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Repaired by: M. B Gunjal (Computer Engineering Department)

Company (Cognizant )
1. Questions related to final year project
2. What is use of finalize method in java
3. Latest technologies u know
4. Diff between c, c++ and java
5. Diff between method overloading and overriding
6. DBMS languages
7. Diff types of joins in DBMS
8. Normalisation and its types
9. Foreign key in DBMS
10. Use of constructor
11. Constructor can be private or not
12. Oop concepts

What is difference between c and cpp
Why python comes
Python which type of language
What is ddl and dml
What is encapsulation
What is ml
Primary key and unique key

Company Name = " TCS "

TR= (They directly call me 15 mins earlier to join)

1)Introduce yourself .
2)Ask me about the project And plenty of questions too deeply on my BE project, on the seminars & on
the mini projects which I was mentioned in my Resume.(e.g,Technologies used in the project )
4) Which language I preferred for programming.
3) Difference between the C and CPP , Procedural programming language and Structured data .

1)Why TCS
2) Strength and Weakness
3)Short term goal
4) What's in TCS
5) Challenging moment in your life, how u handle it ,what u learn from it .
6)Situation based que (If u are in a particular group and you all work on one project and their are so many
different ideas everyone having so how will u going to manage it ).
7)Any que u want to ask .(So I asked them ,If I get placed in your company so which kind of job role I will
get or on which basis i.e, on my interview performance or it will be same for the whole batch )

HR= (It was on the next day and I was in lobby waiting for my call ,its been from an 1Hr)
1)Give me 1 min to introduce Myself.
2)Then they just said that I will ask you some questions, you just give me the answers in YES and NO.
(Ques : All the % are above the 60% , any backlogs, any year gap , ready for relocation in all over the
India )
4) How many Interviews you have gave till now ,how was the experience and what you learn from them.
3) Any que ( Then I asked them ,Being a HR which kind of challenges you faced and how you manage
them .// PS: They told me that it was one of the toughest question someone ask me ever. )
// And last they said that hope so it will be your last interview and they will be happy to see me as an
employee for their company .
Repaired by: M. B Gunjal (Computer Engineering Department)

1. if you mentioned multiple OS like linux,

ubuntu,windows in resume then its diff(TCS)
2. what is dynamic polymorphism (TCS)
3. about your mini project(TCS,Winjit)
4. about your final year project(All)
5. OOP'S Concept(TCS,Winjit)
6. which subject you studied in 3rd year and
2nd year(TCS)
7. joins in sql(TCS)
8. DDL , DML , DCL ,TCL Commands.(TCS)
9. is C needed to learn Cpp(TCS)
10.If you add any word like cloud,AI,ML then
they ask que. accordingly.(TCS)

1. three things that you not added in your

2. why _Company name_ (ALL)
3. Company info(ALL)
4. Company Ceo(ALL)
5. why should we hire you(ALL)
6. Rellocation(ALL)
7. Companies work such as Products(ALL)
8. role model
9. about your passion

Majority questions was asked on final year Project.
1. What challenges you have faced during your project?
2. Which model you have used?
What is SDLC model?
3. What is agile model?
4. What are types of errors?
5. What is debugging?
6. What is variable?
7. What is difference between compile time error and run time error?

What is oops
Pillars of oops
Abstraction class in cpp
Oops real time example
Switch and if else
Time complexity
Efficient sorting algorithm
Operations on link list
Virtual memory
Mag address ip address
Deep copy shallow copy
Polymorphism in cpp
Virtual base class
Virtual destructor
Repaired by: M. B Gunjal (Computer Engineering Department)
Copy Constrcuor
Real time example of oops

1. How to do MYSQL connectivity in C++? (TR- Blueflame labs).

2. Write a program to merge two linked lists (TR- Blueflame labs).
3. Explain OOPS concepts (TR- Blueflame labs).
4. Write a SQL query to find 3rd highest record( TR - Blueflame labs).
5. Write a SQL query to merge two tables. ( TR - Blueflame labs).
6. What is dangling pointer ( TR -Blueflame labs).
7. Write a program to remove duplicates from a string in O(n) time complexity ( TR - Blueflame labs).
8. Pattern printing questions( TR- Blue flame labs).
9. Why multiple inheritance is not available in java ( TR- Blue flame labs).
10. What is interface in C++( TR- Blue flame labs).
11. Why pointer concept is not in java( TR- Blue flame labs).

