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Project Report


Data Analytics and Visualisation Virtual Experience





Submitted by Submitted to

V Harish Dr Hemraj Verma

Sap id 1000017704 Assistant Professor

Accenture Department of Management Studies

DIT University, Dehradun




Student Declaration

I hereby declare that this report entitled “Data Analytics and Visualisation” is a bona fide

work done by me for the award of the degree of Masters of Business Administration

submitted to DIT University. The results embodied in this report have not been submitted to

any other University or Institution for the award of any Degree/Diploma Certificate or

Published at any time before.

Place: Dehradun
Name: V Harish
Sap id: 1000017704

I wish to express my sincere gratitude to those individuals who have played integral roles in
the successful culmination of this project. This journey has been a source of profound
enrichment and an invaluable learning experience.

I extend my heartfelt thanks to my industry guide and mentors, Mr. Michelle Grove and
Mrs. Julia Hendrie, for their exceptional guidance and structured approach that have been
indispensable throughout the project. Their willingness to generously share their expertise
and dedicate their time to my development has been truly commendable.

Furthermore, I would like to convey my deep appreciation to the entire team for granting me
the opportunity to work and cultivate my skills within this distinguished organization. The
knowledge and hands-on experience I have acquired are immeasurable and have undoubtedly
contributed significantly to my professional growth.

V Harish

I feel Jubilant to share my Summer Internship Report Named "Data Analytics and
Visualisation". During this internship, I had an opportunity to immerse myself in the world of
Data Analytics. And get hands-on experience in this field which is way far beyond the
classroom. While it is challenging to encapsulate the entirety of my internship experience, I
have made an effort to present a comprehensive overview of my tasks, observations, findings,
and learnings in the subsequent sections.

Data analytics transforms unprocessed data into useful insights. It comprises a variety of
methods, technologies, and tools for leveraging data to identify patterns and address issues.
Data analytics can influence business procedures, enhance decision-making, and promote
company expansion

Data analytics is significant since it aids in the performance optimization of enterprises. By

finding more cost-effective ways to do business and retaining a lot of data, firms can help cut
expenses by incorporating it into their business strategy.
Data analysts receive assistance when reporting or presenting conclusions. Data visualization
and analysis technologies like Tableau and Power BI are both used to gather data, run data
analytics, and present the findings in dashboards and reports.
Table of Content

Chapter Chapter Name Page No.


1 Company Profile 7-9

2 Introduction to Topic 10-13

3 Literature Review 14-16

4 Research Methodology 17-18

Data Analysis 19-25

Findings & Recommendation 26-27

Conclusion 28

Annexure 29

Bibliography 30
Company Profile

During the summer of 2023, I was blessed with the opportunity to work an internship at
Accenture — a professional services group that helps businesses, governments, and other
organizations improve their technology, optimize their operations, accelerate profits, and
enhance community efforts.

In the 1950s, Accenture was founded as the technology and business consultancy arm of
Edward Andersen. In 1989, Accenture (then Andersen Consulting) and Arthur Andersen
become formally distinct entities from one another. Arthur received payment from Andersen
Consulting each year, but in 1998, Andersen Consulting put that year and the following year
and the money into escrow for the following year and reported a violation of contract. Due to
in August 2000 Andersen Consulting severed all connections with Andersen Worldwide
Society Cooperative following an arbitration Arthur Andersen, too. Because of this, the
business decided to change its name and polled its employees to develop names or concepts
that reflected the company's values. An individual from Accenture's use in Norway led to the
phrase "accent on the future” has always had an eye toward the future; this is how they
maintain their competitive advantage. In light of this, Andersen Consulting adopted
"Accenture" as its present name. They have its headquarters in Dublin, Ireland, and they
pay 3.5% tax as contrasted to 20 to 24 percent in the US 738,000 people work for the talent
and innovation organization Accenture, which serves clients more than 120 nations.

