigi. You won't be disappointed, it will be very good, you'll see. Come with
us – Wanessa insisted.

In fact, Andreza accompanied them to the luxury house rented for the
Italian to spend his vacation in Cumbuco.

Larissa also invited two friends: Monique and Juhliana. Andreza ended
up making friends with the latter, as he realized he had affinities with her.

The foreigner brought a German friend and invited a Brazilian friend to the
beach house for the weekend.

The girls spent the weekend riding a buggy with them in the Cumbuco dunes,
drinking beer and drinks and eating Brazilian barbecue. There was also a lot of dancing
and games. The foreigners asked to learn how to dance forró. Monique and Larissa
offered to be the dance teachers. The party-goers enjoyed the weekend at the beach
house and taking buggy rides through the Cumbuco dunes.

Larissa stayed with Luigi.

Andreza and Wanessa hooked up with the German guy (his name was
Wolfgang) and had sex with him, but he spent more time drunk than sober.

The girls also danced funk and played striptease, taking off one piece of
clothing at a time, all sitting in a circle and spinning a dry whiskey bottle in the center.
Andreza at first didn't want to participate in the game, but in the end she ended up
accepting, and also joined the circle. Anyone who pointed to the mouth of the bottle
after each spin would have to take a shot of whiskey and take off an item of clothing.
Everyone was very drunk on Saturday night and on Sunday they slept until almost
noon, but only left on Monday morning. Each girl received R$2,000 for the weekend.

Andreza made friends with a call girl called Juliana, known as Juh, and also met
Samuel, who was a recruiter of women eager to meet single foreigners or willing to
venture out doing programs for a while outside of Brazil, especially in Europe.

After talking a little, Samuel commented that he had already taken some girls
to work outside Brazil.

- In which countries do you have a channel, Sam? - asked Wanessa.

- Spain, Holland, Italy and England.

- But is it really a safe business for girls? - asked Juliana.

- Yes, my schemes are safe. I guarantee. There are no scams for girls. It's even
been agreed to stay for 4 months and then they come back and I take another 2.
There's no risk of slave labor where we're going. They are serious clubs, well attended
and you leave here knowing the average amount you will receive and what you will
spend in euros. There we guarantee accommodation and breakfast. The house does
not charge you a commission per customer served; charge only them. Your amount
per transaction is agreed in advance. Larissa has been 3 times and liked it. She made
some cool money.

- And how much profit would we make per month? - Andreza wanted to know.

- Around 2,500 euros/month net, at least. It could be a lot more if the girl does
well. Larissa received a net amount of 3,500 euros in one month.

- What about return tickets?

- We bank. But once you get there you can only give up within 15 days.
Otherwise, after this deadline, you will have to work to pay your way back. The
exceptions are deaths of first-degree relatives here in Brazil or if you contract a serious
illness and want to return to our country.

Andreza was very thoughtful. The proposal was attractive, but the conditions
were very serious.

- Is there any written agreement between the clubs and the girls who go there
from Brazil? - asked Juh.

- Unfortunately not, but you have my word. I've taken several girls, and Larissa
knows some of them. You can ask them. She never gave a damn. I'm a serious agent. I
have been working in this area for 5 years. My business has always been successful. I
travel to Europe every 4/4 months. I have a degree in Tourism and I pretend that I
travel for work, to visit friends, participate in events, etc. And I always return to Brazil
within 4 months to avoid creating problems with the immigration department of each

- I confess that I was tempted - declared Wanessa. - And Europe is so beautiful

in photos and films. I dream of meeting you.

- Is the cost of living there high? - asked Juh.

- I think housing is more expensive. But we guarantee accommodation for you

with water and electricity. But you must wash your bedding, towels and clothing. But
there are washing machines and dryers on site, as well as an iron to iron your clothes.
You also have to clean your room and prepare your food. The accommodation has a
small kitchenette, with a cooktop, electric oven and microwave. The two Brazilians
have to share a room. The bed is a bunk bed. Depending on the location, the
accommodation has 12 to 16 girls living. But I guarantee that Brazilian women stay
together in the same room. As you spend the night at the club we offer a simple
breakfast of coffee with milk or hot chocolate, croissant or toast with jam or butter,
yogurt and seasonal fruit before you leave the club for your accommodation in the

- What about the working day? - Andreza wanted to know.

- Enter the nightclub at 4pm or 6pm depending on the city and go until 0am or
2am, respectively. You have a break every 7 days. On your birthday you are also free.

- At least that much - commented Wanessa. - “A place where they don’t forget
our anniversary.”

Samuel turned to Andreza and questioned her:

- And you, pretty brunette? What did you think of my proposal? Would you
come with me and another colleague of yours to Europe? I can start preparing your
documentation. I pay the necessary expenses. Do you want to come with me? I'm
traveling to Spain in 60 days. A beautiful and seductive country. They love Brazilian
women, Spanish men.

Andreza took a little breath. She thought of a response and said:

- I don't feel prepared yet for an undertaking like this. It would be a very big
challenge for me. Never leaves Brazil. I recently started working as an escort. I'm still
very inexperienced, and even insecure. I also don't know how men out there behave
and what their expectations are of us. I confess that I have many doubts and fears. I
might want to come back at any time and be unpleasant to myself and to you,
including you, Sam. I don't want to disturb your work with them out there and tarnish
your reputation. For all these reasons, I believe that this proposal is not suitable for me
yet. Who knows, maybe I can accept it later?!

- What a shame, Bruna. That's your nom de guerre, isn't it? But above all, I
enjoyed meeting you. We can be colleagues. I also have my influences here in
Fortaleza and I will be at your disposal.

- Thanks.

And in fact, Andreza exchanged phone numbers with Samuel and later also
gave him her Instagram account. And they became friends.



Juhliana, Wanessa, Andreza and Monique told erotic stories.

The first young woman told the following narrative:

“I was returning home alone at night, after a show on the seafront in

Fortaleza, when I was robbed. A guy took my bag. When I arrived at my house, I
realized that he had taken my identity document and my confirmation card for the test
of a competition that I would take the afternoon of the following day. I was so angry
that I left the house again to see if the bad guy hadn't thrown my bag into the gutter.
Halfway there, a fancy imported car stopped next to me, close to the curb. He was a
very cute boy, and he asked what I was doing on the street at that time – it was around
one o'clock in the morning. I explained what had happened and he replied: ‘Come in,
let’s look’. I was unsure at the time whether to get into his car, but I finally agreed. I
was crying with rage, thinking that I would still have to file a police report before the
test, which would take place on the same day. I remember we talked about the
neighborhood and the absence of police, about the alternative rock concert I had gone
to that night and about the competition I was taking exams for. I didn't mention my
name or ask for his, and he offered to take me home, after about 20 minutes of
searching without success. When he stopped the car in front of my gate, he asked for a
hug, I gave it and he kissed me – naughty, he stole a kiss from me. I reciprocated,
because my night was really shit and I deserved to kiss. We continued in the car, I sat
on his lap and we made out a little. He was excited and, for all that early morning
adrenaline, I was too. I took off my shorts, he put on the condom and I went back onto
his lap. I was riding his penis, spread across the boy's thighs. It was quick, the street
was deserted and silent, but it was sensational. After sex, we laughed about the
situation together. I went into the house and never saw him again. I couldn’t take the
test that day, but at least I got laid.”
Monique told her story to everyone:

“It was a Friday and I had gotten off work, and I needed to relax and unload
my stress from the week. I went to drink beer with a colleague, Sara, in a very cool
little bar, at a gas station, close to a convenience store. We were leaning against the
counter when this man came in – a cat, wearing a really cute helmet! He placed his
helmet on the same bench and I, who always liked and understood motorcycles,
praised his accessory, which was personalized. I asked him to sit with us, as he was
receptive, but as soon as we started talking, my mother called me, asking me to come
home quickly – and I had her car. I had to go and left them both there, the boy and my
friend. As soon as I got home, Sara called me, saying she would pick me up and he was
following her car to my house. They arrived at the gate and my colleague went to buy a
snack on the corner, to leave us alone (I believe she did it on purpose) and she left the
car key with us. We started kissing and making out. We were only interrupted by
herself, who came back and told us to go to the motel. She released the car, we left
her at home and I went without even thinking twice. We spent the night there and it
was great. He was handsome, friendly and good in bed. I returned home at eight in the
morning after a night of delicious sex, without any kind of charges or expectations for
later. I would do it all again, exactly the same. It was so worth it.”

Wanessa related a story of casual sex:

“I was on a cruise with some friends and every day a 'very hot' valet came to
clean our room. I looked at him with malice, but it was a very complicated situation,
not only because he was in a room with his friends, but also because crew members
can't get involved with passengers. We could exchange glances and we did that, but
that's it for now. The last day of the trip on the ship arrived; My little friend and I
emptied the room and went to the vessel's hall to wait for disembarkation. I couldn't
stop thinking about the handsome, wonderful, horny valet. He slapped me and I
thought I had forgotten something in the room and went back there. I arrived just as
he was packing up the cabin. I said, lying: 'Oh, I think I forgot my cell phone charger
here, I just don't know exactly where' and pretended I was looking for it. He let out a
laugh and started looking for the “lost” item with me. A few minutes later I said ‘I think
I really lost it, it could have been in another corner of the ship’. By then, we were
already very close to each other, and there was that tension; From then on I had no
doubts: I pushed him into the cabin's bathroom and locked the door. He didn't expect
me to attack him, but their intention was very obvious. We stayed there and had sex: I
was on top of him, who was sitting on the toilet. It was a quick sex, I didn't even come,
but it was worth the adventure. I was dying to have sex with him and I would have
regretted it if I hadn't done it. We finished fucking and I went back to the ship's hall as
if nothing had happened, but I continued to pretend to be very upset about not having
found that porter.”...
Andreza then “invented” an erotic story.

He reported it to the Italian foreign guests:

“I met a guy at my graduation costume party. By pure coincidence I was

dressed as Pebbles and he was dressed as Fred Flintstone and he spent the party
eating me with his eyes. After exchanging looks, we approached and started talking.
His name was Guilherme Mafra and he lived in Brasília. He was friends with a
graduate's cousin and didn't even know the name of his friend's relative. He was a
handsome, masculine boy and had a beautiful tattoo on his arm. Several people
started to leave and we were left alone sitting on the floor for a moment. My family
had already left, as I told him I was going to the bathroom and made an excuse for my
sister who was at the dance. I asked her to leave with her boyfriend, as I needed to
resolve some things with my colleagues after the costume ball was over. He
(Guilherme) was so tired that he took off his shoes. Soon I started massaging his feet,
looking like masturbation. It felt like we had known each other for longer. He started
rolling his eyes as I slid my fingers between his toes. Then he started saying: I'm getting
a hard-on, don't do this to me! At that point I stopped, went close to his ear and said:
I'm going to make you cum just with this massage! He went crazy, and told me in my
ear that his dick started to drool and that stain appeared on his costume shorts. Some
people started arriving in the room and sitting close to us. I started talking to them and
soon stopped the massage; I stopped just to lose track a little.

“Then I whispered in his ear, we left the room and went to a place behind and
there was no one around. I loved Gui's fantasy: she was super practical for giving a
great blowjob; like I said, he was wearing Fred Flintstone, and that costume “dress”
was super easy to lift and I could suck his delicious dick. We then enjoyed the rest of
the party; He had already drunk them all and I was just drinking him. It was around 2
am: he said he was going to sleep, he was tired and I left there with him. We went to
the hotel where he stayed. Arriving in the room, he locked the door and gave me a
kiss. Think about a nice kiss he gave me; he sucked my mouth with gusto; He moaned
and said: I was dying to kiss that full mouth. I was completely surrendered to him, I
lifted his costume and fell in his mouth again. His dick was already drooling, that honey
was delicious. I sucked the shaft of the penis, putting it all in my mouth. He soon threw
me on the bed, put me on all fours and stuck his tongue in my pussy from behind.
What a soft tongue! He sucked me with a mad desire and stuck the tip of his tongue in
without mercy! I moaned with pleasure! He spent about 10 minutes just fucking me
with his tongue and asked for the condom, lubricated his dick and put it all in at once,
fucking me on all fours. I buried my head sideways on the bed. What a delicious fuck!
The excitement was felt far away; He thrust hard, mercilessly and slapped me on the
ass, saying dirty things. I moaned softly. I then lay down on my back. He lay on top of
me, started kissing me affectionately and said: I want you all to myself tonight! He
then fucked me from above, squeezing my neck, almost choking me. Then I got on top
of him, riding that huge penis. And he ended up cumming. I was crazy and this time I
wanted to drink the nectar straight from his dick, but I couldn't. Then he sucked my
pussy until I came and I remained on my knees on the floor on top of a pillow sucking
his dick and looking into his eyes until he came once again. A delight to have sex with.

“I told him it was great, but that I didn’t want anything more than that
night. “I don’t want to mix things up, it was just fun after the party” – I said. I told him
my name was Priscila and left the hotel in an Uber, dead tired. When I got home I still
had a siririca before going to sleep. And I never met that boy again, luckily for me. He
could lead me astray. Hahahaha".

After Andreza related this erotic tale, Monique commented to everyone


- Wow, your story was the best, “Bruna”; it is a report that appears to be
authentic, that it actually occurred. It's a story with a lot of details, for example, and
you told it in such a realistic way... I was convinced it was true...

The brunette from São Luis replied:

- Did you really think so, colleague?

Afterwards, they had fun with the comments about those spicy stories
and went to eat. It was already past 9pm.

Wanessa and “Bruna” later spoke alone.

Wanessa gave Andreza some tricks on how to seduce her clients and win them
over. She said:

- Bruna, friend: if you're the type who thinks that saying "I love you" in bed is
the epitome of seduction, you're on the wrong path. “If the idea is to drive the guy
crazy, better declare your love for his virile performance and powerful member”, I
assure you.

“There is no point in being restrained in showing pleasure. A man likes a

woman who moans. But you can't shout, that turns off most people (it's scandalous!).
The more you moan, the more he will feel like 'the' guy, the stud, the hot one. My
clients also like me to whisper phrases in their ears like: ‘I’m getting so wet’, “Come on,
hottie, put it all in!” “ Naughty, eat me on all fours “, “ Fuck me good “, “I'm all yours”
or “Slap me on the face” “, “Slap my ass, naughty”, “You're very naughty” – everything
is a game that you must build. “They get excited by the idea that they are driving the
woman crazy.
“ Oral sex: you must have attitude. First commandment of oral sex: light on. If
you're embarrassed, illuminate his penis area with a lamp and don't stop looking him
in the eyes while you make the movements of sucking your male's dick. A horny face
helps with performance. Don't be restrained: you have to lick and suck everything,
including the testicles. Sometimes I smear the area with condensed milk, wine or
“chambinho” yogurt to increase the excitement. Do you want to try this? Take more
risks: They also like a little squeezing and sucking on the nipples with wet fingertips
and our mouth.

- Got it, good idea. I liked this tip - said Andreza.

- Pretend you're out of control! Men want to feel like they make you lose
control of the situation. For example, when having sex in the shower, don't worry
about your hair. He will love to see that, with him, you even forget about the
straightener. Even better if you enter the bath unexpectedly. The important thing is to
show that you have attitude, but that the guy is so powerful that you submit. Do the
same thing in bed, always end up on all fours for him. This is how call girls take men's
clothes, cars and apartments.

“Explore areas of guys never before explored by other women. Many men ask
for some kind of anal play, I think it's because they are embarrassed to ask their
women. There are clients who ask for a Greek kiss (a cuter way of saying it... sucking
the depths of the derrière); the ground wire is also super common (cover your finger
with a condom, if you don't want to venture dry); and sometimes I also use a vibrator,
for penetration, even. It has nothing to do with homosexuality. The man finds it nice to
be stimulated there, but he's a super taboo, you know, you have to ask and do it

- I'm not going to venture into that yet! It's not my type and it's not my thing! -
warned the brunette.

- But you will find that many customers like it and will ask you for it.

“And you always have to look for new things to please your customers. I don't
use traditional lubricant. I like the one that comes in a ball format, like those bath oils
from the 80s, you know? You introduce the ball, and it dissolves inside the vagina,
preparing the “terrain”. Applying coconut oil is also great. There are gels that heat up,
others that cool down, all delicious. So the act begins with maximum levels of
excitement. Astringent gels, sold in sex shops, leave the vaginal canal tight and well
lubricated, and that smell that they love; Looks like you're a virgin again. Furthermore,
the man has the illusion that his dick is huge. Another tool I use a lot is vibration
cream, which leaves the vagina wall throbbing. The sensation is a mix of tantric sex and
post-orgasm pulsations.
- Can you do it all?

- Yes, I can. And I have these wonderful feelings and they do too, because I ask
men everything. Customers are very satisfied.

“Another important thing: learn to praise your customers’ performance. Always

praise: a man has to feel powerful in bed. Understand that he is not having sex with
you, rather we are having sex with his ego. And you have to make him feel
virile/macho: that's the great trick to winning over any man. How to achieve this
objective? Praise his penis, dudes. Tell him you think he's handsome, big, hot. It's not
to say 'I love you', it's to say 'your penis is the best'. Those who like romantic
statements in bed are women.

Wanessa then explained what, in her opinion, women want from men in bed:

- Bruna, some men are very mistaken when it comes to pleasing a woman in
bed. I would say: my boy, did you spend the last few days studying the 1,001 positions
of the Kama Sutra to “give” her a lot of satisfaction? Poor you... We're sorry to inform
you that pleasing a woman in bed requires less acrobatic performances and more,
much more, patience and sensitivity; It's not a question of quantity; It's about quality,
to take her to the clouds and make her cum. Do things well and with all the calm in the
world. This is the path of the stones.

- This way the guy will fall for you and fall in love...- said Andreza. " And there?

- It's his problem! It's not my fault he's needy! - concluded Wanessa.

Juhliana and Andreza started talking about fetishes after dinner on Sunday.

- Juh, - Andreza said first. - When I think of sexual fetishes, the first images that
come to mind are black or semi-transparent lingerie, high heels, black panties, whips
and sex toys, that is, pure sexual excitement in response to an object or parts of the
body , but I know it's not just that.

- Some people must have the object of their attraction in hand - commented
Juhliana - or be fantasizing about it, alone or with a partner, in order to be sexually
aroused, to obtain an erection and reach an orgasm. This is a fetish.

- Is it true that a person with a fetish can masturbate while holding, smelling,
rubbing or tasting the object? – asked Andreza. - Or can you even ask your partner to
use it during sex?
- Correct: the fetish refers to a behavior or sexual excitement associated with a
typically non-sexual object – completed your friend. - A fantasy is something you spend
time thinking about while having sex or masturbating.

- I don't have this fantasy, - Andreza confessed. - I want to have sex with a
muscular man with tattoos.

- How great! I had two clients who had a foot fetish. It's typical of men. They
liked to smell, lick or caress my feet, which are really beautiful. One of them asked me
to wear high heels during sex. Look, what a desire!

- Pretty crazy! - said the brunette.

- Other guys love voyeurism: they get turned on by looking at people having sex
or looking at naked bodies. It is a pattern of sexual behavior in which the source of
pleasure is found in watching sexual activity or witnessing naked people.

- The voyer can be an observer or an exhibitionist, I know that. I have a friend in

São Luís, - said Andreza - who dated a boy who felt immense pleasure watching naked
friends (he even passed as gay when he was young, he said) and I met a guy who loved

- I've had clients who brought their partner to have sex with me, without him
participating and even without her knowing everything. He could even reach orgasm
through masturbation or just visual stimulation.

- The exhibitionist takes pleasure in showing himself to other people, that is,
noticing being observed in intimate moments - explained the brunette. – My colleague
Val talked about this fetish. This can happen during sexual intercourse or just walking
around the house naked while noticing neighbors watching. I met this Colombian girl
who liked this fetish and she told me.

- And latex fetish? Have you heard of it, Suh? A client asked me once. He
brought a sensual outfit, made of rubber, for me to wear, where only my private parts
and breasts were visible. I was ashamed and gave up on the program. I didn't wear
that outfit. For other people, the smell or feel of latex is enough to get them going. A
crazy one.

- I watched a video about this fetish. Observing sexual partners dressed in

pieces of these materials or fantasizing about professionals who wear clothing
containing rubber, such as divers and workers in industrial protective clothing. I think
it's a very eccentric fetish.

- And the acronym (BDSM), do you know what it means?

- Bondage, discipline, domination, submission, sadism and masochism -
I'm reading it here on the Internet.

- The film “50 Shades of Grey” clearly shows what BDSM represents.

- It is a generic term for couples who engage in any type of power play with
submission and dominance during sex. One or more participants need to demand this
type of play to feel sexually stimulated. Larissa knows how to do this with some clients.
I didn't want to learn yet.

- Another strange fetish: body piercings, in various places, from pierced navel to
eyebrows, penis and nipples, whether to just see or rub your body

in areas with piercings.

- Very crazy. I think a navel piercing is beautiful. I still want to put it on one day,
as soon as I lose a little weight.

- I've heard of other strange fetishes, with water, lightning and lights. Some
women may even feel aroused by the sound of thunder and lightning.

- I'm afraid of thunder and lightning. It wouldn't work for me; I wouldn't be

- But for some people these random acts of giant flashes of light in the sky may
be enough to trigger their desire for sex. Very curious.

- Now I'm going to tell you: I'm disgusted by fetishes with urine, sweat or feces.
I think it's absurd.

- Me too.

- I think psychological illness. You have to see a psychiatrist and get treatment.

- Urine fetish is more common. A client of a friend of mine has already asked for
this. It consists of sexual excitement associated with the act of urinating or receiving a
partner's urine stream on the face or mouth. In some cases, it is even possible to drink
urine. Its practice is also called “golden shower”.

- I never did.

- Me neither. I find it unhygienic. But there are those who do

- There are still swing houses, with couples exchanges - said Andreza. - Have
you ever been to one here in Fortal, Juh?

- Yes, I've been there twice with an ex-boyfriend of mine. It's pure madness, but
I actually liked the joke. Was cool.
- I've never been to one – said the brunette.

- You don't know what you're missing – concluded Juhliana.

A few days passed and Andreza took a Jet Sky ride in the Banana lagoon.

After spending the night in the house rented to the Italian foreigner, Andreza
became interested in returning to Cumbuco beach. She wanted to visit Banana Lagoon.
So, the call girl invited her friend Larissa and one Sunday they went for a walk in the
aforementioned lagoon. They spent almost the whole day there and took buggy rides
through the dunes and crossed the lagoon in a large inflatable boat (known as a
Banana-boat) pulled by a flying boat, in the “adventure” style. The two had a lot of fun,
along with other unknown people and when they returned to the small pier on the
lake they began to be observed by two boys who had just arrived from a jet-ski ride.

Andreza and Larissa then sat down at a bar table on the edge of the lagoon and
snacked on snacks and each ordered a drink: the first ordered a glass of Martini Bianco
with an olive, while the second preferred a caipirosca with vodka and Kiwi.

The aforementioned Jet ski boys sat at another table, not far from the
masseuses. And they continued looking at each other; they drank beer and hadn't
eaten anything yet. The two men were younger than the two girls and appeared to be
around 23 years old; They were pretty in appearance, around 1.75 m tall, with very
white skin and good physical condition; one of them had blonde hair while the other
had black hair. Andreza and Larissa even imagined that they were foreigners or from
the center-south of our country. After approximately 30 minutes, Larissa went to the
bathroom and on the way out she found one of the boys, the one with black hair,
washing his hands in the sink and she was waiting for her turn; Andreza saw them from
afar. The brunette noticed that the boy was striking up a conversation with Larissa and
the conversation was flowing, with the two of them smiling together. Andreza felt that
something was going on between them. They returned to their tables and Larissa
asked Andreza if she allowed the boys to come to their table; Andreza agreed and
allowed it; Larissa at this moment waved to the boys, giving a sign of confirmation and
within 3 minutes they moved to the girls' table. The one with black hair, who Larissa
had met, was called Rogério and his blonde friend was Danilo. Upon arriving at the
women's table, Larissa introduced Andreza to the two, calling her Bruna and Rogério
introduced Danilo to both. The girls invited them to sit down after a brief handshake
between them. Larissa gave them the name “Hellen“.

They then got together at the same table and the four of them began a very
relaxed chat.
Hellen said she was from Fortaleza and Bruna claimed to be from Recife-PE, but
she had already lost her accent as she had lived in other places and had been living in
Fortaleza for 4 years.

The boys also performed. Rogério spoke first:

- As I was telling Hellen, we are civil engineers and work in construction

companies. We are graduates of the same college.

- And how long have they been trained? – asked Bruna.

- Less than three months ago – replied Danilo.

- And have you already found a job? – the fake Pernambuco woman asked

- We did internships at these companies before graduating and were hired after
completing the course. Our parents are also a little influential in society. That helped.
But we are hardworking, modesty aside – said Rogério.

- Are you from Fortaleza? - Hellen wanted to know.

- Yes, we are – said Danilo. - And what do you work with?

Hellen drafted a response:

- We are commercial representatives; we sell to supermarkets: cosmetic and

personal hygiene products; multi-brands.

The boys were satisfied with the girl's explanations.

The girls looked at each other and hoped that the two wouldn't ask any more
questions about work.

In fact, the young people were very friendly and went on to talk about other
topics. At one point they implied that they were single and started a conversation
about extreme sports.

- As you are beach girls – began Danilo – I imagine you must like water sports.

Larissa came forward, saying she appreciated it.

- What do you practice, Hellen? – asked Rogério.

- I already took some surfing lessons – said the girl, telling the truth.

- And you, Bruna? asked Danilo.

- I already tried stand-up and kite-surfing, but I gave up – the brunette replied,

- Why did you give up? – Danilo asked again.

- A confluence of factors: I don't know how to swim very well, lack of time and
fear of getting hurt. I saw someone get hurt on the kite and I was scared. I need to
overcome my trauma.

- Yes, I kite-surf – said Danilo. – It is a very safe sport if you follow all the rules
and all the instructor’s instructions. But I confess that the person has to know how to
swim reasonably.

And they continued a relaxed chat. As the conversation continued, the girls
realized that Rogério was trying to seduce Larissa while the other boy was trying to
impress the brunette. At one point they commented that the jet-skis they had seen
were theirs and invited them to take a ride. Andreza was always the most suspicious
and wanted to reject Danilo's proposal, but Larissa convinced her to accept the
invitation and they went for a ride on the jet-ski. The guys went far with the girls and
asked if they wanted to try commanding Jet for a few minutes. They quickly explained
how they worked and Larissa accepted the invitation. Everyone was wearing life
jackets, but Andreza preferred not to risk it. Larissa did well in her attempt and then
they stopped on the edge of a dune to rest. The girls realized that the boys were going
to try something with them, but they knew how to get around the situation. The two
spent the entire time together exchanging conversations and in this way time passed;
then they claimed to be hungry and asked to return to the restaurant. They ordered
their lunch, ate together and in the end they split the bill. The boys asked for their
phone numbers and each one passed on their “work phone number” with WhatsApp
to their respective crushes. The two were kind and offered a ride, but the girls said
they had already arranged a car for the return trip and withdrew the offer. When they
said goodbye, they agreed to chat via WhatsApp to arrange another meeting.

They said goodbye with a kiss on the cheek and the girls left first.

Larissa left Andreza at her apartment and then went to her house. After a few
hours they communicated via WhatsApp:

- Larissa, what did you think of those guys? – Suellen asked.

- Very friendly. I liked them. They seem to be pretty cool.

- Do you think they told us the truth about themselves?

- It seemed so to me.
- They thought we were going to open our guard to them after that Jet-ski ride
to impress us.

- But I think they just wanted to make out with us.

- I preferred to play hard to get. I barely finished discovering it.

- I thought my boy was handsome. I almost agreed to exchange a few kisses

with him.

- I was scared of them forcing us to have sex with them. I swear how I regretted
accepting that Jet ride.

- Relax more, Bruna. The boys were not criminals.

- Who knows? There's no way to be sure these days.

- My intuition was this... that they spoke the truth and were good people.

- I don't trust intuition much – declared Andreza.

- I know, I already understood; You are a very suspicious girl.

- And if they ask us out, will you go? Has courage?

- Of course I have. If it's an early date and in a public and busy place, I'm brave.
And you?

- I don't know. I'll think better.

Rogério did not contact Larissa in the following days, but Danilo communicated
with Andreza.

Andreza met a home masseuse in Fortaleza named Evellyn. Suellen left the
Varjota massage therapy clinic, but one day she felt a great desire to receive a relaxing
massage because she was stressed, but she preferred the masseuse to attend alone,
with an appointment, preferably at Andreza's address. That was how Wanessa
recommended a beautiful girl with the professional name Evellyn, who was a specialist
in various types of massages, with and without sexual ending, who attended to the
brunette from Maranhão at her address.

Melina called Andreza in Fortaleza the next day.

Melina made a video call via WhatsApp to speak to her sister:

- Andreza, I have good news from the massage parlor.

- What are they, Mel?

- We managed to move to a better address. André found a house in a great
location, where there was a belly dancing school and the tenant ended the contract 1
month ago. The house is close to Calhau beach, close to the Gran Park condominium.

- That's cool, sister. A prime area of the city!

- Yes. Now the business moves forward. This place is much better now. The
street is discreet, there are almost no residents nearby to look into our lives. The
houses have large plots of land and are far from each other. It is also easier to park on
the street as there are always spaces available.

- And you're going to live in this house?

- I think so.

- And what are you going to do so that dad, mom and Marcela don't find out

- I'll still think about how I'm going to do it.

- The house is big?

- It has three bedrooms and a garage that can fit up to two cars. It's reasonably

- Was the rental through a real estate agency?

- Yes. Another good news: we got two more very young masseuses and I'm
advertising them on the Internet. I'm excited: the massage parlor is now going to take

- For sure. And André, aren't you afraid that the business will get in the way of
his military career? Isn't he afraid of seeing his name involved in some scandal and
being eliminated from the officer course?

- I'm going to do everything so he doesn't get involved and so he doesn't have

problems in the future. Suh, and what are you working with in Fortaleza?

- Are Nati, Paula and Estefane still there?

- Estefane left.

- Mel, I'm at a massage clinic.

- Sister, I don't believe it! Did you really enter this world?!

- Yes. But it's been good. I'm earning well. Don't even tell André, OK?

- All good. Are you doing massages with sex?

- Yes Sister. But it's our secret. I trust you.

- And you're alone in this massage parlor?

- Yes, and I prefer to just stay there – lied the brunette. – And there are many
massages that I perform without sex.

- Is it close to where you live?

- Yes. It's close by.

- And you're not studying?

- Not yet. Look, I told mom and dad that I'm at a beachwear boutique. It won't
make a mistake, huh.

- Andreza, when you save some good money, come back here. We are adding
another unit to the massage clinic.

- Maybe, Mel.

- Have you finished paying off the loan you took out at the bank to pay

- No. But I'll finish this year. I made an agreement through a website, a good
agreement, I think, and I advanced some installments, getting discounts.

- And you, don't you have any “crush”? Having sex only with clients?

- No one in sight yet.

- Do it for me.

- For sure. I'm going to hang up, ok?

- When you have news, tell me.

- Bye, Melina. Good week.

Andreza and Danilo spoke on WhatsApp two days later:

- Hey, babe, let's go out for dinner tomorrow night - invited the boy, on a

After a brief pause, the brunette replied:

- Could it be; where would it be?

- I have a proposal for a very good restaurant for us.

- What would the restaurant be?

- Lizarazu.

- Wow, I've heard of him! It is a very refined restaurant! Danilo, I don't have
money to pay for fancy restaurant menus.

- You will be my guest. Paid for both of us.

- What time would it be?

- Could it be at 8 pm? I'll pick you up at your address.

Andreza thought about what answer she was going to give, but she was
convinced that she wouldn't share her real address with the boy. She then said:

- I'm going to be at a meeting at the Iguatemi shopping mall. And I will only be
released at 9 pm. Is it good for you?

- Yes, it's great. Agreed then, Bruna?

- Yes, marked.

- I'll get in touch tomorrow so we can meet at the mall at 9 pm. A kiss.

- See you tomorrow.

And they ended the messages.

Andreza at first thought about not accepting the dinner invitation, but ended
up giving in.

Then she sent a message to Larissa.

- Friend, I need to talk to you via WhatsApp. When you can talk, give me a call.

After 30 minutes Larissa sent a message:

- I am online. You are too?

Andreza saw the 1-minute message and wrote:

- That little guy from Banana Lagoon, Danilo, spoke to me today on WhatsApp.

- What did he say?

-He invited me to dinner at a special restaurant.

- How chic! So he might have really liked you, brunette. And did you accept
the proposal?
- I thought about refusing; but I accepted.

- And when would it be?

- Tomorrow night. And did the other boy, Rogério, send you a message?

- No. He hasn't contacted me yet. And I'm not going to give in and text him. I
want to see if he will take the initiative. What if Danilo wants something serious with
you, Bruna?

- It's too early to think that way. I was curious and wanted to go out with him to
find out what his intentions were.

- Did you like him?

- He's handsome and friendly, but I actually wasn't very attracted to him. I want
to see how it goes the second time we meet.

- You're going to have fun, friend. Good luck. Don't expect too much from him,
but see what happens. The tip is: be natural, try to have fun and do everything
according to your conscience.

- Thanks for the tips, friend. I'll send news later. Goodbye.

- Goodnight. God be with you.

- You too.

And they left the messaging program.

In fact, the next day Andreza stayed at the massage parlor until 6 pm and then
went home. She started a very light snack, took a shower, got ready, asked for
alternative transportation and went to the mall, arriving there before 9 pm. When she
was still in the car Danilo sent her a message and Andreza said that their “meeting”
was ending and within a few minutes she told him the exact place to meet, but he
could now leave the house to pick her up.

Upon arriving at the shopping center, Andreza stayed at one of the entrances
and passed on his GPS location to the boy.

After about 10 minutes he arrived. The girl got into the car and they left. It
seemed that Andreza had lost all his fears and from one moment to the next he began
to trust that stranger.

He actually took her to the promised restaurant and when she got there there
was already a table reserved for the two of them.
They sat opposite each other in a very private place and began to talk while
each one examined the menu.

- Are you enjoying the restaurant? - asked Danilo.

- Yes. It's quite pleasant – commented the girl. - It's your first time here? -
Andreza wanted to know.

- Yes, I had never been here, - Danilo lied - but I heard it was an excellent
restaurant. And I'm also confirming this. All that’s left is to try the food, which is the
most important thing.

- For sure. But a restaurant as exquisite as this one won't compromise on the
flavor of the meals.

- Bruna, until how old did you live in Recife? I think it's amazing that you don't
have an accent anymore.

- I lived there until I was 12 years old. Do you work while traveling? – asked the
girl, to change the subject.

The waiter approached and each one placed a drink order: Andreza requested
that she be served sparkling mineral water and the host accompanied her. They also
chose a starter and passed their orders on to the waiter.

Danilo continued, in response to his guest's question.

- My company, that is, the construction company I work for, is multinational,

but I haven't received any proposal yet to leave the country. – invented Danilo.

- You have brothers? Do your parents live in Fortaleza? – asked the girl.

- I only have one sister, who is training as a doctor. They all live in Fortaleza.
And you, tell me a little about yourself. – he asked.

- I'm a little shy to talk about myself – claimed the brunette. – My parents live
in Recife; I have only one sister; I have a degree in administration and I love this city...
– she said.

-She is single?

- Yes, of course – and Andreza smiled.

- And you? - she asked, almost reflexively.

Danilo paused for 3 seconds to respond, as if creating intentional suspense.

Then, he said:
- Yes, very single at the moment.

Andreza sensed an air of romance in the atmosphere with these words from
the boy.

- And how are your parents? Do you live together? – asked Andreza.

But Danilo countered:

- Let's talk about ourselves now.

At this moment the waiter brought your drinks in beautiful glasses with ice and
a slice of green apple, to add aroma.

- Do you accept your water with green apple slices? Suggestion from the house
– said the attendant.

- I accept – said Andreza and Danilo also followed.

The call girl felt an icy shiver at the boy's touch, which ran down her spine, from
top to bottom. But she managed to say:

- Alright, let's talk about ourselves.

She kept thinking: could this boy be wanting something serious, even though
they had just met? She didn't believe it.

Danilo continued speaking:

- Andreza, seriously, do you have anyone? – and looked into his eyes.

-No, no one seriously – she replied, as if she were seduced.

From then on, Danilo began to uncover the truth.

- It's because I don't want anything serious with anyone right now. I just ended
an engagement and I need to meet new girls to go out with. I found you interesting.
And very beautiful.

- I understand, thank you. – Andreza replied and thought silently, to herself:

“How naughty, and I thought he might want something serious with me; at least he is
being sincere, so I imagine.”

- So, explain to me better what you want from me! – the girl pleaded.

- I want people to have fun with, share moments, without much commitment
for now; Let's say, I want an open relationship in my current life situation.

An open relationship was everything Andreza didn't want and she said:
- Oh I know, I understand. But do you already date other girls at the moment? -
asked the girl, thinking that Danilo would lie in his answer.

- No, you're the first one I've met since I ended my engagement – the boy

- Really, Danilo? You don't have to lie to me.

- Not to say that I didn't meet anyone, I made out with an ex-college friend of
mine at a party 15 days after the end of my engagement, but it was because I was
inconsolable and it was only on that day. I haven't met the girl since that day.

“What a poor thing” – thought Andreza, ironically. She no longer knew whether
she should believe that man or not. Then she said:

- Let me see if I understand: do you want me to be one of your girlfriends? At

least the first one, for now?

- Yeah, more or less that – Danilo agreed, beginning to reveal his intentions. -
But feel free, Bruna; you don't need to be tied to me; I'm not jealous and I won't
demand anything from you. I promise .

Andreza thought about arguing with that boy at that moment, but realized it
would be useless. She began to notice that he was just trying to be a conquering
playboy and that dinner was really just an attempt to get her into bed, in exchange for
paying for a dinner at an expensive restaurant.

At that moment, Andreza asked permission to go to the bathroom, in order to

cool down and think about how she would proceed with the dinner.

The starter arrived in the hands of the waiter and Andreza asked Danilo to
choose her preferred dinner; she asked him to be comfortable and she would accept
any request he made. And she left the table, heading to the bathroom.

Andreza went to fix her hair in front of the large bathroom mirror. It was a huge
bathroom, with a beautiful marble countertop and the mirror had a luxurious frame.
The girl was dressed in a beautiful ivory-colored strapless blouse with pleated collars
and sleeves, but the blouse's neckline was very low-cut, to match the environment, in
addition to the fact that the woman had small breasts, but was wearing a accessory
glued to the skin of the breasts to improve their contours. She wore beautiful light
blue jeans and silver high heels. As she touched up her makeup and then combed her
hair in that magnificent mirror, Andreza thought about what she was going to say to
her host when she returned to her table: deny him a way out to the motel or to her
apartment? Accept his proposal? Make up an excuse and ask to leave alone after
dinner? Reveal to him his true occupation in that city? Go away and block him on
WhatsApp? Or were there other options? Andreza was now convinced that she was
there to be dessert for dinner. The question would be: would the post-pasture be free
or would it be expensive for Danilo?

Andreza thought about it and decided to tell the boy his real work and warn
him that the continuation of the night would not be free either.

And the girl returned from the bathroom after an absence of almost 20

- My dear, how long it takes - said the boy. – I thought you were sick or would
have left.

- Women, my dear... Being beautiful for men costs us a lot of time and effort.
It's just that. Hence my delay. I would never withdraw without informing my
gentleman; You can rest assured about that.

- I ordered a light dish, with grilled lobster. You can eat? You're not allergic, are

- Yes! I can.

- Excellent! Otherwise I would make another order for you.

- Thanks.

- I would welcome a good wine to pair with the lobster! - proposed the host.

- I really appreciate wines, but I can't try them today, as my throat was sore and
I took antibiotics until this morning. – Andreza lied.

- But is everything okay now? Why didn't you warn me? We would reschedule
dinner for two or three days from now. – said the man, trying to be gentle.

- I've been without a sore throat or fever for 2 days; but I am ending the
duration of the treatment as the UPA doctor advised me. And I don't have a bad habit
either, okay? – Suellen lied.

Conversations continued with lies being told on both sides until dinner was

And they started to taste the main dish, which was delicious. At this, Andreza
turned to the civil engineer and said:

- Danilo, I have a secret and I need to tell you.

He had no idea what it would be about.

- You can talk, Bruna. Feel free.

The girl took courage and said:

- Danilo, I'm a call girl.

Danilo remained calm and said:

- Wow, I swear I hadn't suspected it.

- Are you angry with me now?

- No, absolutely not. I've approached several girls in clubs at night and they
confessed to me that they were call-girls.

- And when that happened, what did you do?

- I continued my normal chat, without prejudice. And your friend, too?

- No. Not her – the brunette disguised. – And what will our situation be like
from now on?

- Everything's fine with me.

Danilo didn't understand why Andreza was asking that, but in fact what she was
implying was that from that moment on she would start charging for her services.

- Where do you work, babe? – asked the boy.

- I work at a massage parlor.

- Cool. And after here can we go somewhere? - Danilo wanted to know.

- If you want to take me to a motel you have to pay for my program –

demanded the girl.

Danilo was taken aback by the brunette's sincerity, but he controlled

himself and said:

- Yes let's go. How much is your program?

- R$ 250.00 per hour. Oral and vaginal sex, with a condom.

Danilo preferred not to question the price or what was included in the

- Great, babe. The one who would love to meet you will be my father.

- Your father? Like this? Doesn't he live with his mother? – asked Andreza, very
- The old man loves to hang out with girls like you. I've already passed on some
girls to him.

- And his mother? What does she think of this?

- It is not alright. She doesn't know anything. She is a little outing for him here
and there, once in a lifetime; the old man is a little naughty, but he likes mom.

- How old is your father?

- 52 years.

- Oh, he's still young. You say he's old...

- It was just a way of speaking. Can I forward your zap so you can go out with
my dad?

The brunette thought a little and replied:

- He can. What is his name?

- Benicio.

Danilo didn't really like Andreza's procedure, but as he was already there, he
agreed to pay for her program and they went to a motel.

At the motel, Andreza let herself be kissed on the mouth by Danilo and they
had traditional sex, vaginal and oral, with a condom, as Andreza had requested. The
boy insisted that she make an exception and give a blowjob without a condom, but she
refused, claiming that safety was essential for her. In the end he paid for the
prostitute's service and paid the motel expenses. After everything, the playboy went to
drop her off at her apartment, but she didn't let him enter the building. They said
goodbye with a kiss on her cheek and he reminded her that her father was going to get
in touch.

- Bye, thanks for dinner - she said goodbye. - Goodnight.

- Goodbye. Until next time.

And the boy went on his way.

The next day Andreza got in touch with Larissa and said:

- Hellen, I went out with the little guy.

- Danilo? – Asked her friend.

- Yes.
- So! How was it like? Tell me the details!

- We went out to dinner at a “very chic” restaurant.

-Did you just have dinner? Nothing more?

- No girl. She had sex afterwards.

- Woohoo! – exclaimed the woman from Ceará. – This Bruna doesn’t play
around on duty! Where was? In your AP? In his? In motel.

- Motel.

- Did he pay for your dinner or did you split the bill half and half?

- He offered to pay for everything.

- Can you believe that my boy, Rogério never called me.

- But he will still get in touch. Have patience...

- So, the sex after dinner was 0800?

- Nothing. I gave my price and he paid me.

- Girl, you're crazy. Did you tell him you're a call-girl and have you already
demanded it?

- Why would I hide the truth? If he thought I was paying for that dinner with my
pussy, he was wrong.

- Wow, I was amazed. But did everything work out? He wasn't upset?

- I do not think so. He even told me that he will give my phone number to his
father to go out with me.

- His father? And even?

- The old man likes to go out with some little girls.

- Bruna, you're crazy. Are we going to a tent at Praia do Futuro tomorrow?

- Could it be. What time?

- 10 h.

- Fine. I need to sleep from today until tomorrow to recover from the night out.
Danilo broke up with me yesterday. He has a very thick penis and fucks a lot.

- I'm just the rest... I need to rest.

- Friend, you didn't have anal sex with him, did you?

- No. Otherwise I would go straight to the hospital.

- Well, rest. Tomorrow is Sunday and we are going to enjoy the beach. And on
Monday, clients are waiting for us at the massage parlor.

- See you tomorrow, friend.

- Rest, naughty girl.

- Yes. LOL.

Ester and Marcela called the other day to speak to Andreza.

The call was via an audio call via the messaging app, as her daughter asked
them not to make a video call as her internet was slow that day.

The call girl answered:

- Hello, mom, how are you?

- It's okay, daughter. I'm calling Marcela to find out what's new about her. You
post almost nothing on Instagram and you hardly call me. Have you spoken to your

- Yes, he calls me every day, very early.

- Daughter, how are you?

- I am really well. And you lady?

- I am well. Healthy, which is the most important thing. Where are you

- In a beach clothing boutique - she lied.

- As a salesperson?

- Yes, that's what I got for now.

- And are you already going to start a postgraduate course?

- I'm going to sign up in two months for a specialization test. They are going to
open some classes at Unifor and another private college. I just need to save money to
- It'll work out, daughter. We will root for you and I will keep you in my prayers
every week.

- I thought I was already in your prayers, mamis – Suellen joked; but her mother
was angry with the girl's speech.

- Do you like where you live?

- It is very quiet and well located.

- I saw that you are out and about a lot: you live in the tents on Praia do Futuro,
in beautiful restaurants.

- Yes, in the greatest peace in the world.

- Daughter, and who takes these photos of you on the beach and in these

- I sometimes ask waiters to photograph me.

- Have you ever made any friends?

- Yes, I have a colleague from the boutique who keeps me company when I go

- Very well, daughter. Don't go walking alone in Fortaleza. You barely know the
city. It has a reputation for being a violent and dangerous place. It's good to have the
company of someone who was born and raised in the place and knows how to defend
themselves from dangers.

- Yes it is true. I feel safer walking with her.

- Is your friend a family girl and a “head” girl, or rather, a girl with sense?

- Yes. Of course, Mrs. Ester.

- Is she evangelical?

- No. She's Catholic.

- Look for some evangelical friends. Does your colleague have a boyfriend?

- At the time no. But rest assured that she is not a “dyke”. She is not a lesbian.

- And you, daughter, didn't you find any crushes out there?

- Not yet. I'm not desperate to find it, Mom. Aren't you the one who says that
things have the right time to happen?
- Yes. But what then? Are Ceará people this weak?

- It seems so.

- And covid-19, how is the epidemic out there?

-She calmed down more at the moment. And in my city?

- He also recently left the peak. Are you going to get vaccinated against
coronavirus, daughter?

- Mom, I don't want to.

- I already imagined that. You are right-wing. And he was always against it.

- That's right, mom. Do what, right?

- Andreza, I'm thinking about visiting you this year.

The girl suddenly became apprehensive.

- Mom, wouldn't you just come on vacation next year?

- I'm starting to change my mind.

- Right. Just let me know in advance so I can plan here. But be careful: only
come if you can. I do not want to mess up your life.

- Yes, warning; You can let me know that I won't arrive at your apartment by
surprise. And it won't disturb anything. I'm going to give the phone to Marcela now. A
kiss, daughter. He takes care of himself. God be with you!

- Thanks Mom. God be with you.

Benício got in touch with Andreza a few days later.

Danilo's father communicated with Andreza through messages, inviting her to

visit Porto das Dunas beach. He didn't schedule a program, but she accepted the

- So can I pick you up on Sunday at your building so we can go to the beach?

- Maybe yes.

- What time is it?

- It could be 10 am.
- Combined. I'll be there tomorrow at 10 am.

And in this way it was fulfilled. Andreza did not invite any colleagues.

Benício arrived in an imported double cab car with very dark windows and got
out to open the door for his guest. The brunette thought he was alone in the vehicle
and that she would go up front with him, but he opened one of the back doors and the
brunette got into the car, soon noticing that a woman was already sitting in the front
seat, next to the seat. of the driver.

Andreza remained silent and didn't understand anything. Could she be

Benicio's wife? It was then that he came forward and said:

- Bruna, let me introduce you: this is my friend Rose. Sorry I didn't say she
would keep us company too.

Andreza, still feeling a little worried, replied:

- Nice to meet you, Rose.

Rose was a beautiful woman and appeared to be between 34 and 36 years of


They talked pleasantly in the car and Andreza maintained the story that she
was from Recife, Pernambuco, and had lived in Fortaleza for almost two years.

On the way to the beach, Benicio announced that his wife was traveling on

In fact, they headed to Porto das Dunas beach and when they got there they
went to a very interesting tent.

They sat under the shade of a beautiful umbrella, around a round wooden
table, overlooking the beautiful Atlantic Ocean.

A local waiter quickly served them and Benicio informed them that the guests
could now order something to drink and snack on. Rose requested an alcoholic drink,
while Andreza and Benicio preferred to consume to coconut water. As a starter they
ordered two dishes of shrimp fried in garlic and oil.

And they started talking.

- My son really liked you, girl. - said Benício.

- Thank you very much. He is very kind – replied the call girl, a little suspicious.
She was afraid that Benício's son had been upset with her about what happened at
- I hadn't been to this beach yet – continued Suellen.

- She's very nice. We really like it, don't we, Benício? – commented Rose.

- Yes, I really like this beach.

- And your son, where is he today? – the brunette wanted to know.

- I don't know. With some kitten out there. He is very flirtatious – declared his
father, without ceremony. – Were you interested in him?

- Just tell me that he's really a girl! – Rose added.

Andreza was a little impressed by their sincerity.

- I don't want to date him. Between us it's just colorful friendship - declared
Suellen. - Does your son work in your family’s construction company? - asked Andreza,
to find out if the boy had told him the truth.

- My daughter, he graduated as a civil engineer less than 6 months ago, but he

doesn't work yet. ...he's just spending my money for now. He leads a playboy life, but
he's a good guy. – explained Benicio.

With this answer, Andreza already realized that her son enjoyed lying.

- OK I understand ! - said the girl. – And what do you work with, sir? He can

- I can yes. I have several businesses. One of them and one of my favorites is
the cachaça factory. By the way, one of the best in Ceará. I own the “Velho do
Moinho” brand of brandy, an award-winning cachaça inside and outside my state.

- And do you like to drink a “cachacinha”? – asked his guest, in a very relaxed
way. – My grandfather loved it.

- Yes, I like to have a “dose” here and there, to whet my appetite. But in great
moderation. I also enjoy a good “caipirinha”. I recommend my sugarcane spirit, with
modesty aside. I will offer you a bottle later, as a gift, of the premium export version,
for you to try.

- I thank. I'd love to try it – Suellen replied out of politeness, as in truth she had
never had cachaça before, nor did she have the desire to try it.

- Where are you working, lady? - asked the businessman.

- I work in a beachwear boutique, but I'm leaving there.

- And even!? What a shame! These are still consequences of the pandemic.
Would you accept a job offer from me?

- Do not bother yourself. I already have two proposals to analyze – the girl

- The remuneration would be little: a salary and a half, but it would help you
while you find a better job - continued the man.

- No, thank you. Don’t worry about me – Andreza insisted.

She wasn't interested in jobs with such low pay and she already had a little
experience with employers who want to sign the cards of pretty girls just because they
think they'll be able to have sex with them without paying for it, as if the job were a
favor in in exchange for which the employee has to pay her boss with sex.

So Andreza immediately rejected that job offer.

- And you, do you like “little girls”? – asked Andreza, remembering what
Benicio's son had told him.

- Don't call me sir. Call me Benício. New meat is really good, girl. I love young
girls. They renew us. That's why I do weight training almost every day. To maintain the
physique and help with sexual performance.

- Very good. Congratulations - praised the brunette. - Benicio, I noticed that

you are a man who takes care of himself, and is well maintained. Appears younger
than his real age.

- My son even said my real age?! What a betrayal! I'll talk to him – commented
the businessman, in a humorous tone.

- And what do you, Rose, work with? – Suellen asked.

- I have a modeling agency and organize events for business people.

- And he has a pink book agency and loves to arrange relationships between
young girls and businessmen – gossiped Benício.

- Don't say that, Benicio. – asked Rose. – Bruna, he’s exaggerating.

- I'm not, brunette, but Rose is a good person. If you go to work for her, rest
assured, as she is very honest.

- Thank you for the good references – thanked her friend, ironically.

- Do you two “hook up” from time to time? - asked Andreza, boldly.
- No, we're just friends - the other woman pretended.

- She's just a long-time colleague – the businessman also bluffed.

- And does your wife know about your friendship?

- Yes, she knows – the man lied again.

And he continued:

- Brunette, you are very attractive. I want to schedule a program with you. My
son described you and I was excited to meet you. But I wanted to talk to you first. He
said you are a very nice chat girl.

- I do my best to be friendly. And I love small talk.

- My son said!... Do you go to the gym?

- At the time no.

- So sign up, girl. A young girl like you can't be sedentary. Have what? About 25
years? - he asked, already suggesting an answer. - You need to do physical activity,
take care of yourself. Workout. Take care of your health.

- Yes, I need exercise. I consider going to the gym. I thought about doing
another physical activity, but I think I'll go for bodybuilding. It is the most practical,
with more flexible hours and faster results.

- Do you have family in Fortaleza? Or are they all in Pernambuco?

- They all live in Pernambuco – Suellen fooled. – And your relatives? Are you
from here? - she returned the question.

- I'm not from Fortaleza; I'm from a neighboring state, but I already consider
myself from Ceará. I’ve lived here for over 20 years – explained the man.

Rose then invited Andreza to go for a walk and swim in the ocean.

- Benício, do you mind being alone at the table? I wanted to invite Bruna to
accompany me swimming in the sea.

- No problem, friend. Just don't take too long. Don’t forget me – asked Benicio.

- Can you come with me, Bruna? – asked the cafetina.

- Yes! I can; let's go for a walk in the sand.

And the two went for a walk on the beach and took a brief dip in that ocean of
warm waters.
During the walk Rose asked Andreza:

- Are you really from Pernambuco?

- I left there very early.

- Alone?

- No, with my parents, and we went to live in other states, but they returned to

- Know. But you look like a Maranhão! And an accent too... from the capital...
São Luís.

- Like this? Do I look like I'm from Maranhão? And does anyone from Maranhão
have an accent? I didn't know...

- You look like us from there. The body, the manner, the way of speaking. I
know some people from São Luís and you have some characteristics and certain traits
that remind you of people there. And there is an accent, everywhere, although the one
in São Luís is more discreet.

- Strange! – Andreza continued, pretending.

- Be careful with Benicio's son and son's friends. You won't like any of them.
They are very young and just want to have fun with the girls. They use it and then let it
go. Don't get too deeply involved with any of them. That's the advice I give you.

- And Benício, what's his deal?

- He likes to go out with young girls, but he will never leave his wife.

- So he's the man I like. That you won't pick on me, attached.

- He doesn't believe that any young and beautiful girl will be alone with him,
without cheating on him. He knows that most girls just want money.

- I think he's right.

- He's very calm, and he's a good person. But don't be silly with him. Benicio has
already turned the heads of many young women, took advantage and then left it

- It's no use with me. I don't believe in promises. I want to earn my money and
that's it.

- You better act like this and always rationally.

- Do you like him, Rose? Are you lovers?

- I learned to like him as a friend. We have fun sometimes, but we are not
lovers. He doesn't fund me or pay my bills. We also have a good age difference and I
have no interest in being committed to him.

- Rose, can I go out with him to do programs? Don't you get upset?

- No, anyway.

- And his wife, is she angry? What's her name?

- She doesn't suspect anything. Or she turns a blind eye. That's what it looks
like... Her name is Consuelo Fontes.

- Is Benício also very whorehouse like his children?

- A little less. It's been more. Bruna, can you watch my flip-flops and sarong
while I take a dip? - asked Rose.

- I can yes. No problem.

- Thanks.

And Rose went to bathe in the ocean.

Then they returned to the tent and ordered lunch.

Benício got in touch with Suellen a few days later and they scheduled a
program at the motel.

He picked her up at her apartment and from there they went to the motel.

Once there, they went to the room and began their activities. Benício
approached the call girl and tried to kiss her on the mouth, but she turned her face
away. She also noticed that the man had a problem with bad breath. When the old
man took off his clothes and showed off his “milk” white abdomen and those hairy,
flaccid buttocks, Andreza was left without excitement and without any lust; She then
asked the man to penetrate her from behind in the famous figure-4 position with him
standing up and her lying on the edge of the bed; Then she got on top of him in the
reverse cow-girl position, without looking at the man's face, just like many call girls do,
when they can't bear to face the client. In the “cow-girl” position, Benício was unable
to maintain his erection and began to say:

- Sometimes I can't get an erection with a condom. Let's have sex without a
condom. I get tested for venereal diseases every six months and I am faithful to my
wife. I am “clean”. I only date girls who are young, trustworthy and disease-free, and
that's rarely. I'm a serious person. You can have sex with me without a condom. Trust.
When it's time to cum, I take my dick out and ejaculate far away. I know how to
control this very well.

Andreza, very smart, responded like this:

- My clients always have to use condoms in my programs. It is a basic safety

standard. I already use an ultra-thin “skin” condom with them so they don’t lose
sensitivity. And I also recommend the condom that keeps the erection longer. I don't
know what's going on with you – she asked, indirectly, pretending to disagree.

That gentleman confessed:

- I think it's because I didn't take the “little blue” pill, tadalafil, today. I forgot.

- Oh! So it's explained; because it's difficult for a man to tease me, modesty

- Yeah, you're really hot and your pussy is still tight, but today I'm not very nice.
I think it's stress and I didn't sleep very well yesterday.

- Let's try another different position! – offered Andreza.

- Girl, give me a blowjob first. Can't even a blowjob be without a condom?

- No – replied the call girl, straight away.

- But do it one more time, with a real coat on – requested the businessman.

And she did; then they tried once again in the “doggy style” position, but this
time the two were on the bed, she supported herself on the bed with all four limbs and
her abdomen facing down, and he, on his knees on the bed; and so the businessman
finally managed to reach orgasm.

- Ufa! – he said - lying down next to Andreza, looking victorious. – I thought I

wasn't going to cum today, but in the end I worked well.

She covered herself with a sheet almost up to her neck. Benício then
questioned her:

- See! And are you embarrassed? And shy?

Andreza wasn't shy; She just wasn't very comfortable with the guy, and she

- No. I'm just cold. Can I take a hot shower? Am I free for today?

- You can take a shower. I'm done today too! – concluded the man, all proud.
Andreza took her shower, came back from the shower already dressed and the
businessman paid her.

- Thanks, thanks – she thanked.

And the businessman left her happy in her apartment, for the money she

- Bye, babe, and see you next time! – The man said goodbye – but Andreza
didn't know if she would have a second date with him. Not for her.

Two days later Andreza communicated with Larissa through a WhatsApp call:

- “Hellen”, can you believe I went out with the guy from the lake and then with
his father.

- Like this? Did you do a program with both of them? Really was?

- Yes. The son is good in bed, but the old man is past his prime.

- True?

- Yes, you only lift your “dick” properly now if you take “Viagra” and have sex
without a condom. I don't know how his wife still has sex with that piece of shit. If with
a kitten like me he almost didn't get involved, imagine with his wife. It must be a poor
thing! They should have sex every two months or more. He even came to tell me:
“You’re hot and you still have a tight pussy.” What an old fool! But he's rich and I'm
going to let him follow me on Instagram. However, I will not accept a program
proposal from him anytime soon.

- You're right, Bruna. Good life. Is the crown that soft?

- Better for me as I made easy money. It didn't even make my pussy hot or
burn! Loose goat...

- Does the old man at least suck properly...?

- My sister, he has terrible breath! I didn't even try to risk it! I didn't let him get
close to my little one! If that rotten mouth sucked my pussy I think it would rot!

- My friend, what mouth have you gotten yourself into?

- Literally: a rotten mouth.

- And his son?

-He is a very liar and a girl. I will take a break. It's even scary to get AIDS.

- Friend, you won't suck any man's dick without a condom!

- You can leave it, Helen. I will only suck the dicks of selected men without a
condom and it will be rare.

- I hope it's true. You're crazy about sucking cock!

- I really love sucking dick. And those who are drooling, I'm dying to fall in their
mouths. I suck all the way to the stem and start licking it all...

- Be careful with STDs, friend. Whoever sees a face doesn't see a disease.

- Not caught. I take care of myself.

- Go to sleep, you pervert.

- Goodnight.

Andreza and Wanessa spoke a little later:

- Wanessa, tell me a really cool client. I need money.

- Bruna, I have a really cool “boy” for you. His name is Thiago.

- And what does he do in life, friend?

- He is a soccer player. It was Larissa who met him first and they became

Andreza was excited.

- That's right, just the way I like it. I like football players. I love men who take
care of themselves and are fit. He must have a great physique. What's his age? - the
brunette wanted to know.

- Yes, very thin and fit body. It looks to me like he's 24 years old. He is single
and has vigor!!! You can't even imagine! - Wanessa said, in a tone of admiration.

- I know what you're talking about. Player. I guess. But doesn't he get very tired
after training and games?

- No. His physical conditioning is excellent. And he's a good guy; very cool.
Great person.

- Great! How many times have you been with him?

- About three. Once at the motel and twice at his apartment. It was amazing.

- Did he take you to his apartment? Really was?

- Yes, because you know I'm discreet. So he trusted me and took me there.
- Wanessa, did you become friends with him??

- No. Just a colleague. That's why I have Thiago's phone number. He trusts me. I
already recommended Larissa to him. They made a program.

- Is he very girly? Why would a football player go out with so many call girls? He
is famous?

- He is professional, however, he is not famous. He told me that he only goes

out with girls recommended by someone, who are discreet and trustworthy. So keep
his life a secret. Combined?

- Yes, I am professional and I am trustworthy – declared Suellen.

- Thiago is his name. The real name. He told me that he suffered a lot after
breaking up with his last girlfriend and wants to take a break now. He tells me he won't
want anything serious for a while with any girl. He also dates girls who are not call-
girls, but when the girl wants something more serious he says he leaves the
relationship. But he swears he doesn't cheat on any woman from the beginning. They
are the ones who fall in love and he prefers to walk away then. Thiago told me that he
is more focused on his career and he is thinking about transferring to a football club in
the southeast region, if he receives an offer. He believes his career can take off better
there. He would become a more valued player with a better salary. But he doesn't earn
badly here in Fortaleza. I just can't say which club he plays for; It's easy for you to find
out, but never comment on which team he plays for, ok? He asked me for

- So he is an ambitious player. Interesting. I need a man like that, to look up to


- Andreza, don't fall in love with Thiago – warned his colleague. - He's young,
but he's very intelligent and he told me clearly that he doesn't want to be seriously
involved with any woman for about 2 years. He guarantees that he has already
forgotten his ex-girlfriend and has already gotten over his relationship with her, but he
says that it was not easy. He was almost convinced that she was the love of his life, but
the girl there was very jealous of him with the fans and she believed that he would
cheat on her after getting married from what she found out from two of his friends,
professional colleagues, who had affairs extramarital. So she gave up on getting
engaged to him and getting married. He says he was devastated, because they got
along very well, they already had a good relationship within their families and he was
very passionate and never cheated on her. This fact saddens him because he believes
that she loved him, but he chickened out, afraid that he would change later and
become a womanizer. Thiago told me that now he will enjoy being single for about 2
- Poor him. I felt sorry for him in this story, even though I think we should never
feel sorry or sorry for men. They are mean to us. However, in this case I felt sorry for
Thiago. It seems like he was very honest with you and only told the truth. It appears
that he is a good-hearted person and is not fake.