Technical Questions :- 1. Features of java?

2.How many types of memory areas are allocated by JVM?
3. Can you make a constructor final and Can we overload the constructors?
4.What is the syntax to read and write data from a Buffer?
5. Why pointers is not used in java.
6. Tell me about your final year project/which technology you have used?

HR :- 1.Tell me about yourself.

2- Why do you want to work to our company?
3 . What are your strengths and weakness?
4.what are your career / future goals?
5.Why should I hire you?
6. What is your salary requirements?

Oop concepts
Data science = How to clean data
What is Histogram
Types of plots in data science

2.what is your role in BE project query on join
4. One basic Basic program to get prime numbers as a output
5.diff. betn LAN and WAN
6.diff. betn truncate , drop , delete
7.What is polymorphism
8.what is encapsulation , etc.

Interview experience (Infosys)

Explain Project (in short and crisp)
Challenges you faced during project development
Your contribution in project
Repaired by: M. B Gunjal (Computer Engineering Department)
Probably they ask some oops concept with example so be prepare well oops
Explain Sdlc in deep

Then he ask some behavioral questions

Ready to relocate and all then
Work under pressure
Last do you have any questions?

Tip:- take advantage and ask 1 and 2 questions to interviewer

Duration -20min

1.What is dictionary in python 2. How to access the dictionary 3. Sorting algorithm etc.

1) Introduce yourself
2) Explain Project
3) code to count character in a string and print same string in reverse order.
4) Diamond problem (OOP)
5) Explain all OOP's concept one by one
6) primary key, foreign key, index , select (DBMS)
7) what you did in lockdown days

1. How pointer allocates the memory?

2. Arrays and Linked list with real time example?
3. Can pointers increment/decrement?
4. Polymorphism with real time example *imp*
5. Basics OOP with example and basic program.
6. Difference between SQL and NoSQL
7. SQL joins
8. Normalisation with all types
9. Pointers
10. Call by value, call by reference
12. Basics of SQL queries
13. Difference between Python and Java.
14. Why java doesn't uses in Machine learning.
15. If Network based company-
-VPN, Ipv4 vs Ipv6, DNS, DHCP, why Ipv6 launch?, All Topologies, OSI model layer with examples, UDP vs TCP wit

What are the types of polymorphism ?(Accenture)

Difference between procedure oriented and object oriented programming.(Accenture)
What is hashing /hashmap explain with example?(Infosys)
Difference between array and linked list ?(Infosys)
Explain types of linked list ?(Infosys)
Questions based on project like real time uses/problems occurs during project/approach for project development.(For Acc

DBMS:normalization , primary key and foreign key , joins.. DS: what is linear /nonlinear ds ? One simple code of array . N
Repaired by: M. B Gunjal (Computer Engineering Department)
(Winjit technologies):- 2 TR interview questions
Technical interview:== tell me about yourself,
how many technology u knows,
basics principle of oop,
method overloading and overriding with real time ex and deeply ask logic of program,
Primitive and non primitive data types
Pointer in c,
Pass by value and pass by reference
DBMS:- differences between primary key and foreign key,
aggregate function,
Inner and outer join deeply query ,
super key ,
Where clause,having clause, group by clause with query and examples,
why database is needed
What is IOT
Real time exmple

Winjit technologies (HR):

Tell me about yourself
Any training or internship completed
Why should I hire you?
Where do u see urself after 3 year??
Recently done projects

Give a brief idea about OOPs ?

What u know about DBMS architecture ?
Types of DBMS models ?
Types of Polymorphism ?
OSI model and its layers ?
Your Hobbies ?

Introduce yourself
Tell me about your project
Explain your mini project mentioned
What is DBMS
Language in DBMS
What you understand from the workshop you attended

About project
Which role you played in project?
How did you manage conflict with team leader in project?
Family background
Difference in truncate and drop.
Program of loop
Any search algorithm program
Aptitude question on profit and loss and percentage
LIKE clause in DBMS
Aggregate functions

Capgemini and cognizant questions

Repaired by: M. B Gunjal (Computer Engineering Department)
1.Self intro(Tr, Hr)
2.Company info (HR)
3.About project (Tr, Hr)
4.Oop concepts.
5.SQL main concepts like Constraints,Joins,Keys etc.
6.Java concepts like Inheritance, Interface Abstract class and depends on projects.
7. Data Structures concepts like searching-sorting.
8. Before giving interview first search about company so that we can know about what technology or domain they works a
9. At last ask interviewer question which is must thing.
This are the common questions which most of the companies asks for freshers.

