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NGANJUK Kode Pos : 64395


TAHUN AJARAN 2022/2023

Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS Kelas/Ruang : XI MIPA / IPS

Waktu : 120 Menit Semester :2

1. Awali mengerjakan Soal dengan Berdoa (bacaan Basmalah)
2. Dilarang Bekerjasama
3. Dilarang pinjam meminjam alat tulis antar peserta
4. Kerjakan Soal sesuai petunjuk
5. Lembar soal yang kosong dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mengitung

A. Choose A, B, C , D or E for the right answer !
Text for No. 1- 4
(Soal Upan Nasional SMA/MA 2015)
Human body is made up of countless millions of ces Food is needed to built up new cells and replace the wom out o
However, the food that changed into substances that take must be be camed in the blood to the places where they are needed. This
process is called digestion
The first digestive process takes place in the mouth. The food we eat is broken up into small pieces by the action of teeth
mixed with saliva, a juice secreted by glands in the mouth. Saliva contains digestive Juice which moisten the food, so it can be
swallowed easily.
From the mouth, food passes through the esophagus (the food passage) into the stomach. Here, the food is mixed with the
juices secreted by the cells in the stomach for several hours. Then the food enters the small intestine. All the time the muscular walls
of the intestine are squeezing, mixing and moving the food onwards.
In a few hours, the food changes into acids. These are soon absorbed by the villi (microscopic branch projections from the
intestine walls) and passed into the bloodstream.
1. What is the text about?
a.The digestive system. d. The digestive juice.
b. The method of the digestive system. e. The process of intestine work
c. The food substances.
2. How can we swallow the food easily?
a. The food changes into acids absorbed by the villi
b. The food must be digested first through the process.
c. The food is directly swallowed through esophagus into the stomach
d. The food is mixed with the juices secreted by the cells in the stomach.
e. The food we take must be changed into substances carried in the blood to the places.
3. “Human body is made up of cou millions of cells”. (Paragraph) The underlined phrase means
a. Produced d. Managed
b. Arranged Completed
c. Constructed
4. From the text above, we conclude that.......
a. A good process of digestive system will help our body become healthier
b. no one concerned with the process of digestive system for their health
c. the digestive system is needed if we are eating the food instantly
d. every body must conduct the processes of digestive system well
e. the better we digest the food we eat, the healthier we will be
Text for No. 5-9.
A Volcanic Eruption
Volcanic eruption is a natural phenomenon that occurs due to deposition of magma in the earth and flushed out by
gas that has strong power. It is one of very powerful disasters. Almost all of the volcanic activities relate to the zone of active
seismicity because it is directly connected with the plate boundary of the earth.
The volcanic eruption begins with the activity at plate boundary of the earth that sustains a significant change in
pressure and temperature. So, it can make the rock material around it melt which we usually called as incandescent liquid or
magma. Magma formed through extreme hot temperature in the earth bowels. At a relative depth, a very high temperature
can make the entire material in the earth bowels melt.
When these materials melt, it produces gas that will mix with the magma. Magma that will be released by the
volcanic eruption formed at a depth of approximately 60 to 160 kilometres below the earth's surface. Then the magma that
contains gas will be under the pressure of solid rocks that are around the crater. This pressure causes the magma to erupt and
move out towards the earth's surface.
The magma and the gas burst at the same time and create a hole which is called the main hole. Most of the magma
and other volcanic materials spurt through this main hole. After the bursts stop, the crater that resembles a bowl is usually
formed at the top of the volcano. Meanwhile, the main hole is in the bottom of the crater.
5. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To explain how a volcanic eruption happens
b. To present two points of view about a volcanic eruption.
c. To describe a volcanic eruption in detail.
d. To tell the readers how to make a volcanic eruption.
e. To persuade the readers to save themselves from a volcanic eruption.

