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Brain Sync Complete - All 46 Albums

Audio Books , English , MP3 192Kbps , 3.84 GB

Brain Sync programs have been clinically tested with a record-breaking 87 success rate and are
oIIered to patients at America's most prestigious hospitals. EEG studies conducted at Harvard
Body Mind Medical School and UCLA concluded that Kelly Howell's Brain Wave Audio
Technology prompts brain activity into extraordinary body-mind states. AIter almost two
decades oI clinical research, Brain Sync is revealing itselI to be one oI the world's greatest
breakthroughs in healing and mind expansion. With this technology you can reach states oI being
that directly nurture your sense oI selI, your creativity, and the dynamic expression oI your
power. These are states that will enhance your ability to give and receive love, direct your will to
achieve new goals, and generate vibrant states oI health and well being.

New Technology for Meditation

Until recently, entering extraordinary states oI heightened receptivity and peak perIormance has
been attained predominantly by only a disciplined Iew, practicing ancient techniques such as
meditation, chanting, yoga, and newly revamped versions oI the mystical traditions - Ior
example, progressive relaxation, auto-suggestion, hypnosis, and bioIeedback. These techniques
do work. But they take long periods oI practice, discipline, and sometimes a leap oI Iaith. It is all
too easy to become impatient and give up long beIore producing positive results.

Now there is an easier pathway IIeIC? a new technology IIeIC? that can guide you directly
into those beneIicial states oI deep meditation and heightened receptivity. With this technology,
you can leverage the powers oI your mind-body connection to attain optimal mental and physical
perIormance. This new path uses sound waves that carry listeners into the higher Irequencies oI
consciousness where proIound transIormations take place.

Clinically Proven

First discovered by biophysicist Gerald Oster at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, brain
wave audio technology sends pure, precisely tuned sound waves oI diIIerent Irequencies to your
brain via stereo headphones. In his EEG research, Oster discovered that when diIIerent
vibrations, or sound Irequencies are delivered to the brain separately through each ear (as with
stereo headphones), the two hemispheres oI the brain Iunction together to "hear" not the external
sound signals, but a third phantom signal. This signal is called a binaural beat and it pulses at the
exact mathematical diIIerence between the two actual tones.

So, Ior example, iI, simultaneously, a signal oI 100 cycles per second entered your leIt ear and a
signal oI 109 cycles per second entered your right ear, what you would actually perceive you
heard would be a rhythmic, soothing pulsation, beating at 9 cycles per second. Research results
show that Iirst parts oI the brain and, eventually, large areas oI the brain begin to resonate
sympathetically with this "phantom" binaural beat in what is known as the Frequency Following

Subsequent research determined that binaural beat Irequencies could drive or guide brain activity
into a wide variety oI speciIic brain states. Thus, eIIortlessly and naturally, your brain activity
slides into rhythm with this binaural beat, becoming organized and coherent. Within minutes, the
sound Irequencies start to balance the leIt and right hemispheres oI your brain IIeIC? creating a
remarkable state called hemispheric synchronization and driving the electrical activity oI your
brain into powerIul states, normally unattainable.

Scientists have noted that this rare phenomenon was accompanied by Ilashes oI creative insight,
euphoria, intensely Iocused concentration, deep calm, and enhanced learning abilities. Brain
Sync has advanced and reIined a sophisticated sound recording technique called Harmonic
Superimposition oI binaural beat Irequencies. In our audio programs, careIully tuned binaural
beats are superimposed, layer upon layer, causing diIIerent groups oI neurons to Iire at diIIerent

Recent scientiIic research indicates that individual brain states, ranging Irom sleep to creativity,
are marked by combinations oI diIIerent brain wave Irequencies. Brain Sync's Harmonic
Superimposition technique takes a number oI highly speciIic binaural beat Irequencies and
combines them simultaneously so that the binaural beats themselves create harmonic beat
Irequencies with the other binaural beats, to produce a highly speciIic brain state. The
Irequencies we've chosen Ior our audio programs are very powerIul "window Irequencies"
ranging Irom the low delta range, associated with sleep and healing, upward through theta, alpha
and into the very high beta range associated with heightened alertness and cognition.

The Frequencies of Consciousness

Brain Sync programs use window Irequencies IIeIC? extremely precise Irequencies that
resonate and impact the body at a cellular level. Listeners say they can actually Ieel their
meditation on a physical level, in rushes oI positive energy and a Ilow oI deep heartIelt emotions.

Our choice oI Irequencies is based on extensive bioIeedback research. The special combinations
oI Irequencies we use have been selected speciIically to help you achieve the same extraordinary
brain states that scientists have discovered in remarkable men and women.

Music to Transcend With

We harmonically layer precision-engineered window Irequencies within exquisitely beautiIul
music that blends chant and ancient instruments with melodies based on Eastern Tantric
traditions. Designed to open the Ilow oI energy to your chakras, you'll Iind yourselI carried on
smooth, silky waves oI sound into angelic realms and the primal worlds within your own psyche.

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