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Irregular Past Participles (Part 2)

Make the past participle.

1. She has never _____________________ (let) her daughter have a boyfriend.

2. Have you already _____________________ (read) today's newspaper?
3. The house has been _____________________ (sell).
4. He has _____________________ (lose) his wallet again.
5. I have _____________________ (write) three essays this week.
6. That clock was _____________________ (make) in Switzerland.
7. He had _____________________ (run) six miles when he hurt his ankle.
8. I have never _____________________ (see) such a beautiful view.
9. He has ___________________________ (teach) hundreds of students during his career.
10. Have you ever _____________________ (meet) a famous person?
11. Because she hadn't _________________________ (pay) the bill, the electricity went off.
12. They have ___________________________ (send) Christmas cards to all their friends.
13. Where have we _____________________ (put) the car keys?
14. We have never _____________________ (sing) in public before.
15. She had _____________________ (wear) her blue dress many times.
16. John had never _______________________________ (speak) English before he came
to London.
17. Why have you _____________________ (stand) up? Are we leaving?
18. Have you ever _____________________ (swim) in the Atlantic Ocean?
19. It had _____________________ (take) three hours to reach the station, so they missed
the train.
20. I have never _____________________ (say) that I didn't love you.
21. David jumped into the air. He had _____________________ (sit) on a drawing pin.
22. The weatherman had _____________________ (tell) us it would be sunny, but it rained
all day.
23. I'm sorry I'm so tired. I haven't _____________________ (sleep).
24. Have you _____________________ (think) about changing jobs?
25. He'd thought he had _____________________ (understand) the problem, but now he
realised he had made a mistake.

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