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ANALISIS DEL DISCURSO EN LENGUA INGLESA GRADO EN ESTUDIOS INGLESES Segunda Prueba Presencial Septiembre 2017 Modelo B Duracion: 2 horas. No se permite material auxiliar ni uso de diccionario. LEA ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES CUIDADOSAMENTE: El examen consta de dos partes, y debe realizar ambas. La primera se califica con un maximo de cuatro puntos y la segunda con un maximo de seis. Todo el examen debe ser realizado en inglés, siguiendo estrictamente el orden de las preguntas en una forma clara y ordenada. No olvide consignar todos sus datos personales en las hojas de examen. Entregue también esta hoja junto con las demas. PART I: a) Discuss the concepts of cohesion and coherence in a text according to De Beaugrande and Dressler (1981). (Do not write more than 6 lines about this) b) Decide if the following utterance is an example of positive or negative politeness within Brown & Levinson’s Politeness Theory. Justify your answer. (Do not write more than 6 lines about this) “r m sony but | have to ask: How old are you Madam?” PART Il: Examine the following photograph. From the Mediated Discourse Analysis approach, a) analyze the type(s) of discourse found in it b) analyze the visual and the place semiotics of the symbols. ¢) identify and explain the icons, indexes and symbols, and indicate if there are cases of co-occurrence of two or three types of signs. PLEASE, MAKE YOUR RESPONSES CONCISE AND TO THE POINT. DO NOT USE MORE THAN TWO PAGES FOR THIS ANALYSIS, AND DO NOT WRITE ABOUT ANYTHING THAT HAS NOT BEEN ASKED. FACT 3: We have a patent on flavor in Jew ‘tar’ cigarettes: “3828800, From: hittp:// part-ii-20-photos/ ANALISIS DEL DISCURSO EN LENGUA INGLESA — Grado en Estudios Ingleses Segunda Prueba Presencial - Junio 2013 Modelo A. Duracién: 2 horas. No se permite material auxiliar ni uso de diccionario. LEA ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES CUIDADOSAMENTE: El examen consta de dos partes, y debe realizar ambas. La pri maximo de cuatro puntos y la segunda con un maximo de sels. Todo el examen debe ser realizado en inglés, siguiendo estrictamente el orden de las preguntas en una forma clara y ordenada. No olvide consignar todos sus datos personales en las hojas de ‘examen. Entrogue también esta hoja junto con las demas. PARTI: a) Explain the concepts of intentionality and intertextuality as two of the criteria that a ‘communicative event must satisfy (as explained by De Beaugrande and Dressler (1981). b) Describe and define the two main elements found in the thematic structure of a clause. Provide examples. PART Il: Analyze the telephone conversation on the next page from the Conversation Analysis perspective, following these steps: a) Mark the different turns (T1, T2, etc.) and TRPs (Transition Relevant Places) to the left of the transcription b)_ Identify the different adjacency pairs and indicate if the second part is preferred or disproferred. ©) Identify and explain any pre-sequences and/or insertion sequences you might find ) Identify and explain any case of repair you might find, e) Analize its overall organization. PLEASE, GO IN ORDER (FROM a TO e) WHEN ANSWERING THE QUESTIONS, AND MAKE YOUR RESPONSES CONCISE AND TO THE POINT. DO NOT WRITE ABOUT ANYTHING THAT HAS NOT BEEN ASKED. Receptionist: Thank you for phoning Maple Dental Clinic. Sylvia speaking. How can | help you? ‘Thelma: Hi Sylvia. This is Thelma Woods calling. How are you today? RéI'm fine, Mrs Woods. How are you? T: Well, actually, | have a bit of a sore tooth. | was hoping Dr Morris would have some time to see me this week. R'm afraid he’s booked this week. | can put you infor 2p.m. next Tuesday. How does that sound? T:That would be great. Rll have to give you the address of our new office. T:Oh, that’s right, you moved. R: Do you have a pen handy? T:Could you hold on a moment, please. R:Yes.. 1:0. go ahead Sylvia. R: O.K. we are at 723 Baltic Avenue, Suite 004, T: Would you mind spelling that for me, please? R: Sure, That’s seven-twenty-three Baltic, B as in Bravo, A as in Alpha, Las in Lima, Tas in Tango, | as India, Cas in Charlie. And it’s Suite zero-zero-four. 7:0.K. great. Ill see you on Tuesday then. R: O.K. Thank you for call . See you then. T:Thanks. Bye. From: http://www englisholub,com/speaking/telephone practice 1-appointments.htm ANALISIS DEL DISCURSO EN LENGUA INGLESA — Grado en Estudios Ingleses Segunda Prueba Presencial - Junio 2013 Modelo B Duracién: 2 horas. No se permite material auxiliar ni uso de diccionario. LEA ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES CUIDADOSAMENTE: El examen consta de dos partes, y debe realizar ambas. La primera se califica con un maximo de cuatro puntos y la segunda con un maximo de sels. Todo el examen debe ser realizado en inglés, siguiendo estrictamente el orden de las preguntas en una forma clara y ordenada. No olvide consignar todos sus datos personales en las hojas de ‘examen. Entrogue también esta hoja junto con las demas. PARTI: a) Explain the concepts of cohesion and coherence as two of the oriteria that a communicative event must satisty (as explained by De Beaugrande and Dressler (1981), b) Whatis a corpus? What kinds of corpora can be used for discourse analysis? (Please, do not write more than one page about this). PART II: Read the newspaper article from The Washington Post on Pope Francis below and analyse it from the Critical Discourse Analysis perspective, using van Dijk’s, ideological analysis methodology. Explain the principle of positive self-presentation and negative other presentation by analysing the different levels of discourse description, namely: Topic selection Schematic organization Local meanings Lexicalization Style Rhetorical devices Laoee PLEASE, GO IN ORDER (FROM a TO f) WHEN ANSWERING THE QUESTIONS, AND MAKE YOUR RESPONSES CONCISE AND TO THE POINT. DO NOT WRITE ABOUT ANYTHING THAT HAS NOT BEEN ASKED. ROME — The Vatican vigorously defended Pope Francis on Friday by seeking to discredit accusations that he failed to oppose and may even have collaborated with Argentina's feared military junta during the so-called “dirty war" against left-wing activists. ‘The Vatican spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, departed from his recent good cheer since the pope's election to excoriate the criticisms in the press. He called the accusations against the former Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who served as a Jesuit provincial ‘superior and then archbishop of Buenos Aires, stale and the work of “anti-clerical left- wing elements to attack the church [that] must be decisively rejected.” Lombardi framed the criticism as part of a “campaign that's often slanderous and defamatory. ‘The reception of Francis in Rome and beyond has been generally positive, and simple style and reputation for modesty have been seen as a breath of fresh air in what many consider the stultified atmosphere of the Vatican recently. But questions about the activities of Bergoglio from 1976 to 1983, when a military fatorship terrorized much of Argentina and “disappeared” thousands of its own citizens, remain a cloud over his papacy's otherwise bright early days. Lombardi dismissed the accusations, mostly centered on Bergoglio’s alleged complicity in the torture of two slum priests, as old and unfounded. “This was never a concrete or credible accusation in his regard,” Lombardi said. “He was questioned by an Argentinian court as someone aware of the situation but never as a defendant. He has, in documented form, denied any accusations.” While Bergoglio did not confront the abuses of the junta with anything approaching the public fervor of his fellow clerics facing other dictatorships, as in Chile, it is not clear whether he used other, more private channels, to protect his flock. Bergoglio once told a .grapher that he purposely said Mass for the nation’s dictator, Jorge Videla, once in order to advocate for mercy. Lombardi pointed out Friday that no courts had ever formally accused Bergoglio of wrongdoing and that one of the Jesuit slum priests who was kidnapped in the case in question had earlier in the day issued a statement saying the two had reconciled. “The accusations pertain to a use of historical-sociological analysis of the dictatorship period made years ago by anti-clerical elements to attack the Church. They must be firmly rejected,” he said. Francisco Jalics, who had previously been silent about the incident, said in a statement that he had spoken with Bergoglio years later and that the two Jesuits had celebrated Mass together and embraced “solemnly.” “| am reconciled to the events and consider the matter to be closed,” he said. From The Washington Post, March 18", 2013. http://www washingtonpost. com/world/europe/vatican-defends-pope francis-against-argenting- dirty-war-allegations/2013/03/15/d4a 1 1e3c-8490-1162-9f54-f3idd70acad2_story.himl ANALISIS DEL DISCURSO EN LENGUA INGLESA — Grado en Estudios Ingleses Segunda Prueba Presencial ‘Septiembre 2013 ‘Modelo A. Duracién: 2 horas. No se permite material auxiliar ni uso de diccionario. LEA ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES CUIDADOSAMENTE: El examen consta de dos partes, y debe realizar ambas. La primera se califica con un maximo de cuatro puntos y la segunda con un maximo de sels. Todo el examen debe ser realizado en inglés, siguiendo estrictamente el orden de las preguntas en una forma clara y ordenada. No olvide consignar todos sus datos personales en las hojas de ‘examen. Entrogue también esta hoja junto con las demas. PARTI: a) Explain Gumperz’ concept of contextualization cues. Provide examples. b) What are the two elements of the thematic structure of a clause? Define them and provide examples. PART Il: Read the newspaper article from the British tabloid The Mirror below and analyse it from the Narrative Analysis perspective. Identify and explain the different elements of the narrative found in the article, using Labov's framework. Are there any embedded narratives between the