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ANAMARIA CHEREJI TESTE GRILA LIMBA ENGLEZA Teste gril pentru admitere la Academia de Politie Editura RISOPRINT Cluj-Napoca © 2020 Test 1 1). 22... of the following songs seems.. a) What/mostly/for b) Which/most/to c) Which/most/for d) Which/mostly/to is a city in......Netherlands, considere ....its important institutions. c)the/the/to be/ the/. d)the/....../being/the/. 3) Ai permite si i se verifice bagajul minutios la vama? a) Would you allow having your luggage checked thoroughly at the customs? b) Would you permit to have your luggages checked well at the customs? c) Would you allow your luggage being checked thoroughly at the custom? d) Should you allow your luggage toroughlly checked at the customs? 4)....that herd of the field a) Was/grazing/other b) Were/grazing/other ¢) Was/snorkeling/another d) Were/sniffing/others 5) She wishes.....her her birthday party last week. a) All offeame b) All/had come c) Some ofwould come d) Both/didn't come 6) The jury......the verdict by......dawn. They are ina hurry. a) is going to reach/...... b) are going to reach/..... ¢) will reach/the 4d) will be reaching/..... 7) They'd better. .....before......breakfast. a) had cleaned up/the b) washed up/..... c) wash up/the d) be washing up/..... 8) .....-your foes....the prize, what.. a) Should/win/will they do? b) Were/to win/would they have done? c) Were/to have won/will they do d) Could/to win/would they do 9) Try... fork,.......a spoon when. ....mashed potatoes. a) to use/instead offeating b) using/instead offeating ‘ ©) using/for/eat d) to use/as/to eat 10) veseeserecsee L....sStill go........regarding that matter. a) Come what may/will/further b) Be that as may/would/furthest c) Far be it from me/will/further d) Come what it may/would/farther 11) Whoever he........, she...... forgive him next week at the trial, He had done tremendous harm. a) might be/should b) may be/won’t ¢) should be/wouldn’t d) could be/wouldn’t 12) Why don’t we go fora coffee?” the girl asked me. a) The girl asked why I didn’t 0 for a coffee. b) The girl suggested going for a coffee. c) The girl asked why I don’t go for a coffee. 4) The girl suggested to 80 to a coffee. 13) I saw her.....that morning. I won’t have her. made her. a) run/messing/cry b) running/mess/ery ¢) running/messing/erying d) run/mess/cry ith my head anymore, so I 14) The...... woman is acting........She is as....... a) old/strange/mad as a March hare b) old/strangely/as deaf as a post ©) elder/strange/bold as a lion 4) old/strangely/as steady as a cucumber 15) he is ten years younger than her sister she is......... her. a) Though/not so beautiful than b) Despite/not more beautiful as c) Although/not as beautiful as d) In spite offas beautiful as 16)......., he decided to tell the truth as well as he...... a) Lastly/could b) Last/should c) Lately/ought to d) Latter/could 17) Itis said that the flag has wonderful bright colours, a) They say the flag has wonderfull brightly colours. b) They say the flag is to have wonderful bright colours, ¢) The flag is said to have wonderful bright colours. d) The flag is said to have wonderful brightly colours, _ the bridge, it is going to collapse in a matter of seconds”! 18) “Please get. a) off b) over & c) out d)in 19) Neither you, nor I.......going to say a word. a) have b) be ©) do d) nici una corecta 20) He knew that if he.....home empty-handed, him. a) would come/were laughing b) would have come/had laughed c) came/would laugh d) were to come/should laugh 21) Shakespeare,.......English writer, _was......important representative a) a/the/the b) the/an/the c) -/a/the d) the/the/the 22) The butterfly flew...... the field. a) over/around b) besides/across c) between/over d) about/through 23),..all the members of the crew to attend the captain’s meeting, would the ship.....cnough space.....the event? a) Would/have/to hold b) Should/have/to host c) Were/have/to host d) Were/had/to held 10 24) Can I....this week? My frozen meat is already damaged. a) have my fridge repaired b) get repaired the fridge c) have my fridge to install ) have him repaired my fridge 25) Samuel asked the girl where......S0 that he......her to school. a) she had studied/might drive b) did she study/can drive c) she studied/could drive d) she was studying /may drive 26) “ Sorry I didn’t see you when you passed me in the street.” “IFT... of course I......” a) had seen/would greet b) see/would have greeted c) had seen/would have greeted d) had seen/would greet 27) 1 can’t make my motorbike. Have you tried a) starting/to fill b) to start/felling c) started/to fill d) start/filling ea send on cold weather. the radiator with hot fluids? 28)”....she or her boyfriend inside” the hoste “Neither of them ....... _ a) Is/are b) Is/is c) Are/are d) Are/are 29) Ne vedem acasii la voi sau la bacinie? a) Shall we meet at your house or at the bakery’s? b) We shall meet at your place or at the baker's? c) Shall we meet at your place or at the grocery? d) Shall we meet at your place or at the grocery’s? 30) If only that party alone. It might have been dangerous. a) hadn’t gone b) weren’t going c) wouldn’t go d) didn’t go Test 2 1) Chris a spus: “Pisica umbla in patru labe.” a) "The cat walks on four legs” Chris said. b) "The cat walks on four feet” said Chris. c) "The cat walks on all fours” Chris said. d) "The Tabby cat goes on four paws” Chris said. 2) ....exotic country.....its.. .- population. a) the/ an/due to/Arabic b) the/an/owing to/Arab c) ../an/owing to/Arabic d) the/a/due to/Arabian 3) They purchased a portrait of Grigorescu from the art exhibition. a) Ei au cumparat un tablou in care este pictat Grigorescu. ionat un portret in care este pictat Grigorescu. c) Ei au achizifionat un portret pictat de Grigorescu. ) Ei au cumpiarat un tablou de-al lui Grigorescu. 4) Some people....../+..++ a) mustn’t be/as obstinate as destiny b) need to be/as obstinate as a tyrant c) shouldn’t be/as obstinate as a mule d) ought not be/so obstinate as a horse 5) The trip had a...... a) two-hour delay b) two hours’ delay c) delay of two hours d) two-hours-delay 13 6) The....../ the police-officer that they......the goods...... a) thiefs/explained/had stolen/yesterday b) thieves/explained/had stolen/the previous day c) thieves/had explained/stole/the day before d) thiefs/were explaining/had stolled/the previous day 7) The Browh§ rarely visit their relatives, except on... a) holiday/don’t they b) holidays/do they c) holidays/don’t they 4) holiday/aren’t they 8) If only he.....the right thing and marry her! a) would do b) had done c) were doing d) did 9) Not once......the whole story to his friends ,...... he knew......about what really occurred there. a) had he told/in spite offless b) did he tell/though/little c) will he tell/despite/little d) he told/although/the least .,clothes and food......entering the country, cause it was 10) The refugees.. offered....../ Iecenee a) needn’t have bought/at/to them/freely b) didn’t have to buy/on/to them/for free c) didn’t need to buy/in/for they/for free d) mustn’t have boughVon/to they/freely 11) If she the past, she....... a good job now. a) would have studied/should get/should be b) had studied/would get/would have been c) had studied/would get/would be d) studied/would have got/would have been 14 12) By calling her a. a) Negress/offending b) Negroes/offend c) Negress/to offend d) Negro/offending he didn’t mean...... her. 13) The scholars from India......the prize, since they....../......competitors. a) shouldn’t have won/had been/so poor b) needn’t have win/were/such badly c) might not have won/were/so bad d) can’t have won/were/such poor 14) The widow. her.....husband. a) was made to suffer/late b) made him suffer/latter c) was made suffer/late d) is made to suffer/lately 15) She declined the offer for fear she.....him. a) should lose b) might lose c) may lose oy d) could lose 16) Sarah has two little puppies, Max and them, a) The first/the prettiest/the second/the naughtiest b) The former/the prettier/the latter/the naughtier ¢) The former/the prettyer/the latter/the naughtier d) The first/the prettiest/the later/the naughtiest 17) This is the first time Jack... Mount Fuji. a) has climbed/..... b) climbed/.,... ¢c) has climbed/the d) had climbed/..... 