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2024 Vision Report

Report Emerging Technologies 2024 Vision Report | 1

The Metaverse Software-Defined Vehicles Non-Terrestrial Networks AI-Driven Healthcare

Keysight partners with researchers, companies, in wireless communications, automotive,
and standards bodies at the forefront of new aerospace and defense, and digital healthcare.
Key topics included:
We see how co-innovation and collaboration
across industries and disciplines are vital to The metaverse's foundation is connectivity.
bridging the gap between research and the Multiple layers of 5G and, eventually, 6G
real world — so innovators like you can keep connections must seamlessly bridge and
pushing boundaries and solving complex coexist for the metaverse to connect
engineering problems to bring world-changing everything.
technologies to market faster.
Software-defined vehicles are the next
At Keysight World: Innovate, industry leaders milestone in the automotive industry's
and researchers with diverse expertise and journey toward full autonomy. Sensor
perspectives share their insights on how modeling and fusion are necessary to deliver
innovative capabilities such as artificial this evolution, so software can make sense of
intelligence, machine learning, and digital all the vehicle data without the need to build
twins will propel disruptive technologies a data center on wheels.
Moving to non-terrestrial networks to
This report highlights our most recent event, augment terrestrial 5G communication
which explored trends and opportunities creates many possibilities. As more
companies and countries make the shift, we for over eight decades, Keysight anticipates
must address multi-network coexistence, disruptive technologies and the unexpected
frequency optimization, and latency challenges that will arise during their
minimization. development. Sharing insight and expertise is
how we become partners in innovation.
AI-driven digital healthcare will improve
disease prediction, diagnosis, treatment, Our experts will be there at each step of your
and patient outcomes. As healthcare moves research and development journey — with
from simple medical wearables to integrated design, emulation, and validation solutions
diagnostic tools, what are the industry's to help your most ambitious dreams become
design limitations and roadblocks? Technical reality.
hurdles must be overcome to deliver
personalized healthcare. Jeff Harris
Keysight Vice President
As an enduring business that's been around Corporate and Portfolio Marketing Keysight World: Innovate host Jeff Harris
The Metaverse
Interest in the metaverse has been steadily
growing, with Google recording an average
of 1.9 million searches for the term in January
2023 alone.

The metaverse means different things to

different people. It has myriad consumer and
enterprise use cases — from augmented reality
(AR) glasses that provide navigation assistance
to three-dimensional (3D) teleconferences
enabling globally distributed teams to interact
in real time.

At its core, the metaverse is a window that
enables people to share an immersive
experience, whether it’s for pleasure,
business, or innovation.

Powered by progress in 5G and 6G, along

with ongoing innovations in extended reality
and computer-generated imagery, the of Keysight World:
Innovate attendees
metaverse will enable a new era of digital say their companies
experiences that seamlessly blend technology are currently or
planning to invest in
with reality. This has countless enterprise the 5G capabilities
implications, including digital twin innovations needed for the
that will redefine hardware and software metaverse

testing. Realizing these possibilities

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The Metaverse Software-Defined Vehicles Non-Terrestrial Networks AI-Driven Healthcare

requires overcoming the critical latency, Web 3.0 innovations will decentralize the
speed, and bandwidth challenges. internet and make it user-driven rather than
platform-driven. This shift will enable
Defining the metaverse individuals and their data to shape their Three critical
test requirements
experiences, creating new opportunities for
The metaverse represents a new frontier in services and products.
mixed reality (MR). The technology brings for the metaverse
an understanding of depth and people's Expect immersive experiences that revolve
movement within a 3D space — enabling around the user — from the latter’s physical Using the example of remote surgery,
them to interact in physical and virtual movements and environments to their let's examine the three primary test
environments. Such capabilities could enable connections and data. This will require cases for metaverse applications.

innovations like performing surgery remotely incredibly fast speeds as well as extremely
using MR devices that overlay important high latencies. Think about a game of virtual
anatomical or surgery-specific information. ping-pong with a colleague on the other side

The application needs to know
of the world and the connection speed the patient’s positioning along
This blurring of boundaries between the required to support real-time play. with the movement of the robotic
arm and how they change in
virtual and the real worlds promises exciting
relation to each other.
new possibilities for use cases across sectors. Testing challenges
First, we must define a shared vision to focus
Eye tracking
our industry-wide expertise on advancing the The metaverse will open up new opportunities

Information must be rendered
standards and capabilities needed to make for testing, but paradoxically, the possibilities in the area where the physician
the metaverse a reality. can only come to fruition once the industry is looking and relayed over the
overcomes numerous testing challenges. internet as quickly as possible.

“We need to define this new future together.

As engineers, we’re not looking for a solution The metaverse will require complex software, Latency
yet. We’re still working to define the problem,” hardware, and systems to interact with each With motion to photon inputs
of less than 20 milliseconds,

says Jonathon Wright, chief evangelist of other seamlessly and at previously unachieved the metaverse must relay data
software testing at Keysight. “At this point, rates of speed. in real-time within a 3D space —
even between two surgeons on
it’s easiest to think of the metaverse as a
opposite ends of the world.
three-dimensional internet experience.” Applications must sense the position of objects
Operating under this definition, as the in a virtual space and the users' physical
internet changes, so too will the metaverse. space, to tracking where the users are looking,

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The Metaverse Software-Defined Vehicles Non-Terrestrial Networks AI-Driven Healthcare

and instantly rendering their field of vision. functionality of their designs to determine Top areas Keysight World: Innovate
The bandwidth needed to deliver a seamless how they will behave in the real world, attendees expect revolutionary
experience will require more data throughput enabling them to arrive at the best design metaverse use cases:
than 5G will ever offer. That’s why all eyes are faster. By simulating millions of test
on 6G to overcome these issues and usher in permutations, engineers can more rapidly
57% Gaming and entertainment
the next phase of metaverse possibilities — a identify and address potential issues without
topic we’ll explore further in this report. time-intensive “test/iterate/retest” cycles.
43% Industrial and manufacturing

New opportunities for testing However, these testing benefits are in their
41% Team collaboration
relative infancy when you think about what
The metaverse is poised to transform a metaverse-powered digital twin could do.
39% Healthcare
hardware and software testing. Digital twins Consider preparing a spacecraft using a
are dynamic virtual copies of a physical system simulation where hundreds of people
30% Smart cars
that enable you to evaluate technologies and worldwide can contribute their expertise,
applications. Digital twin simulations help simulating and testing complex scenarios
engineers analyze the safety, performance, and before launch. Or developing more natural, Testing in the metaverse will become
prosthetics by using the metaverse to model critical when more devices move into MR,
and understand joint movement as it relates as companies must account for technology
to specific actions — gripping a pen, kicking performance across elements like hand
a ball, or climbing stairs. gestures, eye movements, and body tracking.
Enabling product stakeholders to interact
and work together — both with each other
and the ultimate end users — throughout the
Tune in to the metaverse
design phase will result in better,
episode on Source De[Code]
faster-to-market products and open up new
Join Ben as he figures out what all
opportunities for innovation.
the metaverse hype is about. Hear
from several experts, including Dr.
Alan Bovik, who specializes in making
We’re only beginning to realize what the
the metaverse experience a reality.
metaverse can do. These technologies may
Listen now take years to become standard, but work is
underway, and together, we can accelerate
what’s next for the metaverse.

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The Metaverse Software-Defined Vehicles Non-Terrestrial Networks AI-Driven Healthcare

Left to right: Devaki Chandramouli,
Sarah LaSelva, and Muriel Médard share
their perspectives during Keysight World:

Advancing To understand more about these enabling

technologies and the work ahead, we spoke
Devaki: With the industrial and enterprise
metaverses, we have the potential to improve

the Metaverse: with some of the leading voices in this space:

Muriel Médard, the NEC professor of software
productivity, reduce costs, and save energy.
Reducing system downtime can have far
Experts Weigh In science and engineering at MIT; Devaki
Chandramouli, Bell Labs fellow and head of
reaching effects in getting the services in
real time that we can only do manually today.
North American standardization at Nokia; The consumer enterprise is the opposite and
The possibility of a fully immersive internet and Sarah LaSelva, director of 6G marketing focuses on improving the user experience.
is inching closer to reality — but we’re not at Keysight. Below is an edited recap of the
there yet. The vision hinges on new data- discussion: Sarah: I’m most excited about the industrial
compression techniques, intelligent metaverse. It has the potential to revolutionize
transmission approaches, and advances, Q: What are the metaverse’s potential how we work together. We’ve all been stuck
in interactive sharing, along with the applications, and what are some of the at home for the last few years, and while
development of high-speed, low-latency most exciting use cases on the horizon? some of us are getting back into the office,
5G and 6G networks. I know I still have a lot of video calls. I love