main narrative? PLEASE, MAKE YOUR RESPONSES CONCISE AND TO THE POINT. DO NOT WRITE ABOUT ANYTHING THAT HAS NOT BEEN ASKED. Justin Bieber: Police raid singer's tour bus in Sweden and find drugs and stun-gun 25 Apr 2013 22:03 Officers swooped on the luxury coach after reports there was a smell of - marijuana coming from inside ‘What goes on tour. Rex, Getty Police found drugs and an unlicensed stun gun when they raided pop star Justin Bieber’s tour bus. Officers swooped on the luxury coach after reports there was a smell of marijuana coming from inside. lt was parked in Stockholm, Sweden, where Bieber, 19, had been performing on his world tour last night. Police spokesman Lars Bystrom said the drug squad were alerted and a search of the bus took place just 30 minutes before the pop star went on stage.He added: “A colleague sensed what was considered to be a strong smell of marijuana. "A stun gun requiring a permit was also found on the bus.” Mr Bystrom added that no one had been arrested and said: “We don’t have any concrete suspicions against any specific person."There were several people on board”. He declined to identify the drug and said it had been sent to a laboratory for analysis. Asource close to Bieber admitted the tour bus was searched but said the singer was not on board at the time. He was in Finland last night for the latest leg of his tour. ‘The source added: “There’s definitely not going to be a problem. "Justin has left the country and will be performing his concert in Helsinki as scheduled.” It is not the first time the Canadian star Justin has been involved in a drug drama. In January, the singer was pictured on a mobile phone smoking a suspicious looking rolled-up cigarette with friends in a hotel room. He later told fans in a cryptic tweet: “I never want to let any of you down. | love u. and..Thank u. #beliebers.” Bieber was also branded “disgraceful” yesterday after it emerged he arrived six hours late for a photoshoot. An insider said Bieber had turned up late for promo work with cosmetics giant Elizabeth Arden in Danish capital Copenhagen at the weekend and refused to wear a pre- planned costume. He said: “After showing up six hours late, Justin threw a temper tantrum because they wanted him to wear a bell boy hat — but then he refused."It was disgraceful.” Bieber was criticised earlier this month after leaving a message in the guestbook at the Anne Frank House in Holland suggesting the young Holocaust victim would have been a “Belieber”. ANALISIS DEL DISCURSO EN LENGUA INGLESA — Grado en Estudios Ingleses Segunda Prueba Presencial ‘Septiembre 2013 Modelo B Duracién: 2 horas. No se permite material auxiliar ni uso de diccionario, LEA ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES CUIDADOSAMENTE: El examen consta de dos partes, y debe realizar ambas. La primera se califica con un maximo de cuatro puntos y la segunda con un maximo de sels. Todo el examen debe ser realizado en inglés, siguiendo estrictamente el orden de las preguntas en una forma clara y ordenada. No olvide consignar todos sus datos personales en las hojas de ‘examen. Entrogue también esta hoja junto con las demas. PARTI: a) Briefly explain the concept of frame within Goffman’s analysis of interaction. b) What are the two functions/elements of the information structure of a clause according to Halliday? Do they always coincide with the thematic functions Theme and Rheme? Explain and provide examples. PART Il: Read the newspaper article from the British tabloid The Mirror below and analyse it from the Critical Discourse Analysis perspective, using van Dijk’s ideological analysis methodology. Explain the principle of positive self-presentation and negative other presentation by analysing the different levels of discourse description, namely: Topic selection Schematic organization Local meanings Lexicalization Style Rhetorical devices 229 TL PLEASE, GO IN ORDER (FROM a TO f) WHEN ANSWERING THE QUESTIONS, AND MAKE YOUR RESPONSES CONCISE AND TO THE POINT. DO NOT WRITE ABOUT ANYTHING THAT HAS NOT BEEN ASKED. Samantha Cameron descended from a 19th Century slave owner 12 May 2013 10:00 Businessman William Jolliffe was among those who received huge payouts after the 1833 Act of Parliament that abolished slavery AP. Samantha Cameron can trace her roots back to a 19th Century slave owner. Researchers have discovered one of the Prime Minister's wift’s ancestors was a slave ‘owner who received compensation from the British government when the trade was. abolished. Businessman William Jolliffe, from West Sussex, was in charge of building Dartmoor Prison and Waterloo Bridge. Before he gave up his empire to become a vicar he was among those who received huge payouts after the 1833 Act of Parliament that abolished slavery. The government paid out just over £4,000 compensation — about £3.25million in today’s money ~ to a Caribbean estate with 164 slaves in St Lucia which was linked to Jolliffe, His son was the Ist Baronet Hylton, a former home secretary, who married the daughter of the 4th Baronet Sheffield. Mrs Cameron’s father, Sir Reginald Sheffield, is the 8th baronet, and has a fortune estimated of £25million. Mrs Cameron’s ancestry was revealed by researchers looking in to the records of the Slave Compensation Commission. What do you think about this story? Have your say by leaving your comments below. ANALISIS DEL DISCURSO EN LENGUA INGLESA — Grado en Estudios Ingleses Segunda Prueba Presencial - Junio 2014 Modelo A. Duracién: 2 horas. No se permite material auxiliar ni uso de diccionario, LEA ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES CUIDADOSAMENTE: El examen consta de dos partes, y debe realizar ambas. La pri maximo de cuatro puntos y la segunda con un maximo de sels. Todo el examen debe ser realizado en inglés, siguiendo estrictamente el orden de las preguntas en una forma clara y ordenada. No olvide consignar todos sus datos personales en las hojas de ‘examen. Entrogue también esta hoja junto con las demas. PARTI: a) Briefly write about the main tenets and focus of the Interactional Sociolinguistic approach to language. b) What are the assumptions upon which the practices of Post-structuralism are grounded? ‘Who is considered to be the most important representative of the post-structuralist movement? PART II: Given clauses 1-6, mark both their thematic (theme/rheme) and information structures (given/new). Specify the type of theme (experiential, non-experiential, textual or detached). Can you find any instances of ‘multiple themes"? Can you find any coordinated or subordinated clauses? If so, mark the thematic and information structures in the subordinated or coordinated clauses as well 1) That guy over there, he is the handsomest man I've ever seen! 2) Ladies and gentlemen, today is a historical day. 3) Susan is now living in Dubai 4) Dubai is where Susan is living now. 5) Well, apparently, what she wants to do is fly to Sydney and from there to New Zealand 6) I would really love to tell him what | feel for him. ANALISIS DEL DISCURSO EN LENGUA INGLESA — Grado en Estudios Ingleses Segunda Prueba Presencial - Junio 2014 Modelo B Duracién: 2 horas. No se permite material auxiliar ni uso de diccionario, LEA ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES CUIDADOSAMENTE: El examen consta de dos partes, y debe realizar ambas. La pri maximo de cuatro puntos y la segunda con un maximo de sels. Todo el examen debe ser realizado en inglés, siguiendo estrictamente el orden de las preguntas en una forma clara y ordenada. No olvide consignar todos sus datos personales en las hojas de ‘examen. Entrogue también esta hoja junto con las demas. PARTI: a) Briefly write about the main tenets and focus of Functionalism. Also, explain the concept of communicative dynamism (Firbas, 1992). b) What is the basic assumption of the Variation Analysis approach to discourse? Who is its most prominent figure? PART Il: Examine the following advertisement and, taking into account Goffman’s study of spoken interaction (1967), as well as his concept of frame and footing, analyse the aspects of interaction order in relation to the ad. Specify who plays the different roles of animator, author, figure, and principal. a 4. L239 Be sot P YOU ws ATE 525 P PACKS OF SUGAR. All those extra calories can bring on obesity, diabetes and heart disease. we . Are you pouring onthe pounds? ad Find out at nye gou/ health erintngSat Was aroma (On the bottom right of the ad, the fine print reads: k City) Health/ Michael R. Bloomberg, Mayor. Thomas Farley, M.D. M. PH, ANALISIS DEL DISCURSO EN LENGUA INGLESA — Grado en Estudios Ingleses Segunda Prueba Presencial Septiembre 2014 Modelo A Duracién: 2 horas. No se permite material auxiliar ni uso de diccionario, LEA ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES CUIDADOSAMENTE: El examen consta de dos partes, y debe realizar ambas. La pri maximo de cuatro puntos y la segunda con un maximo de sels. Todo el examen debe ser realizado en inglés, siguiendo estrictamente el orden de las preguntas en una forma clara y ordenada. No olvide consignar todos sus datos personales en las hojas de ‘examen. Entrogue también esta hoja junto con las demas. PARTI: a) Explain the concept of contextualization cue according to Gumperz. Provide examples. b) Are theme, subject and topic the same thing? Illustrate your answer. PART II: Analyze the TV interview from the Pierce Morgan Tonight Show (CNN) on the next page from the Conversation Analysis perspective, following these steps a) Mark the different turns (T1, T2, ete.) and TRPs (Transition Relevant Places) to the left of the transcription b)_ Identify the different adjacency pairs and indicate if the second part is preferred or dispreferred. ©) Identify and explain any pre-sequences and/or insertion sequences you might find. d) Identify and explain any case of repair you might find, e) Analyse its overall organization. PLEASE, GO IN ORDER (FROM a TO e) WHEN ANSWERING THE QUESTIONS, AND MAKE YOUR RESPONSES CONCISE AND TO THE POINT. DO NOT WRITE ABOUT ANYTHING THAT HAS NOT BEEN