15 18) She wishes she......./.....extra kilos in the past year, now she...... moves. a) didn’t get/so much/hardly b) weren’t getting/so much/scarcely c) hadn’t got/so many/barely 4) wouldn’t get/so many/hardly 19) The lent the book is not here. ......: she. ...her a) whose/either/or/are b) who/neither/nor/are ¢) which/either/or/is ) to whom/neither/nor/is 20) The actress walked.... a) onto/the b) on/the c) onto/a d) on/a ...«tage and people were applauding frenetically. 21) The company has sold........0....00 of products this year. a) three times a quantity ) thricce the quantity c) a threefold quantity d) a three times the quantity 22) The students weren’t able to...... so much...... a) take on/information b) take up/informations c) take out/informations d) take in/information 23) You.....the book, .......was on the shelf, two days ago. Did you forget about it? a) borrowed/whom b) lent/which ¢) gave/that d) give/whose 16 24) I....amy glass to drink when that someone.....t0 immediately. a) was raising/told/wanted/to b) was rising/told/had wanted/with c) had raised/was telling/wanted/with d) rose/has told/wished/to 25) The person...... entered the door, spoke Russian. a) whom/us b) that/us c) who/us d) which/we 26) It is more than two years since he began playing volleyball, ......? a) is it b) isn’t it c) does it d) doesn’t it 27) He treated me as ifl......1 his housekeeper, though he had no right to do that in those circumstances. a) were b) had been. c) would be d) was 28) People.....all over the world are deeply impressed......the he Romanian people. b) in/by/of ¢) from/with/of d) from/by/of 29) We oughtn't to expect a visit on Wednesday, .. a) should we b) ought we 7 c) would we d) will we 30) In ten years she.....French to the students for thirty years. That’s quite a) will be teaching/awsome b) will have taught/awesome c) will have studied/awesomely d) will have been teaching/awesome Test 3 1).....-moments.....very.....and they are rarely... a) Breathless/last/little/deceitful/ are they b) Breathtaking/lasts/few/mischievous/aren’t they c) Powerless/occur/at times/mischevious/aren’t they d) Powerful/occurs/from time to time/are they 2).....-Dark Ages....a term of...:.periodization, meaning.....Middle Ages. a)...../are historical/traditional/the b) The/is/historical/traditionally/the c) The/are/historic/traditionally/the d)...../is/historic/traditional/the 3) Ei ar trebui sa fie mandri de realizari le copiilor lor. a) They have to be proud of children’s achievements. b) They should be proud of their children’s achievements. c) They must be proud of their children’s achievements. d) They ought to be proudly of their children’s achievement. 4) Hapiness comes from.....the mind,.....our efforts of searching it....... the outside, a) inside/though/in b) within/despite/on ¢) outside/in spite offin d) inside/although/on S)ietece knows me well, .....+ Tam exactly what I appear to be, .....? a) However/should find/am 1 b) Whichever/must find/ am 1 c) Whomever/might find/aren’t 1 d) Whoever/may find/aren’t I 19 G)eseved his lawyer and his friends....... a) Neither/trust/him b) None offtrust/himself c) Both/trust/him d) Neither/trusts/him 7) Dac& n-ar fi avut incredere in el, lucrurile ar sta altfel in prezent. a) If she didn’t have faith in him, things would be different now. b) If she hadn’t trusted him, things would have been different now. c) If she hadn’t trusted him, things would be different for the time being. d) If she wouldn’t have trusted him, things would have been different for the moment. 8) ’Free and easy” means: a) outgoing b) very free c) open-minded d) very freely 9) The couple, Tom and Katy loved....... a) each other b) one another c) themselves d) himself 10) I'd rather....... on a trip to the mountains than. ..... cards on that lovely weather a few days ago, a) went/playing b) had gone/had played c) have gone/have played d) go/play 11) He treats her as if she.,..../......t0 him, a) were/nobody . b) had been/nobody c) was/anybody d) were/anybody 20 well. Their use is a waste of time. 12) Their...... don’t function. a) skemas/pretty b) schemata/quite c) schemas/rather d) schematas/fairly / 13) The. full of...... a) appendices/is/content b) appendix/is/content c) appendices/are/contents d) appendixes/are/contents 14) "It’s high time you told the truth about everything” she said. a) She said it was high time I told the truth about everything. b) She said it was high time I had told the truth about everything. c) She said it is high time I told the truth about everything. d) She said it is high time I have told the truth about everything. 15)......1 he wouldn’t have been.....prison. a) But for his deeds/sentenced to b) Unless for his deeds/convinced to c) If it were his deeds/charged with d) If it had been for/sentenced to 16) Italienii manancé din ce in ce mai multe paste. a) Italians eat more and more pasta. b) The Italians are eating more and more pasta. ¢) Italians are eating more and more pastas. d) The Italians eat more and more pastas. 17) You'll have to......your car so that I can get out, You’re a lousy driver! a) back out b) back up c) back down d) back into aa 18) “One of the great diseases is to be nobody to anybody”. a) Una dintre cele mai mari “boli” este s& fii un nimeni in societate. b) Una dintre cele mai mari probleme este si fii un nimeni pentru oricine. c) Toata lumea merit sd fie “cineva,” sa insemne ceva pentru altcineva. d) Fiecare merita si reprezinte “ceva” pentru altcineva, daca nu, are o boali. 19)...../.....we had yesterday in...... town centre, was connected...... the fact that he was appointed......president. a) The/business/the/with/the b) A/business/....../to/the c) The/bussiness/the/with/ d) The/business/the/to, 20) Sam was the......player on the field that day. a) one hundred and first b) one hundredth and one c) one hundredth and first d) one hundred and one 21) Vecina mea s-a imbracat cu bluza aceea rosie, moale, de catifea, din Spania. a) My neighbor was dressed in that soft, red, velvet, Spanish blouse. b) My neighbor was dressed in that soft, red, Spanish, velvet blouse. c) My neighbor got dressed in that soft, red, velvet Spanish blouse. d) My aunt got dressed in that soft, Spanish, red, velvet blouse. 