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the idea of having those calls feel more like brings in the coverage — which is the
an in-person experience — for example, more mobility and service continuity we need.
body language and expression.
Muriel: One of the biggest things that stands
I also love the idea of some of the tech out to me is the issue of latency. It’s not just
support opportunities, like the concept of about boosting the bandwidth to get more
having a technician on the floor being able It’s not just about data. It’s also about getting the right data at
to talk to an engineer at a different location. boosting the bandwidth the right time and in the right location. We
Let’s say they’re troubleshooting a car issue. to get more data — it’s need to do this for everybody in all places,
Having the ability to project things onto a also about getting the without people noticing. Users won’t want to
screen with AR can help you identify and right data at the right time, be constantly aware of switching from Wi-Fi
remedy the problem better. to 5G to 6G and back again, so it’s a question
and in the right location.
of getting everything involved to peacefully
Leveraging the faster, better, more immersive Muriel Médard coexist with minimal user awareness.
NEC professor of software science and engineering
internet of the metaverse will bring us closer Massachusetts Institute of Technology

together and facilitate more real-time Sarah: 5G non-terrestrial networks are

communication. another connection point to consider.
I see these as critical to providing the
Muriel: I take more of an academic view, seamless, gap-free coverage required for
which is that the metaverse will open Devaki: For a truly immersive experience, the metaverse. But we need 6G to complete
up new possibilities in both education users will expect 90 t0 100 frames per the coverage vision that 5G has started.
and research. We will be utilizing different second and up to 8K resolution. Delivering
modes of research and collaboration on these expectations requires an extremely
Q: Speaking of 6G, what advances
and also different themes of research — high data rate. It’s also challenging from
are necessary to support metaverse
something which, at this point, we've only a device perspective. For example, heat
just begun to consider. dissipation poses user experience issues,
Devaki: Right now, there are numerous
and you also need split rendering, edge
technology enablers and solutions aimed
computing, seamless mobility, and service
Q: What are some of the key technology continuity.
at improving the 5G quality-of-service
enablers in the near term, and what role framework, including radio resource
will 5G play? 5G is expected to provide the capacity,
management, power savings from the
device standpoint, and closer integration
high bandwidth, and throughput. 5G also

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The Metaverse Software-Defined Vehicles Non-Terrestrial Networks AI-Driven Healthcare

the metaverse needs should focus on how

Keysight World: Innovate they talk to each other.
attendees say coverage,
network architecture, and power
consumption will be the biggest Q: Do you think the metaverse will pull 6G
say power consumption is challenges to 5G / 6G performance
development or is it vice versa, in that 5G

the biggest challenge

and 6G will push it forward?

Muriel: The idea of pull and push is always

say coverage and network
architecture are the biggest there with any technology. You have a device
challenges pushing the technology, but it’s also pulling
because now there is a demand. Different
metaverse applications are obviously going
to a pull. Once you see that you can do
things faster and at a higher quality, you can’t
go back. On the flip side, it’s important that
things don’t just conk out, so the technology
between the network and application to stadium, for example. This is something 6G needs to be there to support it.
enable support for low-latency services. It’s must be prepared to address, as we’ll need
imperative that 6G get this right from day major improvements in both downlink and Getting low latency is going to be a
one. 6G will also need a spectrum in the uplink if we want things like 3D telepresence. key enabler, as well as having it without
golden band — 7 to 15 GHz — which will offer excessive cost. There are a lot of issues
400 MHz bandwidth, improving capacity Muriel: The metaverse will necessitate that around how much work the devices need to
by 20%. We need to utilize the spectrum we’re able to switch between Wi-Fi, 5G, and do to get what they need done. I’m hoping
effectively with proper antenna design, 6G simultaneously. We’ll see numerous new that revisiting the view of standards will
and it’s important that when designing 6G devices with different requirements — for enable the bespoke types of services we
network architecture, it's designed so that it’s example, needing a raw channel or short need. The industry has a lot of research — we
already application-aware and caters to the code. I hope this will introduce a more just need a mechanism for getting that into
adaptive high-bandwidth applications. prescriptive philosophy with standards the network.
focused less on interoperability and more
Sarah: One of the most critical focus areas on collaboration. Whereas the legacy Devaki: I agree; it’s both a push and a pull.
is uplink. 5G really struggles with this if you approach has dictated what devices should We need 5G and 6G to make the metaverse
think about uploading a video in a crowded say to each other, the prescriptive framework happen, but we also need the metaverse to

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The Metaverse Software-Defined Vehicles Non-Terrestrial Networks AI-Driven Healthcare

improve adoption. The metaverse’s success From a security perspective, we need to
rests on an entire ecosystem — from the think about data protection and engendering
devices, networking structure, the users’ trust in our ability to safeguard that
services, the content, to the tools, and more. information. We’re already seeing stories of
And finally, the service innovation; we need utilities being hacked, and this threat will
the business case to make it all happen. increase with industrial metaverse use cases
We need 5G and 6G unless security is prioritized from the get-go.
Ultimately, it will be the market forces to make the metaverse
that decide which use cases take off. And happen, but we also Muriel: To expand on this, if the metaverse
eventually, when we see millions of users need the metaverse to becomes part of the daily necessary fabric of
adopting the metaverse, these applications improve adoption. our professional, civic, and family lives, what
and the cost of devices and services will happens if there is a denial of service? I can
drop. That’s why 5G, 6G, and the metaverse foresee jamming becoming a huge problem
Devaki Chandramouli
need one another in order to be successful Bell Labs fellow and head of North American in industrial scenarios, for example. There’s
— it’s a win-win situation. Nokia
also the question of IP exposure in industrial
applications when companies start building
Sarah: It’s always a bit of give and take. new technologies in the metaverse. Security
When we pushed LTE out, no one imagined is clearly a multidimensional problem, and
the things that would happen with a device I’m hoping that 6G will look at all of these
with high-speed connectivity and GPS aspects from the start.
location. We have things like Uber. Who
could have predicted that a ride-hailing Devaki: The use of plain data is another
app would be so widely adopted? When Sarah: When I envision a successful concern. We need to ensure that it’s
we deliver the low latency and highly metaverse, Wi-Fi-to-cellular handoff plays a encrypted, either end to end or within
deterministic, low-data throughput needed big role. If your Zoom call drops when you the network itself, and we also must
for the metaverse, we’re going to see lots of leave your office, that’s a minor annoyance. confirm that the devices are capable
new use cases come to market. It’s definitely But it’s a much bigger issue when you think of this encryption.
a push and pull and, hopefully, a symbiotic about immersive experiences. A drop in
relationship. service could be a real deal breaker for It’s clear that 5G has started us on the
metaverse adoption, and the industry needs path to metaverse innovation, but much
Q: Where should we focus efforts the most, to address this accordingly. hinges on next-generation 6G to make
and where does security fall? these possibilities a reality.

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The Metaverse Software-Defined Vehicles Non-Terrestrial Networks AI-Driven Healthcare

Hacking the a turn, its twin must sense the movement
and turn. This combination of high data

Wireless Metaverse requirements and synchronization represents

a new challenge for wireless.
with 6G and AI The role of 6G
The metaverse requires a unique combination
of resilience, reliability, and robustness, along 6G THz bands can support the data needs,
with support for AR, MR, cognitive reasoning, but something as simple as a hand movement
and other critical technologies and applications. can block the signal. When you extend this
into a typical metaverse environment, it’s
Enabling this necessitates extremely high clear significant blockage would create more
data rates, which require lots of terabits per delays and affect reliability. The latter requires
second. Near-zero end-to-end latency and a continuous line of sight, making sensing Download our guide
high reliability are also critical, along with a critical component of the metaverse. We to 6G fundamentals
synchronization — meaning actions must align spoke with Virginia Tech professor Dr. Walid
between the physical and virtual worlds. For Saad to understand more about this and other
example, when an autonomous vehicle makes wireless requirements for metaverse success.
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The Metaverse Software-Defined Vehicles Non-Terrestrial Networks AI-Driven Healthcare

Saad believes that THz can help with sensing, Each piece has a different integration rethink how communication, computing,
stating, “Every communication signal blockage requirement, and a single cloud cannot and AI come together. To achieve such
is actually a sensing opportunity,” he says. The address all of these needs. Not only would that coordination, wireless networks must boost
wireless system can extract the sensing and prevent synchronization, it’s also not their cognitive capabilities — for example,
identify the blockers and draw on AI to predict sustainable or energy efficient, meaning it’s hone the ability to learn from data, reason, and
the past and future — thereby becoming more not a viable approach as the metaverse scales. build a knowledge base. As Saad puts it, “We
resilient and reliable. need to move away from data-driven wireless
Much work remains to address these networks to reason-driven networks.”
Getting in sync concerns, as current 6G work focuses on
latency requirements with less attention paid He envisions a future of semantic
The question then comes down to to resilience and synchronization. 6G research communications in which the transmitter
synchronization, a topic Saad believes must expand to encapsulate these areas and becomes a teacher, extrapolating meaning
contains more questions than answers at also tackle their respective testing challenges. from the data and teaching its
this point. He suggests thinking of the apprentice, the receiver. Just as human
metaverse not as a single system, but rather Beyond 6G instructors rely on students’ reasoning faculties
as a distributed set of “sub-metaverses”— to fill in certain areas of a lesson, AI-powered
perhaps geographical or logical pieces. 6G is critical to realizing metaverse receivers will contain the requisite cognitive
possibilities, but the industry also must function to draw correlations from their

Moving from data-driven to reason-driven networks

Data-driven Information-driven Knowledge-driven Reason-driven

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The Metaverse Software-Defined Vehicles Non-Terrestrial Networks AI-Driven Healthcare