- Yes, I felt that in him too. I think Thiago is a special person. He is a true person.
So treat him well.

- So he has just enough time to get tied up again - and Andreza gave a naughty
smile. - Well, let's enjoy these two years of Thiago's freedom.

- For sure. But if you, Suh, go out with him for two years, you're going to be
pissed off.

- God forbid! I don't plan on having anything serious with anyone here in
Fortaleza. I am convinced that I will return to São Luís. And I want to return single;
Taking a husband or fiancé from here to Maranhão may not work out.

- Why? - asked her friend, who was redheaded at the time.

- My question, guys. I prefer it this way. I didn't come to tie myself to someone
in Ceará. I don't want a serious commitment to anyone for now. I want to live my life. I
don't want to get attached or tied down to any man anytime soon. I swear, Wanessa.

- You're right, friend. But I'm already missing you. I thought you were going to
stay in Fortaleza permanently. Here is wonderful. A big city, it has everything: work,
nightlife, there are a lot of men available, friendships, tourists, natural beauty, lots of
options. I think my city is spectacular, modesty aside. It's only violence that ruins
things, but we're learning to live here. And what's São Luís do Maranhão like, Suh? I
hear little about there and I don't know the city. Are you from São Luís?

- Yes, I was born in the capital. I really like my city, I don't know if it's because I
was born there and it's where my friends and almost all of my family are. My city is
smaller than Fortaleza, but it's not that much smaller; it is less developed and less
vertical; It doesn't have a coastline as beautiful and as urbanized as the capital of
Ceará, but it has developed a lot in the last 20 years. São Luís already has several
shopping centers and many options for going out at night, such as bars, pubs and
restaurants. There are also many people from other states living and working in my
city. Porto is good, busy, has the Vale company, and both bring foreign currency to São
Luís. The beaches are not very good, but I like some, like Araçagy and Mangue Seco. I
like my city. Come and meet one day.

- For sure; I wanted to know now that you advertised; one day it will work out.
Andreza, because I will forward your contact to Thiago and he will call you on Zap.
- Thanks friend. I'll be waiting.

And they said goodbye.


About 7 days later Thiago sent a message to Andreza. Wanessa had given the
name “Luna” to the brunette.

- Hello, how are you, Luna. I'm Thiago. It was Wanessa who gave me her
contact details. Can we arrange to go out?

After about an hour “Luna“ viewed the message and responded to it.

- Hi, how are you, Thiago? Your friend told me about you. Do you need my

The boy was online and responded:

- Yes, I wanted to arrange a meeting with you. Where could it be?

- It could be in a motel.

- Do you suggest any of your favorites?

- Next to Varjota is great for me, but not exactly in this neighborhood, ok?

- I'll pick you up at your apartment or we'll meet there?

- Look for me at my address. Is it uncomfortable for you?

- No. No problem. Luna, how much does your program cost?

- R$ 250.00 one hour.

- All good. When could we schedule it?

- I'm available every day at night, but I don't want to do programs on Sunday.
It's my day, to dedicate myself to myself.

- I understand. Could it be tonight then?

- He can. 8 pm can you stop by my building?

- I can yes.

- Well, it's marked. I will send you my location via WhatsApp GPS.

- It was a pleasure and see you tonight.

- Thanks. Goodbye.
The call girl was at the massage parlor, in between appointments, when Thiago
contacted her. After exchanging these messages she began to feel anxious; She had
never experienced this feeling of expectation before serving a customer. She was
unable to have a good lunch and later searched for photos of Thiago on the Internet,
thus discovering the football team he played for; She knew, however, that she
shouldn't talk to him about his work team, but her intention was actually to kill the
desire to see what Thiago's appearance was like. Andreza found the boy handsome: he
was light brown, tall, with a delicate face and dark green eyes, very straight brown hair
and a smiling look in the photos.

That day the masseuse asked to leave work at 17 hours. Upon arriving at her
apartment, she took a nice shower and went to prepare something to eat. After that,
she went through her bags and found those pieces of lingerie that her ex-boss had
given her, but she never got to wear them, and she preferred not to throw them away
because she thought the lingerie was so beautiful. She had washed them once, about a
month ago, so she decided to wear them that night.

At 7 pm Thiago contacted the girl, confirming the meeting. She confirmed that
he could come by at 8 pm or close to it. In fact, with 10 minutes left before the agreed
time, the boy was at the entrance to the brunette's building and contacted her via
WhatsApp. She was ready and went downstairs immediately. The girl got into the boy's
car, they greeted each other with a kiss on the cheek and left for the motel. Thiago had
chosen a very luxurious motel, but Andreza didn't know it. On the way to the meeting
place, they talked in the car.

- Where are you from, Luna?

- I'm from Recife-Pernambuco, – she lied – but I left there a long time ago and
so I lost my Pernambuco accent.

- Then you must enjoy frevo and Carnival! – the man insinuated.

- No, I don't really like frevo or Carnival.

- But dance a little frevo, at least?

- Only when I was a child; So I already forgot – Andreza claimed, bluffing.

- How long have you been in this business? - asked the football player.

- Do you mean escort?

- Yes.
- Less than a year ago. I was living in another city and moved to Fortaleza. I had
trouble getting good jobs and ended up working as a masseuse, but I don't want to
spend too much time doing massages.

- Do you have family here?

- No, and you?

- My family is from Morada Nova and Fortaleza. Do you do programs outside

the massage parlor?

- Rarely. Do you know Helen? – asked Andreza.

- Yes. I've already dated her once.

- She's a very good friend of mine. And we work together at the massage
therapy clinic.

Then they arrived at the motel.

- It’s very beautiful here – praised the girl. – It looks very refined. I've never
been here. I've only seen two motels here in Fortaleza, but the others didn't catch my
attention like this one.

- I've been here in a luxury suite with a hot tub and sauna.

- You must have brought someone very special...

Thiago preferred not to respond and remained silent.

The boy chose a room and they went there.

- You're quite nice, Luna.

- Thanks.

Andreza asked to take a shower and change her clothes. Thiago gave
permission and arranged the details in the room. He also removed his shoes and
clothes, leaving him only in his underwear.

The girl came back from the shower wrapped in a towel and dressed in the
beautiful white lingerie that she had chosen in her apartment.

Returning to the room, she looked at the boy and said:

- Ready – suddenly dropping the towel on the floor. - How am I?

- Wonderful.
- Thanks. Do you like lingerie?

- I love seeing beautiful women dressed in sexy lingerie.

Thiago could see her, then, only in lingerie and the brunette looked very
sensual in those underwear. They weren't too bold pieces, and they fit Suellen's body
very well.

The boy stood in front of her and praised her:

- You look beautiful in this outfit.

She said:

- Finally, alone, and I'm all yours.

Thiago then began to kiss the girl's neck affectionately, hugging her delicately.
The girl gave a slight sigh and declared that she was enjoying that affection. Soon after,
Thiago took her in his arms and laid her on the bed, face up. He continued his caresses,
kissing her neck and going down to her breasts; He then brought his mouth to the
brunette's ear and at that moment he asked her, in a whisper: “Can I give you oral

- He can. Feel free! - she answered. – I love being sucked.

The man continued sliding his mouth down the girl's body, reaching her
abdomen, where he stopped for a while between kisses and delicious licks, making her
more excited every moment. Then he started kissing her pubic area and then her labia
through the fabric of her panties. He undressed her with both hands and then
removed her rolled-up underwear, bending the girl's legs and finally removing them at
her feet. He brought his mouth closer to the girl's vagina and began to suck it with his
lips and then caress it deliciously with the tip of his tongue. Andreza writhed on the
bed and let out brief moans of pleasure. Her date still caressed her breasts with their
hands while she performed oral sex. Already very stimulated and with her vagina
leaking mucus, Andreza grabbed her partner's head, patting her while she moaned
with those caresses. Then, Andreza got up from the bed, and raising her back,
interrupted the boy, also so that she wouldn't have an orgasm, and asked her lover of
the day to lie down in the supine position. He was already fully erect and Suellen
began kissing the entire area around his penis. She then looked for an ultra-thin skin-
type condom and, removing it from the packaging, placed it on Thiago's member and
began sucking it eagerly. Thiago laid his head back on the pillow, closed his eyes and
enjoyed those sensations of pleasure, because, even though she was performing oral
sex with a condom, it was very pleasurable for him. She sucked him for a few minutes
and then he began to penetrate her, alternating between different sexual positions
and they remained in this wonderful sexual game for another 40 minutes, more or
less, until he reached orgasm and she asked them to stop. . Thiago wanted to continue,
but he understood that Luna was tired and they lay down next to each other to rest.

Andreza told Thiago after they had sex:

- Oh! I'm tired of these boyfriends who go out with their girls and pay for dinner
just to fuck them later. They just want that from them and move on to others. If this is
the condition, I prefer to receive money to have sex.

“Can you believe that one day I went out with my friend Larissa for lunch; She is
a call-girl I met there. A little guy sat at a table next to us and started staring at me.

“I thought: what does this kid want? A few minutes passed and the waiter came
to hand me a folded piece of paper. He said it was a note from the guy at the next
table. I was surprised and curious to read it. He wrote these words: “My name is Flávio.
What's his name, pretty lady? Are you committed? I would like to meet you. Can I have
your cell phone? There’s my number.” In fact, there was a number written on the
ticket. I thought about whether I would respond to that request and what I would
write. I showed it to my colleague. She read it, and then looked at him and smiled,
ironically. And he remained looking at us, calmly, without gesturing or saying anything.
I decided to respond to his message and wrote exactly these words: “My name is
Bruna. The program lasts one hour and costs R$250.00. “I noticed that while I was
writing a response to his note, the young man was overjoyed and seemed anxious, but
pleased that I was responding. After a few minutes (I wasn't in a hurry) a waiter
approached me, I called him and handed him the reply note to give to the guy.

“The waiter delivered my answer, he received it and held a little in his hand to
appreciate it. After a few seconds he unfolded the piece of napkin and read the back,
where I had written. He read it and seems to have reread it twice and let it appear that
he was impressed and a little saddened by my answer.

“Then he pulled another blank piece of paper from one of his pockets and
wrote another note. Then he handed it back to the waiter so he could pass it on to me.

“I received and read your counter-response:

‘Wow, what an answer you gave me. I was disconcerted. You don’t look like
a call girl’.

“That guy seemed to be looking for a serious girl to date, I wondered and
mentioned it to Larissa. My answer, however, was the following: “And do call girls and
escorts have what they are and what they do written on their foreheads? Looking at a
woman is it possible to predict that she is a whore, a girl? And I wrote down my work
number on the reply note addressed to him.” I have always abhorred the prostitute
stereotype. I never wanted to dress and take care of my appearance to appear like a
whore. I didn't want this: short, low-cut clothes, mega-hair in my hair, colorful
highlights, huge silicone implants in my breasts, false eyelashes, long and gigantic nails,
often extravagantly painted, flashy makeup, etc. It wasn't my type to play this call girl
pattern, stamped on my face and everything else. I know he received my new note,
even more distressed, and read it immediately. And I noticed that despite everything
he took out his cell phone and I believe he wrote down my phone number, at least my
work code 2. Larissa, he is saving my phone number in his address book. - I
commented to Larissa, looking at him surreptitiously. And I continued: “What an
insistent little face. I think he'll call me later. Let's see what this all leads to? “. And we
smiled at each other. He got up because he had already paid his order, finally waved at
us and left.

“Soon we also asked the waiter for our bill, paid and left.

“And it’s not like Flávio contacted me a few days later and invited me to
dinner. He didn't want to arrange any program with me, at least he didn't talk about it.
I was a little angry that he was trying to bullshit me and disrespect what I had said. But
he insisted. He wanted to meet me. I ended up accepting and went. I asked him not to
pick me up at my address (and I didn't want him to learn where I live) so as not to let it
be known that I was interested in him or that date; a date, just imagine, how silly! But I
was curious to know what he was going to say to try to win me over. I wanted to make
an appointment early, at 6 pm and in a place that wasn't so reserved, nor seemed
romantic, so he wouldn't feel like he was the one and so that he wouldn't become
conceited, or already thinking he had many chances with me. What I can say in
summary about our dinner is that he almost only talked about himself (he almost
didn't let me talk) and told me a lot of things and possessions that he owned, I believe
to try to impress me and convince me to stay with him. , and start a relationship. Flávio
finally told me that he was really looking for a girlfriend. And I thought: What about
me? He's young, and he's not bad looking, but oh poor thing: he approached me in the
wrongest way. What did it have to do with him going around telling everything he had?
Does he think he was going to buy me with that conversation? He is mistaken with me.
Did he act like that because he knew I was a call girl? I know he's very silly if he thinks
he's going to win me over like that. He has nothing to do with it. If he schedules a show
with me I'll go, but I don't think I'll go out to dinner with him anymore. He's nice, but
he's very childish. He just wanted to bribe me and I didn't like that at all. Anyway: it
was just dinner and nothing happened afterwards. He insisted on paying the bill
himself: he was kind. But if he thought he was going to buy me a meal to eat me later,
he'll wait his whole life - Andreza finished.
Thiago then asked Andreza:

- Honey, do you like to drink good wine?

- I love it, in good company and on special occasions. But I also like to choose a
good dry wine and be alone watching a good movie and savoring the wine until late at
night... Ummm!!- And she made the gesture in her mouth of someone who is trying an
exceptional wine – It's a great program. But I also enjoy drinks, like those made with

- Yes, gin drinks are wonderful. I also love the drinks made with this drink. I
think they're delicious.

After a brief pause Thiago asks:

- And you're not evangelical? How did you learn to drink alcohol?

- When I left home and went to live alone. But I drink little and only in the
company of those I trust.

- And your father: does he drink alcoholic beverages?

Andreza said to Thiago:

- Thiago, my father drinks secretly, sometimes.

- Like this?

- He wasn't supposed to drink, because of religion. But he drinks alcohol

sometimes, naughty. The other day it was actually funny: he was drinking a beer in a
restaurant when a friend of his came up to greet him. He was afraid that his friend
would realize that my father drank beer. Then he took a glass of soda, put the beer
inside and hid the bottle under the table, hidden by the tablecloth. As his girlfriend and
I were drinking soda, I believe his colleague didn't suspect anything. My dad also likes
some hard liquor. But Dad also drinks a little. I never drank alcoholic drinks in front of
him to avoid giving him a flag. I don't want him to dream about me drinking, even in

- Andreza, Andreza...

- What it was? I drink little and rarely.

- OK, no problem. You are an adult and you own your nose.

Andreza also told Thiago that she and Larissa had already served some
foreigners, that is, foreign tourists, although Suellen insisted that there were few.
Some even invited her to live with them outside of Brazil, like a North American and a
Norwegian, but she didn't accept because she didn't want to leave her country. She
also spoke of a European from France who she said was crazy about her and the
foreigner even called her and sang university country songs to her. Andreza described
that he was tall, blond, with blue eyes and was a regular practitioner of water sports
and loved the northeastern coast to practice them. For this reason, the Frenchman
came to Brazil every three months on average and had already made many friends
here. Andreza accepted two of his dinner invitations, as he told Thiago, but he did not
have any kind of affair with him, treating him only as a colleague, which left him
disappointed, to the point that the foreigner complained about Andreza to his friends,
as Larissa, who was more friendly with him.

On this day, Luna ended up revealing her real name to the boy and told him a
little about her life and about her misfortunes in previous relationships.


- Ah, Bruna, I've already made so many mistakes and so many mistakes on my
first dates with a boy. I even regret sometimes the stupid things I did. How to talk
about ex-boyfriends without noticing. According to most men, this is one of the fatal
mistakes for the first date. It doesn't matter if your ex is a mutual friend of your suitor,
talking about him gives the impression of desperation.

- I know it. The first date is your chance to leave the best impression on yourself
and you don't want your date to think you're a crazy, bitter person, or that you haven't
forgotten what's last, do you?

- Exactly. I also thought I was too much: I kept bragging; I know I actually gave
the impression that I was insecure and needed attention, but I may have scared a lot of
boys. It's cool to talk about your latest trip or a personal achievement, but I should try
not to make my interests seem just material.

- Asking your suitor about his life is valid and noting if he feels uncomfortable
with my stories, as I may be exaggerating.

- That's right, but I learned it after a lot of beatings. I also got hit on a lot by the
guys; and some were very promising. Playing dumb is another mistake: show your
intelligence, demonstrate who you really are.

- I know about meetings that turned into therapy sessions, boring: I leave my
problems at home when I go out on a date. No suitor will want to hear me talk about
worries about the sick pet, the abused boss and the latest affair.

- How would you feel if your guest was frustrated and pessimistic the entire
time on the date? There would be no time to go out later to another place that was
more interesting and reserved for you. It's what I wouldn't want to find in a person I
was dating for the first time.

- And don't be too serious: you have to relax, joke, smile, tell a joke if there's a

- Yes, I try to remember that they are not in a cult, a lecture to discuss politics,
religion and other serious subjects.

- I don't chase any “boy” on social media: if we're not friends yet, after the
date, I don't rush to add him the next day. I don't want to give the impression of being
desperate, because I'm not really like that, but I have the perseverance to achieve
what I want. Men know very well how possessive girls are when they check their
boyfriend's page on the Internet and see many beautiful and attractive followers; they
want to escape this type of possessive and insecure woman.


Larissa invited Andreza to provide joint assistance to a tourist. It would be the

two's first threesome outside the massage therapy clinic. The tourist was a young
Spanish widower, around 42 years old, who was visiting Brazil for the fourth time and
was already a client of Larissa's from some time ago.

Óscar was a Spaniard who started going out with Hellen and Bruna and they
had threesome sex.

They started a conversation in a restaurant, before leaving for the apartment

where she was staying.

- Óscar, what is it like in Spain? Wouldn’t a wife who cheats on her spouse and
is treated by her lover like a “whore” like to be treated the same by her husband? –
asked Larissa.

The man replied:

- This question may be full of prejudices, and I don't even know where to start,
but I'm going to break it down in full. So let's go:

"Woman who cheats" - That doesn't exist. There is no woman who cheats and
no man who cheats. What exists is a society based on possession, where artificial
concepts such as marriage were created to legitimize this feeling of possession. No one
belongs to anyone and if a person, whether man or woman, wants to have a
relationship with someone other than the person they live with, what's wrong with
"Treated by her lover like a whore" - What does that mean? Does that mean
he pays her in the end? Yes, because that's the only thing different about sex with a
prostitute: you have to pay her in the end, because it's her profession. But if you think
that "treating like a slut" has to do with the acts performed (oral or anal sex, etc.) or
the form of them (wild sex, BDSM or any other 'kinky' fantasy), then your marriage
must be very bad in terms of sex, because the question gives the impression that only
“traditional” sex, the “daddy-mommy” position, is allowed in marriage and that any
variation is only to be practiced with prostitutes. How sad a marriage like this must be!

"Doesn't like to be treated equally by her husband" - Perhaps this woman

needed a lover precisely because her husband is too conventional and "proper" in bed
with her, not satisfying all the needs and fantasies she has. Maybe if he, her husband,
abandoned the idea of conventional and routine sex, she wouldn't even need to have a

“Yes, whoever asks this question, I believe it is time to review your concepts!”-
concluded the Spaniard, with his post-contemporary vision of a relationship.

- Of course, this is all valid for an open relationship, Oscar, - declared Andreza -
even more so in a conservative society, like Brazil. And all of us Brazilians have a hand
in this tradition.

- My mother said that there is no relationship with a narcissist, - commented

Larissa - considering that with them relationships are unilateral, that is, only you are in
that relationship, donating, giving yourself, even in a subservient way, and what It's
even worse, believing that you are loved many times. For starters, they are prone to
magical thinking and idealization, which means that narcissists believe that all of their
problems can be solved by “the right person,” you, their idealized soulmate.

- True. At first, you will be perfect – continued Óscar. - Unfortunately, no one is

truly perfect, and the narcissist's expectations and goals are completely irrational.
When this new soulmate reveals that they are nothing more than an ordinary person
with flaws, problems and deficiencies and – worst of all – needs, the narcissist often
becomes disillusioned and disappointed. Feel betrayed. How can you not meet his
expectations? How dare you misrepresent yourself as perfect?

- Indifference, the silent treatment, make you try to compensate for the failure,
the imperfection of what you have become for him – said Andreza - and, tirelessly,
sometimes even without understanding why, he is treating you like this, and You will
do everything to get treatment at the beginning of the relationship. It could all be in
vain! You “betrayed” the narcissist by not being perfect, by being just an ordinary
human being; that's exactly how they feel: betrayed It's not absurd. They idealize the
perfect woman and you are ultimately to blame. I have already crossed paths with two
narcissists in my life.
- As far as they can see, in their opinion, you lied, manipulated and even
deceived them – Larissa reiterated; So, they have the right to take it down whenever
they want. If you want to commit emotional suicide, this is only phase 1 that you will
face. But your question gives you a sign: how can you not be “discarded” by them? …
Ask yourself: do you consider yourself worthy of disposal, as something that no longer
has any use? Meaning: the act or effect of getting rid of something that is no longer
useful or no longer wanted.

- I believe that this question, for many women, is just a curiosity, from the
heart! – said Andreza. – We must have emotional awareness. But many men are
unable to have liberal and innovative sex with their wife, girlfriend or wife, etc. and
there are “n” reasons to explain this fact, but I don't believe that this happens because
they are afraid of their wife imagining that they are treating them so they would think
that they act like “prostitutes” in bed; I think most men today no longer have that

The three friends, Andreza, Juhliana and Larissa, got ready on the seafront in

Andreza went out with her prostitute friends on the beachfront of Fortaleza,
fussing, attracting attention, dancing only in a bikini, dancing around in the beachfront
stalls and restaurants to attract the attention of national and foreign tourists, in order
to attract customers. Once, they were in a restaurant on the seafront and started
dancing and twerking, attracting the attention of a young man. Some bar patrons
complained about the girls, but to their surprise, he and his wife defended them.
Andreza became friends with the couple and they even took Suellen to a family beach
house twice, treating her very well, like a daughter. The man's name was Kelvin and he
worked making homemade pizza and burgers. Andreza referred to him as a
businessman and later revealed that she did two programs with the crown. This was
the payment she gave to the man's wife, in return for the consideration she had for
the brunette. How ironic!

Larissa asked Andreza about Flávio a few days later:

- So, brunette, have you been talking to Flávio, that little guy from the
restaurant who sent you the note?

- Can you believe I even had dinner with him twice.

- Were they colleagues?

- Almost.

- And what does he do in life? Is he really rich or wealthy? As they say here in

- I don't think so. He studies Fisheries Engineering at a private college.

- And does he at least have money?

- I think he's more phobic. He's talkative and a bit of a bragger. It seems that his
father is a merchant in the city where his parents live. They are from Morada Nova.

- Flávio paid for both dinners for you?

-He paid.

- But did you guys have sex?

- No.

- Friend, don't lie to me! – and Larissa made a disapproving face.

- We didn't stay. And I don't think I go out with him anymore.

- It is true!

Thiago and Andreza spoke five days later. He noticed that “Luna” was online on
the messaging app and sent her a communication:

- Hi, what are you doing now, Luna?

- I'm getting out of the shower right now; I'm going out to the mall; I have to
buy a gift for a friend who is having a birthday.

- Are not you gonna work today? – the football player wanted to know.

- No, my dear, because I'm off at the beauty salon today. - Andreza said she did
some odd jobs at a hairdressing salon. - I'm just going to get ready and go to the mall.
And you, Thiago, are you free? What a miracle...
- I have pain in my left knee and I was only able to do physiotherapy today. I
wasn't able to participate in the ball training or the rachão. I was going to ask you to
come here. I'm just at home.

- And can an injured athlete date? Lol – joked the girl.

- Maybe yes. And I don't have my lips plastered. I wanted to give you some

- Kisses... Wow, with your kisses you need to suffocate me; but I like them a lot.
I love our kisses... They have a bite and a very good flavor: I want more.

- Great. I also think it's delicious to kiss you. Your kiss is deep, enveloping and
with a sweet taste. Your lips are wet and very soft. Girl, you are a divinely good kisser...

- Thanks. Congratulations to both of us in this case. Nothing better than an

invitation, like the one you made me, but at the moment it's not possible.

- No problem, go buy your friend's souvenir. Tomorrow we will try to see each
other. Tonight I will receive a visit from my parents. They arrive today, but leave

- Wow, what a rush of them.

- This time it will be a rushed visit. Sleep well today, love, because tomorrow I
won't let you sleep. Lol.

- Jeez! If I were there with you right now, what would you want to do to me?

- I was going to invite you to play video games, and then soak in my heated
bathtub with bath salts and that foam! We were going to relax, drinking champagne!

- My God, what a chic apartment! Does it even have a hot tub?

- Yes, I'm living in a condominium. And I chose a house that has a jacuzzi in the
bathroom of the master suite. It's a luxury... Have you ever had sex in a bathtub?

Andreza lied in her response, saying no. And she further stated:

- You will make this fantasy come true for me later, when you have the

- Yes, I want; you will see how good it is. Bye, Luna. A kiss!

- Other. Enjoy that your parents will be with you. Nine enough for both of
them.. A kiss too.

- It can leave. Kisses.

And they ended the messages.


Andreza and Thiago spoke a few days later during a meeting:

- Andreza, don't you think about getting seriously involved with someone else?
– The girl had already talked a little about her misfortunes in past relationships.

- Not at the moment, my dear. I don't want to care about other people's
problems. I want to enjoy and earn my money as an escort. Now it's bad, but you'll see
how I'm going to make a lot of money.

Suellen pronounced these words with great pride and pride.

- My parents invited me to spend the weekend with them in my city, but I don't
think I'll go – said Thiago.

- Why do not you want to go? – asked the girl.

- I don't feel like going. I want to stay here.

- Go visit your parents. If I could, I would visit mine every weekend.

- Andreza, this time I won't go. I'm going to take advantage of this three-day
break from training to rest.

- So enjoy your break, my dear.

- I thought we could do something together.

- So, think about the possibilities and contact me. It might work. I don't have
anything scheduled yet.

- Yes, I will see.

They had sex and in the end, after saying goodbye, he sent her a message
afterwards, inviting her to do something together in the next few days. In fact, the
footballer sent a message two days later, but Andreza would only see it after three
days, and they didn't meet at the weekend.

Andreza and Thiago met about once a week. In Larissa's flat, in the motel and
even in his apartment. Wanessa, however, warned her:

- Bruna, don't go to his apartment, Thiago. This way, you'll become more
attached to him, and I know you don't want to make fun of the boy. It would mess up
all his plans.
- And truth. Do you think, colleague, that I should no longer stay with him in his
apartment when he invites me?

- By doing this, he is attracting you to his nest – claimed the redhead. – And you
will start to create greater and greater memories and bonds; Afterwards it will be
more difficult to free yourself and you may suffer if they break up.

- We have nothing to do with each other. He's just a customer.

- It will be? It has to be like I'm saying; unless you want something serious with

-He will want nothing serious with me – she disdained the brunette. – A guy like
him is full of wooing women; all at his feet: supporters and fans. I once saw his contact
list on Zap, by accident. I saw a few pages when he showed me something on his cell
phone: he had a lot of photos of women in his contacts. Lots of pretty girls.

- It's normal, Bruna. He is young, handsome and very well known. You were
jealous, weren't you?

- I am not. Nothing jealous of him. I don't have. Now there is something I

learned: living with him for a while I was thinking; I don't think I have the courage to
date a handsome and somewhat famous football player like him. There is a lot of
harassment from girls. I wouldn't know how to deal with that.

- Well, friend, don't get too involved with him. But he doesn't fool Larissa's
friend either. I don't think she would like it if you seduced him and mistreated him

- No, I won't do that. You can let me know that I won't mistreat you. I'm not
going to deceive Thiago and then deceive him. I'm not a psychopath or a bad
character. I swear I'm not.

-I know you're not, Bruna-her friend concluded. - When did you last see each
other? You and Thiago.

- Three days ago. I think he will contact me in the next two days.

- Good luck. Enjoy.

In fact, three days later Thiago invited her to dinner and from there they went
to a motel. He invited her to go to a dance club, but she didn't accept, as Andreza
didn't like nightclubs or dance clubs.

On this day, the brunette agreed to drink two glasses of dry wine and at the
motel she let loose with Thiago. On this occasion, the young woman revealed her real
name. She kissed him passionately and performed oral sex on him without a condom.
The player also gave him a generous oral sex session in return and they had sex for
more than an hour, both of them reaching orgasm. It was a luxury motel. They spent
the night and in the morning they had breakfast in their room. Then they rested and
had a little morning sex. At the end of it all, Thiago left her at her apartment. It was a
Sunday morning. He left her at the building's lobby and said goodbye to her, declaring:
“Bye, Andreza, I adore you! “

Those words took her by surprise and she just said:

- Not say it.

Andreza had spoken to Thiago in the car, before they arrived at her apartment,
on the way home.

- I know that men greatly value the beauty of women and beauty, however, is
fleeting. That's why I can't get hung up on physical beauty. I will not fall into the trap of
men who only care about our physical appearance. We are more than that. But I want
to take advantage of my beauty, my youth and my attractions to make my money. I
have to take advantage of my opportunities soon. Time passes quickly. I want to make
my nest egg. I will be able to achieve my goals. I need to make money while I'm young.

Andreza had already published on her Facebook page: “She is much more than
what she sees herself as.” Suellen continued:

- You know, honey, I like to tease the male. At a restaurant table, stimulate him
under the table, touching him in a malicious way, doing this provocation. I love
vibrators that men put inside me and stimulate me, turn me on, increasing and
decreasing the speed of the vibration using a remote control that they keep. I like this
preparation before making love. I like these preliminaries. Excites me. I need it.

- Luna, - (that was the name she had given him), - have you ever had sex with

- I've never had sex with women, it's not my thing. I don't like it. I've been to
three services a few times, but I didn't interact with my friend during the service. I
don't really like menage a trois. I like men, I actually love men; but one day I received
an unusual proposal: a woman wanted to bring her husband to have sex with me, in
front of her. I had never done this with anyone. On this day I agreed. But I made it
clear that I wouldn't have sex with her, I'm not bisexual and I don't do programs with
couples and I would just make an exception at that opportunity. And I was running low
on programs, I needed money. She told me that he (her husband) was in need, I didn't
quite understand. I know they came and I had sex with him. Terrible. He had very bad
sex and was very bad in bed. It was one of the worst experiences of my life. I think she
would like me to teach him how to have sex or she wanted to see him having sex with
another woman to check if he was just having bad sex with her. All I know is that he
was terrible in bed and didn't know how to have sex. I believe she concluded that the
problem was with him. That woman was not sexually fulfilled with her husband.

- Luna, how are you when having sex, in private, how do you like your partner
to do it? How do you want him to treat you?

- I like people to curse me at “H” time, swear at me, when I'm fucking, at the
moment of climax. I like to hear gossip in my ear, blender secrets; I like being called
naughty, slut, whore, slut, etc., I appreciate bitching. I love people pulling my hair,
slapping me in the face and on my ass when I'm having sex; I scream and moan often;
These things excite me. I like all of that. And I want the man to have attitude, and fuck
me in different positions. I also love playing the submissive role sometimes.”

- You like playing the role of a whore, acting out and embodying this character;
Wouldn't these moans be pure pretense? Who can guarantee me that it's not all a
simulation to deceive and seduce your customers? - commented and asked Thiago.

- No, I'm a call girl and I get paid for it. It's my job. And I like what I do. I feel
pleasure and fulfillment when my client reaches orgasm and cums. I feel competent
and accomplished. I like what I do.

- It's true, he already goes out with other girls, and he doesn't have any respect
for the payer. They are mechanics, they barely speak, they don't smile and, if the client
cums, they get out of bed, take a shower, get dressed and leave, barely saying
goodbye. You are different, and you care about the customer, you try to please and
fulfill everything that was agreed, without deceit. You're cool. It's honest. She is
committed to what she does.

- Thank you my darling.

- Thiago noticed that “Luna” never asked about the date of his birthday and this
fact bothered him a little.

He in turn questioned:

- Andreza, when is your birthday?

- Oh my dear, I prefer not to say it. I don't like to celebrate.

- Couldn't you tell me?

The girl stopped talking.

- Don't you have a tradition of celebrating in your family? – asked the man.
- Yes, we do – pretended Suellen, who didn't usually congratulate her relatives.
– I'm not very fond of celebrating my birthday. – Andreza also didn’t have much
intimacy with her father’s family, with the exception of an aunt, who lived in Brasília.

- Is your family united, Luna?

- Are; Even though we live very far from each other, we are very close.

However, the girl was cold and never wanted to know Thiago's birthday, and
this fact caught the boy's attention, as she didn't even ask him out of politeness. It
seemed that the girl had no empathy for him, no matter how many times they met and
talked about different topics.

They said goodbye with a quick kiss and the girl entered her modest building,
getting out of the footballer's luxurious car, under the watchful eyes of the doorman.
She entered without giving him confidence and went to her apartment block.


Thiago had a very close friend called Otávio, to whom he confessed intimate
matters. They talked a few days later in the football player's car while heading to a
place where they would play bowling with other colleagues.

- Otávio, I like a call girl. I don't know exactly how that happened, but it
happened. Have you ever experienced a similar situation in your life?

- I've never fallen in love with a whore, but I think that, if you like her, and
imagine that it will be worth it, it doesn't hurt to try. The problem is if she continues to
"work" during the dating period, the relationship will become tense.

- Otávio, it really is!

- I can tell you a little about my experience with my ex-girlfriend; She

wasn't a call girl, but she had a lot of sexual experience. Although she claims that she
only had 4 men before meeting me, her best friend said that she had sex with that
many guys in a single month (she may have exaggerated, so I'm not sure); She was
known for participating in "parties", partying in tourist cities, and had only had one
serious boyfriend in her life.

In short: she's great in bed - fantastic, naughty, fiery. She has no shame, walks
around the house naked, talks dirty when she is alone with you, she sucks you very
well, tries different positions that I never imagined were possible.
On the other hand: I felt insecure around her. The girl received a lot of looks
from other guys, and I imagined that they already knew her (and had tried sex with
her). When you have so many doubts about whether you're really managing to please
her, even though she says it's one of the best sex of her life, we don't know if she's
really having an orgasm or if she's faking it; Besides, when we were already having a
bad time dating, we would go out and she would comment on the boys we saw and
she had already had sex; She talked about other men's bodies, that she wanted to see
some guy naked (I went back to the gym because I was already scared of her doing
something there) and started flirting and insinuating herself to other guys.

In other words: on the sex side, it's great. But you need to be more secure in
the relationship, I honestly wouldn't accept it.

- But she doesn't seem like that kind of girl. She is more reserved. She's not a
nymphomaniac. At least, she doesn't appear to be.

- Investigate further to be sure, but don’t become a “stalker” about her.

Nobody likes this, this persecution behavior, nor does they like clingy people, who are
always on top of the person, wanting to know everything about their life, without
letting them breathe.

- I'm aware of that. People need freedom in any relationship. Feelings of

possession or excessive jealousy are never beneficial in a loving or emotional

And the two continued on their way, starting to talk about other subjects.

Thiago would meet the call girl again five days later and encouraged her to
change apartments, as she complained about problems she faced in her current

- Thiago, I don't like where I live anymore – said Suellen. - The other day a
neighbor got into trouble with me. And the apartment is not very comfortable. It gets a
lot of sun in the afternoon and then it gets really hot.

- Move to a slightly better apartment, right there in Varjota. How much rent do
you currently pay?

- R$ 900.00, with the condominium included.

- The price is very good for the location and your apartment has two bedrooms.
The value is as expected.

- I also think...
- But if you pay another R$300 or R$400.00, I think you can get a much better
property. Can I talk to a broker friend? She can help you find another property calmly.

- It is not necessary. There are times when I think about moving, but paying
R$1,200.00 or R$1,300.00 is starting to get overwhelming for me. Oh! I don't know
exactly what to do. I'm very confused!

- But if it's best for you, my dear, I'll help you with the rent for the first six
months; I'll give you a helping hand of R$400.00 per month. Would you accept?

- No, I don't want to – Andreza wouldn't like to be subordinate or owing favors

to any man.

- All good.

- I would like to have a better apartment, but I don't want to spend a lot.

- Think carefully. Whatever you decide, I support you.

- Anyway, I'll try. Give me the phone number of your realtor friend.

And Thiago passed on the phone.

In fact, Thiago recommended a real estate agent, who helped Andreza find an
apartment that she wanted. Afterwards, he and the call girl met and she told him that
she would not need any financial help to change location, and he could rest assured
about that.

During this same period of time, Andreza asked to leave the massage therapy
clinic, as the girl discovered that she did not feel fulfilled in that activity and she had a
disagreement with Larissa.

As their friendship evolved, Larissa began to question some of Andreza's

attitudes and also tried to guide and influence him, but Andreza didn't like that and the
two had disagreements that temporarily separated them. The brunette also found out
that “Hellen” was cheating on her, as she would not be dividing the clients' fees
equally between the two. This upset “Bruna”, but she never reached out to her friend
about this fact, as she had no proof of such an occurrence.

Therefore, after leaving the massage therapy clinic, Andreza began to have
difficulty earning money and, due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the economic crisis,
the clientele was still not satisfactory. When she was unable to get money, Andreza
changed her behavior, but because she was proud, and so as not to feel like a hostage
or a debtor of favors, the companion did not want to ask the football player for money.
Larissa, on the other hand, managed to get foreign or national clients and
tourists to do programs, but, as they were fighting, this option was ruled out for now.
The brunette also knew that her other colleagues, also friends of “Hellen”, were
supportive of the latter, and began to isolate Andreza since her argument with her
masseuse friend.

At this point in the championship, Andreza was already feeling regret for having
moved to a more expensive apartment and considered that Thiago was also to blame
for having encouraged her to move. “Bruna’s” mind reasoned like this.

The football player then scheduled a program with Suellen and they agreed to
meet at the motel. She refused a ride to take her to the scheduled location and the
boy thought it was strange. In fact, the girl didn't want him to find out that she had
moved out a few days ago. The girl also found it difficult to schedule the program,
saying that she couldn't meet him on those days and almost didn't respond to his
messages or answer his calls.

At the motel they talked.

- Luna, you sent me a message via WhatsApp and deleted it before I could read
it. What did the message say?

- It was the wrong message. It wasn’t for you – the woman lied.

- Have you ever moved to another address?

- Not yet – she bluffed, for the second time.

During and after sex, the player noticed that the girl was different, with a
more serious and less talkative manner.

- Andreza, is everything okay?

- Yes, why? – she pretended, but Thiago noticed that something was bothering

- Certainty?

- It's just problems at home. They bother me too much – the girl invented. -
Don't get involved.

- Okay – replied the boy, already afraid of the girl's posture.

They were both lying naked on the bed and he was on top of her at that
moment. After a brief pause, he said, looking into the young woman's eyes:

- Andreza, I wanted to ask you something. Can I?

- You can ask... – she reinforced, in a serious tone.

- What do I really represent to you?

Andreza answered him mercilessly, intending to hurt him:

- You're just a customer to me. Just that and nothing else. Why?

Thiago was a little surprised by the answer; however, what he felt most at that
moment was sadness and a little disappointment. If Andreza was telling the truth, she
had just revealed that she did not have any affection for him, contrary to what he
imagined was already happening.

- I thought you were going to give me another answer – replied the player.

- Why? I should? – she asked, with an inquisitive tone.

- I imagined there was already some feeling between us. I believed you would
at least say that I am a person you are getting to know better and that you care a little
about me.

- So sorry.

After that, they separated and left. Andreza left there using alternative
transport. Thiago didn't even try to offer him a ride.

About 4 days later Thiago looked for the girl at her new address. She no longer
responded to his messages. Her address was given to her by her realtor friend.

Andreza was surprised by Thiago's unexpected visit and asked with disdain:

- What are you doing here? - Andreza asked Thiago.

- I just wanted to see you and I showed up... And I wanted to see your new

- I was going to invite you to meet... but not now.

Thiago then looked into Andreza's eyes and asked her:

- Bruna, why are you running away from me? Why have you been away so
much the last few days? I hurt you? Was it something I said that upset you?

- No, it was nothing. It's because these days I've been very busy with moving.

At a certain point, however, the boy heard Andreza whisper something like
this: “it makes me change my address thinking there will be a better place to have sex,
imagine, it won't...”. The player, however, preferred not to discuss anything about the
girl's speech.

In reality, Andreza was pretending and she was really upset with Thiago.
However, she preferred to continue deceiving that there was no problem between

Thiago then asked to go to the bathroom.

- Honey, before I leave, I would like to use your bathroom. Can I?

- He can. Try to be quick. I'll need to leave.

Thiago went to the bathroom and that was when Andreza quickly closed the
door of a room next to the bathroom and said:

- Please don't enter this room! - she asked, very serious.

It wasn't the room with Andreza's bed.

Thiago immediately asked:

- All good; But what is so special about this room? Are you hiding something?

- No. It's because it's my things that are in boxes and bags. Don't enter this
room and don't disturb it, please – reinforced the brunette.

- All good. I know how to follow orders.

After the boy left the bathroom, she addressed him, saying:

- I'm in a hurry. I have an assessment at the gym at 9:30am.

- Did you schedule the evaluation with that person I suggested to you, Soraia?
She is great and very competent.

- No. I made an appointment with someone else; his name is Airton.

- Why didn't it work out for Soraia?

Andreza lied at this point:

- She couldn't do it today and I only had this time available.

Then they left the apartment; Thiago gave him a ride a block away from the
gym. When saying goodbye, he said he would get in touch in the next few days.

- Okay – replied the girl.

Andreza then gave him a “peck” kiss on the mouth and left.
Otávio and Thiago talked about Andreza one more time, a few days later:

- Otávio, how do I get to this girl? – asked the second.

- An aggressive approach with this girl won't work, friend, but a confident
approach will. Remember that trust is key; It's not everything, but she should know the
difference between an act and real emotional stability. She knows the distinction
between boldness and security.

- This means that I must be very down to earth and punctual in my

approach. So, Andreza will wonder why I'm not at her feet like other men could be.

- Let the girl help you; challenge her to seduce you; never lose your temper,
and treat her with respect. My favorite way to approach this type of woman is by
giving sincere compliments, but in a strategy that shows that I'm used to beauty and
it's not a big deal.

- I understand. First, she loves to chase, to seduce – that's how she gets
her power. Second, all the other guys are throwing themselves at her feet. So it's just a
matter of not doing it; be authentic. She will naturally seek to win you over.

- She interprets a man's domination by seeing how comfortable he is with

mocking himself (and her, but on a smaller level). She talks openly about her goals,
failures, interests, silly childhood memories, and her most recent embarrassing
moment. She feels when the average guy would try to advance or try to say something
seductive, and instead, she looks away and relaxes her body and mind. She doesn't
play the inexperienced lover.

- Could I ever want something serious with her? Do you think it's worth
investing? – asked the football player.

- A girl with a seductive profile may at some point want a family, but she
knows that, nowadays, a woman cannot depend on a man to take care of herself.

- Calm down, Otávio, I'm not thinking about marriage yet.

- She believes she is independent and initially wants to pay her most
essential bills. It's likely that she won't be happy at home. However, as with all women,
she needs to take care of her man in order to strengthen their bonds. She does this by
helping him in practical ways because, above all, she is a realistic woman.

- The last thing she's looking for is a submissive, I believe. Men are selfish
– she knows this because she's had a lot of them. Otávio, I would like her to stop doing

- Not necessarily, at first. Escorts usually do not give up their work to enter into
relationships; If she wants to continue for a little longer, and she asks you to, and you
feel comfortable with the situation, all you need to do is take some care regarding
privacy and details of the program. Calm down.

- What for example?

- Try to progressively free yourself from the programs; stop just having sex;
There should therefore be space in the agenda for couples' plans, be it dinner or a
movie on the weekend.

- What else, friend?

- Decide on the issue of family members: for example, if not even her family
members know about her profession, why would you tell your family the truth?
However, if they do know, is it fair for you to try to hide it? It is important that you
both talk and express your opinions on the matter, before agreeing what will be done.

- But if I insist that she should stop being a call girl?

- Now, if you insist on her stopping, be prepared for one thing: financial help.
Yes, most of these girls may be looking for someone to support them so they can get
out of this life. If you are going to ask her to quit her job, you will have to help
financially, until she gets a job or if you decide to try to live together.

- But I know that many escorts make good money per month. And there?

- Yes, that's why I reviewed these last positions. If you want her to get out of
this life, be prepared to at least support the lifestyle she had. You don't need to give
her an “allowance”, but if she needs money to buy clothes or go to the salon, be
prepared, as she will no longer have a source of income.

- Thank you for your reflections. You helped me a lot to think better about my

- Anything, I'm here for us to talk, friend.


- Wanessa, what do you think of a man who falls in love with his companion? –
asked Andreza.

- As much as the relationship between the two is pleasant, they both have to
live with the distrust and prejudice of others – said Wanessa. – Furthermore, men are
always more concerned about the girl’s fidelity. Therefore, charges of jealousy can
arise and this is quite a problem.

- I know - continued Andreza. -The first question that comes to mind for those
considering this relationship is: can a prostitute or former companion be a faithful
woman, or will she always be subject to weakness?

-Well, you know, my friend - said Wanessa-that for it to work - like in any other
relationship-_ her role is to offer security. See what happened to a client of mine who
met another call girl in a bar, but didn't know she was a whore, and started getting
involved with the girl. He told me: at the beginning, when they met and during their
first meetings, she said she was a lawyer. After almost three months of relationship,
when the relationship was becoming more serious, she opened up and revealed the
truth and what her reaction was: the moment he found out, Fred says he turned his
back, disappeared, and was left without contact for approximately one month. With
her absence, he said he started to miss the girl a lot and they met again. At first, after
the truth was revealed, it was more difficult for him to accept and they had some
arguments. Not just any man can handle it, I think. They still dated and ended up
having a beautiful daughter, but today they don't live together. However, he actively
participates in raising his daughter.

- Good, less bad. A partially happy ending – reflected the brunette. – But I don’t
want to get pregnant by any client. I don't have the head for that.

- But, in the story I reported, they were never a client and a call girl.

- Yes, I understood what you reported.


Otávio and Thiago spoke the next day, in the former's apartment:

- A naughty woman, anyone can be, - stated Otávio, - it's worse to live with an
exploiter, and who uses her body to benefit from you; Realize that, friend, end it and
get out as soon as possible; leaves it for someone else to be abused; there are naughty
women in bed, but with good character; just look, and when you find the ideal one,
just value it and be happy.

Otávio also told Thiago:

- I went through hell with a woman like that, for almost a year. This type of girl
never rests: she is always planning ways to get what she wants; They set up a web on
social media, waiting for an interesting prey to fall for their scam. Even though she is in
a serious relationship with you, she still gives confidence to anyone she meets, and
who has something good to offer in her opinion, as they are above all interested; and
they analyze all possibilities, coldly; If there's something they hate, it's dating a hacker,
for example; every compliment from men is welcome, and analyzed, and kept. The
boyfriend or husband will be able to do whatever is necessary, but she will not give up
opening up opportunities for possible harassment. When she actually catches a guy
calling her love, she leaves her boyfriend, husband, etc. They usually don't change their
status on Facebook, to give them more opportunities to conquer. If the guy is
suspicious, it's because he's sick, they say. He has to trust her, completely; It's the price
they demand. They try to use you as much as they can; If a better one comes along,
they'll exchange you for the new one, but not before keeping both, to test them, and
then finish. You keep asking her to come back; the guy suffers, he misses the girl. If she
breaks her own face, then she asks to go back and says: I didn't stay with anyone. It
seems like they already described my ex, we didn't end up dating because of her
bullshit, but I still suffered a lot. Today the girl is always running after me saying that
"people change". I even made out with her yesterday, the same dirty look as always,
she even said that she loved me, with a little mischievous smile. "You do not believe
me?" I laughed easily. I changed the chip and life goes on. So let it go my friend, it's

- Otávio, should I invest in this girl? I find her so difficult. I want to be interested
in her, but I don't feel firm. She also doesn't seem to really be interested in me. Our
relationship is superficial. I think she is very focused on her programs.

- So, let go of her, Thiago. Maybe she was born to be a prostitute. It could be
her destiny.

Three days later Suellen and the football player stopped meeting.

Thiago had been trying to contact Andreza via WhatsApp since 3:50 pm, but it
was only around 5 pm that she responded, saying only that she was going through an
unforeseen event and would get back to him as soon as she could.

- Something serious, Andreza? - asked the boy. – If you need help, I'm here. You
can talk - wrote Thiago.

But she only replied:

- It's nothing serious. Rest assured.

- OK.

And she went offline.

About 2 and a half hours passed and she showed signs of life. And she typed on
the WhatsApp screen:

- Thiago...

By coincidence he was online and responded immediately:

- I am here...

And she continued writing:

- My dear, you don't know the hardship I went through today. I had a lot of
trouble today, I was very nervous. I'm still shaking...

- What happened, Andreza?

- I had agreed to meet you at 4 pm, didn't I?

- Yes true. And what happened?

- But a guy booked it with me at 2:50 pm, but he contacted me in advance,

around 2 pm, you know. I left everything right with him and even gave him my location
via GPS. But it was 3:05 pm, it was 3:05 pm and he wasn't arriving. Suddenly, he sends
me a message explaining what was happening: he was on the highway, arriving in the
city and said he was a little late, but he would come. I swear I tried to cancel the
program, I told him I didn't have time anymore, I already had another client at 4pm,
but he didn't accept my allegations and started telling me a lot of things, insults, very
upset, and for me to wait for him, and then hung up. A little time passed and he
arrived here in front of Juh's building and he called me via WhatsApp. I didn't answer
and then he sent a message and I read it: he said he was a military police officer and I
had to go down to talk to him, otherwise he wouldn't leave. At this time, the building is
without a doorman, as it is a small building, with just 3 floors, with a single block. I
went down and left, realizing then that he was armed and he asked me to accompany
him; I had asked us to go to a motel and I thought we would, but he took me to a
group home in a very distant neighborhood and we had sex there. He is very similar,
has a military rank and is around 30 years old. On the way home, in his car, he told me
that he is fighting with his wife, he saw my ad on the Internet and he liked me. His
mental state was very altered, but he didn't treat me badly. Arriving at the final
destination, however, I was scared. The street was almost empty of people, and the
house we went to was closed. Entering the residence we went to a room. He tried to
kiss me, and I reminded him that I said I didn't kiss on the mouth on shows. He wanted
to get angry, but he accepted my condition. So I was scared that he would want to
have sex with me without a condom or try to force me to have anal sex. After all, we
were alone in that place and he had a gun to coerce me. At least he didn't appear to be
drunk or under the influence of any illicit drug. I just know that luckily I took condoms,
I said that I would only have protected sex and that I wouldn't accept anal sex and he
understood. At the end of it all he still wanted to know my real name (but I didn't say
it) and my personal cell phone number, but I didn't say it either. He even invited me to
be his lover, can you believe it?

- And what did you answer? - asked Thiago.

- I said no. I told him that I didn't even know him to accept an unusual proposal
like this... He took me by surprise... And I was really scared of him. I couldn't go head to
head with him, he could get mad at me. Whatnot.

- And you liked him? – asked Thiago, a little worried.

- No, but he's not ugly. In fact, he scared the hell out of me. And he continued
to insist. He came to drop me off at Juh's apartment and said he would call me later... I
remained silent.

- Do you still want to go out with him?

- I don't know... I mean, preferably not. He gave me the impression of being a

bit of a strange person.

- I hope this convict returns to his wife.

- He revealed to me that they are almost separating.

- It's hard to believe that. He said these things just to win you over. And what
will you do if he calls you again?

- I really don't know... I was scared of him. I don't know what he can do to me if
I don't respond to his messages.

- Change your phone number. Tell him it's no longer okay for you to go out with

- I can't change my cell phone number. I have many customers in this line. And
he already knows the address of Juh's apartment. I go there very often. The way he is
crazy, he could wait for me, hiding, and catch me by surprise. Then it would be worse
for me.

- Then don't respond to his messages anymore!!!

- He'll be angry... I can't do that!

- Andreza, I think you liked him.

- No. He was a customer like any other.

- Well, get ready because he's going to start chasing you. Many of these military
police officers are really crazy. And they can be dangerous.

- Turn that mouth that way. You just talk nonsense. – the brunette exploded –
Instead of trying to calm me down, come and say something like that. Nothing bad will
happen... You are very pessimistic.

Thiago was a little upset with Andreza's reaction and response, but he
preferred to just say:

- Or am I a realist? May God hear you and may he do nothing more to you. But I
confess that I was worried about you.

- You don't need to worry about me, Thiago. I am of legal age and I know how
to take care of myself. Don't feel responsible for me. Let me solve this alone. - replied

- All good. You're the boss. Can we try to see each other tomorrow afternoon,

- Could it be. I'll get in touch.

- Well, be with God. Anything, any problem, call me.

- Goodnight.

And they ended the conversation on WhatsApp.

That same night, heavy rain and lightning fell over the city. It was March.
Andreza barely slept due to the thunder and lightning and at around 3 am sent a
Whatsapp message to Thiago where he simply wrote: “Thiago”, but he didn't see it
right away and only looked at the message on his cell phone the next day. at 7 am, but
chose not to respond to the message yet. He remembered that Andreza had spoken
about his fear of lightning storms and imagined that his contact was for that reason.
He also thought that she hadn't had a good night's sleep, and only now, in the
morning, would he have been able to sleep and preferred not to disturb her. She had
viewed WhatsApp until almost 5 am. Thiago felt sorry for Andreza and resentful for not
having understood her message in the early hours of the morning. But it was already
too late.
After that day, however, the military officer no longer contacted Andreza. He
probably made up with his wife and returned to her.

Thiago arranged a meeting with Andreza at the motel and they had sex for
around ninety minutes. She seemed uncomfortable about something, but didn't want
to open up to the football player. He realized that there was something wrong with the
girl, but preferred not to investigate.

Andreza said she was looking for another apartment to live in and was stressed.
She had also gone to a more affordable beauty salon and the hairdresser had damaged
the ends of her hair. Also after having sex, Thiago informed the prostitute that he was
going to travel to a match in another state. The brunette didn't show any interest in
the subject and didn't ask him any questions about his trip. At the end, Thiago asked
her if Andreza would miss him on the days he was away, but she preferred to answer:

- No, why would I miss you?

- I'm nothing to you? - he asked again.

- No. You're just a customer to me.

- It's okay, Andreza. When you want, you know how to be impolite.

Andreza remained silent at this moment.

Thiago asked for the room bill, paid the charge and left, without offering
Suellen a ride. She was a little upset that he had left like that, and Thiago, in turn, was
disappointed with the woman's rudeness.

Two days later the boy sent him the following message via the communication
app. The boy vented to Andreza:

- Luna, I feel like many of your actions are guided by fear. I believe that your
fears are due to the misfortunes of past experiences that brought you different
traumas. Or else your fears come from false expectations, illusions or daydreams of
your conscience. Maybe you grew up in an overly protective environment or had an
overly harsh upbringing that didn't allow you to develop into a more courageous
person without fear of investing in challenging situations for yourself. You must have
experienced frustrations that undermined your self-confidence. Regardless of what
caused this situation, if you continue to be dominated by your excessive fears, you will
miss great opportunities in your life, simply because you never want to take risks,
because you fear the consequences. And she will be an excessively cautious, self-
indulgent, procrastinating woman, accepting the situation she finds herself in and
without reaching new horizons. Excessive fear, without control, can impose a real
chain, in which you are your own prisoner, and can reach the point where you no
longer find weapons or strength to free yourself. You need to overcome these fears
and understand that in life all our actions generate risks, but we need to learn to
calculate these risks and we have to take risks, because, otherwise, we will not get out
of the doldrums and sameness in which our lives can be.

About a week later the two met.

Thiago said goodbye to Andreza:

- It seems that I also changed my way of being, as I interacted with you,

Andreza. It seems that I have gradually absorbed your way of being; I no longer care
much about other people; I don't really want to go to mass; I only worry about myself;
or I just think about the two of us; the rest of everything that explodes; I don't care
what happens in the world; I became more selfish; I became more introspective; my
world became more closed; my horizons have narrowed; I think you hurt me - said
Thiago. - Or I was wrong in trying to live your life. I stopped being myself to live your
life and projected your ego into me, from my core. I was wrong. I shouldn't have done
this, but I'm giving you up at the right time. Goodbye never again.

And Thiago left, never to return.


Larissa recommended a poker player, Cláudio, to be Andreza's client. They met

at the tantric massage clinic, exchanged phone numbers and continued arranging
meetings outside of there. He was married, had business and was active as a poker

At the Varjota massage therapy clinic, Andreza and Larissa even provided
Cláudio with joint care; The brunette became friends with him and they started doing
programs outside of there. He was married and cheated on his wife. They started
meeting in motels or in Larissa and Juhliana's apartments.

On their first date away from that establishment, the two had an
appointment at a motel. Cláudio commented that he was very impressed with
Suellen's service and the way she had sex and this attracted him to book with her
outside the massage parlor.

In the motel room, Andreza was left wearing only lingerie and the man was
dressed only in underwear. He said:

- During the service you provided me at the massage parlor, I was surprised
by the performance of “Hellen” and especially you, “Bruna”.

- Thank you my darling. But alone, without her, I don't feel so safe.
- Imagine, you are wonderful. You're perfect, girl – praised her client of the day.

- I started making programs recently.

- And even?! So I'm privileged.

Then Cláudio began to kiss the girl's neck, and her hair began to stand on
end. Then, the man lowered the young woman's bra a little and began sucking her
breasts, whereupon Andreza removed her upper underwear. The player next moved
his tongue down to the woman's navel and then to her vagina, and pulling down her
panties, he performed oral sex on the girl. Suellen moaned softly and discreetly,
wriggling, however, and began to caress the client's scalp, giving him a kind of cafuné.

Then, Cláudio asked her to put the condom on his penis and she did so. The
escort started to suck her member, but the man quickly gestured for them to change
position, as he already wanted to penetrate her. He laid her in the supine position,
with the back of her head resting on the pillow, and began to thrust her into her
vagina, alternating between a fast and slow rhythm, also varying the force with which
he penetrated her. The girl looked firmly into the boy's eyes and changed their sexual
position three or four times. During some sexual position changes, Andreza applied
plenty of lubricant to her vagina. Cláudio spoke little and after about twenty minutes
of having sex, she stayed on the bed, supported on all fours, on her knees, and
whispered in her ear: “Eat me on all fours”. Cláudio answered the girl's request and
they had sex in the “doggystyle” position, but with vaginal penetration. Then they
would return to another vaginal position with the girl on top of him, “cowgirl” style.
The boy was already almost reaching sexual climax and the companion gave him oral
sex again. Cláudio noticed how excited she was, as she tried to stimulate her own
clitoris with one hand, while sucking her phallus with gusto, in a greedy blowjob,
making guttural sounds. Cláudio wanted to stimulate the young woman’s clitoris, but
she asked: “Let me touch myself. I have the right to touch myself. ” Soon, the client
reached orgasm and came into the condom. Andreza asked to clean it; he agreed; the
young woman went to the bathroom, brought some toilet paper and cleaned it; He
thanked her for her kindness, but asked to take a shower afterwards, offering her
priority in using the toilet. Suellen went to clean herself and after she returned it was
the man's turn to use the bathroom shower.

When he returned from the toilet they talked a little:

- Thank you, “Bruna” for the sex. I really liked it – commented the man.

- I loved it too... - reiterated the companion. – Honey, if I could, I would

have sex every day.

- I think I do too... And why don't you do that?

- It just can't be done!

- I know. I already expected your response.

- Where do you go from here? Sorry for asking...

- Do you want a ride?

- If possible, I would like to. If it's not inconvenient for you.

- No, no problem. I'll take you wherever you want. Is it close to here?

- Yes; I wanted to stay at an address on Meireles beach, in a beauty salon.

- Do you work there too?

- Let's say yes. I'm trying to start a job there.

Then, Cláudio paid the motel expenses and they left. She took the young
woman to the address she requested and they said goodbye in the car with a “peck”
kiss on the face.

- See you another day, beautiful – said the guy lastly.

- Take care, my dear – asked the companion.

And Andreza continued on his way.

Suellen went out with the poker player about five days later to another motel
and they talked about oral sex:

- “Bruna”, - Cláudio began - see here an interesting article I found on the

Internet. It says like this. And the man read the article to her:




- Many men love receiving, but they don't really like giving oral sex to women in
return – said Cláudio. - But I read that the bacteria in a woman's vagina are good for

- What did you think, Bruna? – asked the man.

- Curious. You really enjoy oral sex, don't you? I have noticed this preference of
- I think that oral sex has many advantages for the couple - said Cláudio. - I have
been informed about this fact and I agree with many things.

- Do you really think so, Cláudio? For what reasons?

- There are those who claim that it can increase the couple's connection. Oral
sex is one of the most intimate ways to have sex, so it can be beneficial for your

- Do you believe it's true? I don't think exactly like that.

- I believe that for many couples it is true. Furthermore, it helps to combat

premature ejaculation.

- However, many men come quickly if the woman performs oral sex well. Isn't it
contradictory? – replied the girl.

- Sexologists say the practice can be used to help men who suffer from
premature ejaculation.

- I think it might not work.

- Oral sex also helps with sexual excitement during foreplay. It promotes more
lust in the couple.

- I know that many people are turned on by receiving oral sex, but I think it is
men who like oral sex more.

- You think?

- My opinion. For women, I know that it helps us reach orgasm - said Andreza.

- So it's a delicious and pleasurable way to have an orgasm - Cláudio continued.

- But women really like penetration, in my opinion. I personally prefer it. I really
like receiving oral sex, but penetration is better.

- And which sexual positions give you the most pleasure?

- I think all of them. On all fours it's delicious. But several positions are very
pleasurable. I like it inside! - And Andreza gave a mischievous smile.

- Well, I really like oral sex too - continued the man. - He excites me a lot and
gives me a lot of pleasure. I like receiving from my partner and practicing on her.

- Demanding, huh. – And the girl gave another discreet naughty smile. - But it's
true. I try to take care of myself.

Andreza and Cláudio met at Larissa's apartment about four days later.