22) My blouse is... .. though we are..... a) thrice as expensive as/yours/broke b) thrice more expensive than/yours/bankrupt c) thrice as expensive as/your/broken d) thrice more expensive than/your/broke they could, 23) The thieves....... the.....and. a) stole/merchandise/run away/fast b) had stolen/good/ran away/fastly ¢) stole/goods/ran away/fast d) had stolen/goods/ran away/fastly 22 24) If only all that trouble trying to convince him I was. a) wouldn’t go/right b) didn’t go/rightly c) hadn’t gone/right d) hadn’t gone/rightfully 25) I don’t mind......but I L...... to leave. a) you coming late/informing/need b) coming late/to inform/should ¢) to come late/to inform/must d) your coming late/to inform/have 26) He insisted that she......there. It was mandatory. a) am b) be c) shall go d) goes 27) They will phone you lest they......there. a) might arrive b) should arrive c) shouldn’t get d) must get 28) Our friends used......' in that area in the past. a) to living b) to leave c) living d) to live 29) My aunt,....jogging everyday when she was young and she still does it quite often. a) would go b) used to go ¢) got used to go d) used to going 23 30) ..s.e.! of birds.....flying in the sky in circles. a) The flock/were b) The herd/was c) The flight/were d) The shoal/was 24 Test 4 1) 1 feel....../.....the cireumstances, ...... I still......completely. a) well/considering/yet/haven’t recovered b) good/considering/yet/haven’t recovered ¢) well/regarding/however/hasn’t recovered 4d) good/to consider/nevertheless/hadn’t recovered b) much damages/make/occurred c) many damages/do/took place d) many damage/make/happened 3) He used our house...... his office for months....... he had no right to. a) like/although b) as/though c) unlike/despite d) as/in order that 4) Neither the vixen nof the in captivity, a) enjoys b) enjoy c) have enjoyed d) has enjoyed 5) Jim...... the gas tank, his brother had done it two days before and it was still full. a) didn’t need to fill b) didn’t have filled c) needn’t have filled d) needn't have felt 25 6) It’s probable they......change their mind.....her illness, a) should/due to b) might/owing to ©) shalVowing to d) would/due to 7) The paper you need is.......those books, ......the...... a) beneath/over/shelves b) below/above/shelfs ¢) underneath/on top offshelves 4) afier/on/shelfs 8) were not allowed to leave,, a) Because offought to b) Since/ have to ¢) For/shall d) In order that/should 9) Tina is looking forward...... around the country, though she could......hold her tears. a) to traveling/hardly b) to travel/hard c) to travelling/barely d) travelling/hardly nn short term. 10). knowledge is hard a) Such a/achieve b) Such/aquire ¢) So a/get d) Such an/obtain 11) On no account......the trading of products a) should they ban/from b) théy should forbid/from c) they must ban/for d) ought to they ban/in 26 12).......the law, they would have been imprisoned. a) If they broke b) Were they to have broken c) Were they to break d) Should they had broken 13) Malcom and. a) me/spending b) I/spending c) me/to spend d) I/to spend are very good mates, we enjoy......time together. 14) They wish their residence......more spacious, but it’s impossible. a) had been b) were c) would be d) was 15: -Queen Victoria...... from the harbour yesterday at 6 o’clock an along the sea. a)...../set up/saled b) The/set off/sold c)...../set on/sailed d) The/set out/sailed 16) Even if, he...... his identity card to the police-officer on the street corner, that day. a) didn’t notice/should have shown b) hadn’t noticed/must have shown ¢) hasn't observed/ought to have shown d) will not see/had to show 17) If the Browns. now, a) had worked/ wouldn’t be b) would have worked/hadn’t been hard when they were young, they...... so well-off 27 c) hadn’t worked/wouldn’t be d) didn’t work/wouldn’t be 18) The.......of the army......behind the shed. a) headquarters/were placed b) headquarter/were placed c) headquarters/was placed d) headquarter/was placed for the anniversary concert and to play the violin. 19) The IT company is hiring......... Vosese musicians have been required to prepare their. a) several/staffs/staves b) plenty of/staves/staffs C) little/staffs/staff d) a lot off staff/staves 20) The lawyer urged court.....time. a) should come/on b) shall come/in c) come/in d) might/on 21) She doesn’t know.....he.....ask her ......4 questions. a) why/would ask/such b) how/ought to ask/so c) why/should ask/such d) when/might ask/such a 22) Such...... his reply that she remained...... a) awesome was/stunned b) was/stunned c) an awesome was/stunt d) were/awestruck 23) He is...... , he couldn’t pass his driving test, though he tried 5 times. a) as right as rain b) as dull as ditchwater 28 c) as daft as a brush d) as slippery as an eel 24) The woman....... when the police told her that her grandma had died. a) broke out b) broke up c) broke down 4d) broke in 25) The rain ...... hard since morning, The children outside had better.....their raincoats. a) poured/take out ) has been pouring/take on ¢) had poured/take on 4) has been pouring/take off 26) It is said that the statue was sculpted in ancient times. a) The statue is said to be sculpted in ancient times. b) The statue is said to being sculpted in ancient times. c) The statue is said to have been sculpted in ancient times. d) It is said that they have had sculpted in ancient times. 27) The at the end of the day, he is needed. a) will be arriving b) is to arrive c) will arrive d) will have arrived 28) By the time the police.......the case, the thieves....... to another country. a) investigates/will have been fled b) have investigated/will have fled c) has investigated/will flee d) will have investigated/have fled 29) Suppose the truth, Trust is a dangerous game, a) told/would you believe b) were to tell/would you have believed 29 c) were to have told/would you believe d) would have told/you had believed 30) She......« fecaeed about changing her job lately. a) thought/deep b) had thought/deeply c) has thought/deeply d) has been thinking/deep an Test 5 1) She’. in two weeks, She ‘d rather he ...... currently......her about his being clumsy concerning any matter without any delay. a) ’Il have him drive/had/told b) Il have him driving/would/tell ¢) will have him driven/have/told d) shall have him drive/...../told 2) Not until he... there, ...... what was really going on there. a) had gone/he realized b) went/did he realize c) went/did he realized d) was/had he realized 3) I stopped........ in order lunch. I was starving. a) talking/eat b) to talk/eat c) talking/eating d) to talk/serve 4) He made me........! everything....... his...indifference. a) to forget/by/ utmost y} b) forget/through/innermost (d) ¢) to forget/through/outermost , d) forget/by/uttermost 5) Daca ar fi stiut cum stau lucrurile in realitate, el ar fi renunfat la timp, a) Had he known how things really stand, he would have given in in time. b) If he knew how things really stand, he would have given up on time, ¢) If he had known how things really stand, he would have given up on time. d) Had he known how things really stand, he would give in on time. 31 6) What’s the meaning of this idiom: "Discretion is the better part of valor!” a) Discrefia este 0 calitate care araté valoarea, b) Precaufia este uneori mai bund, decat si faci pe curajosul si si-fi asumi riscuri inutile . c) Valoarea unui om sti in discrefia sa. 4d) Citeodatd este mai bine s& prefuiesti discrefia. 