If and when we address these considerations, Many elements must come together to realize
semantic communications will support the metaverse's possibilities. From a wireless
a reason-based network with contextual perspective, things like robustness, resilience,
awareness at the transmitter level. For and synchronization are critical. The concept
example, the wireless system will be able to of reason-driven networks that convert
identify that this is a metaverse experience dumb bits into meaningful communication,
about software testing and can predict what has the potential to address many current
We need to move limitations. As we overcome these hurdles, our
is going to happen and correct errors more
away from data-driven understanding of what the metaverse can do
wireless networks to will deepen.
reason-driven networks. Theoretically, this system would transmit
less data compared with current state-of-the- With new capabilities, however, comes
Dr. Walid Saad art networks but achieve greater semantic further complexity. Here at Keysight, we work
Professor of electrical and computer engineering
Virginia Tech reliability. And the latter means that we with innovators across industries to provide a
can better support immersive metaverse deeper understanding of how this evolution
experiences over real-world 6G and beyond affects applications at the technology, system,
in areas such as digital twin technology, and business process levels. We empower
quantum computing, and autonomous organizations to overhaul their testing
vehicles, to name a few. strategies so that they can simultaneously
account for and capitalize on these emerging
instruction. Saad underscores that with Innovating smarter to capitalize technologies.
semantic communications, rather than sending on metaverse opportunities
“dumb bits,” we need to send an interpretation
of that data to wireless networks. Technology is transforming all aspects of
how we work and live. At Keysight, we believe Watch industry experts
share their thoughts on
AI algorithms must become more predictable, that the metaverse is one of the most exciting the metaverse
reasoning-based, able to adapt based on examples of this change. To deliver on its
their learning, able to aggregate collective potential, the metaverse must provide a Watch now
brainpower, use significantly less energy, and continuous experience without interruptions
continually learn. — a feat at which current MR use cases fall
woefully short.

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The Metaverse Software-Defined Vehicles Non-Terrestrial Networks AI-Driven Healthcare

Wherever you find world-changing
5G technologies, you'll find Keysight.




Design it. Emulate it. Validate it. Perfect it with Keysight.

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Learn more at
The Metaverse Software-Defined Vehicles Non-Terrestrial Networks AI-Driven Healthcare
The automotive industry is undergoing The industry needs to account for numerous
a revolution with the shift to electric and variables before level 4 and 5 autonomy can
increasingly autonomous vehicles (AVs). become a reality. They include the role of
Today, vehicles are a complex web of software, weather, the impact of other pedestrians and
sensors, and systems with the goal of making cyclists, and the challenge of navigating a
driving safer through more automation. Cars narrow road versus a wide freeway.
now have an array of embedded software and
systems, such as advanced driver-assistance Autonomous driving is extremely complex.
systems (ADAS), forward collision alerts, and Achieving Level 5 autonomy, where the
blind-spot monitoring. Across the globe, vehicle makes all of the decisions, is a huge
numerous pilots are underway to test undertaking as there are so many variables to
and evaluate these capabilities in order to account for. AVs need a lot of sophisticated
advance autonomous driving. technology in order to function safely,
including a mix of sensors, such as cameras,
AVs and robotaxis are becoming more lidar, and radar, to perceive their surroundings.
commonplace in some US cities, including All of this generates a lot of data for the
San Francisco, Austin, and Phoenix. Progress vehicle to process in real time, requiring
is more measured in Europe, with the different advanced hardware and software coupled with
countries at various stages. In Asia, multiple sophisticated and reliable algorithms.
pilots are underway as the region strives for
a leadership role in the AV market. These Overcoming technical issues such as
initiatives have highlighted the differences the interoperability and compute power is
auto industry must consider. necessary to increase autonomy. This creates

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Programming a car with just traffic laws Radar
is not sufficient and fails to account for the
wider environment, which can include
cyclists, pedestrians, and other vehicles that
are very unpredictable and often fail to obey
traffic laws.
Surround view

When AVs run into problems, they either slow

to a crawl or stop to avoid any issues while
they figure out how to respond. A self-driving
vehicle needs to be able to balance driving Front camera
comfort and time efficiency. Achieving this
requires an AV to understand the intentions Rear monitoring system
of the people and other machines it will
encounter while driving.
of Keysight World:
attendees say Delivering fully autonomous driving requires
AI-based systems
building on the mix of technology already Sensor
enable quick and
effective decisions embedded, such as sensors, radar, and lidar, Fusion
on the road
to help vehicles see and anticipate problems.

a vast testing burden to ensure the AV handles Software-defined vehicles

safely and effectively. As a result, delivering
a safe, fully autonomous driving experience Software-defined vehicles (SDVs), which
under every eventuality is a seismic challenge need sensor modeling and fusion, are the next
requiring collaboration across the ecosystem. critical milestone in the automotive industry’s
journey toward more autonomous driving.
Having clear rules is crucial for algorithms to With sensor fusion, a processing system
make safe real-time decisions and achieve full uses the combined abilities of all sensors in
autonomy. This requires replicating the human a vehicle to provide the best possible safety
brain with the technology and sensors in a system. For example, weather impacting road
Rear / backup camera
vehicle to make it predictable. conditions results in the sensors feeding that

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information to processors and algorithms as lanes might not be well marked. There’s
that enable the processing system to make cross traffic or pedestrian cyclists and traffic
decisions about how the vehicle should lights to care about.”
Humans rely heavily on contextual clues
How the SDV interprets all of the data to to anticipate how a traffic situation will
make accurate real-time decisions is a An important human evolve. Training a vehicle to do this requires
significant challenge. A mix of AI and machine sensory modality has been a predictive model that can assess multiple
learning is necessary for autonomous neglected by self-driving inputs and potential outcomes (or scenarios)
driving to work reliably without a network to determine if a collision might occur and the
vehicles so far: hearing...
connection. And all the components need required response to avoid it or minimize the
thorough testing and evaluation before the
we can sometimes hear impact.
rubber meets the road. How vehicles learn other road users before
to perceive and predict is crucial in order to seeing them. Anticipation is a key hurdle for self-driving
accelerate autonomous driving. Dariu Gavrila vehicles to overcome, and the industry is
Professor and head of the Intelligent Vehicles Group
Delft University of Technology
evaluating which motion cues to incorporate.
Training a vehicle to anticipate More context is vital to improve decision-
making. However, this requires reliably
The technology race in vehicles is creating extracting context, and these sophisticated
vast data streams that can aid development models require enough data to thoroughly
by improving deterministic decision-making. Just think about the volume of scenarios, train them.
The critical next step for self-driving vehicles weather, speed, other vehicles, e-bikes, and
is the ability to predict how a traffic situation pedestrians on a journey from Florida to The ability to predict the unpredictable is
will develop. The vehicles must understand, Maine. the biggest challenge on the road to fully
for example, how other users, like pedestrians autonomous driving. Moving forward, a mix
or cyclists, will react and then determine We spoke with Dariu Gavrila, professor and of expert and data-driven models will likely be
a response, such as slowing down when head of the Intelligent Vehicles Group at Delft the answer. As part of this, we need to agree
approaching a dangerous scenario and University of Technology, to understand more on whether to use one model globally for road
accelerating when the potential problem is in about the drive to fully autonomous vehicles. user behavior or if there should be various
the rearview mirror. The ability to sense and Highway driving can be considered relatively options based on the type of road, country,
react to context comes naturally to humans; easy because of the structured environment," or the size of a city or town. As Gavrila
however, vehicles require training to do this. he explains. "Urban driving is relatively hard summarizes, “One thing becomes clear:

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prediction is very difficult, especially about
AI training models for autonomous vehicles the future.”

Cars today have an array of sensors and

1. Dynamic Bayesian network 2. Predictive motion models in-vehicle networks, and all of the data
A dynamic Bayesian network (DBN) evaluates variables These data-driven models involve neural networks, collected is helping make them more
that change over time. It focuses on discrete time, including recurrent and, more recently, transformers.
predictable. Digital twin solutions enable
which considers data at separate periods. This approach requires a lot of data, and it's harder to
interpret. But with sufficient data to train the model, simulations to evaluate the performance in
With AVs, the predictive model considers factors such
they outperform expert-driven models like the DBN. realistic scenarios, fostering an environment
as whether the pedestrian is looking at a cell phone,
where the person might step off the sidewalk, and if Motion prediction has focused on line-of-sight sensing. where AVs can make accurate, predictable,
so, whether the car and human will collide. As Delft University of Technology professor Dariu Gavrila and safe real-time decisions.
The DBN consists of various nodes, which are either points out, “An important human sensory modality
measurements or latent variable quantities that has been neglected so far: hearing. In traffic, we can
SDVs provide a dynamic platform that can
incorporate conditional dependencies between nodes. sometimes hear other road users before seeing them.”
accommodate the rapid advancements
These expert-driven models extrapolate the Hearing can't be ignored as we hear cars and cyclists
underlying basic motion as the prediction. The in AV technology. With software-defined
before seeing them — influencing our behaviors. For
decision is learned from training data by observing example, we are aware of the sound of a vehicle about architectures, automakers and developers can
actual pedestrian crossing and stopping behaviors. continually improve autonomous capabilities,
1 second before it becomes visible. Acoustic reflection
This approach supports quicker decision-making than
patterns reveal the presence and location of hidden paving the way to an autonomous future.
previous models without context as it enables a car to
traffic, and earlier detection provides more time for the
take action, such as braking sharply, to avoid a crash.
vehicle to react.
Another advantage is that the motion prediction is Keysight is working with market leaders to
generic and can apply to other road users. It also The adoption of EVs will not affect acoustic patterns
integrate advanced simulation, emulation,
requires a comparatively low number of parameters to as they still create sound despite being quieter than
make its prediction. combustion engines. Once a vehicle travels faster and testing platforms into their development
than 20 mph, the noise from tires dominates any workflows to give engineers a 360-degree view
engine-related sound. of their mission-critical vehicle systems with
more insights into how they will operate in the
real world.

