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EMA1501 Assignment 2

Question 1

1.1 Enactive Knowledge – this is the type of knowledge that allows us to “learn by doing” in
such a way that there is a child’s own movement. An example of this could be learning how
to solve a Rubik’s cube.
Iconic Knowledge – This is the type of knowledge where “a picture is worth a thousand
words”. For example, looking at a diagram of a deconstructed horseshoe to help us
understand how to shape a horseshoe correctly.
Symbolic Knowledge – This is the type of knowledge where we can interpret written
language or mathematics. For example, using mathematical equations to calculate the
average speed of a car driving over a certain distance.

Piaget Vygotsky Bruno

Piaget's theory suggested Vygotsky suggested that Bruner suggested that

that learning takes place learning occurs in a social learning is an active process
through the constructive context, where the learners which includes the discovery
development of schemas interact with one another and the application of
through the four stages of and learn through concepts and knowledge.
cognitive development: collaboration. Focuses on three levels-
sensorimotor, pre- enactive knowledge, ionic
operational, concrete knowledge and symbolic
operational, and formal knowledge.

He further stated that He further proposed that He proposed that in learning

through the process of learning occurs through a situations, people actively
assimilation and process of guided construct their own
accommodation, new participation, in which the understanding of the
information is fused into learner is provided with material, and that educators
existing schemas and assistance by a more skilled should provide enough
causes them to change and teacher or mentor who structure and guidance to
evolve. guides learners through the allow students to discover
process of proficiency. information and discern its
meaning for themselves.

Manipulative play:
Manipulative play, like block-building or lacing cards, contributes to the development of
mathematics concepts in children because it helps them learn different significant skills. For
example, they learn how to count, measure, and compare, while also developing
coordination, problem- solving and analysis as well as fine motor skills. In addition to that,

manipulating objects gives an enjoyable means of learning mathematical concepts and
enhancing mathematical understanding.

2.Outdoor and adventure play:

Outdoor and adventure play aids children develop mathematical concepts through creative
play as well as exploration. To explore outdoor activities, learners must engage with shapes,
sizes, measurements, number relationships, and other math-related topics. For example,
building a fort or even creating a course for an obstacle race helps learners learn
mathematical concepts.

3. Create-Imagination play:
Through dramatic play, learners can develop mathematical thinking. For example, when
playing outside, a child might pretend to be a store owner and ‘sell’ items to other learners.
The learners need to calculate how much each of the items cost, and how much money the
customers have to pay. The create-imagination play will contribute to the development of
basic mathematics concepts in children.

Question 2
2.1 A number is a mathematical concept used to show quantity and can be represented in
different forms. Numbers can be continuous, and they can be represented in numeric,
fractional, decimal, and other forms. Numbers can be used for measuring, counting, and
charting data, as well as for performing calculations.
2.2 Number sense is imperative for the development of emergent mathematics in children.
Number sense aids learners to comprehend that numbers can be accessed and manipulated
using mental strategies that are based in numerical relationships. It is a crucial first step in
the formation of strong mathematical reasoning and problem-solving skills. The number
sense allows learners to recognize patterns and relationships between numbers as well as
develop an understanding of the different properties of numbers. In addition to that, it aids
them in making quick cognitive judgments about mathematical concepts and procedures.
Through developing strong number sense, in which the learners can make better sense of
abstract mathematical principles and problems. This encourages them to engage in
mathematics, deepening their understanding of it, and allowing them to become successful

2.3.1 One-to-one correspondence is an important pre-number concept for younger

students to understand as it is used when counting objects. It is the relationship between two
sets of items in which the same number of items exists in each set, and each item from the
first set can be matched with only one item in the second set and vice versa. It will permit
learners to connect individual items with numbers and is the foundation for recognizing that a
number is correlated with a specific quantity. For example, one-to-one correspondence can
be demonstrated with two sets of Legos. Create two sets of nine and five Legos. Ask the
learner to lay out another set of Legos of a different colour one-by-one to match up with the
first set. When finished, the learner should have fourteen Legos aligned in two neat rows,
with one matching Lego from each set side by side. This demonstrates one-to-one
correspondence as each Lego can only be matched up with one other Lego, and vice versa.
The examples and activities like the one given, learners can more easily understand this

2.3.2 Classification is a system of organizing objects, ideas, and things by dividing them
into different categories. This is important in pre-number concepts as it permits us to clearly
define and differentiate between different objects and ideas without the use of numbers. For
example, classification can be seen in basic natural classification, in which living things such
as plants and animals are divided according to their features, such as size, shape, color, and
behaviour. An illustration of this concept is a chart or diagram showing the different classes
of plants and animals based on their features. Furthermore, classification can also be used
to assist in organizing ideas, like in the writing process when thoughts are sub-divided into
categories or topics to create a cohesive structure.