ASKED. From: Pierce Morgan Tonight. Interview with Oprah Winfrey. Aired August 17, 2011 MORGAN: Tonight's show, the one and only Oprah Winfrey! WINFREY: Hello! MORGAN: Come in. WINFREY: Hello, Mr. Morgan. L ] MORGAN: How many times have you been properly in love? WINFREY: Boy, you're good. You are good. MORGAN: Thank you. WINFREY: I'm not just trying to flatter you. That's good. That's good. That's good MORGAN: You have raised — WINFREY: That's a good question. You know what's good about it? "Properly." MORGAN: Yes, properly in love. WINFREY: By properly do you mean was it really love? MORGAN: Where it hurts your heart. WINFREY: Oh, OK. Three. MORGAN: Who were they? Stedman is one. WINFREY: Stedman didn't hurt my heart. So this is what I learned, that love doesn’t hurt. MORGAN: You had your heart broken three times? WINFREY: Only two. MORGAN: Who are they? WINFREY: I'm not naming them so they can call me up tomorrow. Are you kidding? | broke Oprah's heart. (LAUGHTER) Did you hear Oprah say that? | broke her heart. No ‘thank you for that, and then for week of tabloids. ANALISIS DEL DISCURSO EN LENGUA INGLESA - Grado en Estudios Ingleses Segunda Prueba Presencial- Septiembre 2014 Modelo B Duracién: 2 horas. No se permite material auxiliar ni uso de diccionario, LEA ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES CUIDADOSAMENTE: El examen consta de dos partes, y debe realizar ambas. La primera se califica con un maximo de cuatro puntos y la segunda con un maximo de sels. Todo el examen debe ser realizado en inglés, siguiendo estrictamente el orden de las preguntas en una forma clara y ordenada. No olvide consignar todos sus datos personales en las hojas de ‘examen. Entrogue también esta hoja junto con las demas. PARTI: a) Explain the concepts of intentionality and coherence as two of the criteria that a communicative event must satisfy (as explained by De Beaugrande and Dressler (1981), b) Explain the concepts of social actor and interaction order within the Mediated Discourse Analysis approach. PART II: Read the newspaper article below (The Washington Post, March 18", 2013) and analyse it from the Critical Discourse Analysis perspective, using van Dijk’s, ideological analysis methodology. Explain the principle of positive self-presentation and negative other presentation by analysing the different levels of discourse description, namely: Topic selection Schematic organization Local meanings Lexicalization Style Rhetorical devices Laoee PLEASE, GO IN ORDER (FROM a TO f) WHEN ANSWERING THE QUESTIONS, AND MAKE YOUR RESPONSES CONCISE AND TO THE POINT. DO NOT WRITE ABOUT ANYTHING THAT HAS NOT BEEN ASKED. High court reflects diversity of modern marriage By Robert Barnes. ‘There's a widow who was a pioneer of the “modern marriage" and someone who never wed. Two divorcees. There is a husband who married relatively late in life and adopted two children. Another is a prolific procreator, with enough children to field a baseball team and enough grandchildren to form a basketball league. One is in an interracial marriage, which would have been illegal in his state only 20 years before his wedding. As the Supreme Court prepares to consider the American tradition of marriage, the Justices display a wide range of personal choices reflective of the modern experience. In the court's first full examination of same-sex marriage, the unifying theme of those defending traditional marriage is that government has an important interest in promoting marriage among heterosexual couples because of their reproductive ability. But the issue comes before a court where four of the nine justices have never married or have had marriages that did not produce biological offspring. Volumes of briefs have been filed in a pair of potentially historic cases raising issues that personally resonate with the justices — the role of adoptive parents, the place of couples unable to or uninterested in having children, and possible parallels with laws that once prohibited marriages between the races. Their personal choices look “just like the rest of America,” said Andrew Cherlin, a sociologist at Johns Hopkins University and an expert on marriage whose work is cited in briefs filed in the cases scheduled for March 26 and 27. ‘The issue of same-sex marriage brings to the court questions of a state's freedom to define and limit marriage and how far the Constitution's guarantee of equal protection extends. Justices say they must look past their personal lives when deciding such weighty issues. But the past has shown that each of the nine also brings a unique set of life experiences to the work. Justice Clarence Thomas has often written opinions with a racial perspective none of his colleagues share. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has pointed out how sex discrimination is practiced in the real world. And Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., a former prosecutor, often provides a lawman's view on criminal justice issues. As the court confronts the rapidly changing status of same-sex marriage, it will be considering two cases. In the first, the issue Is California's Proposition 8, a 2008 voter- approved state constitutional amendment that restricts marriage to opposite-sex couples. The ban, enacted after the state’s high court decided gay couples must be allowed to marry, has been ruled unconstitutional by lower courts. The other case concerns the Defense of Marriage Act, passed by Congress in 1996 to prohibit recognition by the federal government of same-sex marriages performed in those places where it is legal. There were none when the law was passed, but same-sex marriages are now legal in nine states, including Maryland, and the District of Columbia. The act has been deemed unlawful by lower courts, which said it was unconstitutional to ‘extend federal benefits to one class of legally married couples but not to another. The Washington Post, htto:l/www.washingtonpost. com/politics/high-court-reflects-diversity-of- modem-marriage/2013/03/17/123cbaec-8b2c-1182-b631453P9F2Ieb4_ story htm! ?hpid=21 ANALISIS DEL DISCURSO EN LENGUA INGLESA - Grado en Estudios Ingleses Segunda Prueba Presencial - Junio 2015 Modelo A Duraci6n: 2 horas. No se permite material auxiliar ni uso de diccionario. LEA ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES CUIDADOSAMENTE: El examen consta de dos partes, y debe realizar ambas. La primera se califica con un maximo de cuatro puntos y la segunda con un maximo de seis. Todo el examen debe ser realizado en inglés, siguiendo estrictamente el orden de las preguntas en una forma clara y ordenada. No olvide consignar todos sus datos personales en las hojas de ‘examen. Entrgue también esta hoja junto con las demas. PARTI: a) Briefly explain (in no more than 5 lines) the difference between the formal and the functional approaches to Discourse Analysis (as in Leech 1983 or Schiffrin 1994). b) What is the main concem of Variation Analysis (Labov 1972, 1996, 2004, etc.)? (Explain this in no more than 5 lines), PART II: Given the following situations and utterances (in bold), specify the strategy of politeness being used by the corresponding speakers, taking into account Brown & Levinson’s taxonomy of politeness strategies. In the case of off record strategies, specify the Maxim being flouted and the implicature being triggered. 1) Awoman to her husband: Could you please see what's wrong with the printer? It won't print and I need to finish this project. 2) John to his friend Sammy, who has misbehaved in class, when he sees the Headmaster approaching: Run, Sammy, runt! 3) Lucy to her friend Susan: You're such a talented person, Susan. | admire you so much! 4) Cecily to her friend Jane, showing annoyance at Jane’s self-destructive attitude: There you go again! I love it when you are so masochistic! 5) A: Will you tell me the truth about your relationship with Mary? B: Nice weather today, don't you think? 6) Awoman to her neighbour: Sorry to bother you with this, but would it be too much if | ask you fo lend me your mixer? Mine has broken and | have to finish the dessert ''m preparing for dinner. ANALISIS DEL DISCURSO EN LENGUA INGLESA - GRADO EN ESTUDIOS INGLESES Segunda Prueba Presencial Junio 2015 Modelo B Duraci6n: 2 horas. No se permite material auxiliar ni uso de diccionario. LEA ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES CUIDADOSAMENTE: El examen consta de dos partes, y debe realizar ambas. La primera se califica con un maximo de cuatro puntos y la segunda con un maximo de seis. Todo el examen debe ser realizado en inglés, siguiendo estrictamente el orden de las preguntas en una forma clara y ordenada. No olvide consignar todos sus datos personales en las hojas de ‘examen. Entrgue también esta hoja junto con las demas. PARTI: a) What is Positive Discourse Analysis mainly concerned with? (Explain this in no more than 5 lines) b) Explain (in no more than 5 lines) the concept of heteroglossia according to Bakhtin (1981), within the framework of Post-structuralism. PART II: Read the fragment of an interview with President Obama below and analize clauses 1- 6 (in bold), by marking both their thematic (theme/rheme) and information structures (giveninew). Specify the type of theme (experiential, non-experiential, textual or detached). Can you find any instances of ‘multiple themes’? If so, classify them as. well. PLEASE, COPY EACH CLAUSE ON A SEPARATE SHEET AND ANALYZE THEM IN ATYDY WAY, MARKING THE CATEGORIES ON EACH ONE OF THEM. DO NOT WRITE ABOUT ANYTHING THAT HAS NOT BEEN ASKED. STEVE INSKEEP: (1) Since your party's defeat in the election, you have made two major executive actions — one on immigration, one on Cuba. One of those might have been difficult to do before the election; the other surely would've been difficult to do before the election, which makes me wonder: Is there some way in which that election just passed has liberated you? PRESIDENT OBAMA: I don't think it's been liberating. (2) Keep in mind that all these issues are ones that we've been working on for some time. [ ] (3) With respect to immigration reform, obviously I'd been working on that for six years. And the truth .. S |: But this was the moment when you could do those things? P. OBAMA: (4) Yeah. Well, | do — here's what | do think is true: that | have spent six years now in this office. We have dealt with the worst economic and financial crisis since the Great Depression. We have dealt with international turmoil that we haven't seen in a lot of years. L ] S |: Is there anything that you personally intend to do differently in your approach to Congress in hopes of getting better results in your final two years than you have on some occasions in the past? P. OBAMA: | can always do better in every aspect of my job, and congressional relations isn't exempt from that. | think the circumstances will have changed, though, Level (5) And, you know, what I've said repeatedly is that | want to work with them; | want to get things done. I don't have another election to run. [eed (6) But what I'm hopeful about is a recognition by both Speaker Boehner and Mitch McConnell that people are looking to them to get things done,... and that the fact that we disagree on one thing shouldn't prohibit us from getting progress on the areas where there's some overlap. Deed From: Transcript: President Obama's Full NPR Interview. Dec. 29, 2014. http www. script-president-obamas-full-npr- interview ANALISIS DEL DISCURSO EN LENGUA INGLESA - Grado en Estudios Ingleses Segunda Prueba Presencial Septiembre 2015 Modelo A Duracion: 2 horas. No se permite material auxiliar ni uso de diccionario. LEA ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES CUIDADOSAMENTE: El examen consta de dos partes, y debe realizar ambas. La primera se califica con un maximo de cuatro puntos y la segunda con un maximo de seis. Todo el examen debe ser realizado en inglés, siguiendo estrictamente ol orden de las preguntas en una forma clara y ordenada. No olvide consignar todos sus datos personales en las hojas de ‘examen. Entregue también esta hoja junto con las demas. PART |: a) What is a corpus? Give one example of a type of corpus (Do not write more than six lines about this). b) Define the concepts of theme and rheme. Provide examples. (Do not write more than six lines about this). PART Il: Read the anecdote below and analyse it from the Narrative Analysis perspective. Identify and explain the different elements of the narrative found in the article, using Labov's framework. Also, identify its prevailing structure (Temporal? Evaluative? Descriptive?). PLEASE, MAKE YOUR RESPONSES CONCISE AND TO THE POINT. DO NOT WRITE ABOUT ANYTHING THAT HAS NOT BEEN ASKED. An Anecdote about Albert Einstein 1 "There was something elusively whimsical about Einstein. it is illustrated by my 2 favorite anecdote about him. In his first year in Princeton, on Christmas Eve, so 3 the story goes, some children sang carols outside his house. Having d, they 4 knocked on his door and explained they were collecting money to buy Christmas 5 presents. Einstein listened, then said, "Wait a moment." He put on his scarf and 6 overcoat, and took his violin from its case. Then, joining the children as they went 7 from door to door, he accompanied their singing of ‘Silent Night’ on his violin.” (Banesh Hoffman, "My Friend, Albert Einstein." Reader's Digest, January 1968). ANALISIS DEL DISCURSO EN LENGUA INGLESA - GRADO EN ESTUDIOS INGLESES Segunda Prueba Presencial ‘September 2015 Modelo B Duraci6n: 2 horas. No se permite material auxiliar ni uso de diccionario. LEA ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES CUIDADOSAMENTE: El examen consta de dos partes, y debe realizar ambas. La primera se califica con un maximo de cuatro puntos y la segunda con un maximo de seis. Todo el examen debe ser realizado en inglés, siguiendo estrictamente el orden de las preguntas en una forma clara y ordenada. No olvide consignar todos sus datos personales en las hojas de ‘examen. Entrgue también esta hoja junto con las demas. PARTI: a) Explain the concepts of intentionality as one of the criteria that a communicative event must satisfy (as explained by De Beaugrande and Dressler (1981). (Do not write more than five lines about this). b) Explain the concept of indexicality within Mediated Discourse Analysis, (Do not write more than five lines about this). PART II Read the newspaper article below by E.J. Dionne Jr. (The Washington Post, March 18", 2013) and analyse it from the Critical Discourse Analysis perspective, using van Dijk’s ideological analysis methodology. Explain the principle of positive self- presentation and negative other presentation by analysing the different levels of discourse description, namely: a) Topic selection b) Schematic organization ¢) Local meanings 4d) Lexicalization e) Style f) Rhetorical devices PLEASE, GO IN ORDER (FROM a TO f) WHEN ANSWERING THE QUESTIONS, AND MAKE YOUR RESPONSES CONCISE AND TO THE POINT. DO NOT WRITE ABOUT ANYTHING THAT HAS NOT BEEN ASKED. Conservatives’ contradictions on American power Do conservatives stil believe in American greatness? The question is not intended to discourage the healthy debate being pushed by Rand Paul and his allies over whether Republicans in the George W. Bush years were too eager to deploy our country’s armed forces. overseas. After the steep costs of the Iraq war, itis a very necessary discussion But Paul has inadvertently called our attention to a deep contradiction within American conservatism. Those who share Paul's philosophical orientation are quite right in seeing the rise cof American power in the world as closely linked to the rise of the New Deal-Great Society state at home. But this means that those who want the United States to play a strong role in global affairs need to ask themselves if their attitudes toward government's role in our country, which are similar to Paul's, are consistent with their vision of American influence abroad, After World War I, there was a rough consensus in America, confirmed during Dwight Eisenhower's presidency in the 1950s, in favor of an energetic national government We emerged from the war as a global power that had learned lessons from the Great Depression. Government action could lessen the likelihood of another disastrous economic downturn and build a more just and prosperous society at home by investing in our people and our future. ( ) ‘And we fought poverty — for moral reasons but also because we wanted to show the world that we could combine our market system with economic justice. We forget that we succeeded, A strengthened Social Security system combined with Medicare slashed poverty rates among the elderly. Food stamps dealt with a real problem of hunger in our nation while Medicaid brought regular health care to millions who did not have it before. Through it all, Keynesian economics kept our economy humming while widely shared prosperity created the sense of national solidarity that a world role required: Paul and his allies deserve credit for consistency. They are against the entire deal “As government grows, liberty becomes marginalized,” Paul declared at the Conservative Political Action Conference, which announced Saturday that the libertarian senator from Kentucky had placed first in its 2016 presidential straw poll | think the evidence of all the years since World War II proves Pau! flatly wrong. But then | am not a conservative. But what of conservatives who endorse continued American global leadership but would drastically reduce government's investments in our citizens and our infrastructure, in economic security and in health care? Do they honestly think voters wil endorse the military spending they seek even as they throw 40 milion to 50 milion of our fellow citizens off health insurance and weaken health coverage for ‘our elderly? Can they continue to deny that their goal of an internationally influential America demands more revenue than they currently seem willing to provide? Have conservatives on the ‘Supreme Court pondered what eviscerating the Voting Rights Act would do to the image of our demooracy around the globe? ‘And do conservatives who say they favor American greatness think they are strengthening our nation and its ability to shape events abroad with an ongoing budget stalemate created by their refusal to reach agreement with President Obama on a deal that combines spending cuts and new taxes? Would they rather waste the next three years than make any further concessions to a president the voters just reelected? Rand Paul is very clear on the country he seeks. Conservatives who reject his approach to foreign policy need to consider where the strong America they honor came from in the first place. From The Washington Post, hito//www.washingtonpost com/opinions/ei-dionne-jt- conservatives-contradict-themselves-on-american-power/2013/03/17/8467a956-Bda2-1 1e2- be3I-1531O9F2!eb4_story.htm! ANALISIS DEL DISCURSO EN LENGUA INGLESA - GRADO EN ESTUDIOS INGLESES Segunda Prueba Presencial Junio 2016 Modelo A Duracién: 2 horas. No se permite material auxiliar ni uso de diccionario. LEA ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES CUIDADOSAMENTE: El examen consta de dos partes, y debe realizar ambas. La primera se califica con un maximo de cuatro puntos y la segunda con un maximo de sels. Todo el examen debe ser realizado en inglés, siguiendo estrictamente el orden de las preguntas en una forma clara y ordenada. No olvide consignar todos sus datos personales en las hojas de ‘examen. Entrogue también esta hoja junto con las demas. PART I: a) Bakhtin is normally included within the scope of Post-structuralism even though his work is previous and took place during the first half of the 20th century. Comment on his view of language as dialogic. What did he mean by that assertion? (Do NOT write more than 6 lines here) b) Discuss Goffman’s concept of face and its role in spoken interaction. (Do NOT write more than 6 lines here). PART II; Read the following testimony from Christianity Today and analyse it from the Narrative Analysis perspective. (2) Identify and explain