The brunette was talking to the poker player:

- Honey, - she began, - Larissa and I met such a handsome foreigner. He is

french. He is very tall, blond, with blue eyes. He has already been to Brazil twice and
we have gone out to dinner on three occasions. On two occasions he invited me alone
and we went out. He tells me he's crazy about me, but nothing ever happened
between us. He even spoke to Juhliana who was a little upset that I didn't give him an
answer about us.

- Does he speak Portuguese well? Do you think about dating him?

- Speaks Portuguese well. It allows us to understand each other properly. As for

the relationship with him, and so on: I don't know, but I honestly don't think so. He's
pretty cool. He calls me a lot on WhatsApp. Out of nowhere he makes some calls and
sings some college country music. He's crazy, he sings to me on the phone. He's crazy
for me to be with him... But for me I believe it's just friendship.

- Do you swear you never had sex with him?

- I didn't even kiss... He respects me a lot. He is a true “gentleman”. I think he

would like to have something serious with me...

- Bruna... true? You never hooked up with him?

- Yes. He and I went out on two occasions, alone, but it was just for dinner.
Nothing else happened afterwards. The foreigner didn't try to advance the signal that
much. He told me his intentions with me, but I acted like I didn't understand, so to
speak. He gets yelled at for this, but I can't do anything against my will. I believe he
understands me. He loves Brazil and comes here every 3 months or even less. He
enjoys sports at sea, such as wind surfing, kite surfing, diving, etc.

- Great!

After meeting three times, “Bruna” and Cláudio became intimate and
the girl ended up revealing her real name.

- What's your real name, girl?

- My name is Andreza Suellen.

- What a beautiful name! Congratulations... Who chose her name?

- My father wanted Andreza (his name is Antônio José); My mother's name is

Ester and her grandmother was Suely. Then, they reached a consensus and named me
Andreza Suellen.

-But why Suellen and not Suely, since her mother wanted that name?

- My father wanted to increase my name. Mom, at first, was upset, but soon
accepted it. Today, Mrs. Ester thinks my name is very beautiful.

- Cool. So it pleased them both; well thought.

Andreza asked Cláudio to recommend her to some of his friends another

time, after they had sex.

- Oh, my dear, go ahead, recommend me to some of your colleagues!

- Ok - replied the boy. – But I want to know if you will also recommend some
really hot girls who love to have sex, like you, my dear!? Do you have any hot friends
you can recommend to me too? – asked Cláudio, jokingly.

- Yes, I do - replied the brunette. But I didn't have that many friends to
recommend. And much less that they fit Cláudio's profile. Andreza was bluffing.

- And how much will I receive for each customer referral to you? – said Cláudio,
in a joking tone.

- Are you serious? Want a commission?

- No, Andreza. I spoke with grace. I do not need to receive any commission from

- I have few friends to recommend - continued the customer. -Most of my

friends are married, others don't like escorts and there are also gays: those, you can't
count on them at this time-and he smiled. - But I'm going to recommend you to a
friend, who is single, Felipe. You'll get along fine. I will pass on your contact details to
him. He will call you on WhatsApp. Stay tuned.

- Thank you, Cláudio. You are wonderful.

Cláudio had a very close friend called Felipe Matos, who was an accountant
and was single. The poker player spoke about Andreza to Felipe a few weeks later.

The two friends met one late afternoon for a beer and Cláudio told him about
the girl.
- Felipe, I was very stressed and looked for a massage therapy clinic to get some
relaxing massages.

- I know... – joked his friend, ironically.

- Then I met a really cool cat; her nom de guerre is Bruna. Do you want to go
out with her? She asked me to refer a friend, she told me she needs money. Her
program is really cool; She is friendly and is a good girl in bed.

- And you're going to give me such a nice girl? Won't you be jealous?

- No. You can go out with her – Cláudio replied, without reflecting deeply on
what he was saying.

- I go out with her without any problems. Pass on the girl's contact number.

And Cláudio gave him the phone number.

- Do you know her real name? – asked Felipe.

- Her name is Andreza. But don't say I revealed her real name. She is suspicious.
Always call her Bruna. If she tells you her real name, no problem.

- Where do you meet?

- Motels or at the apartment of two of her friends. She doesn't like having me in
her apartment. I'll let you know and you'll be in touch.

- Ok. You can let me know.

And other matters continued.

Cláudio did another program with “Bruna” in a motel in Fortaleza and told her
that she had a friend called Felipe, and that he was a very curious man and that he had
also dated call girls.

The poker player commented to his companion:

- Andreza, I have a colleague who has sexual fantasies about prostitutes. He is

single, and his name is Felipe. I told him about you.

- Are you talking about us to other people? Did you tell your friend my real

- No, I didn't reveal your real name to him – the man lied. – I only discussed us
with him, as I trust his confidentiality. He is my trusted friend.
- Okay, but don't tell anyone else about us. Do not let. It's better for both of us;
especially for you, let us keep a low profile.

- I agree with you. Andreza, he asks me sometimes, because he has a question:

do call girls cum? Do you often orgasm with your clients?

- I had an orgasm very rarely on programs. I don't care, nor do I have that

- My friend says that many men comment that, when touching certain call girls,
they feel like they are touching a lifeless body, and that the woman is actually absent.
The surrender would be to really be present in a sexual scene and enjoy that moment,
but that doesn't usually happen in programs; It seems like the girls' minds are far away,
in another world.

- I try to focus on what I do and pay attention to the person next to me.

- I noticed that with you. Felipe told me that he tried to read about the subject
and discovered that, from the point of view of psychoanalysis, the female child, at a
period of her life, feels desire and attraction for her father (this is the Electra complex),
reaching the point of being jealous of his relationship with her mother, but learns over
time that it is necessary to repress this desire and look for another man.

- Some women have inhibitions, my dear, and are unable to indulge in sexual
activity, I believe, for a cultural and religious reason that women must have a greater
capacity for sexual retraction than men – said the brunette. - Many women, on the
other hand, find barriers in sharing some of their sexual fantasies with the man they
love. Sometimes they fear what their partner will think of them, and what character
judgment he will make, and whether he will continue to love her as a wife and mother
of his children, or start to imagine her more as an object of pleasure from now on. so.


Cláudio and “Bruna” met at Larissa's apartment again some time later.
The boy said to Andreza:

- I discovered the foreigner you went out with, the French guy - said Cláudio. - A
very thin and long blonde, with blue eyes, cocky. You exaggerated, my dear, saying he
was very handsome. I think he said that just to make me jealous. He may be nice, but
in reality he is ugly to the point of hurting our eyes. Why didn't you accept his
invitation to spend time outside Brazil? Afraid of getting out there, he will abandon
you and you will be exploited by some greedy agent of foreign prostitutes, taking
advantage of the situation that they are illegal immigrants?
- No, I just don't want to be away from my family – declared Andreza.

- Have you ever done programs with many foreign tourists?

- No, there were few. I swear. But I can tell you that they are crazy about
brunettes. I think they think we're really hot. Women in their countries are generally
cold. And the young women there don't want to get involved with mature guys, like
old widowers, unless he's rich. Women here in Brazil don't make much of a point about
this. They have relationships with older men. All it takes is for the guy to be good-
looking, for the woman to look like him and for him to be good in bed and get the job
done. Give it to the leather properly. Foreigners are full of bankrolls. A North American
and a Norwegian invited me to get married and move from Brazil with them. But you
need to know each man better to trust him. I also don't see myself living in another
country. I hear that women out there only call us whores when we take their men and
they declare it that way. And Brazilian women say that they suffer a lot of prejudice
abroad when they marry or get together with a foreigner. I have a friend, Larissa, who
is very brave and cool. She has been doing programs in Europe a few times and earning
in euros, at the invitation of some foreign friends, and everything went well. But I don't
have the same courage as her. I know that things can go wrong for me. That's why I'm
afraid. I think I'm a little unlucky sometimes.

Then Cláudio said to the young woman:

- Honey, I just think you're such a closed person; You seem so hard to open up
to. Why are you like this?

And Andreza Suellen continued to describe herself as a person:

- I am a woman full of sorrows, poorly healed wounds and frustrations. I'm full
of regrets. I don't trust almost anyone because of everything I've been through. I don't
like people trying to invade my space. I'm complicated and very confusing sometimes. I
seem calm and serene to those who know me, and superficially, but in reality I am
temperamental and very anxious, even very upset.

Cláudio then asked Andreza to send nudes, but she denied.

- Bruna, there are times when I miss you so much. Send me some nudes.

- No, honey. I'd rather not do that. I've done it once, but I didn't like the idea. I
don't feel safe and I prefer not to do it anymore.

- Andreza, just for me! – he still pleaded. But Cláudio accepted the young
woman’s allegation.

- No, honey. It does not work. I do not like this.

Suellen had only sent nudes to Douglas and Armando, but she regretted it, after
understanding the risks that such an attitude could cause to a girl's reputation. She
never knew about the leak of any photos by Douglas or Armando, but she no longer
had the courage to produce such photos and publish them. The girl was extremely
suspicious and was afraid of her privacy being violated, as well as her dignity.


He wrote to the young woman:

- I'm lying down, sleepless and thinking about you. Want to help distract me a

- What do you want me to do, baby?

- Use your imagination. Sing a little for me.

And Cláudio hummed a 2000s national rock song for Andreza.

- I loved. You know, I have a surprise for you when you meet me next time.
You're going to have to take off my clothes to find out which one it is.

Cláudio imagined that the surprise could be new lingerie, as they had talked
about. The girl wanted to tease him for that message. Knowing how to wait, however,
is an important part of the game and greatly increases the excitement.

- You look very sexy when you put on those beautiful lingerie you have. I get
goosebumps when I see you in them.

- Which one do you prefer among the ones I've already used? The red one… or
the lace one… low-cut in white?

- The red lingerie for sure: it was the first one you wore with me. I never forgot
it. It was engraved in my mind.

- Uhmmm! Great! ...

- That last sex of ours was very good, I felt all the pleasure in the world when I
came inside you.

- Rascal. I also loved the last time we made love. I really enjoyed that day. But,
tell me the last erotic thought you had? I want to know what's going on in that little
head full of imagination.

- I love it when you talk like that! I wanted to feel your breath on my skin now.

- You also gave me goosebumps here now! It really is a delicious memory: you
smelling my neck, licking me and kissing me. I wanted to kiss you all over now. I
wanted you all to myself right now. I still feel your taste and smell, your pheromone, in
my nose.

- Your kiss is delicious; it's so deep and sweet; your lips are so soft; I love kissing
you. I had never kissed someone so good; I always feel like I want more...

- I also really enjoy kissing you.

- I adore you, my dear.

- I think I love you too.

- I'm going to have to hang up. Goodnight. Sleep with the angels.

- You, too, babe. Goodnight.



- Which part of your body would you like me to kiss now? – asked the man.

- I wanted some licks on my neck and my breasts. Imagine that.

- I'm imagining: you getting your hair standing on end and starting to let out
those moans that are delicious... oh... it's really good!

- What kind of music or sound turns you on, honey?

- Your voice is romantic music at a very low volume.

- Oh, how sweet!!! My voice... is life-giving. And does it sound that erotic to

- At the “H” time, yes. His voice becomes sensual.

- Where do you most like to be touched?

- In the private parts! And you? ...

- Me too, as well as on my waist and my ass. That strong grip I really like!!!
kkkkkkkk... - and he let out a laugh.

- Where would you love to have sex?

- Anywhere private, as long as it's with the right person.

- And would I be that person at the moment?

- Perhaps yes.

- What is your opinion about taking toys for sex, Andreza?

- I don't like it very much, but “Hellen” and Wanessa like it; Do you have a fetish
for something?

- I exactly don't. I would like to hear from you. Curiosity. But you tell me no.

- Yes. I'm not really into fetishes, dominatrixes, or objects for sadomasochism;
What I like if used well are vibrators. They feel good, and are sometimes worth it.

- Do you prefer to dominate or be dominated?

- At the current moment in my life I prefer to play the role of submissive to

men. I feel more horny and more pleasure when I feel dominated.

- Have you ever had sex tied up?

- God forbid! I don't have that courage; with nobody.

- And what would you do if I were in your bed right now?

- We would have a really nice fuck. I was going to suck you and lick you all over
and you were going to fuck me anyway, the way we know how to do it.

- Oh, that's how you kill me. Now I have an immense desire to have sex. The
kind that you almost can't resist...

- What fantasy do you have that you've never told anyone about?

- I wanted to have sex with you on a deserted beach, in the moonlight. I've even
dreamed about it. Look how bold...

- On a deserted beach I would find it; It would work, without any fuss. And in
which positions would you like to have sex with me now?

- I wanted to eat you on all fours, and lay you on your back, penetrating you
and kissing your life, almost suffocating you.

- You and your wet kisses. But I really appreciate it when you kiss me.

- Which fantasy would you like to fulfill with me, babe?

- I'll still think about it; I'm not a person who fantasizes about sex a lot; I prefer
to idealize little and put into practice what comes to mind during sex. Everything in the
most natural way possible.
- I fantasize a little more; however, nothing fancy; I just keep thinking about
how I could give you more pleasure.

- Wow, why so much concern about my satisfaction and well-being?!

- I want sex to be good for both of us. I care about that fact.

- Would you like to see me touching myself now?

- I would like to, but it won't happen.

- I said that, but I don't really like showing off on cell phone cameras. I'm very
shy about this. I used to be more of an exhibitionist; This phase of mine has already

- I wanted to ask you: have you ever tried wearing edible, flavored panties?

- A client brought it to me once. They don't ask me that, no. - If you were to
give me a massage, where would you start?

- I would start by kissing you and then move on to your back and your ass. I
would love to massage your butt and rub your penis against that pert little ass of
yours. Then I would move to his chest and work my way down. That part... you have to
leave it for last, always.

- Have you ever given a massage to a girl or your wife?

- No. It's because I never felt like it and no one ever asked me to.

- What would you do if you received a “nude” from me?

- I don't know, but I would like to. But I understand that you are reserved about
this. It's okay not to send it to me.

Suellen started going out with Cláudio's friend, the accountant Felipe.
Within a few meetings, she began to tell Felipe his routine stories as a companion; She
also talked a little about her family.

The brunette even commented on Melina and André's relationship to her

new client.

She said Andreza to the boy:

- My younger sister has had a boyfriend for 8 years; He was her first
boyfriend. But I find their relationship so strange, so strange. I think the relationship is
lukewarm, distant, I didn't want a relationship like that for myself. I want to enjoy life.
I'm still very young. I don't want to be tied down to a man yet, Felipe. I also don't want
a relationship like my sister's; I think it has no future; I don't understand their


She told Cláudio to her friend when they met one late afternoon for
happy hour at a bar in Aldeota:

- Felipe, do you know that escort I told you about? She doesn't leave my head;
The annoying thing is being almost certain that she won't want anything other than
sex; That's what's depressing, because she's beautiful, wonderful, passionate. She
doesn't have any sex; She has delicious sex, she gives herself over, she knows how to
do it with pleasure, she moans that it's delicious, and she manages everything in bed...
She moves deliciously... she had to be a brunette! Brunettes are very naughty and still
have a breath that my goodness... Am I confusing sex with passion?? Why can't I get
her out of my head... Is it because I find her too horny?? Whatnot! Has this ever
happened to you, Felipe?

- My brother! – retorted his friend. - You won't want this for yourself! This is
their role: to do everything to please men in bed!

- But most escorts don't do it! – replied Claudio.

- And truth! However, they often want to make us laugh and give them more
money! Dude, you're confusing things; Cláudio, you must be needy and that's why
you're feeling this way. You are thinking with your “head down”; Are you going to want
something serious with a girl who does programs? Of course! Remember that what she
does to you, she does to other guys too.

Friend, if you want advice, go after girls who are worth it, girls who really want
a commitment.

- Yeah, I need to evaluate this better, Felipe. I might be doing something stupid!

- Even more so since you're married.

- Yes, I'm aware of that.


- Felipe, I think Andreza doesn't really like me – said Cláudio. - I don't think she's
sincere. She is very contradictory...

- Find out if she really likes you, - Felipe teased. - Although it can sometimes be
difficult to find out if a girl really likes us, some signs can help us. So, pay attention: if
she never invites you for sex, it's only you who looks for her; if she never calls after
they meet or sends messages; if she doesn't talk about stopping doing programs and
just waiting to find the right guy to drop everything; If she doesn't ask you to stay a
little longer after you make love, then I think she has no interest in you other than
being her client.

- You think so, don't you?

-Anyway,-her friend continued-from the moment she starts to show that she
cares about you, and not the money provided by her work, there is a good chance of
something else happening!

- Yeah, that hasn't happened yet...

- Cláudio, I saw that she (Bruna) took some photos on the beach putting her
tongue out of her mouth. Why do you think some people do this in photos? Could this
mean anything in particular? Do you think it's cool?

- Felipe, - replied his friend - I read the comments of a psychologist who stated
that this type of “selfie” could indicate that showing the tongue, all in fun, the person
would actually not be very comfortable in front of the camera, but I don't agree . He
also points out that perhaps this type of pose indicates that you feel good about letting
that “silly”, kid side of you out.

- I also read - continued Felipe - that there may be a hidden truth behind this
pose. Many people don't know this, but the fact of sticking out your tongue in
photographs has become a fashion among young people and also in the world of
celebrities and this has always been a very common habit among rockers, who, in
addition to the gesture with their tongue, often make your hand gored. However, the
true meaning of being photographed doing this pose would be an act of worship to an
entity in Hinduism called Kali. For paganism, Kali is considered the goddess of death
and sexuality. She is the wife of the god Shiva, another entity worshiped in Hinduism.

- I also read that taking photos in unusual poses, such as sticking your tongue
out of your mouth, mocking, could be a gesture of protest or an act of rebellion. Do
these girls that we see on Instagram and Facebook taking selfies like this know all this
and we are the ones floating around and not knowing anything?

- Perhaps yes.

- Because you just said that Shiva is also the goddess of sexuality in India and a
pagan religion. This may have to do with the ideology and behavior of this generation
of girls today.

- And truth. Well thought.

- Another thing I noticed is how these girls have self-help messages and
excerpts from the Christian Bible on their social media front page. I know that many of
them move away from religious practice, perhaps because they think that their
lifestyle is not compatible with the precepts of Christian religions and because
evangelical priests and pastors are very moralistic. I believe that many call girls no
longer feel comfortable attending masses and services, given the life they lead, and
they do not feel comfortable attending these celebrations. I think. But I notice how
many of them put excerpts and verses from the Bible or phrases about self-love and
optimism on their Facebook and Insta front pages. Verses like “Be Strong and
Courageous”. The real reasons? I keep asking myself.

- I know that if we ask, they might not tell the truth... and they wouldn't tell us
the real reasons for doing this.

- I don't know if they do it to deceive other people and disguise the life they
lead or if it's to say to themselves: I'm a call girl, but I still believe in God or have
optimism and good expectations in life. These are hypotheses that I imagined...

- Yes, you might be right, Felipe.

- Friend, Andreza tries to be a seductive woman – said Felipe. – She is a girl who
likes to test men, and try several. However, she is, above all, a realistic woman, but she
sees sex as something normal, as if she were going out to eat, chat, drink and always
try to have sex, as this pleases her a lot. What is the reason for this? I don't know. She
was very deprived of relationships and now she wants to spill it? Did she suffer some
type of sexual abuse, and started to view post-trauma in that way?And in this
endeavor, I think she prefers to take risks to achieve her sexual adventures, and always
experience new and unusual situations and sensations.

- But she doesn't seem like a daring girl, who tries to experiment with drugs,
wear piercings, get tattoos, and practice extreme sports.

-Because her psychological profile, Andreza, is to be very cautious, including

with her own safety; adventures for her, preferably sexual ones. But she has already
told me that she wants to lose weight so she can get a navel piercing. And she has a
certain thing for tattooed men...

- It's true, well remembered...

- This combination of attributes that I mentioned can make girls like her very
confident, sexual and independent, and I believe that it is in this sense that she trusts
herself. She believes she can be a balanced “diva” in the sense that she is strong, sexy
and has a presence that intimidates some men.
- And all these factors can be interesting for those who want to move forward
with confidence on this journey of achievement. I'm just not sure if it's worth all the
effort for her, considering she's nothing more than a call girl.

- That's the dilemma, Cláudio. But trying to understand her and knowing how to
deal with her becomes an attractive game, as she sees most men as weak and
insecure, which is very frustrating for her, as women like this are very excited, but also
seek focus on work. and career. She doesn't have time or space in her schedule to deal
with egos, and therefore, her actions should scare the weak out of her way.

- I just don't see that focus on this girl. She lives aimlessly, without threshing
floor or edge, even in a boggling way; I feel sorry for her; I don't see any promising
future for Andreza if she continues as she is currently.

- I was already in a relationship with a girl who had this seductive

profile. If you can keep your cool, don't act emotionally needy and know how to take
care of your sexual needs, she will be a wild woman, one of the best you will ever

But, on the other hand, if it bothers you that she's busy and she can't see you
right away, or if you seem nervous when you talk, she'll move on to someone else.

- And she's not the kind of woman you can win back, I know that. If she
notices a weakness, she will leave, and she will never see you the same way again.

- Exactly. This fact does not mean that she is cold, but that she needs a
more confident man; She doesn't need to be a stud in bed, however you should be
“generous” in bed. If you are inexperienced, she can teach you how to be pleased.

- I understand that insecure behavior is never cool and she may look at it
in a bad light. But in fact, admitting her faults from time to time may be more
comfortable for her, of all things, demonstrating strength that you don't possess and
she may recognize this aspect as positive. It's sexier to approach it as a new
experience, to explore, to slowly discover what specifically drives you crazy.

- Felipe, I notice that these women have their

desires, at least in relationships, focused on sex. This is because they don't
seem to have time or inclination for other things, and it's likely that they aren't looking
for anything serious other than having sex, and think that dating is silly at the moment.
She craves guys who are friends, partners, respect her time, admire her intelligence
and talent, and give her the fuck when she needs it. Not a bad job description...

- Ironically, this may be the best way to end a serious relationship with her,
as the conditions of the relationship will be ideal if you are a guy who is on his own
path and has goals in his career and life. It won't require much of her time. Mutual
respect for each other's goals is the basis for a more lasting relationship with her.

She will continually try to seduce you, and feels powerful when she uses her
beauty, energy, and skill to turn you on. She always likes to chase, but not like a
schoolgirl. Seducing a man is how she gets her power.

- The problem is that she will always be looking for other men to seduce.

- Probably. However, she will need to improve her ego, she needs to feel
sexy, and she goes crazy when her man is thirsty for her, not because he is just excited,
but because of something she did to make him that way. There are great techniques to
get you to this state.

- As they usually get what they want, these girls are surrounded by horny
men. She's sexy and confident, and men throw themselves at her. This is boring. She
likes attention to a point – it's better to be wanted than unwanted. But she is looking
for a man who is a challenge.

You don't have to provoke her, nor should she play any strategic games. By
remaining calm and approaching the girl like a normal person, without exaggerated
flirting or empty compliments, you will appear to be a challenge simply because you
are different from others interested in her.

- But she doesn't seem like a daring girl, who tries to experiment with drugs,
wear piercings, get tattoos, and practice extreme sports.

-Because her psychological profile, Andreza, is to be very cautious, including

with her own safety; adventures for her, preferably sexual ones. But she has already
told me that she wants to lose weight so she can get a navel piercing. And she has a
certain thing for tattooed men...

- It's true, well remembered...

- This combination of attributes that I mentioned can make girls like her very
confident, sexual and independent, and I believe that it is in this sense that she trusts
herself. She believes she can be a balanced “diva” in the sense that she is strong, sexy
and has a presence that intimidates some men.

- And all these factors can be interesting for those who want to move forward
with confidence on this journey of achievement. I'm just not sure if it's worth all the
effort for her, considering she's nothing more than a call girl.

- That's the dilemma, Cláudio. But trying to understand her and knowing how to
deal with her becomes an attractive game, as she sees most men as weak and
insecure, which is very frustrating for her, as women like this are very excited, but also
seek focus on work. and career. She doesn't have time or space in her schedule to deal
with egos, and therefore, her actions should scare the weak out of her way.

- I just don't see that focus on this girl. She lives aimlessly, without threshing
floor or edge, even in a boggling way; I feel sorry for her; I don't see any promising
future for Andreza if she continues as she is currently.

- I was already in a relationship with a girl who had this seductive

profile. If you can keep your cool, don't act emotionally needy and know how to take
care of your sexual needs, she will be a wild woman, one of the best you will ever

But, on the other hand, if it bothers you that she's busy and she can't see you
right away, or if you seem nervous when you talk, she'll move on to someone else.

- And she's not the kind of woman you can win back, I know that. If she
notices a weakness, she will leave, and she will never see you the same way again.

- Exactly. This fact does not mean that she is cold, but that she needs a
more confident man; She doesn't need to be a stud in bed, however you should be
“generous” in bed. If you are inexperienced, she can teach you how to be pleased.

- I understand that insecure behavior is never cool and she may look at it
in a bad light. But in fact, admitting her faults from time to time may be more
comfortable for her, of all things, demonstrating strength that you don't possess and
she may recognize this aspect as positive. It's sexier to approach it as a new
experience, to explore, to slowly discover what specifically drives you crazy.
- Felipe, I notice that these women have their

desires, at least in relationships, focused on sex. This is because they don't

seem to have time or inclination for other things, and it's likely that they aren't looking
for anything serious other than having sex, and think that dating is silly at the moment.
She craves guys who are friends, partners, respect her time, admire her intelligence
and talent, and give her the fuck when she needs it. Not a bad job description...

- Ironically, this may be the best way to end a serious relationship with her,
as the conditions of the relationship will be ideal if you are a guy who is on his own
path and has goals in his career and life. It won't require much of her time. Mutual
respect for each other's goals is the basis for a more lasting relationship with her.

She will continually try to seduce you, and feels powerful when she uses her
beauty, energy, and skill to turn you on. She always likes to chase, but not like a
schoolgirl. Seducing a man is how she gets her power.

- The problem is that she will always be looking for other men to seduce.

- Probably. However, she will need to improve her ego, she needs to feel
sexy, and she goes crazy when her man is thirsty for her, not because he is just excited,
but because of something she did to make him that way. There are great techniques to
get you to this state.

- As they usually get what they want, these girls are surrounded by horny
men. She's sexy and confident, and men throw themselves at her. This is boring. She
likes attention to a point – it's better to be wanted than unwanted. But she is looking
for a man who is a challenge. You don't have to provoke her, nor should she play any
strategic games. By remaining calm and approaching the girl like a normal person,
without exaggerated flirting or empty compliments, you will appear to be a challenge
simply because you are different from others interested in her. In general, this girl will
show interest in you for this reason. She has no problem taking the lead when she
wants something, in this case, you.

- Really, I can see that Andreza has no problems with sex. She believes in
her confidence and ability to seduce and satisfy a man, eliminating any fear of
appearing like an easy or slutty woman. A slut sleeps with men because she wants
attention. She, the seductress, sleeps with guys because she likes it. A slutty girl is
used. A seductress tries to use men! This is exciting.

- Friend, - Felipe further stated – Andreza is a girl who likes to test men, and
put them to the test. However, she is, above all, a realistic woman, but she sees sex as
something normal, as if she were going out to eat, chat, drink and always try to have
sex, as this pleases her a lot. What is the reason for this? I don't know. She was very
deprived of relationships and now she wants to spill it? Did she suffer some type of
sexual abuse, and started to view post-trauma in that way?

And in this endeavor, I think she prefers to take risks to achieve her sexual
adventures, and always experience new and unusual situations and sensations.

- But she doesn't seem like a daring girl, who tries to experiment with drugs,
wear piercings, get tattoos, do extreme sports.

- Because her psychological profile, Andreza, is to be very cautious,

including with her safety; adventures for her, preferably sexual ones. But she already
told me that she wants to lose weight to get a belly button piercing. And she has a
certain thing for tattooed men...

- It's true, well remembered...

- This combination of attributes that I mentioned can make girls like her
very confident, sexual and independent, and I believe that it is in this sense that she
trusts herself. She believes she can be a balanced “diva” in the sense of being strong,
sexy and having a presence that intimidates some men.

- And all these factors can be interesting for those who want to move
forward with confidence on this journey of achievement. I'm just not sure if it's worth
all this effort for her, considering she's nothing more than a call girl.

- That's the dilemma, Cláudio. But trying to understand her and knowing
how to deal with her becomes an attractive game, as she sees most men as weak and
insecure, which is very frustrating for her, as women like this are very excited, but
equally seek to be focused on the work and career. She doesn't have time or space in
her schedule to deal with egos, and therefore, her actions should scare the weak out
of her way.

- I just don't see that focus on this girl. She lives aimlessly, without
threshing floor or edge, even in a boggling way; I feel sorry for her; I don't see any
promising future for Andreza if she continues as she is currently.

- I was already in a relationship with a girl who had this seductive profile. If
you can keep your cool, don't act emotionally needy and know how to take care of
your sexual needs, she will be a wild woman, one of the best you will meet, but on the
other hand, if it bothers you to see her busy , if she can't see you right away, or if you
seem nervous when you talk, she will move on to someone else.
- And she's not the kind of woman you can win back, I know that. If she
notices a weakness, she will leave, and she will never see you the same way again.

- Exactly. This fact does not mean that she is cold, but that she needs a
more confident man; She doesn't need to be a stud in bed, however, you should be
“generous” in bed. If you are inexperienced, she can teach you how to be pleased.

- I understand that insecure behavior is never cool and she may look at it
in a bad light. But, in fact, admitting her faults from time to time may be more
comfortable for her, especially demonstrating a strength that you don't possess and
she may recognize this aspect as positive. It's sexier to approach it as a new
experience, to explore, to slowly discover what specifically drives you crazy.

- Felipe, I notice that these women have their desires, at least in

relationships, focused on sex. This is because they don't seem to have time or
inclination for other things, and it's likely that they aren't looking for anything serious
other than having sex, and think that dating is silly at the moment. She craves guys
who are friends, partners, respect her time, admire her intelligence and talent, and
give her the fuck when she needs it. Not a bad job description...

- Ironically, this may be the best way to end a serious relationship with her, as
the conditions of the relationship will be ideal if you are a guy who is on his own path
and has goals in his career and life. It won't require much of your time. Mutual respect
for each other's goals is the basis for a more lasting relationship with her.

She will continually try to seduce you, and feels powerful when she uses her
beauty, energy, and skill to turn you on. She always likes to chase, but not like a
schoolgirl. Seducing a man is how she gets her power.

- The problem is that she will always be looking for other men to seduce.

- Probably... However, she will need to improve her ego, she needs to feel
sexy, and she goes crazy when her man is thirsty for her, not because he is just excited,
but because of something she did to make him like that. There are great techniques to
let it reach this state.

- How she gets what she wants the seductive woman can be surrounded
by excited men. She's sexy and confident, and men throw themselves at her. This is
boring. She likes attention to a point – it's better to be wanted than unwanted. But she
is looking for a man who is a challenge for her.
Andreza struck up a friendship with a Biomedicine student called Luan Cássio
and he invited her to take a motorcycle ride. The girl didn't really like motorcycle rides,
as she was afraid of getting involved in an accident. But he promised that they would
do a program after the trip to Praia do Futuro and she accepted the invitation.

- I want to eat a salty “pussy” today – he joked.

- Okay, bastard – she agreed. – Why don’t we go later in the afternoon. I have a
thing for having sex in the sea. – confessed the call girl.

- The beach becomes very dangerous in the late afternoon – replied Luan. -
There are also many bad elements on the coast at this time. The danger of armed
robberies and even the risk of sexual abuse for women is great. We have to leave the
beach by 5:30 pm and at this time there are a lot of people still watching. You can't
take risks and have sex in these conditions.

- I understood. So my desire and my fantasy will remain for another


- Yes, babe. It is better.

They did so and Luan Cassio took some photos of the brunette on her cell
phone. They returned from the tour around 5 pm and that was when an accident
occurred. A large pick-up type vehicle invaded the road perpendicular to the path of
the motorcycle with the couple and they collided with the back of the side of the pick-
up. Their luck is that they were traveling at low speed and had not consumed any
alcoholic beverages. Andreza had better luck and fell onto a grass patch, slightly
injuring his left wrist and having some bruises on his legs and forearm, but nothing
serious. Her companion, however, was not as lucky as the girl and suffered an open
fracture in his forearm. The ambulance came to help them both and Luan asked
Andreza to call his brother to come get the motorcycle. They went to the hospital, and
she was released the same day, but the university student was admitted to have
surgery on his forearm.

Three days later Andreza met with Cláudio and he, noticing the bruises on the
woman's body, questioned her:

- Bruna, what happened to you, are you hurt? How many days has it been since
this happened?

- It was 3 days ago, I fell off the motorbike with a colleague of mine, who was
giving me a ride to the center – she fooled me.

- But is everything else okay? It was nothing serious?

- Fortunately, yes.
- If you need anything, I can help you.

- I'm fine at the moment. I'll let you know anything – lied the proud woman.

- And with your colleague? Did something more serious happen?

- Neither. We went to the public emergency room. The doctor examined us,
and didn't need to order tests. They bandaged us and we were released, with
instructions to continue the bandages at home or at the nearest health center.

Andreza also used the code name “Luna” for her program clients. Wanessa told
“Luna” that Thiago was getting engaged. Just two months passed after Thiago
separated from Andreza and he began a serious relationship with a young architect
from Fortaleza and after 3 months of dating they already announced their

Wanessa came to tell Andreza the news:

- “Luna”, Larissa told me that Thiago Mota, the football player, is going to get
engaged to a girl. Wasn't that the name you gave him?

- Already?! – asked the brunette, with surprise. – Did the daughter move that
quickly for him?

- Yes friend. And Larissa was invited to the engagement.

- Congratulations to her – replied the brunette, with disdain.

- Bruna, are you a little jealous now?

- No, why would I stay?

- Larissa said that she really liked you and was a little disappointed with your
behavior and your attitudes towards him.

- Really was?

- He said he intended to have something more serious with you.

- I do not care anymore.

- Andreza, you could be the girl he will exchange rings with in a month.

- I'm not sorry. He wasn't for me and I never thought I was meant for him. Good
luck to the bride.

- I just think you lost a great party. You literally threw away a huge chance.

- Patience! Let's go on! My life goes on.

Melina called Andreza during those days, requesting money and asking her to
come to São Luís.

The youngest sister made an audio call to Andreza.

-Hello, Suh – said the red-haired girl when her sister answered the phone.

- Hi honey! What it was?

- Andreza, how are you there in Fortal?

- It's okay, sister. Hanging out with friends and working lightly.

- Are you still in the same workplace?

- No. I left the massage clinic. I didn't like it there anymore.

- And now? What are you doing to make money?

- I'm doing some programs from time to time with a friend from Fortaleza.

- Are you already full of schemes with the girls there?

- More or less.

- Haven't you met any foreigner or rich businessman or millionaire yet?

- No. I only knew one businessman who dreams of being rich, from here in
Ceará, but I didn't want anything to do with him.

- For what reason?

- It wasn't worth getting involved with him. The said guy also has a very
handsome and young son, but I also preferred not to go out with him anymore. I
walked away.

- You're right, Suh. Don't want anything serious with anyone out there. You
have to return so we can continue our project. Don't fall in love with any man or

- God forbid I fall in love with women. Mel, I received some offers here.

- Which? Tell me, Suh.

- First, there were some foreigners: a Frenchman and an American invited me

to live in their country.

- And there?

- I refused each one's proposals. I don't intend to leave the country for now.
- And what other invitations did you receive, sister? I was curious.

- A recruiter of Brazilian call girls asked if I wanted to work for 6 months in a

nightclub in Barcelona, Spain. But I do not want. I don't want to work in nightclubs.
Even worse in another country.

- What else, Andreza?

- The same guy later invited me to join an escort agency that follows
businesspeople and other important people on trips and events in Brazil and around
the world. I found the proposal a little tempting, but for now I don't intend to move
away from Ceará and Maranhão.

- And do you still have any other proposals? This guy must have thought you
were a banker and a “doll”, as they say in Ceará.

- I'm opinionated. No one easily convinces me to do what they want me to do. I

only deliberate something out of my conscience and if it is of my own free will.

- I already know that – confirmed his sister.

- As I was about to say, I received another job invitation, this time from a friend
here in the city. She offered me the proposal that we travel around the northeast
doing programs and maybe later across Brazil. But when I think about a life of travel, I
get bored and give up. It doesn't work for me. I even like traveling and I think that
getting to know new cultures is very important, but for work and in the circumstances
in which we travel, I didn't want to do it now. Therefore, I also rejected this last
proposal. I'm going to do some light programs.

- Suh, I'm also calling you because I need more money at the moment. I wanted
to buy another massage table and an air conditioning unit. Customers complain about
massages without an air-conditioned environment. They only talk about having sex
without sweat. There are days when the fan is no use in the heat. I know the energy
bill will increase, but we will attract more customers. Word of mouth from users of the
massage therapy clinic is essential for increasing clientele. I'm still paying a debt to the
bank from the restaurant that went bankrupt and we've now made a loss on the car.
My mother-in-law is also going to have a private surgery and André will pay for

Andreza heard all of her sister's crying about money and asked herself in
silence: “And what do I have to do with all these stories? Why does she tell me all this?
Does Melina think I will help pay the bills for her, her man and his family?” After a brief
pause, Andreza said, somewhat uncomfortable:
- Mel, it seems like you only call me to tell me about your problems and ask me
for money!

- Sorry, sister, but I only have you I can turn to. Marcela, dad, and our mother
are in no condition to help me. And I can't reveal our secret to our parents.

- Your secret! – remembered the brunette. - I have no involvement with your

massage clinic at the moment.

- Yes it is true. But we can resume our dream and expand our business, but I
need your help.

This last line from Melina seemed to have slightly seduced Andreza, and
rekindled her interest in exploring the sexual work of other prostitutes.

The middle sister then stated:

- It's okay, Mel. I'll see what I can do to lend you some money. But I need
another fifteen days to fight for the money. Could it be?

- Yes, I don't need the money urgently.

- And how much do you need, more or less?

- R$2,500.00 is enough.

- As soon as I collect the entire amount I will let you know.

- It's okay, Suh. Thank you, see. Goodbye.

Andreza already had that amount, but she tried hard to deceive her
sister, so that she wouldn't imagine that the brunette could lend money again at any
moment. On the other hand, Melina knew that Andreza already had this amount
saved, as she was aware that her sister was very hardworking at work and was very
economical, always managing to save a little money (which the redhead didn't know
how to do), and had the feeling that Andreza would pretend not to have that amount
to value the situation and save time. Melina was well aware of the antics of her
accomplice and sister.

About ten days later Suellen lent the amount to her younger sister.

Melina started attending university. The red-haired girl informed her

sister that she had been approved for the Oceanography course, but later she did not
identify with the chosen area and ended up abandoning the course in the second
period of college.

Cláudio and Andreza met within two days and talked:

- Andreza, how did you start to enjoy sex? – asked the man.

- Oh, my dear, you must imagine; I was poor and sex is also a fun thing for
young people. I know that I had sex with my boyfriend for hours and hours, in the car,
at home, in motels, locked in an apartment. I don't know if I'm a sex lover!? He even
climbed in unusual places. We didn't have a lot of money to go to fancy and crowded
places, but we really wanted to have sex. Many times our fun was having sex. I believe
that was it...

- And now you try to relive that time with your clients...

- Perhaps...

- Andreza, I'll confess something: I started going out with you more and became
interested in you because you don't even look like a call girl; You look more like a
family girl, and I like that about you.

- Really was? – replied the girl. A bit of a surprise.

- Most escorts are very stigmatized. They are the type of prostitutes that
everyone notices when they go out on the street. And even when dealing with
customers, they have all the mannerisms and mannerisms of boring whores that tire
any man after the second sex. And they treat us in a cold, dull way. Sometimes it even
seems like they do it out of obligation.

- Thank you, my dear, as far as I'm concerned.

Andreza decided to change the subject and reported how she had learned to
play billiards and commented to the man.

- Cláudio, do you like snooker? I wanted to know where I can play billiards here
in Fortal.

- Who taught you to play pool, Bruna?

- It was a friend, Nádi. I learned from her. My father also likes to play a little and
my brother-in-law André.

- There are pool tables mainly in shopping malls and barber shops. It also
usually takes place in clubs, but these are usually closed to members.

- I would preferably want a bar with games, like pool. Barbershops are a very
masculine environment and shopping malls must be full of teenagers in the gaming
- Yes it is true. I'll look for you some bars that have pool. I believe there is.
Andreza, I'm thinking about going to a poker tournament next month in São Paulo. Do
you want to come with me?

- Your wife won't go?

- No. She will be at another appointment. She goes to a college event at the
same time.

- I've never been to São Paulo. How many days would it be?

- About 5 to 7 days.

- I'll think about it and give you the answer. How long do I have to decide?

- It will be in 3 weeks. The sooner you decide is important because tickets can
sell out or become very expensive at the last minute.

- I will give you a verdict within 7 days.

- Why so much mystery? Let's go? It will be great. There are many places for us
to explore in São Paulo.

- I confess that I'm a little afraid of that city. She's too big. And São Paulo's
attractions are only shopping malls, restaurants and parks. There are also many places
to shop, but I don't want to spend money.

- Ah, but the best restaurants are in São Paulo, capital. And there are always
events, exhibitions, fairs; there is always something different to discover or visit. I
personally really like it there. I've been to São Paulo on countless occasions. I've stayed
in several neighborhoods, and the hotels are excellent. And the shopping malls there
are a luxury.

- I'm not very curious about visiting São Paulo. I would prefer Rio de Janeiro.

- But this time there won't be time for us to spend time in Rio. What place
would you like to visit first, Andreza?

- I want to visit Jalapão, in Tocantins. I've seen photos and watched videos. The
nature there is exuberant; There are many waterfalls, rivers with rapids and water
sources, and in some people are said to float. It is a beautiful nature; I feel like

- Who knows, maybe one day we can visit together?

- Yes, it could be. I intend to visit when I have the opportunity.

- Bruna, when are you going to São Luís? Doesn't your mother talk about
visiting you?

- I've been in Fortaleza for 8 months; I'm thinking about visiting my family by
the end of the year.

- And his mother?

- She hasn't confirmed to me yet if she's going to come here this year; I really
prefer if she doesn't come; She says she could only come on vacation and she will only
have vacation next year.

- Andreza, I'm going. I'm waiting for your response, babe. Think about our trip

- I'll think about it, my dear. Goodbye.

And they said goodbye.

The following week Andreza communicated with Cláudio and replied that she
would not go with him to São Paulo. She created an excuse claiming that her father
was sick and she didn't want to go too far away, in addition to the fact that she
wouldn't enjoy the trip because she was worried about her father's health. Cláudio
found a valid reason and was not upset with the girl. She wished him a good trip and
they couldn't meet again that week.

Upon returning from his trip, Cláudio invited Andreza to be his lover.

The companion welcomed him into her apartment, which she rarely did.

- Andreza, I brought you a box of fine chocolates. You accept? - and the man
showed him a beautiful box of dark chocolates from the “Copenhagen” brand.

- Thank you, dear – she replied, already receiving the gift. – I love dark

- I wanted to make you a proposal! - he said.

- What proposal, my dear?

- I wish you were my lover!

- Where did you get that idea, boy?

- So: do you accept? Will you be my lover?

- Cláudio, have you ever had a lover before?

- No, Andreza.

- And would I stop making programs?

- In the short and medium term future, yes. It's my intention...

- I need to think better. It is a very serious decision.

- We would put together a deal for you and me.

- I don't think so. Societies are complicated; I already have bad experiences
with this. Cláudio, I intend to return to São Luís. I just don't know when.

- It's okay, Andreza. Think calmly and give me an answer later.

- I will analyze your proposal carefully. You can leave it to me.

- Thanks.

They didn't have sex that day, as the man had a commitment and he sought
out Andreza at the opportunity just so they could have a conversation, and he could
make his proposal.

The following week, Cláudio and Andreza scheduled a meeting at the motel
and the man asked him:

- So, did you analyze my proposal? Would you accept us being lovers?

The brunette paused briefly, in silence, and then replied:

- Cláudio, I like you and I'm pleased by your invitation, but I can't be your lover.
I prefer that we continue as is. Everything is flowing accordingly. Let's leave it the same

Cláudio, at the same moment, formed a sad and empty expression. He

believed she would accept his proposal.

- It's okay, Andreza. So, do we continue with our meetings?

- No problem for me. We move on.

- Okay, “babe”. Know that I like you very much. You're very important to me.

- Thanks.

Andreza already suspected that Cláudio's wife had discovered that he

was cheating on her. Suellen then said:
- Honey, there's a woman at the gym who's been looking at me so much lately.
I'm suspicious. I don't know what she wants with me. There are times when I think
she's a lesbian; There are other moments when I think she could be her wife. It's an

- Yeah, you guys go to the same gym. You knew?

- What time does your wife usually go to work out?

- It varies, however, she goes more at night.

- I'm going in the morning; but I've been there three times in the afternoon,
around 5 pm. So, it must not be your wife, because this woman who watches me
always goes in the morning.

- Who orders to be beautiful.

- Who tells them to be envious or lesbians.

- What's your wife like? Is she blonde? – Suellen asked.

- No. She's dark-skinned.

Andreza, however, had already found two photos of Cláudio's wife on a

social network, and realized that he was lying.

- Cláudio, do you think I'm a very complicated girl, my dear? - she asked, to test
the man.

- I think you're a little complicated, Andreza. Why do you ask me this? I'm sure
you know what you are like. And it continues to be that way because it wants to.

- It's not quite like that. I should be less complicated, but life left me this way. I
swear there is no way I can control the entire situation and change all of this. But I'm
really indecisive and confused. My God, how long will I be like this? – said the girl,
expressing her thoughts.

- As long as you wish.

- You imagine it's easy to change. You don't know what I've been through to
this day.

- Andreza, you've already told me a couple of times that you think I make
drama out of some situations, but I tell you: you, girl, also have your dramas. You paint
many dramatic situations to justify your actions and thoughts nowadays. But it seems
like you only want to see your side, and everything that bothers other people, for you,
are exaggerated dramas.

Juhliana questioned Andreza:

- “Bruna”, do you still feel ashamed or shy when you give men oral sex?

- No. But what about you? What do you feel when giving guys oral sex?

- I try to explore all the senses: imagine that it is you who is receiving oral sex.
What would you like them to do to you? Put yourself in someone else's shoes and
explore everything you want. There is no place for shyness in oral sex. This is the best
time for games and to release all the excitement. But if you can't help but feel a little
embarrassed, there's no harm in communicating.

- I try to alternate suction to introduce the penis into my mouth – said Andreza
-, sucking like a lollipop, going down and up as happens during penetration. That
doesn't stop me from licking, playing and masturbating.

- I try to vary my movements, licks and sucks. The art of oral sex requires a real
desire to please your partner. I alternate the speed of suction, lingering for a while on
the head of his penis, using my tongue to run over his entire member, caressing his
body. Anything goes to make everything more fun.

- I like it too...

- Don't forget to make eye contact, Bruna: maintain eye contact. I fix my pair on
my eyes to make the atmosphere much more exciting, and it also serves as a
thermometer for you to understand what pleases you most.

- I also know the power of hands, friend. and I use them a lot. They are great
allies in oral sex. I use it to masturbate my partner during sucking breaks or to caress
the rest of the body.

- I use my language without saving. She helps me to increase the games. It's
worth licking the entire penis, testicles and glans.

- And what do you think about using accessories and those sex-shop products
during oral sex? – asked Andreza.

- Yes, I think it's quite cool; There are refreshing candies, cold water, ice and
specific products that can give a great feeling of freshness, making everything even
more stimulating.

- And the semen? Have you ever swallowed? – the brunette with straightened
hair wanted to know.
- Yes, but it was crazy of me - said her friend. – But many men have a kink and
love it when the woman is not afraid to go all the way. But due to the texture and
taste, it may be unpleasant for you, for example.

“Another thing, Bruna: leave the bedroom light on or invest in half-lights. Your
date will love seeing everything that's going on. It’s also worth enhancing your look
with sensual lingerie. And don't let your hair hide the best part.

Andreza then changed the subject.

- Juh, you know Cláudio, I tell him between the lines that I like having my hair
pulled when I'm having sex, listening to dirty talk, being slapped on the ass and face,
but it's no use: he doesn't do any of that. He doesn't pick up my messages.

- Oh, Bruna, you'll see that he only likes romantic sex. It's every man's style.
Cláudio must prefer more “normal” sex, so to speak.

- He's very horny, crazy about sex, but I like some “little things” that he
doesn't like. And romantic sex isn't my thing.


-Wanessa, Cláudio invited me to be his lover and stop doing programs.

- Really, friend? And what are you thinking about doing?

- I know that becoming a married man's lover is a delicate matter. This type of
relationship can be driven by different reasons – love, passion, need, sex, self-
indulgence – and is more common than one might imagine and sometimes runs up
against the limits of reason. I don't know if I would like to be called a lover, as the word
has a pejorative connotation for many. It's preferable to be called girlfriend, it's more
respectful and even more romantic.

- So friend, will you agree? I noticed that you don't find the idea interesting.

- But I know that, on the other hand, there are women who feel comfortable
in the role of the "other" and enjoy this condition, without guilt. But I have never
experienced a situation like this. I've read, however, that being a lover means
alternating, all the time, suffering and pleasure. That's why I have a lot of doubts and
- I also think, friend, that another negative factor is that involvement does not
always build emotional bonds between the couple – said Wanessa. - Meetings are
limited and generally when the two see each other they end up having sex, and this
type of relationship is linked almost exclusively to sex.

- You are right. If he leaves his wife for me, I may come to think he is an
excellent liar. The longer you were together, the more lies he told. It's a reflection.

- Exactly – Suellen’s colleague agreed. - You may no longer have the man you
used to be with. An amicable divorce can be brutal. A messy divorce can destroy a man
emotionally - and financially.

- I'm afraid that the man who remains at the end of this could be just a
shadow of the person I fell in love with. What if he becomes consumed with guilt and
doubt after leaving his family, leaving him with a big whip to whip himself day after
day. I would have to bear all of this. Guess who will be there then?

- Don't be so neurotic either – Wanessa pleaded.

- But I am scared. I believe that almost no one will root for you as a couple. If
his children find out that you are the reason he left their mother, chances are they will
never accept you.

- But, Bruna, even with all the signs that the relationship has no future, many
lovers do not give up on their lover – said the redhead – on many occasions, because
of the spirit of female competition. Some think they will beat the officer, because they
consider themselves better and will be able to win over the guy.

- Or it would just be freedom and pleasure above all. – said Andreza - I know
they are rare, but there are women who prefer to date married men simply for fun,
aware of their choice. I already met a girl in São Luís who was like that. Demands and
commitment are not part of these girls' vocabulary, unlike sex for pleasure.

- This behavior has always existed, Bruna, - said her friend - but I think it is
gaining greater visibility because women are more independent and, like men, assume
what they want and what they like.

- There are times when I'm afraid of commitment - said Andreza - and there are
those who only feel attracted to committed men or face one relationship after another
with "unavailable" partners. Repetition characterizes a form of emotional protection to
the concrete experience. I read that some women choose committed partners so as
not to experience the risks of real relationships.

- I believe that involvement with married men also happens because many
women learn to relate love and pain from childhood, that is, in their experience with
adults they are perhaps despised, ignored, controlled and required to always do what
the other expects from them. As a result, they grow up with low self-esteem and
unconsciously choose unavailable subjects, as they do not feel worthy of affection or
attention - declared Wanessa.

- I'm also afraid of the uncertain future – said the brunette. - Married men who
have extramarital relationships rarely separate. I've already read about this. The
reason? Even though their sex life with the officer is worn out or dull, they value their
families and “love” their wives and children.

-It seems ironic, but when a man decides to separate himself from the "matrix",
he rarely takes over the "branch" – said Wanessa. - I've heard some stories like that.
The "other" often represents the feeling of freedom for the individual and, when
separating, the man prefers to live new and diverse experiences, without the
commitment of being tied to anyone. On a few occasions they stay with their lover
when it is a great and true love.

- Oh, if a man takes over me completely and pays all my bills, I don't care; I
would be his lover for a while, even if he were married – concluded Suellen.


Larissa invited Andreza to travel and do programs in other cities and the
two traveled from Blue to Petrolina, Recife and Aracaju. In the latter city, the brunette
acquired the Covid-19 infection and ended up being unable to attend her
appointments. They then returned to Fortaleza and the woman from Maranhão spent
another eight days resting, before returning to her programs.



- Juh, I think I like a married man; He says he likes me and we've also hooked up
several times; he also says that he doesn't love his wife, that he likes her very much,
but has already realized that he doesn't love her; I believe that if he really doesn't love,
that's why he cheats on her. He says he prefers to make love to me instead of his wife
because I do everything with him in bed, and his wife is evangelical and doesn't have
certain types of sex with him; he is also evangelical; but I don't want to get too
involved with him; I don't want his marriage to end because of me because I don't
know if we'll be together for long; I have a lot of doubts, I don't know if he tells me the
truth, there are times when I don't even want to know, and I think our affair is
temporary; I can't get too involved, because when there is a feeling between the two
it's harder to break free.

- You're right, Bruna – agreed Juhliana. -In most cases a man is unfaithful just
because he decides to be unfaithful. Therefore, there is no reason that influences this
decision. Therefore, this is a personal decision that implies derogatory behavior. Men
who have lovers tend to behave the same way.

Samuel, the call girl recruiter, got in touch with Andreza, inviting her to dinner.
She imagined that the boy was interested in her.

Samuel sent him a message:

- Bruna, do you remember me? I was at the beach house that Larissa and Luigi
rented. I would like to go out with you. It's been over a month since we spoke. I said I
would call you...

- Where do you want to go? – asked Suellen.

- It could be dinner at the restaurant near Varjota. I'll buy you dinner.

The woman from Maranhão became more encouraged to accept the proposal.

- Let's go out to dinner. But what do you want to talk to me about? - asked the
girl; she suspected that Samuel was interested in her.

- I need to talk to someone and I thought of you. Accept my invitation, please. I

would also like to talk about work and some opportunities that have arisen for you.

- But, Sam, I already told you: I'm not thinking about leaving Brazil.

- I do remember what you said. There are other matters. We can schedule it for
Friday night.

- I prefer Saturday.

- Well, it's agreed.

- A hug.

- Other. I will contact you more closely. I would stop by your building at around
8 pm. Could it be?

- Maybe yes.

- Goodnight.

- Goodbye.
Saturday, Andreza and Samuel confirmed dinner. She was very anxious to know
what the boy wanted with her and what the content of their conversation would be.

They met in a shopping mall and from there they went to the restaurant that
Sam suggested.

Arriving at their destination, they looked for a table, sat down and started

- Bruna, are you enjoying your work at the massage therapy clinic?

- Sam, I'm discovering that I don't really like massages, but it's what I can do for
now and it doesn't pay too badly. That's why I'm continuing in this occupation.

- Don't you want to accompany businesspeople and follow them on leisure trips
and events?

- How is that?

- I have two friends who have agencies that offer these services to
entrepreneurs. Beautiful girls, polite and with good presentation to keep them
company in various situations. The value of the trips per day is agreed and the agency
charges a fee for the service.

- How much on average?

- 15 to 30%

- And is sexual service always included on these trips?

- Not always. The values are different. Some businessmen are homosexual and
want companions just to convey an image that they are ordinary human beings,
married or committed. But escorts travel knowing everything in advance.

- I don't know. I don't want to move too far away from my northeast and my

- This experience is very interesting. Many girls love it, as they get to know
exquisite restaurants, museums, art galleries, resorts, ski resorts, hotels, cultures,
different people, and participate in events. In short, they can discover completely new
things and become more experienced and knowledgeable people about the world. This
is how many call girls met the love of their lives. And some managed a good marriage.

After Samuel's speech, Andreza already realized that he would not show any
interest in her and the dinner would actually be for other reasons. She then said:

- What if I have no interest in getting married?

- Even better. This means that you still have a lot of work to do and you will
earn a lot of money. How old are you, I'll ask you?

The brunette didn't like to talk about her real age and replied that it was less
than her real age.

- What an impolite question for a girl to answer. I'm 23 years old. – she replied.

- See, very young – reinforced the young man, apparently without suspecting
that she hadn't told the truth. – So: would you be willing to try being a real luxury

- The problem, Sam, is that I believe the girl will become neurotic about her
body. You always have to be in the gym to please these demanding clients.

- Not always. It's not that much either. But physical exercise doesn't hurt
anyone. And women who take care of themselves need to have a correct diet to
maintain their “fitness”, with their shape.

- And you, Sam? Have a girlfriend? You don't tell anything about yourself – the
brunette asked, out of curiosity.

- Bruna, I'm homosexual. But all my family and friends know this and accept me
as I am. I'm well resolved, thank God. I've had a boyfriend for almost two years, but we
don't live together.

- Cool. I didn’t suspect you were “gay”. Forgive me for speaking like this; It's not

- No problem. I am well resolved and at home, as well as the rest of my family

and friends, they know and accept my sexual orientation.

- Fortunately. Better to live in peace with yourself and others, and without lies.
I can no longer boast and say the same about myself. My real life is hidden from my
family and friends.

- Bruna, I know a lot of people. I would then like to introduce you to an

influencer here in Fortaleza. He is also “gay”. He's a great person, a really nice guy.
He's pretty crazy, but you'll really like him. Waldir knows a lot of people. He is a very
influential blogger from Fortaleza and uses the stage name “Klebinho Bezerra”. I will
also introduce you to the people of a forró pé-de-serra and drag-pé band. They are
very good friends of mine. You will love meeting them.

- Ok I will wait.

And they went to dinner.


- Wanessa, do you have anal sex with clients? I only did it with my boyfriends –
began the brunette

- You know, Bruna, I have a client of mine who has been married for almost 15
years and he says that his wife loves anal sex with a passion and demands that he
ejaculate inside her anus; She says she loves feeling the warm seminal fluid inside her

- I love it too – approved Andreza.

- But he told me that if he wants to have sex with her twice a night, I have to
use a condom the first time. She hates condoms, he says; Now, what she also really
likes, according to him, is oral sex, and there are days when she asks the guy to
ejaculate in her mouth so she can swallow: she really likes to swallow. But he says he is
disgusted; Because sometimes she has anal sex without a condom, she gives him oral
afterwards and still wants to kiss him at the end. What do you think?

- I think she's a bit of a pervert. If I were him, I wouldn't kiss. I believe that's
why he wants to have anal sex for the first time with a hood. I honestly hate anal sex
with a condom. I like it with a clean dick, but well smeared with lubricant.

- It's really delicious – agreed the excited redhead.


Larissa and Andreza were fighting and didn't speak to each other for about a
month. Afterwards, they started communicating again. The brunette also tried to
return to the massage therapy clinic and even spent a few days getting massages, but
then left permanently.


Andreza, Wanessa and Monique met at Larissa's apartment. The latter had
traveled to her parents' house and left her keys with Wanessa. Larissa had informed
her that they could meet at her apartment while she was away. The three prepared
pasta and drank wine while watching a romance film streaming on TV.

They talked after the film.

Andreza began by saying:

- I think I'm good in bed. However, I don't like to judge anyone regarding their
behavior in bed.
Whether it's listening to my partner's fantasy or allowing myself to fully identify
with myself, I'm open to different desires; I know that being aware of what excites
your partner is essential to satisfy him. I remember that a lot of men's minds are in the
realm of fantasy – it's not something you actually have to do one day, but I try to leave
judgments aside and really listen to his desires to heat up the sex.

- What do you think a girl should do to spice up the date? – asked


- I think we should innovate whenever possible – said the brunette. - “Do

you look at the arm of a sofa and imagine what the best position would be if you were
there with your partner? Would her bra make a good bondage tool? Shall I try out
some daring lingerie with him? I ask him to do a sexual position he has never tried.
Being creative and looking for new ways to heat up the relationship are essential
qualities in a good sexual partner. I have tried to have imagination and creativity in this

- Do you think about sex a lot, girls? - asked Wanessa. - I don't just think
when I'm about to have sex; When I see a sexy, masculine guy at the gym, sometimes I
feel like it, but I try to control myself.

- Sex has a strong mental component, I know that - said the brunette. - I
pay attention when I have a thought about sex or feel excited in some everyday
situation, and I don't dismiss the idea right away. I allow myself to feel erotic and
observe what is sexy in each person that attracts me – concluded Andreza.

- Are you attracted to women too? – Monique wanted to know.

- I never wanted to have sex with a woman – Suellen replied.

- I have already felt attracted to women; but I never had one. – replied

- You sometimes need to put other people's needs first. It is a practice of

“compassion”, as in some other aspects of our lives. It can be a huge challenge, but
practicing in bed can make you a great sexual partner - said Wanessa.

- It's not about always putting the man first, but about giving him pleasure
when he deserves it, or just for the satisfaction of seeing him fulfilled sexually. For
example, surprising him in the morning with a quick but tasty fuck or a nice blowjob;
he will love it and be amazed by your innovation - said Andreza

- I try to know when to increase the volume and degree of excitement and
actions during sex. We need to master this – added the redhead – The ability to relax,
let it happen and put modesty aside is a sensational attribute in a woman. Firstly,
because if you become less inhibited, everything becomes sexier. Furthermore, men
also want to hear you make noise, moaning, saying spicy words to him at the moment
of climax - said Wanessa.

- Your partner won't always be sure that you're enjoying having sex with
them if you don't show signs of it; so, if you are feeling pleasure, signal it – said

- Above all, I try to be spontaneous in bed – said Wanessa. -

I think the most exciting thing a woman can do during sex is to be surprising
and spontaneous. From waking him up with oral sex, suggesting a more daring sexual
position or waiting on the bed in lingerie; These are small situations that make a huge
difference in escaping the routine – concluded Wanessa.

- One of the problems that many women face when having sex is precisely
not knowing what to do to be more “loose” - declared Monique. – Letting go in bed is
related to having intense sex, full of pleasure. And that, my friends, is knowing how to
be good in bed! It's about becoming an animal again, turning on your animal instinct.

- It's when you stop acting rationally, and start acting impulsively - said the
brunette from São Luís. - What happens to many women is that they are always
analyzing the situation, maintaining a routine, questioning whether they are doing it
right... Forget the position, the light, the cellulite, the stretch marks! Every man's
dream is to have a woman who knows how to let go in bed. So I try to be that woman!

- I've read that a couple's sex itself goes through three phases –
commented Monique. - Primary Phase: Where sex is done as a duty, without pleasure,
just for reproduction. Most women are at this stage, having sex almost out of
obligation. Secondary Phase: This is the carnal phase, where sex gives pleasure to the
genitals. Most men are in this phase, and they love it. And Tantric Phase: It is almost
spiritual sex, sex in its broadest sense, with hyperorgasm for both. The woman who
enters this phase is practically worshiped by every guy.