To summarize: predictive motion

models must evaluate everything
and everyone in the vicinity, judge
the probability of behaviors, and
make adjustments as needed.

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Left to right: Sam Abuelsamid, Vijitha Chekuri,
and Aaron Newman share their perspectives
during Keysight World: Innovate

Advancing computing at Amazon Web Services; and Aaron

Newman, business development manager for
automated vehicles that don’t need a human
to supervise or intervene, and this technology
Autonomous autonomous vehicle technologies at Keysight. is migrating down into driver- assistance

Driving: Experts
Below is an edited recap of the discussion: systems. This is making these systems better
so that those vehicles are safer, and we can

Weigh In Q: What is the state of technology today for hopefully start to reduce road crashes and
software-defined vehicles as we transition fatalities in the coming years.
to the vehicle of the future?
To understand more about SDVs and the Vijitha: It’s the decade of accelerating ADAS.
challenges ahead in the pursuit of fully Sam: Many people thought we’d be riding All the technology developed to support AVs
autonomous driving, we spoke to some in automated vehicles by now. However, is shifting to consumer vehicles. Automated
of the leading voices in the industry: Sam the problem has turned out to be a lot more features like lane keeping, highway pilots,
Abuelsamid, principal analyst for mobility difficult than anybody anticipated to prove and traffic jam assistants are now widely
research at Guidehouse Insights; Vijitha that these systems are safer than human available, but it will take a long time to
Chekuri, automotive data expert for cloud drivers. A lot of work is underway on highly perfect these systems.

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Q: How will partnerships and Q: How do developers test all of their
collaborations play into advancing AVs, sensor fusion and algorithms, especially
and how will they deal with all of the data? with regard to testing the vehicle?

Vijitha: Partnerships are key. If you look at Vijitha: Software development is a muscle
what it takes to develop highly automated that the industry is still mastering. You need
vehicles, there are many elements, and Partnerships are key. to have a perfect DevOps environment for
collaboration is critical. Data needs to be If you look at what it engineers and be able to control the software
organized and cataloged because storing takes to develop highly versioning and keep the data provenance
data is expensive in the development phase. automated vehicles, there model in place. The other big concept
Engineers need tools that can quickly get are many elements and with SDVs is that you’re trying to separate
data from the various systems, visualize it, collaboration is critical. hardware development from software. If you
and then run the particular data set through test everything in hardware, it’s expensive
the system again to ensure the algorithm is and time-consuming. With SDVs, you’re
Vijitha Chekuri
performing well. This is a complex operation Global head of automotive compute services GTM testing early in the cycle and more often and
and business development
requiring complex tools. Amazon Web Services making the emulators as closely developed
to represent hardware as possible.
Regarding sensor fusion, the two key things
are perception and prediction models. Aaron: The technology industry philosophy
Currently, there is no collaboration between has long been to move fast, break things,
companies, and there are differing views on 3TB of data for really low-end vehicles that and ship a minimum viable product.
relying on cameras and radars. It’s a highly have a couple of features. If you are going With vehicles, that’s not viable, as the
variable and complex topic. for Level 5 autonomy, you have upward of 40 consequences of making a mistake can
sensors per vehicle generating approximately be life-threatening. That’s why testing an
Q: How will the industry manage all of the 80 TB of data per day. Therefore, a fleet of incredibly broad range of scenarios is
data, and how will that impact the strategy 100 cars creates a petabyte of data every essential, as the driving environment has so
of vehicle software development? day. This is a significant data management many variables to account for. The testing
and maintenance issue as the information burden is both significant and necessary.
Vijitha: When it comes to autonomous must be uniformly available to engineers and
driving, it’s a big data and a big compute machine learning scientists around the world Q: Does a vehicle decide what sensor data
problem. Depending on the sensor stack in at scale. is most important when it comes to making
the vehicle, you’re collecting anywhere from instantaneous decisions on the road, or are

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all those decisions preprogrammed? Sam: This is one of the biggest challenges
today — how do you decide these
Sam: It’s a combination. With AI-based systems are good enough? Because the
software, it’s a probabilistic approach to consequences are so significant when you
deciding what’s going to happen. In contrast, get it wrong, this requires setting some
traditional software algorithms are much pretty high standards. We’ve got regulations
more deterministic. And because software in some regions, but we still need a full
doesn’t work the same way the human regulatory regime that defines what is good

brain does, it’s really important to put some enough. And that will probably take some
preprogrammed deterministic guardrails years before we get to that stage.
in place. This limits what it can do in order
to make it as safe as you possibly can. It’s going to be a slow, painful process. This
is one of the reasons why today there are
Q: How will the regulatory landscape no self-driving vehicles that you can buy —
of Keysight World:
evolve, and how will this impact the because we haven’t yet determined what is Innovate
development and adoption of new good enough to put in consumers’ hands. attendees say
regulations are lagging
self-driving car features? There needs to be a lot more discussion in the automotive
and collaboration between regulators and industry

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the industry. We want to avoid a scenario Radar can help, but the net is that when the
where the companies developing this are weather gets bad, autonomous vehicles
self-regulating. Rather than trusting they will will have to pull over to the side of the road
do the right thing, we have to have some until we improve our ability to sense the
baseline thresholds for what’s good enough environment. We will need a lot of data from
before deployment. Level 4 to understand where the limitations
We’ve got to be are and a lot of learning for a car to drive as
Another important step is the Insurance willing to share more well as a human on icy roads.
Institute for Highway Safety (IHS) is updating data with each other
its testing so that ADS systems will now be about how these systems Sam: With Levels 4 and 5, both are capable
evaluated to verify that the features work. are performing in order of driving without human intervention. The
When the next round of safety picks come difference is that Level 4 can do it within a
to develop best practices
out based on these tests, automakers will limited, defined operating domain. Level
push to ensure their systems comply.
across the industry. 5 means the vehicle can drive anywhere,
Sam Abuelsamid anytime. I think what we’re going to see is a
Principal analyst for mobility research services
Q: What does the future hold for the Guidehouse Insights gradual progression of Level 4 capabilities.
automotive industry, and how will the Over the next few years, we’ll see some
industry overcome the challenges on the vehicles capable of driving fully automated
road to fully autonomous vehicles? on highways, such as long-haul trucks. Over
time the domain will gradually expand as
Sam: The big challenges are around data trust grows with developers and the public.
transparency. We’ve got to be willing to Car Assessment Program (NCAP) and IHS
share more data with each other about validate that these features are performing Vijitha: Technology needs to ensure that
how these systems are performing in order how we expect them to. the functions work in all weather conditions,
to help develop best practices across the all road conditions, and all possible
industry and to assist regulators as they Q: What do we need to do to get to Level 5 environmental conditions.
develop their rules. Then manufacturers fully autonomous vehicles? And when do
need to work on developing public trust you see that vision being delivered? What It's clear we have a better understanding
in the technology. People must trust that gaps do developers need to fill to get there? of what it will take to achieve full vehicle
the technology is actually doing what it autonomy and more tools to make it a reality.
promises. Part of this is showing people Aaron: The sensors we have today don’t
how it works, and organizations like the New really enable us to operate in cold climates.

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The Road Ahead
Currently, 94% of crashes result from a human
error around recognition, decision-making, or

Is Paved with AI performance. As a result, many assume that

by automating driving, the issue disappears.
However, in reality, it simply shifts from a
As we look forward, vehicles will undoubtedly people problem to a programming problem.
become increasingly electric, connected, and
autonomous. With the complexity and safety This is still favorable, as avoiding a crash
challenges involved in realizing full autonomy, through programming until an optimized
intelligent technologies, including AI, machine outcome is available is preferable to trying to
learning, and deep learning, will be vital to do it live in the middle of an emergency. This
supercharging these shifts. Let’s explore how sheds light on the fundamental challenge
AI will help smooth the road toward more facing developers: the need to build and
autonomous driving. scale a vehicle able to recognize, decide, and Download the
perform as well or better than the best human SAE report
on AV testing
The drive to safety drivers. And this is why it will take time before
Level 5 fully autonomous vehicles become a
AVs promise a safer driving experience. reality.