Technology Leadership
We provide innovative and comprehensive services and solutions that span cloud; systems
integration and application management; security; intelligent platform services; infrastructure
services; software engineering services; data and artificial intelligence; and global delivery
through our Advanced Technology centre. Our strong ecosystem relationships provide a
significant competitive advantage, and we are a key partner of a broad range of technology
providers, including Adobe, Alibaba, Amazon Web Services, Blue Yonder, Cisco, Dell,
Google, HPE, IBM RedHat, Microsoft, Oracle, Pegasystems, Salesforce, SAP, ServiceNow,
VMWare, Workday and many others. Technology is the foundation of the business and the
source of change. As a result, they strive to stay ahead of most businesses in terms of
technology development. Bringing together their strengths in people, un-rival industry
experience, and technology. Its global delivery capacity had made it possible for them to
efficiently provide clients with meaningful outcomes. I work experience in the data analytics
industry, although they various other sectors, such as Strategy and Consulting, Technology,
Operations, Industry X, and Accenture Song. Each group works for one another and together
we effectively leverage our work and expertise

Strategy & Consulting: We work with C-suite executives, leaders and boards of the world’s
leading organizations, helping them formulate their strategy, shape and accelerate their total
enterprise reinvention to drive growth, enhance competitiveness, drive operational
improvements, reduce costs and deliver sustainable 360° value to their stakeholders. We use
our deep industry and functional expertise underpinned by technology, data, analytics,
artificial intelligence, innovation, and our change management and talent capabilities, to help
reinvent every part of the enterprise.
Technology: We provide innovative and comprehensive services and solutions that span
cloud; systems integration and application management; security; intelligent platform
services; infrastructure services; software engineering services; data and artificial
intelligence; and global delivery through our Advanced Technology Centre. We continuously
innovate our services, capabilities and platforms through early adoption of new technologies
such as blockchain, robotics, 5G, edge computing, metaverse and quantum computing. We
provide a range of capabilities that addresses the challenges faced by organizations today,
including how to manage change and develop new growth opportunities.
Operations: We operate business processes on behalf of clients for specific enterprise
functions, including finance and accounting, sourcing and procurement, supply chain,
marketing and sales, as well as industry-specific services, such as platform trust and safety,
banking, insurance and health services. We help organizations to reinvent themselves through
intelligent operations, enabled by Syn- Ops, our data-powered, cloud enabled platform that
combines our human + machine capabilities.
Industry X: We combine our digital capabilities with deep engineering and manufacturing
expertise. By using the combined power of digital and data we help our clients to reimagine
the products they make and how they make them. Through the use of data and transformative
technologies such as digital twins, AI, IoT, cloud/Edge, 5G, advanced robotics, and metaverse
we help our clients embed greater resilience, productivity and sustainability into their core
operations. And in doing so, we help them create new, hyper-personalized experiences and
intelligent products and services.
Song: We strive to accelerate growth and value for our clients across industries through
sustained customer relevance with emerging channels, technologies and models tied to the
ever-changing needs and preferences of business-to-business and business-to-consumer
customers. Our capabilities span ideation to execution: growth, product and experience
design; technology and experience platforms; creative, media and marketing strategy; and
campaign, content and channel orchestration. With strong client relationships and deep
industry expertise, we help our clients operate at speed through the potential of imagination,
technology and intelligence.

Awards and Recognition

 Accenture was placed 169th in the Forbes Global 2000.
 In 2021 the business was placed No. 2 in Diversity Inc.'s list of the top 50 Companies
for Diversity.
 In 2022, Ethisphere Institute recognised Accenture for the 15th time.
 Fortune magazine named Accenture one of the 100 Best Companies to Work For
from 2009 to 2022.
 In 2021, Accenture was ranked No. 258 on the Fortune Global 500.
 In 2021 and 2022, Fortune named it as the world's most admired Information
Technology Services company.

Our purpose
To deliver on the promise of technology and human ingenuity. We help our clients
become the next and best versions of themselves.

Core values

Our values shape the culture of our organization and define the character of our company. We
live the core values through individual behaviour. They serve as the foundation for how we
act and make decisions.
Data Analytics and Visualisation

What is Data Analytics?

