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Choose the correct option.

It is hot today, but it was I got a bad mark, but Athens is ________ than
________ yesterday. Jane’s mark was________ . Rome.
a) the hottest a) badder a) olderer
b) hotter b) baddest b) older
c) more hot c) worse c) more older

Sydney is ________ city in Angel Falls are fifteen times Concorde travels ________
Australia. ________ than Niagara Falls. than the speed of sound.
a) the largest a) the highest a) faster
b) largest b) higher b) the fastest
c) larger c) more higher c) more fast

________ cat in the world Dogs are ________ than This car is ________ in the
is only 7 cm tall. lions. salon.
a) The shorter a) the friendliest a) the most expensive
b) The shortest b) friendlier b) expensivest
c) Shortest c) more friendly c) more expensive

English is ________ than I can’t do this test. It’s Jeremy is ________ runner
German. ________ the last one. in our class.
a) easyer a) difficulter a) faster
b) easier b) the difficult b) the fastest
c) easiest c) more difficult c) most fast

I have got ________ room This is ________ film I A snail is ________ than a
in our house. have ever seen. tortoise.
a) the bigest a) the goodest a) the slower
b) the biggest b) best b) slower
c) the bigger c) the best c) more slow

The Dead Sea is________ Your bike is ________ than That is ________ joke I
sea in the world. mine. know.
a) the saltier a) cheaper a) the funnyest
b) the saltiest b) the cheaper b) funniest
c) the saltyest c) more cheap c) the funniest

________ animal in the world Windsurfing is ________ Greece is ________ the

is a frog from Colombia. than golf. equator than Denmark.
a) poisonousest a) excitinger a) nearer
b) poisonous b) more exciting b) near
c) the most poisonous c) most exciting c) nearest

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