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Life, Pre-Intermediate, Unit 1 Test

1 Complete the text with the verbs in the box. There is one extra word you do not need. There is an
example at the beginning (0).
do fall feel get go make play stay take wake watch work
I usually (0) __wake______ up very early – at four o’clock. I lie in bed for a few minutes, then I (1)
____________ up and start my day. I take the bus to the post office where I pick up all the letters and
parcels for my area and put them in the van. I’m a postman, you see. I (2) ____________ long hours and I
rarely (3) ____________ a break, so, at the end of the day, I (4) ____________ really tired. I don’t (5)
____________ up late in the evening and (6) ____________ TV. I usually (7) ____________ to bed at eight
and I (8) ____________ asleep very quickly. On Sundays, I have a day off. I (9) ____________ some
gardening and sometimes I (10) ____________ tennis but, mostly, I sleep.
(10 points)

2 Choose the correct option (A, B or C) to complete the sentences. There is an example at the beginning
0 Graham ____________ fishing every weekend.
A makes B does C goes
1 Janice doesn’t ____________ home until ten on weekdays.
A take B fall C get
2 I ____________ karate at the sports centre.
A play B do C go
3 Rebecca’s ____________ her homework right now.
A making B doing C going
4 I like ____________ cards.
A playing B doing C going
5 You’ll ____________ better in a few days.
A make B feel C go
6 I’ve got a sore ____________ .
A cough B throat C ache
7 I’ve got ____________ ache.
A head B nose C stomach
8 ____________ these pills for your backache.
A Make B Do C Take
9 I don’t like ____________ shopping.
A making B taking C going
10 Can you ____________ the piano?
A play B do C stay
(10 points)

3 Complete the email with the correct present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in
brackets. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Hi Jenny
I (0) _am doing___ (do) a course in Spanish at the moment. My best friend Susie and I (1) ____________
(stay) with a host family in Madrid. They’re very friendly and talkative – Spanish people (2) ____________
(talk) a lot! On the course, we (3) ____________ (have) lessons every day in the morning, but we (4)
____________ (not go) to lessons in the afternoon. What (5) ____________ (we / do) in the afternoon?
Well, we (6) ____________ (usually / study), but sometimes we (7) ____________ (go) shopping. Right
now, Susie (8) ____________ (not study) – she (9) ____________ (listen) to music in her room. It’s very
loud! Anyway, what’s your news, Jenny? (10) (you / do) anything interesting this summer?
Write soon.
(10 points)

4 Write present simple or present continuous sentences from the prompts. Use the word in brackets.
There is an example at the beginning (0).
0 Paul / stay with friends (right now) Paul _is staying with friends right now__ .
1 Sarah / go swimming (often) Sarah ____________ .
2 Irene / start work at nine (every day) Irene ____________ .
3 We / eat out at the weekend (usually) We ____________ .
4 Simon / not feel well (at the moment) Simon ____________ .
5 Erica / get home early (not often) Erica ____________ .
6 More people / do karate (these days) More people ____________ .
7 Suzy / have time for breakfast (rarely) Suzy____________ .
8 I / not feel worried (right now) I ____________ .
9 Jack / watch films on TV (sometimes) Jack ____________ .
10 They / visit their grandparents (twice a year) They ____________ .
(10 points)

A day in the life of Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg is a busy guy. He runs Facebook, the social media giant, so it isn’t surprising that the
technology wonder kid has quite a lot to do throughout the day. Despite being responsible for a company
that makes over $400 billion every year, amazingly Zuckerberg still makes the time to exercise regularly,
travel often, and spend time with his young family. How does he do it?
Zuckerberg tries to keep his choices in life simple. Most people spend a lot of time thinking about what to
wear or what to cook, where to go and what to do, but Zuckerberg never thinks about these things. He
wakes up at the same time every day, checks Facebook and WhatsApp on his phone, then he usually works
out in his personal gym at home. Zuckerberg typically exercises about three times a week, and sometimes
he goes jogging with his pet dog. There’s nothing unusual about Zuckerberg’s diet. After exercising, he eats
what he feels like for breakfast, then he’s ready for the day.
Zuckerberg doesn’t like to waste time on small decisions. That’s also why he wears the same thing almost
every day: jeans, trainers and a grey t-shirt. It’s not because he’s lazy or hates fashion, but because he
doesn’t want to think about clothes. He wants to think about important things. Zuckerberg works 50 to 60
hours a week for his company, Facebook, but he thinks about the social media platform constantly. ‘I
spend most of my time thinking about how to connect the world and serve our community better, but a lot
of that time isn’t in our office or meeting with people,’ he says. Most of his work is away from the office –
when he’s thinking of new ideas.
When he’s not working, Zuckerberg spends some of his time learning new things. Currently, he’s studying
Mandarin Chinese. He also tries to read as many books as he can — in 2015, he read a new book every two
weeks. He believes in having personal goals in life – he thinks that we feel better when we learn or do new
things. Travelling or working, Zuckerberg also spends a lot of time with his wife, Dr Priscilla Chan, and his
two children. Like all parents, he thinks it’s important to have time with his family when they are young
and growing up.