As was already noted, vast amounts of data have been generated as a result of technology's
rise as a vital force behind every industry in today's world. Without data analytics, businesses
are unable to interpret this information. The term "analytics" is broad and includes a variety
of subfields. It describes all the methods and procedures used to analyse data and produce
insightful conclusions and interpretations. It is important to remember that Data Analytics
relies on computer programs and tools to collect data and analyse it so that business decisions
can be made appropriately.
Since it enables businesses to better understand their clients and strengthen their advertising
strategies, data analytics is widely used in business. Due to the many advances, this is a very
active field.
Data Analytics has been reduced to a mechanical industry that depends on computer
algorithms to analyse raw data and draw valid findings.

What are the types of Data Analysis?

The type of information you have will determine which Data Analysis technique you use. As
a result, there are two primary methods of data analysis: qualitative and quantitative. Let's
examine what each term implies and how it relates to your company.
1. Analysis of Quantitative Data
This kind of data analysis emphasizes the statistical characteristics of your data more. In
general, it explains what is going on and whether or not the trends are rising or falling. The
categories of quantitative data analysis are as follows:
You can identify patterns and trends in a given set of data using descriptive analysis.
Processes like figuring out frequencies, percentages, and measures of central tendency like
mean, mode, and median are included.
Inferential Analysis: When it is necessary to investigate the differences and correlations
between specific data sets, inferential analysis is used. ANOVA, t-Tests, and Chi-Square are
some of the statistical techniques used.

2. Analysis of Qualitative Data

While qualitative analysis deals with non-numeric data such as audio, video recordings,
photographs, texts, and transcripts, quantitative analysis concentrates on numerical data.
Qualitative data also typically reveals how your data is changing.
What are the components of Data Analytics?
The various methods you can employ to process any given collection of data are referred to
as data analytics components. They consist of:

Text analytics: It is the method utilized by autocorrect in mobile devices and programs like
Microsoft Word. To create algorithms, a lot of text needs to be analysed. Applications include
pattern recognition and linguistic analysis.
Data Mining: Finding behavioural patterns in inpatient data during clinical trials is one of the
most important Data Mining applications. As the name implies, data mining divides
enormous data sets into smaller ones that are suitable for a certain task.
BI: One of the crucial procedures for any successful firm is business intelligence. It entails
converting data into useful business plans for a specific commercial enterprise.

What is Data Visualisation?

Data Visualization involves imagining the information to establish trends and conclusions,
whereas Data Analytics is more concerned with giving structure to unorganized data.
Information is arranged into graphs, charts, and other visual representations in data
visualization. This makes previously complex information simple and accessible to all parties
involved, enabling them to make important business decisions.

What are the types of Data Visualisation Techniques?

The sort of data visualization technique you select will mostly depend on the type of data to
be model and the objective, similar to data analytics. It is important to note that while some
Visualizations are made automatically, others are manually created. Some of the well-liked
visualization methods are listed below:

Histograms: The graphic visualization tool known as a histogram groups a piece of data into
a variety of frequencies. It organizes information in a way that makes it simple to read and
shares key characteristics with a bar graph.

Graphs: These are fantastic tools for examining the relationship between the time series in a
certain set of data. For instance, a graph might be used to examine a company's annual
revenues based on each month.

Fever Charts: Since it depicts how data changes over time, a fever chart is a crucial tool for
any organization. Consider how the sales of a given product might be used to assess its

Heatmap: This method, called heatmap visualization, is based on the psychological

observation that the human brain processes colours far more quickly than numbers. It is a
graph where high or low value points are represented by numerical data points highlighted in
light or warm colours.

Infographics: When studying complicated datasets, infographics are useful. They organize
vast volumes of data into a format that is simple to understand.

These were some of the most well-liked visualizations that you may use to advance your
workflows for data analytics and visualization.

What are the advantages of Data Analytics and Visualization?

One of the most important components of the business decision-making process is data
analytics and visualization. It aids the stakeholders in identifying trends in the data and
developing successful business plans. Some advantages of data analytics and visualization are
listed below:

Better Decision Making: Companies can discover market trends and make better business
decisions to increase sales and profits by using talented data analysts and the appropriate

Better Insights: By employing data analytics and visualization, businesses may divide vast
volumes of consumer data into manageable chunks that can be used to better understand their
client base.