7) Whoever he......, don’t trust him....... you will regret the decision. a) may be/unless b) might be/or else c) shouldn’ t be/otherwise d) must be/or else 8) "Lizards........poisonous sometimes, that’s why you had better......ffom them.” a) can be/stay away b) may be/stay away c) might be/stayed away 4) could be/had stayed away 9) Andy wishes he...... smarter sometimes, cause everybody....... a) were/play tricks on him b) had been/ swindles him c) were/plays tricks on him d) would be/ plays the horses with him 10) My neighbours often........¥ , wasting all their money on....... a) fool around/sports bets b) fool away/sports betting ¢) fool about/sport’s bets d) fool out/sports’ bets 11) Have them.,.....the house, they, money, so they should do it. a) to paintlowe b) painting/own 32 c) painted/own d) paintowe 12) No sooner........his a) he had washed/when/splashed him b) had he washed/than/sprinkled him c) had he been washing/than/sprinkled him d) was he washing/when/spluttered him with dye. 13).......Wogue magazine is famous all over the world....its fashio a) ....../due to/advise b) The/owing to/advice c) ..../owing to/advice 4) The/due to/advices 14) forget what he... a) had been trying hard/did/ean’t b) was trying hard/had done/couldn’t ©) was hardly trying/had done/couldn’t 4) tried hard/had been doing/can’t her, but she simply...... 15) This is the second time they.. a) went/to b) have gone/on ¢) had gone/on d) did go/to 16) If they....... in a few years, she won’t forgive him. a) should meet . b) were to meet c) were to have meet d) would meet 17) Their flat, that point so elsewhere, a) was painted/had to b) was being painted/had to 33 c) has just been painting/ought to d) is being painted/must 18) The committee........a decision......unemployment in this part of the country. They did research on the current matter last month. a) has reached/regarding b) have reached/regarding c) reached/regardless d) has reached/regardless 19).......0f the two ladies is... a) Which/the more beautiful b) Whose/the most beautiful c) Who/the most beautiful d) Whom/the more beautiful .. She was not pleased 20) Even though her acquaintance.......her... with the........she got. a) named/the/heir/inheritance b) had named/the/heir/inheritance c) would name/ar/hair/inheritage d) has named/an/hare/inherited 21) "Would you like to come with me to a wedding?” a) He asked her if she liked to go with him to a wedding. b) He asked her if she went with him to a wedding, c) He asked her if she would like to go with him to a wedding, d) He asked her if she had liked to go with him to a wedding, the Christmas tree in smaller parts and put it in the box, he was already. «winter traditions. a) took out/fed up/of b) took down/fed up/with ¢) took after/fed about/of d) take for/fed/with 34 23) None of his roommates........... to help him with the...-.-- a) offer/luggage b) offers/luggage c) have offered/luggages d) will offer/baggages 24) Never before........ such a wonderful sight. a) had he come across b) did he come across c) he had come along d) he came about 25) Sandy........up the mountain unless.......... sunny. a) isn’t going/it’s b) won’t go/it isn’t c) won't go/it is d) isn’t going/it will be 26) Pete was......though his friend, a) as busy as a beaver/had just died b) as proud as a peacock/just died c) as thin as a rake/has just died d) as cool as a cucumber/had just died 27) They won't win the election, though it was a pretty good campaign,.... a) won’t they b) will they c) isn’t it d) was it 28) Daca ei ar putea objine cetijenia maghiara, ar fi plecat in strainatate demult. a) If they could have obtained the Hungarian citizenship, they would have left the country a long time ago. b) If they could get the Hungarian citizenship, they would have left for a foreign country a long time ago, 35 c) If they had got the Hungarian citizenship, they would leave the country a long time ago. d) If they could obtain the Hungarian citizenship, they would leave the country now. 29) It’s no use.......t0 convince him, he’s as stubborn as a mule. His friends tried........+5 but failed. a) to try/hardly b) trying/hard c) to trying/hardly d) try/hhard 30) They congratulated the mayor......winning the elections. a) for b) on c) about d) in 36 Test 6 1) Love makes him: a) as sober as a judge b) as drunk as a lord c)as blind as a bat d) as smooth as grass 2) The example is correct, ...... it goes for all collective nouns. a) as far as b) so far as c) as long than d) as for 3) Cu cat sunt mai scurte zilele, cu atat sunt mai friguroase. a) The more short are the days, the colder they become. b) The shortest the days are, the colder they get. c) The shorter the days are, the colder they become. d) The shorter are the days, the colder they become. when it comes to her behaviour. 4) My daughter is... a) a queer fish of a girl b) a devil of a child c) adot ofa child d) a devil of a sea 5) The family. recently. a) has purchased/two beautiful, square, old, brown, French chairs, b) have purchased/two beautiful, old, square, brown, French chairs, c) purchased/two square, beautiful, brown, old, French chairs, d) had purchased/two brown, beautiful, old, square, French chairs. 37 6) When he came into the orchard,.......children remained still. a) another b) others c) the other d) every other 7) is two years......than me. a) elder/elder b) older/elder c) elder/older d) eldest/oldest 8) Sandra........that exercise...... a) may do/easily b) can do/easy c) might do/easy d) could do/easily 9) The spectators tried to jump...... the fence.......1 to have a better view. a) through/so as b) across/since c) over/in order d) by/so that 10) "Don’t cross that line, or else you'll regret it”, she said. a) She said to him to not cross that line, or else he would regret it. b) She said to him not to cross that line, or else he would regret it, ¢) She told him he didn’t cross that line, or else he will regret it. d) She told to him not to cross that line, or else he would regret it. 11) “Sabrina doesn’t like to study the language spoken in Finland”, Peter said, a) Peter said Sabrina didn’t like to study the Finnish language. b) Peter exclaimed Sabrina didn’t like to study the Finn language. c) Peter said Sabrina does not like to study the Finns’ language. d) Peter said Sabrina hadn’t liked to study the language of Finland, 38 12) Grandma goes...... on Sunday for the service. performs a ceremony. a) to the church/for b) to church/since c) to the church/because d) to church/even though it’s the only day the priest 13)........does your uncle look like? His mother yield at. a) Howhher son’s friend b) Whom/his son’s friend c) Whose/her sons’ friends d) What/her son’s friend 14) His... partners rarely agree. ....such issues, a) bussines/upon. b) bussiness/with c) business/on d) bussines/to 15) If he didn’t have an exam the next day, he would go to the pool. a) But for his exam the next day, he would have gone to the pool. b) If it weren’t for his exam the next day, he would go to the pool. ¢) If it wouldn’t be for his exam he could go to the pool the next day. 4) Had it not been for his exam the next day he would go to the pool. 16) It is believed that honey cures sore throats, a) Honey is believed to have cured sore throats. b) Honey was believed to cure sore throats, c) Honey is believed to be curing sore throats. d) Honey is believed to cure sore throats. 