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com — Real Time Project –

Placement Company

A US-based placement company wants to use Salesforce for implementing end-to-end recruitment
process. A team is formed to track the jobs or positions posted by recruiters and candidates.

The team wants to track the information on the candidates who are looking for job, capturing their
experience details, and work preference. The team also wants to incorporate some business rules in
process which will automate it to make an effective system.

Goal of this project

The company wants to capture the details of the candidates in the Salesforce database. Depending on
the preferred country location, it wants to assign the candidate to the related region-specific
recruitment officer.

For selecting or rejecting the candidate, the company wants to implement some business rules for
validation. It also wants to notify the candidates when they are selected.

Perform the following activities of the project using your Salesforce account:

 Project Roadmap Planning

 Data model designing

 Creating Objects

 Creating fields

 Configuring Sharing rules

 Planning notification process

 Setting Workflow actions

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