Enhancing Productivity and Revenue Growth: By examining the outcomes of Data Analytics
and Visualization, businesses may identify the areas they need to focus on to spend money on
and which procedures should be automated for increased efficiency.

Noticing Changes in Market Behaviour: Company stakeholders may immediately spot

changes in market behaviour and take the necessary business choices with the help of a real-
time data analytics and visualization dashboard.

Analysing Different Market: Utilizing data analytics and visualization approaches, businesses
can examine various markets to determine which ones to target and which ones to ignore.
Business Trends: One of the most beneficial uses of data analytics and visualization is in
business trends. Businesses can use it to analyse recent and historical trends to generate
forecasts about the future direction of their operations.
Literature Review

Imagine a world without data storage; a place where every detail about a person or
organization, every transaction performed, or every aspect which can be documented is lost
directly after use. Organizations would thus lose the ability to extract valuable information
and knowledge, perform detailed analyses, as well as provide new opportunities and
advantages. Anything ranging from customer names and addresses, to products available, to
purchases made, to employees hired, etc. has become essential for day-to-day continuity.
Data is the building block upon which any organization thrives. Now think of the extent of
details and the surge of data and information provided nowadays through the advancements
in technologies and the internet. With the increase in storage capabilities and methods of data
collection, huge amounts of data have become easily available. Every second, more and more
data is being created and needs to be stored and analysed in order to extract value.
Furthermore, data has become cheaper to store, so organizations need to get as much value as
possible from the huge amounts of stored data.

Big Data Analytics

The term “Big Data” has recently been applied to datasets that grow so large that they
become awkward to work with using traditional database management systems. They are data
sets whose size is beyond the ability of commonly used software tools and storage systems to
capture, store, manage, as well as process the data within a tolerable elapsed time. Big data
sizes are constantly increasing, currently ranging from a few dozen terabytes (TB) to many
petabytes (PB) of data in a single data set. Consequently, some of the difficulties related to
big data include capture, storage, search, sharing, analytics, and visualizing. Today,
enterprises are exploring large volumes of highly detailed data so as to discover facts they
didn’t know before. Hence, big data analytics is where advanced analytic techniques are
applied on big data sets. Analytics based on large data samples reveals and leverages business
change. However, the larger the set of data, the more difficult it becomes to manage.

Characteristics of Big Data

Big data is data whose scale, distribution, diversity, and/or timeliness require the employment
of new technical architectures, analytics, and tools so as to enable insights that

unlock new sources of business value. Three main features characterize big data: volume,
variety, and velocity, or the three Vs. the quantity of the info is its size, and how enormous
it's. Velocity refers to the speed with which data is changing, or how often it's created.
Finally, variety includes the various formats and kinds of knowledge, as well because the
different sorts of uses and ways of analysing Characteristics of Big Data the information
Data volume is that the primary attribute of huge data. Big data are often quantified by size in
TBs or PBs, in addition as even the amount of records, transactions, tables, or files.

Data Analytic Processing

After the massive data storage, comes the analytic processing. in line with, there are four
critical requirements for large processing. the primary requirement is fast data loading. Since
the disk and network traffic interferes with the query executions during data loading, it's
necessary to cut back the info loading time. The second requirement is fast query processing.
so as to satisfy the necessities of heavy workloads and real-time requests, many queries are
response-time critical. Thus, the info placement structure must be capable of retaining high
query processing speeds because the amounts of queries rapidly increase. Additionally, the
third requirement for large processing is the highly efficient utilization of cupboard space.
Since the rapid climb in user activities can demand scalable storage capacity and computing
power, limited space necessitates that data storage be managed during processing, and issues
on how to store the info in order that space utilization is maximized be addressed. Finally, the
fourth requirement is that the strong adaptivity to highly dynamic workload patterns. As big
data sets are analysed by different applications and users, for various purposes, and in various
ways, the underlying system should be highly adaptive to unexpected dynamics in
processing, and not specific to certain workload patterns.