the different elements of the narrative found in the article, using Labov's framework. (b) Also, indicate the type of structure that prevails in it (temporal, descriptive or evaluative). Justify your answer. PLEASE, MAKE YOUR RESPONSES CONCISE AND TO THE POINT. DO NOT USE MORE THAN TWO PAGES FOR THIS ANALYSIS, AND DO NOT WRITE ABOUT ANYTHING THAT HAS NOT BEEN ASKED. From Skepticism to Faith | grew up in a secular home in suburban Australia, where religion was categorically rejected—it was seen as a crutch, and people of faith were derided as morally deviant hypocrites. Rates for church attendance in Australia are some of the lowest in the Western world, and the country's political leaders feel no need to feign religious devotion. In fact, they think it's better to avoid religion altogether. Asa teenager, | wrote poetry mocking belief in God. My mother threw enough profanity at religious door knockers to make even a sailor blush Many years later, however, | read the New Testament for myself. The Jesus | encountered was far different from the deluded radical, even mythical character described to me. This Jesus—the Jesus of history—was real. He touched upon things that cut close to my heart, especially as | pondered the meaning of human existence. | was struck by the early church's testimony to Jesus: In Christ's death God has vanquished evil, and by his resurrection he has brought life and hope to all When | crossed from unbelief to belief, all the pieces suddenly began to fit together. | had always felt a strange unease about my disbelief. | had an acute suspicion that there might be something more, something transcendent, but | also knew that | was told not to think that. | "knew" that ethics were nothing more than aesthetics, a mere word game for things | liked and disliked. | felt conflicted when my heart ached over the injustice and cruelty in the world Faith grew from seeds of doubt, and | came upon a whole new world that, for the first time, actually made sense to me. To this day, | do not find faith stifling or constricting. Rather, faith has been liberating and transformative for me. It has opened a constellation of meaning, beauty, hope, and life that | had been indoctrinated to deny. And so began a lifelong quest to know, study, and teach about the one whom Christians called Lord. from http://www. christianitytoday. com/ct/20 14/april-web-only/how-god-became-jesus-and-how-i- came-to-faith-in-him.html THEE H HEHEHE HEHEHE EE EEE HEE EEE EEE HEE EEE EEE EEE ANALISIS DEL DISCURSO EN LENGUA INGLESA - GRADO EN ESTUDIOS INGLESES. Segunda Prueba Presencial Junio 2016 Modelo C Duracién: 2 horas. No se permite material auxiliar ni uso de diccionario. LEA ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES CUIDADOSAMENTE: El examen consta de dos partes, y debe realizar ambas. La primera se califica con un maximo de cuatro puntos y la segunda con un maximo de sels. Todo el examen debe ser realizado en inglés, siguiendo estrictamente el orden de las preguntas en una forma clara y ordenada. No olvide consignar todos sus datos personales en las hojas de ‘examen. Entrogue también esta hoja junto con las demas. PART I: a) According to Schiffrin et al (2001), what are the three main categories in which all the definitions of discourse analysis fall? b) Explain the concept of adjacency pair within the context of Conversation Analysis. PART Il: Read the following extract for Winston Churchill's speech delivered in the British Parliament in 1940 in relation to the participation of the UK in World War Il, and analyze it from the Critical Discourse Analysis perspective, using van Dijk's ideological analysis methodology. Explain the principle of positive self- presentation and negative other presentation by analysing the different levels of discourse description, namely: a) Topic selection b) Schematic organization ©) Local meanings 4) Lexicalization e) Style f) Rhetorical devices PLEASE, MAKE YOUR RESPONSES CONCISE AND TO THE POINT. DO NOT USE MORE THAN TWO PAGES FOR THIS ANALYSIS, AND DO NOT WRITE ABOUT ANYTHING THAT HAS NOT BEEN ASKED. From On Friday evening last | received from His Majesty the mission to form a new administration. It was the evident will of Parliament and the nation that this should be conceived on the broadest possible basis and that it should include all parties. Awar cabinet has been formed of five members, representing, with the Labour, Opposition, and Liberals, the unity of the nation. It was necessary that this should be done in one single day on account of the extreme urgency and rigor of events. | now invite the House by a resolution to record its approval of the steps taken and declare its confidence in the new government. The resolution: "That this House welcomes the formation of a government representing the united and inflexible resolve of the nation to prosecute the war with Germany to a victorious conclusion.” To form an administration of this scale and complexity is a serious undertaking in itself. But we are in the preliminary phase of one of the greatest battles in history. We are in action at many other points-in Norway and in Holland-and we have to be prepared in the Mediterranean. The air battle is continuing, and many preparations have to be made here at home. In this crisis | think | may be pardoned if | do not address the House at any length today, and | hope that any of my friends and colleagues or former colleagues who are affected by the political reconstruction will make all allowances for any lack of ceremony with which it has been necessary to act. | say to the House as | said to ministers who have joined this government, | have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat. We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many months of struggle and suffering. You ask, what is our policy? | say it is to wage war by land, sea, and air. War with all our might and with all the strength God has given us, and to wage war against a monstrous tyranny never surpassed in the dark and lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy. You ask, what is our aim? | can answer in one word. It is victory. Victory at all costs - Victory in spite of all terrors - Victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival | take up my task in buoyancy and hope. | feel sure that our cause will not be suffered to fail among men. | feel entitled at this juncture, at this time, to claim the aid of all and to say, "Come then, let us go forward together with our united strength.” HEE EEEE CHEECH EEE HEHEHE EE EE EE EH CEE HEHE HEHEHE HEHEHE HEHEHE ANALISIS DEL DISCURSO EN LENGUA INGLESA - GRADO EN ESTUDIOS INGLESES Segunda Prueba Presencial Septiembre 2016 Modelo 1 Duracion: 2 horas. No se permite material auxiliar ni uso de diccionario. LEA ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES CUIDADOSAMENTE: El examen consta de dos partes, y debe realizar ambas. La primera se ica con un maximo de cuatro puntos y la segunda con un maximo de seis. Todo el examen debe ser realizado en inglés, siguiendo estrictamente el orden de las preguntas en una forma clara y ordenada. No olvide consignar todos sus datos personales en las hojas de examen. Entregue también esta hoja junto con las demas. PART I: a) What is the vernacular, according to Labov (1984)? (Do not write more than six lines about this) b) What is @ pre-sequence within the framework of Conversation Analysis? Provide an example. (Do not write more than 8 lines about this) PART II: Analyze the following utterances by marking both their thematic (theme/rheme) and information structures (given/new). Specify the type of theme (experiential, non-experiential, textual, detached). Can you find any instances of ‘multiple themes'? If so, classify them as well. ANALYZE ONLY ‘THE MAIN CLAUSES. DO NOT ANALYZE ANY EMBEDDED CLAUSES. 1- What she wants is your money. 2- Your money is what she wants. 3- Well, then, dear Millie, how was your day at school? 4- Her mother’s will — she'll never talk about that. 5: It's fantastic, your new car! 6. Whenever possible, try to get one of those scrumptious cupcakes for me. ANALISIS DEL DISCURSO EN LENGUA INGLESA — Grado en Estudios Ingleses Segunda Prueba Presencial Septiembre 2016 Modelo 2 Duracién: 2 horas. No se permite material auxiliar ni uso de diccionario. LEA ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES CUIDADOSAMENTI El examen consta de des partes, y debe realizar ambas. La primera se califica con un maximo de cuatro puntos y la segunda con un maximo de seis. Todo el examen debe ser realizado en inglés, siguiendo estrictamente el orden de las preguntas en una forma clara y ordenada. No olvide consignar todos sus datos personales en las hojas de ‘examen. Entrogue también esta hoja junto con las demas. PART I: a) What does Schegloff mean when he refers to talk-in-interaction as the focus of Conversation Analysis? (Do NOT write more than 6 lines here) b) Bakhtin considered discursive practice as a heteroglossic phenomenon. What did he mean and how does it conform to the post-structuralist approach to language? (Do NOT write more than 8 lines here) PART II: Read the following extract from a speech by Carrie Chapman Catt (1916), leader of American Suffragists, and analyse it from the Critical Discourse Analysis perspective, using van Dik’s ideological analysis methodology. Explain the principle of positive self-presentation and negative other presentation by analysing the different levels of discourse description, namely: a) Topic selection b) Schematic organization c) Local meanings 4) Lexicalization e) Style f) Rhetorical devices PLEASE, MAKE YOUR RESPONSES CONCISE AND TO THE POINT. DO NOT WRITE ABOUT ANYTHING THAT HAS NOT BEEN ASKED. ‘Text from hitp./ html I have taken for my subject, "The Crisis," because | believe that crisis has come in our movement which, if recognized and the opportunity seized with vigor, enthusiasm and will, means the final victory of our great cause in the very near future. | am aware that some suffragists do not share this belief; they see No signs