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As the industry develops SDVs with the goal of or accelerate. It’s clear that AI is a powerful
ultimately delivering fully autonomous driving, accelerant in the push for safer and more
these cars must be capable of performing at autonomous driving. However, these intelligent
the highest levels. Ensuring they operate as networks must undergo rigorous testing and
needed requires analyzing every aspect of the evaluation to ensure confidence before a car
car through the lens of physics to understand hits the open road.
and evaluate the vehicle dynamics to optimize
performance. We can develop Building confidence in AI
systems for the road that We spoke to Chris Gerdes, director of the
The role of vehicle dynamics leverage the advances Center for Automotive Research at Stanford
in AI and provide us the University, to understand more about building
Vehicle dynamics analyzes how a vehicle safety that we want to see. confidence in AI systems.
moves and changes in response to various
in-motion situations. Once engineers Chris Gerdes
Gerdes believes there are three fundamental
understand these dynamics, they can optimize Professor and founding director steps to follow:
Center for Automotive Research at Stanford (CARS)
performance. For example, it is important to
model how friction impacts a tire in response
to forces caused by weather, accelerating, 1 Build AI safely: For example, when
braking, and turning. An engineer can replacing an existing physics model
with a set input-output, you should
understand exactly how a car will respond
add a feedback control to increase
through a mix of friction forces and vector the measure of safety.
math. AI to the rescue
2 Simulate: Use a digital twin and
simulation to try and subject the
Engineers can then use these models to AI can help process and learn from these system to every possible scenario and
simulate and scenario plan for how vehicles data streams. For example, if you replace variation.
will react under different circumstances. a math model with a neural network that 3
The data can help develop control systems mirrors human thinking, it uses deep learning Test in the real world: Once the
to determine the optimal reaction. Vehicles system has passed the lab testing
to analyze the data sets from the real car. Its
creating a controlled real-life test is
already generate vast amounts of data daily, understanding of physics determines how the final step in validating the system.
and as SDVs progress, we need a way to tap the vehicle should drive safely based on the
into this information to help build models to current variables. The intelligence learns how
support more autonomous and safe driving. to determine when and how to brake, steer,

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Top technologies Keysight World: Innovate
attendees believe instill confidence in AI:

26% Road testing

23% Sensor fusion

20% AI

17% Digital twin

16% LIDAR test

The data from these steps feeds back into the transform how we design and build innovations every scenario. This is shining a spotlight on
digital twin to train it further and refine the safely and securely, including the pursuit of AI and digital twins that are blending physical
responses, helping improve the safety of AVs. more autonomous driving. Developing trust and virtual worlds, ushering in a new era of
in these systems is critical, but delivering designing, emulating, and validating complex
Gerdes’ view is this “We can build competence on this is complex, with little to no room innovations. In the coming years, cars will
and safety-critical systems with the new for error. Identifying and addressing every become increasingly autonomous and, with
techniques of artificial intelligence. We can potential loophole is critical to delivering a safe that, safer.
develop systems for the road that leverage autonomous driving experience. And it’s not
the advances in AI and provide us with the enough to test until the car hits the road. Each
safety that we want to see. With that, we can software or system update must be subject
envision a future where the only limits to to the same rigorous evaluation to avoid Watch industry experts
avoiding crashes are the very laws of physics introducing performance issues. share their thoughts
on software-defined
More intelligent technology is necessary to
At Keysight, we share this vision that AI is test that the AV performs exactly as expected, Watch now
opening a world of possibilities that will meeting the necessary safety standards under

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Wherever you find world-changing
automotive technologies, you'll find Keysight.






Design it. Emulate it. Validate it. Perfect it with Keysight.

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Exploring the Possibilities
of Space 3.0
Non-terrestrial networks (NTNs) are another NTNs bring real-world benefits
exciting example of how advances in
technology open the door for innovation. 5G NTNs will fill gaps in terrestrial cellular
coverage, enabling operators to augment
Previous cellular network technologies used the latter without driving up costs. They can
terrestrial network infrastructure exclusively. dynamically enhance coverage in response
In contrast, the 3rd Generation Partnership to changing conditions. Consider a packed
Project (3GPP) plans to leverage 5G to stadium hosting the Super Bowl. Under
incorporate low-Earth-orbit (LEO) satellites typical terrestrial network conditions, Wi-Fi
and high-altitude platforms such as balloons, and connectivity suffer with the sheer volume
airships, and pilotless aerial systems. With of fans posting and streaming from such a
NTNs, mobile network operators (MNOs) can densely populated area. NTNs will eliminate
deliver 5G services to areas lacking terrestrial this issue, as drones serve as flying base
infrastructure and in situations where terrestrial stations around the stadium to temporarily
networks become unavailable, such as a boost connectivity.
natural disaster. Satellite communications will
also bolster coverage stability for passengers NTNs will also eliminate the coverage
on planes, trains, and other moving platforms; challenges typically associated with sailing,
augment service continuity for machine-to- hiking, and other activities in isolated areas.
machine and IoT devices; and bolster the Think about the lives that could be saved if an
reliability of mission-critical communications. injured hiker on a remote trail could summon
help from a smartphone.

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With speeds of up to 20 Gbps, 5G NTN’s Testing the next frontier in space
high-speed data transfer capabilities offer communications
tremendous opportunities for applications
New use cases that rely on real-time data processing like In order for these development efforts to be
on the horizon AV. This means that offshore oil platforms, successful, however, satellite communication
mining companies, and other enterprises systems require rigorous testing prior to
3GPP has outlined numerous operating in isolated regions without deployment. Errors discovered in operational
5G NTN use cases, including: terrestrial infrastructure will be able to monitor systems can cost as much as 1,000 times
operations and equipment more closely. more than finding the same problem in the
design and development phase. That’s why
Organizations clamoring to testing strategies must account not only
Multi-connectivity capitalize on NTN’s potential for performance, but for how the latter may
This enables customers to connect
through both terrestrial and satellite change under the various extreme conditions
links, with the former handling While NTNs are in an early stage of posed by space.
low-latency traffic and satellites
reserved for high-latency traffic.
development, numerous companies are hard
at work to pioneer the technology. For

example, SpaceX Starlink has over 3,600
satellites and plans for many thousands more.
“To understand why LEO broadband is so
Fixed-cell connectivity
promising, it’s important to recognize a key
This allows users in remote areas
or industries such as offshore oil market dynamic," says Dr. Todd Humphreys, a Errors discovered in operational systems can cost
platforms to access 5G services. professor at the Cockrell School of Engineering as much as 1,000 times more than finding the same
at the University of Texas at Austin. "As high- problem in the design and development phase.

performance user terminals come down in

both size and cost, and as you launch more
Mobile-cell connectivity satellites, the broadband service you provide One of the best ways to achieve this is
Passengers would be able to becomes more compelling, which attracts by replicating space on Earth and testing
maintain 5G connectivity even more customers, which allows you to finance
on aircraft and high-speed rail by
non-terrestrial performance in the lab. Keysight
switching to satellite links when the development and launch of even more is working with companies to leverage digital
terrestrial networks are unavailable. satellites and the development of better twin technology and create simulated versions
terminals — it’s a positive feedback loop.” of satellite systems and subsystems to ensure
they can weather any condition in space.

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Left to right: Dr. Mohsen Hosseinian,
Dr. Alison Brooks, and Phil Lorch share
their perspectives during Keysight World

Advancing 5G optimize their networks and what opportunities

exist for network handoffs in space.
Mohsen: 5G NTN started with Release 15
of 3GPP. Up until that point, 4G had been
NTN: Experts all terrestrial, meaning that base stations

Weigh In
To explore these and other topics related to and towers were on the ground. Now
5G NTNs, we spoke with Dr. Alison Brooks, we have new possibilities with satellite
research vice president at IDC Worldwide communications in multiple altitudes and
Rigorously testing satellite systems and Public Safety Practice; Dr. Mohsen Hosseinian, orbits — GEO, MEO, and LEO.
subsystems is undoubtedly a prime wireless systems, 5G and NTN expert from
consideration for NTN's success, but it’s far Samsung Systems LSI; and Phil Lorch, director Phil: NTNs aren’t new; we’ve been using
from the only challenge the industry faces. of satellite and space mission assurance at satellite communications for decades. With
Keysight. Below is an edited recap of the 5G and 3GPP bringing commercial standards
As more organizations move networks to discussion: that have the promise of interoperability
space, issues with frequency optimization, across different networks, we’re at a really
latency, and multi-network coexistence arise. Q: Where did the term 5G NTN come from, exciting time for the technology. What
There are also questions about how MNOs and what does it mean? we’re going to see in the next few years

