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50 Recommendations for Long-Term

Customer Relationships
Long-term customer relationship simply means to build customer loyalty Ior your business.
That`s the best that your business can receive on the road to success.
Long-term customer relationship can boost your sales, increase number oI customers and
improve your overall business potential energy.
It`s easier and cost-eIIective to sell to existing customers than to new one. II your business has
more customers, and you keep them as customers, then it will be more and more proIitable.
1. irst, put yourselI in a their position.
2. Design long-term plan and strategy Ior building loyalty.
3. Implement that plans and strategies.
4. Continually improve that plans and strategies.
5. Don`t expect to sell Irom the Iirst time.
6. Don`t make static oIIer, give them options to choose.
7. Be patient.

Happy Customer - Long-Term Relationships
8. Be honestly with them.
9. Be a Iriend with them.
10.InIorm them about most important things in real-time.
11.Implement two-way communications in all your communication tolls.
12.Use social media to talk with potential customers.
13.Ask Ior possible improvements oI your products or services. Customers have their own
secrets iI you don`t ask they will not tell you.
14.Use surveys.
15.Use contact or Ieedback Iorm on your web site.
16.Use database to track what customers tell you about your business.
17.Tell him about your improvements that come Irom their mouth.
18.Tell him about everything that is improved and ask Ior Ieedback.
19.Be one oI them.
20.Build business around strong trust.
21.Contact them regularly.
22.Use personal language in that contacts.
23.Be human, not a business, Ior the moment.
24.Be yourselI.
25.Ask them Ior help when you need it.
26.Be Iocused on most proIitable customers.
27.Use 80/20 Rule to identiIy the most important customers.
28.Show your respect Ior these most important customers.
29.Reward the most important customers.
30.Don`t tell them, educate them about diIIerences between your business and competitors.
31.Listening is the mother oI building long-term relationship.
32.Respect them.
33.Understand them.
34.Let`s your business be a real problem solver.
35.Solve real problems not the symptoms.
36.Educate your employees about diIIerent relationships with them.
37.Invest in people who are the best.
38.Equip adequately your employees to do their jobs.
39.In conversation with them start answer with Yes and then explanations. Never start with
No as an answer.
40.Use customer satisIaction policy to provide quick ways Ior a solution oI their problems.
41.Ask them to participate in product development.
42.Add value in each contact point with them.
43.Redesign all your marketing campaigns to be more customer Iriendly.
44.Be consistent in everything that you and your business work.
45.Keep learning everything about them.
46.When you promise something deliver that.
47.Always thank them Ior their purchases.
48.Share your knowledge with them.
49.Always think to be more useIul you and your business Ior them.
50.Always think strategically to build long-term customer relationships.

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