What I saw on my last two teams was the use of Power BI to consolidate data and turn it into
real meaning. With millions of data sets, you can arrange a dashboard that can expose raw
data and drill down in depth to answer questions raised by the client lead. I saw its benefits
13 when managers used it as well. With end-to-end solution capabilities, you can get creative
with how you construct your dashboards and slicers. I spoke with one of our managers and he
told me one of the best things about Power BI is the ability to see cost drivers and the effect
they have on the contract in a couple of seconds. With at least 100 contracts to manage, it
makes it way easier to see your important financials that are critical to the health of the
contract. The teams that used Power BI were way more organized and in my final project, I
proposed the idea that more teams should adopt this style. I did my research on the benefits
and uses of Power BI when it comes to financial management and forecasting. I found 6
reasons why Power BI should be used, which were stated by the Corporate Finance Institute.
Here's what I found:

1. Easy organization of very large data sets: Accenture has an abundance of data and the two
other platforms used did not have capabilities that allowed for easy consolidation of data.
Using Power BI allows you to organize your data the way that suits your team the best.

2. Great projection mechanisms: When working with Power BI, Accenture used a what-if
parameter, that allow for different contracts to be compared and projected using certain

3. Data Trends and Patterns: I mentioned previously that the data can be manipulated to tell
you what you want to find out. By setting certain connections to your sources, you can
streamline different contracts into different pools, which allowed for patterns and trends to be
spotted faster.

4. Quick Insights Feature: Power BI runs on powerful algorithms, which fuels the efficient
software that allows for this feature to be so successful. Our project managers could right-
click on any data point and get specific details pertaining to that certain contract. On top of
this, anything updated in SAP gets automatically updated in Power BI. This allowed
managers to see up-to-date information with just a couple of simple clicks. The whole idea
behind this was to automate certain areas for the managers and leads so that they could focus
on more technical work.

5. Power View: In Power BI, Power View allows you to create interactive charts, that bring
your data to life. Such as pie charts, line charts, or graphs of different sets of data.

6. Collaboration: This can easily be the most important feature because you can share your
dashboards with the rest of your team. I would send snapshots of our dashboards to the client
lead so he could get caught up on certain contracts. The ease of sharing helped our team stay
on top of our forecasts and variances. All the while, the platform offers high security in case
given to the wrong people.
Research Methodology

The Project.

Client name: Social Buzz

Client industry: social media & content creation.

Year established: 2010

Location of HQ: San Francisco

Number of employees: 250.

Client background:

Social Buzz was founded by two former engineers from a large social media conglomerate,
one from London and the other from San Francisco. They left in 2008 and both met in San
Francisco to start their business. They started Social Buzz because they saw an opportunity to
build on the foundation that their previous company started by creating a new platform where
content took centre stage. Social Buzz emphasizes content by keeping all users anonymous,
only tracking user reactions to every piece of content. There are over 100 ways that users can
react to content, spanning beyond the traditional reactions of likes, dislikes, and comments.
This ensures that trending content, as opposed to individual users, is at the forefront of user

Over the past 5 years, Social Buzz has reached over 500 million active users each month.
They have scaled quicker than anticipated and need the help of an advisory firm to oversee
their scaling process effectively.

Due to their rapid growth and the digital nature of their core product, the amount of data that
they create, collect, and must analyse is huge. Every day over 100,000 pieces of content,
ranging from text, images, videos, and GIFs are posted. All this data is highly unstructured
and requires extremely sophisticated and expensive technology to manage and maintain. Out
of the 250 people working at Social Buzz, 200 of them are technical staff working on
maintaining this highly complex technology.

Up until this point, they have not relied on any third-party firms to help them get to where
they are. However, there are 3 main reasons why they are now looking at bringing in external

1. They are looking to complete an IPO by the end of next year and need guidance to
ensure that this goes smoothly.

2. They are still a small company and do not have the resources to manage the scale that
they are currently at. They could hire more people, but they want an experienced practice to
help instead.
3. They want to learn data best practices from a large corporation. Due to the nature of
their business, they have a massive amount of data, so they are keen on understanding how
the world's biggest companies manage the challenges of big data.