nor symptoms today which were not present yesterday. To them, the movement has been a steady, normal growth from the beginning and must so continue until the end. | can only defend my claim with the plea that it is better to imagine a crisis where none exists than to fail to recognize one when it comes; for a crisis is a culmination of events which calls for new considerations and new decisions. A failure to answer the call may mean an opportunity lost, a possible victory postponed. The object of the life of an organized movement is to secure its aim Necessarily, it must obey the law of evolution and pass through the stages of agitation and education and finally through the stage of realization. As one has put it: "A new idea floats in the air over the heads of the people and for a long, indefinite period evades their understanding but, by and by, when through familiarity, human vision grows clearer, it is caught out of the clouds and crystalized into law." Such a period comes to every movement and is its crisis. In my judgment, that crucial moment, bidding us to renewed consecration and redoubled activity has come to our cause. | believe our victory hangs within our grasp, inviting us to pluck it out of the clouds and establish it among the good things of the world If this be true, the time is past when we should say: "Men and women of America, look upon that wonderful idea up there; see, one day it will come down." Instead, the time has come to shout aloud in every city, village and hamlet, and in tones so clear and jubilant that they will reverberate from every mountain peak and echo from shore to shore: "The woman's Hour has struck." TERE HEHE EEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHEEEEEEEE EEE EEE EHH ANALISIS DEL DISCURSO EN LENGUA INGLESA GRADO EN ESTUDIOS INGLESES Segunda Prueba Presencial Junio 2017 Modelo A Duracion: 2 horas. No se permite material auxiliar ni uso de diccionario. LEA ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES CUIDADOSAMENTE: El examen consta de dos partes, y debe realizar ambas. La primera se califica con un maximo de cuatro puntos y la segunda con un maximo de seis. Todo el examen debe ser realizado en inglés, siguiendo estrictamente el orden de las preguntas en una forma clara y ordenada. No olvide consignar todos sus datos personales en las hojas de examen. Entregue también esta hoja junto con las demas. PARTI: a) Explain Scollon's (2001) concept of mediational means within the framework of Mediated Discourse Analysis. (Do not write more than 5 lines here). b) Explain the importance of the notion of ideology within the framework of Critical Discourse Analysis. (Do not write more than 5 lines here). PART II: Analyze the following extract from the play “The Deep Blue Sea” on the next page from the Conversation Analysis perspective, following these steps: a) Mark the different turns (T1, T2, etc.) and TRPs (Transition Relevant Places) to the lett of the transcription b) Identify the different adjacency pairs and indicate if the second part is preferred or dispreferred. c) Identify and explain any pre-sequences and/or insertion sequences you might find. 4) Identify and explain any case of repair you might find. e) Analize its overall organization. PLEASE, MAKE YOUR RESPONSES CONCISE AND TO THE POINT. DO NOT USE MORE THAN TWO PAGES FOR THIS ANALYSIS, AND DO NOT WRITE ABOUT ANYTHING THAT HAS NOT BEEN ASKED. eu ait tate! [Freddie has spent the weekend out with his friends and arrives home after her wife, Hester, has attempted suicide. He still doesn’t know about the incident] Freddie: Hullo, Hes. How’ tricks? I've just done ninety-three down the Great West. Jackie Jackson gave me a lift. We gave up the idea of playing golf. It started to rain. It's pouring down at Sunningdale. By the way, a bloody great Rolls was just moving off from here as I came in. | wonder whose it is, do you know? Hester, staring ahead of her, does not replay Do you think old Elton their landlord]’s lashed out and invested his life savings? Shouldn't be surprised, considering what he must make out of us. H: Did you have a good weekend? F: Not bad. Won both my matches [...] H: How much did you win all together? F: Seven H: Can I have some of it- for Mrs Elton? F: | thought you were going to sell those pictures. Is there any coffee left? H: I'm not now F: Why not? H: I've given one away F: (mildly). That was a bloody silly thing to go and do, wasn't it? H: Yes, | suppose it was From Terence Raltingan's The Deep Blue Sea. The image is from the film adaptation ANALISIS DEL DISCURSO EN LENGUA INGLESA GRADO EN ESTUDIOS INGLESES Segunda Prueba Presencial Junio 2017 Modelo C Duracion: 2 horas. No se permite material auxiliar ni uso de diccionario. LEA ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES CUIDADOSAMENTE: El examen consta de dos partes, y debe realizar ambas. La primera se califica con un maximo de cuatro puntos y la segunda con un maximo de seis. Todo el examen debe ser realizado en inglés, siguiendo estrictamente el orden de las preguntas en una forma clara y ordenada. No olvide consignar todos sus datos personales en las hojas de examen. Entregue también esta hoja junto con las demas. PART I: a) Explain the concept of indexicality within Mediated Discourse Analysis, and explain the difference between indexes, icons and symbols. Give examples of each one of the three. (Do NOT write more than 10 lines here) b) Explain the notion of detached themes within the context of Functionalism. Discuss different subtypes and provide examples. (Do NOT write more than 10 lines here) PART Il: The following text is an extract from a speech by American civil rights activist Malcolm X, "the ballot or the bullet", delivered in 1964 in Detroit. Analyze it from the Critical Discourse Analysis perspective, using van Dijk's ideological analysis methodology. Explain the principle of positive seff-presentation and negative other presentation by analysing the different levels of discourse description, namely: a) Topic selection b) Schematic organization c) Local meanings 4) Lexicalization e) Style f) Rhetorical devices PLEASE, MAKE YOUR RESPONSES CONCISE AND TO THE POINT. DO NOT USE MORE THAN TWO PAGES FOR THIS ANALYSIS, AND DO NOT WRITE ABOUT ANYTHING THAT HAS NOT BEEN ASKED. Excerpt from "The ballot or the bullet" by Malcolm X From http://americanradioworks. Mr. Moderator, Rev. Cleage, brothers and sisters and friends, and | see some enemies. laughter, applause] In fact, | think we'd be fooling ourselves if we had an audience this large and didn't realize that there were some enemies present. This afternoon we want to talk about the ballot or the bullet. The ballot or the bullet explains itself. But before we get into it, since this is the year of the ballot or the bullet, | would like to clarify some things that refer to me personally, concerning my own personal position. 'm still 2 Muslim. That is, my religion is still Islam. [applause] [...] At present | am the minister of the newly founded Muslim Mosque Incorporated [..]. And when we realize that Adam Clayton Powell, is a Christian minister, he has Abyssinian Baptist Church, but at the same time he's more famous for his political struggling. And Dr. King is a Christian minister from Atlanta Georgia, or in Atlanta Georgia, but he's become more famous for being involved in the civil rights struggle. There's another in New York, Rev. Galamison, | don't know if you've heard of him out here, he's a Christian minister from Brooklyn, but has become famous for his fight against the segregated school system in Brooklyn Rev. Cleage, right here, is a Christian minister, here in Detroit, he's head of the Freedom Now Party. All of these are Christian ministers [applause] ...all of these are Christian ministers but they don't come to us as Christian ministers, they come to us as fighters in some other category. 1am a Muslim minister. The same as they are Christian ministers, I'm a Muslim minister. And | don't believe in fighting today on any one front, but on all fronts. [applause] In fact, I'm a Black Nationalist freedom fighter. [applause] Islam is my religion but | believe my religion is my personal business. /applause] It governs my personal life, my personal morals. And my religious philosophy is personal between me and the God in whom | believe, just as the religious philosophy of these others is between them and the God in whom they believe. And this is best this way. Were we to come out here discussing religion, we'd have too many differences from the out start and we could never get together. So today, though Islam is my religious philosophy, my political, economic and social philosophy is black nationalism. You and | - [applause] As | say, [...] if we keep our religion at home, keep our religion in the closet, keep our religion between ourselves and our God, but when we come out here we have a fight that's common to all of us against a enemy who is common to all of us. [applause] The political philosophy of black nationalism only means that the black man should control the politics and the politicians in his own community. The time when white people can come in our community and get us to vote for them so that they can be our political leaders and tell us what to do and what not to. do is long gone. fapplause] We must, we must understand the politics of our community and we must know what politics is supposed to produce. We must know what part politics play in our lives. And until we become politically mature, we will always be misled, led astray, or deceived or maneuvered into supporting someone politically who doesn't have the good of our community at heart. So the political philosophy of black nationalism only means that we will have to carry on a program, @ political program, of reeducation — to open our people's eyes, make us become more politically conscious, politically mature. And then, we will — whenever we are ready to cast our ballot, that ballot will be cast for a man of the community, who has the good of the community at heart. applause] ANALISIS