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Holidays and Special Days

3. Ask the children what categories their bears belong in (for example,
brown, small, wearing a shirt, and so on).
4. Compare which category has the most, least, and so on.

) Kathy Kalmar, Macomb, MI

Elephant Headband

Materials white tagboard

gray construction paper
white glue
black marker
25 mm wiggle eyes

What to do ● September 22nd is Elephant Appreciation Day.

1. Make tagboard patterns for an elephant head, trunk, tusks, and ears (see
page 70).
2. Help children trace the head, ears, and trunk on gray paper. Cut out.
3. Help children trace the inside of the ears on pink paper. Cut out.
4. Let the children glue by
Downloaded wiggle eyes, ears, tusks, and trunk to their
elephant’s head.
5. When dry, make a headband the size of each child’s head.
6. Help the children staple the headband to the elephant head.
7. Demonstrate how to curl up the end of the trunk.
8. Encourage the children to put on their elephant headbands and play.
If desired, have the children walk like elephants with their arms
hanging low.

More to do Geography: Find Africa and India on a map or globe.

Group or Circle Time: Discuss the differences between African and Indian
elephants. Explain that African elephants have larger ears and tusks than
Indian elephants. They also have two finger-like extensions on the ends of
their trunks. Indian elephants have just one finger-like extension, and more
of a hump in their backs.
Language: Talk about elephant terminology. The mother is a “cow,” the
father is a “bull,” and the baby is a “calf.”

Related book The Saggy Baggy Elephant by Kathryn Jackson

) Mary Brehm, Aurora, OH

The GIANT Encyclopedia of Monthly Activities 69
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70 The GIANT Encyclopedia of Monthly Activities

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