To start our engagement with Social Buzz, we are running a 3-month initial project to prove
to them that we are the best firm to work with. They are expecting the following:

1. An audit of their big data practice.

2. Recommendations for a successful IPO.

3. An analysis of their content categories that highlight the top 5 categories with the
largest aggregate popularity.

Tasks to be delegated:

1. Creation of an up-to-date big data best practices presentation - Extraction of

sample data sets using SQL.

2. On-site audit of their data centre.

3. Merging of sample data set tables.

4. A virtual session with the Social Buzz team to present previous client success
stories relevant to them Preparation of best practice document for IPO.

5. Loading of sample data sets into the Accenture sandbox database.

6. Technology architecture workshop with Social Buzz Data Team to understand

their technology landscape.

7. Stress testing of their technology to identify weak spots.

8. Communication with previous IPO companies within our client base for
reference stories -Analysis of sample data sets with visualizations.

9. Full documentation of the process that we can guide them through for IPO.
Data Analysis

My first task was to read the brief from Social Buzz.

Read the brief to:

 Understand the client and business problem at hand.

 Identify the requirements that need to be delivered for this project.

 Identify which tasks you should focus on as a Data Analyst.

Gathering, Cleaning and Modelling Data: In the initial stage of the project, I downloaded 7

datasets to investigate Social Buzz’s big data practice. However, upon closer inspection, I

realized that not all of the datasets were necessary for the task at hand. After carefully

reviewing the data, I decided to focus on three specific tables — Reaction.csv, Reaction

Type.csv, and Content.csv — which contained the relevant information needed to carry out the


The Content.csv Table contained information about social media content and had 4 columns

 Content ID: A unique identifier for each content.

 Content Type: The type of content, which can be either a photo or a video.

 Category: The category or topic of each content.

 URL: The link associated with the content.

The Reaction Types.csv data contained information about user reactions to content, 4

columns and with each row representing a single reaction:

 Content ID: A unique identifier for the content that the user is reacting to.
 Reaction Type: The type of reaction made by the user, which can be disgust,

dislike, scared, or interested.

 Datetime: The date and time when the reaction was made.

 User-Id: A unique identifier for the users.

And Lastly the Reactions.csv table contained information about reaction types with 3


 Type: The type of reaction, which can be heart, want, disgust, hate, or interested.

 Sentiment: The sentiment of the reaction, which can be positive or negative.

 Score: A score associated with the reaction type.

After selecting the relevant datasets, I cleaned them in Excel by removing irrelevant columns

like the URL column in the content.csv table and the User-Id column in the Reaction.csv table.

I also checked for blanks and duplicate values, particularly in the content.csv table. To ensure

data quality, I deleted rows with missing values in the Reaction.csv table. These steps were

necessary to prepare the data for analysis and ensure that our results were accurate and


Task - 2

 Often you won’t need all these datasets to find what you’re looking for.
 So, the first step is to use this data model to identify which datasets will be required to
answer your business question - which is to figure out the top 5 categories with the
largest popularity.

After Analysis we got data sets needed to complete analysis:

 Reaction Score (score is used to quantified the popularity)

 Content ID
 Reaction Types
 Content type
 Category

Data Cleaning

Clean the data by:

 removing rows that have values which are missing,

 changing the data type of some values within a column, and
 removing columns which are not relevant to this task.
 Think about how each column might be relevant to the business question you’re
investigating. If you can’t think of why a column may be useful, it may not be worth
including it.

End result will be three cleaned data set:

 Reactions Type
 Reactions
 Content

Tasks carried out on Microsoft SQL Server.

I wrote queries to carry out data cleaning in MS SQL Server, I also wrote to model the

datasets by creating connections using SQL JOINS. At last I wrote queries to analyse and

generate insights into the client’s data sets.