“So, if you repress yourself, and deprive yourself of trying new things,
you will be remaining in the primary phase, and you will never be able to have a deep
sexual connection with your man. Sex won't be as good as it should be, you know?

- Yes, I believe I understand – concluded Andreza.


Wanessa turned to Andreza and said:

- Bruna, I wanted to make you a proposal.

- What is it, Wanessa?

- We are going to travel to provide services in other states. We start in the

northeast and then, who knows, head to the big centers of Brazil, other capitals out

- Wanessa, it's an interesting invitation; however, I am not convinced that it

would be advantageous for me. I already had a first experience and it didn't go very
well. Financially, for example, it was not rewarding. And I find traveling tiring.

- Why do you think this way, Bruna?

- We spend a lot on travel: air and land tickets, hotels, food, transfers, and with
the pandemic the volume of customers has reduced. There are still many people afraid
of catching Coronavirus. I don't think it's a very conducive time to travel. Air tickets
have risen in price and the value of programs has fallen or stagnated...

- It's true, there are too many girls doing sex shows. After dating sites became
popular, many girls were willing to do programs to make money. And as wages are low
in most conventional jobs, many young women prefer to opt for prostitution to earn
money and then decide what they are going to do with their lives.

- I don't really enjoy traveling. I even like seeing new places, but it's the
traveling itself that I don't like. I get very tense when traveling, I think about accidents;
I don't understand myself well, but in general I can't relax when I'm on the road.

- I have some friends who travel around the northeast. Cities such as Natal,
Recife, Petrolina, Juazeiro do Norte, João Pessoa, São Luís, Campina Grande, Feira de
Santana; you can make some money. Guys who look for girls on these escort sites
always want something new. When new girls arrive in town, they fall head over heels,
like bees in honey.

- I guess. Customers are fed up with us; we also get tired of some customers.

- Okay, Bruna. I'm going to invite another colleague. The clientele for me is
really scarce. I will start these trips to earn extra money and to get out of the routine.

- Thanks for the invitation. Leave it for another time.

Cláudio and Felipe talked about Andreza a few days later:

- Her life is made of lies - Felipe said to Cláudio. - She has become accustomed
to creating lies and excuses for everything and hiding her true life and attitudes.
Women like her do everything to make money and survive. They have no shame most
of the time. Whoever is in their life accepts anything to make money. Nothing will
leave me astonished when it comes to what comes from them.

- It's not worth getting involved with call girls, Cláudio. Having sex without
being able to kiss, without involvement, is not worth it. Call girls just want our money:
most or almost all of it. A girlfriend, wife or lover will give you much more pleasure and
care about you. A call girl doesn't care. She just wants to do her job and leave. Most
call girls don't kiss on the mouth, they don't have oral sex without a condom, they are
mechanical, some even want to humiliate you if you demand a better program. If you
don't agree on all the details of the program in advance, they will definitely deceive
you. If you cum after 15 minutes of sexual intercourse, you danced; they even kick you
out if you are in their place; but when they announce the program they say it's time to
get you. It's happened to me before, but I'm polite and left without arguing. Now I
know why they call these women sluts. Many of them are scams and are worthless.
I've been mistreated three times by whores. I know that many men humiliate them,
however, I have always treated them with dignity and they took out on me the
mistreatment that other clients inflicted on them. This is absurd.


Andreza and Felipe had a meeting at the motel within a few days.

The two talked in that establishment (“Bruna” had already revealed her real
name to the accountant):

- Andreza, it seems to me that you love sex, just like me. Is it just me or am I
mistaken? Because most call girls like money, and almost nothing about sex. They only
do it for the money, without any pleasure from the work.

- Honey, you know one thing: I think I'm that crazy about sex because I take
after my mother. She is very naughty, she is very fiery. She tells me every story! She is
a very hot woman; She loves drinks... and then you can imagine...

- Do you believe you will still work as an escort for a long time?

- I know that I will work for many more years having sex, until my desire is
satisfied. I really like sex. You know, I don't think I'll ever get married.

- You are too young; It's not time to think about marriage yet - Felipe said. - As
a child, did you create a lot of trouble in your neighborhood? Was she quarrelsome?
You seem to me to be easy to anger.

- And even? Why do you think that?

- I don't know how to explain it, but I have the impression that it does.
- I was never a stallholder, but when I was little a girl from my street messed
with my younger sister and wanted to hit her. Then my mother told me: Andreza, go
there with your sister and beat this girl, break her face, to avenge what she did to
Melina. My mother didn't leave things cheap. She taught me that.

- And did anything happen afterwards?

- No. Nothing happened.

- My dear, have you never worked in a place like a brothel? And have you ever
done a program with any elderly person?

- Honey, I'm terrified of cabaret and serving old people - said Andreza, with a
mischievous smile as she spoke. - I like “old” men, but I have a horror of being with an
elderly man. I don't like. And I also want to stay away from cabaret. If there's one place
I wouldn't work, it's a brothel. God forbid! – And the brunette smiled.

- Have you ever met anyone important here in the city? Any authority?

- No, unfortunately not yet. But I wanted to meet the drug dealer or the bandit
leader in this neighborhood. And maintain some closeness with him – revealed
Andreza Suellen, in a malicious tone.

- Why? - asked Felipe, startled.

- Oh! It's important to know these types of people. They are influential, rule
and rule in the community. I don't need to be friends with them, but it helps to have a
good relationship. They command respect and if you are their colleague, no one
messes with you, otherwise they will suffer the consequences.

- Oh! I understood. It's just risky! Will he want to fuck you without paying for
the service...?

- No, not that. Don't talk nonsense.

- Excuse me then. I hope you're right.

- Andreza, have you ever been curious to know what your name means?

- Yes already. Andreza means strong woman, fighter. Suellen means “shining
lily”. Suellen is the combination and abbreviation of Susan + Hellen.

- Interesting. Do you think it suits you?

- I think so.

Two days later Suellen and Cláudio met at the flat of a friend of the poker
Suellen and Cláudio had a conversation:

- You say, Andreza, that you don't want to like me, that you think it's better not
to learn to like me. I ask you then: Does not liking me give you the prerogative to hate
me, treat me badly and hurt me whenever you want and not feel remorse afterwards?
When you feel uncomfortable because of something I do that doesn't please you,
won't you just treat me badly in retaliation? Could this be one of your ego's defense
mechanisms? I question myself.

- No, don't think that way. My actions are not for evil. At least I don't have that
intention. I just don't want to suffer later or make anyone else suffer. I've already
suffered a lot for love and I don't want you to confuse the situations.

- Andreza, have you ever loved someone in your life? - asked Cláudio.

- No. I never loved anyone. I once liked a person a lot, a lot, but I don't think I
loved him. And you, Cláudio, do you love anyone?

- I don't think I've ever really loved anyone either, I mean a woman. And I think
love is the most important thing in this life.

A few days later in another conversation...

- Cláudio, one day I met my ex-boyfriend at his mother's house and he spoke to
me. I was even embarrassed; It had been a while since he spoke to me; I think he was
upset with me...

- Why, Andreza, would he be upset with you?

- I dont 'want to say. Continuing: that day we talked a little. Do you know what
he said? He said he still loves me. And I know that after leaving me he still doesn't have
anyone serious in his life.

- Really was?

- And I don't know if I love him. I'm so confused.

- Andreza, so if you like him, why don't you go back to your ex! – suggested
Cláudio, a little saddened. -I don't want to disturb anything between you two-he

- No, my dear, it's not that simple. And if it didn't work before between us, it
won't work now. I don't want to go back to him. I believe our history has passed.

- Think carefully, your path is clear - Cláudio reinforced.

At that moment, the boy was wondering if Andreza had said those words to
test him and try to make him jealous or if she really still really liked her ex-boyfriend.

- Andreza, I really like you. I really like it. I also think that when we like someone
it's not because we want to, it's something that can go against our will; Sometimes,
you can't understand it properly, and there's no point in trying to fight it.

- No. There is nothing between me and my ex-boyfriend anymore.

- Do you think that love will come into our lives whenever we want? I believe it
doesn't work like that. I believe that if love knocks on our door, we have to chase it.

- Cláudio, I don't want you to love me.

- Andreza, I believe that love exists and it can change a person's life. And I think
you can't live without love. I believe that love is the most important thing in this life.

- I think you overestimate love, Cláudio - said Andreza.

- Don't say that, Andreza. You talk like that because you've never really loved
anyone. The day you love you will see that I was right. You will agree with me and you
will remember my words.

- I don't know; I have my doubts.

- We all have. But I believe my words.

- I have already suffered for love and I am afraid of suffering again; but I don't
rule out that I can love.

Cláudio started sending messages to Andreza via WhatsApp three days later.

He thought about sending a message via Zap two days later to Bruna, like this:
“I dreamed of you last night”. He thought: a little lie doesn't hurt anyone, right? And
he had to be ready to answer what he dreamed of, because she would certainly ask.
She thought about inventing a story involving the two of them, full of spicy details, or
saying that she had dreamed all night about him taking off her clothes, performing a
striptease for him.

He then sent a message to her Whatsapp in the afternoon.

- Honey, you don't even know, I dreamed about you last night. Such a good
dream. I woke up all wet today...

- Wow, what dream was that? - the brunette wanted to know.

- I dreamed that the two of us were on a deserted island and we spent the night
having sex on the sand, on a very fluffy towel, drinking wine, next to a bonfire and
under the light of a beautiful full moon!

- What a romantic dream! – replied the call girl. – But I think you expanded the
story of this dream...

- No, it's all true. I remember very well everything that happened in the dream.

- That's fine. I believe! So it was wonderful?

- Yes, it was, for both of us. I guarantee you. And what are you doing now? –
asked the boy, being very careful not to sound like a demand.

- I'm laying in bed; I just woke up from a nap after lunch. – It was a Sunday, at
approximately 3 pm. - You know I remembered you this morning!

- Really was! Great! And you're lying down, just wearing panties??

- Exactly. But with panties and a top on her breasts. If you guess the color of my
panties you get a kiss and a smell.

- And what guarantee will I have that if I get the color right you won't cheat

- If you want, I can send you a photo so you can check if you got it right. You can
give me the kiss later even if you make a mistake, but if you succeed in the challenge,
you will receive a special kiss, very neat – said the brunette. She wanted to let him
imagine a little before giving in.

- I'm excited now and my mouth is watering. Your game is fun and instigated

- So try to get it right? – teased the girl. – Try to figure out the color of the
panties I’m wearing!

Cláudio paused a little to appreciate his guess and replied:

- White ! ...Did I get it right?

- No !!! What a shame, you made a mistake, my dear.

- Well, show me.

And she photographed her bottom underwear and sent him the images.

- Red panties... - revealed the brunette. And the man could prove it in the
- Who can guarantee that you don't already have a gallery with panties of
different colors to fool fools? – asked the poker player.

- Wow, how suspicious you are! He must be a descendant of São Tomé! Worse,
you don't believe it even when you see it!

- Sorry, it was a joke. In fact, I didn't suspect that you might have deceived me.
But I'm here remembering last night. The dream was delicious!

- I guess; This experience you dreamed of would be really good... The place, the
drink, the moonlight, alone, Uhmmm! – Bruna said, gently pressing her lips.

- What stood out most in my head was when you took off your dress and I saw
your lingerie, which was very sensual and then you told me: “I bought new lingerie,
just for you”. I was ecstatic, and vanity took over me at that time. I felt important to
you, valued.

- Well, one day I'm going to buy some lingerie and I'm going to surprise you.

- Can I also buy lingerie and give it to you?

- I find it difficult for you to get my number right. I have a big butt, although my
breasts are small. I have a hard time finding underwear that suits me and works for

- I understand...

- And I wanted to surprise you...

- Thank you, I will eagerly await this surprise. Let's then arrange to see each
other next week.

- Ok. Get in touch next week.

- Have a good continuation of Sunday, Bruna.

- You too. Goodbye.

And they ended the messages.

Larissa asked for Flávio once again.

- Andreza, did you really no longer go out with Flávio? That little liar who
studies fisheries engineering.

- Of course, the annoying guy from the restaurant! We only went out to eat
twice. No, friend. He was sending me messages at least once a week, but 15 days ago
he confessed to me that he found a girlfriend and is very satisfied with her. They met
online and she is starting an Aesthetics course. Since then, Flávio hasn't contacted me
anymore. I think now he will leave me alone. He will stop bothering me. I'm rooting for
him to make it work. The little animal is so cute!


Sam invited the brunette to a “pé de serra” forró party and there he introduced
her to a band made up of several of his friends and two women. Andreza became
friends with them. The band was called “Os Mouriscos do Forró“ and Andreza fell in
love with one of the vocalists, named Clóvis, who had tattoos on his body, and in
addition to singing, played the accordion. The girl had a quick affair with him, which
lasted about 2 months; However, as Clóvis was a womanizer and unfaithful, Andreza
realized that it was a hopeless affair, and ended it and became just friendship.

Sam also introduced Andreza to a gay influencer. Samuel couldn't find anything
to do and made Suellen meet an influencer from Fortaleza called “Klebinho Bezerra“,
who was very funny and knew a lot of society people in the capital, as well as girls and
prostitutes. The blogger was homosexual, but he had no partner or crush. He had
several friends, of whom Andreza met some, many being call boys and girls and others
homosexuals, like some dancers. Through him, the brunette met and also became
friends with two prostitutes.

It ended, however, that Samuel's scheme was denounced in Brazilian justice

and his arrest was ordered. As he was out of the country, Sam preferred to stay in
foreign territory until the dust settled. He continued, however, communicating with
Andreza on Instagram and occasionally invited her to leave Brazil, but she still did not
accept his proposal.

Wanessa and her friend from Maranhão went to visit her friend Larissa.

Arriving at Larissa's apartment, Wanessa and Andreza talked alone,

while Larissa prepared something for them to eat.

- Wanessa, do you have anal sex with clients? I only did it with my boyfriends –
the brunette began.

- You know, Bruna, I have a client of mine who has been married for almost 15
years and he says that his wife loves anal sex with a passion and demands that he
ejaculate inside her anus; She says that she loves to feel the warm seminal fluid inside
her anus.

- I love it too – approved Andreza.

- But he told me that if he wants to have sex with her twice a night, I have to
use a condom the first time. She hates condoms, he says; Now, what she also really
likes, according to him, is oral sex, and there are days when she asks the guy to
ejaculate in her mouth so she can swallow: she really likes to swallow. But he says he is
disgusted; Because sometimes she has anal sex without a condom, she gives him oral
afterwards and still wants to kiss him at the end. What do you think?

- I think she's a bit of a pervert. If I were him, I wouldn't kiss. I believe that's
why he wants to have anal sex for the first time with a hood. I honestly hate anal sex
with a condom. I like it with a clean dick, but well smeared with lubricant.

- It's really delicious – agreed the excited redhead.


After three days, Andreza met with Juhliana and commented about Cláudio.

- Juh, I think I like a married man; He says he likes me and we've also hooked up
several times; he also says that he doesn't love his wife, that he likes her very much,
but has already realized that he doesn't love her; I believe that if he really doesn't love,
that's why he cheats on her. He says he prefers to make love to me instead of his wife
because I do everything with him in bed, and his wife is evangelical and doesn't have
certain types of sex with him; he is also evangelical; but I don't want to get too
involved with him; I don't want his marriage to end because of me because I don't
know if we'll be together for long; I have a lot of doubts, I don't know if he tells me the
truth, there are times when I don't even want to know, and I think our affair is
temporary; I can't get too involved, because when there is a feeling between the two
it's harder to break free.

- You're right, Bruna – agreed Juhliana. -In most cases a man is unfaithful just
because he decides to be unfaithful. Therefore, there is no reason that influences this
decision. Therefore, this is a personal decision that implies derogatory behavior. Men
who have lovers tend to behave the same way.

In the following days, Ester called Suellen and they talked.

Andreza, on weekends in Fortaleza, would hang around the bars and

restaurants of Praia do Futuro and post some photos taken in these places on her
social media. Her mother liked two publications and noticed that her daughter had
gained a few extra pounds and appeared to be at a weight she had never reached
before, showing this in the bikini photographs. Ester imagined that Suellen would have
a very sedentary life in the capital of Ceará and must be eating poorly, perhaps at the
expense of fast food, hence the weight gain that her daughter showed.

The first opportunity they communicated by phone, Ester alerted the girl.
- Andreza, dear, I saw your photographs taken in those fancy restaurants on the
beaches of Fortaleza. You look beautiful and so hot.

- Thank you, mom – thanked the young woman; but as soon as she finished the
sentence, her mother replied:

- There's just one little problem, daughter, that I noticed.

- What happened, mom? – asked Suellen, immediately.

- Honey, I thought you were a little chubby in those photos.

- Are you serious, mom? – replied the daughter, very thoughtful at this
moment. – Am I very overweight? Did you really think so?

- Yes, my daughter – reinforced her mother. – I've never seen you with that
much weight. And I was worried, even asking myself: Could my daughter be abusing
unhealthy foods, eating out and overindulging in fast food? I worry about your health,
dear. It's not just a question of aesthetics.

Andreza denied this hypothesis.

- No, mom, I don't usually eat junk food on the street and unhealthy food. I try
to eat more in my apartment and I usually prepare my meals myself. I have an aversion
to heavy foods with too much fried food or pasta.

- And why are you getting fat, daughter? – he asked his mother again.

- I don't know, mom. I have no idea.

But Suellen was lying: she was using an injectable contraceptive that caused
weight gain and lately she had been abusing ordering food and snacks for delivery,
eating snacks and meals often with unpleasant results for her health and causing
excessive weight gain.

- Well, dear, take care of yourself, improve your diet and look for some physical
activity to do! - recommended his mother, still in a tone of concern.

- Mom, another thing: I miss my doggo, Albert, so much. I miss my puppy.

- Did you see; who ordered him to leave his land. – replied his mother, in a
relaxed tone.

- But I had an idea to alleviate the lack of my puppy.

- What was it, Suh?

- I'm going to create an Instagram account for family members to follow and
you can post videos and photos of him. I create the account and give you the password
so you can manage and post. Could it be?

- Yes you can, dear. Great idea. It will be really fun.

- For sure. Thanks. Bye, mamis.

- See you another day, my daughter.

Andreza ended the call and was aware of the importance of dialogue with
her mother, due to the nature of the content, but, despite knowing all this, she was
still mulling over her mother's words and was a little upset with Ester, as Andreza did
not tolerate receiving much criticism.

Larissa and “Bruna” went to an electronic club in a dance club in Fortaleza a

few days later, where they met a colleague of “Hellen”, a tattooed boy named Ian
Felipe, and the brunette realized that he had offered drugs to her friend, to which she
accepted. Andreza only consumed one gin-based drink and drank it slowly throughout
the rave. Later, at the same party, Larissa approached the brunette and told her:

- Bruna, don't you feel like wearing something to look more lively and feel

Andreza criticized what she implied, but covered it up:

- What do you mean, Helen. Explain better.

- Have you never tasted anything different?

- What are you talking about, friend?

Larissa was already under the influence of drugs and her friend noticed it. She
further questioned “Hellen”, in a challenging tone:

- Bruna, are you that naive? I talk about drugs.

- Sorry, Hellen, but I never wanted to try it. That doesn't appeal to me.

- You are very rude. She really is a little girl from a small town. He doesn’t know
what’s good – said the woman from Ceará, under the influence of illicit drugs.

Andreza noticed that she was tall. Even so, she returned the provocation:

- I'm not a country bumpkin. I just have my own opinion and I don't want to use
drugs, even if they are offered by a colleague.
Andreza then announced that she was leaving and went home alone, using
alternative transportation. Larissa continued to party. The brunette was deeply upset
with her colleague and thought that she was crossing the line and wanting to control
her life.

Larissa and Andreza broke off their friendship because Andreza thought Larissa
was meddling too much in her life.

About fifteen days later, however, they made peace. After rekindling their
friendship, Larissa and Andreza got along for about two months, but they had
disagreements again, so that the brunette left the massage parlor permanently and
also left her colleague once and for all.

Felipe and Cláudio went out to play bowling and talked.

- Felipe, what would a naughty woman be to you? - asked Cláudio.

- She is a woman in constant mutation: she changes her behavior from one
moment to the next, so as not to be predictable. She also knows very well the best
time to attack. She seeks to have control of the situation, and likes to be in control of
everything. She's sneaky, and she tries not to feel guilty about what she does, whether
it's right or not. This woman never reveals her secrets, and lies to hide her true

-She arranges everything with Andreza.

- She has difficulty dealing with her problems, she is bothered by past romantic
frustrations. She seeks to satisfy her physical pleasure and her vanity. Characteristics of
a woman who today tries to be naughty.

- The danger, Cláudio, is that these women often aim only at a “financial”
achievement; they exchange pleasure for something else, such as material goods,
comfort and well-being, while men exchange pleasure for pleasure.

- It's very risky to mess with them, girls like Suellen.

- She is confused, indecisive and only makes decisions out of excitement. This is
visible when scheduling meetings and appointments. She changes her opinion all the
time. She becomes false to herself and thinks she doesn't depend on men or any
feeling. It's all of her... It seems like an accurate description of Andreza.

-She uses naughtiness as her way of escaping this dependence. Deep down,
Felipe, she knows that she can suffer retribution for everything she does to others.
Andreza is a slave to her own illusion. The girl created a mask and is now afraid to take
it off and tries, in this way, not to face that risk.
- Cláudio, girls like that prefer to go against everything that represents stability
in the relationship. They sometimes have fetishes for faithful men and want to prove
to themselves that their frustration in love is not exclusive to them, and all men are
the same, cheat, and are the real culprits.

- I believe that Andreza has the ability to notice the fragility of each man in his
relationship, to tease him about what catches his most attention.

- Most of these girls are very sociable, and know how to behave in various
situations. They generally try to be well articulated, making friends with the right
people, according to their current interests, and have a good relationship cycle.

- These women are rarely introverted, and when they appear to be, it is on
purpose, as they are interested in conveying this image at that moment, or period of
their life, but when they actually are, they lose it in intimate moments.

- She knows how to play love games. She knows how to complicate feelings
where there is nothing to complicate and they love to create mysteries. She enchants
them to appear mysterious. They like emotional blackmail. They deeply seek
dominance, conquest and self-affirmation.

- It's the feeling of returning to your previously frustrated feelings. As long as it

works, it continues; then replace it with another. It is not linked to ethical, moral or
spiritual issues; Therefore, they tend to abandon their religion. She tends to confront
ideas and behaviors. She is attached to materialism.

- Your perception of life is restricted to having and power. She is vain and holds
her body in high esteem. Values the appearance of what is socially acceptable.

- The naughty woman doesn't want to satisfy any man, but only herself. Sex is
as essential to her as it is to men. But due to machismo she has to hide through the
role of a good girl, fragile and naive. However, at the right moment, she shows all her
naughty intentions in her eyes. She is charming, intrigues men. She holds them in her
hands because she is different from everyone else.


Cláudio made a video call to Andreza on a Saturday morning. It was around

9:30 am and she was still lying down.

When she answered him, he said:

- My dear, good morning. You're still lying down, – said Cláudio, realizing that
the girl was lying down in her night clothes and with the light in the room turned off. -
Sorry, I'll hang up then.
- Can not talk. I was already awake.

- I'm looking at a business for you to put up and it could be online.

- I don't know, my dear, if I still have the courage to invest. I already worked
selling clothes online. But it did not work. The girl must take photos with the clothes,
and I don't really like that. For that reason, I don't think my business went ahead; I
think that was one of the reasons for my failure.

- But we will try....

- You do not understand me! – replied Suellen. And she continued, murmuring,
but Cláudio managed to hear: - You do this because I'm far from my family; If I were
close to them you would see it.

- I don't quite understand what you're talking about.

- I don't want to get involved with anyone right now. Why did you video call
me? It must be eating up your Internet credits.

- No problem. My Internet package is good. I wanted to see your face...

- You are very insistent. I don't want to place any business now.

- He is sure? It can start as an income supplement. After gearing up, you leave
the programs.

- I've even thought about getting another job.

- It would be good. The inconvenience is that most services pay between one
and two salaries and the working hours are so heavy. You would be tired and we
would barely have time to see each other.

- I don't want you to take risks with your wife for me... So be careful with these
things you're analyzing. Besides, I think that any day I will be returning to São Luís.

- It can leave...

- I actually thought about going back to work in another field; but with what?
There was even a businessman in the city who offered me a job, but it would be for
little more than a salary and I didn't accept it. I also don't want to be subordinate to
him and I don't want to think that just because he gave me a job I'm going to give it to
him for free. I am out.

- Who was this businessman?

- It's a secret. I can not say. He is married and has children.

- Right. You and your secrets.

- Oh my love, I loved that you called me and I saw your beautiful face so early.

- I'm going to hang up, honey. Rest more. A kiss!

- Other. Goodbye.

And they ended the video call.


Andreza and Cláudio met at the girl's apartment a few days later. After
having sex, he asked her:

- Do you have Instagram, my dear?

- Yes, I do – Suellen replied.

- And you only have one Instagram account?

- Yes.

- Have you already given your Instagram account to a client?

- A few...

- Since you reveal your personal account to some clients, aren't you afraid of
exposing your family?

- No. On this Instagram I don't post photos with family members, and it doesn't
have their name. I don't even post photos with boyfriends or hookups because there
are several of my followers who are clients or ex-clients. I don't want them to see this
so they don't get jealous. It wouldn't be good for me. I must appear to always be single
and available. Woman with no commitment to any man. There are no posts with other
people and no other people appear in stories. I'm careful. Only myself appears in my
posts, with the exception of two of my friends. And everything is very discreet. No one
can suspect anything. I'm also not really into Instagram at the moment. I have few
followers (not even a thousand) currently and my Instagram is closed. And I only follow
people who follow me and people I know, with rare exceptions, like my little dog, who
lives with my mother. I made an Instagram account for my cutie. He's my only son, you

- Cool, babe. Have you ever sold nude photos or produced video content to sell

- I tried a couple of times, but I didn't feel very comfortable producing this
content and I gave up. I'm also afraid that it will end up being more exposure for me. I
don't think I'm very good at producing nude photos and videos. And the woman must
have the perfect body. Men notice everything. I think that producing this content
would bring more risks to me than benefits, in addition to the fact that people pay very
little for them. I have fears and I didn't feel comfortable producing these media, so I
gave up. If I traveled a lot to other cities it could work, but I see that it pays little, in
general. Only if we produce a lot of content, frequently and with quality! It is possible
to recover good money by selling these services.

- And do you make verification videos?

- I intend to start doing this soon, to select more customers. In the videos I also
need to see the customers before serving. That's in my plans.

- Manu, did you give a man a prostate massage?

- Yes, only once. It is very pleasurable for men.

- Where did you learn?

- Can not tell. Do you want to try it? Do you want me to do it for you?

- No. I'm not curious about receiving this massage yet. I waive the invitation for

- And why did you ask me if I can do it?

- Just to know. Curiosity...

- Careful! I don’t like very curious people – warned the young woman.

A few seconds passed and Cláudio asked Andreza:

- Manu, and what do you have in that locked room, where you didn't let me
enter that day and were so apprehensive when I approached the door?

- I don't know. He was? There's nothing special about this room - Andreza lied.

In fact, the call girl kept several items in this room for Thai massage and use by
a “dominatrix”, such as rubber penetrators, vibrators, articles for sadomasochism;
tantric, nuru and lingam massage; other objects of use for a dominatrix, sexual role
reversal with men and prostate massage. All of this would be taken to her sister's
massage parlor when she went to São Luís.

- And the role reversal between men and women, have you ever done it? -
questioned Cláudio.

- No, I haven't done it yet - replied the brunette.

But she had already learned this at the massage parlor where she interned in
Fortaleza, in the Varjota neighborhood, and was hiding the truth again.

Andreza said that day that she was menstruating and performed oral sex on
Cláudio without a condom until he came. She got her money from the program and
she left.

- Bye, my dear. He takes care of himself! - she said.

And they said goodbye to each other with a peck on the mouth.

- Bye, babe. See you again - the girl said goodbye.

Andreza was quite cunning. When doing the first program with a client who
seemed interesting to her, she played the role of an attentive girl and chatted after
sex, to try to engage and impress that customer. In this way, she seemed to create
quick bonds of friendship with that then unknown person. She often gave her real
name in the second or third appointment and also revealed her social media account
for later contacts.

Andreza and Cláudio talked about massages and a sex shop after another sex,
approximately in a week.

- Andreza, have you ever been to a sex shop here in Fortaleza?

- I love sex shops, Cláudio, and I follow some in São Luís; I really like vibrators; a
customer already used it on me once -, she stated, lying afterwards - but here in
Fortaleza I have never been to any store like that.

- And how did you get curious about the products in these stores?

- My boyfriends taught me to like these establishments. They sell some

delicious things to enhance sex. But until today I bought few things through sex shops
and today I order more online.

- What about erotic massages? What do you think about this?

- Now, massages, I don't really appreciate. Neither to practice nor to receive.

But I already received a home massage from a girl here in Fortaleza once, and I liked
her work. It was cheap too. But it wasn't with sex.

- Give me her phone number.

- I can't. She is secretive. To make an appointment with her, someone she trusts
needs to recommend her. And the girl only trusts a new customer when she has
already served him at least three times. She has all this luxury because she already has
a good clientele, who are loyal to her work.
- I understood. Does she not advertise massages on websites or social media?

- She doesn't.

Cláudio took Andreza to the apartment of one of her accomplices and there
they talked about fetishes.

- Honey, - he said, after they arrived at the apartment - look here at the main
fetishes and sexual fantasies that appear among Brazilians' Internet searches,
according to a survey:

” Anal sex; Cross dressing (wearing clothes and accessories of the opposite sex);
Golden shower (urination or receiving urine during sex); Spanking (hitting or being
beaten during sex); Dominatrix (woman who assumes the role of dominator).

- I have this “spanking” – revealed Andreza. – I love slaps on the face and ass
when I’m fucking. I've also tried free sex, I enjoy it, but I've had few opportunities to do
it - she said. - And you, Cláudio?

- I don't think I have fetishes. My fantasy is to eat a really hot brunette until we
cum a lot.

- Oh I know; I understood. But there's no point hiding it: every man has the
fantasy of having sex with two hot people at the same time. Did I get it right?

Claudius remained silent.

After having sex, Andreza turned to the man and said:

- You know one thing: I don't like liking you.


Cláudio also spoke to Andreza once again about the topic of sex shops, some
time later. The poker player took the brunette to a motel.

Andreza was impressed by the refinement of the establishment the guy had
taken her to and confessed to her client that in São Luís he had only known average
motels, mainly on the outskirts of Cohama and Turu.

Cláudio also praised the top that the call girl was wearing and the denim shorts
with ripped details, revealing her beautiful thighs. She thanked him for the
compliments and said, in a smiling and playful tone:

- If I could, my dear, I would always dress like this, in this style of clothes. I

The individual then asked him:

- Bruna, you like sex shop products to enhance sex, you already told me. Can I
bring something different to us? – he asked.

- I always liked sex shop accessories. I enjoy trying new things in sex. My ex-
boyfriends taught me to like it. I love spicy chocolates...

- I brought a little surprise for us to try.

- A vibrator!?

- You guessed it... Do you like it???

- I love it... I confess that I already had one, but it has already been dismantled.

- Let's use, then, what I brought.

- Let's go. But let me take a shower.

The companion took a thorough shower and came back wrapped in a very short

Her client was already dressed only in his underwear, lying on the bed, waiting
for her. The girl sat on the bed next to him and undressed. Then they kissed and
Cláudio gave her a delicious oral sex session. Suellen purposely moaned and
involuntarily contracted her thighs. When she was almost reaching climax, her lover
asked her to relax even more, keep her eyes closed and he began to stimulate her
genitals with the vibrator. The girl continued her session of shivers, whispers and
moans, until she almost came, but, suddenly, she sat up and asked him to sit on the
edge of the bed. She knelt on the floor on a pillow and gave a great blowjob. Then, the
man put on a condom and they had sex sitting on a wooden chair in the room; They
still had the energy to do a standing sexual position, with him behind.

Cláudio came standing up, his legs shaking, and Andreza played with him for

Then the boy performed oral sex on her and she finally came.

- There! What a miracle! Finally... – he said, with a sparkle in his eyes, realizing
that the girl had managed to have an orgasm.

- Thank you, my dear – she thanked.

After having sex, Cláudio left her at her address.

Cláudio's wife discovered Andreza's Instagram through her husband's cell phone
and through the brunette's account on the social network she managed to find the
gym where the companion was working out. Cláudio was lazy and didn’t go to the gym;
He had been a taekwondo fighter and kick-boxer and just liked to play football or
beach tennis with his friends three to four times a month.

His wife, however, was a gym “rat” and, without her husband knowing, she
enrolled in the gym that Andreza attended, as she wanted to see in person the face of
the wedge who was cheating on her with her husband. Cláudio later discovered that
his wife had joined the same gym as Suellen, but it was too late to intervene.


Andreza then received a threatening message from Cláudio's wife:

Suellen went to check her messaging app and there was a message from a
person who wasn't in her contact book. There was no photo on that WhatsApp
account and it didn't have the person's name. She opened the message and went to
read it. Here is what she had written in the communication:

“Careful, you slut. Let go of my husband, Cláudio André. I'm on your tail and I
already know everything about you. Stop seeing my husband. Don't tell him you
received this message. This problem has to be resolved between us. Go find another
married man. Leave my husband alone. He gets out of our lives while there's still time.
Keep our secret.”

After reading this threatening text, Andreza was terrified and was convinced
that she would never meet the poker player again. The girl began to fear for her
physical integrity.

After Andreza was threatened by the wife of her “lover”, she began to hate
him, in her own way, because Suellen was like that and she treated someone badly
simply because she was upset with them, even if the other person was not to blame. .
She realized then that her affair with Cláudio was about to end; and to provoke a
quicker separation between the two, she tried to treat him badly the next time they
met, about two weeks after receiving the threat on her cell phone. The poker player
was already upset with her for her friendship with Luan and for the girl not accepting
his proposal to be his lover and these factors accelerated the end of the programs
between the poker player and Suellen.

Melina made a call to Andreza via the messaging app.

The youngest sister spoke first:

- Suh, is everything okay there?

- It's okay, Melina.

- Are you working hard?

- Yes. I'm working well. How are you at the massage parlor?

- The movement is improving more. Now I have a landline and two cell phone
numbers and I'm advertising them all on the Internet on that website you
recommended. All three numbers have WhatsApp. As the pandemic calmed down, the
movement is increasing and I can now make a little profit. As we also changed our
address in this location, it has now improved a lot... But Suh, I'm calling you because I
need some money. André can pay you later.

- And what would you be a sister for?

- I want to make some improvements to the massage parlor and our mother's
house. And only now have I finished paying off the loan at the bank. André also has a
loan to pay because he did a small renovation on his mother's house and he pays for
his brother's private college.

- Sister, I have little money saved.

- I need R$15 thousand. André pays you within 6 months.

- Right. I'll do my best to lend it to you. But it pays me an interest of R$500.00.

- Could it be. Suh, then look for those items I asked the masseuses.

- Yes, I haven't forgotten.

- So, do you have anyone there in Fortaleza? Are you dating a guy?

- Not yet.

- No customers, no one at all? Is there no one you hang out with anymore and
is something going on?

Andreza then lied:

- No. I swear how come I haven't?

- And dad, how is he? – asked the brunette, to change the subject.

- He is well. Did he tell you that he met a woman who is divorced and they are

- I don't know if he commented quickly.

- It seems like their case is serious.

- Are you living together?

- No.
- She works with what

- She has a hairdressing salon and works with her daughter. She is a good
person. Mom will meet. They arranged to have pizza together; Marcela, mom and I are
going. David and Genésio are traveling.

- Right. He said almost nothing about her. I think it's because it was so recent,
but I'm also realizing that it seems serious.

- Andreza, and are you already thinking about returning to our city? We are in
need of you. And I think we can expand our business because with the end of the
pandemic everything should improve. And I wanted to take massages out of my house.
When do you think about returning?

- There's no deadline yet, Mel. And with you asking me to borrow money and
I'm going to take longer here. Why doesn't Genésio pay for Mom's renovation alone?
He won't help, will he?

- He is going yes. He will pay half. The rest will be me and mom. After all, the
house is in her name.

- But they have been living together for almost 2 years.

- That's true, but we agreed like that. Let it remain as it is.

- And my nieces, how are they?

- Great. Marcela went to her house with David. They intend to have a child
within 2 years. Isabel is the one who asks about you the most. Beatriz is already almost
dating: she's thirteen years old and I think she's my height or bigger.

- Have they adapted well to where they are living?

- I think so. Marcela did not make any comments that said otherwise.

- Andreza, try to return next year. Let's resume our business. This time it will
take off; I sense this.

- There you come with your intuitions. I believe in hard work...

- Me too. But I really feel that from now on everything will get better. And you
need to go back.

- Not yet. I need to capitalize more, save money.

- Is it worth it? Are you saving real money?

- I am, for sure – Suellen replied, but after leaving the massage parlor in
Fortaleza her income reduced considerably.

- Are you still at the massage clinic?

- Yes I am.

- And are you doing extra programs with your friends?

- Yes we are.

- They give you 50% or less. Are the programs there more expensive?

- Yes, half and half. The client pays in front of me and we split the amount later
alone. I think the price of the programs is the same.

- And you are no longer trying other jobs, like in your field?

- Not for now. I took a break. I tried a lot and stopped for a while.

- That's right, Suh. Think carefully about everything I said. He takes care of

- You too. Goodbye.

And they turned off the cell phone app.

Andreza would later confess to her almost lover Cláudio:

In my adolescence and pre-adulthood I wanted and dreamed of having

jewelry; have the best cell phone, the most modern and of the year; having a luxurious
or comfortable car with someone driving me to the places I needed to go; being able
to travel, get to know different places and cultures; go to the best restaurants; being
able to taste the best wines. The consumerist society, television and the Internet
influence us too much, in our desires and ostentation is not all bad; a woman
nowadays doesn't have much value and doesn't attract much attention if she doesn't
have beautiful hair, wear good makeup, dress well and wear nice shoes; women need
clothes, shoes and accessories for different occasions and I was aware of that; I know
that these things are not everything in a woman's life, and they may not be the most
important; however, nowadays they are essential. But all of this seemed very distant
to me: my parents couldn't help me graduate from a better higher education course, I
had no inheritance to receive and they wouldn't be able to finance a business for me
either. I even tried some online work, sales too and set up a small business, but it's
difficult to prosper. This first deal did not go ahead. I gave up. My first attempts didn't
work out. On top of that, I still owed my older sister and then the bank. I was
frustrated and it was devastating for me. I went to college, but the course didn't suit
me so much. I studied Accounting. I finished so I wouldn't lose the course, which was
paid for, and so I wouldn't displease my father by bringing him disappointment. It was
hard for me, but I finished. I still juggled college with a stressful and boring job: I was a
telemarketing attendant, a job my sister Marcela had recommended me for (she
already worked in that field); the salary was low, but I needed a little money for my
things, and I worked with it as long as I could afford it; until about halfway through my
college. I even tried to take another course, in the technology area; I passed the Enem
selection exam, but I gave up and never enrolled in the course. I believe I regret this
decision. I felt cheap, very confused for having given up. It was hard to go through this
situation. “

Andreza said that same day to Cláudio:

- My father calls me every day in the morning to see how I am. You believe? He
is very worried about me.

- It's good to have such a caring father! Is he very worried about you?

- Quite...

- And does he suspect what you do here in Fortaleza?

- No.

- Has your father already come to visit you here in Ceará?

- Yes, as soon as I changed. Baby, my dad is so different from me. She likes to
talk to everyone, he likes to make friends; he is very good with people; I am the
opposite of him in this sense. When he was here I was so afraid he would discover
something, but I never flagged it in the building where I live. I never showed anything
to make the neighbors suspicious of what I do.

- Lucky you.

- What if your father found out everything? What do you feel when you're on
his side and you know he's hiding the truth from his own father?

Andreza filled her eyes with tears.

- It's difficult... You don't understand... I can't tell you.

Andreza almost cried, but soon stopped herself.

- Don't be. Sorry.

- When are you going to São Luís?

- I don't know yet.

- Have your sisters been calling you?

- Almost everyday. They only call me for problems. I have a lot of fun with
them. I miss my nieces and my little dog so much, you know? He is with my mother. I
always send her money to help with his expenses. And my nieces, I'm dreaming of
walking with them to the mall. They love it.

- How many nieces do you have?

- Two, one is 11 years old and the other is 15. They are sweethearts. I love
them, especially the youngest one.

- Since you came to Fortaleza, have you ever visited your family?

- Not yet. I've only been here for 6 months. I want to go in approximately 2

- Do you want to go out to dinner on Saturday?

- Maybe... I'll think about it and get back to you tomorrow.

Claudio and Andreza ended up fighting shortly after.

The poker player saw Andreza arriving at his apartment on a motorcycle, as she
had caught a ride with a boy called Luan, who was a biomedicine student, and they
said goodbye with a peck on the mouth. He imagined that the boy could be the girl's
boyfriend and she hadn't talked about him. The poker player was upset and then asked
Suellen, who replied that she was free and didn't owe him any satisfaction. They had a
small argument that day and Cláudio was very upset with her due to the arrogant way
in which she responded to him and the fact that Andreza did not tell the truth about
what that boy on the motorcycle represented in her life.

Andreza informed his father that he was already thinking about returning to
São Luís do Maranhão. Upon receiving this news, José was very happy and a smile
spread across his face. His beloved daughter would be returning to her hometown
soon. What good news! What satisfaction! All that anguish about his daughter being
away from him was going to end. As a good father who wanted to be José, he looked
for a public financing program for affordable housing and tried to enroll his daughter.
“Andreza, you told me that you want to have your home, your corner. Because I want
to enroll you in the Casa Verde e Amarela government program. Send me certified
copies of your documents, proof of income and a public power of attorney in my name
so I can register for you, my dear.”

Andreza choked up at this point due to the lack of proof of income, but
thought about sending a copy of the income tax declaration.
- Yes, daddy, I will arrange it – she replied, after a few seconds, to think about
the answer. “And which neighborhood would it be in? “

- There it is. It might be a little far, daughter. But I'll try to live close to you. I'm
going to apply for a house nearby. The housing complexes that will be built now will be
after Sarney village. But public transport is improving a lot lately.

Andreza noted that it would be too far for her to live and would certainly
hinder her plans to open a massage parlor, as she wanted to settle in a better part of
the city. And she wouldn't want to waste a lot of time commuting between her home
and her business. But she didn't want to displease her father and said:

- It's okay, dad. I will provide copies of my documents and the power of
attorney and I will send them by express order from the post office. I will get it right.
Thank you sir for seeing this for me.

- Daughter, if you are going to pay expensive rent, it is better to pay soon for a
property that will be yours. I think this way.

- Yes, Dad, you're right – Andreza agreed. But deep down, the girl was hoping
she wouldn't be drawn and wouldn't win any houses in this neighborhood so far from
the upscale area of the city, and which was still going to be built. And she was hoping
not to be drawn, without her father knowing about it.

His father continued:

- Daughter, I was going to visit you in Fortaleza again. I won't go this way
anymore - said José.

- Is that right, daddy, would you come visit me again? Great! - replied the
brunette, with thoughts of surprise and concern. She was terrified that her father
would find out what she was doing in Fortaleza. But she still spoke to deceive her

- Cool, dad, that would be great. But I understand that you don't need to come
anymore, as I will soon be returning to São Luís. And I don't want to disturb your
activities there in your city. And I will also have to resolve many things here for my
move. Just annoying. I do not want to waste your time. And I wouldn't have time to
stay with you and give you the attention you deserve if you came now. Let me turn
around here. I miss you all immensely, but I'll be back soon, and for good. There's just
a little bit left for me to get back to you. And once and for all.

- That's good news, my daughter. I am very satisfied! - His father repeated. - “I’ll
let everyone know here.”
- No, daddy - replied the girl. - I prefer that you don't tell anyone about my
return yet. The right time to speak will come. Understand.

- But won't you come soon?

- Yes, but sometimes unforeseen events happen, situations beyond our control.
I'm still going to talk to my boss about my dismissal. She might ask me to stay for
another month or two until she finds a replacement at my height. I don't want to
create anxiety and too many expectations for you; I know I'll be back soon; believe!

- Ok, daughter, I understand you. I will be waiting for you. I really miss seeing
you often. A hug and a tender kiss. Daddy loves you. Take care and be careful in the big
city! Good week to you, dear!

- For you too, daddy. God be with you. Goodbye.

And they ended the audio call from the messaging app.


Suellen had three cell phone numbers: one for her family and closest
friends; another account that she only revealed to a few people and it worked for her
schemes in her hometown; and the last, “work”, as she said, released to her customers
in Ceará. It was like a scale of growth in their intimacy and trust, going from one to

She told Cláudio that she had a “secret” cell phone number, which would be
hidden from her relatives, an account that she had had since the time of São Luís, and
that she only passed on to select people. The girl warned him to communicate using
this number, as her “work” phone would be switched off most of the time while she
remained in her city.

After receiving the threat over the phone from Cláudio's wife, Andreza became
unhappy with him and washed his “dirty clothes”, insulting him, insinuating that the
man was just a cowardly adulterer, and that he was not man enough to take on her.
The poker player, however, did not accept Suellen's allegations silently and told her
that she was not a saint and was also guilty of the registry office; André confessed to
her that Andreza's inconstancy made it difficult for anyone to believe in her and her
feelings and try to invest lovingly in the girl. “I’m not the only liar here,” said Cláudio.
”Your life, Andreza, is also full of illusions and lies, as you cover up many truths from
your family as well. We’re even, then, you and I.” Andreza wanted to teach Cláudio a
moral lesson because he was married, but the plan backfired.

Andreza traveled to São Luís in December and spent twelve days in the capital
of Maranhão.
Suellen traveled to São Luís, afraid that her mother was about to visit her and
because it was a bad season for programs. She said goodbye to Cláudio and Felipe and
went to spend a few days in her homeland.

She told her regular clients that she would stay at her father's house, but when
she arrived in São Luís she preferred to stay at her mother's house, as she wanted to
see Armando, perhaps to make André jealous, or try to get closer to her ex and,
Therefore, upon returning to the São Raimundo neighborhood and Rua das
Mangabeiras, she returned to her ex-mother-in-law's house to find out more
information about her ex-boyfriend.

Arriving in São Luís, Andreza told her mother that she was going to the mall to
do some shopping, but in fact she went to meet her brother-in-law and they had sex in
a motel, as they missed each other.

As the meeting progressed, André invented to the brunette that he was about
to marry Melina, in order to provoke his lover. He also boasted about his promising
military career, how much salary he would receive and that he aimed to reach the rank
of colonel. Everything to deceive and impress Suellen.

- Suh, Melina and I are going to schedule our wedding – revealed the man.

- And even!? Strange! She didn't say anything to me. She tells me everything
that happens to you and what you plan.

- Almost everything... – the soldier intervened. - In fact, the idea of marriage is

our secret.

- And you, come tell me!? Tell me another, André – countered the call girl.

- Believe me, it's true. Let’s choose a date – continued the man, bluffing. And to
change the subject he asked:

- How were you in Fortaleza?

- Well. I worked in a beauty salon and did some programs with tourists, but

- Know. Don't you have anyone there in Ceará?

- No.

And Andreza returned to the subject of marriage:

- André, you're going to get married, aren't you? So between us it's over. It
won't work anymore, you understand. I won't be with a married man, only if he was
my customer on paid dates.
- Really, Suh? – asked the boy, as if doubting Andreza.

After this meeting with André, the brunette was upset. She tried not to be
cheap about the idea of her brother-in-law getting married, but she couldn't and
began to change her behavior, becoming irritable. She took advantage of the fact that
Genésio, her dislike, was traveling for work and spent a few days at his mother's

Andreza, before traveling, said goodbye to Felipe and Cláudio, but she was
more attached to the former and so they spoke before Suellen left for her home on

Felipe and Andreza had fallen out, but, before she left, they made up and had a
very hot sex, at the girl's address. She chose a soundtrack in the “sofrência” and
university country style style and simulated the role of the girl in love.

As they said goodbye, the accountant asked her if she would return to Fortaleza
and she replied that deep down she had no desire to return from São Luís, but she

- When I'm there, my dear, I don't have the slightest desire to go back.- said the
young woman.

- But come and see me - he asked, gently.

- My love, call me when you miss me so I can hear your voice and see your face
- she said.

- It's okay, Andreza. Yes I do.

And so Andreza went on vacation and both Cláudio and his friend kept
communicating with her, the latter more frequently.

Felipe sent her good morning messages and asked her how she was in São Luís,
but, as the days went by, she took longer to respond to the messages and sometimes
viewed them and did not respond. And when Andreza read messages from Felipe or
Cláudio, she gave laconic or disconcerting responses, sometimes outright.

- How are you there, my dear? - Felipe wanted to know.

- I'm not very cool.

- Why? You're on vacation, at your mom and dad's house. Why aren't you

- I'm relaxed. I'm just not happy.

- Are you with your father or your mother?

- I am in my mother's house.

- I don't understand you, Andreza. You were here and all you said was that you
missed it and needed to see your family. That you didn't feel happy, because you
hadn't seen your loved ones for more than 6 months. Now you are there, with them,
and you tell me that you are not feeling happy.

- So it is.

- Have you been going out with your nieces?

- I was only able to go out twice, once to the beach and once to the mall.

- I hear that São Luís is a city with a high cost of living. Is it true, my dear?

- Yes, São Luís is a city where everything is very expensive. And I'm not making
any money.

- Have you seen your father a lot?

- Not much, as he is solving some of his own problems and is very busy.

In fact, José was looking for an affordable home for his middle daughter and
began enrolling her in a government program for low-cost housing.

- Andreza, have you been going to the gym?

She got upset:

- Honey, I'm not impressed with the gym, no. I need to do something more
besides physical exercise. I can't be a vain girl like that.

And she sent an annoyance emoji; the one with a woman with her hand on her
face, lamenting.

- You drive me crazy – claimed the girl. - Felipe, I like you a lot, but there are
moments when you annoy me a lot. I don't understand: I joke with the other
customers, we have fun, I tell jokes. But I can't do it with you.- invented the prostitute.

- I wonder why?

Felipe found Andreza very harsh and unpleasant that day, but it was impossible
to know what her real intentions were with those statements.

Another day he asked if he could make her a video call at some point, but she
responded by saying that she thought it was better for him not to call her, as it
wouldn't be nice or appropriate.
The boy noticed that Andreza didn't look the same as she did almost ten days
ago. She was someone else. She would run away from his conversations or treat him
badly. Some problems were occurring.

Andreza was really very upset, because she wanted to do programs at her
sister's massage parlor, but she didn't have the courage. The story of André and
Melina's possible upcoming wedding also affected her concentration. And she had
already gone to Armando's mother's house three times, and he never showed up. The
girl had a crazy desire to have sex with him, but the boy didn't show up and she didn't
want to show any signs, asking her ex-mother-in-law about it only in a surreptitious
way, so as not to give away any clues about her intentions.

After about twelve days Andreza returned to Fortaleza.

Felipe discovered during this time that Andreza had a telephone number to
schedule programs over the Internet and when the girl was in São Luís she advertised
programs on a paid sexual encounter website. He purchased a new chip, installed it in
his cell phone and registered the chip with area code 098, which is the code for the São
Luís region. The man then included Andreza's contact information on his cell phone
and contacted her via WhatsApp, posing as a customer from São Luís, trying to
schedule a program with her.

The girl fell into the trap and even sent him her location in São Luís via GPS.
Felipe put the address on Google Maps and to his surprise the location indicated was a
massage parlor. So, Andreza did programs in her city. In the advertisement for this Thai
massage clinic there were two phones, a landline and a mobile, both with access to the
messaging application. There was also a link to a website where there was an
advertisement for the massage parlor called Espaço Meliand and on the website page
there was a photo of a girl in just panties and a bra lying on a bed with an emoji on her
face, which had all the characteristics of be Andreza. The Meliand space then had two
telephone numbers and through these telephones Felipe discovered the owner of the
lines; she was a woman named Melina. The man discovered that Melina's father had
the same name as Andreza's: Antônio José and searching Suellen's social networks, the
boy found a photo of the two together, mentioning that the two were sisters. So he
discovered that Andreza's sister had a massage parlor and Andreza was lying.

Andreza spent her birthday in São Luís.

The poker player, Cláudio, then sent the following message to Andreza on
her birthday night, when she was in the capital of Maranhão, supposedly at her
mother's house.

“Andreza, happy birthday �! I wish from the bottom of my heart that God
makes all his dreams come true and makes you happy!
When the girl read the man's message, she only replied:

“Thank you, my dear” – was her concise response to the congratulations

desired by Cláudio.

Andreza finally returned from São Luís. She had arrived 3 days ago and Felipe
hadn't met her in person yet. They had only spoken on the smartphone. Cláudio hadn't
found her yet either.

They arranged for Felipe and the young woman to meet at her apartment. The
girl left him waiting on the street, in her car, for about 20 minutes. When she gave him
an OK, he went up to the girl's apartment floor.

As soon as the man entered her room, she said:

- You said you didn't want to have sex today, just see me. Just wait a minute
and I'll brush my teeth.

Felipe followed her and stood at the bathroom door.

- How was your trip? – he questioned.

- I did well. I'm just very tired. It's a very long trip.

- Your family is fine? - the boy wanted to know.

- Yes, everyone is fine.

Then they sat on the bed, with Andreza leaning against the headboard and
Felipe sitting on the side of the bed and turned their faces towards each other.

- Did you miss me? - asked the boy.

- Quite. And you?

- Me too.

- I missed your smell...

- I wanted to meet you again.

- Honey, I'll confess something to you: when I travel to my family's city I don't
want to return...

Felipe continued speaking; However, as soon as I said the first words, the girl
intervened, saying:

- Don't tell me anything about your life. I do not want to know.

- I wasn't going to say anything too much. I don't want to tell details about my
life. I do not need this.

- I don't know why you upset me. I'm not comfortable. I like you a lot, Felipe.
But there are moments when you take me seriously. With other customers I joke, I tell
jokes, we have fun, but with you it's different; I can't relax. I do not know what

- I would like to know too. It seems like you want to like me, but you're angry at
this feeling and want to take it out on me. You are very immature, Andreza.

- Felipe, do you think I'm too complicated?

- A little – the boy softened his response, intentionally, so as not to increase the
tone of the discussion with the girl. - How was your birthday? – he wanted to know.

- I don't know, it was normal.

- Like this?

- There was nothing special.

- You only have this to say about your birthday?

- Only

- All good. You just need to say what you feel comfortable saying. Did you stay
with anyone in São Luís these two weeks, Suh? - asked the boy, calmly.

- I only stayed with one person once. And you hooked up with other girls.

- You know not. Did you have sex???

- No.

- You told me you weren't happy at your mother's house. Why?

- I was relaxed, but I wasn't happy. I think it's because I wanted to work and

- And what did you do these days?

- I went to the mall a few times, went to the beach and went to my ex-mother-
in-law's house.

- And have you ever had a mother-in-law?

- Way of saying it. I dated her son.

- Does she live near your mother?

- Yes. I spent New Year's Eve at her house.

- Really was? Cool! – Felipe was actually surprised that Andreza didn't spend
New Year's Eve with her family, as she claimed to miss her relatives so much; At the
very least, her attitude was strange. Didn't you have anything prepared for New Year's

- No. And this time I couldn't spend New Year's Eve with my father.

- And what was in your neighbor's house?

- It's very lively there. He had music all night, drinks, cocktails. The dick kept
singing until early in the morning. I had gin drinks. It went really well. I stayed until
almost 6 am.

- Do you like gin?

- I adore. My dear, in their house I am treated so well. They do everything for

me. They treat me like a princess. All they need to do is spread out a red carpet on the
floor for me to pass. Her daughter treats me like a sister. I feel confused, even
resentful of myself. I feel like I don't deserve this treatment they give me. I don’t see
myself deserving of what they do for me.

Felipe, at this moment, thought to himself that all this treatment that Andreza's
almost mother-in-law and almost sister-in-law gave him were nothing more than
Armando's means of eating her again for free and satisfying the desires of Silvane and
the boy.

- Do not blame yourself. And your “ex”, was he there? – asked Felipe.

- He was.

- Does he have a commitment to another girl?

- It seems not. You know he hasn't even spoken to me since we broke up.

- Why?

- I don't know. But this time we talked and after he took a few drinks he came
to tell me that he still loves me. I was thinking, I was confused; I don't know if I love
him too.

- Andreza, you love nobody there! I don't even know if you love yourself! It
does not seem...
- It will be? Can you believe my mother even asked him to drop me off at the
bus station!

- And he went?

- Yes.

- And when you said goodbye, did you cry? Was there a climate? Did they kiss?

- Nothing happened – the brunette prostitute lied.

- True? Talking serious?

- True. Stop charging me.

- Why don't you guys get back together?

- Oh my dear, it wouldn't work. If we weren't happy in the first attempt at our

relationship and we had problems, I don't believe that now everything will go smoothly
and everything will work out.

- I understood. And you haven't been to any gym these days? Didn't do any
physical activity? He cares for himself.

- Here you come. I don't just think about the gym, no. – and the brunette made
a disapproving face. – I'm not impressed with physical fitness; I take care of myself, but
I'm not neurotic about fitness. And what's worse is that I was eating too much: my
mother was making a lot of delicious food... There are times when you just talk
nonsense, Felipe. I really, really like you, my dear, but there are times when you annoy
me. If I only think about the gym I will be a futile person. I need to think about
something else for my life. - Andreza claimed, making one think that she was worried
about what she would do with her life.

- Excuse me then. And your nieces, did you have a lot of fun with them?

- Only with the youngest. The other is already young and has her friends. I
accompanied my youngest niece to the mall a couple of times and once to the beach,
but I was already spending too much! And without gaining anything these days...

Felipe then reflected on Suellen's last statement as he already knew that

Andreza's sister had a massage parlor with prostitution.

- I imagine... – completed the man.

Andreza and Felipe then stood up and began to kiss while leaning against
the wall. They partially undressed, still wearing their underwear. The weather warmed
up and they lay down in bed; her, with her abdomen facing upwards.
Felipe lowered her panties and began sucking Andreza's labia minora and

- I miss the taste of your pussy, love. – he murmured.

She received these caresses without reaction, and interrupted him,

raising her back and supporting herself on the bed with her hands, and looked at him,

- Come here, my dear.

And they kissed again.

They had sex that day in a strange way. It seemed that Andreza was kissing
him differently, without intensity, like kissing a stranger. Felipe thought so. The days
without seeing each other seemed to have changed something between them.

But they continued.

The brunette got on top of Felipe, riding his penis.

- Oh! I needed this. I missed this dick. How delicious!

Felipe also kept saying nice words to her and she interrupted him:

- Stop saying these things.

Andreza didn't want to get emotionally involved and she knew the
power of words of affection and eye contact during sex.

- If I could, I would have sex every day - completed Suellen.

Suddenly she stopped, exhausted, and looked into Felipe's eyes.

- Ah, if I had met you five years ago. You don't get tired when you're having sex;
It has a lot of bite. - she said. – Now it’s your turn to work, son. Get up. Your turn.

And Felipe was on top of Andreza.

- What's your favorite position, my dear? - he asked.

- I like it inside! It doesn't matter to me...

They had sex until he came. Andreza was unable to reach orgasm.

After having sex they talked:

- And what did you do last weekend when you returned to Fortaleza? – asked
Felipe. - You told me you weren't feeling well, with a fever and headache. Why didn't
you communicate with me? I didn't say I would be available.

- I got better soon. You do not need to worry about me.

- How proud you are...

- Only my mother talks to me like that.

-Because she must love you and she needs to tell you the truth, even though
she may not always please you. And what did you do yesterday, Sunday?

- I went out to the beach with a friend.

- It wasn't you who on Saturday complained of a sore throat, fever and

headache and still didn't want to take medication.

- I don't like taking a lot of medicine and I don't take effervescent medications.
You bought an effervescent drink and sent it to me via the pharmacy delivery man. I
don't take it. Don't make me do anything.

- I already apologized. And I bought the effervescent by accident. I had

forgotten that you don't like these types of medicines. You went to the beach? And did
you swim in the sea?

- Yes, in the late afternoon. But I actually think it did me good.

Felipe remembered that Andreza had revealed to him a fantasy of having sex
in the water.

- Which beach did they go to? - asked the boy.

- I don't know. I can only say that it was an isolated beach and it was just us.

- And did you kill your desire to have sex in the sea?

- I didn't do that – replied the brunette, already getting angry.

- He is sure? There's no need to hide from me. I am a created snake.

- I don't owe you satisfaction in my life.

Felipe imagined that Andreza was hiding the truth.

He lost his composure and joked:

- You hollow dick saint.

Suellen was furious.

- Intimacy was bad for both of us. Never again will I tell you facts about my
private life. And I only stayed with you today because you paid me.

- Andreza, you say you are intimate with me. So, do you think these stories
you tell about yourself and your fellow call girls are intimacy? I don't know and I don't
keep asking you details about your life. What you tell me is because you want to and I
don't even know if you're telling the truth. I believe that everything is half-truths and
lies. Do you think just lying in bed naked and having sex is intimacy? If intimacy
between a man and a woman is just that for you, then we are intimate. In my opinion,
it's not just that. In this way, I consider that we were never intimate. But I don't care.

- Another thing: we won't be able to meet at my apartment anymore. –

warned the call girl.

- I know: we can't have wild sex here like you want... It might bother the
neighbors. And you don't want your electricity bill to go up too much. No problem. I
understand you, wonder woman.

- Don't be ironic with me.

- I'm not.

And Felipe asked to leave at that moment.

- God bless you, Andreza. Goodbye.

A few days later, through the messaging app, Felipe told Andreza that he had
bought her a birthday present, but told her that he wasn't going to give it to her
because she didn't deserve it.

When she was traveling to São Luís, the girl had a birthday and Felipe bought
her a gift, but didn't tell her anything. Due to the girl's strange and subversive behavior
when she stayed in his city, the boy preferred that she arrive to talk and only then
decide whether to give her the gift.

When Andreza returned and remained rebellious towards him, full of insults,
the accountant revealed to him:

- Girl, when you were traveling I thought about buying you a birthday souvenir
and I bought a watch. I didn't even tell you anything in advance. But I waited for you to
return from your little vacation to hear you. But I decided not to give you the gift
anymore; you only know how to treat me badly; it is no longer yours; simply because
you don't deserve it; I spent my money in vain; I'll save it for someone else.
- I don't need any gifts from you.

- All good...


- Be careful, Cláudio, with her - said Felipe. -A woman who deceives her own
parents, she is capable of doing things that we doubt. She can surprise us. Bruna can
be capable of anything to achieve her goals. Keep your ears pricked up. Be careful with
- Felipe, I fell in love with Andreza.