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Alison: I have an example of something The second angle is standardization. Release
that’s taking place right now. The war in 17 of 3GPP is meant to be functioning,
Ukraine is being mediated from an open- meaning that if a manufacturer implements
source intelligence capacity, by using based on the standard, the technology
satellite-driven imagery to bolster situational should work. I believe we’re not very far off.
awareness about what’s happening. We all
saw that jarring Maxar-driven image that Phil: In terms of what’s happening now, just
showed the military column perched outside recently, a small Spanish company launched
Kyiv, for example. There have also been the first NB-IoT, Release 17-based satellite.
niche developments from other satellite and It’s not turned on yet, but it will support
commercial players to detect where things narrowband messaging to your phone — as
are happening on the ground in cloudy long as you have a Release 17-compatible
conditions or at night. I think this open-source phone. This is the first democratization of
recalibration of imaging represents a big shift satellite connectivity with open standards.
Download our guide with NTNs and will also be used to track global
for bolstering 5G warming and other macro events. I think Release 18 will be the next phase of
through NTNs
that evolution on the path to 5G-Advanced.
Mohsen: To expand on this, I wouldn’t say I’d urge those in the industry to get involved
NTN is a far-off innovation — it’s happening if you’re not aware and find out who in your
now. I look at this from two different organization is attending these sessions.
angles. One, there are companies with There is an opportunity for everyone to make
is the networks of the past, which were their own proprietary networks. We’ve important contributions as the standard
bound to one operator’s system and their all heard about the Starlink project; they evolves in the next couple of releases.
hardware, changing with the potential for already have 1 million customers and are
interoperability and universal service. I think providing low-latency broadband internet Alison: It’s important to clarify something.
that’s really exciting and is what’s driving services to remote areas around the world. Think about the traffic. It’s going to be quite
market interest. Amazon Kuiper is another initiative, with the logistical hurdle in space when you think
two prototype satellites recently launched. about the challenges.
Q: We hear a lot about NTNs as something Starlink and T-Mobile have announced plans
far off on the horizon. Let’s talk about some to bring NTN to cell phones, and I think Q: Are there any technical trade-offs in the
of the most important things happening we’ll see more companies making similar design process that would impact what
right now in NTN. announcements within the next year. services an operator could offer, and what

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are those trade-offs? higher Doppler shifts, so you have to rethink
some of the current processes. Terrestrial
Phil: In satellite technology, solar and RF networks were designed for things going a
power is everything. NTNs’ link budgets are couple of kilometers per hour — like high-
terrible compared to terrestrial networks. speed trains. Now with NTN there are higher
Imagine cell towers moving at 17,000 miles velocities, Doppler shifts, and distances, so
an hour through space. How do you plan for Most companies have there needs to be more flexibility, and this is
that? been focusing only on something 3GPP is working on.
GEO or LEO, but moving
The answer largely depends upon what kind forward the industry must Radio frequency (RF) power is also critical.
of service you want to offer. If it’s narrowband expand and focus on the For example, bringing phased-array antennas
into the mix to point the RF energy exactly
mobile messaging, it might have a lower hybrid model.
data rate, so you could use a simpler satellite where it needs to go, as opposed to the
that doesn’t use much power. A broadband Dr. Mohsen Hosseinian legacy approach with lots of inefficiencies. All
Wireless systems, 5G and NTN expert
service to a fixed or mobile user, on the other Samsung Systems LSI of this needs to be modeled and planned for.
hand, requires more power and bandwidth. There is a lot of work going on in the RF chain
With an eye to future flexibility, satellite specifically that will determine what kind of
designs are incorporating more software- service you can offer.
defined payloads so that the satellite has the
ability to change its mission. For example, Alison: The goal is moving to a more
and MEO satellites as well. Each of these is
doing narrowband first but eventually reconfigurable, sustainable ecosystem in
geared for a different type of service. It could
supporting broadband. which we can use multiple payloads for
be either a future hurdle or an opportunity to
different customers without returning to Earth
offer multi-orbit strategies, where you engage
There are lots of trade-offs like size and to do it. We want to get to a point where you
all different orbits with different data rates
weight that factor into it. Given that, I think do it in space to minimize the launch costs
and quality of service. I expect that covering
companies should start by determining what and risk.
multi-orbit will become a big topic. Most
the business mission of their service is and
companies have been focusing only on GEO
using that to drive design. Q: What kind of applications are ideal for
or LEO, but moving forward, the industry
NTNs, and are NTNs used for standard
must expand and focus on the hybrid model.
Mohsen: To add to this, we have GEO home and business internet and streaming
satellites that are basically stationary in the or are there other applications that are
Phil: From a technology perspective, you’re
sky, LEO satellites that fly at 7.4 km a second, better suited for NTNs?
obviously dealing with longer delays and

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say local regulations will be
the biggest challenge

say global regulations will be
the biggest challenge for NTN

Keysight World: Innovate attendees say

global and local regulations will be the
biggest challenge for 5G NTN

Alison: There is certainly a consumer angle in the temperature of outer space. There are capacity for those use cases as well.
terms of augmenting 5G, but I think the sweet numerous possibilities for use cases that we
spot is going to be anything that is really data- haven’t been able to take advantage of before, Think about remote pipeline monitoring. No
dependent and data-intensive. For example, and this is something that a lot of people are cell tower is going to relay a signal, so that
what I mentioned previously about military talking about. will be NTN. If you look at companies today,
image intelligence coming from satellites, this there is a business model around narrowband
can also be used for global warming tracking. Phil: We think a lot about service to the IoT traffic from all over to a central operating
These are examples of the real-time, data- phone. There are all the commercials from center, so we will see an opportunity for 5G
generated insights that can be developed terrestrial carriers talking about 5G and narrowband IoT services in the near future.
from NTNs. cellular connectivity. But the main goal of
5G, even before NTNs came along, was IoT Mohsen: IoT is very important. There will
There are also really niche areas in things and ultra-low latency to enable massive be billions of IoT devices across the world
like medical pharmaceutical production communications and machine-to-machine and mostly in remote areas. There is no way
— there is a lot of allure in zero gravity and transmissions. Satellite networks can bring you could have that coverage with existing

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terrestrial networks. With NTN, we will have anechoic chamber and simulate all of the
full coverage across the world for every single conditions of space, as well as subjecting
IoT device — for example, IoT agricultural them to the same cyberattacks or traffic
sensors, ocean sensors, et cetera. Only NTN patterns they will see in orbit. Doing this
is able to support the full global coverage during the design and development phase is
required. going to be crucial going forward.

Q: How do you model a network as complex The technology is there, There is also AI and bringing in ML
as NTN and how do you make sure you techniques on the fly to manage network
the innovation is there,
deliver the data? dynamics. That’s something that Release
but now it comes down
18 is going to look at, not just for terrestrial
Alison: There is a ton of innovation coming
to policy.
networks but for NTN as well.
from the private sector in traffic management
Dr. Alison Brooks
in outer space. For example, leveraging digital Research vice president Q: Are AI and ML used in 5G NTN
twins to model out who is where. This will IDC Worldwide Public Safety Practice
development and, if so, where and how?
become critical as the whole realm is more
congested and the risk of a horrible accident Mohsen: AI and ML are a big topic of Release
increases. It will be so important to have 18. A typical satellite focused on imaging will
situational awareness that is leveraging NTN
collect about 10 Tbits of image data per day.
communication but being validated on the
This data has to be refined and processed, as
ground, and back and forth in that manor. the computer and simulate traffic patterns,
not all of it is useful. The question is, should
cyberthreats, et cetera.
we process this data on the satellite or send
Phil: I’m so glad you mentioned digital
it to the ground for processing? If you do it
twins. If you think about the complexity We’ve all heard the phrase, “If you’re going
on the satellite, it’s called edge computing,
of these networks, you have to have high- to fail, fail fast, fail early.” It’s better to do that
and if you do it on the ground, it’s called
fidelity network simulation well in advance in simulation than with the real network that
cloud computing.
of starting to build hardware. In model- you spent billions of dollars deploying. You
based systems engineering, the concept can build very sophisticated models now to
Each has its own pros and cons. On the
development phase was historically exercise and try different things. There are
satellite, you need huge processing
done with DIY tools like Excel. Now there companies now like test labs that can test
power, and with the cloud, you need
are commercial off-the-shelf solutions satellites in early development. They can put
huge bandwidth, which is very expensive.
companies can use to build out networks on all the electronics and subsystems into an

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Companies need to decide which option is what has changed from one pass to the next. to the new players. Governments want
best, and AI and ML can help by determining They are looking for small changes, and that interoperability and want to take advantage of
which amount of data should be processed via kind of thing could be done on the satellite via the economies of scale that global standards
edge and how much should be by the cloud. edge computing. will bring to the industry.

Allison: I think the ability to leverage AI and ML Q: What are some of the business and Mohsen: Standardization is a critical issue.
in space is critical, in conjunction with edge technical challenges to overcome? Some companies may not choose to go that
computing, to manage the overall sustainability way out of concern that it prevents innovation,
of the ecosystem — how and where you are Phil: We have standards and technology that so we’ll have to see how things go.
storing. Space seems unlimited, but there are works well, but the problem is it’s proprietary.
cost and logistical realities associated with that If you are using a specific satellite, you’re One more thing in terms of hurdles — we talked
question. You need parsing of the data, where probably using a modem that only works with about satellites flying overhead. There are
you hold on to just what is useful to you and that satellite. The big question is, will it be 5,500 satellites orbiting around the Earth, and
don’t process the rest. attractive to that installed-base ecosystem to it’s predicted that by 2030, we’ll see 10 times
migrate to 5G NTN to take advantage of that more. They won’t fly themselves; you have to
Phil: A lot of it comes down to, what is the standardization? I think it will take time. If I launch them. Launch capacity is a big hurdle,
mission? Defense companies only care about were an incumbent, I would pay close attention and all launching capacity until 2027 is already
booked. So if you’re a satellite startup, you have
to wait until at least 2028. This is a big hurdle
we should take into account.