1 Write a program for palindrome of number
2 what are the latest technologies
3 do you know about cloud
4 explain your project
5 what was your roll in project
6 what technology used in project
7 what is inheritance, polymorphism
8 what is your short term and Long term goals
9 what you know about wipro and why u want to join it
10 explain yourself in one word
11 what was your least favorite subject
12 what is your strength and weakness

(eQ technologic)

Difference between procedure oriented and object oriented programming language(eQ technologic)
Features of OOP(eQ technologic)
What is polymorphism(eQ technologic)
To run program of function overriding (eQ technologic)
Program to check string contain all unique character or not(eQ technologic)
What is stack, operation of stack(eQ technologic)
What is Queue ,types of queue ,example of priority queue(eQ technologic)
What is binary search tree (eQ technologic)
Explain Different traversal of tree,approach of inorder pre-order and postorder(eQ technologic)
What are different sorting algorithm,time complexity of each sort(eQ technologic)
What is heap to implement (eQ technologic)
How to find last N element of linked list (2 to 3 approach)(eQ technologic)
How to find mid of linked list(2 to 3 approaches )(eQ technologic)
What is multithreading,use of synchronization keyword,alternative to synchronization(eQ technologic)
If we have data and user at run time tell which data structure he want to used and he can change data structure again. Th
Difference between cpp and and mention that whether it is advantage or not(eQ technologic)
Given a program to print calender of given month of given year(eQ technologic)

Self Introduction(tcs)
About the mini Project(tcs)
About the last year project(tcs)
What is Polymorphism(tcs)
Type of Function (tcs)
Difference between Left Join and Right join (tcs)
What is Foreign key(tcs)
What are your strength(tcs)
Repaired by: M. B Gunjal (Computer Engineering Department)
What you learn things new in lockdown(tcs)
Why should we hair you(tcs)

1.Introduce Yourself.
2.What are your strengths and weaknesses?
3.Any real life situation based on your Weakness.
4.Write a program to count frequency of each character in a string.
5.Will you relocate?
6.Are you ok with the bond?

1.Tell me about yourself.(Capgemini, wipro)

2. Which programming language you comfortable with?(Capgemini, wipro)

3. Difference between c and c++.(wipro)
4. Explain all oops concepts in detail.(wipro)
5. What is copy constructor?(capgemini)
6. Explain logic of prime number program.(capgemini)
7. Can we overload destructor?(Capgemini)
8. Difference between function overloading and function
9. Write program to find second largest element from array.(Capgemini)
10. Explain your 3rd year project. (Very imp)(Capgemini)
11.Explain your final year project.(very imp)(Wipro)
12. How many joins are in SQL?(wipro)
13. Are you ready to relocate?(Wipro)
14. Do you aware of bond?(Wipro)
15. Any questions for me?(Wipro)

Tell me about yourself

Where r u from ?
Tell me about your project ?
Relocation ?


1) From where you learn Machine Learning?
2) In which Programming Language you are comfortable? (C, Cpp, Java)
3) In Java , What is String?
4) What happened when we create object?
5) What is Public and use of Public in Java?

1) What is Mandala art ( Hobby related Questions).
2) What is your opinion about school are going to open in Corona pandemic is it right decision or wrong decision?
3) Are you ready to relocate?
4) Are are ready to sign bond?

Oops concepts-
Role you want in company
Repaired by: M. B Gunjal (Computer Engineering Department)
Tell me about yourself(wipro)
Are you ready to sign bond with wipro?
Tell me about your project(wipro)
What are your strength and weekness? (Wipro)
What motivates you?(wipro)

Cognizant Interview
Tell me about yourself.
Which technical skills you have?
Write a program to add first 10 numbers.
Factorial program
Array related questions
Null pointer Dangling Pointer
3 true or false about pointer
Global variable, local variable
Data structure questions
Linear , Non linear data structure
Explain project in short.
Technology used
Use of project
Some Machine Learning questions related to project
Some aptitude questions
Have you any questions.

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