- Friend, how did you let this happen? Are you married! You got too involved
with this girl.

- Really, I should have known better before delving so deeply into my feelings
for her. And she, Andreza, is a box of surprises. Honestly, I don't even know if it's worth
investing so much in this woman.

- And your marriage? And your wife?

- Felipe, I live well with my wife, but it seems like something is missing in my
life. I don't feel fulfilled and completely happy. I believe I don't love my wife. That is
the question. It seems that with this crude romance with Andreza I'm trying to escape
my reality as a businessman, poker player and unhappy husband.

- I understand. But you have such a beautiful couple of children.

- Yes, they are beautiful. I know that Andreza is not the solution to my
problems, but she is an escape valve for me. If she really likes me we could try
something serious. I don't want to and can't leave my wife now, but I also don't know
if my marriage will last forever.

- You shouldn't have offered me to go out with Bruna, if you were really liking

- Yes, but I didn't imagine it would get serious.

- And what do you say to Andreza? Have you ever told her how much you like

- Yes, I say that I really like her and that I consider her very important to me.
She also says she really likes me, but a relationship like ours is strange. And I know that
we cannot progress due to the obstacles we have, and I don't want to jump in head
first because I know it's not right. I'm not convinced that Andreza really likes me. She
never gave me that certainty, through her actions and words. I feel this doubt and I
believe I am right.

- I also think she is very indecisive and sometimes immature. I think she needs
our money more than us.

- Felipe, I wanted to ask you to stay away from her. We are very friends. I don't
think it's cool for us to continue sharing this girl. I'll try it until I see what happens. I'll
give both of us a chance...

- It's okay, Cláudio. I understand her statements. I think you may be suffering,
because as you become more attached to Andreza and realize that she continues in
prostitution, and as you still experience the dilemma of adultery, your mind is
confused and in permanent excitement. I'm going to stop going out with her. I need to
maintain our friendship.

- Thanks for understand me.

- But go easy on her; Don't get involved so quickly and easily, if it's still time for
me to say that. It seems to me that Andreza is a fickle girl; She's easy to get involved
with, but she also moves on very easily. And at this point in her life she is very
confused, she tries not to have a serious relationship with any man, and I consider that
her priority these days is to make money with her programs. And that's all. These
arguments sum it up right now, unfortunately. So be careful, friend.

- I understood your concerns with me.

After Cláudio asked Felipe to stay away from the brunette and because of the
rude way she treated him, the accountant preferred to leave the girl and didn't look
for her anymore; however, after that, the times Felipe met with the poker player they
still discussed Suellen and the accountant exposed his perceptions about her.

- Her greatest pleasure - declared Felipe - is opening WhatsApp and seeing that
it is full of messages from her sweethearts. They are the loves of her life. She has
already confessed to me, Cláudio, that she is very satisfied and radiant when she opens
her WhatsApp and the messages from her clients are there. It's all for her. It's her life.
They are the true loves of Manu's life. - Be careful, friend, with her - continued Felipe -
A woman who deceives her own parents is capable of doing things that we doubt. She
can surprise us. “Bruna” she can be capable of anything to achieve her goals. She
keeps her ears pricked up. Be careful with her.

“Another thing: she only wants to be friends with whores, homosexuals, call girl
agents and scoundrels. Most of her friends and colleagues are just those little bitches;
They are figures that at times are even pitiful. She just wants to get close to people
who are worth almost nothing, who like parties, raves and drug users. She must be
careful, otherwise she will end up addicted to drugs through these absurd friendships
she has here in Fortaleza.

But Andreza didn't realize this and continued her relationship with the
same individuals.

Andreza didn't accept being Cláudio's lover and he didn't look for her
anymore. They thus had a serious disagreement.

One last argument took place and the man said:

- You do not like me. You just like having sex with me. And he really likes my
money. You only need him, not me.

- And truth.

- Andreza, it seems like there's a good part inside you that wants to manifest
itself, but it can't. You don't let her prevail. Leave this city. Go back to your place,
which is the place where you should never have left to come and torment the lives of
others here in this city.

And Cláudio left without saying anything else.

After the brunette from Maranhão refused the poker player's offer to be his
lover, they only met twice more, had a disagreement, and Cláudio left her. That is, he
didn't look for Andreza anymore and she, in turn, didn't send him any more messages;
So, they moved away permanently.

A few days later, Andreza wrote this on her WhatsApp status, after moving
away from Cláudio:

“I need to remove the thorns that are hindering my roses from growing and
remove the stones from my path. It’s time to start over.”

After some disagreements with her fellow prostitutes and after Andreza
moved away from her most regular clients, she preferred to return to her city. She also
never got a good job in Fortaleza and her longing for her family weighed heavily. The
girl then said goodbye to her remaining friends and left Fortaleza.

And Andreza said goodbye to her three partying companions before leaving
for São Luís: Wanessa, Juhliana and Monique.

- Friends, I'm going to miss you so much! – stated the brunette from
Maranhão. – You were my family here in Ceará. Thank you for everything!

- Suh, come visit us sometime! – asked Wanessa.

- Have a good trip and good luck on your return, friend – wished Juhliana.

- Take care, friend – Monique finally said.

They went to drop off their friend at the bus station. They said goodbye with
a cordial hug and Suellen got on the bus to return.

Andreza also met “Klebinho” again before leaving Fortaleza. Samuel was out
of the country.

Finally, Andreza returned to São Luís and for some time preferred to live
with her younger sister, in the same residence where the massage parlor was located
and there she did her programs, without her parents' consent.

Returning from Fortaleza, Suellen preferred to go live with her sister

Melina, as she remained unemployed and preferred to continue in the prostitution
business, now working at her sister's house. Antônio José and Ester were fighting with
Melina and because of this fact they did not go to her house. They later learned from
third parties that the youngest daughter had set up a massage therapy clinic in her
home, but the establishment's advertisement on Google had discreet information
about the place, and did not suggest that prostitution activities were carried out there.

Andreza, upon returning to her city, only told her parents that she would be
preparing for public exams, together with Melina.

Her younger sister questioned her:

- Andreza, did you do any specialization or MBA in your area of Accounting in


Suellen revealed to Melina:

- Back in Fortaleza, Melina, I had several “teachers”, who taught almost

everything I know today. It was a real post-graduation in “dick” – and she let out a
really good harmonica.

- Andreza, and there in Fortal you practiced “ménage a trois” with your clients?

- Melina, yes, I did it a few times, always with the same colleague, as I only had
the confidence to do it with her. But I didn't like it at all. I want the man in bed all to
myself. I didn't like the experience of sharing a “boy” with another girl. I prefer just the
couple, because this way the guy can give me more attention and therefore can give
me more pleasure.

When Andreza returned to São Luís do Maranhão she thought about stopping
doing programs, but a month passed and she still didn't have anything in mind to work
on. Suellen didn't want to get a job to earn just one or two minimum wages, working
rigid hours and without any stability. She wanted to take part in a public exam, but it
would be far ahead and she would have to prepare in advance.

- Melina, I wanted to stop doing programs, - revealed Suh - but prostitution

seduces me too much. I won't be able to stop now. I have to work, I need to save

- Well, stay at my house doing your programs for a while – Melina offered.

- I know it will be difficult, but I don't know how to do anything else. And it's the
only occupation that is profitable for me at the moment. And I feel like I like making
programs; It seems that every stranger who enters the room is a challenge for me and
that seduces me. I love putting myself to the test, I want to prove to myself that I'm
competent and that I can handle any man who comes to fuck me. When I don't do
programs I feel bad... At least at the moment, that's how it is. I need to work, I want to
work – Suellen said, with an air of need.

- Well, do your programs, sister, to save your money.

Therefore, after about 30 days of returning to her city, the girl decided to
return to doing programs. She was living with her sister at the massage parlor and
knew it would be a very difficult situation at first. And she started by placing
advertisements for her programs on the Internet, on escort websites. The brunette
wouldn't like to do any more massages.

At first, Andreza was shy and afraid that her family or friends would discover
that she was a call girl and was advertising on the Internet. Only Melina and André
knew about her situation. She then bought a cell phone chip and put in a DDD for a city
in the interior of Maranhão (99) and invented a story to try to disguise it.

This is how she announced on the Internet:

"Hello boys. I am a beautiful brunette who really wants to have sex with
you. My program is delicious and you won't be disappointed and you'll want to repeat
it with me several times. There's just one problem: I'm from São Mateus do Maranhão,
but I can go to São Luís from time to time. Call me on WhatsApp. Despite this, we keep
talking. I hope to hear from you, my loves. Kisses."

Andreza was very afraid of her family discovering her secret life and thought
of this idea to make it difficult for her to be unmasked. However, a few days passed
and this strategy did not work. Few clients showed up wanting to make appointments.
Suellen then appealed and went for a bolder plan. She searched on Google, in the
images on the computer network: “slut showing her pussy” and got some photos of a
call girl showing off her vagina and small naked breasts and curiously Andreza found
that girl's body and face similar to hers . But there was the advantage that the girl in
the photos was fitter and looked younger than the brunette, and she wanted to show
photos in which she looked young and thin. She then tried to take some photographs
of the screen of another cell phone, omitting her face and used these images in
another advertisement on the Internet, now bolder than the previous one:

“Young 18 year old girl, smelling like milk and with a very tight pussy, eager
to give. Come enjoy me! I'm waiting for you! Call me on WhatsApp, baby.”

Andreza placed this ad and smiled at it, imagining how easy it is to deceive
poor men. He also thought to himself of the countless men who dream or desire to
have sex with a young girl who has recently come of age. Andreza appeared to be
between 25 and 27 years old and was therefore taking a risk, as some customers might
question her real age and the veracity of the advertisement posted on the Internet.
After this second advertisement, the girl managed to carry out some programs and
relaxed her mind more. From then on, several advertisements with bold content would
follow to attract customers. Andreza bought another cell phone chip, now using area
code 98.

Andreza had spoken to her sister a few weeks earlier “I want to work! I need
to work!”, referring to her prostitute activities. Suellen was already experiencing
withdrawal from the programs and desperately sought to advertise her services on the
computer network, which she began to perform at her sister's massage parlor.

To increase the confusion, she wrote the following ad on the Internet: “Hello,
nice to meet you, my name is Manu. I like boys. I love men. I am a great option for men
with good taste. I love getting on top of a hard dick and shaking my ass. I like it when
they insult me and slap my face. I'm very naughty. I like people to slap my ass too and
talk dirty things in my ear. I enjoy giving my pussy in various positions. Very tasty
foreplay. I really want to satisfy you in bed. Truly beautiful brunette, without
disappointment. I'm waiting for her call, kitten.

Returning to her hometown, Andreza met a DJ named Rafael Apolinário.

Suellen went out at night with a call girl friend and met the boy, who was
already a colleague of her partner. Andreza and the DJ exchanged phone numbers and
started scheduling programs.

Rafael was single and still lived with his parents.

Suellen and the DJ did a program and talked after sex. The boy said:

- Andreza, I think you are hypersexual.

- Rafael, I don't know exactly why. But I have doubts if I was abused by an
uncle when I was a child. These suspicions hover in my head and I believe that all of
this may have influenced my behavior...

- Andreza, everything you said now is very serious.

- I know it is.

- Have you already talked about this fact with your parents or revealed it to
someone else.

- No.

- You never sought psychological treatment.

- No, I don't even want to.

- All good; but think about all this calmly.

- Andreza, it seems that you want to play the victim of the world, of luck and
destiny, and this constellation of factors would have led you to the world of
prostitution, all of which now serves as a form of self-punishment and self-flagellation
to justify the choices you made. I think that thinking like this means you try to
rationalize and accept the life you have decided to lead, making it seem like society is
your tormentor.

- But I don't want to look for any psychologist for now. I consider that I don't
need therapy at the moment.

- Do you really think?

- I think.

Andreza complained about her financial condition to Rafael.

- I don't like to complain about life, my God. But how bad it is to be poor!!!

- You are actually poor in spirit! And the worst poverty is not material poverty,
but poverty of the soul – replied the man.

Suellen got angry with him and they started a heated argument, after which
the boy left.

Returning to São Luís do Maranhão, Andreza registered two more chips from
cell phone operators in her CPF (individual registration number), and the second one
she started using to schedule programs at Melina's massage parlor. The first would be
used to schedule your “personal” programs, outside the massage therapy “clinic”,
using a DDD 99 and pretending to be from São Mateus do Maranhão; but this scheme
was not successful and she quickly abandoned this first mobile phone number. The
second number, however, was successful. The owner of the tantric massage clinic
demanded, however, that payment for services that took place in her establishment,
when done by bank transfer or pix, went directly into the red-haired girl's account, so
Suellen needed to register her second phone number. cell phone as pix key to Melina's
bank account. “Sisters, sisters, business aside”, the brunette must have thought about
the youngest girl's attitude, implying that she didn't fully trust the brunette.

“Manu” was at his sister’s massage parlor. She spent Carnival trying to do
programs, but customer demand for her services was very low during this period and
the rare customers who showed up often came in a state of drunkenness, which forced
the girl to end her programs around 6 p.m. during the Carnival period.

However, after the period of Rei Momo's revelry, the two pimp sisters began
to multiply advertisements for the programs on the Internet and got two more young
masseuses, younger and more beautiful than Andreza, who they named Luna and
Paula, two codenames that Suellen had also already used it. Luna was quite young and
Paula was a much prettier and more attractive brunette than Suh, so the first two
became the customers' favorites, to the detriment of Andreza. Luna and Paula became
the sensations of the Meliand space, stealing several clients from the owner's sister.

In this way, Andreza began placing more advertisements on the Internet and
purchased two more prepaid SIM cards from operators to advertise her sexual
activities. She also had to extend her services to later hours of the night, when the
other prostitutes left and the rooms were finally unoccupied. Later, Suellen also had to
accept having massages with sex, something she didn't like, but she had to submit to it
in order to earn her money.

And every day Andreza slept in those same beds where men of all stripes and
their call girls fulfilled their fate and their sex agreements. She felt a certain disgust for
sleeping in those beds where there were so many sexual encounters motivated by the
ambition for money. The brunette needed to change the bedclothes every day and her
labor in the mornings to prepare her food before the programs and to keep the room
clean and washing the clothes became exhausting.

Suellen also needed to do programs on the weekends, given that the brothel
rooms were very busy from Monday until Saturday morning.

The young woman felt a little cornered in that place and was somewhat
embarrassed to expose herself on the street and thus be recognized by her neighbors.
These, however, were scarce, as most of the residences around the brothel were
unoccupied or had few residents and were not aware of the illicit activities in that
location. The main hobbies on Sundays for Melina and André, in addition to Andreza,
were barbecues or birthdays at the homes of military colleagues, but sometimes the
brunette didn't accompany them, in order to stay at home and serve her sex clients.

Suellen worked on practically all holidays, including Semana Santa, Tiradentes,

Labor Day, Corpus Christi and even Valentine's Day.

However, in mid-April, an unpleasant incident occurred with the brunette.

Andreza ran very appealing campaigns on escort websites to attract men eager for sex.
Ads like this:

“A pleasure, Manu; I am a very educated escort and eager to give you pleasure.
I love men. I like polite and affectionate men. I am a truly beautiful brunette, without
disappointment. I love people pulling my hair, hitting me in the face, slapping me on
the ass and saying dirty things and burning words in my ears when I'm having sex. I feel
very horny about giving my tight pussy in various positions. I'm very naughty and I do
everything to satisfy my partner. Come do a program with me and you will definitely
want to repeat it later because my program is delicious. I'm waiting for you."

Advertisements like this, so seductive, attracted many men, although the

conditions of Suellen's programs turned away many potential customers, who were
eager for anal sex, oral sex without a condom and sex with kisses on the mouth,
situations that she did not accept.

One day, however, Andreza received a client in one of the rooms, but got a
huge scare. He was a known person, a former neighbor of Jardim São Cristóvão and
the woman immediately recognized him. They didn't complete the sexual act and the
brunette wasn't sure if the man recognized her, but she made up an excuse and didn't
do the program, passing it on to another masseuse. Lucky for her in quotes, it was the
middle of the week and the client wasn't abused or very demanding. Suellen twisted
her face, hiding it, claiming a last-minute indisposition and refusing to have sex. The
customer wasn't sure if he recognized her, but Andreza was still worried after that day.

Despite knowing the risks she faced, such as being discovered, and the life she
had chosen, the brunette still sought to safeguard her reputation. Faced with these
facts, she became worried and stopped advertising on this second telephone number
for almost three months, also changing the photos in her ads and the texts, starting to
take on a lighter tone in the advertisements and using photos that were more well-
behaved than the ones previous ones that I had used.


After Andreza returned from Fortaleza, Valentina and Anália got in touch with
the call girl, but she, strangely enough, no longer wanted to be intimate with her two
old friends, and chose not to go out in their company anymore. Anália, strangely
enough, had left her girlfriend and was living with a man. During the period that
Suellen stayed in Ceará, her red-haired friend only went for a walk in the capital of
Ceará once, but they were unable to meet on this opportunity. Valentina remained
single and had the same life of partying and fun.

Andreza and her brother-in-law André spoke this same week, via cell phone.

The brunette asked:

- Are you going to marry Melina? When are you getting married?

- I don't think I'll ever marry her.

- So, are you just going to mess around with my sister?

- More or less. The situation is not that easy. You know... There's us.

- Us? I didn't understand.

- Ah, Andreza, marriage today is just a formality. I know couples who got along
very well until they decided to “officialize” their relationship. Just fall for it and the
couple's union won't last two years.

- When the 10-year crisis arrives, let's see how you do! – Suellen joked.

- I hope there is no relationship crisis.

- So let's not give too much flag.

It seemed that André just didn't leave Melina to stay close to his sister-in-law.

Antônio José was taking a nap after lunch when he received a text message on
his cell phone, an text message (SMS), that said: “Senhor Antônio José, be careful. Your
dearest daughter is deceiving you. She's been doing wrong things and working as a call
girl. Do something for her, before it’s too late.”

This unexpected message was like a knife in his heart. That father almost had a
sudden illness and his initial reaction was to doubt the veracity of the message or to
imagine that it had been forwarded to the wrong person. He, at the same moment,
sent a question to the phone that had sent him that communication: “Who are you?
Who are you talking about? “ And the person on the other end just replied: “ It's all
true. I'm talking about your daughter, José, Andreza. She needs your help. I'll send you
more news later. Try to find out the truth.” These few words came as a shock to him.
His world in an instant came from top to bottom. He sat down on a chair and began to
feel ill; however, he was alone at home and had no one to help him if his condition
worsened. He then remembered that he had some black-striped tranquilizer pills
saved. He looked for the box in a cabinet in his kitchen and, after finding it, checked
the validity of the medicines. He checked that they were not overdue and took a pill
with water to calm down. He impulsively thought about calling Andreza and getting
the story straight, but he thought better of it and decided to talk to Ester first.

He sat at the table for a few minutes, desolate, and not exactly knowing what
he would do in the face of that complaint. When his mind partially reorganized, that
man sent a message addressed to his ex-wife. He wrote like this:

“Ester, I have an urgent matter to discuss with you. So, call me as soon as
possible. I would like it to be today and you can contact me at any time.”

Antônio José thought about finding out the facts better, and only then inform
Ester. However, he imagined that she would be very upset with him and might not
even forgive him if she discovered the truth late and through someone other than her
ex-husband. In this way, he decided to reveal his suspicions to Ester, in order to try to
decide together what to do from that moment on.

Ester read his message about 30 minutes after sending it and then called him
via audio call.

- What happened, José? I was worried about your urgency in the message. –
asked the lady, having no idea why her ex-husband had invited her for a conversation.

- It really is something urgent! At least in my opinion. And it's about our

daughter Andreza.

- Did something serious happen to her? Oh my God!!! - asked the woman,

already despairing.

- No, my dear, it is not an imminent risk to life. However, what I have to reveal
to you is equally serious.

- Well, tell me soon, man. Now I'm worried. I continue to be distressed.

- Ester, what I'm going to say is not confirmed yet. In reality, it was a kind of
complaint that I received. We'll have to find out if it's true. That's why I called you on
WhatsApp. If everything is true, we now need to decide what measures we are going
to take...

- Tell me soon, José. I understood what you said. Now I want to know what's

- Ester, I received some anonymous messages today on my cell phone. A person

who did not identify himself said he was going to make some revelations about our
daughter Andreza. What he accused her of, after all, if I may say so, is that our
daughter is doing programs, that is, she is acting as a call girl, without us suspecting it.
Ester wanted to cry and had a terrible reaction, with a mixture of
disappointment, anger and doubt:

-Oh my God, it can't be – that mother reacted, and tears poured out of her eyes
and overflowed her lower eyelids. - I can't believe what I just heard. My beautiful
daughter, seduced by prostitution. My God, I never imagined that we could experience
this in our family – and Ester started to cry. - Where did I go wrong? – she lamented,
already sobbing. – How can Andreza do this to us? And hide something so serious from

- Sorry I spoke on the cell phone. Are you well? – asked her ex-husband, now a
little worried. - I had to take a tranquilizer here at home. And I needed to tell you right
away... You were the first person that came to mind, after I received these terrible

- And what did these messages tell in detail? – asked the woman.

- Worse, they didn't detail anything. But the person on the other end precisely
named her name. She said that Andreza needs my help and said at the end that she
would tell me more details and new facts later.

- And is this accusation true, my ex-husband, or is it just a big joke in bad taste?

- From the tone of the message it didn't seem like anything was invented, Ester.
I'm afraid it's all the truth.

- Oh my God! Will I be able to handle it!? – Ester complained. - José, there is no

way I can think now. I'm going to hang up, I'm going to make myself some tea and I'm
going to bed. Do you think we should talk to Andreza soon?

- Not for now. Let's try to find out something more.

- I agree. I'm going to hang up, I can't stand it, I want to cry.

- You need help? - asked José. - I can go to your house or ask Marcela to stop

- You don't need to come. Genesio might get jealous if he finds you in our
house. And I don't want Marcela and Melina to know anything now. -And that mother
ended the call and continued crying, her mind completely confused, and almost in a
state of shock due to everything she had just heard from her ex-husband. After a few
minutes of crying, she went to prepare chamomile tea to try to calm down.

José and Ester didn't eat anything else that day and had a terrible night, staying
awake almost all morning, unable to sleep, after learning about the suspicion that their
daughter Andreza had turned into a prostitute.
In the following days, Antônio José and his ex-wife were not well. That
revelation contained in the cell phone message left him upset. He was constantly
looking for new text messages (SMS) on his cell phone. He was afraid of receiving news
that would prove the veracity of the first communication, but, at the same time, he
could not free himself from the anxiety of periodically checking the arrival of yet
another terrible revealing message. His daughter Andreza then called her father one
morning and he answered the call.

- Good morning Dad. Your blessing. – she greeted her father.

- Good morning daughter. Jesus bless you.

- Dad, we haven't spoken for three days. I thought it was so strange that you
hadn't called me. Did something happen?

- No, Andreza. I had a problem with my cell phone – the man lied. – And it was
even good, because you had to call me. I'm always the one who calls you first on the
phone, right?

- Yes it is true. Sorry, daddy. I confess that I should call you more, however, I've
gotten used to you calling me almost every day, always in the morning. Are you sure
everything is ok?

- Some problems, daughter, but I would like not to involve you, dear.

- What problems?

- Everyday. Nothing special. And you, any important facts to tell me?

Suellen paused for five seconds to respond. She seemed to sense that her
father knew something serious. At the end she said:

- No, nothing for now, dad.

- And when are you coming to see me, daughter?

- Dad, I'll be there in two days.

- Daughter, and you're not working yet?

- No. Just studying for competitions with Melina and André. He helps us, you
know. André is very intelligent and he studies with us sometimes.

- Andreza, are you okay at Melina's house? Don't feel like having your own

- I want to, but I can only move when I get a good job or pass an interesting
- Daughter, aren't you working on anything? Only studying?

- Yes, my father. Exactly.

- Daughter, I'm going to have to hang up. A kiss.

- A good day to you, sir.

- Goodbye.

And they ended the call.

That same night, José received a second SMS message with the following
content: “His two youngest daughters run a sex massage parlor and Andreza uses a
telephone to schedule programs and advertises on the Internet. I'll go over everything
to you. “

The other day, José received a communication with the aforementioned

telephone number with which his daughter booked the programs and another
message with the name of the website where she advertised sexual services, in
addition to her pseudonym as a call girl: Manu.

José installed the number on his cell phone and tested it. The WhatsApp
account really existed and the photo on the zap really looked like a call girl, in addition
to remembering her daughter's appearance. Her face, however, was covered by an
emoji. He didn't find the courage, however, to send her a message and he knew that
she would deny everything when she recognized him. José believed that she would
remember his father's number and recognize him immediately, even if he changed his
name and photo on the app's profile. He thought about asking a friend to send the
message; it just wouldn't look good on him; the friend could imagine that José had
been interested in a prostitute; he gave up on that idea.

The man returned to communicate with his ex-wife, explaining the news of the
case. And he asked for your opinion:

- Ester, what should we do now? Do we talk to her right away or is it

precipitation? What do you think? Do we wait longer? What are our next steps?

- José, I don't know how to proceed either. I still have doubts that this is all true
about our daughter. I hope to God it isn't!

- I hope it was a lie; But there is often no escape from the worst news. These
are the purest truth.

- And how do we clean this up?

- Ester, get someone to contact this WhatsApp number that they claim is hers.
Ask someone you know. Say that it is a girl who was going out with the fiancé of a
colleague of hers and she asked you to investigate so as not to involve her family now,
anticipating that she would suffer in anticipation.

- José, your idea is not bad. But who would I ask for?

- Do not ask Genesius or David for this favor.

- OK everything is fine. God forbid. There will be a church meeting tomorrow

afternoon. I will ask Brother Isaac to do this kindness for me. I trust him a lot and he
won't think badly about me later.

- Well, I'm going to pray for it to work out. Ask him to pretend he's going to set
up a meeting with her and he asks for the GPS location. I hope she passes it on without
imposing obstacles.

-Would you have the courage to go to where she is to check if she is really our
daughter or not?

- I will try to create this courage, Ester. We need to discover the truth.

The next day that father took heart and purchased another cell phone chip with
a small initial credit. Arriving at his home, he installed the chip in the device and called
the operator to register the chip and be able to use it.

He then took a deep breath and called the supposed number where his middle
daughter dialed sexual programs. He spent the day trying, but the line was always busy
or called and no one answered the call, and luckily she didn't block him, until, in yet
another hopeless attempt, someone answered on the other end, a young woman's
voice, and spoke :

“Hello, I can’t answer. Call me on Whatsapp. We can only talk via WhatsApp.
Goodbye. If you call again, I will block it.” – And she hung up.

Antônio José's heart was beating loudly and uncontrollably, and now it was
almost coming out of his mouth. A wave of chills ran down his body, and he felt his
legs become weak. He was sitting; otherwise he would fall to the ground. He remained
silent during the call and ended it without saying anything.

The voice was definitely his daughter's. How could he not recognize his beloved
daughter's voice? He was now in shock and would have to open up to her as quickly as
possible. However, he preferred to wait for Andreza's visit, so they could talk seriously.
He decided that he wouldn't work the next day and sent a message to Andreza saying
that he missed her a lot and would wait for her to visit tomorrow.
Antônio José preferred not to call Ester anymore and only after talking to his
daughter would he get in touch with his ex-wife again to let her know about the case.
That rest of the day was terrible for the man, alternating feelings of anger and revolt,
now stronger than before, and at times he considered calling Andreza and chatting on
the phone, but he held back and began planning the conversation for the next day. He
had no idea, however, what his true reaction would be after discussing such delicate
and unpleasant facts with his beloved daughter, and what her attitude would be,
whether she would agree to reveal the truth, or continue trying to deceive him, and
omitting her current life from prostitution. Some things began to fall into place in his
reasoning and he no longer had any doubts that his daughter was following a very
wrong path for him, supporting herself as a call girl.

The next day, as José had requested, Andreza paid him a visit.

It was around 1 pm and José invited her to sit at the kitchen table.

- Have you had lunch, dear?

- Yes, dad, I had lunch at 11:30 am, before Melina. I prepared today's meal

- Ummm! Are you a really good cook?

- I do what I can, daddy, to please in the kitchen.

- Would you like a cup of coffee from the machine? I prepare it in no time.

- Could it be. I love black coffee.

While preparing an espresso for both of them, that father continued asking

- Daughter, do you like cooking a lot?

- I adore.

- Why don't you think about opening a restaurant?

- Dad, you need to have capital to invest. Melina already owned that
restaurant and had to pass it on. I had a small burger restaurant and realized that it's a
lot of work. I don't know if I have the courage to invest in the food and meals business

- Why don't you try just one more time? Start with a small business. I can help
you financially.

Andreza knew, however, that her father had no money to lend her.
- Don't worry, dad. I'm studying for competitive exams. When I'm working and
saves some money, who knows, maybe we'll start a business together.

- No, honey. I want you to have a business that is all yours, and independent of
me. But I can help you get started. I can hire a bank manager for you in my name.

- I don't see the need, Dad. I don't want to get involved with banks anytime
soon. I was traumatized. And I don't want to see you indebted because of me.

- It's okay, Andreza. But honey, I also asked you to come to my house because I
have a very delicate matter to talk to you about.

At that moment, the girl's appearance changed drastically, and an air of

concern and fear appeared.

- What happened, dad? – she replied, automatically.

- Daughter, do you keep any secrets from me and your mother?

- No, my father – bluffed the brunette.

- Daughter, I'm going to open the game with you. I found out everything you're
doing. I already know that you are working as a call girl. This shocked me greatly and
my floor disappeared.

José looked into her eyes, but the girl couldn't stand it. Some tears overflowed;
The woman, on her side, stood up at once, unable to look into her father's eyes any
longer, lowered her head, turned her back to him and said:

- Who invented this nonsense and this infamy about me?

- Andreza, you don't need to deceive me anymore. I received reports about you
on my cell phone and I investigated everything. I was the one who called you yesterday
and you answered the phone. I heard your voice and recognized it. Don't lie to me

Andreza remained silent. Then she said:

-Daddy, I don't know what you're talking about – and she started to cry.

- Tell the truth, it will be better. I need to hear you; look me in the face; do not
hide the reality of the facts from me any longer; I am your father. I know how hard it is
to admit this, but you better not lie to your father anymore.

José stood up and turned his daughter's body, placing her in front of her face,
and started looking deep into her eyes, which were already red and she could no
longer look at him.
The girl didn't say anything and her father continued:

- Andreza, how could you do this to me and your mother? Omit all this from us.
You've been fooling us for how long?

- I don't know.

- Do your sisters know about your bad behavior? Do your friends know?

Andreza began to admit that harsh reality:

- Nobody knows anything; Just me – she lied.

- I never thought, my God, that I would experience this, this problem, in my

family. Soon you, whom I raised with so much esteem, my most beloved daughter.
Andreza, you completely disappointed me.

- Sorry, my father.

- Why, daughter, did you do all this against us? Why did you choose this life?

- I do not know.

- Money, the desire to enjoy life's luxuries seduced you, dear. We have always
been poor, but I tried to give the best I could to you and especially to you, Andreza.
You graduated, you have a profession, you didn't need to enter this perverse world of

- I needed money.

- No money in the world, my dear, will bring your dignity back and will pay for
the sins you committed, my daughter.

- I know, I'm aware of that.

- Andreza, how did you dare to take this path? Aren't you afraid of being
sexually assaulted or of acquiring a serious illness like AIDS?

- I'm an adult and I try to take care of myself. I take my precautions.

- And when people find out? How will we be? With what face will I face people
if I pass by on the street and they start to comment in nitpicky whispers like: “Look,
that man, he’s that girl’s father; She is now a call girl.” I care about this, daughter. It's
my reputation and yours too. How will I face people and move my life forward?
- Don't worry about what others will say, dad. I'm not going to give a damn. I
won't value it. And I'm the one who will have to worry, because they will be talking
about me.

- Even if the comments come from your family, won't you worry? Yes, I will
worry. I know a lot of people.

- I'll do everything I can to make sure no one else finds out. I will be discreet.

- Daughter, don't you have any regrets about everything you did?

- I don't think so.

- When did you start making programs?

- This year, less than six months ago.

- Do you swear to me that you didn't do programs in Fortaleza?

- I swear I wouldn't do it, Dad.

- Andreza, don't you know how much your mother and I have cried because of
you? I was even afraid that I would try to do something worse to my life.

- Does Mom know too?

- Yes.

- Daddy, I beg you, don't think about doing anything crazy. If anyone has to be
punished, it has to be me.

- Andreza, there are times when I no longer want to look at your face. You
disappointed me so much. I'm very sad for you.

- Sorry, daddy. That wasn't my intention.

- How come you didn't mean to, daughter? This path you are taking is
dangerous; It's apparently easy money, but all of this could destroy your life and that
of us, your parents.

- There are times when I think about leaving and never coming back here.

- It seems like you don't love us anymore, and what matters to you right now is

- It's not true, my father.

- Andreza, I'm going to tell you seriously: leave this life or I'll walk away from
you. I will delete your photos of me on Facebook and Instagram. I will take a break. So:
are you going to stop making programs? Get out of this life. I ask earnestly. What do
you have to say to me?

Andreza reflected briefly and in the end responded to her father, with tears in
her eyes once again.

- It's hard for me to say this, Dad, but I can't stop now. I don't want to do
programs for a long time, but I can't stop at this moment. I've already entered this area
and I'll have to stay a little longer. I'm sorry and forgive me. If you truly love me, you
will understand me later and forgive me. I'm already apologizing to you. I would prefer
that you and my mother never knew. I promise that I will leave this life as soon as

- Okay, Andreza, is this how you respond to a plea from your father!? So from
now on forget you had a father.

Andreza fell silent and looked at her father with a deeply sad face.

- I will pray, however, always for you, - José continued - but I won't call you
anymore, I don't want to know more about your life. Follow the path you chose and
let's see what happens. I wish you good luck, daughter. Stay with God anyway.

And José left the kitchen and went to cry in his room.

Andreza burst into tears and after 5 minutes left, without saying goodbye to
her father, and left the front door of the house just ajar. She left there completely
devastated and for the rest of the day she didn't eat anything else and just lay in a
room, with her cell phone turned off.

Melina asked her what was happening, but she preferred to say that it was a
migraine attack. She requested a painkiller and a glass of water to disguise it, and was
locked up until the next day, suffering from the disagreement with her father.
Suddenly, her peace had collapsed, from one moment to the next, and she saw no
solution. What would she be like now without her father's support and affection in her
life? She had no idea what to do. All he could do was suffer and wait; waiting for that
mental storm to pass and once again for her to be restored by her persistence and

The next day Ester called José and they talked.

- José, my friend from the Church arranged a supposed meeting with her, on
that WhatsApp number. Unfortunately it fell at Melina's address. I can't believe they
are deceiving us.

- I talked to our daughter and she confessed that it was all true. So Melina is
complicit in everything.
- How could they set up this scheme in the house where they live?

- Ester, I had a disagreement with Andreza and I'm going to spend some time
without talking to her. I don't even know if we'll ever talk again.

- Oh my God... – that mother resented and began to cry.

- Suellen really disappointed me. I never imagined she would be able to do this.

- I will pray for our daughter. Our Lord Jesus will take her out of this life of sin
and suffering.

- Are you going to talk to Melina?

- I am going yes. I should call her to talk, but not today. I need to cool my head,
because it's about to explode. José, I want to make a request to you.

- You can do it, Ester.

- Don't stop praying and asking every day for our daughter. I have faith that one
day she will leave this life.

- I told her that I would continue to pray for her life. I will keep my promise.
Talk to Melina.

- I want to give them both a break. I'm devastated; I'm disappointed now with
them and André. They are all accomplices.

- Go rest, José. May God bless our families!

- Bye, Esther. Sorry for breaking this news. Goodnight..

The next day the brunette told Melina about discovering her father. They
communicated via the messaging app:

- Mel, someone told my dad that I make programs. I'm hateful, whether it's a
man or a woman. How I would like to find out who this snitch was.

- Sister, what now? What do we do?

- I have no idea.

- Did you promise him to end the programs?

- No.

- And does dad already know about the massage parlor?

- No. He didn't say anything about it.

- And you're going to try to find out who gave you away?

- I don't know. I'm just convinced that I should prepare better. Whoever wants
peace must prepare for war. And I will be ready. I swear.

- Let's think about what to do.

- Does Mom already know too?

- I believe Dad will tell her, unfortunately.

- My God.

- I'm going to give everything to God now...

- Let's see what happens.

And they finished the messages that day.

A few days later Antônio José received other messages from an unknown
sender informing him about the existence of the massage parlor, which was managed
by his youngest daughters and son-in-law André.

Andreza and Melina fell out with their parents after they discovered that
Andreza was doing programs and her younger sister was covering for her. They then
moved away from their parents a little and began to dedicate themselves completely
to the exploration of red light.

As José had promised, he deactivated an Instagram account and another

Facebook account where there were photos of him with his daughter. Andreza also
deleted some photos on Facebook with her father.

And so the two spent about four months without speaking to each other. She
wasn't looking for him and he didn't give in either. It was an arm wrestle on both sides.

Ester also temporarily distanced herself from her two daughters and the family
was thus disintegrated.

Marcela found out from a friend called Neuzélia that her younger sister had set
up a massage clinic and when she approached Melina, she did not deny it, saying,
however, that it was not a place of prostitution. However, a few months later, another
person revealed to her that the place operated with massages and sex, but Marcela
preferred not to tell her parents about this yet and covered up for her younger sister.
She expected her own sister to reveal everything to her parents.

ESTER and ANTÔNIO JOSÉ talked a week later about Andreza having
prostituted herself:
- Where did we go wrong, José, in creating Andreza? – Ester complained. - For
her to have embarked on this path of prostitution?

- I have no idea, Ester. But she doesn't martyr herself; We are human and it is
normal for us to make mistakes.

- I have always tried to raise our daughter's self-esteem, avoiding phrases that
emotionally disturb Andreza, being aware of the damage that some statements can
cause, negatively influencing her children's self-esteem.

- I know that sometimes we fail, and on some occasions we let ourselves be

overcome by tiredness after a day of hard work. Who has never despaired with the
tasks that still await them at home or with “that” tantrum that seems to be on
purpose? But I always tried to apologize for the words I went too far, something that
sometimes costs us a lot of sacrifice. But I tried to do it, to set an example. I didn't do
this to portray myself, nor to compensate them with affection and nice words for my
mistakes and excesses, but for their learning, so that they would know how to make
the best decisions next time.

- Yes, José, I know that our actions as parents have consequences, and it is
necessary to correct bad behaviors, but always from a constructive and empathetic
point of view. Phrases like "If you behave, I'll buy..." I think are completely wrong and
sometimes, we parents, use this style of communication to do a kind of emotional
blackmail with children, ending up running the risk that they won't learn why they
have to do what they are asked to do, but rather what they do to obtain a certain end.

A few days later, Andreza received a mysterious message on her cell phone,
which said:

“I didn’t know you had a boss and a mistress. And the little slut seems to be
very submissive to them. You didn't tell about it. Good luck with them, your bosses.
Work hard to make them rich! You hypocrite!”

One beautiful sunny Sunday André invited his favorite sister-in-law to

accompany him to the beach, but the woman refused the proposal. In fact, Andreza
had bruises on her buttocks and thighs after two sex shows with Raynério, one of the
military's colleagues, and so she didn't accept the invitation to go to the beach.

- Why don't you want to come, Suh? – asked his brother-in-law.

Andreza tricked him:

- I have a lot of headache and I'm quite unwell. I prefer to stay at home today.
Thank you for the invite. I just want to rest today. It cost.
She even bought an ointment to speed up the reabsorption of those bruises.
And so Suellen spent about five days without doing programs. She also contacted her
last customer, asking for an extra amount of money, claiming in a good-humored way
that she hadn't been able to make appointments for almost 7 days because of him.

Raynério claimed that he was going to analyze the situation in question, but in
the end he didn't pay Andreza anything else, cheating her in this way.

Marcela finally discovered that Andreza was doing programs because she also
received some strange messages on her cell phone revealing the hidden life of her
middle sister and took satisfaction from her.

- Aren't you ashamed to stay with these men and come here and kiss my
daughters? You couldn't have kept it from me. You were fake. I went out kissing
several unknown men, having oral sex, hanging out in motels. You don't understand
the gravity of this, do you? Then come here and kiss your nieces. Andreza, you don't
care about their well-being, do you?

- I don't kiss on the lips of any of these guys I do programs with. And I never
have oral sex without a condom. I know how to protect myself from sexual diseases.
And I only go to decent motels. I also try to select my clients. I don't go out with just
anyone. I only have sex with people who appear hygienic; otherwise, I refuse the
program. I have sense. God forbid I bring illnesses to my nieces.

- Please, don't you dare put the health of your nieces, my daughters at risk?

- You can let me... I never wanted to harm my nieces.

- Do you get tested for STDs frequently, my sister?

- Yes, I do it every six months.

But Andreza hadn't taken the exams for almost a year.

- Ok. I want to see your latest exams! - asked his sister.

- I'll do it next month. It’s time – declared Suellen.

- Once you do, show me...

- Okay, my nurse. But please don't take me away from my beloved nieces.

- I don't want to do that. I just ask that you don't deceive me. Think about your
health and the safety of your nieces.

- I think so. I have responsibility.

- See you later, sister.

- Bye, Marcela.

Cássio Mariano got in touch with Andreza and she ended up telling him
revelations about her life and they started to carry out some psychotherapy sessions.
In one of them the woman confessed:

- I think I'm very strange. It seems like I care about other people's happiness, I
don't feel good; I must feel jealous, that can only be it, - pondered Suellen, as if talking
to herself, - and I feel frustrated. That must be the explanation. I cannot feel
comfortable with the satisfaction of others, and when I see myself unhappy, I am not
fulfilled. I suffer from this, seeing the apparent joy of people who have their partner,
for example. I almost can't bear to see these people happy and satisfied, and I often
try to ignore their contentment, because I can't be happy seeing the loving and
personal fulfillment of others, since I don't have any of that.

- Andreza, you need to rethink all this and do something to change this

- I know that, but it's difficult.



- Are you related to the boss, Manu? – asked Ariane.

- No, why? Do you think I look like her? – asked Andreza, a little worried about
her colleague's distrust.

- In truth no. But something tells me that you are related to each other, or even
sisters. Maybe it's intuition.

Suellen didn't tell anyone at the massage parlor that she was Melina's sister.
Only Ívina knew the truth and it was trustworthy and she knew how to keep secrets.

To get away from this subject, Andreza asked Ariane (this was the nom de
guerre with which Melina baptized the call girl):

- Ariane, how did you get started in this current job?

- It seemed unlikely, Manu. I'm a common type of girl, of average height for
women: I'm 1.60 m tall, neither thin nor fat, chemically straight hair and I exude
disenchantment. I don't kid myself: I know I don't look like a whore, by the standards
that most men like, but I needed to make money. In about four years of working as a
call girl, for intermittent periods, since I was 18 years old, I discovered that the
important thing is to awaken the client's fantasy. Those who don't have an exuberant
body wear tight, short, low-cut, provocative clothing that gives the idea that the girl
has “bad intentions”, and men think this is done for them. So the fools come after.
Does the dog know how much he chases the bitch that is in heat? That's more or less
it. One day, a guy told me that he preferred girls who weren't as pretty, because they
were more diligent in satisfying their customers. I don't care what men say about me;
I'm not here to receive compliments. I care if they pay me well.

- And who would be the good client, and the bad one, Ariane, in your opinion?
– Suellen wanted to know.

- Hey, the best client, in my opinion, is the one who pays well and finishes the
program very quickly. I will never complain about premature ejaculation: that is a
problem for his wife to deal with. She is the one who thinks about enjoying sex with
him; I don’t need to orgasm with every client.

- Ariane, I consider myself on many occasions even "less of a prostitute" than

some women and wives of my clients, who exploit their men for everything, and also
because I, at least, have a certain price that they already know how much they will pay.
Their wives and other officers exploit them much more and they don't even realize it.
Some men complain...

Andreza and Melina fell out with their parents after they discovered that
Andreza was doing programs and her younger sister was covering for her. They then
moved away from their parents a little and began to dedicate themselves completely
to the exploration of red light.

They managed to attract two more masseuses (in total there were now five,
including Suellen) and bought more chips from other mobile phone operators to
schedule sexual encounters, so that they had six phone numbers for the scheme, all
with the app message included. In this way, the massage parlor started to have call
girls at all times from Monday to Saturday, and Andreza still scheduled meetings on

Massages with sex started at 8 am and continued until around 11 pm. The
massage therapy clinic's clientele gradually grew, as the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic eased
and the country's economy improved. When Andreza returned to São Luís, the public
that frequented the brothel was limited and from Monday to Friday the programs
started around 10 am and ended between 3 and 4 pm; the number of customers was
small. But with the arrival of the new girl and with the strategy of increasing the
number of telephones and offering more masseuses through sexual dating sites, the
parish grew spectacularly in the 3 months following the brunette's return and the
adoption of new strategies. Melina and Andreza had never made so much money in
their lives and met so many people. The option to change address also worked out
very well as they were now located in a much more upscale location, close to the Gran
Park condominium and Calhau beach. The street where the brothel was located was
also very calm and discreet and the neighbors, who were few, were not bothered or
suspicious of the activities carried out in that house, which, however, changed as the
volume of cars parked on the street increased. , as well as the number of people who
entered and left that address, and thus the curiosity of neighbors was aroused.

The masseuse employees stayed until around 7 or 8 pm and Suellen was still
serving clients until around 10 or 11 pm, depending on the day. The greed for money
was very great and the brunette spent around three months working from Monday to
Monday, with rare days off.

A man who gave his name as Maxwell scheduled an appointment with Manu at
his sister's massage parlor.

After sex, the brunette and the client talked a little and he revealed some
details of his activities.

- You are very attractive, brunette, and I really liked your program – praised the
man. – The “test drive” with you was really good. I think I'll do it again another day.

- Test drive?! – repeated the girl, showing surprise. – No one had ever used that
expression with me. I found it curious now.

- I also work in a certain way in your area, you know? – stated Maxwell, causing
the girl to be astonished.

- Like this? I don't understand... Are you a prostitute???

- That's not what I meant. I also groom people; like you do too...

- I don't understand? What do you mean by that? I don't entice anyone... I'm
not a pimp. I just work here...- Andreza defended himself, lying.

- You don't need to fool me, girl. I even know your real name: it's Andreza.

- Who told you? – replied the prostitute, already a little worried.

- I know a lot and I know that it is maintained here by a family: two sisters and
the husband of one of them. I also know that he is a military man and provides cover
for you to work in the field. But rest assured: I am for peace. I'm not looking for
confusion, just partnerships.
- Like this? And why do you bring this subject up with me? Why didn't you look
for my sister and brother-in-law: they take care of everything here. I'm only in this
business in passing... I'm only going to stay here for a while.

- I understand. Almost all call girls say the same thing, but time passes and,
when they realize it, prostitution has already consumed the best part of their lives.

- Don't mess around. What do you want to talk to me about? What partnership
are you talking about?

- I take people who want to change their lives or try another chance in other
countries. I help in this sense and girls who work with programs are also welcome.

- Do you mean human trafficking?

- I wouldn't call it that; All those sent are of legal age and go to countries that
do not require a visa. We also do not accept taking people with criminal records and
convictions in our country. I only receive a commission from them to provide
paperwork, tickets and letters of recommendation for work. But as traditional air
tickets are generally very expensive, many prefer to go by ship.

- And they don't work in organ trafficking?

- I swear not.

- And why did you think of us? And what do we have to gain from this scheme?

- Despite the setbacks, the business is profitable. None of the people we help to
leave Brazil will know our real name and I have some intermediaries who help me and
are trustworthy. Out there they pay a good commission for our workers...

- Is there no slave labor involved?

- No, not at all – lied the recruiter.

- Continue: why did you think of us as potential partners?

- Massage parlors receive many proposals from young people wanting to

“work”, but they will not be able to absorb all this labor. That's where we come in.
Furthermore, I heard that you have military police coverage. So your scheme has a
certain security and a certain guarantee.

- You think?

- Yes. These people don't like scandals and they know how to cover things up.
And I need that: cover-up. For the business to continue functioning... Do you
- I'm starting to understand. And how much would we receive for each person
“referred” to you and what is the guarantee that we will receive it without being left

- You received between 5 and 10 thousand reais per person nominated who
agreed to do the internship outside Brazil and complete the entire process. Everyone
who leaves signs a document and I show it to them. I'm trustworthy. If someone you
nominate doesn't complete the process and if you want to confirm, I'll give you the
person's phone number so you can get in touch and confirm how the person didn't go.
For each person you nominate, we review what happened to the last one. But I will
always give the results of each individual that you pass on to us. We are well

- All good. Is the scheme really safe?

- Of course... We also have our influences and our fish. Not only are you
privileged to have them.

- OK. Maxwell, I'll talk to my brother-in-law and my sister and get back to you.

- Agreed, brunette. It was a pleasure. Goodbye. I'm waiting.

And the man asked permission to leave.

Andreza later talked to Melina and André about Maxwell and his proposal, but
the two refused, as they were afraid of getting involved in such a dangerous and risky
scheme. André also wouldn't want to put his military career at risk.

Suellen contacted Maxwell saying that they would prefer not to participate in
the scheme and he just replied that it was a shame and that she would let him know if
she changed her mind. Andreza hasn't seen that man since.


Melina arrived from the supermarket and Ívina was still at the massage clinic,
and she was surprised because it was almost 9 pm. The house attendant had stayed
with Andreza and two other call girls. When the boss arrived, she asked him in

- Ívina, are you still here? What there was? Some problem happened...

- Yes, boss. Someone from the court came to deliver a document intended for
the person responsible for the house. And I had to sign for receipt. I didn't open it to
read, out of respect for you. I will give it to you, Ms. Melina, in your hands, so you can
read it yourself.
The red-haired girl turned pale and said only, with a trembling voice.

- Thank you, Ívina. You can go in peace – and he took that paper envelope from
his employee's hands.

Immediately, a thousand situations presented themselves to her consciousness;

It shouldn't be cool at all. She opened the mail, right after closing the gate for the
receptionist to leave, and read it quickly: it was a summons for a statement at the
police station. The massage parlor had been reported. Melina immediately called her
fiancé, who answered her immediately, and she told him what was going on. Andreza,
who had also left, arrived after 30 minutes, and her sister also revealed the unpleasant
news to her. The brunette then said that she would speak to a client of hers who was a
lawyer and his colleague to see if he could help, as he was a competent professional
with some influence in local justice bodies.

Melina and André spoke the next day. The couple's massage parlor was
reported to the police for the crime of inciting prostitution.

Andreza then spoke to one of her clients, who was a lawyer, named Valter
Cantanhede, and he was willing to help his sister and brother-in-law with a possible
defense in court.

Melina, who previously did not fear any denunciation and punishment for
having established that place of prostitution, now no longer had the same confidence
and certainty as before.

- André, do you think something serious could happen to us? – asked the red-
haired girl. - Can this all happen in the process? Are we at risk of being arrested? I also
fear for you, for your career, which is just beginning.

André tried to comfort her:

- Calm down, my dear. I don't think it goes to the point of jail time. But we may
have to close down. I don't see it as a big concern, as we don't recruit minors to do

- But that is not the only thing that is considered a crime. I know. The phones
are in my name and that worries me. And I'm afraid for you too because the rent for
the house is in your name.

- Anything that weighs on me, I use my influences...

- You may need it, love.

- Are you going to tell your father and mother about the police?

- I am not. Never. Let's hide.

- So, let the story stay between the three of us, Ivina and the girls in the house
who discover the complaint.

- Worse, I didn't want to close my massage parlor! Now that it was making good

- Worse than true. But to clean up our act, we may need to close our doors and
move too.

- I'm also afraid that, now, given the situation, one of them will denounce us or
threaten us, blackmailing us.

- They're not crazy. The girls know it can be enough for them. I hope they don't
dare think about it. It will be suicide for them...

- And Andreza? – asked his sister.

- She has to look for a place to live.

- I also think. I agree that she should have her corner. She always said that this
would be temporary and her interest is to live alone.

- I remember well that she said that.

- We need to have our life too, alone – Melina wished.

- Yes we need. This will be an opportunity – reiterated her fiancé.

- André, I'm going to schedule a meeting with the lawyer that Suh
recommended. He's her friend. Let's go to his office, as it will be better to meet there.
I'll make an appointment and let you know.

- Don't worry, my dear. Nothing major will happen to us – assured the boy. –
But you can make an appointment with the lawyer and I’ll go with you. - he made
himself available.

Then André left to visit his mother. Melina went to get her nails done at a nail


- What could we be accused of, doctor? – asked Melina.

- Encouragement of prostitution or other forms of sexual exploitation.

“Article 228 of the Penal Code defines the crime of favoring prostitution or
another form of sexual exploitation as the act of 'inducing or attracting someone to
prostitution or another form of sexual exploitation, facilitating it, preventing or making
it difficult for someone to abandon it' .

- Do you think you can really give us a hard time or shouldn't we worry? - asked

- If there is more than one complaint, you should be careful. I will also educate
myself on what is actually the case against you.

- We don't have any minors here – the woman reiterated.

- But this fact alone does not exempt them from being prosecuted and judged.
Other situations also constitute illicit acts, such as: convincing someone to enter
prostitution; disclosure of hiring prostitutes; facilitation, such as any assistance in the
practice of prostitution or the acquisition of clients; make it difficult to abandon

“In the induction, attraction or facilitation of prostitution, the crime is

consummated at the moment the victim starts prostituting himself, even if he has not
yet had a relationship with any client. No ex-girlfriend from the house had a falling out
with you and left here in a fight?

- We have no such suspicion. No girl who stopped working with us left because
of a disagreement - Melina replied. – Can we also be fined with cash charges?

- Sadly yes. A fine penalty applies cumulatively if the crime is committed for
the purpose of profit. Although this hypothesis is unlikely.

- What if we claim that the girls only used the place as a meeting point with

- I don't think this one works. Our law never punished the prostitute or her
client, but created rules that made the activity difficult. However, thuggery never
stopped being a crime. The issue is that little is reported.

- What exactly does the text of the penal code say?

- With your permission, doctor, I'm going to read the CPB here. I study Law –
said André – and read: "Article 229 — It is a crime: to maintain, on one's own account
or on behalf of a third party, an establishment in which sexual exploitation occurs,
whether or not there is an intention of profit or direct mediation by the owner or
manager. Penalty : imprisonment of 2 to 5 years and fine".
- Exactly, the new wording of the law constitutes an important change by
establishing that the crime only occurs when "sexual exploitation" occurs in the
location. Therefore, crime exists when people are being exploited. Now the question of
whether these people, in this case the girls, act of their own free will or not be
considered in the exact characterization of the crime depends from one magistrate to
another. It is a case of interpretation of the law.

- "Exploiting", in my opinion, is subjecting someone to a condition analogous to

slavery or servitude - said the soldier -, imposing the practice of sex against their will,
under bad conditions, without remuneration, or with insufficient remuneration, and
without freedom of choice.

- As I said, it depends on each situation and the judge's final analysis.

Therefore, forced prostitution is sexual exploitation, a crime deserving of severe
punishment. Voluntary prostitution, however, may or may not be considered a crime
when it occurs within an establishment.

- It is clear, doctor, that patriarchal society cannot do without the sexual trade,
which is the service we provide, given the failure of all measures adopted to curb the
practice at all times – commented the woman.

- Yes, I believe that the legislation needs to correct the distortion imposed by
hypocritical conservatism and which also led to other related crimes such as threats,
extortion, corruption, tax evasion, drug trafficking, false imprisonment, among others
– said her fiancé.

- Yes, but our society is still traditional and the activity of massage parlors is
not regulated – continued the law graduate - and you do not collect taxes or guarantee
labor and social security rights to service providers. Perhaps this is where the problem
lies that makes it difficult to fully accept the activity.

- In my opinion, with the change brought about by the new law, prosecutions
for the crime of "house of prostitution", if they do not involve sexual exploitation,
should result in acquittal due to atypical conduct, as keeping a house for libidinous
purposes, in itself, it no longer constitutes a crime – claimed André.

- But we are not going to trust these allegations completely - concluded the
lawyer. - It would be abolitio criminis. Inquiries under the same conditions would
involve archiving and many people who were being prosecuted would find themselves
exempt from the investigation, but this understanding of the law is something new and
gradually accepted in the judiciary, in my opinion. I will find out more about the
allegations and get back to you.

- Combined.
André and Melina's opinions, however, were clearly influenced by the desire to
justify and legalize the illicit activity they carried out, mainly an attempt by their ego to
alleviate their guilt.

Lawyer Valter Cantanhede found out about the complaint against the massage
parlor and discovered that there were two requests to the public prosecutor's office
requesting an investigation into the brothel. He knew that there was no sexual
exploitation of minors or teenagers there, but he still recommended that Melina and
André close down the establishment's activities. The lawyer used his influence and
prevented the couple who maintained the house from being summoned for a
statement at the police station.

Two weeks later Melina also received a communication from the real estate
agency that the property owner, through his attorney, would not renew the lease. In
fact, he was also notified of the illicit uses that his house was receiving from tenants.
The real estate agency provided a period of 60 (sixty) days for the tenants to hand over
the property.

At the end of this period, in fact, the massage parlor was actually reported to
the police for exploiting prostitution and after the daughters got closer to their
parents, they asked the two to close the brothel's activities. The two sisters' golden
period of earning money was short-lived and they had to give up their promising
business, at least for a while.

Melina informed Andreza that the massage therapy clinic would have to be

- Suh, the lawyer recommended that we close the clinic's activities.

- What a pity, Mel? They actually reported us to the police.

- Yes.

- But was I cited in any process or complaint at the police station? – asked the

- No.

- Oh, thank God.

- And with me and André, don't you worry? That's right...?

- No, sister, I'm also worried about your situation; but it was a relief to me to
know that my name was not involved; I'm too nervous for these things.
- André and I were also not denounced in the process. That's why we decided
to close our business: before it gets complicated for all of us.

- What about the girls, the masseuses?

- I'm going to talk to them from today until tomorrow, in person, one at a time.
I'll make up an excuse and say that I decided to close the massage therapy clinic.

- They will be devastated...

- For sure; for such sudden news; but I have no other option.

- And my situation? I have no other source of income. How am I going to be

right away?...

- Suh, I thought you would be doing your programs at the house for the next
four weeks; for me, no problem; You make your announcements on your personal
work numbers, without using the clinic's phones, and try to be discreet with your
clients. We have two and a half more months for us to leave this property and look for
our own corner.

- Okay, Mel. Thanks for the strength.

- There's no need to thank you, sister.

And the two walked away at this moment.

In the four months that passed after Antônio José discovered the truth about
Andreza, Angélica questioned him to find out why he had left her daughter, and at the
end of this period, her boyfriend couldn't take it and ended up telling the whole story
to the hairdresser.

Angélica noticed that the man was very sad and downcast and suggested that
he accept a kind of truce with his daughters, for a delicate rapprochement. She would
try to broker a conversation between the three, father and daughters.

So the hairdresser contacted Suellen and Melina and suggested that they go
out together for dinner and a reconciliation dialogue. José still felt bad and deceived by
his youngest daughters; However, the feeling of lack and longing was great and the
father began to accept the possibility of rapprochement with his sinful daughters.

- My dear, get closer to your daughters – asked Angélica. – They are both very
young. Young people can make mistakes, but we must give them a second chance,
especially us who are parents.

- I am going to try.
- That's how it's said. Who knows, you might influence them to stop this activity
and they will change their lives.

- When I first suggested this to Andreza, she didn't accept me. I felt devalued.

- They may be changing their minds. Get closer to your daughters and then try
again. Who knows, maybe this time it will work. I will try to talk to them later and give
advice, if they allow it.

- Well, try to arrange a meeting between us.

- I'll try to score.

- Thanks.

In fact, Antônio José, Angélica and the man's two youngest daughters went in
within a few days to eat pizza. It was a relaxed conversation and they tried to avoid
talking about prostitution, as Angélica instructed them.

They made peace again and the girls even allowed themselves to be
photographed with their father's girlfriend. From then on, Andreza began a slow
rapprochement with his father. He invited her a few times to go to his girlfriend's
residence or to visit Angélica's grandchildren and the call girl accepted. Antônio José
also asked his middle daughter to return to church, but she asked for time and
preferred not to return to her old religious practice for now.

And Andreza started communicating with his father again and sometimes
accompanied him on nights out with his girlfriend or on Saturdays and Sundays for
lunch, but not as often. Their relationship actually changed after all the events that
occurred. Suellen, in fact, no longer liked all of her father's posts on social media, but
they were at peace with each other.

Trícia and Andreza met a few days later at the mall. She said to the brunette:

- Sunday will be Valentine's Day: once again alone, without mother-in-law,

without father-in-law, without brothers-in-law or sisters-in-law, without a boyfriend.

- Don't stay like that, Andreza. The right person will come into your life at any

- I'm so inspired that I even wrote a poem for this special day – said Suellen.

- Really was! – Tricia replied, excitedly. - Well, recite this poetic creation of
yours to me, friend.

- I wrote it like this: - and she recited the verses:

" Is today a holiday.

A commemorative date for lovers.

Valentine's Day...

Ancient ephemeris...

Love Day...

Vivacious portrait...

From the unfortunate dream...

Melancholy back...

I wanted to live in love.

Today we celebrate...

I dream of this day...

But for me it's nothing more than a Chimera... “

- Ready. I finished. It’s short – concluded the brunette.

- Very beautiful, Andreza. But forgive me for saying: what a shame your poetry
is sad – said Tricia.

- It represents what Valentine's Day has meant in my life to this day.

Trícia then decided to question her friend:

- Suh, there is nothing you want to talk about with me and do you see any
barriers, any obstacles? Is there nothing you want to get off your chest, something you
need to talk about with someone to feel better?

- No, Tricia. Where did you get that from.

And the friends continued talking about milder, more typical women's topics.

Two friends commented about Andreza when they met a few days later:

- Kelly, do you know who I saw last week at the mall? - asked Thames.

- I have no idea, friend. – Kelly replied.

- It was Andreza, our former college friend.

- Really was? Wow, it's been almost three years since I last saw her. How is she?

- We talked quickly. She seemed a little tense and wasn't very comfortable. She
said that she is not working as an accountant and that she works with her sister selling
sports equipment. And she studies for exams. She spent time living in Fortaleza.

- And is she married or engaged?

-She told me that she has a boyfriend, but they haven't gotten engaged yet.

- And besides, what did you think of Suh?

- Friend, I actually found her very strange. I don't know exactly what it is.

- Is she still pretty?

