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Academic Year: 2023-24 Sap Id:

Department of Information Technology


COURSE NAME: Software Engineering Laboratory CLASS: T.Y.BTech

CO/LO Analyze real world problem using software engineering principles.
AIM / OBJECTIVE: Perform Project Management Activity
DESCRIPTION OF EXPERIMENT: Project Management activities:

a. Perform Project Scheduling using WBS Gantt Chart

b. Perform Project cost estimation using appropriate FP based / COCOMO Techniques.
c. Perform Risk Analysis and Design RMMM plan for the system under development.

a. Gannt Chart
Academic Year: 2023-24 Sap Id:

Department of Information Technology

b. Cost Estimation using FP/COCOMO Technique

Software Project Details:

- External Inputs: 40
- External Outputs: 30
- External Queries: 20
- Internal Logical Files (ILFs): 10
- External Interface Files (EIFs): 5

# Function Points Calculation:

- Weight Factors:
- External Inputs (EI) – 4 FP each
- External Outputs (EO) – 5 FP each
- External Queries (EQ) – 4 FP each
Academic Year: 2023-24 Sap Id:

Department of Information Technology

- Internal Logical Files (ILF) – 7 FP each
- External Interface Files (EIF) – 5 FP each

Using these weight factors, the calculation for total Function Points would be:

Total FP=(EI×4)+(EO×5)+(EQ×4)+(ILF×7)+(EIF×5)Total FP=(EI×4)+(EO×5)+(EQ×4)+(IL


COCOMO Model Assumptions:

- Organic Mode: Small and relatively uncomplicated projects.
- Development Mode: Assumes good team and non-complex project.
- Effort Multiplier (EM), based on the project environment and team experience.


 𝑎=2.4a=2.4
 𝑏=1.05b=1.05

- Total Function Points (FP): 485

- Estimated Effort Using COCOMO Model: Approximately 1586 person-months

c. At Least Five RMMM plan

1. Integration Complexity
 Risk: Difficulties in integrating the ERP system with existing systems of the client,
leading to delays and increased costs.
 Mitigation: Employ experienced integration specialists and use middleware solutions to
facilitate smoother integration processes.
 Monitoring: Regularly review integration progress through weekly meetings and use
integration testing tools.
 Management: Prepare contingency plans for possible integration failures, including
budgeting for potential overruns.

2. Data Migration Challenges

 Risk: Loss or corruption of data during the migration process from the client’s old
systems to the new ERP system.
Academic Year: 2023-24 Sap Id:

Department of Information Technology

 Mitigation: Utilize robust data migration tools and conduct dry runs to ensure data
integrity before full migration.
 Monitoring: Track migration success rates at various stages; immediately address issues
as they arise.
 Management: Develop a recovery strategy to restore data from backups if corruption or
loss occurs.

3. User Adoption and Training

 Risk: End users resist adopting the new system due to complexity or discomfort with
change, impacting the overall effectiveness of the ERP implementation.
 Mitigation: Implement comprehensive training programs tailored to different user
groups; provide continuous support during the transition period.
 Monitoring: Measure user engagement and feedback through surveys and usage
 Management: Adjust training and support programs based on feedback to improve user
satisfaction and adoption rates.

4. Regulatory Compliance
 Risk: Non-compliance with industry-specific regulations can lead to legal issues and
 Mitigation: Involve compliance experts in the development phase; design the ERP
system to meet all relevant regulations.
 Monitoring: Regular audits and checks to ensure continuous compliance.
 Management: Update the ERP system as necessary to keep up with changing

5. Scalability and Performance Issues

 Risk: The ERP system fails to scale with the client’s growth or perform adequately under
increased load, affecting business operations.
 Mitigation: Design the system architecture for scalability from the outset; employ
performance testing in real-world scenarios.
 Monitoring: Continuously monitor system performance and scalability metrics.
 Management: Plan for incremental upgrades to hardware and software to address
performance bottlenecks or scalability limits as they appear.


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