5 Read the article about Mark Zuckerberg. Choose the correct answer (A, B or C). There is an example at
the beginning (0).
0 What sort of company does Mark Zuckerberg run?
A a clothes company
B a supermarket giant
C a social media company
1 How does the writer feel about Zuckerberg’s lifestyle?
A He thinks he shouldn’t work a lot of hours.
B He is surprised that he does so many things.
C He says he doesn’t have any time with his family.
2 In the writer’s opinion, how is Mark Zuckerberg different from other people?
A He does more exercise than most people.
B He spends more time using technology than other people
C He spends very little time thinking about things like food or clothes.
3 How often does Mark Zuckerberg do exercise?
A every day
B quite often
C not very often
4 In paragraph 2, what does ‘works out’ mean?
A does a job
B does some exercise
C calls people
5 What does Mark Zuckerberg eat for breakfast?
A the same things every day
B whatever he wants to eat
C a special diet
6 What do we find out about the clothes Mark Zuckerberg wears?
A He never wears T-shirts.
B He often wears old clothes.
C He usually wears the same clothes.
7 What does the writer say about Mark Zuckerberg’s work?
A He is constantly in his office.
B He often isn’t at the company.
C He doesn’t think about the company a lot.
8 According to the writer, what is Mark Zuckerberg doing these days?
A reading two books a week
B learning a new language
C travelling
9 What do we find out about his private life?
A He isn’t married yet.
B He doesn’t have any kids.
C He is a father.
10 In paragraph 4, what does ‘personal goals’ mean?
A things he wants to do in life
B people who are important to him in life
C characteristics that he has
(10 points)

6 [Track 99] Listen to Mary talk about a typical day. Choose the correct answer (A, B or C). There is an
example at the beginning (0).
0 Mary goes to …
A the National College.
B the International College.
C the Inter-continental College.
1 On a typical Monday, Mary gets up at …
A six o’clock.
B seven o’clock.
C eight o’clock.
2 Mary’s flatmate gets up …
A before her.
B after her.
C at the same time as her.
3 Mary usually has … for breakfast.
A bread
B cereal
C eggs
4 Mary’s flatmate …
A doesn’t have breakfast.
B eats a different breakfast to Mary.
C eats the same food for breakfast as Mary.
5 Mary usually …
A takes the bus to college.
B goes to college by car.
C walks to college.
6 Mary tells us …
A how far her flat is from her college.
B how long it takes to go to her college.
C how regularly buses go from her flat to her college.
7 In the evening, after college, Mary …
A watches TV.
B listens to music.
C meets her friends.
8 At the weekend, Mary’s college is …
A open all day.
B only open on Saturday morning.
C not open at all.
9 On a typical day at the weekend, Mary usually …
A goes swimming and plays tennis.
B goes swimming and meets friends.
C meets friends and goes to the cinema.
10 On Sundays, Mary …
A goes cycling through the countryside.
B goes for walks.
C goes jogging in the mountains.
(10 points)

7 Follow the instructions below.
Write five sentences about your everyday routines. Include information about something you always do,
something you sometimes do and something you never do.
(10 points)

8 Read the task below and give your presentation in class.
Prepare to describe how you usually spend your free time. Talk about what you do in the evenings and at
weekends, what sports you do and the hobbies or interests you have.
(10 points)

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