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1. To create a new workbook

2. To open an existing workbook
3. To save a workbook/spreadsheet
4. To close the current workbook
5. To close Excel
6. To move to the next sheet
7. To move to the previous sheet
8. To go to the Data tab
9. To go to the View tab
10. To go the Formula tab
11. To edit a cell
12. To copy and paste cells
13. To italicize and make the font bold
14. To center align cell contents
15. To fill color
16. To add a border
17. To remove outline border
18. To add an outline to the select cells
19. To move to the next cell
20. To move to the previous cell
21. To select all the cells on the right
22. To select all the cells on the left
23. To select the column from the selected cell to the end of the table
24. To select all the cells above the selected cell
25. To select all the cells below the selected cell
26. To add a comment to a cell
27. To delete a cell comment
28. To display find and replace
29. To activate the filter

30. To insert the current date

31. To insert current time
32. To insert a hyperlink
33. To apply the currency format
34. To apply the percent format
35. To go to the “Tell me what you want to do” box
36. To select the entire row
37. To select the entire column
38. To delete a column
39. To delete a row
40. To hide selected row
41. To unhide selected row
42. To hide a selected column
43. To unhide a selected column
44. To group rows or columns
45. To ungroup rows or columns
Excel Shortcuts
Ctrl + N
Ctrl + O
Ctrl + S
Ctrl + W
Ctrl + F4
Ctrl + PageDown
Ctrl + PageUp
Alt + A
Alt + W
Alt + M
Excel Shortcuts
Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V
Ctrl + I, Ctrl + B
Alt + H + A + C
Alt + H + H
Alt + H + B
Ctrl + Shift + _
Ctrl + Shift + &
Shift + Tab
Ctrl + Shift + Right arrow
Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow
Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow
Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow
Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow
Excel Shortcuts
Shift + F2
Shift + F10 + D
Ctrl + H
Ctrl + Shift + L
Alt + Down Arrow
Ctrl + ;
Ctrl + Shift + :
Ctrl + k
Ctrl + Shift + $
Ctrl + Shift + %
Alt + Q
Excel Shortcuts
Shift + Space
Ctrl + Space
Shift + Space, Ctrl + -
Ctrl + 9
Ctrl + Shift + 9
Ctrl + 0
Ctrl + Shift + 0
Alt + Shift + Right arrow
Alt + Shift + Left arrow

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