DEL DISCURSO EN LENGUA INGLESA GRADO EN ESTUDIOS INGLESES Segunda Prueba Presencial Septiembre 2017 Modelo A Duracion: 2 horas. No se permite material auxiliar ni uso de diccionario. LEA ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES CUIDADOSAMENTE: El examen consta de dos partes, y debe realizar ambas. La primera se califica con un maximo de cuatro puntos y la segunda con un maximo de seis. Todo el examen debe ser realizado en inglés, siguiendo estrictamente el orden de las preguntas en una forma clara y ordenada. No olvide consignar todos sus datos personales en las hojas de examen. Entregue también esta hoja junto con las demas. PART I: a) Decide if the following utterance is an example of positive or negative politeness. Justify your answer. (Do not write more than 6 lines about this) “It is a pleasure for me to announce that Mr Roberts is the winner of the award this year” b) Explain briefly Labov's Telsur / Atlas project. (Do not write more than 6 lines about this) PART II: Analyze the telephone conversation on the next page from the Conversation Analysis perspective, following these steps: a) Mark the different turns (T1, 72, etc.) and TRPs (Transition Relevant Places) to the left of the transcription b) Identify the different adjacency pairs and indicate if the second part is preferred or dispreferred. ©) Identify and explain any pre-sequences and/or insertion sequences you might find 4) Identify and explain any case of repair you might find. e) Analize its overall organization. PLEASE, MAKE YOUR RESPONSES CONCISE AND TO THE POINT. DO NOT USE MORE THAN TWO PAGES FOR THIS ANALYSIS, AND DO NOT WRITE ABOUT ANYTHING THAT HAS NOT BEEN ASKED. MODERN FAMILY [Mitchell and Cameron have adopted a baby girl. Mitchell discovers Cameron has decorated the room]. Mitchell: Count to three: one, tw- Cameron: Three! (opens door to Lily's room) Mitchell: Okay. (they enter) Oh Cam. This is beautiful. Cameron: Oh my god, do you love it? Mitchell: Yes. |... (sees wall painting) What the hell is that? Cameron: | had Andre do it while we were gone. Mitchell: Is that us... with wings? Cameron: We're floating above her, always there to protect her. Mitchell: Okay, well, [...] can you call Andre? Have him paint something a little less... gay? By the way, we need to stop having friends with names like Andre. Cameron: Red-headed daddy is angry daddy. Mitchell: No, I'm not. Cameron: Yes, you are. Even Pepper pointed it out on the way home from the airport. Mitchell: Okay, that's another one: Pepper. Yeah. Cameron: Okay, what's up? Mitchell: Alright, look, |... In- I never told my family we were adopting a baby. Cameron: | know. Mitchell: You do? Cameron: Yeah, and | don't blame you. I know your family: you tell them, they say something judgmental- Mitchell: Exactly! Cameron: You get mad- Mitchell: | know, and then something that's supposed to be nothing but joyful suddenly turns into this huge fight. From https://modemfamilytranscripts. ANALISIS DEL DISCURSO EN LENGUA INGLESA GRADO EN ESTUDIOS INGLESES Segunda Prueba Presencial Junio 2018 Modelo A Duracion: 2 horas. No se permite material auxiliar ni uso de diccionario. LEA ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES CUIDADOSAMENTE: El examen consta de dos partes, y debe realizar ambas. La primera se califica con un maximo de cuatro puntos y la segunda con un maximo de seis. Todo el examen debe ser realizado en inglés, siguiendo estrictamente el orden de las preguntas en una forma clara y ordenada. No olvide consignar todos sus datos personales en las hojas de examen. Entregue también esta hoja junto con las demas. PART |: a) Discuss the concepts of cohesion and coherence in a text according to De Beaugrande and Dressler (1981). (Do NOT write more than 6 lines here). b) Are contextualization cues necessarily interpreted in the same manner in a context with asymmetries in the communicative background of the speakers? What could be the consequences of this situation? (Do NOT write more than 6 lines here). PART Il: From the functional sentence perspective, analyze the sentences in bold (1 to 6) in the text below by copying them on a separate sheet of paper and marking their thematic structure (Theme/ Rheme). Analize only the main clause in each case, without considering the possible embedded or subordinate clauses. Specify the type of Theme in each case, taking into account: a) whether it is experiential or non-experiential b) whether it is marked or unmarked c) whether it is single, multiple or detached PLEASE, MAKE YOUR RESPONSES CONCISE AND TO THE POINT. DO NOT USE MORE THAN TWO PAGES FOR THIS ANALYSIS, AND DO NOT WRITE ABOUT ANYTHING THAT HAS NOT BEEN ASKED. Why the green great dragon can't exist ‘The former US Defence Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, famously warned that in any situation there can be known knowns and unknown unknowns, the latter being the most potentially dangerous as they are "things that we don't know we don't know". (1) But missing from his list were the unknown knowns, the things we know, but don't reatise that we do. ‘The power af such knowledge - things we pert use all the time without thinking - has been illustrated by, of all things, the popularity of a tweet about the correct order in which to use adjectives. ‘The tweet by Matthew Anderson, the editor of BBC Culture, contained a screengrab from a 2013 book "The Elements of Eloquence: How to Tum the Perfect English Phrase’, and has been retweeted many thousands of times. (2) The order of adjectives, according to the book's author Mark Forsyth, has to be: opinion-size-age-shape-colour-origin-material-purpose. (3) “If you mess with that word order in the slightest you'll sound like a maniac, he warns in the extract. “its an odd thing that every English speaker uses that list, but almost none of us could write it out, (4) And as size comes ps can't recall ever learning, but before colour, green great dragons can't exist.” (5) Along with the screengrab of this advice, Matt posted the comment: “Things native English speakers know, but don't know we know.” ick black coat. It can’t be a “black {6) Try it for yourself. Here's mine: a tovely thick lovely coat" htto:/ ANALISIS DEL DISCURSO EN LENGUA INGLESA GRADO EN ESTUDIOS INGLESES Segunda Prueba Presencial Junio 2018 Modelo B Duracion: 2 horas. No se permite material auxiliar ni uso de diccionario. LEA ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES CUIDADOSAMENTE: El examen consta de dos partes, y debe realizar ambas. La primera se califica con un maximo de cuatro puntos y la segunda con un maximo de seis. Todo el examen debe ser realizado en inglés, siguiendo estrictamente el orden de las preguntas en una forma clara y ordenada. No olvide consignar todos sus datos personales en las hojas de examen. Entregue también esta hoja junto con las demas. PARTI: a) What does Schegloff mean when he refers to talk-in-interaction as the focus of conversational Analysis? (Do NOT write more than six lines here) b) Explain Halliday's notions of Theme and Rheme within the context of Functionalism. (Do NOT write more than six lines here) PART Il: Read the article below and analyse it from the Narrative Analysis perspective. (a) Identify and explain the different elements of the narrative found in the article, using Labov's framework. (b) Indicate the type of structure that prevails in it (temporal, descriptive or evaluative). Justify your answer. PLEASE, MAKE YOUR RESPONSES CONCISE AND TO THE POINT. DO NOT USE MORE THAN TWO PAGES FOR THIS ANALYSIS, AND DO NOT WRITE ABOUT ANYTHING THAT HAS NOT BEEN ASKED. Kelly Clarkson gave her daughter Nutella, and now the internet is. accusing her of ‘child abuse’ GLAMOUR Christopher Rosa Apr 13th 2017 4:37PM In today's bizarre mommy-shaming news, social media trolls are accusing Kelly Clarkson of “child abuse" because she gave her daughter Nutella. Yup. The Piece by Piece singer posted an Instagram video earlier this week of her two-year-old daughter, River, trying the hazelnut-chocolate spread for the first time, and it’s adorable. It's also, if you're a mom, familiar: The toddler digs into a Nutella-smeared piece of bread, and her face bears the evidence. Apparently, though, some Insta users took offense to Clarkson's post, and it didn't take long for the nutrition police to slide into the comments section and scold the pop star for giving her daughter the treat. "Stop eating Nutella,” one commenter said, according to Good Housekeeping. "It's been confirmed to give cancer." “Nutella is hella bad for you," another user quipped. "Nutella is PACKED with sugars. Don't make your kids blow up," wrote a third troll. (Keep in mind that these people are talking about a two-year-old child.) But the most biting comment came from a user who said Clarkson giving River Nutella was a form of "child abuse." "Giving food like this to a child is child abuse," he or she wrote, GH reports. Simmer down. We're talking about a child eating Nutella one time. It's not like she's giving her kid candy for every meal. Plus, the fact Clarkson even posted the video is proof she probably views foods like Nutella as special, sporadic treats. And Good Housekeeping Institute nutrition director Jaclyn London (R.D.) defends eating treats. "Enjoying indulgent foods together with family can be a part of a healthy diet and long-term relationship with food," she told GH. https://go0.qV/3d3yuA ANALISIS DEL DISCURSO EN LENGUA INGLESA GRADO EN ESTUDIOS INGLESES Segunda Prueba Presencial Septiembre 2018 Modelo A Duracion: 2 horas. No se permite material auxiliar ni uso de diccionario. LEA ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES CUIDADOSAMENTE: El examen consta de dos partes, y debe realizar ambas. La primera se califica con un maximo de cuatro puntos y la segunda con un maximo de seis. Todo el examen debe ser realizado en inglés, siguiendo estrictamente el orden de las preguntas en una forma clara y ordenada. No olvide consignar todos sus datos personales en las hojas de examen. Entregue también esta hoja junto con las