17) They.......hide and seek for a while when suddenly it,, they.....into the hut, 4) have been playing/started/to rain/ran b) had been playing/started/raining/run 39 c) had been playing/started/raining/ran d) had played/had started/to rain/run 18) The mechanic is....... the engine of my car at the very moment. a) seeing about b) seeing to c) seeing off d) seeing on 19) The baby...... make a sound, although he was.......: scared. a) didn’t dare/quite b) dared not/terribly c) need not/awfully d) didn’t need to/bitterly 20) It’s imperative he........ here in due time. He.....admitted that. a) shall get/oneself b) got/himself c) get/himself d) gets/oneself ..them a visit soon. 21) The orphans at the centre wish we. a) would pay b) payed c) had paid d) have payed 22) My parents took a seat in the first...... so that they...... the singer better. a) raw/could hear b) row/might hear c) raw/might hear d) row/may hear 23) He... a lot of green leaves and all sorts of vegetables, I think he........¥ salad for dinner, a) bought/is fixing a salad b) has bought/is going to fix 40 c) has bought/will be fixing d) buys/will fix 24) Dacé s-ar fi intamplat si se bucure de success, ar impirtisi bucuria cu tofi acum, a) Ifhe should have enjoyed success, he would have shared his joy with all of us now. b) Ifhe were to have been successful, he would have shared his enjoy with all of us now. c) Ifhe were to be successful, he would share his joy to all of us now d) Were he to have been successful, he would share his joy with all of us now. 25) There....../......increase in the a) was/three times an/input b) had been/thrice an/output c) have been/a three time/input d) has been/a threefold/output brood of sugar. 26) Jenny, a. a) chauffeur-woman/widower b) female-chaffeur-widow c) chaffeuse/widow d) chaffeux/widower 27) Draughts........a game for children. a) are b) is c) has been d) have been 28) Many their familie: a) the days are/a little b) are the days/ little c) are to be the days/lesser d) the days should be/the least -when people get home late from work and spend ....... time with AL 29) Barely. a) had he opened the door/than she appeared b) did she open the door/when she appeared c) had he opened the door/when she appeared 4d) he had opened the door/when she appeared 30) excuse.......rude to you, the other day? a) Would/she being b) Could/her being c) Can/her to be d) Should/her being a2 Test 7 ...on that matter. It is an 1) The council......ex-president Bush for... important institution in Britain. a) contacted/the/furthest/datum b) had contacted/the/farther/dates c) has contacted/...../further/data d) have contacted/...../further/data 2). ake Windermere is one of.......Jakes in England, one can even fis! there, a) ....../the deepest/trout b) ....../the deepest/trouts c) The/the deepest/trout d) The/the most deep/trouts B)iievoorBs sere nothing can....... a) Within/sound-proofs/be heared b) Within/sound-proof/be heard c) Inside/sound proofed/be heard d) Into/sound-proved/be heared 4)... a) Spanishito be b) The Spaniards/to be ¢) People from Spain/to being d) People of Spain/being very good dancers. 5) These are matters unworthy of attention, a) These matters are not worth your carelessness. b) These matters don’t worth your care. ¢) These matters are not worthy to be unsolved. d) It’s not worth paying attention to such matters. 43 6) "I wish I were thinner”, she said to the old man. a) She said to the old man she wished she had been thinner. b) She said to the old man she wished she would be thinner. c) She told the old men she wishes she was thinner. d) She said to the old man she wished she were thinner. 7) He'd sooner she....the piano at the party this evening, because he secretly dislikes her playing the piano. a) play b) had played c) played 4) didn’t play 8) Suppose you......a scholarship in a foreign country, what.. a) won/would you do b) will win/should do c) win/would you do d) were to win/would you have done 9) Maia had......dress at the prom, ... ...would have got an outfit like that on....... weather. a) such a wonderful/nonetheless/no one/such b) so wonderful a/nevertheless/nobody/such a c) such wonderful/nonetheless/anybody/so a ) so an wonderful/however/somebody/such 10) The stranger. red. He...... lot in the past few days. a) had looked/dead/must have worked b) was looking/deadly/should have worked c) looked/dead/must have been working d) has looked/deadly/would have been working 11) The old lady,..,..a Christian in search, .,...God. a) is said to being/of b) is said to having been/for c) said to have been/for d) is said to be/of 4a 12) My aunt......tomorrow morming. a) will have mended her car b) is going to have her car fixed ) will have her car fixed d) is planning to fix her car to remedy the situation. a) or/have been requested b) nor/have been asked c) or/has been requested d) and/has been asked lawyer of the two of us, 14) I am the a) better/aren’t I b) best/aren’t I c) worst/am I not d) worse/are I not 15) The man says you have come all the way from that remote village, a) didn’t you b) haven’t you c) did he d) doesn’t he 16) Daca copiii n-ar fi spart baloanele, petrecerea ar fi continuat fara incidente neprevazute, a) If the kids wouldn’t have broken the balloons the party would have go on without unspoken incidents, b) If the children hadn’t broken the balloons, the party would have continued without unforeseen incidents, ¢) But for the children breaking the balloons, the party would go on without unexpected incidents. d) Had it been for the children to smash the balloons, the party would have gone on without unforeseen incidents. 45 .by their superiors while working in that office. 17) They. ..... run. a) have always been/out b) used constantly be/off ¢) were constantly being/down d) will constantly be/on his hair drier because it was not healthy. 18) Mike, a) left off/using b) left out/using c) leave off/to use d) leave on/to use any extra sources of.......during the exam. 19) Academy candidate: a) shouldn’t use/information b) mustn’t use/information c) shall not use/informations d) have to use/informations .of rascals are not very common partitives. 20) A f insects and a. a) paddling/set b) stud/mice c) shoal/swarm d) plague/pack ,.-.River Rhine is the most letherlands have... 21). famous. a) The/lots of/among/The b) The/plenty of /among/..... /plenty of /among/.... /many/between/The 22) Wherever they. ...+.+4 g0, I doubt they ...... a) may/are going to/for b) might/will/for c) should/will/after d) could/are going to/at 46 23) They coveret while being on a, a) a one miles’ distance /two-days trip b) a distance of one mile/two-day-trip c) a one's mile distance/two days’ trip d) a one mile’s distance/two-day trip 24) He resents. a) your going/late b) going/later c) to go/lately 4) being gone/latter at night. 