-I found her a little haggard and she no longer has the beauty she had four
years ago. Suh was cute. I thought she looked a little suffering. And she no longer has
that beauty and that smile she had when she was in college. She was wearing a lot of
makeup today, but I could already see some signs of age on her face. It seems that
men are making her suffer...

- Or the guys are sucking your vitality and energy. She was so beautiful in body!

-She was and didn't have a shred of belly. But she is now a little out of shape.
She is no longer that twenty-something girl with a toned body.

- Yes, we are approaching thirty. Age is catching up. Didn't she have any

- No. And she never married.

- But Suh is still young. She has her whole life ahead of her.

- For sure.

- Did you write down her phone number?

- No, but she told me it's still the same number. And I follow her on Instagram.

- I miss her. Suh was a good girl.

- That's it, friend, and each one follows their own path.

- Bye friend. A hug.

They greeted each other with a hug and a kiss on the cheek and each went
their own way.
Tricia and Victor met within a few days.

Victor explained to his girlfriend:

- Impostor syndrome is characterized by people who have a tendency to self-

sabotage, Trícia. Then, the individual builds, inside his head, a self-perception of
incompetence or insufficiency. Naturally, the entire human brain has this
predisposition to embody this feeling of incapacity and demerit. It is necessary to fight
against these pessimistic and self-destructive ideas, building responsible self-
confidence, based on common sense and continuous learning about life.

- I think a friend of mine suffers from this condition?

- Who is it, Tricia?

- It's Andreza Suellen. When something in her life is close to working and being
successful, she tries to get in the way, or goes back and complicates everything, with
the aim of self-sabotage.

She further pronounced the girl:

- I think it's incredible, Victor, how these girls play a psychological role of
duality. The same woman who is serious, well-behaved, a daughter, sometimes has a
boyfriend, from one moment to the next assumes the role of a wanton, naughty,
whore, sex goddess. I don't know exactly how their minds work through this
separation. It seems strange to me that they play these two roles. A woman is a
mother, a girlfriend, a daughter, who must respect social conventions and moral
precepts; the other woman is the prostitute, who does what she knows and can to
please her clients, she has no loyalty, I don't know what her Ethics or Morals are,
although she may even believe that she has them. It's incredible how they change, like
a chameleon, from one form to another, in a short time. And they often do so by
perfectly representing these two apparently opposite roles for the majority of society:
that of the prostitute woman and that of the decent woman.

- Maybe, my dear, it is really this challenge of forging two antagonistic

characters that encourages so many women to enter this life and follow this field –
said her boyfriend. - This task must be exciting and challenging for them, bringing
pleasure and satisfaction. And they often learn to execute it masterfully.

- Victor, there are times when I think Andreza has something strange in her
heart. I don't know if she's angry at something or someone. That's why I feel she's
unhappy in many of the opportunities we meet.
- Many people live filled with resentment and anger – said Victor. - These
individuals hold on to their sorrows, to everything that others have done to them, and
are unable to overcome this situation, which continues throughout their life path.

- They cannot forgive those who hurt them, - Tricia continued - they keep
dwelling on these hurts in their hearts and in this way these bad feelings persist
continuously in their minds; they start to live trapped in the past, which is full of hurts
and regrets.

- These people can thus hold this grudge and become bitter and pessimistic
people, closing themselves off from others, and internalizing this anger, or they can
make these bad feelings flow and, like an explosion, they can discharge it on innocent
people who They are not to blame for the hurt they carry within themselves.

- Victor, resentment and anger hurt the person who was hurt much more, of
course, than the person who caused them. However, we need to forget the offenses,
the insults, the aggressions, all the harm we have suffered, in order to overcome the
hurt and so that we can move forward, without anguish or pain – concluded his

- Trícia, and Andreza’s brother-in-law? What do you think of him? How he is

complicit in their participation in prostitution.

- Ah, my dear, it is convenient for him that the two of them have their “little
source” of income, to ease the expenses with the two princesses. In fact, I believe he
really is a pimp, as he benefits from the money that comes from the programs. And
they say they live a three-year period. I believe they just don't come out because of
their family. Mainly so as not to upset Andreza's parents and her sister, nor André's

- What a shame.

- And even! As modern as these times are, the relationship between the three
is difficult to understand: the role that André plays is ridiculous, exploring the two and
living maritally with them, in a strange and intertwined game. At the same time, they
need him for the money and the protection he provides and have become accustomed
to this life of emotional and social deprivation, sharing their feelings among
themselves, and hiding from the world in various situations. But I swear I don't
understand exactly how the relationship between them works. Well, it's too weird...
And I'm sure that the three of them are not completely happy and never will be, and
they lost the chance for each of the three to find someone they really loved, to be with
this one person and have a fuller life.
After the massage parlor closed, Andreza was upset and sought out her favorite
brother-in-law for a chat. They met alone. The brunette turned to André and shouted:

- You are to blame for most of the bad things that happen to me. You're going
to help me pay for it. It's the least you can do for me. You will sponsor me, André. The
situation is difficult for me. I want to work less and I need to study. I want to do a
public tender and I want to start a business for myself: help me. I need money. I long
to have the same rights as Melina. I do the same for you as she does. I'm worthy. Don't
leave me hanging. Don't betray my trust.

- Have you completely forgotten your ex-boyfriend? Certainty? André wanted

to know. And she continued: “You say that your mind is often confused. I want to stay
with you, but I have my demands”, replied André. And he said more: “You will do
fewer programs, we will have a day just for us and I will control your social networks. I
also want your email password and you will have a single email account. I want to
know who you're going to date and can't get emotionally involved with any clients. No
kisses on the mouth or oral sex without a condom. And don't accept having oral sex on
you. I don't want any other man sucking her pussy anymore. These are my conditions
for our deal to work. Also think about a deadline to finish making programs.”

- Okay - replied Andreza Suellen. “I don’t think about Armando anymore. It's
already passed on to me, a page turned in my life. You want me all yours, exclusive.
Okay. It'll work out later. I'm your whore: do whatever you want with me, baby. I am at
your service. I like feeling submissive to you. “

And then they had sex for almost an hour. Every week they spent hours and
hours having sex. It was their favorite hobby. They stopped leaving the house to fuck.


Andreza and Rafael, however, continued to meet, but now less frequently; At
night, in a nightclub, the two talked.

The girl confessed to him that she was a little disappointed with her life and
there were moments when she felt some regret about the direction her life had taken.

She commented to the boy:

- I don't doubt, Suh, that in a few years you will regret everything you did and
do everything you can to make people forget your past as a call girl; and even return to
being a practicing evangelical, perhaps even more fervent than before. All of this is
called sublimation, Andreza.

She also revealed that she could not maintain interest and trust for long in any
man who came in her way. Rafael, at that moment, explained to her:
- Manu, according to a study, a woman feels more attracted to a man when
she is not sure how much he likes her. Love is a choice. It happens when attraction and
lust are gone. It is based on a long-term decision, which can only happen maturely, if
you know your loved one deeply. You have to clean everything up, and open the game
at the right time, while there is still time.


André recommended Andreza to some military colleagues after some appeals

from the girl.

- André, recommend me to some of your colleagues at the corporation! I need

to do more programs – asked the brunette.

- I will recommend you to some friends of mine from the training course; and to
two officers who seem to like a whore, from what I've talked to them. I believe
everyone will appreciate you, brunette.

- Thank you for your strength!

- But don't get too involved with any of them. Almost all are married or

- I don't care... I just want to do programs with them. I don't want to have an
affair with anyone.

- I don't even allow it. And no bareback oral sex, kissing on the mouth or anal
sex, girl. I will know about any mistake you make.

- Are you going to install hidden cameras wherever I'm having sex?

- It could be – André admitted. – But I don't need that. I'm not like that motel
we went to and they filmed our sex. I think it's because we had sex so good and the
motel staff thought it was a porn clip being recorded for the Internet. When I asked for
the room bill, they already knew what we had used and consumed. I was very
suspicious. I even thought that it was your sister who ordered us to be filmed, but it
was only our second time at that motel. Anyway, I have other ways of finding out that
you reneged on our agreement.

- Like this? When I kiss another man or have oral sex with them without a
condom, do you feel a different taste in my mouth?

- Maybe I feel it. And other things also make me discover the truth. You don't
know how to lie to me. I know when you're hiding the truth.

- Apparently, you think so, huh, my dear?

- You know I'm right. I know when you try to lie.

- Then point me to them.

- I am going yes. Treat PM officers well. I will recommend you to someone who
is already a major...

- It can leave. Just let me know in advance what his name is and when he will
call me on WhatsApp.

- It can leave.

The following weekend was his youngest niece's birthday and she asked him for
a bag of sand and gloves to train as a kickboxer. Isabel was turning 11 years old. The
two, aunt and niece, had a lot of fun on this day, with Andreza trying to teach the first
lessons of this martial art to her niece Isabel. She then asked him, after thanking him
for the gift she had just received:

- Auntie, I adore you. It was my dream to win this gift. I had already asked my
mother, but she couldn't give it to me. Thanks.

- You're welcome my love. You deserve. You're a wonderful niece, you know

Isabel then stopped for a moment and then asked:

- Auntie, I just don't know one thing.

- What, Bel? – replied Suellen.

- What do you work with, aunt? I never hear you talk about work. I heard you
owned a diner, but it closed a while ago. I know that my mother studies nursing and
my grandmother works at the hospital as a nurse. Aunt Melina studies and takes care
of Uncle André. But and you?

Andreza replied:

- I'm an accountant, Bel. I work with money, my love. See how cool it is?

- Wow, it really is an aunt – agreed the girl. - And where is your work?

- I'm autonomous; I work on my own. To explain it better to you: I provide

services for other people, but I myself am my boss, my boss.

- Oh, I think I understand. Really cool, aunt. Let's train more, teach me - invited
And they went to have fun on the patio outside the house where his brother-
in-law quickly hung and set up the kickboxer training bag.

José got closer to Melina and Andreza and after learning about the existence of
the massage parlor, which operated at his youngest daughter's residence, he paid
them a visit and asked them to close the brothel's activities. The two girls promised
their father to end the massage services within thirty days.

Melina informed Suh about the closing of the massage parlor. She met with her
middle sister and told her:

- Sister, we're really going to have to close the massage parlor. Let's put our
plans on hold. Our dream will come later, who knows.

- Why did you decide to close your business?

- The lawyer said it would be the best option; The landlord asked for the
property and I don't want to displease our parents. I want reconciliation with them and
I want peace. So decide to close the business for now.

- So, Mel, from now on I'm going to live in my corner.

- Do you really prefer, Suh, to live alone? Are you sure about this decision?

- Yes, sister – replied the brunette, without hesitation. – Just help me find an
apartment. I will choose a condominium, as it is safer for me. My desire is to live alone.
I prefer to enjoy solitude and my own company.

- It's okay, Andreza. I understand you, but please don't walk away from me. I
love you my sister.

- I love you too.

- And how are you going to do it, Suh. How will you do the programs? Are you
thinking about looking for another service? There are no interesting competitions
planned for us at the moment, with the exception of the Municipal Guard selection. I'll
do the tests. And you, won't you try?

- I don't like this competition, Mel. I don't want to act as a municipal guard, civil
police officer or military officer. And I'm hardly even preparing for competitions; I'm
studying very little.

- All good.

- To answer your first question: I will be serving customers in motels, at a much

lighter pace. After about six months I want to take a break. I have some small savings
and I'm getting by. I know how to be economical and live with little.
- Oh, my sister, sometimes you sacrifice so much...

- And what are you going to do, sister, now with your life? – asked the
prostitute Suellen.

The red-haired girl had been approved for the Oceanography course, but she
did not identify herself and left the university, only to be forced out of the university
due to retirement.

- I'm going to see sister, I think I'm going to study for competitions and André
should do some business with me.

And the two hugged, with tears in their eyes. Then, Melina went to pick up her
fiance at the police headquarters, as she had their vehicle in her possession. Andreza
went to assist a customer who had just arrived at reception and Ivina informed him
over the intercom.

In four months, André would graduate from the Military Police officer course.

Melina and André even had to close the doors of the massage parlor.

Andreza began to blackmail that she was going back to Fortaleza after the
brothel closed.

She posted on her Instagram stories:

“There are days when you feel like dropping everything and leaving.”

Andreza later called André for a conversation at the inn where she was staying
in the Turu neighborhood. She had already left her brother-in-law and Melina's house.

- Honey, I'm leaving São Luís – she said, to blackmail.

- Andreza, what do you mean? You've already seen that it didn't work out once.
It was crazy. You're going to fall for this nonsense again.

- I have no one to support me. Here are some bad programs. I'm tired of going
out to motels. I'm leaving São Luís. In Fortaleza I have my friends; There are more
foreign tourists there, and more customers in general. And there are other
opportunities. It's a bigger city. Here people's minds are still from a provincial town.

- If I were you, I wouldn't go. Your family will be devastated. Wait a little bit
more. I can help you set up your massage parlor.

- And Melina?

- We're going to do another business. We are thinking about a bag delivery

service, importing sports products, we have some plans in mind.
- And I don't want to stay in an inn anymore. I want an apartment to live in and
well located.

- I can't rent anything to you now. I'm finishing paying for my brother's college
tuition and a renovation I carried out at my mother's house. And we spend a lot now
on moving into our house. Melina wanted everything new.

- It's always everything to her; you do not remember me; Leave me aside! –
Suellen complained.

- Of course. I'm already looking for a good place for you to live.

- Yes, because I want to live alone.

- I also prefer that you live alone.

- And you will pay my rent and my water and electricity bill, because I want to
work less. I'm going to slow down my program pace.

- Better, Andreza. This way we will have more time for ourselves.

- André, we won't be able to stay today. I'm menstruating and I'm going to have
to go out to buy something to eat. I also have a lot of headache. There is a pharmacy in
the supermarket. I'm going to buy dipyrone and take it there. Will you drop me off at
the supermarket, baby?

- For sure.

And her brother-in-law took her to the supermarket.

After that day, Andreza disappeared for almost two weeks. She sent a message
to her father and mother saying that she had traveled to take a public exam in another

Andreza removed the option for the last viewing and reading time of WhatsApp
messages and no longer responded to any messages from André, Melina or anyone

In fact, she just moved to another guesthouse and registered another chip in
her CPF to continue scheduling her programs on the Internet. She put another call
girl's name on the dating site and her advertisement had no photographs, so as not to
be recognized. She also changed the call text of her ad. It was all part of her emotional
blackmail plan.

During this period of time, André looked for her at the previous inn, but found
that she had left and left no trace of her whereabouts.
Andreza sought out Cássio Mariano for a therapy session. She told the boy to

- A prostitute also practices adultery, Suh, even if it's not exactly intentional. To
the extent that she accepts doing sexual programs without knowing which clients are
committed, married or not, she is also cheating on the partner of several of them. The
call girl actively participates in the practice of adultery and infidelity, despite not being
aware of everything that is happening in each situation. She may claim that she
doesn't know who is married or not, but as most of the time they don't ask if clients
are committed to fidelity with someone, and when they do know, they don't fail to
schedule meetings with these clients, so they start to have guilt, or even if they lie, this
does not completely exempt them from being accomplices, as they voluntarily
assumed the risks and responsibility of carrying out sexual acts with people who were
already committed. By agreeing to have sex in exchange for money with several men,
they will be doomed to commit adultery, although with a lesser amount of guilt, if we
can consider it that way. But they certainly have direct involvement in betrayal and can
even be summoned to court to testify in cases of contentious separation of couples.

Andreza listened to all that apprehensively, without even blinking. Had Cássio
said that to make her feel sorry for everything she did? And, feeling guilty about giving
up her life and those activities she practiced?

Rafael and Andreza spoke again after a new program between the two in those

- I think, Andreza, that you don't want to appear like a wanton woman to a man
in whom you are seriously interested. You do programs to satisfy your desire for wild
sex and all the crazy things you want to do. However, you know that men can find a
woman very perverted, at least at the beginning, when they notice and discover that
she is drawn to crazy and limitless sex. Deep down, you still want to convey to your
suitors, at the beginning of the relationship, the image that she is a girl who has
modesty. You're also afraid that they'll go around talking about what you do behind
closed doors, when you don't really trust the man. Going out with clients, who are guys
with whom you have no commitment, and who don't know exactly who you are,
makes it easier to cover up your side as a wanton and perverted woman.

- I don't know why no man has wanted to play me yet? - the brunette
complained to Rafael, jokingly.

In reality, Andreza would like to find a guy who would cover her expenses, but
wouldn't demand jealousy or exclusivity, so that she could continue her attempt to
have sex with whoever she wanted.
Rafael heard this nonsense from Suellen and remained silent. He did not react
to her complaint.

But after a pause he said:

- Andreza, as long as you are a call girl, no worthy man will take you seriously.

- You think?

- Andreza, I think I'm very similar to you, in my way of acting and thinking.

- Like this?

- I'm a bit mysterious and it's very difficult for me to give myself completely to
someone... I like to hide my game. I don't open my heart easily.

- Are you afraid of suffering? - Suellen questioned, interrupting him.

- Perhaps yes. I don't give away everything I think and all my intentions.

- But I think I'm like that only because I don't want to get deeply involved with
anyone at the moment. I'm not interested in anyone in this city right now.

- I understand. But I suspect you are not convinced of what you are saying.

Rafael also said:

- I don't doubt that in a few years you will regret everything you did and do
everything you can to make people forget your past as a call girl; and even return to
being a practicing evangelical, perhaps even more fervent than before. All of this is
called sublimation, Andreza.

Andreza complained that she only had one birthday party:

- Rafael, I'm a little traumatized by birthday parties. To date, I've only had one
birthday party and that was when I turned 12. I had a dream of my parents preparing a
beautiful debutante party for me when I turned 15, but my plans went down the drain
when they separated. Did not work. I was frustrated. Nowadays, when someone else
and I have a birthday, I don't care much and I don't feel like celebrating. If they call me
to the birthday party, I go; But if they don't invite me, whatever. I don't remember
everyone's birth day and I don't always call the day or send congratulatory messages.

Rafael said to the young woman:

- According to a study, Andreza, a woman feels more attracted to a man when

she is not sure how much he likes her.
“Love is a choice. It happens when attraction and lust are gone. It is based on a
long-term decision, which can only happen maturely, if you know your loved one

The brunette and Rafael talked a little more before having sex.

- Andreza, seriously: do you prefer rough or passionate sex?

- A mix of both. Depends on the day.

- What is your fetish?

- Having sex with a tattooed man with defined muscles.

- Do you like a little pain during sex?

- Honestly no.

- Have you ever used food during sex?

- Like this??

- To increase something during sexual intercourse.

- I only had sparkling wine once.

- Have you ever had any bold dreams about me?

- Yes. We had sex in an elevator.

- True?

- Yes.

- Cool! Have you ever been caught in the act by someone? For example, your
mother, your father or your sister?

- No.

- Have you ever watched someone having sex?

- Only when I had a threesome, but it was very few times. I didn't really enjoy
the experience.

- And have you ever had sex with someone watching?

- The same answer as the previous question.

- Have you ever pretended to be someone else while having sex?

- I am not. And I wouldn't accept playing that role if I was asked to do so.
- Have you ever used whipped cream during sex?

- My sister told me that already. Me, almost once! There wasn't time. A crazy
client wanted me to suck his dick without a condom and with whipped cream, but as I
didn't accept, he also refused to do it with a condom. A crazy fantasy of his! He
thought I would be up for anything. Not with me, child.

- Have you ever paid for sex?

- No. I think I wouldn't pay. But who is sure about that...

- Have you ever thought about recreating a porn movie scene with the person
who is having sex with you?

- I watched a few erotic videos to learn a few things, but I don't try to
reproduce exactly what is done in these types of films.

- Have you ever had sex with more than one person at the same time, outside
of shows?

- No, honey.

- Where do you love receiving kisses most?

- In the mouth, for sure.

Melina confessed to Andreza that she also did programs:

- As there were two redheads in the massage parlor, I could deceive anyone
who insinuated that I was doing programs.

“I also posted photos on my cell phone of a little bitch who did an internship in
Rio de Janeiro and called herself “A Carioca.” In fact, she's from São Luís and spent
some time in Rio. Think of a crazy, bitchy little girl like I've never seen before. She
needs to work to support her daughter.

Trícia found out from some of her friends, also known to Andreza, that the
latter had entered the world of prostitution. The Psychology student never wanted to
comment on anything with the brunette, hoping that she would reveal the facts to her,
which never happened. Trícia, however, never stopped being “Bruna’s” colleague. The
girl revealed Andreza's story to her boyfriend, asking for secrecy. She spoke to Victor
during the same period about this topic. She said:

- I just saw the Instagram stories of my friend's father, Andreza Suellen. I found
out from some colleagues that she became a call girl and once owned a massage parlor
with one of her sisters, but it went bankrupt and they had to close. We haven't spoken
for some time. I don't follow her on Instagram and her account is private. But back to
her father’s stories: he posted a photo with his three daughters and captioned it: “My
future is here! “ I made the following reflection: If the future of Brazil and humanity is
prostitution, Andreza and her sister Melina are promoting the future and they are the
exact representatives of this future! But otherwise, I don't know anything anymore.

A fake client made an appointment with Andreza at the motel. After the closure
of the massage therapy clinic, she began to serve her customers in motels in the
Forquilha and Turu regions.

A man named Jouberth Macieira contacted Andreza via WhatsApp and wanted
to schedule a program.

- Hello everything is fine? I wanted to make an appointment with you – and the
suitor said his name.

As soon as the girl could, she responded to the message.

- When do you want to schedule it? I can only do it tomorrow.

- All good. For me it's great. How much is the program, girl?

- R$ 200.00 per hour. Oral and vaginal sex, with a condom. I work at a motel, in
the Turu region.

- What a cheap program, I'll even pay more – snubbed the man.

- Shall we schedule it for tomorrow?

- Yes. For you, girl, what time of day is best? I will be available from 2 pm to 7
pm tomorrow.

- We then set 6 pm. I'll go straight to the motel you choose. I get there 15
minutes early. It's certain. Don't miss it, please. What will the motel be?

- Paradise. Do you know? Could it be?

- Maybe yes.

- Everything is fine on my part too. If I have any unforeseen circumstances, I try

to notify you an hour in advance. And we'll do a verification call.

- Could this be the call now? What name can I call you?

- If you prefer now, no problem. My name is “Manu”.

And Andreza immediately made a video verification call. And they were ready
for the next day.
The brunette found something strange about the man, but didn't want to give
up on the program.

The next day she got ready and left well behaved, as she always did, so the
neighbors wouldn't suspect anything. In general, she went out wearing loose jeans and
a plain blouse, with no cleavage and nothing sensual. She would ask for alternative
transportation, when the client did not take her to the motel, and would get out of the
car two blocks before the chosen motel, in order to mislead. She learned to wear a cap
(a habit she learned from Cláudio) and dark glasses, to make it difficult to be
recognized. She was already leaving her apartment with her lingerie underneath, so
she didn't need to carry much in her bag. This underwear was mandatory to seduce
and please customers; Andreza felt more beautiful and sexier in lingerie, so it was
almost mandatory for her to wear these items on the shows. Before she arrived at the
motel, the customer informed her via WhatsApp the number of the room he was in.

The girl followed her protocol, arrived at the motel reception, which tried to
vary a lot, and headed towards the room indicated by Jouberth.

She arrived in front of the room and knocked on the door. Suddenly the door
was opened and Andreza entered, but she didn't see anyone. At the same moment, a
man, who was behind the door, closed it abruptly, and the brunette was surprised by a
person attacking her from behind, and trying to choke her neck. She was unable to say
anything and the individual quickly threw her on the bed, and he was already cursing
her, uttering several insults from the moment he tried to suffocate her with his hands.

The bathroom light was on and the door was ajar. The brunette was thrown
violently against the bed; When she fell lying down, she was facing upwards and could
finally visualize her attacker. He was a tall, thin, very young man, with a high voice and
a thin sock over his face, covering his face.

Andreza was terrified, but still managed to ask:

- Who are you? What harm did I do to you?

The man replied:

- So, you're the slut who dated my boyfriend several times!?

- I...? – asked Andreza, pale and almost paralyzed.

- Because of you he changed with me and left me. I stayed to die. I almost killed
myself because of him, bitch.

- Who are you talking about?

- Of course I won't say.

- You must be confusing me with someone else?

- No ma'am, you bitch. I took his cell phone and wrote down his number. Don't
try to escape responsibility.

- I didn't do anything wrong. No client commented that they wanted to leave

their boyfriend because of me. I don't agree with that. I am very professional and do
not get involved with my clients in their love matters. I swear.

- I don’t believe you, slut – the enraged man complained – Give me your cell
phone – he then demanded.

Andreza imagined that the man was afraid of her contacting someone and that
he wanted to take her cell phone so as not to leave any clues and so that it wouldn't
run the risk of being discovered later.

She initially resisted, as she didn't want to lose her smartphone where her
clients' calendars were. She saved all the account numbers on the phone itself.

- Give me your cell phone – the man said again, but he was already using a low
tone of voice so as not to attract the attention of the motel employees. – And you,
keep quiet from now on, otherwise I will kill you in an instant, before anyone comes to
help you. – he threatened.

And the man displayed the end of a pistol that was stuck inside his pants.

- Okay, I understand – said Andreza, very quietly.

- And what can we do to make you pay for what you did to me?

The call girl lowered her head, sitting on the bed, and began to cry.

- Go on, give me the phone. And don’t look at me anymore – demanded the
man once again.

She fumbled with her cell phone with a completely shaking hand.

- If I at least knew his name I wouldn't accept doing programs with his “boy”
anymore - she said.

- I'm not telling. You think I'm an idiot.

- And what can I do, then? - asked the girl, crying.

- I could kill you, but I don't want to leave here in prison. Your blood isn't worth
my freedom, you slut.
Those threats and those verbal insults were undermining Andreza, who was
already close to fainting.

But the enraged boy still spoke.

- You bitch, try to do something else with your life. I'm just not going to hit you
in the face too much because you'll make noise and they'll discover me. And the only
reason I'm not going to take your life is because he's not dating you anymore. I know

- How do you know?

- I can not say. I mean, I hired a detective.

- Try going back to him then.

- Shut up, you ordinary whore. He already has a girlfriend and they say he's
getting married. All because of you. Look what you caused!

- Then he was going to leave you. He gave up being homosexual.

- Shut up. You do not know anything. I don't give you the right to discuss and
make assumptions about my relationship with him.

- I apologize.

- I don't care about your excuses.

- Right...

- I came here to give you a message: take care of yourself, because your life is
worthless and you can lose it at any moment.

Andreza was speechless by those serious, albeit indirect, threats.

The furious individual continued ranting.

- Leave this life, slut. You must have already ruined the lives of many people
and many families. Not everyone will show you the same patience and condescension
that I have. Open your eyes, bitch. Take it easy.

Then the man began hitting Andreza's cell phone screen with an object from
the room and threw it on the floor. He decided to take the smartphone that had fallen
to the floor, even though the screen was completely damaged and it did not respond
to the touch screen.

He left the room, leaving the girl locked from the outside, disappeared with the
key and quickly fled the motel, on foot.
Andreza remained silent for 15 minutes in bed, crying a lot. Then she shouted
for an employee and they came to his aid. The motel employees took the spare key
and found Andreza sitting on the floor, leaning against the bed, in lingerie, wrapped in
a sheet.

The employees asked her what had happened and she reported that she had
been attacked by the man who had stayed with her in the room.

- How did he attack you? – asked one of them.

- He tried to kill me by squeezing my neck with both hands. He tried to

suffocate me. – Andreza spoke with difficulty; Her voice barely came out.

And in fact Andreza had marks on her neck from the attacker's fingers and even
a small bruise on each side of her cervical region.

- But, are you better? Are you feeling short of breath? – asked an employee.

- I'm getting better, but I'm very scared.

Andreza was still shivering from the cold of the room, frozen by the air
conditioning unit and from the shock she got.

- Do you want us to take you to a hospital? – asked an employee.

- I don't think you'll need that – the brunette said.

- Certainty?

- Yes.

- Do you want company to go to the police station to file a police report against
him? – offered a girl, who seemed to be the manager.

- I don't think I'm going to file a police report. It wouldn't do any good. And I
don't want to expose myself more and more.

Andreza was also afraid of suffering retaliation from the attacker, who seemed
to him a dangerous person and could be a police officer or a criminal, considering that
he even had a gun. She also made an appeal:

- I prefer this story to stay between us and nothing to leak. My family wouldn't
like knowing that I was here and what happened to me.

- In fact, we also prefer discretion and secrecy. – said the manager. – A story
like that wouldn’t go down well with the motel’s reputation. And I swear to you that a
similar case had never occurred.
- I believe in you – said Andreza.

- And on a day when the security cameras are not operating. It is too much
coincidence! – continued the manager.

- Was it really a coincidence? - asked the victim, raising suspicion.

- Was he your boyfriend? - asked a motel employee.

- No. Does that mean you don't have the footage with his face?

- Unfortunately not; the camera system has not been working since yesterday.
It is in maintenance.

- What the hell! Did you take note of his car's license plate number? - the
attacked girl wanted to know.

- He was on foot, he didn't come by car – replied one of them.

- Ordinary! – shouted the girl.

And Andreza cried again.

- Did he hit you? – asked another employee.

- No. He just tried to choke me. And he mistreated me a lot, he cursed me, he
threatened me. A madman, completely out of his mind.

- And did he say why he did this to you? – asked the security officer.

- Worse than not. I asked, but he didn't answer me. – the victim lied.

- Would you like some water? – offered the manager.

- Yes accepted.

Then the manager asked everyone else to leave and was left alone with
Andreza. When everyone had left, she talked to the girl.

- Do you want to take a hot shower to change? – suggested the manager.

- No thanks. You are being very kind. I'm going to drink the water, get dressed
and I want to leave as quickly as possible. Can I pay you for the room? Looks like he
broke some things.

- Don't worry. I won't charge you.

- Thank you again.

- It's the least I can do for you. But I wanted to ask you two more things.
- Could it be! – said the brunette. Andreza was, however, afraid of the

- Didn't you know that man who was with you in this room?

- I don't know him – the girl preferred to tell the truth.

- Sorry, what am I going to ask you, but I tell you that the answer won't change
anything I think about you. Today you were a woman cowardly attacked by a stupid
man and you are not to blame for that. But answer me: girl, are you a call girl?

Andreza didn't answer anything. She preferred to remain silent.

- Alright no problem. Do not need to answer. - replied the establishment


- I would like to go to my apartment – asked the brunette.

- How do you prefer to go home? Do you want me to call an Uber, do you want
me to call a friend, or do you want me to tell you to drop you off at home.

- Would you be so kind as to have me leave it at my address?

- What neighborhood do you live in?

- Here at Turu.

- Yes, I'll leave you at home. I will speak to an employee and he will take you in
my car.

- Thank you very much. God bless you. How can I repay your kindness?

- I apologize, even though I think it wasn't our fault. But I wanted to ask you to
never come back to this motel again. Do not get me wrong. I promise that this story
will die here, among us. I noticed that you need this secrecy.

- Thanks. I don't think I'll have the courage to come back here one day. I don't
blame you. That man was crazy. God protect me from him.

- Good luck, girl. Go with God. Wait here inside the room.

- I'm very grateful. Forgive me for the confusion I created for you.

- Imagine. You are the only victim here. I'm relieved to know you're going home
in good condition. Go rest. Take care, girl. Goodbye.

And the manager left the room, without saying her name.
An employee went to drop Andreza off at the flat where she was staying and
she asked to get out of the car one block before her number. The street was still busy.
It was a weekday and Andreza went to her apartment.

Arriving at her apartment hotel, the prostitute called her sister and brother-in-
law André, asking them to come urgently to help her.

When they arrived Melina asked:

- What happened, Suh, for you to urgently request our presence?

- I was attacked at the motel by a fake customer. He lured me there and tried to
choke me.

- What is the name of this ordinary? – the brother-in-law wanted to know.

- He gave me the name Jouberth Macieira.

André did a quick search on Google and Instagram and didn't get any answers.

- He must have used a pseudonym. – declared André.

- I already imagined that.

- Give me his WhatsApp number. And by the phone number we will find out to
whom the line is registered with the operator.

- He took my cell phone away.

- What did he do to you? – asked the red-haired girl.

- He tried to hang me, did a lot of psychological torture and threatened me.

- I'm going to find out who this guy is and he's going to pay. – said the police
officer, with great hatred.

- Calm down, my love. – asked his almost wife.

- I prefer that we don't mess with him, for now – asked the victim. - I would like
you to sleep here with me today. I am scared.

- Did he tell you why he was attacking you? Did he tell you what the motivation
for all this was? – asked Melina.

- He was upset that I went out with an ex-boyfriend of his. He's a fagot. And he
found my number in the guy's address book. I swear I didn't know anything. He also
refused to say the client's name. And for some reason this crazy guy thinks I was the
main reason his ex left him.
- What a meaningless story... – André said.

- For us; - declared the redhead - but he must have his own motivations

- The bastard was still armed. I'm afraid he's a cop or a criminal. – stated the

- There is that chance, apparently. – agreed the boy. – He could be a dangerous

person. We must be cautious.

- That's why I want to leave him alone for now.


Two days later Andreza went to the cell phone operator, taking a police report
notified via the Internet and reporting the theft of her cell phone, and obtained a new
chip with the same previous number, upon payment of a fee to reimburse the service
and the new chip.

Suellen installed the new chip in another device but, to her displeasure,
Jouberth's contact, or whoever that individual was, had remained in the memory of
the old telephone device, so she could not investigate on whose behalf the chip was
located. chip he used to contact her. Jouberth no longer communicated with her,
fortunately, but the whereabouts of her attacker, on the other hand, were never

After the incident with Jouberth, the call girl did not schedule any sexual
encounters for about a week. She considered giving up her activity permanently, but
the need for money prevailed and she found herself in a position to go out with clients

She decided, however, that from now on she would only schedule meetings
with clients who had a photo on their profile and who agreed to make a mutual
verification video call. She gave preference to new clients recommended by old clients
and she also no longer accepted the suitor choosing the motel. She became aware that
she would no longer take rides with her clients, nor do any more programs after 6 pm.
Furthermore, it no longer accepts payment per pix. Only in cash or card, as it had a
machine for paying with a credit or debit card. Everything would be measures to try to
prevent the incident from last time from happening again. Likewise, she installed an
application on her smartphone and on André's phone that allowed the police officer to
track where she was in real time and also installed another app with a panic button to
notify him if she faced any trouble.
Given all these precautions and changes, Suellen slowly returned to making
programs, now with much more care, and in a much reduced quantity. She feared for
the integrity of her health and her life.

A client she knew then invited her to perform a program and she arranged it at
a very comfortable motel, full of security cameras and located on a very busy road. She
scheduled the meeting for 3 pm and asked the client not to be late. She insisted on
arriving 15 minutes earlier than agreed and chose the room herself. She also made
sure, before entering the room, that the establishment's security system was working
and she found it with another cheaper cell phone and hid it there, before the customer
entered the premises.

The sex went smoothly and this time Andreza didn't suffer any blows. The
program lasted around 50 minutes and after her client reached orgasm she asked to
leave, without taking a shower, as a precaution. When the brunette arrived at her
small apartment she felt immense relief.

So the brunette went back to having paid meetings, now at a freer pace, about
three times a week, meeting a maximum of two men a day.

Three weeks passed and a second incident occurred with the girl. Andreza
scheduled a program with a client recommended by another client he already knew
and they went to the motel as normal. In the meeting room they talked:

- Brunette, you have a delicious ass: let me do anal with you – asked her lover
of the day.

- I don't usually have anal sex, with rare exceptions – replied the brunette.

- I love doing anal. I do it anyway. I have experience. I've never hurt any girl in
anal. Quite the contrary, I only gave pleasure. I had a couple of girlfriends who just had
to beg me to do anal with them. They enjoyed it to the point of urinating or their legs
shaking like jelly. A delicious sensation.

Andreza also found that client very delicate. He was a handsome white guy,
with some tattoos on his arm and calf, and he didn't have a very big penis.

The girl then made her proposal:

- I can agree to have anal sex with you. But you can only come once and if I'm
feeling pain we stop immediately. And you will have to pay me another R$ 100.00,
within the same time that we have already agreed.

The customer named Gustavo thought a little and after a few seconds he gave
his answer:
- I accept, my dear. I want to do anal with you. I love eating the asses of
beautiful little girls like you who have difficulty delivering their anus. You won't be
disappointed with me today. You can even reach orgasm.

- Don't worry. I don't care about cumming. The important thing here is for you
to have a pleasant orgasm.

- All good. But I bring a special condom for anal sex and it brings more

- What it is?

- Skin.

- Oh, I know. I like this Venus condom. It is very thin and feels wonderful. It
even looks like the man isn't even wearing protection on his dick.

- Yes.

Finally, the foreplay began and Andreza performed oral sex using the so-called
“capote” brand on Gustavo.

They then had vaginal sex and he didn't come. The guy then asked to have anal
sex and the girl renewed the lubricant in the condom.

And Gustavo began to thrust into her without pity, slapping the brunette's
buttocks from moment to moment, to which she didn't stop moaning and talking:

- Go on, put it all in, it’s so delicious. Eat my ass. Even the eggs are delicious! –
she got excited.

And this sexual choreography continued until he reached climax.

- Dog, I'm going to cum... I'm going to cum a lot.

- Enjoy, enjoy, I want to see it.

- There! I came... – and Gustavo stopped.

- Let me see your penis all wet! - asked the whore.

The man then removed his penis from inside the girl and was shocked, realizing
that the condom had broken and he had ejaculated into the girl's anal canal.

He then remained silent and she looked at his penis, realizing that the condom
had broken during anal penetration.

- What happened Gustavo that you remained silent? Did the condom tear?
- Yes, it happened – admitted the man.

- And you came inside me? – asked the brunette, already getting worried, and
thinking about STDs.

- This had never happened to me. I have used this brand of condom many times

- I think you exaggerated with me! Didn't you realize the condom had broken?
And he still ejaculated inside me? – complained Andreza.

- Sorry. It was not my fault. I didn't notice anything wrong.

- You're stupid! – she exploded, already losing her composure.

- Don't talk to me like that. I am responsible, respect me. – he defended


- And what are we going to do now?

- What it was ? What is your fear? It wasn't vaginal sex! There is no risk of you
getting pregnant... – argued the client.

- I'm talking about communicable diseases... Have you been tested for STDs in
the last six months? – she asked.

- No. I only have sex with call girls with condoms...

- But he's had a few girlfriends in recent months.

- Only about three...

-Of course, he had sex with them without protection and had some others
without a condom.

- Look, with society girls there's no need to wear a cape.

- Of course you need...

- It's horrible...

- And you're tattooed! Have you ever used drugs? Don't hide me! – the call girl
wanted to know.

- Sorry, I used drugs...

- Well, we're both going to have to take tests for sexual diseases. And you will
pay for my private exams! I'm not going to look for public service to expose myself! –
demanded the prostitute.
- All good. Ok – Gustavo pretended to be agreeing.

They left the room together after paying the bill and the individual requested
alternative transportation. They waited on the avenue in front of the motel, two blocks
away to disguise themselves.

However, when the alternative transport arrived, Gustavo immediately got into
the car and asked the driver to lock the vehicle doors, and fled the scene. Everything
happened very quickly, so Andreza was unable to photograph the vehicle's license
plate. She stood there, furious and desolate at the same time. She unlocked her cell
phone and sent a message to Gustavo, but realized that he had already blocked her on
the messaging app. The girl requested an Uber and when it arrived they went to her
apartment. On the same day, Suellen got in touch with André. She was almost

- André, something terrible happened to me today. I'm almost crying. I need

your help urgently.

- What happened, Suh?

- A client's condom broke today and he ejaculated inside me. He went for anal
sex. He is promiscuous and confessed to having used drugs.

- And where is he?

- He deceived me. He requested an Uber and fled. I demanded that he go get

tested for STDs with me, but he refused and disappeared.

- Did you send him a message after that via WhatsApp?

- He blocked me right away.

- What is this bastard's zap number?

Andreza gave him the number. André tried to contact him, but realized that
the phone was already switched off or there was no Internet access.

- His number is not receiving messages! – warned his brother-in-law.

- He must have turned off the device – deduced the brunette.

-Andreza, wait for me at his apartment and I'll come by in an hour and take you
for exams.

- André, don't say anything to my sister.

After about 90 minutes André arrived at the brunette's apartment.

- Wow! You took so long! I thought you wouldn't come again.

- A lot of traffic.

- And what did you say to Melina?

- I didn't see her just now.

- Don't say what happened to me.

- All good. It can leave. I will mislead if necessary.

André took the girl to an emergency appointment and the doctor who attended
to her recommended a preventive regimen against HIV. Andreza took the medication
very reluctantly, but was convinced of the need. She underwent rapid testing for the
HIV virus, and to her relief, at least her test was negative. She collected material for
other tests for sexually transmitted infections and presented the results to the doctor
after 7 days. The results were fortunately good, and she felt more relieved. She was
warned, however, to repeat the entire battery of exams within 90 days. And so, her
suffering would take a little longer.

In fact, the next day that man changed his phone number, so the brunette
could no longer contact him.

- Suh, confess something to me – André pleaded.

- What, André?

- Was this the first real time that a customer's condom broke inside you?

- I'll tell you the truth: no. It's the third time; but the other two were with
known clients, who were neither promiscuous nor injecting drug users. And they didn't
refuse to carry out tests for venereal diseases afterwards and everything came back
normal. They showed me. I did it too and everything went OK. There were also two
times that the guys' condom came off the penis and entered my vagina, but the
customers noticed right away and didn't even ejaculate. And, as soon as they noticed,
they informed me and replaced the condom.

- Well, Andreza, start being even more careful - asked the soldier.

Melina was becoming a clothing consumer: addicted to shopping.

Mel earned good money from her massage parlor service and, after closing the
establishment, she began to invest in her appearance, spending more on her hair,
aesthetic treatments, diets advised by nutritionists and clothes, lots of clothes.
Andreza, on the other hand, when she lived in Fortaleza, she frequented that
city's thrift stores to buy cheaper clothes.

In that capital, Suellen was very economical and loved buying clothes in thrift
stores and simpler stores on the outskirts at an affordable cost.

Her younger sister, however, was almost addicted to buying clothes and
accessories; the redhead had become a consumerist girl, and this fact made Andreza
start to feel envious of her younger sister's spending lifestyle.

Melina finally discovered the password to André's smartphone and began

searching his cell phone when she had the opportunity. It was during these searches
that she discovered a contact called “Thalita“, and it was someone she absolutely did
not know. There were exchanges of messages between André and “Thalita“ about two
or three times a week and there seemed to be a communication code between them.
The girl began to decipher this language coding and discovered in one of the
conversations that it was actually about setting up a meeting. Melina felt really bad
and was furious, but she didn't open up to her boyfriend. After all, she needed to be
sure that he was going out with another woman and who she was. The fact is that the
redhead managed to hire a private detective, who put together a plan and
accompanied the client's fiancé in a taxi and accompanied him until he found the
person she had made an appointment with. He took photographs and accompanied
the two as they headed to a motel. The detective developed the photographs and
handed them to Melina, who paid for the service. The girl opened the envelope with
the photos, and took them out in a hurry, examining them with great anxiety. To her
surprise, the girl in the photos was her middle sister and they were spotted entering a
motel. Melina was devastated.

Melina talked to Andreza about her sister's betrayal.

The two met in the new house where her sister and André were living. Melina
opened up to Suellen, revealing that she already knew about her betrayal with André.

- After everything I did for you, Andreza. I helped you when you returned from
Fortaleza and were in deep shit, with your pocket as smooth as boiled okra, and this is
the payment you give me, deceiving me with my own fiancé. How long have you been
cheating on me, you naughty girl?

- But when I was in Fortaleza, you needed money and I was the one who helped
you. Was not? She forgot.

- I already paid you everything I owed. You came back from Ceará without
money because you had a good life there and were partying.
- Do not say that. Do not bear false testimony. Don't judge me if you didn't live
with me in Fortaleza to know what my life was like there.

- Don't fool me, Andreza. Reply. How long have you and André been deceiving

- What's this story, Mel? Who invented this, sister? They want to pit us against
each other – defended the brunette.

- And even?! Well, see this here! -And her sister opened the envelope with the
photos taken by the detective.

Melina showed all the photographs to Andreza, who leafed through them one
by one, being quite disappointed with what she saw in the images.

- Who made these montages? – Andreza further questioned, trying to generate

doubt in his partner’s mind.

- There's no point in deceiving me anymore, sister. Your house collapsed. I

never imagined this from you, cheating on me with André. You are aware that I love
you, and we have been dating for ten years; you know very well. And despite that, they
had the nerve to deceive and betray me. How long have you been going out together,
bitch? Tell me! I have the right to know...

Andreza replied, unable to meet her sister's eyes.

- We stayed a few times; We started meeting recently. – lied the brunette - And
it was at his pure insistence. He is to blame. I was fragile and he took advantage of my
lack of affection. Still, I ask your forgiveness.

- Don't try to fool me, Suh. Something tells me you two are guilty of the registry
office. And I told you all my secrets with him. And you went to desire my man, my
boyfriend. Your frustrated. Just because there's no one good like André in your life. Go
hunt for a man for you. Go chase single guys. But I'm not going to give you the
pleasure of being with him, if you thought I would do that when I discovered your
infidelity. I'm not leaving my fiancé for you to keep. You can get your horse out of the
rain. But I'm going to ask you: leave him alone, because if you keep going out together,
I don't even know what I'm capable of doing to you two, you adulterers. I believe I
even have the courage to have you two killed.

- What is this, Melina? I broke up with him this week. We wouldn't really see
each other anymore. I swear. – Andreza lied, trying to clear his streak.

- Andreza, I want to spend a good season without seeing your face. Get out of
my sight. Stay smart. You know what I can be capable of.
- Yes Sister. Sorry. I'm leaving.

And the two separated. In truth, the two sisters would spend about 3 months
since that day without speaking to each other, guys.

Melina opened up to André about his betrayal with Andreza.

The girl looked for her man and revealed to him that she discovered his
betrayal with Suellen. The two argued and the soldier opened up, saying that he
wouldn't leave Andreza and that the red-haired girl would have to accept the love
triangle between the three of them. She sulked and they spent about eight days
intrigued, but in the end they got back together, as Melina was very dependent on the
military from a financial point of view and truly loved him. The fact that she now had
to share him with her sister was a terrible blow for her, but the redhead preferred to
stay with her fiancé rather than hand him over to her sister.

Melina, however, made some demands on her and set out her demands, such
as that she and her sister would continue to live at different addresses and André
would not be able to appear in public or take photographs with the brunette. The
redhead also agreed with him that she would maintain an apparent friendship with
Andreza in front of the family and the two would continue a peaceful and civilized
relationship, especially in the eyes of society. And so they got it right. Melina would
have to remain André Ricardo's official before everyone.

After this disagreement with her boyfriend, Melina broke up with him for some
time, and met a young man named Nailson, who had attended her church. They began
an affectionate relationship and the girl started making posts on the internet with her
new boy, with the aim of making André jealous, and they even went on a trip to Ceará.
During the period in which they dated Melina, she even cheated on him with André.
Then, about six months later, they broke up, and as André wasn't dating anyone,
Melina and the military man reconciled.

After all, Andreza reduced the pace of programs and removed advertisements
from the Internet.

After the incidents with the last clients and given that André increased his help
in paying the brunette's daily expenses, she chose to remove her advertisements from
the programs on the Internet for a while and reduced the pace of them. She also
started going to a gym near her address three times a week and enrolled in a
competition preparation course. Andreza was also a little tired of going to motels and
looked for a massage parlor, starting to go there once a week. The brunette also
stopped doing sex shows on Saturday afternoons and Sundays.
Andreza looked for his closest brother-in-law and emotionally blackmailed him
some time later.

When the massage parlor disbanded, Andreza spent about a month and a half
in an inn in Turu doing programs.

And she started making threats to André that she would leave São Luís again.

- Oh, how I want to drop everything and go away! There are days when you feel
like abandoning everything and disappearing, without showing any sign of life...- she
posted on her Instagram.

André contacted her via the messaging app:

- Suh, what's happening to you?

- I'm thinking about leaving São Luís and spending some time outside the city.
The programs are very bad...

- Are you no longer seeing any of my colleagues from the corporation?

- It's been two weeks since I went out with anyone. There are about three of
them who haven't called me on WhatsApp in over a month.

- Don't think about being away from your family anymore, Suh.

- I need to have a place to live and you will rent and pay for me an apartment
now that you have finished your officer course. Otherwise I'll leave.

- I'll rent a nice ape for you then.

- Thanks.

- Which neighborhood do you want to stay in?

- By Turu.

- The rent there is very expensive. I don't think I can afford it.

- Turn around and find one you can afford. He just wants to spend it on his
family and my sister. You'll spend it on me too, otherwise, you already know.

- I know, no sex with me. I'm going to get a property in Turu, but I have a lot of
expenses. You will not be able to have comfort now. You will have to sleep in a room
with a fan.

- It's okay, you bastard. But I'm only going to have sex with you at the motel.
- You are very complicated. We can also have sex under the shower, with cold

- God forbid!

- God forbid why? Do you have an electric shower? Never had. She's not used
to taking a hot shower.

- I'm used to taking cold showers, but not climbing in the cold shower.

- It is true.

André agreed with Andreza, as he knew there was no point debating with her.
In fact, within two weeks, Suellen would no longer remember what she said. The
adulteress's tantrums were only because she wanted to always feel victorious in her
battles and make her ego understand that her will always prevailed in all the issues she
was involved in. A mere game of emotional blackmail to achieve your intentions.

A man named Matheus Novaes scheduled, through the messaging program, a

sex program with Andreza in a motel. She found him very attractive, and they talked
after sex.

- My name is Paula – she lied. - Is Matheus your real name? – asked the

- I put a “fake” name on the zap that I gave you. My real name is Hector. Heitor
Melo Carvalho Soeiro Júnior.

- Nice then – said the brunette, greeting him with a handshake.

- It was my pleasure – completed the customer.

- What do you work with, Heitor? His manner is that of a doctor. It appears to
be very fine and is very polished.

- Thank you, but I'm not a doctor. I have a degree in Architecture and Urban
Planning – he replied.

- Do you have an office in the city? Sorry for the curiosity and such a silly
question like this.

- No problem. I work here with two friends, in their office, but I can't say the
name of the office, as I do some projects and they only sign and I just met you. I cannot
pass on this information. All good? Were you upset about that?

- No, not at all – said the girl.

- Andreza, you are also very polite. There's a way to be a society girl.
Suellen became proud at this moment. Hector continued:

- What do you have a degree in, my beauty? I'm sure you have a higher
education degree.

- I'm an accountant.

The boy sensed that the brunette didn't work in his area of training.

- Congratulations. It’s a great course – praised the young man.

- And you, are you from São Luís?

- No; I'm from Brasilia; I'm a candango – And he smiled briefly.

- And how did you end up in São Luís? Do you have relatives here?

- In fact, my maternal grandmother was from here. I still have some uncles and
cousins in this city.

-And she came to settle here permanently? - asked the young companion, with
some excitement.

- I'm going to work between Brasília, Belo Horizonte and São Luís. It's because I
went to college in Minas and I still get some jobs there.

- And how did you come to work in São Luís? Sorry again for the curiosity. By
the way, am I being indiscreet? Be sincere. If you don't want to answer me anything
else, I'll close my questions.

- No, imagine. You can ask me. Whatever I find impertinent, I'll say. But I don't
want to be unpleasant. I'm actually loving our chat.

- Then; how did you come to work in my city?

- Some of my college colleagues know the two engineers from the office where
I'm working here in São Luís. They went to Brasília and took a closer look at my work.
And so they made me a job offer and I found it satisfactory. So, I accepted the
invitation and come to São Luís every three months or so, and stay for around two
weeks at each opportunity. Most of the work, however, is done remotely, via “home
office”. But in some larger projects I need to come in person for an “on-site” analysis of
the land and then monitor the works.

- Very good – said Andreza, who was entranced by that handsome boy. Heitor
had a well-defined body, his face had delicate features; He was around 1.78 m tall and
his age appeared to be 26 years old. – You are quite young, but you must already be a
successful and promising professional by the looks of it – she added.
- Yes, modesty aside – the boy reiterated.

Andreza wanted to ask if he was single, but held back. She waited for the man
to open up about it, but he withheld the information. At least he wasn't wearing a
wedding ring or a promise.

- Are you and your family from São Luís, my dear? – he asked, finally.

- Yes, we're from right here.

Suellen and her client of the day made other small talk for about ten more
minutes. Then, the motel employee brought the charge with the expenses and the boy
made the payment. He invited Andreza to drop her off at her address and she allowed
him to do so. They talked a little more during the journey in the car he had rented and
said goodbye cordially with a kiss on the face, when the girl arrived at her destination.
They agreed to schedule a second meeting, but no deadline has been set yet.

In fact, the two would still schedule two more programs over the course of
seven days and Andreza became involved with that handsome and kind boy. On the
third “date” she revealed her real name, allowed herself to be kissed on the mouth
and was confident in performing oral sex without a condom on that customer. At this
point Heitor had already revealed that he was single and without any serious
commitment to another woman, which helped to give Andreza confidence in her
person. He also commented on his relatives in Brasília and São Luís and already raised
the possibility of permanently moving to the capital of Maranhão, as he said he was
impressed with the city and was satisfied with the job opportunities in his area,
showing him a very promising square. All this talk was, in a way, deceiving the call girl.

So, she also opened her heart a little and started talking about relationships,
however, without yet raising any possibility of starting a real relationship. Thereupon,
Heitor informed Suellen that he would still remain in the city for another week and
invited her to dinner in one of the most refined and sophisticated restaurants in that
city, which, incidentally, Andreza had not frequented until then. He invited her, telling
her in advance that he would pay all the dinner expenses for that lady. And they
arranged dinner in this way, leaving the motel environment, which until this point had
been the only place to witness that couple's meetings.

The young woman even imagined that Heitor would finally invite her to date
and her expectations grew for this meeting. On the scheduled day, she prepared her
nails and hair in a beauty salon of her choice and therefore did not perform any sex
program so as not to ruin her hairstyle.
Heitor contacted her in the early afternoon confirming dinner and arranged a
time to meet her in his car and take her to the agreed restaurant. He even rented
another car, a silk model, with air conditioning, to give his guest more comfort.

And so it happened. The boy picked her up in front of her apartment at the
pre-arranged time and went to the designated location. It was Friday night. The place
was completely packed. They arrived around 9 pm. Heitor had reserved a table, but
they had to wait for around thirty minutes for a table to be made available to them.
And finally they entered the main space of the restaurant and sat down at their table.
She treated her like a dear lady, even pulling out her chair for her to sit on and
removing a coat that the girl was wearing over her dress and hanging it behind her
guest's seat. She had rented this outfit exclusively for this special meeting, but as the
temperature in the place was not very low, the young woman allowed herself to
remove her coat at the beginning of dinner, to avoid getting it dirty.

They finally sat down and continued the conversation that had started in the
entrance hall of that establishment; now, however, in a much more private place.

They talked freely.

- Heitor, do your parents intend to visit São Luís soon? Do they already know
this city?

- I believe they will come soon. Mom's grandparents are from here, but my
father's family is all from Goiás and the Federal District. And about the other question:
they don't know this beautiful and charming city yet - And Heitor places both arms
outstretched on the table, holding both Andreza's hands, looking into her brown eyes.
The girl preened and became absorbed. She managed to say.

- What a shame they haven't yet visited my beloved city.

- But I think they'll want to meet you soon. – and the boy continued to subtly
hold Andreza's hands and kept his eyes penetrating the young woman's pupils.

- Great! I am happy! My city has great attractions – reiterated the brunette.

Hector released his hands and returned his arms to their previous position. The
waiter then approached them to place their first orders.

As a perfect gentleman he allowed his guest to have priority in her request and
the girl chose her starter and a drink first. At first, Andreza just asked for a sparkling
mineral water to drink, choosing not to order anything alcoholic yet. The man
requested a tonic water, with ice and lemon in his glass. Hector asked which entrée
was his lady's preference and followed the woman's request.

They continued talking.

Heitor asked about Suellen's family; perhaps out of politeness, as they almost
only talked about their relatives; the young woman had barely commented on her
family in her meetings, until this day.

- My parents have been separated since I was a teenager – confessed the

brunette. – My mother already lives with another man and my father had a partner,
but they left each other, and he now has a girlfriend.

- And do you have a good relationship with your stepfather and your father's

- With her, yes; I have a good relationship and we follow each other on social
media. Not with him. I never considered myself his stepdaughter and we already had a
disagreement; It was one of the reasons that precipitated my leaving my mother's
house before the right time, so to speak – Andreza tried to explain.

Heitor noticed that the girl was a little shy and had a delicate temperament.

- And you only have sisters? You said there are two?

- Yes, when my mother married my father she already had a little daughter
who was almost three years old, from a relationship she had in São Paulo, as she lived
there and got pregnant by Marcela's father. She is my eldest sister, but she is so skinny
and small on my side that you will wrongly conclude that I am the oldest; but never tell
her that, for God's sake; she's a bit temperamental and sometimes explosive; but I love
my quarrelsome one very much; She has an older sister in São Paulo, on her father's
side. So, continuing: I have this older sister, who is married and has two daughters,
some sweethearts, aged 11 and 14, and she wants to get pregnant with her current
partner to give him an heir, as she dreams of having a boy and her two daughters are
the result of previous relationships.

Hector then interrupted her:

- Cool! A beautiful story...

At this moment the waiter arrived with her drinks and the starter she chose.

The boy, in fact, was finding the story of Andreza's mother and older sister very
complicated and it seemed to him that the women of that family, at least the first ones
he was learning about, were very naughty and advanced, as they say. .

Andreza continued to describe her family.

– I also have a younger sister, she’s not a half-sister, she’s a full sister – and she
smiled at her own speech and continued – her name is Melina. She is married to a
military man and they live together, but they have not had children yet. I think my
mother gave me that name because her nickname, Mom, when she was young, was
“Melzinha” and it was Dad who chose my name; Mom thus had the right to determine
the name of her second daughter with my father.

- And she stopped there? Her mother...she Didn't have any children with her
current husband?

- Thank God not. She was already joined to him when she was over forty years
old and I believe she had already had a tubal ligation.

- OK I understand. So, is this companion of hers recent?

- Yes, after separating from my father she spent many years without anyone.

- Her mother seems to be a strong woman! She raised you without anyone?!

- Not exactly. I lived with my father for a while; my mother stayed at her
parents' house with Melina. Then, Mom moved to another house and took Melina. She
would later move permanently to another location and both Marcela and Melina,
myself, spent time with her at this other address. However, before that, she tried a
relationship with another person and lived alone with him for a while in Jardim Aurora,
but the relationship didn't work out. During this period I stayed with Melina at my
maternal grandparents' house, living with them and a couple of uncles and their
respective families, at the same address where I was born. It was a cramped house for
so many people. I hated my mother for that: for leaving us at this address, in such an
uncomfortable house with so many people, with almost no privacy. It was a difficult
time. I left my father's house to live with my mother, but she left me at my
grandmother's house, going through a lot of trouble. I still had a very poor job, as a
telemarketing attendant, but it was the only job I could get, especially through Marcela
and my “stepmother” (I'll talk about her later). Later, my mother moved to a house in
Pontal da Ilha and we all went there, as Marcela no longer lived with her daughters'

- Wow, a lot of history – commented Heitor. – And it’s hard to keep track of it –
joked the boy. He also noted that Andreza used to complain about the conditions of
his previous life. She seemed to be quite complaining and dissatisfied with several
aspects of her life.

- My life story is long. Am I being boring?

- No, imagine. You should ask someone to write your story one day. Tell more.
Andreza, you told me you have a stepmother?!
- Yes, her name is Vanusa. When my father went to live with her, Vanusa
already had a one-year-old boy, the result of her previous relationship. So, my father
raised Guilherme and he considers him his father. So I have an adopted brother.

- And your stepfather, does he have children?

- He has a daughter, but I have no contact with her.

At this moment, while they were tasting the starter that Andreza had chosen, a
carpuccino of meat seasoned with a delicious sweet and sour sauce, Heitor took the
menu back into his hands and began leafing through its pages. It was a beautiful
hardcover menu that looked like it was made of leather. While examining the
repertoire of dishes served in that restaurant he said.

- Andreza, my dear, the menu here includes dishes that appear to be very
delicious. Next to each meal there is a color photo presenting the dish. Check it out –
and he kindly gave the menu to his guest.

She received it in her hands and after quickly appreciating that booklet, the
young woman said:

- I agree with you. And there are meals that I didn't know, some of them very
sophisticated. And everything here seems to be very tasty.

- Yes definitely.

- And what did you think of the prices, my dear? – she asked, whispering.

- I didn't think it was expensive. Cheaper than in Brasília; I can swear to you. But
don't worry about values. You can choose whatever dishes you want; For me it's great.

Then, it was Andreza's turn to place the menu on her thighs and her arms
outstretched on the table, trying to shake Heitor's hands. And she said:

- Thank you, my dear, for this wonderful dinner.

- You're welcome. The emotions are just beginning – joked the host; and he
smiled, continuing to stare at Andreza. – But keep looking at the menu: think about
your orders. But you don't need to decide now. Make yourself comfortable.

And the brunette returned to the menu, examining it carefully again. She was
captivated by that number of options for the most varied sophisticated meals. Heitor
commented at that moment:

- And what do you think, dear, if we request the wine list and you choose a
tasty drink to toast our evening and our date?
- Could it be. But, Heitor, I know little about wine. I think you'd better choose
the most appropriate one.

- Are you sure you don't want to decide on the wine? A girl as gifted as you
should know the appropriate drink for each meal.

Andreza felt valued by these words, but said:

- I think you know more about fine drinks than I do and are better able to
choose the companion for today's dinner.

- Okay – he finally agreed. – It just depends on the main dish you choose,

- Right. I'll calmly check the menu and we'll decide together what to order. I
want your opinion, please. Understood.

- No problem. Yes, I will help you choose the main meal.

The companion continued analyzing the menu and after about two minutes
she made her suggestion.

- Are you sure that we shouldn't ask the waiter or the hostess for a suggestion?
– Suellen asked.

- No. I want you to place your order regardless of anyone else's opinion.
Capriche. I believe your choice will be good for me. I trust your taste.

- Do you know that I really like cooking? Dad even asked me why I don't try to
start a restaurant.

- Oh, you like cooking?!

- Almost; it's not that much; but I have a cousin who graduated in Culinary and
is even a professor at the college.

- I don't want to know about her – joked the young man. – I want to taste your
food, my dear, prepared with care.

The girl felt radiant again with Hector's proposal.

- So, do you have any suggestions, my dear? – he asked finally.

- Heitor, I thought about ordering a dish of grilled lobster with chestnuts. What
is your opinion?