demas. PART I: a) Explain the notion of detached themes within the context of Functionalism. Discuss the different subtypes and provide examples. (Do NOT write more than 8 lines here). b) What is Critical Discourse Analysis according to Teun van Dijk? (Do NOT write more than 6 lines here). PART Il: Analyze the dialogue in the following (adapted) extract from Pride and Prejudice from the Conversation Analysis perspective, following these steps: a) Mark the different turns (T1, T2, etc.) and TRPs (Transition Relevant Places) to the left of the transcription b) Identify the different adjacency pairs and indicate if the second part is preferred or dispreferred. ©) Identify and explain any pre-sequences and/or insertion sequences you might find 4) Identify and explain any case of repair you might find. e) Analize its overall organization. PLEASE, MAKE YOUR RESPONSES CONCISE AND TO THE POINT. DO NOT USE MORE THAN TWO PAGES FOR THIS ANALYSIS, AND DO NOT WRITE ABOUT ANYTHING THAT HAS NOT BEEN ASKED. itis a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighbourhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families, that he is considered as the rightful property of someone or other of their daughters. Mr Bennet's wife: My dear Mr. Bennet, said his lady to him one day, have you heard that Netherfield Park is let at last? Mr. Bennet: No, | have not. Mr Bennet’s wife: But it is, for Mrs. Long has just been here, and she told me all about it. Mr. Bennet made no answer. Mr Bennet's wife: Do not you want to know who has taken it? (impatiently), Mr. Bennet: You want to tell me, and | have no objection to hearing it. Wife: Why, my dear, you must know, Mrs. Long says that Netherfield is taken by a young man of large fortune from the north of England; that he came down on Monday in a chaise and four to see the place, and was so much delighted with it that he agreed with Mr. Morris immediately; that he is to take possession before Michaelmas, and some of his servants are to be in the house by the end of next week. Mr. Bennet; What is his name? Wife: Bingley. Mr. Bennet: Is he married or single? Wife: Oh! single, my dear, to be sure! A single man of large fortune; four or five thousand a year. What a fine thing for our girls! Mr Bennet: How so? How can it affect them? Wife: My dear Mr. Bennet, how can you be so tiresome! You must know that | am thinking of his marrying one of them." Mr. Bennet: Is that his design in settling here? Wife: Design! nonsense, how can you talk so! But it is very likely that he may fall in love with one of them, and therefore you must visit him as soon as he comes. Mr. Bennet: | see no occasion for that. You and the girls may go, or you may send them by themselves,which perhaps will be still better; for, as you are as handsome as any of them, Mr. Bingley might like you the best of the party. ANALISIS DEL DISCURSO EN LENGUA INGLESA GRADO EN ESTUDIOS INGLESES Segunda Prueba Presencial Septiembre 2018 Modelo B Duracion: 2 horas. No se permite material auxiliar ni uso de diccionario. LEA ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES CUIDADOSAMENTE: El examen consta de dos partes, y debe realizar ambas. La primera se califica con un maximo de cuatro puntos y la segunda con un maximo de seis. Todo el examen debe ser realizado en inglés, siguiendo estrictamente el orden de las preguntas en una forma clara y ordenada. No olvide consignar todos sus datos personales en las hojas de examen. Entregue también esta hoja junto con las demas. PART I: a) Explain the concepts of experiential Theme within the framework of Functionalism. Provide examples. (Do not write more than 6 lines about this) b) Bakhtin considered discursive practice as a heteroglossic phenomenon. What did he mean by the concept of heteroglossia? (Do not write more than 6 lines about this) PART Il: Examine the following photograph. From the Mediated Discourse Analysis approach, a) analyze the type(s) of discourse found in it b) analyze the visual and the place semiotics of the symbols. ©) identify and explain the icons, indexes and symbols, and indicate if there are cases of co-occurrence of two or three types of signs. PLEASE, MAKE YOUR RESPONSES CONCISE AND TO THE POINT. DO NOT USE MORE THAN TWO PAGES FOR THIS ANALYSIS, AND DO NOT WRITE ABOUT ANYTHING THAT HAS NOT BEEN ASKED. HOW DO YOU LOOK IN YOUR — SUIT SKINNY 7? THOUSANDS GAIN 10 TO 25 POUNDS |S THIS NEW Easy Way NEW IRONIZED YEAST ADDS POUNDS gives thousands natural sex-agpealing curves From http:/ to-gain-weigh jt him a ANALISIS DEL DISCURSO EN LENGUA INGLESA GRADO EN ESTUDIOS INGLESES Segunda Prueba Presencial Junio 2019 Modelo A Duracion: 2 horas. No se permite material auxiliar ni uso de diccionario. LEA ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES CUIDADOSAMENTE: El examen consta de dos partes, y debe realizar ambas. La primera se califica con un maximo de cuatro puntos y la segunda con un maximo de seis. Todo el examen debe ser realizado en inglés, siguiendo estrictamente el orden de las preguntas en una forma clara y ordenada. No olvide consignar todos sus datos personales en las hojas de examen. Entregue también esta hoja junto con las demas. PARTI: a) Discuss the concept of intertextuality according to De Beaugrande and Dressler (1981) (Do NOT write more than 6 lines here). b) Explain the concept of backchannel within the context of Conversation Analysis (Do NOT write more than six lines here) PART Il: The text on the next page is from the movie Scream. Describe the characters and their relationships as a consequence of your prior analysis of the politeness strategies used by them (on record, off record, etc. as presented by Brown & Levinson, 1987). Classify them and, in the case of off record strategies, explain what Maxim(s) of the Gricean Cooperative Principle is/are being flouted, and what the implicature(s) being triggered is/are. PLEASE, MAKE YOUR RESPONSES CONCISE AND TO THE POINT. DO NOT USE MORE THAN TWO PAGES FOR THIS ANALYSIS, AND DO NOT WRITE ABOUT ANYTHING THAT HAS NOT BEEN ASKED. Scream A stranger calls Casey. After a little while on the phone... Casey: What do you want? Man: to talk Casey: Dial someone else, okay? Man: You getting scared? Casey: No. Bored. She hangs up. The phone rings again. Casey: Listen, asshole. Man: (deadly serious) NO. YOU LISTEN. YOU LITTLE BITCH. HANG UP ON ME AGAIN AND I'LL GUT YOU LIKE A FISH. UNDERSTAND? Total silence. He has gotten her full attention Casey: Is this some kind of a joke? Man: More of a game, really. From https:/ ANALISIS DEL DISCURSO EN LENGUA INGLESA GRADO EN ESTUDIOS INGLESES Segunda Prueba Presencial Junio 2019 Modelo B Duracion: 2 horas. No se permite material auxiliar ni uso de diccionario. LEA ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES CUIDADOSAMENTE: El examen consta de dos partes, y debe realizar ambas. La primera se califica con un maximo de cuatro puntos y la segunda con un maximo de seis. Todo el examen debe ser realizado en inglés, siguiendo estrictamente el orden de las preguntas en una forma clara y ordenada. No olvide consignar todos sus datos personales en las hojas de examen. Entregue también esta hoja junto con las demas. PART I: a) Explain the importance of the Observer's Paradox as described by Labov within the Variation Analysis approach (Do NOT write more than six lines here). b) Explain the concept of adjacency pair within the context of Conversation Analysis (Do NOT write more than six lines here) PART Il: The following is a fragment from the script of the movieThe shining. Describe the characters and their relationships as a consequence of your prior analysis of the politeness strategies used by them (on record, off record, etc. as presented by Brown & Levinson, 1987). Classify them and, in the case of off record strategies, explain what Maxim(s) of the Gricean Cooperative Principle is/are being flouted, and what the implicatures being triggered are. PLEASE, MAKE YOUR RESPONSES CONCISE AND TO THE POINT. DO NOT USE MORE THAN TWO PAGES FOR THIS ANALYSIS, AND DO NOT WRITE ABOUT ANYTHING THAT HAS NOT BEEN ASKED. The shining WENDY Jack... stay away from me. please. JACK reaches up to her. WENDY Don't hurt me! Don't hurt me! JACK I'm not going to hurt you. WENDY swings bat in front of her as she backs up stairs. WENDY Stay away from me, JACK Wendy! WENDY Stay away...! JACK Darling, light of my life, I'm not going to hurt you. You didn't let me finish my sentence. I said ‘I'm not going to hurt you... I'm just going to bash your brains in!’ I'm going to bash them right the fuck in. WENDY waves bat in front of her. JACK laughs. From hitpsi/www.scriptreaderpro.comihorror-scripts! ANALISIS DEL DISCURSO EN LENGUA INGLESA GRADO EN ESTUDIOS INGLESES Segunda Prueba Presencial Septiembre 2019 Modelo A Duracién: 2 horas. No se permite material auxiliar ni uso de diccionario. LEA ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES CUIDADOSAMENTE: El examen consta de dos partes, y debe realizar ambas. La primera se califica con un maximo de cuatro puntos y la segunda con un maximo de seis. Todo el examen debe ser realizado en inglés, siguiendo estrictamente el orden de las preguntas en una forma clara y ordenada. No olvide consignar todos sus datos personales en las hojas de examen. Entregue también esta hoja junto con las demas. PART I: a) Explain Brown and Levinson's concepts of positive and negative face (Do NOT write more than six lines here). b) Discuss Goffman’s concept of footing in the analysis of interaction. (Do NOT write more than 10 lines here). PART Il: Read the narrative below and analyse it from the Narrative Analysis perspective. (2) Identify and explain the different elements of the narrative found in the article, using Labov's framework. (b) Indicate the type of structure that prevails in it (temporal, descriptive or evaluative). Justify your answer. PLEASE, MAKE YOUR RESPONSES CONCISE AND TO THE POINT. DO NOT USE MORE THAN TWO PAGES FOR THIS ANALYSIS, AND DO NOT WRITE ABOUT ANYTHING THAT HAS NOT BEEN ASKED.

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