Learn more about Phil: We have to give a lot of credit to SpaceX

non-terrestrial networks for what they have done for the industry. The
Non-terrestrial networks are one of idea of reusable rockets goes back to the
the key features offered by the latest company’s founding and the notion that we
5G standards. It allows mobile service
operators to offer global coverage
have to reduce the cost to get a payload to
and extended connectivity through space. The cost to launch a kilogram used to
be on the order of $10,000 or $100,000 in the
space shuttle era. That’s now down to under
Take the course
$2,000 a kilo, and with Starship, it’s going
to be under $1,000 or maybe even pushing
in to the hundreds of dollars. As this launch

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cost decreases, expect to see more rocket Mohsen: There are multiple topics on Phil: There are two things I’m excited about,
companies emerge, along with additional regulatory issues like public safety, rescue with the first being the preservation of
launch capability. and emergency services, and tariffs. Satellite human life. If you go back and listen to the
coverage is different from terrestrial; NTNs Starlink / T-Mobile announcement, it’s about
Allison: The technology is there, the could cross borders and countries. You need avoiding tragedies where hikers were lost,
innovation is there, but now it comes down to know what country your user is in because had no water or no cell tower, and couldn’t
to policy. It’s no longer a government-to- operators want to charge them accordingly. get help. And also doing it at a low cost. You
government entity; it’s a business-to-business For that reason, standardization must dictate don’t need to buy an expensive monthly plan
undertaking, and that means that there’s a far how to find out where users are; otherwise, to have that connectivity, whether you’re
greater coordination required from the policy there will be challenges with charging and hiking, skiing, et cetera.
level on things like traffic management. tariffs, as well as public safety.
And the other one is, I want better Wi-Fi on
Q: What should we be thinking about in Q: Any other positives that you are looking my flight! It sounds humorous, but I think
terms of space management, and what is forward to with NTNs? we’ve all experienced poor connectivity or
regulators’ role? no service at all on a transcontinental flight.
Mohsen: One of the most exciting potentials Satellite-enabled in-flight connectivity is a
Phil: Frequency overlap is probably the of NTN is coverage provided to cell phones. big market, and doing that is a promise I
biggest issue, not just with each other but We know we have coverage like Starlink or think the industry will fulfill in the next few
with terrestrial networks. Organizations rooftop antennas, but the most exciting part years.
like ITU, FCC, and their country-specific would be when NTNs can offer cell coverage
equivalents are going to be critical going everywhere you go. For example, having There's no doubt that with continued
forward to both legislate and also exert the capability to send a text or SOS in a development and investment, 5G NTN has
punishment when people violate these rules. remote area. This global coverage is the most the potential to revolutionize the way we
There hasn’t been much of this to date, but exciting part of NTNs, and I think it could communicate and connect to the internet.
it will become a bigger issue. We want to happen within two years.
encourage companies in the ecosystem to
work together; otherwise, it could be the Allison: Speaking as somebody who had a Watch industry experts
Wild West as the industry has gotten ahead family member stranded overnight on a ski share their thoughts on
of regulations’ ability to keep up. Space hill, this potential is huge. It’s a life-or-death non-terrestrial networks
debris is another thing. What happens when opportunity to bridge that gap in terrestrial
Watch now
satellites collide? coverage.

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Intelligent Digital
The healthcare industry has experienced connected medical and consumer devices to
tremendous disruption and challenges during continue to grow more complex.
the past few years. As the sector strives to
enhance outcomes, digital healthcare continues As the industry pivots from reactive healthcare
to gather momentum to improve efficiency and to a more proactive and personalized approach,
shift from hospital-centric to more personalized advances in consumer technology are changing
and precise medicine. where relevant health data can come from.
A sophisticated web of devices and software
Innovations, including AI, digital therapeutics, captures health-related data, including
and continuous sensors, have the potential to smartwatches, pulse oximeters, fall detectors,
revolutionize disease prediction, diagnostics, and sleep apnea monitors.
and treatment, leading to better healthcare.
From ambient signatures to implants and Healthcare: Personalized, predictive,
consumer wearables, there is an array of data and preventive
to harness, and sharing this information is vital.
This is fueling a technology race as the industry The revolution in sensors is creating data
strives to usher in a new era of preventive streams with the potential to transform health
health. and wellness, allowing us to move beyond
one-size-fits-all solutions in healthcare. These
Predictions are that the global mobile health smaller sensors are changing the role consumer
and fitness sensor market size will be worth devices play in providing data and biomarker
US $8.95 billion by 2028. And we can expect insights that inform personal health decisions.

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of Keysight World: Innovate attendees
say digital healthcare is ready
for widespread adoption

and quality of life. For example, our digital

"Devices on our eyes can leverage information exhaust — deterministic signatures that we
about how our pupils dilate. We have devices on give off constantly as humans — is a key data
our hands. All of this becomes a very powerful source that will enable bespoke healthcare
part of building the human digital twin.” once we continuously capture and analyze the
As Poppy Crum, a neuroscientist and
technologist at Stanford University, noted,
Testing patients virtually with digital
“The consumer ecosystem is not just the
twins Building on this, Crum noted that “multiple
window to our subconscious user experience,
sclerosis and bipolar disorder both have
but effectively it’s the biggest opportunity to
Building digital twins with data from various linguistic cues that show up in dynamics of
become a personal health advocate and help
sensors and using AI and ML to analyze the speech that are measurable with AI algorithms
with our cognitive optimization. Devices in
information will improve the ability to forecast 10 years before a typical clinical diagnosis can
our ears can measure our brain state; they can
and prevent disease. Enhanced sensing gives be made.”
measure heart rates; they can detect whether
better data sets; this situational intelligence
we potentially have had a stroke or might have
will transform individual agency over wellness Digital twins in healthcare are already
an epileptic seizure.

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optimizing drug delivery and efficacy, helping all the connected devices and sensors. Fusing
support the shift to more personalized care. As AI and ML with digital twin solutions will provide
the technology becomes more sophisticated, a way to model, scenario plan, and predict
you can fine-tune it to be more effective and outcomes.
intelligent and, ultimately, personalize it at the
therapeutic level. However, personalized care requires intelligent
digital twins with interoperable
However, delivering personalized care Ambient signatures like real-time data to model, assess, gain insight,
depends on how effectively we enable the our breath and voice will and take effective action. The future of
interoperability of datasets and keep the be the most powerful healthcare will include tapping into information
information secure. Improved technology streams and biomarkers and, ultimately,
phenotypes for mental
enhances the ability to predict and increases creating digital individuals to test and evaluate
and physical wellness.
the accuracy of decisions. treatment plans. And as Crum succinctly
stated, “Technology will know more about us
Building confidence in AI Poppy Crum
Neuroscientist and technologist
than we know ourselves.”
Stanford University

Recent research has validated the forensic

Power Consumption
At Keysight, we empower our healthcare
insights AI can provide. For example, a study customers to deliver what’s next with a portfolio
showed that using AI to detect breast cancer of test, visibility, and security solutions. Our
outperformed the standard clinical risk model innovative technology helps solve design and
for predicting the disease’s five-year risk. The management, and enabling new opportunities. test challenges across the entire connected
AI algorithms identified missed cancers and Once we start correlating and analyzing this medical device product life cycle. Artificial
breast tissue features that help predict future data, it will be invaluable in predicting our intelligence-driven digital healthcare and
cancer development. In Sweden, another future health state, from aging in place safely sensor devices promise to drastically improve
trial found that AI accurately detects 20% to social support to improved chronic disease disease prediction, diagnosis, treatment, and
more breast cancers from mammograms than management. Intelligence gathered from our patient outcomes. However, some underlying
screening by radiologists. own data streams and monitoring the issues exist before personalized healthcare at
dynamics of our bodies will enable bespoke scale can be realized.
Intelligent healthcare care.
Read on for more on these key concerns and
Personal data is transforming how we forecast Delivering holistic healthcare requires intelligent how they can be overcome.
and prevent disease, redefining health technologies to tap into the data streams from

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Left to right: Dr. Joel Selanikio,
Poppy Crum, and Erik Johnson
share their perspectives during
Keysight World: Innovate

Advancing Digital like ML, robotics, natural language processing, Below is an edited recap of the discussion:
Healthcare: Experts and predictive analytics will improve the

Weigh In
delivery and quality of healthcare. Q. What’s the industry perspective on
emerging healthcare services using
We spoke to some of the leading voices in real-time sensing and unmonitored
AI has the potential to revolutionize disease the healthcare sector to understand how AI is field data for diagnosis?
prediction, diagnostics, and treatment, leading transforming healthcare and the challenges
to better patient outcomes. And the same is that lie ahead. They are Poppy Crum, Joel: First, you must recognize that
true with AI-driven digital healthcare devices. neuroscientist and technologist at Stanford the healthcare industry is never at the
University; Dr. Joel Selanikio, physician, health forefront of technology, including AI.
We’re moving from simple medical wearables and technology activist, and CEO of Magpi; Most hospital systems still communicate
to integrated diagnostic tools with the hope and Erik Johnson, digital healthcare business information about patient records via a
that AI and other cutting-edge technologies development manager at Keysight. fax machine. The technology industry has

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phenomenal products that they want to For example, you need to test radio-frequency emergencies?
bring to healthcare, and currently, it’s about coexistence technologies to ensure that
introducing the healthcare sector to the your cell phone doesn’t affect a patient’s Poppy: Ambient signatures like our breath
potential of these. monitoring capabilities in a hospital. These and voice will be the most powerful
are all aspects that testing needs to take into phenotypes for mental and physical
Poppy: Companies developing continuous account as we bring new technologies to wellness. Our breath’s chemical composition
sensing solutions can now extract relevant market. gives rise to biomarkers about multiple
biomarkers you could only previously sample sclerosis and cancer, but also our emotions,
in your clinician’s office. However, now I can Poppy: Building trust in the systems is including depression. And it’s not what we
develop a dynamic time series that provides critical for the clinicians, the patients, say; it’s how we say it. For example, the
insights into how that patient interacts with and every point. biomarkers detected by AI and machine
their environment and its impact. It’s an learning applied to my voice can detect early
entirely new way of thinking about where the Joel: A lot of this is happening from the neurodegenerative diseases.
data comes from. If I look at something like a consumer side, so it’s not just a question
digital stethoscope, very few doctors today of building trust from the doctors. It’s about
use one; instead, they put on tubes and listen. building trust with the consumers as well.
We know there are new, better ways, but it’s
about changing the system and the data that Q. Are you optimistic or pessimistic about
we use to rely on and make decisions, and it the use of remote monitoring of sensor
takes a while to move us there. data?