2.3.3 Counting is the process of assigning numbers to objects in order to quantify them.
Pre-number concepts are ideas and concepts that children develop before learning to
quantify and count. Prior to a learner can count, they can recognize certain qualities of
objects, such as size, color, and shape, answer questions about those objects, and make
comparisons between objects. Here are examples of pre-number concepts:
1. Sorting:
Sorting objects into different categories, like size, color, or shape. This aids a learner to
recognize differences between objects and to gain an understanding of quantity and the
basic concept of fewer and more.
2. Matching:
Matching objects like pairs of socks or shoes helps to develop a learner’s understanding of
relations between objects, specially the concept of one-to-one correspondence.

3. Estimation:
Estimating how many objects might be in a group, like estimating the number of books on a
shelf. This helps will help the learner to more accurately count larger sets of objects and to
understand that quantity can exist without counting. An illustration of pre-number concepts
shows a learner sorting and counting objects. The learner is sorting green cows, red cows,
yellow cows as well as blue cows and counting them. This picture shows the idea that
objects can be sorted and counted even before the ability to do mathematics. Overall, pre-
number concepts are important for understanding the basics of mathematics and are
essential to helping a learner to become numerate. Counting and pre-number concepts are
key components to early mathematics education.

2.3.4 The pre-number concept is an approach to teaching mathematics that focuses on

pattern recognition and spatial awareness. It is based on the idea that patterns and shapes
are the building blocks of mathematical understanding and that it is more significant to
understand how numbers work in lieu of just memorising facts. It is useful for teaching
learners the underlying logic of mathematics, in place of just relying on memorized facts. The
concept encourages learners to recognize patterns in numbers through the development of
problem-solving skills.
One way of demonstrating the pre-number concept is to teach ordering. This could entail
sorting objects according to colour, number or size. Using this teaching tool, students begin
to recognize patterns or relationships between objects, which is a fundamental part of
mathematics. For example, a teacher could sort blocks of different sizes from smallest to
largest, or they could create an ordered pattern of shapes using triangles, circles and
squares, or they could sort coloured balls according to different shades of the same colour.
The activities aid learners to make connections between variety of objects and to see
patterns in the world around them.

Question 3
3.1.1 F
3.1.2 C
3.1.3 B
3.1.4 H
3.1.5 G
3.1.6 D
3.1.7 E
3.1.8 A

3.2.1 1. I will greet the learners with enthusiasm and explain the activity into detail. “We are
going to have some fun by summarizing stories. As it is a great way to practice our
summarizing skills and work on our concentration.”
2. Explain the rules of the activity. Each learner will take turns reading from a book, and
when they are done, the other leaners will have to summarize the story in a short sentence.
3. Divide the learners into small groups then give each group a book to read.
4. Encourage the learners to take turns reading the book, and then have the other learners
outline their summaries.
5. After a few minutes, invite learners to share their summaries with the whole class.
6. W will discuss any difficult parts of summarizing the story.
7. At the end of the activity, reflect with the learners and ask for feedback. It will aid learners
understand the concept of summarizing stories better.
8.Recommend that they can use their story summaries and the feedback from their peers to
write original stories of their own.

3.3 I agree with the use of technology to teach number sense in the early years. Technology
can be used in an engaging and interactive manner that can aid young children learn
number sense more effectively. For example, using interactive apps or games can help
young children develop number skills in a fun and creative way. In addition to that,
technology can provide different visual aids like graphs, charts, and pictures that can help
learners make sense of the numbers. Technology can also provide various types of
feedback, which can be significant in helping young children develop their numeracy skills.

Unisa Study guide: EML1501/1/2019-2021
Available at:
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Available at: Piaget:
Available at: Vygotsky:
Available at: Bruner:

1.Picture A- Available at:

Picture B- Available at:

2. Picture A- Available at:

Picture B- Available at:

3. Picture A- Available at:

Picture B- Available at:


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2.3.1 Picture: Available:

Available at :
r/classifying objects-into-sets/

Available at:

arithmetic/pre-algebra-outlines/v/writing-outlines-for-ess ays-making-the-

Available at:

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Boas, R. (2006). What Is Pre-Number? Understanding Basic Math Concepts. Alpine

Learning Group.

Peterson, S. (2019). What Is Pre-Number? Scholastic.
Miller, S. (2021). Pre-Number Counting: What It Is and Why It Matters. Oxford Learning.

Lesson: Sorting Objects by Size, Color, or Shape | Nagwa. Available at:
Pre-number Concept: Definition & Overview. (2021). Retrieved 26 April 2021, from Available
Shifrin, T. (2015). Pre-Number: Understanding and Teaching. Mathematics Teaching in the
Middle School, 21(3), 164–166.
Whitaker, O., & Poots, A. (2017). Pre-Number: Exploring the Rationale and Application in the
Primary Classroom. Educational Practice and Theory, 28(2),

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