Analysis and Insights (Visualizations and Dashboard)

This phase is focused on bringing the data to life, as a data analyst my job is to connect the

business and the data. After uncovering insights from the data, I needed to communicate the

relevant insights in a way that is clear, concise and engaging to my client and team members.

This requires creating data visualizations and a PowerPoint presentation for Social Buzz that

reports on their content performance. I created this dashboard using Microsoft Excel to
analyse the top 5 categories, unique categories and the number of posts per month. I then used

the data generated to create a graph.

 From a total of 16 different content categories, the top 5 contents

include animals, science, healthy eating, technology, and food. With contents on

animals topping the charts with a total score of about 75,000 points.

 Animals has a popularity percentage share of 21.36%, science has a popularity

percentage share of 20.28%, healthy eating is in third place and food is in fifth place,

with popularity percentage shares of 19.76% and 19%, respectively, among the top 5
content categories.
 We can see that the top 5 content categories are arranged sequentially in relation to the

preceding two visuals by looking at the total number of posts by category. The

category with the most posts overall is animals (1,967), followed by science (1,864).

With 1,266 posts overall, public speaking is last.

 Looking at the overall number of posts broken down by content type, images come in

first with 6,847 posts, followed by videos with 6,499 posts, GIFs with 6,313 posts, and

audio with 5,894 posts.

 With a total of 2,218 posts, January is the month with the most; this indicates that a lot

of individuals post at this time. various high. Even Nevertheless, February saw a sharp

decline in the number of posts, falling to 1,980. This graph demonstrates that posts by

month are cyclical (increase and fall).

Final Dashboard

Present to the Client

Present your power point presentation to the client and deliver the insights of your analysis


Science and Technology are the most popular categories of content showing that people

enjoy “real-life” and “factual” content the most.


Food is a common theme with the top 5 Categories with “Science” ranking the highest. This

may give an indication to the audience within your user base. You could use the insight to

create a campaign and work with healthy eating brands to boots user engagement

We know that the client wants to understand the top 5 content categories. They are Animals,

Science, Healthy Eating, Technology and Food. Among the top content categories, Food and

Science are notable. The users like content related on Food/Healthy Eating and

Science/Technology. The platform can then use this information to incentivize content

creators with the same categories to boost audience engagement. Also make sure that the

content produced is balanced all throughout the platform for when there is one content

category appearing with the majority of the content posted. The bottom categories should also
be focused to prevent that.

 The fact that science and animals are among the most popular subject areas

demonstrates that consumers prefer "real-life" and "factual" content. Therefore, I

advise you to maintain producing more material for these two areas.

 The top 5 categories all revolve on food, with "Healthy Eating" coming in at number

one. The audience within your user base may get a hint from this. With the help of

healthy eating brands, you might develop a campaign using this information to

increase user engagement.

 It is not surprising, given the advancement of technology, to see technologically

relevant material among the top categories. Users appear to love your technological

stuff. I would suggest working with some of the biggest tech companies in the world.

By examining the top content categories on a particular platform, this project has investigated

social media engagement. I determined the top-performing content categories and their

patterns over time by using data cleaning and preparation in Excel, data modelling and

exploratory data analysis with Python and SQL, and visualization with Power BI.

The knowledge collected from this study can be utilized to boost interaction on social media

platforms and inform content production initiatives. The differences between Python and

SQL results also illustrate the value of comprehensive data analysis and the potential for

conflicts between various analytical methods. Overall, this study shows the effectiveness of

data analytics in generating insights and guiding defensible decisions.

A thorough learning experience was provided to me by the Accenture North America data

analytics virtual internship. By completing the internship, I was able to obtain knowledge

about how data analytics can be used to solve problems in the real world in addition to
practical skills. Anyone wishing to begin a career in a new field or students who want to gain

access to real-world projects and industry professionals should definitely consider doing a

virtual internship. Programs for virtual work experience are a useful means of bridging the
gap between academic learning and the workplace.

1. Student: V Harish

2. Roll No.: 226122009

3. Contact No.: 9304286268

4. Email ID:

5. Name of the company: Accenture

6. Topic: Data Analytics and Visualisation

7. Date of Joining: July 2023






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