Erik: With all the technology that’s becoming Joel: I’m tremendously optimistic about
available, when you peel back the hood, all the data we’re now producing that has
there are a lot of testing requirements around health-related impacts. What matters gets
this. As wearables and implantables become measured, and what gets measured gets
smaller, the device circuitry becomes more managed. We couldn’t manage it before
critical in the design phase. because we weren’t measuring. And now
we’re measuring all of this, and it has a
Factors like the temperature requirements of tremendous potential to be impactful.
Download the HIMSS
devices and how that impacts the body and, report on healthcare
conversely, how the body affects 5G signals Q. How will ambient signatures help alert software testing
from an implanted device need evaluating. healthcare providers to potential risks or

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All of this ultimately gives the consumer want it in my workplace. And so we have to
more agency, and that’s an evolution in the rethink the infrastructure for how we monitor,
clinical patient and doctor relationship. protect, and capture these signatures. But Protecting
we want them to support us because the patient data and
opportunities are phenomenal.
There are data privacy issues with ambient
signatures, and it involves a shift in how
critical services
we think about infrastructure. Now, a Q. What are some of those roadblocks to
digital health? With patient data and safety
microphone is a pretty easy and ubiquitous
paramount, how can you be sure
sensor throughout my workplace, coffee your existing security tools are
shops, and home. I want the analytics of Poppy: Interoperability is critical for building effective against threats?
personalized healthcare processed on my an effective digital twin and leveraging
Read our latest guide on healthcare security
ambient signatures in my house, but I don’t insights and biomarkers. And that can come to learn more about the following:
from one device digitizing a new part of our • The challenges faced by the healthcare
sector, from connected devices to
body and turning that continuous data into network security.
Top concerns for developing digital something that can pair with information • How to maintain patient and service
security and safety with threat simulation
healthcare according to Keysight from a different sensor. And unless we do
and connected device assessment.
World: Innovate attendees: that effectively, we run the risk of having
• How to find and fix misconfigurations
data that physicians do not trust, and then in a constantly changing healthcare
45% Data privacy you have devices that aren’t supporting the
• How AI and automation can simulate
quality of patient care. Because we want potential attacks before they happen.

43% Security better holistic medicine and diagnostics

through an intersection of data across
these devices, we need to think about how Learn more
20% Regulations
we build an interoperable ecosystem, a
digital twin with data that provides a richer
18% Real-world device performance
understanding of our patients — leading to a
more intuitive, insightful, and greater ability
16% Other
to forecast and make better predictions for
the quality of life and quality of care.
12% Compliance

Erik: Many of these companies look at

10% Wireless connectivity
things within their own silo, but sharing all

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the information across a broader network is the decision-making process. Until we get to
better for the patient. And that’s ideally what that point and know how AI learns and makes
we’re trying to get to. decisions, we will have to trust the verifying
and have a human doctor review and confirm
We want to get better testing of the devices; the decision. And over time, we may get to a
you will get better digital twins that will What matters gets point where decisions are made in real time.
help generate the next generation of great measured, and what
surgeons. With things like surgical robotics, gets measured gets Joel: It’s important to recognize that harm
we’ll be able to take out the inherent managed. We couldn’t is being done by the way that we live in
shakiness of a human hand. We can benefit America. We’re the only wealthy country in
manage it before because
from these healthcare products. The which the lifespan is decreasing for various
we weren’t measuring.
challenge will be testing everything from the reasons, such as opioids and obesity. There’s
Dr. Joel Selanikio
AI to the transmission of data from a surgeon Health and technology activist and CEO clear potential to use AI to help us live
doing robotic surgery and then moving the Magpi healthier lives. Because right now, our health
robot arms. And that time-sensitive network is in a bad situation in this country, and it’s
has to be evaluated to ensure we don’t have getting worse.
latency issues. Sharing this information is
very helpful for patients, but how do you unmonitored local decisions, such as Q. Will AI ever replace doctors?
break down the silos between companies administering lifesaving actions based on
and test whether these devices work what the sensors are seeing? Joel: AI and other technology are already
correctly? This is a big challenge. replacing doctors. For example, the FDA
Erik: With AI, we may get to quicker approved a device to diagnose diabetic
Poppy: We’ve done a lot to digitize the body. diagnosis, potentially leading to faster retinopathy. And with 30 million diabetics
All of these different companies are giving treatment of diseases. The challenge will in the US who are supposed to have an
us a new dimension of continuous data. be that AI is a computer program that is annual eye exam to see if they have this
That’s where we can develop biomarkers, self-learning. Humans learn by making complication, we don’t have enough very
and it becomes very relevant. Analytic mistakes. If we make a mistake, we learn expensive ophthalmologists to do this. That
interoperability across these datasets is from that, and we integrate that into our machine is making the diagnosis. I think we’re
critical to have the insights to make informed future decision-making. How does AI learn going to find that AI is incredibly useful in
decisions. what happens when it makes a mistake? We the future, and doctors will use it to be better
need to trust the decisions so we can slowly doctors; it will help them practice at the top
Q. How will the advances in AI impact start integrating more and more of them into of their range.

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Q. What are the security risks with the devices. That’s why the FDA has now put out At Keysight, we are helping healthcare
transmission of raw sensor data? guidelines under 524B of the Food, Drug, providers navigate the complex technology
and Cosmetics Act that medical devices and regulatory landscape. As engineers create
Erik: There has always been a heated must have inherent security built into them. new applications for remote monitoring,
debate between device manufacturers and I think as we get more and more wearables diagnosis, and treatment, the testing and
regulatory bodies on keeping a patient’s and implantable devices, the concept design burden continues to grow.
information safe. To date, the focus has been of cybersecurity will transcend HIPAA
on HIPAA: protecting each patient’s personal regulations. Together we can help you design, develop,
information and preventing it from going validate, and manufacture digital healthcare
beyond where it should go. As we get more Connected continuous innovations quickly and effectively and guard
wearable and implantable devices, there’s healthcare is the new normal against cybersecurity threats.
going to be concern for the cybersecurity
of these devices. If you have an implanted Sensor technology is transforming healthcare.
device beneath the skin that sends a signal In the coming years, the number of devices
to a smartphone, then that smartphone and implantables will only increase, allowing
transmits information to a doctor somewhere us to shift to preventive health. Combining Watch industry experts
the various data streams and using AI to an- share their thoughts on
to ensure the patient’s doing okay. If a
digital healthcare
breach occurs, the access is twofold: it can alyze the information will make it possible to
go backward into the device and potentially predict and manage health more effectively Watch now
trigger something unintended that may and efficiently.
cause harm, or it can be a pathway into the
hospital network. The expansion of digital therapeutics has
the potential to change how diseases
The attack footprint is relatively small for one progress and help rebuild neural connections
handheld device and one implanted device. within the brain. Doctors will have data telling
But if you take that implanted device, and it them precisely what the patient is doing rather
has to work with four different smartphones than relying on what they say, which will drive
and tablets, each running seven different up efficiency and effectiveness. However,
types of operating systems, in that case, as these solutions blur the lines between
the attack footprint becomes much larger. consumer and health products, they will
And being able to test for that will be more magnify trust and privacy concerns.
complicated as we start to roll out these

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Accelerating Innovation
through Collaboration
Technology transformation will continue at a Keysight can help you deliver what’s next
relentless pace. but advancing the emerging in evolving and emerging industries. Our
technologies covered in this report will require portfolio of solutions incorporating digital Now you can watch all the
overcoming significant interoperability, safety, twins layered with innovative technologies, visionary keynotes and panel
and security challenges. such as AI and ML, is vital to evaluate and discussions from Keysight World:
ensure that every component and system, Innovate on demand.
The complexity involved with these spanning hardware and software, performs
technologies requires collaboration across exactly as needed under the myriad of Watch now
the ecosystem and adherence to industry environments and situations the product may
standards. It’s clear that much work is ahead experience.
before these technologies can deliver on
their potential. However, organizations should Innovation is a journey requiring a trusted
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This information is subject to change without notice. Keysight Technologies, 2023 - 2024, Published in USA, January 4, 2024, 7123-1111.EN

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