- Lobster is a refined dish. I like him a lot. And I confess that I asked a few
- Now you spoke like a conquering heartthrob. You must have already tasted
many lobsters with several beautiful girls in Brasília and BH.

- In truth no. I swear not really. I'm not as much of a flirt as I appear to be due
to my friendly and relaxed nature.

- Ah, deceive me, I like being deceived. – joked the brunette.

- No; I'm serious.

- Okay – Suellen approved.

Each sentence from Hector increased the prostitute's confidence and made her
feel seduced by the architect.

- Andreza, I approve your request.

- Thanks.

And Heitor called the restaurant attendant very politely, within a few seconds,
so that his guest could fulfill her order.

The host took the opportunity to ask the waiter for the wine list and, when he
brought it, he chose a beautiful bottle of Rose wine. Andreza asked to see the wine
menu and was shocked by the price of the drink chosen by the man.

- Heitor, a bottle of this wine costs R$ 480.00?! It's an imported wine! It's
Italian: it says it here on the wine menu. Are you sure you want to drink such an
expensive drink in my company?

It seemed that each of Andreza's questions served to test the boy's intentions
and his interest in her.

- Andreza, the price doesn't matter. This wine is the one that will best fit and
combine with grilled lobster.

- OK I understand.

The brunette was imagining that her suitor wanted to impress her on that date
and her satisfaction at being sitting there in front of the boy only grew as time went
by. Her look was already radiant at this point.

Andreza was still tasting the carpácio slowly and drinking her sparkling mineral
water like a polite society girl.

Hector then questioned her.

- Honey, should I order the bottle of wine now or wait for the main course to

- For me, we're already starting to drink this wine.

- Very good. I liked. I'll ask the waiter for the wine.

They continued a relaxed chat until one of the waiters approached their table
and the young man ordered wine.

The drink arrived quickly and the attendant opened the bottle in the presence
of the two and served them a small portion of the wine in two very beautiful glasses so
that they could taste the wine and smell its aroma. The couple each shook their glass
so that the drink gave off its wonderful aroma and they were finally able to taste that
imported wine. They approved it immediately (it was a semi-dry wine) and the waiter
served them a more generous amount of wine in each glass.

They continued drinking and talking. Hector insisted on asking about his suitor’s

- Andreza, what does your mother work with?

- She is a nurse and works in a hospital.

-She is a noble profession: caring for the sick and alleviating their suffering. And
her father, what does she work with?

- With butcher shop. Meat trade. Some people in his family work in the same

- I understood.

Andreza was eager, however, for the boy to change the subject and start
talking about the two of them, but she was embarrassed to try to change the direction
of the conversations to something more romantic. She expected Hector's initiative.

The night's host then asked:

- Andreza, have you ever dated seriously or been engaged to someone?

- I've had two serious relationships, but I never got engaged.

- Do you miss any of your ex-boyfriends?

- No. And you, Heitor, have you ever had or do you have a serious commitment
to someone?
- Yes, I've had very serious relationships, and I was about to get engaged, but it

- For what reason? - she ventured to ask. – Am I meddling too much in your
personal life?

- Yes, but I can answer. I almost got engaged to a girl from BH; We were from
the same college. But I finished my course, chose to return to Brasília and we decided
not to date long distance. She told me that she wouldn't move to Brasília if we got
married and I was convinced that she didn't want to live far from my parents. We
ended the relationship with mutual agreement.

- How nice of you to care so much about your parents' well-being. – praised
the brunette, but stopped to reflect on whether he could act in the same way with her
in the future.

- Thanks. But I also chose to return to the Federal District because I already had
a job offer in place.

- I understood. And are your parents very attached to you? Is your mother very

- No. They are a modern couple; They call me almost every day, one at a time,
but they understand my freedom. They know my need to work. But when we're
together it's great. They are quite affectionate with me.

- What do they work with?

- They are public servants and are already close to retirement.

- Do you have brothers?

- Only one sister, who is two years younger and is training to be a lawyer.

The brunette took courage and asked, after complimenting the boy:

- Hector, I found you very interesting. But I need to know from you: were your
first impressions of me also of a special person? Did I get your attention? If so, could
you tell me why.

He replied:

- Andreza, I've known little about you so far, but you caught my attention.
Maybe because of the friendliness, the relaxed manner. So I wished to get to know you

- Thank you – replied the girl. – And what else did you think of me.
- You are an interesting person; I think it's worth knowing. I would also like you
to talk a little about yourself now.

They talked while the wine was consumed. Soon the main dish would be

Andreza thought about what she would tell about her life and herself. After a
brief pause for reflection, she said:

- Hector, what can I say about myself. Let me see...

- Be honest! But don't feel under pressure. Only speak if you want and it's for
your own good.

- Heitor, I believe that I am a romantic woman, as almost all are, but I often
don't show it. It's difficult for me to give myself up, but when I do, it's with my body
and soul, and I dedicate myself with intensity. I know how to be intense when I want
to, especially when I notice that my feelings are reciprocated fairly.

- And have you ever given yourself to a relationship of body and soul? Have
you ever had that courage?

- Yes, I already gave myself up.

- And was it good? Worth it?

- For a while it went well and was worth it; Then it didn't work anymore and I
had to leave the relationship. But I did have some great moments, which I don't regret.

- But are you willing to give yourself over again, body and soul?

Andreza sensed a romantic mood in the air and responded calmly:

- I believe that I can give my all to a relationship if I want, even though I

suffered a lot last time. I'm sure I can donate and make someone very happy. I just
need to be convinced that the person has definitely arrived and at the appropriate

Heitor was going to say something in response to Suellen's speech, but at that
moment the waiter, together with another kitchen employee, brought the main meal
for dinner. With the interruption, the couple took a brief break from the subject and
began to serve themselves.

The dish was beautifully presented and looked delicious. Andreza said:

- I can't wait to try this delight, Heitor. It looks like we got the order right.

- You got it right, my dear. Was you. Congratulations.

- But let us try the meal first so you can brag about the choice I made on the
menu. Try it now, Heitor.

He did. And as he began to enjoy that meal, he made an approving face.

- Is very good. A deliciously seasoned lobster. And in the right spot.

Congratulations again, Andreza!

The girl felt proud. She thanked him and said:

- Let me try it – and she also said “Uhmmm”, confirming that the meal was also
tasty for her.

They continued talking during dinner, interspersed with shots of wine, and
ordered a second bottle of the drink.

At one point the brunette asked, while they were slowly eating their lobster:

- You did a great job at the restaurant, my dear. Have you been here before
with anyone?

- No. But I received a recommendation from some colleagues about this

environment, all of whom said it was worth it and said it was great. And you, didn't
know here?

- No. I hadn't come here yet. – said the girl.

They started talking more about themselves.

- Andreza, did you go to college? – asked the man.

- Yes. I'm an accountant.

- And you don't work in your area of training?

- At the time no.

- And do you like the activity you are doing at the moment?

- You know, Heitor, I like meeting new people and making friends. If you look at
it from this side, it's good.

- I love my profession.

- There are moments when I feel frustrated; I would like to do something else,
and any time it will work out. Heitor, you have nothing serious with anyone else.

- At the moment I don't have a girlfriend.

- And why did you think of inviting me to this dinner?

- I wanted to get to know you better. And you, don't you have a boyfriend?
Because I know that a lot of girls in your condition have someone...

- I do not have anybody.

- And you, what did you think of me, at first impression?

- I think you are a wonderful person: very polite, kind, everything is good.

At this point Heitor asked Andreza for permission, saying that he needed to go
to the bathroom, which his guest allowed him to do.

He got up, stood behind Suellen's chair and kissed her forehead, affectionately,
and said:

- See you soon, my dear.

Andreza followed him with his eyes as he made his way to the bathroom and
then returned to enjoy his dish.

She meditated: “My God, what a cool guy. And in such refined ways. If I date
him, how lucky am I. It was everything I expected. Quite a party. Does he really want to
start a serious relationship with me? I can’t even believe it.”

But 10 minutes passed, and another 5 minutes and Heitor never reappeared.
Suellen then took her cell phone, unlocked it and, after opening the messaging app,
sent a message to her companion: “Where are you? Is everything okay?“, but Andreza
found that the man's cell phone was not receiving messages from her and the
architect's photo on WhatsApp had disappeared. He would have blocked her at that
moment. The brunette then very politely called a waiter and asked him to look for a
host in the restaurant's bathroom, calling him by her name, claiming to be worried
about her, due to her absence for almost twenty minutes. “Look for my boyfriend,
please. He went to the bathroom, and hasn't come back yet. His name is Hector.”

And the waiter went out to look for him, returning a short time later without
having found him. He communicated this fact to Andreza and she felt completely
deceived. He had fled the scene.

Andreza made a phone call to him, but Heitor's cell phone was turned off or
prevented from receiving calls at that time.

She had abandoned her there, in that sophisticated restaurant; and without
any justification. But why? She wondered.
Andreza lost his appetite and no longer drank the rest of the wine. She asked
for the bill for dinner expenses and paid by pix.

When the waiter brought the bill, he questioned the brunette.

- Madam, did your boyfriend have to leave?

- Yes, there was an unforeseen event and he was forced to leave.

- Excuse me, but did you call him Hector?!

- Yes.

- Strange. He had been here two or three times before, and my colleague told
me that he had said his name was Márcio Roberto. I haven't seen anyone with a name
as long as Heitor Márcio Roberto before.

- It must be a mistake. Is the other waiter sure about this?

- Worse than yes. He has already seen him at least twice in the last year.

Andreza then lied a little to see what the employee would say.

- Impossible; my fiancé is from Brasília. He's a famous architect there.

- But I'm sorry, - the waiter reiterated - not wanting to be intrusive; my

colleague commented that he said he was a lawyer.

- That's weird! – Andreza tried to alleviate the situation. – And who was he
here for dinner with? Another woman?

- I can't reveal that anymore, ma'am.

- All good.

Andreza paid the bill and left via alternative transportation. Inside the vehicle,
she tried to send another message to the boy, but everything indicated that he had
blocked her.

- Bastard! Liar! Scoundrel! – she screamed in the back seat of the car.

Hearing this, the driver reacted:

- Girl, who are you talking to?

- Sorry, it's not up to you. It was a problem that I just discovered on my


- Is everything okay with you, miss?

- Everything's good. It was a temporary anger. It is gone.

Arriving at her apartment, Andreza did an Internet search using the boy's
name, but found no answer. And she didn't discover any information that proved he
was an architect. The next day he changed his cell phone number and the brunette
could no longer communicate with “Heitor”, if she wanted to do so. He had probably
deceived her and made the young woman fall for a scam. Suellen was very angry with
that impostor, but she preferred not to tell anyone else about this case. And she
swallowed yet another disappointment. “At least I discovered another fancy
restaurant”, she thought, trying to minimize her expense.


Andreza spoke to Melina a few days later, but did not comment anything about
Heitor. Her younger sister asked her if she never communicated with her ex-boyfriend
again. Andreza, however, stated:

- I think my stupid ex-boyfriend, Armando, thinks I didn't date anyone else or

have sex anymore after I left him, because I don't post anything personal on my
Instagram or Facebook. And it seems that he is still alone, he has no serious
commitment to anyone. He can't even imagine the number of men I've had sex with
since we broke up. Oh poor thing! And he even told me after we left each other that
he still loves me. But I don't know if I love him.

- Do you still think about going back to him, Suh? - asked his sister. “After all the
harm he caused you...

- No – Suellen replied promptly. - Even though I'm a very confused person, I'm
convinced that I don't want to go back to him. If it didn't work out on our first attempt,
we won't get it right now. I don't want to be with him anymore. And I don't think I
deserve it.

- I don't understand. He made you suffer and you still thought about going back
to him one day?

- Look, it's more or less like this: thinking, I even thought, but I don't want to
and I won't give him another chance. I'm sure our time together has passed. Our story
is over and is a thing of the past... However, I'm sure he hasn't forgotten me and still
hopes I'll get back with him; we spoke the other day at his house... He said he still loves


Andreza really loved the barbecues on Saturday afternoons, Sundays or

holidays at the homes of André's military friends. It was 0800 food, drinks or light beer
during “revoadas”(*) of cadets aspiring to become officers. Then Suellen would throw
the military party, as someone new or single would always show up and something
would happen right there or later. Some parties were even held in houses rented for
that purpose or at the residence of the unattached and several girls were invited for
the “revoada” to be complete, as these meetings had no limits to what could happen,
with music, dancing, food, drinks and sex. .


She commented Trícia to Victor shortly afterwards in a text message in which

she vented:

- Victor, I can't believe that Andreza's sister had a massage parlor that operated
at two addresses, according to what they told me, for more than 18 months, and her
parents didn't know anything about it, and in the second location Melina lived in her
own house where massages and programs took place. I can't even imagine how she
(*) parties without limits.

reconciled this situation: staying in the same residence where a brothel

operates; because for me it was the same thing as a cabaret, only in disguise. I imagine
that at least in her rooms the owner did not allow her to serve the programs; but,
Suellen, sleeping in the same bed where all kinds of men, besides her and the other
girls, were having sex, is very strange; It's actually bizarre, and even disgusting. I
believe she replaced the bed sheets and pillowcases every day after serving the last
customer. At least that. But take into consideration that her family didn't know about
the scheme: I don't believe that. They should or must be complicit. And an evangelical,
Christian family! Girls who were evangelicals! I wonder: how can a Christian family
benefit from the exploitation of prostitution?! It's nonsense; it is too contradictory; it
becomes cynicism; It is false moralism and discredits and fails to comply with all the
precepts of Ethics and Morals on which their attitudes were based. I find this all

Armando discovered that Andreza had become a call girl when she came to
spend the weekend at her parents' house and was talking to her mother, when she
told him:

- Son, have you spoken to Andreza?

- No mother. I haven't talked to her on the cell phone for a few months and I
haven't even seen her in person anymore.

- I didn't want to tell you something about her, because I think it's gossip, but I
see that you should know.

- What happened, mom? So much suspense...

- It's a secret about her. Do you want to know?

- Wow, what a mystery. Now I'm eager to know what it's all about.

- Armando, there's a conversation here in the neighborhood about her

becoming a call girl. Did you know anything?

- Mom, what a crazy story – her son reacted, very surprised. - Is this serious?
Our Lady: Andreza became a prostitute?!

- When you were dating her, did you suspect something along those lines?

- No way. I am surprised and appalled by this news. Is it really true, mom?

- Son, people swear it is.

- And how are her parents? How did they react to this unfortunate news?

- Dear, they say that they suffered a lot, but they are overcoming it.

- What surprising news! I was stunned now – and the boy gave an empty and
distant look afterwards, falling silent.

After a brief pause of silence, he asked his mother:

- Armando, today, if Andreza said she loved you and would like to come back
to you, after what I told you, would you still stay with her?

- I don't know, mom. I need to think a lot. Now I don't know anymore, I'm not
sure what to decide.

And Armando withdrew from the conversation about his ex-girlfriend.


Melina and André, unfortunately for them, had to close the doors of the
massage parlor, which proved to be a promising but illegal business. After closing the
establishment's activities, the girl created an Instagram account called “Meliand” to
miss her clinic. Some relatives followed this account.

The girl always wanted to make a point of showing that they were a united
couple, as a kind of unique entity, now represented symbolically by the acronym
“Meliand”, a kind of registered trademark, and would go on to express herself on
social media many times with this account. instead of your personal account.

For almost fifteen days Andreza was fighting with André, after leaving the
massage parlor and disappearing from the map. She then met a client named
Fernando, who caught her attention, and they started going out about two or three
times a week. However, she continued going out and doing programs with other men.

Andreza met him after leaving her younger sister's massage parlor. Initially, she
was in an inn, in the Forquilha neighborhood, paying daily fees; but later she preferred
to rent a flat with rent paid per month, in which she received support from Fernando.
While she was at the inn, her family did not know her whereabouts.

She placed an advertisement for the program on the Internet, using another
name: Paula, with photos different from those used by her previously, to hide from
Melina and André, and this advertisement attracted a guy called Fernando, and they
arranged a meeting at the inn where she stayed. hosted.

Fernando made an appointment at the last minute, for ten o'clock in the
morning, and it was already 9:30 am. Suellen even suspected that it was a prank and
that he wasn't going to the meeting, and it could just be a prank call. However, the boy
appeared. He was the first customer that day. The brunette wanted to impress him
and chose her lingerie carefully. Fernando arrived at the inn's reception and the girl
authorized him access to the room. He was a white man, with brown eyes and hair, of
average height and around 38 years old.

When the customer entered, he was enchanted by the girl’s silhouette and
praised her: “Honey, you’re beautiful!”; She thanked him for the compliment and
invited him to enter the room, as there was a small anteroom before the bedroom
itself. Fernando had arranged some details of the program and she noticed that he was
a little demanding and detail-oriented. The man asked if she could kiss him and the girl
replied that at most she would accept giving him a peck, but he could perform oral sex
on her at will and kiss her anywhere other than her mouth. The brunette found him
friendly when he arrived and they sat on the bed. They quickly introduced themselves
and she gave him the name Manu.

Fernando wasted no time; He undressed and asked if he could caress her. He

kissed her neck, making her shiver and started undressing the girl; He then sucked the
brunette's breasts and asked permission to suck and lick her genitals, which the girl
allowed. The man took great care in sucking her clitoris and labia minora. The next
moment Andreza performed oral sex on him with a condom and they concluded with
vaginal sex, in different positions until Fernando came. This took about an hour. They
sat on the bed and she talked a little with the client.

- Are you from São Luís, girl? – asked the man.

- No, honey. I'm from Recife, Pernambuco, but I left there very early and that's
why I've already lost my accent. I've lived in many places.
- I enjoyed having sex with you. It was amazing! You were wonderful in bed...

- Thanks. You were too. You have a lot of energy.

- Do you like sex a lot?

- I really like sex. I had a boyfriend with whom I spent hours and hours locked in
an apartment, having sex. I liked him very much.

- Did you love him?

- I never loved anyone. Look, I liked him a lot, a lot, but I think I never really felt
love for him.

- Do you have difficulty having an orgasm? I noticed you didn't cum...

- I have. My boyfriend and I had sex many times and I came with him on rare
occasions. I don't understand. There was one time when I had sex with a very young
guy and I was already able to cum after half an hour of sexual intercourse.

They talked for another five minutes and then said goodbye.

- Interesting. It was a pleasure meeting you, Manu. And until the next
opportunity – said Fernando.

And Andreza allowed herself to give that man a discreet kiss.

- Bye, take care, my dear – and the brunette said goodbye to him.

About three days passed and Fernando called Andreza again on WhatsApp.

- Manu, it's Fernando. Could we arrange a meeting tomorrow?

- For what time?

- It would be the same as three days ago.

- Yes, it's possible. We may schedule?

- I would like.

- Well, it's marked.

- I'm going to dream about you today.

- Well, dream, my dear, dream about making delicious love with me! Oh, how

- I loved being with you. You are an amazing girl! Have an excellent day .
- You too. Condensed milk dessert with coconut.

The next day they did another program. They had sex for about an hour and
Andreza made him cum by doing the “69” position with an ultra-thin condom. At the
end of 60 minutes, the timer on the girl's cell phone sounded, signaling the end of the
period and the boy asked for an extension of the sex for another 30 minutes, paying
her extra. At the end they talked briefly.

- Manu, how long will you stay here in São Luís? I also verified that your cell
phone's area code is 85.

- When I was in Fortaleza I bought this chip with area code 85. I don't know
how long I'll be here, - she pretended - but I should stay for another two weeks.

- After São Luís where are you going?

- You're curious, huh? I can't speak, but it's likely that I'll travel to provide care
in Piauí or Ceará. Then I'm going to take a break from care for about 15 days.

- Do you already know these states?

- Only Ceará. I only know Piauí in passing, from inside the buses.

- Won't you take a trip to Lençóis Maranhenses? It is a very beautiful place,

unmissable to visit.

- This time it won't be possible – she disguised.

- I wanted to see you before you left.

- Yes. Let's agree.

- I'm leaving, my dear. Goodbye.

Fernando had already paid for the girl's sexual services. He gave her a hug and a
kiss on each side of her face and left.

About four days later the man contacted her again, but she said she was out of
town and would only return after three days.

Fernando didn't want to ask where she was going so as not to be too intrusive
and just wished her a good trip. Manu said, however, that he could return to São Luís
within 3 days.

- Have fun wherever you are. I'll get in touch later to see if we can set up a time.

- Combined. Good weekend for you too.

Around four days later, the man got in touch with the brunette again and they
made an appointment again at the same inn.

That day they had a very engaging sex, but they didn't kiss. Fernando realized
that he was very attracted to Manu and was falling in love. He also sensed that the girl
was getting involved, due to the course of the sex, which was getting better and with
more passion. The man spoke spicy words in her ear and she already allowed herself to
be kissed lightly. It seemed to him that the two of them had a great rapport in bed. At
this moment, the idea of not seeing the girl again for a long time or even permanently
worried him.

The man then decided to make a proposal to the call girl.

- Manu, I really liked you and I would like to see you. Why don't you come here
every month and spend 2 weeks a month. I will give you a stipend to help with your
expenses and for you to do the programs with me.

- It could be. If it's advantageous for me. And what would your proposal be like?

- I would give you R$4,000 per month. Could it be?

- I don't know. São Luís is so far from Fortaleza and air tickets are so expensive.
You can only come by bus; But I will think about your proposal and give you my answer
via WhatsApp. OK?

Andreza had told him that she was living in Fortaleza.

- No problem. I'm waiting.

About two days later the girl sent a message to Fernando.

- Fernando, hello. Is your proposal still standing?

About an hour later he saw the girl's response and replied.

- Yes, he's standing, for sure. You will accept?

Andreza responded with 10 minutes.

- I am going yes. But we need to talk in person.

- Okay, let's score. I'm very happy, Manu.

It was a Wednesday.

- Could it be Friday morning?

- He can. In the morning?

- Yes.

- Well marked. I'll call on the day to confirm.

- Well, until Friday.

- A kiss. Goodbye.

On Friday morning Fernando got in touch with Manu and he said that she was
stuck in the center in a traffic jam, but that he would get in touch again in two hours to
see if she was already at the inn. In reality, Andreza was lying: she was at the inn.

The man contacted her again within two hours, but she no longer responded to
his messages.

After 30 minutes, when she didn't respond, Fernando made a call, but she
didn't answer either. It seemed to him that the call girl didn't want to receive him.

After about 45 minutes, she finally responded to his message, saying she had
arrived home.

Fernando asked if she could go now and she asked him for 30 minutes and
when he arrived to let her know immediately.

So he did and when he arrived at the inn, she stayed in her car parked on the
street and sent him a message via the messaging app.

- I arrived. I can enter?

- Wait about 15 minutes. Then it can come.

- OK.

20 minutes passed and he went to the inn's reception and asked permission to
go to Manu's room. The receptionist had already informed her about the visitor and
allowed her access to the room.

Fernando went to the room, knocked on the door and a voice from inside said:
you can come in. And he entered. Manu was standing and he offered him a small gift: a
box of chocolate candies.

She thanked him and collected the treat she had just received.

Fernando thought the young woman was very strange and didn't seem to give
him much confidence.

She started saying that she didn't think it would work, that she had business to
do in Fortaleza and that she would have to go to the mall to sort out some things.
Fernando asked her if she had a commitment to anyone and she told him no.

Then he offered her a ride to the mall and asked to keep him company and she
accepted. They went to a shopping mall where she entered two stores and the man
waited for her outside. After these purchases, Manu confessed to him that he was
fasting and asked them to go have a coffee and croissant, as he didn't want to have
lunch yet. It was around 11:30am.

They went to the food court and talked a little there.

Manu noticed that Fernando had a wedding ring, but didn't ask about his
family. In previous programs he was without a ring and didn't say anything about being

She then revealed her real name: Andreza, and told him a little about herself.
She confessed that she was from São Luís, that she had left her sister's house and that
she didn't know if she was going to stay in the city or go to Fortaleza, where she had
already lived for almost a year. But he said he was almost certain he was going to
move to the capital of Ceará.

- Honey, I'm from São Luís and I wanted to be close to my family, - she said - but
I don't know how I'm going to balance it with my programs. My life is very confusing.
That's why there are times when I think about leaving.

- Don't you think about working with something else or starting a business?

- Not for the time being.

Fernando asked her some questions about her intimate life and Andreza replied
that she was a woman frustrated by her previous relationships, which had not worked
out and by the betrayals she had suffered. She said that she had a degree in
Accounting, that she had a hamburger restaurant that was not consolidated, and had
to close and said that her sister, with whom she had lived, had a beauty salon and she
wanted to open another salon for her and so she worked as a companion, to raise

Andreza in turn asked what he worked with and the man revealed that he was
a lawyer and worked on social security cases.

Andreza also confessed to Fernando that she had fallen out with her younger
sister and brother-in-law and stated that she needed to free herself more from their

- I need to cut this invisible umbilical cord that connects me to them.

Fernando noticed that the girl didn't like personal questions and at one point
she got angry, saying that there was nothing more to tell him.

He felt she was a very indecisive person and they did not get to debate the
proposal they had previously rehearsed.

The man also found her a little sloppy in appearance and a little overweight,
now that he could see her in regular clothes, other than lingerie, and in the bright
sunlight. He wondered if it was really worth investing in an affair with that girl.

After spending about an hour and a half at the mall, Fernando dropped her off
at the inn and they said goodbye with just a handshake and good luck.

About four hours passed, however, and Fernando went to check the Internet,
after having lunch at home with his wife. He had noticed that Manu hadn't advertised
her programs on the dating site for about five days, but that day, after lunch, she put a
call back on the Internet, on the escort site.

The next day, Fernando woke up wanting to get in touch with Andreza, and he
did so in the afternoon, trying to arrange a meeting.

- Manu, could we schedule a meeting?

She, however, replied sharply:

- No, my dear, I'm not interested.

Fernando felt passed over, rejected, by the girl, who seemed to be very upset
with him.

- Why, Manu? Are you angry with me?

And she continued, a little crestfallen, whispering to herself, on the other side:

“Wow; make me go back to the inn, spend. I had transportation and food
expenses. Who he thinks he is; made me look like a clown. And just sweet talk.”
However, the man could hear and understand everything the girl murmured.

Fernando didn't really understand the girl's behavior and speech. He looked like
a different person and not the same person who had met him a day ago. The day
before she didn't say anything serious about the proposal that Fernando had made to
her and she even appeared at certain times to be running away from him or making
light of it.

- I'm going to hang up, forget me – she threatened.

Fernando gave in and made a request.

- Well, allow me to make the proposal to you again: give me a chance.

- I don't think it's worth it. I really want to go to Fortaleza. And I'm tired of this

- Please.

- Okay: make your proposal. And be brief.

- I'll give you a monthly stipend to help with your rent and expenses. An aid of
R$4 thousand. And we keep meeting. We personally agree on the frequency of the

- That's right.

- Closed?

- Yes. I don't even know how to behave, exactly how to act. I have never made
a similar deal with anyone else.

- Andreza, I wanted you to like me. I heard everything you told me on the
programs: I wanted to give you pleasure, I would like to make you orgasm. I would also
like our dates to be good for you and me. Let's try to live this passion, without
demands on either side and the future God will determine.

- I also want to satisfy you. Everything you ask of me I will do; you can ask me. I
also want to give you a lot of pleasure, my dear.

- Well, until Monday.

- See you. A kiss.

- Monday morning I'll go over your funds.

- Already? OK thanks.

- You are an incredible girl. You deserve better things in your life. Then you
decide where to go after this inn.

- I want to go to a studio apartment.

- All good. A kiss. Goodbye.

On Monday, the two met at the inn, finally kissed each other on the mouth and
Andreza performed oral sex on Fernando without a condom. He brought her the
money in advance and she thanked him. Suellen had never received such a sum of
money at once. All of this would only increase Andreza's greed, as well as her
aspirations for luxury and conquests thanks to prostitution. Fernando, exactly
unintentionally, only sharpened that girl's ambition for money even more. She
definitely realized how sex could benefit her from a financial point of view.

When the lawyer arrived at her house, he sent her a message via WhatsApp
saying that the sex had been wonderful and he had loved it. She also stated that she
had felt a lot of pleasure in that sex between the two of them and thanked him for the
sex, the money and everything.

Within five weeks, Andreza moved into a studio apartment, but it was not yet
in a neighborhood she liked. She told Fernando that she had also chosen to stay close
to Forquilha to be better for the man, remaining closer to his work.

So they met for about two and a half months. Fernando would escape from his
work and look for Andreza; In this way, they made programs two or three times a

The two had sex for an hour and a half to two and seemed insatiable, but it was
Fernando who tired Andreza. They talked a little about Andreza's life, but the man
spoke little about himself and was very reserved.

They also communicated a lot via the messaging app and exchanged vows of
affection and self-esteem.

One day she said to Fernando:

- Incredible what our world is like! Do not you think?

- Like this?

- About 30 days ago, who were you to me? Nothing... Today we are here,
getting involved.

- Andreza, will we have something serious one day?

- I don't know. I can only tell you that you are the person I talk to the most. I do
not have anybody.

- I really like you; I want you very much and you are very important to me.

- Fernando, I think you will be a passenger in my life.

- Not talk like that. We will try. The future belongs to God. I don't want to
charge you anything; I just want you to treat me well and for us to make each other
happy when we see each other.
- I also want to make you happy; let's enjoy our moments; they will only be ours
and no one else's; I want you all to myself. I want to give you a lot of affection. When
I'm with you it's very good.

- I feel so much peace when I'm by your side. And never has a woman given me
as much pleasure as you have. The way you kiss me, I believe you like me. Our kisses
are very neat.

- I love...

- I don't think I'll ever forget you, Andreza. You are wonderful. God bless you.

- I want you to be happy; I pray a lot for you to be very happy.

- Thanks. You make me happy.

- You also help me a lot to relieve my stress.

- Andreza, promise you will never forget our kiss.

- Our kiss is wonderful. I love. I like kissing you all over. If I could, I would bite
and remove a few pieces of you. When you arrive it feels like I'm going to fly. When we
have sex it's really good.

- I will go to the clouds and the sky with you and then return.

- When I'm not with you, I remember and feel your taste. When I look at my cell
phone and there's a message from you, you have no idea how happy I am.

- I love to say good morning, wish you a good week or end a day with a good
night. And when you say a simple good morning to me, I feel proud and it seems like
I'm going to make sure my day will be better. You do me a lot of good, Andreza. I adore

- Stop saying those things. I can not resist. I am also very pleased when you
wish me a good journey. My life becomes more colorful and lighter. You also do me a
lot of good.

- Bye, my dear. Go rest.

- God be with you. Goodnight.

Fernando and the call girl played boyfriend and girlfriend, and perhaps they
were enjoying the situation, as they both lacked attention and affection. That man,
naively, believed that he could win Andreza's heart.

Andreza would talk to Fernando again a few days later, after copulation.
- Andreza, wouldn't you like to set up a beauty salon with me, my dear? I will
help you.

- I don't know, Fernando.

- Have you been thinking about doing programs for a long time yet?

- I would not like.

- So, let's put in a hair salon.

- Ah, Fernando, societies are so difficult. We have to think more. My father

always says that my younger sister and I should never start a business together,
because we argue too much. I think he's right. Even more so, opening a business with a
person who is not familiar.

- Ok. Think more and get back to me later.

- It can leave. Honey, changing the subject: my father told me that I need to
look for a Church and that I should read the Bible every day - she said.

- Were you evangelical?

- Yes.

- I bought a really cool self-help book. I'll give you. Do you want to read?

- Could it be. The last book I read was Senhora, by José de Alencar, which I
bought at the mall last month.

- I was at the supermarket, shopping. I paid my bill and was leaving when a girl
approached and offered these books, all with a Christian theme. She said she was
selling it to help with some charity work. So I bought three. Each one cost R$20.00.

- Honey, I think you should be more charitable, more generous and help other
people. You can. Last Christmas I helped a needy family on my street, where my
mother lives.

- It's true, Andreza, it seems that I'm a little selfish. I should help others more.
Good idea. But I make some donations to the Church, to the works of priests, I have
already helped my mother and one of my brothers. But I know it's not enough, I should
help other people more. I also have many employees and I think that in my daily life I
contribute a little to humanity.

- I don't think that's valid... Fernando, I don't like priests.

- Why, honey? Have they ever done you any harm...?

- I do not like them. Fernando, you have a profession. In this regard I feel
empty, I would like to be more useful to society. I feel like I'm not complete, and my
life lacks meaning from this point of view.

- And why don’t you try working online at a “home office” or think about going
to another college.

- Not another college now. Need to work. It's not the right time, I feel. I've tried
some online jobs like selling clothes but I didn't like them. The girl has to take photos
and videos trying on the clothes. It is not for me. I feel shame. I don't feel comfortable
doing this and I'm not very good at it. That's why I gave up. And it's difficult to sell,
even on the Internet; You have to dedicate a lot of your time, have business acumen
and nowadays, on top of that, be a blogger to sell. I also don't have the money to set
up another business online.

- Don't you like your profession, being an Accountant?

And Andreza remained silent, without responding. Then she continued:

- I also had a hamburger restaurant, but it took a lot of time. It closed late at
night. I worked too late, was overworked and didn't have time for my boyfriend and
friends. I also think that I tried so hard and my ex didn't appreciate it. Furthermore, he
cheated on me a lot. I was very horny, a drug. Then I decided to break up with him and
later regretted it. I suffered a lot. I felt bad, I got sick, I think I almost went crazy. I liked
him very much. But he wasn't responding and he didn't value me. My head was very
confused. It took more than 6 months for me to recover. The mess in my mind was
almost total and I decided to leave São Luís for a while and only return when things got
better for me. When the dust settles...

- My dear, how you suffered! I am really sorry.

- And my business went bankrupt and I still owed my older sister, who had lent
me a sum of money and the bank.

- And why did you get into prostitution, babe? Do you work towards some goal

Andreza did not respond promptly and after a few seconds she said:

- I work to set up a beauty salon, a hairdresser. I struggle to save this money

and set up this business for myself here in São Luís.

- Don't you want to set up the salon in Fortaleza, which is a bigger city?
- No, I need to ride close to my family. My younger sister, you know, she
already has a hair salon. My plans are to expand the business, setting up another unit
in a better neighborhood, in an upscale area and thus expanding the salon.

- And do you already have any money saved?

- I have almost R$50 thousand. But I need much more. São Luís is a city with a
high cost of living, an expensive city.

- How cool is your fight! So I admire you for that. Is your sister a hairdresser?
And you too?

- Yes, but my role in the business would be to manage: accounting and


- Very good. Congratulations. Andreza, what did you work with in Fortaleza?

Andreza took another pause to think about the answer and said:

- I worked in a beauty salon near Meireles beach. But I made friends with the
owner of the establishment and she was very flexible in charging me for the hours. I
worked in a store before, but I left and went to the salon.

- Very good! Andreza, do you have anything else to tell me?

- No, I have nothing more to say. That’s all my life is – the girl replied, in a harsh

- Excuse my curiosity. Andreza, I want to tell you that I'm not here to judge you.
I'm here wanting to understand you and I want to help you, if possible. All good?

- Yes. But I can't trust almost anyone else. People betrayed my trust a lot. I am a
very calloused woman, full of sorrows, there are many regrets. I have suffered many
disappointments throughout my life that have really hurt me. I can't trust people

- Don't let all this harden your soul. Don't stop believing in people. Do not lose
hope. And don't let these frustrations tear your heart apart.

- I am going to try. I hope you don't disappoint me either.

- I'll do my best to make sure that doesn't happen.

At this point the lawyer said, after a brief pause:

- Andreza, I'm going to have to leave the city for a few days with...
The companion then interrupted him abruptly, trying to gesture disdainfully,
but in fact visibly irritated:

- I don't mind; I do not want to know; I don't care...I don't want to know about
your life.

- I wasn't going to say anything too much...

And the man said nothing more, avoiding any discussion with the girl.


In the following weeks, Andreza and Fernando became more intimate and
scheduled several meetings. They communicated via the messaging app and continued
exchanging messages of affection. Fernando tried to gain Suellen's trust and tried to
understand her real intentions. The girl, however, was very restrained and gradually
approached the man. She talked about situations about her family, her relationship
with her parents and the lawyer listened more; but he noticed that it was vague and
superficial information; he also didn't reveal much about her personal life. Fernando
did not complain about any marital or financial problems, nor other family
disturbances, but he revealed that he was not completely happy in his marriage and
did not feel completely satisfied with his life. Andreza complained about her failures in
love, but never detailed the problems she had with her boyfriends. The young woman
told Fernando that she suffered minor afflictions, but she was unable to fully open up
to him and the boy did not force Andreza to confess. The brunette liked to tell more
about her sexual prowess and they both had fun with these stories; She, however,
didn't seem to take Fernando very seriously and the man tried to deepen his
relationship with the young woman, but she resisted.

Andreza planned to stay at the Forquilha guesthouse for a couple of weeks, but
ended up staying a month and a half. During this period Fernando visited her
frequently, about three times a week, but they did not always have sex. The lawyer
even took small purchases twice and took her on one occasion to take a walk on the
beach. He also suggested that she practice some sport, but the young woman didn't
want to. Afterwards, with much insistence, Andreza joined a gym to do bodybuilding.
When they had sex, Fernando said words of love to her, but the young woman asked,
in a shameful way, that he not say those declarations of affection, because in reality
the brunette didn't want to let herself be seduced. They talked about relationships and
Suellen declared that she didn't want to get seriously involved with anyone at that
moment. Fernando sometimes insisted and she refuted his statements, saying that the
lawyer didn't understand her. One afternoon, they met and Fernando soon noticed
that Andreza was very upset. He approached her about this and the young woman
showed her hair that had been cut in a salon close to that neighborhood and the
professional had damaged the ends of Suellen's hair. She commented that she was
devastated and was thinking about getting a mega-hair. Fernando wanted to help her
and offered her the sum of R$2,000.00, which she accepted, after some insistence
from the man.

That man realized from the beginning that Suellen was a materialistic woman,
but he believed that behind this woman who presented herself like that, there could
be a better person and he decided to invest emotionally in the girl. She, on the other
hand, didn't know for sure what the lawyer really wanted with her, and she didn't give
in. Andreza also wouldn't want to give in to that man's advances, as her projects were
different, and she wasn't willing to deal with the consequences of separating from a
married man.

Fernando also helped Andreza find a flat in the location and price that the girl
wanted. He contacted broker friends who sent him photos and he gave them to the
young woman to choose from, with all the contact details of the real estate agencies
responsible for the locations. Suellen, however, had the freedom to choose and
preferred a flat in a small three-story building. The lawyer was unable to accompany
him on visits to the properties. Later he would also end up paying the deposit for
Suellen to get into the flat, as she threatened to leave, saying she was disillusioned
with that city. The guy also offered her financial assistance so that Andreza could
purchase furniture and appliances, but she chose to refuse his help. In the future, the
brunette would say she regretted having chosen a flat, because, in her opinion, in a
house, although with less security, she would be better able to carry out her sex
programs without disturbing and attracting the attention of neighbors.

Fernando noticed that the young woman's temperament fluctuated a lot, with
something new at each meeting, always complaining of heat, headaches, malaise,
nausea; Fernando asked her if they were side effects of the contraceptive medications
or if she was suffering from anxiety, as she was using injectable contraceptives, as she
had revealed to the boy, but she rejected it, saying no. Suellen only implied that she
missed her family, as she was a little away from them. He also suggested that the girl
see a doctor and Andreza promised that she would do so if the problems persisted.

One afternoon Fernando arrived at the inn, as they had arranged to have sex,
and entered Andreza's room. She was on the phone, talking about something that
seemed very serious; the girl asked him to wait a little, and then ended the call, so that
Fernando wouldn't hear what she was talking about. The man couldn't resist his
curiosity and then asked her:

- Who were you talking to, Andreza?

- It was my younger sister who was calling me; She only calls to talk about
problems and ask me for favors, including money.
- And even?

- I don't know why there are so many problems in families.

Fernando, however, did not want to delve deeper into his questions so as not
to appear indiscreet and too curious.


Andreza's family took a trip to the interior a few weeks later.

José and his girlfriend organized a trip to the Periá River, between the
municipalities of Primeira Cruz and Humberto de Campos. Andreza, Melina and André
also went for the day of leisure. The brunette didn't really care about going on these
trips, but as her father invited her in advance, she felt almost obliged to go, as he said
that her presence was essential. Andreza wore tacky (out-of-fashion) swimsuits to
disguise herself and be “mean” to her father. They rented a tour bus and went for the
day of leisure, with some other friends of José and his girlfriend.

Once there, they bathed in the river and played floating on improvised buoys
made from truck tire tubes. André did not let go of Andreza, and all the time he kept
pushing her on his buoy, into the river with waters yellowed by the roots of the
vegetation. Melina didn't suspect anything.

José took some photos of the group and the brunette remained very
introverted and embarrassed throughout the trip, almost not allowing herself to be

They left São Luís at 6:30am from the Concha gas station in the São Cristóvão
neighborhood and returned at 5pm, arriving back at 7:30pm at their final destination.

Two days later, Fernando questioned her about the trip, and Suellen, in keeping
with her modus operandi, did not want to reveal details of the trip, hiding the game.

- Honey, I saw you went for a walk. Where did you go? – asked the boy.

She replied:

- Honey, I don't even know the name of that place we went to!

- And even?! – Fernando replied, quite surprised, pretending that he believed

Andreza's words. – And how was it there? What did you think of the trip?

- I just know it was very good; it was really good. We had a lot of fun –
concluded the girl.
- So it was great. Congratulations on the trip – said Fernando, closing the

Andreza then complained to Fernando:

- You know, my dear, I grew up very trapped - Andreza complained to the

lawyer, perhaps wanting to make him understand her attitudes and current behavior.
– My mother held me back a lot and didn’t let me live my life the way I wanted.

- What a shame, then, Andreza. However, changing the subject: I was thinking
the other day: would you accompany me to watch a football game at the stadium, for
the Copa do Brasil?

Suellen replied, after a brief pause:

- Honey, I don't think so. I've never been to a stadium to watch a football
match. But you know: I loved watching the kids play in my old neighborhood and in
another city where I lived. Ah, football is great for healing a man. If a man wants to dry
out and have a six-pack abs, just play football – recommended Andreza, with a certain
sparkle in his eyes, as if remembering good moments in his life. – But, strangely, today
I have no curiosity about going to watch a match in a football stadium. I think it's a
very masculine environment.

In fact, the girl was a bit fond of men who play football and had sexual desires
for them.


Andreza, two days later, sent some photographs to Fernando's cell phone,
through the messaging application. The lawyer opened his messaging app and was
surprised by some strange photos. They were images of a teenager, lying on her side
on a bed, with her chin resting on her hand, elbow on the bed and a discreet smile on
her face, dressed only in underwear, and they were on Manu's WhatsApp, but there
was no text message. accompanying the photographs. The quality of the photos was
not exceptional, but it was a dark-skinned girl who was at most 18 years old, but her
face didn't make it certain whether those images were of Andreza. He was wondering
why the girl had sent him those photos, and preferred not to ask any questions or even
comment on the photos.

Fernando didn't know exactly why Andreza sent him those photos and he really
had doubts as to whether the images were hers, as they were very old.

Afterwards, he met with Andreza and waited for her to make a comment, but
she didn't appear. He then notified her:

- Andreza, I saw the photos on your WhatsApp.

- Really was? – she asked, acting as if she didn't understand.

- Were those portraits of you?

- I think they were. How did these photos end up on your cell phone?

- It was you who sent me!

- And it was? And what did you think of the photos?

Fernando wondered whether he would give a sincere answer or not. In reality,

he didn't think the girl in the photos was very beautiful. However, he decided to
respond like this:

- I thought the girl in the photos was pretty. Was it you? I noticed that these
photographs are many years old. They don't even look like you.

- You found? See. Now I'm exhausted.

Fernando preferred to close the matter. He really didn't understand why

Andreza had forwarded those photos to him. He thought that she probably just
wanted to test him, as the girl wanted to know if he was interested in her just because
of her current appearance.

As a teenager, Andreza felt unattractive and many of the boys she was
interested in didn't date her because they preferred prettier girls. This was marked in
her consciousness. She, now an adult, like many other women, was afraid that men
would approach and be interested in her just for reasons of beauty or physical
appearance. Suellen still harbored resentment over the fact that many boys rejected
her as a teenager, when she didn't yet have a woman's body and wasn't as attractive.

Andreza had forwarded these photos to Fernando because she remembered an

incident that occurred at the beginning of her adult life. Nádia took these photos for
Andreza when the brunette was still a teenager and her friend saved them in her cell
phone's memory. Upon returning to São Luís and already studying in the São Cristóvão
neighborhood, she sent her photos to two friends and they didn't respond at all. She
became curious and after two weeks she asked one at a time why they didn't respond
or comment on her message and wanted to know what they thought of the photos.
Andreza considered those four colleagues, two men and two women, the most
beautiful in her class, among those she trusted. To her sadness, the four reported that
they had not recognized that the photo was of her and said that the girl in the photos
was ugly and unattractive. The photos had been taken around three years ago, on
Nádia's cell phone, who would later forward the photos to Andreza, when she received
her first cell phone as a gift from her father. Andreza felt devastated by the attitude of
her classmates.
When Nádia took those photos, Andreza, at the time, didn't like her body image
and asked her friend to delete the images, but she insisted on keeping the photos
saved until Suh agreed and Nádia asked to save the photos in her phone's memory. cell
phone. The brunette didn't think she was pretty or attractive, and she wondered if she
still had a chance of looking beautiful, as she was already 15 years old at the time of
the photos. Andreza was afraid of finishing her growth, becoming an adult and
remaining ugly, because she considered herself that way. She was convinced that her
face was not that beautiful and her body was not attractive. Andreza, because of these
ideas of hers, was very insecure and was not satisfied with her body image.
Afterwards, Andreza would show other photos in similar poses and at older ages to her
sisters Melina and Marcela, and the latter would always respond: “That prominent girl,
she just wants to be pretty”.

After becoming an adult, Suellen learned to like her body and became more
accepting, and in this way her self-esteem improved.

Fernando and Andreza talked about massages and she pretended to know
almost nothing. The lawyer thought that “Manu’s” way of having sex was very similar
to the way of masseuses who do their work with a happy ending. She herself had
announced on the Internet that she “loved getting on top of a penis and shaking her

The man noticed that she usually started to climb in front and back cowgirl
positions, riding his member. And how she perfected those sexual positions, looking
naughty at her male, watching him delight in that vagina massaging her phallus!

Andreza liked to have sex with Fernando. He, realizing that she must have skills
as a sexual massage therapist, asked her:

- Manu, have you ever worked in a tantric massage clinic?

- No. I don't - she lied and even asked: “Why?

But Fernando returned with another question:

- Don't you even know how to give erotic massages?

- I've watched videos about massages: I know what a tantric massage, a nuru
massage, a lingam massage, a prostate massage are like, but I've never done it.

In fact, Andreza didn't like giving massages, but she had learned all these types
of sexual massages.

- But I've already received some massages, she said.

- Have you ever been to a massage clinic?

- No. A masseuse came to my house.

- Interesting.

Then Fernando made him a proposition:

- Manu, and if I asked you, you would try to massage me.

“I would,” she bluffed.

- And even? – said Fernando, pretending to be excited. In fact, he wanted to

find out more about whether Andreza had been a masseuse.

- But to give massages you need a hard and high bed, that is, a rigid massage
table. Otherwise it doesn't work out very well - explained the girl.

- I understand. But we can try one day.

- Maybe – replied the girl, without excitement.

- I'm going to buy some massage oils and other products needed for massages.
Can you recommend some to me? Do you know?

- I can see it on the Internet. I know there are erotic gels that heat and cool,
some balls that break inside the vagina and clitoral stimulators in the form of a ring
that the man places at the base of the penis, among other things – said the brunette,
but she didn't really like these enhancements. . She preferred other accessories of
sexual intercourse.

- Oh! I think that to receive this massage we must be very concentrated – said
Fernando. – I believe there should be a harmony between the client and the masseuse.

-No, I don't agree – said the girl, as she knew well that she had experience on
the subject. - You do not need that. It's not quite like that.

- Can I look for massage products then?

- You can, my dear.

- I would love to have you massage me, rubbing your clitoris and your pussy
against my erect, throbbing penis, and everything smeared in massage oils. It would be

- I even imagined it now – said the brunette.

- I'll look for it, love.

- Look for it - she concluded, pretending to be excited about that offer to get

Andreza didn't like giving massages. She liked to have sex, enjoyed sex, and
without fuss.

Then the lawyer questioned him.

- Andreza, do you think about me sometimes?

- I always dream good things for you... I always wish good things for your life
and I wish the best for you.

Andreza continued speaking:

- Fernando, do you know something?

- What?

- You look like my adopted brother, Gui.

- Like this?

- He seems crazy... You too. There are moments when I think you have
something strange and “it doesn’t fit right”. He doesn't seem to have much sense.

- Andreza, you offend me. Why do I seem crazy at times?

- I don't know, but it seems to me. There are times when you don't seem very
normal to me.

- Maybe you're not normal, and you're projecting that onto me. I'm just crazy
about you, and it's likely that for that reason I seem to you, at certain times, that I
don't have good control over my mental faculties. But you, I'm sorry, I believe you
have some behavioral or personality disorder. You seem to have persecution and other

- There are times when I think that too, and I've even thought about going to

- Well, consider this possibility carefully.

And they ended that debate.

During this period of time in which Andreza was meeting Fernando, the girl
made peace with André and they started having meetings again in motels.

Somehow the soldier discovered that his “lover” was seeing Fernando; Andreza
made an oversight and the man managed to access the young woman's “work” cell
phone and found her messages with the lawyer. He read them quickly without Suellen
noticing because she was taking a shower. The aspiring police officer noticed that that
client was somewhat “special” due to the constant messages between the two, and at
the same time he concluded that there could be an affair between the two; André was
quite jealous; he always recommended that the brunette not get emotionally involved
with her clients. The soldier was digesting everything he read and planned at an
opportune moment to debate with Andreza about Fernando.

About a week later, Suellen and her lover were able to meet alone and the man
was able to put his cards on the table. André said:

- Suh, I found out that you are getting involved with a client.

- Where did you get that from, André? – replied the young woman.

But he insisted:

- Andreza, you promised me that you would not become emotionally involved
with any customer on your programs.

- But I don't understand – continued the girl in her disguise.

- I read everything on your smartphone.

- When? – she asked, quite surprised. – Do you have the password for my work
phone? When did you snoop on my Whatsapp? Know that I don't like it. Even you
don’t have the right to steal my phone – the girl complained.

- Yes, I do - objected, however, the soldier.

And André continued with his complaints to Andreza.

- Girl, are you kissing this guy on the mouth? And are you having oral and
vaginal sex with him without a condom?

- No, not at all – she lied.

- Don't fool me. And I saw small exchanges of affection in your messages.
Andreza, do you like this guy? There seems to be some feeling in your messages. Or
are you just deceiving him to get what you want from this guy? Don't fall in love with

- I don't like him! Are you jealous of a simple customer??? And respect me: I'm
not a bad character.
- From your messages exchanged with him, he does not appear to be just any
user of your services. It appears that there is something more between you: some
emotional involvement.

- But he's just a customer like everyone else.

- Certainty?

- Yes.

- Stop pretending to be a girlfriend for him. Put it in its proper place. What a
romantic story this is! Stop making that up.


- What does he work with?

-He is a lawyer for social security cases.

-So he has money. What has he been promising you, after all? For you to be so

- Anything. He didn't promise me anything in money... And I have no interest in


- Lie...

- Besides, he's married.

-Is he still married?! The bastard has a family... But did he insinuate that he
wants something serious with you?

- Lots of talk, but nothing concrete.

- Fortunately...

At this moment Andreza preferred to speak the truth, but exaggerated a little
in the description of the proposal that Fernando had made to him, just to provoke

- André, he asked me if we wanted to open a business together. Fernando has

already talked about this with me several times.

- What? He can't even have a partnership with you. He is not married?

- But he can set up a company secretly with me or at least support me and I can
be his “go-getter” in a business.
- This knowledgeable lawyer said that just to eat you up and make you pay
more attention to him – André replied, with contempt.

- Is not true. Fernando seems to be sincere when he talks about this.

- I doubt.

-I told him that I will think about his proposal.

At this moment André seemed to be very apprehensive and decided to say to


- Don't believe this guy, Suh. He will never leave his wife.

- It will be? I never talked to him about it, about him leaving his wife. We just
talked about setting up a business for myself.

- Andreza, you better start making this guy angry and treating him badly.
Provoke him to leave you.

- I will not do that.

- He is going yes. You start treating him badly and make him upset until he
leaves you. When he talks about leaving you, you strike.

- What, boy?

- Blackmails him and asks for money to set up his hair salon.

- But this could be fraud.

- He is married and will be afraid of you revealing his infidelity to his wife. He
won't report you. Besides, he likes you.

- You think?? It's too risky. And I never did that. I won't feel good if I act like

- Don't you need money? Make up an allegation and say that he should give
you the money so you can set up your business. Say you don't have anything saved. He
also says that you lost your capital to set up the flat, that he never helped you
financially as he had proposed, that you lost clients and programs to meet with him,
that you had to leave your job in Fortaleza for him, etc.

- Wow, it seems like you read everything on my cell phone.

- I read some things.

- André, I'll think about everything you told me, but I don't even like the
thought of acting like that.
- If I were you, I would think. Do you want to stop making programs?

And Andreza didn't say anything else.

Andreza uttered many of his thoughts, speaking out loud to his own ego, and
Fernando began to find this very strange. They seemed like the procedures of a person
who didn't have good judgment. She spoke softly, without looking at him, as if she
were talking to herself. She sometimes spoke loudly. Situations and statements like:

- Oh! You're not even that pretty... You're pretty, but you're not a sculptural

- Oh! I wanted to see it if I was close to my family. I'm only attracted to you
because I'm distant from my family.

- You want to play the role of my family, but you won't...

- Like, I like a lot of people, my dear....

Fernando even told him:

- It seems, Andreza, that you are always fighting against your good feelings.

The girl then said to Fernando:

- It seems like there's only one thing I feel competent at doing: it's sex. And that
satisfies me.


Andreza told Fernando that same day:

- Oh, my boyfriend and I, we did so many things together, it was really good.
We even had sex in a shopping mall parking lot, and I was on top of the hood of his car.
People walked by and looked at us. That was exciting! I will never forget. It went really
well. We had a lot of sex - Andreza told Fernando. And she continued her story: - We
also made love in his car. There was one time when we even had sex while the car was
moving. This day was wonderful! I like these provocations! I love these unusual
situations. I just haven't managed to have sex in the water yet, but I'll still have the
opportunity; I'm almost sure - concluded the girl.

The girl took great pleasure in remembering her sexual exploits and
experiences. She felt great satisfaction about this, it showed in her eyes. She made it
clear that Andreza liked to present at this moment an image of a wanton, experienced
woman who tried the most varied ways of obtaining pleasure that a girl could imagine
in her sexual ideas.
Andreza and Fernando met two days later and spoke again.

- I'm going to reveal something to you, Manu. As a child I saw my parents

having sex in their bed. I wasn't old enough to be able to understand what they were
doing, but they were scenes that left an impression on me. I grew up with those
images as flashes in my consciousness and I believe it influenced my life. I'm very
thirsty for sex today.

- I also had an experience like that when I was a child - Andreza retorted. - And
only a few years later I came to realize and discover that it was sex. And I also think
that all of this was recorded in my unconscious.

Fernando chose to change the subject.

- Do you love your ex-boyfriend, Andreza? Sorry to ask something so intimate.

- I don't think so.

- But you said you still think you like him.

- Ah, liking is easy. I like a lot of people, honey. I'm very easy to like people –
explained the brunette.

After a few seconds, the girl said:

- Fernando, I wanted you to be honest with me, for you to be yourself, and not
pretend to be someone you are not.

- I swear I'm being truthful.

- Honey, I joined a gym. There's an instructor who just keeps talking to me...

- And what did you do?

- Oh! I didn't give him the time of day...

Andreza then complained:

- People are very curious. I hate it when they keep asking about our lives, they
want to know everything. I find this all very unpleasant. I don't like nosy people. People
love to care about other people's lives...

- I could buy you a promise ring for you to wear and keep curious people away
from you.

- I don't know... I think I'll arrange it with some guy at the gym so we can say
he's engaged.

- You better not do that.

- Why not?

- He could enjoy the joke and then want to take it seriously.

- And truth...

Suellen pronounced these ideas with the greatest naturalness in the world.

Fernando then asked:

- Baby, what about those little burns you got from the tanning bed? Already
passed? You told me that your skin was still burning.

- Yes, I improved with moisturizers. I want to be very tanned and with marks for
when my family sees me again.

- Be more careful the next time you choose an establishment to perform

artificial tanning.

- Fernando, I want to lose weight so I can get my belly button pierced.

Andreza enjoyed wearing ultra-short denim shorts and tops, but she didn't like
walking around like that in the corridors of inns and condominiums to avoid attracting
so much attention from men.

- I think it's beautiful. Really cool. Have you ever thought about having plastic
surgery? Your breasts are so small.

- I've wanted to implant a small amount of silicone in my breasts, but I've given
up for now. I'm very indecisive. On the other hand, I like having a natural body. Many
men prefer us like this...

- And truth...

- But I've already thought about having nymphoplasty surgery...

- For what reason?

- I think my labia minora are too big. I want to reduce its size.

- In my opinion, they are a great size.

- I do not think so; I am seriously thinking about having this surgery soon.

When the brunette moved into the flat, she no longer wanted to see Fernando
at his own address. Suellen wanted to have wild sex, with spanking and a few other
things, and she knew that it wouldn't be the most suitable place, as it would attract the
attention of the neighbors. As she was also miserly, the idea of having an air
conditioning unit in her room, and having to use it frequently, as well as paying a
higher electricity bill made her angry. She also later complained to her lawyer that she
already regretted having moved to a flat, as she came to the conclusion that if she had
stayed in a house, it would have been a more discreet and more appropriate
environment to schedule her programs. In this aspect, the girl seemed to be quite
brave: staying alone in a house and receiving her sex clients there. At least that's what
Fernando thought about the woman's idea. Suellen and the lawyer met about two or
three times a week and the man imagined that the girl was enjoying it. However, one
afternoon they scheduled a program at Andreza's flat, but when her client arrived and
parked her vehicle on the street, she simply did not respond to their communications
or answer calls. He thought she might be helping someone else and waited. After
about 30 minutes, he sent another message and she finally responded, saying he could
come in as the entrance was open. Fernando noticed that during this period of time no
one entered the building or left it. Was she still with someone in the flat? He, however,
trusted the girl and entered.

She was alone and gave no explanation as to why she kept the lawyer waiting
so long. He also chose not to ask.

That day, Fernando noticed that Andreza was different, more introverted and
seemed bothered by something.

She behaved more mechanically, talked very little and remained a little cold.
Her head seemed to be very far away.

After having sex, and that day, without much willingness on the girl's part,
Fernando lay down on the bed next to her and the woman said:

- Fernando, I think you are not fulfilling your agreement with me.

- What do you mean, Andreza?

- We had to meet two weeks a month.

- But we never worked it out in detail.

- You said it would be like this.

- In that first conversation via WhatsApp, but we would sort out the details in

- I didn't understand it that way.

- You didn't travel anymore. It stayed here. We started meeting. I thought you
were enjoying the dates.

- You also said you would help me set up the flat.

But Fernando had offered financial help to buy the furniture and she had

- You were the one who didn't want to accept my offer of help.

- I had to sell my things in Fortaleza and decapitalize myself to come to São Luís.
And it's terrible here. The city is not interesting. Almost no programs appear. You are
to blame for luring me here. And when I talk about leaving and returning to Fortaleza,
you say no, stay a little longer. You're just keeping me here.

- Andreza, why didn't you talk about these problems before?

- I waited for you to touch yourself. I don't think there's anything here in this
city for me. You have a job, you have a profession, and you are useful to society. I no
longer say the same about myself.

- Why don't you prepare to take public exams?

- I've been thinking about it. I'm going to look at some preparatory courses.

- Well, take it easy. It could be a good option for you.

- But in the meantime, I need to work. Fernando, one more thing: we won't be
able to meet at my flat anymore.

- Why, Andreza?

- It won't work anymore.

- Ok. Andreza, are you throwing all this in my face after I gave you R$4,000.00
and even helped you with R$2,400.00 so you could pay the deposit for the flat?

Suellen was silent at this moment.

In fact, Fernando had helped the girl get into the flat, covering the deposit
costs, with the advance payment of three months' rent, to avoid the need for a
guarantor at the real estate agency.

After that they separated and the man left.

After leaving the massage parlor and starting her pilgrimage through São Luís
motels with her clients, Andreza began to reduce her list of followers and the people
she followed on the instant photo and video app. André also asked her to reduce her
contact list, just as he had already done. Thus, Andreza begins to delete several of his
Instagram followers. Her behavior changed suddenly, excluding several of her
followers from one moment to the next, in an attitude that was often not so well
Fernando became suspicious of Andreza's behavior and searched social media,
thus discovering his younger sister's full name. He sought help from a friend who
discovered Melina's cell phone number and using that number they managed to find
out the address of Suellen's younger sister.

Fernando then launched the address into the urban map application on the
computer network and, to his immense surprise, the lawyer discovered that the
redhead had the massage clinic business. The story invented by the brunette made
some sense. She said that her younger sister lived near the beach, in an upscale
neighborhood. In fact, the address of the massage parlor was close to Calhau beach.
Andreza lied and covered up the truth from him. Fernando also verified that Andreza's
mother was a nurse and her older sister was studying Nursing. And in an Internet
search he found that none of them nor Andreza's brother-in-law owned a hairdressing

Fernando then concluded that Andreza was working to set up a brothel for
himself, as he should have wanted to have his own business, independent of his sister.
She claimed that her sister had a business in a neighborhood and Andreza did
programs with the intention of raising money to expand her sister's business, only in a
better neighborhood. The sentences made sense, interpreting Suellen's way of lying.

He decided, however, that he would not tell the call girl that he had discovered
the truth.

Fernando and Andreza talked a few days later, after having sex:

- Fernando, feel free to look for other girls on the site.

- No, Andreza. I just want you.

- Oh! So cute! But you can feel free, my dear. I'm serious. I don't know:
something changed between us. I feel it. You hurt me. I think we should take a break.
Before, when I saw you coming it seemed like I was going to fly; I would go to the
clouds and come back.

- Andreza, I love you so much. You are very important to me. When I met you I
was going through a difficult time in my life and I felt very stressed and exhausted. You
gave me so much affection and pleasure like no woman had ever given me. I don't
think I'll ever forget you.