6. The first paragraph of the text is called

a. general statement d. description
b. general classification e. equenced explanation
c. series of event
7. "So, it can make the rock material around it melt which we usually called as incandescent liquid or magma." The underlined
word is... in the text.
a. the action verb d. the chronological connection
b. the generic participant e. the noun phrase
c. the conjunction of time
8. "When these materials melt, it produces gas that will mix with the magma.” Which one is the conjunction of time
a. These d. Will
b. When e. It
c. That
9. "The magma and the gas burst at the same time and create a hole which is called the main hole." The underlined word is
very similar to
a. Cover d. Collide
b. Break e. Collide
c. ruin
10. The beef... marinated for an hour. The correct verb form is....
a. is being d. was being
b. has been being e. have been
c. has being
11. Which one is passive voice using the present perfect tense?
a. Della has watched the horror films released in 2017.
b. The horror films released in 2017 have been watched by Della.
c. The horror films released in 2017 has been watched by Della.
d. The horror films released in 2017 have watched by Della.
e. The horror films released in 2017 have been being watched by Della.
12. When I arrived there, they had begun the party. Which one is the passive voice of the sentence above?
a. When I arrived there, they had been begun by the party.
b. When I was arrived there, they had begun the party.
c. When I was arrived there, the party had been being begun by them.
d. When I arrived there, the party had been begun.
e. When I arrived there, the party had been being begun.
13. The birthday gifts for my niece (wrap) now. The correct verb form is....
a. Are wrapped d. Is wrapped
b. Are being wrapped e. Is being wrapped
c. Were wrapped
14. The raw mangoes ........ just bought by mother this morning. The correct verb form is....
a. Was d. Were
b. Had been e. Are being
c. Were being
15. Which passive voice is match with the picture above?

a. The picture is pasting on the wall. d. The picture puts the wall.
b. The wall is put by the painting. e. The wall is put on the painting.
c. The painting is put on the wall.
16. We need to eat ... keep us alive.
The correct signel word to fill in the blanks is ...
a. In order to d. Because of
b. As e. Consequently
c. Thanks to
17. Mrs Ranti was over the moon...she got a car from the company.
The correct signal word to fill in the blanks is ...
a. Due to d. Because
b. Therefore e. So
c. Owing to
18. Eating a lot of sweets...toothache.
The correct signal word to fill in the blanks is....
a. As a result of d. Due to
b. Leads to e. Outcome
c. Thus
19. I bumped my head on the wall....the blackout.
The correct signal word to fill in the blanks is ...
a. Since d. Outcome
b. Because e. Due to
c. Hence
20. The baby was shouting.
The correct signal word to fill in the blanks is....
a. Thanks to d. Outcome
b. Because e. As
c. finally
21. Lina slept late last night.
Which affect clause is appropriate for the sentence above?
a. Consequently she looks so pale d. For she did a lot of assignment
b. Because she watched some films. e. As the result, she looks so fresh
c. Since she attended a party
22. Several parts of Jakarta were flooded. That’s....people are used to dumping their domestic wastes into the rivers.
a. Although d. So that
b. Such that e. Because
c. Because of
23. Which statement shows a cause and effect relation?
a. Meghan was just silent although her friends bullied her
b. The man whom you saw in the living room this morning is my uncle
c. Mr Dodi will set up a business in Singapore
d. The vase suddenly fell down on the floor when I was mopping
e. Now that it’s a holiday. Kiki visits his grandparents in the village
24. Tari can’t ride a motorcycle....her age.
The correct signal word to fill in the blanks is....
a. Instead of d. Because of
b. As a consequent e. Since
c. thus
25. Dewa : Are you okay?
Dewi : Yes, I am.
Dewa : But, you’re weeping.
Dewi : It’s thanks to this sad ending novel that I am sad
Dewa : Ah, I see
From the underlined sentence, we know that....
a. Dewa asks Dewi the reason why she is crying loudly d. Dewi tells Dewa the reason why she is weeping
b. Dewi tells Dewa the reason why she likes the novel e. Dewa asks Dewi the reason why she is okay
c. Dewi asks Dewa what happens to him
26. The man looks angry....he annot say anything.
The correct signal word to fill in the blanks is....
a. Although d. Due to
b. As e. For
c. so
27. the northern parts of this island are quite fertile....they are alluvial.
The correct signal word to fill in the blanks is....
a. therefore d. such that
b. because of e. because
c. even tough
28. Which one is the passive voice using the past future tense?
a. Dhea was visited by her classmates d. Winka will be bought a new dress.
b. The car would be sold. e. Deri is always treated some food by Heni.
c. Your application letter has just been posted.
29. I used the broom to hit the rat. Which one is the passive voice of the sentence above?
a. The broom I used to hit the rat. d. The broom is used to hit the rat
b. The broom will be used to hit the rat e. The broom was used to hit the rat.
c. The broom had been used to hit the rat.
30. Which passive voice is using a modal?
a. The school regulations have to obey the students.
b. The students should be obeyed by the school regulations.
c. The school regulations have to be obeyed by the students.
d. The school regulations are always obeyed by the students.
e. The school regulations have been obeyed by the students.
31. Sari will be being taught by her English teacher when her mother arrives from the office. What tense is used in the passive
voice above?
a. The simple future tense. d. The future continuous tense.
b. The future perfect tense. e. The future perfect continuous tense.
c. The past future continuous tense.
Text for No. 32-36.
9 Indah Street
19728 Maluku
2 February 2023
Dear Toni,
How are you, cousin?
I hope this letter finds you in perfect condition. I wonder if you could help me. I’m going to attend a
bussiness seminar on 4 th March 2023. The seminar will be held in Semarang , your city. Do you mind if I stay at your
house as long as i’m in Semarang?
I’m going to leave for Semarang on 2nd by plane. I’ve decide to take the night flight. I’ll have arrived by 10
o’clock in the night, hence i’d like you to pick me up at the airport if you don’t mind. I’ll stay there for five days.
Hope to hear from you soon.