25) Tibi and Ianis are mates. a) The former/the later/waiter b) The former/the latter/waiter c) The first/the second/waitress 4) The firstly/the secondly/waitress .«is a policeman, 26) It’s likely my neighbours.. a) should come/at the end b) come/in the end c) may come/at the end d) could come/in the end ....of the day. 27) The school is....,.the museum. It’s....... away than I thought, a) opposite/farther b) around/further ¢) about/farther 4d) across/further 28) "Fancy meeting you!” a) I dislike to know you, b) J am passionate about meeting you, ¢) Lam delighted to meet you, d) I don’t trust meeting you, means: a7 29) They seldom have faith in God, .. a) have they b) do they c) haven’t they d) don’t they 30) It’s high time you......the truth about your disease. a) had told b) told c) would tell d) tell 48 Test 8 1) Five million pounds on healthcare every year in Britain. a) is spent b) are spent c) were spent d) was spent 2) If it weren’t for his will, he wouldn’t have coped with all that trouble. a) But for his will, he would have coped with all that troubles. b) He wouldn’t have coped with all that trouble if it had been for his will. c) But for his will, he wouldn’t have coped with all that trouble. d) Ifit wouldn’t been for his will he wouldn’t cope with all that trouble. 3) Nu era nevoie si ma stradui atét pentru a impresiona juriul feminin, concursul era masluit. a) There was no need for me to impress the jurymen, the competition was unfair. b) I didn’t have to go to all that trouble to impress the jury, the competition was far-fetched. c) I needn’t have tried so hard to impress the jurywomen, the contest was far- fetched. d) Ishouldn’t have tried to impress the female-jury so hardly, the contest was unfair from start. 4) Sandra decided to........ extra-eating and .... a) give away / take on/a sport b) give up / take up /a sport c) give in/ take in / sports d) give out/ take up / sports 'V for a few hours, 5) As soon as he. ork, he... a) has finished / will be watching 49 b) finishes / will watch ¢) will finish / will be watching d) is going to finish / has watched 6) .ssssseeYOU look at the current things , there isn’t.........Vi current issue. a) Nonetheless / any / solution / for b) However / any / solution / to c) Even if/none/ resolution / for d) Furthermore / some / resolution / to 7) He........ when, a) always cheats me/ play b) is always cheating me / play c) always cheats on me / are playing d) is always cheating on me / are playing 8) For months, she ......... the disappearance of her ......grandpa........she loved so much. 7 a) has been mourning / late / whom b)_was moMffing / late / whom c) had been mourning / late / who d) had mourned / latter / whose 9) Don’t treat me like that” ! ,,How dare you ?” a) She asked him how does he dare to treat her like that and told him to stop. b) She told him to not treat her like that and asked him how did she dare to do that. ¢) She told him not to treat her like that and asked him how he dared treat her Jike that, d) She told him not to treat her like that and asked him how dared he treat her like that, 10) The woman, whom you all... a speeding car, a) knew / ran down b) know /ran over 50 c) knew /run down d) know/run over 11) Our publicity agent....... us we were making a fool of .... a) should have warned / ourselves b) might have warned / ourselves c) had to warn / himself d) will have warned / himself 12) The to....... on the offer. a) challenged / take him in b) needed / take him c) told /take him d) dared / take him up 13) I don’t know the reason. love. a) for /someone / would do b) why / someone / would do c) how/ anyone / should do d) where / anyone / will do ..such a crazy thing. It’s definitely 14) It is their duty to analyze every... a) perspective b) view ¢) proposal d) outlook .. they have received so far. 15) If only the world......a safer place to....... kids, a) had been / raise b) were /rise c) would be / raise d) was /rouse 16) He had better..,...for granted, otherwise those involved with him... a) take / would regret b) not take / would regret c) be taken / will regret d) not be taken / will regret 17) The army....... these days, they need to. a) have been recruiting / heavy /taken on b) has been recruiting / heavily /take on ©) were recruiting / heavily / take up d) was recruiting / heavy /take in than they’re supposed to, at this age . 18)... over there, hav a) This/ child / less / tooth b) That/ child / fewer / tooth c) Those / children / less / teeth d) Those / children / fewer / teeth 19) If the Browns........ a house, though I doubt it , they... a) should buy / will be indebted b) would buy / would be indebted c) bought / would be broke d) had bought / had been broken 20) Remember. a) feeding / leaving b) to feed / you leave ©) to have fed / leaving d) to having fed / you leave . your pet before... 21) She promised........‘ still. .....sher family gets back, a) to stay / until b) staying /if c) stay /as if d) to stay / as soon as 22) I wish I... ..when it comes to needles and blood, a) weren’t/ sensitive b) wasn’t / sensible 52 c) hadn’t/ sensible d) wouldn’t be / sensitive 23) My aunt....... a job yet, so she is still....... a) didn’t find / employee b) hasn’t found / unemployed c) hadn’t found / unemployed d) doesn’t find / employed 24) Blueberries are......... than cranberries, though both are among the a) less healthyier / healthiest / fruit b) less healthy / healthiest / fruit c) lest healthy / healthier / fruits d) the least healthy / healthier / fruits 25) want to succeed, you ..... can. a) Unless / must study / for b) Provided / should study / for c) Orelse/ ought to / at d) If/should study / with exams as hard as you 26) The teenagers at the hostel ... a) might go out / will clean b) should go out / had cleaned c) must go out/clean d) may go out / have cleaned .. in town after they.........their rooms. 27) the hairdresser last week, a) had her hair dyied b) had dyied her hair c) has her hair died d)_ is dying her hair 28) It is known that she is the best seamstress in town at the moment. a) She is known to be the best seamstress in town at the moment. 53 b) She is known to have been the best seamstress in town at the moment. c) She is known to be being the best seamstress in town at the moment. d) She was known to be the best seamstress in town at the moment. 29) susssssBlack Sea is ..... a) The/ less deeper / the b) ....../ less deep / the c) The /less deep / the d) ...../ least deep /....... Atlantic Ocean, 30) The children will go to school today, ......... my dear? a) do they b) will they c) won't they d) don’t they 54 Test 9 1) ......+.-.people go to church nowadays. ....... have changed. a) A few/Time b) Few/Times c) Less/Times 4d) Little/Time 2) “Who....... go and bring that piece of chalk for me?” aera) you do that” ? a) Shall / might b) Will/ would c) Can/should d) Should / will 3) She would like ....... before lunchtime,........hey should be late, a) taking the photos / lest b) that you take /ifnot c) taken the photos / unless d) the photos taken / lest +» you haven't won the reward, you ......e+. satisfied with yourself. a) Furthermore / shouldn't b) Even so / mustn't be ¢) Hence / can’t be d) Thus / won't be 5) He... his uncle.......... a) is resembling / closely b) resembles / closely ©) has resembled / close d) had resembled / close 55 6) The train........ arrived on the ....... a) due/ platform b) duly / platform c) deuly / deck d) daily / harbor 7) Daca pacienfii ar fi avut rabdare, doctorul i-ar fi tratat. a) Ifthe patients would be patient, the doctor would have treated them. b) Ifthe patiens had had patience, the doctor would treated them now. c) Ifthe patiens had had patience, the doctor would have treated them. d) Had the pacients been patient, the doctor had treated them. 8) Henry........ yesterday. a) had his shoes fixed / shoemaker’s b) had mended his shoes / shoemaker’s shop c) has fixed his shoes / shoemaker shop d) had had his shoes fix / shoemaker’s shop ... a miracle and definitely a) would be/ was able to stop b) was/ can stop c) were / might have stopped d) had been / could have stopped 10) “The magazines were brought yesterday from the painting press” means: a) Magazinele sunt inchise de ieri din cauza presei. b) Revistele au fost aduse ieri de la tipar. c) Magazinele au fost inchise ieri de presi. d) Revistele sunt aduse de ieri de la presa de tiparit. 11) It’s necessary for healthcare departments to act against epidemic. a) Healthcare departments could act against epidemic. b) Healthcare departments must act against epidemic. c) Healthcare departments need act against epidemic. d) Healthcare departments ought to act:against epidemic, 56 12) It has been said that the Prime Minister left town because of the press and paparazzi. a) The Prime Minister is said to have left town because of the press and paparazzi. b) The Prime Minister has been said to have left town because of the press and paparazzi. c) The Prime Minister has said to have been left town because of the press and paparazzi. d) The Prime Minister has been said to leave town because of the press and paparazzi. 13) Scarcely........ the door.........tWo guys......... him from behind and he was laid by the heels. a) he had entered / when / took b) had he entered / than / grabbed c) had he entered / when / grabbed d) did he enter / when / pushed 14) You.......-4 that red shirt yesterday morning. You already have five red ones at home and the colour does not suit you. a) didn’t have to buy b) didn’t need to buy c) needn't have bought d) should have bought 15) I would prefer to study........ to look for a highly paid job. a) than to start b) rather than start c) rather than starting d) to starting 16) “How busy I am!” the teacher said, a) The teacher complained how busy she was. b) The teacher complained how busy she is. c) The teacher complained that she was busy. d) The teacher complained that she is busy. 37 17) I wish you........ to all that trouble for me last month, I didn’t deserve it. a) went b) didn’t go c) hadn't gone d) wouldn’t go 18). n a deserted island what......... with you? a) Were you to be isolated / would you take b) Were you to have been isolated / would you take c) Should you to have been isolated / will you take d) Ifyou would be isolated / would you take ssnthe Earth. 19) ....sssssthe first day of Creation, God... a) In/did b) On/ made ©) In/made 4) On/did 20) .......4-+ his power, that ........4 man could defeat him. a) So great was / any b) Such great were / any ¢) Such was/no d) So was /any 21) Thear him... at heh, veeesseeees the police? a) shout / should I call b) shouting / shall I call ©) shout / shall I call d) shouted / do I have to call 22) He is accustomed... ++.criticized by all the people.. a) with/ being / around b) to/ being / around ¢) for/ being / surrounding d)_by/to be/ surrounding 58 23) Lecce my neighbours for ages. They always........... in the yard at this time of the day. a) hadn’t seen / were walking b) didn’t see / had walked c) haven't seen / walk d) won’t see / walk 24) This type of products.......... quickly, because there is a food crisis in poor countries. a) are sold b) sells c) sell d) have sold 25) I suggested that countermeasures.......... Soon it would be disaster. a) take / contrary b) be took /if c) should be taken / or else d) may take / unless 26) He easily fell in love with that beautiful.......... girl. She was gorgeous. a) green-eyes b) green-eye c) green-eyed d) eyed-blue 27) That pack of wolves......... the... ccavves a) have killed / sheep b) has killed / sheep c) killed / sheeps d) had killed / ships 28) In fifty years’ time 1.......... throughout the world, a) will have travelled b) will have been travelling c) will be travelling d) am going to travelling, 59 29) "I have..........headache that I barely move”, grandma said. a) such aq terrible b) sucha terribl) c) so terrible d) so terrible a 30) Even if we........ our.........during holidays , nothing could bring us down , We are still optimistic. a) lose /luggages b) lost / luggage ©) would lose / luggages d) had lost / luggage 60 Test 10 1) “It is known that Bob Marley was one of the greatest singers of all times”, the woman said. a) The woman said it is known that Bob Marley was to be one of the greatest singers of all times. b) The woman said Bob Marley was known to be one of the greatest singers of all times. c) The woman said that Bob Marley is known to have been one of the greatest singers of all times. d) The woman said that Bob Marley was known to have been one of the greatest singers of all times. 2) You ........... return me my computer now. You ... give it back to me in a few weeks. a) mustn’t/may b) shouldn’t/can c) needn't /may d) don’t have to / might 3) I'd rather they ......0+80-..-.es00 money on gambling. If they... cticher. a) hadn’t spent / much / didn’t spend / would have been b) didn’t spend / much / didn’t spend / would be c) wouldn't spend / many / hadn't spent / would be d) haven't spent / many /hadn’t spent / would have been 4) They missed the flight, 2 a) haven't they b) didn’t they ¢) did they d) isn'tit 61 5) He smiled as if he............ in what she was saying. a) was interested b) had been interested c) were interested d) has been interested 6) It’s no use........... to convince him, it’s .......... a) to try / nonsense b) trying / effortless c) trying / useless d) to try / makes no sense om) loneliness. Id people often experience a) due to b) . / owing to c) The/a/due to d) The/ owing to 8) My assistant-manager usually........... overtime but today she..........1 home earlier. a) works / is leaving b) is working / is leaving c) works / leaves d) is working / leaves 9) “Little.......... about my first holiday on my own.” “T think ....,..... lobster at dinner one evening, for the first time “, a) Iremembered Ihave tasted b) do I remember have tasted c) Iremind/ tasted d) dol remember / tasted 10) He wouldn’t have failed the sports competition if it hadn’t been for the extreme heat, a) But for the heat, he wouldn’t have passed the sports competition. b) If it weren't for the heat, he would have passed the sports competition, c) But for the extreme heat, he would have passed the sports competition, 62 4) If ithadn’t been for the extreme heat he would have failed the sports competition. 