- I was also going through a delicate moment in my life, with the distance from
my family and you brought me encouragement, bringing me good moments when I
was very sad, so that I could overcome this delicate situation. I believe it was all worth
it and I won’t forget it. There were many good moments. Was none of this worth it? I
question myself at times.
- Andreza, all men are more measured in their expressions of affection
compared to girls. But when a guy says he likes a woman or even declares that he
adores her, believe me it's true. And it's better to say that you love someone, telling
the truth, than to say that you love someone else, when you're not sure. A man rarely
goes up to a girl and tells her he loves her; However, when he says he likes it, it must
be for real!

- But if you prefer, we can give ourselves some time to decide about our
situation. It's up to you. But I would think it would be better if that were the case.



The lawyer was curious about the topic of escorts and searched the internet
about romantic relationships with prostitutes and found the following text:

“Several men who usually go out with call girls have already encountered a
crush, probably triggered by the chemistry of the first date.

“The question is: 'Is it possible to continue the romance, even with a sex
worker?' Good service and reciprocity of feelings are different things. Is dating a call
girl boring?

“She is a professional, and she is used to this separation between service

provision and romantic involvement.

“In short, she could simply be ‘playing’ a character in love with you. Therefore,
she should not confuse affectionate phrases (she will call you 'love', but it is not to be
taken seriously) or statements about you with a possible feeling from the girl. All that
will happen in these cases is a professional doing her job well.”

The man read and reread very carefully and then reflected on the content of
the text.

Andreza and Fernando talked a few days later, after having sex at the girl's

- Manu, do you know what “cuckold” is? I read that it is the same “BDSM”.

- I heard that the practice of “BDSM” is the fastest growing in Brazil – declared
the girl. - Do you know what this is?

- Yes. Do you practice this type of sexual practice?

- No. I don't like it. But I have some colleagues who practice.
- I believe that the increased interest in these practices is due, in part, to the
internet and the media, in addition to other behavioral and personality issues. The
media popularizes fetishes through music and films - such as the “Fifty Shades of Gray”
trilogy, which encourage the practice of BDSM in the lives of many people.

- In addition, there are currently websites specializing in erotic stories, which

ends up contributing to the growth of fetishes both in Brazil and around the world –
said Andreza.

Then the girl said:

- Fernando, my family cannot know that I am here, in this place – said Suellen. -
They believe I'm in Fortaleza. Oh, my God, how confused I am – she said, as if speaking
her own thoughts out loud. - My younger sister and brother-in-law can't know I'm
here. I haven't told them that yet.

At this point the lawyer changed the subject:

- Andreza, I think I discovered something about you...

- What, Fernando? Replied the woman, quite surprised.

- I was thinking about what you told me about feeling frustrated; of being a
woman full of regrets...

- Yes, so what? Proceed.

- I've been looking at your social media...

- Fernando, you were snooping on my internet pages. I do not like it. Who gave
you this right?

- So sorry.

- And what do you think you discovered about me? - asked the young woman
once again, already anxious.

- Andreza, you were already pregnant, weren't you? And hide it from people.
This pregnancy is one of the reasons for your frustrations and regrets... But why?

At this moment the girl remained silent, as if she didn't deny it; but, after a
pause, she said, as if surprised, but it was clear that she was trying to lie:

- I ???

- I saw you in some photos with very loose clothes and your belly growing; his
countenance was different; You made some strange posts. My intuition says you were
- Fernando, I didn't like it at all that you investigated my life. I never got
pregnant; Where did you get this idea from? She claimed the brunette.

However, the man maintained his position. And he asked one more question:

- Andreza, and what happened to your son? Did you lose your pregnancy? Did
you have an abortion? Or did you have your child and give it to someone else to raise?

Andreza fell silent once and for all. The lawyer realized how much that matter
had bothered her. At this moment the young woman changed her face and a simple
sadness appeared; Her eyes also seem to become more moist and about to water.

She then decided to break her silence, but only said:

- I don't want to talk about it. Never.

And she further said:

- Fernando, you went too far. Snooping around my life. Do not do that again.
Know that I never liked people who were too curious and nosy. And I know how to
take care of my own life. I don't need to dwell on my problems with others. Let me
know how to take care of myself.

- Ok, I'm sorry. I won't touch on this subject any more.

The boy concluded that the story had foundation.

And they wouldn't really talk about this topic anymore.

While she was in a relationship with Fernando, Andreza continued to have

meetings with Rafael. Suellen and the DJ talked at a nightclub in São Luís when they
went out at night shortly after she saw Fernando.

The two talked a little before having sex. The boy initially said:

- Andreza, seriously: do you prefer rough or passionate sex?

- A mix of both. Depends on the day.

- What is your fetish?

- Having sex with a tattooed man with defined muscles.

- Do you like a little pain during sex?

- Honestly no.

- Have you ever used food during sex?

- Like this??

- To increase something during sexual intercourse.

- I only had sparkling wine once.

- Have you ever had any bold dreams about me?

- Yes. We had sex in an elevator.

- True?

- Yes.

- Cool!!! Have you ever been caught in the act by someone? For example, your
mother, your father or your sister?

- No.

- Have you ever watched someone having sex?

- Only when I had a threesome, but it was very few times. I didn't really enjoy
the experience.

- And have you ever had sex with someone watching?

- The same answer as the previous question.

- Have you ever pretended to be someone else while having sex?

- I am not. And I wouldn't accept playing that role if I was asked to do so.

- Have you ever used “whipped cream” during sex?

- My sister told me that already. Me, almost once!! There wasn't time. A crazy
client wanted me to suck his dick without a condom and with whipped cream, but as I
didn't accept, he also refused to do it with a condom. A crazy fantasy of his! He
thought I would be up for anything. Not with me, child.

- Have you ever paid for sex?

- No. I think I wouldn't pay. But who is sure about that...

- Have you ever thought about recreating a porn movie scene with the person
who is having sex with you?

- I watched a few erotic videos to learn a few things, but I don't try to
reproduce exactly what is done in these types of films.
- Have you ever had sex with more than one person at the same time, outside
of shows?

- No, honey.

- Where do you love receiving kisses most?

- In the mouth, for sure.

Andreza spoke to Fernando three days later, after having sex.

- I have two nieces - said Andreza - and the youngest is very close to me. The
oldest is almost 15 years old, she's young, she's almost my height and that's why she
has her companions and her crushes; The youngest, however, is only 11 years old and
is my companion. We go to the mall for a walk, we go to the beach. I also love giving
her gifts. Mom already told me that I need to have a daughter because I'm over 25
years old. I think, however, that I don't need it now; she is not in my plans; I have my
niece. I already told her that auntie loves her very much.

- Andreza, was it not your mistake to do programs in your city, where your
family lives? Didn't you expose yourself a lot and expose your family a lot? Will your
nieces, when they grow up and understand things, be proud of what their aunt did if
they discover her past? Aren't you risking your family to suffer ridicule and retaliation
because of your actions and the debauched life you led?

- I don't know. I prefer to believe not. I will do everything I can to act quietly.


Fernando went to the supermarket and bought a bottle of dry wine,

remembering that Andreza had commented that she liked this drink, and offered it to
the girl, telling her, however, that she could drink the wine alone, calmly, if she
wanted. She was suspicious and didn't invite him to try the drink together, and the
lawyer didn't want to force this situation. The young woman, the following night,
consumed the drink, and after drinking 3 glasses of wine, she fell slightly asleep, and
had some delirium, where she talked to herself: “No, I'm not going to stay with you.
You haven't accomplished anything much for me. I won't fall in love with you, I can't.
Besides, you're not even that pretty. I thought I could have a better person for myself.
I've never had a good person like you in my life, but it's an illusion... I can't fool
myself... You just want to seduce me to make me suffer later. Will not make it. I'll show
you". And she continued sleeping, not remembering anything the next day.

A few days later Suellen became strange and almost didn't respond to the
lawyer's messages. She seemed to be moving away, but the man managed to arrange
a meeting with the young woman. She answered him differently, with a closed
expression and a “few-friends face”. She looked nothing like the sweet girl from 10
days ago. Fernando tried to address the problem, but she refused to confess. That
same day, he had the unfortunate idea of questioning whether Andreza cared about
him and whether she considered him something more than a client. She, however,
responded harshly and even categorically stated that the boy was just another
customer for her, like any other. He noticed Andreza's intention to hurt him
psychologically and noticed an excess of sincerity that even shocked him, but he
believed that those words really represented the truth. The lawyer was not at all
important to Suellen, contrary to what she had previously stated. She was only there
for her money, he thought, and otherwise she had no special affection for him. He
didn't imagine that Andreza loved him, but he foolishly thought that the girl had some
feeling of affection for him, which he now completely doubted. The brunette had a
disagreement with Fernando and told him that they were seeing each other too much
and hadn't agreed on that. He also got upset, because he asked if the girl cared about
him and she replied saying no. Suellen also said that the lawyer had done little for her
and what he did were just small favors. She would also cancel a meeting with him at
the last minute a few days later to meet another client at the motel, as Fernando was a
little late, and after that the man became upset with her and felt devalued. They finally
had another argument and decided to take a break. Andreza told him that she still
owed him a meeting and it took place, and it was very warm and very involved, at the
end of which, they preferred to end the affair between them.

The next day, however, Andreza sent him a message:

“Fernando, since we won’t see each other again, can I delete your contact from
my cell phone address book?”

The lawyer replied:

“No, Andreza, don’t delete my contact details yet. Wait one moment".

On the same day, a few hours later, Fernando sent him the following message:

“Andreza, you are very special and you are very important to me. I really like
you. I also think I will never forget you. Never had a woman given me so much
affection and so much pleasure as you did. I hope we still have a chance. “

Andreza, two days later, wrote the following letter in response to Fernando:

“Since the last time we spoke and after everything you told me, I came to make
some reflections.

Fernando, I like you, but you haven't kept what you promised me. I'm a call girl
and I have to be paid for my hours of work. My company is not free. You said you
would help me, but you are not helping me. You are not fulfilling a man's role. You
lured me here and you're manipulating me. I need money. You made several promises
to me, but they remained lip service. The last time we stayed I felt a lot of good things,
special feelings; I don't know if you really like me, or it's just an act; But if you felt half
of what I felt that last day we had sex, I would be sure that you really like me. If you
prefer, let’s take some time so we can think better.”

Upon receiving the message with this correspondence, Fernando read and
reread it and made the following reflection: “Andreza contradicts herself a lot in what
she says and what she does; and the content of your letter is just an outburst full of
demands for material goods; It is the manifestation of a purely materialistic person,
who, in the end, to disguise his true intention, claims to feel something good for
another person, but deep down, he is only concerned with material and financial

But he didn't send any of that to her. The man was very saddened by Suellen's


following communication via the messaging app:

“Andreza, I'm really thinking about giving up on you. I didn't want to do this and
get to this point, but I'm losing hope with you. I did everything to create an emotional
connection with you, but I confess that it is very difficult. I don't know what else to try.
I tried to empathize with you and pay attention to everything you said to me, to
discover your tastes, your desires and dreams, but you rarely opened up. I tried to be
interested in your life and your world, and look for similarities with you.

“I revealed my secrets to you and made confessions to you to gain your trust,
without fear of demonstrating my defects and weaknesses because I believed in you
and started to trust you. However, I never regretted my life and I never played the role
of a false victim. I tried to be truthful.

“I tried to understand you and respect your opinions, and in this way I
demonstrated that I was interested and excited about everything you told me. I tried
to understand and listen to you, without judging you.

“I tried to encourage you and offer you other options for your life, but without
demands or pressure, always leaving you free to decide what was best for you.

“I tried to demonstrate affinities, bring you some comfort and make you feel
pleasant by my side and experience good emotions in my company, but I can't. I never
tried to play the cheap seduction game with you, deceiving you and showing you
someone I'm not. I swear I was honest and authentic.

"I'm giving up on you.

The lawyer and the girl met again a few days later for the last time and had
more disagreements.

The lawyer noticed that Suellen was sad and asked her:

- Andreza, is everything okay? Can I help you with something.

- Do not worry about me. Don't feel responsible for me. Fernando, you abused
me - the call girl complained.

- What do you mean, Andreza? I don't know what you're talking about.

- I was also calmly analyzing our situation. You still owe me some programs.

- Girl, I won't pay you another cent. Enough exploration. I already gave you a lot
of money. I gave you R$4,000.00 at the beginning. Afterwards, I helped with his
deposit for the flat with another R$2,000; I helped you with R$2,000.00 to fix your
hair; and, by the way, you never had your hair straightened.

- And I'm going to leave this relationship without any reward? Won't anything
come of it for me? You said you would help me set up a hair salon. And then? The
beauty salon you talked about so much...

- Andreza, we only talked about this subject once and without delving into the
discussion. After that, you never mentioned this topic again in our conversations. It
would be something to plan for and for the future, if our relationship worked out. But
unfortunately it didn't work...

- Fernando, I was disappointed in you; You seemed like a good person, but...

- What do you mean, Andreza? What did I do to you?

- You just manipulated me and abused my good will. You committed rape in
good faith. You provoked me to set up this flat to meet me and explore me. Explain

- Andreza, what nonsense are you saying! I can't believe what I'm hearing from
you today. What animal bit you today, girl? Why do you say I was abusive to you? I
never forced you to have sex with me. Everything you did was of your own free will.

- When I was in my difficult moments, afflicted with my problems, you wouldn't

leave me alone, you looked for me, wanting sex... You did abuse me.

- Andreza, if you were going through difficulties and anguish, you wouldn't
open up to me. He just told me not to worry about you. He doesn't want to talk about
his problems, he keeps saving it and brooding, then it comes to this. He wants to
offload all his guilt and resentment onto someone who has nothing to do with it and is
innocent, like me. If you don't have the courage to open up to me or anyone else, why
don't you look for a psychologist who doesn't know anyone in your circle of friends or
family and reveal yourself to him, venting whatever is necessary? Andreza, I didn't
force you or make you do anything. I didn't stop you from working on whatever you
wanted and I didn't influence your choices. You have always been free to make your
own decisions and take your life in the direction you want.

- I'm tired of you. We will never be intimate again; it’s no longer possible; I lost
trust in you. You deceived me: you are nothing more than a hypocritical abuser. In
moments when I was mentally ill, you still sought me out to have sex with you. I only
stayed with you today and had sex because you paid me, otherwise I wouldn't want to
see your face.

- Andreza, I never had sex with you against your will; We never had sex under
the condition that I realized that you were under the influence of alcohol or drugs,
legal or illicit. And when we met, you never asked me not to have sex because you
weren't feeling well. Quite the contrary, our meetings were wonderful. Your speech
now makes me strange.

- And would it be useful to tell you that? I was already becoming your sex

- Of course it would help; how much nonsense you just told me; you painted
me now as a monster. Girl, I'm tired of you too.

- So it is...

- Andreza, when I met you, I said that I had felt a very special and very good
energy in you, and that it touched me deeply. In part, it was true. But I also said that to
try to create empathy with you, but I realized later that it was impossible... I confirmed
my suspicions: you were nothing more than a materialistic and insensitive girl.

- You were lying, then.

Fernando vented to Suellen at this moment:

- Andreza, you deceive those who know you poorly - said the lawyer. - You're
not a good person. I did everything to please you, I raised your self-esteem, I was nice
to you, I was delicate, I was human. I tried to build an emotional bond with you, but at
the slightest sign of problems, you treat me badly, try to humiliate me, hurt me. You're
no good. When you want to hurt someone, you don't spare words to do so. He started
venting his nonsense without thinking any better, without imagining the
consequences. It is “sincericide”. It's funny how you keep vocalizing your thoughts, you
seem like a person who suffers from mental faculties. Thoughts of hate, retaliation and
revenge. But it's good that you don't hide everything that is so negative and so heavy
that exists within you and that you let escape in these outbursts of total intemperance
in your person. Smart people will then discover who you really are; your mask will fall;
I tried to be good to you and treat you like a human being, but you don't want it and
you don't deserve it. I quit. You say that you feel hurt by many people, many have
betrayed your trust and disappointed you, but the truth is that you also disappoint
people with your rudeness, your bad mood and your emotional instability; you
discharge a heavy aura onto others, you are a toxic person. Your affection is toxic. You
will spend your whole life saying that people let you down and that you only keep hurt
in your heart. But know that the real culprit of all this is yourself.

“Today will be our last day. I'm fed up with your abuse and persecution. Go
treat yourself. For me it doesn't work anymore. I don't want to see you anymore.

And Fernando left the girl's flat.

Andreza would also send a message to Fernando via the messaging app:

- I'm sorry if I wasn't what you expected of me.

- Is that all you have to say to me, Andreza? – replied the man. - I thought you
would apologize to me in another way and with other words for the way you treated
me and the absurd things you said. Your excuse is insufficient.

- Okay, I'm sorry.

But he no longer had any intention of returning to her and Suellen already
knew that meeting again would never work.

After moving away from Fernando, Andreza decided to make a “book” to sell
nude photos of her and to publicize it on the internet on escort websites. The girl
recalled that she had met two renowned photographers through her programs:
Jonatan Negrão and “Leleco”. She looked for them and they took the set of
photographs that the brunette wanted. She paid for part of her friends' work with
programs. They also offered her to share her photo album with businesspeople
interested in call girls, but she declined the offer.

After a few days, Andreza met a singer and DJ on the night of São Luís and
started going out with him. His name was Jefferson, who confessed to being married,
but she fell in love with him anyway. He was a mysterious, elusive person and didn't
run after Suellen. He had the naughty sex she needed and this won over the young
woman. Jefferson at first did not know that the young woman was a sexual escort.
However, after a few meetings she gained courage and revealed the truth to the man,
fearing that she might lose him after such news. But he preferred to continue seeing
the young woman.
- Do you like your name? – asked Jefferson.

- Actually, I would prefer my name to be just Andreza; I don’t like the post-
name “Suellen”.

- Really; I don't really like that name either; Suellen – and the man said slowly. -
It seems to match the name of call girls.

- Not say it. So you even offend me.

- Sorry, it escaped.

The brunette confessed to him her desire to set up a luxury brothel after
realizing that Jefferson knew many relevant people, and made him a proposal to set up
this business together. He knew how to involve Andreza psychologically and she
imagined that the DJ could leave his wife to be with her, as the boy did not have
children yet and was not actually married, either civilly or religiously, as he himself
revealed. They had a quick romance, which lasted about two months, and Andreza had
sex with him without condoms, trying to get pregnant. She did everything to please
him in bed, showing herself to be completely submissive to him. However, after two
months of meetings and the craziest sex in motels, hotels, friends' apartments,
beaches and in cars, the two separated, as Jefferson said he could not leave his wife
and would not like to see Andreza suffer. , because he realized that she was in love
with him.

After having sex one day, the man said to the girl:

- Suh, I found what you wrote on your Facebook page interesting.

- And what did I write? Have you been scrolling through my social media? I
don't like that, okay?

- I just read something interesting that you posted, a quote, which by the way
is not yours. You took it from someone else.

- What's up?

- You wrote: “May those who are restrained forgive me, but I was born to be

- It's true, that's just how I am: intense in everything I do and dedicate myself

- Cool, your pride. But be careful that too much intensity at the beginning may
just be a “flat of straw” - countered the individual. – The most important thing is to
have persistence.
- Oh son, resilience and perseverance is what I don't lack.

- So, congratulations to you.

While they maintained a love affair, however, Andreza did not confess to him
that she was already in love with him and did not even charge him financially for the
meetings, even after revealing her true occupation. When they finished, they followed
each other for a while on the instant messaging app and every now and then she made
posts sending him indirect messages, like a video that Suellen posted in her “stories”
with a child crying and a message saying more or less like this: “I love you so much and
you don't even say goodbye to me, you don't pay me the slightest attention”; and
another message, on another day, in her stories, containing a video of a man dancing
with two women glued to his body, one behind him and the other in front of him,
similar to a sandwich, and Andreza wrote the following caption for this video: “I would
like to know how to lead my life in the same way as this man does with these women
with this disease.” However, Jefferson never responded to these messages and the
love affair between the two ended definitively.

She invited him to set up a massage parlor business together and the girl
ended up confessing to him that she was an escort. Suellen fell in love with him, but
Jefferson preferred to stay with his partner and left Andreza, who was fighting with
André; the brunette and her brother-in-law made up and started talking again.

After ending her brief affair with Jefferson, Andreza reconciled with André and
he in turn increased his control over the prostitute. The soldier supervised his main
email and Instagram account, and he had access to them, as he knew the password. He
also started paying his rent, condominium fee and electricity bill, literally to buy it.
Suellen was then completely submissive to him, for a very low price.

Also, after leaving the massage parlor, and starting her pilgrimage through São
Luís motels with her clients, Andreza began to reduce her list of followers, also on
André's orders, in addition to the people she followed on the photo and video app.
snapshots. Her behavior changed suddenly, excluding several of her followers from
one moment to the next, in an attitude that was often not so well deliberate.

Ester and Antônio José were then reconciled with their two youngest
daughters. Melina closed the brothel and left to try other activities. Andreza went to
live alone, separating herself from her younger sister, and continued doing programs.
Her parents knew this, but they hoped that she would leave the world of prostitution
at any moment. In part, they were seduced by the income generated by this activity,
and never clashed with their daughters, opting instead to guide them to abandon this
field, for the good of both.
Three months from now it would also be the soldier's birthday. André poked

- Suh, it's going to be my graduation and my birthday. I want a gift. You never
gave me a souvenir when I had a birthday.

Faced with pressure, Suellen had to give in to his greed and promised:

- It's okay, André. I'll give you a souvenir.

- My God, finally! – replied the soldier, with some relief.

In fact, the girl went to a Relicário franchise store and purchased a men's
perfume, which was on sale, paid in cash and saved it to give to the birthday boy.

She offered it to him two days before her party and asked for secrecy so that
Melina wouldn't find out.

-I didn't buy her anything for her birthday – said the brunette, asking for
confidentiality. – There it is, my dear, a birthday present. You deserve ! –
congratulated his sister-in-law.

- I thought my gift was double – joked the boy.

- I could! – reacted the young woman - I'm not rich, boy – added Suh.

Andreza was almost addicted to cell phone video games. She spent the day
playing, and at times she looked at her social media. But she dedicated a lot of her
time to these games, between one program and another. She found no motivation to
study. The last public exam she took was 2 years ago and the girl was no longer
familiar with her area of training. Every 15 or 30 minutes she would check WhatsApp
to see if there was a message from a potential client. Her satisfaction was great when
she opened WhatsApp and found messages to respond to. She even became proud
and a sparkle appeared in her eyes. But there were so many demanding clients with so
many questions that she gave up doing programs with many of them. Many also
seemed to be very interested after preliminary conversations with Andreza on the cell
phone, but in the end they gave up and did not schedule any program; the girl noticed
that she was devastated; on the other hand, many men's conversations didn't please
her and were very boring, or even unfriendly, as she confessed, and thus dismissed
some clients. A friend of hers asked her why she didn't register on a sugar-baby and
sugar-daddy website, but she said that this type of situation didn't appeal to her, and it
wasn't in her plans for now. When Andreza had few sexual activities, her level of
anxiety and anguish increased. She barely ate; she slept late and for a few hours; she
woke up early; she hardly felt hungry; meals were very quick because the desire to
return to the cell phone was very strong and dominated her; She often prepared just
instant noodles or a sandwich for dinner; she didn't want to order food delivery
because her intention was to save money; Fortunately, she was not addicted to any
illicit drug (as many call girls end up becoming) and consumed alcoholic beverages in
moderation, and rarely. Andreza was very controlled and responsible with her
spending and expenses; she used little air conditioning and preferred the fan to reduce
the energy bill; she bought little food; she didn't like partying; she bought few clothes
at this point in her life; she was monitored on cell phone calls; his smartphone device
was not the latest generation; Andreza didn't have her own house or car; she had little
furniture and few appliances in her apartment; She could be a little petty at times. But
the fact is that when the programs didn't happen and she was earning little money,
Andreza changed: she became more nervous, impatient, sullen and a little angry; Her
temperament would change and she could treat anyone who passed in front of her
badly, in response to her momentary and uncontrollable dissatisfaction. But Andreza
wasn't easy to recognize when she was wrong; Something inside her said that she
should always maintain that she was right and right in the most diverse circumstances
in which she found herself; her stubborn temperament demanded that she always be
right and not recognize faults or mistakes, often accusing others of deviations that
were actually hers, her own slips and mistakes, as it was almost impossible for her to
recognize when she was wrong and apologize. It was very unlikely that she would ask
someone's forgiveness for her mistakes.

Andreza told Fernando that she didn't care much about her appearance and
shape, but, after they finished, she began to go on a lot of weight loss diets and
consumed teas to eliminate excess fluid from her body and to lose weight, as she
wanted to keep her toned belly to get her navel pierced and to win over more clients.
She also wanted to appear younger than her real age, as this issue was essential in
attracting more customers to the programs.

After moving away from Fernando, Andreza started to get grumpy, as she was
carrying out few programs, and now she seemed more rude and impolite in her
responses to customers on WhatsApp. As the situation was difficult, her patience was
running out.

Some customers expressed themselves like this on WhatsApp:

Customer 1:

" Hello everything is fine? I saw your ad on the Internet and wanted to go out
with you. What are the conditions of your program? My name is Caio.

“Hello, Caio. All good? My program includes oral and vaginal sex, both with a
condom. I don't have anal sex. 30-minute program R$150.00 and 1 hour R$200.00.”

“And if I paid more, would you have oral sex without a condom?
“No. It's not a question of value. I do not do.

“Do you kiss on the mouth?

“No, you can kiss me anywhere, but I don't kiss on the mouth. At most one

“And can I give you oral sex? Can I suck your pussy if I feel like it at the time?

“You can suck me, I like it, but I don't kiss. I don't do the girlfriend style. OK ?

" Right. I'll look into it and get back to you. Thanks "

" All good. Goodbye "

Many had the same conversation and no scheduling programs.

Customer 2:

"Good morning. I saw your ad and wanted to go out with you. My name is
Alessandro. What is your program like? Give me the details.

“Oral and vaginal sex, with a condom. R$ 150.00 for 30 minutes and R$ 200.00
for 1 hour.

“Do you have oral sex without a condom?


“Are you up for anal sex?

"I do not do.

“ In your program, can I cum more than once?

"He can. Within your time you can.

“Do you do the girlfriend style?

“No, my dear, I don’t. Shall we schedule the program?

“I'll check my schedule for some time and call you again. Goodbye.

" All good.

And they ended the conversation.

Customer 3:

"Good morning. I saw your ad and wanted to go out with you. How much is
your program costing? My name is Carlos.
" Hello Carlos. It's R$150.00 for half an hour and R$200.00 for 1 hour. Oral and
vaginal sex, with a condom.

" Our. What a cheap program... Do you have threesomes?

“No, honey, because I don't have anal sex.

“Kisses on the mouth?

“No. You can kiss me on any part of my body, but I don't kiss on the mouth.

“And if I pay you an extra amount, can you suck my dick without a condom?

"No. Sorry, but I don't do it, for any amount of money.

“Do you have sex with two men at the same time?

“No, honey because I don’t do anal.

“Do you stay overnight?

"No. Let's schedule it?

“I'll look here and get in touch later.

“Ah, I knew... I just wanted to chat. Goodbye.

And Andreza withdrew from the conversation.

Customer 4:

"Good morning Baby. My name is Adriano. I wanted to do a program with you!

When can it be?

“At the moment it’s not possible. I'm out of town. But I'll be back at the
beginning of the week.

“How much is the program?

And she repeated the value.

“Do you serve in your own location?

“I’m currently working at a motel.

“Can I cum more than once in your program?

“In your time you can.

“Do you kiss on the mouth?

“Look, I’m very attentive. But I don't do a girlfriend style.

“Do you have to pay in advance, per pix?


“Do you give any discount if I pay you in cash?

" I can't. This is already the lowest price I can do.

'"It is well.

And the customer ended the negotiation on WhatsApp, without scheduling

anything. Many did this. It seems that the majority of clients were looking for oral sex
without a condom, kissing on the mouth and anal sex, apart from those who still asked
for discounts on the programs. But Andreza did not want to give in to her clients'
demands and preferred to continue with her conditions for meetings. As the
transactions had a very low value and customers asked for a lot of anal sex, Andreza
began to admit the possibility of having anal sex in the programs, with the aim of
increasing the amount charged with this additional fee.

She replied:

“The program costs R$150.00 for 30 minutes and R$200.00 for an hour, but I
can have anal sex. Then the value increases to R$ 250.00. But I can only see that at the
time, whether it's possible to do anal. “

Because everything would depend on the kindness of the customer and the size
of her “tool”. She was very afraid of hurting herself when having anal sex, as few men
know how to do this type of penetration and give pleasure to their partner.

Because customers bothered him so much about mouth kisses on programs,

Suellen posted the following advertisement on the Internet:

“Pleasure, you can call me Paula. My program is a delight. I'm a very naughty
girl. I love sex. With me you will have a delicious program, with very tasty foreplay, oral
and vaginal sex, with condoms; But be careful: I'm very attentive, but I don't do the
girlfriend style. “

The girl was abused by men asking for kisses during sexual encounters.

Some time later Andreza would confess to Melina:

“Sister, I’m tired of putting program ads on the internet. There are many
curious people; They ask too many questions and don't schedule anything. I'm sick of
this situation. They are men who are very demanding and most of them don't want
anything. Just take my precious time. I will soon stop placing advertisements on escort
websites. Ah, I already have my captive customers. I'll only work with them or a friend
they recommend to me. I might even give a discount on some programs if they get me
new customers. But only people they know and trust. I want to have my customers
captive; they are my boyfriends; we go out to dinner or go to a pub; have some wine
and then have sex. And the company still repays me by paying me. What better? I love
my clients. We have fun together; we talk, tell jokes, laugh at our nonsense and fuck,
which is the most important thing and what they ultimately want in a woman; and she
doesn't bother their patience in the following days. Not anyone is charging me. I prefer
it this way.”

- Congratulations, Andreza. You're right – agreed her younger sister.

Andreza and his closest brother-in-law met up and went to a motel. André
believed that his social networks had been cloned and commented on this fact.

- Andreza, I'm suspicious that my social networks were hacked and invaded.

- Why, André?

- My Instagram crashed and I received a message that the password had been
changed. I asked them to send another password to my email and when the password
arrived I canceled this Insta account and even sent another email. I also received a
message from Facebook in my email that they tried to change my password. Who tried
to do this?

“They also discovered that other email I used and cloned it. I don't know who is
doing this. Could it be related to the complaint about the massage clinic?

- I can't say; I have no idea, André. Do you think I should also change my email
account? Because I only have one main account.

- No, you don't need to. Do you have any suspicions that they are spying on you
or “stalking” you?

- As of now, no. I don't suspect anything.

- I need to be careful: now I'm a public figure, a Military Police officer.

- For sure; Whatever care you take is little.

- I'll let you know if there's any suspicion on my part.

- Okay. Let's stay alert.

- Did you mention something to Melina?

- Yes. I warned you that I was going to change my Instagram account.

- But she hadn't said anything about it?

- No.

- And where does she imagine you are now?

- I said I was going to my friend Heverton's house, from the Police. And as a
precaution I turned off the GPs on my cell phone 20 minutes ago. Now I'm going to put
it in airplane mode. When I'm close to home I'll return my cell phone to normal

After that conversation they went to have sex.

Melina lamented after the massage parlor closed; she wrote the woman on her
WhatsApp cover page:

- One day it will get better; The situation is difficult, but I have hope: eventually
everything will improve. I will wait for the works of God.

Andreza informed her younger sister that she would take a public exam to
work temporarily as a census taker. She even took a public exam in another city, more
to scare André, about a possible change of city, which would not please her brother-in-
law, but she was not approved. The salary was also not very worth it for this position
she was applying for.

- This job pays little, - said Suh, referring to the selection process for census
takers - but, on the other hand, I can work my own hours and thus combine it with the
programs – Suellen explained.

Andreza asked for exemption from registration, as she always did, given her
avarice, and took the tests. She was selected, but decided not to take over.

The massage parlor was already closed and the couple Melina and André went
to live in another place, a house, close to the Anil shopping center. Andreza also
moved to an apartment in the Turu neighborhood. Later, Melina informed her sister
that she and André were moving to an apartment closer to the residence of her
mothers, Melina and the military.

And André completed his Military Police officer course.

Strangely, he published a single photo on his social networks in reference to his

graduation, and without Melina by his side.

About a week later, Andreza texted Armando and they hung out.
After the massage parlor closed and after moving away from Jefferson, Andreza
missed Armando and tried to get closer to him. The ex-boyfriend already knew that
Andreza worked as an escort, but he didn't let that happen to his ex-girlfriend.

The brunette sent him a message via the chat app.

- Armando, how are you? It's been a long time since we last saw each other.
Are you single? Because I'm very single. Could we meet up to chat? I missed you, my

Suellen noticed that her ex did not post any photos with any girlfriend or
“date”, and did not make any reference to being engaged. So, Suh sent him this

When the boy read the girl's message, he became very curious. He imagined
she was looking for rapprochement. But so long later... Why? The young man did not
hesitate to respond to his ex, trying to arrange a meeting.

- Andreza, I'm glad you got in touch with me. I say: how long will it be without
us seeing and talking to each other. Let's set up a meeting. Could it be next weekend?

When the young woman read the boy's response, a smile spread across her
face and she naively replied:

- Let's make an appointment. Could it be Saturday night? Where would it be?

When viewing Suellen's replica, her ex-boyfriend suggested the restaurant and
the time.

- All good. Can we meet there at 7pm? I promise to be punctual. – he asked,

without offering him a ride.

- Combined. See you Saturday, my dear.

And they agreed to have dinner on Saturday, at the restaurant and at the time
indicated by Armando.

On the agreed day, they met at the place they had arranged. The girl arrived 15
minutes late, as women are usually late because of makeup, but Andreza blamed her
little delay on the delay in alternative transportation.

She arrived at the venue and soon saw him at a reserved table, in a corner of
the restaurant. She got there, and greeted him with a kiss on each side of his face, as
soon as the man stood up. He then pulled out a chair for her and invited her to sit.

They chatted quickly, asking how each person's day had been and Andreza lied
that she had spent the day studying.
After this introductory chat, Armando asked if the girl would accompany him to
drink dry wine and she accepted his proposal.

The host called the waiter, requested the wine list and, together, they chose
the brand of wine.

They also asked for entry to the house which was suggested by the waiter and
while they were tasting the wine they started talking.

- Andreza, what have you been working with? – asked the man, to test her.

- Armando, I'm working at my father's stepdaughters' salon. I do the accounting

there. – the prostitute lied.

- Great. How long has it been?

Suellen choked up a little in her response, but made it up:

- Look, it's been a long time. Almost two years ago.

- Are you studying for public exams?

- Yes, Armando. I'm in this fight. I passed the IBGE competition last year, but I
was unable to take up the position.

- And your sister, Melina, is going to college? She is working?

- Honey, Melina prefers to study for public exams. She is preparing with me for
the next ones that appear. She took a test last year for the Building Technician course,
but I don't even know what the result was.

- Well, Andreza, let's talk about ourselves: why was I invited to this dinner with
you tonight? What do you want from me?

- I wish I could talk to you about us, calmly, just the two of us; eye to eye... –
stated the young woman, insinuating herself towards the boy.

- Uhmmm! I'm interested now! – said Armando, to involve the girl. - Speak

- Oh, Armando, I'm embarrassed. I think you can already imagine what I wanted
to say to you. – continued the girl, in her seduction trick.

- Suellen, I dreamed of this reunion between us several times.

- It really was, how good. So I nailed this invitation for you.

- Yes, you were right. We really needed to see each other – declared the
individual. – But what else do you have to say or tell me – continued Armando in his

- Armando, don't you have anyone serious in your life? After we broke up, you
didn't take on any girls?

- No, none – he replied. - And you?

- I'm not going to lie – she bluffed. – I was with someone, but we broke up
more than 3 months ago, and I've already forgotten about him...

- And only now that you are lonely, did you remember me? – The man
provoked, surprising her with her position.

- No dear. This last case of mine was nothing serious. In fact, I don't think I ever
forgot you – claimed the girl. - And because we didn't have any more chances. – she
claimed, wisely.

- And? – replied the guy.

- We could give ourselves one more chance. What do you think about this?

Armando thought about giving him a truthful answer, but preferred to say:

- Maybe, my dear. We can try one more time. Who knows, maybe on this
occasion we will understand each other well and everything will work out.

Andreza then commented:

- My dear, – she called him that, out of habit of treating all customers like this –
I saw on your Insta that you have participated in so many barbecues and so many
nights out, and so many women show up, I'm even jealous. It's one flight after another.
What a good life you have.

- Imagine – replied the young man.

Armando was a little impressed by the sincerity of that woman, who previously
seemed to him like a calculating person.

- No, it's your imagination - he deceived and disguised himself.

They continued their dinner conversation and Armando, to definitively test

whether Suellen wanted to hook him, invited her after dinner to go to a motel and she
accepted his invitation. There, they had a lot of sex, including the entire package of lust
and the naughty sex that Armando had dreamed of. He made her perform oral sex
without a condom, position 69, anal sex, cursed her using the old “dirty talk” that she
had been waiting for, violent sex with slaps on Andreza's face and ass, complete with
screams from the girl and He finished the fuck by ejaculating into the woman's mouth.
It was the man's dream sex and it was worth the dinner he bought him. In the end,
Armando left her at her apartment and they said goodbye with a peck on the mouth.

- I'll get in touch later... – he said, as he said goodbye to the prostitute, and he
continued on his way. She entered the condominium gate and went towards his

Andreza imagined that she had won back her ex-boyfriend and that in the
following days he would run after her like a dog that runs towards its owner when he
calls him, snapping his fingers. But this time it didn't happen; Several days passed and
no communication from Armando reached her cell phone; the girl started to find the
situation strange and was still waiting for contact, trying not to give in and not wanting
to send him a message first.

But more than ten days have passed and her ex hasn't shown any signs of life.
So, even though she didn't like it, Suellen sent her a very smug message.

- Armando, good morning. You didn't contact me again. That day was very
special... I loved it, you know? Did something happen to you? Can I help you? Send
news! A kiss! Have a great day, my dear.

The man, on purpose, only read the message the next day, but did not respond
to anything, increasing Andreza's anxiety and disappointment.

She started to get suspicious, but as she was very fickle and fickle, she sent her
another message two days later.

- Armando, good morning. I'd like to talk to you. Would it be possible for us to
make an appointment?

The man looked at the prostitute's message just 12 hours later and gave her
the following response:

“Andreza, it won’t work for us to meet again. I already knew the whole truth
about you. I know you're a whore now and that you fuck for money. I don't even know
why you came to me, but I won't fall for your nonsense. That night of ours was a
farewell; thanks for the fuck; I will never forget. You're really good in bed, but that's it.
She's just a slut, crazy about sex and money. That day, I already knew the whole truth
about him. I will no longer give you pleasure and we will no longer meet. I am aware
that you moved to Fortaleza to become a prostitute and to improve yourself in this
field, assimilating everything about sex and whoredom, and learning all the tricks to
deceive your “clients”, hiding everything from your family and me. I loved you, but
now I feel disgusted with you. Forget I exist. You still tried to trick me! You could not
have omitted these facts from me. Follow your path: I don't want to know you
anymore. Go fool someone else, girl.”

After she read his response, Armando deleted the message on his cell phone
and blocked Andreza from contacting him.

She read that very unpleasant response and was convinced that Armando was
out of her life. The girl felt very humiliated and didn't want to talk to her ex anymore.

Two weeks later, Suellen made a mysterious post on the instant video
messaging application, where she posted an excerpt from a suffering song that
contained an excerpt that went something like this: “let me overcome you, be careful
with your flights, take take it so you don’t hurt me, etc.”

Since then, the girl had the story of the flights fixed in her mind and kept
making posts with these characters about the videos or texts published by her on
social networks. But Armando no longer spoke and for now disappeared.

Andreza had a few more psychotherapy sessions with Cássio Mariano and
revealed the following to him:

“Her (my younger sister) mistake was that she told too many details about her
relationship with her boyfriend. And he was my friend. All of this awakened my
curiosity and desire. Melina talked about what her sex was like, what they did, and she
said they were very fiery and passionate in bed. They had sex in different places and
loved trying new ways of having sex. I think she's very cool, very forward and being
two years younger she was outsmarting me, leaving me behind, because the way she
reported she was having more and better sex than me. It made me jealous. André is a
year younger than me. My sister seems like a pervert and reports about her
disconcerted me. I grew curious about what it would be like to have sex and fuck
André. He didn't look very manly, I didn't think he was very handsome or attractive,
and not at all studly, but she said he was perfect in bed and was insatiable. I suspected
that she created some stories from her mind and was nothing more than a passionate
and silly girlfriend. That deep down she just wanted to impress me, make me jealous
(even with lies) and seem like the badass to me and it would be more likely that their
sex was always the same and nothing special happened. However, I could not doubt
that she was telling the truth.

“I was astonished and asked myself: how was that ‘little caboclo’ so good in
bed? But I didn't want her to suspect that I wanted her boy and I knew how to hide it.
That's why, when she talked about him, I pretended that I didn't care, I even disdained
him, I made light of it and didn't let on that I was interested in him. But I began to think
he had some interest in me. I then saw that I had to pretend even more and not give
him space, not give him much space. After all, he was just another boy, with no
difference compared to the others and no special attraction. He had a simple job and
earned little. We even became co-workers at the call center (Melina also worked with
us at the same job). He only had the virtue of being hardworking and studious. André
even invited me a few times to study together, after some time, and when we became
more intimate. He started going to my sister's house (which I later returned to),
became friends with our mother and got to know our circle of friends. But I wasn't
going to betray my sister's trust and stay with him just to satisfy my desires and my
curiosities. However, after a while it didn't quite work out that way. I like to have
sexual relationships with people I know well and over time I gained trust in him and
other needs made me try having sex with him. Yes. I started having sex with him and at
first my sister didn't even suspect. She was naive. And she trusted me too much. I'm a
little embarrassed to say these things. But they happened and I have to tell them. It's
part of my life. You know one thing: if there's one thing I regret not doing, it's the fact
that I didn't take my younger sister's boyfriend. Because he gave me too much
attention. There are times when I think that André only dated Melina so he could have
contact with me and be close to me, as I was a somewhat closed person, and that way
he could have access to me. I was always suspicious of his intentions. I also believe that
one of the factors that led me to do programs was because I wanted to make him
jealous. And I also got involved with a boyfriend who was my neighbor and had no
future; I bitterly regret that. I felt at various times that André wanted me. I had a
chance to be with him early on in their relationship, but I regret not having done so.
Furthermore, they fought a lot and I helped with reconciliations. I comforted her in
difficult times and encouraged her to return to him. I regret doing this for her. I think I
sacrificed myself for my sister. And in a way I compromised my happiness. My religious
morals also didn't allow me to be with my sister's boyfriend. Nonsense! Today my
sister already knows that I stay with him too. We share André. But I don't want to just
be with him. I want something of my own; I long for something better. I confess on the
other hand that one of the factors that led me to do programs was to try to make
André jealous. I came to this conclusion. I wish to have a boyfriend; but for now I'm
not giving up being a prostitute. ”


Andreza talked about dating her niece Beatriz Sofia.

The two met on the teenager's birthday and at one point had a private
conversation. Beatriz started to live with her father, leaving Marcela's house.

- Auntie, at what age did you start dating? – asked Sofia.

- Oh, honey, I was 17 years old.

- Really was?! So you took a while to date.

- He was.

- Auntie, I'm already thinking about dating. There's a boy who has a crush on
me at school.

- That's great, Bia. Have you told your parents about him? Did you tell them

- Yes. I told my mother and stepfather. They said I can flirt with him. And what
were your parents like?

- Very difficult; They almost didn't let me interact with anyone.

- Auntie, sorry to ask, do you resent this fact?

- No, Sofia. I don't resent my parents. They knew what they were doing. Is this
boy in your class?

- Yes. He will come here today.

- And even?! – Andreza replied, with admiration. - Well, introduce me or show

me later, please. I want to meet my beloved niece's suitor.

- Thank you aunt. How about you? Will your love show up here today?

- No. He won't be able to come because of work – said the aunt.

- Aunt Andreza, you are so mysterious when it comes to romantic

relationships. Why do you act like this? Is there any special reason?

- No dear. It's just that at the current moment in my life I'm focusing on work
and studying for competitions, and on my personal life.

- I understand.

- You will soon realize in your life that a woman needs to take care of herself
and love herself more than others to be successful and happy.

- You philosophize sometimes, aunt. What you just told me was interesting. I
hadn't thought about it yet.

- I also didn't realize this fact at your age, but I had to assimilate this situation
as time went by.

- What are you working with, aunt?

- With Melina and André and providing online accounting services for some
friends who have an office.

- Auntie, I'm turning 14. Next year, I'll be 15. Do you think a debutante party
still makes sense? Or is it out of fashion? Do you think it's tacky these days? And did
you have a debutante party?

- I couldn't have it because it was at the time of my parents' separation. I think

if you want it, there's no problem. Nowadays, I would opt for a really cool trip. Ask
your parents. Who knows, they might give you this gift.

- I will think. But I'll only want it if my parents can afford it.

- And Bell? Comment on any flirting?

- No. She's still very young.

- Beatriz, wow, how big you are. He's not even 15 years old and he's almost my
size. I'm thinking you're going to be taller than me.

- Do you think so, aunt? Great.

- I think so.

- Auntie, are you happy? And do you want to have children?

- Yes, I'm happy. I don't want to have children now. Who knows in the near

- Thank you for coming to my party.

- You're welcome, my love. I appreciate the invitation.

And at that moment the two walked away.

On the eve of holidays or the birthdays of her family or friends, as well as

before leaving her city for short trips, Suellen carried out real sex shifts, staying until
the early hours of the morning making programs or selling live videos to her closest
clients. She tried to make extra money, knowing that her expenses in the following
days would be higher and she would be unable to make appointments on these special
dates, as she would be in the company of her family, friends or whoever was
accompanying her.

Andreza used to not keep track of her relatives' birthdays and hardly liked or
commented on photos and posts about her family's celebrations, except those closest
to her. A month before her father turned birthday, he invited her to the birthday party
of Suellen's paternal grandmother, who would have turned 89 years old. But Andreza
refused her father's invitation, claiming that she would not feel comfortable in front of
her family and would be embarrassed as she knew that many of them already knew
about her occupation and her current practices. Her father was quite upset, but
eventually accepted her excuse.

On José's birthday, in the first days of the last month of the year, Andreza spent
the beginning of the evening with his father and he confessed to her the gift of his

- Daughter, thank you for the gift I received. – Andreza presented him with a
wristwatch, surprising him. – I didn’t even want you to have spent that amount.

- You needed a new watch, daddy. Yours was already old – justified his
daughter – And you deserve it.

Then Andreza hugged him.

- But, daughter, what I really wanted to tell you was something else – that
father insisted.

- What would it be, my father? – replied the girl, already becoming curious and
a little apprehensive.

- Andreza, the gift I would really like to receive from you was for you to tell me
that you are going to stop making programs - and Antônio José looked her firmly in the

The young woman was surprised by her father's request and took a few
seconds to prepare her response.

- Dear daddy, I wouldn't want to talk about this with you.

- I understand, daughter.

- It's embarrassing for me. What I can say is that I want to stop working on this
soon, but I can't give you an exact deadline.

- But think carefully, my daughter. You have to find a job and move on with
your life.

- Yes, daddy, cheer for me. That's all I want in this life: to stop being an escort. –
replied the girl, without showing much confidence. -I'm going to stop placing ads on
the Internet, Dad – she promised, still.

- God is bigger than everything, dear. Give your life to him. – his father wished.

- I promise, my father, that I will do everything I can to leave this life behind.
- Daughter of the heart, I love you very much and I wish you all the best in this
life and may you be very happy. These are my most sincere wishes!

And Andreza seduced her parents with gifts. Despite their regrets, Andreza's
parents tolerated her prostitution. She promised them that she would gradually leave
the activity, but it was not known until when. On the other hand, with the income from
the red light, she seduced her relatives: gifts for her nieces, a birthday present for her
mother and a beautiful football team t-shirt for her father, as the Football World Cup
in Qatar had arrived. Andreza was even invited by Nailson, Melina's ex-boyfriend, to
create an album of photographs promoting the sale of t-shirts for the World Cup. After
that, she did some programs with him and they were friends. Nailson also followed
several Instagram accounts that promoted call girls from Maranhão, and was also a
follower of the old account that reported erotic stories, and which was created by
Suellen's sister. He also knew about the existence of the massage parlor. The brunette
also paid off her father's late IPVA and paid him a small debt and he perhaps realized
that the money from prostitution wasn't that bad. Andreza also dreamed of giving him
his own house.

Andreza and Melina even organized a birthday party for Ester. The two younger
sisters decided to hold a celebration for their mother, as it had been approximately
five years since Ester had celebrated her birthday in style. She had turned 50 last year,
but there was no celebration. This time, Andreza and Melina threw him a party. That
mother had the same birthday as her middle daughter.

And so it was done: they hired a buffet, renting their space and celebrating
another year of the matriarch's life. However, only the birthday girl, her daughters,
sons-in-law and granddaughters participated in the celebration.

Ester went to visit her parents and Andreza's maternal grandparents asked
about her. They complained about why that granddaughter had never visited them
again. Ester had to lie to her parents, claiming that the young woman worked too
much, but she always asked about her grandparents and she, Ester, would accompany
Suellen to her grandparents' house soon. Part of José and Ester's family gradually
discovered that Andreza was doing sex shows and some moved away from her,
although the brunette had not been in contact with several of her relatives for a long

Antônio José felt a little desolate about Andreza's situation, who continued in
prostitution and because she had moved away from him a little. Melina, perhaps to
compensate for this fact, tried to get closer and regain her father's affection; Since
then, his brief comments praising his father's posts have been constant. Andreza even
performed programs on her birthday, showing that she made no bones about
celebrating her day exclusively with her family. At night, however, everyone went out
for a family dinner; only Genésio did not attend.

Andreza was even invited by her father to attend a service, but she gave up and
offered him some excuses for not accompanying him. Deep down, Suellen no longer
felt worthy of entering the temple and knew that it would be very hypocritical to listen
to the pastor's sermon and continue in her field of activity. She remembered, on the
other hand, that she had already done a sex show with a pastor, in another city. Her
head had much more suspicion about evangelicals since then.

Andreza was still thinking about leaving São Luís. She had deleted many
contacts on her social networks, but maintained ties with several people she met in
Fortaleza. Maybe, someday, when her father and mother were gone, she would return
to that capital, to try a new life there. The aforementioned city remained in her head.
Suellen was very impressed with the capital of Ceará and had good memories there,
despite the setbacks she went through.

Some time later, Andreza and Melina would create a first Instagram account for
Isabel and wrote: “account monitored by my aunt”. How ironic – would they then have
any morality to control and supervise their niece's account?

And Suellen lived for a while in a small apartment in the Turu neighborhood,
where she bought bottles of wine and drank alone, meditating on her life. She had few
friends in the condominium, but it would be her refuge there for some time. She
returned to a routine, where she woke up relatively early every day, prepared her
breakfast and lunch, looked at social media to try to schedule her programs and ate
her meals. In the afternoon she followed her physical exercise routine at the gym,
attended a preparatory course for public exams and did her sex programs. Friday and
Saturday nights she would go out with friends, boyfriends or family. On Sundays she
went to the beaches or visited her family. The girl always walked around the
condominium wearing long, unsexy clothes, so as not to attract attention, and she only
made friends with two young neighbors at her new address. Inside her apartment,
however, she only wore short shorts and “tops”, showing off her belly, even recording
videos for TikTak in these clothes.

Melina was participating in a group of girls who took bicycle tours around the
city, the “bike girls”, but Suellen preferred not to accompany her sister on these tours
for now. The two hired a “personal trainer” and were being guided by him at the gym.
Melina and Andreza tried to lose weight and get fitter.

The two met and maintained a dialogue. At one point, the youngest said:

- Suh, don't you think about stopping doing programs?

- Honey, actually not yet. You know I actually like my life. Every new man I meet
is a challenge for me. I think I've already become addicted to what I do. If I go a day
without looking at social media to see if anyone is looking for me, I get anxious. I've
gotten used to this work, and it's what I know how to do best. I will continue for
longer, as long as God wants. One day I'll abandon all of this and go do something
different. But for now, I don't expect to let go... It seems like I'm always imagining that
one day the man in my life will walk through the motel door into the room where I'm
waiting for my client that day.

In fact, Melina rented a house close to the Anil shopping center and she and
Andreza carried out programs for around three months, but they fell out again and her
middle sister gave up on the venture.

Suellen later started renting a property close to the apartment where she lived,
with a view to setting up a place to receive her clients, as she was tired of frequenting
motels and intended to increase her schedule of sexual programs again, but gave up
on the idea.

His sister, on the other hand, informed him that she was moving to an
apartment closer to her mother and mother-in-law, as the house where they were
living was very hot and infested with mosquitoes, forcing them, she and André, to call
the air conditioner every night, which made his electricity bill more expensive.

- We are moving to an apartment on a high floor and therefore with good

ventilation – revealed the redhead. – André also chose this other condominium
because it was closer to my mother and mother-in-law’s house.

- That's good, sister. Best for you - wished Suellen.

The brunette also informed her sister that she would take a trip to Porto de
Galinhas, in Pernambuco.

- Who will you go with, sister? – asked the younger sister.

- I can't say, sister – was what the mysterious girl replied.

- Don't take what I'm going to say now the wrong way. But please, don't do
programs there, okay? Take advantage of this tour to relax and rest.

- You can leave it, Melina. I'm just going for a walk. No jobs.

- And when will it be?

- Next week. I'm going to spend seven days in that region.

- Well, enjoy, my sister. You deserve a vacation because you work too much.
Have a good trip.

- Thank you sister.

In those days Andreza knew that she was going to be an aunt once again.
Marcela was pregnant for the third time and this time she would have a boy, who
would be named Lívio. Andreza's older sister was very happy because she was
unemployed, but she got a job at the airport, recommended by her friend Neuzélia.

Her younger sister also revealed her intention to get pregnant for the first
time. She and her fiancé had reached the consensus that the time was right for their
first child to be born. Melina, therefore, would try to get pregnant from now on. And
Andreza would be the only one of the sisters to not have children yet.


And Andreza let her life go as she wanted, spending time between her sex
shows, her activities at the gym and her preparation courses for public exams, meeting
new clients and enjoying her colorful friendships. I don't know for sure what she must
be up to at the moment, and what she is up to these days, and what she does with her
life today.

I always think that we should reflect on the lives of women like Andreza. This
person lives in almost every call girl. They are neither villains nor heroes, they are just
women who chose the path of prostitution, of offering their bodies in exchange for
financial return. She tirelessly pursues her destiny, searching, without realizing it, for
her prince charming, without the certainty that he exists, in her own way of finding
him, and continues, in the meantime, in her incessant struggle to give pleasure. to
men. And this was her life!

And Andreza was transformed: she was a relatively calm girl, who didn't enjoy
many nights out, and drank little alcohol. As time went by, however, Suellen became a
party girl, who loved nights out, only going to bed at dawn and her consumption of
alcoholic beverages increased significantly. However, she maintained some relatively
childish behaviors, even preferring to follow more teenagers on her profile on the
messaging, photo and instant video app. Melina thus realized this fact and questioned
Andreza as to why she preferred to follow the teenagers in her family and others, such
as family members of her father's girlfriend, but strangely she did not follow many of
her aunts, uncles or adult cousins. She, however, offered no response.

About two weeks after Melina informed Andreza that she wanted to get
pregnant, the latter met André alone and they talked.

- Mel told me that you plan to have a child – began the young woman.
- It's true, we are thinking.

- Thinking? – Suellen replied, quite surprised. – I thought it was a definitive


- No, yes it is – stammered the soldier.

- And before that, aren't you going to make your union official in the Church, in
front of the pastor?

- Yes, but later.

- Don't do things wrong.

After a brief pause, he reflected to the girl:

- André, you know something? My mother kept saying that it's time for me to
get pregnant and give her a grandson or granddaughter. She told me the other day:
“Daughter, you’re close to turning 30 and you don’t have any children yet? It’s the
right time to give me another grandchild.” However, I replied: “Mommy, I don’t even
have a steady boyfriend. How will I have a child? And don't get me upset: I won't turn
30 until the end of next year; I’m still going to be 29.” What do you think, my dear?

André opined:

- Suh, what if you got pregnant with me?

- How crazy is this of you? What idea, boy? What if Melina finds out?

- Oh! She will never know...

- Certainty? She has a keen intuition. What if she asks for a DNA paternity test.

- I refuse to do it. I will never do it. And you say you want a child, an
independent production. We only give my son time with her to turn 1 and a half or two
years old.

- And will I still have to wait all this time?

- It goes by quickly, my dear.

- Do you really think?! It's not your life - Andreza mocked.

- Have a child with me and I will provide all assistance. Offer Melina and I to be
your son's godparents.

- My God, how crazy.

- I will get it right. Have a child with me: I will be the right person. And I will
always be close to you, to provide assistance to the child. I will always be in your life.

- I'll think about your case.

- Well, analyze it carefully.

And they said goodbye at that moment. A few days later, the girl sent a
message to André saying the following:

- Honey, what do you think about us registering my son’s name as “Richard”? I

think it's a beautiful name.

- I also liked your suggestion. But I would prefer if you called him Antônio Jose
Neto to please your father and to flatter the old man.

- Can also be! – pondered the brunette. - It's a good idea: a tribute to my

- Exactly. Melina and I would be the boy's godparents, don't forget, please.

- What if it's a girl?

- Let's think of a cool name for her.

- Okay. Thank you, André. Goodbye.

- Bye, Suh.

To avoid rumors in the neighborhood about her personal life, given André's
constant visits to her apartment in Turu, and due to the risk of neighbors discovering
her life, Andreza demanded that her closest brother-in-law buy her a wedding ring and
the young woman He started to wear this accessory on the ring finger of his left hand,
at least when he was on the condominium premises, with or without the company of
the soldier. Close to Melina's birthday, Suellen began to disagree with André and
demanded that he also buy her a good gift. The brunette claimed that she needed a
more modern and safer cell phone, as she claimed to be suspecting threats to the
security and privacy of her smartphone, and thus demanded a more modern device for
her “lover”. She always behaved like this around her youngest sister's birthday and
didn't accept that André would only give presents to the other sister, otherwise she
would get sullen and angry with him. On Melina's birthday, the three of them traveled
to celebrate. They went to see the almost deserted beaches of Tutóia and Pequenos
Lençóis Maranhenses. Andreza made constant demands on the soldier. André and
Melina even had to move to a cheaper rented and better ventilated apartment, so that
they didn't need air conditioning in the bedroom, as the brunette demanded more
money from the boy and he needed to reduce his expenses with Melina. Andreza also
didn't agree with André providing more comfort to the redhead, since she, Suellen,
hardly used air conditioning at first, and would like to have the same rights as her
younger sister in her relationship with him. Even the photo of their faces on the
Instagram page was similar: sitting in the front seat of the car, with their seat belts
buckled. It seemed like some kind of competition between the sisters.

Andreza Suellen also wanted a more modern cell phone because she was
thinking about recording short videos of erotic content to sell on a platform or
application with fans who pay for this form of content. It would be “Studio A”, but she
was still gaining the courage to take on this activity. With this in mind, the brunette
removed her photographs from all applications, including messaging and cell phones,
and from her social networks, to make it difficult for her to be recognized when she
started recording and selling video and image content.

The death of Andreza's maternal grandmother also occurred shortly, but she
only mourned for a day and a half and has already returned to her sex shows. The girl
had little regard for her grandmother Augustinha's mourning.

Melina continued with her plans to reopen the house of prostitution and in the
meantime she continued her hypocrisy by following several pastors and theologians on
her social networks. From time to time she also attended some evangelical services.

Close to her eldest sister's graduation and her maternal grandfather's birthday,
Suellen decided to place a new ad on the escort website. She wrote in the

"Pleasure. My name is Ana Manu. Beautiful and totally natural.

"What am I like? Brunette, medium height, small to medium breasts, thin waist
and big butt. I don't work with women. I do video verification.

“I am kind, polite and discreet. I look for men with the same qualities.

It even seemed like Andreza was looking for a boyfriend, with these types of
ads she made on the internet, offering her sexual services. But what she really wanted
was a man who, above all, recognized her sexual gifts, and paid well for this service
and for her company. Although she didn't want to play the “girlfriend” game on the
programs, Suh had liked the scheme of getting a little more involved with the clients,
and pretending that they were her “boyfriends”.

A few days later Andreza met a man called Marcos Alexandre, a small
businessman, and with him he did three programs over a period of ten days. The third
time they met, he complained about the price of the programs, since they were being
attended frequently, and Manu offered him the possibility of him paying her a pre-
adjusted amount per month and stipulating monthly programs.
- Look, honey, if you want to give me a fixed amount per month, and we can
agree on a certain number of services, I think it's interesting – the girl proposed. - It
could be advantageous for me and you. I already did it this way with a client for a
certain opportunity and everything went well – the girl partially lied. - Could it be?

- Maybe yes; Let’s negotiate a price then – the client agreed.

- Exactly; Let's reach a consensus.

She had liked the idea of receiving a fixed, pre-determined amount for her
services. And the same story as before repeated itself...

A few days later, the companion traveled with her father and “stepmother” to
celebrate the birthday of Angélica's mother, who lived in a nearby city. There, they
went to an evangelical service and at the birthday reception Suh met some people, all
evangelicals; She became friends with them and started following them on social
media. Her mind was very conflicted...

Shortly afterwards Ester met Margareth again at an evangelical church event.

They had been neighbors in Vila Brasil. They started exchanging ideas. Margareth said
that her daughter Carla, who was Suellen's colleague on the same street, was already
married, had two daughters and had a good public job in São Luís. She had attended
Business Administration and was already a public servant. Ester congratulated
Margareth on her daughter's success. Next, this woman asked about Esther's daughter
and the latter responded, lying:

- Andreza hasn't married yet; She has a boyfriend and is almost engaged, but
not yet. She is not a mother yet.

- Great! Is she evangelical?

- Yes.

- But where does she go?

- In the neighborhood where she lives, Turu.

- And what does she work with, friend?

- My daughter is a wonderful girl. She is very hardworking and very studious.

Andreza graduated in Accounting. She has been providing online home office services
to several accounting firms since the pandemic and helping her sister with business, as
well as helping with her father and his girlfriend's accounting, as she owns a beauty
- That's good, friend. Congratulations on your daughter too. It was a pleasure to
meet you again.

And they said goodbye at that moment.

That mother, therefore, would always keep of her daughter, in memory of her,
those images of a young teenager, beautiful and smiling, who one day showed herself
to her. She always imagined seeing her daughter arriving at her house, with her
husband and children, to visit grandma's house, but until now it hadn't been possible.
José, also, from time to time, would look for his old photo albums, and admire the
portraits of his daughter, and not infrequently, discreet tears would form in his eyes.
But life went on and it was necessary to accept reality.


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