Radit H
32. Radit’s purpose in writing the letter is ...
a. TO ASK Toni for help d. To give Toni some advice
b. To affer Toni some help e. To deliver bad news
c. To thank Toni for helping him
33. From the letter, we know that Toni and Radit are.....
a. Siblings d. Cousins
b. Colleagues e. Neighbours
c. Classmates
34. From the letter, we know that Toni lives in......
a. Ambon d. Merauke
b. Semarang e. Manado
c. Lumajang
35. “......hence i’d like you to pick me up....”
(paragraph 2)
The bold word can be replaced with......
a. Nevertheless d. Though
b. And yet e. Therefore
c. Because
36. “I wonder if you could help me.”
(Paragraph 1)
What does the sentence imply?
a. Radit was amazed to get Toni’s help d. Radit refused Toni’s help
b. Radit accepted Toni’s help e. Radit refused to help Toni
c. Radit asked Toni for help

Text for No. 37-40.

19 Lurus Street
15720 Banten
15 February 2023
Dearest grandmother,
How are you?
I am pleased to inform you that I won the gold medal at a singing contest yesterday. Additionally , I got fifteen
million rupiahs as the main prize. I know it’s because of your support and prayers.
I represented my school the contest. The cobtest was held in the city hall. A lot of people watched it made me so
nervous. However, I could control my nervousness when I started singing on the stage. I enjoyed singing so much. I was
euphoric when the judges announced me as the winner.
Please give my regards to grandpa. I look forward to hearing from you.
With love,
Rani Indira
37. The theme of the letter is ....
a. Gratitude d. Nature
b. Disaster e. Good news
c. Bad news
38. The main idea of the paragraph 2 is ....
a. The prizes that Rani got at the contest d, How Rani felt when singing on the stage
b. The song that Rani sang on the stage e. How Rani communicated with her grandmother
c. Rani’s experience of joining a singing contest
39. “I am pleased to inform you that....”
(paragraph 1)
The synonym of the underlined word is....
a. Ask d. Tell
b. Communicate e. Discuss
c. offer
40. “please give my regards to grandpa.”
From the line, we know that
a. Rani said “Hi” to his grandfather indirectly.
b. Rani delivered her grandfather’s regards to her grandmother.
c. Rani would reply the letter
d. Rani doesn’t have a grandfather.
e. Rani lives with her grandfather.

B. Read the text, then answer each question!

The Seasons
During the year, the earth has four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter. A year is
approximately 365 days in length. This is the amount of time the earth takes to complete its orbit around the
When the earth orbits around the sun, it is tilted on an axis. Because of this, the earth is in different
positions during the year. On 21 March and 23rd September, the sun's rays shine straight down on the Equator.
On these days, the length of day and night are equal everywhere. When the earth is in this position, the seasons
are autumn and spring. Autumn starts in the southern hemisphere on 21 March and spring starts in the northern
hemisphere on the same day. Accordingly, the seasons are reversed in the hemispheres on 23rd September.
On 21 June, the sun is overhead at the Tropic of Cancer. This means the northern hemisphere is
experiencing summer and the southern hemisphere is in winter. On 21" December, the sun is overhead at the
Tropic of Capricom and so the southern hemisphere is experiencing summer and the northern hemisphere is in
Peter Knapp & Megan Watkins (2005) Genre, Text, Grammar: Technologies for Teaching and Assessing
Writing, Sydney, University of New South Wales Press Ltd, pp. 144-145.

1. What is the purpose of the text?

2. How long does the earth complete its orbit around the sun?
3. When is the length of day and night equal everywhere?
4. What happens on 21st March in the northern hemisphere?
5. What is the main idea of the paragraph 3?

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