11) Remote islands are areas. mind. a) to which b) where ¢) at which d) that many tourists go in order to find peace of 12) Horse is the gender, ........... is the male the... is their child. a) mare/ stallion / cub b) doe / ewe / buck ¢) stallion / mare / colt d) he-horse / she-horse / colt the female and 13) Which is not correct: . a) A dash of soda b) A pat of butter c) A barrel of beer d) A jar of hay 14) His ... . a) residence / satisfaction b) resign / seizure ¢) resignation / revival d) resemblance / reliance 15) The number of mistakes,,.......... very large and a number of people............Waiting for me, so I need to hurry, a) are/is b) is/are c) were / was d) was / were 16) My neighbor and friend............. here everyday. Everybody........... that. 63 a) come/knows b) comes /knows ) has come/know . d) have / know «is a lawyer, so he.. «- with our case, a) The woman’s next door husband / must help b) The women’s next door husband / should help c) The woman next door’s husband / might help d) The woman next doors’ husband / may help 18) After the room .... we. a) is painted / shall be redecorating b) is being painted / will have redecorated c) will be painted / are redecorating d) has been painted / will redecorate +» the entire house, a house but I need to........ a) had been thinking / of purchasing / have multiplied my money / scheme b) was thinking / of. purchasing / have my money multiplied / scheme ¢) thought / to purchase / have my money multiplied / schema d) have thought / to purchase / multiply my money / schema 20) The little boy didn’t notice he was dipping............. into the wood. a) more deeper b) deeper and deeper c) the deeper d) deepest and deepest 21) seseatscese friends are so brave and generous as ... a) Few/she is b) Fewer /her is c) Little / she is d) A few/her 22) Not until......+044 to that Cottages... that was the murder place. a) did he go/he realized b) he went / did he realized c) had he gone /had he realized d) he went / did he realize «sa her relatives on that winter evening. 23) Sofia was heard ... a) shouting /at b) shout /to ¢) to shout /at d) to shout /to 24)... . comedy is ..............than one can imagine. a) Stand-up / more politic b) Stand up / politer c) Stand up / more politic d) Stand-up / more political 25) The kids made her. and suddenly when .. burst into tears. a) to laugh/ nobody / was expecting b) laugh /no one / expected c) laugh / nobody / was expecting d) to laugh / anybody / expected 26) They urged that she.......... or else there ........+00 disastrous consequences. a) comes/would be b) come / would be c) shall come / will be d) should come / must be «on that family trip to Alaska. 27) The Johnsons are looking forward, a) togo b) to going c) to be going d) to have gone 65 28) IF YOU vssseeeeee .. the Guinness World Records with your invention, what a) were to enter/ would you do b) were to have entered / had you done c) should enter / were you to have done d) entered / would you do 29) I'd rather ... scholarship. a) had gone / could not have missed b) went / would not have missed c) have gone / might not have missed d) go/will not have missed 30) The candidates.......... respect the rules, lest they .........+++ be eliminated from the contest. a) ought to/ might b) have to/ shouldn’t c) must/ should d) need /may 66 Test 11 1) It is expected........... her to behave in such a way, so as ........- ridiculous. a) from /not to be b) of/not to be c) from / not being d) of/tobe 2) “Don’t trust anybody!”, the old woman told the stranger, a) The old woman told the stranger to not trust anybody. b) The old woman suggested the stranger to trust anybody. c) The old woman told the stranger not to trust anybody. d) The old woman warned the stranger in not trusting anybody. 3) “Why don’t you study harder for your exams?” a) She asked me why I didn’t study harder for my exams. b) She asked me why didn’t I study harder for my exams. c) She suggested me to study harder for the exams. d) She asked me why I not study harder for my exams, 4) “I don’t go to classes! “, the little boy said. a) The little boy said he doesn’t want to go to classes, b) The little boy said he didn’t want to go to classes, ¢) The little boy said he didn’t go to classes, d) The little boy said he went to classes, 5) Which is correct; a) Knight-Templars / Lord Justices b) Knights-Templars / Lords Justices ¢) Knights-Templar / Lords Justice d) Knight-Templars / Lords Justice 67 extraordinary, 6) The acoustics of the show-room ... a) is b) are c) has been d) was 7) The children were walking. a) two by two/ three by three b) two ata time / three at a time c) in twos/ in threes d) twice / thrice 8) Which is wrong: a) It is a lot warmer today than it was yesterday. b) This is by far the worst road in the country. c) We arrived there early enough. d) The mountain is more higher of the two in our country. 9) "I wish I were in your place “! She exclaimed. a) She exclaimed she wishes she were in my place. b) She exclaimed she wished she had been in my place, c) She exclaimed she wished she were in my place. d) She exclaimed she wishes I were in her place. 10) My uncle’s golden watch is four times.......... my father’s, a) more cheap than b) as cheap as c) cheaper than d) the cheapest 11) Barely sed sesssctsseavie the guests barged into the room. a) had she opened the door / than b) had she opened the door / when ¢) did she open the door / when d) she opened the door / than 68 12) Under no circumstances......++++2- smoke inside the building. a) will they be allowed to b) are they allowed to c) they were allowed to ) they are allowed to 13) Only Nick smelt the flower. Alll the other guests were allergic to it. a) The flower was smelt only by Nick. b) Nick smelt only the flower. c) Nobody else but Nick didn’t smell the flower. d) Nick only smelt the flower. 14) My aunt feels. .. for not helping the family with the wedding... a) bad/ customs b) badly / customs c) worse / custom d) worst / custom 15) The thief... me with a knife, he was ready to attack. a) made after b) made at c) made for d) made of 16) The passengers were... a) aboard / voyage b) above / trip c) across / journey d) along / travel +++ the ship, ready for the............ a) Had the kids noticed / would have run away b) Ifthe kids saw / would have run away ¢) Ifthe kids didn’t see / would run off. d) Were the kids to have seen / would run off 69 18) ....e.e0e++-Magna Charta is .........004 important document for ........... English. a) A/an/the b) The/a/.... c) ..../an/the d) The/an/the 19) He was elected.............. chairman of ...........4+ scientific society. a) ..../ the b) the/the he d) the 20) The lock no matter how hard tried. a) shouldn’t/ give in b) wouldn’t / give in c) mustn’t/ give away d) will not / give back 21) sarercsscsanecy , she still can’t stand him, by no means love him. a) Be that as may b) Come what may c) Far be it from me d) Suffice to say 22) I resent........+s000 MOE ining , it’s not worth...........4 BOL ies cca time. a) him trying / hard / losing / much b) his trying / hard / losing / much c) he trying / hardly / to lose /a lot d) to try / hardly / to lose / many 23) They’ ve been very ill lately, a) aren't they b) don’t they c) haven't they d) have they 70

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